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The chronology and kinematics of late Palaeozoic deformation in the NW contact metamorphic aureole of the Land's End Granite


Abstract and Figures

A structural investigation of coastal exposures between Cape Cornwall and Pendeen Watch, in the NW contact metamorphic aureole of the Land’s End Granite, has confirmed a similar deformation chronology as in a reference section around Porthleven. D1 deformation is represented by an ubiquitous bedding-parallel S1 cleavage although F1 folds have not been recognised. D2 deformation is more localised and characterised by open F2 folds that verge WSW to NW and are associated with an ENE to SE dipping S2 crenulation cleavage. These structures are commonly obscured by later deformation and contact metamorphism and have not been described previously. A set of steeply inclined NNW-SSE trending, and subordinate set of moderately SE dipping, post-D2 metamorphic quartz veins formed coevally during an episode of strike-slip deformation prior to, or during, the early stages of D3 deformation. D3 deformation is widespread and represented by F3 folds and a WNW to NW dipping S3 crenulation cleavage; it has been recorded previously as D2 deformation. Two orders of F3 folds are developed; first order folds have a wavelength of up to 50 m, verge ESE, and result in vertical or steeply inclined bedding and S1 cleavage on their short limbs. Second order folds usually have a wavelength of 1 m or less and usually verge ESE, unless on the short limb of first order folds, where they verge WNW. Previously published data, indicating a dominant NW to WNW vergence of F3 folds on the northern flank of the Land’s End Granite are incorrect. D3 structures are consistent with formation during the extensional reactivation of large-scale thrust faults. Granite emplacement post-dates all three episodes of ductile deformation but granites and their host rocks are deformed by a late brittle expression of D3 deformation. The Land’s End pluton has been accommodated, at the current exposure level, primarily by roof uplift that has resulted in the tilting of D3 and earlier structures to the NW by 40-50º; this may have been accompanied by differential vertical axis rotations of the host rock. The last significant Palaeozoic deformation episode formed F4 folds and S4 cleavage and was a consequence of Mid- to Late Permian ENE-WSW shortening.
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S.P. Hughes, R.J. Stickland, R.K. Shail, N.G. LeBoutillier, A.C. Alexander and M. Thomas
Late Palaeozoic deformation of the Devonian and
Carboniferous successions in SW England reflects three principal
regional tectonic episodes (e.g. Dearman, 1971; Sanderson,
1973; Leveridge and Hartley, 2006). It is widely accepted that
D1 and D2 deformation occurred during Variscan (late Devonian
to late Carboniferous) plate convergence and collision whereas
D3 deformation relates to a different tectonic regime established
prior to, or during, granite emplacement (Turner, 1968; Rattey
and Sanderson, 1984; Alexander and Shail, 1995, 1996; Leveridge
and Hartley, 2006).
The Land’s End Granite and its host rocks provide a suitable
location to test the chronology of host rock deformation relative
to granite emplacement due to the excellent coastal exposures
of these units and their contacts. Relatively little has been
published on the chronology and kinematics of deformation
within the granite aureole. In part, this may reflect the
challenges posed by a locally intense contact metamorphic
overprint. The deformation chronology indicated within the
aureole on the British Geological Survey Penzance sheet (BGS,
1984), and described in the accompanying memoir (Goode and
Taylor, 1988), differs from that proposed in adjacent areas of the
Gramscatho Basin (e.g. Smith, 1965, 1966; Rattey and Sanderson,
Hughes, S.P., Stickland, R.J., Shail, R.K., LeBoutillier, N.G., Alexander, A.C. and Thomas, M. 2009. The chronology and
kinematics of late Palaeozoic deformation in the NW contact metamorphic aureole of the Land's End Granite. Geoscience in
South-West England,12, 140-152.
A structural investigation of coastal exposures between Cape Cornwall and Pendeen Watch, in the NW contact metamorphic
aureole of the Land’s End Granite, has confirmed a similar deformation chronology as in a reference section around Porthleven.
D1 deformation is represented by an ubiquitous bedding-parallel S1 cleavage although F1 folds have not been recognised.
D2 deformation is more localised and characterised by open F2 folds that verge WSW to NW and are associated with an ENE to
SE dipping S2 crenulation cleavage. These structures are commonly obscured by later deformation and contact metamorphism
and have not been described previously. A set of steeply inclined NNW-SSE trending, and subordinate set of moderately SE
dipping, post-D2 metamorphic quartz veins formed coevally during an episode of strike-slip deformation prior to, or during, the
early stages of D3 deformation. D3 deformation is widespread and represented by F3 folds and a WNW to NW dipping S3
crenulation cleavage; it has been recorded previously as D2 deformation. Two orders of F3 folds are developed; first order folds
have a wavelength of up to 50 m, verge ESE, and result in vertical or steeply inclined bedding and S1 cleavage on their short limbs.
Second order folds usually have a wavelength of 1 m or less and usually verge ESE, unless on the short limb of first order folds,
where they verge WNW. Previously published data, indicating a dominant NW to WNW vergence of F3 folds on the northern flank
of the Land’s End Granite are incorrect. D3 structures are consistent with formation during the extensional reactivation of
large-scale thrust faults. Granite emplacement post-dates all three episodes of ductile deformation but granites and their host rocks
are deformed by a late brittle expression of D3 deformation. The Land’s End pluton has been accommodated, at the current
exposure level, primarily by roof uplift that has resulted in the tilting of D3 and earlier structures to the NW by 40-50º; this may
have been accompanied by differential vertical axis rotations of the host rock. The last significant Palaeozoic deformation episode
formed F4 folds and S4 cleavage and was a consequence of Mid- to Late Permian ENE-WSW shortening.
Camborne School of Mines, College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences,
University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus, Penryn, TR10 9EZ, U.K.
Keywords: Land’s End Granite, Variscan, extensional tectonics, reactivation, granite emplacement.
1984; Alexander and Shail, 1995, 1996). Whilst these latter
authors are in broad agreement on the regional deformation
chronology outside the aureole, they have differing
interpretations of the cause of D3 episode. Rattey and
Sanderson (1984) proposed that D3 structures largely developed
as a response to vertical shortening brought about by granite
emplacement, whilst Alexander and Shail (1995, 1996) proposed
a largely pre-emplacement origin during the extensional
reactivation of Variscan thrusts.
The purpose of this contribution is to demonstrate that: (i) the
regional deformation chronology established by the majority of
previous workers outside the Land’s End Granite aureole can
also be recognized within the NW segment of the aureole.
(ii) Ductile D3 deformation within the aureole pre-dates granite
emplacement and is kinematically equivalent to D3 deformation
outside the aureole. (iii) The accommodation of the Land’s End
Granite at the present exposure level was achieved largely by
post-D3 uplift and tilting of the host rocks. The study is based
upon the comparative structural geology of the contact
metamorphic aureole on the NW margins of the Land’s End
Granite and the section around Porthleven on the south coast
(Figure 1).
Late Palaeozoic deformation in the Land’s End Granite aureole
Figure 1. A simplified geological map of south Cornwall after
Leveridge et al. (1990) showing the location of the study areas in
the NW aureole of the Land’s End Granite (LEG) and the Porthleven
section to the SE of the Tregonning-Godolphin Granite (TGG).
The parautochthonous host rocks to these granites comprises the
Mylor Slate Formation which is located structurally below the
Carrick Thrust (CT), Veryan Thrust (VT) and Lizard Thrust (LT).
The recognition of a major NNW-directed Variscan thrust
nappe pile in south Cornwall (Leveridge et al., 1984; Holder
and Leveridge, 1986; Leveridge et al., 1990) has greatly
improved the understanding of the stratigraphy and tectonic
evolution of the Gramscatho Basin (Figure 1). The inferred
trace of the Carrick Thrust occurs at the southern end of the
Porthleven section and separates the parautochthonous Mylor
Slate Formation from the Portscatho Formation of the Carrick
Nappe (Leveridge and Holder, 1985; Holder and Leveridge,
1986). The Portscatho Formation comprises deep marine
sandstones and mudstones whilst the Mylor Slate Formation
predominantly comprises thinly bedded deep marine siltstones
and mudstones, along with basaltic pillow lavas and dolerite
sills; its upper part is represented by olistostromes of the
Porthleven Breccia Member (Leveridge and Holder, 1985;
Leveridge et al., 1990). These olistostromes are interpreted
to have been sourced primarily from the south during the
northwards translation and emergence of the Carrick Nappe
(Leveridge and Holder, 1985; Leveridge et al., 1990).
Palynological data indicate both formations are predominantly
Upper Devonian in age, although possibly including some
Tournaisian strata (Turner et al., 1979; Le Gall et al., 1985;
Wilkinson and Knight, 1989). The Tregonning Granite is
a topaz granite that has been dated by the Rb-Sr
whole rock method as 280 ± 4 (2σ) Ma (Darbyshire and
Shepherd, 1987), although a 40Ar/39Ar zinnwaldite cooling age of
281.0 ± 1.3 (2σ) Ma suggests emplacement was probably a
little earlier at 283-284 Ma (Clark et al., 1994). The Land’s End
Granite comprises a variety of textural types of biotite granite
dated by the U-Pb monazite method between 277.1 ± 0.4
(2σ) Ma and 274.4 ± 0.4 (2σ) Ma (Chen et al., 1993; Clark
et al., 1994).
Deformation chronology outside the aureole
Outside the contact metamorphic aureole of the Land’s End
Granite the first detailed investigations of the structural geology
of the Mylor Slate Formation were in the Porthleven area. Stone
(1962, 1966) identified the polyphase nature of deformation and
interpreted the dominant folds as having formed during a
regional D2 event. Although two cleavage generations were
recognized as predating the ‘S2’ cleavage, the earliest cleavage
was related to ‘early (pre-F1) folding’ (Stone, 1966) and not
incorporated into the regional deformation chronology. Smith
(1965, 1966) subsequently identified three principal deforma-
tion events in the area around Godrevy and correlated these
with the structures around Porthleven, re-assigning the D2
structures of Stone (1962, 1966) to the regional D3 event.
Most subsequent studies largely corroborated this tripartite
deformation chronology (D1-D3) for the principal events
(Turner, 1968; Dearman, 1971; Sanderson, 1973; Rattey, 1980;
Rattey and Sanderson, 1984). A more complex deformation
chronology was established further east during remapping
of the Falmouth sheet (Leveridge et al., 1990). It was later
rationalized within the existing D1-D3 scheme by Alexander
and Shail (1995, 1996) who also included the brittle-ductile
detachments and brittle SE dipping listric faults described by
Shail and Wilkinson (1994) within the D3 event. The proposal
by Rattey and Sanderson (1984) of a NW-dipping S2 cleavage
and upright D2 Godrevy Antiform was refuted by Alexander
and Shail (1995) who considered it a consequence of the
misidentification of the NW dipping S3 cleavage as S2.
The consensus, from the above work outside the contact
metamorphic aureole, is that these three deformation episodes
have an expression in the Gramscatho Basin succession as
follows: (1) D1 deformation is ubiquitous and characterised by
isoclinal to tight F1 folds that are recumbent or gently inclined
to the SSE with an axial planar S1 cleavage that is generally
sub-parallel to bedding away from fold hinges. (2) D2
deformation is more partitioned and usually comprises zones of
moderately to steeply SSE inclined F2 folds and an associated
S2 crenulation cleavage. (3) D3 deformation consists of F3
folds of varying geometry and scale that are commonly SSE
verging and have an associated sub-horizontal or NNW dipping
S3 crenulation cleavage that locally transposes earlier fabrics.
Most previous workers additionally identify at least two post-D3
deformation events (D4 and D5) that resulted in the local
development of steeply inclined cleavages and typically upright
folds (e.g. Smith, 1965, 1966; Rattey and Sanderson, 1984;
Alexander and Shail, 1995, 1996).
Deformation chronology inside the aureole
Little detailed work has been published on polyphase
deformation within the contact metamorphic aureole of the
Land’s End Granite and it was not included in the regional
studies of D3 deformation in west Cornwall by Alexander and
Shail (1995, 1996). A large amount of structural data for the NW
aureole, including sketches of cliff-sections between Botallack
and Levant, are contained within the PhD thesis of Jackson
(1976). Larger-scale folds of bedding and S1 cleavage,
associated with a NW dipping cleavage, were assigned to a D2
event and minor coaxial folds on the steep F2 limbs were
assigned to a D3 event. The structural data on the Penzance
sheet (BGS, 1984) indicate the widespread occurrence of D3
folds and cleavage in the coastal sections of Mount’s Bay and
St Ives Bay, including within the contact aureole immediately
east of the Land’s End Granite around Carbis Bay. However,
along the northern and NW aureole of the granite, between
St Ives and Cape Cornwall, the dominant folds shown are F2
and associated with a moderately to steeply NW-dipping S2
cleavage. In the accompanying memoir (Goode and Taylor,
1988), F2 folds are represented as S verging and associated with
a N dipping S2 cleavage, i.e. they have all the characteristics of
F3 folds and S3 cleavage as described by previous workers, and
as shown outside the aureole on the Penzance sheet (BGS,
1984). Similar structures at Porthmeor Cove (Exley and Stone,
1982; Stone and Exley, 1984) and Priest’s Cove (Salmon and
Shail, 1999) have been assigned to the D3 episode. Other
workers have suggested that D3 deformation is widespread
along the whole northern margin of the Land’s End Granite
(Rattey and Sanderson, 1984; LeBoutillier, 2002; Kratinova et al.,
2003). The basis for assigning these structures to the D3
episode is their geometrical similarity with structures outside the
aureole. However, there has been no description of regional D2
structures within the aureole and this may explain the apparently
anomalous assignation of D2 (BGS, 1984; Goode and Taylor,
S.P. Hughes, R.J. Stickland, R.K. Shail, N.G. LeBoutillier, A.C. Alexander and M. Thomas
Figure 2. A model for emplacement-related D3 defor mation after
Rattey and Sanderson (1984, figure 6). The forceful (diapiric)
emplacement of granite plutons creates broad large-scale antiforms.
Vertical shortening during the emplacement process creates
predominantly N verging F3 folds on the northern flank of the
pluton and predominantly S verging F3 folds on the southern flank of
the pluton, together with an approximately horizontal cleavage (S3).
1988), in a locally valid deformation chronology, to structures
that outside the aureole are classified as regional D3.
Kinematics and timing of deformation
relative to granite emplacement
All recent workers agree that regional D1 and D2 structures
in south Cornwall were generated by a top sense-of-shear to
the NNW during Variscan convergence and collision (e.g.
Dearman, 1971; Rattey and Sanderson, 1984; Shail and
Alexander, 1995, 1996; Leveridge and Hartley, 2006). Much of
the research on the kinematics of post-convergence D3
deformation, and its timing relative to granite emplacement, has
been focussed around Porthleven and the Tregonning Granite.
The earliest model was developed by Stone (1962, 1966; his
D2) and Smith (1965, 1966); they concluded that D3 structures
were generated by pre-granite vertical shortening, possibly due
to an increase in super incumbent load following ‘sliding’.
Turner (1968) attributed the vertical shortening to the rise of the
upper surface of the granite batholith, but considered that the
resultant D3 fabrics were post-dated by the emplacement of
individual cupolas. A similar emplacement-related model
was adopted by Rattey (1980) and Rattey and Sanderson (1984)
who suggested that small-scale F3 folds typically verged away
from the granite margins to define a ‘fir tree’ interference
pattern (Figure 2). It was proposed that this resulted from
the superposition of pure shear vertical flattening of the limbs
of large-scale upright open antiforms generated above the
granite plutons during earlier stages of diapiric emplacement
(Figure 2).
An alternative model was proposed by Alexander and Shail
(1995, 1996) whereby D3 deformation resulted from the
reactivation of major Variscan thrusts in a NNW-SSE post-
convergence extensional regime. A top-to-the SSE sense of
simple shear, when superimposed on an end-D2 orogenic
architecture dominated by SSE dipping elements (bedding, S2
cleavage etc.), resulted in the widespread development of SSE
verging folds within the parautochthonous footwall of the
Carrick Nappe. Hence granite generation and emplacement,
instead of being the cause of D3 deformation, was interpreted
as one of its consequences (Shail and Wilkinson, 1994; Shail
et al., 2003). Predominantly ESE to SSE verging D3 folds along
the northern margins of the Land’s End Granite do not appear
compatible with the emplacement-related models of Rattey
(1980) and Rattey and Sanderson (1984) and have also been
interpreted using the extensional reactivation model (Salmon
and Shail, 1999; LeBoutillier, 2002; Kratinova et al., 2003). It has
been suggested that zones of predominantly NW verging F3
folds, such as to the west of the Tregonning Granite, might
be related to vergence reversals during very high strain D3
deformation prior to granite emplacement (Alexander and Shail,
1995, 1996).
In order to evaluate the geometry and chronology of
deformation in the NW aureole with that outside the aureole,
a reference data set was collected from the widely investigated
coastal section between Blue Rocks [SW 6489 2333] and
Legereath Zawn [SW 6077 2680], on the south side of the
batholith. The SE end of the section, from Porthleven to Blue
Rocks has not experienced significant contact metamorphism,
but to the NW, from Porthleven to Megiliggar Rocks, slatey
mudrocks exhibit a progressive change to low-pressure
amphibolite facies (biotite-cordierite ± andalusite) hornfels.
D1 structures
D1 deformation occurs throughout the section. The
Portscatho Formation at Blue Rocks [SW 6489 2333] exhibits
NNW verging tight to isoclinal F1 folds on a 1 to 10 m scale
(Figure 3a). S1 is an axial planar spaced cleavage that is
bedding-parallel on the fold limbs; no earlier penetrative fabric
is observed in the fold hinges. Whilst a S1 slatey cleavage is
ubiquitous in the Mylor Slate Formation, few primary folds have
been observed and none in the northern end of the section. D1
orientation data are summarised in Figure 4a. F1 fold axes
exhibit a range of plunge directions, from NE to ESE, that reflect
curvilinear hinges; occasional WSW plunge directions result
from D4 refolding. S1 cleavage dips gently to the SSE.
D2 structures
D2 strain is partitioned throughout the section, so that in
some areas no structures are developed, whereas elsewhere
they may be the dominant element in zones of high D2 strain.
Examples of F2 folds in Portscatho Formation sandstones are
displayed immediately south of Loe Bar [SW 6437 2414]; they
have a shorter wavelength (0.1 1 m) than F1 folds, an open
to tight style, and generally verge NNW (Figure 3b). The
associated axial planar S2 cleavage crenulates the S1 fabric and
dips moderately SSE and is commonly associated with a later
‘post-D2’ generation of subparallel quartz veins (Figure 3c). D2
data are summarised in Figure 4b. F2 folds plunge gently to the
ENE and are broadly co-axial with F1 folds; they usually verge
NNW, unless on the shorter overturned limbs of larger scale F2
folds where they verge SSE. Facing is to the NNW where folds
develop on long ‘right way-up’ F1 limbs but SSE on the short
overturned F1 limbs.
Post-D2 quartz veins
Sub-vertical quartz veins, striking NNW-SSE and up to 0.3 m
in width, were observed throughout the section. The mean
orientation of a set of seventeen veins was 151º/84º NE. The
veins post-date D1 and D2 folds and cleavage, but were
buckled during D3 ductile deformation and offset by brittle D3
faults. In the contact aureole, andalusite is often localised in the
blackened wallrock of these veins. Approximately S2 parallel
quartz veins are common and were also deformed during D3
deformation; in appropriately orientated sections these can be
observed to branch from the subvertical NNW-SSE veins.
D3 structures
In the Mylor Slate Formation, zones of ductile D3
deformation are dominant. F3 folds generally verge SSE with
short limbs varying in length from 0.05–0.5 m where localised
in the hangingwall of extensional faults to several metres in
regions of distributed shear (Figure 3d). D3 fold and cleavage
orientation data are summarised in Figure 4c. F3 folds
Late Palaeozoic deformation in the Land’s End Granite aureole
Figure 3. Examples of D1-D3 structures in the Porthleven section: (a) NNW facing F1 fold with axial planar S1 slatey cleavage in
mudstones, Portscatho Formation [SW 6460 2367]; (b) NNW facing and verging F2 fold with SSE dipping axial planar S2 crenulation
cleavage, Portscatho Formation [SW 6457 2374]; (c) SSE dipping S2 crenulation cleavage, Portscatho Formation [SW 6457 2372]; (d) SSE
verging and facing F3 fold, Mylor Slate Formation [SW 6323 2518]; (e) SSE dipping S2 crenulation cleavage folded into small-scale SSE
verging F3 folds in vicinity of detachment fault, Portscatho Formation [SW 6407 2431]; (f) bedding parallel detachment fault (brittle D3)
with breccia and synthetic Riedel R1 faults in footwall consistent with a top sense-of-shear to the SSE, Portscatho Formation [SW 6482 2334].
predominantly plunge to the ENE, but some to the WSW; S3
cleavage varies from gently NW-dipping at Vellin Gluz [SW 6378
2471] to gently SE-dipping at Western Tye [SW 6326 2512] and
sub-horizontal at Megiliggar Rocks [SW 6093 2666]. Further
south, in the Portscatho Formation, complex arrays of bedding
parallel and listric faults are developed. These are sometimes
associated with SSE verging F3 folds and an associated NNW
dipping S3 cleavage in their hangingwall that crenulates the SE
dipping S2 crenulation cleavage (Figure 3e). Similar bedding
parallel fault zones, that have a more brittle expression with
well-developed breccia zones and SE dipping Riedel R1 faults
in their footwall, occur south of Loe Bar (Figure 3f) and
are compatible with a top-sense-of-shear towards the SSE. All of
these structures are post-dated by steeply SSE dipping
extensional or dextral-extensional faults.
D4 structures
A fourth phase of ductile deformation is recognized,
consisting of large scale open folding of the Mylor Slate
Formation at Vellin Gluz and Western Tye, together with small
scale tight folding. The F4 folds verge WSW and plunge SSE.
The S4 cleavage, which dips steeply ENE, was only clearly
discernible at Vellin Gluz (Table 1).
Boundary relations with the Tregonning
F3 folds and S3 cleavage within the Mylor Slate Formation
are truncated along a stepped sharp boundary with the upper
part of the Tregonning Granite at Legereath Zawn [SW 6077
2680]. There is no evidence of a similar high strain fabric
within the granite. The granite sheets, exposed between there
and Megiliggar Rocks [SW 6093 2666] are hosted by fractures
that are commonly parallel or slightly oblique to the composite
S3/S1 fabric and include host rock fragments displaying F3 folds
and S3 cleavage.
Cape Cornwall is situated on the NW margin of the Land’s
End Granite (Figure 1). The adjacent areas of Priest’s Cove
to the south [SW 3520 3165] and Porth Ledden to the north
[SW 3535 3200] are classic locations at which the contact
relationships between the Land’s End Granite and host rock and
the internal textural variations in the Land’s End Granite can be
examined (e.g. Salmon and Shail, 1999; Halls et al., 2001; Müller
et al., 2006 ).
Host rock lithologies and contact
The Mylor Slate Formation comprises metasedimentary rocks
and metabasic igneous rocks (typically as sills <10 m thickness)
and is exposed from Priest’s Cove northwards across
Cape Cornwall to the Porth Ledden foreshore platform. The
metasedimentary rocks indicate low pressure amphibolite facies
(biotite-cordierite ± andalusite) contact metamorphism. The
sedimentary protolith was dominated by thinly bedded
siltstone/very fine-grained sandstone-mudstone couplets in
which the siltstone/very fine sandstone is typically 10-20 mm
thick and usually accounts for <20% of unit thickness. Contact
metamorphism has brought about a grain size inversion,
whereby the quartz-dominated metasiltstones/metasandstones
underwent relatively minor textural modification, but the
growth of biotite and cordierite in the metapelites has resulted
in a mean grain size of 1-5 mm. Despite this, structural fabrics
pre-dating contact metamorphism have been recognised in
metasedimentary rocks across the area.
D1 structures
F1 folds have not been observed. However, a primary
cleavage (S1) is recognised throughout the area, with good
examples in Priest’s Cove to the east of the slipway [SW 3530
3170]. S1 is sub-parallel to bedding, typically dipping between
and 20° to the NW at Cape Cornwall and is overprinted by
all subsequent structures.
D2 structures
Localised areas of D2 strain, manifested as F2 folds and S2
crenulation cleavage, were recognised primarily in Priest’s
Cove. F2 folds are open and rounded and have short limb
lengths <1 m (Figure 6a). They plunge gently NNW and verge
to the WSW. The associated axial planar S2 crenulation
cleavage deforms and crosscuts the primary foliation and dips
20-40° to the ENE. These relations are best displayed in the
low-lying cliff immediately east of the Priest’s Cove slipway
[SW 3526 3168] and along the track on the south side of Cape
Cornwall. D2 orientation data are summarised in Figure 7.
S.P. Hughes, R.J. Stickland, R.K. Shail, N.G. LeBoutillier, A.C. Alexander and M. Thomas
Figure 4. Equal area lower hemisphere stereograms of cleavage pole () and fold hinge () orientation data from the Porthleven section;
D1: S1 (n = 15), F1 (n = 11); D2: S2 (n = 11), F2 (n = 13); D3: S3 (n = 23), F3 (n = 26).).
Table 1. Summary D1-D3 structural data, including mean
orientations, from the Porthleven section.
Late Palaeozoic deformation in the Land’s End Granite aureole
Figure 5. Summary geological map of the NW aureole of the
Land’s End Granite showing lithostratigraphical and boundary
information (BGS, 1984) and summary structural data from Cape
Cornwall, Botallack and Pendeen Watch.
Post-D2 quartz veins
Post-D2 quartz veins, variably deformed by D3, are present
throughout the area. They are very well displayed at the cliff
and foreshore platform at the southern end of the Porth Ledden
where they strike NNW-SSE and the adjacent wallrock is
blackened and commonly contains andalusite.
D3 structures
A third episode of ductile deformation is recognised
throughout the Cape Cornwall area. Primary (S1) and secondary
(S2) cleavages are refolded by F3 folds and the E dipping S2
crenulation cleavage is cut and deformed by the NW-dipping S3
cleavage (Figure 6b-d). These relationships are also best
demonstrated east of the Priest’s Cove slipway; a fine example
of an ESE verging F3 fold with an axial planar S3 cleavage
occurs immediately adjacent to the slipway and includes a
boudinaged metabasalt (Figure 6b). Elsewhere, at the western
end of Priest’s Cove [SW 3480 3175], an east verging F3 fold is
defined by a metadolerite sill. Fold geometry varies, although
most are open to tight and overturned, with typical wavelengths
of 0.1 to 1 m. The folds usually verge ESE and have gently NNE
plunging hinges; the axial planar S3 cleavage is widespread
(Figure 6c), dipping on average 30-40° to the WSW (Figure 7c).
The axial surface of a larger first order F3 fold crops out to the
west of the Priest’s Cove slipway; WNW verging second order
F3 folds are developed on its steeply inclined short limb.
The D3 structures are sometimes localised adjacent to bedding-
parallel faults but there are insufficient data to independently
constrain their kinematics.
Boundary relations with the Land’s End
In Priest’s Cove the southern boundary of the host rock with
the granite is an ESE-trending high angle fault zone that hosts
Saveall’s Lode, marked by a 0.35 m thick quartz-hematite vein
defining the hanging wall of the stoped ground in the cliff.
The fault zone can be traced to the low water mark where it
intersects and offsets a moderately WSW dipping intrusive
boundary between host rock and granite that continues just
below low water to the SSE (inferred from the presence of
unidirectional solidification textures in the granite). Most of the
intrusive boundary between the granite and host rock at Porth
Ledden is approximately parallel to the S3 cleavage, dipping
20-30º NW; the northern boundary of the granite is formed by
an ESE-trending steeply-dipping mineralized fault. Moderate to
steeply dipping granite and aplite sheets typically <1 m in
thickness with a weak modal ENE-WSW strike, crop out in both
Priest’s Cove and Porth Ledden; they cut across the S3 cleavage
and F3 folds and are undeformed by this episode.
The Mylor Slate Formation in the vicinity of the Crowns
Engine Houses at Botallack [SW 3626 3351] comprises
approximately equal proportions of metasedimentary and
metabasic igneous rocks; in some areas the latter have been
metasomatically altered to produce garnetiferous skarns (e.g.
van Marcke de Lummen, 1985). Polyphase deformation has
been observed in the coastal exposures adjacent to the engine
houses and as far north as Stamps an Jowl Zawn [SW 3622
D1 structures
A primary foliation (S1) that is parallel to bedding exists
throughout the area. No F1 folds have been observed. The
combined bedding and foliation S1-S0 fabric has a mean dip of
33º to the NW (Figure 7b).
D2 structures
A second phase of deformation is sporadically observed; it
is commonly obscured or modified by the F3 folds and S3
cleavage (Figure 6e). F2 folds are open to tight and overturned,
plunge N or NNE, and verge W or WNW; wavelengths are
typically around 1 m. An axial planar S2 cleavage dips on
average 56° E, with slight variation in proximity to D3 structures
(Figure 7b).
D3 structures
D3 structures are dominant throughout the area. First order
structures have a wavelength of approximately 50 m and verge
to the ESE; they result in localised areas of steeply inclined or
vertical bedding and primary foliation, and the reorientation
of D2 structures. Second order F3 folds are usually tight and
overturned with a wavelength of <1 m; they plunge to the NNE
and verge ESE on the long limbs, and WNW on the short steep
limbs, of first order F3 folds. The SE dipping S2 crenulation
cleavage is locally refolded into a NW dipping cleavage around
F3 fold hinges. The S3 cleavage is axial planar to F3 folds, dips
moderately WNW, and crenulates the S2 fabric (Figure 6e).
Coastal exposures between SW 3790 3565 and SW 3835 3595
are exclusively metasedimentary rocks and more distant from
the granite contact than previous sites.
D1 structures
A primary bedding-parallel foliation (S1), similar to that
elsewhere in the aureole is present and has a mean dip of 23°
to the NNW (Figure 7c), although it is locally re-orientated by
later structures; no F1 folds were observed.
S.P. Hughes, R.J. Stickland, R.K. Shail, N.G. LeBoutillier, A.C. Alexander and M. Thomas
Figure 6. Examples of D1-D3 structures in the Mylor Slate Formation of the NW contact aureole: (a) W verging F2 fold with E dipping
axial planar S2 crenulation cleavage, Priest’s Cove; (b) SE verging F3 fold, Priest’s Cove; (c) NW dipping S3 crenulation cleavage cutting
horizontal composite S1-S0 fabric; contact metamorphism has caused grain size inversion so that the original mudstones are now coarser
grained than the subordinate very thinly bedded siltstones (pencil tip is 20 mm long), Priest’s Cove; (d) WNW dipping S3 crenulation
cleavage cuts ESE dipping S2 crenulation cleavage, Priest’s Cove; (e) ESE dipping S2 crenulation cleavage folded by ESE verging F3 folds
(pencil tip is 40 mm long), Botallack Head [SW 3618 3384]; (f) Gently SE dipping S2 crenulation cleavage preserved on NW limb of F3 fold
with steeply NW dipping axial planar S3 crenulation cleavage, Pendeen Watch [SW 3791 3576].
Late Palaeozoic deformation in the Land’s End Granite aureole
Figure 7. Equal area lower hemisphere stereograms of cleavage pole () and fold hinge () orientation data from the NW contact
aureole: (a) Cape Cornwall, D1: S1-So composite fabric (n = 109); D2: S2 (n = 7), F2 (n = 15); D3: S3 (n = 29), F3 (n = 60); (b) Botallack,
D1: S1-So composite fabric (n = 12); D2: S2 (n = 16), F2 (n = 15); D3: S3 (n = 20), F3 (n = 28); (c) Pendeen Watch, D1: S1-So composite
fabric (n = 18); D2: S2 (n = 17), F2 (n = 12); D3: S3 (n =21), F3 (n = 14).
S.P. Hughes, R.J. Stickland, R.K. Shail, N.G. LeBoutillier, A.C. Alexander and M. Thomas
Table 2. Summary D1-D3 structural data, including mean orientations, from the NW aureole of the Land’s End Granite.
D2 structures
D2 deformation occurs in localised high strain zones in the
low-lying cliff immediately to the north of the lighthouse. Open
F2 folds that plunge to the NE and verge to the NW have a
wavelength of approximately 0.2 m to 0.5 m; they have an axial
planar S2 crenulation cleavage that dips moderately to the SE
(Figure 7c).
D3 structures
Much of the area has a strong D3 overprint, with close
to tight F3 folds that plunge to the NE and verge to the SE;
the associated axial planar S3 crenulation cleavage dips
approximately 52° NW and crenulates both S1 and S2 (Figure 7c).
In exposures below the lighthouse, SE verging F3 folds
develop on F2 fold limbs and refold the S2 cleavage (Figure 6f).
Porthmeor Cove [SW 4250 3750] is situated 5 km ENE of
Pendeen Watch, towards the western end of the northern
contact aureole; the NW and N aureole segments are separated
by approximately 3.5 km of granite coastline where no host
rocks crop out (Figure 1). This location is well-known due to
the small, easily accessible, granite cupola and cross-cutting
granite sheets (Stone and Exley, 1984). Data was collected
from Porthmeor Point [SW 4255 3790] in the east, to Great Zawn
[SW 4210 3735] in the west so that a comparison could be made
with the sections in the NW aureole and because of previous
brief descriptions of structures assigned to D3 (Exley and Stone,
1982; Stone and Exley, 1984).
D1 and D2 structures
A primary bedding-parallel cleavage (S1) occurs throughout
and has a mean dip of 20° NW. F1 folds and D2 structures were
not observed.
D3 structures
D3 structures are developed in metasedimentary rocks
throughout the area; F3 folds are best observed in the cliff
exposures above the Porthmeor cupola [SW 4255 3765].
Typically, F3 folds are tight and overturned and have a
wavelength <0.5 m; they verge to the SE and have a mean
plunge of 9°/025°. The folds are associated with a NW-dipping
axial planar S3 cleavage that crenulates S1 in the hinge areas of
F3 folds. Small SE dipping extensional faults (trace lengths
<1 m) and SE verging F3 folds above the same bedding-
parallel surfaces indicates the development of D3 detachment
faults similar to those south of Porthleven (Bar Lodge).
Regional deformation chronology
Table 1 summarises the geometry and relative chronology of
regional deformation recognised in the Porthleven coastal
section. These data are consistent with previous studies that
established and refined the D1-D3 deformation chronology
(Smith, 1965; Turner, 1968; Rattey and Sanderson, 1984;
Alexander and Shail, 1996). Table 2 summarises the geometry
and relative chronology of regional deformation established
within the NW contact metamorphic aureole of the Land’s End
Granite and at Porthmeor Cove.
D1 deformation is represented by a ubiquitous bedding-
parallel S1 cleavage. F1 folds have not been recognised in the
aureole, but the presence of isoclinal folds is implied by the
bedding-cleavage relationship and would be consistent with the
D1 deformation style outside the aureole (Table 1, see also
Smith, 1965; Rattey and Sanderson, 1984). The identification of
F1 fold hinges is no doubt hindered by the locally intense D2
and D3 overprint; such deformation, together with textural
effects of contact metamorphism, also minimises the occurrence
of unambiguous younging criteria that might additionally be
used to infer fold axial surfaces.
D2 deformation has been positively identified at Cape
Cornwall, Botallack and Pendeen Watch on the basis of
refolding relationships between F3, F2 and S1, and cleavage
overprinting relationships between S3, S2 and S1. The sections
east of the Priest’s Cove slipway and around Botallack Head
and Pendeen are important locations where D2 structures and
their relative chronology with respect to D1 and D3 structures
can be established. D2 structures were not identified at Porth
Ledden or Porthmeor Cove and this may reflect either the
absence of D2 deformation in these areas, due to its partitioned
nature, or its obfuscation by D3 deformation and contact
metamorphism. F2 folds vary from NNW to NE plunging, WSW
to NW verging, and are associated with a moderately ENE to SE
dipping S2 crenulation cleavage. ENE to SE verging parasitic F2
folds might be anticipated on the overturned limbs of larger
scale F2 folds but have not been observed; it may be that
larger scale folds were not generated. However, any such
Late Palaeozoic deformation in the Land’s End Granite aureole
Table 3. Summary regional deformation chronology and style for
the Porthleven section and Land’s End contact metamorphic
aureole (this study), compared with that of the second edition
Land’s End sheet (BGS, 1984) and memoir (Goode and Taylor, 1988).
parasitic E to SE verging F2 folds would be optimally orientated
for further tightening during D3 deformation, and could have
developed into composite F2/F3 SE verging folds in which the
S2 cleavage was transposed by the S3 cleavage.
The NNW-SSE and NE-SW trending post-D2 quartz veins
described from the Porthleven section are present throughout
the NW aureole and are best displayed at the southern end of
Porth Ledden. They are variably deformed by D3; depending
upon their orientation, and must have formed prior to, or
during the early stages of D3 deformation. Several sub-types
were recognized in the Porthleven area and assigned to the D3
episode by Wilkinson (1990).
Ductile D3 deformation is widely observed throughout the
aureole and in many areas constitutes the dominant expression
of deformation. F3 folds plunge gently NNE, are tight and
predominantly verge ESE, unless on the overturned limbs of
first order F3 folds. The associated axial planar S3 cleavage
dips gently to moderately WSW. D3 deformation appears
localized in some areas adjacent to bedding-parallel fault zones.
The data presented confirm previous inferences that the
predominant folds and cleavages observed within the Land’s
End Granite aureole formed during the regional D3 event (e.g.
Exley and Stone, 1982; Rattey and Sanderson, 1984; Stone and
Exley, 1984; Salmon and Shail, 1999; LeBoutillier, 2002;
Kratinova et al., 2003). These suggestions were based on the
geometrical similarity with D3 structures outside the aureole.
However, this study has additionally demonstrated that regional
D2 structures are present, albeit commonly overprinted and
obscured by D3 and textural changes accompanying contact
metamorphism. The deformation chronology and style at
Porthleven and in the NW aureole, based on data presented
here, are compared with that shown on the Penzance sheet and
summarised in the memoir (BGS, 1984; Goode and Taylor,
1988) in Table 3. The SE verging folds and NW dipping
cleavage shown in the Land’s End aureole and assigned to D2
(BGS, 1984; Goode and Taylor, 1988) are here re-assigned to
the regional D3 deformation event in the same manner as for
the section between Perranporth and St Ives (Alexander and
Shail, 1995). The N verging F3 folds described by Goode and
Taylor (1988) were not recognized in this study and their D4
deformation, associated with a subhorizontal cleavage and
equivalent to the D3 of Jackson (1976), is interpreted as a high
strain manifestation of the regional D3 episode (cf. Alexander
and Shail, 1995). The regional D4 episode of deformation,
associated with NNW-SSE steeply inclined cleavages (e.g. Smith,
1965, 1966; Rattey and Sanderson, 1984), is confirmed.
Timing of deformation relative to granite
The main body of the Land’s End Granite truncates D3 folds
and cleavage in the host rock, and includes arrested xenoliths
containing D3 folds and cleavage, at Porth Ledden and
Porthmeor Cove (all locations). Minor granite / microgranite
intrusive sheets occur widely in the aureole and invariably cut
D3 structures and are not folded by D3. Similar relations occur
in the aureole of the Tregonning Granite (Stone, 1975;
Alexander and Shail, 1996). Granite emplacement post-dated
ductile D3 deformation. The steeply inclined NNW-SSE S4
cleavage crenulates contact metamorphic biotites in the aureole
of the Tregonning Granite.
Regional D1 and D2 structures are interpreted to have
formed during Variscan convergence associated with a
dominant top sense-of-shear to the NNW (e.g. Rattey and
Sanderson, 1984; Alexander and Shail, 1995, 1996; Leveridge
and Hartley, 2006). Kinematic data are not available for D1
structures in the aureole, but the F2 folds have a vergence
varying from WSW to NW that is broadly consistent with these
studies. Nevertheless, D2 structures within the aureole vary in
orientation between each location (Table 2 and Figure 7). D2
structures at Pendeen Watch are closest in orientation to those
at Porthleven; there is counterclockwise change in the plunge
direction of F2 and dip direction of S2 moving SW from
Pendeen Watch to Botallack (~40º) and Cape Cornwall (~55º).
Insufficient data have been collected to fully characterise the
kinematics of post-D2 quartz veins. The thicker, steeply
inclined NNW-SSE veins have been interpreted by Wilkinson
(1990) to have formed in strike-slip shear zones. These thicker
veins commonly have thinner moderately SE dipping branches
that appear approximately parallel to S2 cleavage in section
view (e.g. Figure 3b), but transect S2 cleavage in a counter-
clockwise manner by 10-20º in plan view. A tensile origin for
these NE-SW striking veins would be possible during dextral
movement across the NNW-SSE shear zones as inferred by
Wilkinson (1990). Both the NNW-SSE and NE-SW veins were
subsequently deformed during D3 and hence must have formed
in either a discrete post-D2 regional strike-slip regime that
occurred prior to D3, or in a localized strike-slip regime during
the early stages of D3. The thicker veins are associated with
blackened wall rock hosting andalusite within the contact
metamorphic aureoles of the Land’s End and Tregonning-
Godolphin granites. This association appears anomalous as the
veins predate most or all of the D3 deformation and hence
granite emplacement and contact metamorphism (see below).
The blackened wall rock and andalusite result from a contact
metamorphic overprint of a wall rock altered by the migration
of high temperature metamorphic fluids during the post-D2
strike-slip event. These metamorphic fluids may reflect peak
convergence-related metamorphic conditions at depth;
reduction of the Si/Al ratio in the mudrocks of the Mylor
Slate Formation predisposed them to localized andalusite
formation during later contact metamorphism following granite
D3 structures in the aureole are characterised by an NW to
WNW dipping S3 cleavage and first order F3 folds that verge E
to SE, as do all second order folds on the long limbs of first
order structures. The predominance of E to SE verging F3 folds,
local vergence reversals being restricted to the short overturned
limbs of first order F3 folds, contrasts with the NW verging
summary F3 data for the NW and N aureole shown in figure 4
of Rattey and Sanderson (1984). These data invalidate their
‘fir tree’ model of fold vergence about the Land’s End Granite,
i.e. small scale F3 structures could not have been superimposed
upon pre-existing large-scale antiforms around the granites.
The formation of predominantly E to SE verging F3 folds
from SE dipping elements is kinematically consistent with either
pure shear vertical shortening (e.g. Stone, 1962, 1966; Smith,
1965, 1966) or by a top-sense-of-shear to the E or SE (Alexander
and Shail, 1995, 1996) prior to any post-D3 tilting/rotation.
Distinguishing between these models is more challenging in
the aureole as independent kinematic indicators for bedding-
parallel detachment faults, such as those around Loe Bar, are
usually absent. Nevertheless, D3 structures in the aureole are
commonly localised in the vicinity of bedding-parallel faults,
albeit usually kinematically unconstrained. Some examples,
such as at Porthmeor Cove, indicate a complex association of
small-scale SE-dipping extensional (Riedel R1) faults and F3
folds / S3 cleavage above bedding parallel faults and are
consistent with similar structures outside the aureole and a
simple shear rather than vertical shortening origin. Variations
in the attitude of S3 cleavage and the inter-limb angles of
associated F3 folds, on a metre to decametre scale at a single
location, can also be best explained by changes in the intensity
of D3 strain generated during a top sense-of-shear to the E to
SE. Variations in strain intensity associated with idealised pure
shear vertical shortening would modify F3 inter-limb angles but
not the cleavage orientation (effects of post-D3 tilting/rotation
are minimal at outcrop scale).
Although overprinted by contact metamorphic textural
changes the D3 structural styles in the aureole, comprising
zones of distributed shear and more localized detachment-
related deformation, are similar to those in the Porthleven
section. A similar origin involving the development of a top-to-the
SSE sense-of-shear during the extensional reactivation of thrust
faults that, given contact relations between the granite and host
rock, must have occurred prior to granite emplacement (e.g.
Alexander and Shail, 1995, 1996). Whilst the Land’s End
Granite post-dates ductile D3 fabrics, the persistence of a NNW-
SSE extensional regime throughout much of its emplacement
history is consistent with magmatic state fabrics (Kratinova et al.,
2003, in press) and the ENE-WSW trend of the earliest steeply
inclined brittle extensional faults and veins (Shail and
Wilkinson, 1994; Alexander and Shail, 1995). The absence of a
clear ductile expression of this ongoing deformation probably
reflects the exhumation and cooling of the host rocks prior to
granite emplacement and increasing strain accommodation by
brittle faulting. As thin granite / microgranite sheets are also
undeformed by ductile D3, the rheological influence of aureole
contact metamorphism appears to have been limited.
D3 structures within the aureole vary in orientation between
location in a broadly similar manner to D2 structures (Table 2
and Figure 7). F3 hinges at Pendeen Watch are similar in
orientation to those at Porthleven; but there is a counter
clockwise change in F3 plunge direction between Pendeen
Watch and Cape Cornwall (~40º), Botallack (~50º) and
Porthmeor Cove (~35º). S3 cleavage in the aureole typically
dips ~40-50º NNW to WNW and is markedly different to that at
Porthleven. Restoration of this aureole S3 cleavage to the
modal horizontal orientation at Porthleven would therefore
require a 40-50º tilt to the SE about a horizontal ENE to NNE
axis. A similar tilt applied to the aureole S2 cleavage cannot
restore all D2 structures to the orientation around Porthleven.
One reason for this is the presence of apparent differential
vertical axis rotations between locations, described above, of up
to 55º. Other factors might include folding of S2 during D3
and the possibility that the S2 in the NW aureole might
have developed with a steeper attitude, reflecting lower strain,
than at Porthleven. The regional D4 deformation represents
an episode of ENE-WSW shortening during the Mid- to Late
Permian (Alexander and Shail, 1996; Shail and Alexander,
Accommodation of the Land’s End Granite
Ductile D3 deformation of the host rocks has been shown to
predate the emplacement of the Land’s End Granite and plays
no substantive role in its accommodation. The most obvious
consequence of granite emplacement is the NNW to WNW
tilting of the S1-S0 and S3 fabrics by ~40-50º relative to those at
Porthleven, suggesting that roof uplift during construction or
inflation of the pluton was an important mechanism (Figure 8);
see also Taylor (2007). Although segmented by higher angle
faults, many of the contacts between the granite and the host
rocks in the NW aureole are approximately parallel to the
S1-S0 and/or S3 fabric and are consistent with such an origin.
The vertical axis orientations between aureole locations might
be in part related to large-scale open folding accompanying
roof uplift and emplacement and that are reflected in the strike
variations of the aureole metabasic rocks (Figure 5). Other
possibilities include differential block rotations across NW-SE
faults prior to granite emplacement, as has been demonstrated
elsewhere in the region (e.g. Leveridge and Hartley, 2006), but
testing this would require further mapping.
The regional deformation chronology can be recognised in
the NW contact metamorphic aureole of the Land’s End Granite.
Regional D2 structures, comprising an ENE to SE dipping S2
crenulation cleavage and WSW to NW verging F2 folds
have been described for the first time and are consistent with
development during a top-sense-of-shear to the NW during
Variscan convergence. These structures are commonly obscured
by later deformation and the textural effects of contact
metamorphism. The ‘local’ D2 structures, comprising a NW
dipping S2 cleavage and SE verging F2 folds, shown in the NW
and N aureole in the Land’s End sheet and memoir (BGS, 1984;
Goode and Taylor, 1988) have been re-assigned here to the
regional D3 deformation episode. A set of post-D2 quartz veins,
comprising steeply inclined NNW-SSE trending segments up to
0.5 m thick, with thinner moderately SE dipping segments,
developed during a discrete episode of post-D2 strike-slip
deformation or in the early stages of D3 deformation. Wall rock
alteration caused by the migration of metamorphic fluids during
that episode may have exerted a favourable compositional
influence on the formation of andalusite during later contact
S.P. Hughes, R.J. Stickland, R.K. Shail, N.G. LeBoutillier, A.C. Alexander and M. Thomas
Figure 8. Summary sketch section summarising the geometry of D3 structures in relation to the granite batholith from the NW aureole
and around Porthleven. F3 folds predominantly verge SE on both flanks of the granite but D3 and earlier structures in the NW aureole
have been tilted to the NW by roof uplift during granite emplacement.
Late Palaeozoic deformation in the Land’s End Granite aureole
D3 structures comprise first order E to SE verging F3 folds
and a NW to WNW dipping S3 crenulation cleavage. Some F3
folds may have developed in the vicinity of bedding parallel
detachment zones. Overall there is a similarity with the style
of D3 structures observed in the Porthleven section. Local
vergence reversals of second order folds occur on the steep
overturned limbs of these first order structures, but the
predominant vergence across the NW aureole is to the E or SE.
The suggestion of a dominant NW vergence for F3 folds (Rattey
and Sanderson, 1984) along the NW and northern aureole of
the Land’s End Granite is rejected. Ductile D3 deformation
predates granite emplacement and is consistent with formation
during a top-to-the SE sense of simple shear developed during
the extensional reactivation of large scale thrust faults, although
the possibility of a component of pure shear vertical shortening
cannot be excluded. The most obvious mechanism for the
accommodation of the Land’s End Granite was by roof uplift
that brought about a NNW to WNW tilting of host rock by
~40-50º. Differential apparent vertical axis rotations between
locations in the NW and N aureole may be related to large-scale
open folding accompanying granite emplacement and/or
pre-granite movements on NW-SE strike-slip faults. Regional
D4 deformation, is represented by a steeply dipping NNW-SSE
trending F4 folds and S4 cleavage; it postdates the contact
metamorphism around the Tregonning Granite and is probably
Mid- to Late-Permian and hence marks the latter stages of
Palaeozoic deformation.
Andrew Alexander and Nick LeBoutillier are grateful to the
University of Exeter for financial support during their PhD studies.
Referee comments from Brian Leveridge and Graeme Taylor are
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... Granite emplacement post-dates regional folds, faults and cleavage, formed during Late Devonian and Carboniferous Variscan convergence, and subsequent late Carboniferous-Permian post-orogenic extension (Shail and Wilkinson, 1994;Shail et al., 2003;Hughes et al., 2009;Alexander et al., 2019). The granites are peraluminous and derived from partial melting of a feldspathic pelitepsammite sedimentary source (Chappell and Hine, 2006;Müller et al., 2006;Simons et al., 2016Simons et al., , 2017Clemens, 2012). ...
... Post-Variscan ductile D3 structures in the host rocks, comprising SSEor S-verging folds and associated cleavages, and/ or fault systems displaying a top-to-the-south sense-of-shear, are truncated by pluton margins, cut by undeformed granite and aplite sheets, and included within host rock enclaves (Stone, 1971). These relations are consistent with ductile D3 deformation, controlled by the post-Variscan NNW-SSE extensional reactivation of thrust faults, occurring prior to the emplacement of the younger granites Shail, 1995, 1996;Hughes et al., 2009). The host rocks, older and younger granites are collectively cut by high-angle faults and joints, developed during ongoing early post-Variscan NNW-SSE extension, that host magmatichydrothermal mineralization (Shail and Wilkinson, 1994;Shail, 1995, 1996;Shail and Leveridge, 2009;Hughes et al., 2009). ...
... These relations are consistent with ductile D3 deformation, controlled by the post-Variscan NNW-SSE extensional reactivation of thrust faults, occurring prior to the emplacement of the younger granites Shail, 1995, 1996;Hughes et al., 2009). The host rocks, older and younger granites are collectively cut by high-angle faults and joints, developed during ongoing early post-Variscan NNW-SSE extension, that host magmatichydrothermal mineralization (Shail and Wilkinson, 1994;Shail, 1995, 1996;Shail and Leveridge, 2009;Hughes et al., 2009). All the Cornubian granites were, therefore, generated and emplaced in a post-orogenic extensional tectonic regime (Shail et al., 2003). ...
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The Permian Cornubian granite batholith (295−275 Ma) in SW England includes seven major plutons and numerous smaller stocks extending for ∼250 km from the Isles of Scilly in the WSW to Dartmoor in the ENE. The granites are peraluminous and classified as crustal melt S-type, predominantly two-mica granites, and biotite or tourmaline monzo- and syenogranites, with subordinate minor topaz granite and lithium mica granite. The granites and their host rocks are pervasively mineralized with tin (cassiterite), tungsten (wolframite, ferberite), copper (chalcopyrite, chalcocite, bornite), arsenic (arsenopyrite), and zinc (sphalerite) mineralized lodes. Quartz-muscovite selvedges (greisen-bordered) also contain enrichment of lithophile elements such as boron (tourmaline), fluorine (fluorite), and lithium (lithium-micas such as lepidolite and zinnwaldite). They are derived from both muscovite and biotite dehydration melting of pelitic-psammitic rocks and intruded from a common source along the length of the batholith. Pressure estimates from andalusite and cordierite-bearing hornfels in the contact metamorphic aureole (150 ± 100 MPa) show that the granites intruded to 3 km depth. Cupolas around the Land’s End and Tregonning granites show aplite-pegmatite dikes and tourmaline + quartz + muscovite veins (greisen) that are frequently mineralized. Synchronous intrusions of lamprophyre dikes suggest an additional heat source for crustal melting may have been from underplating of alkaline magmas. The lack of significant erosion means that the source region is not exposed. In an accompanying paper (Part 2; Watts et al., 2024), gravity modeling reveals possible solutions for the shape and depth of the granite and the structure of the lower crust. We present a new model for the Land’s End, Tregonning, and Carnmenellis granites showing a mid-crustal source composed of amphibolite facies migmatites bounded by prominent seismic reflectors, with upward expanding dikes feeding inter-connected granite laccoliths that show inflated cupolas with shallow contact metamorphism. The Cornubian granites intruded >90 m.y. after obduction of the Lizard ophiolite complex, and after Upper Devonian−Carboniferous Variscan compressional, and later extensional, deformation of the surrounding Devonian country rocks. Comparisons are made between the Cornubian batholith and the Patagonian batholith in Chile, the Himalayan leucogranites, and the Baltoro granite batholith along the Karakoram range in northern Pakistan.
... The E-ESE orientation contrasts with the dominant ENE-E trend of bedding within the Devonian sedimentary successions to the east of the Land's End Granite (Leveridge, 2011;Leveridge and Shail, 2011). It is possible that bedding is rotated due to granite emplacement or later extensional faulting and varies at different points around the pluton (Hughes et al., 2009). Therefore, the area is considered to highlight an anomalous scenario of potentially important lineaments in the region. ...
... Shail & Alexander (1997) where extension resulting in reactivation of earlier Variscan thrusts caused zones of distributed shear, detachments and high-angle faults. The only aspect of this theory that is difficult to reconcile is that the ESE-WNW trend observed in this study is at odds with the ENE-WSW observations further east by Shail & Alexander (1997) and the prior works of Alexander & Shail (1995, 1996 but may reflect the rotation of sedimentary rocks through faulting and granite emplacement recorded along the northern margin of the Land's End pluton (Hughes et al., 2009). It is beyond the scope of this study to investigate further but this discrepancy may be due to a number of factors such as: smaller scale ENE-WSW ...
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Semi-automated algorithms incorporating multi-sourced datasets into a single analysis are increasingly common, but until now operate at a fixed pixel resolution resulting in multi-sourced methods being limited by the largest input pixel size. Multi-scale lineament detection circumvents this issue and allows increased levels of detail to be captured. We present a semi-automated method using a bottom-up Object-Based Image Analysis approach to map regional lineaments to a high level of detail. The method is applied to onshore LiDAR data and offshore bathymetry around the Land's End Granite (Cornwall, UK). The method uses three different pixel resolutions to extract detailed lineaments across a 700 km ² area. The granite displays large-scale NW-SE fault zones that are considered analogous to those being targeted as onshore deep geothermal reservoirs (2-5 km in depth). Investigation of the lineaments derived from this study show along-strike variations from NW-SE orientations within granite to NNW-SSE within slate and reflect structural inheritance of early Variscan structures within Devonian slates. This is furthered by analysing these major structures for reservoir potential. Lineaments proximal to these broadly NW-SE features indicate a damage zone approximately 100-200 m wide is present. These observations provide a preliminary understanding of reservoir characteristics for fault-hosted geothermal systems. Supplementary material: Supplementary information on the OBAI methods and additional figures are available at Thematic collection: This article is part of the Remote sensing for site investigations on Earth and other planets collection available at:
... We describe the Variscan and post-Variscan tectonic and structural development in the context of the lower northern plate (SW England), the Rheic-Rhenohercynian suture zone and the upper southern plate (Normannia/Mid-German Crystalline Rise). We synthesize previous field-based studies (Holder & Leveridge 1986a, b;Alexander & Shail 1995, 1996Shail & Alexander 1997;Hughes et al. 2009) with published and new observations and interpretations from offshore seismic, gravity and magnetic data. ...
... Although complex in areas of high strain, and where subsequent fabric rotation has occurred, these structures typically demonstrate a top-to-the-SSE sense of shear ( Fig. 5a) (e.g. Alexander & Shail 1995, 1996Hughes et al. 2009). • Detachment faults: these are gently to moderately dipping, bedding-or primary-cleavage-parallel faults that typically indicate a top-to-the-SSE sense of shear (e.g. ...
The Rheic Ocean is a persistent feature of Paleozoic palaeogeographies whose closure contributed to the development of the Variscan Orogen and the formation of Pangaea. Geological and geophysical data indicate repeated episodes of Paleozoic rifting and plate convergence around SW England and the adjacent offshore areas.SWEngland occupied a lower plate position during the Devonian–Carboniferous, on the northern passive margin of the short-lived Rhenohercynian Ocean that had formed near a recently closed segment of the Rheic Ocean. Variscan plate convergence resulted in the development of the composite southwards-dipping Rheic– Rhenohercynian suture zone by the latest Devonian and inversion of the lower plate basins during the Carboniferous. Early PermianNNW–SSE extensional reactivation of this suture zone controlled the development of the Western Approaches basins in its hanging wall and provides an excellent example of Wilson cycle structural inheritance. The onshore expression of this episode includes shear zones and detachment faults consistent with top-to-the-SSE extensional reactivation of Variscan thrust faults. There is a progression to higher-angle brittle extensional faults that cut out earlier structures. Exhumation of the lower plate was accompanied by Early Permian mantle and concomitant crustal partial melting, the construction of the Cornubian Batholith and W–Sn–Cu fracture-hosted mineralization.
... They are generally classified as crustal melt S-type granites with two-mica, biotite and tourmaline monzogranites and syenogranites dominating (Exley and Stone, 1982;Stone and Exley, 1985;Willis-Richards and Jackson, 1989;Floyd et al., 1993;Chappell and Hine, 2006;Simons et al., 2016Simons et al., , 2017Smith et al., 2019;Searle et al., 2024). The granites are thought to have been derived from melting of a metasedimentary source in the middle crust, and are post-orogenic, truncating regional folds, faults and cleavages, formed as a result of Late Devonian and Carboniferous Variscan deformation (Shail et al., 2003;Hughes et al., 2009;Searle et al., 2024). ...
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A new compilation of Bouguer gravity anomaly data has been used, together with forward and inverse modeling, to reappraise the structure, volume, and state of isostasy of the Cornubian batholith of SW England. We show the individual plutons that comprise the batholith are, on average, ∼10−11 km thick, are outward-sloping in their upper 2−3 km, and are underlain by roots which protrude downward into the middle crust. The batholith volume is estimated within the range of 76,367 ± 17,286 km3, significantly larger than previous estimates. Granite outcrops correlate with elevated topography, and mass balance calculations show that the mass deficiency of the granites relative to their host metasedimentary rocks is approximately equal to the mass excess of the topography relative to air. The existence of roots beneath individual plutons is in general agreement with predictions of an Airy model of isostasy and a depth of compensation that is within the crust rather than at the Moho. In addition, a middle crust compensation depth is compatible with the origin of the granites by heating and melting of metasedimentary rocks and with data from experimental rock mechanics which suggest that at the melting temperature and pressure of granite formation, deformation is likely to be plastic and controlled by glide along dislocations. During pluton emplacement the middle crust would, therefore, have acted as a mechanically weak layer, effectively decoupling the topography from any support it might otherwise have received from the lower crust and/or upper mantle.
... Regarding the tectonic evolution of the area, in relation to what is observed in the field and in accordance with Alexander and Shail (1995) and Hughes et al. (2009), two generations of North-North-West verging Variscan structures (Hercynian, related to late Paleozoic continental collision between Euramerica and Gondwana associated with Deformation phase 1 and 2 -D1 and D2) are post-dated by structures showing South-East sense of shear (deformation phase 3 -D3). Dl is evident at most localities and is marked by folds which verge North-North-West and a pervasive and penetrative cleavage, sub-parallel to bedding (S0) dipping gently South-South-East. ...
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Understanding the key factors controlling slope failure mechanisms in coastal areas is the first and most important step for analyzing, reconstructing and predicting the scale, location and extent of future instability in rocky coastlines. Different failure mechanisms may be possible depending on the influence of the engineering properties of the rock mass (including the fracture network), the persistence and type of discontinuity and the relative aspect or orientation of the coastline. Using a section of the North Coast of Cornwall, UK, as an example we present a multi-disciplinary approach for characterizing landslide risk associated with coastal instabilities in a blocky rock mass. Remotely captured terrestrial and aerial LiDAR and photogrammetric data were interrogated using Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques to provide a framework for subsequent analysis, interpretation and validation. The remote sensing mapping data was used to define the rock mass discontinuity network of the area and to differentiate between major and minor geological structures controlling the evolution of the North Coast of Cornwall. Kinematic instability maps generated from aerial LiDAR data using GIS techniques and results from structural and engineering geological surveys are presented. With this method, it was possible to highlight the types of kinematic failure mechanism that may generate coastal landslides and highlight areas that are more susceptible to instability or increased risk of future instability. Multi-temporal aerial LiDAR data and orthophotos were also studied using GIS techniques to locate recent landslide failures, validate the results obtained from the kinematic instability maps through site observations and provide improved understanding of the factors controlling the coastal geomorphology. The approach adopted is not only useful for academic research, but also for local authorities and consultancy's when assessing the likely risks of coastal instability.
... These complexes consist of variably evolved granites (biotite granite to topaz granite; Fig. 2) that can be explained by fractional crystallization of crustal magmas (e.g., Müller et al., 2006). They formed during N-S extension after the Variscan collision in the late Carboniferous and intrude greenschist facies late Paleozoic sediments and basic volcanics (e.g., Hughes et al., 2009;Shail and Leveridge, 2009). The various intrusions are not contemporaneous, ranging from about 295 Ma-275 Ma in age with no evidence for a major hiatus Chesley et al., 1993). ...
To investigate the potential of tourmaline as a geochemical monitor, a comprehensive dataset on major, minor and trace element concentrations as well as Fe³⁺/ΣFe ratios of tourmaline is presented. The dataset includes samples from five plutonic complexes related to diverse magmatic to hydrothermal stages of the Cornubian Batholith (SW England). Tourmaline composition found in barren and cassiterite-bearing samples include all three primary tourmaline groups and tourmaline species with the general endmembers schorl, dravite, elbaite, uvite, feruvite, foitite and Mg-foitite.
... Six main granite bodies outcrop at the current level of exposure, the Isles of Scilly, Land's End, Carnmenellis, St Austell, Bodmin and Dartmoor granites. The granites were emplaced into a strongly inverted lower plate passive margin succession of Devonian and Carboniferous low-grade regionally metamorphosed marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks during a period of N-S extension following continental collision in the late Carboniferous (Shail and Leveridge, 2009;Hughes et al., 2009). ...
The Early Permian igneous rocks of SW England, and the associated granite-related magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization, constitute one of Europe's major magmatic and mineralization provinces. It exhibits broad similarities with other Variscan massifs, but there are also contrasts in that: magmatic activity occurred entirely within a post-collisional extensional tectonic regime, and SW England is located to the north of the Rheic-Rhenohercynian suture. In this chapter, the authors provide an overview of the geological processes that have contributed to the development of granites of the Cornubian Batholith and the associated metallic, industrial mineral and deep geothermal resources, and resurgence in exploration and development activity in SW England, in response to increased commodity prices and new opportunities associated with the production of metals deemed “critical” for low carbon technologies and meeting the needs of the energy transition.
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Regional lineament detection for mapping of geological structure can provide crucial information for mineral exploration. Manual methods of lineament detection are time consuming, subjective and unreliable. The use of semi-automated methods reduces the subjectivity through applying a standardised method of searching. Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) has become a mainstream technique for landcover classification, however, the use of OBIA methods for lineament detection is still relatively under-utilised. The Southwest England region is covered by high-resolution airborne geophysics and LiDAR data that provide an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the power of OBIA methods for lineament detection. Herein, two complementary but stand-alone OBIA methods for lineament detection are presented which both enable semi-automatic regional lineament mapping. Furthermore, these methods have been developed to integrate multiple datasets to create a composite lineament network. The top-down method uses threshold segmentation and sub-levels to create objects, whereas the bottom-up method segments the whole image before merging objects and refining these through a border assessment. Overall lineament lengths are longest when using the top-down method which also provides detailed metadata on the source dataset of the lineament. The bottom-up method is more objective and computationally efficient and only requires user knowledge to classify lineaments into major and minor groups. Both OBIA methods create a similar network of lineaments indicating that semi-automatic techniques are robust and consistent. The integration of multiple datasets from different types of spatial data to create a comprehensive, composite lineament network is an important development and demonstrates the suitability of OBIA methods for enhancing lineament detection.
The Land’s End and Tregonning-Godolphin granites of the >250 km-long Permian Cornubian Batholith are heterogeneous medium- to coarse-grained peraluminous biotite-, tourmaline-, and lithium-mica granites traditionally thought to be emplaced as massive magmatic diapirs. Although S-type characteristics are dominant (quartz + biotite + muscovite + tourmaline ± topaz ± lithium-micas in the melt, numerous greisen and pegmatite veins, Sn-W mineralization), some characteristics of evolved I-type granites are also exhibited (hornblende-bearing enclaves, elevated ɛNd, Cu mineralization, batholithic dimensions). Here, we present an investigation focusing on the contact metamorphism and deformation of the aureole rocks adjacent to the Land’s End and Tregonning granites as an approach to better determine the method of granite emplacement and the depth at which it occurred. New 1:5000-scale geological maps are presented for ∼15 km of coastal exposure of the granites and their aureoles. We propose that the granites were emplaced non-diapirically by intrusion of sills that amalgamated to form a sheeted laccolith-type body. Granite contacts cleanly truncate all faults, folds, and cleavages generated during both Variscan convergence and subsequent latest Carboniferous–Early Permian (end-Variscan) extension, and it is likely that granite was emplaced during continuation of this extensional episode. There is evidence for stoping of the country rocks by an outward-migrated sill and dyke network, and uplift and doming of the host rocks can be partially attributed to laccolith inflation. Host meta-siltstones of the Devonian Mylor Slate Formation formed a contact aureole of cordierite + biotite + chlorite ± andalusite “spotted slates.” Several interspersed pillow basalts and dolerites, previously affected by hydrothermal alteration, underwent isochemical contact metamorphism to form cordierite- and orthoamphibole-bearing hornfels, including cordierite-anthophyllite rocks that are present in Kenidjack cliff, NW Land’s End aureole. THERMOCALC P-T modeling and pseudosection construction for these rocks in the large Na2O-CaO-K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-TiO2-Fe2O3 (NCKFMASHTO) chemical system indicates contact metamorphism occurred at 1.5 ± 1.0 kbar and 615 ± 50 °C. This ultra-low pressure metamorphism equates to a likely emplacement depth of 5–6 km for the adjacent granite sheets. The Cornubian Batholith is highly composite and likely comprises an amalgamation of discrete shallow-seated sheeted laccoliths that are dyke-fed from a common lower-crustal/upper-mantle melt region to result in the batholith’s mixed S-type/I-type character.
The general deformation history within the Mylor and Gramscatho Beds of SW Cornwall is described with particular emphasis on the regional structural variation. Five phases of deformation have been identified.-Author
The granites of the Cornubian Batholith can be divided into two broad groups: the biotite granites and the lithium-mica-albite- topaz granites. Within these there are considerable variations in grain size, proportion of mafic minerals and size of alkali feldspar megacrysts. Minor rock types are usually variants of the principal types. The distribution of granite types is illustrated and it is shown that the Li and F-rich granites are restricted to the Tregonning, western St. Austell and Meldon microgranite bodies.-B.W.D.Yardley
The nature of the boundary zone between the Mylor Slate Formation and Gramscatho Group in Mounts Bay, south Cornwall, is described. Formerly considered to be a transitional sequence, it is reinterpreted as an olistostrome at the top of the Mylor Slates. The Gramscatho Group is the principal source of clasts and olistoliths, the relative age relationship thereby suggested being in agreement with palaeontological determinations in the area. These indicate a Middle Devonian age for the Gramscatho Group, and an Upper Devonian age for the Mylor Slates. The Gramscatho Group is part of the deep-water flysch-facies sequence of the Carrick Nappe, a component of the Lizard obduction thrust stack. The breccias are interpreted as the product of the late Devonian emergence and migration of the Carrick Nappe across the Mylor sediment surface and signify the closure of a southerly ocean basin.
Rb-Sr isochron data together with major, trace element and rare earth element geochemistry are presented for the Li-mica granite at Tregonning, Cornwall and for the minor Hercynian intrusions of south-west England - Cam Marth, Castle an Dinas St Austell, Kit Hill, Hingston Down and Hemerdon Ball. This work completes the Rb:Sr study of the Cornubian batholith and the age of 280 ± 4 Ma for the Tregonning granite supports the earlier conclusion that the major plutons were emplaced c290-280Ma. The geochemical and isotopic evidence for the minor intrusions implies that their relationship both temporal and genetic is not straightforward.
A small biotite granite pluton exposed in Porthmeor Cave, near Zennor, Cornwall, was intruded into Mylor metasedimentary rocks and metadolerite by joint-controlled passive emplacement, and subsequently differentiated in situ. Evidence that the pluton post-dates the emplacement of the main Land's End granite is provided by its vertical contact which cuts across structures in the envelope that had previously been tilted by the Land's End granite and by cross-cutting relations among associated granite dykes. -Authors
Gravity modelling of the Dartmoor, Bodmin, St. Austell and Carnmenellis plutons of the Cornubian Batholith of SW England strongly supports a tabular form for the exposed granites. Modelled thicknesses for the individual bodies, with the exception of Dartmoor, are consistent with those derived from empirical relationships for plutons and laccoliths. In the case of the Dartmoor, Bodmin and St. Austell plutons the deepest parts are located near their southern margins, suggesting a steep conduit with northerly and outward direct flows. Modelling of the Carnmenellis granite suggests a more centrally located feeder. In the case of Dartmoor, at least, the granite appears to have exploited the Devonian-Carboniferous interface during its emplacement.