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Grammatical structure in verb serialization

... Since there is considerable cross-linguistic variation in the properties of constructions discussed as SVCs, many definitions have been proposed (e.g., Aikhenvald 2006Aikhenvald : 1−68, 2018Baker 1989;Durie 1997;Foley and Olson 1985;van Staden and Reesink 2008). While Ilocano SVCs are largely consistent with the cross-linguistic prototype, and while the properties listed above are shared by the SVCs of other languages examined in this volume (see the chapters on Thai and Mandarin Chinese in this volume), I do not pursue cross-linguistic comparisons further in this chapter. ...
... Serial verb constructions (SVCs) are syntactic constructions with two or more verbs in a single clause with no coordination or subordination (Christaller 1875;Aikhenvald 2006). They have often been claimed to refer to single conceptual events (Durie 1997;Aikhenvald 2006;Bisang 2009). However, empirical investigation of this claim was proving intractable using traditional methods (Senft 2008;Foley 2010;Pawley 2011). ...
This book discusses patterns of predication and their grammatical and semantic implications in a variety of African languages. It covers several prominent topics about predication in the languages, including locative predication, expressions of tense, aspect, and mood in relation to verbal complexes and verb serialisation, verb semantics, and nominalization of predicates. The chapters take inspiration from Felix Ameka’s approach to the study of language according to which the main task of a linguist is to collaborate with language users to understand communicative practices in different contexts and to uncover how these practices impact grammatical and semantic aspects of the language. Accordingly, the descriptions and analyses in this book serve to understand language variation in different ecologies, rather than to impose pre-established descriptive frames on less described languages. Together, the chapters in the book represent a bird’s eye view of predication strategies in various African languages and can therefore serve as readings for both introductory and advanced level courses on predication from a typological or comparative perspective.
... SFY, daha çok Afrika dillerinde yaygın bir kullanıma sahip olsa da pek çok dilde SFY oluşumu görülebilmektedir (Aikhenvald, 2006;Dixon, 2006;Foley vd. 1985;Givón, 1991;Durie, 1997;Aydemir, 2018;Hirik, 2019 SFY daha çok konuşma dilinde yaygın bir kullanıma sahiptir ve "tek olay"ı birden fazla fiil ile anlatma isteğinin ürünüdür. En az iki fiilden oluşan SFY'de fiillerden biri diğer fiile çeşitli anlam nüansları veya görünüşsel özellik katma işlevinde kullanılmaktadır. ...
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Fiillere başta yön ilişkisi olmak üzere amaç, niyet, zamansal sıralama, görünüş vb. anlam ilişkileri yükleyen ilişkili hareket; zaman, görünüş, kip gibi evrensel bir kategori olarak kabul edilmektedir. İlk olarak Avustralya dillerinde tespit edilen ilişkili hareket, genel olarak morfolojik bir kategori olarak kabul edilmiş ve bu görüş, uzun yıllar kabul görmüştür. Ancak son zamanlarda yapılan çalışmalar, evrensel özellikler gösteren dil bilgisel bir kategorinin sadece bütün dillerde morfolojik yollarla karşılanmasının oldukça genel bir ifade olduğunu, bu tür kategorilerin başka dil bilgisel yollarla (söz dizimsel, sözlüksel) kodlanabileceğini göstermiştir. İlişkili hareket üzerine yapılan çalışmaların sayısı arttıkça bu kategorinin yalnızca morfolojik bir kategori olmadığı görüşü ağırlık kazanmıştır. Bu çalışma, evrensel bir kategori olarak kabul edilen ilişkili hareketin Türkçede de bulunduğunu ve morfo-sentaktik ve sözlüksel yollarla kodlandığını ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Türkçedeki ilişkili hareket üzerine yapılan ilk çalışma olması sebebiyle önem arz eden bu çalışmada ilişkili hareketin çok fiilli yapılar (seri fiil yapıları, birleşik fiil) ile kodlandığını ve bu yapıların oluşumunda kullanılan zaman ekleri ve zarf-fiil eklerinin morfolojik bir rol üstlendiği görüşü savunulmaktadır. Çalışmada, Türkçedeki ilişkili hareket örnekleri yazılı kaynaklardan ve konuşma dilinden tespit edilmiş, işlevlerine göre iki sınıfa (birleşik fiil şeklindeki ilişkili hareket, seri fiil şeklindeki ilişkili hareket) ayrılmıştır. Bu çalışma, Türkçedeki ilişkili hareket üzerine yapılacak çalışmalar için bazı veriler sunacağı gibi karşılaştırmalı dil araştırmalarında Türkçeyi ilişkili hareket özelliklerine göre değerlendirme imkânı sağlayacaktır.
... They may represent the time frame for the main event regarding the dependent event, the reason for the main event to occur, its purpose, the manner in which it takes place, and some others (Cristofaro, 2003: 155;Schmidtke-Bode & Diessel, 2020: 27 (Bolaños, 2016: 257) Those examples feature constructions with a verb-verb compound, which is a subtype of a serial verb construction. In both serial verb constructions and verb-verb compound constructions, a sequence of several verb stems function together as a single predicate, however in verb-verb compounds, they also constitute a single wordform (see Durie, 1997;Aikhenvald, 2006). In examples (8) and (9), the events of two verbs occur simultaneously: singing while serving; arrives crying. ...
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This research is dedicated to an overview of formation of adverbial clauses in the Vaupés linguistic area. Based on the data from 22 languages, it presents a description of the major strategies for marking a clause as adverbial: with the use of adverbial linkers, cases or adpositions, bare nominalizations, and switch-reference markers. The results of this study show several tendencies that are best explained as the result of areal diffusion, in this case from Tucanoan languages to other, non-Tucanoan, languages of the area.
Este trabalho investiga caminhos alternativos para um entendimento de fenômenos linguísticos do tukano mais próximo à perspectiva ontológica dos falantes e, portanto, mais distante da epistemologia ocidental Moderna que subjaz os estudos linguísticos. Para tanto, realizo primeiramente uma revisão das bases sobre a qual a linguística hegemônica se ancora, mostrando as suas relações com Modernidade (Toulmin, 1990) e com a colonialidade (Mignolo, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2007). Em seguida, mostro como também a antropologia se constituiu através das dicotomias que caracterizam a epistemologia ocidental, mas buscou se distanciar de tal visão a partir de movimentos realizados desde a década de 1980. Opto por destacar os avanços realizados através do perspectivismo ameríndio (Viveiros de Castro, 1996, 2002, 2018), que, ao propor um movimento de descolonização permanente do pensamento, pode ser utilizado para pensar o desenvolvimento de uma linguística descolonial. Mostro também como o conceito perspectivista de “equívoco” se aplica à noção de “língua”, evidenciando que o que é língua se define através de uma perspectiva ontológica. Portanto, língua para os Tukano não é o mesmo que língua para não-indígenas ocidentais. Essa proposta é corroborada através de uma analogia entre as diferenças estruturais entre o sistema de classificação ictiológico ocidental e o sistema de classificação ictiológico tukano, tal qual mapeadas por J. P. Barreto (2013), e as diferenças entre o sistema linguístico ocidental e uma forma possível de conceber um sistema linguístico tukano, aqui sugerida. Finalmente, parto para as implicações dessa outra concepção de língua para a análise de três dados de eventos linguísticos em tukano coletados em campo. Proponho uma discussão sobre o sentido dos morfemas de evidencialidade que ocorrem nos dados discutidos, mostrando como a sua análise pode se beneficiar de uma perspectiva que não se atenha ao sentido estritamente linguístico de tais morfemas (tal qual proposto por Ramirez, 1997a), tampouco exclusivamente ao sentido do morfema em relação ao seu contexto imediato (como faz Aikhenvald, 2004, 2018), mas que procure entender a língua como parte integrante e constituinte de uma perspectiva ontológica distinta, tukano, na qual o processo de significação difere do ocidental.
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This article is claimed to be the first that helps bridge the gap left unfilled in the analysis of serialization basically in classical Arabic of pre-Islamic period and what follows it on the one hand, and between English and classical Arabic on the other. The premise this article is based on is that serialization can be hypotactic as well as paratactic, where the clausal structure in both types is different. Under the theoretical concept of Raising, adapted from the generative transformational model, this feature is treated, in a comparative/ contrastive fashion, in both English and Arabic to figure out the points of convergence and divergence, and how the referential and co-referential interpretation is conducted via applying the PRO element. Theoretical analysis is maintained by traditional examples from Qur'anic text and other devised examples that serve the purposes of relevant analysis.
Non-core argument, an additional component of a sentence, plays an important role in semantic analysis, which can expand the basic predicate structure and form complex propositions. Non-core arguments usually need to be cited by case markers, including not only prepositions but also verbs. This study focuses on verb-guided non-core arguments, as well as an investigation of the expression of non-core argument role relationships based on serial verb construction, which is different from the previous method that mainly focused on preposition-guided non-core arguments. In this study, a new set of non-core argument role classification systems is proposed. At the same time, newspapers and periodicals corpus containing structural tree information in BCC corpus are chosen for obtaining serial verb collocation data. Through disambiguation and non-core argument role identification, the presented method eventually achieved 25517 examples of triple collocations and constructed a verb-guided non-core argument knowledge base, which provides data support for natural language processing and language theory research.
This book explores the cognitive constraints and principles of variation in structures of linguistic meaning across languages. It unifies cognitive-semantic representations with formal-semantic representations to make a unique contribution to the study of typological generalizations and universals in natural language semantics. This unified approach not only helps reveal why semantic structures have the observed variation they have but also sheds light on the compelling cognitive and formal regularities and patterns in the variation of linguistic semantics. The book also advances the general principles of a cognitively oriented semantic typology.
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The aims of this study is to identify and describe the characteristics of serial verb construction (SVC) in Baweanese, and to analyze the semantic types of SVC in Bawean. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. Data collection used was by interviewing, listening and taking notes with native speakers of the Baweanese, and also the library method to find references to previous studies to compare in this research. The result can be shown in the pattern of forming SVC of Baweanese are (1) transitive V1 + transitive V2, (2) intransitive V1 + transitive V2, (3) transitive V1 + intransitive V2, and (4) intransitive V1 + intransitive V2,. Then, the types of verb serialization (VS) that can be identified include: (1) manner type, (2) locative type, (3) directional type, (4) purpose type, (5) movement type, (6) instrumental type, (7) causal type. The implication of this study obtained is that BBW has similarities with Madurese in the pattern of formation of SVC, but in terms of written language and dialect it is not similar. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan karakteristik konstruksi verba serial (SVC) dalam bahasa Bawean, serta menganalisis tipe semantik SVC dalam bahasa Bawean. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan datanya menggunakan teknik wawancara, simak dan catat dengan penutur asli bahasa Bawean, dan juga metode kepustakaan untuk mencari referensi dari penelitian-penelitian terdahulu sebagai pembanding dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pola pembentukan SVC bahasa Bawean adalah (1) V1 transitif + V2 transitif, (2) V1 intransitif + V2 transitif, (3) V1 transitif + V2 intransitif, dan (4) V1 intransitif + V2 intransitif. Kemudian, tipe-tipe serialisasi kata kerja (VS) yang dapat diidentifikasi antara lain: (1) tipe cara, (2) tipe lokatif, (3) tipe arah, (4) tipe tujuan, (5) tipe gerakan, (6) tipe instrumental, (7) tipe kausal. Implikasi penelitian ini yang diperoleh adalah BBW memiliki kesamaan dengan Bahasa Madura dalam pola pembentukan SVC, tetapi dalam hal bahasa tertulis dan dialek tidak sama.
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