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Accuracy of real-time ultrasound measurements of total tissue, fat, and muscle depths at different measuring sites in lamb


Abstract and Figures

Accuracy of live ultrasound measurements to evaluate the total tissue depth (GR), as well as fat and LM depths at different scanning sites, was studied in 96 purebred Suffolk and Dorset lambs of both sexes slaughtered between 36 and 54 kg of BW. Before slaughter, 7 real-time ultrasound measurements were taken on lambs: fat and LM depths between the 12th and 13th ribs (transverse) and between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae (transverse and longitudinal), and GR. After slaughter, the measurements equivalent to ultrasound measurements were taken on digitized images of the cuts on the left half carcass of each lamb. Ultrasound GR and fat depth measurements were closely correlated with the corresponding carcass measurements (0.76 < or = r < or = 0.81). Ultrasound GR measurement exhibited a large error of central tendency, but the level of error due to the disturbance (ED) was comparable with fat depth measurements (ED = 8.5%; residual SD = 2.24 mm; CV of residuals = 9.5%). Ultrasound fat depth measurements were more accurate between the 12th and 13th ribs (error due to regression = 1.20; ED = 0.82) than between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae (error due to regression = 5.58 and 5.4; ED = 1.10 and 0.93, transverse and longitudinal, respectively), mainly due to image interpretation errors in the lumbar region. Measurements of LM depth demonstrated low variability in the population under study (SD = 2.6 mm), and these ultrasound measurements showed low correlation with the corresponding carcass measurements (0.34 < or = r < or = 0.43). The results of this study demonstrated that ultrasound measurements were more accurate for evaluating fat depth and the GR measurements than for estimating LM depths. Ultrasound GR measurement is a promising measurement, especially where carcass grading systems are based on this carcass measurement.
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M. Thériault, C. Pomar and F. W. Castonguay
at different measuring sites in lamb
Accuracy of real-time ultrasound measurements of total tissue, fat, and muscle depths
doi: 10.2527/jas.2008-1002 originally published online Jan 16, 2009;
2009.87:1801-1813. J Anim Sci
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The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on
at Bibliotheque De L'Univ. Laval Section Des Acquisitions on April 27, 2009. jas.fass.orgDownloaded from
ABSTRACT: Accuracy of live ultrasound measure-
ments to evaluate the total tissue depth (GR), as well
as fat and LM depths at different scanning sites, was
studied in 96 purebred Suffolk and Dorset lambs of both
sexes slaughtered between 36 and 54 kg of BW. Before
slaughter, 7 real-time ultrasound measurements were
taken on lambs: fat and LM depths between the 12th
and 13th ribs (transverse) and between the 3rd and 4th
lumbar vertebrae (transverse and longitudinal), and
GR. After slaughter, the measurements equivalent to
ultrasound measurements were taken on digitized im-
ages of the cuts on the left half carcass of each lamb.
Ultrasound GR and fat depth measurements were close-
ly correlated with the corresponding carcass measure-
ments (0.76 ≤ r ≤ 0.81). Ultrasound GR measurement
exhibited a large error of central tendency, but the level
of error due to the disturbance (ED) was comparable
with fat depth measurements (ED = 8.5%; residual SD
= 2.24 mm; CV of residuals = 9.5%). Ultrasound fat
depth measurements were more accurate between the
12th and 13th ribs (error due to regression = 1.20; ED
= 0.82) than between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae
(error due to regression = 5.58 and 5.4; ED = 1.10 and
0.93, transverse and longitudinal, respectively), mainly
due to image interpretation errors in the lumbar region.
Measurements of LM depth demonstrated low variabil-
ity in the population under study (SD = 2.6 mm), and
these ultrasound measurements showed low correlation
with the corresponding carcass measurements (0.34
r ≤ 0.43). The results of this study demonstrated that
ultrasound measurements were more accurate for eval-
uating fat depth and the GR measurements than for es-
timating LM depths. Ultrasound GR measurement is a
promising measurement, especially where carcass grad-
ing systems are based on this carcass measurement.
Key words: fat depth, lamb, live measurement, loin muscle depth, total tissue depth measurement, ultrasound
©2009 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved. J. Anim. Sci. 2009. 87:1801–1813
In hogs and cattle, ultrasound fat and muscle depths
have been used for several years in genetic selection
programs for improving carcass quality, and much re-
search has been published on this topic (Moeller, 2002;
Williams, 2002). In sheep, few scientific data are avail-
able to evaluate and compare the accuracy of the dif-
ferent scanning sites, and conclusions on their useful-
ness were often conflicting (Houghton and Turlington,
1992). Besides, it is difficult to compare results because
of the various statistical methods used.
The most common site to evaluate transverse fat and
LM depths in lamb is at the 12th-13th ribs (Wilson,
1992). Some researchers obtained greater correlation
between ultrasound and carcass measurements at the
3rd-4th lumbar vertebrae (Fernández et al., 1998; Silva
et al., 2006). In hogs, longitudinal measurements, par-
allel to the backbone, are commonly used in Canada,
but this method is rarely reported in lambs (Berg et al.,
Accuracy of real-time ultrasound measurements of total tissue, fat,
and muscle depths at different measuring sites in lamb1
M. Thériault,*† C. Pomar,* and F. W. Castonguay*†2
*Dairy and Swine Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Sherbrooke, Québec,
Canada, J1M 1Z3; and †Département des sciences animales, Université Laval, Québec,
Québec, Canada, G1V 0A6
Financial support for this project was provided by the Conseil
des recherches en pêche et en agroalimentaire of the Ministère de
l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec (Qué-
bec, Canada), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAC), the Fonds
pour la formation des chercheurs et l’aide à la recherche du Qué-
bec (Québec, Canada), the Coopérative fédérée (Montreal, Québec,
Canada), Intervet Canada Ltd. (Whitby, Ontario, Canada), and the
Société des éleveurs de moutons de race pure du Québec (Pont-
Rouge, Québec, Canada). The authors thank Jean-Paul Daigle at
the Centre de développement du porc du Québec (Québec, Canada)
for his guidance and expertise in ultrasound measurement, Francis
Goulet (Université Laval) for professional assistance, Giovanny Leb-
el for taking care of the lambs (Lamb Test Station, St-Jean-de-Dieu,
Québec, Canada), Carol Bernier and all the staff at the Luceville
abattoir (Luceville, Québec, Canada), Marcel Marcoux (AAC) and
Julie Mercier (Université Laval) for coordinating and carrying out
the carcass fabrication and image digitization, and Steve Méthot
(AAC) for his assistance in the statistical analyses.
Corresponding author:
Received March 4, 2008.
Accepted January 9, 2009.
at Bibliotheque De L'Univ. Laval Section Des Acquisitions on April 27, 2009. jas.fass.orgDownloaded from
1996) and has never been compared with the transverse
measurement. Total tissue depth over the 12th rib at 11
cm from the midline of the carcass (GR) is a measure-
ment included in carcass grading systems to predict
lean and fat yield in Canada (Jones et al., 1996), Aus-
tralia (Hopkins, 1994), and New Zealand (Kirton and
Johnson, 1979). Despite the proven usefulness of car-
cass GR measurement, few researchers demonstrated
interest in this ultrasound scanning site in live lambs
(McEwan et al., 1989; Ramsey et al., 1991; Hopkins et
al., 1993).
This investigation aimed to determine the better
scanning sites, in regard to accuracy and feasibility,
to validate and refine the evaluation of carcass quality
traits in genetic selection programs for lamb. Specifi-
cally, the objectives of this study were to assess the ac-
curacy of ultrasound fat and LM depths at 2 scanning
sites and the accuracy of ultrasound GR, as well as to
compare transverse and longitudinal ultrasound mea-
Care and handling of the lambs used in this study
were conformed to the guidelines established by the
Canadian Council on Animal Care (1993).
Animal Sampling and Husbandry Conditions
A total of 144 purebred Suffolk (SU; n = 72) and
Dorset (DP; n = 72) lambs were selected at weaning,
at around 55 d of age, from 9 Quebec sheep producers.
Lambs representative to their respective breed in terms
of weaning weight were retained. The Dorset breed is a
maternal type and is characterized by moderate growth
and a greater fat content. Conversely, the Suffolk is a
leaner, fast-growing terminal breed.
Lambs entered the test station at around 65 d of age
and were assigned according to sex (male and female),
breed (SU and DP), and slaughter weight classes (36 to
39 kg, 41 to 44 kg, 46 to 49 kg, and 51 to 54 kg) to a 2
× 2 × 4 factorial design arranged in 8 randomized com-
plete blocks, each block consisting of 1 pen of each sex.
Treatments were used for studying growth and tissue
deposition of heavy lambs as part of another research
project (F. W. Castonguay, unpublished data). Lambs
were fed ad libitum a pelleted, complete grower diet
(18% CP; 2.76 Mcal/kg of ME) to approximately 35 kg
of BW and then a finisher diet (15% CP; 2.79 Mcal/
kg of ME) until slaughter. High quality hay also was
available for ad libitum intake during the entire experi-
Live Measurements
Body weight and the ultrasound measurements were
recorded less than 48 h before slaughter. Ultrasound
measurements were taken by an experienced operator
using a real-time ultrasound device (Ultrascan50, Al-
liance Médicale Inc., Montreal, Canada) with a 120-
mm, 3.5-MHz linear probe. Lambs were restrained
and measured in a standing position on a preparation
table to minimize errors related to movement and tis-
sue compression. Before each ultrasound session, the
different scanning sites were sheared with a surgical
blade (0.1 mm) and a conductive solution (mineral oil
or P-net, DGF, Pintendre, Canada) was applied. De-
pending on the scanning site, a flat or curved gel pad
(Superflab, Mick Radio Nuclear Instruments, Bronx,
NY) was placed under the probe coated with ultra-
sound gel (Ecogel200, Eco-Med Pharmaceutical Inc.,
Mississauga, Canada). The flat gel pad was fitted with
guides (at 4 cm and 11 cm) to assist in the longitudinal
Ultrasound measurements were taken on the left
side at 4 sites on the live animal: total tissue depth
(GRus) between the 11th and 12th ribs, 11 cm lateral
to the spine and parallel to it (longitudinal measure-
ment, flat gel pad; Figure 1); fat depth (FD12us) and
LM depth (LD12us) between the 12th and 13th ribs
perpendicular to the body midline (transverse mea-
surement, curved gel pad); fat depth (FD3Tus) and
LM depth (LD3Tus) between the 3rd and 4th lumbar
vertebrae, taken perpendicular to the spine (transverse
measurement, curved gel pad); fat depth (FD3Lus) and
LM depth (LD3Lus) between the 3rd and 4th lumbar
vertebrae, taken parallel to the body midline (longitu-
dinal measurement, flat gel pad). The same operator
performed the ultrasound measurements throughout
the experiment. The images were captured at each site,
and measurements were taken immediately using the
cursor of the device. For the transverse measurements,
the probe was placed perpendicular to the backbone
capturing the entire lamb chop from which the maximal
height of the LM, perpendicular to the surface, and
the fat depth over this height was assigned respectively
to muscle and fat depths (Pálsson, 1939). Longitudinal
measurements, parallel to the backbone, captured an
image of the LM over its length. In this case, the muscle
depth corresponded to maximal height between trans-
verse processes and fat depth was the fat cover over this
muscle depth (Figure 2). Skin depth was included in all
the ultrasound fat measurements because this tissue is
not easily distinguishable from the fat layer. Skin layer
was thin (2.5 to 3.0 mm) and showed little between-
animal variation (Gooden et al., 1980; Cameron and
Bracken, 1992). Our measurements and analyses of skin
thickness performed in this experiment at around 110 d
of age corroborated these observations (3.5 ± 0.4 mm;
data not shown).
Slaughter and Grading
Lambs were slaughtered weekly on a fixed day for
the entire duration of the experiment. After feed with-
drawal for at least 12 h, the BW was recorded before
slaughter. Lambs were slaughtered in a commercial ab-
attoir. Particular attention was given to the pelt re-
Thériault et al.
at Bibliotheque De L'Univ. Laval Section Des Acquisitions on April 27, 2009. jas.fass.orgDownloaded from
moval to keep the subcutaneous fat intact. Hanging
carcasses were weighed before chilling at 4°C. After 24
h of chilling, the carcasses were graded according to the
method of Agriculture Canada (1992). Using a metal
ruler, total tissue depth was measured over the 12th
rib, 11 cm from the midline (GR measurement). Final-
ly, the carcasses were split longitudinally, and the left
half-carcasses were sent to Agriculture and Agri-Food
Canada’s Dairy and Swine Research and Development
Cuts and Carcass Measurements
Five days after slaughter, the half-carcasses were cut
into primary cuts (shoulder, loin, leg, and flank). Two
cuts parallel to the ribs were made in the loin region,
one between the 12th and the 13th ribs and one behind
the 13th rib, to extract the last chop. This chop was
digitized using an image digitizer (Scanmaker 2, Mi-
crotek, Taiwan) at a resolution of 100 pixels per inch.
Similarly, a cut was made between the 3rd and 4th lum-
bar vertebrae, and an image of this surface (posterior
region of the loin) was digitized. Measurements corre-
sponding to the live ultrasound measurements, fat depth
(FD12: between the 12th and 13th ribs; FD3: between
the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae), LM depth (LD12:
between the 12th and 13th ribs; LD3: between the 3rd
and 4th lumbar vertebrae), and LM area (LMA12: be-
tween the 12th and 13th ribs; LMA3: between the 3rd
and 4th lumbar vertebrae), were evaluated using image
analysis software (Pomar et al., 2001).
Statistical Analyses
Analyses were performed on animals having valid
data for all the studied variables. Pearson’s correla-
tion coefficients between the ultrasound measurements
and the corresponding carcass measurements were cal-
culated using the CORR procedure (SAS Inst. Inc.,
Cary, NC), indicating the intensity of the relationship
between these 2 sets of variables. Coefficients of corre-
lation (r) and determination (r2) are, however, strongly
influenced by the population distribution (Houghton
and Turlington, 1992). For the purpose of comparing
studies, it is therefore preferable to refer to the residual
SD (RSD) of the relationship between the carcass and
ultrasound measurements. The relationship between ul-
trasound measurements (dependent variable) and mea-
surements taken on the digitized images (independent
variable) was studied using the SAS REG procedure.
The inverse relationship was also determined, with the
same SAS procedure, to compare our results with those
of other studies. Outliers and data having undue in-
fluence were identified using influence diagnostics and
graphic analysis.
Additionally, error decomposition was used to deter-
mine the accuracy of the ultrasound measurements, in
terms of trueness and precision (ISO, 1993). According
to the method described by Theil (1966), the total mea-
surement error is equal to the mean square prediction
error (MSPE). In our case, the error is the difference
between measurements taken on the carcass and the
value obtained using ultrasound imaging; that is,
MSPE carcassultrasound
The MSPE also is equal to the square of the root mean
square error (RMSE) as described by Herring et al.
(1994). Graphically, the error represents the difference
between each point (ultrasound measurement) and the
line of identity (perfect match between carcass and ul-
trasound measurements). The MSPE can be broken
down into 3 components: error of central tendency
(ECT), error due to regression (ER) and error due
to disturbance (ED), as proposed by Benchaar et al.
(1998) and Pomar and Marcoux (2005). The ECT eval-
uates the closeness of the agreement between the mean
value obtained using an instrument and the accepted
reference value. The ECT is equal to the square of the
bias of the ultrasound measurements (bias = mean dif-
ference between the ultrasound and carcass measure-
ments), as used in studies of measurement precision
(Moeller and Christian, 1998; Greiner et al., 2003).
Figure 1. Longitudinal ultrasound image of total tissue depth be-
tween 11th and 12th ribs at 11 cm from the midline (GR) in lamb.
Ribs are designated by letters R.
Accuracy of ultrasound measurements in lamb 1803
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ECT bias mean mean
== -=
The ER refers to the difference between the slope of
the regression line between the ultrasound and carcass
measurements and the slope (b = 1) of the identity line.
The ED is the component of the error that cannot be
explained by the regression. It represents the dispersion
of the points around the regression line, the random er-
ror. The ED is the square of the RSD.
In the present study, the trueness of the measure-
ments is evaluated as the sum of ECT and ER, where-
as the precision is evaluated by the ED. Presence of
bias does not mean that the measurement is not useful
(ECT > 0). The ECT can easily be corrected by adding
the value of the bias to the ultrasound measurement.
Although it also can be corrected by regression, the ER
implies that the bias is not constant and varies depend-
ing on the magnitude of the measurements. The ED,
on the other hand, cannot be corrected and needs to
be minimized.
Few authors use the SE of prediction (SEP) for
evaluating the precision of ultrasound measurements
(Herring et al., 1994; Moeller and Christian, 1998). The
SEP is similar to the RMSE of Herring et al. (1994):
SEP carcassultrasoundbias
Thus, an SEP of 1.5 mm for fat depth indicates that,
in 68% of cases, an ultrasound measurement will be
within 1.5 mm of the carcass measurement (Moeller and
Christian, 1998). Within the SEP, the ER and the ran-
dom error are merged when n is very large, because
ER ED carcassultrasoundbias
+= --
The error decomposition method proposed here gives
additional information about the type of errors made
with ultrasound imaging. The SEP was presented for
the purposes of comparison with previous published re-
sults. All error calculations were performed using SAS
Data from 96 lambs (44 SU and 52 DP) were used
in this study. Information from other animals was re-
moved from the data set because of mortality of the
animal, disease, or because carcasses were not properly
split. Average daily gain of the lambs was 417 g/d and
ranged between 272 and 620 g/d (data not shown).
Lambs were slaughtered at an average age of 130.9 d
with an average fasted BW of 47.0 kg and HCW of 24.4
kg (Table 1). The high variability showed in Table 1 for
carcass fat depth reflects the discrepancy in the pattern
of fattening of the 2 breeds of lamb used in this study
(maternal and terminal types).
Relationship Between Live Ultrasound
and Carcass Measurements
Total Tissue Depth. Ultrasound GR measure-
ments (GRus) and those measured on the carcass with
a ruler (GR) were correlated (Table 2; r = 0.83; P <
0.001) in agreement with other studies (McEwan et al.,
1989; Ramsey et al., 1991; Hopkins et al., 1993). The
GR also was correlated with ultrasound fat depth mea-
surements (FD3Tus, FD3Lus, FD12us; 0.76 ≤ r 0.81;
P < 0.001).
Fat Depth. Correlations between the various ultra-
sound and corresponding carcass fat depth measure-
ments on digitized images were high (Table 2; r = 0.82,
0.78, and 0.82 for FD12us vs. FD12, FD3Tus vs. FD3,
and FD3Lus vs. FD3, respectively; P < 0.001) and were
similar to the coefficients of correlation reported else-
where (Thompson et al., 1977; Delfa et al., 1991; Fer-
nandes, 2000) but greater than those below 0.6 obtained
by Turlington (1990) and Hopkins et al. (1996).
Figure 2. Longitudinal ultrasound image between the 3rd and 4th
lumbar vertebrae at 4 cm to the midline in lamb. Letters S, F, and M
represent skin, fat, and muscle depths, respectively. Transverse pro-
cesses are identified by letter T.
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The RSD obtained in our study were between 1.39
and 2.31 mm (data not shown; ultrasound = indepen-
dent variable). Silva et al. (2006) reported better preci-
sion than our (0.77 ≤ RSD 0.95 mm) with greater
probe resolution (5 and 7.5 MHz). In ultrasound imag-
ing, it is recommended to use probes with focal depths
close to the tissue of interest (Ginther, 1986). For lambs
with BW of 35 to 55 kg, the depth of fat measurement,
including the thickness of the gel pad (20 mm), ranged
between 25 and 42 mm. For a probe of 3.5 MHz, the
focal depth is around 80 mm. A probe of 5.0 MHz and
having a focal distance about 40 mm improves fat layer
image definition.
LM Depth. For LM depths measured between the
12th and 13th ribs, the coefficients of correlation be-
tween ultrasound and carcass measurements reported
in the literature were generally less than those calculat-
ed for the fat depth measurements (0.4 ≤ r ≤ 0.7; For-
tin and Shrestha, 1986; McEwan et al., 1989; Hopkins
et al., 1996). In our study, a correlation of 0.34 (Table
2; P < 0.001) was found between LD12us and the cor-
responding carcass measurement on digitized images.
In the lumbar region, the coefficients of correlation be-
tween the LD3Tus and LD3Lus with the LD3 measure-
ments were 0.43 and 0.42, respectively. Values reported
by Fernández et al. (1998) and Fortin and Shrestha
(1986) for measurement at this site ranged from 0.49
to 0.76. Coefficient of correlation between measured
and reference values for a given measuring device are
dependent on both the precision of the device (RSD)
and the SD of the population under study. In fact, for
a given device and measured variable, the coefficient of
correlation increases with the increase of the popula-
tion variation. Therefore, the low muscle depth vari-
ability observed in the studied population (Table 1; SD
= 2.6 mm) could explain the reduced correlations ob-
served in our study compared with those greater than
0.85 observed by Silva et al. (2006) and Binnie et al.
(1995). In both studies, SD of muscle depth was greater
than 5 mm. Even with the high correlation, RSD values
observed by Silva et al. (2006) were greater (2.27
RSD ≤ 4.09 mm) than the 1.74 mm obtained by Binnie
et al. (1995) and ours (2.38 ≤ RSD 2.42 mm; data
not shown). Despite our low r-value, the RSD obtained
for ultrasound and carcass muscle depth regressions are
comparable with or less than RSD between 2.4 and
2.8 mm observed by McEwan et al. (1989) and Hopkins
et al. (1996).
Errors of Live Ultrasound Measurements
A measurement taken using a given device corresponds
to the sum of the true value and the measurement er-
ror. Magnitude of the error will vary depending on the
accuracy of the device; it is this error that is presented
in Table 3. However, it is important to note that in
Table 1. Means, SD, CV, and minimum and maximum values for live lambs and carcass traits (n = 96)
Trait Mean SD CV, % Minimum Maximum
Live, before slaughter
Age, d 130.9 19.5 14.9 96.0 177.0
Empty BW, kg 47.0 5.4 11.5 36.0 55.8
Total tissue depth, mm 23.6 4.0 16.9 14.5 31.6
Ultrasound fat depth, mm
12th-13th rib 8.5 1.6 18.8 5.9 12.0
3rd-4th lumbar vertebrae transverse 8.8 1.7 19.3 5.2 13.1
3rd-4th lumbar vertebrae longitudinal 8.9 1.7 19.1 5.9 13.8
Ultrasound LM depth, mm
12th-13th rib 31.3 2.1 6.7 27.4 35.9
3rd-4th lumbar vertebrae transverse 31.5 2.0 6.3 26.6 36.1
3rd-4th lumbar vertebrae longitudinal 30.8 2.3 7.5 24.5 36.3
Ultrasound sum of depths, mm
12th-13th rib 39.8 3.0 7.5 34.0 46.5
3rd-4th lumbar vertebrae transverse 40.2 2.9 7.2 33.7 46.9
3rd-4th lumbar vertebrae longitudinal 39.8 3.2 8.0 31.1 47.9
HCW, kg 24.4 3.0 12.3 18.1 29.5
Total tissue depth, mm 16.4 4.4 26.8 8.0 25.0
Fat depth, mm
12th-13th rib 6.2 2.4 38.7 2.1 12.7
3rd-4th lumbar vertebrae 7.9 3.7 46.8 1.8 17.9
LM depth, mm
12th-13th rib 33.7 2.6 7.7 27.4 40.1
3rd-4th lumbar vertebrae 34.0 2.6 7.6 28.6 41.9
Sum of depths, mm
12th-13th rib 39.8 3.3 8.3 31.8 47.3
3rd-4th lumbar vertebrae 41.9 3.7 8.8 33.2 49.5
LM area, mm2
12th-13th rib 1,628.0 169.4 10.4 1,133.0 1,929.0
3rd-4th lumbar vertebrae 1,682.0 207.1 12.3 1,172.0 2,213.0
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Table 2. Simple coefficient correlation between live ultrasound measurements and corresponding carcass measurements in lamb (n = 96)
Variable1GRus FD12us FD3Tus FD3Lus LD12us LD3Tus LD3Lus GR FD12 FD3 LD12 LD3 LMA12 LMA3
GRus 1.00 0.74*** 0.76*** 0.78*** 0.52*** 0.49*** 0.57*** 0.83*** 0.72*** 0.71*** 0.00 0.03 0.13 0.08
FD12us 1.00 0.89*** 0.91*** 0.35*** 0.26** 0.30** 0.78*** 0.82*** 0.82*** −0.08 −0.16 −0.06 −0.18
FD3Tus 1.00 0.97*** 0.33*** 0.25* 0.32*** 0.76*** 0.76*** 0.78*** −0.10 −0.14 −0.01 −0.12
FD3Lus 1.00 0.34*** 0.25* 0.32*** 0.81*** 0.80*** 0.82*** −0.09 −0.15 0.01 −0.15
LD12us 1.00 0.72*** 0.69*** 0.43*** 0.43*** 0.37*** 0.34*** 0.38*** 0.46*** 0.43***
LD3Tus 1.00 0.90*** 0.42*** 0.30** 0.34*** 0.30** 0.43*** 0.51*** 0.53***
LD3Lus 1.00 0.49*** 0.34*** 0.36*** 0.30** 0.42*** 0.48*** 0.52***
GR 1.00 0.78*** 0.78*** −0.02 −0.09 0.07 −0.03
FD12 1.00 0.82*** −0.13 −0.15 −0.01 −0.09
FD3 1.00 −0.08 −0.35*** −0.06 −0.22*
LD12 1.00 0.34*** 0.72*** 0.48***
LD3 1.00 0.55*** 0.79***
LMA12 1.00 0.73***
LMA3 1.00
1GRus = ultrasound GR—total tissue depth between the 11th and 12th ribs at 11 cm from the midline, longitudinal measure; FD12us = ultrasound fat depth between the 12th and 13th ribs,
transverse measure; FD3Tus = ultrasound fat depth between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae, transverse measure; FD3Lus = ultrasound fat depth between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae, longi-
tudinal measure; LD12us = ultrasound LM depth between the 12th and 13th ribs, transverse measure; LD3Tus = ultrasound LM depth between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae, transverse measure;
LD3Lus = ultrasound LM depth between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae, longitudinal measure; GR = total tissue depth over the 12th rib at 11 cm from the midline, Canadian carcass grading
site; FD12 = fat depth between the 12th and 13th ribs on digitized image; FD3 = fat depth between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae on digitized image; LD12 = LM depth between the 12th and
13th ribs on digitized image; LD3 = LM depth between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae on digitized image; LMA12 = LM area between the 12th and 13th ribs on digitized image; LMA3 = LM
area between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae on digitized image.
*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.
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our study, measurements taken on the digitized images
were used as a reference and considered as true values.
Although they represent an acceptable compromise in
terms of technical feasibility, carcass measurements are
not a perfect reference and also entail their own degree
of error that is included in the total measurement error.
We used the error decomposition method to study the
accuracy of ultrasound measurements in terms of preci-
sion and trueness and to understand the nature of the
disagreements between the measurements taken on the
live animal and the reference measurements (Table 3).
Total Tissue Depth. The GRus measurement ex-
hibited a significant bias as indicated by the ECT error,
which represents 87% of the MSPE error (Table 3). The
ER of the GRus measurement was low and represented
only 2% of the total error. However, carcasses with a
smaller GR were more overestimated by ultrasonogra-
phy than those with a larger GR, which is indicated by
a regression slope less than unity (P < 0.001; Figure
3). Finally, the ED was 4.91 and represents 8.5% of the
total error.
Because GR ultrasound measurement included the
skin, the GRus should be approximately 3.5 mm greater
than the carcass measurement. In addition, the GRus
was evaluated between the ribs, whereas the GR was
obtained with a ruler knife directly on the rib. In our
preliminary trials, repeatable assessment of total tissue
depth was obtained only between the 12th and 13th
ribs due to the presence of connective tissues, giving a
clear boundary with ultrasound device. These 2 vari-
ants could partly explicate the difference of 7.19 mm
observed between GRus and GR (ECT). Additionally,
the greater propensity of thicker tissue to be compressed
by the pressure on the ultrasound probe compared with
thinner tissue (Purchas and Beach, 1981) could explain
the error due to regression for GR measurement. Final-
ly, our observations showed that the movements of the
animal during the scanning process (movement of the
head, breathing, etc.) influenced the total tissue depth,
as it is generally admitted for all ultrasound measure-
ments (Stouffer, 2004). Animal movement, combined
with the differences specific to the measurements them-
selves (ultrasound vs. carcass), could explain the ED of
the measure.
Fat Depth. For ultrasound fat depths, the MSPE
and the trueness (ECT + ER) were similar between
the different scanning sites (Table 3). It was mainly in
the partitioning of the systematic errors (ECT and ER)
that differences between scanning sites were noted. In
the thoracic region (FD12us), most of the error was due
to central tendency (ECT/MSPE = 74%). If the skin
was the only source of discrepancy between the ultra-
sound and carcass fat depth measurements, it would
be plausible to obtain a difference of approximately
3.5 mm, or an ECT of 12.3 (3.52). However, the ER
Table 3. Accuracy of live ultrasound measurements (dependent variable) relative to carcass measurements (inde-
pendent variable) in lamb1 (n = 96)
Dependent variable r2RSD, mm CVe, % MSPE ECT ER ED SEP, mm
Total tissue depth 0.689 2.24 9.51 57.70 51.69 1.10 4.91 2.47
Fat depth
12th-13th rib 0.670 0.92 10.74 7.70 5.68 1.20 0.82 1.43
3rd-4th lumbar vertebrae trans. 0.615 1.06 12.08 7.53 0.85 5.58 1.10 2.60
3rd-4th lumbar vertebrae long. 0.667 0.97 10.87 7.52 1.18 5.41 0.93 2.53
LM depth
12th-13th rib 0.113 1.99 6.35 12.82 5.56 3.40 3.86 2.71
3rd-4th lumbar vertebrae trans. 0.185 1.78 5.65 12.66 6.43 3.14 3.10 2.51
3rd-4th lumbar vertebrae long. 0.179 2.06 6.70 16.94 10.02 2.74 4.17 2.64
Sum of depths
12th-13th rib 0.457 2.26 5.66 6.44 0.00 1.46 4.98 2.55
3rd-4th lumbar vertebrae trans. 0.694 1.61 4.01 6.82 2.60 1.67 2.54 2.06
3rd-4th lumbar vertebrae long. 0.697 1.78 4.47 8.47 4.32 1.05 3.10 2.05
1RSD = residual SD; CVe = CV of the residuals; MSPE = mean square prediction error, total measurement error; ECT = error of central
tendency; ER = error due to regression; ED = error due to disturbance; SEP = SE of prediction; trans. = transverse; and long. = longitudinal.
Figure 3. Relationship between live ultrasound total tissue depth
and carcass total tissue depth measurements in lamb (n = 96). Re-
gression line (– – –). Solid line represents perfect relationship between
ultrasound and carcass measurement, y = x.
Accuracy of ultrasound measurements in lamb 1807
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also must be taken into account, which was low for the
FD12us (1.20), but high for the FD3Tus and FD3Lus
measurements (5.58 and 5.41, respectively). These val-
ues indicate that the slope of the regression line was
different from unity for the 3 fat depths (Figure 4) and
that ultrasound measurements tend to overestimate
the fat thickness in lean animals and to underestimate
these measurements in the fat ones. This observation
is reported by several authors for lambs (Fernandes,
2000), cattle (Greiner et al., 2003), and pigs (Moeller
and Christian, 1998). However, after correcting our fat
depth measurements to subtract the skin thickness, it
appears that the ultrasound fat depths were truer in
leaner lambs but underestimated carcass fat depth in
fatter lambs (data not shown). These results were in
agreement with those of Robinson et al. (1992) in cattle
and those of Purchas and Beach (1981) and Fernandes
(2000) in lambs. In the lumbar region, the underestima-
tion of fat depth by the ultrasound measurements was
even greater in fatter lambs. In fact, for these measure-
ments, the MSPE was mainly due to ER. For all fat
measurements, precision was good as indicated by their
low ED and RSD of around 1.0 mm (Table 3).
For fat depth measurements, the root squares of the
MSPE are comparable with the RMSE of 2.7 to 3.3 mm
obtained between the 12th and 13th ribs by Herring et
al. (1994) in cattle. In addition, the SEP of the ul-
trasound fat measurements calculated here (Table 3)
was equal to the 1.4 obtained by Leeds et al. (2008)
and compared favorably with those ranging from 1.8
to 3.2 mm reported by various authors in pigs (Moeller
and Christian, 1998; Schwab et al., 2003) and cattle
(Herring et al., 1994; Greiner et al., 2003). According to
Tait et al. (2005), an SEP less than 2.54 mm would be
an acceptable standard for fat measurements between
the 12th and 13th ribs in lambs.
Fat depths were greater in the carcass than in the
equivalent ultrasound measurements. This ECT ap-
pears to be mainly related to differences between ul-
trasound and reference measurements: inclusion of the
skin in the ultrasound measurements but not in the
carcass measurements, ultrasound measurements on
hot living tissue vs. reference measurements on chilled
dead tissue, etc. Pelt removal and carcass hanging can
generate ECT, causing, respectively, expansion of fat
layers (Robinson et al., 1992) and sliding of fat from
the posterior (fatter) region toward the anterior, both
modifying the fat depth measurement of hanged car-
casses compared with live animals in a standing po-
sition (Mersmann, 1982; Turlington, 1990; Robinson
et al., 1992). Moreover, because they have a greater
influence in fatter than in leaner animals or tissues,
these 2 phenomena together with pressure on the scan-
ning probe can explain the observed ER values at given
measurement sites and the difference of ER values be-
tween sites (Purchas and Beach, 1981; Robinson et al.,
The ER in the lumbar region can be explained by the
difference in tissue depth between sites (Table 1; 7.9 vs.
Figure 4. Relationship between live ultrasound fat depths and cor-
responding carcass measurements on digitized image in lamb (n = 96)
a) between the 12th and 13th ribs; b) between the 3rd and 4th lumbar
vertebrae, transverse; and c) between 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae,
longitudinal. Regression line (– – –). Solid line represents perfect rela-
tionship between ultrasound and carcass measurement, y = x.
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6.2 mm; P < 0.001, for FD3 vs. FD12). The presence of
a third fat layer between the 3rd and 4th lumbar ver-
tebrae was observed in some digitized images (Figure
5), but never between the 12th and 13th ribs. Appear-
ance of this additional fat layer has been documented
in hogs (Fortin, 1986) but not in lambs. Lambs show-
ing a third fat layer were fatter than those without
it (31.8 vs. 23.1% dissected fat, respectively; data not
shown). In addition, this fat layer seemed to increase
from the ventral end of the loin eye muscle toward the
backbone. We presumed that the third fat layer was an
image artifact because its appearance in the images was
inconsistent and because its definition at the loin ex-
tremity was usually poor. Ultrasound fat depth in fat-
ter lambs having a third fat layer was underestimated
by the exclusion of this unclear layer. Leaner lambs
had better agreement between carcass and ultrasound
measurements, probably as a result of the absence of
this third fat layer.
As previously explained, the low probe resolution
adds imprecision, increasing ED, in fat depth measure-
Figure 5. Digitized images between the 3rd and 4th lumbar ver-
tebrae in lamb carcass. Fat depth is designated by letter F. Third fat
layer (F3) is apparent only on the second image.
Figure 6. Relationship between live ultrasound LM depths and
corresponding carcass measurements on digitized image in lamb (n
= 96) a) between the 12th and the 13th ribs; b) between 3rd and
4th lumbar vertebrae, transverse; and c) between 3rd and 4th lumbar
vertebrae, longitudinal. Regression line (– – –). Solid line represents
perfect relationship between ultrasound and carcass measurement, y
= x.
Accuracy of ultrasound measurements in lamb 1809
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ments. Even if it was easier to distinguish the probe/
skin interface than the skin/fat interface (Alliston,
1983), variation in skin thicknesses, as included in fat
measurements, also increases ED in ultrasound fat
depths. Pelt removal could also generate random er-
rors of variable magnitude because some fat may be
torn off the carcass (McLaren et al., 1991; Young and
Deaker, 1994). Carcass fabrication and the handling of
the pieces during image digitization could have caused
some deformation in fat layers and thus increased ED.
According to Pomar et al. (2001), it would be prefer-
able to freeze the cuts before digitizing them to allow
the fat to solidify and minimize fat layer deformation.
LM Depth. The magnitude of ultrasound LM mea-
surement errors was greater than those observed for fat
depths. Within scanning sites, the MSPE was greater
for LD3Lus than for LD12us and LD3Tus measurements
(Table 3). This difference was mainly caused by a larger
ECT of the LD3Lus measurement (Table 3; 10.02 vs.
5.56 and 6.43, for LD3Lus vs. LD12us and LD3Tus, re-
spectively). The ER was less for the LD3Lus measure-
ment, but the slopes of the lines between ultrasound
and carcass LM depths were significantly different from
unity in all cases (P < 0.001; Figure 6). Several authors
reported such slopes meaning that ultrasound measure-
ments overestimate the smaller LM and underestimate
the larger ones in hogs (Moeller and Christian, 1998),
lambs (Fernandes, 2000), and cattle (Greiner et al.,
2003). Precision of ultrasound LM depths (3.10 ED ≤
4.17) and their relationship with carcass measurements
(0.11 ≤ r2 ≤ 0.19) were low, even if the RSD and coeffi-
cient of variation of residuals (CVe) values appeared to
be acceptable (Table 3). Despite the fact that the stud-
ied population was composed of lambs of 2 breeds with
very different growth characteristics, the SD for carcass
muscle depth was 2.6 mm, and the majority of this
variation, nearly 2.0 mm (RSD), remained unexplained
by ultrasound measurements. Leeds et al. (2008) also
concluded that the low variability of the LM depth, in
comparison with LM area, reduced its usefulness in pre-
diction of carcass yield and value in lamb. With such
muscle depth variability and such random error, it ap-
pears that ultrasound measurement could not be used
to distinguish between the heavier- and lighter-muscled
lambs in the current study. Nevertheless, the SEP of
the ultrasound LM measurements (Table 3) is compa-
rable with the 2.6 mm reported by Leeds et al. (2008).
Comparison between species is limited because most of
the authors measured loin area rather than depth.
Difficulty of identifying the deepest part of the LM
due to its proximity to the ribs could explain the high
ED of the LD12us measurements. Young et al. (1992)
mentioned that the pressure on the probe deforms the
fat layer uniformly, but not the muscle, due to the pres-
ence of the ribs in the thoracic region. On the other
hand, the LD3Tus and LD3Lus random errors could be
attributed to the incorrect interpretation of the fat-
muscle boundaries. Underestimation of the fat depth
resulting from the unintentional exclusion of the third
Figure 7. Relationship between sum of fat + muscle depths taken
by ultrasound and sum of corresponding fat + muscle depths on car-
cass digitized image in lamb (n = 96) a) between the 12th and 13th
ribs; b) between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae, transverse; and c)
between 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae, longitudinal. Regression line
(– – –). Solid line represents perfect relationship between ultrasound
and carcass measurement, y = x.
Thériault et al.
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fat layer could cause overestimation of muscle depths.
To confirm these hypotheses, the sum of the ultra-
sound fat and muscle depths was compared with the
sum of the same values assessed on the digitized im-
ages (Table 3 and Figure 7). Because the skin bound-
ary (gel pad/skin interface) was easily identifiable, the
agreement of these ultrasound values with the carcass
measurements means that the lower muscle boundary
were clearly distinguished on the ultrasound images.
As expected, the sum of depth in the thoracic region
contained a high proportion of random error (Table
3; ED/MSPE = 77.35%) compared with the other to-
tal measurements. Difficulty of distinguishing the LM
end appears to explain the majority of the error for
ultrasound total depths at this site, and then, muscle
depth as speculated previously. Conversely, ultrasound
and carcass sums of depths between the 3rd and 4th
lumbar vertebrae were strongly related (R2 of 0.69 and
0.70 and RSD of 1.61 and 1.78 mm, for transverse and
longitudinal measures, respectively; Table 3 and Figure
7). Errors of these measures were, in fact, smaller than
those of the fat and muscle depths at this site. In the
lumbar region, the inner muscle boundary seems to be
clearly discerned on the ultrasound images. These re-
sults suggest that the difficulty in distinguishing the
fat/muscle boundary can reduce accuracy of muscle
and fat measurements in the lumbar region and that
image interpretation errors related to the presence of
the third fat layer were responsible for the inaccuracy
of these measurements between the 3rd and 4th lumbar
In regard to carcass measurements, changes on LM
shape occurring during postslaughter chilling, hanging
and handling of the carcass could be implicated in the
lack of agreement between live ultrasound and carcass
measurements (Fortin and Shrestha, 1986; Turlington,
1990; Hopkins et al., 1993). However, it is difficult to
quantify how these phenomena affect muscle shape and
the type of errors that will occur. Freezing the meat
pieces before digitization could, as for fat, minimize
muscle deformation (Pomar et al., 2001). Binnie et al.
(1995) has performed measurements on frozen carcasses
and obtained better precision (RSD = 1.74 mm).
Finally, the ED and ECT for longitudinal measure-
ments could partly be explained by the variation in the
angle of wave penetration and, hence, by the angle of
measurement of LM depth. Depths will be larger when
the probe is perpendicular to the skin and smaller when
it is directed toward the backbone or toward the side of
the animal (Youssao et al., 2002).
Comparing Measurements
and Measuring Sites
As the accuracy of ultrasound measurement was es-
tablished, comparison of scanning sites can be realized
in regard to both precision (minimizing ED) and tech-
nical considerations.
Total Tissue Depth. Showing r-values comparable
with those observed for fat depths, the GR ultrasound
measurement appears to offer advantages in terms of
accuracy, despite the greater absolute value of its ran-
dom error (Table 3). In term of relative error variation
(Table 3; CVe), GR seems to be slightly more precise
than fat depths. Difficulty of distinguishing small dif-
ferences in depth together with image interpretation er-
rors would proportionally be less important when tissue
depth or variability increase (Thompson et al., 1977;
Simm, 1992; Young and Deaker, 1994), giving advan-
tage to ultrasound GR over fat depth measurements.
Fat Depth. In regard to precision, the ED was
smaller for fat depth between the 12th and 13th ribs
than between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae. These
findings agree with those of Fernández et al. (1998)
based on coefficient of correlation at both scanning
sites. However, Silva et al. (2006) obtained similar pre-
cisions for these 2 measurements sites (RSD ~0.8 vs.
0.9 mm).
In our study, the growth of a third layer of fat, be-
tween the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae in the fattest
lambs, makes this scanning site less useful in terms of
precision of the fat measurements as well as in terms
of practical application. Image interpretation problems
encountered at this site demonstrate, as reported by
Starck et al. (2001), the importance of having a good
knowledge of the morphology of the studied tissues.
Recognition of the existence of this additional fat layer
will improve the accuracy of fat and muscle measure-
ments at the lumbar region.
LM Depth. From a practical standpoint, measure-
ments near the last ribs are the most used mainly due
to the presence of ribs, which is an easily identifiable
anatomical reference (Alliston, 1983; McLaren et al.,
1991). However, our results, like those of Young et al.
(1992), demonstrate that the proximity between the ribs
reduces the accuracy of the LM measurements. Given
the greater distance between the 3rd and 4th trans-
verse processes than between the ribs, the exact site—
maximum depth between the transverse processes—is
easier to locate. Despite the low precision of ultrasound
muscle depths in the present study, slight advantage
goes to transverse measurements in the lumbar region,
as confirmed by the greater r-values reported by Jensen
(1977) and Silva et al. (2006) in the lumbar compared
with the thoracic region. Results of Miles et al. (1972)
in cattle also indicated that the boundary of the LM is
more clearly defined in the lumbar than in the thoracic
Transverse vs. Longitudinal Measurements.
This study is the first to compare the accuracy of trans-
verse and longitudinal ultrasound measurements in
lambs. Longitudinal measurements are very popular in
hogs, and the work of Cisneros et al. (1996) demonstrat-
ed that there was no difference in the precision of the 2
types of measurement in this species. However, our re-
sults showed that transverse measurements were more
precise than longitudinal ones for lumbar muscle depth
Accuracy of ultrasound measurements in lamb 1811
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(ED = 4.17 vs. 3.10; Table 3) and sum of depths (ED
= 2.54 vs. 3.10), most likely because of the greater sta-
bility in the angle of wave penetration. For ultrasound
fat depth, the precision of longitudinal measurements
compared favorably with transverse measurements (ED
= 0.93 vs. 1.10; r2 = 0.67 vs. 0.62). Longitudinal mea-
surements were not performed between the 12th and
13th ribs because of the irregularity of the vertical line
due to the presence of the ribs.
The primary focus of this study was to understand
the discrepancies between ultrasound measurements
taken on the live animal and carcass measurements.
In vivo fat and GR depths in lambs were successfully
measured using real-time ultrasound. However, in the
population studied, variability in muscle depths was
minimal, and ultrasound muscle depth measurements
were neither precise nor correlated with carcass mea-
surements. Therefore, we were unable to use real-time
ultrasound measurements of muscle depth to rank the
lambs according to their degree of muscle development.
When only fat depth was assessed, the site between the
12th and 13th ribs seemed to be the most appropri-
ate for measurement, but the accuracy of muscle depth
measurement at this site was low. Transverse measure-
ments of fat and muscle depths between the 3rd and 4th
lumbar vertebrae were of an acceptable accuracy and
were more accurate than longitudinal measurements.
Based on the results of this study, we suggest that par-
ticular attention should be given to image interpreta-
tion to correctly identify and measure all fat layers.
Moreover, because the depth of tissue studied in lamb
was small, unlike in swine, ultrasound fat thickness in
lambs might be better evaluated with probe resolution
greater than 3.5 MHz. Ultrasound GR showed potential
to be included in genetic selection programs, especially
in countries where the GR measurement was used to
estimate carcass quality. Ultimately, further studies are
needed to establish the relationships between these dif-
ferent ultrasound measurements and carcass composi-
tion (fat, muscle, and bone) with the intention of pre-
dicting carcass quality.
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Accuracy of ultrasound measurements in lamb 1813
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at Bibliotheque De L'Univ. Laval Section Des Acquisitions on April 27, 2009. jas.fass.orgDownloaded from
... Backfat thickness is used to measure the amount of fat found on the back of an animal, between the skin and muscle tissues, and it is considered an important indicator reflecting the content of adipose tissue present [2]. Since predicting backfat thickness by ultrasonography is efficient in small ruminants [3][4][5][6][7]. ...
... Particularly, the reproductive performance of sheep is improved during the first 50 days after mating by using the rearing technologies as reported by [10]. Also, sheep carcasses are positively and highly correlated with in-vivo ultrasound measurements of backfat thickness over the lumbar region or the end part of the thoracic vertebrae [3,5,6]. ...
... Numerous investigators have documented a strong correlation between ultrasound measurements and physical measurements taken directly on the carcass [6,7,8,9,10,11]. In this context, Edwards et al. [12], Stanford [13], Will and Gonzalez [14], Romdhani and Djemali [15], Silva et al. [16], Leeds et al. [17], Thériault et al. [18], Agamy et al. [19], Akdağ et al. [20] and Gomes et al. [10] showed that using ultrasound measurements between 12 th and 13 th thoracic vertebrae was more accurate to predict carcass components of sheep. Predicting the carcass composition of sheep and goats is useful for evaluating the performance, grading, and breeding selection scheme [9]. ...
... Moreover, Table 11 reveals accurate prediction equations to predict real eye muscle width, depth and area using ultrasound measurements of width, depth and area of rib-eye muscle, respectively. Several studies indicated that ultrasound measurements between the 12 th and 13 th ribs showed a strong efficiency for predicting the carcass composition and cuts [44,13,14,45,15,16,46,18,47,40,48,6,19,41,49,20,9,10]. lazăr et al. [11] used ultrasound measurements (subcutaneous fat, muscle depth, muscle perimeter and muscle area) with probe 7.5 MHZ between the 12 th and 13 th ribs to predict carcass cuts of Carpatina kids. ...
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INEAR BODY MEASUREMENTS and real-time ultrasound may serve as crucial factors in cost-effective carcass prediction, thereby facilitating value-based marketing of living animals. The current study aimed to evaluate carcass components and cuts of male Damascus kids from body and ultrasound measurements. Besides investigate the effect of presence of horns and type of birth (single or twins) on body measurements and carcass characteristics. Thirteen male Damascus kids aged 12 months were used in the study. Ultrasound measurements were taken with probe (7.5 MHZ) between the 12th and 13th thoracic vertebra on live kids. Body measurements, carcass components and cuts of horned kids were higher than those of hornless ones. The birth type showed no significant influence on body weight and measurements at 12 months and on carcass components and cuts. Body length was entered in all prediction equations to predict carcass cuts and measurements. Afterward, heart girth and chest width were the most variables used in prediction equations. Ultrasound measurements (depth, area and width) of rib-eye muscle on live kids led to accurate prediction for weights of hot carcass, leg, flank, shoulder, neck, best end of neck and middle neck in their carcasses. Accurate prediction equations were obtained to predict real eye muscle width, depth and area using ultrasound measurements of rib-eye muscle width, depth and area, respectively. R 2 accounted 33% to predict width of rib-eye muscle (P<0.05). Moreover, ultrasound depth and area of rib-eye muscle contributed 51% and 61%, respectively of the total variation in real depth and area of eye muscle (P<0.01).
... Numerous investigators have documented a strong correlation between ultrasound measurements and physical measurements taken directly on the carcass [6,7,8,9,10,11]. In this context, Edwards et al. [12], Stanford [13], Will and Gonzalez [14], Romdhani and Djemali [15], Silva et al. [16], Leeds et al. [17], Thériault et al. [18], Agamy et al. [19], Akdağ et al. [20] and Gomes et al. [10] showed that using ultrasound measurements between 12 th and 13 th thoracic vertebrae was more accurate to predict carcass components of sheep. Predicting the carcass composition of sheep and goats is useful for evaluating the performance, grading, and breeding selection scheme [9]. ...
... Moreover, Table 11 reveals accurate prediction equations to predict real eye muscle width, depth and area using ultrasound measurements of width, depth and area of rib-eye muscle, respectively. Several studies indicated that ultrasound measurements between the 12 th and 13 th ribs showed a strong efficiency for predicting the carcass composition and cuts [44,13,14,45,15,16,46,18,47,40,48,6,19,41,49,20,9,10]. lazăr et al. [11] used ultrasound measurements (subcutaneous fat, muscle depth, muscle perimeter and muscle area) with probe 7.5 MHZ between the 12 th and 13 th ribs to predict carcass cuts of Carpatina kids. ...
INEAR BODY MEASUREMENTS and real-time ultrasound may serve as crucial factors in cost-effective carcass prediction, thereby facilitating value-based marketing of living animals. The current study aimed to evaluate carcass components and cuts of male Damascus kids from body and ultrasound measurements. Besides investigate the effect of presence of horns and type of birth (single or twins) on body measurements and carcass characteristics. Thirteen male Damascus kids aged 12 months were used in the study. Ultrasound measurements were taken with probe (7.5 MHZ) between the 12th and 13th thoracic vertebra on live kids. Body measurements, carcass components and cuts of horned kids were higher than those of hornless ones. The birth type showed no significant influence on body weight and measurements at 12 months and on carcass components and cuts. Body length was entered in all prediction equations to predict carcass cuts and measurements. Afterward, heart girth and chest width were the most variables used in prediction equations. Ultrasound measurements (depth, area and width) of rib-eye muscle on live kids led to accurate prediction for weights of hot carcass, leg, flank, shoulder, neck, best end of neck and middle neck in their carcasses. Accurate prediction equations were obtained to predict real eye muscle width, depth and area using ultrasound measurements of rib-eye muscle width, depth and area, respectively. R 2 accounted 33% to predict width of rib-eye muscle (P<0.05). Moreover, ultrasound depth and area of rib-eye muscle contributed 51% and 61%, respectively of the total variation in real depth and area of eye muscle (P<0.01).
... Segundo Stanford et al. (1995;, maior precisão tem sido observada com medição de AOLU realizada na região da primeira vértebra lombar, porém este local é de mais difícil repetibilidade, enquanto a medição entre a 12ª e 13ª vértebra pode sofrer interferência ou distorção na imagem por causa das costelas. Outro fator que pode interferir nos erros são os movimentos do animal (respiração, movimento do corpo, entre outros) durante o processo de captura das imagens podendo assim influenciar a qualidade das mesmas (Stouffer, 2004;Thériault et al., 2009 Alguns fatores são responsáveis pelas diferenças nas estimativas, como a remoção da pele, que retira quantidades variáveis da camada de gordura da carcaça; método de suspensão da carcaça, que pode provocar mudanças na sua conformação; corte inadequado na seção de costelas e diferença no posicionamento, corte inadequado na seção de costelas e diferença no posicionamento (Suguisawa et al., 2006b). ...
... Tal valor pode ser considerado baixo, indicando que a avaliação de tal medida tem boa precisão. O mesmo ocorreu para as variáveis PLDL e EGSU.Thériault et al. (2009), estudando a precisão das medições do ultrassom no tecido total, gordura e profundidades musculares, relataram QMPE de 12,82 e 7,70% para a espessura de gordura medida e profundidade do Longissimus dorsi entre a 12 e 13ª costela, Para as três variáveis, o erro da tendência central (ETC) correspondeu a maior parte do erro total, indicando quanto à medida realizada por ultrassom se afasta da condição de perfeição (y = x). Os outros erros foram considerados pequenos, uma vez que não ultrapassaram 1,5%.Tabela 7. Precisão das medições analisadas por ultrassonografia (variável dependente) em relação às medições na carcaça em ovinos Somalis Brasileira. ...
... Page 2 of 7 2006; Cadavez et al., 2007;Orman et al., 2008;Thériault et al., 2009;Akdag et al., 2015;Silva, 2017;Dias et al., 2020;Vargas et al., 2021), models to predict fat cover per se are lacking. Van Der Merwe et al. (2022) modelled the fat deposition of various South African sheep breeds and then developed predictive models using age or live weight as inputs, but only focused on pure breeds. ...
... No scanning was performed prior to this as the small stature of the lambs and limited fat cover made it difficult to get accurate readings. Scans were performed at the 12-13th rib site on the right side of the sheep as per Thériault et al. (2009) using a Mindray DP-30 V ultrasound scanner with a 7.5 MHz linear transducer probe. Wool was combed from the scanning site, and ultrasound gel was applied to the probe to improve conductivity between the probe and scanning site. ...
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Producers require an accurate predictive tool that can determine the optimal point of slaughter based on fat depth. The modelling of fat deposition with a simple mathematical model could supply in this need. Dohne Merino and Merino ewes were crossed with Dorper, Dormer and Ile de France rams or rams of their own breeds to create two purebred (Dohne Merino and Merino) and six crossbred groups (Dohne x Dorper, Dohne x Dormer, Dohne x Ile de France, Merino x Dorper, Merino x Dormer and Merino x Ile de France) of offspring. Fat deposition of four lambs of each sex per genotypic group was monitored from 80 to 360 days using ultrasound, and the data subsequently fitted to various equations and evaluated for goodness of fit. A linear fitting of fat depth to age (R² > 0.77) and live weight (R² > 0.56) were deemed to provide the best fit. The slope parameters of the equations indicated that ewes deposited fat faster than rams and that Dorper crosses had the highest fat deposition rate. An attempt was also made to model loin muscle growth, but the model fit was judged to be unsatisfactory. The predictive models developed here are deemed suitable for inclusion in feedlot management systems to aid in the production of optimally classified lamb carcasses.
... In this regard, it is necessary to provide for the modification of collagen-containing raw materials by mechanical methodscavitation of its properties. Due to the diversity of the structure of the collagen protein molecule, it is necessary to choose the processing parameters for each type of collagen-containing raw material [23], [24], [25]. The collagen content in beef offal is shown in Figure 1. ...
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The article discusses the main trends in processing animal products, the development of technologies to improve their quality and technologies to preserve the quality indicators of the product over time. A review of the effects of ultrasound treatment on beef rumen is presented, and the main directions of ultrasound application are determined. The advantages of ultrasonic processing and its influence on the characteristics of raw meat were researched. The modes and parameters (frequency, intensity and duration) of ultrasound treatment of muscle tissue were established based on the results. This study evaluated the effect of ultrasound treatment on beef rumen's physical, microstructural and organoleptic characteristics. The physicochemical, mineral, microbiological, vitamin and amino acid composition of beef rumen and reticulum were also studied. Based on the results of the presented review, it can be concluded that the development of technologies for processing beef rumen with ultrasound is of potential interest. The optimal parameters are 400 and 600 W/m2, with a frequency of 40 kHz, for 50-60 minutes.
Demands of domestic and foreign market specifications of carcass weight and fat cover, of beef cattle, have led to the development of cattle growth models that predict fat cover to assist on-farm managers make management decisions. The objectives of this paper are 4-fold: (1) conduct a brief review of the biological basis of adipose tissue accretion, (2) briefly review live and carcass assessments of beef cattle, and carcass grading systems used to develop quantitative compositional and quality indices, (3) review fat deposition models: Davis growth model (DGM), French National Institute for Agricultural Research growth model (IGM), Cornell Value Discovery System (CVDS), and BeefSpecs drafting tool (BeefSpecsDT) and (4) appraise the process of translating science and practical skills into research/decision support tools that assist the Beef industry improve profitability. The r2 for live and carcass animal assessments, using several techniques across a range of species and traits, ranged from 0.61 to 0.99 and from 0.52 to 0.99, respectively. Model evaluations of DGM and IGM were conducted using Salers heifers (n = 24) and Angus-Hereford steers (n = 15) from an existing publication and model evaluations of CVDS and BeefSpecsDT were conducted using Angus steers (n = 33) from a research trial where steers were grain finished for 101 days in a commercial feedlot. Evaluating the observed and predicted fat mass (FM) is the focus of this review. The FM mean bias (MB) for Salers heifers were 7.5 and 1.3kg and the root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) were 31.2 and 27.8kg and for Angus-Hereford steers the MB were -4.0 and -10.5kg and the RMSEP were 9.14 and 21.5kg for DGM and IGM, respectively. The FM MB for Angus steers were -5.61 and -2.93kg and the RMSEP were 12.3 and 13.4kg for CVDS and BeefSpecsDT, respectively. The decomposition for bias, slope, and deviance were 21, 12, and 68% and 5, 4, and 91% for CVDS and BeefSpecsDT, respectively. The modeling efficiencies were 0.38 and 0.27 and the models were within a 20kg level of tolerance 91 and 88% for CVDS and BeefSpecsDT, respectively. Fat deposition models reported in this review have the potential to assist the beef industry make on-farm management decisions on live cattle before slaughter and improve profitability. Modelers need to continually assess and improve their models but with a caveat of: (1) striving to minimize inputs, and (2) choosing on-farm inputs that are readily available.
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Producers require an accurate predictive tool that can determine the optimal point of slaughter based on fat depth. The modelling of fat deposition with a simple mathematical model could supply in this need. Dohne Merino and Merino ewes were crossed with Dorper, Dormer and Ile de France rams and the crossbred offspring reared under optimal growth circumstances until one year of age. Fat deposition of lambs of both sexes were monitored from 80–360 days using ultrasound and the data subsequently fitted to various equations and evaluated for goodness of fit. A linear fitting of fat depth to age (R ² > 0.77) and live weight (R ² > 0.56) were deemed to provide the best fit. The slope parameters of the equations indicated that ewes deposited fat faster than rams and that Dorper crosses had the highest fat deposition rate. An attempt was also made to model loin muscle growth, but the model fit was adjudged to be unsatisfactory.
The use of ultrasound in food extraction and processing has been well documented in the literature and there are a number of examples of industrial applications. Nevertheless, the lack of reliable equipment for multi-ton scale production has limited the exploitation of cavitation technologies in the food industry for many years. The technological advances achieved over the last decade, including powerful new units for continuous-flow sonication, have driven the successful transfer of ultrasound technology to industrial applications. The availability of equipment that satisfies the needs of the food industry will further increase the use of this unique non-thermal technology, which can preserve the taste, color and nutritional value of treated foods and beverages. This chapter summarizes the current state of the art and describes all of the main applications of ultrasound in the food industry together with its evident advantages.
This study aimed to investigate the performance of least‐squares support vector machines to predict carcass characteristics in Tan sheep using noninvasive in vivo measurements. A total of 80 six‐month‐old Tan sheep (37 rams and 43 ewes) were examined. Back fat thickness and eye muscle area between the 12th and 13th ribs were measured using real‐time ultrasound in live Tan sheep. All carcasses were dissected to hind leg, longissimus dorsi muscle, lean meat, fat, and bone to determine carcass composition. Multiple linear regression (MLR), partial least squares regression (PLSR), and least‐squares support vector machines (LSSVM) were applied to correlate the live Tan sheep characteristics with carcass composition. The results showed that the LSSVM model had a better efficacy for estimating carcass weight, longissimus dorsi muscle weight, lean meat weight, fat weight, lean meat, and fat percentage in live lambs (R = 0.94, RMSE = 0.62; R = 0.73, RMSE = 0.02; R = 0.86, RMSE = 0.47; R = 0.78, RMSE = 0.63; R = 0.73, RMSE = 0.02; R = 0.65, RMSE = 0.03, respectively). LSSVM algorithm was a potential alternative to the conventional MLR method. The results demonstrated that LSSVM model might have great potential to be applied to the evaluation of sheep with superior carcass traits by combining with real‐time ultrasound technology.
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Plusieurs techniques sont utilisées dans la prédiction in vivo de la composition de carcasse des porcs. Parmi ces techniques, l'ultrasonographie est aujourd'hui la plus utilisée. Cet article passe en revue les différents domaines d'application de l'ultrasonographie en production animale. La précision et la répétabilité des mesures à ultrason et les différents facteurs de variation qui les influencent sont abordés. Plusieurs systèmes d'analyse d'images déjà développés ou en phase de test et visant à améliorer davantage la prédiction de la qualité de la viande sur les animaux in vivo sont présentés.
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There have been substantial developments in the methodologies available for the non-destructive and non-invasive measurement of body composition in animals. By bringing together in a single volume a mix of traditional and well-established analytical methods with more modern techniques, Body Composition Analysis: A Handbook of Non-destructive Methods provides a theoretical overview of different methodologies combined with practical advice on the use of these techniques. Methods covered include the use of destructive methods of analysis, body condition indices, isotope and gas dilution methods, total body electrical conductivity, bio-impedance analysis, ultrasound scanning and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Aimed at active research workers from advanced undergraduate level upwards, this book will be of particular interest to those working in the fields of animal ecology, conservation biology, animal nutrition and physiology.
Conference Paper
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Real-time (B-mode) and simple (A-mode) ultrasonic instruments were evaluated in 2 experiments to assess their potential for measuring carcass fat and muscle variables. In a third experiment, progeny of five Romney selection lines were ultrasonically scanned at regular intervals from 5 to 14 months of age to record backfat thickness (C), GR and the width (A) and depth (B) of the L. dorsi muscle. In the one calibration experiment where the Toshiba machine was used, the machine was found to be particularly appropriate for measuring GR depth acheiving a weight adjusted partial correlation of 0.81 with the carcass measurement and a repeatability of 0.86. Comparable figures for the AIDD scanner in two experiments averaged 0.75 and 0.82 respectively for C fat depth measurement. Prediction equations for the chemical carcass lipid content showed that including either C or GR ultrasonic fat depths provided significantly improved estimates over those using only live weight. The addition of ultrasonic muscle widths or depths provided little additional advantage. The ultrasonic C and GR measurements confirmed that the production index line, selected on an index comprising dam's number of lambs born and the animals own weaning and hogget fleece weight, was the leanest. The single trait line selected on dam's number of lambs born, was slightly leaner than the controls, while the hogget fleece weight line was similar to the control line. The ranking of the 100 day weight selection line was found to vary with year of birth measured, but on average was similar to the control line. In contrast no major differences were detected in muscle width or depth among any of the selection lines
Pomar, C., Rivest, J., Jean dit Bailleul, P. and Marcoux, M. 2001. Predicting Ioin-eye area from ultrasound and grading probe measurements of fat and muscle depths in pork carcasses. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 81: 429-434. The mathematical relationships between loin-eye area (m. longissimus thoracis) and linear measurements of fat and muscle depth were studied on digitalized images from 250 hog loins cut between the 3rd- and 4th-last ribs. Depth measurements were collected using (1) an Ultrascan 50 ultrasound system on immobilized, live animals, (2) a Hennessy grading probe on hanging carcasses under normal slaughtering conditions and (3) image analysis on digitalized images of chops separated between the 3rd- and 4th-last ribs. Loin-eye area was accurately predicted by its depth when the measurement was performed on digitalized images (R2 > 0.86; RSD < 1.87 cm2). The accuracy of the relationship between loin-eye area and muscle depth was reduced using ultrasound (R2 = 0.58, RSD = 3.29 cm2) or the probe (R2 = 0.29, RSD = 4.28 cm2) due to measurement errors on muscle depth. Muscle flatness, the perimeter irregularity or its angle in relation to the midline did not improve prediction accuracy. Consequently, muscle depth as measured by the Ultrascan 50 ultrasound system should be used with caution to predict loin-eye area since the measurement is only moderately accurate. Measurements obtained with the Hennessy probe under normal slaughtering conditions are not recommended for predicting loin-eye area in pork carcasses.
Research was undertaken to evaluate the accuracy of different grading probes measuring backfat (F) and loin muscle thicknesses (M). Thus, 270 pig carcasses were selected according to a 2 x 3 x 3 factorial arrangement. Gender (barrows and gilts), fat thickness at the Canadian grading site (< 15.75, 15.75 to 19.75 and > 19.75 mm), and hot carcass weight (75.5 to 81.8, 81.9 to 86.2 and 86.3 to 92.7 kg) were the main factors. The Hennessy (HGP2), Destron (PG-100) and CGM optic probes and the CVT ultrasound probe with two transducers [PCA-5049, 172 mm (CVT-1) and PCB-5011, 125 mm (CVT-2)] were evaluated. Grading measures were compared to the equivalent measures taken in a digitized image. The F and M precision was evaluated in terms of random bias (ED). Hennessy F and CVT-1 M had the lower ED. For F measurements, CGM, Destron, CVT-2 and CVT-1 ED was respectively, 1.65, 1.72, 1.78 and 2.14 times greater than Hennessy ED. For M measurements, ED of CVT-2, CGM, DPG and Hennessy was 1.02, 1.84, 2.03 and 2.20 times greater than CVT-1 ED. Measures of the intercostal muscles were not reliable in any of the probes able to take that measure.