The CHOICE program is a new approach to health care reform that very quickly achieves nearly universal access to a single-payer health insurance system for all U.S. residents without any individual mandates or new regulations for employers or health insurers. It accomplishes this goal by offering all U.S. residents a new choice for their health insur- ance coverage that better meets their prefer- ences as health care consumers, providers and employers. CHOICE offers Americans the op- tion of unrestricted access to nearly all li- censed health care professionals and facilities in their state for comprehensive, affordable, high-quality health care without eliminating any of their current health insurance options. The simple beauty of the CHOICE program is that it achieves these goals through economic incentives, competition with the existing sys- tem, and ultimately transitioning the entire system as a result of the voluntary choices of individuals, businesses, and health care pro- viders. The result is increased access, equity, efficiency, choice, and security for all. CHOICE is a shared responsibility between the federal and state governments, with states having flexibility in how they design and ad- minister their programs. CHOICE recognizes the differences in the public programs and de- livery systems operating within each state, as well as the varying needs of their populations, and gives states the opportunity to tailor their programs within federal guidelines. Financing is a mix of public and private, and each state contracts directly with private and public health care providers and organized delivery systems in the state to provide covered health care services. All U.S. residents who enroll in CHOICE will have two major options for af- fordable, comprehensive health insurance