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Electromagnetic pollution from phone masts. Effects on wildlife


Abstract and Figures

A review on the impact of radiofrequency radiation from wireless telecommunications on wildlife is presented. Electromagnetic radiation is a form of environmental pollution which may hurt wildlife. Phone masts located in their living areas are irradiating continuously some species that could suffer long-term effects, like reduction of their natural defenses, deterioration of their health, problems in reproduction and reduction of their useful territory through habitat deterioration. Electromagnetic radiation can exert an aversive behavioral response in rats, bats and birds such as sparrows. Therefore microwave and radiofrequency pollution constitutes a potential cause for the decline of animal populations and deterioration of health of plants living near phone masts. To measure these effects urgent specific studies are necessary.
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Please cite this article in press as: A. Balmori, Electromagnetic pollution from phone masts. Effects on wildlife, Pathophysiology (2009),
PATPHY-589; No. of Pages 9
Pathophysiology xxx (2009) xxx–xxx
Electromagnetic pollution from phone masts. Effects on wildlife
Alfonso Balmori
Direccion General del Medio Natural, Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Castilla y Leon, C/Rigoberto Cortejoso,
14, 47014 Valladolid, Spain
Received 10 August 2008; received in revised form 28 August 2008; accepted 30 January 2009
A review on the impact of radiofrequency radiation from wireless telecommunications on wildlife is presented. Electromagnetic radiation
is a form of environmental pollution which may hurt wildlife. Phone masts located in their living areas are irradiating continuously some
species that could suffer long-term effects, like reduction of their natural defenses, deterioration of their health, problems in reproduction and
reduction of their useful territory through habitat deterioration. Electromagnetic radiation can exert an aversive behavioral response in rats,
bats and birds such as sparrows. Therefore microwave and radiofrequency pollution constitutes a potential cause for the decline of animal
populations and deterioration of health of plants living near phone masts. To measure these effects urgent specific studies are necessary.
© 2009 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
Keywords: Effects on wildlife; Effects on birds; Electromagnetic radiation; Mammals; Microwaves; Mobile telecommunications; Non-thermal effects; Phone
masts; Radiofrequencies
1. Introduction
Life has evolved under the influence of two omnipresent
forces: gravity and electromagnetism. It should be expected
that both play important roles in the functional activities
of organisms [1]. Before the 1990’s radiofrequencies were
mainly from a few radio and television transmitters, located
in remote areas and/or very high places. Since the introduc-
tion of wireless telecommunication in the 1990’s the rollout
of phone networks has caused a massive increase in electro-
magnetic pollution in cities and the countryside [2,3].
Multiple sources of mobile communication result in
chronic exposure of a significant part of the wildlife (and
man) to microwaves at non-thermal levels [4]. In recent
years, wildlife has been chronically exposed to microwaves
and RFR (Radiofrequency radiation) signals from various
sources, including GSM and UMTS/3G wireless phones
and base stations, WLAN (Wireless Local Area Networks),
WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Networks such as Blue-
tooth), and DECT (Digital Enhanced (former European)
Cordless Telecommunications) that are erected indiscrimi-
nately without studies of environmental impact measuring
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long-term effects. These exposures are characterized by low
intensities, varieties of signals, and long-term durations. The
greater portion of this exposure is from mobile telecommu-
nications (geometric mean in Vienna: 73% [5]). In Germany
the GSM cellular phone tower radiation is the dominating
high frequency source in residential areas [6]. Also GSM is
the dominating high frequency source in the wilderness of
Spain (personal observation).
Numerous experimental data have provided strong evi-
dence of athermal microwave effects and have also indicated
several regularities in these effects: dependence of frequency
within specific frequency windows of “resonance-type”;
dependence on modulation and polarization; dependence on
intensity within specific intensity windows, including super-
low power density comparable with intensities from base
stations/masts [4,7–9]. Some studies have demonstrated dif-
ferent microwave effects depending on wavelength in the
range of mm, cm or m [10,11]. Duration of exposure may
be as important as power density. Biological effects resulting
from electromagnetic field radiation might depend on dose,
which indicates long-term accumulative effects [3,9,12].
Modulated and pulsed radiofrequencies seem to be more
effective in producing effects [4,9]. Pulsed waves (in blasts),
as well as certain low frequency modulations exert greater
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Please cite this article in press as: A. Balmori, Electromagnetic pollution from phone masts. Effects on wildlife, Pathophysiology (2009),
PATPHY-589; No. of Pages 9
2A. Balmori / Pathophysiology xxx (2009) xxx–xxx
biological activity [11,13–15]. This observation is important
because cell phone radiation is pulsed microwave radiation
modulated at low frequencies [8,9].
Most of the attention on possible biological effects of elec-
tromagnetic radiation from phone masts has been focused
on human health [5,16–21]. The effects of electromagnetic
pollution on wildlife, have scarcely been studied [22–25].
The objective of this review is to detail advances in knowl-
edge of radiofrequencies and microwave effects on wildlife.
Future research may help provide a better understanding of
electromagnetic field (EMF) effects on wildlife and plants
and their conservation.
2. Effects on exposed wildlife
2.1. Effects on birds
2.1.1. Effects of phone mast microwaves on white stork
In monitoring a white stork (Ciconia ciconia) population
in Valladolid (Spain) in vicinity of Cellular Phone Base Sta-
tions, the total productivity in nests located within 200 m
of antennae, was 0.86 ±0.16. For those located further than
300 m, the result was practically doubled, with an average of
1.6 ±0.14. Very significant differences among total produc-
tivity were found (U= 240; P= 0.001, Mann–Whitney test).
Twelve nests (40%) located within 200 m of antennae never
had chicks, while only one (3.3%) located further than 300 m
had no chicks. The electric field intensity was higher on nests
within 200 m (2.36 ±0.82 V/m) than nests further than 300 m
(0.53 ±0.82 V/m). In nesting sites located within 100 m of
one or several cellsite antennae with the main beam of radia-
tion impacting directly (Electric field intensity >2 V/m) many
young died from unknown causes. Couples frequently fought
over nest construction sticks and failed to advance the con-
struction of the nests. Some nests were never completed
and the storks remained passively in front of cellsite anten-
nae. These results indicate the possibility that microwaves
are interfering with the reproduction of white stork [23].
(Fig. 1)
Fig. 1. Average number of youngs and electric field intensity (V/m) in 60
nests of white storks (Ciconia ciconia) (Hallberg, Ö with data of Balmori,
2005 [23]).
2.1.2. Effects of phone mast microwaves on house
A possible effect of long-term exposure to low-intensity
electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone (GSM) base
stations on the number of house sparrows during the breed-
ing season was studied in Belgium. The study was carried
out sampling 150 point locations within six areas to examine
small-scale geographic variation in the number of house spar-
row males and the strength of electromagnetic radiation from
base stations. Spatial variation in the number of house spar-
row males was negative and highly significantly related to the
strength of electric fields from both the 900 and 1800 MHz
downlink frequency bands and from the sum of these bands
(Chi-square-tests and AIC-criteria, P< 0.001). This negative
relationship was highly similar within each of the six study
areas, despite differences among areas in both the number of
birds and radiation levels. Fewer house sparrow males were
seen at locations with relatively high electric field strength
values of GSM base stations and therefore support the notion
that long-term exposure to higher levels of radiation nega-
tively affects the abundance or behavior of house sparrows in
the wild [24].
In another study with point transect sampling performed at
30 points visited 40 times in Valladolid (Spain) between 2002
and 2006, counting the sparrows and measuring the mean
electric field strength (radiofrequencies and microwaves:
1 MHz to 3 GHz range). Significant declines (P= 0.0037)
were observed in mean bird density over time, and signif-
icantly low bird density was observed in areas with high
electric field strength. The logarithmic regression of the
mean bird density vs. field strength groups (considering field
strength in 0.1 V/m increments) was R=0.87; P= 0.0001
According to this calculation, no sparrows would be expected
to be found in an area with field strength >4 V/m [25].(Fig. 2)
In the United Kingdom a decline of several species of
urban birds, especially sparrows, has recently happened
[26]. The sparrow population in England has decreased in
the last 30 years from 24 million to less than 14. The
more abrupt decline, with 75% descent has taken place
from 1994 to 2002. In 2002, the house sparrow was added
to the Red List of U.K. endangered species [27]. This
coincides with the rollout of mobile telephony and the
Fig. 2. Mean sparrow density as a function of electric field strength grouped
in 0.1 V/m. (Balmori and Hallberg, 2007 [25]).
Please cite this article in press as: A. Balmori, Electromagnetic pollution from phone masts. Effects on wildlife, Pathophysiology (2009),
PATPHY-589; No. of Pages 9
A. Balmori / Pathophysiology xxx (2009) xxx–xxx 3
Fig. 3. Annual number of contacts (Mean) for 14 species studied in “Campo
Grande” urban park (lack the information of the years 1999–2001).
possible relationship of both circumstances should be inves-
In Brussels, many sparrows have disappeared recently
[28]; similar declines have been reported in Dublin [29].Van
der Poel (cited in Ref. [27]) suggested that sparrows might
be declining in Dutch urban centres also.
2.1.3. Effects on the bird community at an urban park
Microwaves may be affecting bird populations in places
with high electromagnetic pollution. Since several anten-
nas were installed in proximities of “Campo Grande” urban
park (Valladolid, Spain) the bird population has decreased
and a reduction of the species and breeding couples has
occurred. Between 1997 and 2007, of 14 species, 3 species
have disappeared, 4 are in decline and 7 stay stable (Balmori,
unpublished data) (Fig. 3). In this time the air pollution (SO2,
NO2, CO and Benzene) has diminished.
During the research some areas called “silence areas” con-
taminated with high microwave radiation (>2V/m), where
previously different couples usually bred and later disap-
peared, have been found. Several anomalies in magpies (Pica
pica) were detected: plumage deterioration, locomotive prob-
lems (limps and deformations in the paws), partial albinism
and melanism, especially in flanks [30]. Recently cities have
increased cases of partial albinism and melanism in birds
(Passer domesticus,Turdus merula and P. pica) (personal
2.1.4. Possible physiological mechanisms of the effects
found in birds
Current scientific evidence indicates that prolonged expo-
sure to EMFs, at levels that can be encountered in the
environment, may affect immune system function by affect-
ing biological processes [3,31,32]. A stressed immune system
may increase the susceptibility of a bird to infectious diseases,
bacteria, viruses, and parasites [33].
The plumage of the birds exposed to microwaves looked,
in general, discolorated and lack of shine. This not only
occurred in ornamental birds; such as peacocks, but also
in wild birds; such as, tits, great tits, house sparrows, etc
(personal observation). We must mention that plumage dete-
rioration is the first sign of weakening or illnesses in birds
since damaged feathers are a sure sign of stress.
Physiological conditions during exposure minimize
microwave effects. Radical scavengers/antioxidants might be
involved in effects of microwaves [4].
Microwaves used in cellphones produce an athermal
response in several types of neurons of the birds nervous
system [34]. Several studies addressed behavior and ter-
atology in young birds exposed to electromagnetic fields
[23,25,35–37]. Most studies indicate that electromagnetic
field exposure of birds generally changes, but not always
consistently in effect or in direction, their behavior, repro-
ductive success, growth and development, physiology and
endocrinology, and oxidative stress [37]. These results can
be explained by electromagnetic fields affecting the birds’
response to the photoperiod as indicated by altered melatonin
levels [38].
Prolonged mobile phone exposure may have negative
effects on sperm motility characteristics and male fertility
as has been demonstrated in many studies made in man and
rats [39–46]. EMF and microwaves can affect reproductive
success in birds [23,25,35,36,47]. EMF exposure affected
reproductive success of kestrels (Falco sparverius), increas-
ing fertility, egg size, embryonic development and fledging
success but reducing hatching success [35,36].
The radiofrequency and microwaves from mobile tele-
phony can cause genotoxic effects [48–55]. Increases
in cytological abnormalities imply long-term detrimental
effects since chromosomal damage is a mechanism relevant
to causation of birth defects and cancer [55].
Long-term continuous, or daily repeated EMF exposure
can induce cellular stress responses at non-thermal power
levels that lead to an accumulation of DNA errors and to
inhibition of cell apoptosis and cause increased permeabil-
ity of blood–brain barrier due to stabilization of endothelial
cell stress fibers. Repeated occurrence of these events over
a long period of time (years) could become a health haz-
ard due to a possible accumulation of brain tissue damage.
These findings have important implications with regards to
potential dangers from prolonged and repeated exposure to
non-ionizing radiation [56,57].
Pulsed magnetic fields can have a significant influence on
the development and incidence of abnormalities in chicken
embryos. In five of six laboratories, exposed embryos exhib-
ited more structural anomalies than controls. If the data from
all six laboratories are pooled, the difference for the incidence
of abnormalities in exposed embryos and controls is highly
significant [58]. Malformations in the nervous system and
heart, and delayed embryo growth are observed. The embryo
is most sensitive to exposure in the first 24h of incubation
[58]. An increase in the mortality [59] and appearance of
morphological abnormalities, especially of the neural tube
[13,60,61] has been recorded in chicken embryos exposed to
pulsed magnetic fields, with different susceptibility among
individuals probably for genetic reasons. A statistically sig-
nificant high mortality rate of chicken embryos subjected to
radiation from a cellphone, compared to the control group
exists [62,63]. In another study eggs exposed to a magnetic
Please cite this article in press as: A. Balmori, Electromagnetic pollution from phone masts. Effects on wildlife, Pathophysiology (2009),
PATPHY-589; No. of Pages 9
4A. Balmori / Pathophysiology xxx (2009) xxx–xxx
field intensity of 0.07 T showed embryonic mortality dur-
ing their incubation was higher. The negative effect of the
magnetic field was manifested also by a lower weight of
the hatched chicken [64]. Bioelectric fields have long been
suspected to play a causal role in embryonic development.
Alteration of the electrical field may disrupt the chemical
gradient and signals received by embryo cells. It appears that
in some manner, cells sense their position in an electrical
field and respond appropriately. The disruption of this field
alters their response. Endogenous current patterns are often
correlated with specific morphogenetic events [65].
Available data suggests dependencies of genotype, gender,
physiological and individual factors on athermal microwave
effects [4,9]. Genomic differences can influence cellular
responses to GSM Microwaves. Data analysis has highlighted
a wide inter-individual variability in response, which was
replicated in further experiments [4]. It is possible that each
species and each individual, show different susceptibility to
radiation, since vulnerability depends on genetic tendency,
and physiologic and neurological state of the irradiated organ-
ism [15,35–37,61,66–68]. Different susceptibility of each
species has also been proven in wild birds exposed to elec-
tromagnetic fields from high-voltage power lines [47].
2.2. Effects on mammals
2.2.1. Alarm and aversion behavior
Rats spent more time in the halves of shuttle boxes
that were shielded from 1.2 GHz. Microwaves irradiation.
The average power density was about 0.6mW/cm2. Data
revealed that rats avoided the pulsed energy, but not the con-
tinuous energy, and less than 0.4 mW/cm2average power
density was needed to produce aversion [69]. Navakatikian
& Tomashevskaya [70] described a complex series of exper-
iments in which they observed disruption of rat behavior
(active avoidance) from radiofrequency radiation. Behav-
ioral disruption was observed at a power density as low as
0.1 mW/cm2(0.027 W/kg). Mice in an experimental group
exposed to microwave radiation expressed visible individual
panic reaction, disorientation and a greater degree of anxi-
ety. In the sham exposed group these deviations of behavior
were not seen and all animals show collective defense reac-
tion [71]. Microwave radiation at 1.5GHz pulsing 16ms. At
0.3 mW/cm2power density, in sessions of 30 min/day over
one month produced anxiety and alarm in rabbits [72].
Electromagnetic radiation can exert an aversive behav-
ioral response in bats. Bat activity is significantly reduced in
habitats exposed to an electromagnetic field strength greater
than 2 V/m [73]. During a study in a free-tailed bat colony
(Tadarida teniotis) the number of bats decreased when several
phone masts were placed 80 m from the colony [74].
2.2.2. Deterioration of health
Animals exposed to electromagnetic fields can suffer a
deterioration of health and changes in behavior [75,76].
There was proof of frequent death in domestic ani-
mals; such as, hamsters and guinea pigs, living near mobile
telecommunication base stations (personal observation).
The mice in an experimental group exposed to microwave
radiation showed less weight gain compared to control, after
two months. The amount of food used was similar in both
groups [71]. A link between electromagnetic field exposure
and higher levels of oxidative stress appears to be a major con-
tributor to aging, neurodegenerativediseases, immune system
disorders, and cancer in mammals [33].
The effects from GSM base transceiver station (BTS)
frequency of 945 MHz on oxidative stress in rats were
investigated. When EMF at a power density of 3.67 W/m2,
below current exposure limits, were applied, MDA (malon-
dialdehyde) level was found to increase and GSH (reduced
glutathione) concentration was found to decrease signifi-
cantly (P< 0.0001). Additionally, there was a less significant
(P= 0.0190) increase in SOD (superoxide dismutase) activity
under EM exposure [77].
2.2.3. Problems in reproduction
In the town of Casavieja (Ávila, Spain) a telephony
antenna was installed that had been in operation for about
5 years. Then some farmers began blaming the antenna for
miscarriages in many pigs, 50–100 m from the antenna (on
the outskirts of the town). Finally the topic became so bad that
the town council decided to disassemble the antenna. It was
removed in the spring 2005. From this moment onwards the
problems stopped (C. Lumbreras personal communication).
A Greek study reports a progressive drop in the number of
rodent births exposed to radiofrequencies. The mice exposed
to 0.168 W/cm2become sterile after five generations, while
those exposed to 1.053 W/cm2became sterile after only
three generations [22].
In pregnant rats exposed to 27.12MHz continuous waves
at 100 W/cm2during different periods of pregnancy, half
the pregnancies miscarried before the twentieth day of ges-
tation, compared to only a 6% miscarriage rate in unexposed
controls, and 38% of the viable foetuses had incomplete cra-
nial ossification, compared to less than 6% of the controls.
Findings included a considerable increase in the percentage
of total reabsorptions (post-implantation losses consequent
to RF radiation exposure in the first post-implantation stage).
Reduced body weight in the exposed dams reflected a neg-
ative influence on their health. It seems that the irradiation
time plays an important role in inducing specific effects con-
sequent to radiofrequency radiation exposure [78]. There was
also a change in the sex ratio, with more males born to rats that
had been irradiated from the time of conception [2]. Moor-
house and Macdonald [79] find a substantial decline in female
Water Vole numbers in the radio-collared population, appar-
ently resulting from a male skew in the sex ratios of offspring
born to this population. Recruits to the radio-tracked popu-
lation were skewed heavily in favour of males (43:13). This
suggests that radio-collaring of females caused male-skewed
sex ratios.
Please cite this article in press as: A. Balmori, Electromagnetic pollution from phone masts. Effects on wildlife, Pathophysiology (2009),
PATPHY-589; No. of Pages 9
A. Balmori / Pathophysiology xxx (2009) xxx–xxx 5
Mobile phone exposure may have negative effects on
sperm motility characteristics and male fertility in rats [46].
Other studies find a decrease of fertility, increase of deaths
after birth and dystrophic changes in their reproductive organs
[11]. Intermittent exposure showed a stronger effect than
continuous exposure [4]. Brief, intermittent exposure to low-
frequency EM fields during the critical prenatal period for
neurobehavioral sex differentiation can demasculinize male
scent marking behavior and increase accessory sex organ
weights in adulthood [80].
In humans, magnetic field exposures above 2.0mG were
positively associated with miscarriage risk [81]. Exposure
of pregnant women to mobile phone significantly increased
foetal and neonatal heart rate, and significantly decreased the
cardiac output [82].
2.2.4. Nervous system
Microwaves may affect the blood brain barrier which lets
toxic substances pass through from the blood to the brain
[83]. Adang et al. [84] examined the effect of microwave
exposure to a GSM-like frequency of 970 MHz pulsed waves
on the memory in rats by means of an object recognition task.
The rats that have been exposed for 2 months show normal
exploratory behavior. The animals that have been exposed for
15 months show derogatory behavior. They do not make the
distinction between a familiar and an unfamiliar object. In the
area that received radiation directly from “Location Skrunda
Radio Station” (Latvia), exposed children had less devel-
oped memory and attention, their reaction time was slower
and neuromuscular apparatus endurance was decreased [85].
Exposure to cell phones prenatally and, to a lesser degree,
postnatally was associated with behavioral difficulties such
as emotional and hyperactivity problems around 7 years
of age [86]. Electromagnetic radiation caused modification
of sleep and alteration of cerebral electric response (EEG)
[87–89]. Microwave radiation from phone masts may cause
aggressiveness in people and animals (personal observa-
2.3. Effects on amphibians
Disappearance of amphibians and other organisms is
part of the global biodiversity crisis. An associated phe-
nomenon is the appearance of large numbers of deformed
amphibians. The problem has become more prevalent, with
deformity rates up to 25% in some populations, which is sig-
nificantly higher than previous decades [90]. Balmori [91]
proposed that electromagnetic pollution (in the microwave
and radiofrequency range) is a possible cause for deforma-
tions and decline of some wild amphibian populations.
Two species of amphibians were exposed to magnetic
fields at various stages of development. A brief treatment of
early amphibian embryos produced several types of abnor-
malities [92]. Exposure to a pulsed electromagnetic field
produced abnormal limb regeneration in adult Newts [93].
Frog tadpoles (Rana temporaria) developed under electro-
magnetic field (50 Hz, 260 A/m) have increased mortality.
Exposed tadpoles developed more slowly and less syn-
chronously than control tadpoles and remain at the early
stages for longer. Tadpoles developed allergies and EMF
caused changes in blood counts [94].
In a current study exposing eggs and tadpoles (n= 70)
of common frog (R. temporaria) for two months, from
the phase of eggs until an advanced phase of tad-
pole, to four telephone base stations located 140 m
away: with GSM system 948.0–959.8 MHz; DCS system:
1830.2–1854.8; 1855.2–1879.8 MHz. and UMTS system:
1905–1910; 1950–1965; 2140–2155 MHz. (electric field
intensity: 1.847–2.254 V/m). A low coordination of move-
ments, an asynchronous growth, with big and small tadpoles,
and a high mortality (90%) was observed. The control group
(n= 70), under the same conditions but inside a Faraday cage
(metallic shielding component: EMC-reinforcement fabrics
97442 Marburg Technic), the coordination of movements was
normal, the development was synchronously and the mortal-
ity rate was only 4.2% [95].
2.4. Effects on insects
The microwaves may affect the insects. Insects are the
basis and key species of ecosystems and they are especially
sensitive to electromagnetic radiation that poses a threat to
nature [96].
Carpenter and Livstone [97] irradiated pupae of Tene-
brio molitor with 10 GHz microwaves at 80 mW for
20–30 min and 20 mW for 120 min obtained a rise in
the proportion of insects with abnormalities or dead. In
another study exposing fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster)
to mobile phone radiation, elevated stress protein levels
(Hsp70) was obtained, which usually means that cells are
exposed to adverse environmental conditions (’non-thermal
shock’) [98]. Panagopoulos et al. [99] exposed fruit flies (D.
melanogaster) to radiation from a mobile phone (900 MHz)
during the 2–5 first days of adulthood. The reproductive
capacity of the species reduced by 50–60% in modulated radi-
ation conditions (emission while talking on the phone) and
15–20% with radiation nomodulated (with the phone silent).
The results of this study indicate that this radiation affects
the gonadal development of insects in an athermal way. The
authors concluded that radio frequencies, specifically GSM,
are highly bioactive and provoke significant changes in phys-
iological functions of living organisms. Panagopoulos et al.
[100] compare the biological activity between the two sys-
tems GSM 900 MHz and DCS 1800 MHz in the reproductive
capacity of fruit flies. Both types of radiation were found to
decrease significantly and non-thermally the insect’s repro-
ductive capacity, but GSM 900 MHz seems to be even more
bioactive than DCS 1800MHz. The difference seems to be
dependent mostly on field intensity and less on carrier fre-
A study in South Africa finds a strong correlation
between decrease in ant and beetle diversity with the
Please cite this article in press as: A. Balmori, Electromagnetic pollution from phone masts. Effects on wildlife, Pathophysiology (2009),
PATPHY-589; No. of Pages 9
6A. Balmori / Pathophysiology xxx (2009) xxx–xxx
electromagnetic radiation exposure (D. MacFadyen, per-
sonal communication.). A decrease of insects and arachnids
near base stations was detected and corroborated by engi-
neers and antenna’s maintenance staff [101]. In houses
near antennas an absence of flies, even in summer, was
In a recent study carried out with bees in Germany,
only a few bees irradiated with DECT radiation returned
to the beehive and they needed more time. The honeycomb
weight was lower in irradiated bees [102]. In recent years
a “colony collapse disorder” is occurring that some authors
relate with pesticides and with increasing electromagnetic
pollution [96].
The disappearance of insects could have an influence on
bird’s weakening caused by a lack of food, especially at the
first stages in a young bird’s life.
2.5. Effects on trees and plants
The microwaves may affect vegetables. In the area that
received radiation directly from “Location Skrunda Radio
Station” (Latvia), pines (Pinus sylvestris) experienced a
lower growth radio. This did not occur beyond the area of
impact of electromagnetic waves. A statistically significant
negative correlation between increase tree growth and inten-
sity of electromagnetic field was found, and was confirmed
that the beginning of this growth decline coincided in time
with the start of radar emissions. Authors evaluated other
possible environmental factors which might have intervened,
but none had noticeable effects [103]. In another study inves-
tigating cell ultrastructure of pine needles irradiated by the
same radar, there was an increase of resin production, and was
interpreted as an effect of stress caused by radiation, which
would explain the aging and declining growth and viability
of trees subjected to pulsed microwaves. They also found a
low germination of seeds of pine trees more exposed [104].
The effects of Latvian radar was also felt by aquatic plants.
Spirodela polyrrhiza exposed to a power density between
0.1 and 1.8 W/cm2had lower longevity, problems in repro-
duction and morphological and developmental abnormalities
compared with a control group who grew up far from the
radar [105].
Chlorophylls were quantitatively studied in leaves of black
locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) seedlings exposed to high
frequency electromagnetic fields of 400 MHz. It was revealed
that the ratio of the two main types of chlorophyll was
decreasing logarithmically to the increase of daily exposure
time [106].
Exposed tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum)tolow
level (900MHz, 5 V/m) electromagnetic fields for a short
period (10 min) measured changes in abundance of three
specific mRNA after exposure, strongly suggesting that they
are the direct consequence of application of radio-frequency
fields and their similarities to wound responses suggests that
this radiation is perceived by plants as an injurious stim-
ulus [107]. Non-thermal exposure to radiofrequency fields
induced oxidative stress in duckweed (Lemna minor) as well
as unespecific stress responses, especially of antioxidative
enzymes [108].
For some years progressive deterioration of trees near
phone masts have been observed in Valladolid (Spain). Trees
located inside the main lobe (beam), look sad and feeble,
possibly slow growth and a high susceptibility to illnesses
and plagues. In places we have measured higher electric field
intensity levels of radiation (>2V/m) the trees show a more
notable deterioration [109]. The tops of trees are dried up
where the main beams are directed to, and they seem to be
most vulnerable if they have their roots close to water. The
trees don’t grow above the height of the other ones and, those
that stand out far above, have dried tops (Hargreaves, per-
sonal communication and personal observation). White and
black poplars (Populus sp.) and willows (Salix sp.) are more
sensitive. There may be a special sensitivity of this family
exists or it could be due to their ecological characteristics
forcing them to live near water, and thus electric conductivity.
Other species as Platanus sp. and Lygustrum japonicum, are
more resistant (personal observation). Schorpp [110] presents
abundant pictures and explanations of what happens to irra-
diated trees.
3. Conclusions
This literature review shows that pulsed telephony
microwave radiation can produce effects especially on ner-
vous, cardiovascular, immune and reproductive systems
- Damage to the nervous system by altering electroen-
cephalogram, changes in neural response or changes of the
blood–brain barrier.
- Disruption of circadian rhythms (sleep–wake) by interfer-
ing with the pineal gland and hormonal imbalances.
- Changes in heart rate and blood pressure.
- Impairment of health and immunity towards pathogens,
weakness, exhaustion, deterioration of plumage and growth
- Problems in building the nest or impaired fertility, number
of eggs, embryonic development, hatching percentage and
survival of chickens.
- Genetic and developmental problems: problems of loco-
motion, partial albinism and melanism or promotion of
In the light of current knowledge there is enough evidence
of serious effects from this technology to wildlife. For this
reason precautionary measures should be developed, along-
side environmental impact assessments prior to installation,
and a ban on installation of phone masts in protected natural
areas and in places where endangered species are present.
Surveys should take place to objectively assess the severity
of effects.
Please cite this article in press as: A. Balmori, Electromagnetic pollution from phone masts. Effects on wildlife, Pathophysiology (2009),
PATPHY-589; No. of Pages 9
A. Balmori / Pathophysiology xxx (2009) xxx–xxx 7
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... EMI occurs when stray microwave frequency signals interfere with electrical devices and cause device malfunction, data corruption, and performance loss. Military aircrafts and equipment like radars also emit electromagnetic (EM) waves that can disrupt other electrical instruments and even pose health threats to plants, animals, and humans [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. To combat these serious challenges, research on EMI-shielding materials has gained increased attention in the last few years. ...
... Electromagnetic waves, which carry both electric and magnetic charges, span a wide spectrum, including radio waves, microwaves, visible light, and X-rays, with diverse applications from communication to medical imaging [1,2]. These waves can originate from natural sources like sunlight or from electronic devices such as smartphones, which are a significant source of electromagnetic radiation (EMF) in daily life [3]. As smartphone technology evolves, the level of EMF exposure increases, raising concerns about potential health effects. ...
Full-text available
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) from devices like smartphones can negatively affect health through both thermal and non-thermal mechanisms. Thermal effects involve temperature changes that disrupt metabolism, while non-thermal effects can impair the nervous, hormonal, reproductive, and cardiovascular systems and potentially increase cancer risk. EMF radiation also promotes the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), causing oxidative stress and damage to RNA, DNA, and proteins. Antioxidants, such as vitamin C found in kiwi and dragon fruit, may counteract these effects. This study examines the impact of 4G smartphone EMF exposure (GSM 1800MHz) and diets enriched with kiwi or dragon fruit on the survival and reproductive morphometrics of fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster). Fruit flies were exposed to EMF radiation for 2 hours per day at a distance of 3 cm for three days. The results showed that EMF exposure decreased development and survival rates in fruit flies raised on a standard banana medium. However, flies on nutrient-enriched mediums with kiwi or dragon fruit were more resilient to EMF effects. There were no significant differences in reproductive organ morphometry between diet groups. These results suggest that antioxidant-rich diets could potentially mitigate the adverse effects of EMF radiation.
... A sudden disappearance of a hive's inhabitants, leaving only queen, eggs and a few immature workers behind, were noticed [30]. Significant bioactive changes in the physiological functions of living organisms are provoked [31]. ...
... Research suggests a link between urban habitats and increased color aberrations, including albinism. This can be either because of less predation, the presence of environmental factors that select in favor of otherwise aberrant coloration (Kreling 2023), or environmental distress in the form of light pollution, electromagnetic pollution, or chemical pollution, causing more frequent mutations in offsprings (Balmori 2009, Lipej et al. 2011, Martinuzzi et al. 2016). This observation, first appearing on a social media platform, further highlights the utility of citizen science, as the participation of the general public in scientific research, in uncovering the variability and color aberrations of wild animals, Citizen science can be used to study polymorphism in reptiles by involving the public in observing and reporting sightings of reptiles with different color morphs. ...
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The Common Grass snake (Natrix natrix sensu stricto) is one of the most well-studied species of snakes in the Western Paleartic, with a wide range and multiple color morphs. Sometimes, color aberrations, such as melanism, albinism, leucism or erythrism occur. While melanism is relatively common in some populations, albinism has been recorded in only a handful of instances. This paper presents an observation of an albino juvenile Grass snake (Natrix natrix) photographed in a park in Bucharest, Romania, the pictures being subsequently uploaded to a social media platform. The individual had no pigment visible, in contrast with already published records from literature which presented xanthophores or other pigments. This represents the first observation of a completely albino Natrix natrix, and it was recorded with the aid of citizen science.
... As a result of the widespread usage of wireless technology, our environment is largely exposed to several electromagnetic radiations, resulting in a tremendous increase in radiation pollution (Balmori, 2009). Radiation is constantly present in living organisms, arising from a range of natural sources as well as nuclear weapons testing, technological techniques, jobs, consumer products, and medical techniques (Verma et al, 2011). ...
Technical Report
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In today’s world, advancements in technology have benefited the society socially and economically. Several technological devices play important roles in our daily lives. However, as electronics and communication technologies improve, there is a greater risk of exposure to electromagnetic fields, which can cause a variety of health problems in individuals. Sources of these electromagnetic waves includes power transmission lines, base transmitter stations, mobile phones, medical treatment techniques and household gadgets, and the waves released from these sources are absorbed by the body, generating a variety of side effects. Different studies have found that exposure to radiofrequency radiation from the sources mentioned earlier raises the risk of various cancers not only women and children. Radio-waves can also causes changes in Electroencephalography (EEG) and Electrocardiography (ECG) patterns, as well as decreases in prolactin, testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone levels. Long-term exposure to radio- waves has been shown in studies to cause low sperm count in men. This report analyses the available literature on the health implications of radio-waves on human body so as to proffer practical suggestions for proper usage of devices emitting this radiation.
Mobile devices and base transceiver station (BTS) are the main sources of human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs). Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the levels of exposure to RF-EMF in three different time intervals and three different distances from BTS antennas in Sabzevar. Additional goals were to investigate the electric field (E) difference between different microenvironments, between the suburbs and downtown, and evaluating the sleep quality of residents around BTS antennas at different distances. The results showed significant differences between the values of E Avg and E max Avg at different times (T1, T2, and T3), different distances (50, 100, and 300 m) from BTS antennas, and between BTS antennas located in the suburbs and downtown. No significant differences were observed between the values of E Avg and E max Avg in terms of microenvironments. Poor sleep quality (>5) was recorded in the residents around the BTS antennas at different distances, and a significant difference was observed between the sleep quality of the residents at a distance of ˂100 m compared to the residents at a distance of ˃300 m. The recorded levels of E in all places and times were below the human safety limits set by the Iranian National Standardization Organization, the Information and Communication Technologies Authority and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, indicating the absence of potential risk due to exposure to E in the study area.
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The present study aims to understand key factors influencing the House Sparrow population across different habitat scales in Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India. Correspondingly, different variables such as changes in habitat composition, sound levels, and density of mobile phone base stations were considered with reference to the occurrence of the House Sparrows across the study area. During the study period (December 2016 to November 2018), the number of House Sparrows was recorded through point count without distance estimate method. Non-parametric tests were employed to assess variations in different variables and their correlation with the presence of House Sparrows, revealing that changes in local habitat composition significantly influence their occurrence. Shrubby vegetation, cowsheds, and old/traditional structures emerged as crucial predictors positively impacting House Sparrow’s presence, particularly in urban areas where suitable habitat patches are scarce due to urbanization and modern lifestyles. The decline in these habitats has significantly impacted House Sparrow populations. To counter this decline, implementing strategies like providing artificial nest sites is being considered. However, it’s crucial to ensure that there are adequate shelter and food resources available to effectively conserve the species.
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The society have been overwhelmed by the expanding sources of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) that come from communications, electricity, appliances, medical equipment, and many more things that we use in our everyday lives since the beginning of the twentieth century. Despite the fact that these new technologies have become unavoidable and vital, the electromagnetic fields they generate may pose health concerns and dangers to humans. Some studies have shown a relationship between EMF exposure and an increased risk of leukaemia, cancer, brain tumours, and other illnesses. Furthermore, there is substantial ambiguity about the exact processes causing these biological dangers, as well as whether types of magnetic, electric, or both fields are of major concern. It goes without saying that, regardless of whether the consequences of this EMF are minor or severe, the study recommends that we take all reasonable steps to keep our exposure to EMF to a minimum. To achieve this, all parties participating in or impacted by the exposure should adhere to the RF safety regulations and recommendations established by regulatory bodies such as the IEEE, WHO, ICNIRP, and other similar organisations. If the aforementioned instructions are not followed immediately, the population will be exposed to a high pandemic risk of possibly lethal illnesses in the future.
Spectacular developments in radio engineering technology over the past decade have created striking new options in personal communication devices and systems. Through miniaturization born of computer chip technology, there has been a step function increment in device reliability and user convenience. User acceptance of these new technologies has been immediate and worldwide. In the perspective of human health, a population base of millions of daily users are now exposed to RF fields under near-field conditions, with expectations that these newly evolved behavioral patterns will continue on a lifelong basis.
A bibliographical revision of the possible effects of the waves used in the wireless telephony on animals is presented and its impact on wild birds is analyzed. After exposing the technical characteristics and the legal situation of this new technology, the scientific discoveries that could have interest for the study of their effects on the wild fauna are revised. Basing us on the current scientific knowledge the foregone possible consequences for the birds is commented, keeping in mind the deterioration of some ecosystems that they occupy. It is recommended to consider the electromagnetic contamination in the microwaves range like a possible factor of decline of some populations in risk, especially of the urban birds, subjected at more radiation levels. Effects on birds in rural and protected areas that have phone masts near cannot be rejected. Keeping in mind that birds are excellent bioindicators, we stick out the importance of carrying out studies that value the effects of this new type of contamination and some methodologies that could be useful for this purpose are presented.
Objective: To evaluate the influence of electromagnetic waves (EMW) caused by mobile phones on sperm motility. Methods: 13 men with a normal spermiogramm regarding the WHO criteria were included in our study. After a GSM-mobile phone was not carried or used during 5 days a first spermiogram was analysed. Four weeks later, a second spermiogram was performed. Five days before this second spermiogram, men carried the mobile phone on the belt and used it 6 hours a day intensively. Spermiogram parameters of the first and second spermiogram were compared. Results: Rapid progressive spermatozoa were reduced significantly in the second spermiogram compared to the first. Decrease was from (mean) 32.3 % (SD ± 6.13) to (mean) 26.1 % (SD ± 6.5), p = 0.0004. In addition there was a shift to an increase of progressive spermatozoa from mean 24.8 % (SD ± 3.62) to 29.7 % (SD ± 6.11), p = 0.01. All other spermiogramm parameters like semen volume, density and morphology did not differ significantly. Conclusion: Our data suggest a decreased motility of rapid progressive spermatozoa caused by electromagnetic waves of GSM-mobile phones. These findings may have an impact in counselling subfertile men.
In the present study we investigated the influence of pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields of digital mobile radio telephones on sleep in healthy humans. Besides a hypnotic effect with shortening of sleep onset latency, a REM suppressive effect with reduction of duration and percentage of REM sleep was found. Moreover, spectral analysis revealed qualitative alterations of the EEG signal during REM sleep with an increased spectral power density. Knowing the relevance of REM sleep for adequate information processing in the brain, especially concerning mnestic functions and learning processes, the results emphasize the necessity to carry out further investigations on the interaction of this type of electromagnetic fields and the human organism.
The House Sparrow Passer domesticus population in Britain suffered a major decline in the 1920s, particularly in built-up areas, which coincided with the replacement of the horse by the internal combustion engine. The mixed fortunes of House Sparrows since then are examined, emphasising that factors operating on farmland populations differ from those in towns and cities. Farmland sparrows decreased by about 60% between 1979 and 1995, but then stabilised at a new, lower level; this decline is attributed to changes in agricultural practices. The situation with sparrows in built-up areas is much more complex, with a gradual decline until about 1990. Since then, a massive decrease has led to almost complete extinction in some urban centres, while in the suburbs and small rural towns, sparrows have decreased little, if at all. Some speculative ideas are put forward to account for the situation in built-up areas.