
T09-P-13 The importance of the Kegel exercises for the erection of the male and female erectile organs (male and female penis)

  • New Sexology Project
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The erection of the male and female erectile organs (male and female penis) consists of three phases: a) latent, b) turgid, c) rigid or muscular. Ischiocavernosum muscles (muscles of erection) are much more developed in male than in female. These muscles are innervated by branches of the pudendal nerve, that originates from Onuf’s nucleus located in the sacral spinal cord. The androgens are responsible of the sexual dimorphism of this nucleus. The tonic contraction of ischiocavernosum muscles during erection is necessary for the rigidity of penis. These muscles, as also the bulbocavernosum muscle (muscle of ejaculation and orgasm), though histologically striated, have a semiautomatic function: ischiocavernosum muscles, together with bulbocavernosum muscle, introduce a continuous involuntary reflected hypertonic contraction during erection. This is necessary not only for the rigidity of the penis, but also for the maintenance of erection. The Kegel exercises allow the contraction of the pubovaginalis (elevator of the prostate in male) and the puborectalis muscles, and of all the perineal muscles and especially of the superficial ones (the most important in sexology): only with these exercises it is possible to train the ischiocavernosum and bulbocavernosum muscles. This training could reduce the post-ejaculatory refractory period that increases in every man with age and could facilitate the erection after a first ejaculation. In elderly men the ejaculation takes place with less strength or without squirting. The Kegel exercises, training bulbocavernosum muscle, are important to prevent and postpose the physiologic reduction of the strength of ejection of the seminal liquid.

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... The semen is propelled from the prostatic urethra along the penile urethra mainly by the BC muscle, which covers the urethral bulb. It is situated in the anterior region of the perineum, i.e. penile region (Figs. 5 and 6) (Masters and Johnson, 1966;Chiarugi and Bucciante, 1975;Puppo, 2006Puppo, , 2011. ...
... There is great variability in the length of the refractory period both among males and within individuals; it can last anywhere from a few minutes to many hours. Many males below the age of 30, but relatively few thereafter, have the ability to ejaculate frequently and are subject to only very short Fig. 5. Ischiocavernosus and bulbocavernosus muscle (from Puppo, 2006). 1, Corpus cavernosum; 2, Corpus spongiosum of the urethra; 3-4, Ischiocavernosus muscle; 5, Bulbocavernosus muscle. ...
... Fig. 6. Urethral bulb covered by bulbocavernosus muscles (from Puppo, 2006). 1, Ischiocavernosus muscle; 2, Bulbocavernosus muscle; 3, Houston muscle; 4, Fibrous septum. ...
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Article selected to feature in Wiley's News Round-Up (it is a biweekly mailing sent to over 1,800 subscribing journalists). Wiley Press Release November 02, 2015 Human semen contains spermatozoa secreted by the testes and a mixture of components produced by the bulbo-urethral and Littre (paraurethral) glands, prostate, seminal vesicles, ampulla and epididymis. Ejaculation is used as a synonym for the external ejection of semen, but it comprises two phases: emission and expulsion. As semen collects in the prostatic urethra, the rapid preorgasmic distension of the urethral bulb is pathognomonic of impeding orgasm, and the man experiences a sensation that ejaculation is inevitable (in women, emission is the only phase of orgasm). The semen is propelled along the penile urethra mainly by the bulbocavernosus muscle. With Kegel exercises, it is possible to train the perineal muscles. Immediately after the expulsion phase the male enters a refractory period, a recovery time during which further orgasm or ejaculation is physiologically impossible. Age affects the recovery time: as a man grows older, the refractory period increases. Sexual medicine experts consider premature ejaculation only in the case of vaginal intercourse, but vaginal orgasm has no scientific basis, so the duration of intercourse is not important for a woman's orgasm. The key to female orgasm are the female erectile organs; vaginal orgasm, G-spot, G-spot amplification, clitoral bulbs, clitoris-urethra-vaginal complex, internal clitoris and female ejaculation are terms without scientific basis. Female sexual dysfunctions are popular because they are based on something that does not exist, i.e. the vaginal orgasm. The physiology of ejaculation and orgasm is not impaired in premature ejaculation: it is not a disease, and non-coital sexual acts after male ejaculation can be used to produce orgasm in women. Teenagers and men can understand their sexual responses by masturbation and learn ejaculatory control with the stop-start method and the squeeze technique. Premature ejaculation must not be classified as a male sexual dysfunction. It has become the center of a multimillion dollar business: is premature ejaculation - and female sexual dysfunction - an illness constructed by sexual medicine experts under the influence of drug companies? This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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For sexologists, physicians, psychologists, gynecologists etc., it is a duty to update their knowledge. Female and male orgasm-sexuality, free pdf with 36 Pubmed-full text Dr Vincenzo Puppo-New Sexology Project: Eur J Obstet Gynecol, Eur Urol, Clin Anat, BJOG, J Urol, Int Urogynecol J, J Sex Med, BJU Int, J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol, ISRN Obstet Gynecol, Gynecol Obstet Fertil, Maturitas, Int J Urol, etc. Sexual pleasure/orgasm, (clitoris, labia minora and vestibular bulbs, exist in all women) is a source of physical and psychological wellbeing that contributes to human happiness. Female sexual anatomy is not has been a neglected area of study and the existing terminology is accurate from centuries... The key to female orgasm are the female erectile organs of the vulva (external organs)... Female orgasm is possible in all women, always, with effective stimulation of the female erectile organs... female sexual dysfunctions are popular because they are based on something that does not exist, i.e. the vaginal orgasm... Female sexual satisfaction is based on orgasm: sexologists must define having sex/love making when orgasm occurs for both partners, always, with or without vaginal intercourse (definition for all human beings)... the duration of penile-vaginal intercourse is not important for a woman’s orgasm: premature ejaculation is not a male sexual dysfunction... Website Free video: clitoris/labia minora erection in woman Free video: orgasms in all women
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