
Support vector novelty detection in hidden space

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In this paper, a family of support vector novelty detection (or SVND) in hidden space is presented. Firstly a hidden-space SVND (or HSVND) algorithm is proposed. The data in an input space is mapped into a hidden space by using some hidden function. In the hidden space, we can perform the SVND with linear kernel. The advantage of HSVND over SVND is that a hidden function can be an arbitrary real-valued function including Mercer kernels and their combination. In SVND algorithm, only Mercer kernels can be used. Unfortunately, the mapped data may be non-spherical distributed data. In this case, HSVND works badly. Secondly a whitening HSVND (WHSVND) is proposed. We perform whitening method on the mapped data and then the SVND with linear kernel. The whitened data is spherical approximately. We prove that WHSVND is identical to whitening SVND (WSVND) if a single and same Mercer kernel is taken as a mapping function. In fact, above algorithms cannot work well if the data locates a subspace of input sample space or is rank deficiency. In this case, a mapping function only maps data from one subspace to another subspace and cannot make data spanning whole sample space. Thus noised and whitening HSVND (NWHSVND) is present for kernel mapping function. Before the data is mapped, some small randomly noise is put on it. Based on the noised data, the data is mapped into the hidden space. Next we whiten the mapped data, and perform the SVND with linear kernel. Experiments are performed on artificial and real-world data.

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... Hidden space support vector machine (HSSVM) extends the set of usable kernels [2], which only requires the hidden function to be symmetry. Researches on HSSVM include constructing sparse or ensemble algorithms [3][4], applying it new area [5]. However, HSSVM needs to solve a constrained program and requires long training time for large scale data. ...
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A hidden space smooth support vector machine with particle swarm optimization (PSO-HSSSVM) algorithm is proposed to solve problems of long training time and computing complex in using hidden space support vector machine (HSSVM) to solve constrained convex quadratic programs. The proposed algorithm transforms the input data to a hidden space using a hidden function, and has no any restriction on the positive definity of the hidden function. The entropy function is employed to approximate the plus function of the slack vector, and a smooth differentiable unconstrained convex quadratic program is derived. The conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm is used to solve the smooth model, and the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to give the optimal parameters. Experiments show that the PSO-HSSSVM enlarges the usable kernels of smooth support vector machine (SSVM), and its accuracy and training time are similar to those of SSVM; The PSO-HSSSVM improves the accuracy of HSSVM by 2.14%, and the training time is only 9.5% that of HSSVM.
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Applying the smoothing techniques to the support vector machine in the hidden space, a smooth hidden space support vector machine (SHSSVM) is presented with some distinct mathematical features, such as the strong convexity and infinite differentiability. Beyond that, SHSSVM broadens the area of admissible kernel functions, where any real-valued symmetry function can be used as the hidden function, including the Mercer kernels and their combinations. Firstly, the input data are transformed to the hidden space by a hidden function. Secondly, the smoothing technique is utilized to derive the unconstrained smooth model. Finally, the Newton algorithm is introduced to figure out the optimal solution. The numerical experiments on benchmark data demonstrate that SHSSVM has much higher training accuracies than HSSVM and SSVM, but with much lower training time.
This paper proposes a 1-norm support vector novelty detection (SVND) method and discusses its sparseness. 1-norm SVND is formulated as a linear programming problem and uses two techniques for inducing sparseness, or the 1-norm regularization and the hinge loss function. We also find two upper bounds on the sparseness of 1-norm SVND, or exact support vector (ESV) and kernel Gram matrix rank bounds. The ESV bound indicates that 1-norm SVND has a sparser representation model than SVND. The kernel Gram matrix rank bound can loosely estimate the sparseness of 1-norm SVND. Experimental results show that 1-norm SVND is feasible and effective.
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Conference Paper
In this paper, a variant of support vector novelty detection (SVND) with dot product kernels is presented for non-spherical distributed data. Firstly we map the data in input space into a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) by using kernel trick. Secondly we perform whitening process on the mapped data using kernel principal component analysis (KPCA). Finally, we adopt SVND method to train and test whitened data. Experiments were performed on artificial and real-world data.
Conference Paper
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