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Arq Neuropsiquiatr 2005;63(4):1099-1103
Neurosurgeon, Posgraduation Student, Federal University of São Paulo (EPM-UNIFESP), São Paulo SP, Brazil.
Received 20 December 2004, received in final form 14 July 2005. Accepted 18 August 2005.
Dr. Edson J. Amancio - Avenida Bartolomeu de Gusmão 174/42 - 11030-500 Santos SP - Brasil. E-mail: edson-amancio@uol.com.br
S t e n d h a l ’s syndrome was first described by the
Italian psychiatrist Graziella Magherini
in 1989,
and was named in homage after Marie-Henri Bey-
le: Marie-Henri Beyle was better known as Sten-
dhal, a French writer who lived in Italy.
S t e n d h a l ’s diaries are full of notes re f e rri ng to
the famous works of art in Florence and in part i c u-
lar the emotions that took hold of him when view-
ing such works. Magherini compared these notes
with the symptoms presented by 106 tourists in-
t e r ned in the Santa Maria Nuova hospital in Flo-
rence over a period of more than a decade and
named the set of symptoms Stendhal’s syndro m e .
The present study makes a review of the feel-
ings experienced and described by Stendhal in his
diaries during the time he was living in Flore n c e
and gives evidence that the Russian writer Fyodor
Mikhailovich Dostoevsky presented similar symp-
toms, especially when contemplating the famous
painting Dead Christ, by the German artist Hans
Holbein, in the museum in Basle.
S t e n d h a l ’s diaries contained in his book Rome, Naples
et Flore n c e w e re consulted, particularly the annotations
of 22 January 1817 when he went to see various works
of art in Florence, as well as Graziella Magherini’s book
S i n d rome di Stendhal. For the symptoms presented by
Dostoevsky when viewing the painting Dead Christ, the
diaries of the writer’s second wife, Anna Grigorievna,
and the biography of Dostoevsky written by Joseph F r a n k
w e r e consulted, as well as the novel The Idiot, in which
Dostoevsky makes an extensive and detailed descrip-
tion of Holbein’s painting.
Edson José Amâncio
ABSTRACT - Stendhal’s syndrome occurs among travelers when they encounter a work of art of great beau-
t y. It is characterized by an altered perception of re a l i t y, emotional disturbances, and crises of panic and
anxiety with somatization. The patient profile described originally for this syndrome was of part i c u l a r l y
sensitive individuals who were admirers of works or art: artists, poets, writers and art students, among
others. The Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky suff e r ed from epilepsy and there is evidence
that he presented the symptoms of Stendahl’s syndrome while contemplating some works of art, part i c u l a r-
ly when viewing Hans Holbein’s masterpiece, Dead Christ, during a visit to the museum in Basle.
KEY WORDS: Stendhal syndrome, Dostoevski, Hans Holbein dead Christ.
Dostoiévski e a síndrome de Stendhal
RESUMO - A síndrome de Stendhal foi descrita pela psiquiatra italiana Graziela Margherini, em 1989. Foi
assim denominada em homenagem ao famoso escritor francês Stendhal que viveu na Itália grande parte
da sua vida como diplomata. Stendhal descreveu as sensações que se apoderaram dele ao se deparar com
algumas obras primas de pintores e escultores em Florença - vivências estranhas, por vezes acompanhadas
de sintomas físicos, sensação de profunda emoção, seguida de um leve entorpecimento, desorientação
t ê m p o r o-espacial momentânea, sudorese profusa e desrealização. Esse conjunto de sintomas, ocorr i d o s
durante a contemplação de uma obra de arte, foram catalogados por Graziela Magherini no hospital Santa
Maria Nuova de Florença em 106 pacientes, todos eles viajantes que vieram a Florença pela primeira vez,
passando a denominá-los síndrome de Stendhal. Com base nas reações do escritor russo Fiódor Mikhailovitch
Dostoiévski diante do quadro O Cristo Morto, de Hans Holbein, o jovem, num museu da Basiléia descritas
por sua segunda esposa Anna Grigoriévna Sniktina, em dados biográficos e na análise do entusiasmo com
que o príncipe Míschkin, personagem principal do romance O Idiota, demonstra pelo quadro, na própria
descrição que Dostoiévski fez dessa obra de arte, este autor propõe a ocorrência da síndrome no escritor
russo diante da contemplação do quadro. Discute ainda a possibilidade de tais fenômenos serem manifes-
tações críticas da epilepsia parcial complexa de que provavelmente Dostoiévski era portador.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: síndrome de Stendhal, Dostoiévski, Hans Holbein, Cristo morto.
1100 Arq Neuropsiquiatr 2005;63(4)
Stendhal – On 22 January 1817, after visiting
the Franciscan church of Santa Croce where seve-
ral Italian artists, writers and scholars are buried,
including the poet Vittório Alfieri, Michelangelo a n d
Galileo, Stendhal noted in his diary: “There, to the
right of the door, is Michelangelo’s tomb; beyond
this is Alfiere ’s tomb, by: I know of this great Italian
f i g u r e. Then I notice Machiavelli’s tomb and, in
f r ont of Michelangelo, there rests Galileo. Such m e n !
What a magnificent collection! My emotion is so
deep that it almost reaches piety. The melancholic
religiousness of this church and its simple wood-
en vaulted arches, still unfinished: all this speaks v i -
vidly within my soul”
In the north transept of the church where Sten-
dhal could see the cupola decorated with fre s c o e s
by Vo l t e r rano a seventeenth-century Flore n t i n e
p a i n t e r, his emotions overflowed almost into ecsta-
sy: “Sitting on the step of a genuflection stool, wi-
th my eyes diverted from the pulpit to be able to
contemplate the ceiling, Vo l t e r r a n o ’s Sibyls gave
me perhaps the greatest pleasure that any paint-
ing had ever given me. (...) I reached the emotion-
al state in which we experience the celestial feel-
ings that only the beauties of art and sentiments o f
passion can off e r. Upon leaving Santa Croce, my h e-
a r t was beating irregularly (...), life was ebbing out
of me and I went onwards in fear of swooning”
A c c o rding to Graziella Magherini, the majori-
ty of the foreign tourists who were attended at
the Santa Maria Nuova hospital presented acute
psychological disturbances that lasted from two
to eight days or longer. Such disturbances are char-
acterized by two types of clinical manifestation:
mental and psychosomatic. The mental take the
f o r m of disturbances of the sense of re a l i t y, des-
cribed as feelings of strangeness or alienation; al-
t e r ed perception of sounds and colors; and the de-
lirium of being persecuted in relation to the imme-
diate environment. The psychosomatic symptoms
re p o rte d include tachycardia, chest pains, weak-
ness, sweating and sometimes stomach pains, each
generally accompanied by anxiety and confusion
The psychological profile of such patients is of sin-
gle persons who are relatively young, sensitive,
i m p r essionable and traveling on their own (or per-
haps with one other person), and they are com-
ing into contact with great works of art without
the mediation of a professional guide.
Dostoevsky – The Russian writer Fyodor Mikhai-
lovich Dostoevsky (1821-1881), author of The Idiot,
Crime and Punishment, The Possessed and The Bro-
thers Karamazov among others, suff e r ed from epi-
lepsy and probably presented partial epilepsy that
was secondarily generalized with possible involve-
ment of the temporal lobe
3 - 1 0
. These suppositions
a r e supported by the testimonies of doctors who at-
tended him, jottings by the writer’s friends and re-
latives, and his own writings as well as by re s o r t i n g
to the characteristics of the epileptic crises described
by the writer in the characters created in his novels,
especially Helena in The Insulted and Humiliated,
Prince Michkin in The Idiot, Kirilov in The Possessed
and Smerdyakov in The Brothers Karamazov.
Dostoevsky published his first novel Poor Peo -
p l e in 1843 when he was 23 years old. The book re-
ceived enthusiastic support from the most impor-
tant literary critic of that time, Vissarion Byelinsky,
thus leading the youth author to immediate fame.
In 1847 Dostoevsky was imprisoned in the Peter and
Paul fort ress of St Petersburg for participating in
clandestine meetings at the house of a pro f e s s i o n-
al agitator, Petrashevsky whose objective was the
p r opagation of revolution and freeing of the serf s .
After one year in prison, he received the sentence:
death by firing squad in a public square. At the last
minute, with the prisoners lined up and tied to pos-
ts, the penalty was commuted to exile in Siberia.
Dostoevsky stayed in Siberia for nine years; four
as a common prisoner in the fort ress of Omsk and
five as an ord i n a r y soldier in the Semipalatinsk bat-
talion. It was there he met his first wife, Maria
Dmitrievna, the widow of a former public employ-
ee. In 1856, he obtained permission to re t u r n to
Russia, living first in Tver and later in St Petersburg .
He published The House of the Dead, a moving re-
p o r t of his own experiences in prison, which gai-
ned readers’ sympathy and he resumed his aban-
doned literary relationships after almost ten years
of exile
1 1
. After the death of his first wife in 1864,
he married again within a few years, with Anna G r i -
gorievna Sniktin, with whom he set off on a jour-
ney through Europe. On his way to Geneva he de-
cided to take a small break in the journey and vis-
it Basle. The object of the visit was to see the paint-
ing Dead Christ, by the German artist Hans Holbein
the Younger, which he had heard about
Anna Grigorievna’s testimony – A c c o rding to
Anna Grigorievna’s diary, Dostoevsky behaved
strangely when viewing Holbein’s painting: “Du-
ring the journey to Geneva, we stopped in Basle
to visit the museum, where there was a painting
that my husband had heard about. This was a pic-
Arq Neuropsiquiatr 2005;63(4) 1101
t u re by Hans Holbein, re p resenting Christ after his
inhuman mart y rdo m, now taken down from the
c ross and in the process of decomposition. The vi-
sion of the tumescent face, full of bloody wounds,
was terrible. The painting had an oppressive im-
pact on Fyodor Mikhailovich. He remained stand-
ing in front of it as if stunned. And I did not have
the strength to look at him - it was very painful
for me, especially in my sickly state [of pre g n a ncy]
- and I went to other rooms. When I returned af-
ter fifteen or twenty minutes, I found him stuck
in the same place, in front of the painting. His agit a-
ted face presented a kind of fear, something that
I had noted more than once before, in the first m o-
ments of an epileptic attack. I calmly took my hus-
band by the arm, led him to another room and sat
him down on a bench, expecting the attack at any
moment. Thankfully this did not happen. He cal-
med down little by little and left the museum, but
he insisted on going back there again to see this
painting that had impressed him so much”
Dostoevsky described it in detail in the novel T h e
I d i o t: “The picture re p resents Christ just after ha-
ving been taken down from the cross. I think that,
as a rule, artists who paint Christ on the cross or af-
ter he was taken down, make a point of maintain-
ing an extraord i n a ry beauty on his face. They make
e f f o r ts to pre s e r ve this beauty, even in his most ter-
rible agonies. In the painting…, there is not the
slightest vestige of this beauty. It portrays no more ,
in all its aspects, than the corpse of a man who en-
d u red infinite agony before dying crucified; who
was stabbed, tort u red and flogged by the guard s
and the people when he was carrying the cross on
his shoulder and fell under its weight; and who after
all this endured the agony of crucifixion, surv i v i n g
for at least a further six hours (by my deduction). It
simply portrays the face of a man who has j u s t b e e n
taken down from the cross, i.e. still showing signs
of warmth and life. There is still no rigidity, such
that the expression of unfinished suffering is seen
on the face of the now-dead man, as if he were still
feeling it. (This was well achieved by the artist who
made this painting). And the face has not been
s p a red. It depicts a man’s corpse well - what was
once a man and shows the nature of a being whose
time is over. Any man would be like this; it could
not be otherwise after such suffering. (...) On the
p i c t u r e, the face is horribly macerated by blows and
tumefaction, covered with hideous purple bru i s i n g ;
d e f o r med; with the eyes dilated and lusterless. The-
se are eyes whose whites give off a livid, half-glazed
deathly light. And what is most strange is that, in
looking at that corpse of a tort u red man, a specif-
ic and bizarre question is raised: if that body (and
Christ must have been like that) were seen by his
disciples, by those who would become his main apo-
stles, by the women who followed him along the
Via Sacra and remained at the foot of the cross, by
all those who believed in him and worshipped him
b e f o r e; how would they now believe that this mar-
tyr would resuscitate? The question comes instinc-
tively: if death is so terrible and if the laws of nature
a r e so powerful, how could they be overcome? How
could they be subjugated, if not even he, such as
he was, could beat them: he who during his life ru-
led over nature with his will, exclaiming: ‘Talita Ku-
mi!’ ‘Rise, maiden!’ and the young woman rose; sa-
ying to Lazarus: ‘Lazarus, come out from there, I
command you!’ and Lazarus rose!...? Contemplating
such a painting, we imagine nature in the form of
an immense, rough, mute, merciless monster, or
m o r e exactly and speaking much more tru l y, no
matter how strange it sounds, in the form of one
of those very recent abominable construction ma-
chines that has mutely and indiff e rently cru s h e d ,
d e v o u red and spewed out a being that is infinite-
ly precious, a being that is worth the whole Eart h ,
which was without doubt created solely for his com-
ing and descent onto it, onto Earth, this being! (...)
If there are any people around the dead body (on
the picture, no one appears) they must be experi-
encing the most terrible anguish and the most
t remendous consternation, since that twilight at
C a l v a ry must be extinguishing all their hopes, not
to mention all their convictions. And they must be
leaving that place filled with dread, taking with
them profound thoughts that they will never be
f ree d fro m ”
1 3
In the same novel, Dostoevsky again cites Hol-
b e i n ’s painting, a re p r oduction of which was hang-
ing on the wall of Rogozhin’s house:This picture . . .
this picture only serves to make many people lose
their faith
It is possible that Dostoevsky may have shown
the symptoms of Stendhal’s syndrome on other oc-
casions. In an article published in 1861 in the mag-
azine that he was the chief editor of -The Ti m e- ,
entitled “Dobrolyubov and Art”, he made it clear
that he admired the ancient and Italian masterpie-
ces, in particular the Apollo of Belvedere w h o s e
beauty he idealized: “a majestic and infinitely be-
autiful image” that engendered “a sensation of
the divine” and was capable of causing a long-las-
ting “internal change” in the soul of those who
contemplate this image
1102 Arq Neuropsiquiatr 2005;63(4)
A c c o rding to the words of Anna Grigorievna,
in Florence Dostoevsky “incessantly praised the fa-
mous bronze doors of the St John Baptistery. He
would like to have a photographic re p r o d u c t i o n
at natural size of Lorenzo Ghibert i ’s masterpiece
and, in part i c u l a r, The Door of Paradise p e r m a n e n-
tly within his gaze in his work office
Paintings played an important role in Dostoe-
v s k y ’s works, in his novels and in his journalistic ar-
ticles. This is shown in three ways: the novels, the
real paintings recalled and the pictorial composi-
tions imagined. According to Jacques Catteau, w h e n
in front of Holbein’s painting, Dostoevsky was t r a n s -
f o r med “as if nailed to the spot” with his face t r a n s -
f i g u red with enthusiasm or convulsed with terro r
“like at the beginning of an epileptic crisis”. The
fascination with paintings lasted for long minutes
and sometimes hours, and Dostoevsky, without
w o rrying about a possible fine, would bring a chair
close so as to able to take in the picture better. His
moods were ecstatic when viewing Titian’s Christ
D e n i e d , Rafael’s Sistine Madonna, Claude Lorr a i n ’s
Acis et Galathe, Holbein’s M a d o n n a in Dre s d e n ,
R a f a e l ’s St Cecilia in Bologna and Madonna of the
Chair in Florence, or of mystical dread, like when
viewing Dead Christ by Holbein in Basle
Comparing Dostoevsky’s behavior in front of
H o l b e i n ’s painting (from Anna Grigorievna’s testi-
mony and Dostoevsky’s own impressions left in the
novel The Idiot, which was practically all written
in Florence) with the behavior described by Gra-
ziella Magherini of the patients in front of celebra-
ted works of art in Florence, there is the clear im-
p ression that he presented the symptoms of Sten-
d h a l ’s syndrome during that visit to the museum
in Basle. Upon contemplating the picture he re m a i -
ned in a state of ecstasy and perplexity for half an
hour or more with fixed gaze, suspended re s p i r a-
tion and profound emotion affection, until the t i m e
when he was removed from the room by his wife
who feared an epileptic crisis. In Anna’s opinion, h e
had the same facial expression that preceded his
epileptic attacks, with which she was very famil-
iar: so much so that when she re t u rned to the ro-
om, she felt that a reaction was starting that could
have resulted in one of the innumerable epileptic
crises that he presented and immediately she led
him out of the room.
We cannot know if Dostoevsky would have had
an epileptic crisis if he had remained in his ecstat-
ic contemplation of the painting. Nor do we have
i n f o r mation re g a r ding any history of epilepsy
among Dr Graziella Magherini’s patients. She states
that electroencephalogram examinations were not
p e r f o r med; these could have provided an addi-
tional contribution toward understanding the phe-
nomena presented by these patients. In any event,
among the personal histories of the patients at-
tended and diagnosed as presenting Stendhal’s
s y n d r ome at the Santa Maria Nuova hospital in
F l o r ence, significant data were collected: more
than half of the patients were familiar with psy-
chiatric institutions, i.e. they had had at least one
p r evious contact with a psychiatrist or psycholo-
gist but had not necessarily followed therapy or
been admitted to hospital. Psychiatric histories were
commoner among those whose symptoms w e re of
mental nature (altered sense of reality and distort-
ed perception) and not of physical nature (i.e. psy-
chosomatic). It is possible that the writer’s sensi-
tive nature, as the great artist he was, and the pre-
sumption that he also had epilepsy of the tempo-
ral lobe, may have contributed in some way towa-
rd the symptoms described. However, it is not pos-
sible to exclude that Dostoievski’s behavior on fac-
ing the picture by Holbein have not been a com-
pleex partial epilepsy manifestation. There are in-
numerable indications of the fervent re l i g i o s i t y
that Dostoevsky professed throughout his life.
D o s t o e v s k y ’s breakup with Byelinsky itself re-
veals his unswaying religious beliefs.
As well as being a major symbolic personality
within nineteenth-century Russian culture, Byelin-
sky was one of the most important figures at the
outset of Dostoevsky’s literary care e r. It was this crit-
i c ’s praise of the novel Poor People that caused the
a u t h o r’s sudden fame in the 1840s, and Byelinsky
took him under his wings not only in relation to lit-
e r a t u re b ut also as a moral and spiritual mentor.
Dostoevsky nurt u red great admiration and friend-
ship for the critic. Nevertheless, this did not pro s-
per and Dostoevsky made a definitive break with
him following Byelinsky’s ironic re f e r ences to Christ:
“I am really moved when I look at him [Dostoevsky]
[...]. Every time I mention the name of Christ, his
face changes expression as if he were about to burst
into tears”
1 8
. Al the indications are that this re a c-
tion could have been provoked only by words that
w e re deeply offensive re g a rding Christ.
It is also relevant to cite the exact words of the
famous letter Dostoevsky wrote to Fonvizin as soon
as he left the Siberian prison: “If anyone were to
Arq Neuropsiquiatr 2005;63(4) 1103
p r ove to me that Christ is outside of the truth, and
that in reality the truth is not within Christ, then
I would rather stay with Christ than with the t ru-
t h ”
1 9
. Religious feelings exhacerbation is one of
the personality traits in temporal lobe epilepsy as
pointed by several authors following Geschwind
e and Waxman in the seventies
2 0 - 2 2
. Dostoevsky call
attention to that in several of his personages, as
Alexey and the staretz Zossima in The bro t h e r s
K a r a m a s o v . However, the most remarkable descrip-
tion of interictal personality traits in temporal lobe
epilepsy appears in Prince Míschkin of The Idiot
2 3
Dostoevski confessed countless times that the
central fact in his whole life was the existence of
God. It is possible that this fervent Christianity whi-
ch informed his whole life sensitized him for his
declaration upon viewing Dead Christ that this w a s
an extremely humanized and anguished image of
the dead Christ, without the transcendence gen-
erally involved in the pictorial representations of
Christ made by other artists. It is this that pro b a-
bly motivated him to utter the famous phrase re-
c o rded by Anna Grigorievna and later on placed
in the mouth of the character Prince Michkin in t h e
novel: “Faced with a picture like this, a man could
lose his faith”
In conclusion, the jottings in the diary of Dosto-
e v s k y ’s second wife, Anna Grigorievna, and Dosto-
e v s k y ’s own re f e r ences to the painting Dead Christ
by the German painter Hans Holbein in the novel
The Idiot, are highly suggestive that, in front of t h i s
painting, Dostoevsky presented symptoms that
coincide with those attributed to patients with
S t e n d h a l ’s syndrome or, in other words, exacerba-
ted emotions, a kind of ecstasy and lack of re a l i-
t y, ecstatic contemplation and physical malaise
when viewing a work of art.
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