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A Requirement Management Database System for Product Definition


Abstract and Figures

This paper presents a database system developed to provide a computerized environment for requirement management during the product definition phase. The scope of this database system is to facilitate and demonstrate a methodology for product definition by recognizing and adopting functional requirement patterns from previous product designs so as to address a broad spectrum of domain-specific customer requirements and organize requirement information for product specifications. The database system improves the product definition process during design and redesign efforts by integrating customer and design information all together and by reusing this information. A prototype requirement management database system is implemented on a PC platform using Microsoft Access.
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A requirement management database system for
product definition
Jianxin Jiao
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Mitchell M. Tseng
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong
1. Introduction
The first phase of the overall product reali-
zation process is product definition (Ullman,
1992). During this phase, the design team may
explore any combination of customer needs,
corporate objectives, product ideas, and
related technological capabilities, concluding
the process with a definition of the product.
Usually, the product's definition is repre-
sented as a list of product requirements, also
known as product specifications or target
values. This information is often a mix of
quantitative values and qualitative descrip-
tions of the product. Often, only highlights of
the design are recorded for future reference,
or the company may produce a formal
document that must routinely undergo many
amendments along with scrutiny, and may
require to be signed off by many individuals
(Ullman, 1992; Redmond, 1988).
Most researchers in the field and industrial
designers involve themselves wholeheartedly
in the process of mapping from customer
needs to design solutions, i.e. the latter part
of the design process subsequent to product
definition. However, they are involved only
spasmodically and usually highly subjec-
tively in the first part of the design process,
i.e. product definition (Redmond, 1988). As
discussed by Tseng and Jiao (1997), there are
formidable hindrances inherent in the pro-
duct definition process, including contextual
mismatching, lack of defined structures in
requirements, and no structured mapping
from requirements to design parameters.
Product definition has long been a tedious,
time-consuming and error-prone effort en-
acted between customers, marketers, and
designers (Figure 1). This is further com-
pounded by the tendency for requirements to
be vague and fuzzy and difficult to manage. In
most cases, requirements are negotiable and
conflict with each other, and tradeoffs are
often necessary. In addition, in the practice
of concurrent engineering, product develop-
ment teams must keep track of myriad
requirements derived from different per-
spectives on the product life cycle, including
manufacturing, reliability, maintainability,
and environmental safety, to name but a few.
Yet, despite great advances over the past
decade in computer-aided design and engi-
neering, there has been relatively little pro-
gress in providing analogous support for
requirement management. As a result, Fiksel
and Hayes-Roth (1993) point out the necessity
to manage requirement information during
the product definition process. They defined
requirement management as the process of
creating, disseminating, maintaining, and
verifying requirements.
The requirement management process con-
sists of four main functions that are per-
formed repeatedly in an iterative fashion.
These are requirement elicitation, require-
ment analysis, requirement tracking, and
requirement verification (Fiksel and Hayes-
Roth, 1993; Tseng and Jiao, 1997). Requirement
elicitation deals with eliciting customer needs
and acquiring the voice of the customers.
Requirement analysis is the process of inter-
preting customer needs and deriving explicit
requirements that can be understood and
interpreted by people and/or computer pro-
grams. Requirement tracking involves con-
tinuous interchange and negotiation within a
project team regarding conflicting and chan-
ging objectives. Requirement verification em-
bodies the procedures for determining
whether or not a product design complies
with a designated set of requirements.
Straightforwardly, requirement manage-
ment automation will facilitate a more struc-
tured product development process, at the
same time, a more effective integration of
humans and machines that reduces product
development costs and cycle time while im-
proving product quality. Engineers will be
able to comprehend and articulate better the
many relationships and tradeoffs among pro-
duct requirements and different technical
approaches. It has been foreseen that, as
companies review and enhance their product
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1999] 146±153
# MCB University Press
ISSN 0957-6061]
Automation, Design, Engineering,
Product design,
Requirements planning
This paper presents a database
system developed to provide a
computerized environment for re-
quirement management during the
product definition phase. The
scope of this database system is
to facilitate and demonstrate a
methodology for product definition
by recognizing and adopting func-
tional requirement patterns from
previous product designs so as to
address a broad spectrum of
domain-specific customer require-
ments and organize requirement
information for product specifica-
tions. The database system
improves the product definition
process during design and rede-
sign efforts by integrating custo-
mer and design information all
together and by reusing this
information. A prototype require-
ment management database sys-
tem is implemented on a PC
platform using Microsoft Access.
This research is partially
supported by Computer
Products Asia-Pacific Ltd.
(Power Conversion, Hong
Kong) under grant number
CPI 95/96.EG01, the HKUST
Research Infrastructure
Grant (RI 93/94 EG08), and
Hong Kong Research Grant
Council (HKUST 797/96E).
development processes, they will increasingly
demand various types of automated require-
ment management capabilities (Fiksel and
Hayes-Roth, 1993). As a result, it is imperative
to explore requirement management meth-
odologies and develop computer tools to sup-
port requirement management automation.
Towards this end, this paper presents a
database system developed to provide a
computerized environment for requirement
management during the product definition
phase, namely the requirement management
database (RMDB) system. The scope of this
database system is to facilitate and demon-
strate a methodology for product definition
by recognizing functional requirement (FR)
patterns, noted as the PDFR methodology.
The PDFR methodology adopts FR patterns
from previous product designs to address a
broad spectrum of domain-specific customer
requirements and to organize requirement
information for design specifications. The
RMDB system is an implementation of the
PDFR methodology to improve the product
definition process during design and rede-
sign efforts. The prototype RMBD system is
implemented on a PC platform using Micro-
soft Access.
In the next section, the background re-
search leading to the PDFR methodology is
presented upon which the requirement man-
agement database system is based. In Section
3, the system design issues involved in the
development of the RMDB system are de-
scribed, along with an existing database
technologies review. The software selection
and the RMDB system implementation are
also discussed in Section 3. In Section 4, an
example of product definition in designing
power supply products is presented with a
focus on the usage of the RMDB system. In
Section 5, a plan for future work is presented
and finally in Section 6 the paper is concluded.
2. Requirement management
Approaches to defining product specifica-
tions by capturing, analyzing, understanding,
and projecting customer needs, sometimes
called the Voice of the Customer (VoC), have
received a significant amount of interest
from both academia and practitioners in
recent years (Fung and Popplewell, 1995;
Fiksel and Hayes-Roth, 1993). A method used
for transforming the VoC to product specifi-
cations is developed by Ofuji et al. (Shoji et
al., 1993), in which semantics methods, such
as the KJ method (affinity diagram) and
MPM (multipickup method), are applied as
the basis for discovering underlying facts
from affective language. Kano et al. (1984)
develop systematics to categorize customer
needs for product definition. Towards this
end, marketing researchers emphasize cus-
tomer profiling by applying regression ana-
lysis to compare customer characteristics to
determine their overall rankings in contri-
bution towards profitability (Jenkins, 1995).
Marketing research techniques include focus
groups, one-on-one interviews, and similar-
ity-dissimilarity attribute rankings (Griffin
and Hauser, 1992). While these types of
activities are helpful for discovering the VoC,
it is difficult for them to obtain design
because marketers do not know what engi-
neers need to know. They have shortcomings
in facilitating the synchronization of mar-
keting and engineering to develop product
definitions coherently.
In the engineering community, total design
(Pugh, 1991) points out the importance of
understanding and interpreting market in-
formation and encapsulating these in a
comprehensive and thorough product design
specification. Quality function deployment
(QFD) (Clausing, 1994) joins both marketing
and engineering efforts using a very basic
tool of the matrix, namely the house of
quality (HoQ). While QFD excels in convert-
ing customer information to design require-
ments, it is limited as a means of actually
discovering the VoC (Hauge and Stauffer,
1993). To empower QFD with marketing
aspects, Fung and Popplewell (1995) propose
to pre-process the VoC prior to its being
entered as customer attributes into the HoQ.
In pre-processing, they adopted an affinity
diagram (KJ method) to categorize and the
analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to prior-
itize the customer requirements. Fukuda and
Matsuura (1993) also propose to prioritize the
customer's requirements by AHP for con-
current design.
In summary, most approaches assume
product development starts from a clean
sheet of paper. In practice, however, most
new products evolve from existing products.
There is little attention paid to evolutionary
product design in terms of product definition.
Figure 1
The elaboration/refinement process of product
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Historical data, the product evolution path,
and feedback from customers on current
products are often considered only implicitly,
if not ignored. As a result, product design
seldom has the opportunity to take advantage
of the wealth of customer requirement in-
formation in existing products. Furthermore,
with a shortened product life-cycle, expen-
sive investments in product development,
and the proliferation of product varieties, the
existing approaches are often constrained by
the schedule deadline and lack of objectivity
in defining product specifications.
In order to improve the product definition
process during design and redesign efforts,
we develop a systematic approach to product
definition through recognizing functional
requirement patterns from existing products
(noted as PDFR; Tseng and Jiao, 1997). These
patterns help modify product designs based
on historical data about customers' needs
through underlying patterns of functional
requirements (FR) as well as patterns of their
In PDFR methodology, FR patterns consist
of FR topology, FR classification, and FR
templates. The terminological FR variables
and the interrelationships among them are
referred to as FR topology, which implicates
the decomposition hierarchy of FR variables
and a taxonomy of FRs. FR topology enhances
the design taxonomy (Hauge and Stauffer,
1993), which aims at assisting customer
requirement acquisition, in that FR topology
is more specialized to reflect product domain-
specific requirements. FR classification
manifests itself through and corresponds to a
spectrum of product families with different
sets of requirements. FR templates help
product redesign by providing a history of
past designs, thus allowing for the easy reuse
and inheritance of design knowledge.
The PDFR methodology is divided into two
phases, i.e. the FR pattern recognition phase
and the FR pattern adoption phase. The FR
pattern recognition phase is a preparatory
stage in which FR patterns are extracted
from historical data regarding existing
designs. The FR patterns, in essence, repre-
sent a set of FRs for a spectrum of product
offerings in a company. Such a generic
representation of FRs can then be used to
develop product specifications for a new
design in the FR pattern adoption phase.
Figure 2 summarizes the procedures of the
PDFR methodology.
3. Requirement management
database system
Recognizing the importance of improving
customer needs elicitation, generating pro-
duct specifications, and managing this infor-
mation, much of the development efforts of
the PDFR methodology are geared towards
organizing the customer and design infor-
mation in such a way that it brings together
marketing and design engineering in the
product definition phase. As a methodology
of organizing specifications for engineering,
PDFR facilitates the storage and retrieval of
customer requirements and product specifi-
cations. FR patterns allow for easy reuse of
design knowledge by providing a design
history. Thus, when filled with appropriate
information, they accommodate design teams
with the knowledge necessary for defining
the requirements for a new product.
3.1 Domain information management
The requirement management database
(RMDB) is a demonstration and implemen-
tation of PDFR methodology to organize
customer and design information effectively
for product definition. The tasks of the RMDB
include integrating customer requirements
and product specification, generating pro-
duct specifications that will satisfy customer
Figure 2
The procedures of the PDFR methodology
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needs, and making the information available
for downstream design activities. RMDB
employs FR classification patterns to orga-
nize various products and a functional
decomposition hierarchy to represent custo-
mer needs. FR patterns are extracted from
product repositories and consist of the FR
topology and FR templates corresponding to
different FR classifications.
To help in the elicitation of customer
needs, FR topology is used to prompt the
marketer and the customer for their inter-
active question probe, which alleviates the
domain knowledge acquisition bottleneck in
the product definition process. To assist
design engineers to define product specifica-
tions, customer needs should be presented in
an organized and systematic way. A FR
template conforms to a product family and
provides a class-member relationship be-
tween a product family and a new design.
That is, a new product specification can be
defined through instantiating the related
class template for specific customer needs.
Therefore, the integration of the customers,
the marketer, and the design engineer can be
supported by underlying FR patterns. All FR
patterns, used by marketing to probe the
customer, are also used to organize customer
requirements and design specifications. By
Figure 3
Product definition activity model
Figure 4
The role of RMDB in product definition
Figure 5
ER model for RMDB system
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doing so, marketing and design engineering
share customer information in the identical
format and in a structural manner. A typical
product development adopting RMDB is
resembled in Figure 3. In such a model, both
the marketer and design engineer use the
same FR patterns to elicit and organize
customer needs.
3.2 Data model and development software
Popular data models in database management
systems include hierarchical, network, rela-
tional, and object-oriented. The hierarchical
data model allows the user to represent each
one-to-many relationship by a parent-child
designation. In the hierarchical model, many-
to-many relationships can be implemented
only in a clumsy way, which often results in a
redundancy stored data (Elmasri and Na-
vathe, 1994). In addition, the operations of
insertion and deletion become very complex
as a result of strict hierarchical ordering. In
practice, there often exist many-to-many re-
lationships between customer needs and de-
sign attributes in product definition.
Therefore, RMDB cannot be adequately sup-
ported by the hierarchical model. Like the
hierarchical model, a network schema can
directly represent one-to-many relationships.
Unlike in the hierarchical model, a record
type can be the child of more than one parent.
However, in addition to the complexity of the
network model, there is a restriction on the
configuration of many-to-many relationships
in a network model, in which a record type
that is the child for a relationship cannot also
be the parent for a relationship. The result is a
schema that has only shallow levels (Elmasri
and Navathe, 1994) and is therefore not
applicable to RMDB. The relational model has
been popular owing to its simple tabular data
format and convenient support to nonproce-
dural requests and data independence.
Although the object-oriented approach pro-
mises to reduce the time and cost involved in
software development, it is not yet fully
developed to handle complex engineering de-
sign tasks (Law et al., 1990). Recently, the
trend is to extend the relational model using
an object-oriented approach that provides
certain features lacking in the relational
model (Law et al., 1990). Engineering applica-
tions like product design involving teamwork
can benefit from the object-oriented exten-
sions without sacrificing the advantages of
the relational model. The enhanced entity-
relationship (EER) model (Elmasri and Na-
vathe, 1994) incorporates important concepts
from the object-oriented approach into the
entity-relationship (ER) model to represent
more complex requirements of engineering
The end-users of RMDB are marketers and
design engineers, therefore a PC-based plat-
form is considered. The same consideration
is given to the Windows operating system
owing to its popularity. The RMDB prototype
system is implemented using Microsoft Ac-
cess database management tool (User's guide,
1994). Microsoft Access is a relatively easy to
use software package system for the Win-
dows environment with powerful database
management capabilities. As a virtual pro-
gramming tool with strengths in relational
database applications, it provides event-dri-
ven mechanisms to build graphical user
Figure 7
Main screen dump
Figure 6
Entity-relationships and data sharing in RMDB
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interface easily. Its floating toolbar, along
with cue cards and powerful wizards simplify
many programming tasks, resulting in a
professional looking program.
3.3 Functional analysis
Requirement analysis is the first step of the
database life-cycle. RMDB attempts to sup-
port three sets of users: the customers who
select product offerings from a company by
specifying their wants, the marketers who
play an important role in bridging the
customers and the engineers to acquire and
refine customer requirements, and the en-
gineering designers who define product spe-
cifications according to elaborated customer
requirements and manufacturing considera-
The functional modeling of RMDB is
shown in Figure 4, described using IDEF0.
The marketers analyze the customer needs
based on the PDFR methodology and then
search appropriate FR patterns to elaborate
the customer requirements. Often negotia-
tion and interaction between the customers
and engineers are necessary to make trade-
offs among product features, technological
feasibility, and production capabilities, as
well as cost and lead-time constraints. The
designers resort to FR templates to define
product specifications for new designs and
determine the development plans such as
customization decisions. In the RMDB
system, the PDFR methodology performs as a
unifying framework for marketers and de-
signers to organize customer information
and define product specifications coherently
so as to maintain the integrity of the product
families and the continuity of the infrastruc-
ture, hence leveraging existing design and
manufacturing investments.
3.4 Database design
Data modeling is an important step following
requirement analysis to help the database
designer conceptualize the entities and their
relationships. The ER model for the RMDB
system is shown in Figure 5 with major
entities and their relationships. The subse-
quent logical design aims at obtaining a
representation that uses as efficiently as
possible the facilities for structuring data
and modeling constraints available in the
logical design (Elmasri and Navathe, 1994). In
the logical design of the RMDB system, the
conceptual data schema (ER model) is trans-
lated into a logical schema (Figure 6) tailored
to the specific database management system
(Microsoft Access). All these issues are
implemented during the physical database
design by using Microsoft Access( database
software. The RMDB system interacts with
the user through various views or forms. The
first form, as shown in Figure 7, is the main
menu of a prototype RMDB system. The
menu structure can be defined according to
user identification and task analysis. The
menu structure of the RMDB system embo-
dies four sets of tasks as shown in Figure 8.
They are product selection, order processing,
product specification, and DB maintenance,
conveying the customer view, marketing
view, engineering view, and system view on
the RMDB system, respectively.
4. RMDB for power supply design
Power supplies possess a special trait in
product definition common to industrial
products. That is, in addition to the general
hindrance shown in Figure 1, the product
Figure 8
RMDB menu structure
Figure 9
FR topology-aided customer needs elicitation
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definition is a cooperative effort among the
customer, the marketer and the engineer.
Unlike many consumer products, it seldom
can be developed by the customer or engineer
alone. By applying the PDFR methodology,
the RMDB system alleviates the difficulties
inherent in the product definition for power
supply design. The screen shot in Figure 9
illustrates the elicitation of customer needs
with the aid of FR topology so as to help
customers articulate requirement informa-
tion in completeness. FR templates offer a
structured mechanism for defining product
specifications, as shown in Figure 10. An
example of the formatted product specifica-
tion report is given in Figure 11. In RMDB,
FR patterns are extracted from the product
repositories and organized by a coding sys-
tem according to FR classification patterns.
5. Future work
Design can be described as a mapping
process from customer requirements in the
functional domain to design solutions in the
physical domain (Suh, 1990). RMDB captures
requirement information in the functional
domain to facilitate product definition. The
subsequent design mapping can also be
supported by the PDFR methodology if de-
sign information can be appropriately repre-
sented and organized in the database. That is,
the requirement management (RM) database,
as shown in Figure 3, is extended to act as an
engineering database, along with a compre-
hensive product repository. In such a way, a
concurrent design environment can be es-
tablished within a coherent framework.
Moreover, in evolutionary design, how to
find a similar case for a new design is often
experience dependent and mostly by trial and
error. Case-based reasoning technique has
proved promising in finding a similar design
for accommodating the new design context,
in which the PDFR methodology can perform
as a fundamental mechanism for case
memory organization.
6. Summary
This paper presents a domain independent
requirement management database system
for organizing requirement information
during product definition. It is based on a
methodology for requirement management
which provides a framework to integrate
customer and design information and to
reuse such information. A prototype RMDB
system is implemented on the PC platform
using Microsoft Access database software.
An application of RMDB system to power
supply design is reported to illustrate the
feasibility and the potential of the RMDB
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... Antes de iniciar o projeto do produto, as demandas e necessidades provenientes da VOC devem ser esclarecidas, uma vez que influenciam o desdobramento do projeto e determinam o layout básico do produto (PAHL et al., 2005), atividade que pode ser observada em muitos dos modelos (CLAUSING, 1994;PAHL;BEITZ, 1996;ROOZENBURG;EEKELS, 1996). Essa organização das informações no início do PDP pode ser feita de diversas maneiras, sendo comum o emprego de métodos como o desdobramento da função qualidade (Quality Function Deployment -QFD) (CLAUSING, 1994; AKAO, 1997) e a análise de atributos (CRAWFORD; BENEDETTO, 2000), além do emprego de listas de requisitos (PAHL; BEITZ, 1996;TSENG, 1999;ABELE;ANDERL;BIRKHOFER, 2005). ...
... No entanto, mesmo nesse caso, não é fácil incluir novos requisitos em função das ponderações já realizadas. De fato, alguns autores apresentam a possibilidade de alterar os requisitos em fases mais avançadas do PDP (PAHL; BEITZ, 1996;TSENG, 1999;CREVELING;SLUTSKY;ANTIS, 2003;ROZENFELD et al., 2006), mas existem dificuldades para avaliar os reais impactos dessa mudança sobre os demais requisitos do projeto. ...
... Embora no DSI seja comum a divisão das atividades relacionadas aos requisitos em dois processos, um de engenharia e outro de gestão de requisitos, essa diferenciação não é um consenso na área, como mostram os modelos de Kotonya e Sommerville (2000) e Young (2003). Assim, considera-se mais adequado adotar apenas a nomenclatura gestão de requisitos, já encontrada na literatura de projeto de produtos (JIAO; TSENG, 1999;McKAY;PENNINGTON;BAXTER, 2001), para denominar todas as atividades de sistematização dos requisitos, incluindo o levantamento, a análise, a priorização, a documentação, a validação, o desdobramento e o controle de mudanças dos requisitos de um sistema-produto ou serviço. Isso se justifica pelo fato de que, neste caso, o termo gestão está empregado como sinônimo de administração, referindo-se à realização eficiente e eficaz das funções de planejamento, organização, liderança e controle (ROBBINS; COULTER, 1998). ...
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Resumo Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta para auxiliar o Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produtos (PDP) sustentáveis por meio da gestão de requisitos. A sistemática proposta é formada por três etapas e 18 tarefas que visam assegurar a consideração de aspectos ambientais, econômicos e sociais. As etapas 1 e 2 são de caráter estratégico e definem os requisitos do negócio sustentável. A etapa 3 consiste em atividades relacionadas aos requisitos do sistema-produto sustentável em desenvolvimento. A proposta preenche as lacunas encontradas na literatura, que são a inclusão de requisitos de diversos stakeholders para os diferentes elementos do sistema-produto, a inserção de mecanismos para análise de conflitos e controle de mudanças dos requisitos, o aumento na iteratividade da gestão de requisitos e a inserção de requisitos do negócio para alinhar o PDP às estratégias organizacionais. O resultado é uma sistemática genérica aplicável tanto a produtos sustentáveis quanto a produtos convencionais.
... With the identification of the users and their role in the project, the project team has a justification and an orientation of which user and consequently which requirements to prioritize. Having a prioritization of requirements is essential because, in most cases, requirements are in conflict with each other and trade-offs are necessary [48]. ...
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The Medical Equipment (ME) market has grown worldwide. As with any product development, ME should be developed based on the needs of its users and the search for good usability. User-Centered Design methods can help in identifying such needs and in the search for usability in products. Although many methods are suggested, there is a shortage of methods to raise users of a particular product. Thus, this work aims to develop a method to identify users of medical products. The method developed (users broadening map) was applied in a focus group and three case studies, and many benefits were identified. The users broadening map brings a better understanding of what a user is, facilitates the identification of different users, helps in prioritizing requirements, and in selecting users for tests. In addition, the information obtained by the method application can be used by companies to carry out reports for usability certification.
... Jiao and Chen (2006), on the other hand, propose that the processing requirements of consumers be divided into three steps: (i) explicitness for the requirements survey based on different types of customers and competitors' products; (ii) analysis for interpreting the voice of the customer; and (iii) specification for the precise definition of functional requirements. Jiao and Tseng (1999) developed the PDFR method (Functional Requirements Product Database -Database for Product Functional Requirements), which is a systematic approach to draw up specifications by standards of functional requirements based on existing products. In this approach, the management of requirements is automated in the form of RMDB software (Requirement Management Database -Database for Requirements Management). ...
... To improve product specifications, research efforts need to be geared towards requirements management methodologies and in particular the establishment of systematic approaches for representing customer needs, and the translation of these into appropriate product requirements [11][12][13][14]. ...
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Design is one of the core business processes involved in product development, and approaches such as Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Axiomatic Design (AD) have been developed for improving its effectiveness and efficiency. However, they are limited in their provision of structure and formalism to the mapping of customer needs to product requirements. This is in part due to lack of identifying characteristics of customer needs. The characteristics of Solution Space™, consisting of pairs of opportunities and constraints, address partially this by providing a framework for identifying sources of product requirements. This paper reports the results of a case study, within the UK health care sector, related to the design of an artificial knee joint. In particular, it is shown how AD and the framework consisting of pairs of opportunities and constraints can be used in conjunction with each other to establish a view of the system of which the artificial knee joint forms part. The development of such a view helps to ensure that characteristics of potential stakeholders' needs are more appropriately identified. This is a prerequisite for the establishment of more formal relationships between stakeholders' needs and product requirements.
... Assim, os requisitos são construídos visando sua aplicação na estruturação do modelo e estabelecendo alinhamento com o referencial teórico são de ordem qualitativa (Jiao & Tseng, 1999) não funcionais (Kotonya & Sommerville, 2000;Labuschagne et al., 2005). ...
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Esta pesquisa é estabelecida no contexto da inovação aberta. Nesse contexto, a abertura do processo de inovação acarreta fatores específicos que podem comprometer seu desempenho. Assim, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa consistiu em evidenciar a influência de dois fatores na taxa de comercialização de produtos ao longo do tempo: (i) a geração de conhecimento externo e (ii) a entrada de novos concorrentes. Esta pesquisa descritiva utiliza a Dinâmica de Sistemas resultando no diagrama de causalidade e no diagrama de fluxo e estoque no tratamento qualitativo e quantitativo. É evidenciado que a geração de conhecimento externo pode influenciar a abertura de novos mercados conduzindo ao aumento de consumidores potenciais e efetivos. A entrada de novos concorrentes influência o sistema pelo valor no mercado e seu reflexo na percepção do consumidor. Isto se expressa em uma taxa de comercialização alongada e um crescimento abreviado de unidades comercializadas.
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Requirements are conditions that a product, service, or process must present and requirements management facilitates this realization. For this, the requirements traceability technique is used for the development of projects and systems and all management of the requirements life cycle. However, the literature recognizes the proven benefits of adherence to the technique, but the plurality of problems inhibits its adherence. Thus, this article aims to identify and classify the barriers and benefits of requirements traceability. For this purpose, it was elaborated a systematic literature review, and for the results´ analysis and codification, the MAXQDA software was used. A total of 15 barriers and 15 benefits were identified. It is possible to verify that both in the case of benefits and barriers, there is a cause and effect relationship between them. In other words, barriers such as “Low flexibility and integration of tools” lead to the emergence of other barriers such as “Management inefficiency”.
The implementation of information systems is a lengthy and expensive process. It is estimated that in average between half and two thirds of the total cost for ERP systems has spent on the implementation stage. However, there is no established implementation model for such systems for manufacturing companies. Software vendors only provide "best practice" software package for companies. However, different companies have different manufacturing strategies due to their market positions. These strategies ultimately result in new functional requirements, design parameters and variables for implementation of an enterprise information system. Both researchers and practitioners have recognised that a methodology is needed to assist manufacturing companies to achieve integration goals during information system implementation. This project presents the result of a company-based research project aiming at the above problem. In principle, information system implementation can be viewed as the process of evolving a design and configuration. This process consists of the decomposing of functional requirements and mapping between the functional requirements derived from the manufacturing strategy and software components. The implementation methodology provides a framework for the implementation of enterprise information system to meet the requirements of the company's manufacturing strategy. An integration implementation approach should be adapted to assist manufacturing companies to achieve integration goals during the system implementation.
Companies in major aerospace, automotive and electronics consumer products industries now consider Requirements Management important in realizing business performance. As companies review and enhance their product development processes they will increasingly demand various types of requirement management capabilities. There is lack of clarify on how to use Requirements Management effectively even in conventional product development applications. This paper identifies a research and applications gap in the Maintenance and Service Requirements Management System domain. The authors identify the special needs of the sector classified as Requirements Derived Service Maintenance. Through a case study in high end mass market consumer electronics they illustrate the application of the requirement management technique in the maintenance service environment.
Conference Paper
There is an increasing need for involving users in the process of new product development. Accurate and faster design decisions can be made based on user's requirements and as a result product development can be manged more efficiently. Many approaches are being used in an attempt to achieve it. Thus, this papers a survey of these approaches conducted through a literature review and also interviews with product designers. Result of this survey show that the most effective approach is one that is used early in the design process to establish product characteristics. The study provided a valuable references for an effective approach in product development.
Conference Paper
A methodology of eliciting customer requirements with regard to issues confronted during the design process is presented.. Our methodology is derived from a taxonomy of design issues formulated around the needs of the customer and a method of knowledge elicitation used in the development of expert systems. The results of an experimental study using our methodology compared to a traditional qualitative marketing research strategy is also presented.
Product development teams practicing concurrent engineering are responsible for creating, disseminating, maintaining, and venfying requirements that span the full product life cycle, including manufacturing, reliability, maintainability, and environmental safety. This is a complex task that requires automated support; however, the state-of-the-art of computer-aided requirements management is relatively immature. This paper sets forth a broad set of concepts for requirements management automation, and illustrates their implementation in the Requirements Manager system developed under the DARPA Initiative in Concurrent Engineering. Requirements management automation will make possible a more structured product development process and, at the same time, a more effective intergration of humans and machines that reduces product development cost and cycle time while improving product quality.
The terms ‘push’ and ‘pull’ marketing have been widely utilised in the context of promotional marketing activity. Organisational resources may be focused on communicating directly with either the consumer and thereby ‘pulling’ the product through the supply chain, or with intermediaries (customers) in order to ‘push’ the product to the consumer. In reality, both approaches are necessary to promote the product effectively. Over the past twenty years there has been an increasing emphasis on trade marketing, as a way of achieving such ‘push’ strategies, particularly in the marketing of consumer products. Trade marketing is therefore concerned with marketing activities which focus on intermediary customers who link the organisation to the final consumer.
This book is about best practices for the design of mechanical products. It is available from Amazon and other sources at a reasonable price.