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Feeding ecology of the American crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Crustacea, Decapoda) in the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea


Abstract and Figures

The feeding ecology of the American crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii Gould, 1841 from brackish waters of the Baltic Sea was studied by analyses of the stomach repletion index (SRI) and stomach content with regard to sex, size and habitat (Dead Vistula River and the Gulf of Gdańsk). Neither the sex nor the size of an individual crab had a significant (P> 0.05) influence on the SRI or on the diversity of food items found in the stomachs of R. harrisii . But the type of food consumed was significantly (P< 0.05) dependent on the locality inhabited: the greater the biodiversity of the habitat, the richer the dietary composition. In Baltic coastal waters this species feeds on detritus, and also on animal and plant matter. Remains of Chlorophyta, Amphipoda, Ostracoda, Polychaeta, Gastropoda and Bivalvia were found in the stomachs of the specimens analysed.
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Feeding ecology of
the American crab
Rhithropanopeus harrisii
(Crustacea, Decapoda)
in the coastal waters of
the Baltic Sea*
OCEANOLOGIA, 51 (3), 2009.
pp. 361 375.
C2009, by Institute of
Oceanology PAS.
Rhithropanopeus harrisii
Non-native species
Feeding ecology
Stomach content
Baltic Sea
Joanna Hegele-Drywa
Monika Normant
Department of Experimental Ecology
of Marine Organisms,
Institute of Oceanography,
University of Gdańsk,
al. Marszałka Piłsudskiego 46, PL–81–378 Gdynia, Poland;
corresponding author
Received 12 September 2008, revised 16 January 2009, accepted 19 August 2009.
The feeding ecology of the American crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii Gould, 1841
from brackish waters of the Baltic Sea was studied by analyses of the stomach
repletion index (SRI) and stomach content with regard to sex, size and habitat
(Dead Vistula River and the Gulf of Gdańsk). Neither the sex nor the size of
an individual crab had a significant (P>0.05) influence on the SRI or on the
diversity of food items found in the stomachs of R. harrisii. Butthetypeof
food consumed was significantly (P <0.05) dependent on the locality inhabited:
the greater the biodiversity of the habitat, the richer the dietary composition. In
Baltic coastal waters this species feeds on detritus, and also on animal and plant
matter. Remains of Chlorophyta, Amphipoda, Ostracoda, Polychaeta, Gastropoda
and Bivalvia were found in the stomachs of the specimens analysed.
* This research was funded by the Department of Experimental Ecology of Marine
Organisms, grant No. DS/1350-4-0150-8.
The complete text of the paper is available at
362 J. Hegele-Drywa, M. Normant
1. Introduction
Since the beginning of the 20th century there has been a significant
increase in the number of non-native species turning up in areas well beyond
their natural range of distribution (Bax et al. 2003, Occhipinti-Ambrogi
& Savini 2003, Thessalou-Legaki et al. 2006). Global in character, this
phenomenon has affected the Baltic Sea to a considerable extent, where
for the last forty or fifty years, annually increasing numbers of new species
of flora and fauna have appeared (Lepp¨akoski 1984, Lepp¨akoski & Olenin
2000, Lepp¨akoski et al. 2002b). On the one hand, this has enhanced
the biodiversity of the Baltic, especially its south-eastern part, which is
naturally fairly poor in plant and animal species; on the other, it may give
rise to a whole range of negative ecological and economic effects (Gollasch
& Lepp¨akoski 1999, Lepakoski et al. 2002a, Lepp¨akoski 2004, Streftaris
et al. 2005, Gollasch & Rosenthal 2006).
One such non-native species in the Baltic is the American crab
Rhithropanopeus harrisii Gould, 1841, which arrived in Europe in ballast wa-
ters from the Atlantic seaboard of North America (Wolff 1954, Lepp¨akoski
2005). The species was first recorded by Maitland (1874) in the Netherlands,
from where it expanded to Denmark – the waters around Copenhagen
(Jensen & Knudsen 2005) – and Germany (Nehring & Leuchs 1999). Since
its first appearance in Poland in the 1950s, R. harrisii has occurred in
the greatest numbers in the Vistula Lagoon (Zalew Wiślany) (Demel 1953,
Żmudziński 1957, Rychter 1999) and in the Dead Vistula River (Martwa
Wisła) (Michalski 1957, Turoboyski 1973, Janta 1996, Normant et al. 2004).
For several years now, increasing numbers of R. harrisii have been turning
up in the Gulf of Gdańsk (Normant, own observations), in places where
earlier it was rare or absent altogether (Żmudziński 1967).
From the moment it arrived in Poland, the American crab aroused the
interest of scientists. But studies of this species dealt primarily with its
distribution (Demel 1953, Michalski 1957, Żmudziński 1957, 1961, 1967,
Czerniejewski & Rybczyk 2008), its biology and ecology (Kujawa 1957, 1963,
Filuk & Żmudziński 1965, Ławiński & Pautsch 1969, Pautsch et al. 1969,
Turoboyski 1973, Janta 1996, Wiszniewska et al. 1998, Normant et al.
2004), and only to a very small extent with its physiology (Bomirski
& Klęk 1974, Rychter 1997, Kidawa et al. 2004, Normant & Gibowicz
2008). Little information is available on the part played by R. harrisii
in the trophic network of the waters that it inhabits. Studies done so
far indicate that in the Dead Vistula R. harrisii feeds mainly on animals
like ragworms Hediste (Nereis) diversicolor, blue mussels Mytilus edulis,
zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha and hydroids Cordylophora caspia,on
plants like the green algae Cladophora sp. or Enteromorpha sp., and on
Feeding ecology of the American crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii ... 363
dead organic matter of animal origin (Szudarski 1963, Turoboyski 1973).
In the Vistula Lagoon, this crab is a scavenger, feeding on detritus (Demel
1953) or on D. polymorpha (Kujawa 1957). In the Odra estuary it feeds
mostly on detritus, but algae, animal remains and inorganic material were
also found in the gut contents (Czerniejewski & Rybczyk 2008). It is itself
a source of food for eels Anguilla anguilla and flounder Platichthys flesus
(Filuk & Żmudziński 1965), and also for cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo
(Wiszniewska et al. 1998). The biodiversity of Baltic coastal waters is
much greater than that of the Dead Vistula or the Vistula Lagoon, so
R. harrisii may well be involved in numerous trophic interactions with
other organisms. In view of this, a comparative study was carried out in
an attempt to determine the diet of R. harrisii in two ecologically different
environments, namely, the Dead Vistula River and the Gulf of Gdańsk. The
stomach repletion index and stomach contents were analysed in relation to
the sex and size of the individual crabs.
2. Material and methods
The crabs (118 specimens) were collected in the summer months
(July–September) of 2005 and 2006 from two areas. 28 females and 44
males were collected from three sampling points in the Gulf of Gdańsk
(542637N, 183613 E; 542752 N, 183790 E; 542859 N, 183971 E)
and 26 females and 20 males from one point in the Dead Vistula River
(542089N, 184772 E). Both sampling areas lie in the Polish zone of
the Baltic Sea. The animals were immediately frozen at 20Ctohalt
digestion. In the laboratory the crabs were sexed on the basis of their
abdominal structure and number of pleopods (De Man 1892), and their
carapace width was measured with slide callipers (±0.1mm) (ECOTONE,
Poland). Next, the stomach of every specimen was excised and analysed
under a stereomicroscope (ECO-VISION – ECOTONE, Poland) at 6.645×
magnification in order to assess its repletion index (Albertoni et al. 2003)
and to determine its content. Repletion was analysed using the five stomach
repletion indices (SRIs), where 0 indicates an empty stomach, I a stomach
that is 0–25% full, II one that is 25.1–50% full, III one that is 50.1–75% full
and IV one that is 75.1–100% full. All the food items in the stomachs were
placed in one of the following categories: (1) digested, (2) of plant origin, (3)
of animal origin, and (4) detritus. Plant and animal remains were identified
to the most precise taxonomic level based on the characters given by Pliński
(1980a,b), Jażdżewski & Konopacka (1995) and Kołodziejczyk & Koperski
The data normal distribution (Gaussian distribution) was validated
through the application of the Shapiro-Wilk test at a significance level of 5%.
364 J. Hegele-Drywa, M. Normant
The differences in the studied parameters between groups of crabs were
tested using the Mann-Whitney U-test or the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test at
the 5% significance level. The dependence of the SRI and diversity of food
items on the locality of occurrence were determined using the comparative
proportions test at a significance level of P <0.05. Analyses were carried
out using the STATISTICA 6.0 PL program.
3. Results
The carapace width of females from the Gulf of Gdańsk ranged from 3.1
to 16.3 mm (mean 10.5±3.8mm), those of males from 3.2 to 22.8 mm (mean
10.4±4.0mm). The corresponding dimensions for animals from the Dead
Vistula River were from 8.9 to 19.4 mm (mean 11.5±2.6mm) (females),
and from 9.6 to 21.6 mm (mean 15.0±3.6mm) (males). The carapace width
of males from the Dead Vistula River was significantly greater (P <0.05)
than that of males from the Gulf of Gdańsk. In the former area, the most
numerously represented width class was 12.1–15.0 mm; in the latter area it
was 9.1–12.0 mm.
Neither the sex nor the size of the individual crab had any significant
(P >0.05) effect on the stomach repletion index (SRI) in Rhithropanopeus
harrisii. Statistically significant differences (P <0.05) were found between
the SRIs in the crabs from the two areas. In both areas, the greatest number
of specimens was found with an SRI of I, and the smallest number with an
index of III. In the Gulf of Gdańsk the whole range of SRIs was recorded,
but in the Dead Vistula River there was not a single crab with a completely
full stomach (Figure 1). The percentages of crabs with SRI categories I and
II were statistically different (P <0.05) in the two areas.
Unlike the sex and size of individuals (P>0.05), the locality of
occurrence did have a significant (P <0.05) influence on the diversity of food
items in the stomachs of R. harrisii. 50 and 72.7% of the specimens from
the Gulf of Gdańsk and the Dead Vistula River respectively had stomachs
containing only digested matter. In 45% of crabs with full stomachs from
the Gulf of Gdańsk the food items were identified as belonging to one of
three categories (plant matter, animal matter, detritus), and in 14.3% they
were from two categories; in only one single crab were all three categories
found. In the case of the crabs from the Dead Vistula River, 44% had food
items from one category in their stomachs, and only one individual had
items from two. Animal remains were found in 39% of crabs from the Gulf
of Gdańsk with full stomachs, whereas plant remains were found in 34%
of replete crabs. Animal and plant remains were identified in 15 and 21%
respectively of crabs from the Dead Vistula River. Detritus was found in
34% of crabs from the Gulf of Gdańsk and in 15% from the Dead Vistula
Feeding ecology of the American crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii ... 365
frequency [%]
Gulf of Gdańsk Dead Vistula River
stomach repletion index
empty 0.1-25% 20.1-50% 50.1-75% 75.1-100%
Figure 1. Frequency of crabs with different stomach repletion indices (SRI)
collected in the Gulf of Gdańsk (n =72) and the Dead Vistula River (n =46)
frequency in stomach content [%]
digested plant origin
categories of food items
animal origin detritus
Gulf of Gdańsk Dead Vistula River
Figure 2. Frequency of different categories of food items in the stomachs of crabs
from the Gulf of Gdańsk (n =56) and the Dead Vistula River (n =34)
River (Figure 2). Only the percentages of crabs with digested matter in
their stomachs differed significantly (P <0.05) in the two areas.
Among plant matter, Chlorophyta remains were found in the largest
number of crabs from the Gulf of Gdańsk and the Dead Vistula River
– 14 and 5 respectively (Figure 3). Among the animal remains found
in crabs from the Gulf of Gdańsk five different taxonomic groups were
recorded: Polychaeta, Amphipoda, Ostracoda, Bivalvia, Gastropoda. The
most frequent were Amphipoda fragments, which appeared in 10 specimens.
366 J. Hegele-Drywa, M. Normant
number of crabs
Chlorophyta Polychaeta
taxonomic group
Gulf of Gdańsk Dead Vistula River
Amphipoda GastropodaOstracoda Bivalvia
Figure 3. Frequency of occurrence of different plant and animal food items in the
stomachs of crabs from the Gulf of Gdańsk (n =27) and the Dead Vistula River
(n =9)
In crabs from the Dead Vistula River only two taxonomic groups were
found: Amphipoda and Bivalvia; the latter was the most numerous and
was recorded in 3 specimens.
4. Discussion
The dietary composition of Decapoda in their natural environment is
frequently determined directly from an analysis of their stomach contents,
even though identification of the food remains is difficult as they are
very finely comminuted. This is due to the structure and function of the
mouthparts and the gastric mill in this order of animals (Hill 1976, Williams
1981, Grabda (ed.) 1985, Choy 1986, Chande & Mgaya 2004).
From studies done so far of Rhithropanopeus harrisii from different
regions, it can be inferred that the species is omnivorous, feeding as it
does on detritus, as well as on animal and plant matter (Mordukhay-
Boltovskoy 1952, Szudarski 1963). But as in other Decapoda (Hill 1976,
Ryer 1987, Parslow-Williams et al. 2002), the frequency of feeding and the
quality of the food ingested depend not only on the locality inhabited by an
individual, but also on the diurnal cycle of activity and foraging (Takahashi
& Kawaguchi 2001, Turra & Denadai 2003). In the literature there does not
appear to be any endorsement of the above statements applying directly to
feeding patterns in R. harrisii. The environments from which the crabs for
the present investigation were taken – the Gulf of Gdańsk and the Dead
Vistula River – differ in their abiotic factors (temperature, salinity, type
of bottom), as well as in the availability and diversity of species of flora
and fauna that are potential food items for R. harrisii (Kruk-Dowgiałło
Feeding ecology of the American crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii ... 367
1994, Żmudziński 1997, Pliński 1999, Osowiecki 2000, Janas et al. 2004,
Janas 2005, Łysiak-Pastuszak et al. 2006, Kruk-Dowgiałło & Szaniawska
2008, own observations). Confirmation of the better trophic conditions for
R. harrisii in the Gulf of Gdańsk is the presence there of specimens with full
stomachs; crabs in this condition were not caught in the Dead Vistula River.
Interestingly, the individuals from the Gulf of Gdańsk were smaller in size,
and the rate of consumption in these smaller crabs may have been limited by
the availability of prey in the vulnerable size classes (Kneib & Weeks 1990,
Cotton et al. 2004). On the other hand, smaller, younger specimens have
a faster rate of metabolism and consumption than larger, older individuals
(Bridges & Brand 1980, Emmerson 1985, Schmidt-Nielsen 1997, Łapucki
et al. 2005). Large individuals of R. harrisii, which have the greatest chance
of capturing prey, do not in fact forage for prey if they have sufficient energy
reserves (Kidawa et al. 2004). In addition, fewer individuals from the Gulf
of Gdańsk had digested matter in their stomachs; more had undigested plant
and animal remains. These latter belonged to six different classes of flora
and invertebrate fauna, whereas in the crabs from the Dead Vistula River
the undigested food remains were from three classes.
This study did not indicate the existence of feeding selectivity in
R. harrisii from the Gulf of Gdańsk, because the numbers of individuals
feeding on plant or animal matter, or detritus, were similar. The choice
of food to be consumed depends not only on its availability in the
environment, but also on its assimilability sensu lato. It has been reported
that crustaceans frequently select small and medium-sized high-energy food
items from which the nutrients are readily assimilated (Morales & Antezana
1983, Juanes 1992, Kennish & Williams 1997). It is important that the
energy value of the food compensates for the energy expended by the
animal in foraging for it. Crabs belong to the mobile benthic fauna, but
they mostly crawl about on the bottom, and sudden movements are not in
their nature: they are not good hunters. They therefore tend to feed on
sessile organisms, macrophytes or detritus (Bourdeau & O’Connor 2003).
Crabs are particularly fond of mussels and snails, the shells of which they
crush with their pincers (Elner 1978, Hughes & Seed 1981, Flimlin & Beal
1993). Evidence for R. harrisii feeding on mussels is supplied by a few
shell fragments, which could have entered the stomach attached to the soft
tissue (e.g. adductor muscle) consumed (Hill 1976). The small proportion
of mussel remains found in the stomachs of crabs from the Gulf of Gdańsk
could be due to the fact that softer-bodied prey like mussels or polychaetes
require considerably less time to be digested than harder prey items like
crustaceans (Parslow-Williams et al. 2002). Hence, the presence of an item
in the gut contents can be taken as positive evidence of ingestion, but
368 J. Hegele-Drywa, M. Normant
its absence cannot be taken as evidence that the item does not occur in
the diet (Kneib & Weeks 1990). Interestingly, the stomachs of crabs from
both the Dead Vistula River and the Gulf of Gdańsk contained carapace
fragments from amphipods, which apparently move much faster than the
crabs. On the other hand, there are large numbers of gammarids in some
parts of the Gulf of Gdańsk (among the mussel beds, for instance), which
improves the chances of a predator capturing them. R. harrisii probably
finds dead organisms with the aid of its very well developed chemoreceptor
sense (Kidawa et al. 2004). Even though a diet of crustaceans has a fairly
low energy value, it does nonetheless supply consumers with the essential
minerals and calcium. R. harrisii is omnivorous, a feeding strategy that is
optimal since a mixed diet provides for the best growth (Buck et al. 2003).
By feeding on animal matter, crabs obtain the necessary proteins and fats
(Takeuchi & Murakami 2007), and the plant matter they ingest supplies
important nutrients (O’Brien 1994, Dahdouh-Guebas et al. 1999).
Interestingly, even though male crabs are usually more active and more
aggressive than females, and though their pincers are more massive, the
SRIs suggest that the foraging frequency is similar in the two sexes (Lee
1995, Takahashi & Kawaguchi 2001, Barki et al. 2003). This observation
may be due to the fact that this investigation was carried out on crabs
caught in summer, i.e. at a time of year when the high temperature of
the water governs feeding intensity and growth (Turoboyski 1973). In this
season, too, reproduction in R. harrisii is intensified, which suggests that
females should have a fairly low SRI, since they consume less food during
the breeding period (Ruiz-Tagle et al. 2002). In any case, ovigerous females
bury themselves in the bottom and spend more time grooming their eggs
than feeding (Turoboyski 1973, Sumpton & Smith 1990). Nevertheless, to
produce eggs females require a lot of energy, which they probably acquire
in their food and then save up for the breeding season (Ruiz-Tagle et al.
Studies of R. harrisii in the Gulf of Gdańsk done to date suggest
that it does not have many natural enemies in these waters. The crab
was not found either in the stomachs of benthic fish from the Gulf of
Gdańsk or in the diet of cormorants (Ostrowski 1997, Wandzel 2003, Bzoma
& Meissner 2005, Złoch et al. 2005, Karlson et al. 2007). It can itself,
however, affect the existence of the benthic flora and fauna ubiquitous in
the Gulf of Gdańsk, e.g. Chlorophyta, Amphipoda, Ostracoda, Polychaeta,
Gastropoda and Bivalvia species (Wiktor 1990, Osowiecki 1998, 2000,
Jęczmień & Szaniawska 2000a,b, Kruk-Dowgiałło & Szaniawska 2008). In
view of the ever-increasing numbers of R. harrisii in the Gulf of Gdańsk
over the last few years (Normant & Gibowicz 2008, Hegele-Drywa et al., in
Feeding ecology of the American crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii ... 369
preparation), this situation may have serious ecological consequences. The
present investigation is the first on the feeding ecology of R. harrisii in Baltic
coastal waters. Stomach contents often reflect the availability of food in the
environment rather than an animal’s preferences. That is why laboratory
studies are now in progress to try to discover the feeding preferences of
R. harrisii and the rate at which it consumes food. From the results it
should be possible to assess the potential effect of the American crab on the
benthic communities that it inhabits.
We would like to thank Mr. Stanisław Parszo from the Biological Station
of Gdańsk University for his assistance in collecting the material for this
study. We also express our gratitude to Dr Katarzyna Bradtke from the
Department of Physical Oceanography, University of Gdańsk, for her help
with the statistical analyses.
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... It was also shown that sand hoppers have a closer association with new than aged BW deposits (Lastra et al., 2008;Duarte et al., 2010). A second investigated BW-associated organism, a Harris mud crab R. harrisii, is highly omnivorous, eeding on detritus and plant material, as well as small crustaceans, depending on occupied habitat (Hegele-Drywa and Normant, 2009). However, as conrmed by isotopic analysis, when inhabits a vegetation-rich environment, such as BW, plant material constitutes up to 73% o its diet (Ziółkowska et al., 2018). ...
Since the 1970s, the amount of aquatic plants and algae debris, called beach wrack (BW), has increased along the shores of industrialised regions. The strong ability of primary producers to accumulate pollutants can potentially result in their deposition on the beach along with the BW. Despite that, the fate and impact of such pollutants on sandy beach ecosystems have not been investigated so far. This study examines the fate of neurotoxic mercury and its labile and stable fractions in BW on sandy beaches of the Puck Bay (Baltic Sea). In addition to BW, beach sediments and wrack-associated macrofauna were also analysed. Rough estimations showed that Puck Bay beaches (58.8 km) may be a temporary storage of 0.2–0.5 kg of mercury, deposited on them along with the BW annually. A large proportion of Hg (89 ± 16%) in a BW was labile and potentially bioavailable. The contribution of Hg fractions in the BW was conditioned by the degree of its decomposition (molar C:N:P ratio). With the progressive degradation of BW, a decrease in the contribution of Hg adsorbed on its surface with a simultaneous increase in the proportion of adsorbed (intracellular), mercury was observed. BW accumulation decreased oxygen content and redox potential and increased methylmercury content in underlying sediments, indicating methylation. Hg concentrations in the studied fauna were up to 4 times higher than in the BW. The highest values occurred in a predatory sand bear spider and the lowest in a herbivorous sand hopper. Regardless of trophic position, most of Hg (92–95%) occurred as an absorbed fraction, which indicates about a 30% increase in relation to its share of BW. These findings suggest the significant role of BW as a mercury carrier in a land-sea interface and increased exposure of beach communities to the adverse effects of mercury in coastal ecosystems.
... R. harrisii is small, up to 26 mm in carapace width, and omnivorous (Turoboyski 1973), which enables it to survive in various communities. R. harrisii feeds on both sessile and mobile invertebrates such as blue mussels (Figure 2), amphipods and gastropods (Turoboyski 1973;Hegele-Drywa and Normant 2009). The depth distribution for R. harrisii in the inner and middle Archipelago Sea is recorded as < 2 m (Fowler et al. 2013), but in their native habitat as well as in the southern Baltic Sea, crabs can be found down to 20 metres depth (Hegele-Drywa and Normant 2009). ...
Seawater temperature is an important variable affecting both the distribution and performance of marine organisms. In conjunction with climate change, marine heatwaves are expected to become more frequent and increase in their intensity and duration, mainly driven by a warming trend in sea surface temperature (SST). The effects of warming on marine organisms are diverse, and arguably the Baltic Sea can be considered particularly prone to marine heatwaves, as it is a comparable shallow enclosed water body. Additionally, the Baltic Sea has low functional redundancy and species diversity, which may further increase the potential impacts of extreme events. Despite the rapid warming rates of SST observed in and projected for the Baltic Sea compared to other large marine waterbodies, not many experimental studies have been conducted on the impact of heatwaves on its coastal marine communities. This is particularly true for the northern parts of the Baltic, such as the northern Baltic Proper and the Finnish Archipelago Sea. This study consists of a modelling and an experimental part. In the modelling part, the frequency, intensity, and duration of marine heatwaves in the Finnish Archipelago Sea were identified by applying the available software package “heatwaveR”, on two SST datasets from the region (a long-term dataset spanning 52 years and a shorter dataset of high-resolution spanning 12 years). Subsequently, trends in these characteristics of marine heatwaves were examined. For the experimental part of this thesis, the impact of simulated marine heatwaves was tested on the non-indigenous Harris mud crab, Rhithropanopeus harrisii. Experimental treatments were designed based on metrics retrieved from the climatological SST data assessed in the modelling part. The treatments represented three scenarios for SST: a present average marine heatwave in the Archipelago Sea (Present), an event of increased amplitude (Amplitude) and a future heatwave scenario of a high amplitude (Intensified). The study species, R.harrisii recently entered the Finnish Archipelago Sea with an expanding distribution range, which may be driven by its relatively high tolerance to environmental stress in comparison to the corresponding tolerances of many native species. Thus, I hypothesized that R. harrisii would tolerate benign heatwave treatments of present day intensity but may suffer from intense heat stress experienced in the applied future heatwave scenarios. Measured response variables were feeding on mussel prey and growth of the crab (wet weight and carapace width). The long-term dataset showed that mean SST (both summer and annual) in the Archipelago Sea has increased over the last 52 years (0.4 and 0.5 °C per decade, respectively), and so has the frequency of marine heatwave events, partly driven by this increase in mean SST in the region. No significant trends were detected over the12-year high-resolution dataset. There was no significant difference in crab feeding rates between the heatwave treatments over the 36-day long experimental period, although crabs showed a tendency to feed more with increasing temperatures (non significant trends). There was, however, a significant time effect on feeding, but this effect was only present when no treatments were taken into consideration. No significant differences in crab growth between the three heatwave treatments could be detected. Mean SST in the Baltic Sea is increasing and so are the extremes. Since rising SST is one of the main drivers of marine heatwaves worldwide, these are likely to become more common in the future. R. harrisii might benefit in a warmer Baltic Sea as it is indicated from this study: individuals showed intensified feeding with increasing SST and tolerated well the extreme temperatures associated with the applied marine heatwaves. Due to its recent introduction, the role of R. harrisii in the Archipelago Sea food web is still not fully understood. Yet, the combined effects of the temperature tolerance of this introduced secondary consumer and marine heatwaves may have possible consequences for the entire ecosystem, primarily by changing the interaction among species.
... An invasive predatory crab (Rhithropanopeus harrisii) now occupies a functional predatory guild never occupied by native species in the food web. The crab consumes large numbers of ecologically important shellfish and other smaller invertebrates that previously had no major invertebrate predators in this area (Hegele-Drywa andNormant-Saremba 2009, Kotta et al. 2018). It is native to eastern America, was reported as having invaded western European waters by 1874, was reported in the Baltic Sea as early as 1936, and has become established in NE Baltic Sea regions in recent years (Kotta and Ojaveer 2012). ...
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Anthropogenically influenced habitats are becoming increasingly impacted by multiple invasive species that can regionally control main ecological processes and functions. Management requires predictions of invasive species’ effects, but multiple invasions may cause unpredictable outcomes, for example, synergistic impacts or interactions among trophic levels causing trophic cascades. The Baltic Sea is prone to species invasions that increasingly occur at multiple trophic levels. We used a laboratory experiment to test whether multiple invasive predators may cause interactive effects in the Baltic Sea. In aquaria, we simulated a coastal community that has developed dominated by invasive species—the decapod predators Palaemon elegans and Rhithropanopeus harrisii, the amphipod grazer Gammarus tigrinus, and the filter‐feeder Dreissena polymorpha. The orthogonal experiment determined separate and interactive effects from predators on the lower trophic level invasive species and native algae including the foundation species Fucus radicans. The main result was that while both predators significantly impacted the community, in no cases were their effects interactive. Another important result was that P. elegans appeared to cause a trophic cascade, as in its presence F. radicans and its epiphytes had the greatest biomass while G. tigrinus grazers were heavily reduced. G. tigrinus were negatively correlated with F. radicans biomass, so variable amphipod grazing may be the link allowing an indirect effect of P. elegans on F. radicans. R. harrisii also reduced G. tigrinus abundance but did not affect F. radicans biomass. Both predators significantly affected the lengths of F. radicans plant stems that were comprised of new vegetative growth—P. elegans reduced the lengths of new vegetative tissue while R. harrisii increased it. Thus, the presence of P. elegans induced shorter and denser F. radicans bushes compared to taller and thinner bushes observed in other treatments. Lastly, R. harrisii caused significant declines in D. polymorpha numbers. Overall, ecological management needs to consider positive effects from predator invasion which may reduce grazing pressure on low trophic level foundation species. A trophic cascade involving two invasive species highlights the importance of multi‐species approaches to management of Baltic Sea invasive species and in other regions prone to biological invasions.
... Mud crabs are omnivorous scavengers and mostly feed on algae; small invertebrates such as amphipods, copepods, polychaetes and bivalves; seagrass detritus; and other dead organic matter. The frequency at which they feed and the quality of what they eat depend on the habitat and their diurnal cycle of activity and foraging (Hegele-Drywa and Normant 2009;Williams 1984). Mud crabs can be found in coastal environments throughout the northern hemisphere, and they are considered global invaders introduced through ballast waters and commercial oyster shipments. ...
The article “Standardizing Estimates of Biomass at Recruitment and Productivity for Fin- and Shellfish in Coastal Habitats,” written by Just Cebrian et al., was originally published electronically on the publisher’s internet portal on March 6, 2020, without open access.
... Mud crabs are omnivorous scavengers and mostly feed on algae; small invertebrates such as amphipods, copepods, polychaetes and bivalves; seagrass detritus; and other dead organic matter. The frequency at which they feed and the quality of what they eat depend on the habitat and their diurnal cycle of activity and foraging (Hegele-Drywa and Normant 2009;Williams 1984). Mud crabs can be found in coastal environments throughout the northern hemisphere, and they are considered global invaders introduced through ballast waters and commercial oyster shipments. ...
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Assessing the biomass and productivity of fin- and shellfish supported by coastal ecosystems is important to develop plans for the conservation and restoration of these ecosystems, but such assessments are not easy to obtain. We developed a protocol that, from density data, quantifies biomass at recruitment for species where information exists to derive life history tables, and productivity where such information does not exist. Our protocol also assesses the variability (i.e., variance) for the calculated biomass and productivity values. For relatively well-reported species, inferences regarding differences among habitats or species can be suggested. For instance, application of our protocol to juvenile pinfish confirms its well-known preference for structured habitats. Mud crabs also seem to reach higher productivity levels in structured than open bottom habitats. For poorly reported species, only a general idea can be gleaned. However, larger data sets of fin- and shellfish density in shallow coastal systems are needed to increase the accuracy, precision, and comprehensiveness of the estimates of biomass at recruitment and productivity generated with our protocol. With such larger data sets and the use of statistical tools such as Bayesian methods, the protocol can significantly help improve our understanding and management of fisheries productivity in coastal systems.
... The duration of passage of food through the crustacean gut system is highly variable depending on the species and environmental conditions (McGaw, 2006;HegeleDrywa and Normant, 2009). During current experiments the whole digestive system of R. harrisii was cleared of food 9-12 h after feeding. ...
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The ingestion of microplastics has been recorded in hundreds of species. The ingestion rate and degree of impact is species-specific and depends on food preferences, foraging behaviour, and plastic pollution of the area. Currently there is a large knowledge gap regarding ingestion of marine litter by invertebrates in brackish water bodies. Therefore, experiments were conducted to investigate microplastics uptake and potential accumulation in the digestive system of the Harris mud crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii. Effects of microplastics on the growth of crabs were also tested. The results show that R. harrisii consume microplastics together with food, only plastic fragments too large for the digestion system were removed by crabs. The effect and duration of passage of plastic are not consistent and depend on the size and type of plastic. Microplastic fragments (
In the present study, ten crab samples Portunus sanguinolentus (Three spotted crab) from Mudasalodai landing centre were collected and aerobic forms of gut bacteria were isolated. These crab species are commonly available in Mudasalodai landing center. The TVC (total bacterial count) of Portunus sanguinolentus gut sample were ranged from 2.6×10 5 to 3.1×10 5. In the present work, a total of 9 different bacterial species were detected in the gut of the selected crab. The observed aerobic bacterial populations in the gut of Portunus sanguinolentusi and their percentages of occurrences were Bacillus (7.5%), E. coli (20%), Vibrio spp. (25%), Staphylococcus aureus (12.5%), Salmonella spp. (10%), Pseudomonas (12.5%), Klebsiella spp. (7.5%), Listeria spp. (2.5%) and Shigella ssp. (2.5%) were the bacterial flora observed and they were identified using standard biochemical methods. In the present study, the observed antibacterial activities against different Fish pathogens such as Aeromonas hydrophila (2.3 cm), Vibrio vulnificus (2.5cm), Falvobacterium columnare (3.1 cm), Vibrio ordalii (2.3 cm). The isolates were screened for their antibacterial activity against a panel of human bacterial pathogens. The results showed, among the different crab gut bacterial isolates, the Pseudomonas isolate showed highest activity against the wide range of human and fish pathogens. Hence it was further identified using 16S rRNA based molecular identification. The strain was identified as Pseudomonas stutzeri. The potential antimicrobial compound producing Pseudomonas stutzeri isolate was further optimized for different physicochemical growth parameters using broth medium. Various parameters on growth of P. stutzeri SJ3 isolate showed 36 h incubation (2.22 OD), 160 rpm agitation (1.72 OD), pH 7 (1.81 OD), 37 o C (1.75 OD), 2.5% salinity (1.8 OD), 2% glucose as carbon source (1.98 OD) and 1.5% yeast extract as nitrogen source (1.93 OD) as the ideal conditions. Growth in the mass cultivation medium under optimized conditions at the end of 36 h of incubation was 3.42 OD with the antimicrobial activity zone of 3.9 mm. In the present study, the antimicrobial compound production was found to be growth dependent. Hence, the Pseudomonas stutzeri isolated from the gut of the Portunus sanguinolentus was a potential candidate for the production of antimicrobial compound against the fish bacterial pathogens. How to cite : R. Hariharasuthan, S. Vimalkumar, M. Parivallal, S. Harikrishnan, S. Sudarshan, R. Muthezhilan and S. Jayalakshmi (2023) The autochthonous gut microflora of three spotted crab (Portunus sanguinolentus) and their antimicrobial potential against fish pathogens.
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Proceedings of the international Dniester River basin conference dedicated to the transboundary cooperation of Moldova and Ukraine in the promotion of the integrated river basin management in frames of the transboundary bilateral water treaty (2012).
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The energy value of male and female Rhithropanopeus harrisii tridentatus of various carapace width classes was determined. Crab samples were collected in the Vistula Lagoon from April to November 1995. The population of R. harrisii tridentatus from the Vistula Lagoon was characterised by a very low energy value 7.97 [SD] ± 1.5 J mg-1 DW, (12.69 [SD] ± 2.1 J mg-1 AFDW). The average amount of ash in this population was 37.66% of dry weight (organic matter was 62.44%). In each month (except September) the calorific value of the females exceeded that of the males; this value also varied seasonally. The calorific value of the population dropped to a minimum in August, whereas the maximum level was recorded in September.
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A study was conducted from 2001 to 2003 in the Gulf of Gdańsk (Poland) on the diel food composition and diel and seasonal changes in the feeding activity of Pomatoschistus minutus, Pomatoschistus microps, and Platichthys flesus. During the three-year study, no empty fish stomachs were noted, and the fish food was comprised exclusively of prey species that inhabit the shallow water zone (e.g., Bathyporeia pilosa). It can also be stated that the shallow waters of the Gulf of Gdańsk are an important feeding ground for Pomatoschistus sp. and P. flesus. The food intake of all three investigated fish was lower at night than during the day, which led to the conclusion that these fish are day feeders. The seasonal feeding intensity of the sand and common gobies was approximately the same throughout the investigation but was higher in April, June, and August, and lower in September. The flounder fed most intensively in August and March, while feeding intensity was lower in May and June. In September 2001, the most important prey items for P. minutus were Amphipoda undet. and Mysidacea undet. in the morning, N. integer and Mysidacea undet. at noon, wid Harpacticoida and Copepoda undet. in the evening. In the same month, P. microps fed mainly on B. pilosa at 08:00, N. integer at 00:00, and Harpacticoida at 20:00. From 2001 to 2003, P. flesus preyed mainly on Polychaeta in the morning hours, while in the evening it targeted N. integer according to the prey frequency of occurrence and quantity in the fish stomachs.
Prey selection and consumption of common molluscs and macroalgae by the Asian shore crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus, were investigated in the laboratory. Crabs of three size classes (12-18, 19-25, 26-31 mm carapace width) collected from the rocky intertidal from May to November 1998, and were offered three mollusc species: the mussel Mytilus edulis, the clam Mercenaria mercenaria, and the snail Littorina littorea. Equal numbers of prey from three size classes or two species were offered concurrently to individual crabs. Crabs consumed small molluscs, large males opening larger molluscs than did females and smaller males. Male crabs consumed both mussels and clams. Females opened only mussels, but ate flesh from previously opened clams. Very few L. littorea were consumed. The macroalgae Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides, Enteromorpha spp., Chondrus crispus, Fucus spp., and Ascophyllum nodossum were presented to individual crabs separately to determine consumption rates and together to ascertain species preference. Crabs preferred the green algae C. fragile ssp. tomentosoides and Enteromorpha spp.
Differences between the species composition and total resources of bottom macrofauna in two areas of Puck Bay were analysed in 1962-63 and 1984-85. These areas were the shallow Puck Lagoon, originally overgrown by luxuriant multi-specific submerged meadows which later underwent serious degradation, and the outer Puck Bay with its very limited extent of underwater meadows. In the first area the total resources were found to have decreased, whereas in the second the bottom macrofauna had increased. Both regions saw a four-fold increase in polychaete biomass, that of Hediste diversicolor in particular. In the outer Puck Bay the mollusc biomass increased, especially that of Mytilus trossulus, Macoma balthica, and the crustacean Gammarus sp., Balanus improvisus, and especially Corophium volutator. The biomass of most taxonomic groups decreased, which in the Puck Lagoon is evidence for the degradation of the bottom macroflora.
The macrozoobenthos investigation carried out in autumn 1994 and summer 1995 along with a review of literature data enabled the author to specify the condition and changes in the bottom macrofauna communities in the Gulf of Gdansk. No substantial changes have been found over the last 30 years. In the 90s, in 1995 in particular, a difficult to interpret increase in abundance and biomass of macrozoobenthos occurred.
Rhithropanopeus harrisii, ein amerikanisches Neozoon, wird seit 1996 regelmäßig im Rahmen des BfG-Ästuarmonitorings im Elbeästuar nahe der Schleuse zum Nordostseekanal gefunden. ---------------- Rhithropanopeus harrisii, an american neozoon, has been found regular since 1996 by the BfG Estuary Monitoring in the Elbe estuary near the lock to the Kiel Canal.
This paper describes the recent species abundance of the genus Gammarus in Puck Bay (western part of the Gulf of Gdańsk, Baltic Sea, Poland). Samples were taken at 9 shallow (ca 0.4 m deep) and 4 deeper (ca 10 m) stations from April 1997 to March 1998. In Puck Bay six species of the genus Gammarus were observed: G. inequicauda. G. locusta, G. zaddachi, G. oceanicus, G. salinus and G. duebeni. Abundance and biomass of the gammarids are considerably higher in shallow water (18.1 ind. m-2, 64.8 mg m-2) than in the deeper part of the bay (1.6 ind. m-2, 28.1 mg m-2). The most abundant species in Puck Bay is G. zaddachi. G. duebeni dominates in the total gammarids biomass of the shallow regions and G. oceanicus in the deeper parts of the bay.