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The development of general scien-
tific abilities is critical to enable
students of science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to
successfully handle open-ended real-world
tasks in future careers (1–6). Teaching
goals in STEM education include fostering
content knowledge and developing general
scientific abilities. One such ability, scien-
tific reasoning (7–9), is related to cogni-
tive abilities such as critical thinking and
reasoning (10–14). Scientific-reasoning
skills can be developed through training
and can be transferred (7, 13). Training in
scientific reasoning may also have a long-
term impact on student academic achieve-
ment (7). The STEM education community
considers that transferable general abilities
are at least as important for students to
learn as is the STEM content knowledge
(1–4). Parents consider science and mathe-
matics to be important in developing rea-
soning skills (15).
We therefore asked whether learning
STEM content knowledge does in fact have
an impact on the development of scientific-
reasoning ability. The scientific-reasoning
ability studied in this paper focuses on
domain-general reasoning skills such as the
abilities to systematically explore a prob-
lem, to formulate and test hypotheses, to
manipulate and isolate variables, and to
observe and evaluate the consequences.
Research Design
Students in China and the United States go
through very different curricula in science
and mathematics during their kindergarten
through 12th grade (K–12) school years.
This provides systemically controlled long-
term variation on STEM content learning,
which we used to study whether or not such
learning has any impact on the development
of scientific-reasoning ability. Scientific
reasoning is not explicitly taught in schools
in either country.
In China, K–12 education is dominated
by the nationwide college admission exam
given at the end of grade 12. To comply with
the requirements of this exam, all Chinese
schools adhere to a national standard within
all courses. In physics, for example, every
student goes through the same physics
courses, which start in grade 8 and continue
every semester through grade 12, providing
5 years of continuous training on introduc-
tory physics topics (16). The courses are
algebra-based with emphasis on develop-
ment of conceptual understanding and skills
needed to solve problems.
In contrast, K–12 physics education in
the United States is more varied. Although
students study physics-related topics within
other general science courses, only one of
three high school students enrolls in a two-
semester physics course (17). As a result,
the amount of instructional time and the
amount of emphasis on conceptual physics
understanding and problem-solving skills
are very different in the two countries.
Similar curriculum differences between the
United States and China are reflected in
other STEM areas such as chemistry, biol-
ogy, and mathematics (16).
Chinese students go through rigorous
problem-solving instruction in all STEM
subject areas throughout most of their
K–12 school years and become skillful at
solving content-based problems. It remains
unclear, however, whether this training is
transferable beyond the specific content
areas and problem types taught.
We used quantitative assessment instru-
ments (described below) to compare U.S.
and Chinese students’ conceptual under-
standing in physics and general scientific-
reasoning ability. Physics content was cho-
sen because the subject is conceptually and
logically sophisticated and is commonly
emphasized in science education (15).
Assessment data were collected from both
Chinese and U.S. freshmen college students
before college-level physics instruction. In
this way the data reflect students’knowledge
Comparisons of Chinese and U.S. students
show that content knowledge and reasoning
skills diverge.
Learning and Scientific Reasoning
Lei Bao,1* Tianfan Cai,2Kathy Koenig,3Kai Fang,4Jing Han,1Jing Wang,1Qing Liu,1
Lin Ding,1Lili Cui,5Ying Luo,6Yufeng Wang,2Lieming Li,7Nianle Wu7
1Department of Physics, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH 43210, USA. 2Department of Physics,
Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China.
3Department of Physics, Wright State University, Dayton,
OH 45435, USA. 4Department of Physics, Tongji
University, Shanghai 200092, China. 5Department of
Physics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County,
Baltimore, MD 21250, USA. 6Department of Physics,
Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China.
7Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing
100084, China.
*Author for correspondence. E-mail:
0 5 10 15 20
Population percentage
Scientific Reasoning
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Population percentage
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Population percentage
Electricity & Magnetism
Test China
FCI 1.98
BEMA 3.53
LCTSR 0.03
49.3 ± 19.3
26.6 ± 10.0
74.2 ± 18.0
85.9 ± 13.9
65.6 ± 12.8
74.7 ± 15.8
Content knowledge and reasoning skills diverge. Comparisons of U.S. and Chinese freshmen college
students show differences on tests of physics content knowledge but not on tests of scientific reasoning.
Published by AAAS
on February 2, 2009 www.sciencemag.orgDownloaded from
and skill development from their formal and
informal K–12 education experiences.
Data Collection and Analysis
From the early 1980s, researchers and edu-
cators in psychology and cognitive science
(11–14) have developed many quantitative
instruments that assess reasoning ability.
Some are included as components in stan-
dard assessments such as the Graduate
Record Examination, whereas others are
stand-alone tests such as Lawson’s Class-
room Test of Scientific Reasoning (LCTSR)
(8, 9). We used the LCTSR because of its
popularity among STEM educators and
researchers. Common categories of reason-
ing ability assessments include propor-
tional reasoning, deductive and inductive
reasoning, control of variables, probability
reasoning, correlation reasoning, and hypo-
thesis evaluation, all of which are crucial
skills needed for a successful career in STEM.
Research-based standardized tests that
assess student STEM content knowledge are
also widespread. For example, in physics,
education research has produced many
instruments. We used the Force Concept
Inventory (FCI) (18, 19) and the Brief Elec-
tricity and Magnetism Assessment (BEMA)
(20). These tools are regularly administered
by physics education researchers and educa-
tors to evaluate student learning of specific
physics concepts.
Using FCI (mechanics), BEMA (elec-
tricity and magnetism), and LCTSR (sci-
entific reasoning), we collected data (see
figure, page 586) from students (N= 5760)
in four U.S. and three Chinese universities.
All the universities were chosen to be of
medium ranking (15). The students tested
were freshmen science and engineering
majors enrolled in calculus-based intro-
ductory physics courses. The tests were
administered before any college-level
instruction was provided on the related
content topics. The students in China used
Chinese versions of the tests, which were
first piloted with a small group of under-
graduate and graduate students (n= 22) to
remove language issues.
The FCI results show that the U.S. stu-
dents have a broad distribution in the
medium score range (from 25 to 75%). This
appears to be consistent with the educational
system in the United States, which produces
students with a blend of diverse experiences
in physics learning. In contrast, the Chinese
students had all completed an almost identi-
cal extensive physics curriculum spanning
five complete years from grade 8 through
grade 12. This type of education background
produced a narrow distribution that peaks
near the 90% score.
For the BEMA test, the U.S. students
have a narrow distribution centered a bit
above the chance level (chance 20%). The
Chinese students also scored lower than
their performance on the FCI, with the
score distribution centered around 70%.
The lower BEMA score of students in both
countries is likely due to the fact that some
of the topics on the BEMA test (for exam-
ple, Gauss’s law) are not included in stan-
dard high school curricula.
The FCI and BEMA results suggest that
numerous and rigorous physics courses in
the middle and high school years directly
affect student learning of physics content
knowledge and raise students to a fairly high
performance level on these physics tests.
The results of the LCTSR test show a
completely different pattern. The distribu-
tions of the Chinese and U.S. students are
nearly identical. Analyses (15) suggest that
the similarities are real and not an artifact
of a possible ceiling effect. The results
suggest that the large differences in K–12
STEM education between the United
States and China do not cause much varia-
tion in students’ scientific-reasoning abili-
ties. The results from this study are consis-
tent with existing research, which suggests
that current education and assessment in
the STEM disciplines often emphasize
factual recall over deep understanding of
science reasoning (2, 21–23).
What can researchers and educators do
to help students develop scientific-reason-
ing ability? Relations between instructional
methods and the development of scientific
reasoning have been widely studied and
have shown that inquiry-based science
instruction promotes scientific-reasoning
abilities (24–29). The current style of con-
tent-rich STEM education, even when car-
ried out at a rigorous level, has little impact
on the development of students’ scientific-
reasoning abilities. It seems that it is not
what we teach, but rather how we teach,
that makes a difference in student learning
of higher- order abilities in science reason-
ing. Because students ideally need to
develop both content knowledge and trans-
ferable reasoning skills, researchers and
educators must invest more in the develop-
ment of a balanced method of education,
such as incorporating more inquiry-based
learning that targets both goals.
Our results also suggest a different
interpretation of assessment results. As
much as we are concerned about the weak
performance of American students in
TIMSS and PISA (30, 31), it is valuable to
inspect the assessment outcome from mul-
tiple perspectives. With measurements on
not only content knowledge but also other
factors, one can obtain a more holistic
evaluation of students, who are indeed
complex individuals.
References and Notes
1. R. Iyengar et al., Science 319, 1189 (2008).
2. A. Y. Zheng et al., Science 319, 414 (2008).
3. B. S. Bloom, Ed., Taxonomy of Educational Objectives:
The Classification of Educational Goals, Handbook I:
Cognitive Domain (David McKay, New York 1956).
4. National Research Council (NRC), National Science
Education Standards (National Academies Press,
Washington, DC, 1996).
5. NRC, Learning and Understanding: Improving Advanced
Study of Mathematics and Science in U.S. High Schools
(National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2002).
6. H. Singer, M. L. Hilton, H. A. Schweingruber, Eds.,
America’s Lab Report (National Academies Press,
Washington, DC, 2005).
7. P. Adey, M Shayer, Really Raising Standards: Cognitive
Intervention and Academic Achievement (Routledge,
London, 1994).
8. A. E. Lawson, J. Res. Sci. Teach. 15, 11 (1978).
9. Test used in this study was Classroom Test of Scientific
Reasoning, rev. ed. (2000).
10. P. A. Facione, Using the California Critical Thinking Skills
Test in Research, Evaluation, and Assessment (California
Academic Press. Millbrae, CA, 1991).
11. H. A. Simon, C. A. Kaplan in Foundations of Cognitive
Sciences, M. I. Posner, Ed. (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,
1989), pp. 1–47.
12 R. E. Nisbett, G. T. Fong, D. R. Lehman, P. W. Cheng,
Science 238, 625 (1987).
13. Z. Chen, D. Klahr, Child Dev. 70, 1098 (1999).
14. D. Kuhn, D. Dean, J. Cognit. Dev. 5, 261 (2004).
15. See Supporting Online Material for more details.
16. This is based on the Chinese national standards on K–12
education (
17. J. Hehn, M. Neuschatz, Phys. Today 59, 37 (2006).
18. D. Hestenes, M. Wells, G. Swackhamer, Phys. Teach. 30,
141 (1992).
19. The test used in this study is the 1995 version.
20. L. Ding, R.Chabay, B. Sherwood, R. Beichner, Phys. Rev.
ST Phys. Educ. Res. 2, 010105 (2006).
21. M. C. Linn et al., Science 313, 1049 (2006).
22. A. Schoenfeld, Educ. Psychol. 23, 145 (1988).
23. A. Elby, Am. J. Phys. 67, S52 (1999).
24. C. Zimmerman, Dev. Rev. 27, 172 (2007).
25. P. Adey, M. Shayer, J. Res. Sci. Teach. 27, 267 (1990).
26. A. E. Lawson, Science Teaching and the Development of
Thinking (Wadsworth, Belmont, CA, 1995).
27. R. Benford, A. E. Lawson, Relationships Between Effective
Inquiry Use and the Development of Scientific Reasoning
Skills in College Biology Labs (Arizona State University,
Tempe, AZ, 2001); Educational Resources Information
Center (ERIC) accession no. ED456157.
28. E. A. Marek, A. M. L. Cavallo, The Learning Cycle and
Elementary School Science (Heinemann, Portsmouth,
NH, 1997).
29. B. L. Gerber, A. M. Cavallo, E. A. Marek, Int. J. Sci. Educ.
23, 5359 (2001).
30. Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
31. Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA),
32. We wish to thank all the teachers who helped with this
Supporting Online Material
10.1126/science.1167740 SCIENCE VOL 323 30 JANUARY 2009 587
Published by AAAS
on February 2, 2009 www.sciencemag.orgDownloaded from
Originally posted 29 January 2009, corrected 4 February 09
Supporting Online Material for
Learning and Scientific Reasoning
Lei Bao,* Tianfan Cai, Kathy Koenig, Kai Fang, Jing Han, Jing Wang, Qing Liu,
Lin Ding, Lili Cui, Ying Luo, Yufeng Wang, Lieming Li, Nianle Wu
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
Published 30 January 2009, Science 323, 586 (2009)
DOI: 10.1126/science.1167740
This PDF file includes
Materials and Methods
SOM Text
Fig. S1
Tables S1 to S7
Correction 4 February 2009: A section on defining scientific reasoning with references
was added to the revision that was submitted before the posting date.
Learning and Scientific Reasoning
Supporting Online Materials
Definition of Scientific Reasoning
In the literature, there are many definitions of scientific reasoning. From the science literacy
perspective (S1, S2), scientific reasoning represents the cognitive skills necessary to understand
and evaluate scientific information, which often involve understanding and evaluating theoretical,
statistical, and causal hypotheses.
From the research point of view (S3), scientific reasoning, broadly defined, includes the
thinking and reasoning skills involved in inquiry, experimentation, evidence evaluation,
inference, and argumentation that support the formation and modification of concepts and
theories about the natural and social world. Two main types of knowledge, namely, domain-
specific knowledge and domain-general strategies, have been widely researched (S3).
Specifically, the measurement instrument used in this paper, the Lawson’s Classroom Test of
Scientific Reasoning (S4), assesses students’ abilities in six dimensions including conservation of
matter and volume, proportional reasoning, control of variables, probability reasoning,
correlation reasoning, and hypothetical-deductive reasoning. These skills are important concrete
components of the broadly defined scientific reasoning ability (S5-S9); therefore, in this paper
scientific reasoning is operationally defined in terms of students’ ability in handling questions of
the six skill dimensions.
Views and Expectations on How to Improve Scientific Reasoning
The view of teachers and the general public on what helps the development of scientific
reasoning is an important issue, since it may influence, either explicitly or implicitly, how we
educate our next generation.
Through informal discussions with people of a wide variety of backgrounds including
teachers, undergraduate and graduate students, scientists, and people from the general public
(NTotal ≈ 50), we have observed that most of them believed that more science and mathematics
courses will improve students’ scientific reasoning abilities. To obtain a quantitative measure of
the popularity of this belief, we developed a survey on people’s views concerning science
learning and scientific reasoning. We include pilot data here to provide an empirical baseline
result on one of the survey questions that directly addresses the question of interest.
The Survey Question:
How much do you think learning science and mathematics in schools will play a role in
developing students’ reasoning ability? (Circle one below)
A. About 100% (the development of students’ reasoning ability benefits entirely from
learning science and mathematics in schools)
B. About 80% (the development of students’ reasoning ability benefits mostly from learning
science and mathematics in schools)
C. About 50% (the development of students’ reasoning ability benefits from learning science
and mathematics in schools and other activities, both of which are about equally
D. About 20% (the development of students’ reasoning ability benefits only slightly from
learning science and mathematics in schools)
E. About 0% (the development of students’ reasoning ability doesn’t benefit from learning
science and mathematics in schools at all)
This question was given to pre-service teachers (sophomore college students) in both U.S.A. and
China. Students’ responses are summarized in Table S1.
Table S1. Survey results on views about science learning and scientific reasoning.
Science and math’s effect on
reasoning ability (%)
(n = 25)
(n = 28)
A 15 0
B 54 82
C 31 18
D 0 0
E 0 0
Weighted sum
of impact* 74 75
* The weighted sum of impact is computed as the sum of the products of the population percentage of
the answers and the impact values specified in the answers.
The results suggest that although the distributions of answers are different, both populations
have a similar overall rating regarding the role that learning science and mathematics plays in
developing students’ reasoning abilities.
Possible Ceiling Effect of the Lawson Test:
The Lawson test measures fundamental reasoning components with simple context scenarios that
do not require complex content understanding. This test design can improve the measurement of
the basic reasoning abilities by reducing the possible interference from understandings of content
knowledge. The test results of college students, which average around 75% on the test, indicate a
possible ceiling effect. To understand the impact of the ceiling effect in this study, we conducted
further research to measure how the scientific reasoning ability is developed through the school
and college years. We collected data with Chinese students from 3rd grade to second-year college
level (NTotal = 6258). The students are from 141 classes in 20 schools from eight regions around
China; thus, they form a more representative population. The results are plotted in Figure S1.
The red dots are grade-average LCTSR scores (out of 24). The red line is referred as a “Learning
Evolution Index Curve (LEI-Curve)”, which is obtained by fitting the data with a logistic
function motivated by item response theory (S10):
Fy −−
x – Student grade level
y – Student score
F – Floor, the lowest score score possible
C – Ceiling, the highest score possible
α – Discrimination factor, which controls the steepness of the curve.
b – Grade-based item difficulty, which controls the center of the curve.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Lawson Test Score
Grade Level
Figure S1. The developmental trend of Chinese and U.S. students’ LCTSR scores (out of 24).
The results shown here are for the purpose of presenting the general developmental trend of
the Lawson test scores of Chinese and U.S. students. The error bars shown in the graph are
standard deviations of the class mean scores, which gives the range of variance if one were to
compare the mean scores of different classes.
The U.S. data were collected in a Midwestern state from 30 classes of students across 14
private and public schools (NTotal = 1078). Each blue dot on the graph represents a group of
students within the same science course, such as a biology or a chemistry course. Owing to the
relatively small sample size, we plotted the class group mean scores of the U.S. data in blue dots
on top of the Chinese data. We can see that from 5th grade to first-year college level, the U.S. and
Chinese data are within one standard deviation of each other, showing a similar developmental
To obtain a more quantitative measure, we combined the students in 11th and 12th grades and
computed the average LCTSR scores for both U.S and Chinese populations. The results are
summarized in Table S2, which show little difference between students from the two countries.
Since the average scores are at 63% level, the results are less affected by the possible ceiling
effect. Therefore, based on the data from both college students and high school students, we can
conclude that the similar performance of U.S. and Chinese students on the LCTSR represents a
real signal rather than an artifact of the ceiling effect.
Although the reasoning abilities tested in the LCTSR appear to be simple to expert scientists,
these are crucial fundamental components for more sophisticated skills. For example, the ability
to “control variables” is involved in scientific experimentation and modeling at all levels and has
been widely studied (S5, S8). Being able to fully develop this skill is a crucial step for
developing more advanced higher-order abilities. The developmental data show that students
start to fully develop the basic reasoning abilities around their college years. However, in order
to assess the reasoning abilities of senior college students and graduate students, we need to
develop questions that involve more advanced reasoning components.
Table S2. LCTSR mean scores of 11th and 12th graders combined. Average ± SD.
Populations No. of
Class means
USA 11 402
64.2 ± 9.7 64.2 ± 16.3
China 39 1786
62.6 ± 10.0 62.7 ± 15.6
Sample Backgrounds and Further Analysis
The comparision groups are freshmen college students of science and engineering majors
enrolled in entry level calculus-based physics courses. These groups of students form the main
body of the next generation technology workforce in both U.S.A. and China.
Data from four U.S. universities and three Chinese universities are used in the paper. The
four U.S. universities are labled U1, U2, U3, and U4. University ranking and backgrounds are
given below (based on 2007 U.S. News and World Report Ranking):
• U1 is a large research-1 state university, U.S. ranking top 60, acceptance rate 59%.
• U2 is a large research-1 state university, U.S. ranking top 60, acceptance rate 60%.
• U3 is a large tier-4 state university with an acceptance rate of 84%.
• U4 is a large tier-3 state university with an acceptance rate of 69%.
The three Chinese universities are labeled with C1, C2, and C3. Their national rankings are
also given below (based on 2007 ranking from Sina Educatoin News, (A
national university is one that is under direct control of the department of education.)
• C1 is a top 30 national university.
• C2 is a top 60 national university.
• C3 is a top 130 national university.
In the selection of universities, we targeted the ones with medium ranking in order to make a
more representative pool of the population. The summary of data from all samples is in Tables
S3 and S4. The data were mostly collected during 2007 and 2008, exept for the the FCI data
from U1, which were accumulated from 2003 to 2007. At U1, the pre- and post-test data with
physics concept tests have been collected for almost a decade. On the basis of the data, there are
no significant variations among students from different years (S11). The BEMA and LCTSR data
were all taken in random sections within the same pool of population; therefore, these samples
are representative of the students in the university.
Table S3. Summary of data from U.S. universities.
Mean N SD Mean N SD Mean N SD
U1 76.5% 646 17.4% 31.0% 235 9.5% 49.4% 2592 19.3%
U2 24.1% 415 9.4%
U3 75.8% 207 16.1% 44.6% 89 18.0%
U4 65.6% 207 18.9%
Average of sample
mean scores 72.6% 27.5% 47.0%
Population mean* 74.2% 26.6% 49.3%
Population SD 17.9% 10.0% 19.3%
*In the paper, the population mean scores are used for comparison.
Table S4. Summary of data from Chinese universities.
Mean N SD Mean N SD Mean N SD
C1 68.2% 120 11.9% 88.1% 182 11.1%
C2 74.0% 247 16.2% 64.1% 211 13.1% 85.0% 212 13.9%
C3 75.5% 85 14.7% 87.5% 122 10.1%
Average of sample
mean scores 74.8% 66.1% 86.9%
Population mean* 74.4% 65.6% 85.9%
Population SD 15.9% 12.7% 12.1%
Among the universities, U1 and C2 are the two in which all three tests have been given to the
same population. Usually students in a single class took only one test and different classes were
selected randomly to take different tests. The average class size is about 100.
In C2, we were able to collect data with all three tests in one class, which allows us to
compute the correlations between students’ scores on the different tests. We were also able to
test one U.S. class in U1 with both FCI and LCTSR. The correlations are given in Table S5.
Table S5. Correlations between test results on LCTSR, FCI, and BEMA
C1 (N = 80) 0.12 0.17 0.70
U1 (N = 102) 0.23
The results show a high correlation between FCI and BEMA and small correlations between
LCTSR and FCI/BEMA. The interpretation of the correlation has to be carefully thought out. In
this research, we study the possible causal interactions between science content learning and
scientific reasoning. If a causal connection exists, a significant correlation between measures of
content knowledge and reasoning is always expected. However, if no causal connection is
evident, we may still observe correlations between measures of content knowledge and reasoning
which may be the result of a wide variety of factors such as certain filtering and selection
processes in the education system.
Comparisons with Results in the Literature and from Different Populations
To put our research results in context at the national level, we collected information from the
literature and obtained additional data. The results are from freshmen college students in science
and engineering majors enrolled in calculus-based introductory physics courses.
First, we discuss the U.S. population. FCI pretest scores are typically around 45% (S12).
Additional data from another large state university similar to U1 give an average pretest score of
46% (N = 355, SD = 19%). BEMA pretest scores are typically around 26% (S6). We also had
additional data from U2, which give an average pretest score of 25% (N = 1631, SD = 10%). We
find our data (Table S3) to be comparable with results reported in the literature (S12–S15).
We have not identified much information in the literature about large scale LCTSR results
for the studied population. From our data, we have observed significant differences between
science/engineering majors enrolled in calculus-based intro-level physics courses and non-
science/engineering majors in algebra based intro-level science courses (such as biology,
chemistry, and physics). The results are summarized in Table S6.
In general, the test results of Chinese students from different universities are very similar.
They have all received identical curricula in physics and must perform well on the same national
college admission examination. Therefore, we consider the results in Table S4 to be
representative of students in similar universities in China. There is also little published
information on large scale assessment data using the three tests with Chinese college students. In
addition, we found similar differences between the science/engineering majors and the non-
science/engineering majors in China. From C2 and C3, we tested three classes of non-
science/engineering majors with LCTSR. The average score was 58.1% (N = 175, SD = 20.1%),
which is similar to that of the corresponding U.S. population (see Table S6).
Table S6. LCTSR test results of different U.S. populations. For non-science and non-engineering
majors, there were 15 classes from U1 and U3 (n = 1046), and for science and engineering
majors, there were 9 classes from U1, U3, and U4 (n = 1061). Averages or means ± SD.
LCTSR test results in the U.S.A. (%)
Non-science/engineering majors
in algebra-based science courses
Science/engineering majors
in calculus-based physics courses
Average of sample means 59.4 ± 3.8 72.0 ± 7.4
Population mean 59.0 ± 19.8 74.2 ± 16.2
Teaching Methods for Improving Scientific Reasoning
(This part is incorporated from the earlier version of the supporting online materials
The current version is at
Relations between intructional methods and the development of scientific reasoning has been
widely studied (S16-S20). It is well documented that inquiry based science instruction promotes
scientific reasoning abilities (S17-S20). Controlled studies have shown that students had higher
reasoning abilities in inquiry classrooms versus non-inquiry classrooms (S20).
However, many of the existing studies are conducted with middle school and high school
students. In order to see if the method also works in large scale college level scinece courses, we
have conducted a plilot study at U4. The LCTSR was given as pre- and the post-test to students
taking general science courses taught with different methods. We selected a student population
that has a LCTSR pre-test score of 60.0% (N=263, SD=18.8%) in order to reduce the possible
ceiling effect on the pre- and post-test changes. The population consists of students who have
selected majors in a wide variety of fields but mechanical/electrical engineers and physical
science majors are not included in this population.
Two one-semester courses are used in this study: Course A is an intro-level biology course
taught in large lecture sessions with traditional lecture-laboratory method. Course B is a general
science course taught in small classes (24 students max) with inquriy-based teaching method
modeled after the Physics by Inquiry (S21). Course B curriculum contains diverse content topics
including biology, chemistry, and earth science. All courses are algebra-based with very limited
requirement on mathematics. The results are summarized in Table S7.
Table S7. LCTSR pre- and post-test results of different courses.
Course A Course B
N Mean SD N Mean SD
Pre-Test 205 60.5% 19.3% 58 58.1% 17.3%
Post-Test 197 61.5% 19.9% 58 66.1% 16.0%
Pre-Post Difference 1.0% 8.0%
Pre-Post Effect Size 0.05 0.47
The data is consistant with the previous research, showing that inqury-based instruction can
make a sizable change to student scientific reasoning ability in just one semster. This is an
encouraging outcome; however, more research is needed in order to make it a solid finding and
to understand the underlying mechanisms of the result.
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