
The Unified Modeling Language Reference Guide

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... Model-driven solutions and adoptions have been developed by research and industry cooperation for almost 20 years. The most prominent example is the Unified Modeling Language (UML) [7], which was accepted as standard in 1997 by the Object Management Group (OMG) and is still being developed further. UML is considered the de facto standard language for software specification and design [8]. ...
... 7 shows examples of (a) noun-noun relations and (b) single noun occurrences. For reasons of readability the tables contain the textual representation of the internal word identifiers. ...
... Phrases were obtained by a preprocessing trick using merged single words.7 Proper Nouns / Named Entities not included ...
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Domain modeling is an important model-driven engineering activity, which is typically used in the early stages of software projects. Domain models capture concepts and relationships of respective application fields using a modeling language and domain-specific terms. They are a key factor in achieving shared understanding of the problem area among stakeholders, improving communication in software development, and generating code and software. Domain models are a prerequisite for domain-specific language development and are often implemented in software and data integration and software modernization projects, which constitute the larger part of industrial IT investment. Several studies from recent years have shown that model-driven methods are much more widespread in the industry than previously thought, yet their application is challenging. Creating domain models requires that software engineers have both experience in model-driven engineering and detailed domain knowledge. While the former is one of the general modeling skills, the required domain knowledge varies from project to project. Domain knowledge acquisition is a time-consuming manual process because it requires multidisciplinary collaboration and gathering of information from different groups of people, documents, and other sources of knowledge, and is rarely supported in current modeling environments. Consistent access to large amounts of structured domain knowledge is not possible due to the heterogeneity of formats, access methods, schemas, and semantic representations. Besides, existing suitable knowledge bases were mostly manually created and are therefore not extensive enough. The automated construction of knowledge resources utilizes mainly information extraction approaches that focus on factual knowledge at the instance level and therefore cannot be used for conceptual-level domain modeling. This thesis develops novel methods and tools that provide domain information directly during modeling to reduce the initial effort of using domain modeling and to help software developers create domain models. It works on the connection of the areas of software modeling, knowledge bases, information extraction and recommender systems to automatically acquire conceptual knowledge from structured knowledge sources and unstructured natural language datasets, to transform the aggregated knowledge into appropriate recommendations, and to develop suitable assistance services for modeling environments. With this thesis, the paradigm of Semantic Modeling Support is proposed, the methodological foundation for providing automated modeling assistance. It includes an iterative procedure of model refinement, knowledge acquisition, and element recommendation that allows to query and provide the necessary domain knowledge for a range of support scenarios at each stage of domain model development, keeping the human in the loop. To address the lack of conceptual knowledge resources, new methods are developed to extract conceptual terms and relationships directly from large N-gram text data using syntactic patterns, co-occurrences, and statistical features of text corpora. A large Semantic Network of Related Terms is automatically constructed with nearly 6 million unique one-word terms and multi-word expressions connected with over 355 million weighted binary and ternary relationships. It allows to directly answer top-N queries. This thesis introduces an extensible query component with a set of fully connected knowledge bases to uniformly access structured knowledge with well-defined relationships. The developed Mediator-Based Querying Architecture with Generic Templates is responsible for retrieving lexical information from heterogeneous knowledge bases and mapping to modeling language-specific concepts. Furthermore, it is demonstrated how to implement the semantic modeling support strategies by extending the widely used Eclipse Modeling Project. The Domain Modeling Recommender System generates context-sensitive modeling suggestions based on the connected knowledge bases, the semantic network of terms, and an integrated ranking strategy. Finally, this thesis reports on practical experience with the application of the developed methods and tools in three research projects.
... In fact, for RBS application in large-scale ES, it was needed advanced policies to build lE avoiding exponential explosion, like the very used Rete networks proposed by Forgy (Forgy, 1982). Rete (net from Latin) is a reference in advanced IE and it has been used in traditional ESs to improve the computational capacity ofmatching rules and facts )(Rich et Knight, 1991 (Russell et Norvig, 1995). ...
... )(Rich et Knight, 1991 ...
... The classes of abjects can be defined by entities called classes. The 00 approach presents a unified formalism called Unified Modeling Language (UML) that allows for the expression of both abjects and classes(Rumbaugh et al., 1999).18 abject Orientation is a paradigm and technique that was originally a tool for software engineering. ...
Le présent contexte et les tendances autour des systèmes de production modernes, comme la personnalisation de masse, conduisent à des besoins d'améliorations en ce qui concerne l'agilité des organisations de production. Ainsi, des approches agiles ont été proposées telle que l'approche holonique. Dans des Systèmes Manufacturiers Holoniques (HMS) les entités de production, par exemple les ressources et les produits, sont envisagées avec un certain degré d'expertise. Ces entités expertes sont appelées holons (HLs) et leur expertise concerne les habiletés d'autonomie et de collaboration.L'HMS contient aussi le Contrôle Holonique (HC) qui doit organiser proprement les collaborations des holons pour atteindre de l'agilité. En effet, le développement des HMS demande des outils d'ingénierie d'aide au projet et aux tests. Dans cette thèse, il est proposé un méta-modèle pour HC dont les systèmes dérivés sont simulés dans un outil appelé ANALYTICE II. Cet outil présente une séparation précise entre les entités de contrôle du haut niveau et les ressources émulées?
... Complexity is a key measure of the effectiveness of a language because complexity directly affects the learn-ability and ease-of-use of the language. As mentioned by Booch et al. (1999a), UML is still in its infancy and there is a need for improvement in the analysis of UML and in understanding its use and functionality. ...
... The Unified Modeling Language (UML) includes nine modeling diagrams. They are class diagrams, use-case diagrams, state-chart diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, collaboration diagrams, object diagrams, components diagrams, and deployment diagrams (Booch et al., 1999a). These diagrams model both the static view and the dynamic view of the system. ...
... Many approaches in structure metrics have been proposed. Some examples include system-partitioning measures by Belady and Evangelisti (1981), information flow metrics by Henry and Kafura (1981), and stability measures by Yau and Collofello (1980). More recently, Rossi & Brinkkemper (1994) introduced seventeen complexity metrics for systems development methods and techniques. ...
This chapter provides metamodels for some of the main database modeling notations used in industry. Two Entity Relationship (ER) notations (Information Engineering and Barker ER) are examined in detail, as well as Object Role Modeling (ORM) conceptual schema diagrams. The discussion of optionality, cardinality and multiplicity is widened to include Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagrams. Issues addressed in the metamodel analysis include the normalization impact of non-derived constraints on derived associations, the influence of orthogonality on language transparency, and trade-offs between simplicity and expressibility. To facilitate comparison, the same modeling notation is used to display each metamodel. For this purpose, ORM is used because of its greater expressibility and clarity. Purchase this chapter to continue reading all 22 pages >
... Modeling standards regularly evolve, such as the UML standard 1 [1], which changed each two to three years since its introduction. The evolution between two metamodel versions can include a huge number of single changes in the metamodel, e.g. ...
... Modeling standards regularly evolve, such as the UML standard 1 [1], which changed each two to three years since its introduction. The evolution between two metamodel versions can include a huge number of single changes in the metamodel, e.g. ...
... Furthermore, as in the case of a newly introduced DSML, models from the evolved language are often still used in an ongoing project to develop software. In all these cases companies have two choices: either they maintain 1 UML standard 2 GMF versions of the old development environment to be able to access legacy models or the models need to be co-evolved with the metamodel changes. ...
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Modeling languages evolve regularly. Companies need to maintain all those models that are used in running projects, which can cause these projects to fall back in their schedules. Since 10 years research addresses this issue with approaches for automating co-evolution. The dominant core of these approaches are model resolution strategies. They define 1) how models have to be changed in reaction to specific metamodel changes, 2) what degree of automation can be reached, and 3) to what extent the user can control the resolution outcome. In this paper, we survey existing co-evolution approaches and analyze model resolution strategies. We present a corpus of more than 200 resolution strategies for 116 types of metamodel changes and discuss degree of automation and choices that users have today.
... In sections Requirements to Specification we go through the initial steps of the integrated approach. We use a combination of UML 2.0 notation (Rumbaugh et al., 2005) and sequence diagrams in STAIRS (Haugen and Stølen, 2003;Haugen et al., 2004) for the component specifications and CORAS diagrams (den Braber et al., 2003) for the risk analysis documentation. In Section Interface interactions we briefly explain the STAIRS approach and how it can be used to capture probabilistic behaviour, which is a prerequisite for representing risks. ...
... We explain the concepts of risk analysis and how they are related to each other through a conceptual model, captured by a UML class diagram (Rumbaugh et al., 2005) in Figure 1. The conventional risk concepts are adapted from international standards for risk management (ISO, 2009b(ISO, , 2009aStandards Australia, 2004). ...
... A message can also come from or go to the environment (that is, outside the diagram). The entry and exit points for messages coming from or going to the environment are called gates (Rumbaugh et al., 2005). The sequence diagram in Figure 16 specifies a scenario in which the Table 7. Interface asset identification ...
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Modular system development causes challenges for security and safety as upgraded sub-components may interact with the system in unforeseen ways. Due to their lack of modularity, conventional risk analysis methods are poorly suited to address these challenges. We propose to adjust an existing method for model-based risk analysis into a method for component-based risk analysis. We also propose a stepwise integration of the component-based risk analysis method into a component-based development process. By using the same kinds of description techniques to specify functional behaviour and risks, we may achieve upgrading of risk analysis documentation as an integrated part of component composition and refinement.
... Today visual simulation environments are preferred (Isakov, 2014):  to support object-oriented modeling (OMM) technology  to utilize modeling languages that allow user to simply describe most required tasks  to comply with, not institutionalized, yet generally established, standards, such as, for instance Unified Modeling Language (UML) for discrete event-driven systems (Rumbauth et al., 2005). Unification of the input language level only, as done for discrete event-driven systems (UML -, ...
... The hybrid machine with continuous activities in the form of equations is essentially a generalization of classical dynamical systems, with all the inherent difficulties of numerical behavior reproduction -Zeno effect and sliding modes. Hybrid machines within RMD are UML state machines without parallel (orthogonal) activities (Rumbauth et al., 2005), which relate to additional numerical tasks, namely determination of the "switch points", or event location, set by the operator "When", resulting in a state change. ...
... UML is a general-purpose visual modeling language used to specify, visualize, construct and document the artifacts of a software system [18]. UML is one of the most used specification in IT industry; software engineering practitioners know the specification and use it daily in their projects. ...
... UML is used to understand, design, browse, configure, maintain, and control information about systems [18]. These characteristics make UML an adequate alternative to represent complex structures and systems, for example ontologies [19] or processes [20]. ...
... Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari metode pengembangan Sistem Informasi, pengumpulan data, metode analisis dan perancangan.Metode pengembangan Sistem Informasi SDLC memiliki beberapa keuntungan yakni prosesnya mudah dipahami dan jelas, mudah dalam pengelolaan proyek dimana dokumen dihasilkan setiap akhir tahap dan sebuah tahap dijalankan setelah tahap sebelumnya selesai, struktur sistem jelas dan kondisi tepat dimana kebutuhan user sangat dipahami dan bila kemungkinan terjadi perubahan kebutuhan user sangat kecil. Disamping itu SDLC sangat berguna untuk merencanakan, memutuskan dan mengontrol proses pengembangan sistem informasi[11].Tahap ...
... Metode pengembangan Sistem Informasi SDLC memiliki beberapa keuntungan yakni prosesnya mudah dipahami dan jelas, mudah dalam pengelolaan proyek dimana dokumen dihasilkan setiap akhir tahap dan sebuah tahap dijalankan setelah tahap sebelumnya selesai, struktur sistem jelas dan kondisi tepat dimana kebutuhan user sangat dipahami dan bila kemungkinan terjadi perubahan kebutuhan user sangat kecil. Disamping itu SDLC sangat berguna untuk merencanakan, memutuskan dan mengontrol proses pengembangan sistem informasi [11].Tahap pengembangan sistem informasi berdasarkan SDLC dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut : 1. Tahap analisis (analysis). Tahap dimana permasalahan yang ada akan mendorong munculnya daftar kebutuhan (requirement) dari user terkait sistem informasi yang akan dikembangkan. ...
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INTISARI Seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah anggota, Koperasi KSU Sejahtera Abadi ingin meningkatkan kualitas layanan kepada para anggota khususnya terkait unit peminjaman uang. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, sebuah sistem informasi diperlukan karena saat ini data yang masih tersebar, pengolahan data anggota dan pinjaman masih dilakukan secara manual sehingga tidak cepat dan akurat, informasi yang ganda serta tidak efisien dan efektif. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan sistem informasi peminjam uang pada KSU Sejahtera Abadi dengan menggunakan metodologi SDLC (System Development Life Cycle), metode pengambilan data dengan wawancara dan observasi, sedangkan metode analisis dan perancangan menggunakan UML (Unified Modelling Language). Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa prototipe sistem informasi peminjaman uang koperasi KSU Sejahtera Abadi berbasis web yang dapat diakses dengan mudah oleh calon nasabah dan aktor lainnya. ABSTRACT Along with the increasing number of members, KSU Cooperative Sejahtera Abadi want to improve the quality of service to its members, especially related to money lending unit. Based on the analysis, an information system is needed because the current data is still scattered, data processing and borrowing members are still done manually so as not to fast and accurate, the information that doubles as well as inefficient and ineffective. In this research, the development of information systems KSU borrower money on Sejahtera Abadi using the methodology SDLC (System Development Life Cycle), the method of data collection with interviews and observations, while the method of analysis and design using UML (Unified Modeling Language). The results of this research prototype cooperative information systems KSU borrowing money Sejahtera Abadi web based can be accessed easily by potential customers and other actors. 1. PENDAHULUAN Tuntutan kebutuhan hidup yang sedemikian tinggi mendesak masyarakat berlomba-lomba memenuhinya demi mencapai kesejahtaraan hidup. Sering kali untuk keperluan tersebut, masyarakat melalukan peminjaman uang ke berbagai institusi keuangan sehingga mendorong maraknya bisnis keuangan tidak hanya di daerah perkotaan namun juga pedesaan. Fasilitas pelayanan yang ada, merupakan salah satu hal yang penting dalam memenuhi permintaan pelayanan bagi keuangan masyarakat, yang memerlukan pelayanan keuangan dari lapisan mana saja, dengan mutu pelayanan yang baik. Pada saat ini, koperasi sebagai organisasi ekonomi rakyat yang berwatak sosial yang
... With some adjustments the model is expressed as a class diagram in UML 2.0 [18], see Figure 1. The associations between the elements have cardinalities specifying the number of instances of one element that can be related to one instance of the other. ...
... The most common interaction diagram is the sequence diagram, which shows a set of messages arranged in time sequence [18]. A sequence diagram typically captures the behaviour of a single scenario. ...
Technical Report
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We propose a semantic paradigm for component-based specification supporting the documentation of security risk behaviour. By security risk, we mean behaviour that constitutes a risk with regard to ICT security aspects, such as confidentiality, integrity and availability. The purpose of this work is to investigate the nature of security risk in the setting of component-based system development. A better understanding of security risk at the level of components facilitates the prediction of risks related to introducing a new component into a system. The semantic paradigm provides a first step towards integrating security risk analysis into the system development process.
... These are represented in red arrows. They include "Driving → Off" (i.e., 15 ), "Idle → Off" (i.e., 16 ), "Drive → ParkAndNeutral" (i.e., 17 ), "Reverse → ParkAndNeutral" (i.e., 19 ), "Drive → ParkAndNeutral" (i.e., 18 ), "Emergency → Normal" (now 2 ) and "Released → Applied" (i.e., 20 ). The execution of a subset of these transitions will reinitialize all the submachines except the Brake (i.e., set to "Applied"). ...
... Umple allows developers to model static views (i.e., class diagrams) and dynamic views (i.e., state diagrams) of software systems and automatically generates code for languages such as Java, C++, Ruby, and Php from the model. Umple achieves this by providing constructs and environments to express an extended subset of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) [19]. By extended, we mean that we provide a few features that UML does not support; for example, UML 2.5 [14] does not allow and-cross (or region-cross) transitions but we support this notion. ...
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We propose an approach to encode state diagrams with and-cross transitions. The notion of and-cross transitions is being rejected by researchers and practitioners in model-driven engineering community for reasons that include limited use-in-practice, unmanageable underlying complexity, and availability of alternative modeling solutions. In this paper, we show that and-cross transitions can be useful in practice and its underlying structural complexity can be managed for the purpose of analysis.
... De cada requisito de usuario se identificarán cuáles son los requisitos de sistema asociados a cada uno de ellos. Y así sucesivamente, se irá llenando toda la matriz de requisitos con el fin de gestionar [11]. ...
... La construcción de estas matrices trae beneficios más allá de un simple registro de la correlación o dependencia entre los elementos de los modelos [11]. A partir de ellas, es posible analizar o inferir información acerca del nivel de especificación de los requisitos, el nivel de participación de los usuarios, el costo asociado a cada fase de desarrollo, la arquitectura requerida, el plan de las pruebas, etc. Si las matrices son actualizadas continuamente, pueden usarse como herramienta de soporte para el personal encargado del mantenimiento y las pruebas del Sistema [12]. ...
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p>Es fundamental para un desarrollo de software mejorar el proceso relacionado con los requisitos, los aspectos que facilitan una mejora, es contar con la posibilidad de realizar trazados a los requisitos a lo largo del ciclo de vida de un sistema. Para esto, la trazabilidad permite evaluar las implicaciones que puede tener el cambio y así poder detectar los cambios en fases tempranas o incluso en la fase de gestión de la configuración siguiendo las huellas de trazado. A través de este artículo de investigación se presentan un caso de estudio aplicando la herramienta " para el sector energético donde se evidencia cómo se puede dar seguimiento a un requisito comenzando en la primera fase de análisis y diseño (requisitos funcionales, requisitos no funcionales, regla de negocio, casos de uso, diagrama de clase, diagrama de componente etc.) por medio del cual es posible generar una matriz de trazado dentro de un proceso de desarrollo de software.</p
... De cada requisito de usuario se identificarán cuáles son los requisitos de sistema asociados a cada uno de ellos. Y así sucesivamente, se irá llenando toda la matriz de requisitos con el fin de gestionar [11]. ...
... La construcción de estas matrices trae beneficios más allá de un simple registro de la correlación o dependencia entre los elementos de los modelos [11]. A partir de ellas, es posible analizar o inferir información acerca del nivel de especificación de los requisitos, el nivel de participación de los usuarios, el costo asociado a cada fase de desarrollo, la arquitectura requerida, el plan de las pruebas, etc. Si las matrices son actualizadas continuamente, pueden usarse como herramienta de soporte para el personal encargado del mantenimiento y las pruebas del Sistema [12]. ...
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In order to improve software development process relating to requirements for improvement, it is necessary to have a possibility of requirements drawn along the life cycle of a system. For this reason, traceability allows evaluating the potential impacts of change so we can detect changes at an early stage or even at the stage of conFiguration management in the footsteps of software development. Through this paper a case study is presented using the Enterprise Architect tool applied to the energy sector while evidencing how to track a requirement beginning in the first phase of analysis and design (functional requirements, non-functional requirements, business rules, use cases, class diagram, component diagram etc.) generating array layout within a software development process.
... It plays a pivotal role in providing a comprehensive view of the system being developed, allowing both developers and stakeholders to clearly understand the design and structure of the system. UML facilitates communication between different project teams by offering a set of diagrams that represent various aspects of the system, such as workflow, static structure, component interactions, and behavior under specific conditions [23]. In the context of this research, which focuses on Implementing Hierarchical Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for Document Administration in Student Organizations, UML provides a structured approach to designing and communicating the components of the RBAC system. ...
Student organizations in higher education institutions play a pivotal role in fostering leadership and collaboration. Despite their importance, many still utilize manual document administration processes, resulting in inefficiencies, delays, and a lack of transparency. This research introduces the design and implementation of a web-based Document Management System integrated with Hierarchical Role-Based Access Control (HRBAC) for student organizations at Universitas Tarumanagara. The system adopts a structured and secure framework tailored to the organization’s approval hierarchy, encompassing roles such as UKM/HIMA, BEM, DPM, Faculty Advisors, Deans, and the Student Affairs Office. Each role is assigned specific access privileges to ensure secure and efficient document submission and approval workflows, aligned with organizational needs. The system was developed using the Laravel framework, PHP, HTML, SCSS, JavaScript, and MySQL, following the Waterfall methodology. Usability was evaluated using the System Usability Scale (SUS), achieving a score of 78.33, categorizing it as “Good” in terms of user experience and navigability. The findings indicate significant improvements in process automation, role-based access control, and document traceability. This research offers a comprehensive model for digital transformation in student organization administration, emphasizing the effectiveness of hierarchical access control in optimizing administrative workflows within academic institutions.
... The OMG's (Object Management Group) UML standard [66] is a well-known modeling language for MBSE. It deőnes a number of diagrams for representing structural as well as behavioral models. ...
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Smart contracts in blockchains often implement critical functionality; consequently, their development time software fault detection, removal, and avoidance have been the target of intensive research. However, the applicability of runtime dependability mechanisms to smart contracts has not been explored systematically, mainly due to the transaction pricing models of public blockchains. In this paper, we propose a novel and practical runtime verification approach for Hyperledger Fabric, the leading cross-organizational blockchain platform, as an error detection facility for fault tolerance mechanisms; building on the proposition that, in contrast to the public setting, cross-organizational blockchains have ample computational headroom for their systematic use. We introduce a smart contract entity framework architecture with reusable domain models and encapsulated runtime verification. We describe Hypernate, our open-source implementation of the approach for Java smart contracts, which uses the Java Modelling Language for requirement specification and integrates the OpenJML verification tool. We demonstrate and evaluate the approach on a Fabric implementation of the TPC-C benchmark.
... An UML class diagram is composed of graphic identifiers that describe classes or objects and their interrelationships, including class names, data members, and Kinematics, kinetics, geometry properties, and subjected force of an in-bore rocket function members, where data members contain access control properties, names, types and default units (written in parentheses after the name) and function members contain access control properties, names, parameters, and return types of functions [11,12]. Three kinds of access control properties called public, private and protected, are denoted as "+", "−" and "#", respectively. ...
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At present, each program for launch dynamics of multibody systems (LDMS) has its own data structure without a unified standard, which is not beneficial to the program development and maintenance. To improve the program's versatility, it is important to study the standardization of the data structure and input data for the LDMS code. Based on the launching subsystem proposed in (Zhou et al., Def Technol 17(6), 2011-2026 [4]), we design a general data structure and standard input data (SID) for the codes of the launching subsystem dynamics in this work. Based on object-oriented programming (OOP) technology, the unified modeling language (UML) is adopted to describe the geometry, kinematics, kinetics and subjected forces of the launching subsystem. The UML class diagram is used to describe the variable properties, such as definitions, types, and default units within each data structure. At the same time, the relationship among various classes is represented by straight or dashed line segments with a specialized convention. Further, the input data structure of the launching subsystem dynamics code is designed: the SID is defined for parameter initialization, which is stored in an extensible markup language (XML) document and read by the program. This work provides a theoretical basis and important guidance for the program design of LDMS.
... Unified Modeling Language (UML) is "a general-purpose visual modeling language to specify, visualize, construct, and document the artifacts of a software system"-Rumbaugh et al. [2]. There is no fully working method or tool to generate UML diagrams from the informal natural language (NL) requirements. ...
Context: Processing Software Requirement Specifications (SRS) manually takes a much longer time for requirement analysts in software engineering. Researchers have been working on making an automatic approach to ease this task. Most of the existing approaches require some intervention from an analyst or are challenging to use. Some automatic and semi-automatic approaches were developed based on heuristic rules or machine learning algorithms. However, there are various constraints to the existing approaches of UML generation, such as restriction on ambiguity, length or structure, anaphora, incompleteness, atomicity of input text, requirements of domain ontology, etc. Objective: This study aims to better understand the effectiveness of existing systems and provide a conceptual framework with further improvement guidelines. Method: We performed a systematic literature review (SLR). We conducted our study selection into two phases and selected 70 papers. We conducted quantitative and qualitative analyses by manually extracting information, cross-checking, and validating our findings. Result: We described the existing approaches and revealed the issues observed in these works. We identified and clustered both the limitations and benefits of selected articles. Conclusion: This research upholds the necessity of a common dataset and evaluation framework to extend the research consistently. It also describes the significance of natural language processing obstacles researchers face. In addition, it creates a path forward for future research.
... Through the development of object-oriented and model-driven concepts in software engineering, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) [Ob17a] has been defined (section 3.3.2). Design processes, which use the potentiality of these concepts, are the Unified Software Development Process (USDP) by Rumbaugh et al. [RJB99] or the Rational Unified Process (RUP) according to Kruchten [Kr03]. Dorschel et al. [DHM98] give an object-oriented adaptation of the V-model ...
The internal and external complexity of today's systems is continuously increasing. These smart cybertronic systems consist of more and more components, are subject to a higher number of variants, and the distribution of disciplines is also subject to the increasing dominance of the system software. Besides, these systems temporarily connect to other systems or devices to fulfill one or more objectives, using the rising digitalization possibilities. To make this increasing complexity manageable and understandable for developers and end-users, the development approaches of today's systems have to change in parallel to the change of the systems themselves. Concepts and aspects from Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Closed-loop Engineering (CLE) can provide positive input in this context The thesis "A holistic Methodology for the Development of Cybertronic Systems in the Context of the Internet of Things," written by Thomas Dickopf, pursues the goal of integrating development processes, methods, and tools under intensive consideration of system usage and the possibilities of system optimization. Current trends in digitalization, as well as well-established procedures for the development and management of products, form the basis of a two-step development approach. This approach consists of a macro-methodology (VPESystemDevelopmentMethodology) for the entire development process and a micro-methodology (VPEmecPro²methodology) which is proposed for the early phase of system analysis and conceptual system design. The whole procedure is supplemented by a loop-based improvement concept, which supports the optimization of the system under development, the system during its operational use, as well as subsequent product generations.
... UML je metodologija objektno-orientiranega načrtovanja, predstavljena v delu Roumbacha in soavtorjev [200]. Razvita je bila z namenom predstaviti enotni modelirni jezik na osnovi predhodnih konceptov OOAD (ang. ...
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The presented doctoral dissertation deals with conception and structuring of new concepts and models of manufacturing systems. The dissertation is based on two hypotheses: 1) that the development of the concept and model of cyber-physical manufacturing systems will enable realization of more efficient and responsive network production systems, and 2) that based on the developed concept and model, it will be possible to model, manage and control advanced, cyber-physical manufacturing systems in real time. New concepts of manufacturing systems are proposed, based on restructuring of organizational and system manufacturing structures at different levels, as well as defining reciprocal interactions of the elements of such systems, through which faster and more efficient access to information is enabled. Timely exchange of information enables a management and control of new, advanced manufacturing systems, such as cyber-physical manufacturing systems, in real time. An ontological modelling framework for modelling advanced manufacturing systems and their elements has been expanded and its application in the domain of cyber approach to the operation, management, control and monitoring of production in advanced manufacturing systems, such as cyber-physical manufacturing systems. A new function of self-organization at the level of the elementary work system is introduced, and experimental results of the use of a cybernated approach to the operation, management and control of production are presented, through a simulation used on real industrial data.
... A practical implementation of flowcharts is workflow diagram used in Proforma Workbench or FirstStep Business CASE Tools. Indisputably, it is also Activity Diagram of UML (RUMBAUGH et al. 1999). ...
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One of the major issues of all analysis techniques in information engineering is to capture the intelligible description of processes in the modeled problem. This need is very significant for information systems supporting modern industries and also information systems related to the agriculture and hydrology. In this area, process modeling forms the basis of Business Process Reengineering as a pre-step for subsequent information system analysis, design and implementation. It provides an essential tool to enable software developers, consultants and business users to collaborate to ensure that the necessary understanding of the business context is available to the software developers. In this paper, practically used technique and methodology for process modeling arousing out of software development methodologies will be discussed. The main described method – BORM (Business and Object Relation Modeling), is a result of own research supported by the Know-how Fund of the British Council.
... Profile werden im UML Reference Manual (s.[RJB99]) auf S. 104 kurz erwähnt und nicht weiter erläutert. ...
Technical Report
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Im Rahmen dieses Berichts wird ein Bezugsrahmen entworfen, der es ermöglicht, am Markt erhältliche Software zur Modellierung mit der UML zu bewerten und die Produkte der Hersteller miteinander zu vergleichen. Der Bezugsrahmen versteht sich als erster Vorschlag für ein Vorgehen bei der Evaluation entsprechender Software-Werkzeuge in einer späteren Arbeit. In deren Verlauf wird er noch einigen Änderungen unterliegen. Ausgehend von einem Kriterienkatalog werden die für die Durchführung der Evaluation nötigen Qualitätskriterien vorgestellt und erläutert. Dabei wird grob zwischen drei Kriterienkategorien unterschieden: • Allgemeine Kriterien für Software • Kriterien für Modellierungswerkzeuge • Spezielle Kriterien bzgl. der Modellierung mit der UML Die erste Kategorie behandelt die für die Anschaffung von beliebiger Software generell gültigen Qualitätskriterien. Die zweite befaßt sich mit den spezielleren Anforderungen an ein Modellierungswerkzeug, dessen erklärte Funktionalität die Erstellung eines Modells sowie die Erzeugung von Quellcode aus diesem ist. In der letzten Kategorie wird schließlich auf die für die Modellierung in UML relevanten Aspekte eingegangen. Insgesamt ist jedoch zu bemerken, daß die aufgelisteten Punkte zur Bewertung der Software in keiner Weise disjunkt zu betrachtende Teilmengen innerhalb des Bezugsrahmens bilden, sondern daß hier eine Überlappung und gegenseitige Beeinflussung bzw. Implikation verschiedener Kriterien zu beobachten ist. Das beinhaltet die Zuordnung zu den Kategorien dahingehend, daß bspw. die Bewertung der Qualität der Bedienungsoberfläche von Software in der ersten Kategorie nicht völlig getrennt von ihrem Zweck - also der Erstellung von Modellen - gesehen werden kann, was somit ab einer gewissen Betrachtungstiefe automatisch Kriterien der zweiten Kategorie tangiert. Auch ist es nicht möglich, die Versionskontrolle eines Tools unabhängig von der Art und Weise zu betrachten, wie Teile eines Modells in das Repository eingebracht werden und wie die Konsequenzen für den Mehrbenutzerbetrieb aussehen. Wenn sich im Rahmen der Evaluation eine solche Überlappung zwischen den einzelnen Kriterien ergibt, wird bei der Bewertung der einzelnen Tools darauf hingewiesen, bei der hier vorliegenden Aufstellung der Kriterien aber davon noch weitestgehend abstrahiert. Ein weiteres wichtiges Unterscheidungsmerkmal der im folgenden aufgeführten Kriterien ist die Art und Weise der Bewertung. Die Zweckmäßigkeit der Anordnung von Menüs bspw. läßt sich von einigen grundlegenden Aspekten abgesehen nicht ausschließlich objektiv bewerten und ist dabei abhängig von den Bedienungsgewohnheiten des Benutzers und somit stark subjektiv. Andere lassen sich durchaus objektiv gegeneinander abwägen. Auf diese Bewertungsschwerpunkte soll jeweils deutlich hingewiesen werden, um aufzuzeigen, an welcher Stelle die Präferenzen des Benutzers stark ausschlaggebend sind und somit den Bezugsrahmen in seiner Interpretation nicht zu sehr an eine kleine Personengruppe zu binden.
... Their structure is based on common data modeling concepts in terms of types with inheritance, attributes, and relations (i.e., unidirectional and bidirectional associations) between them. Visually, they resemble UML class diagrams [89], as they are widespread and usually quite well understood. 2. Process models define the business logic in Dime. ...
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Even with the help of powerful metamodeling frameworks, the development of domain-specific graphical modeling tools is usually a complex, repetitive, and tedious task, which introduces substantial upfront costs often prohibiting such approaches in practice. In order to reduce these costs, the presented Cinco meta tooling suite is designed to provide a holistic approach that greatly simplifies the development of such domain-specific tools. Our solution is based on the idea to apply the concept of domain specialization also to the (meta-)domain of “domain-specific modeling tools”. Important here is our focus on complex graph-based models, comprising various kinds of nodes and edges together with their individual representation, correlations, and interpretation. This focus allows for high-level specifications of the model structures and functionalities as the prerequisite for push-button tool generation.
... Risk analysis is the systematic process to understand the nature of and to deduce the level of risk [48]. We explain the concepts of risk analysis and how they are related to each other through the conceptual model, captured by a UML class diagram [40] in Figure 1. The risk concepts are adapted from international standards for risk analysis terminology [48,18,17]. ...
Technical Report
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Risk analysis is an important tool for developers to establish the appropriate protection level of a system. Unfortunately, the shifting environment of components and component-based systems is not adequately addressed by traditional risk analysis methods. This report addresses this problem from a theoretical perspective by proposing a denotational model for component-based risk analysis. In order to model the prob-abilistic aspect of risk, we represent the behaviour of a component by a probability distribution over communication histories. The overall goal is to provide a theoretical foundation facilitating an improved understanding of risk in relation to components and component-based system development.
... The Unified Modeling Language (UML) specified by the Object Management Group (OMG), is a graphical language for visualization, specification and documentation of artefacts of software systems [14]. UML is nowadays not only accepted as major modeling language for IT-software design, but is also often used as a tool for interdisciplinary work. ...
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Current trends in manufacturing focus on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The physical world and its virtual representation are increasingly converging, which leads to Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS) in the manufacturing environment. CPPS synergize conventional production technology as well as ICT, allowing machines and products to exchange information, trigger actions and control other components autonomously. Therefore, seamless communication between physical objects of the shop floor and various computer systems is required. The Reference Architecture Model Industrie 4.0 (RAMI4.0) provided by the Plattform Industrie 4.0 specifies requirements for CPPS consisting of Industrie 4.0-components. In such systems, a major goal is to enable communication of I4.0 components among each other via industrial networks. For this purpose, RAMI4.0 suggests that each component has a virtual representation and uses Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) based communication with I4.0-semantics. This paper describes a systematic approach to OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) information model for representing the static and dynamic behavior of manufacturing systems. Moreover, the approach is generic in the sense that it can be used to define information models for multiple target technologies, such as OPC UA, MTConnect and others. It even allows to reuse large parts of the generated models for similar manufacturing utilities and various target technologies. Therefore, we first present a concept for system analysis and design by using the Unified Modeling Language (UML), which is widely accepted for interdisciplinary work. The information gathered is then transformed to OPC UA information models which serves as target technology in this paper. The purpose of this approach is to simplify the process of defining virtual representations of manufacturing systems. Applying the presented concept allows transformation of classic manufacturing systems into CPPS with SOA-based communication and semantically rich virtual representations of individual components. It is therefore well suited to meet the requirements specified by RAMI4.0.
... Resumen , Jacobson, Booch, 1999). Cada paso posee alternativas que a su vez puede tener pasos y estos volver a tener alternativas. ...
Conference Paper
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El presente trabajo describe una aplicación web denominada SIAR (Sistema Integral de Administración de Requerimientos) que administra y valida los requerimientos del Modelado Conceptual de un sistema de información mediante Casos de Uso, según los lineamientos de UML (Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado). Los Casos de Uso son útiles para la generación y análisis de requisitos de sistemas. La finalidad principal de SIAR es la administración de Casos de Uso con una herramienta informática que agilice su registración, normalice su contenido y posibilite implementar validaciones funcionales, como por ejemplo un método automatizado de análisis de consistencia de Casos de Uso, para lo cual el sistema genera un grafo con la transición de estados de cada Caso de Uso, expresado en el protocolo XPDL (Lenguaje de Definición de Flujo de Trabajo), que es analizado en un simulador de autómata finito determinista para verificar la cohesión de los escenarios en él definidos.
... state diagrams) of software systems and automatically generates code for languages such as Java, C++, Ruby, and Php. Umple achieves this by providing constructs and environments to express a rich subset of Unified Modeling Language (UML) [9]. In the following, we will discuss the formal syntax semantics of a subset of Umple state machines relevant to our work, since our goal is to discover truly conflicting transitions of state diagrams expressed in Umple. ...
Conference Paper
We present a fully automated technique to detect nondeterminism in state diagrams. Although nondeterminism is a tool often adopted by requirement engineers for specification of a system under development (SUD), it is normally undesirable in actual implementation. Discovering nondeterminism manually is infeasible for industrial-sized systems. Solutions in the literature lack the capability to analyze infinite-state systems. We leverage the nuXmv model checker to analyze unbounded domains and implement an algorithm that systematically computes a minimal set of comparable transitions for the SUD yet eliminates false positives by model checking. To validate our approach, we analyze a real-world system and report discovered cases of nondeterminism. We employ Umple's capability to convert state machines to nuXmv.
... UML (Rumbauth J. (2005)) was developed as standard for discrete systems and then was extended without extensive discussion on continuous ones. It will be instructive to design similar standard for complex dynamical systems, and for their unified libraries of devices in the wake of the agreement. ...
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Rand Model Designer is a modern tool for modeling and simulation of hierarchical multicomponent event-driven dynamical systems. It was demonstrated in the series of MIM-conferences, including MIM-2013 (Senichenkov Yu. (2013)). It utilizes the UML-based object-oriented Model Vision Language for designing dynamical and hybrid systems, using modification of State Machines - large-scale multicomponent systems, such as: control systems with “inputs-outputs”, “physical” systems with “contacts-flows”, and novel variable structure component systems, particularly “agent” systems. The recently launched tool “Visual Debugger” includes new modifications of numerical solvers for sparse systems, for instance it is now possible to reorder each solved system to block-triangular form with the help of Tarjan’s algorithm in order to accelerate execution speed.
... If the decisions are built in another decision, the precondition of the related decisions will be their preconditions connected by logical "AND": P D1O2 ∧ (P D2O1 ∨ P D2O2 ) . . . . The following UML diagram [2] can represent the class hierarchy, which shows the previously mentioned related decisions. ...
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On the basis of our examination experience of Design Patterns the existing interpretations and descriptions of Design Patterns do not realise a clear and understandable answer for their aims. The reason for this is that the existing interpretation of the object-oriented paradigms is used for their description and formulation. In order that clear answers could be found for the aims of using Design Patterns, a new conception of their interpretation has to be established. In order to create a new conception, we have to analyze object-oriented paradigms. According to our new conception the object-oriented methodology is based on the elimination of decision repetition, thus sorting the decisions to class hierarchy, with the help of which the data structure and methodology of decision options can be determined by the subclasses of the given class. Sorting the decisions and decision options to a class and its subclasses only the first decision case will be executed, which will be archived and enclosed by instantiation of one of the subclasses. For the following decision cases the archived decision result can be used without knowledge of which decision option was used, so to say which subclass was instantiated, because it is enclosed by using the type of the parent class. The aim of the object-oriented technology is the elimination of decision repetition, which can be realized by sorting the decisions. The derivations are the abstract definitions of decisions, so the derivations can be interpreted as decision abstractions. The Design Patterns offer recipes for sorting the decisions. With the help of the decision concept the aim of Design Patterns can be cleared and a more natural classification of Design Patterns can be realized.
... The Unified Modeling Language (UML) [14] is a visual language that facilitates the description or modeling of software designs and patterns, and it has become the "de facto standard for modeling software applications" [56]. A UML model generally consists of one or more diagrams and "provides a more compact code description than an ordinary programming language does" [58]. ...
This thesis presents a tool for the mechanical validation of formal software specifications. The tool is based on a novel approach to incremental validation. In this approach, small-scale aspects of a specification are validated, as part of the stepwise refinement of a formal model. The incremental validation technique can be considered a form of "lightweight" model checking. This is in contrast to a "heavyweight" approach, wherein an entire large-scale model is validated en masse. The validation tool is part of a formal modeling and specification language (FMSL), used in software engineering instruction. A lightweight, incremental approach to validation is beneficial in this context. Such an approach can be used to elucidate specification concepts in a step-by-step manner. A heavy-weight approach to model checking is more difficult to use in this way. The FMSL model checker has itself been validated by evaluating portions of a medium-scale specification example. The example has been used in software engineering courses for a number of years, but has heretofore been validated only by human inspection. Evidence for the utility of the validation tool is provided by its performance during the example validation. In particular, use of the tool led to the discovery of a specification flaw that had gone undiscovered by manual validation alone.
... The Unified Modeling Language (UML) specified by the Object Management Group (OMG), is a graphical language for visualization, specification and documentation of artefacts of software systems [14]. UML is nowadays not only accepted as major modeling language for IT-software design, but is also often used as a tool for interdisciplinary work. ...
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Current trends in manufacturing focus on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The physical world and its virtual representation are increasingly converging, which leads to Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS) in the manufacturing environment. CPPS synergize conventional production technology as well as ICT, allowing machines and products to exchange information, trigger actions and control other components autonomously. Therefore, seamless communication between physical objects of the shop floor and various computer systems is required. The Reference Architecture Model Industrie 4.0 (RAMI4.0) provided by the Plattform Industrie 4.0 specifies requirements for CPPS consisting of Industrie 4.0-components. In such systems, a major goal is to enable communication of I4.0 components among each other via industrial networks. For this purpose, RAMI4.0 suggests that each component has a virtual representation and uses Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) based communication with I4.0-semantics. This paper describes a systematic approach to OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) information model for representing the static and dynamic behavior of manufacturing systems. Moreover, the approach is generic in the sense that it can be used to define information models for multiple target technologies, such as OPC UA, MTConnect and others. It even allows to reuse large parts of the generated models for similar manufacturing utilities and various target technologies. Therefore, we first present a concept for system analysis and design by using the Unified Modeling Language (UML), which is widely accepted for interdisciplinary work. The information gathered is then transformed to OPC UA information models which serves as target technology in this paper. The purpose of this approach is to simplify the process of defining virtual representations of manufacturing systems. Applying the presented concept allows transformation of classic manufacturing systems into CPPS with SOA-based communication and semantically rich virtual representations of individual components. It is therefore well suited to meet the requirements specified by RAMI4.0.
... "The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a general-purpose visual modelling language that is used to specify, visualize, construct, and document the artifacts of a software system" ( Rumbaugh et al, 2005). ...
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Information and communication technologies (ICT) and computer systems in general are increasingly integrating daily life and becoming an essential element of human and organisational existence in modern societies. The Information Systems (IS) field in particular is interested in enhancing processes and increasing the utility of information to organisations and their members by using these technologies. However, most IS development methodologies are technologically biased by employing engineering approaches originated in software engineering and related fields to the analysis, design and implementation of those systems forgetting human and organisational nature of information and IS. These methodologies fail to: (i) acknowledge properly the role of humans and its associated social, cultural, political and behavioural dimensions (ii) understand the real interplay between human and technology and (iii) provide a sound and appropriate philosophical foundation. This thesis is mainly built upon the work and findings from three different but related theories that take the human as a central element of any IS, namely Organisational Semiotics (OS), the Theory of Organized Activity (TOA) and Enterprise Ontology (EO), and broader and related theories of respectively, Semiotics, Activity Theory and Language Action Perspective. In this research a deep analysis is undertaken regarding these theories to explore and compare their fundamental aspects and to derive their essential elements. This research proposes a new intellectual framework originated in a new philosophical foundation – Human Relativism – that adopts the human as the central element and provides a new paradigm as a basis for any methodology for IS development. A new approach - NOMIS (NOrmative Modelling of Information Systems) - is introduced, applying the new paradigm, centred in human behaviour and human action in particular, that integrates the theoretical views of OS, TOA and EO. For modelling and representation purposes a new modelling notation and an UML profile extension of the Unified Modelling Language (UML) was created for expressing and communicate the fundamental views of NOMIS. Finally, two case studies were used to 1) demonstrate the feasibility and applicability of NOMIS for modelling a business domain and, 2) show the key concepts of NOMIS applied to the design of a computer application. Conclusions and future work completes this thesis.
... Actualmente la mejor opción metodológica es el Proceso Unificado de Desarrollo de Rational (Rational Unified Process, RUP) pues se ha convertido en el estándar de facto en el desarrollo de software [8]. RUP no incorpora explícitamente el proceso definido por MDA; sin embargo, dado que RUP es en general basado en modelos y prescribe diferentes niveles de abstracción, RUP y MDA son compatibles por naturaleza. ...
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En este artículo se describe en detalle una arquitectura genérica para Sistemas de Vigilancia en Salud Pública y la implementación de un sistema de vigilancia de alertas tempranas en zonas rurales de países en desarrollo que utiliza la arquitectura propuesta. El sistema cumple con los requisitos de reusabilidad, desarrollo basado en componentes, flexibilidad, interoperabilidad y utilización de tecnologías abiertas. Esta herramienta fue piloteada en el departamento del Cauca, en Colombia, en el marco de un proyecto de investigación y desarrollo financiado por la Comisión Europea.
... UML is a modeling language using graphical notations for creating visual models of the system in software domain [92]. This language provides a set of diagrams (e.g. ...
A design platform (DP) is a total solution to build a System-On-Chip (SOC). DP consists of a set of libraries/IPs, CAD tools and design kits in conformity with the supported design flows and methodologies. The DP specifications provide a wide range of information from technology parameters like Process-Voltage-Temperature (PVT) corners to CAD tools’ information for library/IP development. However, the library/IP developers have difficulties in obtaining the desired data from the existing specifications due to their informality and complexity. In this thesis, we propose methodologies, flows and tools to formalize the DP specifications for their unification and to deal with it. The proposed description is targeting to be used as a reference to generate and validate libraries (standard cells, I/O, memory) as well as complex IPs (PLL, Serdes, etc.). First, we build a suitable data model to represent all required information for library/IP development and then propose a specification language named Library Development Specification based on XML (LDSpecX). Furthermore, we introduce a reference-based method to create a reliable specification in LDSpecX and task-based keywords to efficiently extract data from it. On the basis of the proposed solutions, we develop a specification platform. Experimentally, we develop a standard cell library from the specification creation to library validation by using the specification platform. We show that our approach enables to create a complete and consistent specification with a considerable reduction in time. It also bridges the gap between the specification and current automatic system for rapid library/IP development.
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The advancement of the Internet of Things, big data, and mobile computing leads to the need for smart services that enable the context awareness and the adaptability to their changing contexts. Today, designing a smart service system is a complex task due to the lack of an adequate model support in awareness and pervasive environment. In this paper, we present the concept of a context-aware smart service system and propose a knowledge model for context-aware smart service systems. The proposed model organizes the domain and context-aware knowledge into knowledge components based on the three levels of services: Services, Service system, and Network of service systems. The knowledge model for context-aware smart service systems integrates all the information and knowledge related to smart services, knowledge components, and context awareness that can play a key role for any framework, infrastructure, or applications deploying smart services. In order to demonstrate the approach, two case studies about chatbot as context-aware smart services for customer support are presented.
The Internet of things and services (IOT/IOS) as well as Industrial Internet and Industry 4.0 assume networked products, systems, and service in the future. The value proportion of electronics and software will continually increase with these kinds of products and embedded services. When products communicate with one another over the Internet, we refer Cyberphysical Systems or Cybertronic Systems. The development of these new systems will bring several consequences: interdisciplinary, regional, and organizationally distributed and integrated product development, a rethinking of current construction methods, processes, IT solutions, and organizational forms as well as the demand for consistent process chains based on digital models in the requirement definition, system architecture, product development, simulation, product planning, production, and service. Furthermore, planning and design procedures of all disciplines—mechanical, electronic, and software—must be put to the test and their suitability for a new process model for product, system, and service development checked in order to transit them to a common, integrated, and interdisciplinary method, process, and IT solution approach. This approach to the digitalization of product development is called Engineering 4.0. The methodologies of systems engineering (SE), model-based systems engineering (MBSE) and systems thinking form the foundations. Digitalization of products and product development means a transformation process which rearranges the classic limits of a fragmented and competitive IT solution world, a departure from silo thinking to a consistent, integrational solution approach for engineering. A lightweight and federated engineering backbone (→ System Lifecycle Management, SysLM) will take on the role of data and process integration for the entire product lifecycle, including operations. This chapter will present the foundations, framework conditions, and drivers of digitalization and derive an adjusted construction methodology from the results of this for the development of cybertronic products and systems.
Das Internet der Dinge und Services (IOT/IOS) sowie Industrie 4.0 gehen in der Zukunft von vernetzten Produkten, Systemen und Dienstleistungen aus. Der wertmäßige Anteil an Elektronik und Software wird bei dieser Art von Produkten und eingebetteten Dienstleistungen kontinuierlich steigen. Kommunizieren Produkte miteinander über das Internet, wird von Cyber-Physical Systems bzw. Cybertronischen Systemen gesprochen. Die Entwicklung dieser neuen Systeme wird mehrere Konsequenzen nach sich ziehen: interdisziplinäre, regional und organisatorisch verteilte sowie integrierte Produktentwicklung, ein Überdenken heutiger Konstruktionsmethoden, Prozesse, IT-Lösungen und Organisationsformen sowie die Forderung nach durchgängigen Prozessketten, basierend auf digitalen Modellen in der Anforderungsdefinition, Systemarchitektur, Produktentwicklung, Simulation, Produktionsplanung, Produktion und Service. Weiterhin müssen Planungs- und Entwurfsmethoden aller Disziplinen – Mechanik, Elektronik und Software – auf den System-Prüfstand gestellt und ihre Tauglichkeit für ein neues Vorgehensmodell der Produkt-, System und Serviceentwicklung überprüft werden, um diese in einen gemeinsamen, integrierten und interdisziplinären Methoden-, Prozess- und IT-Lösungsansatz zu überführen. Dieser Ansatz der Digitalisierung der Produktentwicklung wird Engineering 4.0 genannt. Der hier verwendete Begriff Produktenwicklung bezieht sich sowohl auf die eigentlichen Produkte als auch auf die Produktionsmittel, denn diese sind auch Produkte im eigentlichen Sinne. Diese Begriffsdefinition lehnt sich an die Begriffsbestimmung von Ehrlenspiel an [29]. Damit umfasst der in diesem Buch verwendete Begriff der Produktentwicklung den von vielen Autoren [78, 93] verwendeten Begriff der Produktentstehung. Die Grundlagen bilden Methodiken des Systems Engineering (SE), des Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) und des Systems Thinking. Die Digitalisierung der Produkte und der Produktentwicklung bedeutet einen Transformationsprozess, der die klassischen Grenzen einer fragmentierten und konkurrierenden IT-Lösungswelt neu ordnet. Weg vom Silodenken zu einem durchgängigen und integrativen Lösungsansatz für das Engineering. Ein leichtgewichtiger und föderierter Engineering Backbone (→ System Lifecycle Management, SysLM) wird die Rolle der Daten- und Prozessintegration über den gesamten Produktlebenszyklus inklusive des operativen Betriebes einnehmen. In diesem Kapitel werden Grundlagen, Randbedingungen und Treiber der Digitalisierung vorgestellt und eine daraus resultierende für die Entwicklung von cybertronischen Produkten und Systemen angepasste Konstruktionsmethodik abgeleitet.
The usage of formal description techniques has arisen as a promising way to deal with the increasing complexity of the embedded real-time systems. However, these techniques do not take into account relevant non-functional aspects as realtime constraints and hardware interaction. This is the case of the Specification and Description Language (SDL), one of the most used formal techniques. In this paper, different mechanisms to improve SDL real-time expressiveness and prevent real-time anomalies are presented. In addition, a new predictable execution model for SDL and its associated analysis technique are introduced to make possible the real-time analysis of the systems implemented.
This chapter begins with an introduction to the main concepts of formal methods. Languages and tools for developing formal System modeis are also described, while the use of semi formal notations and their integration with formal methods is covered as well. At the end of the chapter, an overview of the current Status of formal methods in embedded System design is presented.
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Complex software systems always exist for a long time, sometimes changing, and this leads to a variety of versions of such a system. In additional complex software systems usually have different (sometimes a lot) configurations due to different hardware and software environments, where they are intended to operate, or due to different user types with specific requirements. So, a complex software system can be regarded more correctly as a software system family or a software product line. Taking software families in consideration helps to increase reuse of their components and other software development artifacts. In difference with earlier works on software reuse, mostly focused on code or design reuse, software system family development tries to expand reuse on all kinds of development artifacts and activities, including documentation, verification, operation support, deployment, etc. One of the software system family development activities is modeling of family variability. This paper considers modern methods and approaches to such modeling, especially focusing on modeling of operating systems families variability. The research, which results are presented in this paper, is supported by RFBR.
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Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons à la problématique de l'étude de la langue parlée multi-annotée. Dans de tels corpus, un même échantillon de parole est associé à des informations inhérentes à différents niveaux linguistiques. Cela soulève des problématiques liées à la difficulté d’organisation, de stockage et d’accès à ces informations pour l'analyse conjointe de niveaux linguistiques : intonosyntaxe, discours-prosodie et syntaxe-pragmatique par exemple. La principale difficulté qui sous-tend l'exploitation d'un tel corpus multi-annoté de langue parlée est la mise en relation d’unités qui appartiennent à des niveaux linguistiques différents. Pour tous les niveaux linguistiques représentés, chaque annotation conduit en effet à une hiérarchie particulière. L’agrégation de toutes ces hiérarchies ou arborescences linguistiques est l’enjeu du formalisme proposé. Pour étudier l'interface entre différents niveaux linguistiques, nous proposons une approche orientée objet OOPS (Object-Oriented Processing of Speech) permettant de représenter une large variété d’annotations au sein d’une architecture globale. Une telle structure ne peut en effet pas être réalisée entièrement à partir de la seule transcription annotée, qui est au mieux exploitable par un humain. Elle nécessite au contraire une mise en relation du signal et des autres support d’annotation avec cette transcription pour l'étude conjointe d’unités linguistiques appartenant à des niveaux différents. La particularité de l’aproche que nous proposons est qu'elle repose entièrement sur un formalisme modulaire, ou objet. Une unité linguistique sera vue comme un objet (au sens informatique du terme) de la hiérarchie dépendant du niveau linguistique auquel elle appartient. Ces différentes hiérarchies sont reliées par les mots de la transcription, qui leurs sont communs. Ainsi, il devient possible de faire des requêtes mettant en jeu plusieurs niveaux linguistiques : syntaxe-prosodie, syntaxe-pragmatique ou encore prosodie-pragmatique, pour en extraire toute information jugée pertinente. L’approche que nous proposons repose sur le postulat que plus l'information sera modulaire, plus son traitement en sera simple et puissant. Cette hypothèse nous a conduit à envisager certaines structures sous un angle un peu différent de celui proposé par les membres du projet Rhapsodie dans un soucis de toujours plus modulariser l’information linguistique. D'un point de vue beaucoup plus pratique, le système que nous décrivons dans cet article a été développé sous la forme d'un module Python permettant l'analyse et l'exploitation de données annotées selon le système mis en place dans le cadre du projet Rhapsodie (Lacheret, Kahane & Pietrandrea (eds) à paraître). L'ensemble des outils présentés dans cette étude est diffusé sous licence libre GPLv3 et peut être téléchargé à l'adresse
This chapter begins with a brief overview of embedded computing systems in Sect. 2.1, taking into account the introduction to systems in Chap. 1. Thereafter, Sect. 2.2 introduces the hardware architecture of embedded computing systems. Section 2.3 is an introduction to the methodology for determining the design metrics of embedded computing systems, a method which defines the preciseness of a design with regard to the requirements specifications. Section 2.4 introduces the concept of embedded control with regard to the respective mathematical notation formulations of the different control laws. Section 2.5 introduces the principal concept of hardware-software codesign. Since the expected growth rate of design productivity in the traditional way is far below that of system complexity, hardware-software codesign has been developed as a new design methodology during the past decade. Section 2.6 presents a case study of the concept of system stability analysis. Section 2.7 contains comprehensive questions from the system theory domain, followed by references and suggestions for further reading.
Conference Paper
Evolution and maintenance of the large-scaled software models require collaboration of several designers on the shared modeling artefacts. Since collaborators manipulate shared models in real-time, synchronization of the model changes is the main challenging aspect for collaborative modeling application. In order to achieve efficient real-time synchronization of changes, these changes have to be properly identified, represented by appropriate notations and exchanged by modeling deltas. This paper presents a real-time collaborative modeling application based on exchanging model differences between collaborators. Modeling deltas are represented by an operational delta notation. The approach is validated by presenting a collaborative class diagram editor.
The arrangement design of a submarine has been performed based on data of parent ships and experts` experiences. To support such a task, it is necessary to accumulate and use systematically the data, and to optimize the task. The expert system for the first issue and the optimization method for the latter issue can be used. At this time, a suitable data structure to share the data on the arrangement design of the submarine should be used. In this study, the data structure named an arrangement template model (ATM) is proposed. To check the applicability of the ATM, a prototype program which consists of the expert system and the optimization method is developed. Finally, the developed program is applied to a small submarine of US Navy. As a result, it is confirmed that the ATM can be used to share the data between the expert system and the optimization method.
With the increasing complexity of the architecture and web applications of the fault diagnosis software, the original CGI, ISAPI and other technologies have been difficult to meet the requirements to access and operate distributed objects. The best way to manage the risk is to build a distributed object framework of web design. Therefore, this paper presents a method of modeling Web-based Bearing Fault Diagnosis System (WBFDS) with Unified Modeling Language (UML), which includes ranging from demand model, static model, and dynamic model to physical model. This paper, which studies the full life cycle visual modeling of a specific areas system, aims to achieve the goal of a reuse system, combining component technology and web technology. Finally, a highly reusable WBFDS was developed and proved to be effective in the actual project.
Conference Paper
This paper studies the specification, mapping and the transforming of behavioral aspects of Open Distributed Processing Information Language, within the context of Model Driven Architecture. In order to specify the executable behavior of a system and to make the processes of the Information executable and controllable, the Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing can be used as a meta-model for behavioral specifications. In the Information language the behavior is specified in terms of schema dynamic, processes, actions, state and the relationships between these concepts. In this work we describe how behavior process can be generated exploiting the benefits of a MDA approach. We define the behavior models by using UML profile and their transformations into BPEL artifacts. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2013.
Biological ResourcesData ModelingData IntegrationIntegrating Applications and DataSemantic IntegrationScientific WorkflowsConclusion References
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The original concept of object-oriented software development was that the objects would be ‘behaviouslly-complete’ representations of the domain entities that they model. Although object-oriented technologies now pervade the realm of business systems development, business applications typically fall far short of this ideal of behaviourally-complete objects. Instead, business system designs continue to separate data and procedure, even if both constructs are implemented using object technology. This separation increases the effort involved in modifying the system to accommodate subsequent changes in requirements. This thesis argues that the continued separation of procedure and data is encouraged by established architectural approaches. In the generic four-layer architecture, for example, there is almost always an explicit ‘task’ or ‘application’ layer that is procedural in nature. In the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, the Controller objects are often implemented as ‘use-case controllers’ even though that was not their original intent. A new approach is needed that offers the flexibility brought by those established architectural patterns, but without encouraging the separation of procedure and data. The proposed new approach is called ‘naked objects’: behaviourally-complete entity objects that are exposed directly and automatically to the user - such that all user tasks are fulfilled explicitly by invoking methods of those entity objects. Using a suitable software framework (two of which are described in the thesis) the naked objects approach delivers four principal benefits. Two relate to the developed product: improved agility (meaning the ease with which unforeseen changes to business requirements can be accommodated) and a more empowering style of user interface. The other two principal benefits relate to the development process: a faster development cycle and a common language between developers and users during requirements analysis.
Library development requires a wide variety of information independent of cells such as Process-Voltage-Temperature (PVT) corners and CAD tools' information. With technology scaling, such information increases continuously. Dealing with the specifications containing this information is therefore a crucial issue for library providers due to the great impact of the specification reliability on the quality of library. However, its definition is manually carried out depending upon the expertise of specification developers. It may lead to some specification problems such as inconsistency and incompleteness. In this paper, a specification language based on eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is used to encapsulate all cell-independent information for library development. We propose a reference-based specification tool to achieve reliable specifications. The experimental results show that it permits to efficiently and rapidly create complete and consistent specifications for library development in comparison to the manual method.
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