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Trilobite palaeobiodiversity during the Devonian in the Ardennes Massif

  • Université de Lille - Faculté des Sciences et Technologies

Abstract and Figures

Trilobite occurrences and biodiversity from Devonian sections of the Ardennes Massif are presented. Fluctuations in diversity reflect environmental changes and event-stratigraphic turnovers throughout the Devonian. Peak diversity is attained during the Eifelian (Middle Devonian) when the carbonate system is developed. Six trilobite associations have been delineated based on cluster analysis. Distribution of these associations is correlated with the deposition environments and age of the strata.
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Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2007, n
Trilobite palaeobiodiversity during the Devonian in the Ardennes Massif
Key-words. Trilobites, Devonian, Ardennes Massif, Biodiversity, Assemblages
Abstract. Trilobite occurrences and biodiversity from Devonian sections of the Ardennes Massif are presented. Fluc
tuations in diversity reflect environmental changes and event-stratigraphic turnovers throughout the Devonian. Peak di
versity is attained during the Eifelian (Middle Devonian) when the carbonate system is developed. Six trilobite
associations have been delineated based on cluster analysis. Distribution of these associations is correlated with the de
position environments and age of the strata.
Paléobiodiversité des trilobites en Ardenne occidentale au Dévonien
Mots-clés. Trilobites, Dévonien, Ardenne occidentale, Biodiversité, Assemblages
Résumé. Dans les environnements favorables du Dévonien de l’Ardenne occidentale, les trilobites sont des compo
sants majeurs du macrobenthos. Une analyse des changements de la paléobiodiversité et une modélisation de la réparti
tion des communautés à trilobites du massif des Ardennes au Dévonien sont proposées. Le pic de diversité est atteint à
l’Eifélien (Dévonien moyen) quand le système carbonaté est développé. Six associations ont été reconnues à l’aide des
analyses de classification hiérarchique. La distribution de ces associations est corrélée aux conditions écologiques et
The Ardennes Massif is part of a complex of Palaeozoic
outcrops between the English Channel in the west and the
Rhine River and beyond in the east. Originally part of Ava-
lonia, a terrane located north of the Gondwana, it became an
element of the southern margin of the Old Red Sandstone
Continent in the Devonian and Carboniferous, when it suf
fered the effects of the Hercynian Orogeny. These global
tectonic events, linked to climatic changes due to continen
tal drift, had profound consequences on the living orga
nisms of the Ardennes Massif.
Recent works [Meilliez, 1989; Cibaj, 1992; Goffette,
1991; Lacquement, 2001] have reported knowledge of the
tectonic and geodynamical context of the Ardennes area;
they have allowed revision of the stratigraphy [Bultynck et
al., 1991; Bultynck and Dejonghe, 2002] and of the geolo
gical map of Givet [Lacquement et al., 2003]. In addition,
these works have shown the need to improve knowledge of
the palaeoenvironments represented by numerous stratigra
phic units such as the formation cropping out at the ‘Mur
des douaniers’ in the French Ardennes [Crônier and van
Viersen, 2008]. This knowledge must be based on a revision
of the sedimentological and faunal contents. Such fossilife
rous outcrops must be studied in the contexts not only of the
taxa present where the biodiversity can be estimated but
also of the paleoecology and paleoenvironments.
Trilobites are important elements of the Devonian ma-
crobenthos. During this period, one of the most severe res-
trictions in trilobite diversity on a global scale occurred: at
the end of the early Late Devonian, during the global Kell-
wasser Crisis [Schindler, 1990]. At that time, most trilobites
that were adapted to outer - shelf level - bottom habitats af
ter the mid-Givetian Taghanic Onlap, i.e. the major trans
gressive event of the Givetian Age [Johnson, 1970], were
affected by repeated rises of sea-level leading to a
world-wide ‘drowning’ of reef ecosystems and reductions
of shallow water habitats [Schlager, 1981; Feist, 1991].
Long-lived orders such as the Corynexochida, Harpetida
and Lichida disappeared, and the two orders surviving the
crisis, the Phacopida and Proetida, were severely affected.
In this context, we focussed our investigations on repre
sentative trilobite-bearing sections of the Devonian Ardennes
Massif, in order to evaluate this biodiversity. This work,
which started in the spring of 2003 by one of us (A.vanV.), is
an account of numerous observations in the Belgian Arden
nes and a first estimate of Belgian Devonian trilobite paleo
biodiversity. These Belgian faunas appear to be highly
diverse but are poorly documented, not being as well known
as those from the German Eifel and French Ardennes.
Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2007, t. 178, n
6, pp. 473-483
1. Université de Lille 1, Sciences de la Terre, UMR 8014 du CNRS, Laboratoire de Paléontologie et Paléogéographie du Paléozoïque, F-59655 Villeneuve
d’Ascq cedex.
2. Graaf van Loonstraat 25, NL-6121 JS Born, The Netherlands.
Manuscrit déposé le 30 novembre 2006; accepté après révision le 21 mai 2007.
Séance spécialisée
Sédimentation et structuration
du front nord varisque et évolution
méso-cénozoïque : exemple de l’Ardenne
Givet, 4-6 mai 2006
Several sections from the Devonian Ardennes Massif, loca
ted in the Allochthonous Ardennes’ [Meilliez and Mansy,
1990; Mansy and Meilliez, 1993], along the southern and
northern-eastern marging of the Dinant synclinorium (fig. 1)
are known to yield trilobites. These sections include the fa
mous fossiliferous site known as the ‘Mur des douaniers’
[van Viersen, 2006a; Crônier and van Viersen, 2008]. The tri
lobites from these sites have remained largely undocumen
ted. Moreover, most of these trilobite-bearing sections have
not yet been described with respect to their sedimentologi
cal/faunal content and bioevent stratigraphy. Here, ten sec
tions with trilobite records of varying quality some of the
sample sizes are small are documented in order to obtain a
preliminary assessment of paleobiodiversity in the western
Ardennes (fig. 1). The main focus is on the evolution of trilo
bite associations from the Early to Late Devonian and pos
sible correlations with sea-level variations.
The study of palaeobiodiversity, especially at regional and
local scales, is meaningful even though estimate of Phane-
rozoic global biodiversity is limited by biases that may be
present in the fossil record. Important biases include un-
der-representation of some areas, inaccuracies in taxonomic
data and uneven sampling intensity across groups of orga
nisms, environments, and time intervals [Badgley, 2003].
Recognition of these methodological problems has resulted
in notable improvements in the Phanerozoic diversity data
base [Adrain and Westrop, 2000; Alroy et al., 2001].
Fluctuations in biodiversity
In the Ardennes Massif, trilobites are mainly represented by
nine families: Styginidae (Corynexochida), Lichidae and
Odontopleuridae (Lichida), Homalonotidae, Phacopidae
and Acastidae (Phacopida), Proetidae, Tropidocoryphidae
and Aulacopleuridae (Proetida). Another family, Harpetidae
(Harpetida), is rare. For comparison, trilobite paleobiodi
versity from Early to Late Devonian at the global and regio
nal scales (Ardennes Massif) is given in figure 2A-B.
Lower Devonian
Trilobites seem to be poorly diverse macrofaunal consti
tuents in the Lower Devonian of the Ardennes Massif, in
contrast with their worldwide diversity (fig. 2A-B). At the
global scale, trilobite diversity is relatively poor (fig. 2A,
2C). Only a marginal decrease in diversity during this time
seems to exist. In fact, according to Chlupá [1994], this lo
wered trilobite diversity persists from the Silurian into the
Lochkovian with no drastic changes, only minor extinctions
and more important migrations. The Basal Pragian Event of
regressive character, i.e. an eustatic sea level lowering
[Chlupá and Kukal, 1986] contributed to widening of shal-
Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2007, n
FIG. 1. Geological map showing the location of several Devonian fossiliferous sections in the Ardennes Massif, southern Belgium [modified after De
jonghe, 2001].
IG.1.–Localisations géographique et géologique des différents sites fossilifères du Dévonien en Ardennes occidentale, Wallonie, Belgique [modifié
d’après Dejonghe, 2001].
low marine realms with carbonate sedimentation favourable
for trilobites. This led to an increase of the generic diversity
[Chlupá, 1994] and, at least, to a preservation of the family
diversity which lasted with some changes until the early Ei
For the regional scale, at the beginning of the Devonian
Period, a major marine transgression from the south-west
reached the northern borders of the Ardennes and Eifel
[Ziegler, 1982; Steemans, 1989]. Erosion of several ancient
massifs, such as the Rocroi Massif, led to important shaly
Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2007, n
FIG. 2. Total occurrences of trilobite taxa (A) at the global scale [modified from Feist, 1991; Chlupá1, 1994], (B) in the Ardennes Massif; total family
occurrences for each trilobite order (C) at the global scale [modified from Feist, 1991; Chlupá1, 1994], (D) in the Ardennes Massif; total (E) subfamily
and (F) genus occurrences of each trilobite order in the Ardennes Massif, from Early to Late Devonian.
IG.2.–Nombre total de trilobites (A) à l’échelle mondiale [modifié d’après Feist, 1991 ; Chlupá1, 1994], (B) dans le massif des Ardennes ; nombre total
de familles pour chaque ordre de trilobites (C) à l’échelle mondiale [modifié d’après Feist, 1991 ; Chlupá1, 1994], (D) dans le massif des Ardennes ;
nombre total de (E) sous-familles et (F) genres pour chaque ordre de trilobites dans le massif des Ardennes, au Dévonien.
and sandy deposits [Godefroid et al. 1994] in which trilobi
tes are rare. The paleobiodiversity is low during the Loch
kovian-Pragian, characterized exclusively by Phacopida
(fig. 2D-F). Only two families occur, and those are rare:
Acastidae and Homalonotidae. New discoveries in the eas
tern Ardennes (Treveropyge, Dunopyge and Acastava;un
pub. data from van Viersen) corroborate the occurrences of
two subfamilies of the Acastidae: Acastavinae and Astero
pyginae, as mentioned by Maillieux [1933] and Asselberghs
[1946]. Homalonotinae are represented by Digonus ornatus
disornatus R
ICHTER &RICHTER and Scabrella asselberghsi
AILLIEUX), among others. Wenndorf [1990] resolved
many of the synonyms within this subfamily in the Arden
nes and Eifel areas. Additional study and fieldwork are re
quired to revise and complete the list of Early Devonian
trilobites in the Ardennes.
Trilobite diversity is greater in the Emsian than in the
Lochkovian and Pragian but is not particularly high
(fig. 2D-F). Increase in diversity is linked to the opening of
the marine habitat during the Early Devonian. During the
Middle Emsian, a regressive episode occurred which resul
ted in characteristic red shales [Godefroid et al., 1994].
Three additional families were recorded by Maillieux
[1933]: Proetidae, Phacopidae and Odontopleuridae. So far,
none of these records could be corroborated although it
seems likely that these families actually occur in the Bel-
gian Emsian. Treveropyge is among the most common Aste-
ropyginae of the Ardennes-Eifel area during this time.
Locally, another common trilobite genus is Digonus (Homa-
Middle Devonian
At the global scale (fig. 2A, 2C), the general decline in tri-
lobites, marked by stepwise diversity falls, was strongly ac-
celerated by the Middle Devonian Kacák and Taghanic
events in the late Eifelian and middle Givetian respectively
[Chlupá, 1994].
At the regional scale, a more major transgressive phase
[Ziegler, 1982; Bultynck et al., 1991] leads to more diversi
fied trilobites (fig. 2D-F). Middle Eifelian limestones in
particular yield a rich trilobite fauna, including a number of
species known also from the German Eifel [Struve, 1982;
Basse, 1996, 1997, 1998; Magrean and van Viersen, 2005;
van Viersen, 2007]. The initiation of carbonate deposition,
characterised by shallow, warm and clear seas, favoured the
appearance of Corynexochida, Proetida and Lichida (Li
chidae being generally linked to neritic and peri-reefal envi
ronments [Feist, 1991]), and the diversification of
Phacopida among trilobites. Stromatoporids [Lecompte,
1951-1952], corals [Tourneur, 1985], crinoids and brachio
pods [Godefroid, 1995] also occur. Peak diversity was attai
ned during the Eifelian when typically Rhenish faunas
flourished. Their generic diversity is three times that during
the Emsian (fig. 2D-F). All orders present at the global
scale are present also in the Ardennes Massif, with Phacopi
da and Proetida dominant. Harpetida are rare.
Eifelian-Givetian transitional sequences are comparati
vely well exposed in some places, especially in the Roche
fort area. Trilobites from the Givetian are mostly poorly
documented (fig. 2B, D-F). Calycoscutellum, Dechenella,
Gerastos and Nyterops have been identified, and notably
Dechenella, Gerastos and Nyterops in the Rochefort biota
during the Early Givetian (see the next section, fig. 4).
Upper Devonian
The Belgian Upper Devonian is not particularly rich in tri
lobites although fragmentary material may be abundant lo
cally. The basal Frasnian is represented by a mainly shaly
unit that corresponds to a major transgressive phase [Bul
tynck et al. 2000]. At some localities on the southern border
of the Dinant Synclinorium, reef cycles may be observed
[Boulvain, 2006]; each period of reefal growth is interrup
ted by a phase of sea-level increase leading to terrigenous
deposits [Boulvain et al., 1999]. Trilobites are mostly res
tricted to Middle Frasnian units, especially for Proetida and
Phacopida (fig. 2D-F). A third remaining order, Corynexo
chida seems to be present (figs. 2D-F). Indeed, Richter and
Richter [1926] and Maillieux [1927] pointed out some re
cords of Scutellum. Nevertheless, no new samples were col
lected in this study.
The Frasnian-Famennian crisis led to the extinction of
almost all reefs and their associated trilobites (Lichidae),
and a significant decrease in other trilobite taxa.
The Famennian is associated with an important regres
sive phase with terrigenous deposits on a shallow platform
in the process of filling [Thorez et al. 2006; Bultynck and
Dejonghe, 2002]. A record of a Famennian trilobite, Pha-
cops (Omegops) accipitrinus maretiolensis R
ICHTER, 1933, seems to exist [Rome, 1936; Struve, 1976].
Nevertheless, no new samples were collected in this study.
Associative and ecological structures in biodiversity
In order to understand the biodiversity better, a preliminary
analysis of trilobite associations from the Devonian of the
Ardennes Massif has been undertaken. The term association
is used here for assemblages of trilobites with similar taxo
nomic composition [Brenchley and Harper, 1998; Thomas
and Lane, 1999; Chlupá, 1987]. Assemblages are generally
characterised both by their species composition and the re
lative abundance of individuals of the different species pre
sent. This analysis has focused on the quantitative aspect,
especially cluster analyses, which are commonly applied to
palaeoecological problems [Cugny, 1988; Brenchley and
Harper, 1998; Botquelen et al. 2006], notably on Cam
brian-Ordovician trilobites [Ludvigsen and Westrop, 1983],
and helped in the identification of associations.
The biodiversity of sampled faunas is represented in our
study by 33 genera and two subfamilies that refer to a
single, undetermined genus (fig. 4), for 19 samples from
Lochkovian to Frasnian strata (fig. 1). Data have been ana
lysed with hierarchical cluster analyses. The relative abun
dances of the 35 genera/subfamilies have been quantified in
a separate way in eight classes (fig. 4). Hierarchical cluster
analysis based on the trilobite abundance classes was achie
ved using PAST 1.04 software [Hammer et al., 2001]. Clus
ter analysis is an agglomerating technique that groups
together objects by level of similarity [Davis, 1986; Harper,
1999]. Results of Q-mode clustering (grouping of samples)
and R-mode clustering (groupings of taxa) are presented
as dendrograms, which were achieved using paired-group
method with the Pearson Similarity Coefficient. Groups of
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Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2007, n
FIG. 3. (A) Changes in trilobite faunal diversity,
dominance and evenness through 19 sites from Early
to Upper Devonian of the Ardennes Massif. (B) Re
lative abundance of trilobite taxa in the ‘Rochefort’
site from the Middle Eifelian.
IG.3.–(A)Changement dans la diversité, la do
minance et la régularité des faunes trilobitiques de
19 sites provenant du Dévonien des Ardennes.
(B) Abondance relative des taxons de trilobites dans
le gisement de ’Rochefort’ de l’Eifélien moyen.
Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2007, n
genera with a high probability of mutual occurrence are
thus grouped together.
In order to complete the palaeoecological information
of these assemblages, three ecological indices have been
used (fig. 3): diversity, dominance and evenness indices
[Brenchley and Harper, 1998]. Diversity measures (Marga
lef Div = S-1/log N; S = number of species, N = number of
specimens) are usually standardized against the sample size
whereas dominance measures (Dom = S (ni/N)
; ni = num
ber of i
species), based on relative abundance, have high
values for assemblages with a few common elements, and
low values where species are more or less evenly represen
ted; measures of evenness (Even = 1/S (ni/N)
), are thus
usually the inverse of dominance.
Symbols have been used to identify each site and age: C
= Couvin, F = Ferrières, MF = Marche-en-Famenne, N =
Nassogne, R = Rochefort, SR = Sougné-Remouchamps, T =
Treignes,V=Vireux-Molhain,W=Wellin; L = Lochko
vian, P = Pragian, Es = Emsian, Ef = Eifelian,G=Givetian,
Fr = Frasnian;l=lower,m=middle, u = upper.
Ecological structure of samples
Cluster analysis performed on palaeoecological parameters
has permitted recognition of assemblage types on the basis
of the relative abundance and diversity of the trilobite ma-
crofauna. Thus, four specific assemblage types are defined
as follows (fig. 3A):
– type A characterised by only 1 species, from the Lo-
wer Devonian: SR-L, F-uP, N-uEs, T-uEs;
– type B characterised by an important dominance from
the Lower Devonian, lower and upper parts of the Middle
Devonian and Upper Devonian: MF-lEs, MF-uEs, W-lEf,
R-uEf, R-lG, C-mFr. For example, R-uEf biota is dominated
by Calycoscutellum, R-lG by Nyterops and C-mFr by Bra-
– type C characterised by a moderate diversity and
evenness: MF-uP/lEs, V-lEf, C-lEf, C-mEf, C-uEf/lG;
– type D characterised by an important diversity and
evenness: Rochefort site from Middle Devonian (R-mEf).
The distinction between ecological assemblages and
those that arise from transport can be difficult. Assemblages
that are either in-situ or nearly in-situ because they show no
signs of prolonged transport could represent a former com
munity or a palaeocommunity [Brenchley and Harper,
1998]. Species within a community are associated partly be
cause they have similar tolerances of physical aspects of the
environment and partly because they interact with one ano
ther through a food chain or through complementary niche
requirements [Brenchley and Harper, 1998]. Moreover, in
‘pioneer’ communities, there occur one or two very abun
dant, opportunistic species. By contrast, in ‘equilibrium’
communities, there is a relatively high diversity of taxa
more or less equally present [Brenchley and Harper, 1998].
Some sites from the Eifelian (types C-D) could represent
‘equilibrium’ communities: for example, V-lEF [Crônier
and van Viersen, 2008] or R-mEf (see the next section).
The only well known Devonian trilobite fauna from the
Ardennes is that of the famous ‘Mur des douaniers’ near Vi
reux-Molhain (V-lEf), southern Ardennes, France [van
Viersen, 2006a; Crônier and van Viersen, 2008]. Neverthe
less, of particular interest is the Middle Eifelian Rochefort
site yielding a rich, diverse trilobite fauna that shows a re
markable resemblance to the trilobite fauna of the German
Eifel [van Viersen, 2007]. This fauna is dominated by mem
bers of the Proetida, which is represented by six genera of
trilobites, representing half the total number of specimens
collected (51%, fig. 3B). The other groups with a moderate
relative abundance are Phacopida (27%) with five genera,
Odontopleuridae (15%) and Lichidae (6%). Corynexochida
is uncommon (abundance 3%).
Associative structure of samples
The hierarchical cluster analysis performed on all taxa al
lows us to delineate six discrete trilobite associations re
flecting their taxonomic affinities and partly related to
spatial and temporal gradients (fig. 4).
I) The Digonus Association characterises the Lower De-
vonian: Praguian-Emsian (Nassogne, Ferrières, Marche-
en-Famenne). This genus is typically found in sandstones
that were deposited near-shore. Because of this turbulent
environment favoured by Digonus, articulated specimens
are particularly rare. Mass occurrences are not exceptional
in homalonotines, as is also the case in other regions
[Gandl, 1972; Wenndorf, 1990]. Nevertheless, Sandford
[2005] described a complex relationship between homalo-
notid trilobite faunal composition and taphonomy. Sandford
recognized a recurrent relationship between homalono-
tid-dominated low diversity assemblages and high diversity
assemblages in relatively shallower-water facies.
II) The mixed association characterises the Middle De
vonian, and especially the Lower-Middle Eifelian. Three
main sub-associations can be observed:
(IIa) association dominated by Calycoscutellum repre
sented at the Couvin, Lower Eifelian (C-lEf) and Rochefort,
Upper Eifelian (R-uEf) sites. The C-lEf biota, confined to
argillaceous limestone beds, is characterised by mostly di
sarticulated exoskeletons with most specimens of Calycos
cutellum also being fragmented. Complete specimens are
rare, but surprisingly they are of taxa that are usually not
found complete elsewhere, such as Tropidocoryphe, Cy
phaspis and Dohmiella [van Viersen, 2006b]. Accumulation
of small individuals occurs locally in the bed, with other
macrofaunal elements. The R-uEf is dominated by Calycos
cutellum , which is known from numerous fragments and
Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2007, n
FIG. 4. – R and Q mode cluster analysis of data set (35 genera and 19 samples) of Devonian trilobites from the Ardennes Massif. The R and Q mode den
drograms have been plotted against the original data, modified to show relative abundance classes of taxa, to indicate the generic and locality group be
hind the clusters. 6 clusters or associations (I to VI) are recognized.
IG.4.–Classification hiérarchique ascendante réalisée sur 35 genres et 19 sites provenant du massif des Ardennes. La proportion des taxa a été quan
tifiée de manière disjonctive en 8 classes d’abondance relative. 6 clusters ou associations ont été identifés (I à VI).
disarticulated exoskeletons, rarely accumulated. No articu
lated trilobites are known from this locality.
Calycoscutellum is possibly among the most common
trilobites in the Upper Eifelian although usually represented
by disarticulated sclerites. So far, complete specimens have
only been reported from the Lower and Middle Eifelian;
(IIb) association with dominant Geesops, represented
by the Vireux-Molhain biota [see Crônier and van Viersen,
(IIc) association with dominant Cyphaspis (Aulaco
pleuridae), Radiaspis (Odontopleuridae), Kettneraspis
(Odontopleuridae), Cornuproetus (Proetidae) and Geras
tos (Proetidae), represented by the Rochefort biota. Ecolo
gical indices and preservation state indicate that the
Rochefort biota is an equilibrium community probably
found in situ. Trilobites are abundant and diverse, compri
sing both disarticulated exoskeletons and a significant por
tion of fully articulated ones. Accumulation, especially of
small odontopleurid and aulacopleurid parts (librigenae),
seems to occur locally in the bed where trilobites are trans
ported together with other typical macrofaunal constituents
such as bryozoans, crinoid ossicles and especially brachio
pods. For the Couvin Middle Eifelian biota, the faunal
content is less rich than the Rochefort biota but has the
same state of preservation.
III) The Asteropyginae Association, dominated by Tre
veropyge, is representative of the Lower Devonian. Only di
sarticulated exoskeletons of asteropygines are usually found
Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2007, n
FIG. 5. – Localisation of samples through time and a bathymetric profile and comparison with diversity index curve, the global sea-level curve and the re
gressions/transgressions at the regional scale.
IG.5.–Positionnement des affleurements au cours du temps et le long d’un profil bathymétrique et comparaison avec la courbe obtenue d’après l’indice
écologique de diversité, la courbe eustatique globale et les régressions/transgressions connues à l’échelle régionale.
in the Ardennes-Eifel; articulated specimens are represented
only by one complete enrolled Comura and a fully articula
ted Treveropyge thoracopygidium from Marche-en-Famenne
(MF-uEs), confined to sandstone with calcareous cement. In
older strata at the same locality (MF-uP/lEs), trilobites are
fragmented and confined to sandy layers intercalated with
dark blue slates. These represent post-mortem accumula
tions of trilobites and macrofaunal elements such as bra
chiopods, crinoids and corals.
IV) The Dechenella (Dechenellinae, Proetidae) and Ny
terops (Phacopinae, Phacopidae) Association characterises
the Upper Eifelian-Lower Givetian. Dechenellinae appear
to be slightly more common during the Upper Eifelian in
the Ardennes than they are in contemporaneous strata in the
adjacent German Eifel [Basse, 2002].
At the Couvin locality (C-uEf/lG) all trilobites are
known from disarticulated exoskeletons and fragments from
mainly crinoidal limestones, as is also the case at the Wellin
(W-uEf) and Rochefort localities (R-lG).
V) The Kayserops ‘occurrence’ is restricted to the
Upper Emsian of the Treignes area. Only one well-preser
ved cranidium has been sampled for this locality. Conse
quently, this single ‘endemic’ individual cannot constitute
an association. In this study, the term of ‘occurrence’ has
been used until the discovery of new material.
VI) The Bradocryphaeus Association, dominated by
Bradocryphaeus supradevonicus (69%), is restricted here to
greenish shales at the Middle Frasnian Couvin. The remai-
ning species are Bradocryphaeus maillieuxi (17%), Otarion
cf. ibergium (2%) and the highly endemic Heliopyge helios
(5%). Bradocryphaeus supradevonicus occurs in both Bel-
gium and Germany, whereas Heliopyge helios and Brado-
cryphaeus maillieuxi are only found in Belgium. Otarion is
extremely rare in the Ardennes, being known only from the
Frasnian in the area between Couvin and Olloy-sur-Viroin
[Richter and Richter, 1926; Maillieux, 1927]. In this area,
specimens are usually fragmented, complete specimens are
very rare, and accumulations often occur.
Relative paleobathymetric position of samples
Each of the trilobite associations has a distinctive taxono
mic composition and abundance structure that reflects some
ecological conditions, ranged across shelves. Trilobite com
munities have already proved useful in recognizing marine
environments of different depths [Fortey, 1975].
Palaeocological indices, state of preservation and nature
of sediment allow us to locate fossiliferous sites along a ba
thymetric profile [modified from Fortey and Owens, 1997
and Brenchley and Harper, 1998]. Additionally, Erben
[1964] recognized two dominant magnafacies, i.e. nearshore
clastic and offshore carbonates, in the Devonian of Europe.
The shoreline environment (0-15 m), characterised by
shallow, proximal and agitated deposits includes possibly a
Digonus-dominated biota always known from fragmented
exoskeletons in sandstones. Diversity, though generally low,
may be increased by introduction of allochthonous faunas
by wave activity.
The upper offshore or inner shelf environment is cha
racterised by mudstones interbedded with sandstones. It in
cludes possibly the Bradocrypheus-dominated biota known
from disarticulated and fragmented exoskeletons and/or as
The median offshore or middle shelf environment cha
racterised by relatively deep deposits includes moderately
to highly diverse assemblages. Their abundance is generally
high but decreases with depth. Mudstones may contain in
situ trilobites with well-developed eyes, clumped or disper
sed sclerites that are commonly articulated, and various sta
ges. Quieter hydrodynamic conditions are favourable to the
development of faunas and/or to conditions for their preser
vation. Mixed biotas are typically found in such environ
The lower offshore or outer shelf environment is loca
ted below effective storm wave-base (from 50-60 m). Trilo
bites are rare, often blind or with reduced-eyes and occur as
articulated exoskeletons. No sampled locality in the Arden
nes represents this environmental type.
Spatial and temporal interpretation of associations
The distribution of these associations recognised in the
Ardennes Massif and the diversity curve (fig. 5) are correla
ted with the transgressive/regressive trends in the Ardennes
Massif [from Godefroid et al. 1994; Steemans, 1989; Gou
wy and Bultynck, 2000]. Three trends can be observed: 1)
the Digonus-dominated association spreads out during a
phase of low relative sea-level and is known from the shore
line domain; 2) the mixed associations flourished during a
period of rising sea-level and they are known from the me-
dian offshore domain; 3) peaks of diversity coincide with
deepening of the environment (rising sea-level).
The distribution of the trilobite associations is related to
palaeobathymetric domains and sea-level variations. An
association is potentially a rather precise palaeoenviron-
mental indicator. Trilobites are considered as vagrant epi-
benthos, living mobile above the substratum where
conditions are little uniform. Trilobites are sensitive to
sea-level variations, resulting in numerous association re-
placements due to rapid alteration of the ecosystems. There
is a continuous turnover in species, so the composition of
palaeocommunities changes with time and their taxonomic
composition and environmental ranges.
Fluctuation in biodiversity
At all sampled localities, trilobites increase in both number
and diversity in the Middle Devonian. The relative variation
of trilobite abundance may be related to changes in ecologi
cal conditions influenced by substratum and palaeobathy
metry. The data show that the trilobites are most diversified
and abundant in a peri-reefal context.
Taxonomic structuration
Five trilobite associations and one ‘occurrence’ delineated
among the 35 genera/subfamilies were recognised from the
Early to Late Devonian, across environmental gradients, re
lated to water depth and substrate. Trilobites that mostly be
long to the vagrant epibenthos seem to be sensitive to
palaeoenvironmental fluctuations. Sections of the same en
vironmental gradient are very similar to each other concer
ning the trilobite content, even if faunal replacement seems
to exist through time (for example, possible replacement of
the Dechenella and Nyterops Association from the Early Gi
Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2007, n
vetian by the Bradocrypheus Association from the Frasnian
for the same environmental gradient).
Lower Devonian strata are characterised by abundant
Asteropyginae or Homalonotinae. Subsequently, these sub
families are replaced by Phacopinae and Proetinae in the
Middle Devonian. The mixed middle Eifelian fauna at Cou
vin is much less diversified than that at Rochefort and re
presentatives of Cyphaspis, Radiaspis and Kettneraspis
have not been found by us. This is due to sampling bias
since a rich trilobite fauna was reported from the middle Ei
felian of this area by Maillieux [1904, 1907, 1912]. The
‘Mur des douaniers’ Lagerstatte offers a glimpse of what is
absent from the Lower Eifelian.
At the Ardennes regional scale, changes in species rich
ness and ecological diversity of trilobites are in relation to
physical environmental gradients. Changes in climate and
topography limit most species ranges, resulting in conside
rable spatial turnover in species richness and ecological
Acknowledgments. – With this paper, the authors would like to pay homage
to the eminent Professor J.L. Mansy (University of Lille) who was working
on the structural geology of the French Ardennes Massif; we miss him.
This is a contribution of UMR 8014 of Centre National de la Recherche
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Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2007, n
... During the Devonian Period, trilobite communities were strongly influenced by spatial and temporal ecological changes at the global scale as well as regionally (Crônier & van Viersen, 2007;Abe & Lieberman, 2012;Crônier & François, 2014;Bignon & Crônier, 2015). The development of hospitable shallow platforms during Early Devonian time led to a trilobite diversification (Chlupáč, 1994), but the sea-level changes and anoxic/hypoxic events during Middle Devonian time caused a sharp decrease in their diversity (Feist, 1991;Lerosey-Aubril & Feist, 2012). ...
... assemblages of trilobites with a similar taxonomic composition (Brenchley & Harper, 1998;Crônier & van Viersen, 2007;Crônier & François, 2014;Bignon & Crônier, 2015). To reduce sampling bias, the relative abundances of 67 genera were quantified in seven classes, i.e. the percentage of the abundance of each genus in a sample (Harnik, 2009). ...
... The associations reflect distinctive taxonomic affinities and palaeoenvironmental preferences. Similar analyses on Devonian trilobites from the Ardenne Massif showed that trilobite associations were dependent on palaeobathymetric domains and sea-level variations (Crônier & van Viersen, 2007). Subsequently, these associations (most particularly during Givetian time) where highlighted as equilibrated communities were able to maintain their organization during rather strong and short environmental perturbations. ...
Full-text available
The effects of sea-level changes and anoxia on Devonian trilobites have been studied for a long time, but the importance of palaeogeographic and tectonic events in this key-period is still not well understood. In the Devonian Period, trilobites invaded many different marine environments and areas in North Africa where important palaeogeographic changes occurred. Distribution patterns of trilobites through time and space have been analysed using a hierarchical cluster analysis and diversity indices. Our examination of the literature suggests that trilobites were scarce during Lochkovian time before an important diversification in Pragian time. Trilobites flourished in many North African regions without there being important taxonomic differences between basins, because of free migration in relatively flat palaeo-topography and homogeneous environments. During Middle Devonian time, early Variscan tectonic movements transformed the eastern Anti-Atlas area into a basin with a platform topography. Geographical barriers such as deep basins prevented trilobite migrations. At the beginning of Eifelian time, the reduction in migration between the different regions of this area coincided with a decrease in diversity. Consequently, tectonic events played an important role in the decline of trilobites during Middle Devonian time, especially when these were combined with sea-level changes and anoxic/hypoxic events. A recovery occurred in Famennian time involving only new genera. As at the global scale, cyrtosymbolines developed in shallow seas, whereas phacopids evolved in deeper environments. The basin and platform system still hampered migrations, although sea-level variations led to episodic exchanges. The late Famennian regression reduced trilobite diversity dramatically in the study area.
... The 'Devonian Nekton Revolution' (Klug et al., 2010) was an important event, which led to another major diversification of trilobites, especially during the Early Devonian. At the beginning of the Devonian, five orders and nearly eighteen families were present worldwide (Crônier and van Viersen, 2007). They experienced a great diversification during the sea-level rise of the basal Pragian Event (House, 2002) and the related climate warming (Vacek, 2011). ...
... They experienced a great diversification during the sea-level rise of the basal Pragian Event (House, 2002) and the related climate warming (Vacek, 2011). This sea-level rise probably contributed to the widening of shallow marine carbonate realms favourable for the development of trilobite communities (Chlupáč, 1994;Crônier and van Viersen, 2007;Khaldi et al., 2016), and led to the maintenance of family-level diversity, which persisted with some minor changes until the early Eifelian. Their subsequent diversity decreased dramatically and high taxonomic levels disappeared due to a series of biological events (they were strongly affected by the Kacák and Taghanic events in the late Eifelian and the middle Givetian, respectively; Chlupáč, 1994;Lerosey-Aubril and Feist, 2012). ...
... Their subsequent diversity decreased dramatically and high taxonomic levels disappeared due to a series of biological events (they were strongly affected by the Kacák and Taghanic events in the late Eifelian and the middle Givetian, respectively; Chlupáč, 1994;Lerosey-Aubril and Feist, 2012). These biotic events were associated with major rises in sea level and led to more widespread extinctions (Chlupáč, 1994;Crônier and van Viersen, 2007; McKellar and Chatterton, 2009). ...
Taking advantage of the exceptional record of Devonian trilobites in North Africa, a new dataset was compiled in order to reveal their long-term evolutionary history leading to their extinction. This dataset comprises 1171 trilobite occurrences from 168 different localities, within 22 consecutive and discrete chronostratigraphic intervals (substage temporal scale), representing 556 species, 179 genera, and 15 families scattered among nine North African basins. The reconstructed palaeobiodiversity trajectories by means of various biodiversity estimators of taxonomic richness are consistent and highlight a progressive and continuous diversification throughout the Early Devonian to reach a maximum of diversity at the end of the Emsian. Most families encountered in North Africa contribute to this increase of diversity. This regional diversification shows the same trends as the global one. Thereafter, the trilobite diversity began to decline due to extinction rates higher than origination rates during the Eifelian (Middle Devonian). From the middle Givetian to the late Frasnian, the trilobite diversity remained low. After this major decline, and the Frasnian events, a faunal change occurred, especially in phacopid and proetid trilobites, which were the only two families crossing the Frasnian/Famennian boundary. Indeed, the Kellwasser Event impacted an already impoverished diversity leading to a major faunal renewal associated with quick taxonomic changes at the genus level. A larger proportion of deeper water and reduced-eye/blind trilobites who acted as opportunists characterized the Famennian recovery. Finally, these palaeobiodiversity trends are compared to those of ammonoids from the same area.
... Phacopids, which are major taxa Cohen et al. (2013, updated). of the Kellwasser Fauna, also participated in the diversification of the Devonian (Fig. 6) with a maximum diversity in the Middle Devonian (Chlupáč, 1975;Crônier et al., 2011). The Emsian also showed high diversity in different places like Ardennes (Crônier and van Viersen, 2007), Colombia (Morzadec et al., 2015) and Morocco (Crônier et al., 2018), although it was not the case everywhere (Khaldi et al., 2016;Van Viersen and Taghon, 2020). The high diversity reached in the Early Devonian was the maximum post-Ordovician diversity (Adrain, 2008). ...
... Transgression and anoxia could be more important at the regional scale as in North Africa (Klug et al., 2000;Ouali Mehadji et al., 2004), leading to a sharper decline of trilobites (Bault et al., 2021). Conversely, the sea-level rise offered new shallow carbonate areas where trilobites proliferated (Fig. 10) and diversity increased (Crônier and van Viersen, 2007;Bignon et al., 2008). The following Eifelian Kačak event and its oxygen-depleted conditions also influenced Devonian faunas (House, 1985(House, , 2002Walliser, 1996) including trilobites with extinctions and migrations (Feist, 1991;Morzadec, 1992;Chlupáč, 1994). ...
Trilobites were the most successful clade of marine invertebrates during the Cambrian, as highlighted by Sepkoski's Cambrian Evolutionary Fauna. After the Cambrian they were still abundant, widespread and highly diversified. Previous analyses show that trilobite diversity dynamics during the Ordovician can be summarized by several trilobite evolutionary faunas. Trilobites, however, were severely affected by the end-Ordovician extinction event, and never again reached such a high diversity. Here we investigate the evolutionary history of trilobites after this crisis by evaluating how their diversity dynamics are structured in evolutionary faunas and what could be the environments influencing these faunas. Using occurrences from the Paleobiology Database, we estimate the post-Ordovician palaeobiodiversity of trilobites by coverage rarefaction (SQS) and identify trilobite evolutionary faunas by means of factor analysis. During the Silurian, trilobite taxonomic richness was relatively high and the Silurian Fauna was dominated by the families that appeared in the Ordovician and survived the end-Ordovician extinction, such as Odontopleuridae and Encrinuridae. A Devonian Fauna established progressively since the end of the Silurian as other families diversified, such as Acastidae and Tropidocoryphidae. The Early Devonian records the highest post-Ordovician diversity, probably favoured by the spreading of epicontinental shallow seas. Abrupt sea-level changes and anoxic events during the Middle Devonian strongly reduced trilobite diversity and brought both Silurian and Devonian Faunas close to their disappearance. During the Late Devonian, trilobite diversity was low and dominated by phacopids and proetids, which characterize a Kellwasser Fauna. Finally, the Hangenberg event (end-Devonian) affected all existing trilobite clades and the following Tournaisian diversification led to the Late Palaeozoic Fauna, composed of phillipsiids and brachymetopids. Despite an important diversity decrease in the Visean–Serpukhovian, this fauna was the only one to persist until the extinction of trilobites at the end of the Permian.
... They experienced great diversification during the eustatic sea level rise of the Basal Pragian Event (House 2002) and the related climate warming (Vacek 2011). This event probably contributed to the widening of shallow marine carbonate realms favourable for the development of trilobite communities (Chlup a c 1994; Crônier & Van Viersen 2007;Khaldi et al. 2016), leading to the maintenance of family-level diversity, which lasted with some minor changes until the early Eifelian. The subsequent general decline of trilobites was strongly accelerated by the Kac ak and Taghanic events, in the late Eifelian and middle Givetian, respectively. ...
... The subsequent general decline of trilobites was strongly accelerated by the Kac ak and Taghanic events, in the late Eifelian and middle Givetian, respectively. These events were associated with major rises in sea level and led to more widespread extinctions (Chlup a c 1994; Crônier & Van Viersen 2007;McKellar & Chatterton 2009). ...
A comprehensive phylogenetic hypothesis for Devonian phacopid trilobites of the genus Austerops has not previously been proposed. We carried out a cladistic analysis of the 13 species and subspecies assigned to Austerops, based on a data matrix of 63 characters. Two species of the morphologically very similar genus Chotecops, C. auspex and C. hoseri, and seven other close relatives (Reedops cephalotes hamlagdadianus, Boeckops stelcki, Morocops granulops, Paciphacops logani, Phacops latifrons, Phacops araw and Pedinopariops (Hypsipariops) vagabundus) were also included in the analysis in order to test their relationship with species of Austerops. Parsimony analyses using a heuristic method, with Calyptaulax callirachis and C. glabella as outgroup taxa, produced two most parsimonious trees of 341 steps. These trees are partly consistent with trees obtained from additional analyses performed with modified data sets (deletion of homoplastic characters, multistate characters, continuous characters carved into 5% increments, thoracic and pygidial characters, or taxa with numerous unknown characters). Results suggest that Austerops sp. B and A.? sp. D are close to Chotecops hoseri and C. auspex, and that these species constitute a monophyletic group. Austerops Austerops menchikoffi, A. speculator and A. punctatus are also a monophyletic group and reasonably constitute a sister group of that formed by the rest of Austerops and Chotecops sensu lato, while A. hottonensis seems phylogenetically distant from other representatives of Austerops. Chotecops including C. hoseri and C. auspex together with Austerops sp. B and A.? sp. D seem derived from A. legrandi. The relationship between Austerops and Chotecops remains partly unresolved but it seems likely that their recognition as separate taxa results in paraphyletic groups. The phylogenetic analysis suggests that the currently poorly known Austerops sp. B and A.? sp. D should be reassigned to Chotecops.
... Abundance of Burmeisteria in the Precordillera basin is highest in shallow-water depositional facies (Astini, 1991). These occurrences match previous observations on environmental preferences of homalonotids, from different ages and units, mostly Rustán et al.-Devonian trilobites from Argentina from siliciclastic platform settings (Gill, 1948;Thomas, 1979;Chlupáč, 1981;Fortey and Owens, 1997;Mikulic and Kluessendorf, 1999;Sandford, 2005;Crônier and Van Viersen, 2007;Simões et al., 2009). In particular, these trilobites are most frequent in depths between the fair-weather and the storm wavebase levels, and such an ecological restriction hinders their use in biostratigraphy at regional or larger scales. ...
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The homalonotid trilobite Burmeisteria Salter, 1865 is revised from material from the Lower Devonian of central western Argentina (the Talacasto Formation in the Precordillera Basin). In contrast to other closely related Devonian marine basins from South America (mainly Bolivia, Brazil and Uruguay), the only species recognized in Argentina include Burmeisteria herschelii (Murchison, 1839) and B . notica (Clarke, 1913). New observations on the structure of the carapace indicate that structures sometimes interpreted as granules with taxonomic meaning are, in fact, taphonomic characters that represent the fillings of pore canals exposed by decortication. The antero-ventral process of the rostral plate may be a locking device during enrollment, which allowed long-term defensive behavior with a minimum of muscular energy. Burmeisteria is an upper Silurian to Middle Devonian endemic representative of southwestern Gondwanan (Malvinokaffric) basins. In the Argentine Precordillera Basin, this genus is virtually restricted to a sandy, Pragian, stratigraphic interval capped by a marker bed first reported by Keidel in 1921.
... This was an important time for trilobites in Belgium which showed a distinct but brief diversity increase subsequent to the poorly diversified associations, or lack of these, in the upper part of the underlying Jemelle Formation and in the Lomme Formation where the latter is developed. Van Viersen & Vanherle (2018) interpreted this upsurge as a marked recovery of the mixed association of Crônier & van Viersen (2007) that characterises the middle (middle Eifelian) part of the Jemelle Formation, basally in the Hanonet Formation. This is demonstrated by the reappearances in the latter unit of characteristic taxa such as Cornuproetus, Cyphaspis, Dechenella, Goldius, and Radiaspis. ...
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Odontopleurid trilobite remains from the latest Eifelian to earliest Givetian Hanonet Formation in the Resteigne quarry, southern Belgium, are described and assigned to a new species Radiaspis taghonorum. Although the pygidium of R. taghonorum is similar to that of some Eifelian congeners, its cephalon is markedly different. The Hanonet Formation bears a trilobite fauna that is characteristic of the Ardenno-Rhenish Mountains. The late Eifelian–earliest Givetian interval is associated with a trilobite diversity increase in Belgium and migrations between Belgium, Germany and Morocco.
... Frasnian trilobites from Belgium were described mainly in the monograph on Late Devonian trilobites of Richter & Richter (1926) and in van Viersen & Bignon (2011) and van Viersen & Prescher (2011). Bignon & Crônier (2015) analysed faunal dynamics of Devonian trilobites from Belgium and northern France and recognised two poorly diversified associations in the Frasnian: the Scutellum-Goldius association which they considered to be restricted to reef environments, and the Bradocryphaeus association (Bradocryphaeus, Otarion, Heliopyge) of Crônier & van Viersen (2007) which occurs in lateral shales and limestones below fair-weather wave base. ...
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Trilobites are recorded from Frasnian strata in Belgium on the basis of old museum collections and contemporary fieldwork. Of the four third-order Transgressive-Regressive (T-R) cycles recognised here in the latest Givetian to late Frasnian, the last three are each associated with a version of a largely coherent, acastid–scutelluid dominated trilobite fauna. Accents of this “base” fauna encompassed probably primarily allochthonous elements. The timing and effects of the late Frasnian Kellwasser Event in Belgium differ according to fossil group and their position along the ramp. The new data from this study are suggestive of distinct extinction patterns for the trilobite associations of the reefal environments and lateral facies. No evidence was identified for a direct impact of the Kellwasser levels on the Belgian trilobite fauna, although not a single trilobite is known with certainty from strata above the base of the Lower Kellwasser level. Comparisons to trilobite faunas from other countries are suggestive of open, shallow-water migration routes between southern Laurussia and peri-Gondwana during most of the Frasnian. New taxa are Bradocryphaeus echinatus sp. nov., Magreanops renateae gen. & sp. nov. (both Moulin Liénaux Formation), Bradocryphaeus laomedeia sp. nov., Bradocryphaeus neptuni hottonensis ssp. nov., Cyphaspis koimeterionensis sp. nov. (all Grands Breux Formation), Magreanops monachus gen. & sp. nov., Quadratispina excelsa sp. nov. (both Bovesse Formation) and Pterocoryphe platymarginata sp. nov. (Champ Broquet Formation). Magreanops gen. nov. represents the first and only known big-eyed phacopid from Frasnian strata worldwide, breaching the established latest Givetian to late Famennian gap of this group.
... Tropidocoryphids, scutelluids, harpetids, lichids, odontopleurids and acastids are comparatively rare (van viersen 2015). Trilobite biodiversity has been subjected to preliminary analyses that indicated peak diversity in the (middle Eifelian) middle part of the Jemelle Formation (Bignon et al. 2008;crônier & van viersen 2007). All of the localities investigated by us are situated in this part of the formation; they are interpreted as open marine environments (middle ramp to outer shelf). ...
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Phacopids with reduced sculpture are recorded from Emsian to Givetian strata in the Ardenno-Rhenish Mountains and Brittany. Austerops couvinensis sp. nov. and Austerops hottonensis sp. nov. are described from Eifelian strata in the Ardennes and represent the first known occurrences of members of this genus outside Gondwana. Loreleiops suffeleersi gen. & sp. nov. and Hottonops daumeriesi gen. & sp. nov. are recorded from Eifelian strata in the Ardennes. Pedinopariops simulator Basse, 1998 and Pedinopariops hoelleri van Viersen, Prescher & Savelsbergh, 2009, from the Givetian and Eifelian (respectively) in the Rhenish Mountains, are transferred to Loreleiops gen. nov. Austerops cf. menchikoffi (Le Maître, 1952) is reported from the Emsian of Brittany, confirming the occurrence of this genus in peri-Gondwana.
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The Devonian was a time of drastic environmental change that shaped the morphology of trilobites. This study aims to investigate their morphological evolution and to show the influence of some abiotic and biotic factors (bathymetry, feeding habits and visual abilities) on their shape. A dataset was compiled to investigate the shape of three structures (cephalon as a whole, central part of the cephalon, and pygidium) of Devonian trilobites from North Africa, using a geometric morphometric approach. Based on empirical morphospaces, the morphological changes were quantified through the Devonian stages. The results reveal important variations in the morphological disparity of the glabella shape, the facial suture location, the pygidial length and the presence of spines. In the Lochkovian, morphological disparity was low, subsequently increased in the Pragian with numerous innovations, and reached a maximum in the Emsian. If the morphospace occupancy remained until the Eifelian, a severe loss of disparity occurred in the Givetian, a time known for important environmental changes. Disparity then remained low in the Late Devonian. The shapes inherited from the Silurian persisted throughout the Devonian whereas Pragian novelties were most affected by losses. These persistent shapes were more versatile for environmental adaptation, helping those trilobites to survive the environmental events. Similarly, the trilobite orders that survived Devonian events had a wide morphological spectrum and were better adapted to withstand environmental change.
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Sono trascorsi oramai già quasi undici anni dalla stampa del primo volume in lingua italiana pubblicato dal Museo Back to the Past sui trilobiti. Forti del successo avuto in Italia e anche all’estero, abbiamo deciso di pubblicare l’anno seguente la versione tradotta in lingua inglese (The Back to the Past Museum Guide to TRILOBITES). Questo nuovo tomo, ampliato con tavole aggiornate, è diventato un best seller nel settore paleontologico, ottenendo un’importante distribuzione mondiale e una valutazione da parte del settore professionista particolarmente positiva. Questo ha permesso di poter credere in noi per il nostro progetto di ampliare continuamente le collezioni del museo, attuare campagne di ricerca (sempre nel rispetto delle regole e leggi internazionali), di poter iniziare un’intensa collaborazione con professionisti del settore e pubblicare di conseguenza su riviste scientifiche di alto impatto. Non è un caso che nelle collezioni del museo siano conservati olotipi e paratipi di esemplari di notevole importanza paleontologica. Nel lasso di tempo che ci separa dalla prima edizione, molto è accaduto. Non possiamo non ricordare la triste scomparsa di eminenze scientifiche che hanno dedicato la loro vita alla ricerca paleontologica (Riccardo Levi-Setti, Dolf Seilacher, Tom Whiteley), e di amici collezionisti e preparatori di alto livello (Harald Prescher). Siamo fieri di aver potuto lavorare e scambiare discussioni con questi uomini di scienza; essi hanno attivamente partecipato, e con entusiasmo, alla stesura ed alla valutazione critica dei volumi da noi pubblicati. A loro dedichiamo i capitoli in cui hanno condiviso la loro professionalità e graziosa disponibilità. Ci è parso importante riprendere il discorso “interrotto” un decennio fa per pubblicare un aggiornamento di questo libro. Inizialmente era prevista una semplice ristampa data l’incalzante richiesta del volume in lingua italiana ormai esaurito da tempo. Da una iniziale ristampa si è passati ad un aggiornamento: una nuova edizione con nuove tavole e una iconografia decisamente migliorata. Le tecniche di preparazione si sono evolute in maniera quasi esponenziale in questo ultimo decennio, e nuovi esemplari muniti di ornamentazioni straordinarie sono così venuti alla luce. In questi anni inoltre il rinvenimento di nuovi giacimenti e nuove specie (15000 nel 2009, oggi stimate a più di 22000) ha fatto evolvere l’interpretazione sulla distribuzione, ecologia, classificazione, morfologia di questi particolari artropodi. In conclusione, il volume rispetto al precedente non solo si è arricchito di nuove tavole e fonti iconografiche, ma è anche stato aggiornato per quello che riguarda la classificazione degli ordini dei trilobiti, in accordo con le ultime interpretazioni e studi. Quello che ci auguriamo è che questo testo possa attirare l’interesse del collezionista “avvertito”, il professionista o semplicemente del semplice appassionato. Anche a ciascuno di essi vogliamo dedicare questo nostro lavoro, nella speranza di poter rinforzare il sottile ponte che esiste tra pubblico e privato, entrambi interdipendenti per lo studio, la ricerca sul terreno, il rinvenimento di nuove specie e l’evoluzione del pensiero scientifico. --- Introduction by Samuel M. Gon III, Trilobites have been a delightful obsession of mine for many years. As a young graduate student in Zoology over 40 years ago, I gravitated to these amazing Paleozoic arthropods, whose huge diversity and worldwide presence symbolized the diversification of life on Earth. I remember hunting for and devouring any books that offered significant focus on the Trilobita. My obsession eventually found virtual expression when in 1999, 20 years ago now (!), I first unveiled A Guide to the Orders of Trilobites, a website celebrating trilobite diversity and evolution. That website, still active today, opened international doors for me, introducing me to like-minded trilobitophiles on all continents, and confirming for me that trilobites were worthy of life-long dedication. One of these “fellow trilobitophiles” is Enrico Bonino. So when Enrico announced that he and Carlo Kier were working on a book dedicated to trilobites, it drew my attention immediately. It was not a primarily technical work, such as the Treatise of Invertebrate Paleontology (Volume O - the so-called “Trilobite Bible”), and yet neither was it a purely popular account. The authors offer us a substantive work, exploring the “world of trilobites,” their origins, morphology, classification, ecology, and paleogeography in extensively researched and richly illustrated sections, then present a large photographic catalogue of trilobites (and some close relatives) organized in geochronological order and by lagerstätten - one can see trilobites from all over the world, over 1000 species illustrated - more than adequate to illustrate the richness and distinctiveness of this singularly wonderful class of ancient arthropods. Even some specimens only very recently discovered (in the first decades of this new millennium) and published are included, like the giant asaphids from the Valongo Formation of Portugal, and the belgian Ohleum magreani. Because new trilobites are discovered every year, and research continues on this fascinating group, the book you hold now is expanded from the original edition that appeared in 2009: new information on trilobite eggs and ontogeny, new localities to showcase, even major changes in the classification of trilobites, with new Orders to consider. This book illustrates how dynamic and fresh the study of trilobites remains in the 21st century. A work such as this could not have come into being without the cooperation of a large, international community of collectors, preparators, researchers, and public institutions that participated in sharing some of the finest trilobite specimens known, and I enjoyed contributing illustrations and feedback to this project over the years. The majority of the trilobites in this book are to be found in the Back To The Past Museum (an impressive collection, one of the best private exhibitions of trilobites in the world), but in addition, it was a delight to recognize specimens coming from other notable collectors and colleagues such as Peter Cameron, Sam Stubbs, Mark Marshall, Jake Skabelund and many others not possible to enumerate here. Like many who devote their lives to our extinct trilobed antecedents, Enrico and Carlo don’t consider the amount of time, research, international networking, and artistic creation that resulted in this book. It is a product of the joy that comes from immersion into the world of creatures hundreds of millions of years gone by, a joy that now we can all share, no matter what language we speak!
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A general view of the Ardennes basin paleogeography during Lower Devonian time is attempted on the basis of recent biostratigraphical progress. Cambro-Silurian reworked acritarchs and Lower Devonian spores allow reconstruction to be made. The first shows that there were three emerged massifs around the basin: the Brabant Massif, the "Mitteldeutsche Schwelle' and, for a short period, "Rocroi Island'. The second allows correlations to be drawn between the different lithofacies of the Ardennes Basin and to conclude that the Eodevonian transgression was from SE to NW, most of the facies being diachronous until the middle part of the Pragian. -from English summary
The Silurian-Devonian boundary, Pragian and Emsian GSSP tie-points cannot be positioned accurately within the largely siliciclastic Lower Devonian successions. However, brachiopods and conodonts enable us to approximately identify the position of the base of the Devonian. The base of the Gedinnian stage, previously used in the Ardennes as base of the Devonian, is diachronic; in the Neufchâteau Synclinorium, it is below the base of the Devonian and on the southern flank of the Dinant Synclinorium, it is above the boundary. Palynological data permit an approximately positioning of the Lochkovian-Pragian and the Pragian-Emsian boundaries. The base of the Eifelian, Givetian, Frasnian and Famennian can be identified on the basis of conodonts. However, positioning of the Eifelian-Givetian is less precise. The position of the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary cannot be accurately identified. However, it is within the lower part of the Hastière Limestone, previously assigned to the Carboniferous.