The establishment of epitypes (together with emended diagnoses) for seven species of Phacus Dujardin: Phacus oscillans Klebs, Phacus parvulus Klebs, Phacus pusillus Lemmermann, Phacus skujae Skvortzov, Phacus inflexus (Kisselew) Pochmann, Phacus polytrophos Pochmann and Phacus smulkowskianus (Zakryś) Kusber was achieved thanks to literature studies, verification of morphological diagnostic features (cell size, cell shape), as well as molecular characters (SSU rDNA). Within the group of the investigated Phacus species, usually well distinguished morphologically, inter-specific 18S rDNA sequence similarity was 95.1-99.0%, whereas intra-specific 18S rDNA sequence similarity was 99.1-99.9%. Some of the phylogenetic relationships between the seven species have not been resolved, but the topology obtained indicates their assignment into two sister clades. The first clade is composed of two sister groups – P. parvulus and P. pusillus, while the second constitutes an assemblage of the remaining five species, between which the relationships remain unresolved.