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A Negative feedback mechanism for the long-term stabilization of Earths surface-temperature



It is suggested that the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is buffered, over geological time scales, by a negative feedback mechanism, in which the rate of weathering of silicate minerals (followed by deposition of carbonate minerals) depends on surface temperature, which in turn depends on the carbon dioxide partial pressure through the greenhouse effect. Although the quantitative details of this mechanism are speculative, it appears able to partially stabilize the earth's surface temperature against the steady increase of solar luminosity, believed to have occurred since the origin of the solar system.
... The carbonate-silicate cycle is a geochemical cycle that is thought to have enabled temperate climates during the history of Earth by recycling CO 2 through planetary carbon reservoirs (Walker et al. 1981;Berner et al. 1983;Krissansen-Totton et al. 2018). The regulation of atmospheric CO 2 ensures that the greenhouse warming effect of CO 2 is sufficient to maintain a clement surface temperature T and a liquid water reservoir on the surface, which are vital for long-term habitability Catling & Zahnle (2020). ...
... During the Archean, when the sun was only 70% as bright as today (Sagan & Mullen 1972), a warmer climate was ensured by a higher CO 2 partial pressure P CO2 and a lower intensity of silicate weathering (Kasting et al. 1993). Walker et al. (1981) discovered that the weathering of continental silicate rocks provides negative feedback to create a thermostat-like effect. If outgassing increases, P CO2 rises and consequently weathering intensifies to increase the CO 2 drawdown. ...
... With the application of a multi-regime silicate weathering model (W = f (P CO2 , T )) of (Maher & Chamberlain 2014), Hakim et al. (2021) find that weathering exhibits negative feedback at low temperatures (W ∝ T ), but positive feedback at high temperatures (W ∝ 1/T , Fig. 1a). There is a transition from the classic kinetic limit (Walker et al. 1981) to the thermodynamic limit. The transition temperature is sensitive to rock composition 124 H. Kaustubh (e.g., kinetic and thermodynamic properties of granite, basalt or peridotite) and soil transport properties (e.g., flowpath length, soil age) (Hakim et al. 2021). ...
Continental silicate weathering and seafloor carbonate precipitation are key steps in the carbonate-silicate cycle to draw down CO 2 . Contrary to the classic understanding of negative feedback, silicate weathering can exhibit positive feedback at high temperatures. Taking into account this positive feedback, the compensation depth (CCD) in exoplanet oceans becomes shallower, implying a potential instability in the carbonate-silicate cycle at high temperatures.
... 12) (Fig. 1). These observations have motivated a hypothesis that the silicate weathering feedback-thought to be the fundamental thermostat regulating our planet's climate 13 -breaks down or is weakened during these events 10,14 . However, the contribution of intrusive LIP carbon emissions, independent of surface lava extrusion, to variations in atmospheric CO 2 and global surface temperatures on long (10 6 year) timescales has not been studied in detail. ...
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Large igneous provinces erupt highly reactive, predominantly basaltic lavas onto Earth’s surface, which should boost the weathering flux leading to long-term CO2 drawdown and cooling following cessation of volcanism. However, throughout Earth’s geological history, the aftermaths of multiple Phanerozoic large igneous provinces are marked by unexpectedly protracted climatic warming and delayed biotic recovery lasting millions of years beyond the most voluminous phases of extrusive volcanism. Here we conduct geodynamic modelling of mantle melting and thermomechanical modelling of magma transport to show that rheologic feedbacks in the crust can throttle eruption rates despite continued melt generation and CO2 supply. Our results demonstrate how the mantle-derived flux of CO2 to the atmosphere during large igneous provinces can decouple from rates of surface volcanism, representing an important flux driving long-term climate. Climate–biogeochemical modelling spanning intervals with temporally calibrated palaeoclimate data further shows how accounting for this non-eruptive cryptic CO2 can help reconcile the life cycle of large igneous provinces with climate disruption and recovery during the Permian–Triassic, Mid-Miocene and other critical moments in Earth’s climate history. These findings underscore the key role that outgassing from intrusive magmas plays in modulating our planet’s surface environment.
... Earth's long-term climate state is regulated by the weathering of crustal rocks. Silicate weathering has the capacity to remove atmospheric CO 2 over timescales of 10 3 6 years and is recognized as the primary negative feedback on mantle CO 2 emissions in long-term climate simulations (Archer, 2005;Lenton et al., 2018;Walker et al., 1981). However, oxidative weathering of organic carbon (OC) in sedimentary rocks-variously referred to as either kerogen or petrogenic carbon-has been shown to account for CO 2 emissions to the atmosphere that are similar or greater in magnitude to global silicate weathering fluxes (Hilton & West, 2020;Zondervan et al., 2023). ...
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Oxidative weathering of organic carbon in sedimentary rocks is a major source of CO2 to the atmosphere over geological timescales, but the size of this emission pathway in Earth's past has not been directly quantified due to a lack of available proxy approaches. We have measured the rhenium isotope composition of organic‐rich rocks sampled from unweathered drill cores and weathered outcrops in south Texas, whose stratigraphic successions can be tightly correlated. Oxidative weathering of more than 90% of the organic carbon and ∼85% of the rhenium is accompanied by a shift to lower rhenium isotope compositions in the weathered outcrops. The calculated isotope composition of rhenium weathered from the initial bedrock for individual samples varies systematically by ∼0.7‰ with different fractions of rhenium loss. This variation can be empirically modeled with isotope fractionation factors of α = 1.0002–1.0008. Our results indicate that the isotope composition of rhenium delivered to the oceans can be altered by weathering intensity of rock organic matter and that the rhenium isotope composition of seawater is sensitive to past oxidative weathering and associated CO2 emissions.
... When silicates react with water and CO2, carbon (C) is locked up in carbonates, possibly for centuries and longer (Moosdorf et al., 2014). While the naturally occurring silicate rock weathering 25 process has been important for stabilizing climate at geological timescales, its pace is insufficient to substantially reduce the current rise in atmospheric CO2 (Berner, 2004;Walker et al., 1981). Enhanced silicate weathering (EW) aims to accelerate this natural process through the mechanical grinding of the rocks into a fine powder. ...
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Terrestrial enhanced silicate weathering is a CO2 removal technology involving the application of ground silicate materials to agricultural soils. Next to CO2 sequestration, it can improve soil fertility and crop growth, but silicate materials can also contain toxic trace elements. In a mesocosm experiment, we investigated the effect of basalt, concrete fines and steel slags on biomass, nutrients, and heavy metal concentration of Zea Mays, using a dose-response approach. Plant biomass increased with basalt, but not with concrete fines and steel slags. Generally, plant Ca, Mg, and corn Si concentrations increased with increasing silicate application amount as a result of increased plant availability. In contrast, plant N, P, and K concentrations were hardly affected by silicate application. Besides increased leaf Pb concentrations with steel slag application, which did not exceed the maximum limit set by the WHO and FAO (0.05 mg Pb kg-1 ww), heavy metal concentrations in aerial plant tissues mostly decreased with increasing silicate application amount, presumably because of an increased soil pH, and accumulation in plant roots. Our study thus indicates mixed effects of silicate application on maize while suggesting that the risk of heavy metal contamination after a one-time application of the tested silicates is limited.
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Silicate weathering on the continents is thought to play a critical part in regulating global climate on geological time scales but determination of the magnitude of silicate weathering fluxes is frustrated by the complexity of the weathering processes. Here we present analyses of stable Sr-isotopic compositions (𝛿 88/86 Sr) in a suite of river waters and bedloads from the Himalayas in Nepal to establish the lithological controls on 𝛿 88/86 Sr values and the secondary processes that impact carbonate weathering. A control on 𝛿 88/86 Sr values is lithology with the rivers in carbonate-dominated catchments marginally lower ( ∼ 0.07 ‰) than in silicate-dominated catchments. However, as for ⁸⁷ Sr/ ⁸⁶ Sr ratios, 𝛿 88/86 Sr values of carbonates are altered by silicate-carbonate mineral exchange during metamorphism. The major potential secondary control on 𝛿 88/86 Sr values in Himalayan catchments is precipitation of secondary calcite responsible for the marked elevation of Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios in the waters. We re-evaluate the mechanisms for secondary calcite formation and conclude that a balanced solution and re-precipitation process, driven by the relative instability of the primary Mg-rich calcite, provides a better explanation for the elevated Sr/Ca ratios than simple precipitation from a highly over saturated solution. This solution-re-precipitation process is akin to that invoked to explain diagenesis of deep-sea sediments. The mechanism of secondary calcite formation impacts the distinction of cation inputs from carbonate and silicate minerals. The correlation between 𝛿 88/86 Sr water-calcite fractionations, Sr/Ca partition coefficients and precipitation rates allows the calcite re-precipitation rates to be inferred from the covariation of water 𝛿 88/86 Sr values and Sr/Ca ratios. These rates are very low (<10 ⁻⁸ mol m ⁻² s ⁻¹ ) but are consistent with those inferred from field estimates of the amount of calcite re-precipitated, the surface area of carbonate exposed to weathering and the calcite weathering flux. The low precipitation rates are also consistent with previously reported 𝛥 44/40 Ca isotope fractionations of ∼ − 0.2 ‰. The calcite reprecipitation rates are comparable to silicate weathering rates previously inferred from Li-isotopic compositions which is consistent with calcite re-precipitation taking place very close to equilibrium following the initial rapid saturation of the fluids by calcite.
Carbonic acid produced by the dissolution of atmospheric and soil CO2 in water is usually the most dominant catalyst for chemical weathering, but a sulfuric acid-driven phenomenon, different from usual, was found in the orogenic belt watersheds dominated by silicate bedrock. This study, rooted in comprehensive field investigations in the Manas River Basin (MRB) north of the Tianshan Mountains, delves into the mechanisms and impacts of sulfuric and carbonic acid as catalysts driving different types of chemical weathering in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Quantitative analyses elucidate that carbonate weathering constitutes 52.4% of the total chemical weathering, while silicate and evaporite account for 18.6% and 25.3%, respectively, with anthropogenic activities and atmospheric precipitation having little effect. The estimated total chemical weathering rate in MRB is approximately 0.075 × 106 mol/km2/year. Quantitative findings further suggest that, preceding carbonate precipitation (< 104 year), chemical weathering can absorb CO2. Subsequently, and following carbonate precipitation (104–107 year), it will release CO2. The release significantly surpasses the global average CO2 consumption, contributing to a noteworthy climate impact. This study underscores the distinctive weathering mechanisms, wherein sulfuric acid emerges as the predominant catalyst. The quantity of sulfuric acid as a catalyst is approximately three times that of carbonic acid. Sulfuric acid-driven carbonate rock weathering (SCW) is identified as the sole chemical weathering type with a net CO2 release effect. SCW CO2 release flux (5176 mol/km2/year) is roughly 2.5 times the CO2 absorption by Ca–Mg silicate weathering, highlighting the pivotal role of chemical weathering in sourcing atmospheric CO2 over the timescales of carbonate precipitation and sulfate reduction. Lastly, this study posits that catalyst and transport limitations are the most plausible critical factors in MRB. The interplay between sulfuric acid and dissolved CO2 competitively shapes the types and rates of chemical weathering reactions.
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A class of mean annual, zonally averaged energy-balance climate models of the Budyko-Sellers type are studied by a spectral (expansion in Legendre polynomials) method. Models with constant thermal diffusion coefficient can be solved exactly, The solution is approached by a rapidly converging sequence with each succeeding approximant taking into account information from ever smaller space and time scales. The first two modes represent a good approximation to the exact solution as well as to the present climate. The two-mode approximation to a number of more general models are shown to be either formally or approximately equivalent to the same truncation in the constant diffusion case. In particular, the transport parameterization used by Budyko is precisely equivalent to the two-mode truncation of thermal diffusion. Details of the dynamics do not influence the first two modes which fortunately seem adequate for the study of global climate change. Estimated ice age temperatures and ice line latitude agree well with the model if the solar constant is reduced by 1.3%.
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This study investigates the response of a global model of the climate to the quadrupling of the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. The model consists of (1) a general circulation model of the atmosphere, (2) a heat and water balance model of the continents, and (3) a simple mixed layer model of the oceans. It has a global computational domain and realistic geography. For the computation of radiative transfer, the seasonal variation of insolation is imposed at the top of the model atmosphere, and the fixed distribution of cloud cover is prescribed as a function of latitude and of height. It is found that with some exceptions, the model succeeds in reproducing the large-scale characteristics of seasonal and geographical variation of the observed atmospheric temperature. The climatic effect of a CO2 increase is determined by comparing statistical equilibrium states of the model atmosphere with a normal concentration and with a 4 times the normal concentration of CO2 in the air. It is found that the warming of the model atmosphere resulting from CO2 increase has significant seasonal and latitudinal variation. Because of the absence of an albedo feedback mechanism, the warming over the Antarctic continent is somewhat less than the warming in high latitudes of the northern hemisphere. Over the Arctic Ocean and its surroundings, the warming is much larger in winter than summer, thereby reducing the amplitude of seasonal temperature variation. It is concluded that this seasonal asymmetry in the warming results from the reduction in the coverage and thickness of the sea ice. The warming of the model atmosphere results in an enrichment of the moisture content in the air and an increase in the poleward moisture transport. The additional moisture is picked up from the tropical ocean and is brought to high latitudes where both precipitation and runoff increase throughout the year. Further, the time of rapid snowmelt and maximum runoff becomes earlier.
A relatively simple numerical model of the energy balance of the earth-atmosphere is set up and applied. The dependent variable is the average annual sea level temperature in 10° latitude belts. This is expressed basically as a function of the solar constant, the planetary albedo, the transparency of the atmosphere to infrared radiation, and the turbulent exchange coefficients for the atmosphere and the oceans. The major conclusions of the analysis are that removing the arctic ice cap would increase annual average polar temperatures by no more than 7C, that a decrease of the solar constant by 2–5% might be sufficient to initiate another ice age, and that man's increasing industrial activities may eventually lead to a global climate much warmer than today.
A numerical model of the energy balance of the earth-atmosphere is set up and applied. The dependent variable is the average annual sea level temperature in 10//0 latitude belts. This is expressed basically as a function of the solar constant, the planetary albedo, the transparency of the atmosphere to infrared radiation, and the turbulent exchange coefficients for the atmosphere and the oceans. The major conclusions of the analysis are presented.
This study investigates the influences of the seasonal variation of solar radiation based upon the results of numerical experiments with a mathematical model of climate. The model consists of (1) a general circulation model of the atmosphere, (2) a heat- and water-balance model of continents, and (3) a simple mixed layer model of the ocean. It has a limited computational domain and idealized geography. Two versions of the model are constructed. In the first version of the model (the seasonal model), a seasonal variation of insolation is imposed at the top of the model atmosphere. On the other hand, an annual mean isolation is prescribed for the second version of the model (the annual model). The response of the seasonal model to the q quadrupling of CO2-concentration in air is compared to the corresponding response of the annual model. It is found that the response of the annual mean surface air temperature of the seasonal model is significantly less than the corresponding response of the annual model. The smaller sensitivity of the seasonal model is attributed to the absence of strongly reflective snow cover (or sea ice) during the summer when the isolation has a near-maximum intensity. A comparison between the hydrologic responses of the seasonal and the annual models indicates that the latitudinal distributions of these responses have qualitatively similar zonal mean features. However, the zonal mean response of the seasonal model is found to have considerable seasonal variations. For example, in summer the zonal mean soil wetness is reduced extensively over two seperate zones of middle and high latitudes in response to the CO2 increase, respectively. Owing to the seasonal variation mentioned above, the latitudinal variation of the annual mean hydrologic response of the seasonal model is less than that of the corresponding response of the annual model.
The thermodynamic ocean of the Sillen school offers little incentive to those who search the sedimentary record for evidence of changes in ocean chemistry during Cenozoic time. Their models predict a uniform chemical composition. However as the sediments presently accumulating in the ocean show little evidence of equilibration with the overlying water, the possibility that kinetic factors play an important role must be seriously explored. Such a model is presented in this paper. Material balance restrictions are substituted for some of the usual chemical equilibria. The role of organisms is shown to be dominant for at least some of the important components of sea salt (i.e., C, N, P, Si, …). If, as proposed here, the chemistry of sea water is dependent on rates of supply of individual components, the rate of vertical mixing in the sea, and the type of material formed by organisms, then substantial changes in the chemical composition have almost certainly taken place. Several means by which such changes might be reconstructed from chemical and isotopic measurements on marine sediments are discussed.
The surface temperature of a planet with an atmosphere depends, amongst other factors, on the atmospheric chemical composition and surface pressure. However, the detailed calculation of surface temperature variations as a function of atmospheric composition is extremely complex. A simplified model is presented which can be used to follow surface temperature changes over periods up to the lifetime of the solar system. This model is applied to a number of chemical constituents of interest in studying the evolution of planetary atmospheres (with special reference to the earth).
A study has been made of the release of Si and Al to solution from the alteration of a potassic feldspar in solutions buffered at pH values between 4 and 10. Release of both Si and Al is consistent with diffusion from an altered layer, presumably formed by rapid initial hydration and exchange of H + for K + . In a limited volume of solution diffusion ceases when the Al concentration in the external solution reaches a fixed value at each pH; this value is reasonably consistent with the solubility of Al(OH) 3 . The Si concentration tends to reach a maximum at each pH. The interpretation is made that the maximum in Si concentration corresponds to a balance between Si diffusion into the solution, and Si removed from the solution by reaction with Al(OH) 3 to form a hydrated silicate. The calculated equilibrium value for the reaction Al(OH) 3 + SiO 2aq = Al-silicate is 5 ppm SiO 2 .