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The Influence of Sex and Phenotype on Shoaling Decisions in Zebrafish

  • Canisius University

Abstract and Figures

Fish typically choose shoalmates with similar phenotypic characteristics to themselves, thus creating shoals for which predators have difficulty identifying and attacking one specific individual. And while shoaling should provide similar anti-predator benefits to both males and females, the two sexes do not always make the same shoaling decisions. Here we explore the effect of phenotype on sexspecific shoaling in three varieties of zebrafish (Danio rerio) and the closely related pearl danio (Danio albolineatus). We hypothesized that males and females of each type of zebrafish (wildtype, golden mutants and leopard mutants), as well as male and female pearl danios, would choose to shoal rather than be alone and, when given a choice of shoalmates, would shoal with fish of their own phenotype rather than dissimilar fish. As expected, our results show that most fish preferred to shoal rather than be alone. However, while both sexes of wildtype zebrafish responded identically to shoaling decisions, male and female mutant zebrafish and pearl danio fish differed in their response to such choices. When given a choice of shoalmates, wildtype zebrafish of both sexes showed no discrimination between different D. rerio strains, although they did choose to shoal with wildtype conspecifics rather than pearl danios. The shoalmate preferences of the mutant zebrafish revealed that males showed no discrimination between shoals of their own variety and wildtype shoals, while mutant females preferred shoals of their own strain. Similarly, male pearl danios showed no discrimination between shoals of their own species and shoals of wildtype zebrafish, while pearl danio females preferred their own species. These results demonstrate the complex influence of sex and phenotype on shoaling behavior.
Content may be subject to copyright.
International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 2010, 23, 70-81.
Copyright 2010 by the International Society for Comparative Psychology
This work was funded by a NSF GK-12 0139303 grant awarded to Saint Joseph’s Biology
Department and an internal grant from the Saint Joseph’s University chapter of Sigma Xi. We wish to
thank all of the people who have provided comments on this manuscript. Correspondence concerning
this article should be addressed to S.P. McRobert, Saint Joseph’s University, 5600 City Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA, 19131, U.S.A. (
The Influence of Sex and Phenotype on
Shoaling Decisions in Zebrafish
Jennifer L. Snekser
Lehigh University, U.S.A.
Nathan Ruhl
Ohio University, U.S.A.
Kristoffer Bauer and Scott P. McRobert
Saint Joseph’s University, U.S.A.
Fish typically choose shoalmates with similar phenotypic characteristics to themselves, thus creating
shoals for which predators have difficulty identifying and attacking one specific individual. And
while shoaling should provide similar anti-predator benefits to both males and females, the two sexes
do not always make the same shoaling decisions. Here we explore the effect of phenotype on sex-
specific shoaling in three varieties of zebrafish (Danio rerio) and the closely related pearl danio
(Danio albolineatus). We hypothesized that males and females of each type of zebrafish (wildtype,
golden mutants and leopard mutants), as well as male and female pearl danios, would choose to shoal
rather than be alone and, when given a choice of shoalmates, would shoal with fish of their own
phenotype rather than dissimilar fish. As expected, our results show that most fish preferred to shoal
rather than be alone. However, while both sexes of wildtype zebrafish responded identically to
shoaling decisions, male and female mutant zebrafish and pearl danio fish differed in their response
to such choices. When given a choice of shoalmates, wildtype zebrafish of both sexes showed no
discrimination between different D. rerio strains, although they did choose to shoal with wildtype
conspecifics rather than pearl danios. The shoalmate preferences of the mutant zebrafish revealed that
males showed no discrimination between shoals of their own variety and wildtype shoals, while
mutant females preferred shoals of their own strain. Similarly, male pearl danios showed no
discrimination between shoals of their own species and shoals of wildtype zebrafish, while pearl
danio females preferred their own species. These results demonstrate the complex influence of sex
and phenotype on shoaling behavior.
Shoaling (forming loose social aggregations) is a behavior demonstrated
by many species of teleost fish, providing individuals with benefits such as
enhanced foraging opportunities, access to mates, and protection from predators
(Krause & Ruxton, 2002). With respect to the anti-predator benefits, it has been
suggested that it may be difficult for a predator to identify and attack any one
specific individual within a group of phenotypically similar fish (Pitcher, 1986).
This phenomenon, referred to as the confusion effect, causes predators to hesitate
momentarily before attacking aggregated prey, leading to a lower capture success
than when attacking solitary or dispersed prey (Milinski, 1979; Ohguchi, 1981). In
a related phenomenon, the oddity effect, a phenotypically distinct individual within
a shoal is more likely to be targeted by a predator (Landeau & Terborgh, 1986). It
is not surprising, therefore, that shoaling fish typically choose to associate with
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fish that bear a resemblance to themselves rather than fish that are phenotypically
In studies on the confusion and oddity effects, a number of phenotypic
attributes have been shown to affect shoaling preferences for a variety of fish
species (reviewed in Krause, Butlin, Peuhkuri, & Pritchard, 2000). Such attributes
include body size (Hauser, Carvalho, & Pitcher, 1998; Krause & Godin, 1994;
McCann, Kohen, & Kline, 1971; Theodorakis, 1989), parasite load that causes
black spots on the body (Barber, Downey, & Braithwaite, 1998; Krause & Godin
1996), body shape (Hauser et al. , 1998), body coloration (McRobert & Bradner,
1998) and stripe pattern (Engeszer, Ryan, & Parichy, 2004; McCann, et al., 1971;
Rosenthal & Ryan, 2005). As predicted, fish are capable of discriminating between
potential shoalmates on the basis of each of these phenotypic features, typically
shoaling with fish that are similar in appearance. This assortative shoaling allows
fish to potentially incur the benefits of the confusion effect and avoid the costs of
the oddity effect.
One aspect of shoaling behavior that has been less well represented in the
literature is the effect of sex. Many studies disregard sex, either by examining only
one sex or by ignoring the sex of the fish altogether. Part of this omission may be a
perception that the two sexes would make similar shoaling choices, especially in
species in which males and females are phenotypically similar. In studies on a
sexually dimorphic species such as the guppy (Poecilia reticulate), it was found
that males are less likely than females to join shoals (Magurran, 1999), and female
guppies stayed in their shoals (Griffiths & Magurran, 1998) while males spent
more time moving between shoals (Magurran, 1998). In studies on another
sexually dimorphic species, the Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens), both
males and females chose to shoal with larger groups of females, but females
avoided males, while males did not (Snekser, McRobert, & Clotfelter, 2006a).
Interestingly, sex-related shoaling differences have also been noted in species in
which males and females are phenotypically similar. Female rainbow fish
(Melanotaenia eachamensis) made shoaling choices based on relatedness of
individuals within the shoal, while males did not (Arnold, 2000). Similarly, female
zebrafish (Danio rerio) preferred to shoal with unfamiliar and unrelated males,
while males showed no such preference (Gerlach & Lysiak, 2006). Zebrafish
males and females also differed in their shoaling decisions when shoal sex and
shoal size were varied (Ruhl & McRobert, 2005; Ruhl, McRobert, & Currie,
2009). Additionally, male zebrafish have been shown to be more sensitive than
females to visual striping cues in shoaling assays (Engeszer, Wang, Ryan, &
Parichy, 2008).
Zebrafish are an ideal species to further explore the factors that influence
shoaling decisions. Zebrafish have long been used in genetic and developmental
studies and a recent surge in research has focused on their ecology and behavior
(reviewed by Spence, Gerlach, Lawrence, & Smith, 2008). The availability of a
large number of phenotypic variants (Detrich, Westerfield, & Zon, 1999; Nüsslein-
Volhard, 1994; Parichy, 2003) and closely related species (Fang, 2003; Mayden et
al., 2007) means that many naturally occurring variables exist for examining the
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relative importance of specific physical traits on shoalmate choice. Thus far,
studies on shoalmate choice of wildtype zebrafish have taken advantage of closely
related species (Engeszer et al., 2008; McCann & Carlson, 1982; Spence & Smith,
2007), pigment mutants and transgenics (Engeszer et al., 2004; Snekser,
McRobert, Murphy, & Clotfelter, 2006b; Spence & Smith, 2007; Engeszer et al.,
2008), and fin mutants (Kitevski & Pyron, 2003). Less attention has been focused
on the shoaling behavior of mutant zebrafish or closely related species, despite
evidence for strain differences in other behavioral contexts (Gumm, Snekser, &
Iovine, 2008; Itzkowitz & Iovine, 2007; Moretz, Martins, & Robison, 2006, 2007;
Robison & Rowland, 2005; Wright, Butlin, & Carlborg, 2006; Wright, Rimmer,
Pritchard, Krause, & Butlin, 2003).
The objective of this study was to explore possible sex differences in the
shoaling behavior of wildtype zebrafish, two mutant zebrafish strains (leopard and
golden) and the closely related pearl danio (D. albolineatus). In each case, we
predicted that males and females of each strain would prefer to associate with other
fish, regardless of phenotype, over an empty chamber and would prefer to
associate with fish of similar phenotypic characteristics in dichotomous choice
Adult fish were obtained from commercial suppliers (World Wide Aquarium and Seven
Star Tropical Inc., Philadelphia, PA). Focal fish (whose behavior was observed) were housed in
separate tanks from stimulus fish (used in groups of three to elicit responses from focal fish). Fish
were further separated by variety and sex; sex was determined by general body shape (with females
being more rotund than males) and the presence of a genital papilla rostral of the anal fin in females.
All tanks were covered on three sides with opaque white paper to visually isolate the fish from other
varieties and the opposite sex. Tanks were maintained under fluorescent lighting on a 12L:12D cycle
at 23° C. All fish were fed commercial flake food once per day.
Three varieties of zebrafish (D. rerio) as well as the closely related pearl danio (D.
albolineatus) were used as both focal and stimulus fish. Wildtype zebrafish have five to seven dark
stripes of melanophores and iridophores alternating with light stripes of xanthophores and iridophores
(Parichy, 2006a,b; Quigley & Parichy, 2002). The mutant, golden, lacks melanophore pigmentation
resulting in a yellow coloration with faint yellow stripes (Lamason et al., 2005). The mutant, leopard,
has interrupted melanophore stripes, giving the fish a spotted appearance (Johnson, Africa, Walker, &
Weston, 1995). Pearl danios (D. albolineatus), a close relative of zebrafish, have the same general
body shape and size as D. rerio, but lack dark stripes altogether (Fang, 2003).
Test tanks were constructed by dividing aquaria (74 x 31 x 31 cm) into three compartments
(Fig. 1) with clear glass partitions sealed with silicone caulk 18 cm from each end. The central
compartment was further divided into left and right sides by opaque Plexiglas partitions (25 x 18 cm).
These partitions allowed focal fish to swim to either side of the central compartment but prevented
fish on one side from seeing the stimulus fish on the opposite side.
Each test session consisted of a 600 s observation period during which the time the focal
fish spent on each side of the central compartment was recorded. Twenty fish of each sex (chosen at
random from a holding tank) were tested in each assay and the same fish was not used more than
once in any assay. Prior to each test, a single focal fish was placed into the central compartment and
allowed one hour to acclimate. During this acclimation period, the stimulus shoals were held in their
end compartments. Stimulus fish were, in all assays, the same sex as the focal fish. An equal number
of tests were run with stimulus shoals in the left and right end compartments to reduce the risk of
‘tank effects’.
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Figure 1. Diagram of aerial view of dichotomous choice testing tank.
For wildtype zebrafish, we ran two types of behavioral assay. In the first set, wildtype
zebrafish (males or females) were given the choice of an empty chamber and a shoal of three fish of
one variety: wildtype, golden, leopard, or pearl danios. In the second set of assays (simultaneous
choice tests), wildtype zebrafish were given the choice between a shoal of three wildtype zebrafish
and another shoal of three fish: wildtype, golden, leopard, or pearl danios.
Similar behavioral tests were performed with the mutant zebrafish (golden and leopard)
and the pearl danios. In the first set of assays, male and female mutant zebrafish or pearl danios were
given the choice of an empty chamber and a shoal of three fish of the same variety or a shoal of three
wildtype zebrafish. In the second set of assays, male and female mutant zebrafish or pearl danios
were given the choice of a shoal of three wildtype zebrafish and a shoal of three fish of the same
variety as the focal fish.
The mean time spent on either side of the central compartment was calculated for each
assay. We assumed that if there was no preference for either shoal, the focal fish should spend 300 s
(or 50% of their time) on each side of the test tank. For this reason, we compared the association
times to the null expectation of 300s using one-sample t tests for each assay (see Bradner &
McRobert, 2001; Ruhl & McRobert, 2005; Ruhl et al., 2009; Snekser et al., 2006a,b).
When given the choice between an empty compartment and a
compartment containing three fish of the same sex, male and female wildtype
zebrafish always shoaled regardless of the variety of stimulus fish. In simultaneous
choice tests, neither male nor female wildtype zebrafish showed a significant
preference when given the choice between shoals of conspecifics but did spend
significantly more time near wildtype zebrafish than near the heterospecific pearl
danios (Table 1 and Fig. 2).
When golden zebrafish were given a choice between a shoal of three fish
of the same variety and an empty compartment, both males and females spent
significantly more time near the shoal of golden zebrafish. However, when given a
choice between three wildtype zebrafish and an empty compartment, golden males
shoaled while golden females did not demonstrate a preference. In simultaneous
choice tests, golden females spent significantly more time near a shoal of golden
females than near a shoal of wildtype females, while golden males did not exhibit a
preference between golden males and wildtype males (Table 2 and Fig. 2).
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Table 1
Mean association time ± SE exhibited by male and female wildtype zebrafish for each behavioral
choice test.
Note: n = 20 for each behavioral choice test. t-statistics (One-sample t test (H
= 0.5)) and
corresponding p-values are given for each test. Statistically significant preferences are indicated in
Table 2
Mean association time ± SE exhibited by mutant zebrafish (golden and leopard) for each behavioral
choice test.
Note: n = 20 for each behavioral choice test. t-statistics (One-sample t test (H
= 0.5)) and
corresponding p values are given for each test. Statistically significant preferences are indicated in
Sex of
Focal Fish Shoal 1 Mean time (s) Shoal 2 Mean time (s) SE t p
M 3 Wildtype 430 Empty 170 39.90 3.26 0.004
M 3 golden 402 Empty 198 29.75 3.43 0.003
M 3 leopard 415 Empty 185 16.72 6.87 <0.001
M 3 pearl 401 Empty 199 34.53 2.92 0.009
M 3 Wildtype 346 3 Wildtype 254 31.36 1.48 0.16
M 3 Wildtype 313 3 golden 287 27.08 0.48 0.64
M 3 Wildtype 312 3 leopard 288 29.79 0.39 0.70
M 3 Wildtype 362 3 pearl 238 28.74 2.14 0.04
F 3 Wildtype 476 Empty 124 20.97 8.39 <0.001
F 3 golden 390 Empty 210 27.94 3.22 0.005
F 3 leopard 447 Empty 153 22.33 6.59 <0.001
F 3 pearl 435 Empty 165 29.94 4.54 <0.001
F 3 Wildtype 288 3 Wildtype 312 23.88 0.49 0.63
F 3 Wildtype 355 3 golden 245 30.21 1.83 0.08
F 3 Wildtype 334 3 leopard 266 25.91 1.31 0.21
F 3 Wildtype 401 3 pearl 199 37.49 2.68 0.01
Sex of
Focal Fish Shoal 1 Mean time (s) Shoal 2 Mean time (s) SE t p
golden zebrafish
M 3 Wildtype 391 Empty 209 32.07 2.83 0.011
M 3 golden 422 Empty 178 37.57 3.24 0.004
M 3 Wildtype 265 3 golden 335 41.34 0.85 0.41
F 3 Wildtype 344 Empty 256 21.56 2.04 0.06
F 3 golden 431 Empty 169 31.11 4.21 <0.001
F 3 Wildtype 240 3 golden 360 21.85 2.72 0.013
leopard zebrafish
M 3 Wildtype 417 Empty 183 22.33 5.23 <0.001
M 3 leopard 445 Empty 155 34.20 4.25 <0.001
M 3 Wildtype 313 3 leopard 287 44.63 0.30 0.77
F 3 Wildtype 430 Empty 170 28.51 4.55 <0.001
F 3 leopard 437 Empty 163 30.67 4.46 <0.001
F 3 Wildtype 239 3 leopard 361 25.35 2.40 <0.001
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Figure 2. Mean + SE time spent with wildtype zebrafish in each of the dichotomous choice tests for
males (A) and females (B). The strain of fish listed first is that of the focal fish; WT = wildtype. * p <
When leopard zebrafish were given a choice between a shoal of three
leopard zebrafish and an empty end compartment, or between a shoal of three
wildtype zebrafish and an empty compartment, both males and females spent
significantly more time near the shoal of fish. In simultaneous choice tests, leopard
females spent significantly more time near a shoal of leopard females than near a
shoal of wildtype females while leopard males did not exhibit a preference
between leopard males and wildtype males (Table 2 and Fig. 2).
When pearl danios were presented with a choice between an empty
chamber and either a shoal of three pearl danios or a shoal of wildtype zebrafish,
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both males and females spent significantly more time near the shoal of fish. When
presented with a shoal of three pearl danios and a shoal of three wildtype zebrafish,
however, pearl danio females spent significantly more time near the pearl danio
shoal while males showed no significant preference (Table 3 and Fig. 2).
Table 3
Mean association time ± SE exhibited by pearl danios for each behavioral choice test.
Note: n = 20 for each behavioral choice test. t-statistics (One-sample t test (H
= 0.5)) and
corresponding p values are given for each test. Statistically significant preferences are indicated in
Both sexes of wildtype zebrafish made similar shoaling decisions. Males
and females each chose to shoal rather than be alone, regardless of the strain of
shoal presented. Additionally, in simultaneous choice assays, neither sex showed a
preference when given a choice between a shoal of wildtype zebrafish and a shoal
of mutant zebrafish with atypical body coloration or stripe pattern. This lack of
shoaling preference is in concordance with a number of studies in which wildtype
zebrafish failed to discriminate between their own variety and other phenotypic
mutants, including leopard (Spence & Smith, 2007), and golden (Saverino &
Gerlai, 2008). However, these studies did not specifically examine the behavior of
both male and female zebrafish. In one study in which sex was considered, neither
male nor female wildtype zebrafish distinguished between wildtype shoals and
shoals of transgenic RFP Glofish (Snekser et al., 2006b).
However, the literature also contains studies in which wildtype zebrafish
demonstrate an ability to discriminate between phenotypically similar and
phenotypically distinct shoalmates. In studies utilizing altered photographs
(McCann et al., 1971), video playback models (Rosenthal & Ryan, 2005), or
stripe-less nacre zebrafish mutants (Engeszer et al., 2004), wildtype zebrafish
demonstrated a preference for shoals of fish with body color and stripe pattern
similar to their own. These studies, however, did not separate the sexes and
specifically compare the behavior of males to females.
In contrast to their lack of discrimination between different zebrafish
strains, both male and female wildtype zebrafish showed a significant preference
for conspecific shoals over shoals of the heterospecific pearl danio. It is difficult,
however, to determine whether the avoidance of the pearl danios was due to
differences in phenotype (i.e., lack of stripes), or some other difference between
the species, such as swimming behavior. Nonetheless, when taking all of the
Sex of Focal
Fish Shoal 1 Mean time (s) Shoal 2 Mean time (s) SE t p
M 3 Wildtype 482 Empty 118 36.42 4.99 <0.001
M 3 pearl 422 Empty 178 27.32 4.48 <0.001
M 3 Wildtype 275 3 pearl 325 53.27 0.47 0.641
F 3 Wildtype 407 Empty 193 37.99 2.82 0.011
F 3 pearl 464 Empty 136 34.30 4.78 <0.001
F 3 Wildtype 136 3 pearl 464 37.45 4.37 <0.001
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assays into account, body coloration and stripe pattern did not have a significant
impact on shoalmate choice for wildtype zebrafish, contrary to our initial
predictions. Perhaps the phenotypic differences need to be as dramatic as “stripes”
versus “no stripes” (i.e., Engeszer et al., 2004) to make a difference in terms of
shoaling benefits such as the confusion effect. In keeping with our initial
predictions, however, wildtype males and females made similar shoaling choices.
In contrast, the tests with zebrafish mutants (leopard and golden) and the
closely related pearl danio, body coloration and stripe pattern did appear to affect
shoalmate choice, but only for females. Males of these three varieties behaved
similarly to wildtype zebrafish, while females showed greater discrimination in
shoalmate choice. When presented with two shoals (wildtype fish vs. the same
variety as the test fish), males showed no significant preference for either shoal.
Males also chose to associate with shoals rather than be alone. Like males,
females, for the most part, preferred to shoal rather than be alone regardless of the
phenotype of the shoal. But unlike males, female pearl danios, leopard zebrafish,
and golden zebrafish preferred to shoal with phenotypically similar fish over
dissimilar fish.
Previous studies that focused on the shoaling tendencies of zebrafish
mutants found that leopard zebrafish did not discriminate between shoals of
leopard or wildtype zebrafish (Spence & Smith, 2007) or shoals of striped and
stripe-less video models (Rosenthal & Ryan, 2005). Similarly, the golden mutant
zebrafish showed no significant preference for striped or stripe-less models
(Rosenthal & Ryan, 2005) and did not sort themselves from shoals of wildtype
zebrafish (Saverino & Gerlai, 2008). Again, these previous studies ignored the sex
of the fish in analysis and it is thus difficult to draw complete comparisons
between these studies and the work presented here.
Overall, the results presented here show that sex can be a critical factor in
the shoaling behavior of zebrafish (D. rerio) and the pearl danio (D. albolineatus).
It also appears that stripe pattern and body coloration are phenotypic features that
impinge on shoalmate choice in these species. However, the results are complex
and, in some ways, create more questions than they answer. For example, why was
the behavior of wildtype zebrafish so different from that of the mutant zebrafish?
And why, within the mutant zebrafish strains and the pearl danio strain, did
females make different shoaling choices than males? Perhaps the sex differences
reflect a difference in the benefits provided by shoaling. Shoaling in males, in
more natural situations, may be influenced by potential mate associations, with any
shoal of zebrafish, regardless of body color or stripe pattern, providing an
opportunity for increased reproductive success. Conversely, females may be
making shoaling decisions based primarily on maximizing predator defense, and
thus choose to associate with phenotypically similar fish. Previous studies on
guppies indicate similar trends, with male strategies seemingly directed toward
reproduction and females strategies toward increased foraging efficiency and
survival (reviewed in Magurran & Garcia, 2000). Additional zebrafish shoaling
experiments are necessary to better understand the evolutionary impetus of each
sex to shoal.
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It is important to note that the results presented here may be limited due to
the use of captive-bred animals obtained from commercial suppliers. The fish we
studied may have been in captivity for many generations and therefore have not
been subject to the same selective pressures as wild fish. Despite this limitation,
fish from commercial suppliers will obviously continue to be a staple in research
and have already contributed substantially to our knowledge of zebrafish behavior
(e.g., Bass & Gerlai, 2008; Colwill, Raymond, Ferriere, & Escudero, 2005;
Gerlach & Lysiak, 2006; Kitevski & Pyron, 2003; Larson, O’Malley, & Melloni,
2006; McCann et al., 1971; McCann & Carlson, 1982; Miller & Gerlai, 2007;
Pyron, 2003; Rosenthal & Ryan, 2005; Ruhl & McRobert, 2005; Saverino &
Gerlai, 2008; Snekser et al., 2006b; Spence, Ashton, & Smith, 2007; Spence &
Smith, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008). Furthermore, access to mutations and transgenic
fish available only in captive strains provide an incredibly valuable scientific
Finally, while we can design experiments aimed at identifying the specific
factors that mediate behavior, our interpretation of these studies is only
speculation. We will never be able to see through the eyes of a fish and therefore
we can only make suggestions about which factors influence behaviors such as
shoalmate choice and the potential differences in decision-making between male
and female fish. It is always possible that factors unseen by humans are responsible
for the behaviors we study and we must remember that the perceptual worlds of
our study organisms may be very different from our own (see Engeszer et al.,
2008; von Uexkull, 1909).
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... In their natural habitat, zebrafish have been observed in shoals that vary in size from just a few individuals to several hundred conspecifics (Engeszer et al., 2007), as well as with other species (Spence et al., 2008). In laboratory studies, zebrafish consistently prefer to shoal rather than swim alone (Snekser et al., 2006;Snekser et al., 2010). They also prefer to shoal with larger groups of zebrafish (Pritchard et al., 2001;Ruhl and McRobert, 2005;Dougherty et al., 2010;Seguin and Gerlai, 2017) and prefer to shoal with conspecifics (Peuhkuri, 1997;Rosenthal and Ryan, 2005;Snekser et al., 2010;Kiesel et al., 2012). ...
... In laboratory studies, zebrafish consistently prefer to shoal rather than swim alone (Snekser et al., 2006;Snekser et al., 2010). They also prefer to shoal with larger groups of zebrafish (Pritchard et al., 2001;Ruhl and McRobert, 2005;Dougherty et al., 2010;Seguin and Gerlai, 2017) and prefer to shoal with conspecifics (Peuhkuri, 1997;Rosenthal and Ryan, 2005;Snekser et al., 2010;Kiesel et al., 2012). ...
... This may be due to the hypothesis that males are especially motivated to shoal when females are within the presented shoal (Ruhl and McRobert, 2005). Phenotypically different female zebrafish (leopard and golden variants) choose to shoal with phenotypically similar shoals, while male variants do not discriminate (Snekser et al., 2010). Way et al. (2015a), also found sex differences in shoaling preferences, with males that were classified as "bold" being more likely than "shy" males to shoal with unfamiliar conspecifics but "bold" females were only likely to shoal more than "shy" females when presented with heterospecific individuals. ...
Aggregation behavior (grouping) provides many animals with the ecological benefits of protection from predators, increased access to food, and greater mating opportunities, despite possible costs. Many factors likely contribute to the social choices animals make, and we sought to determine if the individual expression of aggression would correlate with shoalmate choices. We quantified aggressive or submissive tendencies of individual male and female zebrafish and shoalmate preferences within dichotomous choice assays. We hypothesized that fish, regardless of their individual aggressive behaviors, would benefit most and therefore choose to spend time near larger shoals and shoals of the opposite sex. Both sexes spent significantly more time near shoals rather than be alone. Males spent significantly more time with the largest shoal, and females exhibited a similar trend. Both sexes spent more time with shoals of females, rather than males. Males were generally more consistent in their aggressive behaviors across multiple assays and females exhibited more individual-variability. More aggressive male zebrafish were more likely to choose shoals of males over females and were more likely to swim alone, but female zebrafish did not exhibit a correlation between aggressive behaviors and social choices. Our results demonstrate clear sex differences in the expression of individual behavior and influences on shoaling.
... Sex differences for shoaling preference. Certain aspects of shoaling behavior differ between males and females [29]. Interestingly, male zebrafish display bolder responses than females in both the open-field test and the novel object test [30], and male zebrafish are more exploratory of novel environments than females [31]. ...
... Prior research has not only considered the innate social tendency of zebrafish to shoal [29] but has also investigated numerous aspects of zebrafish behavior within a shoal [47,52,54]. Nonetheless, few studies have examined the role of cohesion and shoal stability in determining preferences between shoals. ...
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Zebrafish (Danio rerio) share a considerable amount of biological similarity with mammals, including identical or homologous gene expression pathways, neurotransmitters, hormones, and cellular receptors. Zebrafish also display complex social behaviors like shoaling and schooling, making them an attractive model for investigating normal social behavior as well as exploring impaired social function conditions such as autism spectrum disorders. Newly-formed and established shoals exhibit distinct behavior patterns and inter-member interactions that can convey the group’s social stability. We used a three-chamber open-swim preference test to determine whether individual zebrafish show a preference for an established shoal over a newly-formed shoal. Results indicated that both sexes maintained greater proximity to arena zones nearest to the established shoal stimulus. In addition, we report the novel application of Shannon entropy to discover sex differences in systematicity of responses not revealed by unit-based measurements; male subjects spent more time investigating between the two shoals than female subjects. This novel technique using established versus newly-formed shoals can be used in future studies testing transgenics and pharmacological treatments that mimic autism spectrum disorder and other disorders that affect social interaction.
... Zebrafish choose to congregate with certain fish on empty reefs. Detection of congeners requires a combination of movement and morphology with the head rather than the tail providing relevant clues [104] and fish of similar appearance [105]with activity level and sex composition also playing a role [106,107] Lab experiments with shoals are often accomplished by employing an individual between two partitions and measuring the fraction of time that the animal is in the compartment with other conspecifics. The advantage of this test is that it is simple, but limits understanding, interferes with natural interactions, and offers walls that can lead to attractiveness as well as robust behavior. ...
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The purpose of this review is to provide a qualitative literature review of the latest research on the subject in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Although rodents are the research model used all over the world, the use of the zebrafish model has increased in the scientific community in recent years. This is because this small tropical freshwater bony fish has significant genetic, anatomical and physiological homology with animals. Behavioral testing in zebrafish measures parameters such as motor, cognitive, and social behavior that can help detect drugs, make dosage decisions, and evaluate side effects. By identifying behaviors and manipulating specific genes, researchers can create zebrafish models of human diseases and study their behavioral phenotypes. Because zebrafish are capable of regeneration, zebrafish behavior can also help evaluate treatments and provide insight into regenerative medicine. Overall, Zebrafish serve as an excellent experimental model for behavioral, genetic and toxicological research and reveal mechanisms of many human diseases. As a result, the latest attitude in aquatic toxicology turns from investigative skepticism to exuberant enthusiasm.
... We found that individuals show equal preference to shoals differing in proportion of conspecifics. In agreement with other studies (Snekser et al. 2010;Saverino and Gerlai 2007), we found that test zebrafish individuals showed a preference for conspecific shoals over heterospecific shoals (where only flying barbs were present). Shoaling with other species have disadvantages such as reduced mating opportunities and increased oddity. ...
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Mixed-species groups occur across a wide range of faunal communities and provide several benefits to members. While zebrafish have often been observed to form mixed-species shoals with coexisting species, the factors determining their occurrence are not yet fully understood. Shoals comprising zebrafish (Danio rerio), flying barbs (Esomus danricus), and whitespots (Aplocheilus panchax) were collected from a stagnant canal at Haringhata (West Bengal, India), and using laboratory-based experiments, we deciphered likely drivers of mixed-species shoaling among zebrafish. Experiments assessing foraging efficiency revealed that the amount of food consumed by individual zebrafish in mixed shoals was comparable to the amount consumed by these individuals in conspecific shoals. Within mixed-species shoals, zebrafish individuals, despite being smaller than the other species, consumed a comparable amount of food as the other species. Shoal choice experiments revealed that under predator risk, zebrafish associate more with mixed shoals and showed comparable associations to shoals differing in the abundance of conspecifics. Furthermore, zebrafish preferred associating with familiar conspecifics over unfamiliar mixed and unfamiliar conspecific shoals. Therefore, equitable food consumption in mixed shoals, greater association with mixed shoals in the presence of predators, and familiarity were important in driving zebrafish towards mixed-species shoaling. This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper.
In their natural habitats, animals experience multiple ecological factors and regulate their social responses accordingly. To unravel the impact of two ecological factors on the immediate behavioural response of groups, we conducted experiments on wild zebrafish shoals in arenas with vegetation, predator cues, and both factors simultaneously or neither (control treatments). Analysis of 297 trials revealed that while shoals formed significantly larger subgroups in the presence of predator cues, their subgroup size was comparable to control treatments when they faced predator cues and vegetation. Shoals were highly polarized in open arenas, in the absence of either ecological factors and in the presence of predator cues (with/without vegetation). The presence of vegetation alone, however, significantly reduced shoal polarization. Furthermore, food intake was significantly reduced when predator cues and/or vegetation were present. Tracking individuals revealed that (i) individuals within shoals receiving predator cues had a significantly higher probability to continue being in a group compared with control treatments and (ii) individuals occupying the front positions deviated less from their median position within a shoal as compared with other individuals regardless of predator cues. The adaptability of animals depends on behavioural responses to changing environments, making this study significant in the context of environmental changes.
Fishes rely on a multimodal sensory system to assess cues from environmental factors, such as predation, vegetation cover, water flow and food availability. Here, we conducted laboratory-based experiments to examine the immediate response of wild-caught zebrafish (Danio rerio) shoals, comprising ten individuals, to one of the following treatments: (1) olfactory predator cue; (2) visual predator cue; (3) both cues simultaneously; and (4) control with no cue. Experiments were performed in a 75cm × 75cm arena, and test shoals were provided with olfactory cues from a predator and with a model predator as visual information on the presence of a predator. Using the idTracker software, we tracked and analysed shoal responses across these treatments. We found that in comparison to the control treatment, shoals receiving either visual or olfactory cues had significantly greater: (1) cohesion (inter-individual distance); (2) polarization (tendency of shoal members to orient in a common direction); and (3) velocity (directional speed). Interestingly, when the shoals received both visual and olfactory cues simultaneously, the cohesion, polarization and velocity decreased, and such shoals exhibited significantly more individual freezing events. Therefore, our study not only indicates that zebrafish rely comparably on vision and olfaction to escape predation but also shows that the anti-predator response elicited by zebrafish varies based on the number of cues provided.
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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers to a complicated range of childhood neurodevelopmental disorders which can occur via genetic or non-genetic factors. Clinically, ASD is associated with problems in relationships, social interactions, and behaviors that pose many challenges for children with ASD and their families. Due to the complexity, heterogeneity, and association of symptoms with some neuropsychiatric disorders such as ADHD, anxiety, and sleep disorders, clinical trials have not yielded reliable results and there still remain challenges in drug discovery and development pipeline for ASD patients. One of the main steps in promoting lead compounds to the suitable drug for commercialization is preclinical animal testing, in which the efficacy and toxicity of candidate drugs are examined in vivo. In recent years, zebrafish have been able to attract the attention of many researchers in the field of neurological disorders such as ASD due to their outstanding features. The presence of orthologous genes for ASD modeling, the anatomical similarities of parts of the brain, and similar neurotransmitter systems between zebrafish and humans are some of the main reasons why scientists draw attention to zebrafish as a prominent animal model in preclinical studies to discover highly effective treatment approaches for the ASD through genetic and non-genetic modeling methods.
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Zebrafish ( Danio rerio ) share a considerable amount of biological similarity with mammals, including identical or homologous gene expression pathways, neurotransmitters, hormones, and cellular receptors. Zebrafish also display complex social behaviors like shoaling and schooling, making them an attractive model for investigating normal social behavior as well as exploring impaired social function conditions such as autism spectrum disorders. Newly-formed and established shoals exhibit distinct behavior patterns and inter-member interactions that can convey the group’s social stability. We used a three-chamber open-swim preference test to determine whether individual zebrafish show a preference for an established shoal over a newly-formed shoal. Results indicated that both sexes maintained greater proximity to arena zones nearest to the established shoal stimulus. In addition, we report the novel application of Shannon entropy to discover sex differences in systematicity of responses not revealed by unit-based measurements; male subjects spent more time investigating between the two shoals than female subjects. This novel technique using established versus newly-formed shoals can be used in future studies testing transgenics and pharmacological treatments that mimic autism spectrum disorder and other disorders that affect social interaction.
A considerable literature has been devoted to documenting differences between the sexes. However, relatively little attention has hitherto been directed towards those differences that arise as an indirect consequence of mating system even though they can have profound implications for the daily lives of the animals involved. In this review we focus on differences in the non-reproductive behaviour of fish and relate these to sexual dimorphism in size and morphology, and to variance in fitness between the sexes. In line with our expectation, differences in distributional ecology, schooling, aggression, predator avoidance and foraging are exaggerated in sexually dimorphic species and polygamous mating systems. Nonetheless, the behaviour of males and females may also differ in sexually monomorphic and monogamous species. We conclude by highlighting promising directions for further research.
A phylogenetic analysis of Danio (sensu lato), based on 38 morphological characters, shows that Danio, as recognized until now, is paraphyletic. Danio is restricted to species previously recognized as the “Danio dangila species group,” including D. dangila, Danio rerio, Danio nigrofasciatus, and Danio albolineatus. Those species share an “A stripe” on the anal-fin rays, an anterior lateral extension ventrally on the dentary, two or more pigment stripes on the caudal-fin rays and greatly enlarged lamellar nasal. Esomus is the sister group of Danio. Remaining Danio (sensu lato) species are referred to Devario, characterized by a short and wide premaxillary ascending process with a minute apophysis contacting the kinethmoid, a short maxillary barbel, a “P stripe” extending onto the median caudal-fin rays, and infraorbital 5 not or only slightly reduced. Devario includes the species Devario malabaricus, Devario kakhienensis, Devario devario, Devario chrysotaeniatus, Devario maetaengensis, Devario interruptus, and Devario apogon. The sister group of Devario is a clade composed of Inlecypris and Chela. The well-known genus Brachydanio becomes a junior synonym of Danio (sensu stricto). The phylogenetic relationships of small Danio-like species Sundadanio axelrodi, Danionella translucida, Danio erythromicron, and Microrasbora rubescens remain unresolved.
Three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) which had previously fed on Daphnia in a high density swarm subsequently attacked a prey swarm (which had all known characteristics enhancing confusion) differently from fish fed equal numbers of Daphnia from a lower density swarm. Predators which had previously encountered low density prey hesitated longer before the first attack, attacked less and at a lower rate, and ceased hunting earlier than those fish that had previously prefed upon the high density Daphnia. Possible causes of the difference in attack behaviour are discussed.
When we presented longfin and normal male zebrafish to females in an aquarium experiment, females did not spend more time adjacent to longfin than normal males and did not interact more with longfin than normal males. When we tested for effects of longfin mutants on male-male interactions by comparing aggressive interactions between two normal males to interactions between a normal male and a longfin mutant male, there was no difference in male-male aggression. These results suggest that neither male nor female zebrafish use fin size in evaluating male status.