
Application of LEDs to Fishing Lights for Pacific Saury

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We attempted the development of highly efficient fishing lights using LEDs for saury fishing. Considering the spectral luminous efficacy characteristic of a Pacific saury, LED fishing lights were fabricated. Transmission properties in sea water in LED fishing lights were investigated, and it was found that the fabricated LED fishing lights sufficiently can be utilized even in sea water. Furthermore, we attempted the saury-fishing experiments by using the LED fishing lights, and comparable catch of Pacific saury was achieved by approximately 55% electric power by using both LED poles and incandescent lamp poles.

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... A preferred solution to these challenges is to produce the desired light field for the target fish species by optimizing the lamp allocations. Illuminometers are often used to get achieve the desired distribution of illumination of fishing lamps in field or laboratory tests (Jo et al. 2004;Kajikawa et al. 2017;Okamoto et al. 2008;Shikata et al. 2011). Such experiments are costly, laborious, and unmanageable and, more importantly, they cannot provide detailed and reliable quantitative illumination data (Mills et al. 2014). ...
... The main focus of this study was the analysis of the mathematical relationship between the illumination distribution and the installation parameters of the lamps, with the aim to provide information that can be used to guide the arrangements of onboard fishing lights. Although the underwater lighting characteristics are important, these are difficult to determine in practice, and many prior illumination tests were performed in a water pool, coastal waters, or gymnasium (Okamoto et al. 2008;. As experiments conducted in the laboratory are easy to control and can improve the reliability of measured data, only overwater illumination modeling and light simulations on the ground were considered in the present work. ...
... Fishing with artificial lamps has a well-documental history in coastal and offshore fisheries around the world, and major fishing methods using light include stick-held dip nets, squid jigging, and purse seiners with light signals (Hua et al. 2015;Masuda et al. 2017;Mills et al. 2014;Okamoto et al. 2008;Sofijanto et al. 2019). In Japan, attempts have been made to alleviate the competition of overcapacity and high-power fishing lights among vessels, including controlling the number of fishing lamps and limiting the power of the lighting system . ...
Artificial light plays an important role in commercial light fisheries as a means to attract fish, such as the Pacific saury and squid. To gain an insight into the optimal allocation of light-emitting diode (LED) fishing lamps in the Pacific saury fishery, we present a mathematical illumination model to describe the illumination characteristics of LED modules installed at different angles. The validity of the numerical model was evaluated against the results of an optical experiment and statistical analysis. The results indicated that the agreement between observed and modeled data was good, with a mean error of 8.83%, and that the light distribution varied greatly depending on the angle. The light intensity of the LED module was distributed in the form of a series of concentric circles in the light field. With increasing angle, the maximum illumination decreased and moved away from the light source; also, the horizontally illuminated distance increased but the rate of increase gradually decreased. The illumination attenuation showed different modes between angles after passing the position at which there was maximum illumination. These results could help to further reveal the effects of LED fishing lamp allocations (e.g., installation angle, height, and interval) on underwater illumination characteristics for the optimization of the onboard lighting system and the regulation of the power of fishing lights in the future.
... In 2008, Tamotsu installed blue LED lamps and incandescent lamps on saury fishing boats catching Cololabis saira in Kushiro and Hachinohe. They noted a 55% reduction in electric power consumption [3]. In 2012, Yamashita installed LED lamps on 5 squid jigging boats catching Photololigo edulis around Hokkaido and on 4 squid jigging boats catching Todarodes pacificus in the Tsushima Strait, noting reductions in power consumption [1] and increased catch [4].In 2012, An installed a combination of LED and metal halide lamps on an angling boats fishing for squid and Trichiurus lepturus around Korea Jeju Island; there was a significant increase in catch, as well as a 33% reduction in fuel consumption [5]. ...
... Equation (1)(2)(3)(4) are called the beam angle transformation models. From the aforementioned optical path, the mathematical model of the first ray can be constructed. ...
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This research employed ray tracing to design a spotlighting optical lens. TracePro was used to design and simulate a light-emitting diode (LED) lamp for saury fishing with an optimized light distribution that focused light into a fishing net beside a fishing vessel. In the simulation analysis, the irradiance of incandescent lamps deployed on saury fishing vessels was taken as the base figure. The average irradiance of LEDs without the designed lens was 0.83 times the incandescent lamps, whereas the average irradiance of the LEDs with the designed lens was 1.6 times the incandescent lamps. However, considering the usage habits of saury fishing boats, the experimental testing installed the combination on two saury fishing boats. The average irradiance of a combination of LEDs with the designed lens and incandescent lamps ship was 1.14 times the incandescent lamps ship. The boats sailed into the Northwest Pacific to conduct fuel consumption and catch experiments over three voyages. Savings of 13.0% were achieved in fuel cost required per ton of catch volume, and savings of 20.2% were achieved in average fuel consumption. No significant difference in terms of catch volume was revealed between combination lamp poles and incandescent lamp poles. The proposed lens design effectively enhanced the functionality of LED fishing lights on saury fishing boats. Substituting a portion of incandescent lamps with LED lamps using the proposed lens could effectively save fuel without significantly affecting catch volumes.
... This implies that the majority of the light beams produced using large quantities of fuel are dispersed in the air, rather than being area-focused to attract schools of fish. Furthermore, only the light beams with a wavelength between 450 and 570 mm transmitted by traditional fishing lamps have sufficient power to penetrate water; other wavelengths are easily absorbed by seawater [1]. Consequently, to improve the penetration power of an underwater light, the output of traditional fishing light attractors must be increased, resulting in energy wastage. ...
... Several studies have examined alternatives light sources for fishing light attractors. Okamoto et al. designed LED fishing light poles with fixed wavelengths to lure Pacific sauries by combining LED fishing light attractors with traditional fishing lamps [1]. Their results showed that fuel consumption was reduced by 55% while maintaining similar catch volumes. ...
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This study employs a sub-module concept to develop high-brightness light-emitting diode (HB-LED) fishing light arrays to replace traditional fishing light attractors. The horizontal/vertical (H/V) plane light intensity distribution curve (LIDC) of a LED light source are mapped to assist in the design of a non-axisymmetric lens with a fish-attracting light pattern that illuminates sufficiently large areas and alternates between bright and dark. These LED fishing light attractors are capable of attracting schools of fish toward the perimeter of the luminous zone surrounding fishing boats. Three CT2 boats (10 to 20 ton capacity) were recruited to conduct a field test for 1 y on the sea off the southwestern coast of Taiwan. Field tests show that HB-LED fishing light array installed 5 m above the boat deck illuminated a sea surface of 5 × 12 m and achieved an illuminance of 2000 lx. The test results show that the HB-LED fishing light arrays increased the mean catch of the three boats by 5% to 27%. In addition, the experimental boats consumed 15% to 17% less fuel than their counterparts.
... Penelitian tentang pemanfaatan lampu LED dalam bidang penangkapan ikan belum banyak dilakukan. Beberapa peneliti yang telah melakukan penelitian tentang lampu LED dibidang penangkapan ikan antara lain: Sato et al. (2010) dan Yamashita et al. (2012) Okamoto et al. (2008) dan Toeda et al. (2010) meneliti tentang aplikasi LED pada penangkapan ikan sauri Pasifik. ...
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Konsep aktivitas penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi penangkapan ikan pada masa yang akan datang tidak hanya ditujukan meningkatkan hasil tangkapan tetapi juga ditujukan untuk memperbaiki proses penangkapan (capture process), mengurangi fishing impact terhadap lingkungan dan bio-diversity. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis tahapan pengoperasian dan permasalahan dalam mengoperasikan liftnet (bagan petepete) khas masyarakat Sulawesi Selatan khususnya Kabupaten Barru dan masukan terhadap taktik dan metode penangkapan ikan, melalui: analisis tahap proses pengoperasian dan analisis tingkah laku ikan di sekitar pencahayaan pada bagan petepete (boat lift net) yang menggunakan lampu LED. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di perairan Kabupaten Barru-Selat Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan. Pengamatan lapang dilakukan dari bulan Juni sampai Agustus 2014 (20 trip). Analisis deskriptif dilakukan untuk melihat tahapan operasi penangkapan, sedangkan pengamatan tingkah laku ikan diamati dengan menggunakan fish finder. Tahapan pengoperasian bagan petepete adalah: persiapan operasi, menuju fishing ground, proses penyalaan lampu, proses penurunan waring (setting), proses menunggu kawanan ikan (soaking), proses pemadaman lampu, proses pengangkatan waring (hauling), pengambilan hasil tangkapan, dan proses pengangkatan waring ke atas bagan. Analisis tingkah laku ikan memperlihatkan pola pergerakan kawanan ikan mendatangi pencahayaan berada pada kedalaman 5-10 m dan 20-40 m dari segala arah pada saat semua lampu dinyalakan. Pola Kawanan ikan terkonsentrasi di sekitar catchable area pada saat hanya satu lampu yang dinyalakan disetiap sisi dengan jumlah kawanan semakin sedikit tetapi kepadatan kawanan yang besar disebabkan bergabungnya beberapa kawanan ikan sehingga kawanan ikan semakin membesar.
... Light emitting diodes (LEDs) have been pointed out as a suitable light source for aggregation systems because they are durable and can effectively and selectively produce the required wavelength. The radiation and underwater transmission characteristics of LED aggregation lights have been investigated in Japan and South Korea, and various methods on how to use LED light and its effect on catch have been examined for squid (Inada 1988;An and Jung 2011), Pacific saury (Okamoto et al. 2008), and hairtail ). In addition, the behavioral response to LED light has been studied on anchovy (Bae et al. 2011), squid (An and Jung 2011;Bea et al. 2014), and hairtail ), but research on chub mackerel *Corresponding author. ...
Efficient fish aggregation systems are essential for catching chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus), which is a major target of purse seine fisheries in South Korea. To aid the development of such systems, this study used a Dual frequency IDentification SONar acoustic camera and a visual camera to investigate the effects of light emission diode (LED) aggregation systems of different light wavelengths on the frequency of occurrence and swimming behavior of chub mackerel. The experiment was performed using 50 individuals in a circular tank (diameter, 6.0 m × height, 1.5 m). The LED aggregation systems emitted blue light (454 nm), white light (545 nm + 560 nm), yellow light (596 nm), and red light (634 nm). At night, initial swimming speed increased in response to the four LED systems, and stabilized over time. Frequency of occurrence was highest under blue light, followed by yellow light, white light, and red light, in this order, and, according to wavelength at daytime and at nighttime, it was highest under blue light. The swimming speed of the mackerel school showed an increasing trend over time for all LED aggregation systems, and, for blue light, there was a large, rapid increase in swimming speed.
... Shortly afterwards, fish larvae and zooplanktivorous fish follow to take advantage of the accumulation of prey, while their presence draws in larger fish species and even top predators in a trophic chain reaction (Maéda 1951, Ben-Yami 1976. Given the economic and ecological significance of using light in fishing, many studies deal with the reaction of fish species to various light intensities and wavelengths (Maéda 1951, Ben-Yami 1976, Marchesan et al. 2005, Okamoto et al. 2008, Matsushita et al. 2012) and the adaptation of fishing gear (Sokimi andBeverly 2010, Kehayias et al. 2016). However, although it is known that fish approach light sources in order to feed, there is a lack of field studies on how the presence of light can influence their feeding preferences. ...
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Background. Purse seining with the use of light is among the most common fishing practices around the world, but there is lack of studies on the effect of light on the feeding of the target species in this kind of fishery and the possible consequences for other prey species. The presently reported investigation intended to provide indications on this issue by studying the diet of Atherina boyeri Risso, 1810, which is the target species of professional purse seine fishery, conducted using light in Lake Trichonis (Greece), and by comparing the acquired results with those of previous studies where the samples were taken without using light. Materials and methods. A seven-month (June through December 2014) purse seining fishing was conducted at night around two lamp rafts: 1) a traditional lamp raft producing white LED light and 2) an autonomous photovoltaic-battery-LED lamp raft producing green LED light. Stomach content analysis was conducted on 100 randomly selected specimens from each sample and the relative prey abundance and frequency of occurrence for each prey category was estimated. Calculations of predation pressure of A. boyeri upon the fish larvae of a goby, Economidichthys trichonis Economidis et Miller, 1990, were performed. Results. The study revealed the intense effect of light on the attraction and capture of prey species rarely found in previous studies, such as the larvae of the native and endangered fish E. trichonis, amphipods, and copepod nauplii. No significant differences were observed between the two light colours. A preference shift to larger prey with the increase of ontogenetic stage of A. boyeri was observed. Several thousands of pre-recruited E. trichonis larvae may be preyed upon each night around a single lamp especially during summer. Conclusion. Fishing with light may alter the dietary preference of the target fish species and even of the entire fish community. This may have serious consequences on the younger ontogenetic stages of other fish populations, especially when it coincides with their reproductive period. Considering the lack of similar field studies, the present results may stimulate analogous investigations on the effects of fishing lights in other marine and freshwater ecosystems worldwide.
... It is related to lamps design, construction and light characteristics from each lamp. Light fro m LED source have sharp distribution and arrives enough at 15 m depth and have no extreme change in spectrum fro m the s urface to 15 m depth sea water (Okamoto et al., 2008). In this research, lift net fishing operation used the general lighting of LED and CFL lamps that was not designed specifically as fishing lamps. ...
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Fixed lift net fisheries in Banten Bay used compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) since the middle of 2000 for replacement the traditional pressured kerosene lantern. It was increased the light intensity, but this lamps consumed high energy and fuels. Application of light emitting diode (LED) is considered to energy saving and increased catches in lift net fisheries. The fishing trial was conducted on 22 May-16 June 2015 in Banten Bay Indonesia using 2 units of lift net with 6 units of CFL and LED respectively. The result shows both lamps did not have significant effect on total catches. Meanwhile, application of LED lamps has significant effect to main catch (anchovy). There were increasing catch weight of anchovy with mean 29.49%. LED also decreased of fuel consumption with mean saving 35.15%. It is evident enough to conclude that LED lamps have high efficiency and effectiveness for lift net fishing in Banten Bay. © Published by Central Fisheries Research Institute (CFRI) Trabzon, Turkey.
... It is related to lamps design, construction and light characteristics from each lamp. Light from LED source have sharp distribution and arrives enough at 15 m depth and have no extreme change in spectrum from the surface to 15 m depth sea water (Okamoto et al., 2008). In this research, lift net fishing operation used the general lighting of LED and CFL lamps that was not designed specifically as fishing lamps. ...
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Fixed lift net fisheries in Banten Bay used compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) since the middle of 2000 for replacement the traditional pressured kerosene lantern. It was increased the light intensity, but this lamps c onsumed high energy and fuels Application of light emitting diode (LED) is considered to energy saving and increased catches in lift net fisheries. The fishing trial was conducted on 22 May-16 June 2015 in Banten Bay Indonesia using 2 units of lift net with 6 units of CFL and LED respectively. The result shows both lamps did not have significant effect on total catches. Meanwhile, application of LED lamps has significant effect to main catch (anchovy). There were increasing catch weight of anchovy with mean 29.49%. LED also decreased of fuel consumption with mean saving 35.15%. It is evident enough to conclude that LED lamps have high efficiency and effectiveness for lift net fishing in Banten Bay.
... Pada permukaan perairan, iluminasi cahaya yang terukur sebesar 2.244 lux dan pada pada radius 5 m dari sumber cahaya masih terdeteksi sebesar 25 lux.Pada bagian tengah bagan, cahaya lampu LED yang dihasilkan bahkan mampu menembus hingga kedalaman 10 m dengan iluminasi sebesar 2 lux. Okamoto et al. (2008) juga menemukan bahwa pada perikanan saori yang beroperasi di Samudera Pasifik, karakteristik iluminasi cahaya dari lampu LED Jarak (m) Kedalaman (m) yang digunakan juga memiliki pola yang serupa. Distribusi cahaya lampu LED secara horizontal lebih pendek dari pada lampu konvensional (merkuri), namun secara vertikal cahaya lampu LED dapat mencapai hingga kedalaman 15 m dengan intensitas 0,12-0,35 lux. ...
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Light fishing was rapidly developedsince invention of electrical lamp that have significant impact to productivity and efficiency of fish capture. Light emitting diode (LED) is the new variant of electrical lamp for general lighting, but still undeveloped for fishing activity. This research aims to analyze the characteristics of LED lamp for fix lift net. The research was conducted using laboratory and filed experiment in Banten Bay. The results show light from LED lamps hasdominant direction at the bottom of the lamp with the value 783 lux. The illumination of 30-watt LED lamp at the same depth and distance is higher than 85-watt tubular lamps, sothe application of LED lamps for lift net fishing is much berecommended.
... Concerns have been raised regarding the use of 'traditional' light sources, such as incandescent lamps and metal halide lamps, because of their inefficient energy consumption and lamp performance, short lifetime, and excessive generation of heat and UV light (Inada and Arimoto 2007;Choi et al. 2009). There have been governmentdriven actions to replace conventional fishing lamps with LEDs in recent years (Okamoto et al. 2008). While LEDs have advantages, including higher energy efficiency, low power consumption, long durability, and are 'eco-friendly,' the monochromatic nature of LEDs has raised some issues regarding fishing efficiency, thus hampering progress with such policies (Mills 2003). ...
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To study the absorption characteristics of rhodopsin, a dim-light photoreceptor, in chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) and the relationship between light wavelengths on the photoresponse, the rod opsin gene was cloned into an expression vector, pMT4. Recombinant opsin was transiently expressed in COS-1 cells and reconstituted with 11-cis-retinal. Cells containing the regenerated rhodopsin were solubilized and subjected to UV/Vis spectroscopic analysis in the dark and upon illumination. Difference spectra from the lysates indicated an absorption maximum of mackerel rhodopsin around 500 nm. Four types of light-emitting diode (LED) modules with different wavelengths (red, peak 627 nm; cyan, 505 nm; blue, 442 nm; white, 447 + 560 nm) were constructed to examine their effects on the photoresponse in chub mackerel. Behavioral responses of the mackerels, including speed and frequencies acclimated in the dark and upon LED illumination, were analyzed using an underwater acoustic camera. Compared to an average speed of 22.25 ± 1.57 cm/s of mackerel movement in the dark, speed increased to 22.97 ± 0.29, 24.66 ± 1.06, 26.28 ± 2.28, and 25.19 ± 1.91 cm/s upon exposure to red, blue, cyan, and white LEDs, respectively. There were increases of 103.48 ± 1.58, 109.37 ± 5.29, 118.48 ± 10.82, and 109.43 ± 3.92 %, respectively, in the relative speed of the fishes upon illumination with red, blue, cyan, and white LEDs compared with that in the dark (set at 100 %). Similar rate of wavelength-dependent responses was observed in a frequency analysis. These results indicate that an LED emitting a peak wavelength close to an absorption maximum of rhodopsin is more effective at eliciting a response to light.
The article highlights the development of the complex research on using blue spectrum LEDs, taking into account the literature data and the authors' own research. Reaction to light is shown related to stimulating the food activity of aquatic organisms. This is a complex of factors that determine the behavior of aquatic organisms moving towards a light source. Light in the blue segment of spectrum travels the longest distances from the source, so animals and plants have evolved to respond more to the light in this segment. Therefore, using blue LEDs stimu-lates the entire trophic food chain: phytoplankton (phytoplankton growth due to the effective absorption of light energy by chlorophylls a, b and carotenoids in this spectrum) → zooplankton (attracted to the blue light segment due to the reflex about the food presence) → hydrobionts eating zooplankton (attracted to the blue light segment because of the food reflex) → predatory aquatic organisms (also attracted to the blue light segment due to the food reflex). There has been proposed a method of choosing the LED wavelength to optimize the light source subject to the spectral sensitivity of photoreceptors, increasing the LED life with a decreased current, which helps improve the autonomous source life. Based on the nature-like approach and the choice of the light spectrum, using blue LEDs is found reasonable for fishing traditional light-fishing commercial species (saury and squid), as well as other hydrobionts that haven’t been caught using light before (crab, flounder and smelt). This approach allows to use light for catching other aquatic organisms not previously harvested by using light, as well as optimize light sources in fishing traditional commercial species (kilka).
The article presents the results of the study on the effectiveness of different light sources and their spectrum in commercial catching the aquatic organisms. The proposed method for increasing catch volumes was based on a program of using LEDs with white, green and blue light and monitoring the reaction of the caught aquatic organisms developed by Japanese scientists. In the practice of Russian commercial fishing there are no data found on the response of aquatic organisms to the spectrum and the effectiveness of using white LEDs that were made on the basis of ultraviolet LEDs. There has been given the review of works investigating the reaction to the light spectrum of various hydrobionts living in different ecological niches. It has been found that all hydrobionts under study (herring, pollock, saury, etc.) actively react to the blue spectrum of color, which makes it possible to use blue LEDs as light sources in commercial fishing. Experiments were carried out in Peter the Great Bay (Primorsky Krai, Russia) using a submersible lamp with four blue LEDs. Hydrobionts living in different ecological niches (flounder and Pacific squid) were selected as the objects of study. The flounder has never been fished with light, and Pacific squid is traditionally caught by using light. As a result of experiments, squid catch volumes increased by 32-40%, with additional ship lighting - by 35-42%; flounder catches increased by 167-172% in the evening and up to 211% at night
Angling for hairtail Trichiurus lepturus using lights is common around the Korean Peninsula. Typically, metal halide (MH) lamps are used to attract fish during the fishing process. We investigated the fishing performance and fuel consumption using light-emitting diode (LED) lamps instead of MH lamps off the coast of Jeju Island, Republic of Korea. We conducted a total of 19 fishing trips using LED lamps, at a depth of 100–145 m during the winter fishing season of 2012–2013. The catch by the LED-lamp vessel (21.6 kW) was similar to the catch by the MH-lamp vessels of similar sizes (9.77 GT) but higher light power (45–84 kW). Fuel consumption per trip for the LED-lamp vessel was 454.2 l, and fuel consumption per hour for fishing operations (excluding steaming) was 9.2–11.3 l, with an average of 10.3 l. Catch intensity, defined as catch per kW of light power (kg kW−1) of LED-lamp vessel was significantly higher than MH-lamp vessels of all size classes. The break-even point for the vessels to install LED lamps instead of MH lamps is 109 trips per year when the fuel price is at the 2012 level of USD 0.82 l−1. In addition, through the reduction of fuel use, CO2 emission can be reduced by approximately 27,553.0 kg for each vessel in the fishery.
This paper describes the construction of a novel lamp raft for the purse seine fishery and its evaluation in real conditions for 14 days during a six-month period in a freshwater ecosystem (Lake Trichonis, Greece). A simple, but durable and inexpensive design was constructed comprising a LED lamp producing green light, powered by a 12 V battery which is charged by a photovoltaic panel to make the device autonomous concerning its electric power needs. The new lamp raft showed very good technical performance in the field and was found to be more effective at attracting fish than traditional lamp rafts, resulting in higher catch rates for the target fish species (Atherina boyeri). The increase in catch varied between 33.3% and 157.1%, with an overall increase of 67.3%. This excellent performance, along with simplicity, durability, and the zero operational cost, makes this raft an interesting candidate to replace the traditional lamp rafts used in purse seine fishery not only in the particular lake for which it was designed, but also in other freshwater and marine ecosystems around the world.
Aiming at the high energy-consuming characteristics of Chinese marine fishery, the application of LED in Chinese marine fishery is analyzed. It has remarkable energy-saving effect if the fishing style of trawling is replaced by light-seine fishing, and the gathering-fish lamps of metal halide lamps or incandescent lamps are replaced by LED light sources. The conversion of the trawlers to light-seine vessel and widespread use of LED light sources will lead to cut down energy consumption and increase the economic benefits. Based on rough calculation, it can make Chinese fisherfolk increase income about hundreds of millions of dollars and reduce more than millions of tons CO2 emission if the conversion of the trawlers to light-seine vessel and the replacement of metal halide lamps or incandescent lamps to LED light sources can reach 20% of all. Moreover, LED light source can use for general lighting purpose in marine fishery. All of these will cause the development of the correlative industries. For instance, the market demand of LED is very vast.
Replacing traditional light sources with light-emitting diode (LED) light modules is a global trend, especially for underwater illumination. The light intensity is dispersed evenly at all emission angles in traditional underwater light sources that use the radiative transfer model, resulting in the inclusion of scattering factors in the attenuation coefficient. The high directionality of LED light source modules causes the light intensity transfer in water to vary according to varying emission angles. This renders traditional underwater optical transfer theory irrelevant as an underwater LED light module design reference. Therefore, this study constructs an underwater LED light source transfer model using the light-field average cosine and the light transfer scattering probability method, and imports the LED luminous intensity distribution curve (LIDC) and axial luminous intensity. Experimental results showed that the illumination intensity of the underwater LED illumination module was less than 10% of the simulation. Therefore, this design method can be used to design the required illumination light modules for different underwater environments. Finally, the LED light module has been used for under water fish attractor lighting and enhanced the illumination zone efficiency (m3 per Watt) of 81% compared to the traditional high intensity discharge (HID) underwater fish attractor lamp.
Use of LEDs in lighting applications is increasing day by day. Performance of source constructed using many LEDs depends on the placement of LEDs on source panel and their spatial and spectral characteristics. The paper reports the development of a dedicated package for analyzing and designing of LED multi-element source. Mathematical and optical modules are developed for the same using analytical equations. The tool accommodates newly developed high intensity LEDs with variable spectral and spatial responses. Further color rendering using CIE 1964 scheme is incorporated in package to give colored illuminated pattern on target. The tool is validated by testing for different source panel geometries and for variable source characteristics.
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