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Abstract and Figures

Almost a half of the Republic of Ireland is underlain by Carboniferous limestone, most of which is sufficiently pure to be karstified. Upland outcrops of limestone are largely confined to plateaux in the west and NW such as the Burren but the great majority of the limestone underlies the undulating lowland of central Ireland, which only locally exceeds 100 in in elevation. The lowland limestones are the principal source of groundwater in Ireland and also coincide with the most economically developed and intensively farmed areas, unlike the situation in Britain, where most karst limestone areas are relatively peripheral uplands. Such limited hydrogeological investigations as have been undertaken of the lowland limestones of Ireland suggest that karstic flow systems predominate, that they are intimately related to surface drainage systems and that the groundwater and associated karst features are often highly vulnerable to anthropogenic influences.
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Hydrogeology of lowland karst in Ireland
D.P. Drew
Geography Department, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland (e-mail:
Almost a half of the Republic of Ireland is under-
lain by Carboniferous limestone, most of which
is sufficiently pure to be karstified. Upland
outcrops of limestone are largely confined to
plateaux in the west and NW such as the Burren but the
great majority of the limestone underlies the undulating
lowland of central Ireland, which only locally exceeds
100 m in elevation. The lowland limestones are the
principal source of groundwater in Ireland and also
coincide with the most economically developed and
intensively farmed areas, unlike the situation in Britain,
where most karst limestone areas are relatively periph-
eral uplands. Such limited hydrogeological investigations
as have been undertaken of the lowland limestones of
Ireland suggest that karstic flow systems predominate,
that they are intimately related to surface drainage sys-
tems and that the groundwater and associated karst
features are often highly vulnerable to anthropogenic
In Europe the most extensive karstic areas are moun-
tainous or plateau in character and it is primarily
investigations in such terrains that have informed the
development of conceptual models of karstic hydrogeol-
ogy (Ford & Williams 2007). This is particularly the case
in Britain, where the most highly karstified aquifers are
the upland areas of northwestern England, the Mendip
Hills, the Peak District and the rim of the South Wales
coalfield, a total area of c. 1000 km
. These plateau
outcrops of Carboniferous limestone tend to be scat-
tered and fragmented (Gunn 1992, 1994; Waltham et al.
1997) and therefore there are no extensive groundwater
flow systems. The other significant carbonate aquifer
rocks that are in part karstified, the chalk and the
Jurassic limestones, also form relatively elevated ter-
rains. Lowland karstifed aquifers are small in extent and
widely scattered; for example, around Morecambe Bay
and perhaps the Gower Peninsula and areas of the
southern outcrop of Carboniferous limestone in South
Wales. The Permian limestone in the NE (Murphy 2003)
and the chalk of the west Hampshire Basin in Dorset
might be regarded as low-lying partly karstified aquifers.
In contrast, Carboniferous limestone is the outcrop or
near-outcrop rock across over 50% of the area of the
Republic of Ireland (Fig. 1). Probably all the limestone
is karstified to some extent (Drew et al. 1996), as karstic
drainage and karstic landforms are documented from
80–85% of the outcrop area. Extensive areas of upland
karst are restricted to the Burren in Co. Clare and the
plateaux of the NW, and more than 90% of the lime-
stones are in a lowland location with elevations of less
than 150 m a.s.l., and over much of the lowland less than
100 m a.s.l.
The Carboniferous limestone is the primary aquifer
rock in Ireland. In addition, because the limestone
underlies most of the lowland, it coincides with the most
productive agricultural land, the areas of most intensive
economic activity and the major centres of population.
Upland karst areas in Ireland, as in Britain, tend to be
thinly populated, devoted to extensive agriculture and of
recreational significance.
The controls on, and behaviour of, groundwater in
upland karst are well understood. Steep hydraulic
gradients, significant point recharge, conduit-dominated
hierarchical flow systems, low storage and concentrated
discharge via a small number of springs characterize
such karsts worldwide. Lowland karsts have been much
less studied and the extent to which to the accepted
conceptual models for elevated karst regions are appli-
cable is uncertain. In Ireland, an understanding of the
workings of the aquifer systems of the lowlands is of
particular importance so that groundwater resources can
be adequately assessed and protected and that the
functions of the karst groundwater in the wider environ-
mental context can be appreciated. This paper sum-
marizes present-day understanding of the lowland
karstic hydrogeology and the major problems associated
with the use and misuse of the groundwater. The loca-
tion of the counties mentioned and of the photographs
in this paper are shown in Figure 2.
Hydrogeological characteristics
Carboniferous limestones occupy in excess of
30 000 km
of the lowlands of the Republic of Ireland
but conditions are not uniform throughout. For
example, the impure limestones, mainly located in the
east and the Midlands (Fig. 1), exhibit relatively low
levels of karstification whereas the purest limestones,
predominantly west of the River Shannon, have devel-
oped a full suite of karstic landforms and a wholly
karstic drainage system. Extensive areas west of the
Shannon in eastern Co. Galway, south Co. Mayo, south
Co. Clare and Co. Roscommon are either devoid of
surface drainage systems or have an artificial drainage
system, mainly constructed between 1850 and 1950,
which was designed to alleviate flooding but which has
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology,41, 61–72 1470-9236/08 $15.00 2008 Geological Society of London
by guest on November 6, 2015 from
eectively partially de-karstified large areas by imposing
river networks on areas that were naturally drained via
karst (Drew 1973, 1984; Coxon & Drew 1986; Drew &
Coxon 1988). Other areas of the limestone lowlands,
particularly in the east and south, support normal
surface drainage systems, although often with large
karstic springs flowing into the main rivers as in
Counties Tipperary and Cork. Some lowland lime-
stones, for example in Counties Kilkenny (Daly
1994) and Wexford, exhibit relatively little evidence of
well-developed karstification. However, most of the low-
lands are characterized by drainage systems that are
partly fluvial or lacustrine and partly karstic. Interaction
between the surface and subsurface waters is exten-
sive and complex; for example, the functioning of the
seasonal karstic lakes called turloughs (Coxon 1987).
Although karstification is widespread (Williams
(1970) suggested that karstification took place for long
periods in the Tertiary), the karst landscape is largely
blanketed by Pleistocene and Holocene deposits. The
Fig. 1. The distribution of Carboniferous limestone outcrop or near-outcrop in Ireland. Areas of impure limestone are indicated, as
are the upland (plateau) karsts. (Data from Geological Survey of Ireland.)
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primary landforms are those of glacial and fluvioglacial
deposition, and the widespread occurrence of karstic
landforms such as dolines is confined to areas where
superficial deposits are thin or absent, mainly west of the
River Shannon. It seems probable that many karstic
drainage systems on the lowlands were blocked and
rendered inoperative by sediment infilling and that
present-day groundwater flow systems are developed in
immature fissure or conduit systems of Holocene age, or
in reactivated ancient conduits from which sediment has
been eroded, or in a mixture of both (Drew & Daly
Mean annual precipitation over most of the central
lowlands of Ireland is c. 1000 mm compared with
1500 mm or more in the upland karsts. It is estimated
that up to 50% of this may become recharge (Lee & Daly
2002) as opposed to values of <75% on the karstic
Fig. 2. County boundaries in Ireland, with those counties mentioned in the text shaded. Locations of photographs (Figs 3, 4, 6, 7
and 8) are shown.
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uplands with their thin and patchy soils. The modes of
recharge are: direct (diuse) input from rainfall and
indirect recharge from allogenic sinking streams;
autogenic sinking streams; dolines; inflowing rivers and
recharge from turloughs. In plateau karsts such as the
Burren in Co. Clare (Drew 1990) recharge is dominantly
diuse on the bare or partly vegetated limestone pave-
ments with the remainder (up to 30% in some ground-
water catchments but more commonly 5–15%) being
derived from allogenic streams, which sink underground
at the contact between the limestone and the non-
calcareous rocks. On the lowland, allogenic recharge is
uncommon and streams cross from non-limestone to
limestone strata whilst remaining on the surface, pre-
sumably because of the influence of the superficial
deposits. Exceptions occur, such as in the Gort area of
Co. Galway, where streams with flows of several cumecs
generated on adjacent Devonian sandstones sink under-
ground close to the limestone contact (Drew & Daly
Recharge from small autogenic streams, generated on
areas of low-permeability till or peat, are much more
common and although their baseflow discharges rarely
exceed 5–10 l s
such sinks occur at densities of
1–5 km
in some areas of lowland west of the River
Shannon. Dolines seem to be an important source of
point recharge. Although single dolines rarely exceed
30 m in diameter and the majority are 10–15 m in
diameter, they occur as clusters at high densities in some
areas; <20 km
in parts of Co. Roscommon, for
example. Some dolines contain a permanent stream,
presumably epikarst generated, that emerges and then
sinks within a few metres at the base of the doline. In
eect, there is a gradation from autogenic sinks to
dolines in terms of hydrological function (Fig. 3).
Well-defined zones in which river water flows to
groundwater occur along the channel of many rivers in
the western lowlands. In extreme cases, all the flow in
the Dunkellin and Lavally Rivers, which flow into
Galway Bay near Galway city, sinks underground dur-
ing dry periods, but more commonly only a proportion
of flow is influent.
Turloughs, of which some 135 are known, are over-
whelmingly located in the lowlands west of the River
Shannon, fill from groundwater in the autumn and
empty often from the same points (estavelles) to ground-
water in the spring, often over an extended period of
time, thus acting as a buered source of point recharge
to the aquifer (Fig. 4).
Finally, diuse recharge occurs where none of the
above-mentioned concentrating mechanisms for runo
are operative. Areas with thick (>5 m) superficial
deposits often exhibit diuse recharge, especially where
the subsoil is coarse textured, but concentration of flow
at or near the rockhead may still occur. Figure 5 shows
the distribution of autogenic swallow holes, turlough
inputs and influent streams which provide recharge for
the Millburn springs in northeastern Co. Galway, which
is typical of the region (Figs. 6–8).
Groundwater flow systems
Hydraulic gradients in the lowland aquifer range
between 0.001 and 0.01. Flow rates as determined from
water tracings range from 5 to 250 m h
. Modal values
for flow velocities are in the range 50–80 m h
Hydraulic gradients in the plateau karsts are typically an
order of magnitude higher, but this is not reflected in
flow rates of 20–300 m h
with a modal value of
. The similarity in flow rates may be due to
the fact that in the lowlands the gradient of the conduits
is relatively uniform compared with those of upland
conduits. There are no systematic dierence detectable
in flow rates between dierent areas of the lowland or
between dierent limestone lithologies.
Relatively little information is available concerning
the nature of the groundwater flow systems; in particu-
lar, the relative proportions of conduit and distributed
flow and the relative proportions of deep and shallow
flow (Fitzsimons et al. 2005). Conduit flow is known to
Fig. 3. Doline field near Castlerea, Co. Roscommon.
Fig. 4. A turlough, almost dry, at Belclare, Tuam, Co. Galway.
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be present in areas of south and east Co. Galway
(Drew & Daly 1993) and geophysical evidence from
Co. Roscommon suggests that conduits with diameters
of several metres are present, although whether they are
water or sediment filled is not apparent (McGrath &
Drew 2002). Such data as are available suggest that
mixed groundwater flow regimes may be typical. For
example, Figure 9 (adapted from Coxon 1986) shows an
area of some 25 km
near Ballinrobe, south Co. Mayo,
for which a water table map was generated using bore-
hole data. Groundwater flow directions are shown,
inferred from the configuration of the water table. In
addition, flow lines (schematic) derived from water
tracing experiments are also shown. In the northern part
of the area the two sets of flow lines are compatible,
suggesting a degree of distributed flow as well as conduit
flow, whereas in the southern part of the area the traced
flow lines are not compatible with the supposed water
table gradients, suggesting that conduit flow is dominant
and that a coherent water table surface is absent.
Tri-modal flow may also occur. Figure 10 shows
breakthrough curves derived from a water tracing
experiment (tracer injection into swallow holes) con-
ducted in the lowland karst between Gort and the
coastal springs at Kinvara, Co. Galway. In addition to
the breakthrough curve for the tracer at the springs,
concentration curves at points intermediate between
input and output are also shown. These comprise data
from water samples taken from known conduits, from
shallow epikarst sites and from deeper (<100 m deep)
borehole locations. The character of the breakthrough
curve and the absolute tracer concentration diers
between types of site, suggesting the existence of at least
Fig. 5. Modes of groundwater recharge in a part of the catchment for the Millburn springs, eastern Co. Galway (adapted from Drew
Fig. 6. A small sink (discharge c.5ls
) typical of the lowland
karst, near Tuam, Co. Galway. Fig. 7. The sink of the Gort River at Cahergassaun, Co.
Galway. Underground flow from the sink is assumed to be in
a major conduit.
by guest on November 6, 2015 from
three groundwater flow regimes, of which locally the
conduit system is dominant (Drew et al. 1997).
Data on karstic flow systems derived from borehole
pumping tests are dicult to interpret. Figure 11
(adapted from Wright 2000) shows a series of histo-
grams for borehole productivity (determined from well
discharge v. specific capacity relationships) for a variety
of Carboniferous limestone environments and compares
them with values for high-yielding sand and gravel
(intergranular) aquifers. The considerable variation in
borehole productivity within and between limestone
areas supports the idea of a range of flow types being
operative. It is noticeable that the impure (Calp) lime-
stone is characterized by low-productivity boreholes,
and this may reflect the dominance of fissure rather than
conduit flow in this less karstifiable limestone.
The majority (perhaps 80%) of springs and therefore of
groundwater catchments in the lowlands are small, with
discharges of only a few litres per second (Drew &
Chance 2007). Many of these springs may not be karstic
in whole or part but may be derived from the over-
lying unconsolidated materials. There are in excess of
200 springs with discharges exceeding 10 l s
and two
springs (those at Kinvara and at Cong) with discharges
of 5000–30 000 l s
. Variations in discharge are com-
monly in the range 1:5 compared with ranges of <1:60
for plateau karst springs. It is not known whether this
lesser variation in outflow is a function of the nature
of the flow system (a small range of hydraulic heads
and hence hydraulic gradients) or a result of storage and
slow leakage of water in the overlying glacial and
fluvioglacial deposits. In some areas of the lowlands
groundwater catchments can be delimited with reason-
able confidence. For example, in Co. Roscommon, most
of the springs with discharges in excess of 10 l s
located on the periphery of areas (10–150 km
) that are
elevated some 10–30 m above their surroundings. As is
Fig. 8. Estavelle on the edge of Lough Coy, Co. Galway. At the
time of the photograph the estavelle was functioning as a sink
to drain the turlough, but at higher groundwater levels it acts
as a spring to fill Lough Coy.
Fig. 9. Groundwater flow directions in the Ballinrobe area,
Co. Mayo, based on (a) the presumed configuration of the
water table surface and (b) water tracing experiments (adapted
from Coxon 1986).
Fig. 10. Tracer breakthrough curves at Kinvara springs Co.
Galway (pfu (plaque-forming units) = bacteriophage per ml)
(adapted from Drew et al. 1997).
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the case with many true plateau karsts, these peripheral
springs have discrete catchments. However, in areas with
virtually no relief spring catchments are less easy to
define. Figure 12 shows possible catchment areas (based
on the recharge area required to support spring outflow
and the result of one water tracing to each spring) for
three adjacent springs in NE Co. Galway. Although the
approximate area of each catchment is known its loca-
tion is much less apparent, as topographic catchments
for each spring cannot be defined and piezometric
surface maps provide insucient resolution to allow
flowlines to be drawn with confidence. Thus the desig-
nation of the location of a catchment area for a spring is
somewhat arbitrary. For the most southerly spring
(Aucloggeen) the delimitation of the catchment is fur-
ther complicated by the fact that some water from a
surface river sinks underground and feeds the spring,
and so in theory the catchment for the surface river
upstream of the zone of sinking forms a part of the zone
of contribution for the spring. This aspect is discussed
further below.
Problems with lowland karst
Surface water–groundwater interactions
An important dierence between the lowland and the
upland karsts in Ireland is the existence over most of
the lowland of a surface system drainage, sometimes
skeletal, sometimes fully integrated. Fluvial and ground-
water systems may coexist with limited interaction
Fig. 11. Borehole productivity for selected aquifers in Ireland (adapted from Wright 2000). I represents the highest productivity, IV
the lowest.
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(e.g. springs), as is the case in much of the limestones of
eastern and southern Ireland. In areas of the western
lowlands, however, the two systems are intimately
linked, with water being exchanged between surface and
subsurface in a variety of ways and in large quantities.
Thus, for successful water management it is essential
that the conjunctive workings and interactions of both
surface water and groundwater be appreciated. An
example of complicated exchanges of water is given in
Figure 13 (Coxon & Drew 2000) in the lower section of
the River Fergus catchment in south Co. Clare. In this
area flow directions and fluxes vary with stage con-
ditions. The western lowlands to which the example
above belongs is also the area in which turloughs are
most abundant. Turloughs are priority habitats under
the EU Habitats Directive of 1992 and some 80 have
been designated as Special Areas of Conservation.
Turloughs are Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems
(GWDEs) and hence vulnerable to changes in ground-
water inputs, duration of flooding and water quality.
Land use or hydrological changes that may aect these
hydrological variables must therefore be carefully con-
sidered. At the time of writing, particular attention
is being paid to determining the catchment area for
turloughs, if such a term is appropriate.
Geotechnical issues
Examples of human interaction with karstic ground-
water in the lowlands have been documented by Jones &
Fig. 12. Zones of contribution to three adjacent springs in east Co. Galway (adapted from Drew & Daly 1993).
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Gunn (1982) and Gunn (1984). Reports of subsidence or
similar geotechnical problems are relatively few despite
the fact that lowland limestones are the area of most
concentrated economic activity. However, accompany-
ing the rapid economic growth experienced by Ireland in
the period since the 1990s, there has been a commensu-
rate increase in infrastructural development, including
the building of a series of motorways linking the major
urban centres. The motorways planned to link Dublin
with Galway and with Cork both have routes that are
largely over karstified limestones, and the proposed
motorway between Galway and Limerick crosses some
of the most highly developed karsts in Ireland in its
northern stretch. Although issues of ground stability are
relevant, the eects of disposal of road runointo the
karst may be of more significance. Changes in the
location of, and the volumes of point recharge that
result from road drainage can modify existing ground-
water flow regimes or can reactivate inactive conduits by
eroding sediment fills (Stephenson & Beck 1995; Hoetzl
1999; Knez et al. 2004).
The rate of expansion of urban areas for housing and
commercial developments has increased dramatically
throughout Ireland. Many of these urban expansions are
in highly karstified environments (in south Co. Galway,
for example) but possible interactions with the karst
systems, other than in terms of groundwater protection,
are rarely considered, although impacts have been well
documented elsewhere; for example, by Crawford (1984)
in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Defining zones of contribution to springs
Springs are the sole water supply source for many
settlements in the lowlands, including towns such as
Ennis, Fethard and Roscommon, and protection of such
supplies is therefore a priority. Determining what should
be protected, what is a ‘sensible’ estimate of the Zone of
Contribution (ZOC), can be much more dicult for a
spring on the lowland karst than for a spring draining
upland karst or a borehole. Figures 12 and 13 show
springs that derive water both from inflowing rivers and
from more distributed discharge and in which a con-
siderable part of the catchment of the river is a part of
the contributing area to the spring. In the case of the
Ennis area (Fig. 13) the area contributing some water to
the spring (under consideration for use as a public
supply) at Pouladower under high water conditions, can
be 10 times greater than the area theoretically required
to sustain spring flow. The contributing area reduces as
stage falls but is always much larger than the theoretical
minimum. It is dicult to assign a viable and enforce-
able protection areas to springs with such variable
contributing areas (Deakin 2000).
Figure 14 shows the surface catchment (c.90km
of the Smaghraan River in eastern Co. Roscommon.
Embedded within this surface catchment is a set of
groundwater catchments feeding springs (mean dis-
charge 10–120 l s
), three of which are used for public
water supply. In places, all or part of the flow in the river
system sinks and flows to a spring, and the outflow from
these springs then contributes to river flow. Because the
Smaghraan River loses water to groundwater in its
lower course and this water flows to Spring I, under
normal or high water levels the catchment for Spring I
includes all of the Smaghraan River catchment upstream
of the spring but at low water all flow in the river sinks
at the swallow hole feeding Spring IV and the apparent
contributing area to spring I is reduced by 30%. Also,
some of the water discharging from groundwater catch-
ments II and III recharges groundwater catchment IV
but the amounts of water involved and their contribu-
tion to the overall discharge of Spring I are not known.
Fig. 13. Groundwater–surface water interactions in the Ennis
area of south Co. Clare (adapted from Coxon & Drew 2000).
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The diculties involved in assigning meaningful ZOCs
to springs in these circumstances are considerable.
Discussion and conclusions
There are similarities between the upland and lowland
karsts in Ireland. Groundwater flow rates are com-
parable, as are the proportions of point and diuse
recharge. Discrete, coherent groundwater catchments
exist in areas of lowland even if they are only slightly
elevated above the surrounding areas. There are also
major dierences between the two types of karst. The
extensive interaction between surface water and ground-
water systems in the lowlands means that it is often
dicult to unambiguously assign source areas for
springs or to accurately quantify areal recharge.
Contributing areas may vary greatly in areal extent
temporally, according to water levels, and in many cases
are much greater than the land area required to generate
the outflow at the spring. Contributing areas in terms of
the area needed to sustain spring discharge are usually
only tens of square kilometres in extent. Typically,
upland karsts are characterized by a thin or patchy or
wholly absent cover of superficial deposits, whereas the
lowland limestone is mainly blanketed with superficial
deposits, which may reach tens of metres in thickness.
The hydrogeological eect of these deposits depends
upon their character. The eect may be to confine the
limestone aquifer, or, at the other extreme, to function
as an intergranular aquifer with high storage, feeding
water into the highly transmissive limestone aquifer
beneath. Hydrogeological conditions in the lowland
limestones are not uniform. Surface fluvial systems are
widespread in the east and south but almost entirely
absent in parts of the west. Conduit flow systems are
Fig. 14. Groundwater catchments within the Smaghraan River (surface) catchment, eastern Co. Roscommon.
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poorly developed, if at all, in the impure limestones but
dominate in areas such as south Galway. A conventional
water table surface is identifiable in the folded limestone
lowlands of the SE but seems absent from the limestone
plains of the west.
Comparable extensive areas of lowland karst are
uncommon in Europe, the Monfalcone karst in north-
eastern Italy and the karsts near Poitiers in west–
central France being exceptions. The extensive lowland
limestones of eastern Canada are largely mantled and
function only partially as aquifers. In the USA the
Pennyroyal Plain in Kentucky and the Mitchell Plain in
Indiana are comparable with the Irish lowland in terms
of their topography and in the predominance of doline
recharge (Magdalene & Alexander 1995; Palmer 2004),
but unlike the Irish lowland they are underlain by
extensive networks of active conduit systems (caves).
Perhaps the area most similar to the Irish limestone
lowland is the low-lying karstified plain that extends
over parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa (Dalgleish
& Alexander 1984). This mantled fluvio-karst developed
in Devonian limestones has a precipitation regime, topo-
graphic setting, covering of superficial deposits and
hydrogeological system comparable with that of the
Irish lowland karst.
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Received 1 June 2007; accepted 13 November 2007.
D. P. DREW72
by guest on November 6, 2015 from
... On the island of Ireland, carboniferous limestone is the most common underlying geology, covering almost half of the land surface (Drew, 2008). Unlike in Great Britain, limestone also occupies the central Irish lowlands, which contain the most productive agricultural land where anthropogenic activities such as land drainage alter pathways for nutrient transfers (Drew and Coxon, 1988). ...
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Interaction with groundwater determines many processes in marl lakes. Net transfer of inorganic carbon helps define their chemical characteristics and determines their unique benthic flora. Nutrient enrichment weakens the biogeochemical buffering mechanisms which help maintain a clear-water state and many small, shallow marl lakes are prone to siltation. Despite hydrological processes being recognised as important for the complex interactions between plants, nutrient availability and physical sediment properties which shape marl lake ecology, groundwater discharge to many of these lakes has never been quantified. The aim of this study was to locate and quantify groundwater transfers to degraded marl lakes in a Special Area of Conservation on the island of Ireland. A RAD7 radon detector identified and measured elevated concentrations of 222Rn in three lakes for quantifying their groundwater influx with a 222Rn mass-balance equation. Conservative estimates of mean daily groundwater discharge to Kilroosky Lough, Drumacrittin Lough, and Dummy's Lough were 143 m3, 502 m3, and 269 m3 respectively. With extrapolation to the entire hydrological year, annual groundwater recharge contributed approximately 47 %, 155 %, and 50 % of the respective lake volumes. The areas within the lakes which were found to have the highest groundwater influence also closely matched the locations where substantial charophyte communities persist suggesting that the two are linked. These findings underline the importance of groundwater transfers for the water budget in small marl lakes and will inform management efforts to mitigate their eutrophication.
... Indeed, in Dublin Bay the main freshwater input is in the form of river discharge, where the Liffey River is the main source of nutrients (O'Higgins and Wilson, 2005) and alkalinity (McGrath et al., 2016;Kerr et al., 2023) Differently, in Galway Bay, even if a few rivers are draining into in the north site (characterized by granite and Ordovician igneous volcanic rocks) e.g., Corrib River; most of TA and DIC sources come from the numerous small bays feeding the area, e.g. Kinvarra Bay, Aughinish Bay, Bell Harbour which are in turn fed by SGD (Drew, 2008). ...
... Surface waters, either permanent or temporary, with their distinct characteristics as rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and wetlands, are extremely dynamic entities that change over time and influence the hydrological water cycle. Depending on the prevailing hydrological conditions, the interactions between surface and subsurface water systems can make it rather complicated to delineate water recharge in karst terrains [1][2][3][4][5]. In cases of landscapes that periodically fill with water, as topographic depressions in karst regimes, they may be subjected to flooding depending on prolonged rainfall and in some cases lateral flow from adjacent catchments discharging onto the lowland karst [6,7]. ...
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With the increasing availability and diversity of satellite imagery, the multisensor fusion of data can more effectively address the improved monitoring of temporary water bodies. This study supports the attempt to apply well established methods to detect spatial and temporal changes in ephemeral shallow lakes in lowland karst terrain, as well as to improve the understanding concerning the dynamics of water storage and hydrological mechanisms during extreme precipitation events. Based on the joint analysis of Copernicus Sentinel SAR and optical mission data, as well as soil moisture and EO-based rainfall observations over the period of 2015-2020, we demonstrated the control of the karst system on the ephemeral lake appearances in the broader area of Chalkida (Evvia, Greece). A connection between the prolonged and extended water coverage in the ephemeral lakes and flooding in the area is documented. Our EO-supported findings may serve as indicators for flood alerts in future extreme precipitation events, improving responses in cases of emergencies.
The primary objective of the study is to analyse changes in the hydrogeological regime before and after the facility's commissioning, taking into account the impact of human activity on water resources. To solve this problem, it is necessary to regularly measure groundwater levels. This process was carried out by systematically measuring the water level in piezometers for the period from 2010 to 2023 with a frequency of twice a week. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to analyse the geological structure and hydrogeological characteristics of the unconfined aquifers in the soil strata, as well as to investigate the permeability of rocks. Changes in the hydrogeological regime can be caused by both rock compaction due to changes in the stressed deformation state and activation of geodynamic processes, which, in turn, contribute to drainage through faults in the rock mass. The research in the article allows us to more accurately assess changes in the hydrogeological regime of the rock mass, in particular, in the reduction of the water-holding capacity of a certain horizon. The study reveals the possible causes of these changes, such as soil compaction and activation of geodynamic processes, and indicates potential consequences for the hydrogeological environment and water use, when planning and operating other energy facilities in similar conditions. The practical significance of this study is that it helps to understand changes in the hydrogeological environment and their potential impact on water resources. This is important for the development of effective strategies for managing water resources individually and preserving ecosystems in general. Studies indicate that during the period from 2010 to 2023, significant changes occurred in the hydrogeological regime of non-pressure horizons #1 and #2. The analysis of groundwater levels indicates that in certain local areas there is a decrease in the water level, which indicates the degradation of the soil massif. These changes may be related to the effects of drainage, which caused the disruption of structural bonds in soils and their transition to a loose state. In the case when the clay soil, which serves as a waterproofing layer for non-pressure horizon No. 1, loses its waterproofing properties, it can be explained with the help of the Coulomb-Mohr law, which reveals the dependence of the angle of internal cohesion (φ) on the coefficient of internal grafting (С) in soils. In simple language, when structural bonds are destroyed in clayey soils, the filtration coefficient increases [30, p. 240; 15, p. 223; 34, p. 170; 28, p. 2]. The potential cause of the destruction of structural bonds in the soil is described in works [36, p. 3]. Therefore, it can be concluded that the dynamics of groundwater levels indicates the influence of hydrogeological processes on the physical properties of the soil environment, which is important for the further management of water resources and the preservation of ecological sustainability of the region. The practical significance of this study is that it helps to understand changes in the hydrogeological environment and their potential impact on water resources. This is important for developing effective strategies for managing water resources separately and preserving ecosystems as a whole. For example, it is possible to develop models that will predict soil deformations depending on the level of groundwater, which will avoid possible destructive consequences for infrastructure and construction objects. Such data can also be used to improve hydrotechnical structures and determine optimal water resources management strategies in conditions of changing hydrogeological regime. Keywords: Geoecology, constructive geography, geosystems, river-basin systems, river-valley landscape, river natural and technical systems, landscape technical systems, landscape engineering systems, GIS technologies, Dniester PSPP, oolitic limestone, piezometer, aquifer, piezometric surface, soil base, infiltration, Neogene, aquifer.
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Microplastics (MPs), defined as plastic particles measuring less than 5 mm, are considered an emerging pollutant. Their presence in the water cycle and their interaction with ecological processes pose a significant environmental threat. As groundwater (GW) represents the primary source of drinking water, monitoring MPs in GW and investigating their potential sources and pathways is of urgent importance. This article offers a comprehensive overview of the primary contamination pathways of MPs from surface water, seawater, and soil into the GW. Moreover, it presents an examination of the occurrence of MPs in GW and identifies the challenges associated with their monitoring in GW. This study also discusses the difficulties associated with comparing research results related to MPs in GW, as well as indicating the need for implementing standardised techniques for their sampling and detection. On the basis of our experience and the literature review, we highlight the importance of understanding the specific hydrogeological and hydrogeographic conditions, collecting representative samples, using sampling devices with comparable specifications and comparable laboratory techniques for MP identification, and preventing contamination at all stages of the monitoring process. This review offers valuable insights and practical guidelines on how to improve the reliability and comparability of results between studies monitoring MPs in GW.
The Lublin chalkland, located in eastern Poland, is one of only a few compact areas in the world where, on the basement of soft carbonate rocks of the Upper Cretaceous age, the so-called chalk karst has developed. This rare type of karst relief is characterized by specific underground drainage, lacking caves but with a rich assemblage of surface forms such as dolines, uvalas, karst valleys, poplavas and large karst depressions of polje type. The onset of the evolution of karst relief in this area, embracing the Lublin-Volhynia Uplands and their northern foreland, dates back to the beginnings of the Cenozoic, which is documented by the fillings of numerous paleodolines and/or paleouvalas. The most visible features in the modern morphology are small dolines, the density of which in the central part of chalkland, within the Chełm Hills, reaches 100 forms per 1 km2. It is also one of the few areas in the world where the presence of a chalky substrate determined the development of karst lakes in periglacial conditions.
A hydrogeological investigation is presented that focused on development of a drought resilient groundwater supply for a town (Carlow) in the Irish Midlands. The combination of thick overlying glacial deposits, and Carboniferous limestones of low primary permeability posed a challenge to identifying a groundwater source. The source exploration strategy comprised surface geophysics and follow-on pilot well drilling to identify zones of high (secondary) permeability in bedrock. The study identified a previously-unrecorded large (∼3.5 km long) and deep infilled karst feature that possibly extends 2 km further to a nearby area of known Neogene-aged karst infill. Separately, the investigation revealed new areas of dolomitized limestone, suitable for water supply development, where two production wells were constructed. A program of pumping tests showed that dolomitized limestone areas exhibited low-nitrate groundwater quality, relatively high transmissivity and sustaining recharge boundaries (leakage from a nearby riverbed). Analysis of data from the operational stage provided further insights into recharge behaviour, and showed that groundwater levels are resilient during droughts at current abstraction rates. The analysis concluded that the wellfield could sustain higher abstraction volumes, even through extended periods of low effective rainfall. Thematic collection: This article is part of the Climate change and resilience in Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology collection available at:
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The Irish Shelf Seabed Geomorphological Map (ISSGM) (v2023) presented here, is the first high-resolution geomorphological map of the entire Irish continental shelf. This large-scale mapping exercise took advantage of the vast INFOMAR multibeam echosounder dataset, and used a protocol of semi-automated mapping techniques to accurately and rapidly extract seabed features. All previous mapping efforts and existing literature on the Irish shallow shelf geomorphology have also been collated and integrated in the map, critically evaluating the previous interpretations. An internationally standardised classification scheme was adopted, aligning the ISSGM (v2023) to other international geomorphological work. At a national level, this detailed geomorphological digital map is intended primarily as a resource to better inform multiple offshore activities and management of the marine environment. The map also acts as a baseline for future studies in marine geomorphology, as it identifies gaps in the knowledge and highlights areas of contentious interpretation that require further work. The map is available online on the Irish Marine Atlas ( – Geology Theme).
European ecosystems and species remain under pressure from intensive agriculture and forestry, fishing, pollution, urban sprawl, invasive species and climate change. This book provides a detailed description and critical analysis of nature conservation responses, achievements and failures, motivated by the concerning state of nature and missed biodiversity targets. It summarises Europe's nature and the impact of human activities, and then gives an overview of relevant international biodiversity treaties and the EU nature conservation policy and legislative framework. The core of the book comprises chapters written by national experts, which cover the UK and twenty-five EU Member States, providing comparative case studies from which valuable lessons are drawn. Covering wide-ranging topics such as biodiversity pressures, legislation and governance, biodiversity strategies, species protection, protected areas, habitat management, and funding, this book is of interest to a wide audience, including academics and professionals involved in nature conservation and related environmental fields.
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In 1992, a new survey identified an additional 73 sinkholes - 39 older sinkholes missed in the first 1984 survey and 34 new sinkholes that have developed since. All 73 sinkholes are located in the two highest sinkhole probability zones, supporting the criteria by which the original zones were delineated. The observed sinkhole locations are significantly different from a random distribution. With near certainty they are clustered. The 34 near sinkholes often develop in clusters and their nearest neighbors are usually another new sinkhole. The observed directions to nearest neighbor do not have preferred orientations along regional joint sets and are similar to the direction distribution calculated from random data sets. Sinkhole genesis does not appear to be structurally controlled in Winona county. Bedrock lithology, surficial geology, and topography of the land surface appear to be significant controlling factors. -from Authors
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Simple hydrological investigations were undertaken in an area of lowland karst near Mullinahone to provide a strategy for flood alleviation and land drainage. Speleological exploration and a water tracing experiment showed that although turbulent flow prevails in the groundwater system, flow velocities are less than 12m/h. Construction of a 335 m drainage tunnel resulted in an increase in these velocities to over 700m/h. This allows flood waters to drain away more rapidly which, together with alterations to surface channels, has removed the flood hazard and increased land drainage. A number of problems arose during adit construction because of the nature of the limestone and these are discussed.
The W part of the central lowland of Ireland in E County Galway, E County Mayo and County Roscommon, is an area of subdued topography rarely rising over 60m. The landforms are in part of glacial origin and in part karstic, and include many turloughs (seasonal lakes). Techniques from karst hydrology (eg dye tracing) and from conventional geohydrology (eg water talbe mapping from borehole data) have demonstrated that the groundwater hydrology is intermediate in type between a non-karstic diffuse flow aquifer, and the conduit dominated groundwater flow system characteristic of most karstic terrains.-from Authors
Conference Paper
The outcrop of carbonate, argillaceous and evaporite rocks of late Permian age to the east of Leeds, United Kingdom, exhibit a variety of karstic and paleokarstic features. The area is crossed by an extensive network of dry valley systems and lacks surface water. The extent of karstification is often not appreciated as features are quickly lost due to the intensive agricultural use of the area, the loss of old small-scale quarry exposures and the relatively sparse historical population of the area due to lack of surface water. The expansion of urban areas to the west has increased the pressure on the area for residential development, while the heavily quarried nature of the outcrop and its proximity to large urban centers make the region attractive for waste disposal by landfill. An appreciation of the karstic nature of the area will become increasingly important in land use planning in the area.