
Research on product modularization and module management

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Modular design technologies play a vital role in the success of enterprise production and marketing. A method based on Generic Product Structure for developing various modular products is presented in this article, which can present an effective method for enterprise during the process of module generation, platform creation and variant products delivering.

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... In contrast, QFD is a customer-centric design method that translates customer requirements into practical functions through multiple stages of product planning, design, and manufacturing, ultimately achieving higher customer satisfaction [37,38]. Numerous studies have proposed the application of QFD to develop a sustainable modular design, which involves transforming technical and component functions from environmental, social, and economic perspectives and evaluating the degree of change in the product life cycle [5,39,40]. ...
... The Design Structure Matrix (DSM), a common modular approach for planning and launching products [42], has garnered increasing attention for addressing optimization problems in product development projects. A study applied the DSM to products to determine the transmission of activity information and component dependencies between parts, thereby directly and simply evaluating the changes in the sequence of activities, minimizing frequent internal interactions, and reducing component complexity [39,43]. The quantified DSM facilitates overall and local detailed planning from a system perspective, capable of simultaneously generating solutions for different variant designs in a series of products required by various industries [44]. ...
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This paper explores the integrated optimization of complex coupled industrial manufacturing systems and production strategies based on user customization needs. Two optimization metrics are considered: one is whether the production process of engineering manufacturing is simplified, and the other is whether it is based on the customization requirements of the customer. These two metrics are interrelated, and cases may even be conflicting. Considering the interdependence between engineering manufacturing and user requirements, this paper develops an integrated customized modular engineering manufacturing process to minimize production and maintenance costs and improve efficiency while meeting user customization requirements. This paper takes expert evaluation as an important decision indicator and optimizes the production process strategy on this basis. Finally, a case study is given to illustrate the applicability of the proposed process model.
Recent market transition from mass production to mass customization forces manufacturers to design products that meet individual requirements. In order to address the high cost of this practice, manufacturers develop product families with a common platform, whose variants are designed to meet different customer demands. Parallel to this transition, the dynamics of the market forces designers to develop products composed of modules that are standardized as much as possible across products, thus can be more resilient than complete designs in a changing world.Starting from an original set of different components, our method designs a modular common platform and additional modules, shared by subsets of the designs, from which variants are composed.We applied the method to the layout design of a set of products. Consequently, the geometric aspect of the product family optimization is emphasized, but functional aspects related to the product features and to customer needs are also addressed due to their manifestation in the layout. The design search space is explored using shape grammar rules that alter component geometry and therefore, functionality. The search for optimal design is performed using simulated annealing. Given different objective formulations or parameter settings, the method can be used to explore the solution space. A simple example problem demonstrates the feasibility of the method.
Applying modularity in the designing of products has been extensively researched recently to reduce the delay of product development. This paper presents a methodology of modular-based design in the conceptual stage of systems to support concurrent engineering (CE). First, the functions (Fs) are classified into different types of modules according to the correlation in design by using fuzzy cluster identification. Second, the optimal module type is selected based on the considerations of the manufacture and assembly complexities of the system for progressive parallel design. Third, the design priority of Fs within a module is scheduled by measuring the information content of Fs. As a result, the traditional design process is arranged as a series-parallel action to reduce the design time of products. Finally, an automated guided vehicle (AGV) system is used as an example to describe this method.
Modularization Principle Design Approach and Application
  • Tong Shizhong