
Teacher Quality and Student Achievement: A Review of State Policy Evidence

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Using data from a 50-state survey of policies, state case study analyses, the 1993-94 Schools and Staffing Surveys (SASS), and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), this study examines the ways in which teacher qualifications and other school inputs are related to student achievement across states. The findings of both the qualitative and quantitative analyses suggest that policy investments in the quality of teachers may be related to improvements in student performance. Quantitative analyses indicate that measures of teacher preparation and certification are by far the strongest correlates of student achievement in reading and mathematics, both before and after controlling for student poverty and language status. State policy surveys and case study data are used to evaluate policies that influence the overall level of teacher qualifications within and across states. This analysis suggests that policies adopted by states regarding teacher education, licensing, hiring, and professional development may make an important difference in the qualifications and capacities that teachers bring to their work. The implications for state efforts to enhance quality and equity in public education are discussed.

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... Education is a vital catalyst for economic and social progress, and the quality of teachers is a pivotal factor in determining the efficacy of an educational system (Darling-Hammond, 2000). Rivkin, Hanushek, and Kain (2005) analysed data from Texas and concluded that teacher quality is the most significant school-related factor influencing student achievement. ...
... The question we ask ourselves is, what kind of teachers do we expect our universities to churn out to actualize the educational goals of the country? According to Darling-Hammond (2000), teachers play a major role in ensuring high-quality learning outcomes for children. Consequently, Dave and Rajput (2000) argue that the quality of teachers is the primary factor influencing a student's academic progress within the school setting. ...
... The essence of cultivating a competent and dynamic teaching workforce capable of igniting active learning experiences through robust content mastery, innovative pedagogical approaches, and the ability to captivate students' engagement is widely acknowledged in the scholarly literature (Hammond, 2000;Rolleston, 2009). Notwithstanding the government's endeavours to elevate the educational sector, a pervasive challenge persists: Ghana's current teacher education system falls short of nurturing the calibre of educators essential to delivering the high-quality instruction that the nation necessitates to attain its developmental aspirations (Akyeampong, 2017). ...
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The foundation of any nation lies in the robust characteristics of its educational system. This paper aimed to assess whether student-teachers possess the essential skills needed to deliver the type of education desired by Ghanaians. A cross-sectional survey employing a quantitative research design was utilized. A sample of 385 from a total of 736 student-teachers was selected from the Departments of Arts Education, Business and Social Sciences Education, and Home Economics at the University of Cape Coast using a proportionate simple random sampling method. Data collection involved structured questionnaires that were analysed using Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) version 27 with descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage. The results indicated that student-teachers demonstrated a strong grasp of content knowledge, and they were well-prepared to implement creative teaching methods. Moreover, the study found significant differences in the content knowledge of student-teachers based on factors such as sex, age, and field of study F (18, 3) = 2.062, p = .008, and partial ƞ² = .122. Additionally, there were notable differences in the preparedness of student-teachers to utilise creative pedagogies, influenced by their gender, age, and program of study, indicated by F (18, 3) = 1.922, p = .015, and partial ƞ² = .115. The study recommended that educational stakeholders in the Universities should encourage student-teachers to engage in workshops, seminars, and professional development opportunities to remain updated with the latest advancements in their field of work. It also suggested that student-teachers be motivated to explore innovative pedagogical approaches within their specializations. Furthermore, the research proposed that universities responsible for teacher training tailor their support systems for student-teachers, taking into account demographic variations in their preparedness to adopt creative teaching methods.
... Education is the foundation upon which societal growth is constructed, and it plays a significant part in shaping the fate of individuals and communities with equal importance. Teachers, who operate as guides, mentors, and facilitators of learning (Darling-Hammond, 2010), are at the core of the educational process. Education is only feasible with them. ...
... Similarly, the findings align with previous research indicating that teachers' experience plays a crucial role in shaping student outcomes (Hanushek et al., 2015). Experienced teachers bring a wealth of pedagogical knowledge, instructional strategies, and classroom management skills honed over years of practice, which can positively influence student learning (Darling-Hammond, 2010). ...
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This study examined the influence of teachers' teaching experience on students' performance in Junior Secondary Schools in Kaduna State. The study covered the Senatorial Zones of the State. The study contained one research question and one hypothesis. The study reviewed literature on the influence of teachers' teaching experience on students' performance. A descriptive survey research design was adopted in the study, while a stratified random sampling technique was utilized to select participants, involving thirty (30) junior secondary schools. A fixed-response questionnaire titled, "Teacher Teaching Experience Questionnaire (TTEQ)", was used for data collection. One sample t-test was used to test the hypothesis with a p-value of P<0.05 significance level for acceptance or rejection, and the hypothesis was rejected. The finding revealed that teachers' years of teaching experience positively influence students' academic performance. Based on the findings, it was recommended, among others, that management should focus on organizing workshops and other relevant academic activities to equip the teachers with more experience.
... Penelitian mengenai manajemen rekrutmen guru menunjukkan bahwa kualitas rekrutmen dapat beragam, bergantung pada kebijakan dan praktik yang diterapkan oleh masing-masing lembaga pendidikan (Darling-Hammond, 2000). Rekrutmen yang baik berpotensi meningkatkan retensi guru, mengurangi tingkat turnover, serta meningkatkan kepuasan kerja yang pada akhirnya berkontribusi terhadap kualitas pendidikan secara keseluruhan (Ingersoll, 2001). ...
... menjadi tantangan dalam merekrut guru yang memiliki keterampilan teknologi yang diperlukan untuk mendukung pembelajaran abad ke-21.5. Tantangan Regulasi dan StandarPeraturan dan standar yang ketat untuk sertifikasi dan akreditasi guru, meskipun penting untuk menjaga kualitas pendidikan, sering kali mempersempit jumlah pelamar yang memenuhi syarat.Darling-Hammond (2000) menekankan perlunya keseimbangan antara kualitas dan aksesibilitas dalam regulasi rekrutmen guru.Manajemen rekrutmen adalah suatu aktivitas atau proses mengatur jalannya pencarian dan seleksi untuk memperoleh individu yang memenuhi kriteria atau kualifikasi yang ditentukan oleh suatu organisasi. Dalam pelaksanaan manajemen rekrutmen gur ...
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One of the biggest factors to enhance the quality of education in Indonesia is the educators themselves. The educator or teacher plays a big part in the process of education, which makes the process of recruiting teachers very important. This research aims to find the meaning of recruitment management in school, the process, the strategy, and the challenge of the recruitment process. Using collective works of literatures to study, this research uses the qualitative method approach. Based on the literature, it is concluded that recruitment management in school is a process that starts from planning the process until the placement of the candidates (teachers). There are a lot of strategies and challenges depending on the location of the school. It makes the recruitment management vary based on the location of the school.
... There is a substantial body of research indicating that the educational qualification levels attained by instructors significantly impact student achievement. Studies show teachers with a bachelor's or master's degree consistently produce higher learning gains compared to those with less preparation (Darling-Hammond, 2000). Analyzing test score data from over 3.4 million students in the United States, researchers at the National Center for Education Statistics found students taught by certified teachers with a degree performed a full semester ahead of peers taught by uncertified teachers with only some college education (NCES, 2013). ...
... These qualifications are critical to examining students' academic performance because teachers with advanced degrees often possess deeper content knowledge in their subject areas, which enhances their ability to plan and deliver effective instruction. This, in turn, can positively impact students' learning outcomes and academic achievements (Darling-Hammond, 2000;Rice, 2003). ...
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This study investigates the relationship between teachers' educational qualifications and students' academic performance in selected government-aided secondary schools in Semuto Town Council, Nakaseke District, Uganda. The research aimed to assess how different levels of teacher qualifications affect students' academic outcomes. A sample size of 124 respondents was selected, including head teachers, subject heads, experienced and newly qualified teachers, and students. Quantitative data analysis was conducted using Pearson correlation and regression analysis. The results indicated a strong positive correlation (r = 0.67, p < 0.01) between teachers' educational qualifications and students' academic performance. Teachers with advanced degrees (bachelor's and above) were associated with a 20% improvement in students' examination pass rates compared to those with only diplomas or certificates. Additionally, regression analysis revealed that professional certifications significantly predicted student performance (β = 0.45, p < 0.05), showing that certified teachers contribute to higher student achievement levels. The study concluded that higher educational qualifications significantly contribute to improving teachers' job performance and productivity. This is largely because teachers with advanced degrees possess enhanced subject-matter expertise and are better equipped with effective pedagogical strategies, enabling them to create more engaging and intellectually stimulating learning environments. It was recommended that educational authorities and policymakers should implement initiatives aimed at expanding access to higher education. This could include establishing more satellite campuses, increasing the availability of online degree programs, and providing financial incentives such as scholarships or grants specifically for teachers seeking advanced qualifications. Such measures would help bridge the gap between educational attainment and teaching effectiveness, ensuring that all teachers have the opportunity to further their education regardless of their geographical location.
... Prepared and continually developed, teachers serve as key factors for improved student learning outcomes, which enhance the perceived service quality within the institution. A strong argument in support of service quality is that teachers who are well-prepared and continuously developed contribute significantly to it (Darling-Hammond 1999). Malcolm Tight's (2013) exploration of metaphors for students in higher education highlights diverse perspectives on their roles within educational institutions, ranging from the client, who passively receives services, to the coproducer, actively engaged in the educational process (Tight 2013). ...
... Prepared and continually developed, teachers serve as key factors for improved student learning outcomes, which enhance the perceived service quality within the institution. A strong argument in support of service quality is that teachers who are well-prepared and continuously developed contribute significantly to it (Darling-Hammond 1999). Malcolm Tight's (2013) exploration of metaphors for students in higher education highlights diverse perspectives on their roles within educational institutions, ranging from the client, who passively receives services, to the co-producer, actively engaged in the educational process (Tight 2013). ...
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Amidst significant reforms in Moroccan higher education designed to enhance educational quality and align with the evolving demands of the job market, this study examined the primary factors influencing students’ quality of life. Using a quantitative methodology, we surveyed students from various Moroccan higher education institutions to assess key elements including the quality of higher education services, academic stress, and financial stress. Structural equation modeling, conducted through SMART-PLS on data from 426 student responses, revealed that higher education quality positively impacts students’ well-being, while academic and financial stress significantly undermine their quality of life, emphasizing the need to address these stressors. These results offer valuable insights for policymakers and education leaders, emphasizing the need to prioritize service quality improvement and stress reduction strategies to foster better educational outcomes and an enhanced student experience.
... Durante muchos años, educadores e investigadores han debatido sobre qué variables escolares influyen en el rendimiento de los estudiantes (Darling-Hammond, 2000). Algunos autores han demostrado que las creencias de los docentes impactan de manera muy significativa en la actitud del alumnado, influyendo en su desempeño académico (Echeverría y López-Zafra, 2011). ...
... En otro aspecto del estudio, los resultados muestran que los docentes obtienen puntuaciones elevadas en la mayoría de las dimensiones evaluadas, lo que indica que son profesores con una buena formación y preparación académica. En este sentido hay estudios que argumentan que entre las variables que evalúan la calidad docente, el porcentaje de profesores con certificación completa y una especialización en el campo es un predictor favorecedor del rendimiento estudiantil (Darling-Hammond, 2000). Sin embargo, no parece que implementen estrategias adecuadas que faciliten automatismos mentales en sus alumnos TEA, lo que refleja un valor medio-bajo de ejecución en estas áreas por parte de los alumnos, que por otro lado suele ser habitual en este tipo de alumnado. ...
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Introducción: Las necesidades educativas de los alumnos con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) son una prioridad en la investigación educativa reciente. Este trabajo pretende indagar sobre las creencias de los docentes y el rendimiento cognitivo del alumnado TEA en la etapa de educación primaria. Metodología: Los objetivos son: definir teóricamente ambas variables, diseñar una herramienta que permita evaluar las creencias docentes sobre el alumnado TEA y estudiar su posible correlación en una muestra muy controlada, con el objetivo de diseñar una investigación posterior de mayor envergadura. Se diseñó un cuestionario específico, con una adecuada consistencia interna, para evaluar las creencias docentes y se utilizó la prueba ENFEN para medir el rendimiento cognitivo de los estudiantes TEA. La muestra consta de 7 alumnos TEA y 9 docentes. Resultados: Los resultados indican que no existe una relación directa entre las creencias docentes y su incidencia en el rendimiento cognitivo del alumnado TEA, probablemente por el tamaño de la muestra y el nivel de especialización de los docentes. Conclusiones: Las conclusiones de este trabajo han permitido delimitar el diseño de una investigación más amplia, con la esperanza de mejorar la formación docente basada en el estudio de las creencias de los docentes que trabajan con alumnado TEA.
... The role of teachers is crucial in determining student achievement. Both qualitative and quantitative studies have indicated a connection between teacher qualifications and student performance (Darling-Hammond, 2000;Wayne & Youngs, 2003). Teaching experience is particularly important, as research has shown a significant positive relationship between the experience of teachers and student performance, especially in subjects like mathematics and reading (Clotfelter et al., 2007). ...
... Teaching experience is particularly important, as research has shown a significant positive relationship between the experience of teachers and student performance, especially in subjects like mathematics and reading (Clotfelter et al., 2007). However, the benefits of experience tend to diminish after approximately five years, as more experienced teachers may reach a professional growth plateau (Darling-Hammond, 2000). Rural schools face challenges in attracting and retaining experienced and highly educated teachers, especially those with specialized subject knowledge, as rural teachers often have to teach multiple subjects or grade levels (Manley, 2018). ...
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The education gap between rural and urban areas hinders social and economic development. Urban students often have better academic performance, leading to more job opportunities and higher social status. This perpetuates social stratification as high-level skills are in demand. Recognizing and addressing these disparities is crucial to tackling social inequalities. Bridging these gaps will promote social and economic progress and empower communities in an ever-changing world. This study aimed to examine the relationship between mathematics achievement and various factors at the student and school levels among eighth-grade students in rural and urban areas of Malaysia. Using data from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) collected from 1999 to 2015, separate multilevel analyses were conducted for students in rural and urban schools. The findings indicate that student-level factors play a significant role in mathematics achievement in both urban and rural schools, but school-level factors have a greater association with the achievement of urban schools. Additionally, compositional factors, such as students' socioeconomic background, have a greater relationship with mathematics achievement in urban schools compared to rural schools. The study highlights the need to address the achievement gap in mathematics between urban and rural students in Malaysia, with factors such as attitudes towards mathematics, educational aspiration, and parental education becoming more significant in recent years. Recommendations include investing in early childhood education, attracting high-quality teachers for rural schools, providing resources and technology access, and promoting self-concept in students through collaborative efforts.
... Dalam konteks ini, profesionalitas guru menjadi makin penting dan jelas. Guru tidak hanya diharapkan untuk menguasai materi ajar, tetapi juga mampu membentuk karakter siswa dan mengembangkan potensi mereka secara menyeluruh (Darling-Hammond, 2000). Hal ini menegaskan bahwa profesionalisme dalam mengajar bukan sekadar memenuhi tugas harian, melainkan juga membangun hubungan yang bermakna dengan siswa dan komunitasnya. ...
... Dari uraian di atas, disimpulkan pentingnya guru profesional tidak hanya terletak pada kemampuan mereka untuk mengajar, tetapi juga pada kemampuan mereka untuk membentuk masa depan generasi muda. Dalam dunia yang makin kompleks, peran guru menjadi lebih penting karena mereka adalah penentu utama dalam mencetak individu-individu yang mampu beradaptasi, berpikir kritis, dan memiliki integritas moral (Darling-Hammond, 2000). Guru yang profesional bukan hanya pengajar, tetapi juga pembimbing yang membantu siswa menemukan potensi mereka dan mempersiapkan mereka untuk menghadapi tantangan hidup. ...
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Guru profesional adalah individu yang tidak hanya memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang mendalam dalam mata pelajaran yang mereka ajarkan, tetapi juga menunjukkan dedikasi yang tinggi terhadap profesi mereka, serta kemampuan untuk terus berkembang dan beradaptasi dalam dunia pendidikan yang dinamis. Seorang guru profesional memahami bahwa pendidikan adalah proses yang berkelanjutan, dan mereka berkomitmen untuk terus belajar dan memperbarui diri agar dapat memberikan pengajaran yang terbaik bagi siswa mereka. Guru profesional menunjukkan kompetensi pedagogik yang tinggi, yang mencakup kemampuan untuk merancang dan melaksanakan strategi pengajaran yang efektif, mengelola kelas dengan baik, serta memberikan umpan balik yang konstruktif kepada siswa. Mereka juga menguasai kompetensi kepribadian, yang tercermin dalam sikap etis, integritas, serta kemampuan untuk menjadi panutan yang positif bagi siswa. Kompetensi sosial juga menjadi bagian penting dari profesionalisme guru. Dalam kompetensi sosial, guru harus mampu menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan siswa, orang tua, dan kolega, serta berkontribusi dalam membangun komunitas sekolah yang inklusif dan suportif. Selain itu, guru profesional memiliki kompetensi profesional yang mencakup pengetahuan mendalam tentang materi pelajaran yang diajarkan, serta kemampuan untuk menerapkan metode dan teknologi terbaru dalam proses pembelajaran. Mereka tidak hanya mengajar, tetapi juga menginspirasi dan membimbing siswa untuk mencapai potensi penuh mereka. Guru profesional juga berperan sebagai pemimpin dalam komunitas sekolah. Dalam komunitas sekolah, guru sering kali terlibat dalam pengembangan kurikulum, pelatihan guru, dan inisiatif peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Guru profesional juga memahami pentingnya pengembangan profesional berkelanjutan. Mereka terus mencari peluang untuk belajar, baik melalui pelatihan formal, kolaborasi dengan rekan sejawat, maupun refleksi diri. Dengan demikian, mereka dapat terus memperbarui keterampilan dan pengetahuan mereka untuk menghadapi tantangan-tantangan baru dalam pendidikan. Sikap ini mencerminkan komitmen mereka terhadap kualitas pendidikan yang tinggi dan kesiapan untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan.
... Literature Review Teacher proficiency, defined as a combination of subject knowledge, pedagogical skills and professional qualifications, plays a pivotal role in shaping students' academic success. Darling-Hammond (2000) emphasizes that teachers' qualifications significantly impact student learning, particularly in language education. For Gujarati, subject-specific expertise becomes crucial, as the language has unique grammatical structures and literary nuances that require specialized teaching methods. ...
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The Volume 6 of AYUDH: International Peer-Reviewed Refereed Journal (ISSN: 2321-2160) brings together an eclectic collection of 25 research papers, encompassing a diverse range of disciplines. The edition features groundbreaking studies in Microbiology, highlighting advancements in microbial processes and applications. Contributions in Education examine pedagogical innovations and their transformative impact on learning outcomes. Philosophical inquiries delve into enduring questions of ethics, metaphysics, and human existence. Research in Gujarati literature explores linguistic heritage and its cultural evolution, while studies in Management and Accountancy address contemporary issues in organizational strategies and financial systems. Papers on Chemistry and Dairy Chemistry present novel findings in chemical synthesis and dairy product innovation, respectively. Botany research focuses on ecological sustainability and plant science breakthroughs. Insights in Commerce tackle global market dynamics and entrepreneurial trends, while History papers revisit key events and their enduring socio-political implications. The section on Mechanical Engineering highlights cutting-edge developments in design and manufacturing processes. Contributions from Psychology examine behavioral trends and mental health strategies, whereas studies in Library and Information Science emphasize the evolving role of digital repositories. The Political Science segment addresses governance, policy, and public administration. Papers in Economics analyze market behavior and fiscal policies, while Physics contributions unravel the complexities of physical phenomena. Sanskrit research revisits classical texts, offering fresh perspectives on ancient wisdom. This volume, enriched with interdisciplinary insights, serves as a valuable resource for academics, researchers, and professionals across diverse fields, contributing to the expansion of global knowledge.
... Kompetensi guru adalah salah satu faktor kunci yang mempengaruhi kualitas pendidikan. Teori ini menekankan pentingnya kualifikasi, pelatihan, dan pengalaman guru dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa (Darling-Hammond, 2000). Kompetensi guru mencakup pengetahuan pedagogis, keterampilan mengajar, dan kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dengan kebutuhan siswa yang beragam. ...
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Penelitian ini menyelidiki perkembangan dan tantangan pendidikan madrasah di Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) dari perspektif statistik, kebijakan, dan hukum. Studi ini menggunakan data dari Statistik Pendidikan NTB 2021 yang dikumpulkan melalui Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas) dan data sekunder dari Dinas Pendidikan NTB. Analisis mencakup jumlah dan distribusi madrasah, tingkat partisipasi siswa (angka partisipasi kasar dan murni), kualifikasi guru, dan fasilitas pendidikan. Temuan utama menunjukkan adanya kesenjangan signifikan dalam distribusi dan kualitas madrasah antara daerah perkotaan dan pedesaan, tingkat partisipasi yang lebih rendah di daerah pedesaan, tantangan dalam kompetensi guru, dan infrastruktur yang tidak memadai. Analisis hukum berfokus pada implementasi kebijakan pendidikan dan regulasi yang mengatur pendidikan madrasah. Hasilnya menyoroti perlunya intervensi kebijakan yang terarah untuk meningkatkan aksesibilitas dan kualitas pendidikan madrasah di NTB. Rekomendasi termasuk meningkatkan program pelatihan guru, meningkatkan investasi dalam infrastruktur pendidikan, dan memastikan distribusi sumber daya yang merata.
... Regarding the concept of attractiveness, it is essential to clarify that while the term is widely used in recent literature, related issues such as job satisfaction, teacher motivation, and career retention have been studied under different terminologies in previous decades (Darling-Hammond, 2010). This broader historical context suggests that the concept of attractiveness, while evolving, has long been central to understanding teacher recruitment and retention dynamics. ...
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The widespread shortage of teachers highlights the urgent need to examine the factors influencing the attractiveness of the teaching profession. This issue is driven by high rates of early-career attrition, an ageing workforce, and a decline in candidates entering teacher education programs. Understanding the factors that make the profession appealing—or unappealing—has become essential for ensuring educational quality and equity. An integrative literature review was conducted to identify the key themes related to the attractiveness of the teaching profession, synthesizing evidence from multiple studies and highlighting research gaps. Findings reveal that teaching still attracts candidates driven by intrinsic motivations and social utility. However, external factors such as low salaries, challenging working conditions, and limited career progression remain significant deterrents. The social image of teaching, shaped by media and community perceptions, also influences career choices. The intersection of demographic shifts and educational policy changes highlights the complexity of addressing teacher shortages. Despite increased attention from policymakers, significant gaps remain, particularly in relation to interventions that reduce early-career attrition and support teacher retention. Future research should explore targeted strategies to support early-career teachers and examine the socio-economic factors that influence career decisions. Addressing these issues is critical to developing sustainable policies that enhance the attractiveness of the teaching profession and promote educational equity.
... The resulting financial savings can be allocated to hire additional faculty, reduce class sizes, and improve student-to-teacher ratios, enhancing overall educational quality. Darling-Hammond (2000) demonstrated that smaller class sizes lead to more individualized attention from teachers and better student outcomes. Schools that can afford to employ more faculty can provide a more supportive learning environment, contributing to higher levels of student achievement. ...
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K-12 schools in the United States significantly contribute to greenhouse gas emissions due to aging infrastructure, inefficient energy practices, and a heavy reliance on fossil fuels. Addressing these issues through decarbonization is not just important—it is becoming a critical initiative aimed at reducing environmental impact while simultaneously improving the educational environments we offer our students. This paper examines the current landscape of decarbonization efforts in K-12 schools, focusing on our challenges, opportunities, and emerging best practices. By analyzing existing strategies and policies at the federal, state, and local levels, this paper highlights how these efforts are supported—or, in some cases, hindered—by the frameworks in place. The benefits of decarbonization are clear: improved indoor air quality, enhanced learning conditions, and reduced operational costs, all of which contribute to a healthier and more effective educational environment. This research also delves into successful case studies, showcasing innovative approaches and replicable models in other schools nationwide
... When we look at the studies on the factors that determine the quality of education, it is understood that teachers have an important place in the education system (Darling-Hammond, 2000;Hattie, 2003;Heck & Hallinger, 2014). It is seen that the methods, techniques and practices that teachers use in the education process are decisive in the quality of teaching. ...
Bu araştırmada, öğretmen yenileşimci iş davranışlarına etki eden faktörlerin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Nitel araştırma yöntemi ve durum çalışması deseninde tasarlanan araştırmaya, 2022-2023 eğitim öğretim yılı Kastamonu il merkezindeki devlet okullarında görev yapan 11 öğretmen katılmıştır. Araştırmada katılımcılar belirlenirken amaçlı örnekleme yöntemleri olan ölçüt ve maksimum çeşitlilik örnekleme tercih edilmiştir. Araştırmada veriler, araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış bir görüşme formu ile yüz yüze görüşmeler gerçekleştirilerek toplanmıştır. Araştırmada toplanan veriler, içerik analizi tekniği ile çözümlenmiştir. Ayrıca araştırmada gözlem tekniği kullanılarak veri toplama tekniklerinde çeşitlik sağlanmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırma elde edilen bulgular ışığında; öğretmen motivasyonu, okul müdürü liderliği, mesleki işbirliği, öğretmen eğitim düzeyi ve öğretmen bağlılığı gibi bazı bireysel, örgütsel ve demografik faktörlerin öğretmen yenileşimci iş davranışı üzerinde etkili olduğunu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları bağlamında, okul yöneticilerinin yetiştirilmesinde yenileşimi desteklemeye dayalı liderlik davranışlarının kazandırılması ve okullarda yenileşimci kültürün yaygınlaştırılması önerilebilir.
... Similar conclusions were reached in a systematic review by König et al. (2022), likely because preservice and inservice teachers constitute some of the most actively researched groups in education. Focusing on these groups underscores a larger objective of exploring the connection between teacher quality and student achievement (Darling-Hammond, 2000). This points to the ongoing need for continuous advancements in teacher education, explaining why these groups are often the focal point of research. ...
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The present study examines articles published internationally from 2002 to 2023 that pertain to the skill of noticing in mathematics education. A thorough search was performed using the Web of Science and Scopus databases, focusing on journal article with this field. The purpose of the study was to systematically review and analyze research related to the noticing skill in mathematics education. Specifically, the study seeks to identify emerging trends, generate new research ideas, highlight underexplored areas within the field, and suggest potential research topics. The meta-synthesis method was employed to analyze various characteristics of the studies on noticing in mathematics education, including sample size, sample group, research methods, data collection tools, theoretical frameworks, content areas studied, objectives of the studies on noticing, components of noticing, and conceptualization of noticing. The analysis reveals that the majority of studies on teacher noticing have relied on small sample sizes and predominantly qualitative research designs, with a noticeable increase in the adoption of mixed-method approaches in recent years. The most commonly used data collection tools were video recordings and written notes, underscoring the importance of capturing real-time classroom interactions and reflective observations. The primary focus of these studies has been particularly on the domain of teaching numbers. Findings indicate that studies often integrate multiple components of noticing, reflecting a comprehensive approach to understanding how teachers observe, interpret, and respond to student behaviors. These findings indicated that researchers have diversified the field of noticing, resulting in a wide array of studies.
... Robust pre-service and in-service training programs are essential to improve teacher quality. Training should focus on modern teaching methods, inclusive education, and child-cantered learning (Darling-Hammond, 2000) [8] . For example, the NISHTHA program by NCERT offers training modules for teachers, which can be tailored to the needs of educators in Nainital (Singh, 2014) [19] . ...
... The modest correlation between teaching experience and scores indicates that teachers with more experience may develop slightly better conceptual clarity in physics. It aligns with previous findings that professional experience often improves teaching effectiveness by refining pedagogical strategies and classroom management (Darling-Hammond, 2000). However, the weak association and lack of statistical significance suggest that experience alone may not be sufficient to overcome common misconceptions in physics. ...
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Ensuring high-quality education depends heavily on teacher competency. Diagnostic exams can assess teachers' topic knowledge and identify areas where they need to improve their preparation. Nonetheless, gender and education level-based performance gaps underscore the need for a more thorough comprehension of these variables in the Ethiopian educational setting. The purpose was to assess teachers' performance on a diagnostic exam given by standards established by the Ethiopian Ministry of Education and investigate performance differences by gender and educational attainment. Existing studies on teacher competency in Ethiopia have rarely explored the influence of demographic variables, leaving a critical gap in understanding how gender and education level impact performance. Methodology: A cross-sectional analysis was conducted using diagnostic test scores of teachers. The relationships between education level, gender, and performance were assessed using statistical techniques such as correlation analysis, t-tests, and chi-square testing. Teachers with an MSc outperformed those with a BSc, with average scores of 75 and 62, respectively. Female teachers passing rate was (62.1%) and the male teachers (68.9%), but the chi-square test indicated no statistically significant association between gender and performance (χ² = 0.05, p = 0.824). Significant disparities in diagnostic test performance highlight gaps in teacher preparedness. Tailored training programs, equitable resource allocation, and gender-sensitive strategies are recommended to improve teacher performance and bridge identified gaps.
... The findings on the qualifications of English language teachers in Junior Secondary Schools (JSS) in Zone B of Benue State align with existing literature emphasizing the critical role of teacher qualifications in ensuring the effective implementation of curricula. According to Darling-Hammond (2000), teachers with higher qualifications and specialized training in education exhibit greater mastery of subject content and pedagogy, leading to improved student outcomes. However, the predominance of NCE holders in this study suggests that many teachers possess only the minimum teaching qualification, which may limit their ability to deliver the curriculum comprehensively. ...
This study critically assessed the implementation of English language curriculum in Junior Secondary Schools in Zone B of Benue State, Nigeria, focusing on key aspects of curriculum delivery and educational quality. The research employed a descriptive design, encompassing a comprehensive examination of 293 teachers from 104 public junior secondary schools. The study investigated three primary dimensions: teachers' qualifications, teaching methods, and student-teacher ratio. Through descriptive statistical analysis, the research revealed significant insights into the current state of English language education in the region. Regarding teacher qualification, findings indicated that 35.1% of teachers holds National Certificate in Education (NCE), with 26.3% possessing B.Ed and 22.2% holding BSc. (Ed) certificates. Notably, advanced qualifications such as M.Ed were minimal, suggesting limited professional development opportunities. Teaching methods demonstrated diverse pedagogical approaches, with universal adoption of demonstration and question-and-answer methods. Reading aloud (95.6%) and discussion (73.7%) were prominently used, while drill and practice techniques were least employed. A critical finding was the deviation from recommended student-teacher ratios, with classes exceeding the prescribed 1:35 benchmark. This overcrowding potentially compromises instructional effectiveness and individual student engagement. The study recommends comprehensive professional development programs, targeted teaching method training, and strategic resource allocation to address systemic challenges. the research provides valuable insights into improving English language curriculum implementation and educational quality in Nigerian junior secondary schools AND underscore the need for holistic interventions to enhance linguistic competence and support broader educational development objectives.
... Moreover, several research literatures confirm that the quality teacher is one of the most significant factors that influenced the learners' performance in an institution of higher learning (Darling-Hammond, 2000, 2003Santiago, 2002). Student output and achievement are not the only elements in considering quality in education, but also other components such as faculty research. ...
... School economic status (i.e., percent of student receiving free and reduced lunch) may also be related to relationship development and quality between teachers and paraprofessionals. Research has documented that schools situated in low-income communities often possesses less resources and are more likely to employ less effective, and less experienced teachers compared to schools located in higher socio-economic communities (Darling-Hammond, 2000;Desimone & Long, 2010;Kozol, 1991Kozol, , 2005Lankford et al., 2002;Mangiante, 2011). Low-income schools tend to experience greater rates of teacher turnover and difficulties in recruiting and retaining high-quality teachers, and often have higher concentrations of novice teachers (Darling-Hammond, 1995;Sanders & Wright, 2008). ...
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Classroom teachers’ and paraprofessionals’ relationship is important for ensuring student success, but very little research has examined their work relationship. Despite collaboration in the classroom, their relationship is primarily hierarchical in nature, with classroom teachers often serving as the day-to-day supervisor of paraprofessionals. This study examined the working relationships between 149 certified teachers and their assigned classroom paraprofessionals across 59 schools from the perspective of the primary supervisor, the classroom teacher. Overall, teachers rated their relationships with their paraprofessionals favorably. Differences in relationship qualities were assessed in relation to teacher years of experience, race/ethnicity, education, and school socioeconomic status (i.e., percent of students receiving free and reduced lunch). Findings suggest differences in teacher perceived relationship quality based on teachers’ years of teaching experience, self-identified race/ethnicity, and school socioeconomic status (i.e., percent of students eligible for free and reduced lunch). Implications for practice and research are presented.
... Employing more qualified and trained teachers is recommended. Studies have demonstrated the positive impact of highly skilled and motivated faculty on student outcomes (Darling-Hammond, 2000;Ingersoll & Strong, 2011). ...
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This study was designed to examine pedagogic, and programme change and the enhancement of relevance of state higher education system in Cameroon. The study was guided by two objectives which examine how change in teaching methods and change in programmes enhances the relevance in state higher education system in Cameroon. This is supported by the Improvement Theory of Benthum, Gulikers, Jong and Mulder (2011) who holds that the world has evolved and that the type of university education, skills and knowledge in the past can no longer effectively serve the needs of the modern era/labour market (relevance). The concurrent mixed-methods research designed specifically the concurrent triangulation design was adopted for the study. Both close and open-ended questions for lecturers and an interview guide for university administrators (HODs) were the instruments used for the study. The sample consist of 1,915 lecturers, and 40 administrators (HODs) from the universities of Buea, Yaounde II, Douala, Bamenda, Yaounde I, Dschang, Maroua and Ngaoundere. The purposive and stratified sampling techniques was adopted for the study. Data from close ended questions was analysed using SPSS 23.0, with the aid of descriptive and inferential statistical tools while open ended questions and the interview were analysed thematically. The Spearman’s rho was used to test the lone research hypotheses formulated in the study. Findings shows that most of the lecturers (73.0%) agree that there is a need for change in teaching methods to enhance relevance of Higher Education and most of the lecturers (74.7%) equally agreed that there is a need for change in universities programmes to enhance relevance of Higher Education. Hypothetically, there is a significant, positive and moderate relationship between pedagogic change and the enhancement of relevance of state Universities (Rvalue 0.246**, p-value < 0.001 < 0.05) implying that changes in pedagogy will contribute to the enhancement of higher education relevance. It is recommended that; workshops and capacity building programmes should constantly be organized to improve on the pedagogical competences of academic staff. Internship/ placement, field work and industrial training should be actively incorporated in the curriculum for each degree programme where applicable while effective follow up, supervision and monitoring should be accompanied.
... The presence of unqualified and poorly-trained teachers remains a persistent issue in various educational settings. For example, Darling-Hammond (2000) emphasizes the crucial role of teacher preparation in influencing student achievement. Completing rigorous teacher certification programs equips educators with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively guide students' learning. ...
Despite ongoing effects to improve Thai children’s reading competency, particularly their engagement with reading strategies, concerns remain regarding EFL pre-service English teacher’s (PSTs) ability to effective instruction these strategies. This study investigates stakeholders’ perspectives on PSTs’ reading proficiency and instructional skills, alongside their own needs in these areas. Data was collected through surveys and semi-structured interviews with five English teaching specialists, three ELT instructors, five school mentors, fifteen English education program alumni, and twenty-two current undergraduate students. The findings highlight key dimensions for improving reading strategy instruction, including addressing challenges and promoting best practices. A crucial theme emerged: the need to align locally-set contexts with global reading materials. This research identifies both problems and needs that can inform the development of curriculum and course design for PSTs, specifically in the creation of reading strategy materials. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of integrating cultural awareness and cross-cultural understanding into English reading instruction to effectively prepare Thai students for 21st century learning.
... Guru yang memiliki kesempatan mengikuti pelatihan dan seminar merasa lebih dihargai dan memiliki keterampilan mengajar yang lebih baik. Penelitian Darling-Hammond (2000) menemukan bahwa pengembangan profesional yang berkelanjutan dapat meningkatkan kepuasan kerja serta kreativitas guru. ...
Kepuasan kerja adalah elemen krusial yang memengaruhi kinerja dan kreativitas para guru. Dalam artikel ini, dibahas mengenai peranan kepuasan kerja dalam mendorong kreativitas guru serta strategi yang dapat diterapkan oleh manajemen sekolah untuk membangun lingkungan kerja yang mendukung. Dengan merujuk pada berbagai penelitian dan data yang ada, artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa lingkungan kerja yang positif dapat meningkatkan kepuasan kerja, yang pada akhirnya berkontribusi pada peningkatan kreativitas guru. Kepuasan kerja menjadi faktor yang signifikan dalam menunjang kreativitas guru dalam proses pembelajaran. Artikel ini juga menyoroti strategi manajemen sekolah yang bisa diimplementasikan untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang kondusif. Melalui tinjauan literatur, terungkap adanya hubungan positif antara kepuasan kerja dan kreativitas guru, yang dapat berkontribusi pada peningkatan kualitas pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan perspektif bagi para pemangku kebijakan pendidikan dan manajemen sekolah dalam menciptakan suasana kerja yang lebih baik bagi guru.
... Addressing diversity, inclusiveness, and equity in the hiring, training, and retention of educators is particularly crucial in the context of Qatar. The standard of instruction given to students is directly impacted by the caliber of the teachers (Darling-Hammond, 2000). It is crucial that educators themselves are representative of the diversity of the student body. ...
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This critical review study aimed to thoroughly evaluate methods for fostering principles of diversity, inclusion, and equity in the hiring, training, and retention processes of educators in Qatar’s schools. It incorporated the analysis of existing policies and practices, and the identification of gaps to propose evidence-based methods that likely enhance the three principles among educators. It also sought to provide additional knowledge and potential solutions that may significantly improve them. Further, I studied effective methods for enlisting educators from varied backgrounds, considering cultural, linguistic, and other relevant considerations, to satisfy the urgent demand for diversity among educators. Examining the importance of professional development programs in this context was crucial in encouraging inclusion and equity. Many institutional, cultural, and systemic impediments to progress have been revealed. The findings underline the significance of having a diverse educational workforce to foster inclusive and equitable educational experiences for students in schools in Qatar. They also emphasize the necessity for ongoing collaboration among stakeholders to achieve this goal. In response, legislative amendments, specialized recruitment strategies, professional development initiatives, and support systems are proposed to effectively address these challenges. Therefore, this research contributes to the scholarly discourse on diversity, inclusivity, and equity in education.
... Although professional development be fostered by educational policies (Darling-Hammond, 2000Desimone, 2009;Desimone et al., 2002;Garet et al., 2001), significant discrepancies exist between European countries given that numerous countries still seem to consider it optional (Eurydice, 2009). In Portugal, however, continuous teacher development is compulsory and aimed at improving "the quality of education and the results of the educational system" (Ministry of Education 2014: 1286-1287). ...
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Professional development is widely recognised as an essential path to promoting quality teaching and learning, but 'effective' professional development is dependent on core features such as duration, relevance and active teacher participation, all of which are central to teacher-centred research (Garet 'et al.', 2001; Sanford, 2015; Scheerens, 2010). In Portugal, where continuing professional development is mandatory, teachers often find short-term and 'one-size-fits-all' seminars - which generally do not meet these core features - only remotely relevant. It is therefore our thesis that the kind of professional development generally on offer paradoxically fails to help teachers develop their aptitude to examine and provide solutions for the problems they diagnose in their own classes and schools, thus failing to allow professional development to have an effective and immediate impact on teacher practice and student learning. This paper describes an alternative path to professional development at the University of Coimbra which encourages English language teachers to develop research projects based on their own teaching experience. The results so far reveal that, when given the opportunity, teachers focus on problem areas which emerge directly from their daily concerns about student learning and motivation.
... These findings are supported by Matagi-Tofiga (2011) whose research found a statistical significant relationship between teacher certification and students' achievement in Mathematics. Also, Darling-Hammond (2000) indicated that teacher certification has been strongly correlated with students' achievement in reading and Mathematics. Goe and Sticker (2008) supported by postulating that the differences in knowledge and skills of certified and non-certified teachers are not pronounced enough to be picked up in students' achievement. ...
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Many CSEC candidates are consistently underperforming at their Mathematics examination The Teacher Qualification Characteristics (TQCs) are linked to students' Mathematics achievement. The qualitative arm of this research utilized the grounded theory which generated a substantive theory, while the quantitative arm utilized the Spearman's rho correlation and the chi-square tests. These tests explored and explained the relationship and association between TQCs and students' achievement and how the TQCs were linked to students' 2016 CSEC Mathematics achievement in the British Virgin Islands. There were 33 respondents who participated in the semi-structured individual and focus group interviews, while the 2016 CSEC Mathematics ordinal grades from 105 students were tested along with the demographic information of their eight teachers. The results show that there was a statistically significant relationship and association between TQC (teacher qualification, teacher certification, and teacher Mathematics teaching experience) and students' ordinal grades. Finally, two data sets converged.
... Family cultural capital directly influences a child's exposure to scientific ideas and attitudes toward learning, with higher cultural capital families more likely to provide educational materials and encourage curiosity about the natural world (Lamont & Lareau, 1988). The school environment acts as a mediator that either amplifies or mitigates the influence of family cultural capital, with a positive school environment enhancing students' scientific literacy regardless of their family background (Darling-Hammond, 2000). Peer relationships serve as a reinforcing factor, where students with supportive, academically inclined peers are more likely to develop strong scientific literacy, as peer influence motivates students to engage in group learning and foster a collective interest in science . ...
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This study explores the influence of family cultural capital, school environment, and peer relationships on the scientific literacy of primary school students in Chengdu City, China. As scientific literacy becomes increasingly vital for students to navigate the complexities of modern society, this study examines how these socio-cultural factors collectively impact students' understanding and engagement with science. Family cultural capital, including parental education and home resources, plays a critical role in shaping scientific literacy. Simultaneously, the school environment and quality of science education, along with peer relationships, significantly influence students' academic motivation and performance in science. By analyzing these interactions, this paper provides valuable insights into the socio-cultural determinants of scientific literacy, offering practical recommendations for educators and policymakers to foster improved educational outcomes in Chengdu and similar urban settings.1
... Teacher quality is directly related to students' success (Darling-Hammond, 2000;Rivkin, Hanushek and Kain, 2005, pp. 449-450). ...
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Teachers are the most crucial aspect of the education system. Students' learning/achievement level is directly dependent on the competency of the teacher. An educational programme designed to produce qualified teachers is known as a teacher education programme. This study investigates the enrollment of the students in teacher education on the basis of their academic achievement and intelligence level and hence analyzes the enrollment trend in the teacher education (B.Ed.) programme in Nepal. The study was conducted on 50 students of B.Ed. the first semester of the Kanchanpur and Kailali districts of Sudurpaschim Province was selected by systematic random sampling. This research was based on a survey design of a quantitative approach. Both primary and secondary data were used in this study. G.C. Ahuja's Group Test of Intelligence was used to collect intelligence scores. Analysis of the data was based on descriptive statistics obtained by using SPSS. Findings are interpreted on the basis of Maslow's motivation theory and Brain drain theory. Results of the study revealed that a negligible percentage of students having high academic achievement and intelligence levels are enrolling in teacher education. Concern authorities need to revisit the policies regarding salary, facilities and position in the national protocol of teachers to attract the high achievers and intelligent students to the teacher education programme.
... Teachers constitute a key factor in ensuring improvements in student achievement in which various field studies have thus emphasised certain issues. They include improving the classroom performance (Akyüz, 2006) and the importance of teachers in maintaining the academic focus by reducing unwanted distraction and enhancing positive behaviours (Kunter, Baumert & Koller, 2007) between teacher's experience and achievement (Akiba, Le Tendre & Scribner, 2007;Raman, Don & Kassim, 2014;Darling-Hammond, 1999;Gallagher, 2002;Tomlinson & Jarvis, 2014). Similar, teachers' need to adjust and control environmental variables in order to improve student achievement (Baker, Clark, Maier & Viger, 2008) is also underlined. ...
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Transformation of the education system in Malaysia is at its peak now. With the introduction of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0), the reformation is rapid and teachers are required to be the front liners in dealing with such massive transformation. Therefore, Business Subject teachers must be equipped with the specific skills in order to ensure the teaching and learning process is worthwhile. They need a high level of skills to carry out their daily tasks at school as their full utilisation is required to enhance the student development. Additionally, the challenging environment and changes adopted according to the IR 4.0 calls for a sustained and robust business environment towards adapting to today’s shifting climate.
... Begle explained that the non-significant relationship between teachers' knowledge and students' achievement in algebra was as a result of the fact that all the teachers who participated in his study came from well-motivated and well-resourced schools. Furthermore, the result was synonymous to Darling-Hammond (2000) who contended that initially, the relationship between content knowledge and students' achievement appears to be a positive linear one but this becomes stable after some time. However, Monk (1994), and Rowan,, (2002), contended that teachers' content knowledge produces virtually no returns in terms of the impact on the achievement of their students. ...
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Core mathematics is a compulsory subject for all Senior High School students in Ghana and many other African countries. Students are expected to pass in this subject before moving on to any tertiary institution. In spite of the compulsory nature of the subject, underachievement of students in mathematics at the Senior High School level has been a matter of concern to the West African Examination Chief Examiner over the years. Though available literature is replete with factors such as pupil-teacher ratio, socio-economic status of students, class size, family background that account for students’ achievement, it is clear that the success of many students depends on the teacher. It is however unclear which aspect of the teacher is statistically significant predictor of what students learn. This paper focuses on the extent to which teachers’ knowledge for teaching correlates with students’ achievement in algebra at the Senior High School level in Ghana. In all, 17 Elective Mathematics teachers and 617 form Three Elective Mathematics students from ten public Senior High Schools in the Central Region of Ghana participated in the study. The samples were selected at random from four school categories; A, B, C and D according to Ghana Education Service classification. Two forms of instruments were administered; form one to students and form two to teachers, and the responses retrieved on the same day. A correlational analysis was used to test for statistical significance in the scores at 0.05 level of significance. Teachers’ knowledge for teaching was found to be significantly related to students’ achievement in algebra.
... Literature shows a strong association between teaching quality and student learning outcomes (Hattie, 2009;Goe, 2007;Darling-Hammond, 2000). Goe (2007) discussed the factors that constitute the concept of "teacher quality" that have an influence on student's school achievement. ...
Purpose This study analysed students’ perceptions of teachers’ behaviours, teachers’ management practices and the use of inputs by teachers and whether these are associated with primary school progression and completion. Design/methodology/approach School-level fixed effect analysis is conducted using cross-sectional data collected from 4,000 randomly selected primary school-aged students and their schools. Findings Our findings reveal that students’ perceptions of teachers’ behaviours are associated with the probability of grade progression during primary school, and whether students complete primary school. Particularly important are positive behaviours, like students perceiving their teachers to be engaged and being praised by their teachers while in primary schools. It increased the likelihood of school progression by at least 15%. The use of inputs such as worksheets/written handouts and reading stories/books in the language of instruction were also found to have a statistically significant positive effect on students’ primary school performance. These are important results which hold after accounting for school management, household and child-level factors and regional differences. Originality/value Our findings provide a deeper understanding of the teaching practices which pupils perceive as beneficial to retention. While we are unable to conclude that learning is taking place, our contention is that greater time in school could increase the opportunity to learn. In this respect, beyond its policy relevance in improving educational outcomes, the paper contributes to the limited literature on the student–teacher classroom relationships particularly when looking from the perspective of students’ perception of their teachers’ teaching behaviours in developing countries.
... Despite these legislative and local efforts to obscure it, White supremacy persists. Although White students now make up a minority of U.S. public school students (National Center for Education Statistics 2023), they remain over-represented in Advanced Placement courses (Solórzano and Ornelas 2002) and more likely than students of colour to have highly qualified teachers (Darling-Hammond 2000). Meanwhile, students of colour remain more likely than their White counterparts to receive harsh discipline (Riddle and Sinclair 2019) and less likely to graduate from college (DeAngelo et al. 2011). ...
Applying the analytic lens of critical whiteness, we examine the relationship between facilitation structures and the quality of racial dialogue in educator professional development. We draw on data from a five-session virtual ‘antiracist reading group’ in a rapidly diversifying U.S. district, convened and facilitated by a White district leader. Observed discussions tended towards the superficial and did little to challenge participants’ existing worldviews. We argue that the leader’s facilitation decisions characterised a ‘hidden curriculum’ of safety and comfort that inhibited participants’ development. These moves were further shaped by and reified persistent manifestations of whiteness. We offer implications for the facilitation of antiracist professional learning, equity leadership, broader policies related to equity, and future research.
... A qualidade dos professores é apontada como um importante fator que influencia na aprendizagem dos alunos e explica as diferenças de desempenho discente entre escolas (Darling-Hammond, 2000;Boonen;Van Damme;Onghena, 2014;Chu et al., 2015;Coenen et al., 2018). ...
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Este artigo teve como objetivo analisar o papel do coordenador pedagógico na formação continuada de professores, considerando a aplicação do protocolo de observação de aulas. Inicialmente os 70 coordenadores pedagógicos da Prefeitura de Taubaté participaram de dois encontros formativos com o tema observação de aulas, objetivando instrumentalizar os coordenadores para cumprirem o protocolo de observação. Esses encontros foram realizados pela Equipe de Práticas Pedagógicas (EPP) vinculada à Secretaria Municipal de Educação. Foram observadas 45 aulas de 15 docentes durante um bimestre letivo, após cada observação de aula foi agendado um momento de feedback, ou seja, um diálogo entre o coordenador e o professor. Nessa conversa o coordenador ressalta os pontos positivos e também sugere alterações com relação à organização do espaço de sala de aula, gestão, clima e estrutura pedagógica da aula. Os momentos de feedback são enriquecedores, pois permitem refletir sobre a prática dos docentes e sugerir novas abordagens, metodologias ativas, sugestão de materiais e recursos tecnológicos. As experiências com a observação de aulas contribuíram para enriquecer, fortalecer e refletir sobre as práticas pedagógicas adotadas. Permitindo a reflexão coletiva e colaborativa sobre outras possibilidades de trabalho, fator que contribui para uma educação de qualidade por meio da intervenção no processo de formação continuada dos docentes.
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The third volume of *AYUDH: International Peer-Reviewed Referred Journal* (ISSN: 2321-2160) presents a diverse collection of 25 high-quality research papers across multiple academic disciplines, including Economics, Education, Commerce-Accountancy, Psychology, Science, Gujarati, Physics, Law, Computer Science, Social Work, Political Science, History, Microbiology, and English. This multidisciplinary volume showcases the latest developments, insights, and innovative methodologies from a global perspective. The contributions explore critical issues such as economic trends, pedagogical advancements, psychological analysis, scientific discoveries, legal interpretations, sociopolitical dynamics, historical inquiries, and literary critiques. Each paper offers a unique perspective and contributes significantly to the advancement of its respective field, providing valuable knowledge to researchers, practitioners, and academics. This volume reaffirms the journal's commitment to fostering interdisciplinary research and promoting scholarly excellence.
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Mathematics is pivotal in global pre-tertiary education, particularly within STEM fields, where mastery facilitates success in finance, engineering, and technology. This study examines the cognitive alignment between Ghana's pre-tertiary TVET Core Mathematics Curriculum and exit examinations from 2011 to 2023, employing Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Framework and Porter’s Alignment Model. Using content analysis, 11 exit examination papers were analyzed to evaluate the emphasis on cognitive demand levels, alignment with curriculum standards, and the relationship between alignment indices and pass rates. Findings reveal that Paper 1 predominantly assesses lower-order cognitive skills (DOK 1 and 2), while Paper 2 emphasizes higher-order thinking (DOK 2, 3, and occasionally 4), with significant variations across years. Alignment indices indicate moderate congruence, with the highest in 2011 (0.819) and the lowest in 2019 (0.594). A weak positive correlation (r = 0.241, p = 0.474) was found between alignment and pass rates, highlighting the influence of external factors on student outcomes. Recommendations include improving alignment practices, ensuring equitable representation of cognitive demand levels, and addressing broader determinants of student success.
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The importance of teachers’ behaviors in educational process and their impact on students learning outcomes have been studied in this article. A descriptive survey study design acquired data from 250 students and 28 teachers using validated questionnaires of high reliability. Overall, Cranach’s Alpha was .84. Objectives were to explore teachers' behaviors, their effects on student learning, what affects those behaviors, and how those behaviors might be enhanced. A 5-point Likert scale was employed to measure responses which are presented statistically using descriptive statistics, t-tests, and ANOVA, using SPSS V-29. Results indicated a high level of agreement on the significance of behaviors, such as the teacher’s being on time, being fair, showing respect, and engaging students, with the highest mean score obtained for the teacher effecting positive influence on the learning environment (M=1.80, SD=1.21). No significant differences in perceptions by gender, age or mother tongue were found. Locality was, however, shown to be an important factor (p<0.05), with urban respondents differing slightly from rural ones in their views. The results underline the importance of teacher behaviors in creating effective learning environments. Such programs make recommendations of professional development programs that could help to improve teachers’ interpersonal and instructional skill, to have a positive impact on students. Lastly, if we implement these factors, secondary education will significantly improve.
Nitelikli bir eğitim sürecinden geçen öğretmen adayları, öğrencilere daha etkili, verimli ve sürdürülebilir bir eğitim hizmeti sunma kapasitesine sahip olur. Bu şekilde eğitim alan öğretmenler, yalnızca öğrencilerin akademik başarılarını yükseltmekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda onların uzun vadeli mesleki ve sosyal başarılarına da önemli katkılar sağlar. Bu doğrultuda bu araştırmanın amacı öğretmen adaylarının liderlik davranışlarına ilişkin öz algıları ile akademik öz yeterlik arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Araştırmada ilişkisel tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada öğrencilerin liderlik davranışlarına ilişkin öz algıları ve akademik özyeterlikleri arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek amacıyla Özbek ve Kızılyallı (2017)’nın geliştirmiş olduğu “Lisans Öğrencilerinin Liderlik Davranışlarına İlişkin Öz Algı Ölçeği” ve akademik özyeterliklerini belirlemek için Kandemir ve Özbay (2012) tarafından geliştirilen Akademik Özyeterlik Ölçeği ile veriler toplanmıştır. Çalışmaya devlete bağlı bir üniversitenin eğitim fakültesinde iki, üç ve dördüncü sınıfta öğrenim gören 278 öğrenci katılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre öğretmen adaylarının liderlik davranışlarına ilişkin öz algı ve akademik özyeterlik arasında anlamlı, pozitif yönde ve yüksek düzeye yakın bir ilişki olduğu görülmüştür.
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The research aimed to assess how different levels of teachers' years of experience affect students' academic outcomes. A sample size of 124 respondents was selected, including head teachers, subject heads, experienced and newly qualified teachers, and students. Quantitative data analysis was conducted using Pearson correlation and regression analysis. The results indicated that years of experience also played a key role, with the regression model showing a significant positive effect (β = 0.39, p < 0.05). Teachers with more than five years of experience demonstrated higher student success rates, with an average increase of 15% in pass rates. The R² value of 0.52 indicates that 52% of the variance in student academic performance can be explained by teachers' experience. The study concluded that experience of teachers plays a critical role in various aspects of educational effectiveness, particularly in shaping competitive remuneration packages, influencing the adequacy of benefits, and impacting student academic performance. The data suggests that while many teachers recognize the contribution of experienced educators in advocating for compensation aligned with industry standards, the wide variation in perceptions indicates that there may be significant disparities in how individual teachers assess the effectiveness of these packages based on their personal experiences and career trajectories. It was recommended that schools should implement structured pay scales that offer incremental salary increases based on years of experience. This approach will help retain experienced teachers by providing them with competitive, long-term financial rewards. Educational institutions should establish regular intervals (e.g., annually) for reviewing teacher salaries to ensure that they remain competitive with industry standards. These reviews should involve teachers and unions to guarantee transparency and fairness. In addition to salaries, benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and family support programs should be enhanced. These benefits should be tailored to address the evolving needs of teachers at different stages of their careers, providing financial security and promoting long-term retention.
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Το Ολοήμερο πρόγραμμα αποτελεί έναν θεμελιώδη σχολικό θεσμό, ο οποίος χαρακτηρίζεται για τη διττή κοινωνική και παιδαγωγική του λειτουργία -φύλαξη των μαθητών και παιδαγωγική στόχευση αντίστοιχα. Το Ολοήμερο σχολείο εισήχθη ως καινοτομία στην ελληνική πραγματικότητα με στόχο να διασφαλίσει εκείνες τις προϋποθέσεις που θα συνέβαλαν στην ανανέωση του παλαιού σχολείου, στην προσαρμογή των συνθηκών λειτουργίας του σχολείου στις νέες εκπαιδευτικές και κοινωνικές ανάγκες, στη γενικότερη βελτίωση του παρεχόμενου παιδαγωγικού και διδακτικού έργου (Πυργιωτάκης κ.ά., 2001). Οι εκπαιδευτικοί αποτελούν αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι της σχολικής πραγματικότητας και επομένως της αποτελεσματικότητας του σχολικού και ολοήμερου προγράμματος. Αναγνωρίζοντας το ρόλο των εν ενεργεία εκπαιδευτικών ως έναν από τους βασικότερους παράγοντες εκπαιδευτικής αλλαγής, προτάσσεται η ανάγκη αξιοποίησης των απόψεών τους στην εκπαιδευτική έρευνα. Η παρούσα μελέτη έχει σκοπό να εξετάσει τις απόψεις των εκπαιδευτικών πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης, αναφορικά με την αποτελεσματικότητα και τους τρόπους βελτίωσης του ολοήμερου προγράμματος. Ως επιμέρους στόχοι, ορίζονται: η διερεύνηση των επιθυμητών από τους εκπαιδευτικούς χαρακτηριστικών του ολοήμερου προγράμματος, ο εντοπισμός των αδυναμιών και των δυσλειτουργιών του θεσμού, αλλά και των καθοριστικών στοιχείων που θα συμβάλλουν στη βελτίωσή του. Το δείγμα της έρευνας αποτέλεσαν 150 εκπαιδευτικοί πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης. Κατάλληλη ερευνητική μέθοδος κρίθηκε η ποσοτική μελέτη, με τη χρήση του ερωτηματολογίου (ηλεκτρονικής/έντυπης μορφής) ως ερευνητικό εργαλείο. Σε αυτό περιλαμβάνονταν δύο τύποι ερωτήσεων: α) ερωτήσεις ατομικών στοιχείων, β) ερωτήσεις διερεύνησης των απόψεων των εκπαιδευτικών αναφορικά με τις εμπειρίες, τις πρακτικές, τις δυσκολίες, τους προβληματισμούς και τις προτάσεις τους για την εύρυθμη λειτουργία του ολοήμερου. Δεδομένου ότι, η σύγχρονη κοινωνία αλλάζει συνεχώς και εξελίσσεται με ταχύτατους ρυθμούς, το ολοήμερο σχολείο, οφείλει να αναπροσαρμόζεται στις εκάστοτε ανάγκες της. Παρότι δεν υπάρχει «συνταγή» σχολικής επιτυχίας, με τη παρούσα έρευνα καθίσταται δυνατή η «χαρτογράφηση» των απόψεων των εκπαιδευτικών, αποβλέποντας οι τελευταίες να ληφθούν υπόψη στη χάραξη της εκπαιδευτικής πολιτικής ενός αποτελεσματικότερου Ολοήμερου σχολείου. Λέξεις - κλειδιά: σχολική αποτελεσματικότητα, εκπαιδευτικοί, Ολοήμερο σχολείο
Schools facilitate teaching and learning through a structured document called the curriculum, which outlines the programs and subjects offered. This curriculum encompasses the knowledge, skills, values, and norms that learners acquire. As society evolves, the curriculum must be regularly updated to meet contemporary needs and advancements. This chapter explores curriculum design, various models, principles of planning, factors influencing design, and the significance of curriculum innovation, including obstacles and future directions in education.
This report provides a comparative analysis of teacher education pathways in the United States and Vietnam, focusing on the diversity of options and requirements, advanced educational attainment of novice teachers, and their subject assignments. Both countries offer traditional undergraduate and postgraduate pathways, and the U.S. offers alternative pathways. Traditional programs in the U.S. typically involve a four-year undergraduate degree in education followed by certification, while alternative programs, such as Teach for America, allow prospective teachers to work full-time in classrooms while completing their education coursework. In Vietnam, teacher education often involves specialized training programs within universities that emphasize pedagogy and subject knowledge. Novice teachers in the U.S. frequently pursue advanced degrees within the first few years of teaching. In Vietnam, advanced education is less common among novice teachers, who instead focus on continuous professional development. Subject assignments in the U.S. are typically aligned with teachers' training and certification areas, but teacher shortages can lead to out-of-field teaching. In contrast, subject assignments in Vietnam are more rigid, with teachers usually teaching subjects they specialized in during their training. This report highlights the strengths and challenges of each system and thus contributes to the global discourse on teacher education, aiming to inform policy decisions and improve teacher preparation programs worldwide.
This chapter examines the policy context for the push for a national curriculum and the inclusion of Asia literacy for schooling in Australia in the light of current links between globalisation, education and policy analysis and the notion of the learning/knowledge society of the twenty-first century. It is anticipated that discussion of the Australian context will be insightful for those other nations concerned with positioning Asia in school curricula, including for example, New Zealand, Canada, USA and UK. In doing so, the chapter considers the challenges to the implementation of Asia literacy in Australia with specific reference to current and future teachers for, as with many nations, the teaching profession in Australia is on the cusp of generational change as large numbers of teachers aged in their mid to late fifties embark on retirement. Of particular concern in relation to these demographic shifts, is meeting the demand for large numbers of replacement teachers and preparing future teachers with Asia-related knowledge and capability. The chapter is structured as follows. First, it details the complex environment for education policy making in Australia. Specific reference is made to the ways in which the idiosyncrasies of a federal system of education have been navigated by national governments in Australia as they responded to globalisation from the early 1980s to 2013. Discussion centres on how high level and centralised policy making finally secured agreement for a national curriculum and a focus on teacher professional standards. The second part of the chapter explores the push for Asia literacy and its inclusion in the first national curriculum to be implemented in Australia. Specific reference is made to the challenge of preparing teachers with Asia-related knowledge, understanding and skills in response to the requirements of recently released teacher professional standards. Finally, the chapter posits whether this particular approach to policy making in response to globalisation will secure the sort of Asia literacy/capability required to meet the demands of an unstable and uncertain global context.
This chapter problematizes the assumption that resources are allocated to maximize education outcome and question what resources matter more to promote equality of education. In this context, given the multiple benefits of education, the primary goal of this chapter is to understand the school and non-school inputs that influence student progress in Utah amidst an increase in the education budget and teacher shortages. There are reasons that we believe that an effective approach to the equality of educational opportunity requires not only school input but also disruptive innovation. The latter is supported by a contextualized transfer of policies and practices based on adaptation to the local context. At the core of this argument is an understanding of quality education as the product of a community, rather than a product of a single policy. This distinction is necessary as the education production function approach ignores important diverse student backgrounds and refuses to admit the heterogeneity of societies, thus distorting the pivotal role of culture, and the positive relations of unobservable variables in the education production function.
This study investigated the quality assurance strategies and their relationship with teachers’ productivity in public secondary schools in Education District I of Lagos State. The descriptive survey design was adopted. The population of the study comprised 3,791 teachers of the 99 public secondary schools in Education District 1 Lagos State. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select 10 schools in the District based on the local government area while simple random sampling technique was used to select 300 teachers in the sampled schools. A self-designed questionnaire was used to collect data from the participants. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics; percentage and frequency counts to analyze demographic data of participants and to answer the research questions. Pearson product moment correlation was used to test the formulated hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The result showed that supervision of school curriculum, use of instructional materials, regular assessments of teachers’ teaching records, educational training and development programmes for the teachers, and implementation of government policy to improve teachers’ performance all have significant relationship with teachers’ productivity in public secondary schools in Education District I of Lagos State. Based on these findings, it was recommended that quality assurance strategies must be put in place to improve teachers’ productivity and achieve positive result.
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This qualitative study surfaced beliefs around reading instruction and reading development at the onset of an elementary literacy methods course. Prior understandings and knowledge around reading instruction and reading acquisition emerge through various experiences and have the potential to contradict notions presented by teacher educators. This inquiry explored prior beliefs held by five preservice teachers (PSTs) about the nature of reading and the teaching of reading, drawing on a thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006) of a pre-course survey. Results indicated that early understandings of reading development and pedagogy appear to rely on levelling systems for assessing and identifying students’ acquisition of reading skills, as well as organizing students into levels for instruction. Beliefs that reading development progresses through a levelled gradient are problematic for both teacher and student, shifting attention away from the complex nature of reading acquisition and the skills required to develop proficiency. While no generalizable statement can be made regarding PSTs’ most frequently held beliefs, this pilot study puts forward the idea that understanding PSTs’ prior beliefs is a critical part of teacher education. Intentional opportunities to unpack prior beliefs and understandings may offer insight for teacher educators to engage students in discourse and experience cognitive dissonance around inconsistencies, making space for learning and unlearning. Keywords: preservice teachers, teacher education, levels, reading, reading assessment
A literatura da economia da educação tem concentrado esforços nos últimos anos em estudar os fatores determinantes do desempenho dos estudantes. No Brasil, o Ideb (Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica) tem sido amplamente utilizado nas pesquisas para avaliar o desempenho dos estudantes da educação básica. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o quanto as variáveis intraescolares e extraescolares contribuem para o Ideb das escolas municipais do estado do Piauí nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. Como resultado, tem-se com o auxílio de uma regressão linear múltipla pelo método dos Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários (MQO) e o procedimento stepwise foi possível constatar que o Indicador de Nível Socioeconômico, a Adequação a Formação Docente e a Remuneração dos professores constituem o conjunto de variáveis que podem explicar aproximadamente 36,64% da variação do Ideb nas escolas municipais do estado Piauí.
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This study explores the factors influencing teacher enthusiasm in Turkish public schools through a qualitative, exploratory case study design conducted in two provinces in the northwestern region of Türkiye. Data were collected from 28 teachers using semi-structured interviews, with participants selected through convenience and maximum variation sampling methods. Content analysis was employed to analyze the data. The research identified three primary themes: personal factors, contextual factors, and external factors. Personal factors include motivation, affection for teaching and job satisfaction. Contextual factors encompass students’ academic performance and behaviors, school leadership practices, relationships with colleagues, and working conditions. External factors involve parental attitudes, educational policies, the value perception of the teaching profession, and incentives and rewards. The findings emphasize the critical role of personal motivation, affection for teaching, and job satisfaction in fostering teacher enthusiasm. Additionally, supportive leadership, positive student interactions, and a collaborative work environment are crucial contextual factors. External factors such as positive parental attitudes, consistent educational policies, societal recognition of the teaching profession, and appropriate incentives and rewards also play a vital role in fostering teacher enthusiasm. These results suggest that policymakers should prioritize consistent educational policies as well as recognition and rewards for teachers, while school principals should create supportive and collaborative environments. By addressing these areas, stakeholders can enhance teacher enthusiasm, ultimately improving teaching quality and student outcomes.
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The study investigated how schoolteachers and administrators perceive innovative and engaging teaching practices in Southeastern U.S. high schools. Perceptual data was collected from high school teachers to determine whether they believe their professional development adequately prepares them to use innovative and engaging instructional practices in their science courses. The study gathered perceptions of high school science teachers and school administrators regarding the presence and impact of innovative scientific techniques. This study also collected teachers' perceptions of their professional development in preparing them to use innovative teaching strategies. While the participants’ schools and school levels were purposefully selected, faculty participants were randomly selected for interviews.
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Education is one of the most important aspects of human civilization. Education shapes the national and international progress including all round development of every individual. The effectiveness of every educational system depends upon the attitude and satisfaction of teachers while quality of teachers is directly related to academic achievement and intelligence of pupils enrolling in teacher education program. The purpose of this study was to explore the current status of in-service and prospective teachers in India by identifying the attitude of school teachers towards teaching profession, their level of job satisfaction, achievement and intelligence level of students enrolling in teacher education program. This study was conducted on the randomly selected sample of 350, including 175 school teachers and 175 B. Ed. students of seven districts of Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. Design used for this study was quantitative based on field survey. Almost one-fifth (18.85%) of school teachers' level of job satisfaction is falling under average and below, and one-fourth (25.14%) of teachers have their attitude towards teaching is either neutral or unfavorable. However, the mean of academic achievement is 66.22 (66.22%) but distribution of achievement scores based on z-score is clearly showing that about two-third (65.14%) of students with average or below achievement are enrolling in teacher education that is B. Ed. Program. The condition of students' enrollment in teacher education program also seems poor on the basis of analysis of intelligence scores.; More than half (53.72%) of the students having average or below intelligence level are enrolling in teacher education. Results also show that, at present, females are comparatively more attracting towards teaching profession. This study will help the educational stakeholders and various educational authorities/agencies and implement the related educational policies.
Mevcut araştırmanın amacı öğretmen adaylarının mesleğin ilk yılında başarmak istedikleri ve başaramamaktan korktukları mesleki sorumluluklarına ait olası benlik algılarının çeşitli değişkenlere göre değişimini incelemek ve mesleğin ilk yılına ilişkin korkulan olası öğretmen benlik algılarının nedenlerini araştırmaktır. Araştırmada karma yöntem araştırma modeli kullanılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın çalışma evrenini 2023-2024 öğretim yılında Batman Üniversitesinde öğrenim gören öğrenciler oluşturmuştur. Araştırmanın nicel boyutunda olasılıklı örnekleme tekniklerinden seçkisiz örnekleme yolu kullanılarak 536 öğrenci örnekleme alınmıştır. Araştırmanın nitel boyutunda ise 37 öğretmen adayı amaçlı örnekleme yöntemi ile örnekleme alınmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan öğretmen adaylarının beklenen olası öğretmen benlik algılarına (BOÖB) ve alt boyutlarına ait algılar yüksek seviyede saptanmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan öğretmen adaylarının korkulan olası öğretmen benlik algılarına (KOÖB) ve alt boyutlarına yönelik algılar orta düzeyde saptanmıştır. Öğretmen adaylarının beklenen olası öğretmen benlik algıları (BOÖB) ve Korkulan olası öğretmen benlik (KOÖB) algılarına ve alt boyutlarına ait algılar üzerinde cinsiyet değişkenin anlamlı bir farklılık yaratmadığı söylenebilir. Öğretmen adaylarının beklenen ve korkulan olası öğretmen benlik algılarına ve alt boyutlarına ait algılar üzerinde adayların okudukları lisans program türü değişkenin anlamlı farklılıklar yarattığı saptanmıştır. Başarılı bir sınıf yönetimi yapamamak ve öğretim yöntem ve tekniklerini başarılı bir şekilde uygulayamamak gibi kaygılar taşıdıkları saptanmıştır.
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This study assesses some of the more highly publicized and controversial conclusions of Equality of Educational Opportunity by James S. Coleman et al. The Coleman Report, published by the U.S. Office of Education in 1966, concluded that per-pupil expenditures and school facilities show very little relation to student achievement levels, and the effect of a student's peers on his achievement level is more important than any other school influence. The present paper scrutinizes the data and the statistical analysis on which these findings are based. It is suggested that because of poor measurement of school resources, inadequate control for social background, and inappropriate statistical techniques used in the presence of interdependence among the independent variables, many of the findings of the Report are not supported.
The purpose of this study was to examine the concurrent and predictive validity of the Weighted Common Examinations and Education in the Elementary School test scores from the National Teacher Examinations for a group of teachers who were graduates of one university. Results of the study of both tests were similar and support the findings of other researchers. Suggestions for use of the results of the study in teacher selection were advanced.
A statistical analysis of data on Michigan, New York City, New York State, and Project Talent schools found evidence of schools that consistently produce outstanding students even after allowance is made for the different initial endowments of their students and for chance variation. Methodologically, like many previous studies, this report uses regression analysis of achievement data, but focuses on statistical outliers rather than central tendencies. Three tools of analysis were used to examine the residuals: (1) Histograms of residuals, showing no immediate evidence of extreme overachievers. (2) Comparisons, over different grades and years, of the number of schools that consistently overachieved with the number expected assuming all residual variation was random. Evidence of unusually effective schools was found. (3) Comparisons of background characteristics of the hypothesized overachieving schools with those of the average school. Outstanding Michigan schools tended to have smaller class sizes, more teachers earning over $11,000, and more teachers with greater than five years' experience. See TM003343 for summary document. (Author)
A universe of education production function studies was assembled in order to utilize meta-analytic methods to assess the direction and magnitude of the relations between a variety of school inputs and student achievement. The 60 primary research studies aggregated data at the level of school districts or smaller units and either controlled for socioeconomic characteristics or were longitudinal in design. The analysis found that a broad range of resources were positively related to student outcomes, with effect sizes large enough to suggest that moderate increases in spending may be associated with significant increases in achievement. The discussion relates the findings of this study with trends in student achievement from the National Assessment of Educational Progress and changes in social capital over the last two decades.
This article presents a conceptual framework for examining the design and implementation of teacher evaluation processes in school organizations. Research on teaching, organizational behavior, and policy implementation suggests that different educational and organizational theories underlie various teacher evaluation models. The conceptions of teaching work and of change processes reflected in teacher evaluation methods must be made explicit if educational goals, organizational needs, and evaluation purposes are to be consonant and well served.
The California Learning Assessment System 1993 OTL Study allowed examination of the extent to which California public school mathematics teachers had been exposed to the practices consistent with those advocated in the California Curriculum Frameworks; the extent to which those teachers implemented these practices in their classrooms; and their impact on student performance in mathematics. The findings support the conclusion that curriculum and instruction that require higher level skills benefit students’ achievements. The data are the best available measures of California students’ learning of higher level skills, and provide consistent information for discussion and debate among educators about reform strategies.
The authors found that Education majors become more progressive in their attitudes toward educational practices after experiencing professional courses and clinical and field experi ences, particularly when those experiences are organized and directed by Education faculty members who hold progressive views. The results contradict often-found conclusions from less rigorously designed studies and suggest that the contradictory findings of different research paradigms may be reflecting the different factors that make up the various attitude constructs.
How do education majors compare with noneducation students? Olsen com pares 107 recent education graduates of the University of Wisconsin-Parkside with 1420 noneducation graduates on eleven variables. Subjects in the study completed degrees during the Fall and Spring semesters of 1981, 1982, and 1983. Education graduates were found to be equal to, and in some cases better than, noneducation graduates on all variables. Olsen discusses the impor tance of the findings, and he describes reasons for the results.
Systematic study of planned variations should be the focus in teacher education reform rather than development of a common model. A review of research comparing professional and academic education is presented to illustrate the lack of support for a specific teacher edu cation model.
Few problems associated with teaching receive more attention than classroom management and discipline. In particular, many critics of teacher education claim that the preservice curriculum does not adequately stress the requisite concepts and skills needed for helping prospective teachers prevent and deal with the discipline problems evidenced in classrooms. In this article, Doyle synthesizes the research on classroom management and suggests possible directions for revising preparation experiences to accommodate an emerging knowledge base.
Is teacher education beneficial and worthwhile? What standards are being established for admitting students to teacher education programs? What is the relationship of these standards to teacher effectiveness? These questions and others implicit in the debate regard ing the efficacy of teacher preparation programs are discussed by Evertson, Hawley and Zlotnik. The authors review the extensive body of research surround ing preparation programs, make propo sals for strengthening teacher prepara tion, and offer words of caution to those endorsing many of the popular proposals for teacher education reform, including advocates of alternative credentialing.
Educational reformers increasingly seek to manipulate policies regarding assessment, curriculum, and professional development in order to improve instruction. They assume that manipulating these elements of instructional policy will change teachers' practice, which will then improve student performance. We formalize these ideas into a rudimentary model of the relations among instructional policy teaching, and learning. We propose that successful instructional policies are themselves instructional in nature: because teachers figure as a key connection between policy and practice, their opportunities to learn about and from policy are a crucial influence both on their practice and, at least indirectly, on student achievement. Using data from a 1994 survey of California elementary school teachers and 1994 student California Learning Assessment System (CLAS) scores, we examine the influence of assessment, curriculum, bear out the usefulness of the model: under circumstances that we identify, policy can affect practice and both can affect student performance.
We empirically test how 12th-grade students of teachers with probationary certification, emergency certification, private school certification, or no certification in their subject area compare relative to students of teachers who have standard certification in their subject area. We also determine whether specific state-by-state differences in teacher licensure requirements systematically affect student achievement. In mathematics, we find teachers who have a standard certification have a statistically significant positive impact on student test scores relative to teachers who either hold private school certification or are not certified in their subject area. Contrary to conventional wisdom, mathematics and science students who have teachers with emergency credentials do no worse than students whose teachers have standard teaching credentials.
Alternative certification (AC) of teachers is an issue of interest and discussion within the 1980s education reform movement. Little empirical evaluation is available for formulating policy, however. This research describes an alternative certification program in the Dallas Independent School District. Recruitment programs resulted in 4,000 inquiries and over 1,300 applicants, 691 of whom took the entrance test, 557 who passed, and 110 who were admitted to the program. This research addresses eight topics: (a) characteristics of the program, (b) characteristics of the interns, (c) intern attitudes, (d) comparison of interns and traditionally certified teachers, (e) teaching performance of interns, (f) predictors of AC success, (g) reaction to the program, and (h) consideration of whether AC programs can contribute to the need for teachers. Policy recommendations, based on the above, are formulated.
* Thinking About Education in a Different Way * Myths About Achievement and Aptitude * Other Myths About American Schools * Why Now? * Poor Ideas for Reform * Real Problems of American Education * Toward the Improvement of Education * Fundamentals of School Improvement: Research and Compassion
Alternative credentialing of teachers has been practiced for decades in vocational education even though research suggests that teachers receiving non- traditional certificates do not perform as well as traditionally prepared teachers. The authors argue that as policymakers consider alternative credentialing prac tices that will allow persons with backgrounds in other disciplines (e.g., math and science) to teach, they should carefully analyze the successes and failures of alternative credentialing procedures in vocational education.
The debate on certification requirements is flourishing in several states. Within the context of the debate is the assumption that a positive relationship exists between certification and teaching effectiveness. Although this assumption may be valid, the relationship is yet to be firmly established empirically. In this study, the authors examine the relation ship between mathematics teacher certi fication and teaching effectiveness. They report a positive relationship between the two variables and make suggestions for further study.
The sparsity of significant positive relationships between the National Teacher Examination (NTE) scores and teaching performance ratings, when coupled with the presence of a few significant negative relationships, tends to undermine confidence in the relationship of NTE scores to teaching performance ratings. (Author/IRT)
Because of increased pressure on schools and teachers to provide environments more conducive to decreasing student attrition rates, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of teachers who have achieved postgraduate certification on the number of students who drop out and those who continue their education after graduation in Virginia's school systems. Data were taken from 134 public school systems reporting for the 1991-92 school year. The instructional personnel with postgraduate certification included principals, assistant principals, teachers, and supervisory and supportive personnel. The student population was taken from figures provided for numbers of dropouts in grades 7-12 and numbers of graduates continuing their education. Chi-square test of homogeneity, or independence, was significant in each of the four geographic regions for each test. In the northwest and southwest regions, however, there were fewer degrees of freedom and less significance due to the smaller, more rural systems with fewer teacher and students than in the eastern systems. Results of the study suggest that school systems may increase student grade level attainment through employment of teachers with postgraduate certification or by encouraging present employees to attain higher educational levels themselves. It also suggests a need for further research in a variety of settings to further substantiate these findings. (Author/JB)
This article describes the efforts of eleven universities and colleges to assess their teacher education programs based on broad, commonly held outcomes. Performance evaluations and self reports of nearly 1400 recent teacher education graduates allowed a comparison of traditional and extended programs and an assessment of recent graduates. The authors provide results of data collected around four outcome measures: entry of teachers into the profession, retention in the profession, classroom performance, and leadership behavior. School principals rated eighty-eight percent of consortium graduates in the top two quartiles of classroom performance. Extended program graduates entered teaching at significantly higher rates than did graduates of four-year programs and stayed in teaching significantly longer. Extended program graduates reported significantly higher rates of engagement in certain teacher-related leadership roles.
Describes the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 1998 writing assessment, Includes average scores and achievement-level results for the United States and the states, for demographic subgroups, and for students in a variety of contexts. Also examines the framework and content of the assessment. (Author/SLD)
The past decade has been a productive era for classroom research. Recent investigations have yielded useful concepts for thinking about classrooms and about facilitating achievement. Research findings and concepts provide a way of considering classroom instruction, but they are not rules for classroom behavior. Some teachers believe (and behave accordingly) that they have little effect on students' learning. In fact, many teachers cannot simply and directly explain what they attempt to accomplish in their classrooms. Teacher training institutions need to give more attention to how their students perceive the role of the teacher and help teacher candidates develop a coherent teaching philosophy before they enter the classroom. Teachers who are confused about their role and goals and who hold low expectations for their classroom performance are unlikely to positively affect student learning and development. Recent research provides clear evidence that teachers do have important effects on students' performance. Furthermore, these studies provide important concepts for thinking about classroom teaching. This paper discusses research on: (1) teacher expectations; (2) teacher effectiveness (active teaching); and (3) classroom management, and the policy implications of each. (JMK)
A qualitative analysis of information pertinent to alternative teacher certification in Texas is presented. Texas reform legislation passed in 1984 included a requirement for the State Board of Education to provide a route to teacher certification for those who were not graduates of teacher education programs. Those persons would be required to pass admission and certification tests required of other candidates, with the exception of the test for professional development. A 1-year supervised internship was also required. For the 1988-89 school year, a total of 10 alternative programs were approved involving 869 interns, of whom 453 are minority group interns. Information sources for this analysis included: (1) reports generated by six state agency staff after monitoring visits; (2) observations of interns, supervising teachers, and program personnel who train the interns; (3) questionnaires administered to and interviews conducted with interns and other role groups; (4) progress reports compiled by program administrators; and (5) team reports submitted to the State Board of Education. Documents reviewed by staff and team members during visits included college transcripts; results of classroom observations and evaluations conducted by local districts; admission and certification test results; and program curricula, policies, textbooks, and records. Results show that legislative and public interest in alternative routes to teacher certification will continue and that experiences with alternative certification in other states reflect those in Texas. Against this social and political backdrop, colleges and universities preparing preservice teachers find themselves in an uncomfortable position. Another implication of alternative certification is the entry of new organizational structures for delivering teacher education. Program guidelines for alternative teacher certification in Texas, a synopsis of programs approved for 1988-89, a list of names/addresses of program directors, and five data tables are appended. (TJH)
To test Fuller's self-task-impact theory of teacher concerns, the factor structure of the Teacher Concerns Checklist was replicated with student, beginning and experienced teachers. The levels of concern across the experience categories were compared. Two factors emerged for each concern: (1) self concerns for student and pupil perceptions; (2) task concerns for instruction and discipline; and (3) impact concerns for student learning, and student well-being. The analysis of variance showed significant differences between experience groups for self concern factors: student and beginning teachers were more concerned about pupil perceptions of self and adult perceptions of self. There were no significant differences for the task or impact factors across experience groups. Teachers at all levels were more concerned about academic impact on students than any other factor. The progression of task and impact concerns identified by this study did not support Fuller's theory. (CP)
In order to determine if successful academic performance assures good teaching, four measures of academic achievement of teacher education graduates of Georgia State University from 1981 through 1984 were correlated with on-the-job performance assessments. Results are presented and implications for education policies are discussed. (Author/MT)
The supply of traditional school of education graduates must be augmented to meet the demand for science and mathematics teachers. This report examines recent programmatic responses to breaking down institutional barriers. In most instances examined, special programs were designed to prepare mathematics and science teachers, and each program was targeted on a specific population such as retired persons, persons changing careers, or recent college graduates. The problems identified underscore the need to move teacher education to the graduate level. Descriptions are given of a number of special teacher preparation programs which are classified into three categories: (1) nontraditional recruitment programs which provide potential teachers from nontraditional pools with course work and other requirements for certification in mathematics or science; (2) alternative certification programs, designed to prepare teachers to meet revised state certification requirements for entering teaching; and (3) retraining programs, designed to help teachers already trained in other fields to obtain endorsement or certification in mathematics or science. (JD)
To what extent and in what ways do issues about content and the teaching and learning of content figure in the conversations between novices and their mentors? This paper explores that question by means of four cases drawn from a large data set about two different first-year teacher programs, an induction program sponsored by a university and a local school district, and an alternate certification program for secondary teachers sponsored by a school district and employing mentor teachers. Conversations between experienced and beginning teachers are discussed in relation to four aspects of learning to teach academic content: (1) deepening one's own understanding of subject matter; (2) learning to think about academic content from the students' perspective; (3) learning to represent subject matter in appropriate and engaging ways; and (4) learning to organize students for the purposes of teaching and learning academic content. (JD)
The National Education Goals Panel (NEGP) tracks and reports annually on 33 indicators linked to the 8 National Education Goals. The NEGP's 1997 report showed positive gains on the greatest number of indicators for North Carolina and Texas. These gains included significant gains on the 1996 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in mathematics. The NEGP commissioned this study to see if the improvements were really significant and to try to identify the factors that could or could not account for the educational improvement in these two states. The analysis confirms that the gains in academic achievement in both states are both significant and sustained. North Carolina and Texas posted the largest gains on the NAEP administered between 1990 and 1997, and these results were mirrored in state assessments administered in the same period. There is also evidence that the scores of disadvantaged students improved more rapidly than those of advantaged students. Several factors commonly associated with student achievement, including real per-pupil spending, teacher/pupil ratios, teachers with advanced degrees, and experience levels of teachers, do not appear to explain the test score gains. Texas and North Carolina rank at or below the national averages on these characteristics, and none of them changed during the study period in ways that would explain the gains. The study concludes that the most plausible explanation for the score gains is found in the policy environment established in each state. Both states pursued similar paths to improvement, and each succeeded in changing the organizational environment and incentive structure for educators in ways that led to improvement. The keys to this change include: (1) creating an aligned system of standards, curriculum, and assessments; (2) holding schools accountable for improvement by all students; and (3) support from businesses in developing, implementing, and sustaining these changes over time. (Contains 16 figures, 4 tables, and 18 references.) (Author/SLD)