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Identification of a juvenile pygmy blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda) in New Caledonia, South-West Pacific


Abstract and Figures

This paper presents the first record of a blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) in New Caledonia, south-west Pacific. The individual observed was a juvenile male. It spent more than a month in the shallow waters of the lagoon of New Caledonia, during which its condition appeared to slowly deteriorate, until it was attacked and eaten by sharks.
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Garrigue et al., SC/55/SH4
Identification of a juvenile pygmy blue whale (Balaenoptera
musculus brevicauda) in New Caledonia,
South-West Pacific
1 Opération Cétacés BP 12827 98802 Nouméa, New Caledonia
2 EPHE, Perpignan, France and SPC, BP D5, Nouméa, New Caledonia
This paper presents the first record of a blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) in New Caledonia, south-west Pacific. The individual observed
was a juvenile male. It spent more than a month in the shallow waters of the lagoon of New Caledonia, during which its condition appeared
to slowly deteriorate, until it was attacked and eaten by sharks.
Blue whales have been severely decimated by the commercial whaling operations and despite a full world-wide
protection since 1966 (Klinowska, 1991) their number still appear to be reduced except for a population of the
eastern North Pacific (Baskin, 1993; Clapham et al., 1999). The distribution of blue whales in the high latitudes
has been studied extensively from whaling operations (Nasu, 1963, 1966; Nemoto, 1957, 1959, 1970). Outside
of these areas, Sears et al. (1987) reported observation in the sea of Cortez. Reilly and Thayer (1990) using
twenty years of sightings effort in the ETP showed the presence of blue whales year-round in the vicinity of the
Costa Rica Dome. And Palacios (1999) presented the occurrence of the species off the Galapagos. But evidence
of blue whales are scarce in the central and western tropical Pacific Ocean except near the Solomon’s Islands
where some specimens have been observed in August (Reeves et al., 1999) and in the Cook Islands were a
vertebrae has recently been identified using genetic tools as belonging to a blue whale (N.Hauser and
M.Dalebout, pers. com.). Therefore observations of blue whale in areas where no information are still available
are useful to better understand the distribution of the species. In this paper we present the first record of a blue
whale in New Caledonia (166° E, 22° S), South West of the Pacific Ocean.
The platforms of opportunity used to observe the whale, were small motor boat and sailing boat. Some
observation were also realised from land overhanging the bay. Behaviour was noted, interval between blows
defined as « time between consecutive breaths per surfacing sequence » (Stone et al., 1992) were measured on
the 11th, 16th, 20th and 27th of January. Photos and videos were taken and classified using the categories
presented by Kato et al. (2002) to separate the true and the pygmy blue whales.
Skin sample was collected for genetic analysis using a crossbow and a special adapted bolt (Lambertsen et al.,
1994). The sample was preserved in ethanol 70%. DNA extraction followed the protocol described by Sambrook
et al. (1989) modified by Baker et al. (1994). A 550 base pair (bp) segment of the 5’ end of the mitochondrial
(mt) DNA control region was amplified using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and the primers, M13-
Dlp1.5-L and Dlp5-H (Baker at al, 1998). Temperature profiles consisted of denaturation at 94°C for 30 sec,
annealing at 56°C for 40 sec and polymerase extension at 72°C for 40 sec. The PCR products were sequenced on
an ABI 377 automated sequencer (Applied Biosystems Inc.) using BigDye™ Dye Terminator Chemistry.
Molecular identification of the sex was carried out using the SRY system and ZFX positive control described in
Gilson and Syvanen, (1998). The analyses were performed in the laboratory of Ecology and Evolution in the
University of Auckland (New Zealand).
Species identification
The skin sample was registered under the code NC02-01. The mtDNA sequence was introduced in the DNA
surveillance software created by Ecology and Evolution laboratory at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
It was identified as a blue whale species (Balaenoptera musculus) based on published sequences as implemented
in the DNA/surveillance program (Ross et al., in press) (Figure 3).
Garrigue et al., SC/55/SH4
The elongated shape of the body (figure 4) and the distinctive colour of the whale with the grey blue pattern, first
allow to identify the animal as a blue whale Balaenoptera musculus (figures 4 and 5). Some photos were
analysed in more detail in order to compare some anatomic characters to the ones described by Kato et al. (2002)
in their attempt to distinguish true blue whale from pygmy blue whale. The shape of the blow hole (figure 6)
presents an anterior tip of the central groove beyond anterior tip of nostrils. Named type A in Kato et al. (2002)
this shape is only available in the pygmy form. The dorsal hump (figure 5) shows no humps while ridge present
(type 3 in Kato et al. 2002). The general shape of the body could fit the “tadpole shape” of Kato at al. (2002).
Field observation
From the 26th of December 2001 to the 27th of January 2002 a juvenile blue whale was observed in the lagoon
of New Caledonia where it stayed until its death. A total of 21 days of opportunistic and/or scientific
observations were done. A total of 19 hours were spent at sea to collect information on behaviour. The first
opportunistic sighting of this animal was the 26th of December 2001 in the western lagoon of New Caledonia
(figure 1). An helicopter pilot described surface activity behaviour as “pectoral slapping”. The following days
opportunistic sightings reported that the animal was slightly moving to the east through the lagoon until it arrived
in the Baie de Prony where it was first sighted on the 9th of January 2002.
From this date scientific observations were carried on. The behaviour of the animal and its dive pattern were
noted. From the 9th to the 27th of January the whale stayed into the Baie de Prony , a 7 NM width bay composed
of different small subsections (figure 2). Most of the bay is relatively deep, going under 40 m. Freshwater is
running at the bottom of the bay. The animal first stayed in the open part of the bay, then from the 16th of
January it moved deeper into the bay until its death the 27th of January. The animal spent this last day in very
shallow water of just a few meters depth. Part of its body was cover with red mud that constitute the bottom of
the bay.
From the 29th of December until the 26th of January, the blue whale was mostly swimming in a clockwise
direction at slow speed. If a boat was present the animal took the boat as the middle point of its circle and if the
boat try to go out of the circle, the whale always moved in order to again have the boat as the centre of its
movement. It sometimes came and swam under the boat. This was the only behaviour reported. No fluke up have
been seen. No feeding behaviour was observed although the whale was in a few instances observed with his
mouth half-open, despite of considerable observation it was never seen feeding or defecating.
The means of the interval between blows are presented in table 1. It decreased regularly from the 11th of January
until the 27th of January. The health status of the animal appears to decrease with time. The whale became
thinner with bulging vertebrae. On the last day and during the whole day the animal was attacked by shark, at the
end of the day it succumbed to these repeated attacks. The size evaluated to 16 m (J. Lebreus pers. com.) was
measured after stranding to be 17.6m. Part of the skeleton, especially the skull are conserved at the Maritime
Museum in Noumea, New Caledonia.
We are aware that two forms of blue whales have been described from the Southern Hemisphere. The pygmy
form (Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda) found primarily north of 60°S and the true blue form (Balaenoptera
musculus musculus) found south of 60°S during the summer feeding season. For purpose of management,
attempts was made to distinguish the true blue of the pygmy blue (Le Duc et al., 2001; Kato et al., 2002). The
genetic distinctiveness of these two forms has not been yet established. Thus, we were not able to conclude
which form our specimen represents, based on genetic data coming from the mtDNA.
Kato et al. (2002) identified three physical characteristics that could be used to separate the subspecies; they are
the shapes of the blow hole, of the back and of the entire body. The blow hole region of the animal photograph in
New Caledonia fits with the category A described in his paper which is only available in the pygmy form. Kato
et al. calculated a posterior probability of 0.947 (CV:0.053) that a whale having a type A is a pygmy blue whale.
The shape of the back fits with the type 3 that could be find in the two subspecies but which is more widely
distributed in the pygmy blue. This physical design must be taken with care as it could also be due to the starving
state of the animal. The body shape could be classified as a “tadpole shape” that is also characteristic of the
pygmy subspecies. Following the physical characteristics described in Kato et al. (2002) the blue whale that died
in Baie de Prony could be identified as belonging to the subspecies Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda or pygmy
blue whale with a probability range between 0.947 and 0.999.
The reason why this animal spent a month in the lagoon is not clear. No scars were observed on the animal that
could have been interpreted as an attack by predators (Sears, 1990) therefore we concluded that the stay in the
Baie de Prony was not due to predator attacks. Most of the information on feeding ecology of blue whale comes
from cold temperate North Hemisphere with the exception of the population of blue whale that feed in the
southern Australian coastal upwelling zone that have been recently discovered (Gill, 2002). The fact that no
Garrigue et al., SC/55/SH4
feeding behaviour was observed during the stay in the lagoon corroborates that foraging have not been
considered as a factor in the low latitude distribution (Macintosh, 1966).
From the small size of the whale we could hypothesis that this young animal have not yet been weaned and that
it entered the lagoon searching for a refuge. Considering the timing of occurrence of whales on the southern
Australian feeding ground with whales observed from December and a peak of the season in March and April we
could hypothesise that the juvenile blue whale that died in the Baie de Prony could have been “en route” to the
feeding ground.
The analysis were carried out in the Laboratory of Molecular Ecology and Evolution, University of Auckland. Support for
laboratory analysis was provided by the University of Auckland. We thanks Merel Dalebout for her help in this work. We
thanks all the people that provided photographic information and especially Pierre Larue.
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Table 1 – Interval between blows
Date mean N
11 January 2001 3’08 31
16 January 2001 2’13 41
20 January 2001 1’30 92
27 January 2001 0’44 222
Figure 1 – Location of New Caledonia in the South Pacific
Figure 2 –Location of Baie de Prony where the whale stay for a month.
Garrigue et al., SC/55/SH4
Figure 3 – Result of the analysis performed by the DNA/surveillance program
Garrigue et al., SC/55/SH4
Figure 4 – Aerial view (Photo: P.Larue)
Garrigue et al., SC/55/SH4
Figure 5 – Shape of the back (Photo: D.Breitenstein)
Figure 6 – Shape of the blow hole (Photo : D.Breitenstein)
... More than 800 opportunistic sightings was reported using form made available to public since 1991 . Forty six stranding events were documented by the author and thirty five stranded animals were examined by the author (Bustamante et al., 2003;Garrigue et al., 2003 andOperation Cetaces, unpublished data). A first checklist of marine mammals from New Caledonia was established in 2001 . ...
... Three species of ba1een whales have only been documented stranded: the bryde's whale (B. edeni), the sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis) and the pygmy blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda) (Reeves et al., 1999;Borsa 2006;C1ua, 2002;Garrigue et al., 2003;Borsa and Hoarau, 2004). Blue whale (B. ...
... musculus) has been identify in few island but the presence of the subspecies of pygmy blue whale (B. musculus brevicauda) was only confirmed in New Caledonia (C1ua, 2002;Garrigue et al., 2003;Borsa and Hoarau, 2004). Four families of toothed whales are represented in New Caledonia. ...
... From the numerous pictures of this whale that were taken between 9 January and 29 January, we selected those with key morphological features that reportedly allow cetologists to distinguish B. m. brevicauda, the pygmy blue whale, from B. m. intermedia, the other form present in the Southern Hemisphere (Ichihara 1966, Omura et al. 1970, Kato et al. 2000). Some of the photographs examined by us have been published (Anonymous 2002, Clua 2002, David et al. 2002), including some subsequently communicated to the IWC Scientific Committee (Garrigue et al. 2003). Additional pictures were provided by P. Larue (pers. ...
... The physiological condition of the animal appeared to deteriorate slowly throughout the period it was observed: the average +/-standard deviation dive duration decreased steadily from 138 +/-44 sec (n = 13 dives, excluding intervals between blows during a surfacing sequence) on 14 January to 38 +/-19 sec (n = 8 dives) on 25 January. Based on a different set of observations, a similar trend was reported by Garrigue et al. (2003). The thin blubber, about 5 cm thick (later measured on both the ventral and dorsal sides from freshly exposed slices of flesh), confirmed nutritional stress. ...
... Subsequent examination of the genital area showed that this was a young male. The live photographs examined by us, including some of those subsequently presented in Garrigue et al. (2003), showed the following: (1) anterior tip of the median groove in the blowhole extended beyond the anterior limit of the two nostrils (also visible onFigure 1); (2) proportion of tail length to total length was ca. 0.25; (3) the anterior part of the trunk was bulky and the posterior part was thin and elongated. ...
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The occurrence of a blue whale is reported for the first time for the New Caledonian archipelago. The whale, a juvenile male in poor condition, entered the shallow inshore waters of the coral reef lagoon (22°19-24' S, 166° 46-52' E) where it spent at least 1 month until it was killed by whaler sharks on 27 January 2002. Live observations, examination of photographic documents, and skull osteology indicated that this was a pygmy blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda. Nucleotide sequences of PCR-amplified fragments of its mitochondrial DNA were determined and compared with the few published homologous sequences of North Atlantic blue whales, B. m. musculus, but no obvious differences were apparent
... More than 800 opportunistic sightings was reported using form made available to public since 1991 (Garrigue and Greaves, 2001). Forty six stranding events were documented by the author and thirty five stranded animals were examined by the author (Bustamante et aL., 2003; Garrigue et aL., 2003 and; Operation Cetaces, unpublished data). A first checklist of marine mammals from New Caledonia was established in 2001 (Garrigue and Greaves, 20(1). ...
... musculus) has been identify in few island but the presence of the subspecies of pygmy blue whale (8. musculus brevicauda) was only confirmed in New Caledonia (Clua, 2002; Garrigue et al., 2003; Borsa and Hoarau, 2004). Four families of toothed whales are represented in New Caledonia. ...
... The taxonomic position of many species is controversial and likely to change radically in the future when more data are available. For example, recent studies suggest that there are several species of orcas (28,29), Bryde's whales (30), and Blue whales (31,32). The taxonomy of dolphins also is complex. ...
... The taxonomic position of many species is controversial and likely to change radically in the future when more data are available. For example, recent studies suggest that there are several species of orcas (28,29), Bryde's whales (30), and Blue whales (31,32). The taxonomy of dolphins also is complex. ...
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We identified 20 global key conservation sites for all marine (123) and freshwater (6) mammal species based on their geographic ranges. We created geographic range maps for all 129 species and a Geographic Information System database for a 46,184 1° x 1° grid-cells, ∼10,000-km(2). Patterns of species richness, endemism, and risk were variable among all species and species groups. Interestingly, marine mammal species richness was correlated strongly with areas of human impact across the oceans. Key conservation sites in the global geographic grid were determined either by their species richness or by their irreplaceability or uniqueness, because of the presence of endemic species. Nine key conservation sites, comprising the 2.5% of the grid cells with the highest species richness, were found, mostly in temperate latitudes, and hold 84% of marine mammal species. In addition, we identified 11 irreplaceable key conservation sites, six of which were found in freshwater bodies and five in marine regions. These key conservation sites represent critical areas of conservation value at a global level and can serve as a first step for adopting global strategies with explicit geographic conservation targets for Marine Protected Areas.
Technical Report
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Décembre 2008 2 Financement du projet 1A1 : L'initiative pour la protection et la gestion des récifs coralliens dans le Pacifique, enga-gée par la France et ouverte à toutes les contributions, a pour but de développer pour l'avenir une vision de ces milieux uniques et des peuples qui en dépendent ; elle se pro-pose de mettre en place des stratégies et des projets visant à préserver leur biodiversité et à développer les services économiques et environnementaux qu'ils rendent, tant au niveau local que global. Elle est conçue en outre comme un vecteur d'intégration régionale entre états développés et pays en voie de développement du Pacifique. Le CRISP est structuré en trois composantes comprenant respectivement divers projets : -Composante 1 : Aires marines protégées et gestion côtière intégrée -Projet 1A : Analyse écorégionale -Projet 1B : Aires Marines Protégées -Projet 1C : Renforcement institutionnel -Projet 1D : Gestion intégrée des zones lagonaires et des bassins versants -Comp. 2 : Connaissance, gestion, restauration et valorisation des écosystèmes co-ralliens -2A : Connaissance, valorisation et gestion des écosystèmes coralliens -2B : Restauration récifale -2C : Valorisation des substances Actives Marines -2D : Mise en place d'une base de données régionale (Reefbase Pacifique) -Composante 3 : Appui institutionnel et technique -3A : Capitalisation, valorisation et vulgarisation des acquis du programme CRISP -3B : Coordination, promotion et développement du programme CRISP Le projet 1A1 doit identifier des zones récifales à une échelle globale et régionale, leurs habitats associés et les processus à conserver en priorité pour assurer la pérennité des espèces marines d'intérêt vital pour le Pacifique.
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A localised aggregation of blue whales. which may be pygmy blue whales (B. m. brevicauda), occurs in southern Australian coastal waters (between I39°45'E-143°E) during summer and autumn (December-May), where they feed on coastal krill (Nyctiphanes australis). a species which often forms surface swarms. While the abundance of blue whales using this area is unknown, up to 32 blue whales have been sighted in individual aerial surveys. Krill appear to aggregate in response to enhanced productivity resulting from the summer-autumn wind-forced Bonney Coast upwelling along the continental shelf. During the upwelling's quiescent (winter-spring) period. blue whales appear to be absent from the region. Krill surface swarms have been associated with 48% of 261 blue whale sightings since 1998, with direct evidence of feeding observed in 36% of all sightings. Mean blue whale group size was 1.55 (SD =0.839), with all size classes represented including calves. This seasonally predictable upwelling system is evidently a regular feeding ground for blue whales, and careful management of human activities is required there.
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Twenty-three blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) sightings made in the vicinity of the Galipagos Islands (~00°S, 90°W) between1978-1995 are analysed. Blue whales occurred seasonally in the austral winter/spring months. A significant proportion of the sightings (13co 56.5%) had a tendency to occur on the same day or on consecutive days in a given year. Five (21.7%) of the sightings were of groupsof three or more individuals, Distribution was to the west and southwest of the Galipagos archipelago, where a plume of coo!,Uupwelling-enriched surface water with high planktonic biomass develops during this season. Blue whales were observed feeding on surfaceswarms of the euphuusiid Nyctiphanes simplex in 1993, Defecation was commonly seen, The external appearance of these whales suggeststhey were true blue whales (B.2. interniedia). Much of the evidence from this study suggests a Souther Hemisphere stock feeding westof the Gulipagos during the austral winter/spring months. Alternatively, they may' belong fo a presumed eastern tropical Pacific stack ofblue whales which exploits the productive habitars of the Cost Rica Dome and the Peruvian/Ecuadorian coast.
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DNA Surveillance is a Web-based application that assists in the identification of the species and population of unknown specimens by aligning user-submitted DNA sequences with a validated and curated data set of reference sequences. Phylogenetic analyses are performed and results are returned in tree and table format summarizing the evolutionary distances between the query and reference sequences. DNA Surveillance is implemented with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences representing the majority of recognized cetacean species. Extensions of the system to include other gene loci and taxa are planned. The service, including instructions and sample data, is available at
We determined the gender of deer samples using polymerase chain reaction primers to the sry gene located on the Y chromosome of mammalian males. Primers to the ZFX/ZFY genes were added to the same amplification reaction as a control against amplification failure. The sry fragment amplified from deer DNA was partially sequenced. Sequence alignment with published bp sequences from other mammals and get migration indicate the fragment is 174 bp long. In a blind test, tissue samples from 100 individual deer and elk of known sex were correctly gender-typed. DNA from deer bloodstains and hair samples was successfully amplified and typed. Under known limiting DNA conditions, the duplex reaction results were reliable and no false positive females were observed. DNA detection on gels stained with SYBR green was more sensitive than with ethidium bromide. DNA from wildlife forensic samples confiscated between 1990 and 1997 was extracted with Chelex 100 and tested. Twenty-four out of 31 different evidence items tested were successfully gender-typed: 15 out of 21 bloodstains, 5 out of 6 hairs, and 4 out of 4 tissue samples.
Most species of baleen whales were subject to intensive overexploitation by commercial whaling in this and previous centuries, and many populations were reduced to small fractions of their original sizes. Here, we review the status of baleen whale stocks, with an emphasis on those that are known or thought to be critically endangered. Current data suggest that, of the various threats potentially affecting baleen whales, only entanglement in fishing gear and ship strikes may be significant at the population level, and then only in those populations which are already at critically low abundance. The impact of some problems (vessel harassment, and commercial or aboriginal whaling) is at present probably minor. For others (contaminants, habitat degradation, disease), existing data either indicate no immediate cause for concern, or are insufficient to permit an assessment. While the prospect for many baleen whales appears good, there are notable exceptions; populations that are of greatest concern are those suffering from low abundance and associated problems, including (in some cases) anthropogenic mortality. These include: all Northern Right Whales Eubalaena glacialis, Bowhead Whales Balaena mysticetus of the Okhotsk Sea and various eastern Arctic populations, western Gray Whales Eschrichtius robustus, and probably many Blue Whale Balaenoptera musculus populations. We review the status of these populations and, where known, the issues potentially affecting their recovery. Although Humpback Whales Megaptera novaeangliae and Southern Right Whales Eubalaena australis were also heavily exploited by whaling, existing data indicate strong recovery in most studied populations of these species.