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Knowledge Management Methods: Practical Approaches to Managing Knowledge

  • Knowledge Research Institute, TX, USA email:
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... Аналіз останніх досліджень і публікацій і виділення невирішених частин загальної проблеми. В працях таких зарубіжних вчених, як Бенсік А., Богнар К. [2], Вііг К. [14], Нонака І., Такеучі Х. [11], Руглер Р. [12], Тан Д. [13] ґрунтовно описано феномен знань, розкривається їх сутність, роль і механізми управління ними. Доробками у сфері управління знаннями відзначилися і такі вітчизняні вчені, як Амосов О., Гавкалова Н. [ У структурі залізничних перевезень за вантажною номенклатурою в 2022 р. відбулися значні зміни. ...
... аналізуючи і вивчаючи які можна дати оцінку всій системі, виявити елементи, що працюють справно і ті, що вимагають коригування. До основних принципів управління знаннями варто віднести[7, 9,14]: -Принцип гнучкості. Завдяки йому, реалізуються індивідуальні освітні потреби і знання оновлюються відповідно до нових досягнень науки, появи інших потреб. ...
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Досліджується вплив управління знаннями на забезпечення інноваційного розвитку підприємств залізничного транспорту. Знання і систему управління ними визнано внутрішнім чинником активізації інноваційної діяльності на підприємствах залізничної галузі. Встановлено компоненти системи знань підприємств, до яких відносять інтелектуальну власність, внутрішню документацію, різні екзогенні джерела інформації і знань, використовуваний в діяльності підприємства пул інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій, компетенції працівників (їх явні та неявні знання, кваліфікація, професійний досвід, майстерність тощо), культуру знань підприємства, інтеракції між співробітниками. Проаналізовано трактування вченими поняття «управління знаннями». Систематизовано визначення терміну «управління знаннями» за запропонованими підходами (процесним, управлінських технологій, з позицій стратегії, результативним). Зроблено висновок, що управління знаннями – це цілеспрямована та систематична управлінська діяльність щодо забезпечення ефективного використання знань на підприємстві. Вона включає розробку методик, процедур, стандартів, визначення джерел, створення інструментів для пошуку, отримання, поширення, оцінки, зберігання, трансферу та перетворення знань, необхідних елементів інтелектуального капіталу. З’ясовано принципи, якими слід керуватися при формуванні системи управління знаннями на підприємствах залізничного транспорту. Визначено ключові етапи управління знаннями, а саме створення, накопичення, передача, поширення, застосування знань і звільнення від застарілих знань відповідно до появи нових. Розкрито інформаційні технології, що сприяють підвищенню ефективності управління знаннями.
... Here, knowledge has been recognized as a critical necessary resource, and companies' ability to survive and prosper relies heavily on their employees' ability to accumulate and leverage knowledge and skills over time (Dimitriades, 2005;Martelo-Landroguez & Cepeda-Carrión, 2016;Zaim, 2016). Knowledge has been defined by various concepts such as value-full information (Baker et al., 1997), understandings, insights, and know-how (Wiig, 1996), and judgment regarding the importance of events derived from theory or experience (Tsoukas & Vladimirou, 2001). ...
... KM and OL are not new concepts (Antunes & Pinheiro, 2020), with the basic principles of KM extending back over two decades and OL practices going back much farther (Wiig, 1996;Senge, 1990). The main breakthrough was initially expressed in the book by Cyert and March (1963), who proposed that an organization might acquire and preserve information over time. ...
This study aims to investigate the intersection between organizational learning (OL) and knowledge management (KM) in the tourism and hospitality sector by conducting a bibliometric analysis. A total of 628 publications from 293 various sources and 1468 different authors were included in the analysis between 2001 and 2021. Open- source statistical R software was utilized to conduct the bibliometric analysis, specifically, the Bibliometrix R library and the Biblioshiny version. The VOSviewer program was also used to display the keyword co-occurrence network. The findings show that the implication of KM and OL has been widely recognized as critical learning facilitators and as strategic tools for gaining competitive advantage that recognizes opportunities and threats for possible alignment with environmental change. Organizational learning and KM are particularly relevant for sustainable tourism and hospitality solutions, cutting-edge technologies, and organizational service innovations. Four research clusters were identified that provide critical future research paths.
... More so, it is a set of financial and non-financial signs or pointers to assessing the levels to which organizational goals and objectives have been attained (Kaplan & Norton, 1992). Wiig (1995) defined performance as the process of quantifying the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization's action. It is the process of assessing the progress made (actual) towards achieving predetermined set goals. ...
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The study examined the effect of digital operations management on Organizational Sustainability in South East Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study are to; examine the effect of data management on organizational performance and evaluate the effect of workflow automation on the organizational performance of Southeast Nigeria. A descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. A structured questionnaire design with a five-point Likert scale was used to collect data for the study. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and sample t-test for the mean comparison in each hypothesis. The result revealed that, at a 5% level of significance, data management has a statistically significant effect on the performance of organizations with a value of (0.092>0.05) while workflow automation has a statistically significant effect on the performance of organizations with a value of (0.000<0.05) in southeast, Nigeria. We concluded that digital operations management has a significant effect on organizational sustainability in South East Nigeria. We recommended that Organizations should embrace workflow automation solutions to streamline repetitive tasks, minimize manual errors, and enhance operational efficiency. Identify key areas within the organization where automation can yield the most significant impact, such as customer service, inventory management, and supply chain logistics.
... Three Pillar Model by Wiig (1994) Organizational KM Model as developed by Arthur (1996) Stage Model by Van der Spek and Spijkervet (1997) Spiral Model of Organizational Knowledge Creation by Nonaka (1994) An Integrative Knowledge Management Model by Chai (1998) Knowledge Management Maturity Model (KMMM) as developed by Langen (2002) By comparing and combining the above six models and frameworks, Rodrigues and Pai (2005) listed 48 These 48 items and eight dimensions virtually include most typical KM enablers and activates. ...
Conference Paper
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Fierce competition and constant changes have forced organizations to search for new ways to improve competitive advantage. Organizations and individuals are starting to understand and appreciate knowledge as the most valued asset in the emerging competitive environment. As a result, Knowledge Management (KM) through a variety of approaches and technologies is currently receiving considerable attention. In the education sector, current education reform and competition require schools to embrace change. Schools, like most organizations, should learn that KM improves decision-making and fosters innovation. KM can be used an alternative strategy by schools to improve performance. However, little research has been undertaken on how KM can be applied in a school environment. As an approach for school development and performance improvement, KM is still a new management theory. To put KM into action, it is crucial to understand teacher perception of KM at the outset e.g. how teachers regard KM in the school environment, what they expect to achieve from KM, and what concerns they have while implementing KM. This study aims to look into the key factors of KM implementation in the school environment and teacher perception of the key factors. The study was carried out in a typical Hong Kong secondary school. A survey, based on relevant KM models and KM performance measurements, was used to measure teacher perception of KM. Eleven key factors of KM were included in the questionnaire: Leadership, IT Infrastructure, IT management, Knowledge Creation, Acquisition and Learning, Dissemination and Transfer, Application and Exploration, Personal Skills, School Support for Professional Development, Interpersonal Trust, and Management Trust. The results of the survey showed that "Leadership", "Interpersonal Trust", and "Management trust" were regarded as the three most important factors of KM implementation. Most teachers felt it was very important to motivate teachers and help them establish positive core values, beliefs and assumptions towards knowledge sharing to facilitate KM practice. In addition, support and recognition from top management during the process of implementing KM was regarded as an important factor of KM. Further analysis indicated that teachers with different KLAs (Key Learning Areas) held different views on teamwork, with female teachers perceiving IT as being more important than male teachers do. This survey was used to kick-start a KM action research project in the secondary school. The findings may provide insight into taking further action for KM implementation in the school.
... The review of the existing KM literature in higher education suggests that various KM definitions can be categorized into three distinct perspectives: economic, cognitive, and information management (Wiig, 1993;McCarthy, 2006;Lee, 2007). Each perspective leads to the underlying assumptions of each KM definition. ...
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The usage and practices of knowledge management in higher educational institutions are growing after the development of information and communication technology. Knowledge management in educational institutions has a strong link with academic activities aligned to innovative change in the research as well as teaching and learning practices. Knowledge management in academia has also a direct impact on the academic performance of faculty members where they are responsible for conducting academic activities and promoting academic discourses. In this background, this research adopts a quantitative methodology to collect data from the 445 academic staff employed at four universities in Nepal. The factor analysis was used to explore the variables and items associated with knowledge management and academic performance. This process has identified seven dimensions of knowledge management and four dimensions of academic performance. The relationship was carried out by using correlation analysis while the multiple regression analysis was used to measure the association of knowledge management and academic performance. The research shows the association between the dimensions of knowledge management and academic performance. The association and relationship of knowledge management and academic performance matter highly in academia. Furthermore, the knowledge creation process enhances the intellectual capital of every individual which has an impact on the knowledge economy of a society.
... Communities of this type may be, above all, a tool to strengthen the brand of a company or product, a source of knowledge about it, and a tool for its dissemination; a community of former employees (talents and knowledge employees)-former knowledge employees and talented employees who maintain informal relations; the community can be the foundation for creating new relationships with environmental entities and a source of valuable knowledge; knowledge agents-or a change agent, a person who helps management create improved and highly effective ways of doing business. Their functions can also be automated using specialized systems (Wiig, 1995). ...
... Specialists complete all of the activities and show each and every one of the practices inside a learning stream (Santoro et al. 2018). What is important in the field of technological management and innovation is the actions of automated agents which consist of human and technological devices that have the capacity to retain, transfer and transform knowledge artefacts (Turner 1994;Wiig 1995). ...
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Background: Managers in companies often do not know about modern techniques and design tools for creating technological and innovation processes, and about the possibility of their usage for effective management and decision-making.Aim: This study seeks to establish if there are eminent gaps in managing sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) through technology and innovation systems, and its impacts on service delivery in influencing business survival in an unprecedented and unavoidable competitive business world environment, and to build up the impact of these gaps on business performance.Setting: It is essential to have a realistic vision and practical approaches to the management of technology and innovation for SCA and goal-oriented objectives for city governments.Methods: This study examines applicable and accessible literature whilst using a secondary research analysis methodology to examine the objectives and research issues of the investigation.Results: It is concluded that managing technology and innovation for SCA is not a means to an end, but a set of tools and strategies to ensure proper service delivery to the people and communities.Conclusion: This research study endeavours to provide a significant positive impact to business success and additionally, for the improvement of technology and innovation of an organisation. A fundamental issue for industrialisation and governments is the need to support innovation and change amongst industry individuals with a specific end goal to build efficiency and upgrade the business’ competitive position.
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The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of knowledge management in the process of corporate governance. Qualitative research method was adopted in the research and document analysis was used as a data collection tool. During the analysis process, themes and categories related to corporate governance and knowledge management were created. Then, as a result of the data obtained, separate codes and expressions were created for each category and interpreted. Then the obtained data were compared in the literature. As a result of the research, it has been determined that knowledge management is an important factor for the successful continuation of the corporate governance process. Considering the limitations of the research, open-ended questions could not be asked because the necessary people for the interview method could not be reached. Therefore, different data acquisition methods have been focused on. This constitutes the biggest limitation of the study. Although there are many studies on corporate governance and knowledge management in the literature, the number of studies in which the two concepts are discussed together is limited. This situation increases the importance of the paper.
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There is increasing evidence that tacit knowledge is “the important strategic resource that assists in accomplishing a task (Woo, 2004).” According to Haughton (2021), Knowledge is a valuable asset, and managing that knowledge is now recognised as a significant contributor to organizations in the current business climate’. When people with expertise leave a job, the organization often loses critical tacit knowledge because the person did not pass it on to others. This knowledge gap can be costly and time-consuming or impossible to replace (Leonard, 2014). However, government institutions and agencies are known to be not good when it comes to knowledge management (KM) implementation and thus often suffer knowledge loss when employees/people with expertise leave a job, retire, or pass away. A qualitative study was conducted in one of the government agencies which has recently embarked on KM initiatives to find out what their strategies and challenges are in preventing knowledge loss. The study used the Knowledge Management Capability Assessment Tool (KM CAT) theory to assess KM initiatives in the agency. The data was collected by purposefully interviewing senior officials/managers in the agency’s KM directorate. Despite the results of the study revealing that there are several challenges experienced by the agency in its endeavour to implement an effective and efficient KM process and strategy to help stem the tight against loss of knowledge, there are signs of good improvement. However, the agency needs to be resolute in its adoption of a systematic approach to KM to ensure the full utilisation of the organisation’s knowledge base, coupled with the potential of individual skills, competencies, thoughts, innovations, and ideas to create a more efficient and effective organisation.
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==> == > This document only contains backup notes <== <== The dissertation, “Verifying the Unified Theory of Knowledge Management's Operationalized Functions Using Macro Verb and Attribute Concepts,” conducted tests to verify the sufficiency and necessity of the theory’s seven functions. The verification needed verbs to use as requirements for testing. This document provides additional detail on the sources used to extract those verbs.
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