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The half‐second delay: What follows?


Abstract and Figures

There is an increasing body of evidence that only a minuscule proportion of the sensory data processed by the unconscious mind (capable of processing approximately 11 million bits per second) is referred to the conscious mind (capable of processing approximately 50 bits per second). It is also clear that conscious awareness of stimuli from the environment lags behind actual perception by approximately half a second, but that a backward referral of subjective experience results in a individual's perception of the stimulus and its conscious awareness as simultaneous. These findings challenge the primacy and supremacy of conscious processing of information on which a substantial proportion of educational practice and policy is based, and suggest a re‐evaluation of the nature of teacher competence and expertise.
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Pedagogy, Culture & Society
Vol. 14, No. 1, March 2006, pp. 71–81
ISSN 1468-1366 (print)/ISSN 1747-5104 (online)/06/010071–11
© 2006 Pedagogy, Culture & Society
DOI: 10.1080/14681360500487470
The half-second delay: what follows?
Dylan Wiliam*
King’s College London, United Kingdom
Taylor and Francis LtdRPCS_A_148730.sgm10.1080/14681360500487470Pedagogy, Culture and Society1468-1366 (print)/1747-5104 (online)Original Article2006Taylor & Francis141000000Spring
There is an increasing body of evidence that only a minuscule proportion of the sensory data
processed by the unconscious mind (capable of processing approximately 11 million bits per
second) is referred to the conscious mind (capable of processing approximately 50 bits per second).
It is also clear that conscious awareness of stimuli from the environment lags behind actual percep-
tion by approximately half a second, but that a backward referral of subjective experience results in
a individual’s perception of the stimulus and its conscious awareness as simultaneous. These find-
ings challenge the primacy and supremacy of conscious processing of information on which a
substantial proportion of educational practice and policy is based, and suggest a re-evaluation of the
nature of teacher competence and expertise.
In search of brain-based education?
The above phrase is the title of an article by John Bruer, who argues that most of what
is known about the physiology of brains is inadequate to inform teaching and learning
(Bruer, 1999). He cites the example of brain lateralization, which has spawned a
number of teaching approaches that are designed to complement ‘left-brain’ and
‘right-brain’ approaches to learning. However, as he points out, the research that
shows that some activities are lateralized in one side of the brain or the other deals
with highly specialized activities, and all educationally significant activities require
both sides of the brain. While some of the ‘prescriptions’ claiming to emerge from
research on brain lateralization may have benefit, Bruer concludes that none are
currently grounded in evidence.
Similar conclusions follow from the research on learning styles. While some studies
claim to show that changing teaching to cater for individuals’ learning styles produces
improvements in learning, other studies have found that forcing learners to learn in a
style different from their preference can increase learning (Adey et al., 1999). The
message from this research is that teaching should cater for a range of learning styles;
but the same conclusion arises from most other theoretical stances on learning too.
*Learning and Teaching Research Center, ETS, Rosedale Road (MS 04-R), Princeton, NJ 08541,
USA. Email:
72 D. Wiliam
At the risk of adding one more item to the pile of unwarranted extrapolations from
cognitive science, in this article I want to explore the consequences of some little-
known but highly significant research findings that I think have profound implications
for the way that we think about education in general, and the process of teaching in
particular.1 The remainder of this and the next section of this article draw heavily on
a very readable account of the nature of consciousness written by Tor Nørretranders
There is an increasing body of evidence that only a minuscule proportion of the
sensory data processed by the unconscious mind is referred to the conscious mind.
Table 1 is based on data from Zimmerman (1989), and shows that the bandwidth of
consciousness processing is far less than the bandwidth of the sensory inputs gener-
ated by the body’s sensory systems.
Now of course, it could be that most of the vast amount of information received by
the body’s sensory systems is simply ignored. In other words, all but the information
in conscious perception may be discarded by the brain, or may not even arrive at the
brain; for example, it could be that sensory data that is not the subject of ‘attention’
is not even processed. However, several strands of research evidence suggest that this
is not so.
For example, there is a substantial body of evidence that subliminal (literally ‘below
the threshold’) perception (i.e., perception that is not available to consciousness) can
be used in conscious processing. It is now well known that stimuli that are perceived
for too short a period to be consciously perceived (subliminal stimuli) can, neverthe-
less, ‘prime’ respondents in the way that they answer subsequent questions (Kihl-
strom, 1987). Further evidence for the important of sensations that are not perceived
consciously comes from descriptions of cases of patients with damage to certain parts
of the brain. Many of these patients are, to all intents and purposes, blind, in that they
are not aware of being able to see anything. Yet, in tests of visual perception, they
consistently score well above chance levels. This ‘blindsight’ can only be explained by
a level of visual processing that is not available to consciousness (Sacks, 1995).
It is also clear that this filtering process is largely, if not completely, determined by
previous experience. In the well-known optical illusion shown in Figure 1, generally
known after the German psychologist Franz Carl Müller-Lyer as the Müller-Lyer illu-
sion, the two vertical line segments are exactly the same length. However, the left-hand
vertical appears to be much shorter than the one on the right.
Table 1. Information flow in sensory systems and conscious perception
Sensory system Total bandwidth (in bits/second) Conscious bandwidth (in bits/second)
Eyes 10,000,000 40
Ears 100,000 30
Skin 1,000,000 5
Taste 1,000 1
Smell 100,000 1
The half-second delay 73
The most convincing explanation of this has been provided by Richard Gregory,
who suggests that the illusion is caused by the visual processing system’s interpreta-
tion of the left-hand figure as an external corner of an object, while that on the right
is seen as an internal corner (Gregory, 1966). Since the visual perception system
‘knows’ that objects that are further away are smaller, it compensates for this by creat-
ing a perception of the internal corner as larger, because it must be further away. As
Hundert (1995, p. 211) observes:
It is tempting to call this phenomenon of the accommodation of our plastic visual input
analyzers to the realities of depth perspective and size constancy in our world a ‘natural
phenomenon’—except for the simple fact that such rectilinear lines do not exist in nature!
(emphasis in original)
Indeed, it has been found that people raised in cultures that do not build rectilinear
structures do not experience the Müller-Lyer illusion (Deregowsky, 1974). Even
something as basic as what we see, therefore, is not ‘transparent’, but rather is filtered
by the unconscious processing that takes place prior to referral to consciousness.
Evidence that this filtering takes place after unconscious perception is provided by
a study relating to another well-known optical illusion (known as a size-contrast illu-
sion). The two central circles in Figure 2 are actually the same size, but the circle on
the left appears to be bigger, because of the presence of the smaller surrounding
circles. However, Aglioti et al. (1995) found that when the visual illusion was recre-
ated with three-dimensional plastic discs, while participants continued to see the
circle surrounded by small discs as smaller, a videotape of the participants reaching
to pick up the central disc showed exactly the same finger separation for the two situ-
ations. In the words of the title of Aglioti et al.’s article, these size-contrast illusions
‘deceive the eye but not the hand’, or, in terms of the present analysis, visual illusions
deceive the conscious, but not the unconscious mind.
Another interesting effect is observed if one holds both one’s hands in front of one’s
face, one hand being held twice as far away from the eyes as the other. The laws of
physics tell us that the nearer hand should be seen as twice as large (and as having
four times the area) of the further hand, but for most people, this is not what is observed.
Figure 1. The Müller-Lyer illusion
74 D. Wiliam
A final example of the role of unconscious processing in perception is provided by
the effect of ‘colour constancy’, whereby objects do not appear to change colour as
the lighting conditions vary, or as the object moves to a region where the ambient
lighting conditions are different. Again, the laws of physics tell us that the actual
wavelength of the light falling on the retina changes, but this is not perceived as a
change in colour. The unconscious mind’s theoretical model—that the object has not
changed colour—overrides the raw sense data and creates in the conscious mind the
phenomenon of colour constancy.
While our perception of the real world therefore appears as a transparent process,
the ‘physical’ model of sense data being referred to consciousness in a direct and
unproblematic way simply does not hold up:
We do not experience the world as raw data. When our consciousness experiences the world,
the unconscious discarding of sensory information has long since interpreted things for us.
What we experience has acquired meaning before we become conscious of it. (Nørretranders, 1998,
p. 187, original emphasis)
It is also important to note that the meaning that is attached to experience includes
affective content. Traditional models of affect posit that data are processed
consciously, and then referred for an affective reaction. In other words, first we decide
what we think, and then we decide how we feel about it. However, the evidence
provided by Damasio (1994) indicates that the real order of things is likely to be the
reverse of this. The unconscious processing that occurs prior to referral to conscious-
ness invests the sense data with affect before referral to consciousness. In other words,
Figure 2. An optical illusion that ‘deceives the eye but not the hand’
The half-second delay 75
what we feel about something tells us what we think. Further elaboration of these
ideas is beyond the scope of this article, but the interested reader is referred to Dama-
sio’s work, which provides a very readable introduction to recent research on affect
and reasoning.
Now, all this processing and filtering of sense data prior to referral to consciousness
must take some time, but when experimenters attempted to work out exactly how long
this took, the answer was so surprising that many people have found it hard to accept.
The half-second delay
In the 1960s and 1970s, two German neurophysiologists attempted to estimate
exactly how long it took for a decision to initiate a movement (for example, moving a
finger) to result in action. They found that any action, such as flexing a finger, is
presaged by an increase in electrical activity (what they termed a readiness potential),
which appears to correspond to the brain preparing to carry out an action by deter-
mining how it is to be done. What was surprising was that, on average, the increase
in readiness potential began 0.8 seconds before the finger was flexed. The question
that then arises is: when is the conscious decision to act actually made? The classical
answer would be that the conscious decision to act must occur at the same time as the
onset of the increase in readiness potential, but this would suggest that it took over
three-quarters of a second for this decision to result in action, which does not accord
with either our experience or our ‘common sense’. However, the alternative is even
less plausible, and that is that the increase in readiness potential precedes the decision
to act.
The matter was settled by a series of very elegant experiments reported by
Benjamin Libet in 1979 (Libet et al., 1979), in which participants were asked to flex
a finger whenever they felt like doing so. In order to answer the question as to the
sequence of events, it was necessary to get data on three events: when the increase in
readiness potential began, when the conscious decision was made, and when the
finger moved. The first and last of these were easy to determine. In order to get reli-
able data on when the conscious decision was made, the participants were asked to
look at a clock face with a single hand which made one revolution every 2.56 seconds.
Asking the participants to note the position of the clock hand when they decided to
flex the finger provided a reliable measure of when the decision was taken.
The results were highly consistent, and showed that the increase in readiness poten-
tial began 0.55 seconds before the act, but also, much more surprisingly, that the
conscious decision occurred 0.2 seconds before the act. In other words, the conscious
decision to act occurs 0.35 seconds after the body has started the mechanism to act!
Although this result is astonishing, and provoked much controversy (see Nørre-
tranders, 1998, pp. 220–250 for a discussion), Libet’s interpretation of these events
did actually explain experimental and other phenomena that had been observed. For
example, many people have had the sensation of looking at the second-hand of a clock
for more than a second, and yet the hand does not appear to move. The delay between
experience and conscious awareness seems the most likely explanation.
76 D. Wiliam
Libet’s explanation also explained some experimental results that Arthur Jensen
had collected in the 1960s (Libet, 1981). In collecting the reaction times of individ-
uals, which averaged 0.25 seconds, he suspected that some of the participants were
deliberately slowing down their reactions (because they distrusted what he would do
with the data). Jensen then asked the participants to increase their reaction times
gradually, but none of the participants could do this. As soon as they tried to slow
down their reactions at all, the reaction times increased to over half a second
(reported in Libet, 1981, pp. 185–186).
These and many similar experiments show that conscious awareness of stimuli
from the environment lags behind actual perception by up to half a second. Informa-
tion from different parts of the body about simultaneous events arrives at the brain at
different times, but the brain assembles these data so that an individual perceives the
stimulus and its conscious awareness as simultaneous. Michael Gazzaniga sums it up
Major events associated with mental processing go on, measurably so, in our brain before
we are aware of them. At the same time, these done deals do not leave us feeling we are
watching only a movie of our life. Because of temporal referral mechanisms, we believe we
are engaged in effecting these deals. (Gazzaniga, 1999, pp. 73–74)
Educational implications
Much (if not most) of our current practice in education is based on a simplistic model
of brain function: one in which data is received in a way very similar to that in which
it is transmitted and passed directly to consciousness, where more or less sense is
made of it. This criticism applies just as much to so-called ‘constructivist’ views of
learning as to more traditional models. Recently, there has been recognition that
implicit learning (learning in which you don’t know that you’re learning and you
don’t know what you’ve learnt) is an important element of learning, but much of this
research is relatively atheoretical, and rarely ventures beyond description.
The central feature of the argument I want to advance here is that traditional theo-
ries of learning will not serve, either as descriptions of what does happen, or of
prescriptions of what should happen. Acceptance of the significance of the neuro-
physiological evidence outlined above requires a radical reconceptualisation of both
learning and teaching.
Some important work has been done in this regard. Hare brain, tortoise mind by Guy
Claxton (1997) provides compelling evidence about the centrality of unconscious
processing in learning. In the remainder of this article I want to explore the relevance
of these experimental findings to two aspects of the activities of teachers: teachers’
cognitive activities in day-to-day teaching, and assessment.
Teachers’ cognitive activities
The failure of psychology to impact on the improvement of teaching competence in
general, and on teacher education specifically, has been lamented for many years. In
The half-second delay 77
his influential book The reflective practitioner, Donald Schön (1983) attributes this to
the pursuit of a project of technical rationality which he regards as epistemologically
inappropriate, in that technical rationality seeks to separate theory (based on explicit
knowledge—knowing that) from practice (often based on implicit knowledge—know-
ing how). Schön argues that competence is achieved not by reflection on action but by
reflection in action. However, as Tomlinson (no date) points out, technical rationality
may also fail because it is inadequate to illuminate practice. As Tomlinson says:
I think it would be fair to say that when education consulted the psychology cupboard some
decades ago, it didn’t find too much of direct relevance to the promoting of relatively
complex human learning, in pupils of varying ages, in typically complex social settings. (p. 3)
Compared with other areas of research in education, the cognitive activity of teachers
has received relatively little attention. Researchers acknowledge that a lesson deliv-
ered by an experienced teacher consists of a number of ‘scripts’ (Schank & Abelson,
1977), ‘frames’ (Minsky, 1975) or ‘images’ that are linked together. However, it is
common to regard the assembly of these scripts as an ‘automatic’ process:
Much of their instruction is accomplished though previously developed routines that mini-
mize the need for conscious decision making and that tend to be played out once they are
begun. Using these images and routines, teachers proceed on ‘automatic pilot’ so long as
events develop as expected. Their attention is focused on keeping the activity moving at a
good pace, managing the group, and monitoring the involvement of individuals. This is
accomplished mostly automatically using routines and heuristics so long as pupil response
remains within the expected and acceptable levels of tolerance. (Bromme & Brophy, 1986,
p. 116)
While this analysis portrays, I think accurately, the lack of conscious decision-making
in much of teachers’ day-to-day classroom activities, I want to suggest that regarding
the teacher’s ‘normal’ activity as one of being on ‘automatic pilot’ is unhelpful, and
underplays the significance of the unconscious cognitive processing that takes place
during this activity. To illustrate this, let us first consider an aspect of the nature of
expertise in playing chess.
Chase and Simon (1973) showed chessboards, on which were placed a number of
pieces, to an expert, an intermediate and a novice chess player for 5 seconds, after which
they were asked to reconstruct what they had seen (this process was repeated several
times, with different arrangements of pieces). The arrangements on the chessboards
were produced in two ways. Half of the chessboards were positions from actual games,
either in the middle of a game (with 24 to 26 pieces), or at the end of a game (12 to
15 pieces). The other positions were generated by taking the pieces from one of the
actual games and rearranging them randomly. The results are shown in Table 2. As
can be seen, experts were slightly worse than intermediates and novices when the pieces
were arranged randomly, but were four times better when the pieces were arranged
in a pattern from a real game. In their discussion of this result, Chase and Simon suggest
that the much better performance of experts with ‘real’ chessboards stems from an
ability to ‘read’ a chessboard in terms of a series of standard configurations of pieces
that they have learnt through their experience as chess players.
78 D. Wiliam
This is analogous to a much more prosaic task, in which we ask someone to memo-
rize a 7-letter string. The string ‘p-a-n-c-a-k-e’ is easier to memorize than ‘a-m-o-e-
b-a-e’, which in turn is easier to memorize than ‘j-k-q-x-z-q-g’, because the first two
can be processed as a whole (that is, as a ‘gestalt’), although the second probably also
requires some familiarity with conventions of Latin spelling. The third string can be
memorized by the conscious construction of a mnemonic, but that is likely to take
some time.
From this perspective, expertise is not the result of being able to deploy a small
number of highly general and abstract strategies but rather the ability to ‘read’ a situ-
ation in terms of a very large number of highly specific configurations. Simon (1980)
estimated that a chess grandmaster might have a repertoire of as many as 50,000
‘chunks’ of information to represent the configuration of pieces on a chessboard.
Another example of the context-sensitivity of expertise is provided by the mathe-
matical activity used in ‘Countdown’, a British television programme. The contestants
are given a set of numbers, and, by using the four arithmetic operations of addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division, are required to generate an arithmetical
expression to the value of a given target number. For example, the given numbers
might be 20, 11, 2, 5 and 3, with a target number of 105. There are many relatively
general strategies that can be developed for solving problems such as these, but the
most interesting feature of such problems for the purposes of this article is that expert
performance does not appear to use such general strategies. In fact most people use
surprisingly specialized strategies that only work with the specific constraints and
affordances (Gibson, 1979) of this particular problem. A typical approach relies on
working forwards from the givens and backwards from the goal at the same time. It is
important to note that this does not appear to be an iterative process, but rather, for
most people with a reasonable repertoire of number facts, the fact that 5 × 20 = 100,
which is close to the target number, seems to leap unbidden into consciousness.
Returning to the case of teaching, the research undertaken by Bennett et al. (1984)
found that teachers interpreted the information with which they were presented in
classrooms in the light of their past experiences, and these ‘filters’ proved relatively
difficult to modify. In terms of the arguments presented here, we can interpret this as
the result of unconscious processing of sense data prior to their referral to conscious
perception. The relative stability of the teachers’ filters even in the face of a teacher’s
conscious desire to focus on a particular aspect of behaviour which he or she wishes
to modify is not surprising, because the filter has done its work in advance of the refer-
ral of sense data to consciousness. Even with the best will in the world, if consciousness
Table 2. Performance in reconstructing actual and random chessboards (number of pieces placed
Position Novices Intermediates Experts
Random 4 3.5 3
Actual 4 8 16
The half-second delay 79
does not actually get the data, it is impossible for it to act on them. In other words,
inexpert teachers were simply unable to ‘read’ their classrooms in the same way as an
expert might. Support for this interpretation comes from the work of David Berliner
and his colleagues (see, for example, Berliner et al., 1989), who found that expert
teachers had much richer interpretations of slides and videotapes of teaching situa-
tions, even though they could not say why they believed what they did. Perhaps most
interestingly, expert teachers found situations in which actors played the roles of
students much more disorienting than novice teachers, although they were unable to
articulate why. They appeared to rely on cues and signals that are processed uncon-
sciously, but which actors playing the role of students did not reproduce.
From this it appears that there are no ‘shortcuts’ to teaching expertise. Expertise in
teaching, as in most other areas, requires the development of the facility for uncon-
scious processing of richly detailed data, from which the relevant details are
abstracted and referred to consciousness. Furthermore, the pace of classroom activity
means that there is literally no time to think (at least consciously). If we are to effect
real and lasting improvements in teachers’ competence, we need a much more
detailed understanding of how different teachers, exposed to similar experiences,
develop different filters in their unconscious processing.
In assessment, there is a considerable debate over the use of analytic versus holistic
marking schemes (Wiliam, 1996, 2000; Mabry, 1999). Concerns for inter-rater reli-
ability have driven educational policy-makers to implement assessment systems that
attempt to define quality in terms of explicit criteria for success. This certainly has the
effect of increasing the inter-rater reliability of the assessments (although relatively
little work has been done on estimating the effects on other sorts of reliability).
However, there is widespread agreement that in many domains, particularly those
that require creativity, and in the assessment of authentic performance, the imposi-
tion of such mark schemes compromises validity. Where there is more than one
correct answer, and where students can produce solutions not envisaged by the
authors of the mark scheme, high-quality responses can frequently be given low
scores (Wiliam, 1998).
In terms of modern validity theory, this would be regarded as a kind of construct
under-representation (Messick, 1989). Only some aspects of quality are represented
in the mark scheme, and other aspects are ignored. In terms of the arguments of this
article, however, we can interpret the mismatch between analytic and holistic scoring
as a distinction between conscious and unconscious processing.
It is fairly clear that teachers acquire notions of ‘standards’ much more effectively
when presented with actual samples of students’ work that exemplify the standards
being promulgated than when given criterion-based descriptions of the standards. In
the light of the research evidence presented above, I would like to suggest that the
explanation of this phenomenon is that the grading of pieces of work with respect to
a set of internal standards involves a far greater use of unconscious processing than
80 D. Wiliam
has previously been acknowledged. Models that rely on the use of ‘grade descriptions’
within consciousness have insufficient bandwidth to capture the complexity of the
processes involved. Ultimately, the perception of quality can never be an entirely
conscious process. As Robert Pirsig has argued:
Quality doesn’t have to be defined. You understand it without definition. Quality is a direct
experience independent of and prior to intellectual abstractions. (Pirsig, 1991, p. 64)
Again, a recognition and an understanding of the role of unconscious processing will
be necessary before we can begin to develop teachers’ ability to assess students’ work
reliably and fairly.
The education systems of most developed countries are predicated on the assumption
that the most valuable kind of knowledge is abstract, generalized and transcendent,
and this assumption has been supported by the findings of mainstream psychology.
Hyman Witkin, widely credited as the first to distinguish between field-dependence
and field-independence (Witkin, 1950), has gone so far as to assert that field-
independence—the ability to ignore contextual effects—is intelligence (Abelson,
1995, p. 182n). This has led to a search for broad general principles of expertise that
can be used to ‘short-cut’ the learning process.
Of course, general intellectual capability does clearly play a role in expertise of all
kinds, but such capability will not lead to expertise if the right kinds of data are not
available to conscious processing. The availability of these data requires a thorough
grounding in experience, which it appears is extraordinarily difficult to acquire
without prolonged immersion in the relevant settings.
In the context of the research findings presented here the idea of intuition remains
mysterious, but can be viewed as an exquisite and largely unconscious sensitivity to
very small details. In the words of Andy Clark (1997), expertise can only be developed
by ‘being there’.
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... It is understood that humans process about 11 million pieces of sensory information per second while consciously only processing 40 to 50 bits per second (Wiliam, 2006). ...
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This study focuses on the tribal socialization of children as a violation of their rights in Pashtun tribal society. An ethnographic approach was adopted to explore tribal socialization. The data was collected in six months from the parents and grandparents in the ethnographic field through in-depth interviews to learn about the socio-cultural and political aspects of tribal socialization. The qualitative data were analyzed in light of different discourses. It reveals that Pashtun’s Indigenous community has a different understanding of male and female children’s socialization. Colonial and post-colonial history, family, and kinship groups have significantly influenced the socialization of children in Pashtun tribal society. Male children socialize violently to survive in Pashtun tribal society in the absence of state institutions. It is revealed that the British in colonial and Pakistan in the post-colonial period exploited their resources but deliberately did not curtail structural violence in Pashtun Tribal society. Family inculcates masculine traits and reinforces patriarchy while keeping in view their experience in Pashtun society. At the indigenous level, male children prepare to protect their family, clan, or sub-tribe from violence or aggression of other fellow Pashtun which violate their rights.
... It is understood that humans process about 11 million pieces of sensory information per second while consciously only processing 40 to 50 bits per second (Wiliam, 2006). ...
This study focuses on the tribal socialization of children as a violation of their rights in Pashtun tribal society. An ethnographic approach was adopted to explore tribal socialization. The data was collected in six months from the parents and grandparents in the ethnographic field through in-depth interviews to learn about the socio-cultural and political aspects of tribal socialization. The qualitative data were analyzed in light of different discourses. It reveals that Pashtun's indigenous community has a different understanding of male and female children's socialization. Colonial and post-colonial history, family, and kinship groups have significantly influenced the socialization of children in Pashtun tribal society. Male children socialize violently to survive in Pashtun tribal society in the absence of state institutions. It is revealed that the British in colonial and Pakistan in the post-colonial period exploited their resources but deliberately did not curtail structural violence in Pashtun Tribal society. Family inculcates masculine traits and reinforces patriarchy while keeping in view their experience in Pashtun society. At the indigenous level, male children prepare to protect their family, clan, or sub-tribe from violence or aggression of other fellow Pashtun which violate their rights. Keywords: Tribal Socialization; Cultural Discourses; Violence; Family Responsibilities; State; Child Rights
... A esta lista nos gustaría añadir otro elemento de gran relevancia: el sonido sigue siendo un elemento con mucho menor ancho de banda que la visión (100 Kbps frente a 10 Mbps) pero, para nuestra consciencia, apenas 40 bps de la visión y 30 bps del sonido pueden ser procesados (William, 2006). En otras palabras: nuestra experiencia subjetiva es, en términos informacionales, muy similar en cuanto a sonidos e imágenes se refiere. ...
... Unfortunately, feedback is often misinterpreted as any kind of information provided to learners. There is a strong body of evidence showing that feedback can cater to student learning but can also hamper learning when focused on personal traits instead of process and effort, causing lower self-esteem instead of promoting learning (Wiliam 2006). CJ does not provide feedback to learners per se. ...
There is a growing demand for the use of digital tools in assessment. Few approaches show innovative benefits beyond being logistical aids. Comparative judgment (CJ) has the potential to enhance educational practices by providing a mechanism for reliable assessment, supporting formative feedback, and by supporting critical discourse on evidence of learning. This chapter provides an overview of CJ as it has been used in educational assessment and describes how it can be facilitated by digitalization by providing illustrative examples of research studies, mainly undertaken for formative purposes. Specifically, this chapter provides an introduction to CJ and a description of its theoretical roots, presents possible approaches and agendas for the use of CJ ranging from being a pedagogical tool in a classroom to being a mediator for continuing professional development and discusses implications for practice and future research needs. Ultimately, it is envisaged that this chapter will act as a source of inspiration for educational stakeholders who wish to use CJ to add value to their practice.
... It is believed that the brain receives up to 11 million information stimuli per second in e.g. a busy urban environments. However, the conscious mind can only handle approximately 50 information bits per second (Wiliam, 2006), the sorting process is demanding and, thus, the brain has limited capacity for continuous directed attention. It may result in the becoming overloaded causing stress reactions or mental fatigue (Kaplan, 1995). ...
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Mental illness is one of the main challenges to public health in the EU and Denmark. For this reason, there is an increasing demand for innovative interventions and practices to treat mental illness. Treatments should be evidence-based and validated to ensure high quality and positive effects. The research group, Nature, Health & Design, conducts research on the relationship between nature, human health and design from an evidence-based health design in landscape architecture (EBHDL) approach using the most up to date evidence. From 2008 to 2010, the therapy garden, Nacadia®, was designed through an EBHDL process, which was a multidisciplinary collaborative process using state-of-the-art evidence and experts in therapy gardens and nature-based therapy (NBT) for people suffering from stress-related illnesses. Alongside the design of the garden, a NBT programme was developed. A diagnostic post occupancy evaluation (DPOE) is part of the EBHDL process and an efficient tool for examining the possible impact of the design. The overall objective of this PhD project is to gain a deeper understanding of landscape architecture in therapeutic interventions for people suffering from severe stress in a Danish context. It is an exploratory case study to examine NBT in Nacadia (NBTN) for people (N=42) suffering from severe stress. In order to explore the case thoroughly, the following mixed methods were selected based on the objectives of the study: Landscape analyses, behaviour mapping (BM), participant logbooks (LB), semi-structured interviews (SSI), and EQ-VAS rating scale. Article I focuses on 4 groups of participants (n=27) in NBTN during spring, summer, autumn and winter to gain and overall understanding of usage and preferences regarding Nacadia, based on illustrative clustering of BM data and thematic analysis of SSI. Article II studies the participants’ experiences with the case using ‘reflective lifeworld research’, based on SSIs with 14 participants, which are corroborated by BM and LB data. Article III examines the case using a DPOE approach based on findings from LA, BM, SSI, LB and EQ-VAS to assess the quality and effectiveness of the landscape design of Nacadia in relation to its original aim and objectives. Article I determines how different categories of activities were distributed in the garden, and found that the most preferred spaces were described as: “Enclosed”, or “slightly closed” but with a “view out”, to “see far”, and “see the sky” to get a “sense of expanse”. It gave the participants the feeling that their “backs were covered” and that they were “protected from behind”. Such places were preferred for emptying the mind, reflecting in peace or getting small experiences. Study I further found that the changing seasons had no noticeable negative influence on use or preferences. Study II found that NBTN is experienced as a dynamic evolving process of exploring and developing to see and live life from new perspectives and approaches for moving on after NBTN. While there was a fluctuation in mental and physical capabilities during the course of the project, there was a linear increase in executive functions (EF). Article III found a number of successes and failures of Nacadia. The garden design meets the original aims and objectives sufficiently. The issue of exposure was the most significant failure in the design. Article III further developed and applied a generic model of DPOEs for therapy gardens.
... Unfortunately, feedback is often misinterpreted as any kind of information provided to learners. There is a strong body of evidence showing that feedback can cater to student learning but can also hamper learning when focused on personal traits instead of process and effort, causing lower self-esteem instead of promoting learning (Wiliam 2006). CJ does not provide feedback to learners per se. ...
Eva will present comparative judgement and findings from an on-going international comparative study focusing on unpacking teachers’ assessment practices in USA, UK and Sweden
This study provides a comprehensive examination of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (BWRT), an innovative psychotherapeutic approach that leverages insights from neuroscience and consciousness studies. The study traces BWRT's theoretical foundations in research on neurological processes and the "cognitive gap" between stimulus and response. It outlines BWRT's evolution into a structured therapy model with demonstrated effectiveness for trauma, anxiety, depression, and other conditions. The narrative highlights BWRT's adaptability, aligning with digital mental health trends and interdisciplinary research directions. While critiquing limitations like lack of longitudinal data, the article situates BWRT as a promising science-based therapy warranting ongoing empirical scrutiny and innovation. BWRT was developed by drawing on concepts like the triune brain and findings on subconscious neural activity. The therapy focuses on targeting automatic response patterns mediated by the reptilian complex. BWRT has faced scepticism during its evolution but continues to gain recognition through evidence-based research. Further studies on long-term outcomes and comparative efficacy can help consolidate BWRT's position as an innovative psychotherapy model. Ongoing advances in neurotechnology present new opportunities for enhancing BWRT methodologies and expanding its applications. Keywords: comparative efficacy, digital mental health, evidence-based research, neuroscience
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The "In Search of . . ." television series is no way to present history, Mr. Bruer points out, and the brain-based education literature is not the way to present the science of learning.
Because of functional resemblances between the nervous system and man-made communication systems — in particular, the analogy between a nerve fiber and a cable over which information is transmitted — a number of authors have approached the nervous system from the viewpoint of the communications engineer, primarily by applying information theory [6, 7, 8, 10]. The latter, together with control-systems theory (Chapter 15), constitutes the branch of science called cybernetics [1, 2, 3, 5, 9]. This chapter first presents an introduction to the fundamentals of information theory and the measurement of information content. This method is then applied to examples drawn from neurophysiology and psychophysics, to describe quantitatively the performance and limits of biological information transfer.
A teacher educator is about to begin a lesson for his students on the introduction of fractions, but one of them interrupts: “I’ld rather talk about practical problems. I know I am doing fractions in my class just now, but I’ve about five pupils I can’t cope with. I get the impression that these five stop listening as soon they don’t understand something, and then start disturbing the others. Your suggestions about teaching fractions won’t help me with that problem. I want to know how to improve these pupils’ motivation—not just motivation theories, but practical advice for my lesson planning. The things I have been taught about motivation seem far removed from Peter, Walter and José—who are the three worst. The teacher who had this class before told me: ‘Keep an eye on those three, and everything will run smoothly.’ But how can I do that? I try, but when I need to finish a lesson on time, I have to concentrate on the topic and not just on those three pupils. Besides, I have watched this teacher work with the class, and when I think of the graveyard silence she produced, I know that I don’t want any of that ‘everything will run smoothly’ at all.”
Performance assessment offers a way out of the factory and into the classroom, the author points out. But to get there, we need to reconsider our mania for making test-based comparisons that demand standardization.
Contemporary research in cognitive psychology reveals the impact of nonconscious mental structures and processes on the individual's conscious experience, thought, and action. Research on perceptual-cognitive and motoric skills indicates that they are automatized through experience, and thus rendered unconscious. In addition, research on subliminal perception, implicit memory, and hypnosis indicates that events can affect mental functions even though they cannot be consciously perceived or remembered. These findings suggest a tripartite division of the cognitive unconscious into truly unconscious mental processes operating on knowledge structures that may themselves be preconscious or subconscious.