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Experiencia Empresarial La participación de los empleados: Fórmula para salir de la crisis



One of the most frequent questions among theorist, pragmatists and executives engaged with the Business Administration is how to achieve competitiveness. Even more complex it is to try to get competitiveness inLatin American Countries, most of them under social struggles and disadvantageous economic conditions. This article shows how the generation of benefits demands more effective organizational strategies associated withthe management of intelligence and knowledge, new learning methods andthe development of innovation processes. Most of these elements can beidentifies as part of the general structure of a company and related to theireconomic results
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... Rivera (2000), al hacer el levantamiento del caso de la Empresa Colombiana Legis 8 indica que la adaptación a las condiciones del entorno ha sido una de las razones de éxito de la empresa. Otros caso levantados por Rivera es el de Baterías MAC, su fundador (Ernesto Mejía Maya) reveló lo siguiente "a mí me encantan los cambios, no me gusta el agua quieta, me gustan los ríos caudalosos, los que se quedan quietos se pudren", (p.1); En el caso de Saeta, publicado por Rivera (2004), Anibal Carrero, fundador de la empresa mencionó lo siguiente "el día que no tenga problemas me empiezo a preocupar, 8 El caso en mención fue presentado en los Congreso de CLADEA 1998 y BALAS 2000. Fue elaborado tomando como base la tesis de Grado de la maestría en administración de la Universidad Externado de Colombia titulada Factores de perdurabilidad de la empresa Legis. ...
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Why some firms die while others succeed? What should made for start-ups do not disappear so quickly? What are the conditions that determine business success? These are some of the questions they are academics, managers and management students as permanent. To give a contribution to the management academy and to build consistent responses, elaboration of this document, which is reviewed literature the concept of success and failure of enterprises, with particular emphasis and is the responsibility of the entrepreneur in the success or failure of companies.
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En este libro el lector puede identificar elementos teóricos sobre el estudio de la perdurabilidad empresarial y su impacto en América latina
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This article seeks to socialize with business academic community in Latin America, a success story for a Latin American SMEs that can be used in undergraduate and graduate courses in the subjects of business strategy, that addresses among other issues turbulence environment, business strategy, business model, competitive advantages. It is a document that allows entrepreneurs of small and medium companies understand that innovation is some possible, and that achieving higher yields is not the result of chance, and that to achieve this it is necessary to identify the factors why one customer purchases goods, and try to exceed their expectations and needs. The firm studied, adapted to a turbulent environment, creating a new business model where innovation, supplier management, and marketing management has enabled the company to improve its competitiveness
This essai develops a philosophical perspective on managerial cognition. More precisely, it offers an epistemological critique of orthodox models of strategic management. The critique is based on the confrontation of these models with a diverse set of philosophical texts on knowledge and action. The orthodoxy is composed of the three prescriptive schools identified by Mintzberg (1990) and considered as explicit collective knowledge. To say nothing of the omission of socio-political forces at work in strategy formation, three main biases are elicited and discussed: a bias towards thinking to the detriment of other forms of reasoning, a bias towards binary logic, and the failure to recognize feeling as a source of reason. We suggest that philosophical questioning - epistemological and ethical - can help practitioners and scholars renew their management models, recipes and theories.
The view that nations compete against each other like big corporations has become pervasive among Western elites--many of whom are in the Clinton administration. As a practical matter, however, the doctrine of "competitiveness" is flatly wrong. The world's leading nations are not, to any important degree, in economic competition with each other. Nor can their major economic woes be attributed to "losing" on world markets. This is particularly true in the case of the United States. Yet Clinton's theorists of competitiveness--from Laura D'Andrea Tyson to Robert Reich to Ira Magaziner--make seemingly sophisticated arguments, most of which are supported by careless arithmetic and sloppy research. Competitiveness is a seductive idea, promising easy answers to complex problems. But the result of this obsession is misallocated resources, trade frictions and bad domestic economic policies.
Las cinco tentaciones que se intenta responder con las fábulas, el autor los menciona en el apartado de preguntas al lector: Anteponer la posición a los resultados; anteponer la popularidad a la necesidad de exigir cuentas; anteponer la certeza a la claridad; anteponer la armonía al conflicto productivo; anteponer la invulnerabilidad a la confianza.
  • S Lall
Lall, S.; 2001. Competitiveness; Technology and Skills, London, Edwar Elgar pub.