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Ventilation Rates in Schools and Learning Performance

  • GT Advanced Ltd.

Abstract and Figures

Associations between classroom ventilation and pupils' performance were investigated in primary schools in the United Kingdom. The concentration of carbon dioxide and other parameters were monitored for three weeks in two selected classrooms in each school. A direct air supply system through the windows was used to alter the ventilation rates in the classrooms. The system was set either to provide outdoor air or to re-circulate the classroom air while all other physical parameters were left unchanged. Computerised Assessment Tests and Paper-based Tasks were used to evaluate pupils' performance. Pupils' perceptions about the classroom environment, comfort, general mood and hunger were assessed on subjective scales. The present paper shows preliminary results obtained for one primary school out of eight being studied. Due to the intervention the fresh air supply increased from 0.3-05 to 13- 16 L/s per person that increased pupils' work rate by ~7% in addition (p
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Ventilation Rates in Schools and Learning Performance
Zs. Bakó-Biró
, N. Kochhar
, D.J. Clements-Croome
, H.B. Awbi
and M. Williams
School of Construction Management and Engineering, The University of Reading,
Whiteknights, PO Box 219, RG6 6AW Reading, United Kingdom
School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences, The University of Reading, Harry
Pitt Building, Earley Gate, RG6 6AL Reading, United Kingdom
Corresponding email:
Associations between classroom ventilation and pupils’ performance were investigated in
primary schools in the United Kingdom. The concentration of carbon dioxide and other
parameters were monitored for three weeks in two selected classrooms in each school. A
direct air supply system through the windows was used to alter the ventilation rates in the
classrooms. The system was set either to provide outdoor air or to re-circulate the classroom
air while all other physical parameters were left unchanged. Computerised Assessment Tests
and Paper-based Tasks were used to evaluate pupils’ performance. Pupils’ perceptions about
the classroom environment, comfort, general mood and hunger were assessed on subjective
scales. The present paper shows preliminary results obtained for one primary school out of
eight being studied. Due to the intervention the fresh air supply increased from 0.3-05 to 13-
16 L/s per person that increased pupils’ work rate by ~7% in addition (p<0.036) and
subtraction (p<0.052).
Former reviews on the subject of school environments emphasised that ventilation is often
inadequate in classrooms causing increased risk for asthma and other health-related symptoms
among school children [1], [2]. Mendell & Heath [2] proposed that throughout the life of each
existing and future school building immediate measures should be taken for the provision of
adequate outdoor ventilation, control of moisture, and avoidance of indoor exposures to
microbiologic and chemical substances considered likely to have adverse effects. The current
ventilation standards and guidelines [3], [4] recommend a minimum fresh air supply rate of 8
litres/s per person for occupants in all teaching facilities. The recently published Building
Bulletin 101 refers to proposed performance based standards limiting the level of carbon
dioxide (CO
) concentration to 1500 ppm over a full school day from 9:00 to 15:30 and
specifies a minimum supply of external air at least 3 L/s per person in all teaching and
learning spaces when they are occupied. Furthermore, a ventilation rate of 8 L/s per person for
the normal number of occupants should be achievable under the control of occupants,
although it may not be required at all times if occupancy level decreases. However, according
to recent studies the average CO
levels in classrooms often exceed the above limit and
ventilation rates are often below the minimum requirement of 3 L/s per person [5], [6].
The negative effects of poor ventilation rates on work performance in office buildings have
been widely investigated [7]. Knowing the outcome of poor ventilation rates for the adult
population it could be expected that not only the comfort and health, but also the learning
performance of school children are affected by the poor environmental conditions in
classrooms [2]. Following the earlier studies suggesting correlation between pupils’ health
Proceedings of Clima 2007 WellBeing Indoors
and work performance, [8], [9] there is growing evidence showing impairment of learning
performance and increased absenteeism due to inadequate ventilation and unsuitable thermal
conditions in classrooms [10], [11], [12], [13]. The main purpose of the present research was
to investigate the relationship between pupils’ health, well-being and performance, and the
indoor air quality in several primary schools in Southern England. Another aim was to
examine the suitability of the air quality guidelines in preventing the reported negative effects
even when the recommended levels of fresh air to the occupants are met.
Field surveys were carried out at primary school buildings located in the proximity of
Reading during years 2006-2007. Up till now measurements have been done in eight different
schools. The sample included schools that were built in the last 20-40 years. Except for one
school, none of them had mechanical ventilation system and in most schools no control over
the temperature was available to the staff. At each selected school investigations were carried
out in two classrooms for at least three consecutive weeks. The first week was reserved to
monitor the classroom conditions without modifying any of the indoor climatic parameters
and to familiarise the children with the performance tests. During the second and third week a
mobile ventilation system was installed in each classroom to control the ventilation rate and
maintain the temperature within certain limits. The system was set either to provide outdoor
air or to re-circulate the classroom air. Although the ventilation system was visible, the staff
and the children were not informed of the ventilation conditions, i.e. whether it was providing
fresh air or re-circulated air. The order of presentation of the fresh air/re-circulated conditions
were made in a cross over repeated design for the two classrooms.
The ventilation system consisted of an exterior fan placed outdoors and simple ducting of
diameter 200 mm led the air into the building through window openings, which were closed
with Perspex plates (Figure 1, a). In the classrooms the air was distributed using Softflo air
terminal units, which consist of a perforated duct with small nozzles creating confluent jets
flow into the room [14]. The temperature of the supplied air was controlled by means of a
duct heater (3kW) and a mobile air conditioning unit of 2.7kW built into the ventilation
system. The capacity of the supply fan was selected to provide 200 L/s, matching the
prescribed level of 8L/s per person in a classroom having on average 25 children. Silencers
were also built into the system upstream and downstream of the fan to reduce the noise level
propagating through the duct work into the classroom.
Figure 1. a) Exterior fan of the mobile ventilation system, b) Testing area with laptops and
measuring trolley with the air terminal device in the background; the trolley was placed close
to the testing area during performance tests.
Proceedings of Clima 2007 WellBeing Indoors
Physical measurements: CO
concentration (0-5000 ppm), air temperature, globe
temperature, relative humidity (RH), air velocity and light level were continuously monitored
in each classroom and recorded with 3 minutes interval on a central logger using a wireless
data transmission technique. These sensors were fixed on a trolley (Figure 1. b) and placed
close to the testing area in the classrooms. In addition three thermistor type temperature
probes were distributed on a vertical pole fixed to the trolley to record the temperature
differences between pupils’ head and feet levels. Separate units were placed outdoors and in
the corridors to measure CO
concentration, temperature and RH. Mass concentration of
airborne particles (PM2.5) and noise level were measured during the performance tests on
pupils over a few hours. The amount of supplied air to the classrooms was measured with
Venturi flow meters built into the duct system downstream of the fan.
Subjective evaluations: Simultaneous to the physical monitoring, measures of self-assessed
environmental perception, comfort and health were obtained immediately after the
performance tests were carried out. With some exceptions all pupils participated in the
testing. The targeted age group of the children was between 9-10 years attending Year 5. This
age group of pupils was selected because they remain in their classrooms most of the day and
are therefore in the same environment throughout a school day. The pupils were asked to
complete a simple questionnaire about the classroom environment, thermal sensation, mood,
Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) symptoms and life style, such as hunger and quality of sleep
over the previous night believed to affect their performance. The questionnaire about the
classroom environment included questions about air stuffiness, dryness, perception of light
and noise. The SBS questionnaire focused on symptoms of the mucous membrane and in
upper respiratory tract, such as nose congestion, nose, mouth, throat and eye dryness, and
neurobehavioral symptoms including headache, attention, dizziness, tiredness, sleepiness.
Pupils were asked to rate the intensity of each symptom on Visual Analogue (VA) scales [15].
Thermal sensation was recorded using a 7-point PMV scale [16]. Furthermore, pupils were
asked to rate the air movement around their body and inform whether it was acceptable or not.
Pupil’s Performance Tests: Two different performance tests were administered to the pupils
in each school. Traditional tests were carried out on paper for 40 minutes, including simple
addition and subtraction of numbers (15 minutes each) and reading comprehension [17] (10
minutes) similar to that performed in a normal school day. New software (VISCOPE –
Ventilation in Schools and Cognitive Performance) was developed that uses algorithms based
on the work of Iregren et al. [18] to study changes of pupils’ cognitive performance under
different air quality conditions in classrooms. These tests were conducted on laptop
computers set up in the classroom, similar to the method used by Coley and Beisteiner [19].
Both the traditional tests and the computer tests were given to pupils during their lessons
preferably before the lunch break when the CO
concentrations had reached the maximum
level of the morning’s teaching session. The computer tests lasted for 20 minutes and were
conducted in 3-4 consecutive groups, each group including 7-8 children. The tests, whether
they were conducted on paper or computers, were carried out on each testing week on the
same weekday and time period for each group of children.
Data analysis: Outdoor air supply rate was calculated based on the mass balance model of
on each testing day. The subjective and performance data were analysed using Wilcoxon
matched-pairs test, using each subject as their own control. All p-values are 1-tailed of an
effect in the expected direction.
Proceedings of Clima 2007 WellBeing Indoors
The current project is still in the phase of data collection hence preliminary results of the
physical environment and performance tests conducted on paper from only one school are
presented. Detailed analysis of the performance results including those conducted on the
computers will be published on the completion of the current investigations.
Figure 2 shows a typical CO
pattern in one of the classrooms during a weekday when
performance tests were completed. The classroom of 156 m
was occupied by 23 children and
a teacher at normal activity levels. The teaching schedule including lessons and break time
can be clearly followed by looking at the changes in the CO
concentrations. The uncontrolled
condition on Figure 2 shows the CO
level prior to any intervention in the classrooms. The
concentrations obtained during the week with the re-circulation ventilation are matching
closely the uncontrolled levels seen during a normal school day. When the ventilation system
was switched on to provide outdoor air the CO
concentrations were dramatically reduced and
remained below 1000 ppm throughout the school day.
Figure 2. Typical pattern of the CO
level inside a classroom at different ventilation
conditions on a testing day. The uncontrolled condition reflects CO
concentration during a
normal school day without any intervention measures.
The average levels of the main physical parameters in the classrooms during the performance
tests are presented in Table 1. At low ventilation rates the CO
concentrations during the
performance tasks at a given day and classroom varied from 1600 ppm up to 4000 ppm
depending on the occupancy level prior to testing. Temperature deviations between low and
high ventilation rate conditions were within 1.7°C with one exception in classroom B where
the difference in the operative temperature reached 2.7
°C due to exceptional hot outdoor
conditions during the tests conducted on paper. Relative humidity was generally higher at low
ventilation rates due to moisture generation from people that is also reflected in the enthalpy
of the classroom air. The air exchange rates in the re-circulation mode were not higher than
0.3 h
in both classrooms, showing an effective building tightness with closed windows that
is responsible for the high levels of CO
and the extremely low outdoor air infiltration of not
more than 0.55 L/s per person. The measured amount of fresh air supplied during improved
ventilation was at180 - 190 L/s corresponding to 4.2 - 4.4 h
air exchange rates. The
calculated air exchange based on the CO
mass balance model showed higher rates of up to 8
(12 - 16 L/h per person) which is most likely due to some windows being opened that
enhanced cross ventilation. The average particle (PM 2.5) concentration during testing was in
the range of 0.05 - 0.1 mg/m
and did not show major changes due to ventilation
improvement. Classroom noise levels during testing were typically between 50 - 70 db(A)
Proceedings of Clima 2007 WellBeing Indoors
depending on the classroom activities. The background noise level originating from the
ventilation system installed was less than 48 - 49 db(A).
Table 1. Average levels (± standard deviation) of main environmental parameters inside the
classrooms and outdoors during performance testing; the ventilation rate calculation is based on
the CO
mass balance model for each classroom; outdoor CO
level was at 380-420 ppm.
Testing on Computer Pen & Paper testing
Oudoor Air
Oudoor Air
A 2876 ± 446 735 ± 58 1638 ± 364 709 ± 30
level [ppm]
B 4093 ± 509 783 ± 35 2086 ± 171 593 ± 7
A 20.5 ± 0.3 18.9 ± 0.2 20.9 ± 0.3 20.1 ± 0.2
Air temperature [°C]
B 18.7 ± 0.4 20.3 ± 0.7 18.4 ± 0.4 21.5 ± 0.5
A 67 ± 1 56 ± 2 69 ± 1 52 ± 1
Relative Humidity [%]
B 66 ± 1 55 ± 3 61 ± 1 64 ± 2
A 20.5 ± 0.4 18.8 ± 0.3 21.1 ± 0.4 20.2 ± 0.2
Operative temperature [°C]
B 19.0 ± 0.5 20.2 ± 0.7 18.9 ± 0.4 21.6 ± 0.5
A 16.9 ± 0.5 17.7 ± 0.5 24.9 ± 0.5 17.9 ± 0.1
Outdoor temperature [°C]
B 16.7 ± 4.5 21.2 ± 0.9 17.8 ± 0.2 25.0 ± 0.5
A 46.41 38.41 48.28 39.64
Enthalpy [kJ/kg]
B 41.45 41.24 39.00 47.85
A 0.55 16.0 0.51 14.8
Ventilation Rate
[L/s.person] B 0.36 13.9 0.20 12.2
Table 2. Results of a selection of subjective votes recorded following the performance tests;
significance of statistical tests also appear next to each question; n.s.= not significant.
Testing on Computer Pen & Paper testing
Perception / Symptom /
Oudoor Air
p <
Air Supply
p <
A 48 81 0.01 34 72 0.01 Air Stuffy (0) -
Fresh (100)
B 71 66 n.s. 66 52 n.s.
A 62 91 0.01 66 87 0.01
classroom Noisy (0) -
Quiet (100) B 51 59 0.05 81 80 n.s.
A 57 61 n.s. 52 63 0.08
Dreamy (0) -
Attentive (100) B 70 72 n.s.
59 61 n.s.
A 57 59 n.s.
39 50 0.10 Tired (0) -
Not Tired (100) B 57 58 n.s.
61 57 n.s.
A 57 61 n.s.
40 63 0.01 Sleepy (0) -
Alert (100) B 68 69 n.s.
63 60 n.s.
A 46 56 n.s. 27 41 0.01
Feel like Working (0) - Do
not feel like working (100) B 68 68 n.s. 62 60 n.s.
A 1.1 0.3 0.02 1.8 0.2 0.01
Thermal Comfort (-3 =
Cold, +3 = Hot) B 0.4 0.9 n.s. 0.1 0.9 0.01
A 60 77 0.04 56 69 0.03
classroom environment
Bad (0) – Good (100) B 80 83 n.s. 78 81 n.s.
Selected results of subjective responses to the classroom environment immediately after testing
are included in Table 2. The pupils in classroom A perceived the air as being fresher, the
classroom less noisy and their general feeling about the classroom environment was significantly
better in the condition with increased ventilation compared to that with re-circulation. There was a
trend approaching significance towards higher alertness, better work mood and tendency for
less tiredness and increased attention following the performance tests conducted on paper at the
Proceedings of Clima 2007 WellBeing Indoors
higher ventilation rates. The pupils’ thermal sensation was in accordance with the existing
temperature differences shown between the conditions. They were closer to neutral at operative
temperatures between 18.8 and 20.2 °C and felt slightly warm at 20.5-21.6 °C.
Evaluation of the reading comprehension task was made according to the marking sheet
provided with the tasks. Compared to a maximum mark of 16, the children in classroom A
obtained an average mark of 9.4 in the condition with improved ventilation that showed a
tendency of a higher rating (p<0.09) than 8.1 achieved in the other condition with low outdoor
air supply rate. No significant change was found in the reading comprehension marks of
children from classroom B between the two experimental conditions. Details of the maths
based performance measures for all (40) children who completed the performance tasks in both
experimental condition are shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Average speed, accuracy and overall performance (i.e. number of error-free units) of
subjects achieved in the addition and subtraction tasks.
Addition task Subtraction task
Error Rate
Error Rate
Re-circulated Air 142.3 23% 111.2 149.1 43% 90.1
Outdoor Air Supply 143.0 19% 118.7 142.7 37% 90.9
Re-circulated Air 139.2 15% 121.3 144.4 28% 103.4
Outdoor Air Supply 144.4 13% 125.5 143.4 21% 114.3
Re-circulated Air 140.8 19% 116.0 146.9 36% 96.4
A + B
Outdoor Air Supply 143.7 16% 121.9 143.0 30% 102.0
The children in classroom A tended to work more accurately in both addition (p<0.07) and
subtraction (p<0.07) tasks and slight improvement in the overall performance of addition
(p<0.068) was noticed at the higher ventilation rate compared to low ventilation. Similarly,
the pupils in classroom B made significantly less errors (p<0.01) and achieved better
performance (p<0.029) during subtraction at the higher ventilation rate. For classroom B the
changes in the performance measures of addition did not reach significance levels. However,
when the data for classroom A and B were pooled under the common hypothesis that the
children work better under improved ventilation, significant or close to significant
improvement was obtained in the overall performance of both addition (p<0.036) and
subtraction (p<0.052). Separate analysis was carried out for children with higher math skills
(25 pupils for both classrooms), i.e. excluding those who had a higher than 50% error rate in
these tasks. This analysis resulted in similar but more significant effects than those for
individual classrooms above. The children with higher math skills increased the number of
error-free units in both addition (p<0.02) and subtraction (p<0.007) tasks when working under
the improved ventilation conditions.
The CO
patterns over a school day are closely linked to the daily activities performed within
or away from the classrooms and whether windows and doors are left open or not. The levels
presented in Figure 2 reflect a situation when the classroom was occupied throughout a full
school day and no windows were opened due to cool outdoor conditions without sunshine.
Double glazed windows, installed at the majority of the schools studied, allow very little air
infiltration. If windows are left closed in the absence of other means of providing a minimum
amount of outdoor air CO
levels rise quickly (typically within 15-20 minutes) to 3000-4000
ppm under normal occupancy. Similar high levels in naturally ventilated classrooms have
often been reported in UK schools [6], [10]. Adverse health effects associated with CO
Proceedings of Clima 2007 WellBeing Indoors
exposure below 5000 ppm are difficult to evaluate since there are a number of other factors
such as high pollution level from off gassing of building materials and elevated allergen
concentration, appearing at low ventilation rates that also affect human wellbeing [20].
However, possible alteration in breathing and heart rate as well as loss of concentration and
wellbeing due to CO
exposures in the range between 3000-5000 ppm may be expected [21].
Other adverse health effects due to CO
exposure such as dyspnea, headache, dizziness and
lethargy were found mainly in medical investigations and short term exposures to CO
concentrations above 1% (10000 ppm) [22].
The thermal conditions during the first testing week were generally cooler both indoors and
outdoors compared to the second week of testing. Therefore the average temperatures were
somewhat higher under the re-circulated condition in classroom A and under improved
ventilation in classroom B. Considering that the thermal environment may also affect work
performance [11] the thermal conditions in classroom A would be in favour, and in classroom B
would counteract the expected changes in performance due to improved ventilation. However,
the alterations in temperature between the present experimental conditions were relatively small
compared to those in which such effect were shown [11] and therefore these may be considered
not to affect the present performance results. On the other hand the thermal conditions in
classroom B have to some extent affected the pupils’ perception in air freshness. Although the
air quality conditions were improved the pupils did not perceive significant improvement in air
freshness mostly due to the increased enthalpy of inhaled air at high ventilation [23]. The
children in classroom A who effectively perceived a change in air freshness under improved
ventilation also reported more positive effects in neurobehavioral symptoms (alertness,
attention, tiredness) and work mood in contrast with children in classroom B.
A significant impact of the ventilation rate on the school work performance of pupils was
observed in both classrooms. Summarizing the effects the overall performance of all children
increased under improved ventilation by 5.1% and 5.8% for both addition and subtraction
respectively. These effects were even stronger for the pupils with higher math skills. They
increased their math performance by ~7% when working under the improved ventilation
conditions. The magnitude of such effect is in the expected range that was seen in earlier
studies investigating work performance due to improved ventilation rates [7], [11].
The present results strengthen the evidence of earlier findings that improved ventilation has
beneficial effect on pupils’ learning performance. Without intervention the existing ventilation
rates in naturally ventilated school buildings remain below the minimum recommended levels if
thermal conditions do not influence people to open windows. Measures that allow a minimum
supply of fresh air to the classrooms of naturally ventilated buildings are needed particularly if
windows are not operated adequately to control ventilation.
The present research project is supported by The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council (EPSRC) and carried out in collaboration with the Department for Education and Skills
(DfES). Special thanks to Professors Anders Iregren (Nat. Inst. for Working Life, Sweden) and
David M. Warburton (Sch. of Psychology, The University of Reading) for providing the free
use of their test systems for further development; Lindab Ltd for the free provision of the
ventilation components and ducting; Heads of schools and Year 5 teachers from the
participating schools for their collaborative work in developing the pupil’s performance tests.
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Proceedings of Clima 2007 WellBeing Indoors
... An increase in ventilation rate and general air circulation in the classroom helps reduce CO 2 and other particulate matter concentrations, therefore improving IAQ [25]. This reduces fatigue and increases student comfort and general cognitive function, hence ensuring an increase in student productivity and overall academic performance [20]. ...
... The complexity of these control systems significantly contributes to the expenses related to design, installation, and upkeep. Moreover, it requires specialized knowledge in system design, controls, and programming [25]. ...
Full-text available
Indoor air quality and energy efficiency are instrumental aspects of school facility design and construction, as they directly affect the physical well-being, comfort, and academic output of both pupils and staff. The challenge of balancing the need for adequate ventilation to enhance indoor air quality with the goal of reducing energy consumption has long been a topic of debate. The implementation of mixed-mode ventilation systems with automated controls presents a promising solution to address this issue. However, a comprehensive literature review on this subject is still missing. To address this gap, this review examines the potential application of mixed-mode ventilation systems as a solution to attaining improved energy savings without compromising indoor air quality and thermal comfort in educational environments. Mixed-mode ventilation systems, which combine natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation, provide the versatility to alternate between or merge both methods based on real-time indoor and outdoor environmental conditions. By analyzing empirical studies, case studies, and theoretical models, this review investigates the efficacy of mixed-mode ventilation systems in minimizing energy use and enhancing indoor air quality. Essential elements such as operable windows, sensors, and sophisticated control technologies are evaluated to illustrate how mixed-mode ventilation systems dynamically optimize ventilation to sustain comfortable and healthy indoor climates. This paper further addresses the challenges linked to the design and implementation of mixed-mode ventilation systems, including complexities in control and the necessity for climate-adaptive strategies. The findings suggest that mixed-mode ventilation systems can considerably lower heating, ventilation, and air conditioning energy usage, with energy savings ranging from 20% to 60% across various climate zones, while also enhancing indoor air quality with advanced control systems and data-driven control strategies. In conclusion, mixed-mode ventilation systems offer a promising approach for school buildings to achieve energy efficiency and effective ventilation without sacrificing indoor environment quality.
... In the UK, the Department for Education and Skills provides a guidance standard document Building Bulletin 101 (BB101) for educational buildings [4], which recommends an average concentration of CO 2 should not exceed 1500 ppm and 2100 ppm with a minimum ventilation rate of 3L/s-p. Average levels of CO 2 concentrations normally range from 600 to 1000 ppm in the educational environment, sometimes may surpass 2000 ppm [5][6][7] and even reach a peak level of 4000 ppm [8,9]. ...
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Educational buildings frequently experience elevated CO2 concentrations with inadequate ventilation and high occupancy, sometimes exceeding building guideline levels. Some studies reported detrimental impacts on cognitive performance of indoor CO2 levels, while others did not. To generate further evidence, we conducted an experiment in an environmentally controlled chamber. Sixty-nine healthy university students were exposed individually for 70 min, in three separate sessions, to three CO2 conditions of 600, 1500 and 2100 ppm (crossover design). With fixed ventilation rates, pure CO2 was injected to achieve different exposure levels. A validated neurobehavioral BARS test battery was used to assess participants’ cognitive performance. Participants gave subjective ratings of indoor environment and reported any health symptom through questionnaires. Comparing elevated CO2 levels to 600 ppm, after adjusting for potential confounders, results showed significant improved performance, that is, responses were quicker in two out of ten tests, and no significant differences in accuracy for any test. Under 1500 ppm, participants rated the air quality significantly higher than at 600 ppm, but there were no differences at 2100 ppm. Differences were not significant on thermal sensation, perceived lighting quality, perceived noise level, or health symptoms for comparisons between conditions. Results indicate no clear link between pure CO2 levels below 2100 ppm and cognitive performance, perceived indoor environment quality and health symptoms. The findings are consistent with some prior studies, indicating that pure CO2 below 2100 ppm implies no harm in adults and should not be treated as a potential indoor pollutant in higher educational environments.
... For save teaching in all kind of schools and universities during the pandemic in many rooms air ventilation by opening the windows is the only available method for obtaining hygienically acceptable air since air filter units and air condition systems are generally not installed in classrooms in Germany. Beyond the actual pandemic situation since decades the uncontrolled and often very low air quality in classrooms has been investigated and discussed [4 -7] and can lead to severely reduced learning success [8,9]. ...
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The air quality in classrooms across all types of schools in Lower Saxony in the north of Germany has been monitored during June to December 2021 in a large study. Novel sensor instruments for air quality monitoring were wall mounted in 329 rooms in 50 schools and day nurseries. Each sensor instrument records data for carbon dioxide CO2_2, sound level, temperature, and humidity. All collected data are transmitted for monitoring and further statistical evaluation by WiFi connection to the database. This study provides for the first time a detailed survey of the air quality situation and handling in schools during more than six months. The situation can be characterized by large variety in classroom area and volume combined with very diverse air ventilation possibilities. To control virus transmission via aerosol in classrooms an individual monitoring of air quality combined with high compliance for ventilation according to the signaled recommendation is urgently required.
... Poor IAQ is known to affect the health, comfort and well-being of building occupants. It has therefore been linked with Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) (Sundell et al., 2010), reduced productivity in offices (Federspiel et al., 2002) and impaired learning in schools (Bakó-Biró et al., 2007). ...
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The UK must radically curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, whilst simultaneously adapting its infrastructure to cope with a warming climate. A vital area in which both of these issues must be addressed concurrently is in buildings. One building type that has seen rapid development in the UK is purpose built student accommodation (PBSA). However, some critical knowledge gaps exist regarding the operational performance of PBSA. Plugging these gaps will help practitioners understand how to deliver PBSA that are both lower energy in operation and more comfortable. A case study research design was used to investigate the in-use performance of two recently built PBSA developments by monitoring indoor environmental quality, radiator use, and window opening, alongside conducting surveys and semi-structured interviews with the building’s residents. The aim of the study was to investigate whether occupants could adequately control the indoor conditions, and also what effect their actions had on the internal environment and heating demand. The results showed that the occupants were generally satisfied with the thermal conditions in the heating season. However, thermal control was typically achieved by opening windows regularly, often for long periods, and frequently whilst the heating was on. Five behavioural causes of consistent winter window opening were identified. These were to prevent overheating, inadequate ventilation, poor understanding of the controls, lack of responsiveness of the heating system, and lack of financial implications. Heat losses via window opening were modelled and estimated to be as high as 44% of the total heat losses in certain rooms. In contrast, during summer, the majority of occupants could not control the thermal environment in their rooms. Overheating was widespread, severe and often prolonged. The surveys and interviews revealed that the vast majority of occupants were too hot. For many participants this was a major issue affecting their comfort, well-being and even academic performance. The study showed that design shortcomings, rather than occupant behaviour were primarily responsible for the conditions. Important lessons for the future design of PBSA are identified.
... In the study carried out by Heath et al, it was determined that the indoor air quality, the absence and the performance of the students result from the effects of the air pollutants on health (27). Bako-Birko et al. has determined in the study they have carried out that, when the speed of the clean air circulation is increased from 0.3-0.5 L/s to 13-16 L/s, the study rate of the students has increased 7% (28). In the study carried out by Shaughnessy similarly, a significant relationship between the increase of the speed of ventilation and the increase of the math scores has been determined (29). ...
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Η μελέτη αυτή παρουσιάζει μια εξαμηνιαία έρευνα (από Ιανουάριο έως Ιούνιο του 2019) αναφορικά με τα επίπεδα συγκέντρωσης του διοξειδίου του άνθρακα (CO2) σε τάξεις ενός δημοτικού σχολείου. Το CO2 είναι ένα βασικό ανθρωπογενές αέριο ρύπανσης, που συνδέεται στενά με την ποιότητα του εσωτερικού αέρα (Indoor Air Quality/IAQ), που, με τη σειρά του, είναι ένας σημαντικός παράγοντας της εσωτερικής περιβαλλοντικής ποιότητας (Indoor Environ mental Quality/IEQ). Τα υψηλά επίπεδα CO2 έχουν αποδειχθεί ότι επηρεάζουν σημαντικά τη συνολική ποιότητα του εσωτερικού αέρα (IAQ), επηρεάζοντας την υγεία και τη γνωστική λειτουργία, οδηγώντας σε πολλές απουσίες από τα σχολεία (ή την εργασία), σε προβλήματα υγείας και σε μειωμένα ακαδημαϊκά (ή παραγωγικά) αποτελέσματα. Δεδομένου ότι τα ελληνικά σχολεία, στην πλειονότητά τους, δεν έχουν τεχνητά συστήματα μόνιμου εξαερισμού στα κτίριά τους, όπως και το σχολείο της μελέτης, η έρευνα προσπάθησε να διαπιστώσει εάν ο φυσικός αερισμός (παράθυρα) και ο βοηθητικός αερισμός (ανεμιστήρες) είναι αρκετά για να διατηρήσουν τα επίπεδα του CO2 σε αποδεκτά επίπεδα, όπως καθορίζουν τα πρότυπα ασφαλείας (<1000 ppm). Ένας αισθητήρας (Kane Alert CO2) τοποθετούνταν εναλλακτικά σε δυο αίθουσες διδασκαλίας και κάθε 10 λεπτά καταγραφόταν το επίπεδο του CO2 σε ppm (καθώς και η θερμοκρασία δωματίου σε C) κατά τη διάρκεια των μαθημάτων της τάξης. Ο βαθμός συσσώρευσης του CO2 στην τάξη αξιολογήθηκε σε σχέση με τη θερμοκρασία δωματίου, το μέγεθος της τάξης, το ύψος της τάξης, τον αριθμό των μαθητών, τον αριθμό των ανοιχτών παραθύρων, το μέγεθος των παραθύρων, το αν η πόρτα της αίθουσας ήταν ανοικτή ή όχι, το μέγεθος της πόρτας, και συνδυάστηκε με εξωτερικά μετεωρολογικά δεδομένα (θερμοκρασία, ταχύτητα ανέμου, βροχή, ατμοσφαιρική πίεση) που ανακτήθηκαν από το Εθνικό Αστεροσκοπείο Αθηνών (Μετεωρολογικός Σταθμό Περιστερίου, που απέχει 1,8 χλμ. από το σχολείο) . Το επίπεδο του CO2 που συσσωρεύεται στις σχολικές τάξεις κατά τη διάρκεια των μαθημάτων αποτελεί ένα ισχυρό δείκτη για την επίτευξη καλής σχολικής, γνωστικής και μαθησιακής, επίδοσης και η γνώση του γεγονότος αυτού μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε αλλαγές συμπεριφοράς (συνεχής συνειδητοποίηση των επιπέδων IAQ, άνοιγμα παραθύρων κ.λπ.) που θα εξασφαλίζουν τα αποδεκτά επίπεδα CO2 μέσα στη σχολική αίθουσα και, συνεπακόλουθα, θα εξασφαλίζουν καλύτερα ακαδημαϊκά αποτελέσματα για τους μαθητές των σχολείων μας. This is a presentation of a six- month period survey (from January to June 2019) on the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) levels in 2 primary school’s classrooms. CO2 is a basic anthropogenic pollutant gas, closely associated with Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and a major factor in Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ). Higher levels of CO2 have been proved to lower significantly the overall IAQ, affecting health and cognitive function, leading to many absences from schools (or work), to health problems and deteriorating academic (or work production) results. Given the fact that Greek schools, in their vast majority, lack any artificial permanent ventilation systems in their buildings, such as the school in consideration, the survey tried to establish whether natural ventilation (windows) and assisted ventilation (fans) was enough to keep the CO2 levels within accepted standards (<1000 ppm). A sensor was placed in two classrooms (Kane Alert CO2) and the CO2 level (in ppm) plus room temperature (in C) was recorded every 10 mins during class lessons. The rate of CO2 accumulation in the classroom was evaluated in reference with room temperature, classroom size, classroom elevation, students’ number, number of open windows, size of windows, whether door was open or not, size of door, whether radiators (cold period) or fans (warm period) were working and general official meteorological data (temperature, wind speed, air pressure, rain) retrieved from National Observatory of Athens (Peristeri meteorological station, which is situated just 1,8 km away from the case school). Knowing the CO2 levels in school classrooms during lessons is a strong indicator of the resultant school cognitive and learning productivity and can lead to behavioural changes (constant awareness for “feeling” IAQ levels, opening of windows, etc.) that can keep CO2 levels within accepted standards and thus secure better academic results for schools and their students.
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This study deals with the relevant factors that were considered as determining factors of comfort in interior space, especially in learning environments. What's more, they imply a psychological trace on a student which affects students' performance and achievement. Regarding the environment, this trace is defined by lighting, the presence of daylight, the acoustic performance, the visual appearance, the selection of building material, air quality, etc. All these appearances form one ambiance that can be adequate or inadequate. The purpose of the study was to investigate the correlation between one of the environmental factors-air quality and students' academic achievement; and find the difference between students' perception of air quality in regards to the high educational buildings from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Socialist period and the After-war period. To get data on students' perception, the questionnaire including 20 questions was constructed and delivered to 208 participants. The significant correlation between the air quality and students' achievement was observed, as well as the difference between students' perception in regards to the air quality from faculties from all three periods. This study is significant for the reason it defines to what extends environmental factors affect human comfort, in order to improve the high educational institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This chapter discusses the air pollutants that are found indoors, from what materials and sources they originate, their sampling and measurement, and how they affect human health by presenting case studies with an emphasis on residential buildings and schools. It also presents various indoor air quality (IAQ) guidelines, management, and technologies, as well as the impact of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) on health and comfort. Furthermore, the concept of green buildings is highlighted with its features related to building design and management, IAQ guides, organizations, and practices. The need for optimized buildings ventilation, air conditioning systems design, and indoor air purification to ensure IAQ is also presented. Active versus passive control methods of IAQ are reviewed and examples of residential and schools buildings are discussed in relation to sampling guidelines and IAQ practices. In addition, the IEQ, which in addition to IAQ extends to thermal conditions, noise, and light of an interior space, is expounded in view of the design of buildings, which need to function effectively in more aspects than those emphasized in current sustainability guidelines. Although significant progress has been made in the construction industry by following sustainability regulations, the emphasis has been on energy, water, and material savings. The current chapter makes the case that health, psychological, and productivity factors are equally important when considering the design, construction, and operation of buildings and, hence, need to be incorporated in current sustainability regulations.
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In the following, measurements of CO 2 levels in seven classrooms in four schools are reported. Measurements were taken for approximately one week in each classroom during the heating season and the time-varying ventilation rates estimated. The results of the experiments show CO 2 concentrations which are far beyond the guideline value of 1000 ppm (the average concentration during the occupied period was 1957 ppm). In some classrooms the level exceeded the range of the detector (4000ppm). Calculated air supply rates vary from unacceptably low levels to rates which are in line with guidance (the average occupied rate was 0.84 ac/h or 1.38 l/s.p). The occurrence of periods with acceptable supply rates, and the rates found during purge ventilation, show that the surveyed classrooms have the potential to provide adequate fresh air. Anecdotal evidence from the classroom teachers suggest that the reason enough fresh air is not being provided is the reluctance of staff to open windows: firstly because of the draughts this might cause, and secondly, because they are unaware of a problem.
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A field intervention experiment was conducted in two classes of 10-year-old children. Average air temperatures were reduced from 23.6 o C to 20 o C and outdoor air supply rates were increased from 5.2 to 9.6 L/s per person in a 2x2 crossover design, each condition lasting a week. Tasks representing 8 different aspects of school work, from reading to mathematics, were performed during appropriate lessons and the children marked visual-analogue scales each week to indicate SBS symptom intensity. Increased ventilation rate increased work rate in addition, multiplication and number checking (P
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The method of distributing the outdoor air in classrooms has a major impact on indoor air quality and thermal comfort of pupils. In a previous study, Karimipanah et al. (2000) presented results for four types of air distribution systems tested in a purpose built classroom with simulated occupancy as well as CFD modelling. In this paper, the same experimental setup has been used to investigate the indoor environment in the classroom using confluent jet ventilation (Cho, et al. 2004). Measurements of air speed, air temperature and tracer gas concentrations have been carried out for different thermal conditions. In addition, CFD simulations have been carried to provide additional information on the indoor air quality and comfort conditions throughout the classroom, such as ventilation effectiveness, air exchange effectiveness, etc., and these are compared with measured data.
Several studies have suggested that recommended ventilation rates are not being met within schools. However these studies have not included an evaluation of whether or not this failure might have an impact on pupil performance and learning outcome. The work reported here was designed as an initial investigation into this question. Using the Cognitive Drug Research computerised assessment battery to measure cognitive function, this study demonstrates that the attentional processes of school children are significantly slower when the level of CO2 in classrooms is high. The effects are best characterised by the Power of Attention factor which represents the intensity of concentration at a particular moment, with faster responses reflecting higher levels of focussed attention. Increased levels of CO2 (from a mean of 690 ppm to a mean of 2909 ppm) led to a decrement in Power of Attention of approximately 5%. Thus, in a classroom where CO2 levels are high, students are likely to be less attentive and to concentrate less well on what the teacher is saying, which over time may possibly lead to detrimental effects on learning and educational attainment. The size of this decrement is of a similar magnitude to that observed over the course of a morning when students skip breakfast.
Asserting that the air quality inside schools is often worse than outdoor pollution, leading to various health complaints and loss of productivity, this paper details factors contributing to schools' indoor air quality. These include the design, operation, and maintenance of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems; building equipment maintenance and repair; housekeeping practices and equipment; and wind velocity. It includes recommendations on parameters within these areas which can provide optimal air quality. (Contains 15 references.) (EV)
Abstract Acceptability of clean air and air polluted by building materials was studied in climate chambers with different levels of air temperature and humidity in the ranges 18–28°C and 30-70% relative humidity (RH). The acceptability of the air quality immediately after entering a chamber and during the following 20-min whole-body exposure was assessed by 36 untrained subjects who maintained thermal neutrality by modifying their clothing. The results confirm the significant decrement of the acceptability with increasing temperature and humidity, as shown in a previous study with facial exposures. The odour intensity was found to be independent of temperature and humidity. A linear relation between acceptability and enthalpy of air was again observed by this experiment. No significant difference was observed between the immediate acceptability and the acceptability during the following 20-min exposure, i.e., no adaptation took place. Both the immediate assessment of acceptability and the assessments during the 20-min exposure were independent of the air temperature and humidity to which the subjects were exposed before entering the chamber. The results further indicate that a notable decrement of the ventilation requirement may be achieved by maintaining a moderate enthalpy of air in spaces.
Abstract Abstract Indoor air quality (IAQ) parameters in 64 elementary and middle school classrooms in Michigan were examined for the purposes of assessing ventilation rates, levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and bioaerosols, air quality differences within and between schools, and emission sources. In each classroom, bioaerosols, VOCs, CO2, relative humidity, and temperature were monitored over one workweek, and a comprehensive walkthough survey was completed. Ventilation rates were derived from CO2 and occupancy data. Ventilation was poor in many of the tested classrooms, e.g., CO2 concentrations often exceeded 1000 ppm and sometimes 3000 ppm. Most VOCs had low concentrations (mean of individual species <4.5 μg/m3); bioaerosol concentrations were moderate (<6500 count per m3 indoors, <41,000 count per m3 outdoors). The variability of CO2, VOC, and bioaerosol concentrations within schools exceeded the variability between schools. These findings suggest that none of the sampled rooms were contaminated and that no building-wide contamination sources were present. However, localized IAQ problems might remain in spaces where contaminant sources are concentrated and that are poorly ventilated.
The effects of unfavorable work environmental conditions can be studied using psychological performance measures and subjective ratings of mood and symptoms. In the present article the rationale for such investigations is discussed, and the computerized performance evaluation system developed at the Swedish National Institute of Occupational Health is presented. The background and the research experience leading to the system's development are described, and references to the numerous empirical studies demonstrating its applicability to different research objectives are given. Also included is information regarding the technical requirements for running the SPES tests.