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Abstract and Figures

Purpose After many years of equal opportunities legislation, motherhood still limits womens' career progress even in a feminized occupation such as nursing. While the effect of motherhood, working hours, career breaks and school aged children upon career progression has been discussed widely, its actual scale and magnitude has received less research attention. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of these factors individually and cumulatively. Design/methodology/approach This paper considers the impact of the above through a longitudinal analysis of a demographically unique national database, comprising the 46,565 registered nursing workforces in NHS Scotland from 2000‐2008. The variables examined include gender, employment grades, number and length of career breaks, lengths of service, age, working patterns, the number and age of dependent children. Findings The results indicate: motherhood has a regressively detrimental effect on women's career progression. However, this is a simplistic term which covers a more complex process related to the age of dependent children, working hours and career breaks. The degree of women's restricted career progression is directly related to the school age of the dependent children: the younger the child the greater the detrimental impact. Women who take a career break of greater than two years see their careers depressed and restricted. The results confirm that whilst gender has a relatively positive effect on male career progression; a women's career progression is reduced incrementally as she has more children, and part‐time workers have reduced career progression regardless of maternal or paternal circumstances. Originality/value This paper is the only example internationally, of a national workforce being examined on this scale and therefore its findings are significant. For the first time the impact of motherhood upon a women's career progression and the related factors – dependent children, career breaks and part‐time working are quantified. These findings are relevant across many areas of employment and they are significant in relation to broadening the debate around equal opportunities for women.
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Motherhood and its impact on
career progression
Bryan McIntosh
Business and Economics, Richmond University, London, UK
Ronald McQuaid and Anne Munro
Employment Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University,
Edinburgh, UK, and
Parviz Dabir-Alai
Business and Economics, Richmond University, London, UK
Purpose After many years of equal opportunities legislation, motherhood still limits womens’
career progress even in a feminized occupation such as nursing. While the effect of motherhood,
working hours, career breaks and school aged children upon career progression has been discussed
widely, its actual scale and magnitude has received less research attention. The purpose of this paper
is to examine the impact of these factors individually and cumulatively.
Design/methodology/approach – This paper considers the impact of the above through a
longitudinal analysis of a demographically unique national database, comprising the 46,565 registered
nursing workforces in NHS Scotland from 2000-2008. The variables examined include gender,
employment grades, number and length of career breaks, lengths of service, age, working patterns, the
number and age of dependent children.
Findings The results indicate: motherhood has a regressively detrimental effect on women’s career
progression. However, this is a simplistic term which covers a more complex process related to the age
of dependent children, working hours and career breaks. The degree of women’s restricted career
progression is directly related to the school age of the dependent children: the younger the child the
greater the detrimental impact. Women who take a career break of greater than two years see their
careers depressed and restricted. The results confirm that whilst gender has a relatively positive effect
on male career progression; a women’s career progression is reduced incrementally as she has more
children, and part-time workers have reduced career progression regardless of maternal or paternal
Originality/value – This paper is the only example internationally, of a national workforce being
examined on this scale and therefore its findings are significant. For the first time the impact of
motherhood upon a women’s career progression and the related factors – dependent children, career
breaks and part-time working are quantified. These findings are relevant across many areas of
employment and they are significant in relation to broadening the debate around equal opportunities
for women.
Keywords Career breaks, Career progression, Dependent children, Employment, Motherhood, Nursing,
Working hours, Gender, United Kingdom
Paper type Research paper
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
The authors thank the Editor and the reviewers for their insightful and constructive comments
on the original draft. The authors also take this opportunity to acknowledge the significant part
the Information Service Division (ISD) of the NHS in Scotland and the Scottish Government has
contributed to this research, in particular, Andrew Davidson of ISD.
Gender in Management: An
International Journal
Vol. 27 No. 5, 2012
pp. 346-364
qEmerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/17542411211252651
Nursing is a profession strongly associated with women: women historically and
currently form the majority of the workforce (Information Services Division (ISD),
2009). However, male nurses have relatively greater career progression in comparison
to their female colleagues. In Scotland, national statistics reveal that while women
comprise 89.90 per cent of the whole-time workforce and 97.49 per cent of part-time
employees. This representation is not translated into senior positions as at the
30 September 2008, showed that 27.59 per cent of senior nurse manager positions were
held by men who represented only 10.10 per cent of the nursing workforce (ISD, 2009).
While the effect of gender, working hours, career breaks and schoolaged children upon
career progression has been discussed widely, its actual scale and magnitude effect has
received less research attention. The association between motherhood and reduced or
restricted career outcomes is extensive (Ashcraft, 1999; Warren and Brewis, 2004; Ma
2009). McQuaid and Lindsey (2005) observed that the organisation of work and the
practicalities of combining career and motherhood are significant contributory factors to
women’s relative poor performance. They were unable to establish the degree of impact,
however, they did note that motherhood directly affected the type of roles women can take,
prefer or are offered. Waldfogel (2007) described this as detrimental and termed it the
“penalties of motherhood” in terms of their career progression. She noted the difference in
men’s careers which suffer no disadvantage because marriage and family producelimited
or no career interruptions for them. She argued this penalty may last after the woman has
ceased to have childcare responsibility, indeed for their entire career, due to the negative
career effects of career breaks forming a “negative shadow” on their future careers.
McQuaid et al. (2009) observed that flexible employment, in terms of hours or part-time
work were appealing due to the relatively straightforward entry/exit/re-entry procedures
as they enabled women to combine work and family responsibilities more easily, but at a
cost to their long-term career. They argued that these constraints frequently force women
to take less “attractive” employments which accommodate personal circumstances on
reduced salaries and hours of work or both.
This paper is concerned with examining the impact of motherhood and its
cumulative affect on women’s short and long-term career progression. The Scottish
national nursing database affords the opportunity to examine the effect of motherhood
on career progressions longitudinally. This paper found that motherhood had a
statistically significant impact on women’s career progression. The term motherhood
masks a complex relationship between working hours, career breaks and dependant
family. Dependent children have a regressively detrimental impact on women’s career
progression, the younger the age of the child the greater the reductive effect. The
degree of impact is directly proportional to the age of the child. The cumulative length
of career breaks has a detrimental impact on women’s career progression but has no
discernable impact on their male colleagues. The mechanism by which relative career
disadvantages for women are transmitted is linked to the complex relationship
between dependent children, working hours, career breaks and motherhood.
The gender versus career progression debate is extensive in relation to employment
(Budig and England, 2001; Dex and Sheibl, 2002; Walby, 2005, 2007). Within the
narrative of motherhood the family has great importance.
Hakim (2006), argues that the majority of mothers do not have a strong personal
commitment to paid work or to a career and that after having dependent children. She claims
that the majority of women who enter occupations are adaptive they choose these
(Hakim, 2000, p. 167). She argues that women reject the greater responsibilities and
additional hours of certain employment to concentrate on the family through personal
Houle et al. (2009) rejected Hakim’s position but recognised the impact of the family
in ensuring that the roles and expectation related to motherhood was “normalised”.
The family was the ideological site in which gender roles were constructed and
legitimised. They argued that concepts related to “the family” promoted the model of
the male as provider, head of the household and the wife as mother and nurturer as this
then socialised them into gender roles. They argued the pervasiveness and acceptance
of this model combined with a general belief in its importance and worth facilitated the
continued reinforcement of gender stereotypical beliefs, values and structures.
Longhurst (2008) observed these socio-structural constraints informed women’s
relationship to employment. Women’s choices and preferences in relation to paid work
are an outcome of the interplay between these factors. Women’s wider goals and desire
to succeed within the remit of the family framework facilitate a situation that result in
women limiting their career opportunities to accommodate these perceptions. For
women, perceptions directly linked to motherhood frequently led to their devaluation
in employment both as women and as employees. She argued the greatest career
inhibitor for women was the preference of employers for certain types of employees in
certain economic circumstances as opposed to women preference for any other working
arrangements. Fundamentally for many women there was no choice they were subject
personally and professionally to individual perceptions and economic circumstances.
She did note that in feminised professions, the degree of self regulated by women over
women reduced levels of support and acted as a barrier to career progression.
Legault and Chasserio (2003) built upon this in “Family obligations or cultural
constraints” they sought to examine the extent to which “commitment” is seen as
important to career advancement. They argued that women’s reasons for working
part-timewas defined by the narrative of motherhood, the familyand commitment to these
“roles” and “responsibilities”. Socio-cultural perceptions concerning work and
life commitments are the critical criterion which tie motherhood to employment
opportunities, career progression and career outcomes. Gatrell (2011) in “Managing the
maternal body: a comprehensive review and transdisciplinary analysis” of women’s
employment argues that motherhood stigmatizes the woman and is used as grounds for
control and exclusion ultimately resulting in lowered employer commitment towards
expectant and new mothers. She notes that women with young children are often
perceived by others to be less competent than women without children. Assumptions
about colleagues’ capabilities can lead to the exclusion of women with children from career
development opportunities because motherhood is believed, by other workers, to reduce
productivity and lower performance. Employers’ assumptions that women with young
children may be less competent than women without young children are often
accompanied by presumptions that women’s work orientation is lowered when they
become pregnant. Motherhood is associated, by employers, with a supposed reduction
in women’s employment orientation. Employers’ anxieties about motherhood’s
commitment to employment are extensive.
The debates taking place within the literature generally centred on explanations in
relation to gender roles and generalisations. Legault and Chasserio’s (2003), Longhurst
(2008) and Gatrell (2011) research in that gendered perceptions and values, in particular
those directly associated with motherhood and work-life balance negatively impact on
women’s careers. Motherhood is often treated by employers as both a sign of women’s
lowered work commitment, and as disruptive to workplace routines.
Dependent children
Within gender literature there is a strong association between motherhood, dependent
children and women’s careers outcomes. Waldfogel (1999) observed that “it is a
well-established fact that women with dependent children earn less than other women in
the United States” (1999, p. 141) noting that no such family penalty exists for US men and
observed a gender dividend for men ranging from 10 to 15 per cent in terms of additional
income. Waldfogel (2007) stated there was a detrimental “family penalty” in relation to
women’s career progression. She argued that this penalty lasts for their entire careers
even after women have ceased to have immediate childcare concerns. Booth and
Van Ours (2008) linked woman’s labour market position not just to the presence of
children but their ages. Using British Household Panel data, they observed a link
between these factors but were unable to establish the degree of impact. Fourage et al.
(2011) also found a negative relationship between children and women’s labour supply.
This study used retrospective life history data for Germany, The Netherlands and Great
Britain to investigate the long-term effects of childbirth on mothers’ labour supply for
successive birth cohorts. Probit estimates with correction for selection into motherhood
and the number of births showed strong drops in labour market participation before first
childbirths and strong recovery after the birth of the last child, especially in Great
Britain. Younger cohorts display a less sharp decline in participation around childbirth
and a faster increase in participation in the 20 years after childbirth, especially in
The Netherlands. However, mothers’ participation rates did not return to pre-birth levels
in any of the countries studied. Ekin (2007) argued that this was intrinsically linked to
the cost and availability of childcare, especially before the child goes to Primary School
at around five years old (after which the childcare costs should reduce significantly as
they will be at school much of the day and alternative childcare provision is often
available). After the child reaches Secondary school age, at around 12 years, mothers are
more likely to go back to longer working hours or full-time work as the children are more
independent, need less childcare and spend more time in school.
There is a consensus within the literature which acknowledges that dependent
children are a critical factor in relation to women’s position in relation to career
progression. If differences in careers are a consequence of issues and perceptions
related to dependent children this “motherhood penalty” is significant as is its degree
of impact in terms of career progression and working patterns will be investigated,
particularly in relation to the age of the child.
Part-time working and motherhood
Coyle (2003) and Wise (2003) notes that as a consequence of part-time employment,
women cannot invest as much in developing their formal skills and there are pressures
from employer and employee given the need for work-time flexibility for those with
children. Even if the parent returns to full-time work at this stage, they are still likely to
suffer a long-term career disadvantage, as they may have missed out on the early career
development stages compared to contemporary men and women who did not have
dependent children. Men with children do not suffer a pay fall while their children are
young; hence there is a gender dimension. Gatrell (2005) noted that part-time working
afforded women a greater work-life balance. She observes that notions of “flexibility” are
applied differently to mothers and fathers. Social expectations about professionally
employed mothers and fathers, and work-life balance, are gendered. The pressure to
organise work-life balance, according to embodied and gendered social norms, is a direct
arbiter of gendered working patterns. McQuaid and Lindsay (2005) and McQuaid et al.
(2009) considered flexible employment, in terms of hours or part-time work to be
appealing enabling women to combine work and motherhood more easily, there was a
detrimental long-term impact on career outcomes. They argued these constraints
frequently force women to take less “attractive” positions to accommodate personal
flexibility on reduced salaries and hours of work, or both. Gash (2008) argued that the
desire for this flexibility after the birth of their first child resulted in move to part-time
work which continued for the next ten years and to a lesser degree for the rest of their
lives. Gash found that two-thirds of women, who worked on a part-time basis, had
restricted their careers. Paull (2006, 2008) argued that children were perceived to be
incompatible with work-time regimes and the daily practices and responsibilities
prevalent in employment and as a result careers are signific antly impacted by maternity,
childcare and family considerations.
The ability to work flexibly was socially and economically desirable for many
women. The pressures of motherhood resulted in women’s careers becoming secondary
to the family unit, and that in order to allow time for child-care women required
occupations with flexible hours.
Career breaks
The research into gender and careers has been long-standing and covered many
determining factors, notably differences in human capital (Grimshaw and Rubery, 2001).
There has also been a research emphasis towards organisational structures and policies
(Grimshaw et al., 2001). Within nursing, a predominantly female occupation, women
commonly have disruptions to their career due to family reasons anecdotal evidence
highlighted the detrimental consequences of career breaks in terms of careers for women
(Whittock et al., 2002; Muldoon and Reilly, 2003). Davey et al. (2005) found an association
between career breaks and women’s acquisition of human capital. They noted the
negative impact of career breaks for caring for children with the ability of women to
progress from one grade to another and their long-term careers while having no
discernable upon men’s careers. They argued that the inability to accrue this form of
human capital was related to an individual’s career breaks. In addition, negative
perceptions about career breaks may be exacerbated by beliefs concerning turnover
costs, principally high staff turnover associated with women leaving employment
in order to take care of their families and children (Gregory and Connolly, 2008).
Again continuous experience was associated with the accumulation of human capital
and employers’ perception of human capital accumulation (Dex and Sheibl, 2002;
Manning and Robinson, 2004). Manning and Petrongolo (2008) noted that
organisations tended to give preference and privilege to continuous employment, so
disproportionately handicapping of women who had taken a long-term career break.
Women with children (or childcare responsibilities) who spend less time in the labour
force than men, accordingly have less opportunity to invest in the accumulation of
marketable human capital.
This paper examines four separate but inter-linked issues – gender, working hours,
dependent children and career breaks and their impact on career progression of female
and male nurses. It quantifies the impact of motherhood and these associated factors
upon women’s and men careers separately and cumulatively. The next section outlines
the research methods applied with the subsequent sections examining career
progression by gender, working hours and in relation to dependent children, the paper
closes with conclusions.
Research methods
The database used for this study is the Scottish workforce database of 46,565 registered
nurses in the NHS from the start of October 2000 to the end of September 2008, supplied
by the ISD of the Health Department of the Scottish Government. The data
analysed included all registered nursing grades from entry level (Whitley council grade
“D”) to the most senior (grade “I”) in both full-time and part-time employment. Part-time
working is defined by the NHS as anything less than 30 hours worked per week (ISD,
2009). The analysis excludes temporary “bank” nursing staff or external agency staff
working on an ad hoc basis. The data was supplied in various formats and required
pre-processing to ensure consistency. The Whitley council pay and grading structure
was applied to all nurses across the UK who are employed directly by NHS organisations,
except certain levels of senior management. The Whitley Council grades were applied
throughout the period under examination and therefore serve as the point for analysis in
this paper. As this paper is concerned with motherhood and career progression, a
consistent grading system was a pre-requisite for this examination. The analysis ceased
in 2008 when the “Agenda for change” single pay system was fully applied.
Nurses with children (we refer to dependent children, requiring childcare
responsibilities, as “children” in the remainder of the text) are categorised by the age of
their youngest child: 12-15 years old (16 being the earliest age a child can legally leave
full-time education); five to 11 years old (primary school period); and under the age of
five 0-4 (pre-primary school). Cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis was undertaken in
order to provide a fuller understanding of the impact of gender, working hour
differentials, age of youngest dependent child upon employment grade (used as a proxy
for career progression), length of service and retention. As registered nursing grades are
an ordered category, it was appropriate to model all of the grades simultaneously
using grade as the dependent variable with six ordinal categories, grade “D” (entry level
registered nursing grade) to grade “I” (the highest register nursing geade prior to senior
nurse management posts). Career progression in nursing is generally an incremental
process usually from the immediately lower to the immediately higher grade. Career
progression for the purposes of this paper is framed within this description.
Analysis was based on those staff in post during all or part of the period 2000-2008.
Hence a censored approach was applied to prevent bias (Kleinbaum, 1995). In order to
develop an understanding of differences in career progression, a multi-factorial
approach to analysis was utilised so that more than one explanatory factor could
be considered. The Cox Proportional Hazard Model (Cox, 1972) was used to ascertain the
simultaneous impact of selected independent variables (continuous and categorical) on
length of service and to estimate the effect of a particular variable whilst controlling the
other variables. The Log-Rank test was used to test statistically whether subgroups had
the same survival curves (Kleinbaum, 1995), i.e. the time from the start to the last day of
service in the nursing post (or the end of the study period). A proportional odds model
was used to estimate the probability of having a post in the higher of adjacent higher
grade. The data was analysed using SPSS version 17.
Composition of workforce
Table I shows that the percentage representation of women without children
compared to those with children consistently increased incrementally from grade “F” to
the highest grade (grade “I”). Women with children, particularly those with children
aged under-12 were represented strongly in the lowest grades (“D” and “E”). There were
no major percentage differences between “G”, “H” and “I” grade male registered nurses
with children of school age and those men without children. There were significant
differences between grades “H” and “I” female registered nurses who were much less
likely to have children 16 or under years of age than female colleagues on grades
“D”-“G” grades the effects of the age of the child is considered below (Table II).
The percentage representation of women without children consistently increased
incrementally from the lowest to the highest grade. Representation of women with
children was the opposite, incrementally decreasing in the higher grades, with the
younger the child the lower their representation. A consistent pattern emerged whereby
full-time male workers had relatively more senior career positions in comparison to their
full-time female colleagues, particularly in relation to the senior registered nursing posts
(grades “G”-“I”). When the age of the child was considered, men with dependent children
under 12 years of age were generally represented at greater levels than their equivalent
female colleagues with the exception of grade “G” women with children aged between
five and 11. It appears the higher the grade the less likely women are to have (dependent)
children. However, this analysis fails to convey the full extent of the impact of the
dependent children on career progression as it excludes nurses with dependent children
who have left the profession or work as a casual “bank” nurses (i.e. women and men who
have left nursing to look after children are not included in the data). If they were
included then it is likely that the position of women with children would be even more
The ages of the dependent children are important. When the demographic
characteristics of the staff are analysed in relation to dependent children a stark
relationship between grading and gender emerges. Women with children under five
years of age are more likely to hold lower graded posts. Once the child reaches
secondary school agea women’s career progresses positively as evidenced by the
prevalence of higher graded posts “G”-“I”, most probably linked to women’s
increased flexibility in relation to work. Hence the age of dependent children is as
important to women’s career progression as is full-time working.
When part-time working is included within the analysis the disparity between male
and female nurses is amplified. The scale and preponderance of women with children
of a school age working in lower graded part-time registered nursing supports
the position that women, parenthood or motherhood and low grades are connected.
Grade “D” Grade “E” Grade “F” Grade “G” Grade “H” Grade “I” All
Status F/T Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men
No children of school age (%) (18,027) 62.78 73.94 60.93 59.95 59.67 62.75 65.59 63.80 77.11 63.77 79.39 65.22 64.65 64.88
(4,517) (630) (4,753) (684) (321) (32) (3,344) (726) (1,920) (484) (466) (150) (15,321) (2,706)
Youngest child 12-15 years of age (%)
(2,894) 6.92 5.05 8.32 8.24 12.25 13.73 16.40 17.22 10.32 18.97 11.07 17.39 10.00 12.56
(498) (43) (649) (94) (66) (7) (835) (196) (257) (144) (65) (40) (2,370) (524)
Youngest child 5-11 years of age (%)
(3,547) 12.10 6.69 13.75 12.88 16.03 13.73 14.81 14.06 9.00 13.57 6.47 12.61 12.84 12.06
(870) (57) (1,072) (147) (86) (7) (754) (160) (224) (103) (38) (29) (3,044) (503)
Youngest child under five years of under
(%) (3,401) 18.20 14.42 17.00 18.93 12.05 9.79 3.20 4.92 3.57 3.69 3.07 4.78 12.50 10.50
(1,310) (122) (1,322) (216) (65) (5) (159) (56) (89) (28) (18) (11) (2,963) (438)
Total F/T (%) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
(7,195) (852) (7,796) (1,141) (538) (51) (5,092) (1,138) (2,490) (759) (587) (230) (23,698) (4,171)
Row (%) 30.36 20.43 32.90 27.36 2.27 1.22 21.49 27.28 10.51 18.20 2.48 5.51 100 100
Table I.
Full-time registered nurse
by age of youngest child,
grade and gender
No children of school age (%) (7,314) 37.37 46.08 39.49 66.14 40.84 66.67 40.83 76.47 48.08 100 91.11 n/a 38.85 54.13
(3,203) (100) (2,987) (43) (214) (6) (617) (26) (75) (2) (41) (0) (7,137) (177)
Youngest child 12-15 years of age (%) (3,911) 20.57 20.74 21.23 18.48 19.08 33.33 21.11 23.53 32.69 0.00 8.89 n/a 20.92 20.80
(1,763) (45) (1,606) (12) (100) (3) (319) (8) (51) (0) (4) (0) (3,843) (68)
Youngest child 5-11 years of age (%) (4,217) 20.98 22.91 23.99 15.38 27.67 0.00 24.75 0.00 17.22 0.00 0.00 n/a 22.63 18.35
(1,798) (50) (1,814) (10) (145) (0) (374) (0) (26) (0) (0) (0) (4,157) (60)
Youngest child five years or under (%) (3,254) 21.08 10.27 15.29 0.00 12.41 0.00 13.31 0.00 2.01 0.00 0.00 n/a 17.59 6.73
(1,806) (22) (1,156) (0) (65) (0) (201) (0) (4) (0) (0) (0) (3,232) (22)
Total part-time (%) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 n/a 100 100
(8,570) (217) (7,563) (65) (524) (9) (1,511) (34) (156) (2) (45) (0) (18,369) (327)
Row (%) 46.65 66.36 41.17 19.88 2.85 2.75 8.23 10.40 0.85 0.61 0.24 0.00 100 100
Table II.
Part-time registered
nurse by age of youngest
child, grade and gender
While the data provided did not differentiate between those nurses whose youngest
children were adults it does show that senior registered nurses, grades “H” and “I”,
were much less likely than lower grades to have dependent children, especially
children under 12 years of age. In grade “I” no women with children under 12 years of
age were present. This pattern reinforces the connection between career position and
childcare responsibilities but it adds a further dimension, the higher the grade, the
older the youngest child.
Within the data there is a strong relationship between full-time working and the
occupation of senior registered nursing grades. When full-time and part-time equivalents
are considered, women without children in full-time working are over represented
compared to their male equivalents at the senior grades, however in part-time working;
men without children are over represented in all grades. Full-time working is the critical
arbiter for both men’s and women’s career positions, however, for women the age of
dependent children is a crucial factor. As the part-time workforce is 98.25 per cent female it
is in essence the domain of women. Part-time working is clearly linked to lower graded
posts and women with children. Their presence in such numbers, and as a percentage of
the workforce, strongly supports Gregory and Connolly’s (2008) position that the price of
reconciling part-time working and families is paid by women in terms of their career
position. As it is, women with children of all ages who work on a part-time basis work in
the lower graded posts whether this is due to job characteristics and availability, personal
choice or a mixture of both remains unclear; however, it is clear that they are concentrated
within this area. Within the data there is a large relationship between full-time working
and the occupation of senior registered nursing grades.
Gender and working hours
This section considers the impact of gender and working hours on the length of service
(as defined above), employment across the grades and retention. Over the eight year
period analysed there appears a strong correlation between gender and hours worked.
Table III shows that men who worked full-time stayed in post for the longest
uninterrupted period. The median length of time in post for male full-time nurses is
90 months and for female nurses 53 months. Conversely women remained longer in
part-time posts than men (77 versus 36 months) of full-time female nurses. Working
hours affect men and women differently men regardless or working hours had
unrestricted clear trajectories, however, for women the hours worked clearly impacted
on length of time in post. The likelihood of a woman gaining employment in the higher
grades once gender and hours were combined was less than for a man.
Factor Group
length of
time in
Relative hazard
(95% CI) p
Relative hazard
controlling for other
variables (95%CI)
for other
Male Full-time 90 1.339 (1.073-1.671) ,0.001
1.170 (0.936-1.463) 0.1679
Female Full-time 53 0.538 (0.485-0.597) ,0.001
1.271 (1.048-1.542) 0.0148
Male Part-time 36 1.334 (1.158-1.536) ,0.001
1.370 (1.184-1.586) ,0.001
Female Part-time 77 1.160 (0.948-1.420) 0.171
1.097 (0.896-1.342) 0.3693
Log-rank test for equality of distribution;
Wald test
Table III.
Summary of survival
analysis by gender and
hours worked
Differences between men and women in part and full-time in nursing are reviewed in
Table III. Being a full-time male nurse is associated with a higher probability of being
employed at a higher grades than the female equivalents. This was particularly
prevalent to grade “G” compared to grade “F”, where males are over twice as likely to be
employed in a “G” as opposed to an “F” grade post as females (odds ratio of 2.184)) and “I”
to “H” (1.840). Part-timers are less likely to be employed in “E” grade as opposed to “D”
grade posts (0.782). They are even less likely to be employed in “G” grade posts
compared to “F” and so on. Overall, being a man and employed full-time increases your
chances of being employed in a higher grade post. Working part-time, regardless of
gender, reduces the likelihood of being employed in a higher grade post. The odds ratios
associated for length of service were positive and significant (except for “G” vs “F” which
was not significant), so greater length of serve is associated with being in a higher grade.
This supports Legault and Chasserio’s (2003) view that the full-time model of
continuous working is the preferred working model in employment. Given the
gendered nature of nursing and its workforce composition this is surprising. Women’s
careers in nursing are constrained by part-time working and there appears to be a
symbiosis with motherhood. Gender perceptions and values for better or ill still
materialise in the workplace. The relationship between perceptual values both
individually and professionally appears to directly affect and define women’s career
progressions. In a profession overwhelmingly female the continuing agency and
influence of gender stereotypes appear to still to be a reality. This could possibly be the
long term result for women in working a feminised environment such as nursing.
Longhurst’s (2008) position that women devalue the work of other women possibly has
great agency within this environment and is possibly a significant contributory factor
to creating career progression barrier. It does not produce a “glass ceiling” but a
“concrete” one. The degree to which participation and grade progression are related to
age of youngest dependent child is examined in the following section (Table IV).
Dependent children
The survival curves for the length of service, in the presence of censoring, are shown in
Figure 1. The three survival curves for men with children (under five, five to 11, 12-15
years old) have been amalgamated because they were very similar. So men are only
separated between those with and those without children. This grouping, for
consistency, was subsequently retained for the proportional odds model below.
Men, regardless of their circumstances, were less effected by children in terms of
remaining in employment. The likelihood of a woman remaining in service reduces
with the age of their youngest child. Those with children under the age of five were
Status D vs E E vs F F vs G G vs H H vs I
Gender (male vs female) 1.096
(1.004, 1.196)
(0.593, 1.023)
(1.662, 2.869)
(0.952, 1.193)
(1.536, 2.204)
Hours worked (part vs
(0.748, 0.817)
(0.848, 1.087)
(0.268, 0.349)
(0.166, 0.234)
(0.805, 1.596)
Length of service (per year
(1.022, 1.027)
(1.028, 1.043)
(0.986, 1.003)
(1.026, 1.038)
(1.012, 1.033)
Note: 95 per cent confidence interval
Table IV.
Grade of employment by
gender, hours worked
and length of service:
odds ratio
most likely to leave. Having school aged children is a major arbiter in relation to
women maintaining their employment. This supports Paull’s (2008) position that
children have little impact on the career progression of men regardless of the hours
worked; however the hours worked by women has a material impact on their careers.
Results from the proportional odds model convey the impact of dependent children
upon career progression in Table V. The rows below are partially equivalent
to multiplicative (interaction) effects of gender with age of youngest child. Most are
significant suggesting that interpretation should be focused at the higher level (i.e. at the
multiplicative effect).
Figure 1.
Proportion still employed
by length of service,
gender and age of
youngest child
Length of service (months)
Proportion still in Post
Women with children under
12 years of age
Women with children under
16 years of age
Men without children of
a school age
Men with children of
a school age
Women without children
of a school age
Women with children under
5 years of age
Status D vs E E vs F F vs G G vs H H vs I
Hours worked (part-time
vs full-time)
(0.751, 0.822)
(0.905, 1.166)
(0.793, 1.273)
(0.881 1.753)
(0.888, 1.773)
Presence of children
(yes vs no)
(0.982, 1.073)
(0.872, 1.116)
(0.768, 1.001)
(0.710, 1.006)
(0.602, 0.722)
Female nurses without
children (vs male nurses)
(0.907, 1.168)
(1.044, 1.816)
(0.875, 1.389)
(1.252, 1.540)
(1.099, 1.557)
Female nurses with
children 12-15 years of
age (vs male nurses)
(0.869, 1.038)
(1.033, 1.817)
(0.966, 1.15)
(0.774, 0.958)
(0.686, 0.979)
Female nurses with
children 6-11 years of age
(vs male nurses)
(0.867, 1.040)
(0.746, 0.817)
(0.517, 0.837)
(0.443, 0.573)
(0.314, 0.555)
Female nurses with
children under five years
of age (vs male nurses)
(0.554, 0.955)
(0.270, 0.655)
(0.363, 0.632)
(0.271, 0.355)
(0.198, 0.280)
Table V.
Odds ratio (95 per cent
confidence interval) of
progression – gender,
employment type and
presence of children
At the higher grades (“G” to “H”), the likelihood of progression (in terms of moving up a
grade) for women with dependent children is lower than that for men (ranging from 0.310
for women with children under five years old to 0.461 for those with children aged 12-15
years). Not all levels of career movement for women are equally detrimental and the
relative disadvantage is most pronounced for women with dependent children under five
years of age particularly at the higher grades. Conversely women without children are
more likely to gain employment at the highest grades (“H” to “I”, “G” to “H” and “E” to “F”)
than men (the other grades differences not being significant at the 5 per cent level). Women
with children aged 12-15 years old were more likely to be employed in the higher grades
compared to men than those with children under 12 years of age. The explanatory factor of
the age of youngestdependent child was important in terms of career outcomes. The age of
the children significantly affects women’s career progression in the study period and
strongly suggests that those with young children(under five years old) have a particularly
inhibiting impact on women’s career progression. This implies that the standard
comparison between women in nursing with and women without school age children is
inadequate as it underestimates the impact of young children on women’s career
progression. This does not consider the responsibilities connected to family and
parenthood represented by older relatives and grandchildren it should be acknowledged
that these may have also a gendered impact on career positions.
Regardless of this, it was clear that gender, the age of the child and the hours worked
influence a person’s opportunities in relation to career progression. It is evident that
women with dependent children cannot be seen as a homogeneous group as within this
group differences in their career progression are observed. A picture of changing
disadvantage emerges for women, the younger the child the greater the relative
disadvantage in terms of career position. At the higher grades, the likelihood of
progression for women is lower compared to men, with women having dependent children
more severely affected (i.e. the odds ratios for women with pre-school aged children ,
women without children of a school age ,men). The group with the most reduced career
progression were women with children under five years of age. Fatherhood had no
discernibly negative impact on men; in fact the opposite appears to be the case as their
career progression is enhanced as suggested in the literature (Paull, 2008).
This research supports Waldfogel’s (2007) position that there is a “motherhood
penalty” for women in terms of their career progression but the evidence suggests that
incremental disadvantage is experienced by women with younger children, particularly
those with children under five years of age. Women’s career positions are thus defined
by two factors: the age of the children and the hours they work. Men’s careers do not
suffer a career disadvantage as they work predominately on a full-time basis
(although those few part-time male nurses do also suffer a grade disadvantage) and
their career positions are not as affected by extraneous factors, such as children. There is
a tangible “motherhood penalty” for women, which does not exist for men. This penalty
is most pronounced the younger the child, particularly those with children under five
years of age. When this is combined with part-time working, women in general and those
with dependent children in particular have difficulties in sustaining or fully developing
their careers in comparison to their male colleagues. This is a major contributory factor
both directly and indirectly to women’s short-term career progression and long-term
career outcomes. Dependent children cannot be examined in isolation as women
frequently have more than one child. It is not unreasonable to conclude that the impact
of having a number of children would be even more detrimental and have a more
sustained impact on the career outcomes of women. It would exacerbate the complex
relationship and interactions between all of the factors examined. As dependent children
are still primarily cared for and nurtured by women the exchange between this
and careers ultimately makes this issue a matter of gender. These penalties for women
are virtually universal while their impact in the short and medium term is pronounced,
however it casts an even longer term shadow on women’s careers; one which the degree
of career relative disadvantage in terms of position and progression becomes more
pronounced when compared to men. It is conjecture but is not unreasonable to
propose that the impact of motherhood is the key detriment on women’s career
Herein lies the crux of the issue, the inter-relationship between motherhood, full-time
working and having dependent children is central to defining career outcomes. As
dependent children are still primarily cared for and nurtured by women the exchange
between this and careers ultimately makes this issue a matter of gender. These penalties
for women have a pronounced impact in the short and medium term and, cast an even
longer term shadow on women’s careers; one which the degree of relative career
disadvantage in terms of position and progression becomes more pronounced when
compared to men. It is also likely that the impact of parenthood on women’s career
progression would have been demonstrably greater if it had been possible to factor into
these calculations those female nurses who work solely as a casual “bank” nurse or care
for “other” dependents. There was a gender difference not just between men and women
but critically between women without children of a school age and women with children
of a school age and within this latter group a further disadvantage emerged in terms of
career progression relative to the age of the child. In terms of career trajectories, career
breaks are a frequent occurrence within the professio n and it this area that will be now be
Career breaks
The previous section illustrated the significance of dependent children in relation to the
career progression of men and women. In this section we consider breaks in service
because they are likely to have an impact on career progression. Data relating to
the employment status of those taking career breaks was not readily available,
however, in Table VI we were able to analyse length of career break by gender.
Career break D vs E E vs F F vs G G vs H H vs I
Female nurses ,1 year
(vs male nurses)
(1.682, 2.423)
(1.396, 2.019)
(0.742, 1.149)
(0.893, 1.273)
(0.888, 1.170)
Female .1,2 years
(vs male nurses)
(1.091, 1.257)
(0.960, 1.142)
(0.819, 0.980)
(0.721, 1.037)
(0.730, 0.886)
Female .2,3 years
(vs male nurses)
(0.751, 0.822)
(0.625, 0.734)
(0.443, 0.573)
(0.374, 0.508)
(0.386, 0.479)
Female .3,4 years
(vs male nurses)
(0.517, 0.637)
(0.409, 0.538)
(0.374, 0.455)
(0.271, 0.355)
(0.198, 0.280)
Female nurses .5 year
(vs male nurses)
(0.305, 0.466)
(0.296, 0.411)
(0.143, 0.259)
(0.029, 0.170)
(0.019, 0.094)
Table VI.
Odds ratio (95 per cent
confidence interval) of
progressing – after
career breaks
The cumulative effect of career breaks is detrimental to career progression across most
grades for women, particularly in the more senior grades. This detriment becomes
pronounced after a break of more than two years. These nurses are less likely to be
employed beyond the lowest grade (“D”). This exploration of the influence of gender
and career breaks on career progression is significant. Male registered nurses
consistently occupied higher graded posts at a greater frequency than their female
colleagues. The career progressions of female registered nurses are reduced
in comparison to male registered nurses. It is important to note that the greater the
cumulative break the less likelihood of career progression, except when the break is less
than two years. However, these breaks are more favourable to men – men have greater
likelihood of progression in all cases when compared to women. It is uncertain whether
the restrictions faced by women as observed in previous sections are either
compounded or originate in the career breaks taken. Career breaks would point to a
reduction of skills but the gender difference suggests this is not the case. It is possible
that the men who take career breaks either work in private practice, carrying out
similar nursing employment, or attained further training at a university or an
equivalent while women are either completely or partially disengaged from their
profession (for instance linked to childbirth and childcare).
With greater data on individual circumstances the analysis could have expanded.
Regardless of this, the relationship between gender, career breaks and the length of
career breaks demonstrates that men generally do not take as many career breaks, or for
as long, as their female colleagues and that it is this that influences career progression.
The impact of career breaks would support the position of Davey et al. (2005), that
women’s career position is impacted by career breaks whilst male career outcomes are
enhanced. It may be that a female nurse’s accumulation of recognised, formal skills, etc.
as perceived by an employer is more likely to be negatively affected by career breaks.
Employment discontinuity is crucial for women’s relatively reduced career
outcomes. Waldfogel (2007) position that women with dependent children who avoided
a career break are not disadvantaged in terms of income compared to women without
a dependent child is correct. First, women who take career breaks interrupt their
accumulation of human capital and pay a penalty in terms of lower earnings (unless
the career breaks is for work-related reasons, such as gaining an advanced degree).
Second, women in nursing who take child-related career breaks are often unable to
return to their former job or grade. As women combine motherhood and employment,
they face both penalties and costs, particularly if they have taken a career break and
reduce their hours to take care of their children. The relative disadvantages
experienced by women due to children during the phases of their career cannot be
compensated for during the later stages of their working life. Children have a lasting
negative impact across women’s entire career.
There is a tension between the motherhood and employment. The impact of
motherhood in relation to women’s careers is still underestimated. Motherhood directly
affects career progression. Motherhood results in the devaluation of women’s abilities,
a denial of opportunity and a penalisation in respect to careers. Women’s career
progression in registered nursing are defined by motherhood, dependent children,
working hours, and career breaks. This may also be exacerbated by gender values
propagated and maintained in a feminised environment.
However, these factors do not work in isolation. It is the cumulative effect and the
relationship between these factors to a greater or lesser degree that defines women’s
career progressions. Women are not a generic group and their career progressions in
general are incrementally and detrimentally reduced relative to the age of the child the
younger the age of the child the greater the relative disadvantage for the woman. It is the
explanatory factor of the age of the dependent children which is critically important in
terms of career progression for women. While this supports Waldfogel’s (2007) and
McQuaid’s (2009) position that there are “penalties of motherhood” for working women
with children it defines and gives some scale to this disadvantage; there is an age penalty
which is directly linked to the age of the child. Indeed, the standard comparator in
relation to women’s relative disadvantage in career progression does not fully convey
the variations in the degree of disadvantage faced by women with children because this
group is aggregated into a homogenous group, whereas in reality they are diverse group
with complex constituencies. For women with dependent children, the degree of
disadvantage is directly related to the age of the child, the younger the child the greater
the detrimental impact there is less likelihood of career progression. The degree of
detrimental impact is directly proportional to the age of the child.
Again this does not exist in isolation. Career break define career progression
Davey et al. (2005) view that women who take a career break are disadvantaged in
terms in terms of career progression is supported by the data in this paper. However,
the axis of this disadvantage is the cumulative length of the break. Women who
take a career break of greater than two years see their careers detrimentally restricted.
With a career break of greater of this length or greater the human capital of the woman
acquired prior to the break appears to become diminished by the interruption directly
infringing upon their ability to accumulate further skills and recognised human capital
(while other skills, etc. gained in child rearing may not be as recognised by employers).
The impact is not gender neutral as men’s careers are not negatively affected by a
career break. The research clearly links women’s relative career disadvantages to
career breaks while there is a career “catch-up” during the later phases of their career
the substantial effects of long-term career breaks are unable to be compensated for
during the later stages of their working life.
The sheer numbers of full-time higher graded posts in comparison to the dearth of
senior posts at a part-time level suggests a preference by the NHS for full-time workers
as opposed to part-time workers at a senior level. This full-time model of continuous
working with progressive upward mobility is the preferred model in nursing. Part-time
working is indicative of a division between different nursing groups, notably women
with and without school aged children and amongst subgroups. This confirms the
negative degree of impact that working on a part-time basis has upon a nurse’s career.
This is related to gender and children, part-time working are 97.49 per cent female and
those who work in this area have a disproportionate number of children in comparison
to their full-time colleagues. The cumulative consequence of this demonstrates the
strong relationship between part-time working and restricted career progressions.
There is a tangible “career penalty” for women, which does not exist for men. This
penalty is most pronounced within women with dependent children, the younger the
child, particularly those with children under five years of age. When this is combined
with part-time working, women in general and those with dependent children in
particular have difficulties in sustaining or fully developing their careers in comparison
to their male colleagues. This is a major contributory factor both directly and indirectly
to women’s short-term career progression and long-term career outcomes. As women
combine motherhood and employment, they face both penalties and costs. This is
critically exacerbated, if they take a career break. These issues cannot be examined in
isolation, as they are both the product and the synthesis between the complex
relationship and interactions between all of the factors examined. As dependent children
are still primarily cared for and nurtured by women the exchange between this and
careers ultimately makes this issue a matter of motherhood. The penalties for women are
virtually universal while their impact in the short and medium term is pronounced,
however it casts an even longer term shadow on women’s careers; one which the degree
of career relative disadvantage in terms of position and progression becomes more
pronounced when compared to men. It is not unreasonable to propose that the impact of
motherhood and the factors associated with it are the key detriment on women’s career
progressions. There are complex relationships and interactions which are symbiotic in
nature but which cumulatively and adversely affects the career progression of all
women, regardless of personal and professional circumstances. These are the central
mechanisms which transfer women’s career disadvantage.
There were limitations in relation to the research data; the most accurate data in relation
to length of service was not available to the researchers. This data – the superannuation
records, was legally inaccessible and the complexities of the material, particularly
whole-time equivalencies and length of service data in comparisonto re-entry dates after a
career break made analysing the data extremely difficult. However, this data utilised was
still perfectly acceptable and accurate. In the future, further qualitative research should be
undertaken in relation to this research. It should concentrate on exploring female
registered nurses’ self-reflections on their career in relation to motherhood. It needs to
explore women’s own accounts and understandings of their experiences and their
identification of factors that facilitate or hinder their career progression. It could possibly
establish what role, professional values, motherhood and perceptions related to
motherhood have had on career progressions in the short and long-term.
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Corresponding author
Bryan McIntosh can be contacted at:
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... The most frequent internalized barrier had to do with the societal expectations that mothers must put the needs of others before their own, sacrificing their own interests and career aspirations to fulfill motherly duties, e.g., references [33][34][35]. Mothers still face identity conflicts caused by unrealistic ideals of what is a good mother and a successful worker [36,37], in addition to the emotional challenge of being mostly responsible for what their children will become [38]. Women declined promotion offers, in part, because of the double burden caused by the accumulation of family and leadership responsibilities, e.g., references [30,32,33]. ...
... Mothers still face identity conflicts caused by unrealistic ideals of what is a good mother and a successful worker [36,37], in addition to the emotional challenge of being mostly responsible for what their children will become [38]. Women declined promotion offers, in part, because of the double burden caused by the accumulation of family and leadership responsibilities, e.g., references [30,32,33]. ...
... Motherhood was also associated with lower job retention due to barriers like poor access to childcare or other work-life balance challenges, e.g., references [31,32]. In some cases, mothers reported experiencing career interruptions in the form of returning later than expected to work, resorting to informal, flexible, or part-time work, postponing promotion opportunities, or even dropping out of the workforce indefinitely, e.g., references [28,33]. Other papers addressed how exclusively female parental leave policies contribute to reducing women's career opportunities, professional networks, and partnerships, e.g., references [30,36,47]. ...
Full-text available
(1) Background: Despite the progress made by women in the workplace, mothers still face systemic barriers that prevent them from advancing professionally. This “motherhood penalty” involves a variety of discriminatory practices and experiences that mothers can face at work, including being held to stricter standards regarding salary and recruitment. Despite ongoing research on the association between motherhood and career outcomes, few studies specifically explore how motherhood impacts career advancement and, consequently, access to leadership. This scoping review seeks to gain an understanding of how motherhood impacts women’s career progression, and how interventions can address the underrepresentation of mothers in leadership. (2) Methods: Following the PRISMA-ScR framework, we analyzed 52 articles from 2010 to 2022, drawn from 10 databases. (3) Results: The results showed both negative and positive impacts of motherhood on career progression, affecting mothers’ attitudes, feelings, and behaviors and yielding changes in interpersonal relationships and work conditions. Intersectionality is highlighted, urging a nuanced examination of challenges faced by mothers from a diversity of backgrounds. Recommendations for interventions include individual and institutional efforts, comprising societal support structures, organizational policy changes, and cultural shifts. (4) Conclusions: This scoping review offers an updated perspective on a classic challenge, providing practical insights for a more inclusive and structural understanding of the career trajectories of working mothers.
... She cannot plan her future profession since she cannot leave her children alone or for more than two hours. Motherhood was also demonstrated to have a statistically significant effect on women's job advancement by McQuaid et al. (2012). The phrase "motherhood" conceals a nuanced relationship between dependent family members, professional pauses, and working hours. ...
... Children had less of an impact on men's ability to continue working, regardless of their circumstances. The older a woman's youngest kid is, the less likely she is to continue serving in the military (McQuaid et al., 2012). For women, there is a real "motherhood penalty" that does not apply to men. ...
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Many women confront complex challenges when juggling motherhood with a profession, especially those who are starting their parenting journey for the first time. This case study explores Aisa's experiences as a first-time mother juggling her responsibilities as a caretaker with her desire to pursue a career in the business world. This study examines the complex dynamics, emotional challenges, and coping strategies used by a first-time mother as she tries to balance the demands of motherhood with her career goals through qualitative analysis of participant observations, semi-structured interviews, and field notes. Four themes have surfaced following the comprehensive data analysis. These themes include doubting her role as a mother, putting off her job goals, feeling guilty, and giving up on herself. The results highlight the complex interactions that exist between personal objectives, support networks, and society expectations, shedding light on the challenges that come with trying to strike a happy balance between motherhood and work. This study adds to a better knowledge of the difficulties faced by first-time mothers by providing insights into their lived experiences. It also helps develop strategies for empowering and supporting these women in both family and work settings.
... Women, for example, often gravitate toward family-friendly occupations that provide greater flexibility but may offer lower pay or fewer promotion opportunities (Berniell et al., 2023). Moreover, career interruptions due to childbirth and childcare responsibilities can significantly impact their long-term career trajectories (McIntosh et al., 2012). In contrast, the availability and affordability of childcare services are critical factors in helping parents stay in or return to the workforce (Huber & Rolvering, 2023). ...
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Disparities in labour market outcomes between parents and non-parents arise partly from discriminatory practices. Understanding these unfair practices is essential for fostering workplace equity. Our systematic review of the literature summarises employer discrimination based on various manifestations of parenthood in multiple labour market outcomes. Unlike previous studies, our review encompasses not only motherhood but also fatherhood and the stages preceding parenthood, namely fertility and pregnancy. In terms of labour market outcomes, we consider discrimination in hiring, remuneration, promotion, and dismissal. We also focus exclusively on experimental research, enabling causal conclusions about discrimination and its underlying mechanisms. Our synthesis suggests that employers consistently penalise women in the labour market when they have children, during pregnancy, and during their fertile years. In contrast, men often experience no adverse effects or even a premium when they have children. Researchers frequently find evidence of statistical discrimination as the primary explanation for their findings. Employers appear to rely predominantly on information based on norms and stereotypes to make decisions about parents in the labour market. We offer a roadmap for academics, policymakers, and employers to map and mitigate this phenomenon in the long term. In particular, we highlight fruitful directions for future research, including (i) more broadly assessing the effects of fertility, (ii) more effectively manipulating parenthood in experiments, (iii) more frequently investigating dismissal as a labour market outcome, and (iv) more profoundly examining the mechanisms of parenthood discrimination.
... These negative effects extend to the pregnancy stage, as pregnant, working women are evaluated lower than nonpregnant counterparts (Halpert et al., 1993). Overall, research shows that motherhood tends to have a regressive and detrimental effect on women's career advancement (McIntosh et al., 2012) as well as how they are perceived and evaluated (Correll et al., 2007;Cuddy et al., 2004;Heilman & Okimoto, 2008;Mari & Luijkx, 2020). Therefore, further exploration in this area is crucial to comprehensively understand how motherhood status influences the perception and reputation of football players. ...
Women’s football has gained popularity and appreciation in the last few years. At the same time, sexual diversity and maternity in sport have become part of the global conversation. To investigate the influence of players’ motherhood and sexuality in the context of news, a 2 (sexuality) × 2 (motherhood status) between-subjects online experiment ( N = 395) was conducted. The research examined the impact on interest in the news article, women’s football engagement, perception of the footballer (i.e., expected performance, impression, and perceived commitment), and attitudes toward lesbian athletes. Results show that featuring the footballer as a mother increased interest in the article. However, the maternity status had a negative impact only on the perception of the lesbian footballer, who was expected to show lower performance compared with her counterparts. These findings may help journalists and community managers to understand the impact and the ethical implications of their work.
... One major reason for the greater convergence of roles has been the rising incidence of dual-earner families, which have become the normative household type (Perry-Jenkins & Turner, 2004).. Although motherhood has traditionally been seen as incompatible with ideas of a career and deemed detrimental to the ambitions of women (McIntosh et al., 2012), Kramer and Kramer (2016) report that greater convergence between women and men within the home has resulted in a growing number of men stepping beyond the traditions of breadwinning and economic provision to include parenthood. Albeit not yet equal, it is argued that contemporary fathers are more domesticated (Ranson, 2012) and involved within the home, compared with previous generations (McGill, 2014;Coles, Hewitt & Martin, 2018). ...
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Although women's participation in the workforce has steadily grown in recent decades and their representation in senior leadership positions has risen, much of the research continues to focus on explaining the barriers that prevents their upward advancement. In contrast, understanding what has enabled women to reach the top, has received much less attention. Due to this gap, the aim of this study was to explore and understand the lived experiences of women who have become senior leaders. An Heideggerian interpretative phenomenological approach was adopted. Purposive sampling was used to select eleven women from across the British Isles who were employed in positions at director level or above in the Finance, Education, Health, Law, Sports and Culture sectors. Braun and Clarke's six phase approach to reflexive thematic analysis was used to analyse data from semi-structured interviews conducted during 2018-2019. The study found that three personal attributes were instrumental to the women's career advancement into senior leadership, which formed the basis to propose a novel framework. Resilience provided them with the ability to combat challenges, overcome hurdles and bounce back from adversity. Ambition gave the women a sense of purpose, the desire for success, a determination to seek out new opportunities and the courage to push themselves beyond their comfort zone. Wisdom armed them with an intuitive, authentic and superior understanding of themselves and a moral, social and emotional maturity. This study contributes to knowledge and practice by presenting the Resilience, Ambition and Wisdom (RAW) Framework for women's leadership success and identifying the value of early professional coaching for career advancement. It also emphasises the importance of resilience and ambition combined, for career mobility and highlights the value of wisdom for women's leadership practice. Recommendations from this study are that the RAW framework is used at an individual and an organisational level to guide the development of resilience, ambition and wisdom. Women should engage in early career coaching to help them gain focus, alleviate failure anxieties and develop effective leadership strategies. Organisations should proactively promote coaching as part of their roles in helping these individuals access positions of responsibility early in their careers. Further research examining the emerging RAW framework including the development of a self-assessment scale and the relationship between personality type temperament and women's career advancement, is also recommended. 3
... Last but not least, several papers show that women are more likely to work part-time than men (e.g. de Quinto et al., 2020;McIntosh et al., 2012;Piton, 2022). According to Fernández-Kranz et al. (2013) and Kifle et al. (2014), this overrepresentation of women in part-time jobs is mainly driven by mothers. ...
... Many women cope with several duties by working part-time (Buehler et al., 2011). Childcare obligations are a crucial component that contributes to the fragmented involvement of women in the labor field and is a substantial obstacle to their ability to advance in their careers (McIntosh et al., 2012). Typically, women tend to choose low-level jobs that require fewer hours and offer limited career advancement opportunities. ...
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There has been much scholarly attention given to the role of women in the labor market throughout the years. While there are plenty of evaluations of ideas and perspectives regarding work-life concepts, there is limited understanding regarding the theoretical foundation of work-life concerns specifically about mothers. This study aims to provide an overview of theories used to investigate the work-life issues of working mothers. The data were collected from the Web of Science database. A total of 63 research studies examining the work-life challenges faced by employed women were evaluated based on theoretical frameworks. It was seen that identity theory and gender perspective are dominant perspectives in the current literature. In addition, the prevailing work-life perspectives adopted in the studies are work-life balance and work-life conflict. The study offers a detailed examination of the various theoretical perspectives employed in understanding the work-life difficulties encountered by employed mothers.
... While research on this topic is in its infancy internationally, there is reason to believe that such strategies are being taken by employed women undergoing fertility treatment in other national contexts, and that the consequences of thisalongside discrimination from employers -leads to a career penalty akin to the "motherhood penalty" (McIntosh, McQuaid, Munro, & Dabir-Alai, 2012) that is well documented in the organizational studies literature -attributed to pregnancy, maternity leave and the demands of childcare. Mary Noonan (2022) termed this the "fertility treatment penalty," presenting data on professional women "pulling back" from work in the US context, where quitting work would compromise insurance and so access to treatment. ...
Conference Paper
The first female justice of Indian Supreme Court, Fathima Beevi, was appointed in 1989. Presently, the Indian Supreme Court has 3 sitting judges out of the strength of 34 judges. Additionally, B.V. Nagarathna is assumed to be India’s first female chief justice in 2027 since the Supreme Court of India was established on 26 of Jan 1950. It's been seven decades since independence, and India’s highest court has not shown much progression in breaking the glass ceiling. Although the situation in the trial courts and the high courts across the country is slightly better, with 35% women in trial courts and 13% women in high courts across the country, the situation remains grim regarding female participation in the Indian judiciary. This paper attempts to understand the phenomenon of the underrepresentation of women in the Indian judiciary with its various contours and suggestions for improving female representation within the judiciary. This question becomes all the more important with the recent development of the ‘Women Reservation Act’ (2023)’ passed by the parliament. It raises a pertinent question about why, even after 70 years of independence, women are under-represented in the Indian judiciary. What are the reasons for this under-representation? And what are the different ways in which the problem of under-representation could be tackled? Is reservation for women the only solution or, as evidenced by the above figures, breaking institutional barriers equally important within the judiciary? This paper aims to understand the problem of under-representation of women with its various contours and provide solutions at various levels, be it social or legal.
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Much is being done by governments and organizations to help workers reconcile their family and employment responsibilities. One such measure has been the introduction of flexible working policies. While academic and policy debates focus on the barriers to flexible working, less consideration is paid to those who work alongside flexible workers. Through a gendered lens, this article focuses on professional women and explores the implications of UK flexible working policies for women's workplace relations in organizations that have traditionally been based on male models of working. Drawing on interviews conducted in three English organizations, it was found that the women's interests did not always coincide and that their social relationships, with respect to flexible working, involved both support and resentment. In particular, the women's interests were affected by organizational and job-related factors and their stage in the life course. These findings illuminate the ways in which policies are negotiated at the level of daily workplace life and show that co-workers are a pivotal part of the wider picture of flexible working.
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The concept of 'employability' plays a crucial role in informing labour market policy in the UK, the EU and beyond. This paper analyses current and previous applications of the term and discusses its value as an exploratory concept and a framework for policy analysis. It then traces the development of the concept, discusses its role in current labour market and training strategies (with particular reference to the UK) and seeks to identify an approach to defining employability that can better inform labour market policy, by transcending explanations of employment and unemployment that focus solely on either supply-side or demand-side factors. Although the literature offers a range of definitions of 'employability', many policy-makers have recently used the term as shorthand for 'the individual's employability skills and attributes'. It is argued that this 'narrow' usage can lead to a 'hollowing out' of the concept of employability. The paper concludes by presenting a broad framework for analysing employability built around individual factors, personal circumstances and external factors, which acknowledges the importance of both supply- and demand-side factors.
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There are no sex differences in cognitive ability but enduring sex differences in competitiveness, life goals, the relative emphasis on agency versus connection. Policy-makers’ and feminist emphasis on equal opportunities and family-friendly policies assumes that sex discrimination is the primary source of sex differentials in labour market outcomes—notably the pay gap between men and women. However, some careers and occupations cannot be domesticated—examples are given—and this also poses limits to social engineering. Recent research shows that high levels of female employment and family-friendly policies reduce gender equality in the workforce and produce the glass ceiling. Preference theory is the only theory that can explain these new trends, the continuing pay gap and occupational segregation. Preference theory implies that there are at least three types of career rather than one. However, the differences between men and women's career goals are smaller than sometimes thought.
Over the past decade geographers have shown a growing interest in 'the body' as an important co-ordinate of subjectivity and as a way of understanding further relationships between people, place and space. To date, however geographers have published little on what is one of, if not the, most important of all bodies - bodies that conceive, give birth and nurture other bodies. It is time that feminist, social, and cultural geographers contributed more to debates about maternal bodies. This book offers a series of windows on the ways in which maternal bodies influence, and are influenced by, social and spatial processes. Topics covered include women 'coming out' as pregnant at work, changing fashion for pregnant women, being disabled and pregnant, the politics of home versus hospital birth, breastfeeding practices that sit outside the norm, women who are constructed as 'bad' mothers, and 'e-mums' (mothers who go on-line).
Motherhood is associated with lower hourly pay, but the causes of this are not well understood. Mothers may earn less than other women because having children causes them to (1) lose job experience, (2) be less productive at work, (3) trade off higher wages for motherfriendly jobs, or (4) be discriminated against by employers. Or the relationship may be spurious rather than causal; women with lower earning potential may have children at higher rates. Using 1982-1993 NLSY data, we examine the motherhood penalty with fixed-effects models chosen to avoid spuriousness. We find penalties of 7 percent per child. Penalties are larger for married women. We show that women with (more) children have less job experience; after controlling for this, a penalty of 5 percent per child remains. We examine whether potentially "mother-friendly" characteristics of the jobs held by mothers explain any of the penalty, but find little evidence of this beyond the tendency of more mothers to work part-time. The portion of the motherhood penalty we cannot explain probably results from effects of motherhood on productivity and/or from employers' discrimination against mothers. While the benefits of mothering diffuse widely, to the employers, neighbors, friends, spouses, and children of the adult who previously received the mothering, the costs are borne disproportionately by mothers.
In the UK, the implementation of flexible working is seen as a key strategy in retention of nurses in the National Health Service (NHS) once they have children. However, Preference Theory argues that the majority of women returners are driven by motivations other than career or work, and that part-time workers are not as committed as full-timers, a perception held by some managers in the NHS. This article examines the motivations of 112 nurse returners after their first child, the differences between nurses returning part time or full time and between nurses preferring to work full time, part time or not at all.The findings suggest that neither hours worked nor preferred hours are good indicators of whether nurses are committed to work or a career, except for respondents who prefer not to work. The main differences are between nurses who would prefer not to work and all others.The findings that nurses returning part time at their preferred hours are motivated by their work and career challenge the view that they are not committed.The policy implications point to the importance of NHS organizations providing both flexible working and flexible career and training opportunities to retain returners’ commitment to nursing.
This study explores the different discourses of change within dyadic leader—follower relationships due to the followers' pregnancy. The research draws on qualitative interviews with 20 pregnant working women in Finland The discourses of change were produced in tal through the participants' subjective emotional experiences about the direction of development (both positive and negative). Therefore, each of the discourses is presented here using representations of emotions. In this study, three different discourses were identified that represent change within the leader—member exchange (LMX) relationship. These were `practical discourse', `future orientation discourse', and `individual attention discourse'. The contribution of the article is threefold. First, the discursive approach applied in this study is rarely used in conjunction with LMX studies or studies concerning pregnant working women. Second, considering the accounts about change within relationships between pregnant followers and their leaders deepens our understanding about working women. Third, the findings challenge the traditional view that leader—member exchange relationships are stable.
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society 12.3 (2005) 321-343 Gender mainstreaming is an essentially contested concept and practice. It involves the reinvention, restructuring, and rebranding of a key part of feminism in the contemporary era. It is both a new form of gendered political and policy practice and a new gendered strategy for theory development. As a practice, gender mainstreaming is a process to promote gender equality. It is also intended to improve the effectivity of mainline policies by making visible the gendered nature of assumptions, processes, and outcomes. However, there are many different definitions of gender mainstreaming as well as considerable variations in practice. As a form of theory, gender mainstreaming is a process of revision of key concepts to grasp more adequately a world that is gendered, rather than the establishment of a separatist gender theory. Gender mainstreaming encapsulates many of the tensions and dilemmas in feminist theory and practice over the past decade and provides a new focus for debates on how to move them on (Behning and Pascual 2001; Beveridge et al. 2000; Mazey 2000; Verloo 2001; Walby 2001; Woodward 2003). There are at least six major issues in the analysis of gender mainstreaming. First is how to address the tension between "gender equality" and the "mainstream" and the attempts to reposition these two configurations. Second is whether the vision of gender equality invoked by the mainstreaming process draws on notions of "sameness," "difference," or "transformation"; or, in a parallel typology, inclusion, reversal, or displacement. Third is whether the vision of gender equality can be distinguished from the strategy to get there, or whether these are two dimensions of the same process. Fourth is the relationship of gender mainstreaming with other complex inequalities, especially those associated with ethnicity and class, but also disability, faith, sexual orientation, and age. Fifth is the relationship between "expertise" and "democracy," and the rethinking of the concept and practice of democracy to include gender relations. Sixth are the implications of the transnational nature of the development of gender mainstreaming, including the influence of international regimes, the development of human rights discourse, and the development of the European Union in the context of global processes. The articles in this special issue of Social Politics take these debates forward in many significant ways. Most of the articles contributed to and drew from a series of seminars funded by the U.K. Economic and Social Research Council on gender mainstreaming. They address the meaning of gender equality as well as the project of gender mainstreaming (Verloo), engage with diverse inequalities and their intersectionality and their implications for theories of democracy (Squires), consider the implications of the wider economic and political context for the potential of gender mainstreaming to create change (Perrons), address the tension between the agenda-setting potential of the strategy and integration into the mainstream (Lombardo), and investigate the relationship between theory and practice in diverse European settings (Daly). Gender mainstreaming involves at least two different frames of reference: "gender equality" and the "mainstream." Thus gender mainstreaming is inevitably and essentially a contested process. Although there are attempts to bridge the gap between these two positions, it is important to note the frequent opposition to gender mainstreaming to understand the dualism between gender equality and mainstream agendas. Elgström (2000) argues that new gender norms have to "fight their way into institutional thinking" in competition with traditional norms, because established goals may compete with the prioritization of gender equality even if they are not directly opposed. This means that the process is contested and can involve "negotiation" rather than simple adoption of new policies. Perrons (this volume) provides a different perspective on the origin and nature of opposition to gender mainstreaming. She argues that, at least in the United Kingdom and perhaps more widely, the goal of the competitiveness of the economy takes precedence over equality considerations, thereby endorsing rather than tackling the low-paid work so frequently found among women. The issue is not articulated as opposition to the goal of gender equality, but rather the prioritisation of some other goal. In...