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... Ambience is an element related to the smell, temperature, illumination, noise level, and music of an environment [19]. Kotler [20] was the first to identify how design atmospherics could be a successful marketing tool using aspects such as lighting, ambient sound, and merchandise layout, that can influence a customer's mood and increase the prospects of purchases. Exposure to the conditions created by physical elements such as the indoor space and built environment affects people in various ways. ...
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The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of ambience and aesthetics on tourist–tourist interaction and the effects of tourist–tourist interaction on a sense of belonging, intention to recommend, and satisfaction in accommodation establishments. The study was carried out based on the Stimulus–Organism–Response (SOR) model. The study was conducted in 5-star hotels in Istanbul/Turkey. Data were collected from 392 tourists staying in these hotels through a survey. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data obtained. The results of the study reveal that ambience and aesthetics have a significant effect on tourist–tourist interaction in accommodation establishments. It was also found that tourist–tourist interactions have a significant effect on the sense of belonging, intention to recommend, and satisfaction. This study provides contributions to the important field of tourist–tourist interaction, and accordingly fills a gap in the literature.
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Hızla büyüyen hizmet sektörünün alt bileşenlerinden biri olan taze gıda sektöründe, nasıl bir hizmet ortamı sunulduğu son yıllarda kendini fazlasıyla göstermektedir. Pazarlamanın önemli unsurlarından biri olan hizmet ortamının etkisinin ölçülmeye çalışıldığı bu çalışmada, taze gıda sektörü özelinde mağaza destek hizmetleri, mağaza içi kalite ve ürün özellikleri boyutları değerlendirilerek tüketicilerin tekrar satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkilerinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. PLS-SEM, yapısal eşitlik modeli kullanılarak yapılan analiz sonucuna göre, taze gıda alışverişinde, mağaza destek hizmetleri ve ürün özellikleri tüketici memnuniyetinde etkili iken, mağaza içi kalitenin tüketicilerin tekrar satın alma niyetleri üzerindeki etkisinin anlamlı olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Mağaza destek hizmetleri ve ürün özelliklerinin, özellikle taze gıda ürünlerinde tüketici davranışını doğrudan etkilediği ve tüketicilere değer katan mağaza hizmetleri ve nitelikli ürün sunulmasının, tüketicilerin memnuniyetini artırarak tekrar satın alma olasılığını yükselttiği neticesine varılmıştır.
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In the digital era, online atmospherics have emerged as a pivotal factor influencing consumer behavior and engagement in online platforms. Online atmospherics refers to the strategically designed elements of a web environment aimed at stimulating the senses to create positive user experiences and enhance consumer responses. Given the dynamic nature of consumer interactions and technological advancements in digital commerce, the need to study online atmospherics is ever evolving, demanding continuous exploration to adapt and optimize the online shopping experience. A comprehensive review was conducted on 80 articles published between 2000 and 2023, utilizing the integrated ADO–TCM framework. Through the antecedents, decisions, and outcomes (ADO) framework, this study reveals what we know about online atmospherics. The theories, contexts, and methods (TCM) framework reveal how we know about online atmospherics. Moreover, this study aims to identify significant gaps in the current literature and recommend specific future research avenues. This systematic literature review (SLR) serves as a crucial resource for practitioners by providing a comprehensive analysis of effective online atmospherics, aiding in the development of more engaging digital shopping experiences. Simultaneously, it offers scholars a consolidated foundation, facilitating further exploration and innovation in the domain of online atmospherics in emerging channels.
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This paper sets out to sketch a review of the literature, training courses and scientific and professional debate on library marketing and promotion, with a particular focus on the Italian case. Starting from Norman O. Gene's detailed account (1982) of the emergence of library marketing in international literature, the first section describes its origin and development in Italy, tracing the timeline of the main articles and monographs on the topic. In the second section, focus shifts to conferences and seminars, which often resulted in editorial outputs. The third paragraph addresses the librarians' training in communication and library marketing in Italy, both in the form of university classes and workshops for professionals, finding them insufficient for the today’s scenario. Finally, blogs, newsletters and podcasts on library marketing in Italy and abroad as well as international awards for library marketers are discussed. In all cases, the Italian scenario is considered through comparison with the international one. The topic is clearly intertwined with the marketing’s evolution as a discipline not exclusively devoted to profit, and its transition from analogical methods of promotion to the contemporary digital ones provided by ICT and social media. The study highlights the need for further research and commitment on digital marketing for cultural institutions in Italy.
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Businesses are increasingly focusing on brand experience due to its dual role in directly creating customer value and shaping customers’ perceptions of brand equity. This study investigates the impact of brand experience on brand equity in Vietnam’s e-commerce sector. Primary data were collected from respondents with prior online shopping experience on e-commerce platforms. The research identifies four critical dimensions of brand experience in e-commerce services: sensory, affective, intellectual, and behavioral experiences. These components positively influence brand equity, particularly in terms of brand association, brand trust, and brand loyalty. Moreover, the study confirms the mediating roles of brand association and brand trust in the relationships between affective experience and brand loyalty, intellectual experience and brand loyalty, and behavioral experience and brand loyalty. This research offers a valuable contribution to the literature on brand experience and brand equity, especially within the e-commerce context. Managerial implications are also provided to guide businesses in enhancing customer brand experiences and strengthening brand equity.
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