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The Use and Experience of the New Video Media Among Children and Young Adolescents

SAGE Publications Inc
Communication Research
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The media habits and experiences of 483 subjects whose ages ranged from 9 to 15 years were studied via the Experience Sampling Method. Respondents carried electronic paging devices and reported on their activities and subjective experiences when signaled. General descriptive findings on the use and experience of three forms of new video entertainment, music videos, video games, and videocassettes, are reported. For boys, these new video media were associated with higher reports of arousal and more positive affective states than was the case for the activities of television viewing, reading, and listening to popular music. Relative to boys, girls reported lower affect and arousal, especially during video games and music videos.
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... Electronically prompted sampling methods, sometimes called Ecological Momentary Assessments, are technologically aided diary systems in which participants are prompted either at a random time or at a set time of day by text message or app notification [62][63][64][65]. The prompt typically asks the participant to report what they are doing, or feeling, at that precise time. ...
... A systematic review found that electronically prompted sampling can be successfully used with children from approximately 7 years of age; however, adaptions may be necessary for younger children [65]. Examples of electronically prompted sampling include the following: to capture screen use by children and adolescents including TV viewing and mood when watching TV among a sample of adults and children ≥ 10 years old [62][63][64], and to assess current activities (e.g., watching TV/movies, playing video games and physical activities) in a sample of 121 9-to 13-year-old children [66], and associations between mood and social media use in 55 adolescents [67]. Typical constructs collected cover child, technology, task, time and include duration of screen use, devices used and time of day of use. ...
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The role and potential impact of digital screen technology in the lives of children is heavily debated. Current evidence is limited by the weakness of measures typically used to characterise screen use, predominantly proxy- or self-reports with known inaccuracy and bias. However, robust and detailed evidence is needed to provide practical trustworthy guidance to families and professionals working with families. The purpose of this paper is to support researchers to select measurement method(s) that will provide robust and detailed evidence. The paper outlines the challenges in measuring contemporary screen use by children, using a child–technology interaction model to organise considerations. A range of different methods used to measure digital screen technology use in children and adolescents (i.e., questionnaires, diaries, electronically prompted sampling, direct observation, fixed room cameras, wearable/portable cameras, audio recorders, screen-device onboard logging, remote digital trace logging and proximity logging) are described along with examples of their use and constructs typically measured as well as a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of each method. A checklist and worked examples are provided to support researchers determining the best methods or combination of methods for a research project.
... This condition makes the videos simply accessible to secondary school students because they can easily use various devices as much as they desire, especially in the 21 st century's rapid knowledge of technology. Videos with social and educative or pure fun could be worth viewing (Kubey & Larson, 1990). Still, movies that contain violent and offensive messages are useless to students because they could be influenced negatively. ...
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Aggressive behavior is a range of acts that result in physical and psychological harm to the perpetrator, and other students, thus hindering learning activities. This study investigated the relationship between exposure to violent videos and aggressive behavior among public secondary students in Kwara State, Nigeria. The survey method with a correlational design was adopted. A total sample of 381 participants was involved using the stratified random sampling technique. A research-designed questionnaire titled Exposure to Violent Videos and Aggressive Behaviour Questionnaire (EVABQ) was used to collect the data. Pearson’s product-moment correlation and t-test statistics were used to analyze the hypotheses. Results revealed a positive relationship between exposure to violent videos and aggressive behavior. The results showed statistically significant differences in exposure to violent videos and aggressive behavior among public secondary students based on gender and age. Male respondents were more exposed to violent videos and had more aggressive behavior than females. In contrast, students below 15 years old were more exposed to violent videos and exhibited aggressive behavior than 15 years and above. Therefore, school counselors should sensitize public secondary students to the influence of exposure to violent videos on aggressive behavior, especially among males and students below 15 years old.
... Currently, many concerns have been raised about the kinds of values and attitudes that may be inculcated by exposure to certain kinds of media content, especially violence in movies (Kubey and Larson, 2005). During the previous decade, accusations towards the media have also been made against violent computer and video games, the popularity of which among adolescents is rising (Scott, 1995). ...
... It was emphasized that factors cognitive engagement, affective engagement, and behavioral engagement are affecting towards engaging the video games playing (21) and more accessibility to computer devices, platform, time affect towards more video game playing (22) Accordingly, the conceptual framework has been developed as follows. ...
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With the growth of the field of video gaming is given the extreme popularity among the older teenagers and emerging grownups with providing crucial breaks to investigate positive outcomes of sport themed video game playing during this development period. As a quantitative study complemented by explanatory research design, this study intended to identify the impact of sport themed video game playing on real-life sports involvement by selecting 200 undergraduates from all the faculties in Rajarata University Sri Lanka by using stratified sampling techniques employing a self-designed questionnaire. As per findings, there is a significant impact sport themed video game playing on the real-life sports involvement and affective engagement, behavioral engagement and accessibility are significantly impacted on real-life sports involvement. Thus, it is recommended that sports-themed video game play may be an effective tool to promote real-life sports participation and physical activity among older adolescents and emerging adults. As well as the finding makes vital support to an emerging body of literature on the positive outcomes of video game playing.
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The study titled “media influence on dressing pattern of students of tertiary institutions. The aimed of the study is to discover the influence of home movie in dressing pattern of students in higher institutions of learning. To identify if there is influence on the dressing pattern of students of tertiary institutions in Nigeria, To determine the nature of the influence on their dressing patterns, To know if the influence is positive or negative and To explore ways that can positively influence their dressing patterns. The study adopted Cultivation and Cultural imperialism theories and survey method approach. The data of the study were sourced from the primary sources. The instrument used for data collection was the closed ended questionnaire. 370 questionnaires were administered to respondents. The findings of the study revealed that dressing patterns in home media have positive Influence on the dressing style of students. This is manifested in the pride these students derive in seeing African values celebrated as reflected in their dress patterns. The study showed that most of these students expose themselves to the home movie medium and even a higher percentage do so at regular basis and are more prone to noticing the dress patterns on those home movie. The home media are therefore veritable instruments for mobilization and national orientation for desirable attitudes.
The purpose of this research is to investigate whether we are dealing with an ‘anti-social screen-generation’. In the context of this investigation, the concept ‘anti-social’ refers to social isolation resulting from the fact that young people consider the electronic media as their ‘electronic friend’ and isolate themselves from their family and friends. There are two main questions: 1) Do young people spend all of their leisure time on electronic media or do they still have time for printed media? 2) Do young people prefer the company of the computer screen to human contact? The results show that the electronical media play an important role in the life of young people, and that printed media had to take a step back, which justifies the use of the term “screen-generation’. However ‘“today’s youngsters’ are not anti-social according to our definition: they prefer the company of people above that of machines. This study was conducted among 320 young people, boys and girls, between 12 and 14 years old.
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This study evaluated the taxonomies, social impacts of home video circulation and gender acceptability among teachers for cultural development in Nigeria. The quantitative survey was to find out the major video themes; the preferred and the rating in gender cultural promotion. The setting was Cross River State, backed by the cultivation and social theories. The technique of analysis was by use of tables and percentages on a population of 2,100 teachers from 260 secondary schools in 15 local government areas, with a sample size of 210 teachers in three senatorial districts. Results show that majority of the female teachers at 114 or 54% frequently watch Nigerian home videos above the male teachers at 96 or 46%. In addition, the public secondary school teachers at 160 or 76% are familiar with odd video themes that featuring ritual killings against education, skills development, sports, games or religion and gospel matters. In addition, majority of the teachers ranked contents of video themes as lacking in gender equality for cultural development with male gender group dominance at 117 or 56 % respondents. It contributed recommendations that home video entertainment should be on positive issues of education, skill training, sports rather than frequent presentation of videos on rituals and killings.
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Für die Erforschung von Verhaltensweisen, die in Verbindung mit dem Smartphone stehen, eignet sich insbesondere die Mobile Experience Sampling Methode (MESM). Sie wurde mit dem Ziel entwickelt, menschliches Verhalten unmittelbar und direkt in der natürlichen Umgebung der Befragten zu erheben. Damit hat sie besonders für den Einsatz in der Kinder- und Jugendmedienforschung Potenzial: Heranwachsende sind in Deutschland beinahe flächendeckend mit Smartphones ausgestattet und tragen sie fast immer bei sich. Die Methode ermöglicht durch wiederholte Messungen nicht nur die Erfassung situativer Effekte in der Mediennutzung, sondern auch die Analyse intraindividueller Unterschiede. Gerade in Bezug auf Minderjährige als besonders vulnerable Gruppe sind bei solchen stark in die Privatsphäre eingreifenden Forschungsdesigns unbedingt forschungsethische Aspekte zu berücksichtigen. Unser Beitrag befasst sich daher mit dem Mehrwert der MESM hinsichtlich ihres Einsatzes in der Kinder- und Jugendmedienforschung und beleuchtet die spezifischen Herausforderungen, die sich aus dieser Zielgruppe ergeben. Diesen Themen widmen wir uns sowohl auf einer projektübergreifenden Ebene als auch in Form eines Werkstattberichts, in dem wir konkrete Fallstricke aufgreifen, die uns in der Forschungspraxis begegnet sind.
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The purpose of this study was to determine satellite television viewing habits of high school teachers and administrators and their attitude towards various elements of culture imbibed from satellite television movies and its impact on Ethiopian culture. The study also determined the link between television-viewing habits, attitudes and gender. It was conducted on select private and government secondary schools found in Nifas Silk Lafto sub-city of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A mixed-methods and case study approach was employed. The study used a mix of purposive, stratified random sampling technique. Instruments of data collection composed of questionnaire and interview. The findings indicated that Television, Mobile device, and Internet are most sought after by the teachers and administrators to satisfy their information /entertainment needs. Most of them were found to be heavy viewers of satellite television. Movies serve as the overall major shows for the school teachers and administrators. Differences in expressions of attitude of the high school teachers and administrators from the private and government schools were not statistically significant. Altogether, however, between the continuum of extremely negative and positive attitudes the subjects' attitude is more inclined towards negativity. The study indicated that there is association between television-viewing habit and attitude. The analysis also indicated that there is some connection between gender and attitude. Findings of the present study thus have implication on media literacy training or promoting media awareness among the school communities.
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Sexual and/or violent images or both were added to the visual portion of a rock-music video whose original visuals were both nonsexual and nonviolent. The music was used in a control condition. Enjoyment of the rock music was markedly influenced by particular visual embellishments. The involvement of sexual stimuli intensified music appreciation in both males and females. There was a tendency for the involvement of violent stimuli to have a similar effect. However, the combination of sexual and violent images failed to enhance appreciation of the music. Irrespective of enjoyment, the presence of visual embellishments influenced the perception of music also. The visualization of rebellious lyrical elements, whether or not emphasizing sex or violence or both, fostered perceptions of greater musical rebelliousness. The involvement of violent images produced the strongest effect of this kind. Additionally, the involvement of sexual images made the music appear more sensual and romantic for males. Females, in contrast, found the rock music devoid of visual embellishments most romantic. Finally, females, in contrast to males, reported less enjoyment for visual accompaniments of rock that involved sexual images than for those that were devoid of them, and they objected more strongly than males to the incorporation of sexual images in publicly accessible rock-music videos.
The decline in TV viewing and increase in music listening associated with the onset of adolescence is examined in terms of the changing social ecology of adolescents' daily lives. Fifth to 9th graders provided self-reports on random moments in their experience over one week. These data suggest that less frequent TV watching by adolescents, as compared to preadolescents, is attributable to a decrease in TV watching done with the family, particularly on weekend mornings and evenings. Adolescents who do watch more TV are those who spend more time with the family overall. In contrast, adolescents who frequently listen to music are those who spend more time with friends. It is argued that the partial shift from television to music during adolescence represents a shift from a medium that reinforces parental values to one that reinforces peer values and speaks to adolescent developmental tasks.
This paper evaluates the effectiveness of the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) among preadolescents and young adolescents by examining its implementation in a study of 483 5th-9th graders. Four specific methodological questions are addressed: (1) How adequate is the sampling of adolescents? (2) How adequate is the sampling of adolescents' experiences? (3) Does the method alter the phenomenon it attempts to measure? (4) How valid are the data obtained? Methodological information collected as part of the study suggests that the data obtained by the ESM accurately represents most of the experience of most of the individuals in the sample population.
In this essay, I develop the argument that texts may be especially rhetorically effective when the content, the medium used to convey the content, and real life experiences that make the content relevant are formally or structurally similar. I examine the work of several scholars from different traditions to show that many schools of thought have suggested that formal linkage creates rhetorical effect: some structuralists, Marxists, recent media theorists, and the work of Altheide and Snow. Burke's theory of form is offered as a useful way to explain the effect of formal links. The ways that formal linkages and the symbolic dynamics of content, medium, and experience might be discovered are illustrated in an analysis of conventional, heterosexual, male‐dominant pornography as viewed on home videocassette recorders. Finally, I consider the implications of discovering such formal links and outline research strategies needed to develop this argument further.
One-hundred-four adult workers' affective and cognitive responses to television were studied via the recently developed Experience Sampling Method in which respondents are supplied with radio controlled electronic paging devices and signaled to report their mood states at random times over the course of a normal week. The activity of television viewing was examined within its typical social contexts (family versus solitary viewing) and in contrast to daily activities such as working, eating, and reading. Television viewing was found to be a relatively unchallenging activity requiring little cognitive investment and consistently tied to feelings of relaxation, passivity, and drowsiness.
In a previous publication we reported on the emotional and physiological-sexual reactions as well as the changes in sexual behavior in men and women when they were confronted with sexual thematic slides (Sigusch, 1970). In contrast to the data of Kinsey (1953), we found relatively few sex-specific differences for the variables we covered. We were not able to establish any sex differences at all for physiological-sexual reactions during the showing of the pictures and for changes in sexual behavior in the 24 hours after the experiment. In this report, too, emotional and physio-sexual behavior will be described, with a special view on sex specific differences. This time, however, we are using a different set of stimuli, namely films and slides that show petting and coitus. In addition, more variables are isolated and examined.
Addresses the role of video games in the lives of adolescents. Considers the significance of video games both as cultural "texts" and organized social activities. Examines motivations, practical interests, and behavior of suppliers and consumers of these products. (CMG)