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Normal 131Iodine uptake values at 2 ano 24 hours



Radiolabeled iodine uptake is a useful tool in the study of thyroid diseases. To obtain normal values for 131 Iodine thyroid uptake in healthy volunteers. A total of 105 subjects were included (52 males and 53 females), with a mean age of 45 years (range: 20 to 68, evenly distributed in decades). A questionnaire was applied and a clinical examination was performed to rule out endocrine diseases. Serum TSH and anti-thyroperoxidase antibodies were also measured. The oral 131I dose was 5-10 microCi, and a Thyrad equipment was used for measurements at 2 and 24 h. Mean global iodine uptake was 5.5%+/-1.8% (range: 2.3-12.0) at 2 h and 16.2+/-4.8% (range: 6.5-30.1) at 24 h. The values at 2 h among women and men were 6.0+/-1.8 and 4.9+/-1.6%, respectively, (p<0.02). At 24 h, the figures were 17.3+/-4.5 and 15.0+/-4.9%, respectively (p=0.01). Compared to their younger counterparts, radioactive iodine uptake was lower among volunteers older than 40 years, at 2 h (5.0+/-1.7 and 6.0+/-1.8, respectively, p<0.02) and at 24 h (14.9+/-4.4 and 17.6+/-4.9%, respectively, p<0.01). Normal thyroid uptake values in adults are influenced by gender and age. Normal thyroid iodine uptake values are slightly higher in females. Iodine thyroid uptake values decrease slightly in subjects aged more than 40 years.
1288 A R T Í C U L O D E
Rev Méd Chile 2008; 136: 1288-1293
Correspondencia a: Dr. Patricio González E. Hospital Clínico
Universidad de Chile, Departamento de Medicina, Sección
Medicina Nuclear. Santos Dumont 999-1E, Independencia,
Santiago, Chile. Fono: 56-2-777-0569. Fax: 56-2-777-7618.
E mail: -
Valores normales de captación
de 131Yodo de 2 y 24 horas
Patricio González E1, Alberto R Carmona C1,
A Verónica Araya Q2, Karina Miranda F3,
Teresa Massardo V1, Beatriz Jiménez R2,
Rodrigo Jaimovich F1, Héctor Gatica R4.
Iodine uptake values
at 2 and 24 hours
Background: Radiolabeled iodine uptake is a useful tool in the
study of thyroid diseases. Aim: To obtain normal values for 131Iodine thyroid uptake in healthy
volunteers. Material and methods: A total of 105 subjects were included (52 males and 53
females), with a mean age of 45 years (range: 20 to 68, evenly distributed in decades). A
questionnaire was applied and a clinical examination was performed to rule out endocrine
diseases. Serum TSH and anti-thyroperoxidase antibodies were also measured. The oral 131I
dose was 5-10
Ci, and a Thyrad equipment was used for measurements at 2 and 24 h.
Results: Mean global iodine uptake was 5.5%
1.8% (range: 2.3-12.0) at 2 h and 16.2
(range: 6.5-30.1) at 24 h. The values at 2 h among women and men were 6.0
1.8 and
1.6%, respectively, (p <0.02). At 24 h, the figures were 17.3
4.5 and 15.0
respectively (p =0.01). Compared to their younger counterparts, radioactive iodine uptake was
lower among volunteers older than 40 years, at 2 h (5.0
1.7 and 6.0
1.8, respectively, p <0.02)
and at 24 h (14.9
4.4 and 17.6
4.9%, respectively, p <0.01). Conclusions: Normal thyroid
uptake values in adults are influenced by gender and age. Normal thyroid iodine uptake values
are slightly higher in females. Iodine thyroid uptake values decrease slightly in subjects aged
more than 40 years (Rev Méd Chile 2008; 136: 1288-93).
(Key words: Iodine-131; Iodine radioisotopes; Thyroid gland; Thyrotropin)
Recibido el 11 de enero, 2008. Aceptado el 8 de julio, 2008.
Trabajo financiado por OIEA-U de Chile, Cta Terceros, 3000-7, Hospital Clínico de la Uni-
versidad de Chile (Investigación Autónoma).
1Secciones de Medicina Nuclear y 2Endocrinología del Departamento de Medicina, Hospital Clí-
nico de la Universidad de Chile. 3Programa Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica (OIEA).
4Unidad de Epidemiología del Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile. Santiago de Chile.
El yodo es un elemento esencial en la fisiología
tiroidea como componente crítico de las hor-
monas tiroideas. Los aportes de yodo se obtienen
a través del agua o alimentos. El ión yoduro se
absorbe con rapidez en estómago y tubo digesti-
vo, se distribuye en los líquidos extracelulares y se
excreta en las secreciones salival, gástrica y
mamaria. El yoduro es extraído prontamente del
líquido extracelular por captación en la tiroides y
también por eliminación renal. La concentración
de yodo dentro del tiroides es el proceso inicial
para la producción de hormonas tiroideas1,2.
La captación tiroidea con radionúclidos es un
examen de bajo costo y fácil realización, siendo
una herramienta diagnóstica complementaria en el
estudio funcional de la glándula tiroides. El examen
consiste en la determinación de la fracción de dosis
del elemento radioactivo administrado al paciente
que se fija en el tiroides y que es medido al cabo
de un intervalo de tiempo; para esto se pueden
utilizar elementos como 131Yodo y 123Yodo3-7.
La captación de yodo puede verse influida por
múltiples factores, que la aumentan o disminu-
yen3-5. La yodación de la sal común también
puede influir en el nivel de captación del ión
yoduro por el tiroides, por lo que es conveniente
establecer valores actualizados de la captación
tiroidea de radioyodo en población sana una vez
estabilizada la ingesta a través de este procedi-
El objetivo del presente estudio fue establecer
valores referenciales de captación tiroidea en una
población homogénea de adultos voluntarios sin
patología tiroidea.
Se reclutó, prospectivamente, a 154 voluntarios
mayores de 20 años, de los cuales sólo 105
cumplieron los criterios de inclusión que se
detallan más abajo, con 52 hombres y 53 mujeres,
divididos en 5 grupos de edad, distribuidos en
forma equilibrada por décadas; cada grupo con
aproximadamente 10 integrantes por sexo. Este
número satisfacía el cálculo del tamaño muestral
que se detalla más abajo. Se realizó también
análisis de los datos dividiendo en grupo mayor y
menor de 40 años. La Tabla 1 muestra los datos
generales de los sujetos evaluados. Esta muestra
corresponde a población urbana, de clase media
de la región metropolitana, elegida al azar y por
ende bastante homogénea. Su tamaño fue estima-
do asumiendo un promedio poblacional de capta-
ción de 15% a 24 h, con una precisión de 10% en
torno al promedio, error alfa de 5% y desviación
estándar (DE) de 5. Para la captación de yodo a
las 2 h, se asumió un promedio poblacional de
5%, con DE de 2, error alfa de 5% e igual precisión
en torno al promedio de 10%.
A los participantes se les realizó un interroga-
torio clínico así como examen físico dirigido a
descartar patología tiroidea. No se efectuó encues-
ta alimentaria. Se hizo en todos medición sérica de
hormona tiroidea estimulante (TSH; VN: 0,4-4,0
mUI/ml) y anticuerpos antitiroperoxidasa (Ac anti-
TPO; VN: <75 UI/ml) con técnica de quimiolumi-
niscencia por equipo Inmulite DPC. Con ellas se
tienen datos bioquímicos de buen rendimiento
para objetivar función tiroidea normal. No se
realizó medición de yoduria.
Los criterios de inclusión fueron: palpación de
la glándula tiroides dentro de límites normales,
TSH y Ac anti-TPO en rango normal y consenti-
miento informado firmado.
Se excluyeron aquellos pacientes con antece-
dentes de patología tiroidea personal o de familia-
res directos, ingesta actual o previa de hormonas
tiroideas, utilización reciente de medios de con-
traste yodados o de medicamentos que alteran la
fisiología tiroidea, pacientes con probabilidad de
embarazo y aquellos con IMC inferior a 20 kg/m2
o superior a 35 kg/m2.
Técnica. La captación tiroidea se realizó a las 2 y
24 h con dosis oral de 5-10 µCi de 131Yodo,
Tabla 1. Características generales del grupo de voluntarios eutiroideos de ambos sexos
Mujeres Hombres
Promedio Rango Promedio Rango p
± DE ± DE
Edad (años) 45,7±14,4 20-68 44,6±14,7 20-67 0,718
Talla (m) 1,56±0,06 1,41-1,70 1,69±0,06 1,58-1,86 <0,0001
Peso (kg) 62,8±7,7 48,6-82 75,6±10,1 57-102,5 <0,0001
IMC (kg/m2)25,8±3,1 20,6-31,6 26,3±3,2 20,2-33,2 0,399
1290 A R T Í C U L O D E
midiendo: fantoma dedicado, radiación de fondo,
región cervical y muslo con detector Nuclear
Chicago modelo Thyrad, acorde a recomendacio-
nes del Organismo Internacional de Energía Ató-
mica (OIEA)11.
Estadística. Los datos se presentan como prome-
dio ± desviación estándar (DE). El análisis de los
mismos se realizó mediante análisis de regresión
múltiple y prueba de Student; el valor de signifi-
cancia fue de p =0,05.
El proyecto contó con aprobación del Comité
de Ética del Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de
Análisis general. El grupo evaluado correspondió
a 105 pacientes, incluyendo ambos sexos en
forma balanceada. Hubo incremento del IMC con
la edad hasta los 50 años, observándose ulterior
estabilización en mujeres y declinación en hom-
bres. El número de sujetos con IMC mayor a 30
correspondió sólo a 12% del total y no hubo
pacientes con IMC >33,2.
En 9 mujeres se detectó hipertensión arterial
tratada con enalapril (6), atenolol (2) y nifedipino
con furosemida (1). En hombres hubo 10 pacien-
tes hipertensos, controlados con enalapril (6),
betabloqueadores (3) medidas generales (1). El
análisis de regresión múltiple sólo identificó al
IMC asociado significativamente con la edad (beta
=0,393, p <0,0004), pero no fue significativo para
TSH ni Ac anti-TPO. En la Tabla 2, se detallan los
resultados de anticuerpos anti-TPO y TSH, los
cuales no demostraron diferencias estadísticamen-
te significativas entre hombres y mujeres.
Análisis global de la captación tiroidea. La capta-
ción tiroidea promedio del radioyodo en el grupo
total fue de 5,48±1,81% (rango: 2,32-12,00) a las 2
h y 16,15±4,78% (rango 6,45-30,08) a las 24 h.
Análisis por sexo de la captación tiroidea. En las
Tablas 3 y 4 se muestran los resultados para
ambos sexos.
Hubo diferencia significativa entre mujeres y
hombres, para los valores promedio de captación
de yodo a las 2 y a las 24 h, observándose valores
más bajos en hombres. El promedio de captación
a las 2 h en mujeres fue 6,02±1,83% y 4,92±1,64%
en hombres (p =0,0019); a las 24 h éste fue de
17,29±4,46% y 14,99±4,86, respectivamente (p
Las diferencias por sexo, considerando todos
los pacientes, no se modificaron al incorporar el
IMC y TSH como co-variado.
Análisis por edad. Se observó una disminución
significativa de la captación de radioyodo tanto a
las 2 h como a las 24 h en relación al aumento de
la edad en el grupo total. Al analizar comparando
a los mayores versus los menores de 40 años, la
captación fue significativamente menor en los de
mayor edad tanto a las 2 h (5,01±1,72% versus
5,96±1,8%; p =0,0076) como a las 24 h (14,88±4,36
versus 17,56±4,88; p =0,0047).
La captación de yodo es útil en una variada gama
de patologías tiroideas12,13. Está descrita una varia-
ción significativa de los valores de la captación de
yodo por la influencia de factores extratiroi-
deos14,15. Existen factores ambientales que pueden
Rev Méd Chile 2008; 136: 1288-1293
Tabla 2. Valores de Ac anti-TPO y TSH en el grupo de voluntarios eutiroideos de ambos sexos
Mujeres Hombres
Promedio Rango Promedio Rango p
± DE ± DE
Ac anti-TPO (UI/ml) 35,21±16,47 10,5-75 34,22±16,97 11,4-74,3 NS
TSH (mUI/ml) 1,49±0,66 0,43-2,97 1,43±0,74 0,44-3,87 NS
influir en el resultado obtenido. De acuerdo a las
recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la
Salud, la yodación de la sal se ha implementado en
diversas regiones del mundo con el fin de dismi-
nuir el bocio endémico y patologías asociadas. En
zonas con yodación se ha descrito una disminución
inicial en los valores de captación de 131I con una
estabilización posterior en sujetos eutiroideos e
incluso en hipertiroideos16.
En nuestro medio, la yodación de la sal se
efectúa desde 1959 y según estadísticas actuales el
consumo del producto ocurre en 100% de la
población, en concentraciones estándar de 20 a 60
ppm (mg yodo/kg de sal), lo cual ha logrado
erradicar el bocio endémico5,9,10. En los casos
estudiados motivo de este reporte, se ha conside-
rado que medidas terapéuticas de la hipertensión
en un porcentaje bajo de ellos no han tenido
efecto significativo sobre la ingesta de yoduros
que explicase la diferencias encontradas en los
diversos grupos comparados.
No en todos los países se ha terminado de
implementar esta medida y además, la concentra-
ción de yodo entregada puede variar de un país a
otro y en algunos aún se está adecuando la dosis.
Por esto parece recomendable contar con valores
de referencia actualizados para la captación de
radioyodo en cada región.
Los valores y rangos de normalidad de la
captación tiroidea de yodo son relativamente
similares entre grupos5,17-20. Park21 menciona
rangos de captación tiroidea entre 10% y 35% a las
24 h, valores similares a los descritos por Secades
y cols, recientemente18; en el tratado de Williams5,
se mencionan para Estados Unidos de Norteaméri-
ca valores entre 5% y 25% a las 24 h; Atkins
publicó un rango entre 10% y 40% a las 24 h22 y
Sisson en una publicación posterior23 informó
valores entre 7% y 30%. Estos datos son similares
a nuestros resultados. Hooper y cols. publicaron
valores de captación tiroidea de 123I de 1% a 8,8%
y 4% a 27% a 2 h y 24 h, respectivamente24.
Al considerar la influencia del sexo, Oddie y
cols25 publicaron que no había diferencias en el
porcentaje de captación en más de 8.000 sujetos
normales; asimismo, Hooper y cols, usando 123I
Tabla 3. Captación tiroidea a las 2 h (%) comparando sexos por grupo etáreo
Grupo etáreo Mujeres Hombres p
(años) promedio ± DE promedio ± DE
20-30 6,58±1,58 5,29±1,34 NS
31-40 6,85±2,22 5,11±1,63 NS
41-50 6,44±1,40 4,68±1,18 0,0056
51-60 5,14±1,54 4,31±1,06 NS
61-80 5,13±1,87 5,12±2,62 NS
Total 6,02±1,83 4,92±1,64 0,0018
Tabla 4. Captación tiroidea a las 24 h (%) comparando sexos por grupo etáreo
Grupo etáreo Mujeres Hombres p
(años) promedio ± DE promedio ± DE
20-30 19,21±4,01 17,49±4,87 NS
31-40 19,86±6,46 15,50±3,87 NS
41-50 17,02±3,22 12,94±4,83 0,041
51-60 15,90±3,65 14,55±6,42 NS
61-80 15,01±3,41 14,45±3,1 NS
Total 17,29±4,46 14.99±4,86 0,0146
1292 A R T Í C U L O D E
tampoco describen diferencias por sexo, edad, índice
ponderal, ingestión de estrógenos ni excreción urina-
ria de yodo24. En nuestro trabajo, los resultados son
diferentes, con un menor valor en hombres en todas
las edades. Por otra parte, en un grupo geográfico con
déficit de yodo, con valores de captación relativamen-
te altos en ambos sexos, se observó en el sexo
femenino una captación significativamente mayor20.
Aunque nuestra casuística incluyó sólo personas con
función tiroidea normal, expuestas a una adecuada
oferta de yodo en la dieta, nuestros resultados son
similares, por los valores mayores de captación
encontrados en mujeres.
En cuanto a la influencia de la edad, se ha
descrito disminución de la captación tiroidea del
yodo en pacientes de edad avanzada26, explicado
principalmente por el aumento de la vida media de
la T4, poca liberación extratiroidea de la misma, así
como de la disminución concomitante de la elimi-
nación renal del yodo27,28. Esto es concordante con
los hallazgos en nuestros sujetos. Por otro lado, se
ha reportado que en pacientes con desnutrición
calórico-proteica, condición no tan infrecuente en
población senil, la captación máxima de yodo y el
clearance tiroideo están disminuidos29.
El tema de la hipofunción tiroidea en el adulto
mayor es controvertido, en especial, en sujetos
con alteraciones del ánimo o cognitivas y en lo
referente a screening y requerimiento de terapia
precoz. En nuestro grupo se excluyeron todos los
sujetos con TSH elevada, para evitar este proble-
ma. La no determinación de encuesta alimentaria
detallada así como tampoco de yoduria, se reco-
noce como una limitación parcial del trabajo.
En conclusión, se determinaron los valores
normales de captación tiroidea de 131yodo en
adultos voluntarios asintomáticos, con función
tiroidea normal, para su eventual utilización en la
práctica clínica. Los valores globales de captación
obtenidos no difieren significativamente de los
publicados anteriormente. Si se utiliza el prome-
dio ± 2 DE, se obtiene en grupo total mixto
valores de 2% a 9% a 2 h y de 7% a 26% para 24 h
como referencia normal.
Se ha encontrado que el sexo y la edad son
factores que afectan discretamente este parámetro.
El sexo femenino presenta mayor tasa de capta-
ción a 2 y 24 h. La captación de 2 h y 24 h
disminuyen con la edad, tanto en hombres como
Podría existir, además, alguna relación de estos
niveles de captación con la mayor frecuencia de
patología tiroidea en la mujer, lo que debe ser
evaluado con investigaciones adicionales.
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... In rats, TPO and Tg mRNA expression decreased by about 50% in young female as compared with young males (Correa da Costa et al., 2001). In humans, thyroid 131 iodine uptake was greater (González et al., 2008), and thyroid volume was smaller (Gómez et al., 2002), in women than men. It has been suggested that sex steroids may influence thyroid growth by modulating their receptor concentrations in the thyroid (Banu et al., 2002). ...
Thyrotropin receptor (TSH-R), thyroglobulin (Tg), thyroperoxidase (TPO), thyroid specific transcription factor-1 (TTF-1), paired box 8 transcription factor (PAX-8), insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) transcripts were determined by real-time PCR in follicular carcinoma and contralateral (CL) lobes, and healthy thyroid canine glands. Concentrations of TSH-R, PAX-8, and ERα mRNA were not different among groups; the carcinoma group had lower Tg and TPO mRNA than healthy and CL groups, while no differences were found between the two latter groups, suggesting that the carcinoma tissue presents an altered capacity to synthesize thyroid hormones. The transcription factor that promotes thyrocytes proliferation, TTF-1 as well as IGF-1, presented a greater mRNA expression in the CL group, suggesting that the CL lobe may function in a compensatory state.
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Bioassay functions, which are provided by the International Commission on Radiological Protection, are used to estimate the intake activity of radionuclides; however, they include considerable uncertainties in terms of the internal dosimetry for a particular individual. During a practical internal dose assessment, the uncertainty in the bioassay function is generally not introduced because of the difficulty in quantification. Therefore, to clarify the existence of uncertainty in the bioassay function and provide dosimetrists with an insight into this uncertainty, this study attempted to quantify the uncertainty in the thyroid retention function used for radioiodine exposure. The uncertainty was quantified using a probabilistic estimation of the thyroid retention function through the propagation of the distribution of biokinetic parameters by the Monte Carlo simulation technique. The uncertainties in the thyroid retention function, expressed in terms of the scattering factor, were in the ranges of 1.55-1.60 and 1.40-1.50 for within 24 h and after 24 h, respectively. In addition, the thyroid retention function within 24 h was compared with actual measurement data to confirm the uncertainty due to the use of first-order kinetics in the biokinetic model calculation. Significantly higher thyroid uptakes (by a factor of 1.9) were observed in the actual measurements. This study indicates that consideration of the uncertainty in the thyroid retention function can avoid a significant over- and under-estimation of the internal dose, particularly when a high dose is predicted.
Objective: Historically, changes in normal thyroid uptake values for iodine have been reported in different geographical areas. These changes have been linked to geographical and chronological fluctuations in dietary iodine intake in different populations. Namibia is a country with mixed ethnicity, with access to dietary iodine in table salt. Despite historical reports on deviating normal thyroid uptake values (emphasising the importance of establishing local normal reference values), the relevant Namibian authorities have never revised these reference values, nor have local reference values been established. The aim of this study was to establish the normal reference values for thyroid uptake of technetium-99m pertechnetate in the Namibian population.
In 105 normal volunteers, 52 male and 53 female, mean age 45 (range, 20-68), serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) (1.46 ± 0.7; range, 0.43-3.87 microUI/mL) and 24-hour thyroid radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) (16.15% ± 4.78% range, 6.45%-30.08%) were measured. Additionally, TSH was 1.18 ± 0.5 microUI/mL for 20 to 29 year-olds and 1.59 ± 0.9 microUI/mL for 60 to 68 year old (P = 0.037). RAIU was 18.30 ± 4.5 for 20 to 29-year-olds and 14.92 ± 3.1 for 60 to 68 year-olds (P = 0.009). TSH trends positively and RAIU at 24 hours correlates negatively with aging of the pituitary axis.
Subacute thyroiditis (SAT) or de Quervain thyroiditis is a relatively frequent and self-limited condition with a triphasic clinical course. Its symptoms can mimic other thyroid, upper respiratory, and ear infections. Thyroid ultrasonography (TUS), radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU), and thyroid scintigraphy (TS) may be used for differential diagnosis. To assess and compare the diagnostic value of thyroid TUS and TS in patients on the first phase of a clinically diagnosed SAT. Twenty-two patients (18 women and 4 men, age, 37.2 ± 9.83 years) with clinical diagnosis of SAT were prospectively studied. Thyroid stimulating hormone, T3, free T4, antithyroperoxidase antibodies, thyroglobulin, polymerase chain reaction, complete blood count and differential, TUS, TS, and RAIU at 2 and 24 hours were performed. All patients were on thyrotoxic phase with a thyroid stimulating hormone mean of 0.03 ± 0.030 mU/L (range: 0.005-0.13); antithyroperoxidase antibodies were positive in 3 patients (≥75 UI/mL); thyroglobulin was elevated in 16 patients (≥55 ng/mL). RAIU at 2 hours was 1.94% ± 0.85% (range: 1%-4%), and at 24 hours, 0.98% ± 1.24% (range: 0.10%-5%). TS showed low uptake in all patients. On TUS, only 8 patients were compatible with SAT. In 13 patients, TUS was consistent with goiter, diffuse type in 8, multinodular in 5, and normal in 1 patient. Low thyroid scan uptake with I-131 at 2 hours (<4%) and 24 hours (<5%), and poor thyroid visualization on TS seem to be more prevalent than focal distortion and heterogeneity in TUS in thyrotoxic phase of SAT.
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Background: Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies have a pathogenic role in Hashimoto thyroiditis. Between 10 and 19% of individuals without thyroid disease, have positive titers of these antibodies. Aim: To study the frequency of positive titers of anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies in healthy individuals. Material and methods: A blood sample, to measure anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) by chemoluminiscense assay, was obtained from 67women and 62 men aged 45 +/- 14years, without a personal or familiar history of thyroid diseases and normal thyroid palpation. The cutoff point of the manufacturer to consider positive a titer of anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies was set at 35 IU/ml. Results: Twenty-eight women and 28 men had positive antibody titers (43% of the sample). Subjects in the upper tercile of anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody titers had a higher TSH than those in the second tercile, although within normal limits (1.73 +/- 0.74 and 1.37 +/- 0.59 mlU/L, respectively p = 0.02) CONCLUSIONS: Forty three percent of the studied subjects without personal or familial history of thyroid diseases had positive titers of anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies. Further prospective studies should evaluate whether this observation discloses an increase in thyroid autoimmune disease in a population with increased iodine intake.
This study aimed to determine the reference range of 24-h radioiodine uptake in euthyroid Jordanians, as well as the reference ranges for patients with diffuse and nodular hyperthyroidism. In addition, radioiodine uptake ranges were determined for those patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and early-phase subacute thyroiditis. The medical records of 285 Jordanian patients referred for (131)I thyroid scintiscans and 24-h radioiodine uptake tests were reviewed. The patients were referred because of a presumed-certain thyroid disorder. The patients included those who were euthyroid or who had Graves' disease, toxic nodules, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, or subacute thyroiditis. Mean radioiodine uptake and the 95% confidence interval were determined in each group. A comparison was made between groups. Mean uptake (+/-SD) for the euthyroid group, toxic-nodule group, and Hashimoto's thyroiditis group was 15% +/- 7%, 19% +/- 9%, and 19% +/- 15%, respectively, and these values were not significantly different from each other (P > 0.05). Mean uptake for the subacute thyroiditis group and Graves' disease group was 3% +/- 4% and 40% +/- 14%, respectively, and both values were significantly different from other groups (P < 0.05). The reference range of radioiodine uptake in Jordan is comparable to that reported in North America and Europe because Jordanians likely have a sufficient daily intake of stable iodine. Radioiodine uptake discriminates between euthyroid patients, subacute thyroiditis patients, and Graves' disease patients. Radioiodine uptake in toxic-nodule patients is diagnostic only if combined with image findings. Mean radioiodine uptake in Hashimoto's thyroiditis is higher than the euthyroid mean but has a wide range.
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Background: In Chile, the recommendation for salt iodination was reduced from 100 to 40 ppm, after detecting high urinary iodine excretion in school age children. Aim: To assess iodine nutrition in school age children after the modification of salt iodination. Subjects and methods: Iodine nutrition was studied in 3712 school age Chilean children of primary level in 4 areas (Calama, Santiago, Temuco and Punta Arenas) through palpation of thyroid gland, urinary iodine excretion and iodine concentration in salt for human consumption of the surveyed areas. Results: A 6.4% goiter prevalence was found (5,9% in boys and 6,8% in girls). Grade Ia goiter was more common (5.0%), without detecting differences between areas (7.3% in Calama, 5.9% in Santiago, 5.9 in Temuco and 6.7 in Punta Arenas). Iodine concentration in salt for human consumption of the areas was adequate according to the recent modification of Chilean legislation (25.4 mgI/g salt in Calama, 36.2 in Santiago, 27.7 in Temuco and 33.4 in Punta Arenas). Urinary iodine excretion was very high according to recommendation in boys and girls (2838 and 2852 mgI/g salt in Calama, 700 and 837 in Santiago, 1318 and 1438 in Temuco, 407 and 312 in Punta Arenas). Conclusions: Endemic goiter is not longer a problem in Chile. Salt iodination is in agreement with present legislation. However, urinary iodine excretion increased in Calama and Temuco, did not change in Santiago and decreased only in Punta Arenas in spite of the changes in the legislation. It is necessary to investigate the causes of the high urinary iodine excretions detected in school age children, and it is very important to have a continuous surveillance of iodine nutrition in Chile (Rev Méd Chile 2003; 131: 1390-8).
When I first received this book to review I followed my usual practice; I kept it on my desk and tried to use it as a reference. The first two subjects upon which I sought help were not listed—paroxysmal hemoglobinuria and cystinosis. It is obviously a much smaller volume than the usual general medical textbook published in the United States, and so I began my review convinced it was an inferior product. I was surprised to learn from the prefaces that, since 1952, there have been eight editions and seven large reprintings.
The thyroid function was evaluated in two comparable groups of 12 protein-calorie malnourished children respectively by oral and intravenous test using radioiodine 131I. Maximal radioiodide uptake (RAIUmax) peaked within 24 hr in the intravenously investigated children, but only after 48 hr in the orally investigated children. In both protein-calorie malnutrition groups, the mean RAIUmax was significantly decreased by comparison with the mean normal RAIUmax (P less than 0.01). In protein-calorie malnutrition children, the RAIU curve reached intermediate values ranging from subnormal to about nearly half the normal. Thyroid clearance was early depressed and in some cases, dropped to values as low as one tenth of the normal mean (P less than 0.001), reflecting a severe thyroid involution. There is a high correlation between the RAIUmax and thyroid clearance values (r = 0.95); the regression line is defined by the equation Y = 1.12X + 17.08. Both functional parameters of thyroid activity appear to be mainly lowered in relation to the duration of protein deficiency.
The normal range for thyroid radioactive iodine (RAI) uptake values in the Minneapolis area has shifted twice in the past 20 years. The mean 24-hour thyroid RAI uptake value in 29 normal subjects was 20.5% +/- 6.1% (SD) in 1975, whereas only four years previously it was found to be 11.5% +/- 4.4% (SD) in 51 normal subjects. In a previously published study, the mean thyroid RAI uptake value in normal subjects in this area was 25% +/- 8% (SD) in 1957. The iodine content of commercially baked white bread currently available in this area was found to average only 26 microgram per single slice of bread; the change in the mean 24-hour thyroid RAI uptake value that we observed between 1971 and 1975 is most likely due to a marked reduction in this source of dietary iodine.
Serial measurements of serum triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), thyrotropin (TSH), and 4-hr thyroidal 131I uptake were carried out in nine patients with subacute thyroiditis. In the acute phase, suppressed TSH and 131I uptake were observed simultaneously with the elevations of T3 and T4. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) failed to increase TSH in all patients studied. The mean value of an increment in serum TSH was only 1.8 muU/ml during the recovery phase when 131I uptake was normal or hypernormal. In addition, an elevated 131I uptake was not necessarily associated with an immediate increase in the serum T3 and T4. These observations suggest that the resumption of the iodide pump may be more important than an increment in TSH in producing normal or hypernormal 131I uptake during the recovery phase. There appears to be a dissociation between the reestablishment of 131I uptake and the resumption of the mechanism of hormonal synthesis and secretion in the thyroid.
Thyroid function values were determined in 56 healthy nongoitrous adult Ethiopians. The mean triiodothyronine (T3) values for 20 males and 36 females were 1.42 +/- 0.32 nmol/L and 1.51 +/- 0.25 nmol/L, and thyroxine (T4) values were 119 22 nmol/L and 116 +/- 21 nmol/L respectively. The mean thyrotropin (TSH) values for males and females were identical at 1.85 +/- 0.94 mu/L. Radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) at 2 hours was 8.6 +/- 4.4% in males and 11.3 +/- 4.3% in females, and at 24 hours 31.7 +/- 11.7% and 38.9 +/- 11.1% respectively. The differences between males and females were significant at both 2 and 24 hours (P less than 0.05). The ranges for the 3 hormones derived from the mean 2SD values are close to those supplied with the kits but the Ethiopian RAIU values are higher than the values currently applicable in developed countries, probably indicative of the lower level of dietary iodine available to the population here. The values obtained in this study are offered to serve as normal reference for the interpretation of thyroid function results in Ethiopian patients. A strategy for the rational utilization of the available in vivo [corrected] tests is suggested.
Determinations of 24-hour thyroidal radioiodine uptake were made on 63 euthyroid subjects in 1959 and by the same method on 53 euthyroid subjects in 1967–68. The uptake was 28.6 ± 6.5 per cent in 1959 and 15.4 ± 6.8 per cent in 1967–68 (mean ± S.D.). The low values currently seen reflected a large intake of iodine in the subjects, who displayed elevated urinary iodine excretions and plasma inorganic iodide concentrations, and depressed thyroidal iodide clearances. Food analyses revealed the diet to be very rich in iodine, and bread to be a major contributor of this substance to the diet. Further investigation showed that the process used for the commercial manufacture of bread was changed in the interval between the two studies and that the present method includes large quantities of iodine. About half the commercial white pan bread in the United States is now made by this process.
Thyroidal radioiodine uptake data for 8813 euthyroid subjects (2559 males, 6254 females) were obtained from 11 American, 5 Australian, and 2 far eastern hospitals. Corrections were applied for known differences in technique and the observations were converted to the equivalent fractional clearance rates to allow comparison on a common basis. The average clearance rates for males were lower than for females, and decreased with age. United States clearance rates were much lower than those in Australia and the far east, presumably reflecting higher dietary intake of iodine in the United States. Relative changes in calculated iodine intake with age, however, were similar for both geographical regions. Estimated dietary iodine intake for adult males was about 33% higher than for females. Intake rises sharply during growth, reaching a rather constant level in adult females; in adult males, however, there is a general increase in intake up to the age of 70 yr, followed by a sharp decrease in old age.
The aging thyroid is associated with a number of morphological and functional changes. The question of whether and to what extent such changes are dependent on the aging process per se or on age-associated thyroidal or nonthyroidal diseases is a matter of debate. Most studies m experimental animals have been carried out in rodents, especially rats. There is morphological and biochemical evidence of decreased thyroid stimulation by TSH with a consequent decreased thyroid hormone secretion, and low serum T4 and T3 concentrations are in fact found in aged rats. The reduction is much more evident for T4, because of the concurrence of decreased thyroid secretion and increased peripheral degradation, which appears to be due to abnormalities of both the deiodinating and possibly nondeiodinating metabolic pathways. There are complex alterations of peripheral tissue responsiveness to thyroid hormones that may contribute in an age-dependent decline of metabolic activity. There is also evidence for a progressive age-dependent disturbance of hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid function in rats that resembles central hypothyroidism. The relative contribution of suprahypothalamic and/or hypothalamic vs. pituitary dysfunction remains to be established. Several, but not all, of the above changes that occur in old rats also occur in elderly persons. The major discrepancy with respect to rodents is that there is decreased rather than increased peripheral degradation of T4 in man. The decreased degradation of T4 is mainly the consequence of reduced monodeiodination by 5'D and results in an age-dependent decline in serum T3 concentration. The question of whether and to what extent this and other changes are related to the coexistence of age-associated nonthyroidal illnesses is often difficult to establish, because marked impairment of 5'D activity is observed in nonthyroidal illnesses. Studies on healthy elderly subjects, selected by strict criteria to exclude coexistent diseases, suggest that several age-related changes in thyroid function are indeed independent of nonthyroid illnesses. These changes include a reduced thyroid hormone secretion, which results to a variable extent from impaired TSH stimulation, and decreased T4 degradation. The serum T4 concentration is unchanged because of the opposing effects of the changes in its secretion and degradation. Human aging is often associated with an increased prevalence of thyroid autoantibodies. Interestingly, this age-dependent increase is commonly observed in unselected elderly subjects, but not in healthy centenarians or in healthy 'younger' elderly populations selected on the basis of the absence of clinical or subclinical illnesses. These data suggest that thyroid autoimmune phenomena may not be the consequence of the aging process itself but, rather, an expression of age-associated disease. As in younger subjects, the entire spectrum of thyroid disease including clinical and subclinical hypo- and hyperthyroidism, nontoxic goiter, and thyroid cancer may be encountered in the elderly. Thyroid diseases in older patients differ to a variable extent from those observed in younger patients in their prevalence and/or in their clinical expression. Thus, autoimmune hypothyroidism is particularly prevalent in patients over age 60 yr; hyperthyroidism in the elderly is preferentially characterized by cardiovascular symptoms and is frequently due to toxic nodular variants that are often preceded by long-standing 'nontoxic' goiters with some degree of functional autonomy. Differentiated thyroid carcinoma is often more invasive in the elderly, and rare aggressive tumors such as anaplastic carcinoma and lymphoma are seen almost exclusively in subjects over 60 yr of age. The interpretation of thyroid function tests is also difficult in old individuals, because of the difficulty in differentiating age-associated changes and the more frequent alterations secondary to acute or chronic nonthyroidal illnesses and/or drugs from changes due to thyroid disease. Treatment of thyroid disease often deserves special attention in old patients because of the increased risk of complications. Several controversies are still unresolved on 'when' and 'how' to treat. A major, yet unresolved, problem is the question of whether and to what extent age-associated thyroid dysfunction contributes to the pathogenesis of age-associated disease such as atherosclerosis, CHD, and neurological disorders.