
Using Electronic Portfolios for Formative/Classroom-based Assessment

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... Sonuç odaklı klasik ölçüm araçları yerine süreci yansıtan, farklı bakış açılarının dikkate alan ve kapsamlı değerlendirme yapma imkanı sunan alternatif ölçme değerlendirme araçlarına olan ihtiyaç gün geçtikçe artmaktadır (Kutlu, Doğan ve Karakaya, 2017;MEB, 2023). Bu bağlamda ePortfolyolar, öğrenme serüvenini fark etmeye, izlemeye ve yansıtmaya olanak tanıması (Chang, 2001) hem süreç hem de sonuç değerlendirme için esnek yapısı (Barrett, 2006); geri bildirim ve işbirliğini destekleyen atmosferi (Gülbahar, 2009) sayesinde alternatif bir ölçme değerlendirme aracı olarak kabul edilmektedir (Hung, 2012). Bilgi miktarındaki artış, bilginin üretimi ve iletimindeki gelişmeler toplumun her kesiminde olduğu gibi öğretmenlerin de sürekli gelişmeye ve öğrenmeye açık bireyler olmalarını gerekli kılmaktadır. ...
... The need for alternative assessment tools that reflect the process, take into consideration various perspectives, and provide the opportunity to conduct comprehensive evaluations, as compared to result oriented classical measurement tools, increases constantly (Kutlu, Doğan and Karakaya, 2017;MEB, 2023). Given their adaptability for both formative and summative assessment (Barrett, 2006), their environment that encourages feedback and collaboration (Gülbahar, 2009), and the chance to acknowledge, monitor, and reflect on one's learning journey (Chang, 2001), electronic portfolios have gained acceptance as an alternative assessment and evaluation tool (Hung, 2012). The increase in the quantity of information and the developments in the production and transmission of information require teachers, as well as all members of society, to be open to continuous development and learning. ...
... Apart from the sustainability benefits of ePortfolios, such as document storage and cost reduction, offered by digital media, they also bring forth numerous practical advantages. These advantages include facilitating and sharing reflections, expediting multimedia support, enhancing peer collaboration and evaluation, and accelerating teacher evaluation and feedback processes (Barrett, 2006). McAllister and others (2008) emphasize the facilitating power of technology and define ePortfolios as a way of thinking and a process of learning rather than merely a technology. ...
... Various names, including digital portfolios, web-based portfolios, technology-based portfolios, and e-portfolios, refer to E-portfolios. This instrument has been extensively used in several fields (Barrett, 2006;Pelliccione et al., 2005). Al Kahtani (1999) describes an e-portfolio as "a collection of a student's work accessible through the Internet or a recordable CD-ROM." ...
... Students are able to collect and organize their portfolios in many media, such as audio, videos, graphics, and texts (Barrett, 2006 ...
... ).Complex to carry and share Documents are frequently lost and difficult to recover or recreate.Easy to carry, share, and transport to a new system(Barrett, 2006) Easier to get access to the content and information for the audience/less time-consuming(Al Khatani, 1999) ISSN 1925-0703 E-ISSN 1925 ...
The research aims to investigate the effects of electronic portfolios (e-portfolios) on English as a foreign language (EFL) high school students’ writing ability, students’ and teachers’ attitudes towards the application of e-portfolios in writing classes at three high schools in Binh Duong province. The sample included 15 teachers and 300 twelfth graders at three high schools in Binh Duong province. Facebook was chosen as an e-portfolio platform where the students created and developed their personal e-portfolios. The data were collected both quantitatively and qualitatively through a mixed-method study using the tools of a pre-test, a post-test, a questionnaire (for students), and a semi-structured interview (for teachers in charge of the experimental classes). The survey results showed that e-portfolios considerably impact EFL high school students' writing ability. The results also revealed challenges and technological drawbacks concerning the use of e-portfolios in these classes. For the optimal application of e-portfolios in writing courses, recommendations were put forward to those who are in charge of the course and to those who are taking the course as well.
... To promote SRL, different mediums have been used in planning lessons, including ePortfolio, which has become a preference with the popularization of computer mediated learning. Several studies have found that ePortfolios help to develop SRL, particularly through reflection (Barrett, 2006). However, many researchers have not specifically mentioned other constructs in learner self-regulation which might also help, and whether using ePortfolios would consistently yield positive outcomes in language learning. ...
... Some researchers (e.g., Alexiou & Paraskeva, 2010;Cheng & Chau, 2013) claim that an ePortfolio helps a learner to reflect. In fact, Barrett (2006) asserts that reflection is key to SRL. Reflection enables a learner to evaluate his or her learning strategies which, in the case of the ePortfolio, are captured in an online platform. ...
... An ePortfolio has three different purposes: process, showcase and assessment (Abrami & Barrett, 2005). Barrett (2006) defined a process portfolio as a systematic and organised collection of work in which students have completed the process of reflection and selected their work to show their growth and change. A process portfolio is also defined as "a systematic and organized collection of evidence used by the teacher and student to monitor growth of the student's knowledge, skills and attitudes" (Cole et al., 1995, p. 9). ...
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Purpose: Self-regulated learning (SRL) has been established in the literature as beneficial for students in language learning. It is believed that SRL promotes learner autonomy and successful academic outcomes. Although SRL strategies are quite popular and heavily researched, their functionality through the medium of ePortfolio is uncertain. Therefore, this research analysed how SRL contributes to positive academic outcomes with ePortfolio as a medium. Methodology: A meta-analysis was carried out to identify the patterns and gaps in this research area. A total of 204 studies were identified based on a keyword search related to SRL and portfolio. These studies were further analysed to fit the criteria set for this research. Only nine studies fulfilled these criteria and were thus selected for the study. Findings: It was found that all nine studies included in this review emphasised different research methods and reported significant changes in students’ academic outcomes. Eight of the studies were quantitative in nature, while only one study was qualitative. Based on our interpretive findings, three themes were discovered, namely metacognition, collaboration and motivation. Significance: By clarifying the roles played by SRL and how ePortfolio as a tool can promote SRL, this study offers insights to those who wish to use ePortfolio as a medium to foster self-regulated learning. The results of the meta-analysis may also help researchers to explore this area of study and address research gaps in relatable contexts.
... Considering the first stage of filling the portfolio by a student, it should be noted that studies of many scientists and experts covered the issues of portfolio management at school and university. Writings of H. Barrett [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]22 and others] consider portfolio content and structure. The authors note that portfolio becomes a substantial feature of changeable educational landscape. ...
... Researchers handle the problems of ePortfolio managing and presenting graduate students' achievements to employers at the AAC & U annual forum on digital education and electronic portfolio 4 . The Association of American Colleges and Universities supports the publication of most interesting and significant materials in international journal of ePortfolio (IJeP) 5 which is interesting for studying the theory and practice of using ePortfolio in educational institutions 6 . ...
... A number of authors, including H. Barrette, analyze ePortfolio hosting platforms in their writings. Distributed service schemes for maintaining digital footprints and tools for presenting the «Virtual Self» are shown in her publications and on the site [5][6][7][8]17]. ...
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Student portfolio management is focused not only on use in the educational process, but also on job search. In the labor market, the competitiveness and demand for a university graduate will be determined not only by the knowledge and practical skills acquired, but also by the ability to show the results of their activities in the most favourable light. It is important for the employer to demonstrate a professional level (HardSkills), the ability to think, create and act independently, to solve unaccustomed tasks (SoftSkills). A competently filled digital portfolio of a student will make it possible to present his achievements in the best possible way and will become one of the important ways to attract the attention of employers. This paper covers prospects for the development and use of digital portfolios for training, evaluation and job search.
... The term portfolio is defined as "A purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student's efforts, progress, and achievement in one or more areas" . Thus, it is a collection of work that a learner has gathered, selected, organized, reflected upon, and presented with the goal to show their understanding and progress (Barrett, 2006). According to Stiggins (1994), a portfolio is a means of communication about learner development, but it is not only a form of assessment -it demonstrates achievement and improvement. ...
... This allows the individual artefacts to be organized in different media types. The result is a structuring of the material and linking of evidence to appropriate outcomes, goals, and standards (Barrett, 2006). The National Learning Infrastructure Initiative (2003) define: "An e-portfolio or electronic portfolio is a digital collection of authentic and diverse evidence, drawn from a larger archive that represents what a person has learned over time, on which the person has reflected, designed for presentation to one or more audiences for a particular rhetorical purpose". ...
Conference Paper
Everyday life of higher education is undergoing a change that requires a shift from subject-specific to interpersonal skills such as reflection. E-portfolios as a learning and assessment method can be the answer. We show the potential of e-portfolio using a systematic literature analysis with the result that e-portfolios can foster reflective learning with holistic didactical planning and extensive support both in the learning group and by the teachers.
... As Kılıç (2009) maintains, portfolios were created as assessment tools for writing performance. According to Barrett (2006), a portfolio refers to "a collection of work that a learner has selected, organized, reflected upon, and presented to show understanding and growth over time" (p. 1). As Prop et al. (2007) maintain, the portfolio is employed to help learners become more reflective of their achievements. ...
... The findings of the present study concerning the positive effect of e-portfolio on writing performance can be justified based on the advantages that portfolios in general and e-portfolios in a particular offer to the learning process. As Barrett (2006) notes, portfolios pave the way for learners to reflect upon the learning process which can lead to better performance. Moreover, e-portfolios have the advantage of removing the monotony of traditional learning approaches which can improve learners' interest and motivation (Barrett, 2000). ...
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The present study set out to investigate the effects of electronic portfolio assessment and dynamic assessment on Iranian EFL learners' writing performance. The participants of the study included 97 Iranian female EFL learners at the intermediate level who were selected based on convenience sampling. The participants were divided into three groups: two experimental and one control. Before the treatment, they were given Preliminary English Test (PET) to assure that they were not significantly different in terms of overall language proficiency. Following that, the three groups received a writing pretest. As for treatment, the first experimental group received e-portfolio assessment and the second group was exposed to dynamic assessment while the third group served as the control group. The whole treatment lasted 20 sessions. Upon finishing the treatment, the three groups received a writing posttest. The results of ANCOVA indicated that both electronic portfolio assessment and dynamic assessment significantly improved Iranian EFL learners' writing performance. However, there was not any statistically significant difference between the effects of electronic portfolio assessment and dynamic assessment on improving Iranian EFL learners' writing performance. Based on the results of the present study, EFL teachers can use electronic portfolio assessment and dynamic assessment to improve learners' writing performance.
... Essentially, an e-portfolio is an online archive of a student's course assignments, which can encompass various forms of media and content that can be shared on the internet. Bakkar and Al-Bassam (2001) suggest that e-portfolios function as a folder to preserve a learner's progress during a course, while Barrett (2006) defines them as a collection of a student's works that reflect their development over time. Al-Ahmed and Osman (2006) provide a more nuanced definition, stating that e-portfolios serve as a form of selfassessment for learners to become aware of their performance. ...
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This research sought to examine the impact of electronic portfolio -based writing instruction on the second language writing performance and writing self-efficacy of Chinese English as a foreign language (EFL) learners. A total of 64 participants were divided into two groups, an experimental group (n = 31) and a control group (n = 33). The experimental group was given electronic portfolio-based instruction via Edmodo platform, while the control group received only traditional in-class writing instruction without the use of Edmodo. Two sample IELTS tasks and Writing Self-efficacy scale were administered to collect the quantitative data. Further, semi-structured interviews were carried out with participants in the experimental group to gather qualitative data on their perceptions and experiences with electronic portfolio-based writing instruction. The results of paired samples t-tests and ANCOVAs indicated that electronic portfolio-based writing instruction significantly improved global writing performance and its underlying components, namely content, organization, language use, vocabulary, and mechanics, as well as the writing self-efficacy of Chinese EFL learners. Qualitative results revealed several themes, including increased motivation, improved feedback, enhanced collaboration, improved writing skills, and increased writing self-efficacy. Overall, the study demonstrates that electronic portfolio can be a valuable tool for EFL writing instruction and has a positive impact on writing performance and writing self-efficacy for Chinese EFL learners.
... al., 2017). ePortfolios provide academic support for both assessment and the establishment of effective learning environments (Barrett, 2006;Chang & Kabilan, 2022). This support is enabled not only by a technological environment but also by its structure, which relies on the student-centered, active participation, and constructivist learning theories, encourages sharing, and facilitates the process of collaboration (Gülbahar, 2009). ...
In educational settings, formative assessment is used to determine the status of students and foster their development. Task, process, and feedback serve as the basis of formative assessments. Typically, tasks are introduced to lessons to facilitate student feedback. Due to their technological potential, eportfolios are often used to help with assigning tasks, managing processes, and getting feedback. It is necessary to incorporate the findings from environments where eportfolios are used for formative assessment into the existing literature. A systematic literature review was employed for this purpose. Three researchers reviewed 33 studies utilizing content analysis. The Fleiss kappa was used to determine inter-rater reliability. Quantitative analysis was performed on the articles' dependent or related variables, environments, research method, implementation period, evaluators, eportfolio type, activity format, evaluation instruments, education level, and course categories. Among the qualitative findings of the studies were the prominent concepts of the use of eportfolios, as well as the themes and codes of advantages and challenges. The findings indicate that the integration of eportfolios in the formative assessment process, despite its challenges, provides significant advantages. It is expected that the study's findings will be useful for researchers as well as practitioners who intend to use eportfolios for formative assessment processes.
... Portfolios are not limited in their role to providing summary information, but have other features, including offering formative information through evaluation (Barrett, 2006). ...
Universities face numerous challenges each year, including the process of making decisions concerning the admission or otherwise of applicants (Tesfa, 2013). This could be compounded by an increase in student numbers and a decrease in university resources, predicting future academic success (Alghamdi, 2007). Educators and admission officers together try to decide what leads to the success of learners at certain colleges or on particular majors within universities. Administrators responsible for the admission policy need to be accurate and objective when making such decisions, using suitable admission standards which help in reaching a decision characterised by equity, accuracy, and objectivity (Alsaif, 2005). The purpose of the present study is to investigate the predictive validity of the current admission standards applied at the College of Education at KFU in Saudi Arabia and explore which score among the current criteria used offers the strongest contribution to students’ academic success. Furthermore, since this study attempts to include students from both gender groups, and very few studies have included both genders at the general level, and, to the best of my knowledge, none has been done in the Saudi context, this study aims to explore any possible variation between the criteria items in terms of gender grouping. Additionally, since none of the previous studies have addressed the issue of students changing their major after initially being admitted to certain majors at the university, this study attempts to explore the academic performance of students who changed their major after starting their university study. The participants in this mixed methods research largely drew on two resources: the first resource refers to the data that was collected from the Admission and Registration Office in the Education College. The database includes all fulltime students (males and females) who have attended the Education College at King Faisal University from the academic year 2010 up until their graduation in 2014. The sample did not include students who had left the Education College at KFU before the end of the academic year 2014 and any students who had not graduated by the end of the academic year 2014. The total number of participating students was 693. In addition, the researcher conducted face-to-face interviews with 8 academics who work at the Education College in KFU and who teach a number of education courses. These lecturers and professors were interviewed about a range of experiences and practices. Results indicated that a statistically significant relationship exists between the student accumulative rate in High School (SGPA) and the accumulative rate in the College of Education (CGPA) at King Faisal University at Alahsa (r = 0.562, p<0.01), between the General Aptitude Test (GAT) and Education College GPA (r = 0.324, p<0.01), and between the Achievement Test (ACT) and Education College GPA (r = 0.268, p<0.01). High School GPA is the most important factor in predicting the performance of students in the Education College, followed by the Aptitude Test, then the Achievement Test. Beta coefficients were 0.512, 0.163 and 0.006 respectively. Regarding the result, it was clear that females exhibited better performance compared to males in both the General Aptitude Test and the High School percentage. In addition, the students who changed major had a higher High School percentage mean compared to those that did not change major, and the mean difference was statistically significant. On the other hand, for the General Aptitude Test, those that did not change major had higher mean scores compared to those that changed major, and the mean difference was statistically significant.
... Maina and Garcia (2016) also presented the view of e-portfolios as a self-development strategy for the learner. However, the role of the e-portfolio can be expanded to become a platform for ongoing learning and reflection and a demonstration of acquired skills and competencies -thereby forming the basis for lifelong learning (Barrett, 2006;. Incorporation of social media presents new possibilities to further expand e-portfolio use, for example, by including blogs for reflection, wikis for online collaboration, and social networking sites for sharing information and maintaining professional connections (Blaschke, 2014b;Cochrane & Rhodes, 2011). ...
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Preparing students for the complex and changing nature of the workforce has become an overriding objective within higher education. New pedagogies, which incorporate both informal and formal learning and support personalization of learning, are central to this objective. Educators are required to reassess the use of traditional pedagogies, as they attempt to foster development of skills and competencies for lifelong learning. Heutagogy, or self-determined learning, is a learning theory that addresses this need, giving students agency in determining what and how they learn. The theory is based in the principles of learner agency, capability and self- efficacy, reflection and metacognition, and non-linear learning, and when used with technology can be a powerful instructional approach for building students’ self-directed and lifelong learning skills. A compelling example of this is the e-portfolio. As a platform and assessment tool, the e- portfolio spans the spectrum of lifelong learning, as well as encompasses both formal and informal learning of the individual learner and addresses critical aspects of learning and reflection, showcasing the learner’s acquired skills and competencies. Based on successful cases in the literature, this article discusses the principles of heutagogy, the pedagogy-andragogy-heutagogy (PAH continuum) and its application in online learning environments, and the use of the e- portfolio in further cultivating and advancing self-determined learning. The article also offers recommendations for future practice and theory.
... E-portfolios also provide students with a lot of opportunities LingTera,6 (1), 2019 -59 to reinforce their learning skills, self-assessment, and their communication with the world. Eventually, it helps students achieve the learning goals through their learning process (Alawdat, 2013;Barrett, 2006). Moreover, according to (Harmer, 2007, p. 126) e-dialogue journals can provide an opportunity for the students to think both about how they are learning and about what they are learning. ...
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This research was aimed to find out (1) whether the use of e-portfolios is more effective than the use of e-dialogue journals, (2) whether the use of e-portfolios is more effective than the use of conventional assessments, (3) whether the use of e-dialogue journals is more effective than the use of conventional assessments, and (4) the most effective assessment of all in the teaching of writing skills. This study was a quasi-experimental research using Pretest-Post-test Control Group Design. The data were collected in January-February 2016 in SMK Penerbangan Adisucipto Ardhya Garini. The sample of the research was the students of class X3, X4, and X8 which were determined by using cluster simple random sampling. There were four hypotheses of this study and the research findings revealed that the hypotheses were accepted. It was indicated by all of the Sig values which were lower than the level of significance (0.05).
... Il por olio è generalmente accompagnato dal profi lo di competenze (e rela vi descri ori), in base al quale il sogge o delinea il suo percorso di formazione e di crescita personale e professionale. In le eratura si possono citare diversi modelli di por olio, tra cui quello di Barret (2006) e quello di Seldin (2004). ...
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LA FORMAZIONE DEI DOCENTI IN SERVIZIO PRESSO LE SCUOLE ITALIANE ALL’ESTERO - Rivista semestrale per l'insegnamento dell'italiano come lingua straniera/seconda - Italiano a stranieri
... En la actual transformación didáctica originada por la incorporación de las universidades españolas al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), según Barrett (2006), uno de los objetivos es el de establecer un sistema de enseñanza que favorezca la formación integral del estudiante, con el fin de dar respuesta a las necesidades de la tan exigente y efímera realidad sociolaboral que demanda nuevos perfiles competenciales y conocimientos permanentemente actualizados a lo largo del ciclo vital. ...
... En la actual transformación didáctica originada por la incorporación de las universidades españolas al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), según Barrett (2006), uno de los objetivos es el de establecer un sistema de enseñanza que favorezca la formación integral del estudiante, con el fin de dar respuesta a las necesidades de la tan exigente y efímera realidad sociolaboral que demanda nuevos perfiles competenciales y conocimientos permanentemente actualizados a lo largo del ciclo vital. ...
... According to Barret (2006), schools will be more eager to implement electronic portfolios with the same enthusiasm as their counterparts in higher education if they know the effectiveness of electronic portfolios in language assessment and students' progress in language learning. Stiggings (2002, as cited in Barrett, 2006) believed that portfolios have the possibility of supporting a deeper level of engagement and self-awareness. ...
... La implicación de los estudiantes en su propia evaluación les permite llevar a cabo procesos de autoreflexión, que a su vez, según Nicol y Macfarlane--Dick (2006), conllevan mecanismos de retroalimentación en su aprendizaje. Además, cuando el blogfolio se utiliza para la evaluación formativa, tiene el potencial de mejorar la autoestima del estudiante (Barrett, 2006). ...
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p>Una de las herramientas más innovadoras utilizadas en la web 2.0 es el denominado blogfolio. Con el fin de determinar las ventajas y limitaciones de dicha herramienta en el ámbito educativo, en esta investigación, de carácter evaluativo, se ha querido conocer la opinión de un grupo de estudiantes del Grado en Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Murcia, sobre un blogfolio que los mismos estaban utilizando durante el transcurso de una de las asignaturas. Para ello, se ha empleado un cuestionario ad hoc , validado mediante el procedimiento interjueces. Los resultados indican que, en general, el blogfolio es adecuado como instrumento para el aprendizaje y la evaluación de los estudiantes, así como para fomentar el trabajo colaborativo entre los mismos. Si bien se han hallado diferencias significativas en lo que respecta a la percepción que tienen los alumnos y alumnas sobre la utilización del portafolios en función del grupo al que éstos pertenecen, no ha sido así considerando el conocimiento previo que los estudiantes tenían sobre los blogs, ni en función de que hubiesen creado antes otros blogs, ni tampoco según hiciesen seguimiento o no de algún blog.</p
... In recent years, the increased use of electronic portfolios (ePortfolios) has seen the enhancement of the affordances these programs provide. No longer confined to the role of "evidence repository," ePortfolios now provide features that enable the scaffolded development of advanced learning skills (Barrett, 2006). As part of this development, ePortfolios have moved beyond the traditional purpose of assessment to one that more deeply facilitates and enhances student learning. ...
In addition to providing a useful repository for learning products, ePortfolios provide enhanced opportunities for the development of advanced learning skills. It can be argued, however, that ePortfolios are not being implemented effectively towards fulfilling this important function. This paper presents an investigation of an ePortfolio environment that scaffolded the learning of pre-service teachers. The environment was embedded within the PebblePad platform and utilised the Blog function to provide students with activities that were designed to enhance and support the skills and dispositions required to undertake action research. Prompts were provided to students to scaffold the completion of an action research project and provide additional activities that supported the enhancement of reflective thinking. The research study utilised an eLearning Lifecycle that provided a cyclic framework of review and implementation. The purpose of this model was to identify design principles for future iterations of ePortfolio-based learning environments. Findings suggest that the prompts and the ePortfolio environment were effective in scaffolding students' reflective thinking. Additionally, design principles are suggested to ensure this research has both practical and theoretical significance for implementation in similar environments.
... The review of international literature demonstrates that studies mostly deal with the development of e-portfolio systems and web-based programs for peer assessment and rubric development. These studies reported that the alternative assessment and evaluation methods and techniques can be implemented in a web-based manner, and these kinds of methods and techniques had positive effects on students and parents (Barrett, 2006;Gathercoal, Love, Bryde & McKean, 2002;Lin, Liu & Yuan 2001). ...
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Öz The research was aimed to reveal the views of parents on web-based performance evaluation program. The case study method adopted for this study. The research was conducted in the central district of Trabzon province during the fall semester of 2012-2013 academic years. A questionnaire was administered to three hundred parents and face-to-face interviews were conducted with 10 of those parents. The obtained data was analyzed through descriptive and content analysis. Majority of the parents were found to be satisfied that they could see how their children were evaluated what kind of performance activities were used as an assessment and evaluation instrument, and which scores their children achieved in those activities. However, the implementation of the study with quite a limited parental participation caused the study to remain incapable of reflecting the views on this subject sufficiently. It was recommended that web-based program should be administered to a larger sample.
... E-Portfolios represent an advantage over traditional portfolios in terms of storage, access, management, interactivity, real-time functionality, and presentation method. Compared with paper-based portfolios, they also have the added value in terms of keeping records, connecting ideas, relating information, and publication [5]. Research studies [6] have shown the e-portfolio influence and impact on learning performance. ...
Conference Paper
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Nowadays, the lifelong learning is a key issue in our life. Learners have their personal learning data scattered on different platforms and websites without any control on them and without any defined access duration. In this paper, we propose to explore the feasibility of Personal information manager systems in the Open Learner Model context that allows the control of personal learning data by learners themselves, the persistence, and the privacy. We propose to focus on a relevant technical infrastructure giving full personal control to users in order to manage Open Learner Models in lifelong and life wide perspectives. This work is dedicated for all lifelong learners without any specific IT competency to manage their own personal learning data in a lifelong perspective.
... It is worth noting that folio thinking and ePortfolio pedagogy are interchangeable terms, and refers to the use of (online) portfolios for the development of reflective practice that enhances learning and understanding (Jafari, 2006). In the Australian context, ePortfolio pedagogy is characterised by portfolios for learning, assessment and professional (Barrett, 2006(Barrett, , 2007Hallam et al., 2008). Specifically, we implemented ePortfolio using WordPress ( to promote students to document and critically reflect on their experience in the teambased assessments and teamwork skills development. ...
Medical Science students are generally unaware of their developing professional skills related to graduate capabilities during their initial training and at a program level it is a challenge for administrators to evidence development of such capabilities. In the Bachelor of Medical Science program at the University of New South Wales, staff have instigated alignment of assessment with graduate capabilities, combined with program-wide tracking of student achievement in teamwork tasks. Teamwork was chosen as a focus as anecdotal evidence suggested that this graduate capability is hard to master. Tracking was achieved by mapping and aligning assessment tasks that built authentic teamwork skills, and by implementing standards-based criteria addressing development of teamwork skills. This curriculum strategy is program-wide and cross-disciplinary, integrating content knowledge and technical skills that articulate with professional skills across all medical sciences. Implementation was via Workshop UNSW (a guided learning space) in Moodle with Wordpress used as a digital site to create ePortfolios that facilitated and captured student reflective practice related to developing deeper understanding of key teamwork elements such as contribution, collaborative behaviour and role play. ePortfolios allow students to curate evidence that facilitates recognition of teamwork skills and use of Workshop UNSW allowed monitoring of student narratives in skills development, and enabled student self and peer evaluation. Student peer evaluation is an important aspect of the intended process for learners with complimentary implementation of ePortfolio pedagogy to engage students in professional skills development in teamwork. This is a first stage approach to building professional skills for Medical Science students that will have life-long learning effects and can be easily adapted to other skills and other programs.
... It is a tool which can reflect improvement along the course. Barrett (2006) defined a portfolio as "a collection of work that a learner has collected, selected, organized, reflected upon, and presented to show understanding and growth over time (p. 1)." ...
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A superior method of language teaching is what all researchers and language teachers look for. In order to facilitate the process of language learning, technological tools can be helpful. The present study aimed to investigate the effect to employing electronic portfolio on Iranian EFL learners’ writing skill in a language institute in Isfahan, Iran in summer 2014. To find the homogeneity of subjects, the Oxford Quick Placement Test was administered and the subjects were divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group received the treatment which was employing the electronic portfolio, while the control group had the conventional context of language classes. At the end of the study, the obtained scores on the pretests and post-tests were analyzed. Independent t-tests were run to compare the collected scores in the two groups. The results of the study showed significant difference between the experimental group and the control group. The findings of the study can bear implications for EFL student, teachers, policy makers, university and institute organizations, and syllabus designers.
... In the Internet age, computer technology has a vital role to play in English language instruction, so the urge for innovative English language teaching and assessment exists, as the previous research has shown that it has positive effects on the students' learning. According to Barrett (2006), a portfolio is a collection of work that a learner has collected, selected, organized, reflected upon, and presented to show his or her understanding and growth over time. Additionally, it contains a learner's reflection on the individual pieces of work (artifacts), and an overall reflection on the story that the portfolio tells. ...
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The purposes of this study were to investigate the effects of the use of paper-based and weblog-based electronic portfolios on the writing achievement of limited English proficiency students, to survey the students’ attitudes towards the use of the portfolio assessment, and to compare the viewpoints of the students in the control and experimental groups. The study was conducted with 60 second-year hotel and tourism students enrolled in the Writing for the Service Industry course. They had limited English proficiency, as their previous English grades were C or below in average. The simple random sampling technique was used for subject selection and group assignment. Google’s free weblog website (located at was used as a tool for creating and developing the students’ personal electronic portfolios. At the beginning of the course, the students in the control group and the experimental group were trained in the concept of portfolios, and the purposes, content, and criteria used for assessment were discussed with the students. A writing achievement test and a closed-ended questionnaire were used for the quantitative data collection, while the qualitative data were gathered from the open-ended questions, interviews, and reflection. Descriptive statistics and t-tests were employed for the data analysis. It was found that the effects of the use of paper-based portfolios and weblog-based electronic portfolios on the writing achievement were not significantly different, but some promising results of the use of weblog-based electronic portfoliosfor language learning and assessment are indisputable.
... Los portafolios electrónicos son llamados por algunos autores "portafolios digitales", "e- portafolios" o "carpetas digitales". Una de sus principales investigadoras y promotoras, Hellen Barret define un portafolio como "una colección del trabajo que el educando ha coleccionado, seleccionado, organizado, generado reflexión sobre el mismo, y presentado para mostrar su comprensión y desarrollo" (Barret, 2006, p.1). ...
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de 2008 Resumen Los portafolios electrónicos son utilizados como herramientas didácticas para facilitar la colección de evidencias de resultados de aprendizaje, contribuyendo a una evaluación sistemática de las competencias adquiridas. Este trabajo presenta los resultados de la implementación del software "Carpeta Digital", en el curso Cibercomunicación, de la Universidad Centroamericana de Nicaragua. Es un portafolio desarrollado por la Universidad de Barcelona (UB). Sus potencialidades técnicas y pedagógicas fueron evaluadas a través de encuestas a estudiantes y profesores. Los resultados más positivos se refieren al desarrollo de capacidades de autorregulación, facilidades de uso y organización de un espacio propio de información. Palabras clave: portafolios electrónicos, docencia universitaria, evaluación del aprendizaje 1. Introducción: los portafolios electrónicos en los procesos educativos Los portafolios en soporte papel fueron creados para presentar evidencias del trabajo de un profesional, almacenar información sobre determinados temas, coleccionar documentos y reflexiones sobre un objeto de estudio. La creación de programas informáticos que generan portafolios electrónicos ha adquirido un gran impulso en el ámbito educativo durante los últimos años. Ellos se utilizan con diferentes propósitos: compartir información con estudiantes, recopilar documentos y material de estudio preparado por el docente, coleccionar documentos y producciones realizadas por el autor del mismo. Se pueden emplear, además, para creación de un diario o bitácora del desarrollo del aprendizaje del estudiante, a través del cual organiza y presenta sus avances en el estudio a través de documentos, trabajos realizados y reflexiones, que puede compartir con otros estudiantes y/o con el profesor. "La diversidad de material presentado en un portafolio permite identificar diferentes aprendizajes-conceptos, procedimientos, actitudes-, y por lo tanto proporciona una visión más amplia y
... When used in formative, classroom-based assessment, teachers (and peers) can review the portfolio document, and provide formative feedback to students on where they could improve, as well as to help teachers in the preparation and organization of the learning activities (Barrett, 2006). It promotes the pedagogical relation and student knowledge, supports the learning, helps students' assessment and students' results progress. ...
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The Padre Benjamim Salgado's Secondary School has an open source learning platform - Elgg ePortfolio - available since November 2006. The usage of this platform, by both teachers and students, has been stimulated through several divulgation and training sessions, the latter in the context of a continuous training program for teachers In the scope of a Ph.D. degree in progress, we are using the platform in the Education and Training of Adults (ETA) initiative. We intend to analyze the extent to which the ePortfolio usage contributes to the construction of the learning reflexive portfolio in ETA courses.
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Il contributo presenta una sperimentazione di Team-Based Learning (TBL) arricchita dalle tecnologie condotta presso l'Università di Foggia nell'anno accademico 2023-24. Sono delineate le implicazioni educative del TBL digitale e come gli strumenti digitali sono stati implementati nell'ambiente di apprendimento, portando ad un parziale ripensamento della metodologia TBL con l'introduzione di domande auto-riflessive, rubriche di valutazione ed e-portfolio per la valutazione formativa e sommativa.
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Portfolio assessment is considered to be one of the more advanced approaches to enhancing the proficiency of English among second language (ESL) students. The research examines how ESL learners' writing processes involved in portfolio creation influence their overall writing performance, specifically focusing on electronic portfolios (EPs) and paper-based portfolios (PPs). The research also identifies the challenges that Saudi ESL learners face when using the writing portfolio. A mixed-method approach was adopted for the research. The quantitative method consists of ESL tests distributed among one hundred and twenty male ESL learners at Yanbu Industrial College in Saudi Arabia to determine the effect of various writing portfolios on students’ writing performance. A qualitative method, which consists of classroom observations, document analysis, and interviews with twelve ESL students and seven ESL teachers from different universities in Saudi Arabia, has also been utilized. The research highlights the fact that although there is no significant difference between paper-based (PPs) portfolios and electronic portfolios (EPs) in developing students' performance in writing, specific pedagogical approaches should be implemented in assessing the writing portfolios, such as the students’ reflections and their peers' assessments, to raise their awareness of language structures. ESL teachers should also adopt a correction method that only highlights common mistakes to help students notice their errors and avoid charging them with negative feelings of excessive corrections. The research’s outcome could raise ESL teachers’ awareness of the best pedagogical methods of evaluating the writing portfolio and provide some strategies to help students develop their writing performance.
To align with Kenya 2030 Vision of education for self-reliance, there is a growing need for classroom instruction that develops students’ capacity to be in control of their learning. This paper reports a two-year study that tested feasibility of implementing ePEARL, an e-portfolio, in the context of Kenyan public schools. By design, the digital portfolio supports the key learning processes though the phases of self-regulated learning - forethought, performance, and self-reflection. In this study, students (N=137) from four secondary classrooms used the tool as part of classroom instruction to complete their project assignments. Repeated measures analyses revealed that, over-time, students who demonstrated fuller use of ePEARL made significantly higher gains and reported higher level of self-regulated strategies compared to their classmates who hardly used the tool. The results suggest that in order to yield important benefits, the tool should be meaningfully integrated into classroom instruction.
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The growing possibilities of digital media highlight critical thinking, media literacy and creation as fundamental skills for young people to thrive and be participatory in society and in their communities. School can play an important role at this level, contributing to the critical and responsible use of media and to the promotion of citizenship. In this sense, several studies point out that towards this generation, which learns also in informal spaces, values learning by doing and the presence of the media in all spaces of their lives, school is challenged to integrate new practices and to value the knowledge that children and young people acquire with and through the media. This research addresses media creation and production practices and school as a place to promote media literacy among young people. It seeks to understand the role and implications of media creation in formal educational practices and how it can be further promoted in school within the school curricula, with a view to discussing citizenship issues and student expression. Methodologically framed as action research, this study took place in two schools, in the school years 2018/2019, involving eight secondary school classes. Media creation and production activities were developed collaboratively based on themes related to citizenship and already outlined in the present in the curricula of various subjects. The key findings indicate that, in this case, the promotion of media creation and production activities functions as a catalyst to promote discussions on citizenship issues and explore students' expressions around the same topic. They also show that teachers and students believe that both creation and production have a space in the classroom, but not on a daily basis. Students do not always appeared to appreciate the themes or the platforms proposed in this study to carry out activities using the media. Furthermore, they do not recognise that media creation is one way forward to be heard by adults. In turn, teachers recognise the potential of media creation, but mention constraints arising from the lack of specific guidelines on promoting media literacy, particularly its creative dimension, the time available for media creation and production activities, and the pressure of national exams. KEY WORDS: Young people, Media creation and production, Digital narratives, Media literacy, Citizenship
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4 Artículo original Recibido: 14/01/2020. Aceptado en forma revisada: 17/05/2020 Implementing PBL assessed by E-Portfolios to Foster Oral Fluency Skill in an EFL Setting. Implementación del PBL evaluado por E-Portafolios para fomentar la fluidez oral en un entorno de inglés como lengua extranjera. Abstract. The necessity of a learner-centered approach, and the scarce oral fluency input reinforcement, drove this mixed method Action Research study. The purpose of this study was to foster students' oral fluency through the implementation of PBL assessed by E-portfolio. The study was divided into three cycles. The data collection techniques to gather the information such as observations, field notes and audio-recordings provided the following findings through longitudinal and Thematic analysis. The input on compensation strategies enhanced oral fluidity, the rate of fluency factors, in particular, Frequency of pauses, reduced notably, False starts and Self-correction reduced minimally in A1 apprentices' speech production during PBL principles and "PET" implementation. Nonetheless, the role of the E-Portfolio needed gradual rehearsal. Resumen. La necesidad de un enfoque centrado en el alumno y el escaso refuerzo en el inicio de la fluidez oral impulsaron este estudio de investigación de acción con metodología mixta. El propósito fue 1 Magister en Educación. Docente de inglés en pregrado y postgrado de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana 2 Magister en Educación con énfasis en cognición. Líder de procesos de apoyo pedagógico en la Unidad pedagógica de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. 3 Candidata a magister en traducción e interpretación. Docente de inglés en pregrado y en el programa de Educación Básica con énfasis en humanidades-inglés de la Universidad de Córdoba. 5 fomentar la fluidez oral de los estudiantes a través de la implementación de PBL evaluado por E-portfolio. El estudio se realizó en tres ciclos. Las técnicas para recopilación de la información son observación, notas de campo y grabaciones de audio, proporcionaron los siguientes hallazgos a través del análisis longitudinal y temático. la información sobre las estrategias de compensación mejoró la fluidez oral la tasa de factores de fluidez, en particular, la frecuencia de las pausas, se redujo notablemente, los falsos comienzos y la autocorrección se redujeron mínimamente en la producción del habla de los aprendices A1 durante los principios de ABP y "PET " implementación. No obstante, el papel de la cartera electrónica necesitaba un ensayo gradual. Palabras clave: ABP, evaluación, portafolios electrónicos, factores de fluidez oral. Introduction.
As we stand at the threshold of enhanced higher education curricula to meet the global standards, this chapter contributes to the on-going discussion on reforms in higher education by clarifying the important role of e-portfolios as technology-enhanced formative and summative assessments of authentic tasks across the continuum in medical education. Medical educators should become adept with technological advancement and apply the same in designing learning experiences that effectively integrate technology in building a conceptual understanding of medical concepts. e-Portfolios are best suited for evaluat- ing skills such as communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, leadership and management, and other real-life skills needed to cope with the global demands of the 21st-century global healthcare workplace. The use of portfolios as a workplace-based assessment tool has emerged as an exciting opportunity for learners to record and analyze their learning in a digital environment. The role of reflective learning in a constructivist approach is emphasized.
Electronic portfolios serve a variety of needs within the field of education as the information technology age collides with the age of educational accountability. This chapter discusses the successes and challenges of an electronic portfolio integration process over five years in a large teacher education program. Specific details for selecting an electronic portfolio system are explained at length. Issues concerning student products, teacher standards, evaluation and accreditation are addressed through the lens of reflective experiences and practice.
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هدفت الد ا رسة إلى بناء بورتفيليو إلكتروني مطور قائم على نظرية تجهيز المعلومات والتقويم الذاتي وتقويم الأق ا رن، وتعرف أثره في تنمية مها ا رت إدارة المعرفة الشخصية وتقليل العبء المعرفي، وقام الباحث بتصميم نموذج تعليمي لإنتاج البورتفيليو المطور، وأسفرت النتائج عن وجود فروق دالة إحصائياً بين متوسطات درجات القياسين القبلي والبعدي للمجموعة الضابطة على مقياس مها ا رت إدارة المعرفة الشخصية لصالح الاختبار البعدي، كما أسفرت النتائج عن وجود فروق دالة إحصائياً بين متوسطات درجات القياسين القبلي والبعدي للمجموعتين التجريبيتين على مقياس مها ا رت إدارة المعرفة الشخصية وأيضاً على مقياس الحمل المعرفي لصالح الاختبار البعدي؛ أيضاً أشارت النتائج عن وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين متوسطات درجات المجموعة التجريبية ككل والمجموعة الضابطة ككل على مقياس مها ا رت إدارة المعرفة الشخصية، وكذلك على مقياس العبء المعرفي. وأخي ا ر توصلت النتائج عن وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين متوسطات درجات المجموعة التجريبية بنات- 1 والمجموعة التجريبية بنين- 2 على مقياس مها ا رت إدارة المعرفة الشخصية لصالح الذكور) بتأثير ضعيف(.
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Resumen: En esta investigación se analizan las experiencias de innovación educativa de 607 estudiantes procedentes de los grados de Educación Social y Trabajo social en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla (España) durante seis cursos académicos (2009-2015). Estas experiencias consisten en el empleo de portafolios grupales dentro y fuera de las clases con el objeto de que propio estudiante pueda valorar sus logros, las dificultades y las evidencias en el diseño y desarrollo de materiales educativos multimedia para la prevención y concienciación social sobre colectivos vulnerables y en riesgo social. Los resultados obtenidos, a través de una metodología de corte cualitativo, evidencian que los portafolios electrónicos grupales mejoran la capacidad de los estudiantes para trabajar colaborativamente, permiten la autorreflexión sobre el error, facilitan la autoevaluación y evidencian el progreso académico. Los estudiantes consideran que una de las principales limitaciones para desarrollar este tipo de portafolio es el tiempo que tiene que emplearse en su desarrollo. Finalmente, consideramos que esta herramienta puede resultar de especial interés para mejorar las estrategias didácticas, permite analizar las prácticas educativas y promover el desarrollo profesional y la evaluación formativa para la mejora de la Educación Superior.Abstract: The present research analyzes the experiences in educational innovation of 607 students from Social Educator and Social Work University degrees at the University Pablo de Olavide in Seville, Spain, over six academic years (2009 to 2015). These experiences consist of the use of group e-portfolios inside and outside the classrooms, which were applied by the students to verify the achievements, difficulties, and most relevant evidence in the planning and implementation of a multimedia educational material (MEM) aimed at prevention and social awareness, with emphasis on social groups at risk and social vulnerability. The results, obtained by using a qualitative methodology, support that group e-portfolios improve the capacity of students to work collaboratively, enable an awareness of their own mistakes, facilitate their self-assessment, and provide evidence of their academic progress. Students consider the considerable time and effort needed to implement group e-portfolios as among the limitations of their use. Finally, we found that these educational tools could be useful instruments for enhancing teaching strategies, analyzing the educational praxis, and promoting professional development and formative evaluation toward improving higher education.
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The professional development presents many difficulties related to speed of change and the explosion of knowledge that requires people to learn at many intervals throughout their lives. This study proposes a combined Self-Regulated Learning Process, functional and technical architectures in a Lifelong Learning perspective. The Self-Regulated Learning is carried out using Semantic Open Learner Models. We illustrate our process through some services examples. This work is dedicated to the Lifelong Learning active community and more specifically to researchers in Technology Enhanced Learning, pedagogical engineers, and learners who meets difficulties in integrating multidisciplinary expertise, technology and know-how throughout their life.
Cloud-based services designed for educational use, like Google Apps for Education (GAFE), afford deeply collaborative activities across multiple applications. Through primary research, the authors discovered that cloud-based technologies such as GAFE and Google Drive afford new opportunities for collaborative cross-platform composing and student engagement. These affordances require new pedagogies to transform these potentialities into practice, as well as a reexamination of contemporary theory of computers and composition. The authors' journey implementing Google Drive as a composing and communication environment required continually remediating content, relationships, practices, and their own identities as they interacted with students in the cloud. This chapter addresses how GAFE and Google Drive engage students in the composition classroom, redefine and transform pedagogical and curricular concepts, and improve students' experience and learning.
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O e-portfólio (portfólio digital) é um dos recursos que vem sendo integrado ao processo educativo em espaços online. Inicialmente entendido como instrumento de avaliação das aprendizagens tem, mais recentemente, sido encarado como um precioso instrumento ao serviço da própria aprendizagem. De fato, defende-se que o aluno, ao recolher, selecionar, organizar e refletir sobre os materiais que o integrarão, constrói conhecimento e desenvolve uma série de outras capacidades e atitudes, numa relação dialógica com o saber e com outros intervenientes no processo. No entanto, esta ‘nova’ função do e-portfólio ainda não está a ser alvo de uma sistemática avaliação que permita concluir da sua mais-valia para esse fim. Assim, está em curso um projeto de investigação que persegue como principal finalidade conceber, implementar e avaliar o impacto da construção dialógica do e-portfólio como instrumento de reflexão das e para as aprendizagens num contexto de formação inicial de professores no curso de Pedagogia a distância. Mais concretamente, pretende-se avaliar a ressonância da construção dialógica do e-portfólio ao nível da promoção da reflexão crítica (que também mobiliza), da construção de novos conhecimentos e do desenvolvimento de atitudes positivas em relação a uma aprendizagem continuada. Optou-se por uma investigação qualitativa, de design de estudo de caso, envolvendo uma turma do curso de Pedagogia a distância da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina. As principais técnicas de recolha de dados serão observação, análise documental em contexto virtual e inquérito por entrevistas. Os dados recolhidos serão alvo de uma análise de conteúdo, suportada pelo software WebQda, orientada por categorias de análise que serão definidas recursisvamente, mas tendo por base as questões de investigação às quais se pretende dar resposta.
The Photography Teacher's Handbook is an educator's resource for developing active, flipped learning environments in and out of the photo classroom, featuring ready-to-use methods to increase student engagement and motivation. Using the latest research on the cognitive science of effective learning, this book presents groundbreaking strategies to inspire students to collaborate, explore, and internalize photographic principles and concepts. The innovative practices in this book reimagine the traditional, scholarly pedagogy into a dynamic, teacher-guided, learner-centered approach. Key features include: Step-by-step instructions that explain how and why to flip a photography classroom; Hands-on exercises and activities to help students take charge of their learning experience; Practical advice from more than 100 respected photography educators; An interactive companion website with informative videos, links, and resources for students and educators alike.
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This is a monograph on how self-directed learning with ICT can be fostered in formal school settings.
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Both teaching and learning how to write in English in a secondary school is a complex task due to multiple factors. The characteristics of the e-portfolios make it an appropriate pedagogic resource for the task. The objective of this research was to determine in which way the instrumentation of the e-portfolios modifies students’ learning and attitude as regards writing in English, how it transforms the interaction among class members and whether students can be encouraged to reflect upon their own learning processes. In order to collect and interpret data both exploratory and descriptive methods were used. The data collection techniques employed included field observation, in-depth interviews to teachers and students, surveys used with teachers, students and authorities of the school, analysis of student-produced documents as well as of the teachers’ curriculum vitae and the students’ official mark records. The teachers’ answers to questions in reference to a self-confidence scale were also analyzed. The application of the e-portfolio was planned as a complement of the traditional class. The sample population was composed of 102 students and 5 teachers from a private confessional school in the city of Cordoba. As a result of the use of the e-portfolio during the course of one school term, the quality of English texts produced by the students and their compliance with their assignments showed a moderate improvement throughout the implementation of the strategy. The students were initiated in the habit of reflecting on their own processes of learning how to write in English. Whereas a definite pattern to associate reflection with the quality of the written work was not detected, reflection was valued as positive by both students and teachers. The attitude towards e-portfolios was positive by the majority of the students while the initial enthusiasm shown by the teachers declined slightly throughout the experience. Most of the students did not perceive a change in their interaction with their teachers as a consequence of the use of the e-portfolio; however, there was a considerable percentage not only of students but also of teachers who considered that the use of the e-portfolio had improved the quality of their interaction. Key words: e-portfolios- writing in a foreign language – process writing – reflection
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Both teaching and learning how to write in English in a secondary school is a complex task due to multiple factors. The characteristics of the e-portfolios make it an appropriate pedagogic resource for the task. The objective of this research was to determine in which way the instrumentation of the e-portfolios modifies students’ learning and attitude as regards writing in English, how it transforms the interaction among class members and whether students can be encouraged to reflect upon their own learning processes. In order to collect and interpret data both exploratory and descriptive methods were used. The data collection techniques employed included field observation, in-depth interviews to teachers and students, surveys used with teachers, students and authorities of the school, analysis of student-produced documents as well as of the teachers’ curriculum vitae and the students’ official mark records. The teachers’ answers to questions in reference to a self-confidence scale were also analyzed. The application of the e-portfolio was planned as a complement of the traditional class. The sample population was composed of 102 students and 5 teachers from a private confessional school in the city of Cordoba. As a result of the use of the e-portfolio during the course of one school term, the quality of English texts produced by the students and their compliance with their assignments showed a moderate improvement throughout the implementation of the strategy. The students were initiated in the habit of reflecting on their own processes of learning how to write in English. Whereas a definite pattern to associate reflection with the quality of the written work was not detected, reflection was valued as positive by both students and teachers. The attitude towards e-portfolios was positive by the majority of the students while the initial enthusiasm shown by the teachers declined slightly throughout the experience. Most of the students did not perceive a change in their interaction with their teachers as a consequence of the use of the e-portfolio; however, there was a considerable percentage not only of students but also of teachers who considered that the use of the e-portfolio had improved the quality of their interaction. Key words: e-portfolios- writing in a foreign language – process writing – reflection
The purpose of this research is to analyze the content of e-portfolios created by students in order to understand their tabulation and ways of displaying content. The five types of e-portfolio tabulation, in order of those most commonly created by students, are combination-based, content item-based, work-based, course unit-based, and time-based. The combination-based type incorporates the advantages of other tabulation types, while the content item-based and work-based types are better for clearly classifying data and step-by-step organization of it. Future research may further explore factors related to students' decision of tabulation type, the difficulties they face in the process, and their mentality as they adopt a portfolio type.
Conference Paper
This article describes the author's experiences with facilitating an ePortfolio project in a Hong Kong Higher Education Institution (HEI) as well as her reflections on this project. Firstly, the impact on Hong Kong HEIs brought about by various educational policies in recent years is described. Next, the major types of ePortfolios in the Higher Education sector are examined as discovered in existing literature. The last section deals with the backgrounds of the College and the ePortfolio project, the challenges that the author as the project-manager has faced, as well as the rewards brought to both the students and the faculty through the implementation of this project. It is hoped that this article could help stimulate discussions of how ePortfolios could benefit and play a key role in enhancing the learning environment of both teachers and students under the new educational reform in Hong Kong.
Conference Paper
In a study over the academic years 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 data were collected which allowed studying the attitudes of students to the computer and the internet and the relationship between attitudes and that students use these tools claim to do. It was also applied a range of logical reasoning, which acted as moderating variable. This study was conducted to determine if the variable integration of Information and Communication Technology (computer use and Internet) in a systematic and regular classroom had any effect on the attitudes of secondary school students in the face of technology. Students participated in 75 randomly selected samples do not have that corresponded to only three classes in science and technology existing in the school where the study took place. From the methodological point of view it was decided to design a quantitative approach with quasi-experimental approach combined with a qualitative description and interpretation of the process. As data collection instruments were used two questionnaires: One of “Attitudes to the computer and the Internet” and the other “The use of computers and the Internet.” The questionnaires were administered by teachers of each class in Biology / Geology under the guidance of one of the authors. The results showed that sex had no significant influence, but age seems to affect the attitude toward the computer as well as regular use in the context of the classroom.
The web-based portfolio emerged as a result of the influence of technological developments on educational practices. In this study, the effect of the web-based portfolio building process on academic achievement and retention is explored. For this purpose, a study platform known as a computer-assisted personal development portfolio was designed for 30 Turkish students who participated in a web-based portfolio process. The academic achievements of the students were examined through an experimental design in which participants were divided into an experimental group and a control group and given a pre-test and a post-test. The results of the study revealed that the levels of both academic achievement and retention in the experimental group were significantly higher than those in the control group. Similar practices can be applied to the teaching of medicine, economics, physical sciences, humanities and other subjects in order to extend students’ performance and achievement levels.
This study reports on the development and usefulness of an assessment procedure for teachers’ coaching competence. We examined the usefulness of the developed procedure with respect to making reliable judgments. Video portfolios were constructed by researchers, which consisted of deliberately planned video recordings of teachers’ coaching performance in the classroom and additional data sources providing context information. Six trained assessors scored three video portfolios. Interrater agreement was determined and assessors were interviewed. Judgments across assessors were relatively similar. Both supportive and hindering aspects in the procedure for making reliable judgments could be derived from the interviews. Theoretical insights about assessor scoring are discussed, and implications for optimizing the assessment procedure are described.
This paper addresses some of the issues of definition, between electronic portfolios and online assessment management systems. It is difficult to conduct comparative research on electronic portfolios because of the emergence of very diverse models of implementation, especially in some of the new commercial tools that are available. These different implementations and "definition by default" make the task more difficult. This paper is an attempt to delineate the differences between electronic portfolios and online assessment management systems. As noted in SITE Conference Proceedings since 1997, many Teacher Education programs are adopting electronic portfolios, and in recent years, to meet NCATE 2000 Standard#2, Assessment System. The implementation often resembles more of a grading or record keeping system than the traditional paper-based portfolio. In many ways, the implementation of electronic portfolios is changing the very definition of "portfolio" from past practice. Many electronic portfolio systems involve numerical scoring of artifacts against a rubric, with statistical analysis available to aggregate data collected.