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What Is News? Galtung and Ruge Revisited

Taylor & Francis
Journalism Studies


This study aims to shed light on the news selection process by examining the news values currently operational in British newspapers. The study takes as its starting point Galtung and Ruge's widely cited taxonomy of news values established in their 1965 study and puts these criteria to the test in an empirical analysis of news published in three national daily UK newspapers. A review of Galtung and Ruge's original study as well as a wider review of related literature is provided. The findings of the news content analysis are used to evaluate critically Galtung and Ruge's original criteria and to propose a contemporary set of news values.
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Journalism Studies
ISSN: 1461-670X (Print) 1469-9699 (Online) Journal homepage:
What Is News? Galtung and Ruge revisited
Tony Harcup & Deirdre O'Neill
To cite this article: Tony Harcup & Deirdre O'Neill (2001) What Is News? Galtung and Ruge
revisited, Journalism Studies, 2:2, 261-280
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Published online: 12 Dec 2010.
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Journalism Studies, Volume 2, Number 2, 2001, pp. 261–280
What Is News? Galtung and Ruge revisited
Trinity and All Saints University College, UK
ABSTRACT This study aims to shed light on the news selection process by examining the news
values currently operational in British newspapers. The study takes as its starting point Galtung
and Ruge’s widely cited taxonomy of news values established in their 1965 study and puts these
criteria to the test in an empirical analysis of news published in three national daily UK
newspapers. A review of Galtung and Ruge’s original study as well as a wider review of related
literature is provided. The ndings of the news content analysis are used to evaluate critically
Galtung and Ruge’s original criteria and to propose a contemporary set of news values.
KEY WORDS:Galtung and Ruge, News Selection, News Values, UK Newspapers, Content
“News is what a chap who doesn’t care
much about anything wants to read,”
explains Corker, the hard-bitten hack in
Scoop, adding: “And it’s only news until
he’s read it. After that it’s dead”
(Waugh, 1943, p. 66). This observation
provides one answer to the apparently
simple question, “What is news?”—a
question that continues to exercise the
minds of practitioners and students of
journalism alike.
Journalists speak of “the news” as if
events select themselves. Further, they
speak as if which is the “most signi cant”
news story, and which “news angles are
most salient are divinely inspired. Yet of
the millions of events which occur daily in
the world, only a tiny proportion ever
become visible as “potential news sto-
ries”: and of this proportion, only a small
fraction are actually produced as the
day’s news in the news media. (Hall,
1973, p. 181)
Our personal experience as working
journalists on newspapers and
magazines suggests that journalists
have ground rules that inform their an-
swers to the question “What is news?”
Such ground rules may not be written
down or codi ed by n ews organisa-
tions, but they exist in daily practice
and in knowledge gained on the job,
albeit mediated by subjectivity on the
part of individual journalists. A more
academic approach to understanding
the process of news selection attempts
to identify and de ne the news values
informing the ground rules that come
into operation when journalists select
stories. Norwegians Johan Galtung
and Mari Ruge went some way towards
establishing these when they published
their paper on “The structure of foreign
news” in the Journal of International
ISSN 1461-670X print/ISSN 1469-9699 online/01/020261-20 Ó2001 Taylor & Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/14616700120042114
Downloaded by [Computing & Library Services, University of Huddersfield] at 07:25 16 December 2015
Peace Research in 1965. Extracts sub-
sequently appeared in in uential books
on news production, such as Cohen
and Young’s The Manufacture of News
(1973), and Galtung and Ruge’s paper
has long been regarded as a landmark
study of news values and news selec-
tion (Watson, 1998, p. 117). The fac-
tors making up their news values
continue to be cited as “prerequisites”
of news selection at the beginning of
the new century (Herbert, 2000,
pp. 72–73).
The central question at the heart of
their paper was how do events
(speci cally , foreign events in thei r
case) become “news”? As academics
with backgrounds in journalism as
practitioners and trainers, we found
ourselves asking how useful Galtung
and Ruge’s taxonomy of news values
remains today, in both the domestic
and international context. We noted
that the news values put forward by
Galtung and Ruge were hypothetical,
were limited to the reporting of foreign
news, and were primarily concerned
with the reporting of events. Conse-
quently, we were interested in how ad-
equately their news values could be
applied to foreign and domestic events,
issues and other stories that become
news. To that end, we analysed stories
published in leading UK newspapers to
establish which news values appeared
to be operational, taking as a starting
point those news factors identi ed by
Galtung and Ruge. Nearly 40 years
after their landmark study—within the
context of an increasingly multimedia
landscape and concerns about
“dumbing down” of news—we were in-
terested to see if any additional factors
come into play, re ecting the climate in
which the journalism of today is pro-
duced. But before presenting the
ndings from the analysis of newspa-
per content, we examine Galtung and
Ruge’s initial arguments alongside a
review of subsequent literature dis-
cussing their study in particular and
news values in general. We conclude
by providing a contemporary set of
news values based on the ndings of
our empirical research. While we can-
not explain why so many events and
issues are excluded from the news
agenda (even when ful lling some of
the criteria we put forward), we believe
we have gone some way to updating,
de ning and making more visible the
news values currently used by journal-
ists in the news selection process.
Galtung and Ruge
Johan Galtung and Mari Ruge’s study
began life as a paper presented at the
First Nordic Conference on Peace Re-
search, which took place in Oslo in
January 1963. It was rst published in
1965 and extracts have subsequently
been printed in many edited collections
on the media (Tunstall, 1970; Cohen
and Young, 1973, 1981; Tumber,
The central question at the heart of
their paper was: “How do ‘events’ be-
come ‘news’?” They were speci cally
concerned with how overseas events
did or did not become foreign news in
the Norwegian press. To explore this
question, they presented a series of
factors that seem to be particularly
important in the selection of news, fol-
lowed by the deduction of some hy-
potheses from their list of factors.
However, Galtung and Ruge noted at
the outset, “No claim is made for com-
pleteness in the list of factors or ‘de-
ductions” (Galtung and Ruge, 1965,
pp. 64–65).
Galtung and Ruge’s 12 News
F1. FREQUENCY. An event that un-
folds at the same or similar frequency
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as the news medium (such as a mur-
der) is more likely to be selected as
news than is a social trend that takes
place over a long period of time.
F2. THRESHOLD. Events have to pass
a threshold before being recorded at
all. After that, the greater the intensity,
the more gruesome the murder, and
the more casualties in an accident—the
greater the impact on the perception of
those responsible for news selection.
F3. UNAMBIGUITY. The less ambi-
guity, the more likely the event is to
become news. The more clearly an
event can be understood, and inter-
preted without multiple meanings, the
greater the chance of it being selected.
ally similar is likely to be selected be-
cause it ts into the news selector’s
frame of reference. Thus, the involve-
ment of UK citizens will make an event
in a remote country more meaningful to
the UK media. Similarly, news from the
USA is seen as more relevant to the
UK than is news from countries that are
less culturally familiar.
F5. CONSONANCE. The news selec-
tor may predict—or, indeed, want—
something to happen, thus forming a
mental “pre-image” of an event, which
in turn increases its chances of becom-
ing news.
unexpected or rare events—among
those that are culturally familiar and/or
consonant—will have the greatest
chance of being selected as news.
F7. CONTINUITY. Once an event has
become headline news it remains in
the media spotlight for some time—
even if its amplitude has been greatly
reduced—because it has become fam-
iliar and easier to interpret. Continuing
coverage also acts to justify the atten-
tion an event attracted in the rst place.
F8. COMPOSITION. An event may be
included as news less because of its
intrinsic news value than because it ts
into the overall composition or balance
of a newspaper or news broadcast.
This might not just mean light stories to
balance heavy news; it could also
mean that, in the context of newspaper
reports on alleged institutional racism
within the police, for example, positive
initiatives to combat racism which
would normally go unreported might
make it onto the news pages.
TIONS. The actions of elite nations are
seen as more consequential than the
actions of other nations . De n itions o f
elite nations will be culturally, politically
and economically determined and will
vary from country to country, although
there may be universal agreement
about the inclusion of some nations
(e.g. the USA) among the elite.
PLE. The actions of elite people, who
will usually be famous, may be seen by
news selectors as having more conse-
quence than the actions of others.
Also, readers may identify with them.
News has a tendency to present events
as the actions of named people rather
than a result of social forces. This per-
soni cation goes beyond “human inter-
est” stories and could relate to “cultural
idealism according to which man is the
master of his own destiny and events
can be seen as the outcome of an act
of free will”.
NEGATIVE. Negative news could be
seen as unambiguous and consensual,
generally more likely to be unexpected
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and to occur over a shorter period of
time than positive news (Galtung and
Ruge, 1965, pp. 65–71).
After presenting these factors, Gal-
tung and Ruge put forward three hy-
1. The more events satisfy the criteria
mentioned, the more likely that they
will be registered as news (selec-
2. Once a news item has been se-
lected what makes it newsworthy
according to the factors will be ac-
centuated (distortion).
3. Both the process of selection and
the process of distortion will take
place at all steps in the chain from
event to reader (replication) (Gal-
tung and Ruge, 1965, p. 71).
Following an examination of the
coverage of three international crises in
four Norwegian newspapers,1Galtung
and Ruge discuss the extent to which
their factors could be considered in
combination—“the more distant an
event, the less ambiguous will it have
to be”—before leaving conclusions on
such questions to future research.
(Galtung and Ruge, 1965, pp. 80–83).
Galtung and Ruge had an explicit
agenda, urging journalists to “try and
counteract all 12 factors”, and they
concluded their paper with the following
health warning: “It should be empha-
sised that the present article hypoth-
esises rather than demonstrates the
presence of these factors, and hypoth-
esises rather than demonstrates that
these factors, if present, have certain
effects among the audience (Galtung
and Ruge, 1965, pp. 84–85).
After Galtung and Ruge: a
review of the literature
Galtung and Ruge’s paper has long
been regarded as the study of news
values. For Bell (1991, p. 155), Galtung
and Ruge’s paper formed “the foun-
dation study of news values”; Palmer
(1998, p. 378) described the study as
the earliest attempt to provide a sys-
tematic de nition of newsworthiness;
and, according to Tunstall (1970,
p. 20), the 1965 paper promised “to
become a classic social science an-
swer to the question ‘what is news?”’
Tumber (1999, p. 4) notes, “The rel-
evance of Galtung and Ruge’s model is
its predictive quality in determining pat-
terns of news.” Not that there was any-
thing new about such news values
themselves. Indeed, it could be argued
that they pre-date the mass media:
“Many of the factors which Galtung and
Ruge nd as predisposing foreign
events to become news—elite persons,
negative events, unexpectedness-
within-predictability, cultural proxim-
ity—are also to be found in
Shakespeare’s plays (Tunstall, 1970,
p. 21).
More than three decades after the
publication of their paper, Galtung and
Ruge’s study remains the “most
in uential explanation” of news values
(McQuail, 1994, p. 270). The names of
the two Norwegians have become “as
associated with news value analysis as
Hoover with the vacuum cleaner”,
thanks to a study that was “a landmark”
in the scholarship of the media (Wat-
son, 1998, p. 117). Peterson, whose
two studies on foreign news and inter-
national news selection (1979, 1981)
looked at journalistic input, found much
to support the hypotheses put forward
by Galtung and Ruge. She conducted
interviews with journalists on The
Times and concluded, “the results sug-
gest strongly that news criteria shape a
picture of the world’s events character-
ised by erratic, dramatic and uncompli-
cated surprise, by negative or
con ictual events involving elite nations
and persons (Peterson, 1979, 1981,
cited in McQuail, 1992, p. 217.)
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However, a number of shortcomings
have been identi ed in Galtung and
Ruge’s taxonomy of news values. As
Tunstall points out, their paper concen-
trated on three major international
crises, ignoring day-to-day coverage of
“lesser” events; Galtung and Ruge
looked only at content that was ex-
plicitly concerned with the selected
crises; and their list of factors made no
reference to how visual elements, such
as dramatic photographs, could affect
the content of written material (Tunstall,
1971, p. 21). An obvious dif culty with
Galtung and Ruge’s gatekeeping ap-
proach is that it appears to assume that
there is a given reality “out there” which
the news gatherers will either admit or
exclude (McQuail, 1994, p. 270). As
Seaton notes, such a focus on “events
only tells us part of the story: “Many
items of news are not ‘events’ at all,
that is in the sense of occurrences in
the real world which take place inde-
pendently of the media” (Curran and
Seaton, 1997, p. 277). This point is
taken further by Vasterman in the con-
text of a study of media hypes such as
the “ esh-e ating virus” storie s tha t
swept the UK (and elsewhere) during
1994. For Vasterman, lists of selection
criteria such as those discussed by
Galtung and Ruge are awed in their
presumption that journalists actually re-
port events: “But news is not out there,
journalists do not report news, they
produce news. They construct it, they
construct facts, they construct state-
ments and they construct a context in
which these facts make sense. They
reconstruct ‘a reality” (Vasterman,
Stuart Hall, applying a Marxist per-
spective informed by the analyses of
Gramsci and Althusser, argues that
while lists such as Galtung and Ruge’s
may help us to identify the formal ele-
ments within the construction of news,
they do not explain the ideological
meanings behind such “rules”: “‘News
values’ are one of the most opaque
structures of meaning in modern so-
ciety News values appear as a set of
neutral, routine practices: but we need,
also, to see formal news values as an
ideological structure—to examine
these rules as the formalisation and
operationalisation of an ideology of
news” (Hall, 1973, pp. 181, 235).
Taken together, news values can be
seen as a “deep structure or a “cultural
map” that journalists use to help them
make sense of the world (Hall et al.,
1978, p. 54).
From a semiotic perspective, Hartley
agrees with Hall that focusing on news
values alone may disguise the ideologi-
cal determinants of stories that appear
in the media (Hartley, 1982, p. 80). He
also points out that certain stories
achieve copious coverage apparently
without ful lling any of Galtung and
Ruge’s news factors in any obvious
way, an issue that we discuss further in
our ndings below. Commenting on the
widespread reporting of a seemingly
obscure academic dispute in the early
1980s, Hartley comments, “The way
the dispute was reported did exploit a
number of our news values (like per-
sonalisation, negativity, reference to
elite persons and institutions), but the
news values themselves give little clue
as to why the story was deemed news-
worthy in the rst place (Hartley, 1982,
p. 79, our emphasis). In this sense,
while the news factors identi ed by
Galtung and Ruge may suggest a
“predictive pattern” of which events will
and will not be reported—and may in-
form us how stories may be treated
they do not provide a complete
explanation of all the irregularities of
news composition, including the
in uence of political and economic fac-
tors (McQuail, 1994, p. 271).
Alternative or Additional News
Following Galtung and Ruge’s taxon-
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omy, there have been a number of
alternative but essentially similar lists of
news values. In his study of US news
media, Gans argues that domestic
news stories become “important” by
satisfying one or more of the following
criteria: rank in government and other
hierarchies; impact on the nation and
the national interest; impact on large
numbers of people; and signi cance for
the past and future (Gans, 1980,
pp. 147–52). Similarly, stories are
deemed “interesting” if they conform to
one or more types which Gans lists as:
people stories; role reversals; human-
interest stories; expose anecdotes;
hero stories; and “gee whiz” stories
(1980, pp. 155–57).
While acknowledging that the instinc-
tual news value of most journalists is
simply “Does it interest me?”, former
Guardian editor Alastair Hetherington
nonetheless drew up his own list of
news values during a study of the UK
media. He argued that journalists look
for stories involving one or more of the
following: signi cance; drama; surprise;
personalities; sex, scandal and crime;
numbers; and proximity (Hetherington,
1985, pp. 8–9). Herbert comes up with
the following list: prominence; proxim-
ity; timeliness; action; novelty; human
interest; sex; humour (Herbert, 2000,
p. 318).
Bell, preferring not to construct an
alternative list, notes that Galtung and
Ruge’s news factors have been found
both valid and enlightening in a number
of different countries. However, he aug-
ments their dozen factors with four
more, all of which are (like continuity
and composition) concerned with news
gathering and news processing rather
than with the events and actors fea-
tured in the news. Bell argues for the
importance to story selection of compe-
tition, the desire for a scoop; cooption,
whereby a story that is only tangentially
related can be presented in terms of a
high-pro le continuing story; pre-
dictability, that is, events that can be
prescheduled for journalists are more
likely to be covered than events that
turn up unheralded; and prefabrication,
meaning that the existence of ready-
made texts (press releases, cuttings,
agency copy) that journalists can pro-
cess rapidly will greatly increase the
likelihood of something appearing in
the news (Gans, 1980, pp. 158–60).
Galtung and Ruge Revisited:
In the decades since the publication of
their paper, Galtung and Ruge’s tenta-
tive answers to the question “How do
events become news?” have become
widely cited and, indeed, often ac-
cepted with little further attempt at em-
pirical research. We set ourselves the
task of devising a content analysis to
help investigate just how useful Gal-
tung and Ruge’s factors are in
analysing the news selection process
today. In other words, what is the rela-
tionship, if any, between the news that
actually appears in the press and the
selection criteria discussed by Galtung
and Ruge? To this end we read and
considered a total of 1276 news arti-
cles published as page leads in UK
national newspapers in March 1999,2
attempting to identify which if any of
Galtung and Ruge’s factors appeared
to be present in each story. Content
analysis—de ned by Berelson (1971,
p. 18) as “a research technique for the
objective, systematic and quantitative
description of the manifest content of
communication”—is of course itself a
problematic area. We must therefore
follow McQuail (1977, p. 2) in prefacing
our ndings with the health warning
that reminds that “there is no objective
or neutral way of deciding which cate-
gories should be used”.
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Whereas Galtung and Ruge began
by suggesting a list of factors and then
put forward hypotheses—rather than
beginning with an empirical study of
what actually appeared in newspa-
pers—our exploration approached the
issue from an altogether different an-
gle. Their concern was with events and
how they did or did not become news.
Our concern has been with published
news items and what may or may not
have led to their selection. When we
discuss our ndings below, it is evident
that many news items appear to have
little if any relation to actual events (as
the term “event” is commonly under-
stood). Indeed, there are considerable
dif cultie s in de ning an event —when
journalists may identify a series of what
may be termed “mini-events” within a
larger story; or when so many stories
are based on issues, trends and even
speculation rather tha n a ny identi able
The Newspapers
Three UK national daily newspapers
were selected for analysis which are
the market leaders in terms of circu-
lation in their respective sectors.3The
broadsheet Daily Telegraph, owned by
Conrad Black’s Hollinger Group, has
an average daily sale of 1,022,937
(Press Gazette, 2000). It has been de-
scribed as having a “safely conserva-
tive politics and approach to
journalism”, although by the 1990s it
had “modernised itself stealthily and
rather cleverly (Engel, 1997, pp. 248,
The tabloid Sun, part of Rupert Mur-
doch’s News International empire, sells
3,395,273 copies a day and has been
the biggest-selling UK daily newspaper
for more than 20 years (Press Gazette,
2000). As James Curran notes, The
Sun was reoriented towards a mass
working-class readership following its
purchase by Murdoch in 1969: “It
greatly increased its entertainment
coverage, in particular human interest
reporting of show business and TV
stars, developed a more explicit style of
soft porn, and shrank its coverage of
public affairs. It evolved a complex edi-
torial formula which was both hedo-
nistic and moralistic, iconoclastic and
authoritarian (Curran and Seaton,
1997, p. 93.)
The third title considered was the
middlebrow Daily Mail, owned by Asso-
ciated Newspapers and boasting an
average daily circulation of 2,310,781
(Press Gazette, 2000). It has been de-
scribed by Engel as “successful, pro-
fessional, respected, competitive,
forceful, well-written and, in extremis,
particularly during elections, thoroughly
mendacious” (Engel, 1997, p. 306.) It
has also long been identi ed with a
successful strategy of targeting female
readers (Holland, 1998, p. 21).
At an overt party-political level, both
the Telegraph and the Mail have tradi-
tionally been pro-Conservative news-
papers, while the Sun switched from
being a pro-Labour title before Mur-
doch bought it in 1969 to become a
champion of Thatcherism before turn-
ing on the Tories after the 1992 general
election and backing Tony Blair’s
Labour Party shortly before Labour
won a landslide victory in the 1997
Since the concern was to explore
news values we focused on news items
to the exclusion of other content that
Galtung and Ruge included in their
sampling: editorials, features and
readers’ letters.4We decided to exam-
ine all news, rather than restricting
the study to foreign news, since,
notwithstanding the narrow focus of
their paper, Galtung and Ruge’s study
has become part of the canon of news
values in general. For each news page
in each issue of the newspapers
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under consideration, we analysed the
content of the page lead; that is, the
most prominent news story.5
Problematic Areas
Given that we were approaching Gal-
tung and Ruge’s criteria from the per-
spective of media texts rather than
events, we recognised that there would
be methodological problems to be ad-
dressed. For example, when piloting
our content analysis by scouring news
items for signs of Galtung and Ruge’s
12 factors, it quickly became apparent
that their factors could be identi ed on
actual newspaper pages only with the
use of copious amounts of necessarily
subjective interpretation on the part of
the researchers. To minimise unreliabil-
ity, we began by coding newspapers
together, reading and discussing each
news story and agreeing which (if any)
of Galtung and Ruge’s factors were
evident. But we were frequently faced
with questions such as: “What is an
unambiguous event?” and Reference
to something negative for whom?”
When dealing with something as
“opaque” as news values (to use Hall’s
term), it appears there can be little es-
cape from subjective interpretation.
This, taken with McQuail’s warning
cited above, means that the gures
included in this article must be con-
sidered as only broadly indicative
ndings of fallible human beings. Fur-
thermore, assuming that it might be
possible to identify correctly and objec-
tively the factors within a news item,
this would not necessarily explain why
that story was selected above other
potential stories containing similar ele-
ments. Nor could it shed much light on
whether factors such as unambiguity or
personi cation were intrinsic to the
subject matter or simply how the news-
paper chose to write about it on that
occasion. Indeed, when applied in
practice, each of Galtung and Ruge’s
12 news factors become problematic,
as is indicated by the following exam-
ples of questions raised during our re-
F1. FREQUENCY. How does this re-
late to stories that are not about events
at all, but about trends, speculation, or
even the absence of events?
F2. THRESHOLD. Isn’t this still open to
subjective interpretation? Which is big-
ger—20 deaths in ten road accidents or
ve deaths in one rail crash?
F3. UNAMBIGUITY. Is the ambiguity in
the subject or in the journalist’s in-
F4. MEANINGFULNESS. This is a slip-
pery concept that changes over time
and relies on subjective interpretation.
tell if the journalist is simply taking an
unexpected angle on a predictable
F6. CONSONANCE. How useful is this
category if it is possible only to guess if
and when it has applied?
F7. CONTINUITY. Something may be
in the news today because it was in the
news yesterday, but what does that
actually reveal about why it was news
in the rst place?
F8. COMPOSITION. How is it possible
to know what was in the selector’s
mind when making a particular de-
F9. ELITE NATIONS. The dearth of
foreign news in UK tabloid newspapers
renders this a relatively infrequently
identi ed factor; does that mean it does
not apply?
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Table 1. Galtung and Ruge’s news factors in The Sun,Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph—March
Newspaper F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Stories
The Sun 108 42 176 35 32 78 87 31 37 178 135 116 344
Daily Mail 195 70 249 70 37 128 131 35 59 201 173 204 537
Daily Telegraph 169 61 164 115 40 70 136 40 117 209 109 134 395
Totals 472 173 589 220 109 276 354 106 213 588 417 454 1276
F10. ELITE PEOPLE. How useful is a
category that does not distinguish be-
tween the Spice Girls and the Presi-
dent of the USA?
this intrinsic to the subject or the
journalist’s technique?
NEGATIVE. Negative for whom? Bad
news for some might be good news for
Of course, by its very nature, no con-
tent analysis—whether used to identify
Galtung and Ruge’s factors or any
other formulations—can show us which
possible news items were rejected or
not even noticed by the news selectors.
Furthermor e, as our ndings belo w
suggest, there appear to be many sto-
ries published which feature news fac-
tors not included in Galtung and Ruge’s
list. But these limitations do not sug-
gest that Galtung and Ruge’s study is
of no value today. Rather, the concep-
tual and methodological issues we
have identi ed signal that empirical
research into news selection prompts
at least as many questions as it an-
swers. These are valid questions and
they need to be addressed—along with
the tentative ndings of ourselves and
others—rather than ignored in the be-
lief that Galtung and Ruge have de-
vised a comprehensive set of news
The number of stories analysed in The
Sun (344), the Daily Mail (537) and the
Daily Telegraph (395) provide an over-
all data set of 1276 published items.
Table 1 details the frequency with
which Galtung and Ruge’s 12 news
factors appeared in the lead news sto-
ries analysed in each of the three
newspapers. Table 2 ranks Galtung
and Ruge’s 12 news factors according
to the aggregated frequency with which
they were identi ed in lead news sto-
ries across the three papers. Tables 3,
4 and 5 detail the frequencies with
which Galtung and Ruge’s news fac-
tors were evident in page leads in The
Sun,Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph,
respectively, during March 1999.
While these data may be regarded
as only broadly indicative, they never-
theless merit discussion, since they in-
Table 2. Galtung and Ruge’s news factors in
rank order across all newspapers
F3 Unambiguity 589
F10 Referenc e to elite people 588
F1 Frequency 472
F12 Referenc e to something negative 454
F11 Referenc e to persons 417
F7 Continuity 354
F6 Unexpectednes s 276
F4 Meaningfulness: cultural proximity 220
F9 Reference to elite nations 213
F2 Threshold 173
F5 Consonance 109
F8 Composition 106
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Table 3. Galtung and Ruge’s news factors in lead stories in The Sun during March 1999
Date F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Stories
1 March 3 2 10 1 2 5 2 2 1 4 2 5 10
2 March 3 3 7 0 2 3 5 1 2 6 3 8 12
3 March 3 4 5 3 1 3 4 0 3 9 5 5 10
4 March 2 1 9 2 2 3 6 2 1 10 4 8 15
5 March 7 3 14 3 2 5 6 0 3 6 8 9 16
6 March 4 4 12 1 3 4 3 2 0 7 4 4 13
8 March 5 1 11 0 0 3 1 0 0 6 5 6 12
9 March 3 0 10 1 0 1 1 0 0 9 5 1 12
10 March 10 3 10 0 0 4 1 3 0 6 4 5 11
11 March 11 1 14 3 2 7 3 3 2 8 12 6 16
12 March 7 1 9 3 3 2 4 3 3 10 9 5 18
13 March 3 0 10 0 0 2 2 0 1 10 7 5 18
15 March 2 2 6 0 1 3 0 2 4 7 4 5 15
16 March 3 1 6 5 2 2 3 3 1 8 4 3 10
17 March 0 0 5 0 2 2 4 0 1 5 5 3 9
18 March 0 3 0 0 0 2 4 0 1 6 3 3 13
19 March 4 2 4 4 3 6 3 2 3 7 8 5 15
20 March 7 3 12 1 2 5 3 1 0 10 8 15 19
22 March 2 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 5 5 3 11
23 March 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 7 2 0 11
24 March 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 4 3 8
25 March 6 3 3 3 3 2 5 2 3 5 2 0 14
26 March 4 0 4 1 0 2 5 3 3 7 2 0 13
27 March 6 3 11 4 2 5 4 2 5 3 9 8 14
29 March 3 1 2 0 0 1 5 0 0 4 3 0 11
30 March 4 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 4 0 8
31 March 3 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 0 6 4 1 10
Total 108 42 176 35 32 78 87 31 37 178 135 116 344
dicate possible trends within journalism
as well as raising further questions
concerning the applicability of the fac-
tors that make up Galtung and Ruge’s
news values.
Galtung and Ruge’s News Factors
F3. UNAMBIGUITY. It was perhaps no
surprise to nd that “unambiguity” was
identi ed most frequently, since it was
texts—the news product—rather than
events themselves which were being
analysed. Given that journalists are
trained to write the “intros” to their
news stories in an unambiguous way,
with a clear news angle in the rst
couple of sentences, it is perhaps inevi-
table that so many news stories should
appear unambiguous. As Table 1 sug-
gests, the Daily Mail particularly fa-
vours an unambiguous approach.
Interestingly, we noted many news sto-
ries that were written unambiguously
about events and issues that were
likely to have been highly ambiguous;
NATO’s bombing of Serbia, for exam-
ple, or the implications of the UK
government’s budget for the following
PLE. This scored highly but the elite
people” noted in this study were not
necessarily the elite people that Gal-
tung and Ruge had in mind. The UK
press seems obsessed with celebrities
such as TV soap stars, sports stars,
lm stars and, of course, royalty. In
contrast, the “elite people” identi ed by
Downloaded by [Computing & Library Services, University of Huddersfield] at 07:25 16 December 2015
Table 4. Galtung and Ruge’s news factors in lead stories in the Daily Mail during March 1999
Date F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Stories
1 March 4 4 12 1 0 5 6 0 2 6 4 11 20
2 March 12 7 19 4 2 10 6 1 2 10 8 12 25
3 March 11 7 17 9 4 11 11 3 9 10 12 19 25
4 March 3 5 14 5 3 6 5 2 3 8 9 15 22
5 March 9 2 16 3 2 9 6 1 3 12 5 13 20
6 March 2 2 8 1 0 5 6 1 1 7 5 3 17
8 March 11 0 22 1 1 5 2 1 3 6 8 14 23
9 March 14 1 15 1 1 5 4 2 1 10 5 10 22
10 March 8 2 3 0 1 1 0 9 0 6 1 1 9
11 March 15 1 20 4 3 8 7 1 2 8 5 10 25
12 March 11 4 14 4 4 6 8 1 2 9 12 14 24
13 March 6 2 8 0 0 6 4 0 2 5 5 8 18
15 March 10 4 19 4 0 5 3 1 4 12 4 13 21
16 March 4 1 5 5 2 4 4 5 3 5 9 7 18
17 March 5 0 3 1 3 0 7 0 1 8 6 3 18
18 March 4 4 7 1 0 6 5 1 2 6 12 6 21
19 March 4 3 4 2 4 3 6 1 2 7 8 5 21
20 March 5 7 10 4 2 6 0 0 2 5 6 10 16
22 March 3 2 4 6 0 3 6 0 3 9 4 2 20
23 March 5 1 1 1 0 3 3 0 0 6 8 4 20
24 March 5 0 2 1 0 3 4 0 0 9 10 4 25
25 March 6 2 4 2 3 2 6 0 2 6 4 2 18
26 March 6 1 6 4 0 2 4 2 4 6 6 2 19
27 March 15 8 16 5 2 6 6 3 6 10 6 13 17
29 March 4 0 0 1 0 2 5 0 0 7 2 0 18
30 March 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 4 0 18
31 March 8 0 0 0 0 6 2 0 0 3 5 3 17
Total 195 70 249 70 37 128 131 35 59 201 173 204 537
Galtung and Ruge were the politically
powerful, people in positions of auth-
ority. As it stands, “elite people” is too
broad a category to shed much light on
what makes news in our current cul-
tural climate. It should also be noted
there were many references to elite
organisations or institutions, such as
the United Nations, the Vatican, Ox-
bridge, Eton and NATO and that this
factor could help make a story as
newsworthy as could references to elite
F1 FREQUENCE. A common-sense
notion of news as information that is
new would lead one to expect this fac-
tor to score highly, and indeed fre-
quency appears to be particularly
signi cant for the Daily Mail and the
Daily Telegraph. It is perhaps surpris-
ing that this factor did not constitute a
higher proportion of the total number of
stories examined. In contrast to the
suggestion of Galtung and Ruge, many
events became news even when, on
the face of it, they did not unfold at a
frequency suited to newspaper pro-
duction. There were a number of sto-
ries that provided no clear timescale of
when the event/issue unfolded. This
may have been deliberately obscured
because the news was not particularly
contemporary, possibly due to the par-
asitic nature of the media, with national
papers picking up stories already pub-
lished in local newspapers some time
ago. This was particularly true of The
Sun, which seemed to rate stories
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Table 5. Galtung and Ruge’s news factors in lead stories in the Daily Telegraph during March
Date F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Stories
1 March 4 2 9 3 1 4 5 1 5 4 8 7 13
2 March 11 4 12 6 1 9 9 1 4 8 5 6 15
3 March 9 5 8 7 1 9 8 2 6 5 6 8 12
4 March 8 4 11 6 5 3 5 2 6 7 6 10 15
5 March 11 7 13 10 2 4 7 1 8 12 5 12 18
6 March 6 2 8 3 4 2 3 1 1 9 3 7 14
8 March 8 1 12 2 1 3 3 0 3 7 1 6 13
9 March 8 1 11 8 1 3 0 0 6 13 4 4 16
10 March 6 1 9 3 2 3 0 1 1 7 4 10 13
11 March 9 3 17 7 4 6 4 4 5 12 6 10 23
12 March 12 1 9 6 2 3 3 2 7 13 6 3 17
13 March 5 0 5 3 1 4 2 0 3 7 3 5 13
15 March 4 1 4 3 3 3 2 2 4 7 4 6 11
16 March 5 3 5 11 4 2 3 3 7 9 5 6 17
17 March 2 1 0 12 1 1 4 0 2 7 3 2 11
18 March 2 1 1 2 1 1 6 2 5 10 3 2 18
19 March 4 1 2 1 2 1 11 0 5 10 5 3 18
20 March 8 7 8 9 2 1 6 3 8 8 4 9 16
22 March 0 1 2 0 0 1 4 0 2 5 1 0 11
23 March 3 1 0 2 0 0 6 1 3 11 3 1 16
24 March 3 1 2 1 0 0 5 1 3 5 4 2 15
25 March 8 3 3 6 0 0 8 3 6 9 5 2 19
26 March 7 3 0 2 0 1 7 4 3 2 0 1 12
27 March 10 5 12 8 2 5 4 1 8 8 5 7 13
29 March 2 1 0 1 0 0 5 3 1 2 2 0 7
30 March 9 1 1 1 0 0 9 0 3 5 6 3 16
31 March 5 0 0 2 0 1 7 2 2 7 2 2 13
Total 169 61 164 115 40 70 136 40 117 209 109 134 395
more on their entertainment value than
on their freshness.
NEGATIVE. The old adage that “the
only good news is bad news” may not
be literally true, but references to
something negative were identi ed in
more than one-third of the stories
analysed. The Daily Mail appears to be
particularly keen on negative or “bad
news” stories. But this nding should
be considered alongside the surprising
amount of “good news” that all three
newspapers reported. Positive stories
included acts of heroism, resourceful
children, miracle recoveries, lucky es-
capes, happy anniversaries, prize win-
ning, and triumphs over adversity. On
some days, the number of positive sto-
ries was almost equal to the number of
negative stories: for example, The Sun
on 10 March 1999 carried four gener-
ally positive page leads, mostly wel-
coming budget proposals, as opposed
to ve page leads about somethin g
negative. It is possible that “good
news” items might feature even more
prominently if all stories, rather than
page leads, were examined. However,
there is a larger question here: bad
news for whom? The Daily Mail ran a
number of stories presenting things as
bad news which might be seen by oth-
ers as good news: the UK govern-
ment’s introduction of a statutory
minimum wage, for example, was pre-
sented as bad news for employers and
employees alike, when it could equally
have been presented as good news for
Downloaded by [Computing & Library Services, University of Huddersfield] at 07:25 16 December 2015
one or both sides of industry. Similarly,
aspects of the budget were presented
in one paper as good news and in
another as bad news. A story may be
presented as bad news simply because
this angle re ects that paper’s political
stance or the perceived views of its
might be anticipated that this factor
would be prominent because journal-
istic training and professional practice
demand that the reporter seeks out the
individual people involved in events,
either to provide human interest or to
obtain quotes from all sides involved
(to present the story as an objective
account). This factor was ranked as the
third most important for The Sun, the
fth for the Daily Mail, but only the
eighth for the Daily Telegraph, indicat-
ing that tabloid newspapers generally
carry more human interest stories and
a great deal of their news is person-
F7. CONTINUITY. This factor was not
always easy to identify over a relatively
short period and this may explain why
this is not higher, given that the media
use other media as news sources and
competing media feel obliged to cover
the same stories and issues. Continuity
may well have gured as a more im-
portant factor if features, editorials and
letters had been studied in addition to
news stories.
event is rarer than might have been
expected, possibly re ecting the fact
that much news gathering is routine,
dominated by the news diary and by
prearranged events or “pseudo-
events”, as more organisations be-
come adept at the skills of news
managem ent. The gures show a
signi cantly greater number of unex-
pected stories in the Daily Mail than in
the other two titles.
F4. MEANINGFULNESS (cultural prox-
NATIONS. The distinct lack of over-
seas news in the tabloids (on most
days, The Sun and the Daily Mail car-
ried little or no foreign news) means
that neither of these factors gured
prominen tly in the ndings. As migh t
have been expected, both factors were
considerably higher in the Daily Tele-
F2. THRESHOLD. The relatively low
position of this factor is surprising and
reveals that newspapers do not
necessarily cover stories for the rea-
sons that those outside the industry
might expect: because it affects large
numbers of people or is considered
“important in some other way. We fre-
quently found ourselves asking: “What
is this story doing here?” To some ex-
tent, this might re ect a shift away from
hard news. Certainly, all three titles
carried many stories of little apparent
signi cance or amplitude, presumably
because such stories were seen as
entertaining or relating to the perceived
lifestyle of readers.
SITION. These two factors do not
score highly, which is probably an indi-
cation that they have less to do with
events and more to do with news as
process; therefore we were largely left
to speculate on the reasons behind the
decisions of news selectors.
Those Parts of the News that Gal-
tung and Ruge Did Not Uncover
Exploring the news almost four
decades after Galtung and Ruge, and
with a focus on domestic as well as
foreign news, was perhaps bound to
reveal a number of important news
Downloaded by [Computing & Library Services, University of Huddersfield] at 07:25 16 December 2015
values that were not discussed by Gal-
tung and Ruge. Furthermore, in con-
trast to Galtung and Ruge’s starting
point, this study has suggested that
many news stories are not related to
events at all. We now turn to discuss
these points of difference before going
on to draw up our own taxonomy of
contemporary news values.
Many stories were included not be-
cause they provided serious infor-
mation for the reader, but apparently
merely to entertain the reader. This
proved to be a major factor, particularly
for The Sun (for example: “I had a
beany baby: non-stop Heinz got me
pregnant, says mum Vicky”, 16 March
1999). It should be noted that humor-
ous and entertaining articles, stories
about sex, celebrities and royalty—or
stories that were dramatic but of no
apparent widespread social
signi cance—were not con ned to the
tabloids but were also prominent in the
Daily Telegraph. This seems to offer
some support for Franklin’s contention
that broadsheet newspapers have an
increasingly tabloid agenda (Franklin,
1997, pp. 7–10). As Bourdieu notes,
the focus of such a tabloid agenda is
on “those things which are apt to
arouse curiosity but require no analy-
sis” (1998, p. 51). It must be noted,
however, that the range of news in the
Daily Telegraph was far greater than in
the middlebrow or tabloid papers, and
that light-hearted stories were not
necessarily excluding hard news on its
The following subcategories help
make up the entertainment package
that now forms a large part of news
story provided a good picture oppor-
tunity then it was often included even
when there was little obvious intrinsic
newsworthiness. When combined with
a top celebrity or a royal, the combi-
nation seemed to almost guarantee in-
clusion (for example: “A love tonic for
Anthea”, Daily Mail, 26 March 1999).
Closely connected to picture opportuni-
ties were stories featuring attractive
women (often crime stories), which fre-
quently appeared complete with pic-
tures (for example: “Jealous lover who
killed lm starlet is jailed for life”, Daily
Telegraph, 30 March 1999, which in-
cluded a large semi-naked photograph
of the victim). This prompted us to
speculate about the number of stories
concerning other female victims of
crime which had been ignored because
the individuals were not deemed at-
tractive enough. And it would seem to
support the ndings of a study pub-
lished by the Women in Journalism
group which suggested that the criteria
used to select pictures of women are
different from those applied to men.
Mary Ann Sieghart, assistant editor of
The Times, said she often heard the
newsroom question, “Is she photo-
genic?” (Carter et al., 1999).6
2. REFERENCE TO SEX. Continuing
this theme, a large number of stories
referred to sex (for example: “Twin-city
slicker and a tale of two blondes”, Daily
Mail, 16 March 1999; and “Wren ‘humil-
iated’ by superior’s sex banter”, Daily
Telegraph, 23 March 1999). Such sto-
ries often also provide good picture op-
portunities. While sex may have been
tangential to a story, this angle was
often emphasised and the story pre-
sented as one about sex, making sex
an important factor in contemporary
news values.
mals also featured prominently, partic-
ularly in the Daily Mail and The Sun
(though are by no means shunned by
the Daily Telegraph). This often had
Downloaded by [Computing & Library Services, University of Huddersfield] at 07:25 16 December 2015
the added advantage of providing an
appealing picture opportunity (for ex-
ample: “Left behind with love, a dying
man’s best friend”, Daily Mail, 18
March 1999; “Yappy landings: pup An-
nie falls 120ft off cliff and trots away”,
The Sun, 18 March 1999; and “Spaniel
has a spring in its step after 250ft
plunge”, Daily Mail, 29 March 1999).
4. HUMOUR. Humorous stories were
popular with news selectors (for exam-
ple: “Nutty Nick pays £7,000 for gold
gnashers”, The Sun, 1 March 1999).
Very often these stories appear to have
little intrinsic newsworthiness in any
conventional sense, and may not even
be particularly funny on the face of it,
but they are written in a humorous style
and usually provide an opportunity for a
subeditor to produce a punning head-
line (for example: “Keep you hands off
our Willey”, The Sun, 12 March 1999;
“Fast Food: two wives take a Damon
Hill cardboard cut-out to dinner”, The
Sun, 3 March 1999; A game of chew
scarves: Andy nibbles souvenir to bring
his footie team luck”, The Sun, 17
March 1999). In this sense, “headline
opportunity might be said to be a fac-
tor in selecting a story for the tabloids.
5. SHOWBIZ/TV. Stories about TV
stars, particularly those featured in
soap operas and docusoaps, and other
celebrities were rife in The Sun, but all
the papers carried more than their fair
share of stories about what can be
described as showbiz (for example:
“My new boy and gel, by quiffmaster
Beckham”, concerning footballer David
Beckham’s latest haircut, Daily Mail, 29
March 1999; “Posh Spice gives birth to
a baby boy”, Daily Telegraph, 5 March
1999, the same day as the Telegraph
covered the marriage breakdown of for-
mer Olympic swimmer and TV host
Sharon Davies). These stories, and
countless others like them, were cov-
ered on prime news pages; our study
did not consider features, TV sections
or showbiz gossip pages. Related to
this area is the emergence of stories
openly based on ction, but presented
as real life, for example news stories
based on TV characters (not the ac-
tors) or on soap scenarios. For exam-
ple, The Sun carried a page on how the
budget would affect characters from
Coronation Street (10 March 1999) and
a story on what happens on the wed-
ding day of another character from the
same soap (6 March 1999). It is also
worth noting that The Sun often carried
stories about TV which either explicitly
or implicitly attacked or undermined the
BBC (for example: “BBC Nuked at Ten:
ITV score huge hit as millions tune in to
new evening line-up”, The Sun, 15
March 1999). The same issue included
a story attacking a BBC docusoap, Jail-
birds, and an editorial supporting this
line and urging readers to stick to ITV’s
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
In addition to the above elements,
which have been grouped under
the broad heading “Entertainment”,
there are two news factors discussed
Reference to Something Positive
Examples of this “good news” factor
include: “My £10 lifesaver: trainers’ rub-
ber soles kept electric shock boy alive”,
The Sun, 30 March 1999; and “£3.8m
win lets father ful l a pledge of love”,
Daily Mail, 31 March 1999.
Reference to Elite Organisations
or Institutions
As previously noted, the involvement of
an elite organisation may generate
news coverage of an event that may
have been ignored had it involved a
non-elite organisation (for example:
“Eton’s killer game craze”, The Sun, 17
March 1999).
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Agendas, Promotions and
A nal category of news not considered
by Galtung and Ruge, but which this
study suggests is signi cant, is a news-
paper’s own agenda. This could in-
clude The Sun’s anti-BBC knocking
stories cited above (which could be
said to serve the commercial interests
of Rupert Murdoch). During the period
under consideration, The Sun also ran
a prominent “Save our truckers cam-
paign (complete with logo), featuring
many populist stories related to in-
creases in the price of road tax and
diesel (for example, see the front page
splash: “White van jam: tax demo to
cripple capital”, The Sun, 18 March
1999). Promotions also play a part
here, for example The Sun had regular
items based on its own promotions
such as “Free Books for Schools”, fea-
turing news stories about particular
schools. Such stories appeared less
because of any intrinsic news value
than because they served to promote
commercial interests and/or reader loy-
alty and identi cation. For its part, the
Daily Mail featured a page lead with
two photographs plugging the Ideal
Home Show, sponsored by none other
than the Daily Mail (“Millennium
dreams”, 18 March 1999). At the same
time, the Daily Mail was running a
“Free Private Lee Clegg campaign,
aimed at overturning the murder con-
viction of a British soldier who shot
dead a teenage girl in Northern Ireland.
Thus, the Clegg story was given
greater coverage in the Daily Mail (in
terms of column inches, prominence
and continuity) than in other newspa-
A Hierarchy of Values?
While it is not possible unequivocally to
demonstrate empirically a clear hier-
archy of news values (for the reasons
discussed in the section on methodol-
ogy), our ndings do suggest that cer-
tain combinations of news values
appear almost to guarantee coverage
in the press. For example, a story with
a good picture or picture opportunity
combined with any reference to an A-
list celebrity, royalty, sex, TV or a cud-
dly animal appears to make a heady
brew that news editors nd almost im-
possible to resist. This would perhaps
support the contention of Franklin
(1997), Langer (1998), Bourdieu
(1998), Barnett and Seymour (2000)
and others that “tabloid news values”
are increasingly found in traditionally
non-tabloid media, i.e. broadsheet
newspapers and television news. But,
while our study may tend to support
anecdotal evidence of such claims, we
can make no statistical claims for this,
since it was not the focus of our study
and we did not explore changes over
Conclusion: towards a
contemporary set of news
Our ndings underline Tunstall’s con-
cern that, by focusing on coverage of
three major international crises, Gal-
tung and Ruge ignored day-to-day
coverage of lesser, domestic and
bread-and-butter news (Tunstall, 1971,
p. 21). In short, despite the way it has
been so widely cited, Galtung and
Ruge’s taxonomy of news factors ap-
pears to ignore the majority of news
stories. Further, while the gures given
above suggest that news stories do
frequently contain the factors identi ed
by Galtung and Ruge, our study adds
weight to Seaton’s contention that
many items of news are not reports of
events at all, but “pseudo-events”, free
advertising or public relations spin. But
whereas Seaton is concerned about
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“the growth of organisations, profes-
sions and skills aimed at manipulating
the media” (Curran and Seaton, 1997,
pp. 277–78), our study suggests that
the media themselves may also be re-
sponsible for the prominence of many
apparently manufactured stories that
have little relation to actual events. We
nd ourselves agreeing with H artley
that, in contrast to some of the more
mechanistic analyses of newspaper
content, we should be constantly aware
that identifying news factors or news
values may tell us more about how
stories are covered than why they were
chosen in the rst place (Hartley, 1982,
p. 79). The same point may be made
about the useful additional factors sug-
gested by Bell and discussed above:
competition, cooption, predictability
and prefabrication (Bell, 1991, pp. 159–
For these reasons, and because of
the problematic issues intrinsic to Gal-
tung and Ruge’s factors discussed
above, it must be concluded that the
much-cited Galtung and Ruge list of
news values should be regarded as
open to question rather than recited as
if written on a tablet of stone: the same
critical scepticism should also be ap-
plied, of course, to the set of contem-
porary news values we propose after a
nal consideration of the individual fac-
tors discussed above.
A number of Galtung and Ruge’s fac-
tors appear to be problematic to ident-
ify while others may be identi able but
less in any intrinsic properties of a po-
tential news story and more in the pro-
cess of how a story has been
constructed or written up. Examples of
the latter are “frequency” and
“unambiguity”. Frequency of an event
is often arti cial today, re ecting ho w
news can be created or managed by
the public relations industry.
“Newness”, which is related to
“frequency”, appears to be more im-
portant for hard news than for softer
stories. It should also be remembered
that journalists are adept at selecting a
particular issue or subevent from an
event as it unfolds, even when it may
unfold at an overall pace that does not
coincide with newspaper production.
Similarly, most journalists are trained to
write unambiguous angles to stories
that may be ambiguous, complex or
unclear. It could be that frequency”
has become less important for newspa-
pers as they are increasingly outpaced
by electronic media (McNair, 1998,
p. 179). If so, newspapers may increas-
ingly be left to provide background or
analytical copy about a news event that
has broken previously on television, ra-
dio or the web. Newspapers may not
attempt to compete with broadcasting,
preferring entertainment above hard
news. For all these reasons, we would
not include either “frequency or
“unambiguity” in a contemporary set of
news values.
Certainly, “entertainment proved to
be pervasive in all newspapers, though
particularly in The Sun, where it was
often dominant. This reinforces
Franklin’s description of a prosaic per-
ception of journalism which stresses
the need for journalists to entertain as
well as inform: “The history of the
British press, since the emergence of
popular journalism,” he argues has
been a history of newspapers increas-
ingly shifting its [sic] editorial emphasis
towards entertainment (Franklin, 1997,
p. 72). Therefore, no contemporary set
of news values is complete without an
“entertainment” factor.
Some of Galtung and Ruge’s factors
remain resonant today and can usefully
be incorporated, if worded slightly dif-
ferently. “Meaningfulness” and
“reference to elite nations” might be
better subsumed into the wider cate-
gory of “relevance to readers”. This
would include reference to culturally
familiar countries that are not necess-
arily elite nations (such as
Downloaded by [Computing & Library Services, University of Huddersfield] at 07:25 16 December 2015
popular holiday destinations, Common-
wealth countries or the countries of
signi cant immigrant groups in Britain)
and deal with the stories perceived as
being of interest and value to particular
readership pro les (such as parents,
motorists, people with mortgages, etc.).
“Consonance and “composition”
could be incorporated into the category
of the “newspaper agenda”. The news
selector may indeed be predicting or
wanting something to happen, but we
would argue that this is related to the
cultural, commercial or political climate
of their particular newsroom. The news
selector will be only too fully aware of a
paper’s political stance and the percep-
tion of what regular readers want from
their newspaper. In some cases, the
news selector may well be required to
go further and actively “manufacture
the news stories that appear as part of
a paper’s campaign or promotion (sto-
ries that would not ordinarily be sought
out or noticed). Journalists may also be
encouraged to write stories that under-
mine or attack an employer’s economic
rival while promoting a proprietor’s
economic interests, such as anti-BBC
stories in Murdoch’s Sun.
“Composition”, as de ned by Galtung
and Ruge, is related to their notion of
“continuity”. We prefer the category of
“follow-up”—a term commonly used by
journalists—which is more clearly
de ned as being the latest develop-
ment in or somehow related to a pre-
vious newsworthy story.
Galtung and Ruge’s category of
“reference to elite people is not partic-
ularly useful as it stands, since it is
taken to include everyone from prime
ministers to B-movie actors and Se-
cond Division footballers. We propose
separate categories referring to the
“power elite”, which should include elite
organisations and institutions as well
as people, and “celebrity”, referring to
people who are already famous
whether or not they are powerful.
Galtung and Ruge included
“reference to persons”, since they be-
lieved that many news stories were
“personi ed”. Indeed, as Schudson
(1996, p. 153) points out, they sug-
gested that reporters write of persons
and not structures, individuals and not
social forces, because Western culture
views individuals as “masters of their
own destiny” and that storytelling de-
mands “iden ti cation amon g readers.
But, while our study of the UK press
threw up plenty of “human interest sto-
ries that might satisfy this need for
identi ca tion, we did not nd that mo st
stories were personi ed in this way.
News stories often revolved around key
organisations, issues and institutions.
The conventional journalistic practice
of obtaining quotes meant that repre-
sentatives of such organisations would
be quoted, but many stories were
nevertheless not personi ed in any
meaningful sense. The categories of
the “power elite” and “celebrity” satis-
factorily cover many of those stories
that do revolve around individuals, and
we would include “human interest” as a
more precise subcategory of
“entertainment” stories that have no
great social import but which are enter-
taining to read.
Galtung and Ruge’s concepts of
“threshold” and “unexpectedness” re-
main useful categories but could be
better described as “magnitude” and
“surprise”, the latter category expanded
to include unexpected contrasts.
News Values: a contemporary set
Informed by our sampling of the UK
press, by a review of the relevant litera-
ture, and by our own practice as jour-
nalists, readers and academics, we
tentatively propose the following list of
news values. Although there are ex-
ceptions to every rule, we have found
that news stories must generally satisfy
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one or more of the following require-
ments to be selected:
1. THE POWER ELITE. Stories con-
cerning powerful individuals, organisa-
tions or institutions.
2. CELEBRITY. Stories concerning
people who are already famous.
3. ENTERTAINMENT. Stories concern-
ing sex, showbusiness, human interest,
animals, an unfolding drama, or offer-
ing opportunities for humorous treat-
ment, entertaining photographs or witty
4. SURPRISE. Stories that have an
element of surprise and/or contrast.
5. BAD NEWS.7Stories with particu-
larly negative overtones, such as
con ict or tragedy.
6. GOOD NEWS. Stories with particu-
larly positive overtones such as res-
cues and cures.
7. MAGNITUDE. Stories that are per-
ceived as suf ciently signi cant either
in the numbers of people involved or in
potential impact.
8. RELEVANCE. Stories about issues,
groups and nations perceived to be
relevant to the audience.
9. FOLLOW-UP. Stories about subjects
already in the news.
that set or t the news organisation’s
own agenda.
The news values in daily application
by tens of thousands of journalists may
indeed be opaque, as suggested by
Hall (1973, p. 181). We offer this study,
and our proposed contemporary set of
news values, as a contribution to the
process of making news values more
transparent and our understanding of
them more up to date. Future research
may help shed more light on how effec-
tive our list of news values is in render-
ing news selection a more transparent
and better-understood process.8
1Galtung and Ruge looked at 1262 press cuttings—including news items, features, editorials and raders
letters—concerning the crises in the Congo (1960), Cuba (1960) and Cyprus (1964).
2We considered every issue of the Da ily Telegraph,The Sun and the Daily M ail published during the randomly
selected month of March 1999.
3We excluded Sunday newspapers, since, in the UK at least, they generally have a less news-driven agenda
than do the dailies.
4We did, however, nd some blurring of the lines between news, features and comment pieces, particularly in
The Sun and Daily Mail.
5It should be pointed out that broadsheet newspapers such as the Daily Telegraph have more stories to the
page, including very prominent stories that do not feature in our study because they are not page leads.
Therefore, its page leads form a lower proport ion of its overall news content. However, we decided to focus
on page leads because their prominent positioning in the hierarchy of news can be taken as re ecting the
news values of the journalists involved in selecting, subediting and editing stories on newspapers.
6Future research exploring a gendered critique of journalistic news values—and perhaps even a gendered
critique of the academic study of news values—may provide further insights not discussed in this paper. The
women’s editor of The Guardian claims, “News values are still male values” (Brooks, 1999).
7It might be thought that the categories “bad news” and “good news” would include everything, but that is not
the case, since there are stories that have neither a particularly negative or positive basis. Other stories may,
of course, be given negative or positive slants by journalists. The reason for including numbers 5 and 6 in our
contemporary set of news values is that the presence or pretence of particularly good or bad news—triumph
or tragedy—increases the likelihood of something being covered by the news med ia.
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8Although this study has focused on the UK national press, it would be illuminating to compare our ndings with
the categorisation of news values operating at local, regional and international levels; in broadcasting and
online media as well as print; to explore changes over time; and to take the process further through interviews
with working journalists.
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... Meanwhile, it is suggested that objectivity is the primary professional ethic to which all journalists should aspire, yet is not absolute (McNair, 2009). Although guided by professional ideology -such as objectivity and fairness when reporting news -journalists usually highlight certain news values over others according to the news agenda as practiced by the channel in which they operate (Gans, 1980;Harcup & O'Neill, 2001). The organizational value guides the news agenda adopted in a newsroom. ...
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Immigration news coverage is often characterized by negativity, marked by a lack of representation of immigration stakeholders, and frequent instances of terminology misuse. Such depictions of immigration risk to perpetuate stereotypes and distort public perceptions concerning immigration. Although prior research has scrutinized the content of immigration news, how journalists give rise to the framing and voice of asylum seekers, refugees, and immigrants remains underexplored so far. Since press agency content often serves as a starting point for other newsrooms, we conducted three focus groups with 21 journalists from Belgium's largest press agency, Belga. Our findings show that journalists recognize the negativity bias in immigration coverage, which may be influenced by external actors such as politicians or NGOs. Journalists attribute the lack of a voice for immigration stakeholders to language barriers, organizational limitations, and the time pressures of 24/7 news reporting. Additionally, terminological complexities regarding asylum seekers, refugees, and immigrants hinder accurate representation. When reporting on international news, journalists frequently resort to external sources, given the limited opportunities for fact-checking. Our study implies that journalists do not operate in isolation and journalistic routines, organizational roles, and external actors, such as NGOs or political parties, shape immigration coverage. ARTICLE HISTORY
... Media narratives play a central role in shaping societal reactions (Gordon 2018). These narratives are formed through editorial decisions about which information is selected and how it is framed, based on criteria for newsworthiness (Galtung & Ruge 1965;Harcup & O'Neill 2001;Chyliński & Russ-Mohl 2007). Media companies establish and apply these criteria, making them central to editorial policies. ...
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While there is a strong scholarly interest surrounding the content of political misinformation online, much of this research concerns misinformation in Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic (WEIRD) countries. Although such research has investigated the topical and stylistic characteristics of misinformation, its findings are frequently not interpreted systematically in relation to properties that journalists rely on to capture the attention of audiences, that is, in relation to news values. We close the gap on comparative studies of news values in misinformation with a perspective that emphasizes non-WEIRD countries. Relying on a dataset of URLs that were shared on Facebook in twenty-four countries and reported by users as containing false news, we compile a large corpus of online news items and use an array of computational tools to analyze its content with respect to a set of five news values (conflict, negativity, proximity, individualization, and informativeness). We find salient differences for almost all news values and regarding the WEIRD/non-WEIRD and flagged/unflagged distinction. Moreover, the prevalence of individual news values differs strongly for individual countries. However, while almost all differences are significant, the effects we encounter are mostly small.
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Climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of natural disasters worldwide. Media coverage of these events may be vital to generate empathy and mobilize global populations to address the common threat posed by climate change. Using a dataset of 466 news sources from 123 countries, covering 135 million news articles since 2016, we apply an event study framework to measure cross-border media activity following natural disasters. Our results shows that while media attention rises after disasters, it is heavily skewed towards certain events, notably earthquakes, accidents, and wildfires. In contrast, climatologically salient events such as floods, droughts, or extreme temperatures receive less coverage. This cross-border disaster reporting is strongly related to the number of deaths associated with the event, especially when the affected populations share strong social ties or genetic similarities with those in the reporting country. Achieving more balanced media coverage across different types of natural disasters may be essential to counteract skewed perceptions. Further, fostering closer social connections between countries may enhance empathy and mobilize the resources necessary to confront the global threat of climate change.
Given the importance of negativity and conflict in political news, it is assumed that politicians strategically seek conflict or emphasize negativity to secure media coverage. Existing research investigating politicians’ self-mediatization relies on surveys or content analyses, and we have, therefore, little in-depth insight into how politicians navigate the news media’s strong focus on conflict and negativity. Addressing this gap, we conducted 31 interviews with Dutch MPs. Our findings reveal that while MPs recognize the media’s impact on the political realm and fellow politicians, their own adaptation to the media’s preference for negativity and conflict is a strategic and deliberate choice.
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Using a simplified psychology of perception and some additional assumptions, a system of twelve factors describing events is presented that together are used as a definition of 'newsworthiness'. Three basic hypotheses are presented: the additivity hypothesis that the more factors an event satisfies, the higher the probability that it becomes news; the complementarity hypothesis that the factors will tend to exclude each other since if one factor is present it is less necessary for the other factors to be present for the event to become news; and the exclusion hypothesis that events that satisfy none or very few factors will not become news. This theory is then tested on the news presented in four different Norwegian newspapers from the Congo and Cuba crises of July 1960 and the Cyprus crisis of March-April 1964, and the data are in the majority of cases found to be consistent with the theory. A dozen additional hypotheses are then deduced from the theory and their social implications are discussed. Finally, some tentative policy impli cations are formulated.
FranklinBob. Newszak and News Media. London: Arnold; dist. by St. Martin's Press, New York, N.Y. 1997. Pp. xi, 307. $19.95 paper. ISBN 0-340-61416-1. - Volume 30 Issue 4 - D. L. LeMahieu