
Corpus-based investigations on word order change: The case of Old Nordic

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Wenn die direkte Kommunikation mit Patienten aufgrund mangelnder Deutsch- kenntnisse nicht möglich oder erschwert ist, fungieren in deutschen Krankenhäu- sern häufig Angestellte oder Angehörige als DolmetscherInnen. Da jedoch Zweit- oder Fremdsprachenkenntnisse allein nicht ausreichen, um gute Dolmetschleis- tungen zu erzielen, müssen zweisprachige Pflegekräfte auf diese verantwortungs- volle Tätigkeit vorbereitet werden. Dies kann, wie in dem Artikel vorgeführt wird, durch eine auf empirischen Daten und Untersuchungen gedolmetschter Arzt-Patienten-Kommunikation basierende Fortbildung für zweisprachiges medizinisches Personal geschehen. Im Mittel- punkt der Fortbildung stehen bestimmte institutionelle Diskursarten, wie etwa Anamnese- oder Aufklärungsgespräche, die eine wichtige Rolle für die medizini- sche Versorgung spielen. Die dem Ansatz zugrunde liegende Annahme ist, dass die Dolmetschleistung erheblich von dem abhängt, was dolmetschende Personen über die zu dolmetschenden Diskursarten, ihre Struktur und Zwecksetzung, wis- sen.
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A growing number of investigations into the historical development and status of academic prose have found that many national languages lose both prestige and distribution as a medium of expression in the sciences, while English progressively develops into the lingua franca of science. The investigation presented in this paper starts from the assumption that the status of English as a global lingua franca not only replaces the use of other languages but that the prestige associated with English styles of scientific writing can also influence text production in other languages in the sense that indigenous language- and culture-specific communicative conventions are superseded by the conventions operative in comparable English texts. Taking the example of macrosyntactic conjunction with and and und in English and German popular scientific texts, this article addresses the question of whether German communicative conventions are adapted to English communicative styles such that language-specific strategies of information organization in German change in the direction of English.
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The present article investigates the acquisition of the pronominal systems by French and Italian monolingual children and by bilingual German–French and German–Italian children, demonstrating a stable asymmetry: object and reflexive clitics are acquired later than nominative clitics and strong subject and object pronouns. We will widen the scope of former investigations to include the acquisition of strong pronouns and argue that the observed asymmetry can be accounted for if we combine the external (categorial status) and internal syntax of pronouns (internal structure). In particular, we argue for the relevance of the absence/presence of a nominal layer (N-layer) in the internal structure of a pronoun. This approach can account for the observation that pronouns containing an N-layer, i.e., strong subject pronouns, subject clitics and strong object pronouns, are acquired simultaneously and earlier than pronouns which lack the N-layer, i.e., object clitics and reflexive clitics.
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The paper concentrates on the problem of cross-linguistic word-order regularities, known as Natural Serialisation Principle. It is argued that the teleological nature of this principle is due to a too broad understanding of the notion of state for a linguistic system. If the notion of state is applied to smaller subsystems of the whole word-order system, the apparent teleological tendencies within this whole can be modelled without referring to the future. Using the theory of self-organisation, the possible stable and unstable states for the system of word order are defined, and possible paths of word-order change specified. The model is tested against an unsuccessful language planning attempt in Estonian, undertaken by Johannes Aavik. It is concluded that the causes for Natural Serialisation Principle derived from the psycholinguistic constraints on language production and understanding.
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EXMARaLDA is a system for computer transcription of spoken discourse that is being developed at the SFB ‚Mehrsprachigkeit' as a basis of a multilingual discourse database into which the transcriptions in use at the SFB will be integrated at a later point in time. The present paper describes the theoretical background of the development – a formal model of discourse transcription based on the annotation graph formalism (Bird/Liberman (2001)) – and its practical realisation in the form of an XML-based data format and several tools for input, output and manipulation of the data.
Behandelt werden im folgenden unterschiedliche Verfahren, mit denen mono- und bilinguale Kinder im Türkischen äußerungsinterne Konnektivität herstellen. In die-sem Rahmen geht es speziell um die Konnektivierung interrogativer Teiläußerungen mit sogenannten wh-Fragewörtern. Allgemein bezieht sich die Analyse auf das von Ehlich und Rehbein entwickelte funktional-pragmatische Theoriemodell, wobei die-ses hier nicht ausgeführt werden kann (siehe z.B. die Überblicksartikel Ehlich 1991; Rehbein 1988, 2001; siehe auch Herkenrath & Karakoç & Rehbein 2003 für eine ausführlichere Darstellung derjenigen Aspekte der Theorie, die direkt für die Analyse des betreffenden Phänomens von Interesse sind).
The present study is an analysis of the acquisition of French by German children who were exposed to the language for the first time at the age of approximately three years. I investigated the usage of the French gender system, namely gender attribution and gender agreement, in order to determine whether these children were acquiring French as a ‘second’ first language, as bilinguals do with simultaneous input of two languages from birth onwards, or whether they were acquiring it as a ‘first’ second language. The analysis of several measures demonstrated that the usage of gender-marking elements of most subjects was more similar to that of bilingual children than of child L2 learners who have first been exposed to French after the age of 6. This suggests that bilingual first language acquisition is also possible with first exposure to a foreign language at the age of approximately three years.
Summarizes the results of some of the research on bilingual first language acquisition, highlighting current and future research issues which might be of some interest for those working on other types of acquisition and bilingual development. The discussion is focused on early childhood development (aged
Children acquiring their first languages are frequently regarded as the principal agents of diachronic change. The causes and the precise nature of the processes of change are, however, far from clear. The following discussion focuses on possible changes of core properties of grammars which, in terms of the theory of Universal Grammar, can be characterized as reflecting different settings of parameters. In such cases, learners develop grammatical competences differing from those of speakers of the previous generation who provided the primary data serving as input for the developmental processes. It has been argued that reanalyses of this type must be conceived of as instances of transmission failure. Yet acquisition research has demonstrated that the human Language Making Capacity is extraordinarily robust, thus leading to the question of what might cause unsuccessful acquisition. Changing frequencies in use or exposure to data containing ambiguous or even contradictory evidence are unlikely to suffice as causes for this to happen. Language acquisition in multilingual settings may be a more plausible source of grammatical reanalysis than monolingual first language development. The study of contemporary bilingualism can therefore contribute to an explanation of diachronic change. Yet one such insight is that simultaneous acquisition of two languages (2L1) typically leads to a kind of grammatical knowledge in each language which is qualitatively not different from that of the respective monolinguals, obliging us to look for other sources of transmission failure. 2L1 acquisition in settings where one language is “weaker” than the other has been claimed to qualify as such. But I will argue that even such problematic cases do not provide convincing evidence of reanalysis. If, on the other hand, children receive sustained input from second language learners, or if their onset of acquisition is delayed, this can indeed lead to incomplete acquisition. I conclude that successive acquisition of bilingualism plays a crucial role as a source of grammatical change. In order for such changes to happen, however, grammar-internal and language-external factors may have to concur.
The default in inter-Scandinavian communication between Danes, Swedes and Norwegians is the use of the respective mother tongue together with the willingness to accept and understand the neighbouring standard languages. Einar Haugen in 1966 called this form of asymmetric communication ‘semicommunication’. This term has, however, been misleading because it suggests that the interlocutors will only understand roughly ‘half’ of what has been said, which is clearly not the (normal)case. The paper focuses on the relationship between semicommunication and accommodation and discusses two longer extracts from a large corpus of authentic communication. It is argued that semicommunication can adequately be described in terms of accommodation (convergence). Even the occurrence of code-switching cannot be excluded. The discussion shows among other things that even grammatically incorrect accommodation may result in better understanding by the addressee. Various aspects of a comprehensive model of semicommunication are presented and discussed, showing that code-switching and accommodation are not considered antagonistic but rather as scalar phenomena covering different speaker-or addressee-related strategies in interdialectal communication.
VERBMOBIL as a long-term project of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology aims at developing a mobile translation system for spontaneous speech. The source-language input consists of human speech (English, German or Japanese), the translation (bidirectional English-German and Japanese-German) and target-language output is effected by the VERBMOBIL system. As to the innovative character of the project new methods for end-to-end evaluation had to be developed by a subproject which has been established especially for this purpose. In this paper we present criteria for the evaluation of speech-to-speech translation systems and a tool for judging the translation quality which is called Graphical Evaluation Tool (GET) 2 .
This paper studies the distinction between subordinating and coordinating discourse relations, a distinction that governs the hierarchical structure of discourse. We provide linguistic tests to clarify which discourse relations are subordinating and which are coordinating. We argue that some relations are classified as subordinating or coordinating by default, a default that can be overridden in specific contexts. The distinction between subordinating and coordinating relations thus belongs to the level of information packaging in discourse and not to the level of information content or the semantics of the relations themselves.
In this ground-breaking book, Johanna Nichols proposes means of describing, comparing, and interpreting linguistic diversity, both genetic and structural, providing the foundations for a theory of diversity based upon population science. This book will interest linguists, archaeologists, and population specialists. "An awe-inspiring book, unequalled in scope, originality, and the range of language data considered."—Anna Siewierska, Linguistics "Fascinating. . . . A brilliant pioneering study."—Journal of Indo-European Studies "A superbly reasoned book."—John A. C. Greppin, Times Literary Supplement
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