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Social Accounting for Nonprofits


Abstract and Figures

After giving an overview of the development of social account- ing, this article presents two models of social accounting for nonprofits: the community social return on investment model and the expanded value-added statement. The discussion focuses on the process for establishing a comparative market value for nonmarket social outputs. The authors discuss these models and the comparative market value in relation to social accounting, an academic field that has evolved as part of a critique of finan- cial accounting, especially its failure to analyze the impact of the organization on society and the natural environment. For the most part, scholars have not related social accounting to non- profits. This article attempts to draw nonprofits into the field of social accounting. Both models address the social impact of non- profits by including social inputs and outputs that accounting statements normally exclude.
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308 NONPROFIT MANAGEMENT & LEADERSHIP, vol. 13, no. 4, Summer 2003 © Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Social Accounting
for Nonprofits
Two Models
Betty Jane Richmond, Laurie Mook,
Jack Quarter
After giving an overview of the development of social account-
ing, this article presents two models of social accounting for
nonprofits: the community social return on investment model
and the expanded value-added statement. The discussion focuses
on the process for establishing a comparative market value for
nonmarket social outputs. The authors discuss these models and
the comparative market value in relation to social accounting,
an academic field that has evolved as part of a critique of finan-
cial accounting, especially its failure to analyze the impact of
the organization on society and the natural environment. For the
most part, scholars have not related social accounting to non-
profits. This article attempts to draw nonprofits into the field of
social accounting. Both models address the social impact of non-
profits by including social inputs and outputs that accounting
statements normally exclude.
THIS ARTICLE has two objectives: (1) to discuss social account-
ing as it applies to nonprofits and (2) to present two models
of social accounting financial statements—the community
social return on investment model and the expanded value-added
statement—for nonprofits. Both of these models present examples of
how nonmonetized social outputs can be given surrogate values and
included with financial statements.
Social Accounting Tradition
Social accounting is based on a critique of the limitations of financial
accounting, particularly the limited range of items that it considers,
its exclusion of items that do not have an established dollar value
(nonmonetized), and its focus on shareholders and other financing
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providers to the exclusion of other stakeholders—employees, users
or consumers of the service, society, government, volunteers, and
members. When it originated in the early 1970s, scholars referred to
this approach as either environmental accounting or social and envi-
ronmental accounting (Bebbington, Gray, and Owen, 1999; Gray,
Owen, and Adams, 1996; Mathews, 1997), because one of its con-
cerns was the organization’s impact on the natural environment. Grad-
ually, the emphasis has shifted to a broader array of social concerns.
We define social accounting as “a systematic analysis of the effects of
an organization on its communities of interest or stakeholders, with
stakeholder input as part of the data that are analyzed for the account-
ing statement” (Quarter, Mook, and Richmond, 2003, p. 3). This def-
inition is consistent with others in the field (Estes, 1976; Gray, Owen,
and Adams, 1996; Gray, Owen, and Maunders, 1987; Institute of
Social and Ethical Accountability, 2001; Mathews and Perera, 1995;
Ramanathan, 1976; Traidcraft, 2002). All the definitions emphasize
the broadening of the domain of items under consideration and
include a broader array of stakeholders.
The most widespread application of social accounting involves
the use of qualitative data and descriptive statistics to assess how an
organization is meeting its stakeholders’ expectations in executing
its mission (New Economics Foundation, 1998; Sillanpää, 1998;
Zadek, 1998). This approach—also referred to as a social or ethical
audit—has been used by socially oriented businesses (such as the
Body Shop, Ben & Jerry’s, and Traidcraft), credit unions, and non-
profits. The approach was developed primarily by the New
Economics Foundation and Institute of Social and Ethical Account-
ability (United Kingdom) and the Council on Economic Priorities
and Social Accountability International (United States). However,
it remains a supplement to the financial statements and may not even
be viewed as accounting. Accountants prepare the financial
statements; a consultant (not necessarily an accountant) prepares the
social account.
Earlier, some U.S. accountants attempted to create social account-
ing financial statements that would broaden the domain of items con-
sidered and that also attempt to relate financial statements to a broader
group of stakeholders (Abt and Associates, 1974; Estes, 1976;
Linowes, 1972, 1973). However, relatively few organizations have
taken up this work. Very recently, some have attempted to create
financial statements for nonprofits—the social return on investment
models of the Roberts Foundation in San Francisco (Roberts
Enterprise Development Fund, 2001) and the models created by
Benson (1999). In addition, since 1980, cooperatives in France and
Italy have created a cooperative balance, a stakeholder-based balance
sheet (Riahi-Belkaoui, 1984; Vaccari, 1997).
The models we present in this article follow in the tradition of
creating financial statements that include a broader array of items
(integrating the financial and the social), but we apply them to
Social accounting
is based on a
critique of the
limitations of
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nonprofits. For the purposes of this article, social items are those that
are nonmonetized; that is, they do not involve a financial exchange
on the market. This concept is of relevance to nonprofits because
some serve their clients either without charge or with a nominal
charge; therefore, financial statements do not track the benefits that
the nonprofits create (Henke, 1989; Richmond, 1999). Moreover,
even nonprofits with earned revenues are organizations with a social
mission, so including their social benefits (in the broadest sense)
within financial statements is important.
In our book, What Counts: Social Accounting for Nonprofits and
Cooperatives (Quarter, Mook, and Richmond, 2003), we present an
early model to assess nonprofit impact, the community social return
on investment model, followed by three social accounting statements:
The socioeconomic impact statement, an adaptation of an income
The socioeconomic resource statement, an adaptation of a balance
• The expanded value-added statement, an adaptation of a value-
added statement
We cannot discuss these models in detail in this article. Rather,
the article discusses the issue of monetizing social outputs and illus-
trates how they can be presented within two of our models—the
community social return on investment model and the expanded
value-added statement. For a more detailed discussion of these
matters, see the following: Quarter, Mook, and Richmond (2002,
2003); Richmond’s doctoral thesis (1999); and our Web site
In general, the accounting profession has been restrictive about the
circumstances in which it allows for monetizing of social items. Profes-
sional accounting organizations have studied issues related to the envi-
ronment and a broader array of social matters (American Accounting
Association, 1972a, 1972b, 1973, 1989; American Institute of Certified
Public Accountants, 1977; Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants,
1993; Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, 1992),
but the change in practice has been slow. Nevertheless, accountants
sometimes do make estimates. Human resource accounting assigns val-
ues to nonmonetized items (Flamholtz, 1985), and financial accoun-
tants make estimates, which lack precision, for inventories and the
depreciation of assets. However, in general, conventional accounting
has shunned assigning market values to nonmonetized items.
To some extent the accounting profession has recognized these
limitations, but generally the profession has avoided departing from
that framework and has ignored approaches that recognize the
unique features of social organizations. The Financial Accounting
Standards Board concluded in 1980 that measurement of perfor-
mance of nonprofit organizations required information about the
service efforts and accomplishments of the organization, together
For the purposes
of this article,
social items
are those that are
that is, they do
not involve a
exchange on
the market
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with information about the amount and nature of net resources. It
went on to state that “financial reporting should provide information
about service efforts (how resources are used to provide different ser-
vices) in the financial statements” (cited in Fountain, 2001, p. 2).
The Financial Accounting Standards Board also recognized that a
nonprofit organization reporting on performance ideally should pro-
vide information about service accomplishments as part of financial
reporting. This pronouncement recognized the difficulties organiza-
tions face in measuring and reporting program accomplishments and
acknowledged the need for more research to determine whether
researchers might develop measurements of service effort and accom-
plishment that met the characteristics necessary for inclusion in non-
profits’ financial statements.
Community Social Return on Investment Model
The community social return on investment model is an early social
accounting model that was developed to examine nonprofit value
from the perspective of the community as a stakeholder. It led to the
development of the expanded value-added statement that follows.
In the community social return on investment model, an orga-
nization’s financial statements are restructured to represent an inflow
and outflow of resources for a period of one year. This conceptual-
ization is also compatible with the systems model for understanding
how human service programs operate (Henke, 1989; Martin and
Kettner, 1996). Table 1 depicts a one-year cycle, showing the flow of
incoming resources (or inputs) into a training program to the out-
going resources (or outputs). Using the classic definition of produc-
tivity as the ratio of outputs to inputs (Brinkirhoff and Dressler,
1990), the model provides feedback to the organization on its pro-
ductivity and stewardship of resources, as reflected by its ratio of
social return on investment (see Table 1). By examining this yearly,
the organization can use this information to assess how it spends
resources to produce an impact on its community.
We applied the community social return on investment model
to the Computer Training Center for fiscal year 1994–1995. The
The Financial
Standards Board
also recognized
that a nonprofit
reporting on
ideally should
about service
as part of
Table 1. Template for a One-Year Community
Social Return on Investment
Incoming Resources Outgoing Resources
Revenues Expenditures
Value of volunteer activities Value of volunteer activities
Value of outputs
Note: Return on investment is the ratio of incoming resources to outgoing resources.
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Computer Training Center in Canada is part of a network of similar
community-based agencies. The mandate of community-based train-
ing agencies is to provide employment-related training to the
“severely employment disadvantaged,” that is, people facing complex
systemic and personal barriers to employment (Rans, 1989). Clients
of these agencies include recent immigrants, older workers who have
been laid off, mothers who have little work experience and are receiv-
ing income support, people with disabilities, youth who have not
completed high school, women seeking entry into restricted trades,
people in recovery from alcohol and drug dependency, and former
criminal offenders.
Although the total number of community-based training agen-
cies is generally unknown, approximately 450 organizations were
affiliated to this Canadian network (Ontario Network of Employ-
ment Skills Training Projects [ONESTEP], 1996a). On average,
community-based training agencies have small budgets of approxi-
mately $335,000 (all figures are in Canadian dollars), a full-time staff
of about four, and approximately 275 clients per year. The board of
directors consists of volunteers from the local communities
(ONESTEP, 1996b). A study in Ontario shows that over half of the
community-based training agencies receive more than 75 percent of
their funding from a single source, most frequently the federal gov-
ernment (ONESTEP, 1996b). Provincial ministries, the United Way,
individual donors, and charitable foundations are other funders.
For this article, we focus on the Computer Training Center’s
social outputs and how it attributed comparative market value to
those items. We consider outputs within three categories:
Primary: direct effects of an organization’s services on its clients
Secondary: indirect effects on the clients
Tertiary: effects on groups other than the clients (for example, the
The Computer Training Center had only primary and tertiary
outputs, but Waterloo Cooperative Residence Incorporated (WCRI)
used all three categories of outputs in the expanded value-added
Agency’s Expenditures
Although they were not strictly a social output, we viewed the
agency’s expenditures of $842,051 as an outgoing resource because
salaries and external purchases return to the community. The agency’s
staff members used their salaries to make purchases, pay mortgages
or rent, and sustain themselves and their families. Nonpersonnel
expenditures represented purchases of supplies and equipment that
the agency required for its service. Expenditures for the Computer
Training Center were similar to its revenues; that is, it transferred the
grants that it received from the government to the community. This
is true of most public-sector nonprofits.
A study in
Ontario shows
that over half of
the community-
based training
agencies receive
more than
75 percent
of their
funding from
a single source
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Value of Volunteer Activities
As Table 2 indicates, volunteers were both an incoming and outgoing
resource. Like revenues, volunteers represented a contribution from
the community that permitted the agency to undertake its service; like
expenditures, volunteers were a contribution that the agency returned
to the community. Arguably, the value of volunteers that was returned
to the community was enhanced as a result of the experience with the
agency. Volunteers develop skills through their volunteering experi-
ence that should be treated as value added. However, management of
volunteers incurs costs. For the purposes of the statement in Table 2,
we assumed that volunteer contributions that remained with the
Computer Training Center at the end of the fiscal year offset the costs.
Therefore, in the community social return on investment report, the
value of volunteers as incoming and outgoing resources was the same.
Like many nonprofits, the Computer Training Center did not
track the hours its volunteers spent, so we asked staff to estimate
them. The executive director estimated that ten volunteers on the
business advisory committee and eight volunteers on the board spent
2,896 hours serving on five committees; interviews with board
volunteers corroborated these estimates. We asked the director which
value was closer to the skill level and tasks that the volunteers
performed: a figure equivalent to his salary or the professional salary
of the volunteers. He estimated the board members’ average yearly
salary to be $72,500 or $37.18 per hour (based on a standard measure
of 1,950 hours of work in a year). The director then estimated the per-
centage of executive skill capacity that volunteers used to complete
their tasks with the center: 20 percent of their professional capacity
Like revenues,
represented a
contribution from
the community
that permitted the
agency to
undertake its
service; like
volunteers were a
contribution that
the agency
returned to the
Table 2. Community Social Return on Investment Statement
for Computer Training Center, 1994–1995
Incoming Resources Outgoing Resources
Revenues $837,614 Expenditures $842,051
Value of volunteer Value of volunteer
activities $65,853 activities $65,853
Value of outputs
Employment acquisition $599,320
Enhancement $113,988
Social savings from
income benefits $13,524
Social savings from
related services $2,300
Total $903,467 $1,637,036
Ratio of incoming resources to outgoing resources 1:1.81
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for each of the committees (for 2,448 hours) and 35 percent of their
professional capacity for the board of directors (for 448 hours). Using
these figures, we calculated the values as follows:
Committee work: $37.18 2,448 hours $9,106 20 percent
Board of directors: $37.18 448 $16,656 35 percent
Using the director’s estimates, we calculated the total value of the vol-
unteer contribution as $24,033.
The estimates used a combination of opportunity costs (how
much the volunteer received for an hour’s work in the workforce)
and replacement costs (assessment of what the task was worth to
the organization). However, these estimates appeared low to us
because the volunteers were highly skilled professionals who were
undertaking key tasks for the organization.
Because of the discrepancy between these points of view, the
researchers assessed the value of the volunteer contribution as
the average of the following two estimates:
Our estimate based on the assumption that the members of the board
of directors and committees were using their full professional skills
in their volunteer activities at the Computer Training Center (2,896
hours $37.18 per hour 100 percent, or $107,673)
The director’s estimate that the members of the board of directors and
committees were using only 35 percent and 20 percent, respec-
tively, of their professional skills in their volunteer activities at the
Computer Training Center, valued at $24,033
The average of these two estimates becomes $107,673 plus $24,033
divided by 2, or $65,853. We entered this amount into Table 2 both
as an incoming and outgoing resource.
Employment Acquisition and Employment Enhancement
As we mentioned previously, according to the organization’s stated
mandate and the terms of its contracts (verified through interviews
with graduates), the program’s two primary outputs or direct effects
on the clients were employment acquisition (skills training that led
to jobs) and employment enhancement (successful completion of
training that increased their chances of getting jobs). Three months
after graduating, twenty-three out of thirty clients (77 percent) had
found employment.
As Table 2 indicates, the value of employment for the twenty-
three clients who found work was $599,320 (rounded up), estimated
by aggregating graduates’ wages (see James, 1987). We arrived at this
figure by multiplying the graduates’ average salary ($26,057.39), as
recorded by the agency, by the number of graduates. To check on
the agency’s figures, we interviewed four graduates, who reported
average salaries of $28,850.
The program’s
two primary
outputs on the
clients were
(skills training
that led to jobs)
and employment
completion of
training that
increased their
chances of
getting jobs)
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We used the figure of $599,320 that the agency reported as the
twenty-three graduates’ total salaries as a comparative market value
for the employment acquisition output of the Computer Training
Center and entered this figure in the outgoing resources column of
Table 2. The total of the employment acquisition category is under-
stated because it does not include the value of employee benefit
packages that graduates received. Two of the four graduates we inter-
viewed reported receiving benefit packages but were unable to ascribe
a value to them.
Another primary output of the Computer Training Center was
employment enhancement, to which (as Table 2 indicates) we also
assigned a comparative market value. Despite not necessarily achiev-
ing a paying job at the end of their training, the graduates of the
program had developed new skills. If they had acquired these skills
from a profit-oriented business, the clients would have paid for
them, and the payment would be seen as a measure of their value.
Because the clients did not pay for the service at the Computer
Training Center, we applied a surrogate procedure to estimate its
value to the seven graduates who did not become employed. First,
we tried to find a similar private-sector training program but failed.
Because we could find no private-sector equivalent, we estimated
the employment enhancement output using the amount per client
that the funder granted to the center to deliver the specialized train-
ing. In 1995–1996 the per-client grant was $16,284. We used this
figure as the comparative market value per unit of training. For the
seven graduates who did not find employment but whose employ-
ment chances were enhanced by training, we estimated the value to
be 7 $16,284 $113,988.
As Table 2 indicates, the primary outputs of the Computer
Training Center—employment acquisition and employment
enhancement—have values of $599,320 and $113,988, respectively,
or a total of $713,308. This value was a key component of the
Computer Training Center’s contribution to the community.
Savings from Income Benefits and Related Services
In addition to its primary outputs of employment acquisition and
enhancement, the agency also had an effect on groups other than the
clients—namely, tertiary outputs. We identified the Computer Train-
ing Center’s tertiary outputs as the costs the community saved when
graduates who became employed and earned a salary no longer
required income support and other related benefits.
To place a financial value on these savings, we examined case
files for the graduates and cross-checked this information with the
interview data.
Because actual amounts were not available, we based the total
income assistance in the year before entering the program on
amounts that eight program clients (four 1994–95 graduates and four
graduates of a later fiscal year) reported having received. Their aver-
age was $588 in the year before entering the program. If this group
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is representative of the twenty-three clients who became employed
as a result of training, the costs saved in their income benefits were
$13,524 ($588 23).
In addition to income assistance, the four 1994–1995 graduates
we interviewed also reported receiving other benefits. However, grad-
uates were frequently either unsure or not forthcoming about the
types, amounts, or value of these goods and services. Based on
the interviews, we assessed a modest value of $100 for additional
benefits per client. For the twenty-three graduates who became
employed, this amounted to $2,300 ($100 23) in further cost
savings. We include both this amount and the $13,524 of savings
from income benefits as outgoing resources in Table 2.
In total, the outgoing resources amounted to $1,637,036, or
$733,569 more than the incoming resources. In other words, for
every dollar’s worth of economic and social resources that entered
the organization, $1.81 in economic and social value returned to the
community. This ratio means that the Computer Training Center’s
expenditures for technology, individual instruction, specialized equip-
ment, and employment assistance for graduates as well as the volun-
teer support required to help with training and job opportunities were
offset by the center’s positive impact on the community. This positive
impact includes the value of employment acquisition and enhance-
ment, the costs saved in income and other benefits, and the enhanced
quality of life for clients (and to some extent their families).
Expanded Value-Added Statement
The expanded value-added statement builds on the community social
return on investment model and organizes the data into a financial
statement format. It combines value added from financial sources
obtained from audited financial statements with value added from
social inputs. In this regard, the expanded value-added statement
constitutes a unique contribution to the emerging field of social
accounting, especially as applied to nonprofit organizations.
Value added is a measure of wealth that an organization creates
by adding value to raw materials, products, and services through the
use of labor and capital. Since the 1970s, the value-added statement
has been in use in the United Kingdom and is a required financial
statement in many European countries, New Zealand, South Africa,
and Australia (Riahi-Belkaoui, 1999). In contrast to profit, the wealth
created for only one group—owners or shareholders—value added
represents the wealth created for a larger group of stakeholders. Thus,
the value-added statement focuses on the wider implications of an
organization’s activities beyond profits or losses; in the case of non-
profit organizations, it focuses on implications beyond surpluses or
In the for-profit sector, value-added statements emphasize that
the organization also employs people, contributes to societal costs
through taxes, rewards investors and creditors for risking their funds,
For every
dollar’s worth
of economic and
social resources
that entered the
$1.81 in
economic and
social value
returned to the
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and sets aside money to maintain its viability. In our proposed
expanded version, it also emphasizes the organization’s role in pro-
viding societal benefits that financial statements generally ignore
because these are not monetized transactions.
We undertook the expanded value-added statement with the
Waterloo Cooperative Residence Incorporated (WCRI), which sup-
plies housing in dormitories and apartments for students of two
major Canadian universities, Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier. The non-
profit student-operated cooperative has a ten-member board of direc-
tors that student-members elect from their group.
Table 3, which presents the value added by WCRI, has three
columns that refer to different sources of value added:
Financial, representing information from audited financial state-
ments only and which is also referred to as a restricted value-added
• Social, representing information about nonmonetized contri-
butions and outputs for which accountants estimate market
Combined, representing the total of the financial and social
columns, also referred to as an expanded value-added statement
In order to calculate the amount of value added, the first step is
to assess the organization’s total outputs and assign a comparative
market value to them. Total outputs are the results of an organization’s
activities to accomplish its mission, all of the services that it offers.
Total outputs are subdivided into primary, secondary, and tertiary,
reflecting how directly the associated items are connected to the orga-
nization’s mission.
Primary Outputs
For the fiscal year we examined, WCRI’s primary outputs were hous-
ing units and services, totaling $4,210,159. This amount consists of
Table 3. Expanded Value-Added Statement (Partial) for WCRI
Value Added
Created Financial Social Combined
Outputs Primary $3,964,031 $246,128 $4,210,159
Secondary $65,192 $424,808 $490,000
Tertiary — $2,500 $2,500
Total $4,029,223 $673,436 $4,702,659
Purchases of
external goods
and services $1,538,561 $1,538,561
Value added
created $2,490,662 $673,436 $3,164,098
Ratio of value added
to purchases 1.62 0.44 2.06
Note: For the year ended April 30, 1999.
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two parts: first, $3,964,031 of revenues WCRI received from such
items as accommodation, food, and parking; and second, the value
of social labor contributions and donated services, totaling $246,128.
The social labor requires some explanation.
Social Labor. WCRI’s social labor is the members’ unpaid services
to the cooperative; this reduces costs, creates opportunities for skills
development, and enhances members’ psychological sense of owner-
ship. Social labor has an impact both on the market value of services
and on the residents’ manner of payment. WCRI’s dormitory residents
contributed forty hours of social labor a term. We reduced this figure
by 50 percent to allow for inefficiencies and valued it at $8.00 per hour,
an amount determined by the WCRI Market Subcommittee (1998).
Therefore, the member contribution to the school term had an esti-
mated financial value of $160 (40 hours $8.00 50 percent). With-
out this contribution, residents of WCRI would have had to pay
$2,360. With it, they paid only $2,200. On the restricted value-added
statement, WCRI would have recorded only the portion received in
cash ($2,200) as revenue and ignored the $160 for social labor. To
record the true market value of the housing units and services in a
value-added statement, WCRI must add to revenues we obtained from
the audited financial statements an amount equivalent to the value
of the social labor that members performed.
For fiscal year 1994–1995, the estimated total hours of social labor
were 58,632. As noted, we discounted this total by 50 percent to com-
pensate for inefficiencies. At $8.00 per hour, this resulted in a total
comparative market value of $234,528 ($58,632 50 percent
Members of the board of directors contributed additional social
labor. WCRI staff estimated that ten members each contributed ten
hours per month, which at $8.00 per hour totaled $9,600. The total
of these two figures is $244,128. This is the major part of the primary
output listed within the social column of Table 3.
Donated Service. Donated service is a third component of WCRI’s
primary outputs. Although WCRI supplies services primarily to
university student members of the cooperative, during the fiscal
year we examined, it housed approximately fifty refugees who also
donated services. Based on the student rate, the market value of
these donated services was estimated at $14,000. However, WCRI
charged immigration authorities at cost ($12,000), thereby forgoing a
portion of revenues ($2,000) that it would have received at market
value. In order to record the true market value of these services, we
treat the difference between its market value and its cost ($2,000)
as social value added and include it as part of the primary outputs in
the social column. We treat this donated service as a primary output
because it is directly related to the organization’s primary service, the
provision of housing. We classify it social value added rather than
financial value added because, unlike the $12,000 WCRI received from
the government, this amount never appears on the audited financial
In order to
calculate the
amount of value
added, the first
step is to assess
the organization’s
total outputs
and assign a
market value
to them
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statements. Yet it is part of WCRI’s contribution to the community’s
need for social housing.
All of these items represent WCRI’s contribution to its mission.
When we add the amount of financial revenues ($3,964,031) to the
estimate of social value added ($246,128), we arrive at the total of
$4,210,159 in an expanded value-added statement.
Secondary Outputs
In addition to providing housing and related services, WCRI also pro-
duced secondary outputs such as cooperative development and skills
training. In order to include these in the value-added statement, we
also assigned market values to them. Like the primary outputs, sec-
ondary outputs are divided between financial and social. The
secondary outputs appearing in the financial column of Table 3 are
the expenditures of $65,192 taken from audited financial statements
on such cooperative development items as meeting expenses,
newsletter, and education. This was relatively straightforward.
The more demanding step was to estimate the social value for
skills training. This item would not appear in a restricted value-added
statement but represents a genuine benefit (hence, added value) of the
experience of living in WCRI; therefore, it appears in the social col-
umn of the expanded value-added statement. Members developed a
variety of skills as a secondary benefit of living in the cooperative.
These included independent living, as well as personal, organizational,
and leadership skills. Skills development comes from a variety of expe-
riences, and determining precisely what portion to attribute to living
in the cooperative is problematic. However, by comparison to students
living in typical campus dormitories or off-campus apartments, WCRI
members acquire managerial skills and democratic experience. Mem-
bers learn to run an organization with a $4 million budget and make
decisions about both large and small matters.
In addition, through membership meetings students experience
member control and participate in democratic processes in a highly
personal context, in which their decisions affect members’ living con-
ditions and quality of life. Members must balance their self-interest
with the interests of the community as a whole, requiring a maturity
of judgment that students may find challenging.
Assigning a market value to these secondary outputs was not as
straightforward as estimating the market value of social labor or
donated service. Yet these were valuable benefits of living in the
cooperative. We assigned these benefits a comparative economic
value equivalent to the cost of taking two undergraduate university
courses at $500 each. Yet we could not assign this benefit to all of
WCRI’s residents because our survey indicated that not all had par-
ticipated actively in the cooperative’s governance. Therefore, it
seemed reasonable to assign these benefits to the 56 percent of resi-
dents who reported that they participated in management through
the cooperative’s meetings. Thus, the amount we calculated for the
In addition to
providing housing
and related
services, WCRI
also produced
outputs such
as cooperative
development and
skills training
nml13402.qxp 5/21/03 9:49 AM Page 319
market value of this portion of skills training was 56 percent of
the total, or 460 students, multiplied by the cost of taking two
university courses (at $500 each); this amounted to $460,000.
Our survey also identified a smaller number of students who
were especially active in the cooperative’s governance. We decided
that the additional enhancement of their skills could be a benefit
not just to the students themselves but also to the community at
large. The residents who benefited most from this type of learning
experience were the ten members of the board of directors and ten
committee chairs and selected committee leaders. For these twenty
students, we estimated the equivalent to be one additional theo-
retical and two practical courses in community development. Thus,
the value we assigned to this output was three courses at $500
each, or $1,500, multiplied by twenty students, for a total of
To arrive at the total value added of skills training, we added the
$30,000 to the estimated value of $460,000. This created a total social
value added of $490,000 for skills training. However, to achieve these
benefits, WCRI invested $65,192 (as shown in Table 3’s financial
column under secondary outputs). This amount represents such
costs to the organization as meetings, education as it relates to living
in and running a cooperative, and newsletter production. Thus, to
calculate the net social value added of secondary outputs, we must
adjust the estimated market value of skills training for financial
expenditures. Therefore, we subtract the amount that WCRI spends
($65,192) from $490,000 to arrive at the net social value for
secondary outputs of $424,808, as shown in the social column of
Table 3.
To arrive at the value that WCRI’s secondary outputs add, we
added the expenditure of the organization on related items, as stated
in the audited financial statements, to the estimated market value for
skills training. This amount ($490,000) appears in the combined
column and represents value added of secondary outputs for an
expanded value-added statement.
All of the outputs discussed to this point are directly related to
providing housing for WCRI residents. However, WCRI is part of the
cooperative movement and provides services for other cooperatives.
Because these are external to WCRI’s services to its members, we
label them tertiary outputs.
Tertiary Outputs
As a result of its achievements and leadership status, WCRI was able
to transfer knowledge to other cooperatives, another component of
social value added. In fiscal year 1994–1995, WCRI supplied free
consultation services to three other cooperatives. These contributions
were in the form of leadership development, cooperative consulta-
tion, and business consultation. To estimate a comparative value for
these services, we multiplied the number of days involved by the
As a result of
its achievements
and leadership
status, WCRI was
able to transfer
to other
component of
social value
nml13402.qxp 5/21/03 9:49 AM Page 320
daily amount that the client cooperative would normally pay to a
consultant. As Table 3 indicates, we estimated this amount to be five
days at $500 per day, or $2,500. This amount appears as tertiary out-
put in the social column and also in the combined column.
Total Outputs
Once we calculated the primary, secondary, and tertiary outputs, we
added these together to arrive at the total outputs. In this case total
financial outputs of $4,029,223 would appear in a restricted value-
added statement. When the total social outputs of $673,436
are added to the total financial outputs, the total combined is
Subtracting External Purchases
Returning to our earlier definition of value added as a measure of
wealth that an organization creates by adding value to raw materials,
products, and services through the use of labor and capital, we note
that in order to provide those services, WCRI has purchased goods
and services externally. We identified the cost of these purchases
($1,538,561) from the organization’s audited financial statements.
Ratio of Value Added to Purchases
Another way of expressing value added is to show it as a ratio to pur-
chases of external goods and services. This ratio relates back to the
definition of value added, illustrating the value an organization adds
to external purchases through the use of labor and capital. We estab-
lished the ratio of value added to purchases, indicated in the final
row of Table 3, by dividing the value added (“value added created”)
by the cost of external goods and services. This ratio indicates that
for every dollar WCRI spent on goods and services, the organization
generated $2.06 in value added. As noted, the expanded value-added
statement includes a market estimate of nonmonetized items such as
social labor, donated service, skills training, and consultation to the
cooperative sector. If we had not included those items, the ratio of
value added to purchases would have been 1.62, as the financial col-
umn indicates. Therefore, including nonmonetized items increases
this ratio by more than 27 percent.
Both the community social return on investment model and
the expanded value-added statement illustrate how organizations
can establish market values for their nonmonetized social out-
puts. By including social outputs, both statements tell a more
complete story of the organization’s performance than do
conventional financial statements. These models are scratching the
surface with respect to assessing the impact of nonprofits. However,
they are part of an emerging line of work that is attempting to
This ratio
indicates that for
every dollar
WCRI spent on
goods and
services, the
generated $2.06
in value added
nml13402.qxp 5/21/03 9:49 AM Page 321
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nonprofits (Benson, 1999; Roberts Enterprise Development Fund,
2001). Parallels exist between these models and the more
established cost-benefit analyses that economists generate. For
instance, using these approaches is simplest when monetizing
outputs is possible. However, finding additional ways to establish
fair market comparisons for nonmonetized inputs and outputs is
BETTY JANE RICHMOND is an adjunct professor at the Ontario Institute
for Studies in Education and works as a program manager at the
Ontario Trillium Foundation. She developed a community social return
on investment model to assess the impacts of a nonprofit training orga-
nization, which received ARNOVA’s Outstanding Dissertation award
for 1999.
LAURIE MOOK is a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of
Canada doctoral fellow at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
She developed the expanded value added statement model for social
accounting, which measured and reported the combined economic and
social value-added of a nonprofit cooperative organization.
JACK QUARTER is a professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in
Education of the University of Toronto specializing in the study of non-
profits, cooperatives, and community development. His recent books
include What Counts: Social Accounting for Nonprofits and Cooper-
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nml13402.qxp 5/21/03 9:49 AM Page 324
... Concerning social impact measurement, a comprehensive review of the literature indicates two historical trends: one addressing social accounting and audit, and the other on social impact assessment [23]. Social accounting and audit is defined as "a systematic analysis of the effects of an organization on its communities of interest or stakeholders" [24], p. 309 and has become a commonly used label for what has been named, among others, corporate social reporting or social responsibility accounting [25]. Essentially, it includes reporting on an organization's social activities, environmental impact, interactions with the employees, the community, customers and other stakeholders and, possibly, their consequences [26]. ...
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The commitment to generating a blended value is increasingly spreading in the business sector. At the forefront of this movement, impact ventures are organizations born to produce value for the society, i.e. social impact, while engaging in commercial activities to sustain their operations. On the other end, we have observed an increased emphasis on more responsible, sustainable practices that traditional for-profit businesses have been called to establish. Accounting for and reporting on social impact has become increasingly of interest to a range of institutions and sectors, with the result that many competing methodologies, approaches, guidelines and standards have been introduced. The chapter performs a comprehensive review of existing approaches for impact measurement and management implemented by socially-oriented ventures (both not for profit organizations and for-profit businesses) focusing on both methodological, governance and operational barriers and enabling factors of the practices. Then, it drafts a framework which helps any ventures to structure a process and methodology to measure its blended performance. The research not only contributes to the scant literature on impact entrepreneurship but impact ventures might offer a compelling laboratory to disentangle the obstacles posed by the combined achievement of financial and social objectives and how organizations might address these challenges.
... The number of people supported by the project or number of innovations generated by the project does not answer the question about the real contribution to the development of local communities, increasing local prosperity and having security in life. On the other hand, Richmond, Mook, and Quarter (2003) suggested social accounting, but for many organizations it was still difficult to evaluate their work through a true quantitative approach. Finally, the New Economics Foundation presented a social ratio, called social return on investment (SROI) based on the return on investment in business analysis (Clifford, List, Theobald, 2010). ...
The aim of this chapter is to summarize the theoretical knowledge from the field of social entrepreneurship and the creation of social innovation and highlight the impact EU funds have on the development of social innovation in selected regions of the Czech Republic. The authors assumed that there could be a positive link between the amount of financial support and the number of created social innovations within the chosen EU programmes. Classification of created social innovation according to type, creator, priority axis in relation to beneficiary etc. came under other objectives. Social innovations are created as a positive externality from other social projects. Finally, recommendation for sustainable support evaluation is provided.
... Any variable that cannot be readily given an attributed value is simply omitted from the equation. Perhaps more seriously, the use of SROI and similar monetised evaluation frameworks reduces organisational performance to financial values at the expense of the human and mission-based values of the service provided (Zappalà and Lyons 2009; Arvidson 2009; Mook, Richmond and Quarter 2003; Ebrahim and Rangan 2010). ...
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This paper constructs a theoretical model of social impact as it applies to civil society organisations. It does so by drawing on the recent literature on the topic as well as recently completed empirical studies. First, the relationship between impact and evaluation is examined. This is followed by an exploration of the capitals, notably social, human, and cultural capital and their interrelationships, as a theoretical base for the explication of social impact. A formal model of social impact is then identified together with a set of basic principles that may be said to define social impact. Finally the implications of the model are discussed for social policy and organisational management.
... The reasons for non-practice are unclear, though it is notable that human resource factors including the lack of professional, full-time board members, are often critical issues for many SEs (Spear et al., 2007). Despite this, accountability remains a prime indicator of good governance in NPOs, and support organisations in the UK SE sector adopt a "soft-touch" approach to better accountability standards (Quarter and Richmond, 2001;Richmond et al., 2003;Molyneaux, 2004). While accountability is central to legitimate governance, for some Social Firms it is perhaps less important than more pressing, overriding aims that assert a different type of accountability (for example, financing new projects, obtaining new grant funding streams to better serve primary beneficiaries). ...
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Third sector organisations, including social enterprises (SEs), are facing significant challenges. Primarily, this is because they are often engaged in contracting with the public sector and many are dependent on grant funding streams at risk of being cut during turbulent economic times. In the United Kingdom, these conditions are embellished by contemporary political discourse that further integrates the future of the Third sector with the changing provision of services by the welfare state (Cabinet Office 2008). SEs are going to play a particularly active role in the implementation of emergent public policy. Within this context, this paper presents the findings of a small-scale study of Social Firms, a type of SE. In particular, the paper presents an analysis of attitudes towards one of the key organisational functions, namely governance. The key research question this study aims to resolve is: how do Board and non-Board member attitudes to governance issues vary? Since a level of change in orientation is anticipated of UK SEs, it is timely to survey some of the internal perspectives to such changes. Drawing on the main definitional themes commonly used in social enterprise research, the study outlines four key propositions relating to the expected features of SE governance. Key internal tensions between Board and non-Board members are revealed over issues such as legitimacy, accountability, democracy and enterprise-focus. Notably, the number and type of staff, and the presence of a social audit, also pose significant tensions to the governance of Social Firms. Mindful of the difficulties associated with generalising across SE types, the implications position the UK SE sector between the entrepreneurial model common in the USA and the traditional social model prevalent in mainland Europe. The paper enhances SE governance theory by addressing the accepted tenets of SE in light of the attitudes of people managing the organisation. By highlighting how governance legitimacy is led less by social benefit and accountability, we begin to understand the challenges facing Board members in integrating their workforce more closely with core, social and entrepreneurial, values.
... The reasons for non-practice are unclear, though it is notable that human resource factors including the lack of professional, full-time board members, are often critical issues for many SEs (Spear et al., 2007). Despite this, accountability remains a prime indicator of good governance in NPOs, and support organisations in the UK SE sector adopt a "soft-touch" approach to better accountability standards (Quarter and Richmond, 2001;Richmond et al., 2003;Molyneaux, 2004). While accountability is central to legitimate governance, for some Social Firms it is perhaps less important than more pressing, overriding aims that assert a different type of accountability (for example, financing new projects, obtaining new grant funding streams to better serve primary beneficiaries). ...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to outline the findings of a quantitative study of Social Firms between 2006 and 2007. In doing so, it examines the challenges that boards and managers in these organisations face. Design/methodology/approach In order to test propositions developed from a review of the social enterprise (SE) governance literature, the paper adopts a quantitative, survey‐based approach. The survey compared attitudes to governance issues among managers and board members in the UK‐based Social Firms. Findings Statistical analysis of the findings highlighted some key outcomes, particularly regarding legitimacy, accountability and stakeholder inclusion of Social Firms Boards. Furthermore, the paper identifies divisions between managers and board members regarding the enterprise‐orientation of Social Firms. Research limitations/implications The research adds to current sector debates concerning SE identity, especially related to the effectiveness of governance systems, the erosion of underpinning social values and the adoption of a keener enterprise focus. While the research signals key variables such as legitimacy, accountability and democracy, much larger, qualitative‐based studies are required that capture the voices of more SE boards. Practical implications The key practical outcome from this small‐scale study is the difficulty faced by SE practitioners in managing the governance process. There are many forces pulling the SE sector (political, economic and not to mention social) and these undoubtedly have an impact at the grassroots level. Social implications Having drawn conclusions on the key areas of significant difference between internal actors in Social Firms, it is vital not to forget that organisational governance does affect social beneficiaries. In the case of Social Firms, social beneficiaries are also bound together within the fabric of the organisation, forming part of the workforce as well as benefitting from access to employment. This presents problems for SE management, especially when diverging attitudes detract from, rather than enhance, social benefit. Originality/value The paper presents some new empirical support for many of the governance challenges facing SE practitioners in the UK. The paper contributes to knowledge by providing support for the debates concerning SE governance, identity and legitimacy.
... For example, the former can be achieved through inclusive and democratic Board election practice (Brown, 2002). The latter through professionalisation and monitoring (Borzaga and Solari, 2001;Bryson et al., 2001;Richmond et al., 2003). ...
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Purpose This paper aims to set out the current theoretical landscape of social enterprise governance. It considers the two theories of governance currently advocated in the social enterprise literature – stakeholder and stewardship theories. Furthermore, it asserts the utility of neoinstitutional theory in analysis of social enterprise governance. Design/methodology/approach The methodology employed was critical review and application of the prevailing governance theory in a social enterprise context. Findings The prevailing institutional theory offers a great deal in explaining the governance dynamic in these organisations. The influence that values, symbols and cultural norms have upon organisation structure are not fully encompassed in social enterprise governance theory. Rather, it has been adapted and diluted to fit different explanations of governance, such as stakeholder and stewardship theory. Research limitations/implications Institutional theory offers an alternative lens with which to analyse social enterprise governance. This paper advocates institutional analysis of governance as an alternative method of mapping social enterprise governance, testing existing concepts such as isomorphism within the third sector, and new conceptual research. Originality/value The paper consolidates the governance theory currently attributed to social enterprise governance, and puts forward an alternative theory that considers the influence of institutional pressures upon governance arrangements. It adds to the governance literature by suggesting a deeper analysis of institutional factors upon governance structure. It also adds to the growing literature that focuses on the governance of social enterprise as a distinct form of organisation in the third sector.
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span>A contabilidade ambiental é uma vertente da ciência contábil que tem como função fornecer informações, através de relatórios, aos usuários, internos e externos, sobre as mutações patrimoniais sofridas pelas atividades de impactos ambientais exercidas pela empresa. Baseado nisso, com base na pesquisa bibliográfica, o artigo descreve os instrumentos contábeis importantes na divulgação dos impactos ambientais, demonstrando, assim o papel da contabilidade para evidenciação da responsabilidade social e ambiental das empresas. Foi possível concluir que a contabilidade ambiental tem um papel fundamental na divulgação de informações de natureza ambiental e social das organizações, e para isso faz uso das peças contábeis que compõem os demonstrativos, auxiliando-os na sua tomada de decisão organizacional.</span
In a principal-agent relationship the principal monitors and evaluates the agents. One of the ways in which the public exercises these oversight functions over the nonprofit as an agent of public policy is to control critical aspects of its financing. This is done partly by requiring that the nonprofit demonstrate a high level of public financial support. The theory here is that the lack of public financial support may be an indicator of lack of public interest or perceived value of what the organization is doing.
There is a need for an accounting paradigm that properly illustrates the value that nonprofits generate. Much of that value comes from volunteer contributions, which are significant but for the most part are not included in financial accounting statements, even though our research indicates that they account for almost a third of the value added by these organizations. This article reports the results of two studies related to measuring volunteer value in the accounting of nonprofits and then draws some policy implications from the research. The first study, a survey of 156 nonprofits in Canada, found that although about one-third of the sample kept records of volunteer hours, only 3 percent included a value for them in their accounting statements. The second study, of nonprofit accountants, found that they did not feel that financial accounting statements properly represented the contribution of their organizations. A series of policy recommendations are presented, including suggestions for revising the regulations of accounting bodies for imputing volunteer value and creating accounting statements that better represent the contribution of nonprofits.
A non-profit accountability framework is developed from the broader academic literature, both within non-profit studies and beyond. The framework includes a comprehensive set of stakeholders that non-profits need to be accountable to, as well as resources to be accountable for. These stakeholders and resources are then contrasted on a matrix. Sommaire : Un cadre d'imputabilité pour le secteur à but non lucratif est élaboréà partir de la documentation. Le cadre inclut un ensemble exhaustif de parties prenantes auxquelles le secteur à but non lucratif doit rendre des comptes, ainsi que des ressources pour lesquelles il est imputable. Ces parties prenantes et les ressources sont alors mises en contraste sur un tableau.