
The Oxfam Gender Training Manual

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... This means that they have some knowledge about environmental management and indigenous woodland conservation techniques as this is part of the educational syllabi. This also is an advantage to the community since illiteracy in women has trapped generations in a cycle of poverty and environmental degradation, as observed by Williams, et al (1994) in their studies. This means that they have experienced fuel wood scarcity problems in area and are playing a role in trying to maintain the few types of woodland left. ...
... Some also added the idea that they have fewer opportunities than men to attend school and that they are looked down upon by their male counterparts. This also supports the works of Williams et al (1994), Whitlow (1997) and Sweetman (1997) who observed that many legal obstacles exist which prevent women from fully participating in, and benefiting from, development and resource conservation despite the international legal conventions and agreements to ensure women's equal rights with men in spheres of activity. Very few cited old age as another constraint. ...
... Despite the wonderful work being done by women in Marange Communal Lands many legal obstacles exist which prevent them from fully participating in resource conservation. These constraints matched those observed by Williams et al (1994), Whitlow (1997) and Sweetman (1997)'s studies. ...
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This research study sought to determine the role of women in the sustainable management of indigenous woodlands in Manicaland province using Marange communal lands as a point of reference. In this study three traditional leaders, three women’s groups and seventy community women were used as research subjects. Questionnaires were used to gather data from the local women from the three selected villages. Interviews were also used to collect information from traditional leaders and women’s group leaders. These interviews were important in complementing data collected through questionnaires. Field observations were also carried out to enrich the data collected through interviews and questionnaires. The study showed that while women played a vital role in the sustainable management of indigenous woodlands in Marange communal lands, they faced various constraints including greater workload at home with little time to pursue activities outside the family. Therefore the study recommends that since women are more intimately involved with the environment through their day to day activities like fuel wood collection, they should be given due recognition in decision making processes. Finally, it is also recommended that the land tenure system should be redesigned to cater for female heads of households.
... And when we use term power here, it refers to qualities like boldness, self-confidence, and self-awareness. According to Williams et al. (1994) the concept of how one person analyses the significance of power in their lives through a thorough study of personal experiences so it would enable them to change and fix the glitches in present situation. A spiritual strength and quality that is present in every one of us that makes one truly a human, that strength or quality is the 'power within' (Rowlands 1997). ...
... It may be regarded a form of power that may lead to resistance or manipulation. There is a relation between this type of power and problem solving ability and decision-making authority, which are enabling and creative attributes (Williams et al. 1994). It is safe to say that with the help of this power, the possibilities of what's achievable without lessening the possibilities of another being. ...
... All efforts aiming to empower women include opportunities for women to interact with other women to discuss common goals and to recognize their strengths and weaknesses and to develop an action plan for achieving those goals. The objective behind this type of power is to provide a platform for people with a common purpose to achieve shared goals (Williams et al. 1994). ...
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This study aims to identify the impact of women's empowerment on work performance in Malaysian banks, while describing the creativity and competency of their work performance. This paper therefore focuses on the empowerment of female bank managers at headquarters and branches. Women's empowerment and work performance are two of the most important issues of concern and interest to Malaysian banking researchers. The contributions of female leaders are equally important as those of men in Malaysian banking industries. For example, the governor of Bank Negara Malaysia (Malaysia's central bank) is a woman (Tan Sri Dato' Sri Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz). She has been governor since the May of 2000, and she is the first woman to serve as governor of Malaysia's central bank. The empowerment process of subordinate workers will help increase their autonomy, personal control, accountability, and self-esteem. Employees will feel happier as the sense of "own-ership" of their work increases. Most female bank branch managers are be continuously under stress, and they work hard to achieve their targeted profit. They spend a great deal of time to complete their tasks at the workplace and, because of this, may develop stress, burnout, and even psychology disorders. In turn, these effects will impact work performance among female bank managers, who are departmental leaders of at headquarters and branches. Researchers talk about empowerment and work performance these days, and many female bank managers are trying to put it into practice. However, they do not really understand what empowerment involves or its impact on their work performance. As a result, problems and confusion may arise for decision-making authorities. This is a conceptual paper to study the impact of women's empowerment on work performance. The study reviews literature to analyse factors that play a role on perceptions. It then discusses empowerment and work performance in terms of common misunderstandings.
... Fuente: Williams et al., 1994 mantenimiento de la casa, como cocinar, limpiar, cuidar a la prole, y a las personas enfermas o ancianas. 3) Trabajo comunitario, que incluye las contribuciones de hombres y mujeres a proyectos comunitarios, como grupos forestales comunitarios, asociaciones de productores y grupos de usuarios de agua. ...
... Ř Igual acceso al bienestar material (alimento, ingresos, asistencia médica). Recursos clave: Williams, S., 1994. Oxfam gender training manual. ...
... Berdasarkan Data Indeks Desa Membangun (IDM), ada perubahan status Desa sangat tertinggal dan tertinggal di tahun 2018 menjadi Desa berkembang di tahun 2019 dapat terbaca dalam tabel 1 di bawah ini. (Williams et al. 1994). Kerangka Longwe melihat pemberdayaan perempuan sebagai cara untuk mendorong kesetaraan antara perempuan dan dengan laki-laki untuk terlibat aktif proses pembangunan dan untuk mencapai kontrol atas faktor-faktor produksi. ...
... Keempat, akses bagi perempuan terhadap faktor produksi atas landasan yang setara dengan laki-laki, misalnya akses terhadap lahan, pekerjaan, dan lainnya. Kelima, kesejahteraan bagi perempuan atas ketersediaan pasokan pangan, air, pendapatan, dan lainnya (Williams et al. 1994). Kerangka Longwe akan digunakan dalam menganalisa dari kegiatan Desa Peduli Gambut, yang akan diterapkan dalam sub bagian tulisan di bawah ini. ...
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p>Purun is a typical plant that grow in peatland area that has important functions for people living in peatland area. The availability of purun is now decreasing due to changes in land management and environmental destruction. Almost all of the plantation commodities in the peatlands area, management of peatlands in the forestry, agriculture, plantation and fisheries sectors apply exploitative and pragmatic methods, while ignoring environmental sustainability. Furthermore, environmental damage also occurs due to disasters such as forest and land fires that often occur in peatland areas in Indonesia. One of the damages happen to peatland area is the damage and scarcity of purun. As users and beneficiaries of purun, women become the affected group that face the impact of peatland destruction. This paper describes the experiences and efforts of women in peatland areas to restore land and restore the existence of purun in their villages. </p
... Called the Moser Framework, it was one of six 'gender analysis frameworks' each developed by institutions or individuals within their own organisational contexts, while linked to gender training. These included the Harvard Gender Roles Framework (Overholt et al., 1985); Rani Parker's Gender Analysis Framework (GAM) (Parker, 1993); Sarah Longwe's Women's Empowerment Framework (Williams, 1994); the Capacities and Vulnerabilities Analysis Framework (CVA) (Anderson and Woodrow, 1989) and the IDS Social Relations Approach (Kabeer and Subrahmanian, 1999). These were widely disseminated particularly among the INGO community through copious guidelines and training manuals (Rao, 1986;Royal Tropical Institute, 1998), with Oxfam's eclectic 'mix and match' Gender Toolkit comprising all six frameworks (Williams, 1994). ...
... These included the Harvard Gender Roles Framework (Overholt et al., 1985); Rani Parker's Gender Analysis Framework (GAM) (Parker, 1993); Sarah Longwe's Women's Empowerment Framework (Williams, 1994); the Capacities and Vulnerabilities Analysis Framework (CVA) (Anderson and Woodrow, 1989) and the IDS Social Relations Approach (Kabeer and Subrahmanian, 1999). These were widely disseminated particularly among the INGO community through copious guidelines and training manuals (Rao, 1986;Royal Tropical Institute, 1998), with Oxfam's eclectic 'mix and match' Gender Toolkit comprising all six frameworks (Williams, 1994). ...
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This article reflects on my contribution as an urban feminist scholar–gender expert practitioner to Gender and Development (GAD) theory and practice in cities of the South in relation to my changing positionality within specific institutional contexts. My journey started in the 1980s with urban gender planning, conceptualised in the Development Planning Unit, a United Kingdom-based urban planning unit. After a ‘diversionary’ decade in the World Bank, experiencing GAD non-alignment between individual and institutional positionality, my journey continued as a Ford Foundation external advisor, developing an operational approach to urban gender transformation. As I moved across the feminist scholar–gender expert divide, contextualised within changing GAD debates, I highlight and critique differences and similarities between ‘political’ and ‘technical/instrumental’ knowledge production of gender practice, and conclude that it is the cyclical synergies between them has produced the significant changes in GAD theory and practice. Keywords: reflexivity, positionality, gender planning, gender transformation, feminist scholars, gender experts
... Beliefs about individual capabilities bring about efforts that results in selfactualisation. Power within yields acceptance and respect for the self and others in similar social conditions (Williams, Seed, & Mwabu, 1994) A situation leading Fitzsimmons and Fuller (2002) to demand that Interventions purporting to promote empowerment recognise the inherent capabilities and capabilities of women and focus on their ability to increase their self -reliance and internal strength (Moser, 1989). Woolcock and Narayan (2000) observe that 'power with ' offers a stronger position to confront social inequality than the other forms of power. ...
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Agricultural interventions are planned on certain assumptions of empowerment that do not relevantly solves the livelihood constraints of the rural women they set out to assist. This is a failing that might be due to the elimination of women's voices expressing their understanding of empowerment and its relation to existing gender orders. Data from the Eastern and Ashanti Regions in Ghana we discovered women and men ideas of the processes and outcomes of empowerment. We started by understanding the root of women's disempowerment and accepted it's location within agricultural production relations that granted women limited privileges to resources Respondents recognized all the main dimensions of power: within, with, to and over. The restrictions of women's empowerment to the provisioning role on condition that it did not usurp male power over women limited intervention's ability to provide true empowerment for women. But signs of increasing transfer of women's power within into groups action and male agreeing of women's expanding spheres of influence indicate that some grounds for true transformation in the future exists
... Якою може або повинна бути ваша відповідь?компетентності «Мені здалося, що під час виконання вправи у малих групах ми "задавили" / "переїхали" учасницю -ми просто напали на нашу колегу» (соціальна працівниця).Іншою вправою, яка піднімала питання ґендерної нерівності та привілеїв, була імагінація «Світ догори дриґом»(Williams et al., 1994).Ведучий/-ча читає історію чітким, спокійним голосом.«Чи замислювалися ви коли-небудь над тим, що слова, які вживаються для позначення осіб чоловічої статі, використовуються для всіх людей? ...
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У цьому виданні представлено теоретичні концепції впровадження ґендерно чутливої практики у соціальній роботі та тренінгова програма, спрямована на формування ґендерної компетентності соціальних працівників. Монографія призначена для тих, хто цікавиться ґендерними питаннями та подоланням ґендерної нерівності. Вона також може бути використана для підготовки студентів закладів вищої освіти, які навчаються за спеціальністю «Соціальна робота»
... Further, power with refers to collective capacities for action (Allen, 1999), while power within signals the internal intangible assets of self-esteem and self-confidence (Nikkhah et al., 2012). Power within is associated with individual capacities for self-awareness, assertiveness and reflexive analysis of experiences allowing individuals to recognize how power operates in their lives, and to gain confidence to improve their situation in the context of gender power relations (Williams et al., 1994). ...
... Moreover, individual and small-group counseling, classroom guidance, and consultation activities seem to contribute directly to student success in the classroom and beyond, and school counselor such the majority of their time performing intervention. It is in the spirit of empowering the school counselor should grain their credibility, assert their significance, and make their own unique place in the school counseling is postulated [46]. To become proactive, it is high time that counselors use a balanced approach to counseling and heed baker's (1992) admonition: counselor in the twenty-first century must be able to provide prevention service that meet and enhance developmental needs and treatment service when interventions are needed. ...
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This paper examines the consequences of stigmatizing the disable child towards the development of mental sub normality. It also focuses on the difficult task encountered and the strategies adopted by contemporary counselors in mainstreaming or integrating children with disabilities into the society. The focal subjects of this paper are children that need special education, the blind, epileptic, partial deaf, lame, albinos, children with down-syndrome and those with other genetic and physical related disabilities which are the subjects for stigmatization. The strategic use of Inclusive approach, re-affirmation, care and integration, confidence building institutionalized in school and family life, have help in mainstreaming these children back to the society. This finding viewed sub Normality as classify within range with adequacy of social adaptation taken into account. Some disable children are even brighter than their normal students but yet classified as and term educational sub normal. Some show weak intellectual capacity and creates the need for some educational authorities to develop special school for them in the developed countries. But in Nigeria, they are accommodated in normal school. Disable children with Sub mentality suffer discouragement, contempt and neglect from early age. They are emotionally and socially dwarfed as most of them cannot respond as adequately to the environment as does the normal children, thus leading to isolation, stigmatization and development of weakened mental health and exclude themselves from social activities from early childhood. Therefore, it is a daunting task to the contemporary counselor to develop strategies that will help mainstream and integrate these disable mentally subnormal children back into the functional society and help to clarify their ill-feelings towards stigmatization due to their disabilities.
... These power dynamics are addressed by feminist theories such as women in development (WID), women and development (WED), and gender and development (GAD). The dependency of Hassanabad women can be analyzed through the conceptual lens of 'power within' and 'power with' which refers to one's self-esteem and confidence and collective and organized power of a group with a unified goal [32]. ...
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Gendered vulnerability from women’s point of view has gained popularity in disaster studies in recent decades especially in the Global South. The positioning of women in society during normal times gives rise to vulnerabilities that are revealed when a disaster strikes. These vulnerabilities are often deep-rooted in societal makeup, cultural and traditional norms, and the economic fabric of society. In the context of Pakistan, the role of women in disaster risk reduction programs is still an under-researched area. In this paper, the gendered vulnerability progression in one of the mountain rural communities of Hassanabad in Hunza Valley (Northern Pakistan) is analyzed post-Shishper glacier lake outburst flood (GLOF) in 2019 and 2020. The study uses empirical qualitative data. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with men and women of different age groups within Hassanabad village. A thematic gendered analysis unveiled several interlinked social, economic, and institutional vulnerabilities. The gendered transitional phase of Hassanabad society positively indicates women’s involvement in different spheres of life, including disaster management and mitigation. However, the lack of gender consideration on a formal institutional level exacerbates the gendered vulnerabilities in Hassanabad village. The case study of Hassanabad demonstrated that women not only have an awareness of hazards but are also willing to participate proactively in disaster mitigation activities. Therefore, to reduce community vulnerability and yield long-term positive outcomes of disaster management and mitigation strategies, women must be involved at the formal institutional levels.
... The Harvard Analytical Framework is described as a "gender analysis framework" Williams et al., 1994), and tend to focus on who has access to and control of different resources (Overholt et al., 1985.) Based on the Harvard Analytical Framework on Women Empowerment, this study shows that women in Kathalia gained high access to different livelihood assets such as housing, household utensils, crops and vegetables, ornaments, poultry, education, saving etc. ...
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Lemon (lebu) cultivation, a minor fruit production activity, is increasingly becoming popular among the marginal peasants. The present study aimed at exploring the potentials of lemon production and its impact on the changes in the livelihood pattern of the rural farmers as well as its impact on women empowerment. Based on qualitative and quantitative data collected from Mymensingh district in Bangladesh in 2015, this paper argues that life and livelihood of the citrus producer has significantly changed over the last decade. Income from the sale of lemon is the principal livelihood means and gender non-differentiated participation in the production process further enhanced the sustainability of the livelihoods. It also contributed to employment generation for those who are not directly involved in the lemon cultivation such as power tiller driver, irrigation pump driver, fertilizer & pesticide retailer, small lemon collector, lemon supplier in the study area. Moreover, increased participation of women in the citrus cultivation has changed not only their economic well-being but also social status, honor, planning and decision making power, and self-esteem. This study also shows that marginal and vulnerable poor women including landless women, female member of women headed household and widows significantly benefited from citrus cultivation. Yet, lack of cooperative society, financial support, credit facility, technical support, storage facility and marketing support are identified as the potential problems to achieve a sustainable growth of lemon production activity.
... PRA aims to change the relationship between researchers and poor people. Gender studies and the development of the Harvard Framework 23 (Overholt et al., 1985;Moser, 1993) also contributed to the development of gender sensitive methodologies that address issues of access, control and benefit over resources, and roles of men and women (Williams et al., 1994). Participatory action research and action learning also influenced the development of tools and instruments and their use in highly varied contexts. ...
The proceedings is divided into seven parts with seventeen chapters. Part 1 discusses the alternative systems for poultry, impact of legislation and assurance schemes on alternative systems for poultry welfare and the politics and economics; while Part 2 deals with the effects of alternative systems on disease and health of poultry, production systems for laying hens and broilers and risk of human pathogens. Part 3 presents the introduction to village and backyard poultry production and the technology and programmes for sustainable improvement of village poultry production. Part 4 reports on the production systems for waterfowl and game bird breeding, brooding and rearing. The Part 5 discusses the housing and management of layer breeders in rearing and production, furnished cages for laying hens and the performance, welfare, health and hygiene of laying hens in non-cage systems in comparison with cage systems. On the other hand, the housing and management, and alternative systems for meat chickens and turkeys are highlighted in Part 6, while the challenges and opportunities for alternative production systems are elaborated in Part 7.
... Source: Williams et al. 1994. generating activities are disproportionately in the domain of women. ...
... Children with disabilities are less likely to receive training for work so they can earn money. If they have not had a chance to gain job skills, it is harder for them to support their families and themselves [18]. ...
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This paper examines the significance of trauma-informed counseling as an intervention strategy towards ensuring the mental wellbeing and the reintegration of traumatized children and adolescent persons into the society. Children and adolescents in various parts of the world including Nigeria have undergone several cases of trauma especially in the north eastern part of Nigeria and in the wake of the current global pandemic which has literally traumatized many people leading untimely deaths, isolation, stigmatization and unproductive life. When something horrible such as the current global pandemic happened to people, they suffered a trauma. Some of the most common kinds of trauma emanates from pandemic, violence in the home, rape, war, torture, mental illness and natural disasters. Trauma threatens people physical or mental well-being, or both. As a result, affected persons feel unsafe, insecure, helpless, and unable to trust others or the people around them. It can take a long time for such people to recover from the trauma, especially if it was externally motivated. It is against this backdrop, that a trauma-informed counseling becomes increasingly necessary and indispensable as an intervention strategy towards the reintegration of the victims back to a productive lifestyle and social integration with a view to making them useful and unmask their productive potentials. The strategic use of Inclusive approach, re-affirmation, care and integration, confidence building institutionalized in school and family life, have help in mainstreaming these children and adolescents back to the society. This finding viewed trauma-informed counseling as appropriate within broad range of adequacies for social adaptation taken into account. Traumatized children and adolescents with sub mentality abnormality suffer discouragement, contempt and neglect from early age. They are emotionally and socially dwarfed as most of them cannot respond as adequately to instincts and stimulus as does the normal and un-traumatized children, thus leading to isolation, stigmatization and development of weakened mental health which tends to exclude these categories from social activities from early childhood. Trauma-informed counseling should take into consideration the promotion of community based, children and adolescent participation in decision making, improve livelihoods and create job opportunities and ensure good and favorable government policies. Therefore, it is a daunting task to the counselor to develop strategies that will help mainstream and integrate these trauma-induced disable mentally subnormal children and adolescents back
... Araştırma sonuçları arasında en dikkat çekici durum üniversitede toplumsal cinsiyet konulu eğitimler almış olan öğrencilerin kadına yönelik şiddet bağlamında duyarlılık ve farkındalık kazanmış olmalarıdır. Toplumsal cinsiyet eğitiminin kazanımları yalnızca kavramsal ve kuramsal düzlemde kalmamakta, katılımcıların kendi yaşam deneyimleriyle anlamlandırdıkları farklı bir bilgi türü ve gündelik yaşamda devam eden bir farkındalık ve duyarlılık yaratmaktadır (Williams, Seed ve Mwau, 1994). Toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğine odaklanan ve öğretmen adaylarıyla yürütülen bir lisans dersi kapsamında gerçekleştirilen bir araştırmada da katılımcıların geleneksel ataerkil değer yargılarını sorgulamaya başladıkları, kendi yaşamlarından başlayan bir değişim/dönüşüm motivasyonu kazandıkları görülmüştür (Esen, 2013). ...
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Kadına yönelik şiddet küresel çapta en önemli insan hakları ihlallerinden biridir. Tarihsel süreç içerisinde özellikle ataerkil toplumlarda kadın hep ikinci sınıf insan olarak görülmüş ve üzerinde güç kullanılarak kontrol altında tutulmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu kontrol etme davranışının bir yansıması olarak kadınlar, sırf cinsiyetlerinden dolayı, fiziksel şiddet başta olmak üzere, diğer şiddet biçimlerine (cinsel, psikolojik ve ekonomik şiddet) maruz kalmışlar, kişi hak ve özgürlüklerinden mahrum bırakılmışlardır. Her ne kadar uluslararası alanda çeşitli belgeler ile kadına yönelik şiddet önlenmek istense de, henüz beklenen sonuca ulaşılamamış ve yapılan düzenlemeler birçok ülkede kâğıt üstünde kalmıştır. Bu çalışma kadına yönelik şiddetin önlenmesinde önemli görevlerden birini üstlenebilecek bir meslek grubu olarak öğretmenlerin hizmet öncesinde kadına yönelik şiddet tutumlarını ve bu tutumları etkileyen değişkenleri belirlemeyi amaçlamıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu altı devlet üniversitesinde öğrenim gören sosyal bilgiler öğretmen adayları oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma grubundan “Kadına Yönelik Şiddet Tutum Ölçeği” aracılığıyla veri toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre kadına yönelik şiddet tutumunun cinsiyet, anne-baba eğitim durumu, romantik bir ilişki yaşamış olma, romantik bir ilişki yaşıyor olma durumuna göre farklılaştığı bulunmuştur. Araştırma sonuçlarına dayalı olarak; hedef kitlesi erkek olan çalışmaların planlanması ve yaşama geçirilmesi, annelere ve babalara yönelik eğitimler düzenlenmesi, kişiler arasında etkili ve sağlıklı iletişim kurulabilmesi için uygun ortamlar hazırlanması ve çalışmanın farklı gruplarla tekrar edilmesi önerilmektedir.
... He further stated that the failure to recognise that women and men engage in different economic activities in different sets of circumstances and therefore have different training needs has resulted in a relatively male-biased delineation of both skill acquisition and work in the informal sector, in which women are largely invisible. Nevertheless, there is a large body of literature, relating to skills training, which argue that poor women in particular need awareness raising if they are to overcome the barriers that face them when they enter the public arena, which is dominated by men (Moser, 1991;Longwe, 1998;Williams, 1994 andParker, 1993). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the impact of skill training on women's economic and social status of the participant in the Palameenmadu village and also sought to find out what constitutes effective training for women's development. ...
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Sri Lanka is an island which is mainly having an agriculture-based economy. Agriculture, forestry, and fishing are some of the major sources of income for GDP. Among those fishing, industries are very important and contributing to GDP by 2.3% in 2004, 1.3% in 2005, and 1.8% in 2006. Southern Province is one of the important areas contribute to this achievement. Further, Gandara, Dikwella, Dondra, Mirissa, Thotamuna is the major fishing harbors in Matara District. Gandara central was mainly selected by CIDA Restore Project because that area was highly damaged by Tsunami and the incumbents and their livelihood were mainly based on fish-related industries. In early times, the people in the area produced dried fish and Maldive fish using very traditional methods and technologies. Mainly, women are the key members among the producers of Maldive fish and dried fish while the men are engaging with fishing. The livelihood group of the CIDA Restore Project identified the fish and Maldive fish industry as a viable livelihood industry, especially for women in this area, and found the problems of the industry. As a solution, the livelihood development group got the assistance from an expert of the Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Ruhuna, who invented a solar-power drier. This drier helps to minimize various costs and maximize the benefits of the fish drying process. Hence, 10 Tsunami affected women who are willing, and as well as, previously engaged with this industry on a small scale were identified to start a new business. This paper aims to analyze the costs and benefits of the venture as well as the feasibility of the solar drier as a fish and Maldivefish drying equipment. The costs were analyzed in terms of monetary, time, energy, and psychic costs and benefits were analyzed in terms of product, service, personnel, and image. Finally, it was disclosed that the benefits are considerably higher than the cost incurred for the production of both Maldive fish and dried fish.
... The need for both men and women to participate in the process that transforms the oppressive gender relations cannot be overemphasised. There is need for conscientisation of both genders on women's subordinate position (Williams et al., 1997). Burke and Nelson (2002) emphasise that the new challenge in the management arena is to foster the advancement of capable women to the ranks of executive leadership. ...
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The study explored barriers to promotion for university female lecturers to leadership positions. In Zimbabwe, women have gained legal rights through government pronounced policies such as the Gender policy and Affirmative Action policy (Government of Zimbabwe, 2004; Chabaya et al., 2009). The theoretical framework used is critical feminism which deals with issues that marginalize women from leadership roles in Zimbabwean universities. A qualitative research design was employed. Inductive reasoning was used to explore the research argument. The design enabled the researchers to establish how society perceives the practice of selecting leaders in institutions of higher learning. A sample of 60 lecturers, 30 males and 30 females was drawn from a population of 200 lecturers at Great Zimbabwe University. Data was collected using a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The study found that very few women are in leadership positions. There is a culture of fear on the part of female lecturers to apply for vacancies. Men were not keen to support female leadership. The study recommends the need for a paradigm shift and change of mindset of women to seriously take leadership challenges that come their way. Women need to assertively compete for leadership positions whenever opportunities arise.
... 'Power within' yields acceptance and respect for the self and others in similar social situations (Williams, Seed, & Mwau, 1994). 'Power within' points to the consideration that empowerment derives from individual efforts. ...
... La división se- xual del trabajo hace referencia a la asignación y distribución desigual de las tareas entre hombres y mujeres; los espacios en los que éstas se efectúan, las responsabilidades que se establecen para su cumplimiento o no; los recursos para llevarlas a cabo y el control de los beneficios que se generan a partir de esas actividades. Tal y como afirmaban Wi- lliams y Seed (1994), el análisis social de la división sexual del trabajo puede clarificar la interdependencia y la cooperación, las desigualdades y los conflictos en las relaciones de trabajo de mujeres y hombres. Para perpetuar esta división y desigualdad, el prejuicio por razón de género es la más útil de las herramientas. ...
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Es un hecho ampliamente asumido que la gestión del agua potable suele ser un "asunto de mujeres" en relación a que el acceso al recurso hídrico es una necesidad cotidiana de las mujeres en sus roles de cuidado y mantenimiento del entorno y el hogar (Murdialgay, 2012), y son éstas las que más resienten su carencia porque son las que realizan las tareas reproductivas y de cuidado que requieren del vital elemento. A pesar de que las mujeres son las principales usuarias, cuando analizamos en determinados contextos los diferen-tes roles y responsabilidades asignados a las mujeres y los hombres en el acceso, uso y control del agua, saltan a la vista importantes desigualdades de género para conseguir el agua, en sus usos domésticos y en la participación en las estructuras comunitarias que gestionan y deciden sobre el recurso. Por tanto, analizar la gestión del agua desde un enfoque de género implica analizar distintos prismas de la realidad social, y tal y como plantean Rivas, Faustino y González, (2003) el "enfoque de género" no implica solo la par-ticipación de la mujer, sino que debe tener una perspectiva más amplia, debido a que debe incluir visión, integración, cambio de roles, responsabilidades, derechos, oportunidades y la toma de decisiones en forma permanente y continua y en igualdad de condiciones.
... Several tools have been developed to guide policymakers in gender mainstreaming (Overholt et al., 1985;Anderson and Woodrow, 1989;Moser, 1993;Parker, 1993;Williams, 1994;Kabeer and Subrahmanian, 1996). No tools could be found in the available literature that were designed specifically for determining the gender-responsiveness of nutrition policy, including the identification of gender biases that may influence policy choices. ...
Nutrition policies tend to emphasise women, overlooking the important role men can play as allies in achieving positive nutrition outcomes. This article applies an integrated framework for gender analysis to assess the extent to which Malawi's National Nutrition Policy and Strategic Plan (2007 – 2012) is gender-responsive. The study found that the Policy and Strategic Plan were not gender-responsive and did not adequately integrate gender considerations. The authors propose the promotion of a conducive environment for men's participation in maternal and child health by applying a more gender-responsive approach to nutrition policy. The findings could assist developing countries seeking to accelerate progress in reducing under-nutrition to meet national, continental and international commitments on gender equality, nutrition and development. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... In the developmental field, it is important to understand the perceptions of community, household and individuals to break it down based on local understanding. It is important to listen and consult with women of different age, caste, class and other socio-cultural divisions to understand their roles within the household and community to better understand and address their needs (Williams et al., 1994 andReeves andBaden, 2000). ...
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The “Participatory Gender Training for Community Groups” aims at sensitizing both farmers and field staff for gender norms, roles and relations, and helps inform, monitor and modify development project interventions. The activities and discussions within arose from science-based learning theories, with the intent of radically flattening predominant top-down communication structures. They are designed to be culturally grounded and regionally adaptable, while also enabling a transformative experience for participants. Workshop participants reflect on their perceptions of sons and daughters, critically review the roles and expectations on men and women when it comes to agricultural and domestic tasks, and develop bargaining skills that can be used to address unforeseen scenarios after the workshop. This manual can be used by any community mobilizer or NGO staff member who wants to hold a discussion with community members, or even fellow colleagues, on gender norms, roles, and relations. Furthermore, methods can be used by researchers for a gender analysis. Most of all, farmers and staff can reflect around their capabilities, value systems and existing practices to make suitable contributions and become effective partners in intervention processes.
... However, it can still benefit from optimalization and improvement, especially if the concepts of empowerment formulated by Kartasasmita (1999), Sumodiningrat (1998), Williams, Seed, and Mwau (1994), and Betata (2007) are to be used. ...
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The purpose of this study is to discover the performance of the financial independence, the members’ welfare, and accessibility of microfinance institutions to the rural areas in the Tangerang District. To measure the financial dependence is using financial ratios. Measuring levels of performance of the members’ welfare and accessibility using Chi-Square. The results found that, first, the level of welfare of members. The coastal areas have a higher loan value than other regions. Expenditure and income of members, industrial areas have high levels of spending and revenues higher than other regions. The performance of a range to members based on a group basis. Second, the performance of financial independence, categorized as "Healthy". The coastal area is 86.40, the area around the industrial area is 85.71 and agricultural area is 83,73. Third, the level of non-performing loans, the coastal area is 0.03, the industrial area is 0,26, and the agricultural area is 0.19. DOI: 10.15408/sjie.v6i1.4637
... Hence the approach shifts the focus from women as a group to the socially determined relations between women and men (UN INSTRAW Glossary-Related Terms and Concepts). The approach 'seeks to ensure that all decisions concerning development be reached through the local equitable participation of men and women in the development processes [22]. ...
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Gender inequality and poor women empowerment retard improvement in living standards of women and act as a clog in their contributions to governance and economic development. Gender inequality lower quality of life and culminates in limited productivity, hinder economic efficiency and growth. For over three decades, gender issues have been at the front burner of international summits. In spite of much progress in recent times, gender inequalities remain pervasive in many dimensions of life in various regions around the world particularly in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Treatment of women is yet to be fairer and related policies can be more effective to improve the status of women. No-doubt studies have been carried out on gender inequality, but less emphasis has been raveled with respect to hindrances and implications of gender inequality. Hence, understanding the nature of gender inequality will not only promote sound awareness among African countries, but also ignite government efforts as well as NGOs toward effective interventions for reduction of gender inequality especially in the economic and political realms where women are made worse off by the socio-cultural milieu. The methodological approach to this paper was based on reviews of published multiple documents to draw up statistical profile of the situation of women in selected countries of low human Development index in SSA to show the existence of gender inequality. The paper found among all the 12 low human development countries and SSA region examined that gender indicators such as human development index, expected years of schooling, mean years of schooling, estimated gross national per capita, share of seats in parliament, population with at least secondary education and labor-force participation rate are all in favor of men. The paper concludes with recommendations to narrow the gender gaps.
... Hence the approach shifts the focus from women as a group to the socially determined relations between women and men (UN INSTRAW Glossary-Related Terms and Concepts). The approach 'seeks to ensure that all decisions concerning development be reached through the local equitable participation of men and women in the development processes [22]. ...
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Gender inequality and poor women empowerment retard improvement in living standards of women and act as a clog in their contributions to governance and economic development. Gender inequality lower quality of life and culminates in limited productivity, hinder economic efficiency and growth. For over three decades, gender issues have been at the front burner of international summits. In spite of much progress in recent times, gender inequalities remain pervasive in many dimensions of life in various regions around the world particularly in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Treatment of women is yet to be fairer and related policies can be more effective to improve the status of women. No-doubt studies have been carried out on gender inequality, but less emphasis has been raveled with respect to hindrances and implications of gender inequality. Hence, understanding the nature of gender inequality will not only promote sound awareness among African countries, but also ignite government efforts as well as NGOs toward effective interventions for reduction of gender inequality especially in the economic and political realms where women are made worse off by the socio-cultural milieu. The methodological approach to this paper was based on reviews of published multiple documents to draw up statistical profile of the situation of women in selected countries of low human Development index in SSA to show the existence of gender inequality. The paper found among all the 12 low human development countries and SSA region examined that gender indicators such as human development index, expected years of schooling, mean years of schooling, estimated gross national per capita, share of seats in parliament, population with at least secondary education and labor-force participation rate are all in favor of men. The paper concludes with recommendations to narrow the gender gaps.
... Gender studies [26,27] have also contributed to the development of gender-sensitive methodologies that address issues of access to, control over and benefit from resources, and roles of men and women [28][29][30]. Bagnol [31] discusses the importance of understanding women's specific needs and situations to develop adequate communication messages and material. She explains that most control measures developed to address HPAI tend to increase women's workloads or to transform the scavenging system into a semi-commercial system with dramatic consequences on women, especially poor women. ...
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Since the advent of agricultural support services, animal health programming has most often appeared as a linear and top-down activity with information and resources flowing from educated, official senders or communicators (the "haves") to ignorant, passive recipients (the "have nots") who work and live with animals. The lack of consideration for the experience and perception of those at the animal-human interface can negatively impact the efficacy of animal health programming. In development practice generally, and more recently in the veterinary field, the importance of open communication and participation with program participants has been identified as integral to success. This paper reviews recent and extensive programming for rinderpest and highly pathogenic avian influenza to identify how participatory tools and approaches have been used and adapted for disease surveillance and response. In emphasising the role that communication and local peoples' knowledge and experiences can play in shaping animal health programming, this paper contends that participatory methods can help promote both animal and human health. The success of future programming however will require greater interdisciplinary collaboration and communication, along with the integration and validation of multiple sources of evidence and knowledge. This can contribute to the development of adequate strategies for risk reduction and efficient incentives for the adoption of risk reduction guidelines.
... The Harvard Analytical Framework is described as a "gender analysis framework" Williams et al., 1994), and tend to focus on who has access to and control of different resources (Overholt et al., 1985.) Based on the Harvard Analytical Framework on Women Empowerment, this study shows that women in Kathalia gained high access to different livelihood assets such as housing, household utensils, crops and vegetables, ornaments, poultry, education, saving etc. ...
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Lemon (lebu) cultivation, a minor fruit production activity, is increasingly becoming popular among the marginal peasants. The present study aimed at exploring the potentials of lemon production and its impact on the changes in the livelihood pattern of the rural farmers as well as its impact on women empowerment. Based on qualitative and quantitative data collected from Mymensingh district in Bangladesh in 2015, this paper argues that life and livelihood of the citrus producer has significantly changed over the last decade. Income from the sale of lemon is the principal livelihood means and gender non-differentiated participation in the production process further enhanced the sustainability of the livelihoods. It also contributed to employment generation for those who are not directly involved in the lemon cultivation such as power tiller driver, irrigation pump driver, fertilizer & pesticide retailer, small lemon collector, lemon supplier in the study area. Moreover, increased participation of women in the citrus cultivation has changed not only their economic well-being but also social status, honor, planning and decision making power, and self-esteem. This study also shows that marginal and vulnerable poor women including landless women, female member of women headed household and widows significantly benefited from citrus cultivation. Yet, lack of cooperative society, financial support, credit facility, technical support, storage facility and marketing support are identified as the potential problems to achieve a sustainable growth of lemon production activity.
... The Harvard Analytical Framework is described as a "gender analysis framework" Williams et al., 1994), and tend to focus on who has access to and control of different resources (Overholt et al., 1985.) Based on the Harvard Analytical Framework on Women Empowerment, this study shows that women in Kathalia gained high access to different livelihood assets such as housing, household utensils, crops and vegetables, ornaments, poultry, education, saving etc. ...
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The subject of the research presented in this paper is risk management, with a special study of banking sector. Research goals include determining the degree of importance and influence of risk management of internal and external risks to a more favorable environment for business success of banks in strategic terms, in the long run. In this sense, the key results of the empirical research on the territory of Serbia in 2015 on a sample of 34 financial institutions, of which 26 were banks, has been provided . The results were processed by statistical and mathematical methods and confirmed the validity of the defined hypotheses, that the importance of effective risk management in banking is growing, as well as the reporting system. The contribution of this research is in a scientific assessment of the importance of various risks, determination of the dominant theoretical and empirical knowledge supporting wider further research in this area in the banking industry.
... However, it can still benefit from optimalization and improvement, especially if the concepts of empowerment formulated by Kartasasmita (1999), Sumodiningrat (1998), Williams, Seed, and Mwau (1994), and Betata (2007) are to be used. ...
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The aim of this research is to extract information from married female clients who utilize financing, empowering, and other facilities provided by Microfinance Institutions (MFIs). Quantitative descriptive approach is used in order to describe MFIs. Specifically, the difference between MFIs in each area will be overviewed by using statistical instruments of testing for a difference between means and independent F‐test. On the other hand, descriptive qualitative approach is used to review the social interactions of female clients. The results of this research have uncovered some facts. First, however, Difference‐Between‐Two‐Means Test has revealed that no significant difference is found. This shows that the empowering aspect that has been done by MFIs conforms with the standard. Second, the fact that no significant difference is found in the empowering process has been backed by data that reveals relatively small loans scale, similarity in business models, unvaried necessity, relatively small expenditure and living cost, low access to education, and good accessibility to MFIs. Third, business models that are desirable by female clients have these characteristics: only requiring a minimum amount of capital; durable; fast‐moving; focusing more on costumers; adaptable; contributing to the society’s economy; flexible; having a set amount of freedom.
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’de kadın kooperatiflerinin kadınların güçlenmesine etkisini ortaya koymaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda nicel ve nitel yöntemlerin bir arada olduğu karma yöntem kullanılmış olup, 27 kadın girişimi üretim ve işletme kooperatifinden 235 kadın ile anket ve 70 kadın ile derinlemesine görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın kapsamı, Türkiye’deki kadın kooperatiflerinden oluşmaktadır. Araştırma kapsamının iki sınırlılığı bulunmaktadır. Birincisi, kadın kooperatiflerinin faaliyetlerine en az beş yıldır devam ediyor olmasıdır. İkincisi ise, kadın kooperatiflerinin statüsünün kadın girişimi, üretim ve işletme kooperatifi statüsünde olmasıdır. Araştırmadan elde edilen veriler göstermektedir ki, Türkiye’de kadın kooperatiflerinin güçlenme etkisi pozitif bir etki olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Özellikle toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği anlamında güçlenme etkinin daha belirgin şekilde ortaya çıktığı görülmektedir. Buna karşılık ekonomik güçlenme etkisi için aynı şeyi söylemek mümkün değildir. Ekonomik güçlenme etkisi yine pozitif olmakla birlikte kadınlar açısından çok daha düşük bir güçlenme etkisi yaratmaktadır.
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Women’s health is not only critical for women but for their families and communities at large. The importance of and focus on women’s health is reflected on the different national and international development agendas. However, the social construction of gender and the eventual development of gender stereotypes directly and/or indirectly affects the health of women. This paper focuses on gender stereotypes and women’s health in the Buea Municipality of the South West Region of Cameroon. Through a stratified convenient sampling prsscedure to select 108 women, the paper uses the Harvard Analytical Framework and Leveque’s Conceptual Framework of Access to Health to interrogate the theme and with the help of a questionnaire. Different gender stereotypes were identified that put the woman as responsible for care and family well-being no matter her condition. This proved to affect their health through stress, ill health, self-medication, mental health challenges etc.
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Good local governance connotes gender equality and women empowerment. This study focuses on how local government uplifts the morale of the women constituents. Also, this study identifies the gender-related concerns in the local government and the programs and projects in the local government towards women empowerment. The researcher anchors this study on the CIPP model of Daniel Stufflebeam (1983) to view and evaluate the programs developed by the local government and their decision-making process. This study employs a descriptive qualitative design and analysis of secondary data. The selected local government is Barangay Basak San Nicolas in Cebu City. The GAD programs have its essentials in providing the way to configure an integral part of policy research that will be focusing on policy shaping communities and necessitating potential political accommodation. The barangay could work hand in hand with other NGOs. There must be a cross-sectoral strategy between the GAD officers and NGOs. Building more networks could possibly help the GAD programs in the barangay.
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Der Beitrag betrachtet in queerfeministischer, postkolonialer und entwicklungskritischer Perspektive die Aufdeckungen sexualisierter Gewalt im aid business, wie sie mit der Veröffentlichung des einschlägigen „Skandals“ bei der britischen NGO Oxfam Ende 2017 begannen und 2018/19 unter dem Kürzel „AidToo“ international auf verschiedensten Ebenen verhandelt wurden. Die Analyse bezieht sich insbesondere auf drei Handlungsräume: zunächst auf feministischen Aktivismus, seine Strategie des speaking out und die Strukturen der Protestkampagne zu AidToo; weiters auf kritische und reflexive Debatten in Onlinemedien wie Twitter oder in den Blogs von „Smart Development“ und „AfricanFeminism“; und schließlich auf den Umgang betroffener Institutionen, vor allem Oxfam, mit den Aufdeckungen. Im Zentrum steht jeweils die Frage, wie die in AidToo involvierten Akteur*innen Sexualitäten, Körper, Normierungen und Normtransgressionen thematisierten oder dethematisierten. Deutlich werden dabei die Begrenztheiten und Widersprüche der untersuchten aktivistischen, medialen und institutionellen Strategien – aber auch die Wichtigkeit des Aufstörens und Aufschreckens, die politischen Kämpfe im Feld des so nachhaltig in Gewaltstrukturen eingelassenen aid business.
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The internship program is mutually beneficial to the author who got an opportunity for gaining field experience, and Oxfam which was benefitted by engaging the author in carrying out different advocacy activities during the internship period. During the internship period, the author has conducted three month designed activities designed by Oxfam. The key learning of the internship incorporates the understanding of the functioning and working environment at Oxfam, research skills, communication skills earned from both from the office and from the research field. After all, the report contains the story of how the internship influences the author’s future career plans and how the author becomes motivated to work for humanity.
Over the past two decades, gender training for military and police peacekeepers has become institutionalised in the global governance of peace and security. Such training purports to respond to gendered harms previously ignored in, or actively caused by, peacekeeping operations. This evolving transnational practice involves the introduction of gender knowledge – indebted to feminist theorising and activism – into police and military organisations – commonly characterised as institutions of hegemonic masculinity. This thesis takes the tension between feminism and martial institutions as its point of departure to investigate what meaning the term gender acquires in training for uniformed peacekeepers, asking: What epistemic and political work does gender training do in martial institutions? Investigating the pedagogical practices of gender training through a multi-sited ethnography, I approach this question with the help of feminist, postcolonial, (and) queer epistemic perspectives. I conceptualise gender training as involving the production of knowledges around gender; knowledges which enable ways of being and acting in the world. I suggest that training practices often produce an understanding of gender that serves martial politics and reproduces colonial logics in the peacekeeping enterprise, thereby emptying the term of the transformative political hopes that feminist theorists typically invest in the concept. At the same time, I identify moments of tension, in which gender training appears to be destabilising hierarchical martial logics and engaging in subversive pedagogy. In sum, I argue that ambivalence is an integral feature of gender training, and locate political potential in the cultivation of resistant pedagogies, which exploit the margins of hegemonic discourses to engage in subversive strategies of destabilisation and delinking. This thesis provides an empirical contribution to an under-studied area of global governance, as well as forwarding feminist theorising on political strategies for engaging with and against institutions of state power.
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p>This study sought to establish the impact of gendered cultural codes on the academic performance of female students at a university in Masvingo, Zimbabwe. The qualitative paradigm involving a case study design was considered the best approach for the current study. A case study design was chosen since the study of culture, gender and academic performance is ethnographic in nature hence the design is most suitable. A sample of thirty female students was conveniently sampled from a population of all part two to four female undergraduates at the institution. In-depth interviews and open-ended questionnaires were the tools which were used to collect data. This study revealed that the academic performance of university female students was greatly influenced by gender codes. The findings indicated that gender codes such as domestic chores and societal beliefs that females are home makers have negative effects on their academic performance. The study also revealed that students advocate emancipation from the bulk of domestic chores. This study recommends that the education system design a syllabus which includes gender issues that will be included in the mainstream curriculum where it can be considered as a subject. This may gradually initiate males in doing domestic chores without destroying the cultural fabric of the society.</p
Drawing from our experience as young feminists working with an emerging feminist advocacy collective focused on addressing violence against women and girls (VAWG), our article focuses on some of the key challenges young feminists face while advocating for feminist-informed programming in efforts to address VAWG in humanitarian and development settings. Drawing on our own experience as young feminists to prevent and address VAWG in a patriarchal world, we see ourselves as walking a tightrope. On one hand, our radical activism is instrumental in achieving a world where no one is left behind. Yet we are often told, in direct and indirect ways, to dial down the feminism, to be ‘inclusive’ and ‘intersectional’ with limited meaningful accountability to women and girls. We conclude by offering a set of recommendations aimed at advancing young feminist activism in VAWG work and retaining a feminist space that is political, while working in partnership with other movements and actors.
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Development literature has argued that empowering women can eectively increase the overall development of the society as well as the economy. Though women empowerment is not a sucient condition it is still a necessary condition in order to stabilize and in turn to have sustainability of the development process. In this backdrop, the present paper explores the linkage between women's participation in ower vending business and their empowerment. The authoritative position of women is mainly dependent on a series of many dierent factors particularly when subjects under study are from rural areas. This paper deals with two questions; the rst is concerned with women empowerment related to the women ower vendors of Kolaghat ower market of Purba Medinipur District, West Bengal. The second question examines how this empowerment is aected by other socioeconomic variables. In this backdrop, we measure women empowerment through the dimension index as propounded by UNDP, 2005. We also estimate a linear regression model to nd out the major socioeconomic determinants of the empowerment related to the women ower vendors. The results conrmed a signicant relationship between women's participation in the ower vending business and their empowerment. In this regard, the major factors aecting their level of empowerment are their respective income, their educational status, access to health and lastly the working hour in the ower market. Jel Classication: C25, D13, A 14.
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Abstrak Hukum Islam merupakan satu sistem dinamik yang dibangunkan berasaskan metodologi yang bersifat anjal. Pada hari ini, wujudnya pelbagai isu yang melanda masyarakat umat Islam kesan daripada perkembangan sains dan teknologi serta perubahan sosial yang berlaku dalam struktur masyarakat. Dalam usaha untuk berdepan dengan realiti ini, pendekatan integratif yang bersifat kontemporari perlu digunakan dalam proses penyelidikan hukum Islam. Justeru, artikel ini akan menjelaskan pendekatan integratif yang cuba menyatukan dan mengintegrasikan teori hukum Islam dengan kaedah penyelidikan sosial. Pada asasnya, terdapat model yang telah diperkenalkan oleh beberapa pemikir Islam berkaitan dengan pendekatan integratif ini. Sebagai contoh Islamisasi ilmu sosiologi berdasarkan model maslahah, model model sosiologi hukum Islam, model pendekatan bersepadu dalam analisis tekstual dan kontekstual. Semua model ini mengandungi kekuatan dan kelemahan dalam pendekatan integratif yang tersendiri. Lantaran itu, kajian ini cuba memperkenalkan satu pendekatan yang mengintegrasikan teori hukum Islam dengan kaedah analisis gender yang merupakan salah satu metodologi kritik sosial. Kaedah ini diperkenalkan untuk digunakan dalam menganalisis isu fiqh berkaitan poligami yang sentiasa menjadi perbahasan pada masa kini serta melihat kesesuaiannya dalam konteks sosial dan kemodenan negara ini. Kajian mendapati, kaedah penyelidikan sosial dapat menyokong kajian hukum Islam dalam usaha meningkatkan kualiti proses penyelidikan dan hasil dapatannya. Abstract Islamic jurisprudence is a dynamic system. It is facilitated by some flexible methodologies. Nowadays, there are varieties of issues in Muslims' societies that are results or implications of developments in science and technology, and also results of changes that happen in the structures of the societies. In order to face these realities, a contemporary integrative approach has to be applied in Islamic Law's research process. In accordance to this, this paper will elaborate the integrative approaches that try to unify and integrate theories in Islamic jurisprudence with social research methods. Basically, there are models that have been introduced by several Islamic thinkers that related to this integrative approach. For example the Islamization of sociology based on maslahah model, the Islamic Jurisprudence sociology model, the unified approach to textual and contextual analysis model. All of these models contain their own strength and weakness in their integrative approaches. This paper is trying to introduce an approach that integrates Islamic jurisprudence theories with the
Environmental economics, and economic valuation of the environment in particular, has in the past two decades not only become increasingly popular in academic circles, but has also been widely adopted as a development approach by international and local development agencies. However, while this approach now makes visible and valued environmental resources which were previously considered free externalities in economic accounting, it continues to be blind to the importance of gender concerns. This article reviews the basic tools of economic valuation of the environment, and suggests how a gender analysis of these tools might make them better informed.
In methodological terms, feminist methodology and gender planning tools move in opposite directions. Many of the tools used in gender planning tend to an empiricist epistemological orientation, characterized by a standardization of procedures and a preference for checklists, indicators, and measuring, whereas feminist academic circles have a predominantly critical attitude towards empiricism. Discussions in feminist methodology tend to question positivist scientific procedures and emphasize the importance of reflexivity. While recognizing the different requirements and goals of academic research and policy analysis in the area of gender, this article argues for more convergence in methodological terms, so that the two areas can enrich rather than oppose each other.
The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of gender differences on pro environmental behavior among employees of Directorate General Binapenta and PKK, Ministry of Manpower. Samples of 126 respondents were taken by taking a simple random sampling technique from the employees. This research used non test instruments, measuring pro environmental behavior. The research results show that there were diffences of pro environmental behavior which affected by the gender.. Based on the result, the pro environmental behaviors of female employees are better than male employees. Therefore, in order to improve pro environmental behavior of employees, gender of the employees should be considered as influential factors.
While women’s contributions to French agriculture are increasingly recognized, less clear is whether increasing visibility translates into empowerment opportunities. Using qualitative data drawn from interviews with French value-added farmers with diverse life experiences and trajectories, we examine how women have been able to achieve empowerment and the ways in which value-added agriculture specifically fosters an empowering context. We adopt a conceptualization of empowerment from the development scholarship in order to establish a baseline for scrutiny, viewing empowerment as a multidimensional process constituting the “power to” realize one’s goals, the opportunity to exercise “power with” others and the ability to find and nurture “power within” the self. The findings of this study indicate that through the performance of value-added agriculture, women were able to engage in the process of empowerment. They were able to exercise authority in the daily management of their farm operation, explore and define their own methods of work, to express creativity, satisfy needs for social ties and build a professional identity. However, our results also suggest the persistence of patriarchal and agrarian ideology, undermining the empowerment process. We conclude by discussing the context of empowerment which might mediate this experience for women farmers.
The aim of this chapter is to locate this research within the contemporary field of environment and development and thus provide the basis for why there is a need for a new conceptual framework for cultural hybridity. First, it traces a trajectory through contemporary development theory and considering the role that community participation and local knowledge can have in meeting the goals of sustainable development. Next, it considers how international environmental governance processes inform environmental governance policy and practice in any nation. Australia is used as a case study to provide focus to this critique. The chapter ends by highlighting why a new conceptual framework for cultural hybridity is necessary in this space.
This chapter discusses the methodology of psycho-educational groups work with children and parents for development of their psychosocial skills useful for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, with reference to: 1. Methodologies of experiential learning, group process and facilitation approach; 2. Methods of lecturette, pairing and sharing, small and large group activities, rounds and brainstorming, role-plays and simulations, workshops, and self-reflection and expression; 3. Tools of case studies, local stories and songs, games and exercises, energisers and audio-visual aids; 4. Utility and techniques of discussion for processing activities and 5. Programme planning with reference to components of a programme plan, background for planning, composition of the group and its baseline assessment, objectives, topics and schedule, planning the opening session, topicwise sessions, and the closing session, and making the organisational plan.
This chapter discusses the module on family life education for children and parents, which has the following objectives: 1. Enrich family dynamics by developing family identity, respect for plurality of family composition, family adaptability during developmental transitions and skills of enrichment of family relationships; and 2. Learn the requirements of democratic family structure with reference to family ideologies, functional orientation, rules, roles and power, rights of child, women and elderly and democratic family decision-making.
This chapter sets the tone of the book by laying out its conceptual framework, the context of the study and the issue to be examined. It defines empowerment, examines different empirical approaches to measure empowerment—particularly Amartya Sen’s capability approach—and contrasts empowerment with agency. The methodology of the study and sample profile is also described.
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