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November, 2005 Microwave Review
Non-thermal Biological Effects of Microwaves
Igor Belyaev
List of Abbreviations - Anomalous viscosity time dependence
(AVTD); blood-brain barrier (BBB); catalase (CAT); Digital
Enhanced (former European) Cordless Telecommunications (DECT);
circularly polarized (CP); continuous wave (CW); Digital Advanced
Mobile Phone System (DAMPS); discontinuous transmission (DTX);
electroencephalographic (EEG); electromagnetic field (EMF);
embryonic stem (ES) cells; ethidium bromide (EtBr); extremely low
frequency (ELF); Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK); Ginkgo
biloba (Gb); Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM);
glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px); International Commission for
Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP); linearly polarized
(LP); malondialdehyde (MDA); micronucleus (MN) assay;
microwaves (MWs); N-acetyl-beta-d-glucosaminidase (NAG); nitric
oxide (NO); non-thermal (NT); ornithine decarboxylase (ODC);
phorbol ester 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA); phosphorylated H2AX
histone (γ-H2AX); power density (PD); regional cerebral blood flow
(rCBF); Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (RNCNIRP); specific absorption rate (SAR); static
magnetic field (SMF); superoxide dismutase (SOD); Time Division
Multiple Access (TDMA); tumor suppressor p53 binding protein 1
(53BP1); ultraviolet (UV); Universal Mobile Telecommunications
System (UMTS).
Abstract - The aim of this paper is to overview the diverse
biological effects of non-thermal microwaves (NT MWs) and
complex dependence of these effects on various physical and
biological parameters. Besides dependencies on frequency and
modulation, the available data suggest dependencies of the NT
MW effects on intermittence and coherence time of exposure,
polarization, static magnetic filed, electromagnetic stray field,
genotype, gender, physiological and individual factors, cell
density during of exposure and indicate that duration of
exposure may be not less important than power density (PD) for
the NT MW effects. Further evaluation of these dependencies are
needed for understanding the mechanisms by which NT MWs
affect biological systems, planning in vivo and epidemiological
studies, developing medical treatments, setting safety standards,
and minimizing the adverse effects of MWs from mobile
Key words - non-thermal effects of microwaves, mobile (cellular)
Electromagnetic exposures vary in many parameters: power
(specific absorption rate, incident power density),
wavelength/frequency, near field - far field, polarization
(linear, circular) continues wave (CW) and pulsed fields
(pulse repetition rate, pulse width or duty cycle, pulse shape,
pulse to average power, etc.), modulation ( amplitude,
Igor Y. Belyaev, Ph.D., D.Sc. Department of Genetics,
Microbiology and Toxicology The Arrhenius Laboratories for
Natural Sciences Stockholm University S-106 91 Stockholm,
Sweden Tel: +46-8-16 4108 FAX: +46-8-16 4315 Mob: +46-
0739590339 E. mail:
frequency, phase, complex), static magnetic field (SMF) and
electromagnetic stray field at the place of exposure, overall
duration and intermittence of exposure (continuous,
interrupted), acute and chronic exposures. With increased
absorption of energy, so-called thermal effects of microwaves
(MWs) are usually observed that deal with MW-induced
heating. Specific absorption rate (SAR) or power density (PD)
is a main determinate for the thermal MW effects. Many other
physical parameters of exposure may be important for so-
called non-thermal (NT) biological effects, which are induced
by MWs at intensities well below any heating [1-11]. An
important question is how these physical parameters should be
taken into account in safety standards.
Most often, the current safety standards are based on the
thermal effects of MWs obtained in short-term (acute)
exposures. In some countries, such as Russia, the NT MW
effects, especially those induced during prolonged (chronic)
exposures, are accepted and taken into account for
establishment of the national safety standards [10-12]. It
should be stressed, that in contrast to the ICNIRP
(International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection) safety standards [13], which are based on the acute
thermal effects of MWs, the standards adopted by the Russian
National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
(RNCNIRP) are based on the experimental data from chronic
(up to 4 month) exposures of animals to MWs at various
physical parameters including intensity, frequency and
modulation, which were performed in the former Soviet
Union and Russia [10-12]. Since establishment of the current
safety standards, the situation with exposure of general
population to MWs has been changed significantly.
Nowadays, most part of population is chronically exposed to
MW signals from various sources including mobile phones
and base stations. These exposures are characterized by low
intensities, varieties of signals, and long-term durations of
exposure that are comparable with a lifespan. So far, the
“dose” (accumulated absorbed energy that is measured in
radiobiology as the dose rate multiplied by the exposure time)
is not adopted for the MW exposures and SAR or PD is
usually used for the guidelines. To what degree SAR/PD can
be applied to the nowadays NT MW chronic exposures is not
known and the current state of research demands reevaluation
of the safety standards [12].
There are two main approaches to treat numerous data
regarding the NT MW effects. The first one is based on the
consideration of these effects dependent on various physical
parameters and biological variables as has consistently been
described in many experimental studies and will be partially
reviewed in this paper. The second approach is based on
neglecting or minimizing the experimentally observed NT
MW effects based on the current state of theoretical physical
science that is insufficient for comprehensive explanation of
the NT MWs effects. As a result of such various treatments of
Mikrotalasna revija Novembar 2005.
the experimental data, the safety standards significantly, up to
1000 times, vary between countries.
The literature on the NT MW effects is very broad and this
paper is not intended to be a comprehensive review of this
literature. There are four lines of evidence for the NT MW
effects: (1) altered cell responses in laboratory in vitro studies
and results of chronic exposures in vivo studies [3, 11] (this
review); (2) results of medical application of NT MWs in the
former Soviet Union countries [4, 7, 14, 15]; (3)
hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields (EMFs); (4)
epidemiological studies suggesting increased risks of brain
tumors, acoustic neuroma and T-cell lymphoma for the mobile
phone users [16-18]. In this review, we will focus on the
studies showing a complex dependence of the NT MW effects
on various parameters.
Examples of diverse in vitro biological effects of NT MWs
in the frequency range as used in mobile communication and
at intensities below ICNIRP restrictions are given in Table 1.
The first data on the NT effects of MWs in so-called
millimeter range (wavelength 1-10 mm in vacuum) was
obtained by Vilenskaya and co-authors [19] and Devyatkov
[20]. Important regularities of the NT MW effects such as
“resonance-type” dependence on frequency and “effective
intensity windows”, were found in these studies as previously
reviewed [2, 7-9, 21-23]. The first investigations of the NT
MW effects at lower frequency ranges were performed by
Blackman and colleagues [24-26] and Adey with colleagues
[27, 28]. Theses groups found dependence of the NT MW
effects on modulation. Since that time, other groups have
confirmed the main findings of these pioneering studies as
will be reviewed below.
Effects of NT MWs on repair of radiation-induced DNA
breaks in E. coli K12 AB1157 were studied by the method of
anomalous viscosity time dependence (AVTD) [29]. The
AVTD method is a sensitive technique to detect changes in
conformation of nucleoids induced by both genotoxic and
stress factors [30-35]. Significant inhibition of DNA repair
was found when X-irradiated cells were exposed to MWs
within the frequency ranges of 51.62-51.84 GHz and 41.25-
41.50 GHz. The effects were observed within two “frequency
windows” displaying a pronounced resonance character in
each with the resonance frequencies of 51.755 GHz and 41.32
GHz, respectively [29, 36]. These MW effects could not be
explained by heating.
The resonance frequency of 51.755 GHz was stable within
the error of measurements, +
1 MHz, as PD decreased from
to 10
[30, 36]. However, the half-width of the
resonance decreased from 100 MHz to 3 MHz. This sharp
narrowing of the 51.755 GHz resonance was followed by an
emergence of new resonances, 51.675+
0.001, 51.805+0.002,
and 51.835+
0.005 GHz, as PD decreased from 3·10
to 10
[30, 37]. The half-widths of all these resonances
including the main one, 51.755+
0.001 GHz, were about 10
MHz at the PD of 10
. These data were interpreted as
a splitting of the main resonance 51.755 GHz in the MW field
[30]. The MW effects were studied at different PDs and
several frequencies around the resonance frequency of 51.675
GHz. This resonance frequency was found to be stable, +
MHz, within the PD range of 10
- 10
. Along with
disappearance of the 51.675 GHz resonance response at the
sub-thermal PD of 10
- 10
, a new resonance effect
arose at 51.688+
0.002 GHz [37]. This resonance frequency
was also stable within the PD range studied. Taken together,
these data strongly suggested a sharp rearrangement of
frequency spectra of MW action, which was induced by the
sub-thermal MWs. The half-widths of three resonances
studied depended on PD, changing either from 2-3 MHz to
16-17 MHz (51.675 GHz and 51.668 GHz resonances) or
from 2-3 MHz to 100 MHz (51.755 GHz resonance) [30, 37].
These data indicated that different dependencies of half-width
on PD might be expected at various resonance frequencies.
Significant narrowing in resonance response was found
when studying the growth rate in yeast cells [38] and
chromatin conformation in thymocytes of rats [39]. In the
Gründler’s study, the half-width decreased from 16 MHz to 4
MHz as PD decreased from 10
to 10
The results of these studies with different cell types indicate
that narrowing of the resonance upon decrease in PD is one of
the general regularities in cell response to NT MWs. This
regularity suggests that many coupled oscillators are involved
non-linearly in the response of living cells to NT MWs as has
been predicted by Fröhlich [40].
Gapeev and co-authors studied effects of MW exposure on
the respiratory burst induced by calcium ionophore A23187
and phorbol ester 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) in the
peritoneal neutrophils of mice [41]. MWs at the PD of 50
inhibited the respiratory burst. MW effect depended
on frequency and was maximal at the frequency of 41.95
Based on the extrapolation from the data obtained in the
extremely high frequency range (30-300 GHz), the values for
half-width of resonances at the frequency range of mobile
phones (0.9–2 GHz) were estimated to be 1-10 MHz [35].
Effects of GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication)
MWs on chromatin conformation and 53BP1 (tumor
suppressor p53 binding protein 1)/γ-H2AX (phosphorylated
H2AX histone) DNA repair foci in human lymphocytes were
studied in this frequency range [33-35]. Dependence of these
MW effects on carrier frequency was observed [33, 35]. This
dependence was recently replicated in independent set of
experiments with lymphocytes from twenty persons in total
[33, 42].
Tkalec and colleagues exposed duckweed (Lemna minor L.)
to MWs at the frequencies of 400, 900, and 1900 MHz [43].
The growth of plants exposed for 2 h to the 23 V/m electric
field of 900 MHz significantly decreased in comparison with
the control, while an electric field of the same strength but at
400 MHz did not have such effect. A modulated field at 900
MHz strongly inhibited the growth, while at 400 MHz
modulation did not influence the growth significantly. At both
frequencies, a longer exposure mostly decreased the growth
and the highest electric field (390 V/m) strongly inhibited the
November, 2005 Microwave Review
growth. Exposure of plants to lower field strength (10 V/m)
for 14 h caused significant decrease at 400 and 1900 MHz
while 900 MHz did not influence the growth. Peroxidase
activity in exposed plants varied, depending on the exposure
characteristics. Observed changes were mostly small, except
in plants exposed for 2 h to 41 V/m at 900 MHz where a
significant increase (41%) was found. Authors concluded that
MWs might influence plant growth and, to some extent,
peroxidase activity. However, the effects of MWs strongly
depended on the characteristics of the field exposure such as
frequency and modulation.
It was found that the NT MW effects are observed within
specific PD “windows” [20]. This type of PD dependence for
the MW effects was observed in several following studies as
previously reviewed [7-9, 21-23].
The data obtained in experiments with E coli cells and rat
thymocytes provided new evidence for this type of PD
dependence [30, 37, 39, 44]. Window-like PD dependences of
the MW effects were observed at different resonance
frequencies. The most striking PD window was found at the
resonance frequency of 51.755 GHz [30]. When exposing E.
coli cells at the cell density of 4·10
cell/ml, the effect reached
saturation at the PD of 10
and did not change
up to PD of 10
. In these experiments, the direct
measurements of PD below 10
were not available and
lower PDs were obtained using calibrated attenuators.
Therefore, some uncertainty in the evaluation of the lowest
PDs was possible. The background MW radiation in this
frequency range has been estimated as 10
[45]. Based on the experimentally determined half-width of
the 51.755 GHz resonance, 1 MHz [30], the background PD
was estimated as 10
within the 51.755 GHz
resonance. The resonance MW effects on E. coli cells were
observed at PD very close to the estimated background value
[30, 37, 46-48]. The data suggested that the PD dependence of
MW effect at specific resonance frequencies might have a
threshold comparable with the background level.
Dependence of the MW effect on PD at one of the
resonance frequencies, 51.675 GHz, had the shape of
“window” in the PD range from 10
to 10
[37]. It is
interesting, that no MW effect was observed at sub-thermal
and thermal PDs at this resonance frequency. This type of PD
dependence clearly indicated non-thermal mechanism of the
MW effects observed. The position of the PD window varied
between different resonance frequencies and depended on cell
density during exposure of cells [37].
Despite some uncertainty in the evaluation of PD at the
levels below 10
in the referred studies the data
indicated that MWs at frequencies within specific frequency
windows (“resonances”) result in biological effects at very
low intensities comparable with intensities from base stations
and other MW sources used in mobile communication.
Bozhanova with co-authors reported that the effect of
cellular synchronization induced by NT MWs depended on
duration of exposure and PD [49]. The dependence on
duration of exposure fitted to exponential function. The
important observation was that the decrease in PD could be
compensated by the increase in the duration of exposure in
order to achieve the same synchronization of cells.
Kwee and Raskmark analyzed effects of MW at 960 MHz
and various SARs, 0.021, 0.21, and 2.1 mW/kg on
proliferation of human epithelial amnion cells [50]. These
authors reported linear correlations between exposure time to
MW at 0.021 and 2.1 mW/kg and the MW-induced changes in
cell proliferation albeit no such clear correlation was seen at
0.21 mW/kg.
MW exposure of E. coli cells and rat thymocytes at PDs of
resulted in significant changes in chromatin
conformation if exposure was performed at resonance
frequencies during 5-10 min [29, 39, 51]. Decreasing of PD
by orders of magnitude down to 10
could be
compensated by several-fold increasing of exposure time to
20-40 min in order to achieve the same changes in chromatin
conformation [47]. The duration of exposure should be longer,
more than 1 h, to achieve the same effect at the lowest
estimated PD of 10
[47]. Therefore, decreasing of
PD by orders of magnitude could be compensated by several-
fold increasing of exposure time and duration of exposure to
NT MWs may have significantly larger role than PD.
The MW effects on E. coli cells depended also on the post-
exposure time [46-48]. This dependence had an initial phase
of increase about 100 min post-exposure followed by the
phase, which was close to a plateau, around 100 min. A trend
to decrease in effect was observed at longer times up to 300
min [46, 48].
Significant MW-induced changes in chromatin
conformation were observed when rat thymocytes were
analyzed in-between 30-60 min after exposure to MWs [39].
This effect nearly disappeared if the cells were incubated
more than 80 min between exposure and analysis.
In recent studies, human lymphocytes from peripheral blood
of healthy and hypersensitive to EMF persons were exposed
to MWs from the GSM mobile phones [33, 34]. MWs
induced changes in chromatin conformation similar to those
induced by heat shock, which remained up to 24 h after
exposure. It was found in the same and following studies that
GSM MWs at the carrier frequency of 915 MHz and UMTS
(Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) MWs at the
1947.4 MHz (middle channel) inhibited formation of the
53BP1/γ-H2AX DNA repair foci and these adverse effects
remained during 72 h after 1-h exposure [33, 42].
The data suggested that there is a time window for
observation of the MW effects, which may be dependent on
endpoint measured, cell type, duration and PD of exposure.
Mikrotalasna revija Novembar 2005.
Diem and colleagues exposed cultured human diploid
fibroblasts and cultured rat granulosa cells to intermittent and
continuous MWs (1800 MHz; SAR 1.2 or 2 W/kg; different
modulations; during 4, 16 and 24 h; intermittent 5 min on/10
min off or continuous wave) [52]. Comet assay was applied to
analyze DNA single- and double-strand breaks. MW-induced
effects occurred after 16 h exposure in both cell types and
after different mobile-phone modulations. The intermittent
exposure showed a stronger effect than continuous exposure.
MW exposure of L929 fibroblasts was performed by the
group of Litovitz [53]. MWs at 915 MHz modulated at 55, 60,
or 65 Hz approximately doubled ornithine decarboxylase
(ODC) activity after 8 h. Switching the modulation frequency
from 55 to 65 Hz at coherence times of 1.0 s or less abolished
enhancement, while times of 10 s or longer provided full
enhancement. These results suggested that the microwave
coherence effects are remarkably similar to those observed
previously with extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic
fields by the same authors.
The effects of circularly polarized (CP) MWs were studied
in E. coli cells at the frequencies from two frequency windows
(resonances) that were identified using linearly polarized (LP)
MWs, 51.62-51.84 GHz and 41.25-41.50 GHz. At the
resonance frequency of 51.76 GHz, right-handed CP MWs
inhibited repair of X-ray-induced DNA damages [36, 51]. In
contrast to right-handed polarization, left-handed CP MWs
had virtually no effect on the DNA repair, while the efficiency
of LP MWs was in-between of two circular polarizations.
Inversion in effectiveness of circular polarizations was
observed at another resonance frequency, 41.32 GHz. In
contrast to the frequency of 51.76 GHz, left-handed CP MWs
at 41.32 GHz significantly inhibited DNA repair, while right
polarization was almost ineffective. MWs of the same CP
affected cells at several frequencies tested within each
resonance, other CP being always ineffective [36, 44, 51].
Therefore, specific sign of effective CP, either left- or right-,
was the attribute of each resonance. Two different types of
installations, based on either spiral waveguides [51] or
quarter-wave mica plates [36, 37, 44, 54, 55], were used to
study the dependences of the MW effects on polarization.
Similar results were observed regardless the way of producing
the MWs of different polarizations.
Pre-irradiation of E. coli cells to X-rays inverted the sign of
effective polarization [36, 44]. This inversion was observed
for two different resonances, 41.32 and 51.76 GHz. Neither
resonance frequencies, nor half-widths of the resonance
changed during the inversions in effective CPs. The effects of
left- and right-handed CP MWs become the same at 50 cGy
[36]. At this dose, about one single stranded DNA break per
haploid genome was induced and this dose was too low to
damage significantly any cellular structure except for DNA. It
is known that a nucleoid in E. coli cells consists of the
supercoiled DNA-domains. X-ray-induced DNA breaks result
in relaxation of the DNA-domains. It is believed that the
majority of DNA in living cells has a right-handed helicity (B-
form) but a minor part, in order of 1 %, may alternate from the
B-form in the form of left-handed helix (Z-form).
Supercoiling is connected with transitions between right B-
form to left Z-form in these DNA sequences. The data
suggested that difference in biological effects of polarized
MWs might be connected with DNA helicity and supercoiling
of DNA-domains.
Supercoiling of DNA-domains is changed during cell cycle
because of transcription, replication, repair, and
recombination. It can also be changed by means of DNA-
specific intercalators such as ethidium bromide (EtBr). EtBr
changes supercoiling and facilitates the transition of DNA
sequences from Z-form to B-form. Preincubation of E. coli
AB1157 cells with EtBr inverted the effective polarization at
the resonance frequency of 51.755 GHz and right-handed
MWs became more effective than left polarization [54]. EtBr
changed the supercoiling of DNA-domains starting at a
concentration of 1 µg/ml as measured with the AVTD in
different cell types including E. coli [30, 32, 56]. The data
provided further evidence that DNA may be a target for the
NT MW effects.
Investigations of NT MW effects at 15 resonances in E. coli
cells and 2 resonances in Wistar rat thymocytes provided
evidence that one of two circular polarizations is always more
effective than another one [36, 37, 39, 44, 46, 51, 54, 55, 57,
58]. These data are summarized in Table 2. In all experiments,
the effect of linear polarized MWs was in-between of effects
of two circular polarizations.
Obviously, the difference in effects of right- and left
polarizations could not be explained by heating or by
mechanism dealing with “hot-spots” due to unequal SAR
distribution. The data about the difference in effects of
differently polarized MWs, the inversion of effective circular
polarization between resonances and after irradiation of cells
with X-rays and incubation with EtBr provided strong
evidence for the non-thermal mechanisms of MW effects.
These data indicated either an asymmetrical nature of the
target for the NT MW effects, which is presumably
chromosomal DNA [36], or an existence of selection rules on
helicity if quantum-mechanical approach is applied [44].
There is experimental evidence for the role of modulation in
the diverse biological effects of NT MW both in vitro and in
vivo [28, 41, 59-68]. Examples include different types of
modulation such as amplitude-, speech and phase
modulations. Amplitude modulation at 16 Hz but not 60 Hz or
100 Hz modulated MW, 450 MHz, increased activity of ODC
[63]. Speech-modulated 835 MHz MWs produced no effect
on ODC as compared to typical signal from a TDMA (Time
Division Multiple Access) digital cellular phone [60]. Phase-
modulated GSM-1800 MWs (Gaussian Minimum Shift
Keying, GMSK) at 1.748 GHz, induced micronuclei in human
lymphocytes while CW MWs did not [64].
In the study by Gapeev and co-authors, stimulation of the
respiratory burst was observed in the peritoneal neutrophils of
November, 2005 Microwave Review
mice upon modulation of MWs at 41.95 GHz, 50 µW/cm
with the frequency of 1 Hz [41]. Only this modulation out of
four tested (0.1, 1, 16, and 50 Hz) resulted in stimulation of
the respiratory burst.
Huber with coauthors investigated effects of MWs similar
to those used in mobile communication, a “base-station-like”
and a “handset-like” signal (10 g tissue-averaged spatial peak-
specific absorption rate of 1 W/kg for both conditions), on
waking regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in 12 healthy
young men [65]. The effect depended on the spectral power in
the amplitude modulation of the carrier frequency such that
only “handset-like” MW exposure with its stronger low-
frequency components but not the “base-station-like” MW
exposure affected rCBF. This finding supported previous
observations of these authors [66] that pulse modulation of
MWs is necessary to induce changes in the waking and sleep
EEG, and substantiated the notion that pulse modulation is
crucial for MW-induced alterations in brain physiology.
Markkanen and colleagues exposed cdc48-mutated
Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells to 900 or 872 MHz
MWs, with or without exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation,
and analyzed apoptosis [67]. Amplitude modulated (217
pulses per second) MWs significantly enhanced UV induced
apoptosis in cells, but no effect was observed in cells exposed
to unmodulated fields at the identical time-average SAR of
0.4 W/kg that was lower than the ICNIRP safety standards.
Persson with colleagues studied effects of MWs of 915
MHz as CW and pulse-modulated with different pulse power
and at various time intervals on permeability of the blood-
brain barrier (BBB) in Fischer 344 rats [68]. Albumin and
fibrinogen were demonstrated immunochemically and
classified as normal versus pathological leakage. The CW-
pulse power varied from 0.001 W to 10 W and the exposure
time from 2 min to 960 min. The frequency of pathological
rats significantly increased in all exposed rats. Grouping the
exposed animals according to the level or specific absorption
energy (J/kg) gave significant difference in all levels above
1.5 J/kg. The exposure was 915 MHz MWs either pulse
modulated at 217 Hz with 0.57 ms pulse width, at 50 Hz with
6.6 ms pulse width, or CW. The frequency of pathological rats
was significantly higher in MW-exposed groups than in
controls and the frequency of pathological rats after exposure
to pulsed radiation was significantly less than after exposure
to CW.
Significant amount of in vivo studies under varying
parameters of exposure (intensity, frequency, exposure time,
modulation, intermittence) have been performed in
Russia/Soviet Union and published in Russian. Retrospective
analysis of 52 Russian/Soviet in vivo studies with animals
(mice, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs) on chronic exposure to MWs
has recently been published [11]. In these studies, various
endpoints were measured up to 4 month of chronic exposure
including analysis of: weight of animal body, histological
analysis and weight of tissues, central nervous system, arterial
pressure, blood and hormonal status, immune system,
metabolism and enzymatic activity, reproductive system,
teratogenic and genetic effects. Based on their analysis, the
authors concluded that: “exposure to modulated MWs resulted
in bioeffects, which can be different from the bioeffects
induced by CW MWs; exposure to modulated MWs at low
intensities (non-thermal levels) could result in development of
unfavorable effects; direction and amplitude of the biological
response to non-thermal MW, both in vitro and in vivo,
depended on type of modulation; often, but not always,
modulated MWs resulted in more pronounced bioeffects than
CW MW; the role of modulation was more pronounced at
lower intensity levels”.
One review of the Russian/Soviet studies is available in
English [14]. These authors conclude that “a number of good-
quality studies have convincingly demonstrated significant
bioeffects of pulsed MWs. Modulation often was the factor
that determined the biological response to irradiation, and
reactions to pulsed and CW emissions at equal time-averaged
intensities in many cases were substantially different”.
In conclusion, significant amount of in vitro and in vivo
studies from different research groups clearly indicated
dependence of the NT MW effects on modulation.
Hypothetically, background EMF might be of importance
for the MW effects. This hypothesis is based on the
experimental observations that SMF, ELF magnetic fields,
and MWs at low intensities induced similar effects in cells
under specific conditions of exposure [1, 34, 69-71]. Despite
very little has been done for mechanistic explanation of such
effects, there are attempts to consider the effects of EMFs in a
wide frequency range in the frames of the same physical
models [72-76].
Litovitz and colleagues found that the ELF magnetic noise
inhibited the effects of MWs on ODC in L929 cells [61]. The
ODC enhancement was found to decrease exponentially as a
function of the noise root mean square amplitude. With 60 Hz
amplitude-modulated MWs, complete inhibition was obtained
with noise levels at or above 2 µT. With the DAMPS (Digital
Advanced Mobile Phone System) cellular phone MWs,
complete inhibition occurred with noise levels at or above 5
µT. Further studies by the same group revealed that the
superposition of ELF noise inhibited hypoxia de-protection
caused by long term repeated exposures of chick embryos to
MWs [77].
Ushakov with co-authors exposed E. coli cells to MWs at
the PD of 10
and the frequencies of 51.675, 51.755
and 51.835 GHz [55]. In this study, cells were exposed to
MWs at various values of SMF: 22, 49, 61, or 90 µT. The
authors observed dependence of the MW effects on SMF
during MW exposure.
If confirmed, the observations on dependence of the NT
MW effects on SMF and ELF stray field would be of
significant interest for further development of physical theory
for the NT MW effects and development of mobile
communication with minimized health risks.
The effects of NT MWs at the resonance frequency of
51.755 GHz on conformation of nucleoids in E. coli cells
Mikrotalasna revija Novembar 2005.
were analyzed in dependence on cell density during exposure
[47]. The per-cell-normalized effect of MWs increased by a
factor of 4.7+
0.5 on average as cell density increased by one
order of magnitude, from 4·10
to 4·10
cell/ml. These data
suggested a co-operative nature of cell response to MWs,
which is based on cell-to-cell interaction during exposure.
This suggestion was in line with the observed partial
synchronization of cells after exposure to MWs.
The co-operative nature of cell response to MW at the
resonance frequency of 51.755 GHz was confirmed in further
studies with E. coli cells [30, 37, 48]. In addition, dependence
of the per-cell-normalized effect on cell density was found for
two other resonances, 51.675 GHz and 51.688 GHz. These
data suggested that the dependence on the cell density during
exposure is a general attribute of the resonance response of E.
coli cells to NT MWs. At the cell density of 4·10
cells/ml, the
average intercellular distance was approximately 13 µm that is
10 times higher than the linear dimensions of E. coli cells [47,
48]. Therefore, no direct physical contact seemed to be
involved in the cell-to-cell interaction. Two mechanisms,
biochemical and electromagnetic, were considered to account
for the co-operative nature in the resonance response to weak
EMF in wide frequency range including ELF, MWs and
ionizing radiation [47, 78, 79]. The first one, biochemical, is
based on release of secondary chemical messengers (ions,
radicals, or molecules) by those cells, which were directly
targeted. Via diffusion, these messengers can induce response
in other cells. The second mechanism, electromagnetic, is
based on reemission of secondary photons. According to this
mechanism, reemitted photons can induce response in other
cells if the intercellular distance is shorter than the length of
photon absorption. Our experimental data on MW effects
fitted better to the electromagnetic mechanism but a
combination of two mechanisms was also possible [47, 48]. In
particular, radicals with prolonged lifetimes might be involved
in the observed cell-to-cell communication during response to
EMF [80].
The absorption length of photons with the frequencies of
Hz corresponds to the intracellular distance at the
cell density of 5·10
cell/ml, at which saturation in the
dependences of the EMF effects on the cell density was
observed [47, 48, 80, 81]. Such photons may be involved in
cell-to-cell communication according to the electromagnetic
mechanism and in agreement with the prediction of Fröhlich
that biosystems support coherent excitations within frequency
range of 10
Hz [40]. From this point of view, cell
suspension may respond to NT MWs as a whole. In this case,
the number of the exposed cells should be large enough to
facilitate cell-to-cell communication during the responses to
MWs at specific parameters of exposure such as frequency,
modulation, and polarization. Interestingly, the cell density for
saturation of both MW and ELF effects was about 5·10
cell/ml that is close to cell densities in soft tissues of
eukaryotes [48, 80]. Such density of cells in the tissues may
be important for regulation of living systems by
electromagnetic cell-to-cell communication. Cellular
membranes and DNA have been considered as possible
sources of coherent excitations and photons, which may be
involved in electromagnetic cell-to-cell communication [30,
40, 80].
PD dependences of the MW effect at the 51.755 GHz
resonance frequency were considerably different between two
cell densities, 4·10
cells/ml and 4·10
cells/ml [30]. However,
the resonance frequency of 51.755 GHz did not shift with the
changes in cell density. The half-width of the 51.755 GHz
resonance did not depend on cell density either. Contrary to
the 51.755 GHz resonance response, the half-width of the
51.675 GHz resonance depended on cell density [37]. The
data suggested that intracellular interaction during the NT
MW exposures at some specific frequencies might affect sub-
cellular targets for NT MWs. This target is presumably
chromosomal DNA that is organized in the DNA-domains
[36, 58, 72].
In all studies concerning dependence of the MW effects on
cell density, the cells occupied a negligible part of the exposed
volume and could not change the absorption of MWs even at
the highest cell densities [30, 37, 47, 48]. Striking difference
in the cell responses at various cell densities provided further
evidence for non-thermal mechanism of the observed MW
Significant MW effect on synchronization of
Saccharomyces carlsbergensis yeast cells were observed by
Golant and co-authors [82]. Exposure to MWs at 30 µW/cm
and 46 GHz induced synchronization as measured by cell
density and bud formation. Authors assumed that MWs
induced cell-to-cell interaction resulting in the observed
We studied effects of MWs on E. coli cells of three isogenic
strains with different length of chromosomal DNA [58].
Bacterial chromosomal DNA in N99 wild type cells was
lengthened by inserting DNA from λ and λimm
phages. Lysogenic strains N99(λ) and N99(λ,λimm
obtained were used for MW exposure along with the wild type
N99 strain. The response of each strain was studied at 10-17
frequencies inside frequency ranges of 41.24-41.37 GHz and
51.69-51.795 GHz. Clear resonance responses to MWs at 10
were observed for each strain in both frequency
ranges. Significant shifts of both resonance frequencies were
found between strains (Table 3). The shifted resonances had
the same amplitude and half-width as for N99 cells [58]. Upon
shifting, no changes in effective circular polarization within
each shifted resonance were observed (Table 3). The shifts in
resonance frequencies could not be explained by activity of
additional genes inserted with the phage DNA. On the other
hand, the theoretical consideration based on oscillations of the
DNA-domains regarding a whole nucleoid provided a good
correlation between the increasing in the DNA length and the
shifts in resonances [58].
A detailed analysis of MW effects on E. coli AB1157 cells
at 10
and various frequencies revealed the resonance
frequency of 51.755+
0.001 GHz [30]. This value was
statistically significantly different from the resonance
frequency of 51.765+
0.002 in response of E. coli N99 cells to
MWs in the same frequency range [30]. It should be noted
November, 2005 Microwave Review
that both strains, AB1157 and N99, are considered as wild
type strains. Nevertheless, these strains are different in their
genotypes by several specific gene markers [29, 83]. These
data suggested that strains of different origin, even being
considered as wild type strains, might have different
resonance responses to NT MWs.
Stagg with colleagues exposed tissue cultures of
transformed and normal rat glial cells to packet-modulated
MWs (TDMA that conforms to the North American digital
cellular telephone standard) at 836.55 MHz [84]. Results from
the DNA synthesis assays differed for these two cell types.
Sham-exposed and MW-exposed cultures of primary rat glial
cells showed no significant differences for either log-phase or
serum-starved condition. C6 glioma cells exposed to MWs at
5.9 µW/g SAR (0.9 mW/cm
) exhibited small (20-40 %) but
significant increases in 38 % of [
H]-thymidine incorporation
Repacholi with co-authors chronically exposed wild-type
mice and E mu-Pim1 transgenic mice, which are moderately
predisposed to develop lymphoma spontaneously, to plane-
wave pulse-modulated MWs at 900 MHz with a pulse
repetition frequency of 217 Hz and a pulse width of 0.6 ms
[85]. Incident power densities were 2.6-13 W/m
and SARs
were 0.008-4.2 W/kg, averaging 0.13-1.4 W/kg. The
lymphoma risk was found to be significantly higher in the
exposed transgenic mice. No effects were seen in the wild
type mice.
Markkanen with colleagues found that MWs affected the
UV-induced apoptosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast
cells KFy437 (cdc48-mutant) but did not modify apoptosis in
KFy417 (wild-type) cells [67].
Czyz with colleagues exposed pluripotent embryonic stem
(ES) cells of wild-type and deficient for the tumor suppressor
p53 to pulse modulated GSM MWs at 1.71 GHz [86]. Two
dominant GSM modulation schemes (GSM-217 and GSM-
Talk), which generate temporal changes between GSM-Basic
(active during talking phases) and GSM-DTX (discontinuous
transmission, which is active during listening phases thus
simulating a typical conversation), were applied to the cells at
and below the ICNIRP safety standards. GSM-217 MWs
induced a significant upregulation of mRNA levels of the heat
shock protein, hsp70 of p53-deficient ES cells differentiating
in vitro, paralleled by a low and transient increase of c-jun, c-
myc, and p21 levels in p53-deficient, but not in wild-type
cells. Theses data substantiated the notion that the genetic
background determines cellular responses to GSM MWs.
There are studies indicating that MWs may exert a gender-
related influence on brain activity [87, 88]. Papageorgiou with
co-authors investigated the gender-related influence of MWs,
similar to that emitted by GSM900 mobile phones, on brain
activity [87]. Baseline electroencephalographic (EEG) energy
of males was greater than that of females, while exposure to
MWs decreased EEG energy of males and increased that of
females. Memory performance was invariant to MW exposure
and gender influences. Smythe and Costall reported the effects
of mobile phone exposure on short- and long-term memory in
male and female subjects [88]. The results showed that males
exposed to an active phone made fewer spatial errors than
those exposed to an active phone condition, while females
were largely unaffected. These results further indicated that
mobile phone exposure has functional consequences for
human subjects, and these effects appear to be sex-dependent.
We analyzed effects of GSM MWs on chromatin
conformation in human lymphocytes from peripheral blood
[35]. The MW effects varied between individuals. 30-min
exposure to MWs at 900 and 905 MHz resulted in statistically
significant condensation of chromatin in lymphocytes from
one out three tested donors. This condensation was similar to
effects of heat shock within the temperature window of 40-
C. Stronger effects of MWs were found following 1-h
exposure. In replicated experiments, cells from 4 out 5 donors
responded to 905 MHz. Statistically significant response to
915 MHz was observed in cells from one out five donors.
Dependent on donor, condensation, 3 donors, or
decondensation, 1 donor, of chromatin was found in response
to 1-h exposure. The effects of MWs correlated statistically
significantly with the effects of heat shock and the initial state
of chromatin before exposure.
Significant individual variations in effects of GSM and
UMTS MWs on chromatin conformation and 53BP1/γ-H2AX
DNA repair foci in human lymphocytes were observed in
further studies [33, 34, 42]. Despite some trends to different
response between lymphocytes from hypersensitive to EMF
subjects and matched healthy controls [34], these differences
were not statistically significant between groups [33, 34, 42].
Significant variations in response of cells were observed in
both hypersensitive and control groups of subjects. These
studies provided unequivocal evidence that GSM and UMTS
MWs induce adverse effects in lymphocytes from
hypersensitive subjects. One cannot exclude that
compensatory reactions are less efficient in the hypersensitive
providing stronger connection of reactions to NT MWs at the
cellular level with symptoms of hypersensitivity.
Zotti-Martelli with colleagues exposed peripheral
blood lymphocytes from nine different healthy donors for 60,
120 and 180 min to CW MWs with a frequency of 1800 MHz
and PDs of 5, 10, and 20 mW/cm
and analyzed DNA damage
using micronucleus (MN) assay [89]. Both spontaneous and
induced MN frequencies varied in a highly significant way
among donors, and a statistically significant increase of MN,
although rather low, was observed dependent on exposure
time and PD. Authors concluded that MWs are able to induce
MN in short-time exposures to medium PD fields. The data
analysis highlighted a wide inter-individual variability in the
response, which was replicated in further experiments.
The importance of physiological variables, which may
include all conditions of cell culture growth such as aeration,
the composition of the growth and exposure media has been
previously reviewed [8].
In our investigations, E. coli cells were exposed to CP or LP
MWs (100 µW/cm
) at the resonance frequencies of 41.32
Mikrotalasna revija Novembar 2005.
GHz and 51.76 GHz [46, 47]. Both value and direction of the
MW effects strongly depended on the phase of culture growth.
At logarithmic phase of growth, MWs resulted in
condensation of nucleoids. In contrast, MW exposure
decondensed nucleoids in cells if exposure was performed at
the stationary phase of growth. It is known, that the state of
nucleoid condensation depends on cell activity. In stationary
cells nucleoids are more condensed compared to logarithmic
cells that divide actively. We concluded that MWs are able
either stimulate or inhibit activity of the cells in dependence
on stage of growth, stationary or logarithmic, respectively.
Higher variability in effects was observed for logarithmic
phase and effects were more stable for the stationary phase
that is characterized by partial synchronization of cells [46,
47]. There was no effect at all if cells were exposed at the end
of the logarithmic phase where the MW effects changed their
direction from inhibition to stimulation [47]. Another
peculiarity was observed at the very beginning of the
logarithmic stage, where the condensation of chromatin
induced by MWs was very weak. The AVTD data were
confirmed by the electrophoretic analysis of proteins bound to
DNA [46]. The main feature of the effect in the stationary
phase was a decrease in the quantity of several unidentified
DNA-bound proteins with molecular weights of 61, 59, 56,
26, and 15 kDa. In contrast, the main trend was an increase in
some proteins, 61, 56, 51 and 43 kDa after exposure at the
logarithmic phase. The decrease or increase in the level of
proteins bound to DNA correlated with the observed changes
in the state of nucleoids, decondensation or condensation,
The MW effects was studied both at stationary and
logarithmic phase of growth during exposure to MWs in the
PD range of 10
to 3·10
at various cell densities
[48]. Relatively weak response to MWs was observed in
exponentially growing cells. Partially synchronized stationary
cells were more sensitive, especially at the cell densities
above 10
cell/ml. The data suggested that the co-operative
responses of cells to MWs vary in dependence on phase of
Recent data by Ushakov and colleagues indicated that the
MW effects on E. coli cells depended on concentration of
oxygen in the cell suspension during exposure [55]. This
dependence might suggest that oxygen concentration should
be indicated in order to improve reproducibility in replication
Lai and Singh described effects of MWs on the rat brain
cells as measured using a microgel electrophoresis assay [90].
These effects were significantly blocked by treatment of rats
either with the spin-trap compound N-tert-butyl-α-
phenylnitrone or with melatonin that is potent free radical
scavenger and antioxidant [91]. These data suggested that
radicals might be involved in the effects of MWs. Other
groups confirmed this suggestion in further studies.
Oktem with colleagues exposed rats to MWs from GSM900
mobile phone with and without melatonin treatment [92].
Malondialdehyde (MDA), an index of lipid peroxidation, and
urine N-acetyl-beta-d-glucosaminidase (NAG), a marker of
renal tubular damage, were used as markers of oxidative
stress-induced renal impairment. Superoxide dismutase
(SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px)
activities were studied to evaluate the changes of antioxidant
status. In the MW-exposed group, while tissue MDA and
urine NAG levels increased, SOD, CAT, and GSH-Px
activities were reduced. Melatonin treatment inhibited these
effects. The authors concluded that melatonin might exhibit a
protective effect on mobile phone-induced renal impairment
in rats.
Ozguner with colleagues exposed Wistar-Albino rats to
MWs from GSM900 mobile phone with and without
melatonin and analyzed histopathologic changes in skin [93].
MW induced increase in thickness of stratum corneum,
atrophy of epidermis, papillamatosis, basal cell proliferation,
granular cell layer (hypergranulosis) in epidermis and
capillary proliferation. Impairment in collagen tissue
distribution and separation of collagen bundles in dermis were
all observed in exposed animals as compared to the control
group. Most of these changes, except hypergranulosis, were
prevented with melatonin treatment. The authors concluded
that exposure to GSM900 MWs emitted by mobile phones
caused mild skin changes and melatonin treatment could
reduce these changes.
Ayata et al. analyzed the effects of 900 MHz MWs with and
without melatonin on fibrosis, lipid peroxidation, and anti-
oxidant enzymes in rat skin [94]. The levels of MDA and
hydroxypyroline and the activities of SOD, GSH-Px, and
CAT were. MDA and hydroxyproline levels and activities of
CAT and GSH-Px were increased significantly in the exposed
group without melatonin and decreased significantly in the
exposed group with melatonin. SOD activity was decreased
significantly in the exposed group and this decrease was not
prevented by the melatonin treatment. The authors assumed
that the rats irradiated with MWs suffer from increased
fibrosis and lipid peroxidation and that melatonin can reduce
the fibrosis and lipid peroxidation caused by MWs.
Ilhan with co-authors investigated oxidative damage in
brain tissue of rats exposed to GSM900 MWs with and
without pretreatment with Ginkgo biloba (Gb) [95]. MWs
induced oxidative damage measured as: (i) increase in MDA
and nitric oxide (NO) levels in brain tissue, (ii) decrease in
brain SOD and GSH-Px activities and (iii) increase in brain
xanthine oxidase and adenosine deaminase activities. These
MW effects were prevented by the Gb treatment.
Furthermore, Gb prevented the MW-induced cellular injury in
brain tissue revealed histopathologically. Authors concluded
that reactive oxygen species may play a role in adverse effects
of GSM900 MWs and Gb prevents the MW-induced oxidative
stress by affecting antioxidant enzymes activity in brain
Numerous experimental data have provided strong evidence
for NT MW effects and have also indicated several
regularities in these effects: dependence of frequency within
November, 2005 Microwave Review
specific frequency windows of “resonance-type”; dependence
on modulation and polarization; dependence on intensity
within specific intensity windows including super-low PDs
comparable with intensities from base stations/masts;
narrowing of the frequency windows with decrease in
intensity; high sensitivity of the NT MW effects to the
duration of exposure; dependence on cell density that suggests
cell-to-cell interaction during response to NT MWs;
dependence on physiological conditions during exposure and
a potential of radical scavengers/antioxidants to minimize the
MW effects; genomic differences can influence response to
NT MWs; there are not yet confirmed observations that
oxygen concentration, SMF and EMF stray field during
exposure may be of importance for the effects of NT MWs.
Obviously, not taking into account the dependences the NT
MW effects on a number of physical parameters and
biological variables may result in misleading conclusions
regarding the reproducibility of the NT MW effects.
Especially important might be the observations that NT MWs
could inhibit or stimulate the same functions dependent on
conditions of exposure [2]. Under different conditions of
exposure, MWs either increased or decreased the growth rate
of yeast cells [8], the radiation-induced damages in mice [96],
the respiratory burst in neutrophils of mice [41], the
condensation of nucleoids in E coli cells [46, 47] and human
lymphocytes [35]. Potentially bi-directional effects of MWs
should be taken into account in replication studies.
Despite of considerable body of studies with NT MWs in
biology, only a few studies were performed to replicate the
original data on the NT MW effects. It should be noted, that
these “replications” are usually not comparable with the
original studies because of either missing description of
important parameters of exposure or significant differences in
these parameters between original study and replication.
One well-known attempt to replicate the results of Gründler
was the study by Gos and co-authors [97]. No MW effects
were observed in this study. However, the deviations from the
Gründler’s protocol might be a simple reason for poor
reproducibility. For example, synchronized cells were used in
studies of Gründler. Contrary to the Gründler’s original
protocol, Gos used exponentially growing cells. If the MW
effects in yeast cells are dependent on stage of growth, cell
density and intercellular interactions as it has been described
for E. coli cells [30, 37, 46, 47], no response should be
expected in the logarithmic phase of growth. Gos and
colleagues used S. cerevisiae strain with the auxotrophy
mutations for leucine and uracil. Gründler used the wild type
strain. It might suggest another cause for the deviations
between the data of Gründler and Gos. Despite orientation of
SMF in respect to electric and magnetic components of MWs
was the same, the values of SMF were different. The stray
ELF field was 120 nT in the study by Gos, that is higher than
usually observed background fields, < 50 nT. The spectral
characteristics of the background fields, which were described
only in the study by Gos, might be also different. In addition,
the conditions of cell cultivation might vary between studies;
for example, the data on oxygen concentration in media used
in both studies is not available.
Amount of already known physical and biological variables
that are important for reproducibility of the NT MW effects
seem to be far beyond the limits of usually controlled
parameters in biological experiments. The knowledge of some
of these variables is based on consistent findings following
from experimental studies of different research groups.
Further evaluation of variables that are important for the NT
MW effects would benefit from the developing of the physical
and molecular biological models for the MW effects.
Most reviews of the experimental studies do not include
analysis of various biological variables and physical
parameters when comparing the data on NT MW effects from
different studies. As result, misleading conclusion is often
made that MWs at NT levels produce no “reproducible”
effects. Bearing in mind the importance of several critical
physical and biological variables for reproducibility of the
MW effects and based on the available replication studies, we
would suggest the next analogy in response to the claims that
there are no reproducible NT MW effects. These claims
would be similar to a situation if one would use a TV-set with
a wrong broadcasting system, for example PAL/SECAM in
U.S. or NTSC in Europe, and based on seeing nothing would
conclude that there is no stable TV broadcasting in
The fundamental question is how MWs at so low intensities
affect living systems? Most probably, the physical
mechanisms of the NT MW effects must be based on
quantum-mechanical approach and physics of non-equilibrium
and nonlinear systems [40, 73, 98-100].
Analyzing theoretically our experimental data on the MW
effects at super-low intensities we concluded that these effects
should be considered using quantum-mechanical approach
[47]. Reanalysis of our data by Binhi resulted to the same
conclusion [73]. This is in line with the fundamental quantum-
mechanical mechanism that has been suggested by Fröhlich
[40]. Our data indicated also that chromosomal DNA is a
target for interaction with MWs [36, 54, 58].
The length of genomic DNA is much longer than the
dimension of surrounding compartment. For example, there is
about 1.8 m of DNA in a human genome that is compacted in
interaction with other compounds such as proteins, RNA and
ions to fit into a nucleus with a characteristic diameter of 5-10
mµ. Importantly, concentration of DNA in the nuclei is higher
than in crystallization solutions for DNA, 50-100 mM versus
10-30 mM DNA, respectively. Whether DNA is organized in
nuclei as a liquid crystal remains to be investigated. However,
it is clear that DNA in a living cell cannot be considered as an
aqueous solution of DNA molecules in a thermodynamic
The quantum-mechanical physical model for primary
interaction of MWs with DNA has been proposed [101]. We
hypothesized that genomic DNA contain two different codes
[78]. The first one is well-known genetic triplet code for
coding the genes. The second one is a “physical code” that
Mikrotalasna revija Novembar 2005.
determine the spectrum of natural oscillations in chromosomal
DNA including electromagnetic, mechanical and acoustic
oscillations, which are hypothetically responsible for
regulation of gene expression at different stages of
ontogenesis and for genomic rearrangements in evolution
[78]. The physical model describing these coupled oscillations
in chromosomal DNA has been proposed [58]. This model
helps to resolve so-called C-paradox that addresses the issue
of a genome size, so-called C-value. Only few percent of
DNA encodes genes in almost all eukaryotic genomes. The
same amount of DNA is involved in regulation of gene
expression by known biochemical mechanisms. The function
of the rest of DNA, which does not depend on complexity of
eukaryotic species and is represented by noncoding repetitive
DNA sequences, is not understood in molecular biology
providing a basement for hypotheses such as “junk DNA”.
The function of this major part of genomic DNA became clear
given that the whole genomic DNA is responsible for the
creation of the natural spectrum of oscillations that is
hypothetically a main characteristic of each biological species
Based on available experimental data, it is believed that
both beneficial and adverse health effects can be induced by
NT MWs dependent on conditions of exposure [2-5, 7, 11, 14-
16]. In contrast to thermal effects of MWs that can be
described solely by SAR/PD, several other parameters are
important for the NT MW effects.
Multiple sources of mobile communication result in chronic
exposure of significant part of general population to MWs at
the non-thermal levels. Therefore, the ICNIRP safety
standards, which are based on thermal effects in acute
exposures cannot protect from the chronic exposures to NT
MW from mobile communication [13].
Most of the real signals that are in use in mobile
communication have not been tested so far. Very little
research has been done with real signals and for durations and
intermittences of exposure that are relevant to chronic
exposures from mobile communication. In some studies, so-
called “mobile communication-like” signals were investigated
that in fact were different from the real exposures in such
important aspects as intensity, carrier frequency, modulation,
polarization, duration and intermittence. How relevant such
studies to evaluation of adverse health effects from MWs of
mobile communication is not known. For example, GSM
users are exposed to MWs at different carrier frequencies
during their talks. There are 124 different
channels/frequencies, which are used in Europe for GSM900.
They differ by 0.2 MHz in the frequency range from 890 MHz
to 915 MHz. Mobile phone users are supplied by various
frequencies from base stations depending on number of
connected users. The base station can change the frequency
during the same talk. GSM uses GMSK modulation (Gaussian
Minimum Shift Keying). Contrary to GSM phones, UMTS
mobile phones of the 3rd generation (3G) use essentially
QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) modulation and
irradiate wide-band signals with the bandwidth of 5 MHz.
UMTS MWs may hypothetically result in a higher biological
effect because of eventual “effective” frequency windows
within the bands.
We tested some of the real signals from GSM900 and
UMTS mobile phones. Frequency-dependent effects of GSM
MWs on the DNA repair 53BP1/γ-H2AX foci and chromatin
conformation in human lymphocytes were observed in
replicated studies [33, 34, 42]. UMTS MWs induced
significant adverse effects in human lymphocytes stronger or
the same as effects of heat shock at 41-43
C and GSM MWs
at the carrier frequency of 915 MHz [42]. The results obtained
were in line with our hypothesis that UMTS MWs may affect
cells more efficiently than GSM MWs because of the nature
of signal.
At present, new situation arose when significant part of
general population is exposed chronically (much longer than
previously investigated durations of exposures) to NT MWs
from different types of mobile communication including GSM
and UMTS/3G phones and base stations, WLAN (Wireless
Local Area Networks), WPAN (Wireless Personal Area
Networks such as Bluetooth), DECT (Digital Enhanced
(former European) Cordless Telecommunications) wireless
phones. It should be anticipated that some part of population,
such as children, pregnant women and groups of
hypersensitive persons could be especially sensitive to the NT
MW exposures. It is becoming more and more clear that the
SAR concept that has been widely adopted for safety
standards may not be useful alone for the evaluation of health
risks from MWs of mobile communication. How the role of
other exposure parameters such as frequency, modulation,
polarization, duration, and intermittence of exposure should
be taken into account is an urgent question to solve. Solving
this question would greatly benefit from the knowledge of the
physical mechanisms of the NT MW effects. The
understanding of mechanisms for the NT MW effects is far
away from comprehensive. Many questions remain to be
addressed such as whether resonance effects of MWs depend
on electromagnetic noise and SMF during exposure.
Besides fundamental importance, the development of
comprehensive mechanisms is socially important for two main
reasons. The first one is development of new medical
treatment modalities using MWs. The second reason is
accumulating evidence for adverse health effects of the NT
MWs [3, 11]. So far, most laboratory and epidemiological
studies did not control important features of the NT MW
effects as described above and therefore, only limited
conclusion regarding health effects of MWs from mobile
communication can be drawn from these studies.
It should be noted that one group of epidemiologists with a
long-lasting experience in studying relationship between
mobile phone usage and cancer risk have consistently been
concerned regarding importance of various MW signals and
exposure durations [18, 102-104]. The group of Hardell was
the first epidemiologic group in attempting to study separately
the MW signals from cordless phones, analogue phones and
November, 2005 Microwave Review
digital phones. As a rule, analogue phones had the highest
association with the cancer risk. Cordless phones were
associated with the risk for brain tumors, acoustic neuroma,
and T-cell lymphoma stronger or in the same degree as digital
and analogue phones despite significantly lower SAR values
were produced by cordless phones [16, 18, 103, 104]. This
important result can be considered as an independent
conformation, at the epidemiological level, of the observations
from specially designed in vitro and in vivo studies that the
NT MW effects depend not solely on SAR/PD but also on
other parameters. It should be also noted that epidemiological
data are controversial and methodological differences are a
subject of debates between various research groups [16, 105].
However, the approach of the Hardell’s group is more valid
from the mechanistic point of view and this should be taken
into account when comparing with results with other groups
that ignore or minimize the complex dependencies of the NT
MW effects on several parameters/variables [105].
The data about the effects of MWs at super low intensities
and significant role of duration of exposure in these effects
along with the data showing that adverse effects of NT MWs
from GSM/UMTS mobile phones depend on carrier frequency
and type of the MW signal suggest that MWs from base-
stations/masts can also produce adverse effects at prolonged
durations of exposure and encourage the mechanistic in vitro
studies using real signals from base stations/masts. Further
investigations with human primary cells under well controlled
conditions of exposure, including all important parameters as
described above, are urgently needed to elucidate possible
adverse effects of MW signals that are currently used in
wireless communication, especially in new technologies such
as UMTS mobile telephony.
The dependence of adverse effects of NT MWs from
GSM/UMTS mobile phones on carrier frequency and type of
signal should be taken into account in settings of safety
standards and in planning of in vivo and epidemiological
studies. One important conclusion stemming from the
available in vitro and in vivo studies is that epidemiological
studies should not be given priority before proper design of
these studies will be available as based on mechanistic
understanding of the NT MW effects. This conclusion is
based on two principle arguments. First, it is almost
impossible to select control unexposed groups because whole
population in many countries is exposed to wide range of MW
signals from various sources such as mobile phones and base
stations/masts of various kinds, WLAN, WPAN, DECT
wireless phones and given that duration of exposure (must be
at least 10 years for cancer latency period) may be more
important for the adverse health effects of NT MWs than
PD/SAR. Second, the adverse effects of “detrimental” signals
are masked because people are exposed to various
signals/frequencies including non-effective or even
hypothetically beneficial. From this point of view, current
epidemiological studies are either inconclusive, if results are
negative, or underestimate significantly the hazard of using
specific signals, if results are positive.
The joining of efforts of scientific groups within national or
international programs is needed for mechanistic studies of
the NT MW effects. To be based on the available science
regarding biological action of NT MWs, this joining should
involve scientists having long-lasting experience in studying
the NT MW effects. Otherwise, misleading conclusions or
inconclusive results may be expected.
RNCNIRP proposed that guidelines for NT MWs should be
further developed by studies based on the next priorities [12]:
(1) Acute and chronic bioeffects of real MW signals as
currently in use (GSM, UMTS/3G phones and base
stations…) should be tested in experiments with primary
human cells and animals; (2) Studies with volunteers under
controlled conditions of chronic exposures. Complains by
phone users cannot be used for objective evaluation of health
effects from mobile phones. There is a need for correlation of
these complains with the data obtained in studies using the
objective criteria. The data from the acute exposures of
volunteers have very limited value because possible
accumulation of effects during real chronic exposures is not
evaluated. (3) Development of reliable and relevant methods
to control personal exposures. (4) Epidemiological
investigations of the postponed adverse health effects on
various functions of organism and diseases including
neurodegenerative diseases and cancer.
Because NT MWs affect not only brain cells, but also blood
cells [33-35, 64], skin and fibroblasts [52, 53, 93, 106], stem
cells [86, 107], reproductive organs and sperm quality [108-
110] the using of hands-free cannot minimize all adverse
health effects. Possibilities to minimize the adverse effects of
NT MWs using various biophysical and biochemical
approaches should be studied.
Identification of those signals and frequency channels/bands
for mobile communication, which do not affect human cells,
is needed as a high priority task for the development of safe
mobile communication.
Financial support of the Swedish Council for Working Life
and Social Research, the Swedish Radiation Protection
Authority, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research is
gratefully acknowledged.
Mikrotalasna revija Novembar 2005.
Objects Effects Reference
Preloaded synaptosomes Changes in calcium efflux [28]
Reuber H35 hepatoma cells Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) [63]
Rat brain cells DNA breaks as measured with comet assay [91]
AMA human epithelial cells Cell proliferation [111]
Human lymphocytes
53BP1/γ-H2AX DNA repair foci
Human lymphocytes Changes in chromatin conformation similar to
Fisher rats Nerve cell damage [112]
Healthy young men Regional cerebral blood flow [65]
Soil nematode Caenorhabditis
Stress response [113]
Human peripheral blood cultures Micronucleus frequency [64]
Embryonic stem (ES) cells Gene expression [86]
Human diploid fibroblasts DNA single- and double-strand breaks [52]
Peritoneal neutrophils of mice Respiratory burst induced by calcium ionophore
A23187 and phorbol ester 12-myristate 13-acetate
L929 fibroblasts Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) [61]
Fisher rats Blood-brain barrier permeability [68]
Human epithelial amnion cells Heat shock proteins [114]
Chick forebrain tissue Efflux of calcium ions [115]
Mouse embryonic stem cells Transient increase of DNA double-strand breaks [107]
Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast
cells KFy437
Enhanced UV induced apoptosis [67]
November, 2005 Microwave Review
Cells Resonance frequency, GHz Effective circular polarization
E. coli K12 N99(λ,λimm
0.002 Right-handed
Wistar rat thymocytes 41.303+0.001 Right-handed
E. coli K12 N99(λ)
0.001 Right-handed
E. coli K12 AB1157 41.32+0.01 Right-handed
E. coli K12 N99 41.324+0.001 Right-handed
Wistar rat thymocytes 41.61+0.01 Left-handed
E. coli K12 AB1157 51.425+0.001 Left-handed
E. coli K12 AB1157 51.575+0.001 Right-handed
E. coli K12 AB1157 51.675+0.001 Left-handed
E. coli K12 N99(λ,λimm
0.001 Left-handed
E. coli K12 N99(λ)
0.001 Left-handed
E. coli K12 AB1157 51.755+0.001 Left-handed
E. coli K12 N99 51.765+0.002 Left-handed
E. coli K12 AB1157 51.805+0.002 Right-handed
E. coli K12 AB1157 51.835+0.005 Left-handed
E. coli K12 AB1157 51.857+0.001 Left-handed
E. coli K12 AB1157 51.955+0.001 Right-handed
), AND N99(
Frequency band
E. coli strain
genome length, Mb:
Resonance frequency,
41.324U+U0.001 41.305U+U0.001 41.277U+U0.002
Effective circular
Right-handed Right-handed Right-handed
Shift in respect to N99,
0 19
U+U2 47U+U4
Resonance frequency,
51.765U+U0.002 51.740U+U0.001 51.723U+U0.001
Effective circular
Left-handed Left-handed Left-handed
Shift in respect to N99,
0 25U+U3 42U+U3
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