Problem setting. The definition of subjects of scientific and scientific and technical activity in Ukraine is an important aspect of the legal regulation of the scientific process, which remains insufficiently regulated. The lack of a single category to designate all natural persons as subjects of scientific activity, such as graduate students, scientists, scientists, etc., not only creates legal uncertainty, but also complicates the regulation of the rights and obligations of different categories of researchers, including the issue of the legal status of graduate students , who are at the stage of professional training, requires special attention that the status significantly affects the legal relations regarding the results of their scientific research, as well as the possibility of integrating these results into practical activity In addition, an important aspect is the distinction between the rights and responsibilities of scientists and scientists, since the level of their influence on scientific and technological progress varies significantly depending on experience, qualifications and the stage of a scientific career. This issue, as well as the theoretical definition of the generalized category of scientists for individuals, are relevant for ensuring the effective commercialization of scientific developments, as well as for the proper organization of scientific activity in general. Analysis of recent researches and publications. Next foreign scientists as Andrea Geuna and Antonio Muscio, Barry Bozeman, Henry Etzkowitz, David Siegel, Michel Perckmann, Vincenzo Tartari, Martin McKelvey, Robert Weugelers and Mike Rice studied the problems of implementing the results of scientific and scientific and technical activities in various aspects. Domestic researchers are also actively working on the legal regulation of scientific and scientific-technical activities in Ukraine. Goncharov V. M., Egorov I. AND. and Zhukovich I. A., Semenyuk O. P., Lyubchych A. M., Hlybko S. V., Kresina I. O., Dobryanska N.O., Klimova H. P. and others. Purpose of research is to analyze the legal regulation of scientific and technical activities, focusing on the categorization of researchers and their rights, particularly regarding intellectual property and the commercialization of scientific results. It examines the roles of various academic levels, from candidates of science to senior researchers, in shaping the legal status and protection of their work. Article’s main body. The article explores the legal aspects of scientific and technical activities, focusing on the roles and responsibilities of researchers at different levels, such as candidates of science, doctors of philosophy, and senior academics. It addresses the categorization of these researchers and the importance of defining their rights, particularly in the context of intellectual property. The article also delves into the issue of commercialization and the legal implications of turning scientific results into marketable technologies. Additionally, it analyzes how these factors are regulated under Ukrainian law, with references to both national and international legal frameworks. Conclusions and prospects for the development. The article underscores the need for clearer legal frameworks regarding the roles of individual researchers and the protection of intellectual property in Ukraine. It suggests that strengthening these regulations, along with fostering academic-industry partnerships, will facilitate the commercialization of research outcomes. Future developments should integrate international best practices to support innovation and enhance Ukraine’s position in the global knowledge economy.