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The quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum 1792) from technologies applied in Poland. Testing of trout production technologies applied in Poland in the light of the Commission Regulation (WE) 710/2009.

  • University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Poland
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... A sufficient supply of valine helps to maintain the right coordination of movements, the right body weight, function of dendritic cells, and a feeling of hunger. A deficit of leucine can lead to neurological disorders and a deficit of methionine impairs body immunity [24]. It has been shown in a number of studies that the type of feed given to fish affects the chemical composition of their muscle tissue. ...
... The fatty acid profile, affected by the type of feed, is very important in human nutrition. Unlike the meat of slaughter animals, fish fat is also a rich source of vitamins A and D [24]. Like marine fish, freshwater fish can be a rich source of essential fatty acids; when included in the diet, they supply the body with cardioprotective, hypotensive, and antitumour substances [11,25]. ...
... 20%) and C18:0 stearic acid, although the content of the latter in the samples was much lower. Similarly, the highest percentage of palmitic acid in the fatty acid profile was found in muscle tissue of other freshwater fish of South Asia, rohu (Labeo rohita) of the Cyprinidae family and Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) [28], as well as muscle tissue of common carp from Lake Beyşehir in Turkey and rainbow trout (15-18%) bred in Poland [24], which indicates that this fatty acid dominates the MUFA profile in fat of freshwater fish regardless of the climate and season [29]. Monounsaturated fatty acids reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and increase the level of "good" cholesterol (HDL) in blood [30,31]. ...
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This study analysed the effect of the type of production on the nutritional and health value of common carp muscle tissue, especially lipid-related indexes. The muscle tissue of common carps originating from three types of fish farms with different technological levels (i.e., intensive, low-intensive, and semiextensive) was studied. The type of production technology, especially the intensive breeding technique, has been shown to have a significant effect on dry weight, total protein, and total fat content in the common carp muscle tissue under study. The muscles of fish originating from these farms were characterised by the highest values of the mentioned indicators, which amounted to 24.6%, 18.74%, and 1.58%, respectively, for dry matter, protein content, and total fat content. The type of feed used in intensive, low-intensive, and semiextensive common carp breeding has been proven to have a highly significant effect on the fatty acid profile. As regards unsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids were dominant in all cases. The muscle tissue of fish cultured in farms with a semiextensive technological level was characterised by the highest content of unsaturated fatty acids. Moreover, the ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids was, in this case, the most favourable. Dietary indices of atherogenicity (AI) and thrombogenicity (TI) were studied as well. In all analysed cases, the values of these indices were very favourable and several times lower than for other animal fats.
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Dynamic development of aquaculture has led to an increasing impact on the status of surface waters. Fish production generates wastes that, at high concentrations, may present a serious risk to the aquatic environment. Studies on the assessment of the impact of water management technologies in trout production on the quality of surface waters were conducted in 2011. Six farms were selected for the studies and were divided into two groups based on water management solutions (n = 3): farms with a flow through system (FTS) and farms with a recirculation aquaculture system (RAS). On all farms, water measurement points were set and they depicted the quality of inflow water, the quality of water in ponds and the quality of outflow water. The studies did not demonstrate any impact of applied technology on electrolyte conductivity or calcium and magnesium concentrations in outflow water from a trout operation. In addition, it was found that the use of water for production purposes resulted in a slight increase in phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations in waste waters.
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Dynamic development of aquaculture has led to an increasing impact on the status of surface waters. Fish production generates wastes that, at high concentrations, may present a serious risk to the aquatic environment. Studies on the assessment of the impact of water management technologies in trout production on the quality of surface waters were conducted in 2011. Six farms were selected for the studies and were divided into two groups based on water management solutions (n = 3): farms with a flow through system (FTS) and farms with a recirculation aquaculture system (RAS). On all farms, water measurement points were set and they depicted the quality of inflow water, the quality of water in ponds and the quality of outflow water. The studies did not demonstrate any impact of applied technology on electrolyte conductivity or calcium and magnesium concentrations in outflow water from a trout operation. In addition, it was found that the use of water for production purposes resulted in a slight increase in phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations in waste waters.
Naciek pojedynczych komórek limfoidalnych w pobliżu naczynia krwionośnego w wątrobie pstrąga tęczowego z odłowu wiosennego, 1-RAS, D; barwienie HE / Phot. 7.12. The infi ltration of the scarce lymphoid cells in the surrounding of the blood vessel in the rainbow trout from the spring sampling
  • Fot
Fot. 7.12. Naciek pojedynczych komórek limfoidalnych w pobliżu naczynia krwionośnego w wątrobie pstrąga tęczowego z odłowu wiosennego, 1-RAS, D; barwienie HE / Phot. 7.12. The infi ltration of the scarce lymphoid cells in the surrounding of the blood vessel in the rainbow trout from the spring sampling, 1-RAS, B; HE staining 100 μm
miąższowe (B), odłów jesienny, 3-RAS, D; barwienie HE / Phot. 7.22. Degeneration of the posterior kidney of the rainbow trout: vacuolar degeneration (A), parenchymatous degeneration (B), autumn sampling
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Fot. 7.22. Zwyrodnienie nerki tułowiowej pstrągów tęczowych: wodniczkowe (A), miąższowe (B), odłów jesienny, 3-RAS, D; barwienie HE / Phot. 7.22. Degeneration of the posterior kidney of the rainbow trout: vacuolar degeneration (A), parenchymatous degeneration (B), autumn sampling, 3-RAS, B;
Rozrzedzenie cytoplazmy hepatocyta z rozpadem jej struktur: pstrąg tęczowy z odłowu wiosennego, 2-RAS, S / Phot. 8.3. Cytoplasmic rarefi cation with the dissolution of cytoplasmic structures: rainbow trout from the spring sampling
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Fot. 8.3. Rozrzedzenie cytoplazmy hepatocyta z rozpadem jej struktur: pstrąg tęczowy z odłowu wiosennego, 2-RAS, S / Phot. 8.3. Cytoplasmic rarefi cation with the dissolution of cytoplasmic structures: rainbow trout from the spring sampling, 2-RAS, S
Praktyczne wykorzystanie urządzeń: pompa wody z śrubą Archimedesa i sortownica / Phot. 10.3. Practical use of equipment: water pump with Archimedean screw and sorting device
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Fot. 10.3. Praktyczne wykorzystanie urządzeń: pompa wody z śrubą Archimedesa i sortownica / Phot. 10.3. Practical use of equipment: water pump with Archimedean screw and sorting device