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Abstract and Figures

A field experiment was conducted between 1992 and 1997 in a commercial orchard of mature 'Hass' avocados on Mexican seedling rootstock (Persea americana Mill.) to determine how yield was influenced by the amount of irrigation water applied and the frequency of application. Three amounts of water (targeted at 90%, 110%, and 130% of estimated crop evapotranspiration) were applied at three frequencies (one, twice, and seven times per week) with microsprinklers located beneath the tree canopy. The site was set up as a randomized complete block design with six blocks, each including one replicate of all irrigation treatments. One or two trees located at the center of the replicates were used to measure yields and tree size, and as the locations where samples of soil and soil water were obtained for analysis from beneath the tree canopy. The average electrical conductivity and chloride concentration of the irrigation water, corrected for rain, were 0.7 dSm-1 and 1.8 mmolL-1, respectively. From May 1994 to Nov. 1996, salinity of the saturated-paste extracts of soil samples obtained in the 0- to 120-cm depth interval averaged ' ' 2d Sm-1 for all irrigation treatments. Irrigation treatments also had little influence on the maximum soil-water salinity, ' ' 4d Sm-1, in and below the lower portion of the root zone. Consequently, irrigation treatments had little influence on the fraction of applied water that was not used by the crop, the leaching fraction. Chloride concentrations in leaves were affected by applied water but did not attain levels that are associated with leaf injury. Trees irrigated seven times per week had lower yields than trees that received less frequent irrigation. During the last 2 years of the experiment, when yields no longer increased with time, the yields for treatments irrigated once and twice per week increased with increasing amounts of applied water. We were able to explain the influence of both amount of applied water and soil salinity on avocado yields and leaching fraction using production function concepts. Yields increased with increasing amounts of applied water because of increased water availability for crop use before a soil-water salinity of ' ' 4d Sm-1 restricted water uptake. The threshold salinity above which yield decline occurred was determined to be 0.57 dSm-1 and yield declined by 65% per unit of salinity above the threshold. Our results suggest that maximum yields of 'Hass' avocado on Mexican seedling rootstock are not achievable when the average annual salinity of irrigation water, including rainfall, is greater than ' '0.6 dSm-1.
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J. AMER.SOC.HORT.SCI. 132(2):253–261. 2007.
Salinity and Water Effects on ‘Hass’ Avocado Yields
James D. Oster
, D.E. Stottlmyer
, and M.L. Arpaia
Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521
ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. Persea americana, production function, salt-tolerance coefficients, chloride toxicity, crop
coefficient, irrigation frequency
BSTRACT. A field experiment was conducted between 1992 and 1997 in a commercial orchard of mature ‘Hass’
avocados on Mexican seedling rootstock (Persea americana Mill.) to determine how yield was influenced by the
amount of irrigation water applied and the frequency of application. Three amounts of water (targeted at 90%, 110%,
and 130% of estimated crop evapotranspiration) were applied at three frequencies (one, twice, and seven times per
week) with microsprinklers located beneath the tree canopy. The site was set up as a randomized complete block
design with six blocks, each including one replicate of all irrigation treatments. One or two trees located at the center
of the replicates were used to measure yields and tree size, and as the locations where samples of soil and soil water
were obtained for analysis from beneath the tree canopy. The average electrical conductivity and chloride
concentration of the irrigation water, corrected for rain, were 0.7 dSm
and 1.8 mmolL
, respectively. From
May 1994 to Nov. 1996, salinity of the saturated-paste extracts of soil samples obtained in the 0- to 120-cm depth
interval averaged
for all irrigation treatments. Irrigation treatments also had little influence on the
maximum soil-water salinity,
, in and below the lower portion of the root zone. Consequently, irrigation
treatments had little influence on the fraction of applied water that was not used by the crop, the leaching fraction.
Chloride concentrations in leaves were affected by applied water but did not attain levels that are associated with leaf
injury. Trees irrigated seven times per week had lower yields than trees that received less frequent irrigation. During
the last 2 years of the experiment, when yields no longer increased with time, the yields for treatments irrigated once
and twice per week increased with increasing amounts of applied water. We were able to explain the influence of both
amount of applied water and soil salinity on avocado yields and leaching fraction using production function concepts.
Yields increased with increasing amounts of applied water because of increased water availability for crop use before
a soil-water salinity of
restricted water uptake. The threshold salinity above which yield decline occurred
was determined to be 0.57 dSm
and yield declined by 65% per unit of salinity above the threshold. Our results
suggest that maximum yields of ‘Hass’ avocado on Mexican seedling rootstock are not achievable when the average
annual salinity of irrigation water, including rainfall, is greater than
0.6 dSm
Drip irrigation for avocados was first experimentally intro-
duced into California from Israel in the late 1960s (Gustafson,
1976). Gustafson et al. (1979) compared drip irrigation of
‘Hass’ avocado on Mexican seedling rootstock with the then
standard sprinkler irrigation method in a plot located in San
Diego county, Calif. The electrical conductivity of the irriga-
tion water (ECiw) was 1.0 dSm
. This study was prompted
by the rising cost and limited supplies of irrigation water in
southern California. For both the irrigation treatments, suffi-
cient water was applied to maintain the soil water matric
potential greater than –20 kPa at the 30-cm and 60-cm depths
beneath the tree canopy. The salinities of saturated paste
extracts (ECe) of soil samples obtained in the 0- to 90-cm
depth interval were determined 10 times between Fall 1970 and
Spring 1976. The average ECe for sprinkler was 2.2 dSm
for drip it was 2.0 dSm
This work was followed by a study by Meyer et al. (1992) in
which the amount of irrigation applied was based on daily
reference evapotranspiration data (ETo) obtained by the
California Irrigation Management System (CIMIS). They
found increasing yield and tree growth with increasing amounts
of applied water similar to results reported previously by
Kalmar and Lahav (1977) and Richards et al. (1958). The
Meyer project was followed up by the study described in this
article, which initially aimed to examine the relationship
between irrigation amount and frequency on yield and tree
growth of ‘Hass’ avocado on Mexican seedling rootstock.
We found that yield increased with increasing amounts of
applied water (average ECiw of 0.7 dSm
) and that the
amount of applied water had little influence on the average ECe
in the root zone, 2 to 3 dSm
. This result is similar to that
reported previously by Bingham and Richards (1958) and Kalmar
and Lahav (1977) for the same avocado/rootstock combination in
which ECiw ranged from 0.5 to 0.8 dSm
and Cl concentration
in the irrigation water ranged from 1.1 to 1.3 mmolL
. Kalmar
and Lahav (1977) reported maximum ECe levels in the root zone
ranging from 1.8 to 2.0 dSm
obtained in a field experiment
conducted near Akko, Israel. In the study conducted by Richards
et al. (1958) at the University of California, Riverside, ECe
increased little with decreasing applied water, although one of the
treatments was purposefully underirrigated. The largest increase
was from 1.6 dSm
for the treatment irrigated with the most
water to 2.2 dSm
for the treatment receiving the least water
(Bingham and Richards, 1958). The ECe data reported by
Bingham and Richards (1958), Gustafson et al. (1979), and
Kalmar and Lahav (1977) are surprisingly similar, averaging
, considering the different experimental conditions
under which they were obtained.
Received for publication 25 Oct. 2005. Accepted for publication 10 Oct. 2006.
This project was funded in part by a grant-in-aid from the California Avocado
We thank Drs. Y. Shalhevet and B. Zur for their thorough and keen reviews of a
draft of the paper, Dr. R. Beaver for his help in matters dealing with statistical
analysis, and Dr. J. Letey for his interest and support.
CE Soil and Water Specialist (Emeritus).
Staff Research Associate.
CE Subtropical Horticulturist.
Corresponding author. E-mail:
J. AMER.SOC.HORT.SCI. 132(2):253–261. 2007. 253
An ECe of 2dSm
could be a salinity level that limits water
uptake (Bernstein and Francois, 1973) by Mexican seedling
rootstocks. If this is the case, ‘Hass avocado on Mexican
seedling rootstock is extremely salt-sensitive. The observations
of Bingham and Richards (1958), Gustafson et al. (1979), and
Kalmar and Lahav (1977) suggest that both the amount of applied
water and soil salinity in the root zone, at unusually low levels,
are both factors that could limit avocado yields.
The combined influence of applied water and root zone
salinity on crop yields is the focus of crop-water production
functions developed in the 1980s (Letey and Dinar, 1986; Letey
et al., 1985; Solomon, 1985) and are currently used (Shani and
Ben-Gal, 2005; Shani and Dudley, 2001) for different crops.
The production function ‘combines three relationships: yield
and evapotranspiration, yield and average root zone salinity,
and average root zone salinity and leaching fraction’ (Letey
et al., 1985). This production function has five coefficients:
AWt, AWm, Ym, Sd, and ECt. When ECiw equals zero, yields
are assumed to increase linearly between a threshold amount
of applied water (AWt) and an amount (AWm) that results in
maximum yield (Ym) based on reports by de Wit (1958) and
Hanks (1974). Another basic premise of the production function
model is that for a given amount of applied water, if the ECiw
is greater than zero, a reduction in yield caused by salinity will
reduce the amount of water used by the crop resulting in more
leaching than would have occurred if ECiw equaled zero. The
relationship between average root zone salinity and leaching
fraction is based on an exponential uptake function proposed
by Raats (1974). Maas and Hoffman (1977) reported that crop
yields generally are unaffected by root zone salinity until they
reach a threshold value (ECt) and then decline linearly with
increasing average root zone salinity [Sd (percentage decline
per dSm
)]. These coefficients are an integral part of the
production function model of Letey et al. (1985). Because this
model accounts for the influence of both the amount of applied
water and root zone salinity on crop water use and crop yield, it
was used to evaluate the results we obtained.
Materials and Methods
OCATION. The 10-ha experimental site with 10- to 15-year-
old ‘Hass’ avocado on Mexican seedling rootstock was located
at lat. 3317#10$N and long. 1178#5$W, 20 km north of
Escondido, Calif. The site had a southern exposure with an
average slope of 16% (standard deviation = 6%). The soil was
Cieneba coarse sandy loam (pH 6) classified as a thermic,
shallow Typic Xerorthents (Soil Conservation Service, 1973).
Climate at the site from May 1993 through Apr. 1997 had the
following average characteristics based on weather data col-
lected from the nearest CIMIS station, 30 km northwest of the
site (Temecula Station, number 62): potential evapotranspira-
tion = 1390 mm/year, rainfall = 464 mm/year, wind speed =
1.7 ms
, minimum relative humidity = 42%, and average
relative humidity = 63%. August was the hottest month with an
average daytime temperature of 24 C. December was the
coldest month with an average daytime temperature of 13 C. A
Class A evaporation pan and rain gauge were located in an open
area along the south side of the project area.
tree spacing was 6.1 · 6.1 m (269 trees/ha). In Spring 1992,
every other tree was removed along the diagonal, increasing the
spacing to 8.6 · 8.6 m (135 trees/ha).
After consultation with a biometrician, the experimental site
was set up as a randomized complete block design with six
blocks, each including one replicate of all irrigation treatments.
One or two trees located at the center of replicates, designated
as record trees, were used to measure yields and tree size. Soil
and soil-water samples were taken beneath the canopy of the
record trees. Blocks two through six had two record trees per
replicate where one record tree was set aside for soil sampling
and the other was used for installation of tensiometers and
extraction cups. Block one had one record tree, which was the
site for all soil measurements.
All record trees were topped to 5.4 m and whitewashed
to prevent sunburning in late July 1992. The objective was to
increase the tree uniformity among the record trees and to
prevent limb breakage. The other 8-m-tall border trees were not
topped but were irrigated in the same manner as the record tree.
The nine irrigation treatments consisted of three amounts of
applied water per week with each amount applied at three
frequencies. The targeted irrigation amounts were 0.9 (AW1),
1.1 (AW2), and 1.3 (AW3) times the estimated crop water
requirement based on the pan evaporation measured onsite and
assumed crop coefficient. The three frequencies of irrigation
were once (F1), twice (F2), and seven (F7) times per week.
The existing under-canopy sprinkler irrigation system was
replaced with a new system during Aug. and Sept. 1992. A
single microsprinkler for each tree was located 1 m from the
tree trunk in close proximity to the original sprinkler. This
minimized changes in the soil-wetting pattern associated with
switching irrigation systems. A single mainline served each
combination of applied water and irrigation frequency in all
blocks. Foot valves in the nine mainlines prevented drainage
through the sprinklers located at lower elevations at the end of
the irrigation cycle. A 12-station controller, water meters, and
valves were used to control and measure the amount of
irrigation water applied to each plot and the remaining trees
at the site that were not part of the experiment.
From 1992 through approximately Dec. 1995, the micro-
sprinklers were 3 cm tall and delivered 91 Lh
. During Winter
1995–1996, these sprinklers were replaced with 3-cm-tall,
microsprinklers that were mounted on 15-cm-tall
risers. This reduced labor to remove leaf litter to maintain a clear
field of throw. The throw radius of both sprinklers was 210 cm.
After each set of sprinklers was installed, the distribution of
applied water was measured at each record tree at 60-cm intervals
along four 240-cm-long 90 radials centered on the sprinkler. The
amount applied at 90 cm equaled the average application depth
for both sets of sprinklers. The time to discharge 1 L was
determined annually for all sprinklers located beneath the record
trees; the coefficient of variation ranged from 0.05 to 0.07.
uling occurred once per week, usually on Mondays. The
cumulative evaporation (ETpan) of the previous week from
the onsite Class A pan was used to determine irrigation for the
next week. The intention was to recharge the water removed
from the soil during the previous week. The amount of water
(AW) required for the area covered by the tree canopy was
calculated using the following equation:
AW ðmmÞ¼ðKcÞðETpanÞðTwÞð1:06Þ [1]
where Kc is the crop coefficient that varied during the year as
follows: January = 0.4; December and February = 0.5;
J. AMER.SOC.HORT.SCI. 132(2):253–261. 2007.
November, October, March, April, and September = 0.55; May
and August = 0.60; June and July = 0.65 (Arpaia et al., 1993).
Tw represents irrigation treatment with values of 0.9, 1.1, and
1.3 for the three irrigation treatments. The factor of 1.06
accounts for the variation of the discharge rate among the
sprinklers and assured that water applied to 84% of the record
trees equaled, or exceeded, the targeted amount. AW was
converted to the corresponding operating time to program the
irrigation controller based on the following considerations: 1)
average discharge rate of the microsprinklers; 2) irrigation
frequency; 3) rainfall correction, if appropriate; 4) appropriate
conversion factors; and 5) canopy area. Eq. [1] did not include a
pan coefficient (Allen et al., 1998) because ETpan was the same
as the ETo measured at the CIMIS Temecula Station. No
correction for runoff was made in Eq. [1] because none was
observed at any time during the experiment.
Corrections for rainfall were made by subtracting the total
rainfall of the previous week from the amount of water to be
applied during the upcoming week. Where rainfall from the
previous week exceeded the calculated AW for the next week,
no irrigation occurred. The rain correction was carried forward
for only 30 d; in other words, the remaining excess of rainfall at
the end of 1 month was not subtracted from calculated AW for
the next month.
The Valley Center Municipal Water District supplied the
irrigation water, a blend of well water and Colorado River water.
Eighteen water samples obtained between Mar. 1992 and Dec.
1996 had the following quality characteristics: ECiw ranged
from 0.7 to 1.1 dSm
and averaged 1.0 dSm
; Cl concentration
ranged from 2.3 to 3.1 mmolL
and averaged 2.7 mmolL
the average HCO
, Ca, Mg, and Na concentrations were
2.7, 2.4, 1.5, 1.1, and 4.1 mmolL
Soil-water samples obtained by imposing a vacuum of –70
kPa on ceramic extractors were analyzed for electrical conduc-
tivity (ECsw). These ceramic extractors were installed 0.9 m
from both the sprinkler and tree trunk at the 30-cm and 60-cm
depths in blocks 2 through 5 in Aug. 1993 and also at the
120-cm depth in block 4 in Feb. 1994. Samples were collected
every 2 to 3 weeks from approximately December through
June, whenever soil-water matric potentials were greater than
–40 kPa. Only a few samples were obtained from July through
November because of low water potentials; a total of 779, 797,
and 221 samples were obtained for the 30-cm, 60-cm, and
120-cm depths, respectively.
Soil samples were taken in November and May each year and
the saturation paste extracts (U.S. Salinity Laboratory Staff,
1954) were analyzed for pH, ECe, Na, and Cl. These soil samples
were collected beneath the record trees along a circumference of
0.9 m from the sprinkler at depth intervals of 0–15, 15–30, 30–
60, and 60–120 cm. This distance from the sprinkler was where
the spatial distribution of the application rates equaled the
average application rate. The sampling hole was filled, and the
next sampling site was marked at a location 50 cm from the
filled sampling hole. The gravimetric water content was mea-
sured on the soil samples obtained in Nov. 1992, 2 months after
the start of irrigating with the experimental system.
In July 1994, transducer-equipped tensiometers were
installed 0.9 m from the microsprinkler and the tree trunk
beneath the record tree not used for soil sampling. They were
installed in blocks 2 through 5 at the 0.3-m depth for treatments
AW1F2, AW2 (F1, F2, and F7), and AW3F2 and at 0.15- and
0.6-m depths for treatment AW2F2. Predawn measurements of
the soil-water matric potential were recorded daily on a data
logger. Tensiometers were serviced once per week, except
during the summer, when they were occasionally serviced twice
per week. If suction was broken, they were refilled and pumped
to remove any air.
growth was monitored annually by measuring trunk circum-
ference 20 cm above the bud union, canopy area, and tree
height. The initial trunk circumference in 1992 was used to
calculate the relative increase in trunk circumference for each
succeeding year. Tree height was first measured in Feb. 1993
and the tree area in Nov. 1993. The width of the tree,
represented by the outer limits of most of the tree limbs, was
measured in the north–south and east–west directions and
averaged to obtain a diameter to calculate the ground area
covered by the tree. After 1993, tree growth measurements
were made annually in November and December.
Five leaves per quadrant, or 20 leaves per tree, were sampled
in Sept. 1993 through 1996 and analyzed for the major and
minor elements according to established guidelines (Embleton
et al., 1960). Recently expanded, fully mature leaves from
nonflushing, nonfruiting branches that were less than 2 m above
the ground were collected washed and dried. The leaves were
analyzed for N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl, B, Zn, Mn, Fe, and Cu.
Roots were extracted from soil samples obtained in Aug.
and Sept. 1995 at 0.9 m from both the tree trunk and sprinkler in
all replicates of the irrigation treatments in blocks 2 through
6. Samples were obtained at the 0- to 8-cm, 8- to 15-cm, 15- to
30-cm, and 30- to 60-cm depth intervals with a 5-cm-diameter
bucket auger. Roots were separated from the soil by washing
the sample in a bucket using a forceful stream of water and hand
agitation. The roots and leaf litter were decanted onto a 2-mm
sieve and the leaf litter removed. The roots were then placed
onto a fine meshed screen, rinsed with deionized water, and
transferred to a plastic sheet with markings indicating the
dimensions of the scanner used to measure the number and
length of the roots. Special care was taken so that roots did not
overlap or form a loop on the plastic sheet. After scanning, the
wet and dry (60 C) weights of the roots were measured and
analyzed for Ca, Mg, Na, and Cl.
Fruit harvesting of the record trees occurred between March
and May each year. All the fruit were removed in one day,
weighed, and counted. To assure accuracy, only the record trees
were harvested on this day.
RODUCTION FUNCTION ANALYSIS. Estimates of the produc-
tion function coefficients were obtained (J. McGrath, personal
communication) by using the Generalized Reduced Gradient
Algorithm for optimizing nonlinear problems provided by
Microsoft Excel Solver plug-in (Microsoft Excel 2000, version
9.0.4402 SR-1; Microsoft, Redmond, Wash.) in combination
with the ZBRENT (Press et al., 1996) root finder. The algorithm
changes AWt, AWm, Ym, ECt, and Sd until the minimum sum
of the squares is obtained for the difference between predicted
and measured crop yields and between predicted and measured
leaching fraction.
TATISTICAL ANALYSIS. Statistical analysis of the data were
done using the General Linear Model (Minitab, release 13.1;
Minitab, State College, Pa.). The Tukey method was used for
pairwise comparisons among means with probabilities less than
0.055 considered significant unless otherwise noted.
J. AMER.SOC.HORT.SCI. 132(2):253–261. 2007. 255
Crop yields for the first crop season, May 1992 to Apr. 1993,
were not included because the yields reflected conditions before
the initiation of the study. Although there were no statistical
differences in yields among the water treatments for the 1993–
1994 crop season, yields and growth parameters for this season
were included in the statistical analysis to include the total time
differential treatments could have been influential. Also, a
statistical analysis of yields for the 1995–1996 and 1996–1997
crop seasons was done, which excluded data for the F7
Using relative increase in trunk diameter, or tree area, as a
covariant in the statistical analysis of crop yields resulted in
only a 4% reduction in adjusted mean square. Consequently, a
covariant was not used in the statistical analysis of crop yields.
The log-transformed yields were more normally distributed
than the untransformed yields. However, the conclusions about
treatment effects were the same using both transformed and
untransformed data. Consequently, untransformed yields were
used for the statistical results reported here.
The ECe data were grouped by sampling date, May and
November, for statistical analysis, whereas the ECsw data were
grouped by crop season.
Results and Discussion
RRIGATION MANAGEMENT. The water application targets of
0.9, 1.1, and 1.3 times estimated crop evapotranspiration (ETc)
were exceeded as a result of an inability to fully correct for
rainfall (Tables 1 and 2). The average excess resulting from rain
ranged from 340 to 360 mm (Table 2). The problem was that
rainfall occurred during the winter months when the daily
ETpan was low (2 to 4 mmd
). Reduction in applied irrigation
water to fully account for rainfall would have required carrying
the rain correction forward from 1 month to the next for 3 to
6 months.
The fraction of applied water that was rain ranged from 0.28
for the AW3 treatment to 0.36 for the AW1 treatment (Table 2).
Assuming the average annual rainfall (390 mm) was available,
either for water use by the crop or for leaching, rainfall had a
significant effect on ECiw. The weighted-average EC of the
combined irrigation and rainfall, ECiw*, ranged from 0.69 to
0.72 compared with an ECiw of 1 dSm
(Table 2). Similarly,
the rain reduced the weighted-average Cl concentration, Cliw*,
from 2.7 to 1.83 mmolL
The depths of applied water (Tables 1 and 2) do not provide
a perspective on the soil depth wetted during individual
irrigations, particularly during the summer. The maximum
weekly ETpan, 55 mm, occurred during July and August.
The corresponding weekly irrigation for AW3F1, the treatment
that received the most water during an individual irrigation, is
49 mm based on Eq. [1]. From Mar. 1995 through May 1997,
the tree canopy area used to calculate the amount of water to
apply was 47 m
, whereas the area wet by the sprinkler was 14
. Consequently, instead of applying 49 mm of water to 47 m
160 mm was applied to 14 m
. The estimated depth of water in
the 0- to 120-cm depth interval (Table 3), based on the soil-
water contents determined in Nov. 1992, ranges from 167 to
225 mm for bulk densities of 1.4 and 1.9 gcm
, respectively,
the range in bulk densities of soils with sand textures (Skopp,
2000). The addition of 160 mm of irrigation water could
increase the depth of water in the 0- to 120-cm depth interval
to 327 to 385 mm, amounts sufficient to saturate the soil to
depths of 70 cm for a bulk density of 1.4 gcm
and 140 cm
for a bulk density of 1.9 gcm
. These depths were estimated
assuming a soil particle density of 2.65 gcm
, which results
in volumetric water contents of saturated soils of 0.47 and
0.28 mm
with bulk densities of 1.4 and 1.9 gcm
respectively. Thus, if the bulk density was 1.9 gcm
, and there
was no lateral wetting beyond the throw radius of the sprinkler,
a weekly 17-h irrigation for AW3F1 could have resulted in a
temporarily saturated soil in the 0- to 120-cm depth interval.
Had saturated soil conditions been a common occurrence in
July and August for the AW3F1 treatments, it would have been
possible to obtain soil-water samples using the ceramic extrac-
tors. This did not occur, indicating that matric potentials greater
than –40 kPa did not occur because lateral water movement
occurred beyond the throw radius of the sprinkler or did not
exist long enough to obtain a water sample. We conclude that
the depths of applied water during summer adequately matched
water retained in the 0- to 120-cm depth interval for AW3F1
and for the other treatments as well, because they involved
application of less water.
1996 (Fig. 1), soil-water matric potentials at the 30-cm depth
Table 1. Class A pan evaporation (ETpan), estimated crop water
requirement of ‘Hass’ avocado on Mexican seedling rootstock
(ETc), rainfall, and amounts of applied water for the three water
treatments (AW1, AW2, and AW3) for four crop years starting in
May 1993 and ending in Apr. 1997.
ETpan ETc Rain AW1
Crop yr May–April (mm/yr)
1993–1994 1390 790 340 690 830 1000
1994–1995 1370 790 680 600 740 870
1995–1996 1320 760 190 710 840 1010
1996–1997 1490 870 340 770 910 1100
Average 1390 800 390 690 830 990
The targeted irrigation amounts were 0.9 (AW1), 1.1 (AW2), and
1.3 (AW3) times the estimated ETc based on the pan evaporation
measured onsite.
Table 2. Summary of the applied, target and components of applied
water for the three targeted water treatments (AW1, AW2, and
AW3) and the weighted average EC (ECiw*) and Cl concentration
(Cliw*) of the irrigation water and rain.
Irrigation treatment AW1
Average applied,
including rainfall (mm/yr) 1080 1220 1380
Average target (mm/yr) 720 880 1040
Excess irrigation
(mm/yr) 360 340 340
Fraction rainfall 0.36 0.32 0.28
ECiw* corrected
for rain (dSm
0.64 0.68 0.72
Cliw* corrected
for rain (mmolL
1.7 1.8 1.9
The targeted amounts of applied water were 0.9 (AW1), 1.1 (AW2),
and 1.3 (AW3) times the estimated crop water requirement based on
the pan evaporation measured onsite.
The electrical conductivity of the irrigation water (ECiw) averaged
1.0 dSm
and the chloride concentration (Cliw) of the irrigation water
averaged 2.7 mmolL
. The corresponding values for rain are 0.0.
256 J. AMER.SOC.HORT.SCI. 132(2):253–261. 2007.
for AW2 decreased more quickly for F7 and remained at more
negative levels than for F2 and F1. In both 1995 (data not
shown) and 1996, this difference became evident approxi-
mately 15 Apr. and lasted until approximately 1 Nov., a time
period that includes the warmest and driest months of the year.
The resulting lower soil-water matric potentials in F7, and
consequently also lower soil-water contents, likely resulted
from relatively greater amounts of water lost at the soil surface
by direct evaporation to air than for F2 and F1. This likely
occurred for F7 because the soil surface was wetted each day
and depth of applied water was smaller than for F2 and F1.
The average ECe for the 0- to 120-cm depth interval, from
May 1994 to Nov. 1996, was affected little by irrigation
treatment (Fig. 2) except in Nov. 1995. Also, there was no
general increase in ECe during this period. This confirms that
the crop did not use all of the applied water and that leaching
occurred throughout the experiment. Consequently, salt accu-
mulation in the 0- to 120-cm depth interval did not occur
because salts applied in the irrigation water were moved
downward through the root zone to greater depths.
The 1994–1995 crop year had the most rainfall (Table 1)
causing the large reduction in ECe between Nov. 1994 and May
1995 (Fig. 2). November 1995 was the only time that there were
significant differences in ECe among the AW treatments with
the general trend of increasing ECe with increasing AW. This
supports the findings of others that when soil salinity is low at
the beginning of the irrigation season, higher water applica-
tions, which also apply higher salt quantities, lead to higher soil
salinities (Shalhevet, 1994).
The interaction, AW · F, was significant (P = 0.008) because
of differences among the average ECes in November (Fig. 3).
For F1, there were no significant differences among the average
ECes for the AW treatments, whereas there were for F2 and F7.
Table 3. The gravimetric field water content in Nov. 1992 and
corresponding depth of water in the depth interval based on the
range in bulk densities (r
) for sand textures.
Soil depth
interval (cm)
Gravimetric field
water content (%)
Depth of water
= 1.4 gcm
= 1.9 gcm
0–15 18.0 d 38 51
15–30 11.3 c 24 32
30–60 9.5 b 40 54
60–120 7.7 a 65 88
Based on the Tukey pairwise comparison among means, those within
rows followed by different letters were significantly different (P <
Depth of water (mm) equals length of depth interval · 10 · 0.01 ·
gravimetric water content ·r
Fig. 1. Effects of irrigation frequency on soil-water matric potential. Data
presented is from 1996. Readings collected from the 30-cm depth from the
applied water (AW) 2 treatment (1.1 times the estimated crop water
requirement). Irrigation frequency treatments were once per week (F1), twice
per week (F2), and seven times per week (F7).
Fig. 2. Influence of applied water treatment (AW) on the average electrical
conductivity of saturation paste extracts (ECe) at a soil depth of 0 to 120 cm.
Soil samples were collected in May and November of each year (1994–1996).
The irrigation amounts were 0.9 (AW1), 1.1 (AW2), and 1.3 (AW3) times the
estimated crop water requirement based on the pan evaporation measured
Fig. 3. Applied water (AW) by irrigation frequency (F) interaction for the
average electrical conductivity of saturation paste extracts (ECe) at a soil
depth of 0 to 120 cm for soil samples collected in November of each year
(1993–1996). Columns with the same letters on the top indicate the means
are not significantly different within an irrigation frequency. The irrigation
amounts were 0.9 (AW1), 1.1 (AW2), and 1.3 (AW3) times the estimated crop
water requirement based on the pan evaporation measured onsite. Irrigation
frequency treatments were once per week (F1), twice per week (F2), and
seven times per week (F7).
J. AMER.SOC.HORT.SCI. 132(2):253–261. 2007. 257
As irrigation frequency increased, the greater the AW, the
greater the ECe. This can be associated with increasing water
loss by evaporation to air as irrigation frequency increases and
with increasing amount of applied salt as AW increases.
Consequently, in November, there were no significant differ-
ences among the three AW treatments for F1, whereas there
were significantly higher ECes for AW3 within both F2 and
F3 (Fig. 3).
Like ECe, water treatment had a small influence on ECsw.
There were significant effects of crop year [CY (P = 0.000)],
depth [D (P = 0.001)], and AW (P = 0.001) and interactions
among these factors and with irrigation frequency for the 1994–
1995, 1995–1996, and 1996–1997 crop seasons. Because of the
large amount of rainfall in the 1994–1995 crop year, ECsw in
the 0- to 120-cm interval increased during the succeeding crop
years: 3.0 dSm
in 1994–1995, 4.0 in 1995–1996, and 4.7 in
1996–1997 with all differences being significant. The average
ECsw for the 30-cm, 60-cm, and 120-cm depths was 3.3, 3.8,
and 3.6 dSm
, respectively, with only the averages for the
30-cm and 60-cm depths being significantly different. The
average ECsw for AW1, AW2, and AW3 was 3.5, 3.2, and
4.0 dSm
, respectively, with only the averages for AW2 and
AW3 being significantly different. Although the CY · D
interaction was significant (P = 0.000), there was no clear
trend in the averages for ECsw. The minimum value,
2.3 dSm
, was obtained at 30 cm in 1994–1995 and was
significantly lower than the maximum value, 5.2 dSm
obtained at 60 cm in 1996–1997. For the significant interaction,
AW · F · D(P = 0.000), there were no significant differences
among the means for the 120-cm depth. The maximum values
at the 60-cm depth, 4.2 and 5.3 dSm
, occurred in the AW3F7
and AW3F2 treatments, respectively. These were significantly
higher than the minimum values at the 30-cm and 60-cm
depths, 2.8 and 3.1 dSm
, respectively, that occurred for
AW3F1, AW1F1, and AW1F2. The effects of AW and F at the
30-cm and 60-cm depths were consistent with their effects on
ECe. The treatment that applied the most water and salt, AW3,
in combination with F1 and F2, resulted in the greatest ECsw,
and the lowest values occurred for F1 and F2, which we
associate with the less water lost by direct evaporation to air
than occurred in F7.
The ECsw measurements, made from November and June
when the soil-water potential was higher than –40 kPa, reflect
the wettest conditions during the experiment. Consequently,
ECsw was determined when leaching was occurring at the
greatest rate during the crop year. Based on the root distribution
with depth (Fig. 4), we consider both the 60-cm and 120-cm
depths to be near to, or below, the bottom of the root zone.
Consequently, we assume the average ECsw of the 60-cm and
120-cm depths for all treatments, 3.7 dSm
, as a good estimate
of the average EC of the drainage water, ECdw, for all irrigation
treatments. ECdw is used to calculate the leaching fraction.
Leaching fraction is defined as the ratio of the volume of
drainage water divided by the volume of applied water (U.S.
Salinity Laboratory Staff, 1954). Assuming no calcite dissolu-
tion or precipitation, leaching fraction equals ECiw* divided
by ECdw (Oster, 1984). Dividing 3.7 dSm
into the ECiw*
values (Table 2) results in average leaching fractions that range
from 0.17 to 0.19. Considering the maximum and minimum
ECsw, 5.3 and 2.5 dSm
for the 60-cm and 120-cm depths,
respectively, the maximum range of leaching fractions would
be from 0.13 to 0.27.
In regard to correction for calcite dissolution or precipita-
tion, the soil at the experimental site is acidic (Soil Conserva-
tion Service, 1973). Consequently, the soil would not contain
calcite negating the possibility of calcite dissolution. The
concentration of calcium (1.0 mmolL
) and bicarbonate
(1.8 mmolL
) in the irrigation water contribute 29% of the
total dissolved salts in the rain-corrected composition of the irri-
gation water. Based on estimates calculated using WATSUIT
(Oster and Rhoades, 1990), correction for calcite precipitation
is insignificant unless the leaching fraction is less than 0.10,
which is lower than leaching fractions we obtained.
The main findings of this section are that the effects of the
AW treatments on ECe, ECsw, and leaching fraction were
small. The ECe within the root zone was variable but averaged
(Fig. 2), similar to the values reported by Bingham
and Richards (1958), Gustafson et al. (1979), and Kalmar and
Lahav (1977). Apparently, the ability of the trees to extract soil-
water beyond a limiting ECsw of 4 to 5 dSm
was restricted
and both the amount of applied water and soil salinity
influenced evapotranspiration. Our interpretations of these
findings are that as applied water increased, evapotranspiration
increased until the salinity of the soil-water reached a level
(Bernstein and Francois, 1973; Shalhevet, 1994) that restricted
water uptake.
record trees grew considerably after being topped in 1992. Tree
height increased from 5.4 m in Feb. 1993 to 9.0 m in Dec. 1996
with all year-to-year increases being significant. For 1992
through 1996, the average heights for the AW1, AW2, and
AW3 treatments were 7.6, 7.6, and 8.0 m, respectively, with
height for the AW3 being significantly greater than the other
two treatments. The average tree area increased from 27 m
Nov. 1993 to 51 m
in Dec. 1996. Year-to-year increases in area
were significant from 1993 to 1995; the increase between 1995
and 1996 was not significant at which time the trees within the
plot were beginning to touch again. The AW3 treatment had the
largest average area, 47 m
, for 1993 through 1996, which was
significantly greater than the 41 m
for AW2 and 40 m
AW1. The effects of irrigation frequency were not significant
for either growth parameter nor were interactions between AW,
F, and year significant.
Fig. 4. Average root distribution by soil depth (cm root per cm
soil). Roots
sampled in Aug. to Sept. 1995.
258 J. AMER.SOC.HORT.SCI. 132(2):253–261. 2007.
Year-to-year increases in relative trunk circumference as
compared with 1992 were all significant. Effects of applied
water were not significant, whereas irrigation frequencies were
(P < 0.049). However, the differences among the frequency
treatments were small, and the probabilities of the differences
among the means were all greater than 0.055. The interactions
among AW, F, and year were not significant.
Annual leaf analysis indicated the trees were maintained at
acceptable norms (Goodall et al., 1981) for the elements N, P,
K, Mg, B, Mn, Fe, Cu, and Zn. The concentrations of Na and Cl
in leaf tissue obtained in Sept. 1995 and 1996 were evaluated
because these are the years that are the focus of water treatment
effects on crop yields. The average Na concentration was
3.0 mmolkg
in Sept. 1995 and 4.4 mmolkg
in Sept. 1996,
well below the 170 to 300 mmolkg
reported to cause leaf
scorch of ‘Hass’ on Mexican seedling rootstock (Bingham and
Nelson, 1970; Mickelbart and Arpaia, 2002). Injurious levels of
Na were not expected because the sodium adsorption ratio (U.S.
Salinity Laboratory Staff, 1954) of the applied water ranged
from 2.0 to 3.7 (mmolL
and averaged 2.6 (mmolL
which is lower than the sodium adsorption ratio of 4 considered
to be a hazardous level (Bingham and Nelson, 1970). The
average Cl concentrations were affected by the amount of
applied water (P = 0.03) and irrigation frequency (P = 0.001),
but not by year. Cl concentration for AW1, 124 mmolkg
, was
not significantly greater than 116 mmolkg
for AW2 but was
significantly greater than 110 mmolkg
for AW3. Cl concen-
tration for F1, 107 mmolkg
, was significantly lower than for
F2, 121 mmolkg
, and for F7, 124 mmolkg
. Mickelbart and
Arpaia (2002) observed no leaf damage where the average Cl
concentration in the leaves of ‘Hass’ on three different clonal
rootstocks was 130 mmolkg
and slight leaf damage at
180 mmolkg
. Bingham et al. (1968) reported slight leaf injury
for 6-year-old ‘Hass’ leaves on the same rootstocks at a Cl
concentration of 135 mmolkg
. Consequently, although water
treatment did influence Cl concentration of leaves in Sept. 1995
and 1996, the highest Cl concentrations, 124 mmolkg
less than would be expected to cause leaf injury.
There were no significant effects of the AW or F treatments
on root length (Fig. 4), or dry weight, in the 0- to 60-cm depth
interval. Root length (Fig. 4) decreased rapidly with depth:
from 13.6 cmcm
in the upper 8 cm of soil to 0.8 cmcm
between 30 to 60 cm (Fig. 4). This root distribution with depth
is shallower than that reported by Michelakis et al. (1993) or
Salazar-Garcia and Cort´es-Flores (1986) for avocado but is in
line with distribution patterns reported by Meyer et al. (1992).
Effects of AW on the Ca, Mg, Na, and Cl concentration in root
tissue were not significant. Effects of irrigation frequency were
significant for Mg (P = 0.002) and Na (P = 0.009). The Mg
concentration of 41 mmolkg
for F1 was significantly lower
than the 57 mmolkg
for F7; likewise, the Na concentration
of 110 mmolkg
for F1 was significantly lower than the
170 mmolkg
for F7. The greater concentrations of Mg and Na
for F7 likely reflect longer durations of high soil salinities in the
upper portion of the root zone consequent to the greater direct
loss of water by evaporation in this treatment.
There was a general increase in yield during the four crop
years for the F1 and F2 treatments. For all water treatments, the
average yields of 41 kg/tree for 1995–1996 and 46 kg/tree for
1996–1997 were significantly greater than the 12 kg/tree for
1993–1994 and 25 kg/tree for 1994–1995. AW3 had the largest
increase in crop yield, from 16 to 62 kg/tree, over the four crop
years and AW1 had the least, from 12 to 41 kg/tree. In both
cases, these differences were significant.
There was a significant interaction between irrigation
frequency and crop year (P = 0.022). In 1995–1996, the yield
for F1, 59 kg/tree, was significantly greater than in 1993–1994,
11 kg/tree; for F2, the yield in 1995–1996, 61 kg/tree, was
significantly greater than the 14 kg/tree in 1993–1994. For F7,
there was no year when the yield was significantly greater than
the 12 kg/tree in 1993–1994. We believe this was the result of
the limiting levels of ECsw in the root zone occurring sooner
for F7 than for F2 and F1 resulting from the greater relative
water lost by direct evaporation to air for F7 than for F2 and F1.
Daily sprinkler irrigation would not be a recommended prac-
tice, especially with saline water. Consequently, yields for the
F7 treatment were excluded from the calculations of the
production function coefficients used in the Letey production
function (Letey et al., 1985). This function was derived for
conditions in which water management under field conditions is
consistent with recommended practices.
Yield efficiency, the yield per unit of tree canopy, during the
1995–1996 and 1996–1997 crop seasons, averaged 0.15 kgm
and was not consistently affected by the AW or by F. In the
1995–1996 crop season, yield efficiency increased significantly
with increasing applied water and decreased significantly with
increasing irrigation frequency. However, similar trends were
not obtained in the 1996–1997 crop season.
The main findings of this section are that tree growth
increased with increasing applied water as did crop yields.
However, for F7, yield did not increase through four succeeding
crop seasons. We believe this was the result of soil-water
salinities reaching limiting levels in the upper 15 cm of soil,
where most roots were located, earlier in the crop year in F7
than in the F2 and F1 treatments. Both AW and F influenced Cl
and Na concentrations in the leaves, but the levels were less
than those reported to cause damage.
RODUCTION FUNCTION. Average crop yields increased with
increasing applied water for the 1995–1996 and 1996–1997
crop years for F1 and F2 treatments (P = 0.001). The yields
were 28, 46, and 71 kg/tree for AW1, AW2, and AW3,
respectively. The yields for AW1 and AW3 are significantly
different at the P < 0.001 level, and those for AW2 and AW3 are
significantly different at the P < 0.08 level of significance. Crop
yields and associated total applied water for the two crop
seasons are shown in Figure 5A along with standard errors of
the means. The yields for the two highest amounts of applied
water were significantly higher than for the lowest amount of
applied water. However, the average leaching fraction
increased little with increasing amount of applied water (Fig.
5B). The production function of Letey et al. (1985) accounted
for both findings with the following production function
coefficients: ECt = 0.57 dSm
, Sd = 63% per dSm
94 kg/tree, AWt = 620 mm/year, and AWm = 1200 mm/year.
These coefficients resulted in the best match between predicted
and measured yields (Fig. 5A) and leaching fractions (Fig. 5B).
Using the values of 0.57 dSm
(ECt) and 63% per dSm
(Sd) as the Maas-Hoffman coefficients in the Mass-Hoffman
equation (Maas and Hoffman, 1977),
Y ¼ 100 SdðECe ECtÞ [2]
where Y is relative yield, results in a Y of 0 for an ECe of
2.2 dSm
. This corresponds to an ECsw 4.4 dSm
(2 · ECe;
J. AMER.SOC.HORT.SCI. 132(2):253–261. 2007. 259
Letey et al., 1985). At depths of 60-cm and 120-cm, only the
ECsw of 5.3 dSm
obtained for AW3F2 exceeded 4.4 dSm
Consequently, the values of Etc and Sd that were obtained using
the production function are consistent with expectations based
on Eq. [2], that water uptake by ‘Hass’ avocados on Mexican
seedling rootstocks is restricted where the ECsw in the root
zone is 4.4 dSm
, which corresponds to an ECe of
2.2 dSm
. This limiting ECe is consistent with the limiting
ECe levels of 2dSm
obtained by Bingham and Richards
(1958) and by Kalmar and Lahav (1977).
Shalhevet has reported two sets of Maas-Hoffman coefficients
for ‘Hass’ avocado on Mexican seedling rootstocks: ECt of
0.6 dSm
and Sd of 80% per dSm
(Shalhevet, 1994) and ECt
of 1 dSm
and Sd of 57% per dSm
(Shalhevet, 2006). Both
sets were based on data obtained in field experiment conducted
near Akko, Israel, between 1984 and 1992. Shalhevet calculated
these coefficients from the relationship between yield and
average root zone salinity, whereas the coefficients we calculated
were obtained using the Letey production function because the
AW treatments had little effect on ECe. Although different
methods were used, the different coefficients result in a similar
conclusion. For Shalhevet’s coefficients, the average ECes
projected to result in zero yield, 1.8 to 2.8 dSm
, using
Eq. [2] are similar to the 2.2 dSm
obtained with our
coefficients. Whatever sets of coefficients are used, ‘Hass’
avocado on Mexican seedling rootstock is the most salt-sensitive
crop of the crops with known coefficients (Maas and Grattan,
1999). The tuber yield of jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuber-
osus L.) has an ECt 0.4 dSm
. However, its Sd is only 9.6% per
. Strawberry (Fragaria L.) has an ECt of 1.0 dSm
(Maas and Grattan, 1999).
The value of Ym, 94 kg/tree, is somewhat lower than the
maximum potential yields of well-managed orchards, 100 to
150 kg/tree, postulated by Wolstenholme and Whiley (1992).
The value of AWm, 1200 mm/year, is the crop water require-
ment for conditions in which neither soil salinity nor water is
limiting. The corresponding Kc (0.86) is obtained by dividing
AWm by the ETo of 1390 mm/year. This value of Kc is
somewhat higher than the 0.72 reported by Gardiazabal et al.
(2003) and 0.64 reported by Grismer et al. (2000). A complete
discussion of these Kc values would require careful assessment
of whether the reported Kc values could have been affected by
differences in climatic conditions, size of crop canopies, soil
salinities, irrigation water salinity, rainfall contribution to crop
water use, and amounts of applied water. Some of the needed
information was not reported by Gardiazabal et al. (2003) and
Grismer et al. (2000), and therefore further discussion about the
Kc is beyond the scope of this article.
Because an ECiw* of 0.68 exceeds the threshold salinity of
0.57 dSm
, 2500 mm/year of applied water (Fig. 5) would be
required to obtain maximum yields. This would result in an
average root zone salinity that would not exceed the threshold.
However, the leaching fraction would be 0.52. Leaching
fractions greater than 0.4 are difficult to achieve and may
result in anaerobic conditions and increased disease pressure.
Avocado is unusually sensitive to anaerobic conditions (Stolzy
et al., 1967). Based on our experiences working with farmers in
California with various crops and soils, leaching fractions of
0.30 are achievable for sand and loam textured soils. A leaching
fraction of 0.30 is projected to result in maximum yields for an
ECiw* of 0.5 dSm
and an AW of 1680 mm. Thus, if
maximum potential yields are the goal, ECiw* should be
0.6 dSm
or less for ‘Hass’ avocado grown on Mexican
seedling rootstock.
The production function model of Letey et al. (1985) with
appropriate coefficients described the observed dependence of
yields of ‘Hass’ avocados on Mexican seedling rootstocks on
applied water and its salinity as well as the small impact of the
amount of applied water on leaching fraction. The threshold
salinity of 0.57 dSm
is one of the lowest known for crops
(Maas and Grattan, 1999) and the yield loss per unit salinity
above the threshold, 63% per dSm
, is the highest.
Different amounts of applied water had little or no impact on
the average root zone salinity; also, they did not result in Cl levels
Fig. 5. (A) Projected and measured yield of ‘Hass’ avocado on Mexican
seedling rootstock as influenced by the amount of applied water. Bar heights
equal two times the standard error and are centered on the average yields
obtained for irrigation treatments irrigated once (F1) and twice per week (F2)
(add years). (B) Projected and calculated leaching fractions for ‘Hass
avocado on Mexican seedling rootstock as influenced by the amount of ap-
plied water. The circles represent the experimental data collected from the
once (F1) and twice (F2) per week irrigation frequencies. Projections are
based on production function coefficients obtained using the measured yields
and leaching fractions shown in the figure. Leaching fraction is the ratio of the
electrical conductivity (EC) of the irrigation water corrected for rain divided
by the EC of the drainage water.
260 J. AMER.SOC.HORT.SCI. 132(2):253–261. 2007.
in the leaves that are associated with leaf injury. Consequently,
we conclude differences in yields were the result of the differ-
ences in applied water because the soil-water salinity was also
limiting yields. Yields increased with increasing applied water
because trees evapotranspired more water before the ECsw
reached a level of 4dSm
, which restricted water uptake.
Because of the unusually high sensitivity of ‘Hass’ avocado
on Mexican seedling rootstocks to salinity and to anaerobic
conditions, maximum yields are likely not achievable when
irrigated with waters that have an average annual salinity,
including correction for rainfall, greater than 0.6 dSm
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... Therefore, reliable water quality and soil remediating alternatives are required for sustainable use of poor-quality water for irrigation. Alternatives suggested were mixing different quality water (Assouline et al., 2016;Kan and Rapaport-Rom, 2012;Russo et al., 2020Russo et al., , 2015Tyagi, 2003), leaching of accumulated salt via improving soil drainage and reducing evapotranspiration (Pitt and Provin, 2001) and irrigation scheduling (Oster et al., 2007). So far, the most common way to remove the salts accumulated in the rhizosphere is leaching with excess water to push the salts below the root zone (Crowley, 2008) which is under debate due to its impact on environmental quality (Assouline et al., 2015) as well as the high cost of water. ...
... It is also expected to improve soil aeration that is negatively affected by long-term irrigation with TWW. Daily irrigation caused higher salinity accumulation in an avocado orchard compared with twice and once a week irrigation intervals (Oster et al., 2007). ...
... LFI also may improve the aeration of the soil, negatively affected by long-term irrigation with TWW, due to the longer time between irrigation intervals, which allows efficient drainage. For instance, daily irrigation caused the highest salinity accumulation in the soil solution compared with twice and once a week irrigation intervals in an avocado orchard (Oster et al., 2007). Paranychianakis et al. (2004) found severe grapevine growth inhibition from one season to the next under higher irrigation levels using recycled water. ...
Recent studies have shown significant negative effects of long-term irrigation with treated wastewater (TWW) on performance of orchards planted on clay soil. The aim of this study was to evaluate water use and water relations of different mitigation measures to remedy the declining performance of a mature commercial fruit-bearing 'Hass' avocado orchard (Persea americana Mill.) growing in a clay soil irrigated with TWW since 2009. The mitigation measures, each in 6 replicates, included freshwater (FW), blended TWW:FW in a 1:1 ratio (MIX), low-frequency TWW irrigation (LFI), TWW irrigated tuff trenches (TUF) and TWW as the control treatment. The Penman-Monteith equation was used to determine reference evapotranspiration (mm day⁻¹) and canopy conductance (mm s⁻¹). A variety of climatic variables and tree physiological responses were monitored on continuous and seasonal bases. Measurements included sap flow (mm day⁻¹), carbon isotope discrimination (δ¹³C), and trunk growth (cm). Whole plant hydraulic conductance (mm s⁻¹ MPa⁻¹) was estimated using the water potential gradient and sap flow. In summer when water use was highest sap flow values measured in 10 trees per treatment in FW, TUF and MIX were higher than TWW by up to 31 %, 26 %, and 24 %, respectively (p < 0.05). Treatment ranking based on sap flow (F), canopy conductance (gc), and whole plant hydraulic conductance (Kp) was FW> TUF > MIX > LFI > TWW. δ¹³C rankings were the same from low to high values, but with MIX > TUF. Most of the physiological parameters determined using different techniques have synergistically shown that using tuff trenches and mixing poor quality water (TWW) with fresh water are promising mitigating measures. Monitoring and evaluation should continue to determine if the alternatives contribute to sustainable yield increases in orchards on long-term bases.
... Practical solutions are in need to mitigate the negative consequences of TWW irrigation on soil properties and crop production (Nicolá s et al., 2016;Erel et al., 2019;Nemera et al., 2020). For example, mitigation approaches may involve (i) improving irrigation water quality, e.g., use of freshwater (FW), or mixing TWW with water of better quality (Oster et al., 2007;Morugá n-Coronado et al., 2011;Russo et al., 2015;Assouline et al., 2020;Nemera et al., 2020;Russo et al., 2020), (ii) improving aeration at the root zone, e.g., applying the irrigation water over a larger space and time intervals (Yalin et al., 2017;Assouline et al., 2020) or (iii) repeated on-surface surfactant application (Ogunmokun and Wallach, 2021). ...
Treated wastewater (TWW) irrigation may harm soil and agricultural production. Adverse effects of TWW irrigation may be mitigated by changing irrigation water quality (e.g., fresh water, FW), or management (e.g., a lower frequency irrigation [LFI] with TWW). The influence of mitigation treatments on soil and water-extractable organic matter (SOM and WEOM, respectively) is unknown. To examine this influence, a study was conducted in an avocado orchard irrigated from 2009 with secondary TWW. Four parallel treatments were applied for six years (2016-2021), involving irrigation with (1) FW, (2) a 1:1 FW-TWW mix, (3) TWW at LFI, and (4) TWW irrigation as control. Soil samples from three depths were characterized for organic and inorganic carbon, nitrogen, and by mid-infrared spectra decomposed into components using nonnegative matrix factorization. Aqueous extracts of the samples were characterized for dissolved organic carbon (DOC), inorganic carbon and nitrogen concentrations, absorbance at 254 nm (Abs254), and excitation-emission matrices of fluorescence decomposed into components using parallel factor analysis. Abs254 and fluorescence of humic-like components in the soil extracts were the attributes most consistently responding to irrigation water quality. Irrigation with FW and 1:1 FW-TWW mix led to decreases in concentrations of aromatic and humic-like constituents in the soil extracts compared with TWW irrigation. Changing soil irrigation management had no or little impact on those attributes compared with the control TWW irrigation. Results of the study support the use of optical properties related to the concentrations of UV-absorbing and light-emitting constituents in soil extracts, rather than the whole DOC concentration, as sensitive descriptors suitable for evaluating soil response in different agricultural scenarios.
... The differences in fruit weights and percentage of pulp among the locations studied could have been due to a combination of factors, such as soil and edaphoclimatic conditions. The influence of irrigation water stands out since its composition and electrical conductivity affect plants and can cause lower production and lower fruit weight [29]. The locations with the lowest avocado weights (BU and TA) and significant differences from the rest of the locations were those where the irrigation water had a high pH (pH > 9) and a lower availability of Ca since this mineral has little mobility in alkaline soils and the plant suffers from Ca deficiency. ...
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The effect of the production area on the quality of Hass avocados grown on the island of Tenerife was studied. For this purpose, several physicochemical parameters, such as fruit weight, percentage of pulp, seed and skin, proximate composition, minerals, total phenolic compounds (TP), total flavonoid compounds (TF), α-tocopherol, antioxidant capacity, and fatty acid profile were analyzed. The location of the orchards significantly influenced avocado weight; pulp and seed percentage; and fat, fiber, ash, α-tocopherol, TP, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, and oleic and palmitoleic acid contents. Buenavista (BU) avocados were the smallest (185 g) and presented the highest percentage of pulp (77.1%) and lowest percentage of fiber (5.43%). The highest levels of dry matter (33.8%) and fat (20.4%) were found in avocados harvested in Los Silos (SI) and Santiago del Teide (SA), respectively. Compared with those at the other locations, the avocados harvested in Güímar (GU) had high levels of α-tocopherol (52.2 µg g−1) and phenolic compounds (56.0 mg GAE 100 g−1). Avocados from Los Realejos (RE) had the highest percentage of oleic acid and the lowest percentage of palmitoleic acid. Numerous significant correlations were found between the variables studied, especially those between TP, TF, and antioxidant capacity (DPPH) and between fat percentage and dry matter.
... Different amounts of applied water had little or no impact on the average root zone salinity (Oster et al., 2007). However, the EC of soil-water samples with a level of 4 dSm -1 restricted water uptake. ...
Mediterranean areas are characterized by a strong spatial variability that makes the soil hydrogeological logical response highly complicated. Some seasons provoke dramatic changes in soil properties determining the runoff rates, such as soil water content or soil water repellency. In recent years, important progress has been made in adapting water needs to local conditions through the use of various parameters to assess soil water status. Estimation of the water status of the soil has been widely used in soil science as a tool for quantitative analysis. The main objective of this case study was to analyze technosol and irrigation water physical and chemical properties in the pot experiment with lysimeters. A pot experiment with Avocado rootstocks was equipped with lysimeters in the facilites of the «La Mayora Experimental Field site» of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (Spain). The scheme of the pot experiment included three sources of irrigation: a) groundwater; b) regenerated municipal wastewater (100%); c) a mix of ground and regenerated municipal wastewater (50 / 50%). Chemical analysis data indicate that the reclaimed wastewater does not meet irrigation requirements in terms of pH, EC and due to the significant content of sodium and chlorine. Even groundwater satisfies irrigation water qualitative requirements partially. The suitability of irrigation water on pH level can be characterized mainly as unsuitable and doubtful. Diluting regenerated wastewater with groundwater following the 50% principle led to a decrease in the potential risks for salinization of groundwater connected with leaching of the leachate. The dynamics of the change in the volume of leachate are related to precipitation, the frequency of irrigation, and different manifestations of the physical, mineralogical, and chemical properties of technosols.
... Esta separación permite una predicción más precisa de la vulnerabilidad del suelo a perturbaciones, como el cambio climá-Figura 4. A) Conductividad eléctrica del agua de riego (CE); B) concentración en el tiempo de cloruros (meq o mg/L), proveniente del Río Maipo. líneas verde y morada, representan los limites tolerables para paltos de razas mexicana y antillana (Schaffer y Wiley, 2002;Oster et al., 2007). ...
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Uno de los estreses con los que se está enfrentando la fruticultura chilena, con más frecuencia, es la sequía y la salinidad, sobre todo en la zona centro y centro norte del país. La aplicación de extractos de algas, a base de Ascophyllum nodosum, en plantas bajo situación de estrés, ha demostrado estimular diferentes genes asociados a la tolerancia a condiciones abióticas desfavorables para las plantas. En este estudio se evaluó el impacto de Ascophyllum nodosum vía riego en la mitigación del estres por salinidad en palto Hass y su efecto en las propiedades fisicas y biologicas de suelo.
... Bernstein et al. (2004) reported that avocado roots are more sensitive to salinity than shoots. In California, Oster et al. (2007) speculated that avocado yield declines by 65% for each unit increase of irrigation water electrical conductivity (EC, dS m -1 ) above a threshold level of 0.57 dS m -1 . Avocado growers in Israel are advised not to use irrigation water containing more than 150 and 250 mg l -1 chloride for Mexican and Antillean rootstocks, respectively (Carr, 2013). ...
Declining performance of avocado orchards growing in a clayey soil irrigated with treated wastewater (TWW) for more than 5 years has been observed in Israel. Measures studied to mitigate this were freshwater (FW), blended TWW:FW in a 1:1 ratio (MIX), low-frequency TWW-irrigation (LFI), TWW irrigated tuff trenches (TUF) and TWW as the control treatment. This study reports on the response of avocado leaf gas exchange, intrinsic water use efficiency, leaf water potential and leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) to the mitigation measures applied to a 'Hass' avocado orchard (Persea americana Mill.) previously irrigated with TWW for 7 years. Stomatal conductance (gs) of FW, MIX, TUF and LFI was greater than that for TWW on most measurement dates, which increased net leaf CO2 assimilation rate (Aleaf) and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci). Increased gs reduced intrinsic water use efficiency [WUE, determined from either 13C discrimination (iWUE) or gas exchange (WUEi)] as compared to TWW. Although the WUE in TWW was higher than that in mitigation treatments on most measurement dates, the lower assimilation rates at leaf (Aleaf) and whole tree (Atree) levels observed in TWW indicate that TWW irrigation had negative effects on tree physiological performance. A strong negative relationship between WUEi (Aleaf/gs) and gs was found in all treatments, with highest WUEi and lowest gs in TWW. Leaf hydraulic conductance was also lowest for TWW, which may indicate that lower gas exchange was linked to lower water availability to the leaves. Overall, the increased gs, Aleaf, Atree and Kleaf in FW, MIX and TUF relative to TWW indicate that these mitigation measures are good candidates for improving orchard performance negatively affected by long-term irrigation with TWW in clayey soils. Comparing all treatments, FW was the most effective.
... In our experiment, the rootstocks that exhibited the highest leaf Cl concentration (VC 840 and Dusa, Figure 1) were both of a Mexican genetic background, which is characterized by this trait [17,45,46]. The combination of 'Hass' scion with a Mexican rootstock was found to be extremely salt-sensitive, with significant damages when the EC is higher than 0.6 dS/m [47]. ...
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Salt stress is a major limiting factor in avocado (Persea americana) cultivation, exacerbated by global trends towards scarcity of high-quality water for irrigation. Israeli avocado orchards have been irrigated with relatively high-salinity recycled municipal wastewater for over three dec-ades, over which time rootstocks were selected for salt-tolerance. This study’s objective was to evaluate the physiological salt response of avocado as a function of the rootstock. We irrigated fruit-bearing ‘Hass’ trees grafted on 20 different local and introduced rootstocks with water high in salts (electrical conductivity of 1.4–1.5 dS/m). The selected rootstocks represent a wide range of genetic backgrounds, propagation methods, and horticultural characteristics. We investigated tree physiology and development during two years of salt exposure by measuring Cl and Na leaf concentrations, leaf osmolality, visible damages, trunk circumference, LAI, CO2 assimila-tion, stomatal conductance, spectral reflectance, stem water potential, trichomes density, and yield. We found a significant effect of the rootstocks on stress indicators, vegetative and repro-ductive development, leaf morphogenesis and photosynthesis rates. The most salt-sensitive rootstocks were VC 840, Dusa, and VC 802, while the least sensitive were VC 159, VC 140, and VC 152. We conclude that the rootstock strongly influences avocado tree response to salinity exposure in terms of physiology, anatomy, and development.
... When brackish water is used to irrigate crops, salinity in the soil increase (Chen et al. 2018), and this accumulation of salt degrades soil quality, results in secondary salinization, and reduces crop yields (Qadir and Oster 2004;Murtaza et al. 2006;Oster et al. 2007;Bouksila et al. 2013;Cucci et al. 2019;Wang et al. 2019aWang et al. , 2019b. Excessive amounts of salt adversely affect soil physical and chemical properties as well as the microbiological processes (Wang et al. 2020). ...
There is an urgent need for brackish groundwater-based irrigation methods to be developed for saline soils that are effective, economically advantageous, and environmentally friendly. The use of both ionized brackish water and polyacrylamide (PAM) might provide such a method. The long-term use of brackish water irrigation can lead to the secondary salinization of soil and, as a consequence, restrict the development of the agricultural economy. Here, we conducted one-dimensional vertical infiltration experiments to examine the effects of ionized brackish water and PAM on soil infiltration characteristics. The result indicated that the water retention of soil first increased and then decreased with the increased in PAM application rates. The maximum water retention of soil was obtained in PAM application of 0.04% for ionized brackish water treatment. Soil water storage for the 0.04% PAM application under ionized brackish water irrigation was the highest and 5.1% higher compared with non-ionized brackish water at a PAM application rate of 0.04%. The ionized brackish water treatment at a PAM application rate of 0.04% improved the desalinization efficiency by 2.3% compared with non-ionized brackish water treatment. Thus, ionized treatment and PAM application are effective for improving the characteristics of soil water and salt transport and permit the safe use of brackish groundwater for irrigation.
In modern avocado orchards, ‘Hass’ scions are grafted on selected rootstocks. Avocado rootstocks can be propagated via seeds (seedling rootstocks) or by vegetative propagation (clonal rootstocks). As choice of the proper rootstock influences productivity during the orchard's entire life span, it is critical to evaluate the effects of rootstocks on production parameters of the ‘Hass’ scion. We examined the effects of different rootstocks on fruit yield, fruit weight and alternate bearing of ‘Hass’ scions grafted on nine different West Indian rootstocks. The experiments were conducted from 2009–2019 in two commercial plots located in northwestern Israel irrigated with recycled water. Multiyear mean yield and alternate bearing index (ABI) in Afek orchard ranged from 11,032–15,214 kg ha⁻¹ and 0.26–0.5, respectively. Multiyear mean yield and ABI in Gesher Haziv orchard ranged from 12,746–15,047 kg ha⁻¹ and 0.34–0.57, respectively. Results revealed no significant differences in the multiyear production parameters of the examined rootstocks. However, a non-significant advantage was shown for the vegetative rootstocks, most of which had lower ABI values than the seedling rootstocks. Therefore, because vegetative rootstocks are more expensive to produce, it is practically recommended to use the seedling rootstocks. In the future, it is suggested to examine additional vegetative rootstocks.
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Effect of salinity (1.5, 3.0, 4.5, or 6.0 dS.m(-1)) on growth and physiology of 1-year-old 'Hass' avocado (Persea americana Mill.) trees on one of three rootstocks, 'Thomas', 'Toro Canyon', or 'Duke T, was investigated to determine the relative salinity tolerance of these rootstocks and to determine possible reasons for any observed differences in tolerance. Leaves of trees on 'Thomas' rootstock had the highest-leaf Na+, Cl-,and necrosis compared to trees on the other two rootstocks. Exposure to salinity resulted in decreased growth of shoots on all rootstocks, but was greatest on 'Thomas' and least on 'Duke 7'. The oldest leaves on all rootstocks had the highest proportion of leaf necrosis, whereas younger leaves exhibited almost no necrosis. Salinity reduced net CO, assimilation (A) and chlorophyll concentrations of scion leaves on all rootstocks, but more in older leaves than in younger leaves. Although the effects of salinity on A were greater for trees on 'Thomas' on one measurement date, overall, rootstock differences in A were not significant for any leaf age. Differences in response to salinity among rootstocks were noted primarily in morphological traits such as growth and leaf necrosis, rather than physiological traits such as gas-exchange and water relations. Based on overall growth and physiological response to salinity, trees on 'Thomas' performed poorest, whereas trees on 'Duke 7' exhibited the greatest salt tolerance. The relative tolerance of the various rootstocks appeared to be due primarily to their ability to exclude Na+ and Cl- from the scion.
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Information on crop-water production functions when irrigating with saline waters is required to develop optimum irrigation strategies for various crops. A model was developed to compute these production functions by combining three relationships: yield and evapotranspiration, yield and average root-zone salinity, and average root-zone salinity and leaching fraction. The model allows plant-growth adjustment, and therefore evapotranspiration adjustment, to root-zone salinity. Using the model, product functions were computed for several crops. Calculated relative yields were compared with measured relative yields from experiments that had water quality and quantity as variables. Reasonable agreement between the two values provides some assurance of the model’s utility and reported production functions under field conditions.
An extensive literature review of all available salt tolerance data was undertaken to evaluate the current status of our knowledge of the salt tolerance of agricultural crops. In general, crops tolerate salinity up to a threshold level above which yields decrease approximately linearly as salt concentrations increase. Our best estimate of the threshold salinity level and yield decrease per unit salinity increase is presented for a large number of agricultural crops. The methods of measuring appropriate salinity and plant parameters to obtain meaningful salt tolerance data and the many plant, soil, water, and environmental factors influencing the plant’s ability to tolerate salt are examined.
The seedling stage of growth is the most sensitive to higher levels of salinity. However, since soil salinity changes with time are generally gradual, the temporal weighted mean salinity may be considered the effective salinity to which crops are exposed. Fertilizer application does not materially change the salinity response function of crops. In some cases, a better response to fertilizers is found under nonsaline conditions. Only rarely was there a relatively advantage to fertilizer application under saline irrigation conditions.
Chemical reactions in the root zone of an irrigated soil affect soil salinity and sodicity and the salt load of the drainage water. Significant reactions include the dissolution and precipitation of sulfate, carbonate, and silicate minerals; adsorption and desorption of carbon dioxide gas and boron; cation exchange between the solution and adsorbed (solid) phases; and the formation of sulfate and carbonate ion pairs in the solution phase. Dutt and Tanji (1962) and Dutt (1962) were the first to demonstrate the use of computer programs to predict the inorganic compositions of soil solutions. Oster and McNeal (1971) evaluated their usefulness in calculating changes in the soil-solution composition with changing soil-water content. Others have used them to evaluate salinity, sodicity, and environmental hazards of drainage waters that result from irrigation with different waters (Oster and Rhoades 1975; Rhoades and Suarez 1977) and the predictable minimum solution concentrations that result from constraints imposed by the presence of soluble minerals (Oster 1982, Oster and Tanji 1985). Rhoades and Merrill (1976) and Rhoades (1977) incorporated the soil chemistry computer programs into another computer program, called Watsuit, to assess the suitability of irrigation water. Also, computer programs have been used to calculate the influence of chemical reactions on the composition of the soil solution for transient conditions within the root zone (Jury et al. 1978; Robbins et al. 1980) and for sodic-soil reclamation (Dutt et al. 1972; Tanji et al. 1972; Oster and Frenkel 1980). In this chapter, the interactions among the irrigation-water composition, chemical reactions, and leaching fraction will be reviewed. The use of Watsuit to evaluate how these interactions affect the suitability of irrigation water and the selection of management options and amendments will be described.
Water-salinity-production functions are mathematical expressions of the relationship between crop yield and the amount and salinity of applied water. If available, such relationships would be valuable aids to the study of water management practices throughout the arid West, where salinity can be a problem. This paper presents a model for constructing water-salinity-production functions based on the current understanding of crop response to water, crop salt tolerance, and the leaching process. Available theory and data from which to derive water-salinity-production functions are assessed, and a numerical example is given.