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:An overview of the
present status, management problems
and future prospects
Prepared and Submitted by
Sharif Ahmed Mukul
Department of Forestry and Environmental Science
School of Agriculture and Mineral Sciences
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Sylhet 3114, Bangladesh
March, 2007
Photograph credits: Author
: An overview of
the present status, management problems and
future prospects
Sharif Ahmed Mukul
Department of Forestry and Environmental Science
School of Agriculture and Mineral Sciences
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Sylhet 3114, Bangladesh
Biodiversity of Bangladesh: An overview
Diminishing Bangladesh Biodiversity: past and present
Ecosystem (habitat) diversity
Hill forests
Plain land Sal forests
Mangrove forest (Sundarbans)
Wetlands of Bangladesh
Tanguar haor
Hakaluki haor
Present trends, challenges and threats to overall biodiversity of Bangladesh
Population density, extreme poverty and unemployment
Habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation
Illegal poaching
Environmental pollution and degradation
Invasive Alien Species
Absence of proper institutional arrangements, frameworks and monitoring
Global climate change and sea level rise
Lack of true political commitments and willingness
Lack of people’s awareness
Biodiversity conservation initiatives in Bangladesh
In situ conservation
Nature Reserves
Protected Areas
Eco parks and Safari park
Ex situ conservation
Botanical gardens
Preservation Plots
Clone Banks
BFRI Arboretum’s
Major policy and legislation relating to biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh
National Conservation Strategy (NCS)
National Environment Management Action Plan (NEMAP)
Sustainable Environment Management Programme (SEMP)
The Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act, 1995 and Environment
Conservation Rules 1997
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP)
Nishorgo Support Project (NSP)
Bangladesh Wildlife (Preservation) (Amendment) Act, 1974
Bangladesh Forest Act, 1978 and Subsequent Amendments
Forest Policy and Forestry Sector Master Plan
Biodiversity related research initiatives in Bangladesh
Coastal and Wetland Biodiversity Management
Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)
Management of Aquatic Ecosystem through Community Husbandry (MACH)
Sundarbans Biodiversity Conservation Programme
Biodiversity survey in different protected areas
Conservation and management of medicinal plants
Towards sustainability: future potentials of biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh
List of Tables
Table 1. Animal species extinct from Bangladesh at recent past
Table 2. Present status of inland and resident vertebrates (species diversity) of
Table 3. Forest types (ecosystem diversity) and areas in Bangladesh
Table 4. Types of wetlands and their estimated area during the wet season
Table 5. Eco-Parks and Safari Park (both in situ and ex situ) of Bangladesh
List of Boxes
BOX 1. The Multiple Values of Biodiversity
BOX 2. Millennium Development Goals
BOX 3. The five biodiversity-related conventions
BOX 4. The Ecosystem Approach
BOX 5. Ecologically Critical Area
BOX 6. Protected Areas of Bangladesh
BOX 7. National Biodiversity Strategy and action Plan (NBSAP) of Bangladesh
List of Figures
Figure 1. Floral diversity of Bangladesh
Figure 2. Faunal diversity of Bangladesh
Figure 3. Map showing the forest of Bangladesh
Figure 4. Threats to global biodiversity
Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development in Bangladesh
An overview of the present status, management problems and future prospects
Sharif A. Mukul
Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, School of Agriculture and Mineral
Sciences, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet 3114, Bangladesh
Over the past few decades biodiversity has become the issue of global concern for its rapid
reduction worldwide. Bangladesh is no exception. The country is exceptionally endowed with a vast
variety of flora and fauna, but due to country’s tremendous population pressure, rural poverty and
unemployment it has been decreased alarmingly. Government has taken various initiatives to alter
this situation. The present paper is based on intensive literature survey and tries to explore the
country’s overall biodiversity situation, biodiversity-development links, present trends and causes of
depletion of biodiversity, biodiversity conservation initiatives in the country, major policy and
legislation to conserve biodiversity, biodiversity research initiatives, prosperous sector of
biodiversity etc. Finally the study concludes that, a separate statutory body or institution is
fundamental to ensure conservation; sustainable use and equitable sharing of benefits arisen from
biodiversity products and benefits in the country.
Keywords: Biodiversity; Deforestation; Hill forest; Sal forest; Mangrove forest; Wetlands.
The term, biodiversity or biological diversity describes the biological capital held within an
area. It refers, particularly, to the differences between living organisms at different level of
biological organisation - gene, individual species and ecosystems. The Convention of Biological
Diversity (CBD) defined biodiversity as; ‘the variability among living organisms from all
sources including; inter alia, terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological
complexes of which they are part’. Biodiversity encompasses multiple values and is vital for the
production of food and to conserve the ecological foundations needed to sustain people’s
livelihood (Box 1).
Besides, sustainable development is; ‘the development which meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’. This includes
taking into account the impact of present decisions on the options of future generations. Three
goals of sustainable development have been identified which includes; i) economic well being ii)
social and human development and iii) environmental sustainability and regeneration (Dalal-
Clayton and Bass, 2002).
Development processes and biodiversity are somehow interlinked (McNeely, 2002).
Development paths involved conversion or change in indigenous land use (i.e., forest) into other
productive (!) and economically profitable land use (e.g., agriculturalisation, urbanization,
industrialization etc.) which in most cases negatively affect the ecosystems. Experience in
Brazilian Amazon evident that, construction of a 50 km paved road inside the forest foster the
deforestation rate and forest degradation thousand times higher than that of previous (Kaimowitz
and Angelson, 1998).
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
Since, both biodiversity and development are the part of human life in modern era and both
works to make our life safer and comfortable therefore balance should be kept in development
and biodiversity conservation and priority should be given to alternative and sustainable
development paths. It is now globally recognized that the global biodiversity situation is
threatened million times higher than any time of its history. Over 15 million ha of natural forest
are lost in the tropic every year which is more than the area of Nepal or Arkansas in the United
States (FAO, 2006), again the present rate of species extinction is estimated to be between 1000
and 10,000 times the historical (pre 10,000 years BP) rate (Wilson, 1988). According to ‘2004
IUCN Red List’ currently 15,589 species are threatened with extinction; 12% of world’s known
birds, 23% of mammals, and 32% of amphibians are also threatened (Baillie et. al. 2004).
Over the past few decades biodiversity became the issues of global anxiety for its rapid
reduction worldwide and interestingly, most of the economically poorest countries hold the
majority of the world’s biodiversity (Koziell, 2001). It is also widely supposed that the poorest
people of those poor countries, who depend most immediately upon local ecosystems for their
livelihoods are somehow responsible for the degradation of biodiversity and will mostly affected
by the consequence of this biodiversity loss (CBD, 2006; 2007). Biodiversity conservation is
however essential to improve and alter this situation. Biodiversity conservation through
environmental sustainability (Goal 7) is one of the prime objectives of Millennium Development
Goals (Box 2) which strongly linked with its first objective, i.e., eradication of poverty and
hunger. To date, various international treaties and conventions with intergovernmental bodies
have been formed to work on biodiversity issues in national, regional and international level
(Box 3).
BOX 2. Millennium Development Goals
GOAL 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
GOAL 2: Achieve universal primary education
GOAL 3: Promote gender equality and empower women
GOAL 4: Reduce child mortality
GOAL 5: Improve maternal health
GOAL 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
GOAL 7: Ensure environmental sustainability
GOAL 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development
Source: IPGRI (2006)
BOX 1. The Multiple Values of Biodiversity
1. Direct use
Subsistence Food (meat, fish and fruits), medicine, fodder, building materials etc.
Tradable Bushmeat (meat of wild animal), crops, timber, genetic resources etc.
2. Indirect use
Environmental services CO2 & O2 emissions, C sequestration, watershed protection etc.
Information and evolutionary New knowledge, improved diversity & productivity
3. Non-use value
Future options Probable use of plant and animal products to solve a future problem (!)
Existence Aesthetic, cultural, religious and philosophical use
Adapted and compiled from: Kozeill (2001), 22p.
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
Biodiversity of Bangladesh: An overview
Bangladesh, the world largest deltaic region lies in the northeastern part of South Asia between
20034/ and 26038/ North latitude and 88001/ and 92041/ East longitude (Hossain, 2001). The
majority of country’s land is formed by river alluvium from the Ganges and the Brahmaputra
and their tributaries which, consists mostly of flood plains (80%) with some hilly areas (12%),
with a sub-tropical monsoon climate (Islam, 2003). Geographically, Bangladesh falls near the
Indo-Burma region which is one of the ten global hot-spot areas and supposed to have 7000
endemic plant species (Mittermeier et. al. 1998). Due to its unique geo-physical location
Bangladesh is exceptionally characterized by a rich biological diversity (Nishat et. al. 2002;
Hossain, 2001; Barua et. al. 2001). An estimated 5,700 species of angiosperms alone, including
68 woody legumes, 130 fiber yielding plants, 500 medicinal plants, 29 orchids, three species of
gymnosperms and 1700 pteridophytes have been recorded from Bangladesh (Figure 1) (Firoz et.
al. 2004; Khan, 1977; Troup, 1975). In Bangladesh, some 2260 species of plant reported alone
from the hilly regions of Chittagong, which falls between two major floristic regions of Asia
(Anon, 1993).
Subsequently, the country possesses rich faunal diversity. Bangladesh has approximately 113
species of mammals, more than 628 species of birds (both passerine and non passerine), 126
BOX 3. The five major biodiversity-related conventions
CBD The objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are the
conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the
fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from commercial and other
utilization of genetic resources. The agreement covers all ecosystems, species, and
genetic resources.
CITES The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
Fauna and Flora (CITES) aims to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild
animals and plants does not threaten their survival. Through its three appendices, the
Convention accords varying degrees of protection to more than 30,000 plant and
animal species.
CMS The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
(CMS, or the Bonn Convention) aims to conserve terrestrial, marine and avian
migratory species throughout their range. Parties to the CMS work together to
conserve migratory species and their habitats by providing strict protection for the
most endangered migratory species, by concluding regional multilateral agreements
for the conservation and management of specific species or categories of species, and
by undertaking co-operative research and conservation activities.
Ramsar The Convention on Wetlands (popularly known as the Ramsar Convention)
provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the
conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources. The convention covers all
aspects of wetland conservation and wise use, recognizing wetlands as ecosystems
that are extremely important for biodiversity conservation in general and for the well-
being of human communities.
WHC The primary mission of the World Heritage Convention (WHC) is to identify
and conserve the world's cultural and natural heritage, by drawing up a list of sites
whose outstanding values should be preserved for all humanity and to ensure their
protection through a closer co-operation among nations.
CBD website (URL:
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
species of reptiles, 22 species of amphibians, 708 species of marine and freshwater fish, 2493
species of insects, 19 species of mites, 164 species of algae (or seaweed) and 4 species of
echinoderms with many others (Figure 2) (IUCN, 2000; Islam et. al. 2003).
Floral Diversity
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
No.of recorded spp.
Figure 1. Floral diversity of Bangladesh
Faunal Diversity
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Reptiles (including 17 marine spp.)
Mammals (including 3 marine spp.)
Birds (resident)
Birds (migratory)
Fish (marine)
Fish (inland freshwater)
Shrimp / prawn
No. of recorded spp.
Figure 2. Faunal diversity of Bangladesh
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
Diminishing Bangladesh Biodiversity: past and present
Although Bangladesh is rich in biodiversity (species) but Rahman (2004) has identified 12
species of wildlife as extinct in Bangladesh (Table 1). Contradictorily Hussain (1992) and
Asmat (2001) found 18 species of wildlife as extinct from the country. A lot of country’s
mammals, birds, reptiles are now under tremendous pressure for several reasons. IUCN (2000)
has listed a total of 40 species of inland mammals, 41 species of birds, 58 species of reptiles and
8 species of amphibians under various degrees of risks in the country (Table 2). Unfortunately
reliable information regarding threatened floral diversity is not available in the country. It has
been assumed that already 10% flora of the country have extinct. According to a recent exercise
completed by the Bangladesh National Herbarium, 106 vascular plant species face risks of
various degrees of extinction in Bangladesh (Reza, 2004). Again, Dey (2006) listed 167 plant
species as vulnerable or endangered in Bangladesh.
Table 1. Animal species extinct from Bangladesh at recent past
Wildlife class Common name Scientific name
Great one-horned rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis
Javan rhinoceros Rhinoceros sondiacus
Asiatic two-horned rhinoceros Didermocerus sumatrensis
Blue bull /nilgai Boselaphus tragocamelus
Wild buffalo Bubalus bubalis
Gaur Bos gaurus
Banteng Bos banteng
Swamp deer /barosinga Cervus duvauceli
Marbled cat Canis lupus
Pink headed duck Rhodonessa caryophyllaceaBirds Common peafowl Pavo cristatus
Reptiles Marsh crocodile Crocodylus palustris
Source: Rahman (2004)
Table 2. Present status of inland and resident vertebrates (species diversity) of Bangladesh
Group Total no. of
living species Extinct Critically
endangered Endangered Vulnerable Total
Amphibians 22 0 0 3 5 8
Reptiles 109 1 12 24 22 58
Birds 388* 2 19 18 4 41
Mammals 110 10 21 13 6 40
Total 629 13 52 48 38 147
Source: IUCN (2000) * Excluding migratory birds
Ecosystem (habitat) diversity
Ecologically Bangladesh supports a diverse set of ecosystems. These includes sandy beaches to
mangroves, flood plains, lowland forests, terraces and hills reaching far north into the eastern
Himalayas – one of 25 biodiversity hot-spots globally identified. The country has the world’s
largest continuous mangrove forests in its south-western part; in its eastern part it has a large
tract of evergreen to semi-evergreen hill forests; once very rich in biodiversity besides in north-
eastern part of the country there are many wetland areas; locally called haors which harbors a
huge number of plants, migratory birds (water fowls) and freshwater fish species. In
Bangladesh, over 80% of the land is low-lying and hence waterlogged or flooded at least part of
the year. Much of the land area does not generally exceed 40m ASL, making the country’s
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
landscape the single largest flood-basin in South Asia. The entire country is biogeographically a
transition between the Indo-Gangetic plains and the eastern Himalayas and in turn part of the
Indo-Chinese sub region of the Oriental realm (IUCN, 2004).
There are some contradictions on the actual forests coverage of the country. Although, according
to FD and some other sources (see for example, Khan et. al. 2007; Mukul et. al. 2006 and
Hossain, 2005) it is nearly about 2.53 million ha representing approximately 17.5% of the
country’s total surface area (Table 3) but according to FRA- 2005 it is only about 0.871 million
ha (FAO, 2006). Officially, Bangladesh Forest Department (FD) manages 1.53 million hectares
of forest land of the country (Roy, 2005) (Figure 3). Besides, 0.73 million ha of unclassed state
forests (USF) are under the control of district administration.
The natural forests of Bangladesh covers three major vegetation types occurring in three
distinctly different land types, i.e., hill forest (evergreen to semi-evergreen); plain land sal forest
and mangrove forest. Although, once this public forests were very wealthy but during the last
few decades they have been degraded heavily due to various managerial and other problems.
Brief overviews of these forests are given below;
Hill forests
Vegetation type and description: Evergreen to semi-evergreen tropical forests. Total area is 6,
70,000 ha, which is 4.7% of the country’s surface area and 44% of the total forest land managed
by the FD. According to latest forest inventory have a growing stock of 23.93 million m3 of
wood. The productivity of the forests declined to a range of 1.5 m3to 2.5 m3per hectare per
annum from 7 m3 to 8 m3twenty years ago but the forests still supply around 40% of the
commercial timber production (Chowdhury, 2006). Very rich in diverse varieties of flora and
fauna that supports approximately 400 evergreens to deciduous tree species.
Geographic distribution: Chittagong, Chittagong Hill Tracts (Rangamati, Bandarban and
Khagrachari), Sylhet, Habiganj and Moulvibazar.
Characteristics species
Flora: Shegun (Tectona grandis), Garjan (Dipterocarpus spp.), Gamar (Gmelina
arborea), Telsur (Hopea odorata), Toon (Toona ciliata), Champa (Michelia chamaca),
Chapalish (Artocarpus chaplasha), Civit (Swintonia floribunda), Karoi (Albizia spp.) etc.
Fauna: Asian elephant (Elephas maxima), Spotted deer (Axis axis), Barking deer, Beer,
Monkey, Langur, numerous snakes and birds.
Management problems
Shifting cultivation or practice of jhum cultivation which involves forest clearance and
burning of debris which ultimately causes soil erosions and nutrient loss.
Encroachment and illicit felling.
Lack of true political commitments and willingness
Raise short rotation plantation with exotic and single species.
Lack of post plantation management.
FD’s limitations
1. Inadequate budget
2. Lack of managerial staffs
Management of a large tract (0.73 million ha) of forests as USF which have been
managed by the district administrations and degraded or denuded seriously due to faulty
and improper management techniques and skills.
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
Table 3. Forest types (ecosystem diversity) and areas in Bangladesh
Forest type Location Area
(million ha) Remarks
Hill forest
Managed reserved forest
(evergreen to semi-
Eastern part of the country
(Chittagong, Chittagong Hill
Tracts and Sylhet)
0.67 Highly degraded and managed by the Forest
Unclassed state forest (USF) Chittagong Hill Tracts 0.73 Under the control of district administration and
denuded mainly due to faulty management
and shifting cultivation. Mainly scrub forest.
Plain land forest
Tropical moist deciduous
forest Central and north-western
region (Dhaka, Mymensingh,
Tangail etc.)
0.12 Mainly Sal forest but now converting to exotic
short rotation plantations. Managed by the
Forest Department.
Sundarbans Southwest (Khulna, Satkhira) 0.57 World’s largest continuous mangrove forest
and including 0.17 million ha of water.
Coastal forest Along the shoreline of twelve
districts 0.10 Mangrove plantations along the shoreline of 12
districts. Managed by Forest Department.
Village forest Homestead Forests all over the
country 0.27 Diversified productive system. Fulfill majority
of country’s domestic timber, fuelwood and
bamboo requirements.
Plantation in tea and
rubber gardens Chittagong Hill Tracts and
Sylhet 0.07 Plantations of various short rotation species
(mainly exotics).
Total forest 2.53 17.49 % of country’s total landmass
Source: Mukul et. al. (2006); Hossain (2005)
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
Plain land Sal forests
Vegetation type and description: Deciduous forests. This forest comprises about 5% of the
total forests in Bangladesh. Although, once the Sal or Gajari was the major species of this
forests but due to poor coppicing capability and poor management practices there population is
now very restricted. Majority of the area has been replanted by short rotation exotic species and
some have been brought under social forestry or participatory agroforestry schemes.
Geographic distribution: Gazipur, Mymensingh, Tangail, Comilla, Rajsahi, Rangpur and
Characteristics species
Flora: Sal (Shorea robusta), Koroi (Albizzia spp.), Raintree (Albizzia saman), Sissoo
(Dalbergia sissoo), Bohera (Terminalia belerica), Horitaki (Terminalia chebula),
Kanchan (Bauhinia acuminata), Polash (Butea monosperma) etc.
Fauna: Monkey (Macaca mulatta), Barking deer (Muntiacus muntjac), Spotted deer
(Axis axis), Langur, Fishing cat, Marbled cat, Jackel (Canis aureus), numerous snakes
and birds.
Management problems
Conversion of forest land into agricultural fields and jhum practice by tribal (mainly
Garo) and local inhabitants.
Misunderstanding and lack of working partnership between local people and FD field
Unrecognizing indigenous people’s traditional rights and poor socio-economic context in
adjoining areas.
Encroachment and illicit felling.
Improper application of forest laws and corruptions by the FD’s staffs.
Mangrove forest (Sundarbans)
Vegetation type and description: Tidal swamp forest. Considering the importance of
preserving biodiversity of the Sundarbans, the UNESCO had on December 6, 1997, declared the
forest as the 798th ‘World Heritage Site’. It is also one of the two RAMSAR sites of the
country. The forest supplies 45 percent of the country’s demand for timber and fuel wood. It is
also the direct source of livelihood of about 5 million people residing in its neighborhood
(Manju, 2001). The forest is the largest single continuous productive mangrove forest of the
world spreading over the southern part of Bangladesh and West Bengal State of India. 62% of
the forests are in Bangladesh and has been protected as a Reserved Forest since 1875. Each year
about 2.4 billion tons of sediment is transported through the Sundarbans, carried by the Ganga,
Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers. As this immense load is deposited along the coastline, it
creates 3,500 hectares of land area each year (Poffenberger, 2000). Chaffey and Sandom (1985)
reported 66 plant species in Bangladesh Sundarbans among which 25 has been identified as true
mangrove species while others are mangrove associates or non-obligatory mangrove species
(Siddiqi, 2001). The Sundarbans mangrove forests are best known as the habitat of the Royal
Bengal Tiger, with the world’s largest surviving population estimated between 350 to 500.
Geographic distribution: Khulna, Satkhira and Bagerhat (natural mangroves).
Characteristics species
Flora: Sundri (Heritiera fomes), Gewa (Excoecaria agallocha), Goran (Ceriops
decandra), Keora (Sonneratia apetala), Golpata (Nypa fruticans).
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
Fauna: Royal Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris), Spotted deer (Axis axis), Wild boar (Sus
scrofa), Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta), Estuarine crocodile (Crocodylus porosus),
numerous snakes, birds (300 spp.) and fishes.
Management problems
Over exploitation of mangrove forests (mainly NTFPs).
Shrimp fry collection, conversion of forest to shrimp ponds and salt pans.
Salinity intrusion due to declining fresh water flow through the tidal basin resulting from
natural changes, river diversion and diversion of river water for irrigation.
Sea level rise, environmental degradation and water pollution.
Rise in tree mortality and top dying of sundri due to unidentifying reasons.
Lack of appropriate policies for proper management and training of forest officials
working on wildlife and biodiversity conservation.
Wetlands of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a land of wetlands. More than two thirds of the country may be classified as
wetlands according to the definition enunciated in the Ramsar Convention. On the basis of
salinity, the wetlands of Bangladesh can be broadly classified into the inland freshwater and
tidal brackish water wetlands (Table 4). Floodplains, beels, haors and baors are the parts of the
inland freshwater wetlands category. The wetlands of Bangladesh support a wide variety of
floral and faunal diversity, some of which are globally as well as locally endangered. However
these aquatic resources have been subjected to rapid degradation due to the increasing
population pressure, habitat destruction and other anthropogenic as well as natural causes. The
GOB formulated the National Environment Management Action Plan (NEMAP) to reverse this
degrading trend. It was a cost effective process and tries to ensure people’s participation in
national planning (IUCN, 2005; Choudhury, 2005).
Table 4. Types of wetlands and their estimated area during the wet season
Wetland types Area (000 ha)
Permanent rivers and streams 480
Estuarine and mangrove swamps 610
Shallow lakes and marshes 120-290
Large water storage reservoirs 90
Small tanks and fish ponds 150-180
Shrimp ponds 90-115
Seasonally-flooded flood plains 5,770
Source: A Directory of Asian Wetlands (1989) cit. in. Khan (2001)
Tanguar haor and Hakaluki haor are the two important and major wetland systems in the
country and have declared as ‘ECA’ by the government since 1999. These two haors are located
in the greater Sylhet region which is also known as ‘Haor Basin’ region of the country. These
two wetlands support a diverse category of flora and fauna and millions of peoples depend upon
them for their subsistence and income. A brief description of these to haors is given below.
Tanguar haor
The Tanguar haor wetland system harboring one of the last remnants of fresh water swamp
forest in Bangladesh. It lies within Sunamganj district extending over 10 mauzas of
Dharmapasha and Tahirpur upazilas (administrative unit) of the district. The haor is close to
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
Indian borders and consists of 120 beels of various sizes. The area of the haor including 46
villages within it is about 100 sq km of which 2802.36 ha is wetland. The haor supports one of
the most productive inland fisheries of Bangladesh and providing habitat for numerous globally
(1 amphibian, 3 turtles, 2 lizards, 4 snakes, 10 birds and 6 mammals) as well as locally (55 fish,
31 birds and several wetland plat) threatened flora and fauna (Khan, 2001). In the past few
decades the total environmental settings of the haor has degraded a lot. The government has
taken massive plan to restore the natural environment and heritage of the haor by conserving its
water, improving agriculture and fish production, and making the haor secured zone for birds
and animals. Already in 1999, the GOB has declared the haor as an ‘Ecologically Critical
Areas’. It is as well the country’s second ‘Ramsar site’ since July 10, 2000.
Characteristics species
Flora: 120-150 plant species are expected to be occurring at Tanguar Haor; however a
previous survey by Bangladesh National Herbarium (BNH) recorded only 78 plant species at
the haor (Khan, 2001). These includes;
oEleven free-floating species, such as Pistia stratiotes (topapana), Salvania natans
(tetulpana) etc.
oThirty eight anchored, submerged species, such as Potamogeton crispus (keorali),
Aponogeton echinatus (ghechu) etc.
oFive suspended species, such as Utricularia aurea (chhotojanghi), Cerato-phyllum
demersum (also known as chhotojanghi) etc.
oTwenty rooted species with floating leaves, such as Nymphaea nouchali (padma),
Trapa maximowiczii (paniphal) etc.
oSome 116 emergent species, such as Phragmites kakra (nal khagra), Polygonum
barbatum (bishkatali) etc.
oFive climbers, such as Clematis cadmia, Oxystelma secamone (dudhi lata), Cascuta
australis (sarna lata) etc.
oEight swamp forest trees and shrubs, such as Barringtonia acutangula (hijal),
Pongamia pinnata (koroch) etc.
Fauna: Wetland ecosystems are the major habitat of birds and fishes in Bangladesh. From
various sources it has been found that, Tanguar haor is characterized by,
oApproximately 141 fish species including some exotic introduced species which
represents more than half of the country’s fresh water fish species (266 spp.). Among
them the notables are Air, Gang Magur, Baim, Tara Baim, Gutum, Gulsha, Tengra,
Titna, Garia, Beti, Kakia etc.
oA total of 208 (including 98 migratory spp.) bird species representing almost 30
percent of the country’s recorded avifauna. The haor also the habitat of Pallas’s Fish-
eagle (kura), one globally threatened bird species.
o34 mammals, such as otters (ud), Indian Pangolin (bon rui), Gangetic dolphin
(shushuk) etc.
o11 amphibians and 34 reptiles (including; 6 turtles, 7 lizards and 21 snake species).
o12 butterfly spp.
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
Figure 3. Map showing the forest of Bangladesh
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
Management problems
Rural poverty in adjoining areas which leads overexploitation of fish (sometimes through
current nets) and other wetland resources.
Uses of fertilizers and pesticide in agricultural fields which degraded and threaten the
aquatic ecosystems.
Unauthorized hunting of waterfowls and other migratory birds.
Massive introduction of invasive alien plants (e.g., Eichhornia crassipes (Kachuripana)) and
fish (e.g., Clarius gariepinus (African magur), Oreochromis mossambicus (telapia),
Cyprinus carpio (common carp) etc.)
Lack of awareness and proper institutional and management framework.
The former ‘Jalmohal’ leasing system.
Hakaluki haor
Hakaluki haor is the largest haor in the country with great economic and ecological significance.
The haor is a complex system of more than 80 inter-connected beels which extends over 18,000
ha during the rainy season (IUCN, 2005). The haor is situated in the Kulaura upazila of
Moulvibazar district. To the north of the haor is Golapganj upazila of Sylhet, to the west
Fenchuganj upazila and to the east is Barlekha upazila. The haor is a major resting place for
thousands of migratory birds in winter. The rich fish resources of Hakaluki support one of the
largest inland fisheries in the country. Water from across the border comes to Hakaluki haor
through Juri, Kontiala and Kuiachhari rivers and drains away through the Kushiara river. The
haor is rich in biodiversity and has been identified by the Department of Environment as an
ecologically endangered water body. The haor been also proposed for Ramsar nomination by
Canadian International Development Association (CIDA) after conducting an extensive survey
on the biodiversity of the haor in 1995.
Characteristics species are more or less same as Tanguar haor.
Management problems
Shrinking of the haor area due to expansion of agricultural fields, decrease in water flow etc.
Uses of chemical fertilizers and pesticide in agricultural fields which drained by water into
the haor and threaten the animal life in water.
Overexploitation and decrease in breeding capacity of fish.
Depletion of water plants due to widespread collection of fire wood.
Illegal hunting of birds.
Absence of a legal institution for preservation of biodiversity in the threatened Hakaluki
Disregard local people’s wants in haor management system.
Present trends, challenges and threats to overall biodiversity of Bangladesh
Bangladesh has the highest rural population densities in the world with lowest per capita forest
land (Anon, 2003; Rahman et. al. 2003). The contribution of the forestry sector to GDP is 3.3%
at current prices and about 2% of the country’s labor forces are employed in this sector (Siddiqi,
2001). Officially, although Bangladesh has nearly about 17.5% forest coverage but only 6% of
them are well stocked. Besides, the annual deforestation rate in the country is 3.3% which is
highest among the south-east Asian countries (Poffenberger, 2001). In recent days, although
government has become anxious about biodiversity conservation but country’s forest and
biodiversity are still facing various challenges like other regions of the world (Figure 4).
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
Figure 4. Threats to global biodiversity (adapted from: TBI, 2005)
Following are some major reasons behind biodiversity depletion in Bangladesh.
High population density, extreme poverty and unemployment: Bangladesh is one of the
world’s densely populated countries with a population of more than 150 million. Majority of
the people of the country are still living under poverty line and without any permanent job.
Besides, more than 85% of the population of the country are living in rural areas and
somehow depends upon various natural resources which often lead over exploitation of plant
and animal products for their survival and income. Rural fuel consumption pattern is another
important issue related to natural resource depletion in the country. Still now, most of the
people in rural areas depend on fuelwood which is strongly concerned with degradation and
unsustainable use of various woody and forested areas.
Habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation: Biodiversity is strongly associated with
intact ecosystems and natural landscapes, however transformation of land use patterns,
expansion of agricultural lands, change in cropping patterns, introduction of high yielding
varieties (HYV), urbanization, expansion of road networks, unplanned embankments and
other manmade factors have caused immense damage of habitats in all ecosystems. The
following are some underlying factors related to this issue;
oShifting cultivation
oLand use change and agricultural expansions
oCommercial shrimp cultivation in coastal mangrove areas
Illegal poaching: There is a big international market (illegal!) on wild animals (and their
part, e.g., teeth, bones, far, ivory etc.) for their aesthetic and medicinal value. Peoples
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
involved with this underworld syndicate sometimes illegally hunting/trafficking wild
animals to earn some easy cash. Besides, unregulated logging, illicit felling, indiscriminate
harvest of medicinal plants, Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs), unplanned fishing, using
bag nets, bottom trawling fishing, fishing in the breeding season and other factors are
causing depletion of biodiversity.
Environmental pollution and degradation: One of the biggest threats to biodiversity in
Bangladesh is pollution of air, soil and water. Water is the greatest victim of contributed by
toxic agro-chemicals (i.e., chemical fertilizers, insecticides), industrial effluents that are
causing depletion aquatic resources and riparian natural resources.
Invasive Alien Species: A large number of exotic (non-native) plants have been introduced
into Bangladesh for agriculture, horticulture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries. Also
some have become escapes accidentally and having adapted with local conditions
proliferated profusely. Local people to different agro-ecological conditions have nurtured
some of these and some have become invasive over local flora and fauna (Mukul et. al.
2006). Besides, replacing natural plantation with monoculture of short rotation and fast
growing species have threatens the existence of local fauna as they have not adapted with
this species.
Absence of proper institutional arrangements, frameworks and monitoring: Lack of
adequate institutional or administrative frame works and suitable policies, weak
implementation of existing policies, lack of integration of sectoral activities are other major
threats to biodiversity in Bangladesh. Beside these, week institutional capacities and lack of
trained manpower in all disciplines dealing with biodiversity, poor coordination and cross-
sectoral integration, weak national information system and inadequate knowledge on
ecosystem structure and function are vital reason for biodiversity loss in the country.
Monitoring is particularly important in understanding the fate of ecosystems, habitats and
rare and endangered species.
Global climate change and sea level rise: Bangladesh is supposed to be affected mostly
due to global climate change which will ultimately lead to sea level rises in near future. It
has been roughly estimated that about one third of the country’s land will go under water.
Already, salinity intrusion and decreasing fresh water flow in the mangroves of Sundarbans
cause massive vegetation change in the area. It has been supposed that top dying of Sundri
and other mangrove species is also happen due to this change (Khan, 2003). Biodiversity
may also be vulnerable due to variation in the length and period of climatic events.
Lack of true political commitments and willingness: Unfortunately, no political parties of
the country been not included any forestry and biodiversity issue in their political campaign
and these issues have also overlooked or weakly recognized or poorly emphasize when they
are in power. In same cases political persons have been found responsible to illegal forest
activities (i.e., encroachment) and environmental degradation.
Lack of people’s awareness: Lack of biodiversity related information and knowledge
automatically leads to gaps in awareness. Gaps in awareness have been identified at various
levels. To start with, most people do not even know that there are so many species of
organisms in Bangladesh. Even the educated do not know that there are laws that ban
hunting and trade in wild animals, there are laws that protect certain species and ecosystems
and that there are laws that are meant to control environmental pollution. Different
categories of Protected Areas exist in the country. However, many including the policy
makers are not aware of the different management systems that the Protected Areas are
placed under.
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
Biodiversity conservation initiatives in Bangladesh
Bangladesh has signed the five major conventions and agreements related to biodiversity
conservation (i.e., CBD, CITES, CMS, RAMSAR, WHC) (Brown and Durst, 2003). As a
signatory party of these conventions the government has undertaken various initiatives to
conserve the biodiversity in both ecosystem and species level. Again as a CBD-COP the country
is bound to adopt the Ecosystem Approach to conserve biodiversity (Box 4).
The Ecosystem Appr
The Ecosystem Approach is a strategy for the integrated management of land, water and
living resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way. An
ecosystem approach is based on the application of appropriate scientific methodologies
focused on levels of biological organization, which encompass the essential structure,
processes, functions and interactions among organisms and their environment. It recognizes
that humans, with their cultural diversity, are an integral component of many ecosystems.
The ecosystem approach requires adaptive management to deal with the complex and
dynamic nature of ecosystems and the absence of complex knowledge or understanding of
their functioning. Ecosystem processes are often non-linear and the outcome of such
processes often shows time-lags. The following 12 principles of the ecosystem approach are
complementary and interlinked:
Principle 1: The objectives of management of land, water and living resources are a matter
of societal choice.
Principle 2: Management should be decentralized to the lowest appropriate level.
Principle 3: Ecosystem managers should consider the effects (actual or potential) of their
activities on adjacent and other ecosystems.
Principle 4: Recognizing potential gains from management, there is usually a need to
understand and manage the ecosystems in an economic context. Any such
ecosystems-management programme should: (a) reduce those market
distortions that adversely affect biological diversity; (b) align incentives to
promote biodiversity conservation and sustainable use; (c) internalize costs
and benefits in the given ecosystem to the extent possible.
Principle 5: Conservation of ecosystem structure and functioning, in order to maintain
ecosystem and services, should be a priority target of the ecosystem
Principle 6: Ecosystem must be managed within the limits of their functioning.
Principle 7: The ecosystem approach should be undertaken at the appropriate spatial and
temporal scales.
Principle 8: Recognizing the varying temporal scales and lag-effects that characterize
ecosystem processes, objectives for the ecosystem management should be set
for the long term.
Principle 9: Management must recognize that change is inevitable.
Principle 10: The ecosystem approach should seek the appropriate balance between, and
integration of, conservation and use of biological diversity.
Principle 11: The ecosystem approach should consider all forms of relevant information,
including scientific and indigenous and local knowledge, innovations and
Principle 12: The ecosystem approach should involve all relevant sectors of society and
scientific discipline.
Source: (CBD, Decision V/6, 2002) cit. in. Scialabba and Hattam (2006)
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
Hereafter various initiatives taken by the government to conserve biodiversity in two different
ways (i.e., ex-situ conservation and in-situ conservation) is briefly discussed.
In situ conservation
In situ conservation is carried out in the following areas: nature reserves, protected areas (i.e.,
national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and game reserves), world heritage sites and Ramsar sites
etc. According to FRA-2005 about 20.9% forests (out of 8.71 million ha) of the country are
primarily managed for conservation purpose (FAO, 2006). There are some eco-parks and safari
parks in the country where both ex situ and in situ conservation measures have been practiced.
Nature Reserves – The objectives of a nature reserve are to protect communities and
species and to maintain natural processes in order to have ecologically representative examples
of the natural environment. However, in Bangladesh there are no nature reserves. The country
has one world heritage site (Sundarbans) and two Ramsar sites (i.e., Sundarban and Tanguar
Haor) which has globally recognized for their unique ecological settings and conservation
importance and presently conserved and managed by the government. Besides, the government
has declared some Ecologically Critical Areas (ECA) which has been notified as ECA after
severe ecological destruction (Box 5).
Protected Areas - Protected Areas are, “areas especially dedicated to the protection and
maintenance of biological diversity and associated cultural resources, and managed through
legal or other effective means” (IUCN, 1994). Globally the number of protected areas has been
increasing significantly over the last few decades and currently about 12% of all forests are
officially protected for conservation values (Scherr et. al. 2004; Mulongoy and Chape, 2004). In
BOX 5. Ecologically Critical Area
Ecologically Critical Area (ECA) is; ecologically defined areas or ecosystems affected
adversely by the changes brought through human activities. The Director General of the
Department of Environment have the provision for declarations of ECA in certain cases
where ecosystem is considered to be threatened to reach a critical state. If the
government is satisfied that due to degradation of environment, the ecosystem of any
area has reached or is threatened to reach a critical state, the government may by
notification in the official gazette declare such areas as ECA. The government shall
specify, through the notification provided in sub-clause (1) or by separate notification,
which of the operations or processes cannot be initiated or continued in the Ecologically
Critical Area.
The following are the eight ECA’s declared by Department of Environment (DoE), to date;
Cox’s Bazar-Teknaf Sea Beach
St Martin's Island
Sonadia Island
Hakaluki Haor
Taqnguar Haor
Marjat Baor
Gulshan Lake
Strip of 10 km. outside the Sundarbans Reserved Forest
Source: Islam (2005); Kothari et. al. (2000)
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
Bangladesh three types of PA (i.e., national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and game reserves) have
been defined under Bangladesh Wildlife Preservation Act, 1974. Presently there are 10 national
parks, 7 wildlife sanctuaries and 1 game reserve in the country which covers less than two
percent of total landmass and less than ten percent total forests of the country (Mukul et. al.
2006; Box 6).
BOX 6. Protected Areas of Bangladesh
Protected Areas: With the objective of conserving biodiversity (flora as well as fauna) and
the natural environment within various forest types, the following three types of protected
area under different IUCN protected area management category are defined in the
Bangladesh Wildlife Preservation Act, 1974:
Wildlife Sanctuary: an area maintained as an undisturbed breeding ground for wild
fauna and where the habitat is protected for the continued well-being of the resident or
migratory fauna.
National Park: a comparatively large area of natural beauty to which the members of
the public have access for recreation, education and research, and in which the wildlife is
Game Reserve: normally comprises a relatively isolated area meant for protection of
wildlife in general and to increase the population of specified species.
The followings are the PAs (for in situ conservation) declared to date under different forest
types of Bangladesh;
List of protected areas of Bangladesh
Sl. Protected Areas Forest types Location Area (ha) Established
01. Modhupur NP Sal forest Tangail 8,436 1962(1982)
02. Bhawal NP Sal forest Gazipur 5,022 1974 (1982)
03. Himchari NP Hill forest Cox’s Bazar 1,729 1980
04. Lawachara NP Hill forest Maulvibazar 1,250 1996
05. Kaptai NP Hill forest Rangamati 5,464 1999
06. Ramsagar NP Sal forest Dinajpur 27.75 2001
07. Nijhum Dweep NP Coastal mangrove Noakhali 16,352.23 2001
08. Medha Kachapia NP Hill forest Cox’s Bazar 395.92 2004
09. Satchari NP Hill forest Habiganj 242.82 2005
10. Khadimnagar NP Hill forest Sylhet 679 2006
11. Sundarban (East) WS Natural mangrove Bagerhat 31,226.94 1960 (1996)
12. Pablakhali WS Hill forest Rangamati 42,087 1962 (1983)
13. Char Kukri Mukri WS Coastal mangrove Bhola 40 1981
14. Chunati WS Hill forest Chittagong 7,761 1986
15. Rema-Kalenga WS Hill forest Habiganj 1,795.54 1996
16. Sundarban (South) WS Natural mangrove Khulna 36,970.45 1996
17. Sundarban (West) WS Natural mangrove Satkhira 71,502.13 1996
18. Teknaf GR Hill forest Cox’s Bazar 11 615 1983
Source: Mukul (2007); Mukul et. al. (2006); NSP (2006)
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
Eco parks and Safari park- Government has established and declared several eco parks
and one safari park to conserve biodiversity and genetic materials for research and other
purpose. Both in situ and ex situ conservation strategies have been adopted here to maintain and
keep biodiversity in sound condition. Table 5 lists the name and location of eco-parks and safari
park in Bangladesh.
Table 5. Eco-Parks and Safari Park (both in situ and ex situ) of Bangladesh
Sl. Eco-Parks / Safari
Park Forest types Location Area
(ha) Established
01. Banskhali eco-park Hill forest Chittagong 1,200 2003
02. Madhob-Kunda eco-park Hill forest Maulvibazar 253 2000
03. Kua-Kata eco-park Coastal mangrove Patuakhali 5,661 2006
04. Sita-Kunda eco park Hill forest Chittagong 403 2000
05. Madhu-Tila eco park Sal forest Sherpur 100 1999
06. Dulhazra safari park Hill forest Cox’s Bazar 900 1997
Ex situ conservation
In contrast to in situ conservation, ex situ conservation includes any practices that conserve
biodiversity (or genetic materials) outside the natural habitat of the parent population. In
Bangladesh these types of effort are mainly limited to Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
(BFRI) and it includes the followings (Islam, 2004);
Botanical gardens-
oMirpur Botanical Garden: area 85 ha, with 255 tree species (total 28,200 plants), 310 shrub
species (8,400 plants), 385 herb species (10,400 plants). The total number of families of
trees, herbs and shrubs is 114.
oBaldha Garden: area 1.15 ha with 18,000 trees, herbs and shrubs from 820 species and 92
Preservation Plots- BFRI has established five preservation plots at different hill forest areas
and 27 at the Sundarbans (mangrove) forest.
Clone Banks: The BFRI has established two clonal banks, one at Hyako, Chittagong (4 ha)
and another at Ukhia, Cox’s Bazar (4 ha). Seven tree species (Tectona grandis, Gmelina
arborea, Bombax ceiba, Dipterocarpus turbinatus, Syzygium grande, Swietenia mahagoni
and Paraserianthes falcataria) are preserved in these two locations.
BFRI Arboretum’s-
oOne bambusetum (1.5 ha) has been established at the BFRI campus. This arboretum
contains 27 bamboo species including 6 exotic species.
oOne arboretum of medicinal plants (1 ha) has also been established at the BFRI campus
with a collection of 40 species.
oOne cane arboretum (0.5 ha) with seven species.
oThree arboreta of tree species have been established at the BFRI-HQ with 56 species,
Keochia Forest Research Station with 56 species and Charaljani Silviculture Research
Station with 52 species.
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
Major policy, legislation and activities relating to biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh
There are several legislative policies and initiatives that provide provisions for regulating,
harvesting and protecting plants and animals in Bangladesh (Ali and Ahmed, 2001; Kothari et.
al. 2000). Those are;
National Conservation Strategy (NCS)
The need for a National Conservation Strategy was first emerged in September 1986. Its primary
goal was to provide a national strategy for conservation of all concerned sectors. It provides
specific strategies for sustainable use of natural resources as well as sustainable development in
18 different sectors. The National Conservation Strategy Implementation Project I (1994–1999)
was a five-year project implemented by the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF), with
financial and technical support from NORAD and IUCN. Through this NCS Phase 1, one major
programme was implemented in four distinct ecosystems—tropical and mangrove forest areas,
St. Martin’s Island, Tanguar Haor and Barind Tract. The main objective of all these activities is
conservation of biodiversity.
National Environment Management Action Plan (NEMAP)
The MoEF prepared the NEMAP, which is based on a comprehensive participatory planning
process ranging from grassroots up to national level. Inputs were provided from local
communities, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, professional groups,
academics, parliamentarians, lawyers and journalists. Together, this cross section of concerned
stakeholders identified key institutional, sectoral, location-specific and long-term issues and
actions. The NEMAP thus constitutes a synthesis of perceptions of the government, NGO’s and
the people on environmental problems and the actions required to address them. The NEMAP
provides the policy framework of, and action plan for environmental development in
combinations with a set of broad sectoral guidelines that emphasis, inter alia, the following:
1) Maintenance of the ecological balance and overall progress and development of the
country through protection and improvement of the environment.
2) Protection of the country against natural disasters.
3) Identification and control of all types of activities related to the pollution and degradation
to the environment.
4) Undertaking environmentally sound development programmes in all sectors.
5) Sustainable long term and environmentally congenial utilization of all natural resources.
6) Activities in association with all environmental-related national and environmental
Sustainable Environment Management Programme (SEMP)
The Sustainable Environment Management Programme supported by the UNDP and
implemented by MoEF for a five year periods (1998-2002) was the response evolved from the
concerns, needs and actions identified through the National Environment Management Action
Plan (NEMAP) process. It focuses on community-based resource management in wetlands. In
the NEMAP several major priority areas of environmental concern were identified, and the
SEMP has been designed to address these priorities. The programme consists of 26 components
on five major themes, and is implemented by 22 organizations from the government, non-
government organizations (NGOs) and private sector. The community-based “Haor and
Floodplain Resource Management Project” is being implemented by the IUCN with the Ministry
of Environment and Forest, in two well-defined degraded areas of haor and floodplain
ecosystems. The major focus of the programme is to involve community people in the planning
and implementation of activities for the management of natural resources that maintain
biodiversity and human well-being.
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
The Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act, 1995 and Environment Conservation
Rules 1997: The Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act of 1995 was enacted for
environmental conservation, environmental standard development and environmental pollution
control and mitigation. ECA 1995 is currently the main legislative framework relating to
environmental protection in Bangladesh. The Environment Conservation Rules, 1997 (ECR
1997), are the first set of rules which have been promulgated under the ECA 1995. The major
aspects covered by ECR 1997 are the National Environmental Quality Standard; requirements
and procedures to get environmental clearance; requirement of Initial Environmental
Examination and Environmental Impact Assessment for any project. However, the major
application of ECA 1995 was to declaration of Ecologically Critical Areas (ECA).
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP)
As a signatory party of CBD Bangladesh has prepared a NBSAP with 24 different conservation
components which has been implemented and executed by different government and non-
governmental conservation organizations (Box 7).
BOX 7. National Biodiversity Strategy and action Plan (NBSAP) of Bangladesh
Implementing and planning agency: Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)
Donors: GEF/UNDP
Objectives of the Bangladesh NBSAP:
Formulate strategies and action plans for conservation and sustainable use of
country’s biological diversity.
Identify the current pressure on the biological resources, and options and priority
actions for the conservation and sustainable use of national biodiversity by the
Complement and build on the NCS (National Conservation Strategy) as well as the
NEMAP (National Environmental Management Action Plan) and other sectoral
plans, through participatory processes involving representativeness from different
sectors of the society.
Raise community awareness of the sustainable use of biodiversity.
The Bangladesh NBSAP identified a total of 24 conservation related components
subdivided under 13 major priority areas, which includes:
1. Biodiversity documentation and valuation.
2. Conservation of ecosystems, species and genetic pool.
3. Restoration of ecosystems and recuperation of endangered species.
4. Biosafety procedures and standards to deal with AIS and GMO.
5. Equitable sharing of biodiversity conservation costs and benefits.
6. Awareness raising and capacity building.
7. Recuperation of the traditional knowledge and the protection of the intellectual
property rights.
8. Establishment of an implementing mechanism for the Bangladesh NBSAP
(National Biodiversity Board and supporting mechanisms).
9. Establishment of participatory mechanisms leading to biodiversity conservation.
10. Review and completion of biodiversity related legislation and creation of a
specific branch in the Judiciary.
11. Establishment of an open and transparent monitoring and reporting.
12. Development of a sustainable funding system for biodiversity conservation.
13. Linking biodiversity conservation to climate change, livelihood and poverty.
Source: Firoz et. al. (2004); IUCN (2004)
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
Nishorgo Support Project (NSP)
This pilot protected area management programme is a Forest Department’s Project and has been
financed by USAID under a Strategic Objective Grant Agreement. This is a five year project
(2005-2010) and has been primarily implemented in five PAs of the country (i.e., Lawachara
National Park, Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary, Satchari National Park, Chunati Wildlife
Sanctuary and Teknaf Game Reserve) (Roy, 2005). The overall objective of this project is
conservation of biodiversity within the PAs. The project has worked to achieve six separate but
closely related objectives in support of this overall objective, as stated below:
oDevelop a functional model for formalized collaboration in the management of
Protected Areas.
oCreate alternative income generation opportunities for key local stakeholders in and
around PAs.
oDevelop policies conductive to improved PA management and build constituencies to
further these policy goals.
oStrengthen the institutional system and capacity of the FD and key stakeholders so that
improvements under the project can be made permanent.
oBuild or reinforce the infrastructure within PAs that will enable better management, and
provide limited visitor services.
oDesign and implement a program of habitat management and restoration for PAs.
Bangladesh Wildlife (Preservation) (Amendment) Act, 1974
The Bangladesh Wildlife (Preservation) Order, 1973 was promulgated under Presidential Order
No. 23 in 1973 and was subsequently enacted and amended as the Bangladesh Wildlife
(Preservation) (Amendment) Act, 1974. The law provides for the preservation, conservation and
management of wildlife in Bangladesh. According to the Act the term wildlife or ‘wild animals’
means ‘any vertebrate creature, other than humans beings and animals of usually domesticated
species or fish, and include the eggs of birds and reptiles’ only. The law itself is not sufficient to
provide legal protections to the significant aquatic biodiversity component of the ecosystem. For
example, by this definition, the important components of the coral species in the St. Martin’s
Island, and also fishes and mollusks, remain outside the legal protection of this Act.
Bangladesh Forest Act, 1978 and Subsequent Amendments
The law provides protection of and development of forests. The government may assign a
reserved forest to any forestland or wasteland, or any land suitable for afforestation, which is the
property of the government, over which the government is entitles. Subsequently, the Forest
Law has been amended and updated foe a number of times in response to changing needs. The
Forest Act, 1972, the Forest (Amendment) Act 1990 and the amendment in 2000 may be
mentioned in this regard. These are contributing quite a lot to the conservation of biodiversity,
although not enough, and much more remains to be done.
Forest Policy and Forestry Sector Master Plan
The GOB first formulated the National Forest Policy in 1979. But as the situation began to
change with demand for forestry products and consequent depletion of forest resources and
degradation of the overall environment, the Government had to update it and formulate a revised
policy which is known as the Forest Policy 1994.
The biodiversity issue has been given increased importance in the latest policy. The policy stated
that attempts will be made to bring about 20% of the country’s land under the afforestation
programmes of the government and the private sector by 2015. In order to achieve self-reliance
in forest products and maintenance of ecological balance, the government will work hand in
hand with the NGO’s and people’s participation will be encouraged.
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
The policy further stated that the priority protection areas are the habitats that encompass
representative samples of flora and fauna in the core areas of National Parks, Wildlife
Sanctuaries and Game Reserves. Attempts will also be made to increase the extent of these
protected areas by 10% of the reserved forest area by 2015. To achieve the objectives and targets
as stated in the policy, the government has also formulated the Forestry Sector Master Plan
(1995-2015). The financial requirements to implement the plan have been estimated to be about
Tk. 80,000 million.
Biodiversity related research initiatives in Bangladesh
The Government of Bangladesh has undertaken and implemented several biodiversity related
programmes and projects, under the financial assistance of various international donor countries
and organizations. Some of the noteworthy ones are described below (Rahman, 2004):
Coastal and Wetland Biodiversity Management
Bangladesh has completed a Pre-Investment Feasibility (PRIF) study in the “Coastal and
Wetland Biodiversity Management Project” funded by the Global Environmental Facility
(GEF). It was a preparatory initiative to develop a project proposal to implement a reserve, and a
multiple-use management programme for the protection, sustainable management, and
integration of at least three-priority biodiversity sites in Bangladesh. The primary focus was to
integrate conservation and development, in order to protect and manage the priority areas in a
sustainable way. The duration of the project was 15 December 1997 to 31 December 1999. The
Project Brief and the outcome of the said PRIF study project have already been approved by the
Project Steering Committee, and subsequently accepted by the GEF. The product of the follow-
up project entitled “Coastal and Wetland Biodiversity Management in Cox’s Bazar and
Hakaluki Haor (BGD1991G31)” has also been prepared, and approved by the GEF council for
funding. This project is under process of execution by the Government of Bangladesh.
Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)
In December 2000 the Minister of Water Resources announced the Government’s intention to
develop an ICZM policy. Among other objectives, the ICZM policy will attempt to rationalize
and coordinate more effectively a number of environment and development initiatives taking
place in the coastal zone. A number of donors, including the World Bank and the Netherlands
Government, will be supporting the development of the policy over the coming years.
Management of Aquatic Ecosystem through Community Husbandry (MACH)
The natural resources in the floodplains and wetlands throughout Bangladesh are in decline.
Thus, to conserve these resources the Government of Bangladesh and the United States of
America have jointly developed a programme called MACH. An agreement to implement this
programme was signed in May 1998. Its goal is to ensure the sustainable productivity of all
wetland resources such as water, fish, plant and wildlife over an entire wetland ecosystem.
Sundarbans Biodiversity Conservation Programme
The Asian Development Bank funded the project “Biodiversity Conservation in the Sundarbans
Reserved Forest.” The objective of the project was to establish a effective system for the
participatory and sustainable management of the ecosystem of the Sundarbans Reserved Forest.
The scope of the project included biodiversity conservation, sustainable resource management,
community development, participatory resources management programme, development of
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
ecotourism infrastructure, and establishing a new multi-sectoral management agency that will
work for an integrated conservation and development approach.
Biodiversity survey in different protected areas
A biological survey study was conducted in 13 protected areas by the Bangladesh Centre for
Advanced Studies, in collaboration with the Forest Department. The survey was conducted to
assess the biological resources available in the designated areas. The potential value of each
protected area was evaluated through determination of the species present, the relative
abundance of the species and the species diversity. The critical habitats in each of the protected
areas were identified for protecting the threatened species, and also for developing protective
area management plans.
Conservation and management of medicinal plants
A project on the conservation and management of biodiversity of medicinal plants for their
sustainable utilization will be executed in Rangamati Hill district. This project is in the process
of final approval by the GEF. The specific objectives of the project are:
• Development of an inventory of medicinal plants in the project area;
• Documentation of traditional uses by the local people;
• Conservation of medicinal plants and their ecosystem;
• Capacity building of concerned agencies in the sustainable use of the medicinal plants.
Towards sustainability: future potentials of biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh
The followings are some prosperous sector in the field of biodiversity in Bangladesh that can
contribute both in development and conservation of biodiversity in the country,
Eco-tourism: Nature or forest-based tourism is a key category of eco-tourism, one of the fastest
growing sectors in the world (Landell-Mills and Porras, 2002). However in Bangladesh this
promising sector is poorly utilized. From a source it has been found that, less than 10,000
foreign visitors entered in the country in 1992, domestic tourism on the other hand appear to be
a strongly flourishing sector of the market (Vantomme et. al. 2002). Government should develop
infrastructural and other facilities to attract national and international tourist in various attractive
sites of Sylhet, CHTs, Cox’s Bazar and Sundarbans.
Payment for environmental services (PES): The concepts of payments for environmental
services (PES) have emerged in recent years as a potential tool for achieving ecosystem
conservation and improving the livelihoods environmental-service providers and consumers
(Robertson and Wunder, 2005). In Bangladesh forests have been provided various
environmental services like; watershed protection, protection from tidal surges and cyclones, air
purification, carbon sequestration, erosion control etc. Government can check the feasibility of
payments schemes (e.g., tax) for these environmental services.
Carbon trading: Bangladesh forests still absorbs more carbon than the total carbon produced in
the country. As a signatory party of ‘Kyoto Protocol’ the country can ask for compensation from
the developed countries for this extra carbon absorbed by country’s forest.
Non-timber forest products and conservation: Non-timber forest products (NTFP) includes
include fruits, firewood, bamboo, rattans, medicinal plants, spices etc. other than commercial
timber. It is now widely believed that, the collection and use of NTFPs is ecologically less
destructive than timber harvesting and have encouraged the belief that more intensive
management of forests for such products could contribute to both development and conservation
objectives (Arnold and Ruiz Pérez, 2001). In Bangladesh many people living in and adjacent to
Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
forest are customarily depends on various forest practices which sometimes found harmful to
forests, now commercialisation and development of NTFP-based small scale industries in these
regions may act as an incentive to forest conservation.
Homegardens and biodiversity conservation: The homegardens of Bangladesh are a
diversified agroforestry productive system. They are very rich in floral diversity and still fulfill
the majority of country’s domestic fuel, bamboo and timber needs. These forests are a major
habitat of various birds; reptiles; even few mammals in the country and can contribute to
biodiversity conservation.
As peoples of Bangladesh, depends chiefly on various natural resources for centuries, it is
essential to demonstrate the linkages between biodiversity/ecosystem services, livelihoods and
socio-economic structure. Another requirement is to delineate and restore country’s unique
habitats (including existing protected areas) and adopt measures to ensure that these areas are
conserved. An essential way of achieving this objective is through collaborative management
regimes which has already found effective in some regions of the country. The involvement of
local communities in preventing over-exploitation and poaching is essential to long-term
conservation. Finally a separate national body or institution is fundamental to ensure
conservation; sustainable use and equitable sharing of benefits arisen from biodiversity.
The paper is mainly based on secondary information except few case study experiences. I am
thankful to various authors of Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR); Non-Timber
Forest Products Exchange Programme (NTFP-EP) for South and South-East Asia and IUCN
who have made my work easy by providing some of their instructive literatures earlier.
Organizational support of CBD through Mrs. Michael Harrison, CIFOR through Ms. Taranita
Rizka and TROPENBOS through Ms. Joke Mahulete was also appreciable.
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Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007)
Front cover (clockwise)
1. Flower of Melastoma malabathricum
(tea indicator)
2. A red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus) in
Satchari National Park (SNP)
3. A fern tree (Filicuum decipiens) in Rema-
Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary
4. Wild beauty of SNP
5. An NTFP market in Noakhali sadar
6. Women waiting to sell woodfuel in
Teliapara collected from SNP
7. Rattan products market in Sylhet town
8. A Tripura women weaving their
traditional cloths
Back cover (clockwise)
1. Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) in the
holy shrine of Hz. Chasnee Per (R.)
in Sylhet town
2. A lake in the hill of Bandarban district
3. Betel vine (Piper betel) cultivated by the
Khasia tribe in Lawachara National Park
4. A colorful blood sucker (Calotes.
versicolor) in Khadimnagar National Park
5. Tribal women selling their cloths and
fruits in the entry of a stream at Bandarban
6. A children collecting fallen leaves from
SUST campus for domestic cooking
7. Cycle fuel (!) market at Chunarughat
upazila (brought from Rema-Kalenga WS)
8. A boat under construction in Sunamgong
A lonely tree standing in the periphery of
Satchari National Park, Habiganj
© S.A. Mukul (2007)