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Minimal overwintering temperatures of red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis): a possible cue for emergence?

Canadian Science Publishing
Canadian Journal of Zoology

Abstract and Figures

Red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis (Say in James, 1823)) in Manitoba, Canada, undergo 8months of continuous winter dormancy prior to spring emergence. As in other ectothermic species, increases in ground temperature may be the cue for emergence from winter dormancy in these populations. To test this hypothesis, we measured body temperatures during winter dormancy by surgically implanting small temperature loggers into 32 female red-sided garter snakes before they entered their native hibernaculum. The following spring, we recaptured seven of the snakes implanted with temperature loggers. Body temperature declined gradually from mid-September (14.7 0.24C, mean SE) to early April (1.1 0.16C, mean SE) during winter dormancy, reaching minimal values approximately 1month prior to spring emergence. Body temperatures of emerging snakes ranged from 0.5C during early spring to 6.3C during late spring (3.4 0.84C, mean SE). These results do not support the hypothesis that an increase in ground temperature (and hence body temperature) is necessary for emergence from winter dormancy. We suggest that critically low temperatures (i.e., 0.51C) are a Zeitgeber entraining an endogenous circannual cycle that regulates snake emergence. These results offer new insight into the mechanisms regulating seasonal emergence from winter dormancy.
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Minimal overwintering temperatures of red-sided
garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis): a
possible cue for emergence?
Deborah I. Lutterschmidt, Michael P. LeMaster, and Robert T. Mason
Abstract: Red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis (Say in James, 1823)) in Manitoba, Canada, undergo
8 months of continuous winter dormancy prior to spring emergence. As in other ectothermic species, increases in ground
temperature may be the cue for emergence from winter dormancy in these populations. To test this hypothesis, we meas-
ured body temperatures during winter dormancy by surgically implanting small temperature loggers into 32 female red-
sided garter snakes before they entered their native hibernaculum. The following spring, we recaptured seven of the snakes
implanted with temperature loggers. Body temperature declined gradually from mid-September (14.7 ± 0.24 8C, mean ±
SE) to early April (1.1 ± 0.16 8C, mean ± SE) during winter dormancy, reaching minimal values approximately 1 month
prior to spring emergence. Body temperatures of emerging snakes ranged from 0.5 8C during early spring to 6.3 8C during
late spring (3.4 ± 0.84 8C, mean ± SE). These results do not support the hypothesis that an increase in ground temperature
(and hence body temperature) is necessary for emergence from winter dormancy. We suggest that critically low tempera-
tures (i.e., 0.5–1 8C) are a Zeitgeber entraining an endogenous circannual cycle that regulates snake emergence. These re-
sults offer new insight into the mechanisms regulating seasonal emergence from winter dormancy.
´:Les couleuvres raye
´es a
`flancs rouges (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis (Say in James, 1823)) du Manitoba, Can-
ada, comple
`tent 8 mois continus de dormance d’hiver avant leur e
´mergence au printemps. Comme c’est le cas chez
d’autres espe
`ces ectothermes, l’accroissement de la tempe
´rature du sol est peut-e
ˆtre le signal pour l’e
´mergence de la dorm-
ance hivernale chez ces populations. Afin de ve
´rifier cette hypothe
`se, nous avons mesure
´la tempe
´rature corporelle de 32
couleuvres raye
´es a
`flancs rouges femelles durant la dormance d’hiver en leur inse
´rant par chirurgie de petits enregistreurs
de tempe
´rature avant qu’elles n’entrent dans leurs hibernacles d’origine. Le printemps suivant, nous avons re
des couleuvres porteuses d’enregistreurs de tempe
´rature. La tempe
´rature corporelle de
´cline graduellement de la mi-septembre
(14,7 ± 0,24 8C, moyenne ± erreur type) au de
´but d’avril (1,1 ± 0,16 8C, moyenne ± erreur type) durant la dormance
d’hiver, atteignant un minimum environ un mois avant l’e
´mergence printanie
`re. La tempe
´rature corporelle des couleu-
vres a
´mergence varie de 0,5 8Caude
´but du printemps a
`6,3 8Ca
`la fin du printemps (3,4 ± 0,84 8C, moyenne ±
erreur type). Ces re
´sultats n’appuient pas l’hypothe
`se qui veut qu’un accroissement de la tempe
´rature du sol (et par
´quent de la tempe
´rature corporelle) soit ne
´cessaire pour l’e
´mergence de la dormance d’hiver. Nous croyons que
les tempe
´ratures basses critiques (c.-a
`-d., 0,5–1 8C) agissent comme Zeitgeber pour e
´tablir un cycle circannuel qui re
gle l’e
´mergence des couleuvres. Ces re
´sultats ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives sur les me
´canismes re
´gulateurs de
´mergence saisonnie
`re de la dormance d’hiver.
[Traduit par la Re
Most vertebrates exhibit some seasonality in many behav-
ioral and physiological processes. One of the most reliable
environmental cues thought to function in regulating season-
ality in vertebrates is photoperiod. Unlike other environmen-
tal signals (e.g., temperature and humidity) that can vary
quite dramatically both within seasons and among years,
changes in photoperiod length accurately and reliably reflect
changing environmental seasons. Many ectotherms inhabit-
ing north-temperate climates, however, undergo periods of
prolonged winter dormancy prior to spring breeding. Animals
that occupy underground hibernacula during winter dor-
mancy are not exposed, or receive little exposure, to chang-
ing photoperiodic conditions (e.g., Whittier et al. 1987;
Grobman 1990). Thus, photoperiod is likely not a critical
Received 10 November 2005. Accepted 2 March 2006. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on 6 June
D.I. Lutterschmidt1and R.T. Mason. Department of Zoology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA.
M.P. LeMaster. Department of Biology, Western Oregon University, Monmouth, OR 97361, USA.
1Corresponding author (e-mail:
Can. J. Zool. 84: 771–777 (2006) doi:10.1139/Z06-043 #2006 NRC Canada
factor in synchronizing spring emergence from overwinter-
ing locations. For example, photoperiod prior to and during
winter dormancy has no influence on the initiation and
timing of reproductive behavior of red-sided garter snakes
(Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis (Say in James, 1823)) upon
spring emergence (Nelson et al. 1987; Whittier et al.
1987). Rather, temperature appears to be the most impor-
tant environmental cue for synchronizing reproduction in
reptiles (Licht 1972, 1984; Duvall et al. 1982; Whittier et
al. 1987).
In some ectothermic species, increases in ambient and
ground temperatures during spring are thought to play a
role in initiating emergence from winter dormancy and sub-
sequent reproductive behavior (e.g., Hawley and Aleksiuk
1975, 1976; Jacob and Painter 1980; Crews and Garstka
1982; Licht 1984; Whittier et al. 1987; Macartney et al.
1989; Crawford 1991). For example, emergence from winter
dormancy in the box turtles Terrapene carolina (L., 1758)
and Terrapene ornata (Agassiz, 1857) occurs after subsur-
face ground temperatures increase for several consecutive
days (Grobman 1990). Emergence of northern Pacific rattle-
snakes (Crotalus oreganus oreganus (Holbrook, 1840)) also
occurs as hibernaculum temperatures increase (Macartney et
al. 1989). Etheridge et al. (1983) demonstrated experimentally
that increasing ambient temperatures stimulate emergence
of the six-lined racerunner (Cnemidophorus sexlineatus (L.,
1766)) from winter dormancy. However, some ectothermic
species (especially those inhabiting extreme northern lati-
tudes) can occupy underground dens at depths where
ground temperatures do not change significantly prior to
spring emergence (e.g., Macartney et al. 1989), suggesting
that increases in ground temperatures may not be the only
thermal cue used by reptiles.
To better understand the environmental cues regulating
spring emergence and reproduction in reptiles, we measured
body temperatures of red-sided garter snakes during winter
dormancy under natural field conditions. Red-sided garter
snakes are the most northerly living reptile in North Amer-
ica and are found in extremely large numbers throughout
south-central Manitoba, Canada. These northern-latitude
populations of snakes undergo a period of continuous winter
dormancy for approximately 8 months each year. Following
spring emergence, an attenuated mating season lasting ap-
proximately 4–5 weeks is initiated (e.g., Crews and Garstka
1982). In this well-studied dissociated breeder, mating be-
havior is triggered by increases in environmental tempera-
tures following winter dormancy (Ross and Crews 1978;
Garstka et al. 1982; Bona-Gallo and Licht 1983; Krohmer
and Crews 1987; Whittier et al. 1987).
Given the unique life history traits of these snake popula-
tions, temperature is likely the most important proximate en-
vironmental cue governing the initiation of emergence from
winter dormancy. Previous studies investigating the role of
temperature in regulating spring emergence in red-sided gar-
ter snakes were conducted in the laboratory (e.g., Bona-
Gallo and Licht 1983; Krohmer and Crews 1987; Whittier
et al. 1987). Furthermore, these studies focused on the role
of temperature in initiating reproductive behavior, as it is a
more conspicuous end point to measure. There are limited
data regarding overwintering temperatures of ectotherms
under natural field conditions, especially in northern lati-
tudes. In addition, few field studies have focused on the
thermal cues regulating spring emergence. We examined the
efficacy of temperature as an important cue for synchroniz-
ing spring emergence under natural field conditions. Specif-
ically, we sought to determine if hibernaculum temperatures
(and hence snake body temperatures) increase significantly
prior to emergence from winter dormancy. Because the ini-
tiation of spring emergence of red-sided garter snakes is in-
dependent of changes in photoperiodic conditions (Nelson et
al.1987; Whittier et al.1987), this model system provides an
excellent opportunity to examine the role of temperature as
the primary environmental cue synchronizing emergence
from prolonged winter dormancy.
Materials and methods
Experiments were conducted in the field with free-ranging
red-sided garter snakes in the Interlake region of Manitoba,
Canada (50830N, 97830W). All experimental protocols
were approved by the Oregon State University Animal Care
and Use Committee (protocol No. 2661) and were in accord-
ance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory An-
imals (National Institutes of Health 1985). This research was
approved by the Manitoba Wildlife Animal Care Committee
(protocol No. 2002-06) and was performed under the author-
ity of Manitoba Wildlife scientific permit No. WSP 03009.
Similar to Grayson and Dorcas (2004) and Angilletta and
Krochmal (2003), we measured body temperatures of red-
sided garter snakes during winter dormancy by surgically
implanting snakes with small temperature loggers (Thermo-
chron iButton; Dallas Semiconductor, Dallas, Texas). Data
loggers were programmed to sample temperature once every
3 h using the 32-Bit iButton-TMEX Runtime Environment
software (Dallas Semiconductor, Dallas, Texas). This sam-
pling rate was used to ensure continuous recordings of body
temperatures throughout the 8-month dormancy period (i.e.,
for approximately 256 days). The sampling times of all data
loggers were synchronized so that body temperatures of in-
dividual snakes were recorded at the same time of day.
Thirty-two female red-sided garter snakes having a snout–
vent length 62 cm (71.2 ± 0.78 cm, mean ± SE) were col-
lected in the fall (9–15 September 2003) after snakes returned
to the den site to overwinter. Female snakes were used in
this study because of their much larger body size. Snakes
were anesthetized with sodium brevital (0.003 mL of 0.5%
(m/v) brevital/g body mass) and a temperature logger was
surgically implanted into the peritoneal cavity. Data log-
gers (17.4 mm diameter 5.7 mm height, 3.1 g) were
2.2% of the mean body mass of snakes (range = 2.8% of
the smallest snake to 1.4% of the largest snake) and pro-
duced a slight, noticeable bulge in the midbody area con-
taining the temperature logger. To aid in recapture of
female snakes during the spring when they are emerging
among thousands of garter snakes, we individually scale-
clipped each snake with a unique number and a silver se-
quin was secured to the parietal scales with glue. Snakes
were allowed to recover from surgery for 1–5 days before
being released at the site of capture, where they were al-
lowed to hibernate under natural conditions.
The following spring, we recaptured seven of the snakes
implanted with temperature loggers. We attribute this recap-
772 Can. J. Zool. Vol. 84, 2006
#2006 NRC Canada
ture rate to the difficulty of locating snakes among the ex-
tremely large numbers of snakes (~35 000; Shine et al.
2006) at this den site. Mortality may have contributed to re-
ducing the number of females recaptured, but mortality rates
of red-sided garter snakes during winter dormancy in the
field are unknown. All females were captured immediately
following emergence from the hibernaculum and the specific
time and date of capture were recorded for each snake. The
temperature loggers were surgically removed and the fe-
males were released at the site of capture following recov-
ery; data were downloaded for analysis. Only body
temperature data for snakes prior to complete emergence
were used in the analyses of winter dormancy temperatures.
Ground temperatures were measured during the period of
winter dormancy at six different soil depths (0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9,
1.2, and 1.5 m) using Thermochron iButton temperature log-
gers. Data loggers were programmed to sample temperature
once every 3 h and synchronized with the data loggers re-
cording body temperatures of female snakes. To protect the
data loggers from groundwater during the observation pe-
riod, we sealed each iButton in a small balloon (not inflated)
before placement in the ground. Owing to the rocky terrain
at the den site and because the den site is located on public
property, ground temperatures were measured at the field
station approximately 20 km north of the den (50837N,
97832W). To aid in the retrieval of temperature loggers in
the spring, we first dug a hole 1.5 m deep by inserting a
metal cylinder into the ground. Temperature loggers were then
placed into the ground at 0.3 m intervals. To mimic the rocky
terrain at the den site, we used gravel to fill the spaces be-
tween data loggers and placed rocks over the site. Mean high
and low ambient temperatures during September 2003
through May 2004 were obtained for a nearby area (Lundar,
Manitoba; 50843N, 97851W) from Environment Canada.
All data are reported as means ± SE, unless otherwise in-
Body temperatures of female red-sided garter snakes de-
clined gradually from mid-September (14.7 ± 0.24 8C) to
early April (1.1 ± 0.16 8C) during the 8-month dormancy
period (Fig. 1). Body temperatures did not reach minimal
values until April, approximately 1 month prior to the begin-
ning of spring emergence. Mean body temperature of snakes
1 week prior to emergence was 2.6 ± 0.39 8C. Mean body
temperature of snakes 1 day prior to emergence was 3.4 ±
0.84 8C. Because female garter snakes emerge over the en-
tire 4-week mating season, mean body temperature 1 day
prior to emergence ranged from 0.5 8C when snakes
emerged during early spring to 6.3 8C when snakes emerged
during late spring. Prehibernation body mass of snakes was
significantly higher than posthibernation body mass (P<
0.001 from a paired ttest; data not shown). The mean percent
body mass loss of female snakes during winter dormancy
was 10.4% ± 1.6%.
Mean high ambient temperatures were below 0 8C from
late October through late March (Fig. 2). Although the
underground hibernaculum protected snakes from ambient
temperatures, snakes could only escape freezing tempera-
tures at a depth of 1.2 m or greater (Fig. 3). Groundwater
was observed at soil depths of 1.2 and 1.5 m during retrieval
of the ground temperature dataloggers. During the period of
spring emergence (i.e., from 29 April to 22 May, weeks 34–
37 of winter dormancy), ground temperatures at depths of
1.2 and 1.5 m increased by only 3.0 and 2.5 8C, respectively
(Fig. 3).
Time (weeks in winter dormancy)
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Body Temperature (ºC)
Oct. Dec. Feb. Apr.
Fig. 1. Body temperatures of female red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) during winter dormancy in dens under natural
field conditions in Manitoba, Canada. Unless otherwise noted by sample sizes above the SE bars, each data point is a weekly mean ± 1 SE
of 7 snakes.
Lutterschmidt et al. 773
#2006 NRC Canada
Our results indicate that red-sided garter snakes near the
northern limit of this species’ range in Manitoba, Canada,
have a mean minimum body temperature of 1.1 ± 0.16 8C
during winter dormancy. This body temperature is much
lower than that estimated previously for these populations of
snakes during hibernation (i.e., 3–6 8C; Whittier et al. 1987).
The range of body temperatures that we observed during
winter dormancy is similar to that reported by Macartney
et al. (1989), who measured body temperatures of red-
sided garter snakes in a communal den in northern Alberta,
Canada. However, owing to the failure of the radioteleme-
try equipment, body temperatures of only one red-sided
garter snake could be monitored (Macartney et al. 1989).
The mean body temperature of this snake during hibernation
was 3.9 ± 0.34 8C (mean ± SE; n= 16 observations during
hibernation); body temperature ranged from 1.8 to 6.5 8C
(Macartney et al. 1989).
Body temperatures of snakes remained above 0 8C
throughout winter dormancy and were similar to ground
temperatures observed at a depth of 1.5 m from November
through late April (weeks 12–33; Fig. 4). These results
support previous findings that garter snakes cannot endure
prolonged freezing stress (reviewed in Storey and Storey
1992) and instead seek thermally buffered hibernaculum
sites. It is evident that ambient temperatures directly influ-
ence hibernaculum temperatures during the dormancy period,
especially at shallower hibernaculum depths (Figs. 2, 3).
Ground temperature measurements indicate that snakes
must have moved to a depth of at least 1.2 m below the den
surface to escape freezing temperatures (Fig. 3). At depths
of 1.2 and 1.5 m, ground temperatures decreased gradually
but were fairly stable during the period of winter dor-
mancy; ground temperatures at these soil depths increased
no more than 3 8C during the period of spring emergence
(weeks 34–37; Fig. 3).
An increase in hibernaculum temperatures could poten-
tially be a cue for emergence, but the underlying mechanism
must be sensitive to very small changes in temperature (i.e.,
2.5–3.0 8C) over a period of <1 month. Similar patterns of
spring emergence have been observed in the box turtles T.
carolina and T. ornata (Grobman 1990). Spring emergence
(and subsequent reproductive behavior) of red-sided garter
snakes may be controlled by an endogenous circannual
rhythm that is entrained by the slight increase in ground
temperatures observed during this study (e.g., Licht 1972;
Gregory 1982).
In contrast, some snakes were observed to emerge from
the hibernaculum without a significant increase in body tem-
perature. These results therefore do not support the hypothe-
sis that an increase in ground temperature (and therefore
body temperature) is a necessary cue for emergence from
winter dormancy. For example, during early to mid-May,
two snakes emerged at a body temperature of only 0.5 8C.
These observations are similar to those reported by Macart-
ney et al. (1989), who also observed cloacal temperatures as
low as 0.5 8C in emerging garter snakes. In late May, how-
ever, body temperatures of emerging snakes were as high as
6.3 8C. This higher body temperature at emergence is likely
attributable to the higher ground temperatures experienced at
the hibernaculum surface as snakes emerged later in the sea-
son (Fig. 3). During the period of spring emergence (May,
weeks 34–37), ground temperatures at depths of 1.2 and
1.5 m did not increase above 4 8C. Thus, snakes (i.e., ecto-
therms) with body temperatures higher than 4 8C prior to
Time (weeks)
0 4 8 1216202428323640
High temperature
Low temperature
Ambient Temperature (ºC)
Oct. Dec. Feb. Apr.
Fig. 2. Mean high and low ambient temperatures from September 2003 to May 2004 (i.e., during the dormancy period of red-sided garter
snakes). Data were obtained for a nearby area from Environment Canada. Each data point is a weekly mean ± 1 SE.
774 Can. J. Zool. Vol. 84, 2006
#2006 NRC Canada
complete emergence must have been occupying shallower
locations within the hibernaculum, and therefore were likely
already in the process of emergence. (Although ground tem-
peratures were recorded at a site approximately 20 km north
of the den, we presume that ground temperatures do not dif-
fer greatly between these sites.) We currently have no way
of estimating the time required for a snake to make its jour-
ney from the location of winter dormancy within the hiber-
naculum to the surface of the den. We hypothesize that the
time required for complete emergence is highly variable
among snakes and depends upon the position of each snake
within the hibernaculum, as entrances into the den and the
den itself are composed of narrow, rocky tunnels. Indeed,
early versus late emergence from hibernacula has been
correlated with snake depth in other studies (e.g., Carpenter
1953). Thus, increases in body temperature prior to emer-
Time (weeks)
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Ground Temperature (ºC)
1.5 m
1.2 m
0.9 m
0.6 m
0.3 m
Oct. Dec. Feb. Apr.
Fig. 3. Ground temperatures during the dormancy period of red-sided garter snakes at six different soil depths (0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, and
1.5 m). Temperatures were measured at a site near the snake hibernaculum. Each data point is a weekly mean ± 1 SE.
Time (weeks in winter dormancy)
0 4 8 1216202428323640
Temperature (ºC)
Ground temperature at a depth of 1.2 m
Ground temperature at a depth of 1.5 m
Body temperature of female snakes
Oct. Dec. Feb. Apr.
Fig. 4. Body temperatures of red-sided garter snakes during winter dormancy shown with ground temperatures at depths of 1.2 and 1.5 m.
Unless otherwise noted by sample sizes above the SE bars, each data point for body temperature is a weekly mean ± 1 SE of 7 snakes;
ground temperatures are a weekly mean ± 1 SE.
Lutterschmidt et al. 775
#2006 NRC Canada
gence (especially increases above ground temperatures at
depths of 1.2 and 1.5 m) most likely reflect the vertical
migration of snakes to the surface of the hibernaculum.
We speculate that critically low temperatures (i.e., 0.5–
18C) may play a role in initiating snake emergence. For ex-
ample, mean snake body temperatures were similar to those
temperatures observed at a depth of 1.5 m from November
through late April (from weeks 12–33; Fig. 4). However,
the mean body temperature of snakes increased more rapidly
than ground temperatures at this depth (Fig. 4), suggesting
that snakes were vertically migrating to the surface of the
hibernaculum during weeks 34–37 of winter dormancy.
However, it again must be noted that ground temperatures
were recorded at a site away from the hibernaculum. These
observations suggest that when snakes reach a critical mini-
mum temperature, they may be stimulated to change their
vertical position in the den. Such critically low temperatures
(and (or) the duration of exposure to low temperatures) may
act as a Zeitgeber entraining an endogenous circannual cycle
that governs spring emergence from winter dormancy.
There is precedence for vertical migration within hiberna-
cula during winter dormancy in other ectothermic species.
Sexton and Marion (1981) demonstrated that emergence of
prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis (Rafinesque, 1818))
from winter hibernacula is regulated by a reversing thermal
gradient within natural dens. In northern latitudes, where
ambient temperatures can be below freezing during much of
the winter, hibernating ectotherms select the warmest por-
tion of the naturally occurring thermal gradient in the hiber-
naculum (Sexton and Marion 1981). Thus, in the early
stages of winter dormancy, the cooling of the hibernaculum
surface stimulates animals to migrate farther into the den.
Vertical migration to the surface of the den occurs during
the spring, when surface temperatures warm more quickly
then the lower portions of the hibernaculum (e.g., Sexton
and Marion 1981; Etheridge et al. 1983; Grobman 1990).
It is unlikely that the vertical migration of red-sided garter
snakes within the den results from active behavioral thermo-
regulation, as snakes can emerge from winter dormancy at
body temperatures of only 0.5 8C (Macartney et al. 1989;
this study). Rather, vertical migration within and emergence
from hibernacula may be regulated by a circannual cycle
that is influenced by low temperatures. Because of the ex-
treme environmental constraints on survival and reproduc-
tion in these northern populations of garter snakes, it is
likely that a very sensitive mechanism regulating spring
emergence has evolved in these populations.
Further research is necessary to determine the temperature
threshold as well as the role of other environmental cues
(e.g., humidity) in initiating vertical migration within and
emergence from hibernacula. Studies of the spatial and tem-
poral distribution of snakes in hibernacula, perhaps via arti-
ficial dens, would be particularly informative about the role
of minimal overwintering temperatures in spring emergence.
We are currently investigating how temperature cues interact
with circadian and circannual hormone cycles to regulate
spring emergence and reproductive behavior. Because male
and female red-sided garter snakes demonstrate differential
timing of emergence from winter dormancy, future studies
examining possible sex differences in the mechanisms regu-
lating spring emergence are needed. Such studies would pro-
vide much insight into the circannual rhythms and
environmental cues regulating seasonality in ectothermic
We thank the Manitoba Department of Conservation and
Dave Roberts for technical assistance; Al and Gerry Johnson
for support and encouragement; Stevan J. Arnold, Arianne J.
Cease, Suzanne R. Estes, Amanda Lane, Ruth Nesbitt, Rick
Shine, Jonno K. Webb, and Michael Westphal for their as-
sistance in recapturing snakes during spring emergence;
William I. Lutterschmidt, Eric D. Roth, and Rick Shine for
their helpful advice regarding the logistics of this study; and
William I. Lutterschmidt and two anonymous reviewers for
their critical review of the manuscript. This work was sup-
ported in part by a P.O.E. Scholar Award to D.I.L.
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... It is important to understand the effects that sex hormones and seasons have on the brain activity of the male red-sided garter snake. Most studies agree that this is the key to understanding estrogen receptor signaling of neurons in the preoptic area [11], aromatization of androgens in dissociative reproductive patterns [5,7,8], and environmental cues needed for spring emergence and reproduction [1]. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of season and sex hormones on neuronal plasticity in male red-sided garter snakes on a post-transcriptional level. ...
... Low-temperature dormancy paired with increasing temperatures is needed for the expression of mating behaviors in the male RSGS [1]. It was previously thought that the only cue responsible for the initiation of mating in the male red-sided garter snake was low-temperature dormancy (LTD) followed by exposure to warm temperatures [14]. ...
... Specifically, the number of dendritic spines in pathways critical for the initiation of mating in the male red-sided garter snake was found to be significantly increased by a period of low-temperature dormancy (LTD) or implantation of sex steroid hormones estrogen or testosterone [9]. RSGS have been found to have seasonally changing levels of hormones, specifically testosterone (T) and estradiol (E2) in which testosterone concentrations in males are elevated during the fall and remain throughout winter dormancy [1,17] followed by a rapid decline during the spring [25]. Consequently, an elevated testosterone concentration during LTD may induce changes in the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology necessary to elicit reproductive behavior in the spring [14]. ...
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It is important to understand the effects that sex hormones and seasons have on the brain activity of the male red-sided garter snake. Many studies agree that this is the key to understanding estrogen receptor signaling of neurons in the preoptic area [11], aromatization of androgens in dissociative reproductive patterns [5,7,8], and environmental cues needed for spring emergence and reproduction [1]. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of season and sex hormones on neuronal plasticity in male red-sided garter snakes on a post-transcriptional level. Neuronal plasticity is characterized by variations in the density of neurons and dendritic spines; therefore we will be quantifying the levels of Spinophilin in the forebrain of the red-sided garter snake brain [15]. Consistent with our hypothesis, Spinophilin levels are found to be higher in the pre-optic area (POA) in male red-sided garter snakes that were administered exogenous testosterone than those administered estrogen. In addition, snakes given estrogen exhibited greater Spinophilin levels than snakes not administered hormones. The effect of seasonality was also consistent with our hypothesis in that Spinophilin levels were found to be highest during spring and hibernation than in summer or fall. This is further supported by elevated levels of testosterone during the fall as animals were entering hibernation in which spinophilin levels were elevated. This suggests that hormones oversee priming the nervous system and aiding in the production of spinophilin. Therefore, eliciting a strong association between hormone levels and seasons working together to affect the production of spinophilin.
... The arboreal perching and weekly movement activity that we observed during the summer season did not begin to occur again until April. Spring emergence in reptiles is generally thought to be regulated by ambient and ground temperatures (Lutterschmidt et al. 2006); therefore, it is likely that G. infernalis exhibits earlier or later emergence times dependent on region-specific climate factors. Spring was the only season during which males and females had different movement patterns; males made larger movements and consequently had larger activity areas in comparison to females. ...
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Texas Alligator Lizards (Gerrhonotus infernalis) range from Central Texas into adjacent northeastern Mexico, and published ecological studies on their terrestrial and arboreal movement patterns are lacking. We used radiotelemetry to assess movements, annual home range, and arboreal activity of G. infernalis at Bamberger Ranch Preserve, Blanco County, Texas, to provide baseline ecological data for populations occurring in the northernmost extent of the species’ range. Movement patterns were influenced by temporal (e.g., seasonal) and behavioral cues (e.g., breeding period), but generally no differences were observed between sexes. Annual home range varied, but males averaged larger 95% MCP (minimum convex polygon) annual home ranges, while females averaged larger 50% MCP core use areas, although we were unable to test for differences due to low sample sizes. Males and females exhibited similar arboreal trends, but arboreal activity did vary by season and diurnal period. Most arboreal activity occurred during the summer and late spring, with less during the fall and winter months. Gerrhonotus infernalis, on average, inhabited higher perch sites during the evening and morning diurnal periods and lower perch sites during the afternoon periods. These findings provide novel insights into the ecology of G. infernalis in Central Texas and will aid in future management activities.
... Such a decision is particularly complicated in temperate climates because of their stochastic environmental conditions. While studies have proposed several cues for emergence, including physiological thresholds (Angilletta Jr, 2009), endogenous rhythms (Lutterschmidt, LeMaster & Mason, 2006;Weatherhead, 1989), rainfall/humidity (Viitanen, 1967), and photoperiod (Rismiller & Heldmaier, 1982), the most prevalent for temperate reptiles is temperature. Reptiles generally emerge as air temperatures rise in the spring, a phenomenon correlated with several covariates, including maximum, minimum, and mean daily temperatures (Bishop & Echternacht, 2004;Brown, 1992;Graves & Duvall, 1990), accumulated degree days (ADD; Hoffman, 2021;Turner & Maclean, 2022) and moving ''lagged'' average temperatures (DeGregorio et al., 2017). ...
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Many temperate reptiles survive winter by using subterranean refugia until external conditions become suitable for activity. Determining when to emerge from refugia relies on the ability to interpret when above-ground environmental conditions are survivable. If temperate reptiles rely on specific environmental cues such as temperature to initiate emergence, we should expect emergence phenologies to be predictable using local climatic data. However, specific predictors of emergence for many temperate reptiles, including the Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus), remain unclear, limiting our understanding of their overwintering phenology and restricting effective conservation and management. Our objectives were to identify environmental cues of spring emergence for C. horridus in Illinois to determine the species’ emergence phenology, and to examine the applicability of identified cues in predicting emergence phenology across the species’ range. We used wildlife cameras and weather station-derived environmental data to observe and predict the daily surface presence of C. horridus throughout the late winter and early spring at communal refugia in west- central and northern Illinois. The most parsimonious model for predicting surface presence included the additive effects of maximum daily temperature, accumulated degree days, and latitude. With a notable exception in the southeastern U.S., the model accurately predicted the average emergence day for eight other populations range wide, emphasizing the importance of temperature in influencing the phenological plasticity observed across the species’ range. The apparent broad applicability of the model to other populations suggests it can be a valuable tool in predicting spring emergence phenology. Our results provide a foundation for further ecological enquiries and improved management and conservation strategies.
... Therefore, the red-sided garter snake is a textbook example of the dissociated reproductive strategy, making this species valuable for understanding cyclical shifts in gene expression underlying broad physiological phenomena (27). Dissociated reproduction in T. s. parietalis is considered an adaptative mechanism that resulted from the environmental pressures of living at extreme latitudes (9,28). The chief limitation in such environments is temporal: the amount of time these ectotherms can be safely active during the year is approximately six months at most (May to October). ...
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Sex steroid hormones are powerful regulators of reproductive behavior and physiology in vertebrates, and steroidogenesis has distinct sex- and season-specific patterns ultimately dictated by the expression of key enzymes. Most comparative endocrinology studies, however, focus only on circulating levels of sex steroids to determine their temporal association with life-history events in what are termed associated reproductive patterns. The red-sided garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) is a notable exception; this species exhibits maximal sex behavior decoupled from maximal sex steroid production and gametogenesis in what is termed a dissociated reproductive pattern. And while this is true for male red-sided garter snakes and their production of testosterone, females have maximal estradiol production during peak breeding (spring) but only immediately after mating. Here, we demonstrate that expression of ovarian aromatase (conversion of androgens to estrogens) matches the established seasonal hormone pattern in females. Additionally, steroidogenic gene expression in the ovary is broadly reduced if not suppressed compared to the testis throughout the active year. Bizarrely, male red-sided garter snakes demonstrate an unexplained pattern of steroidogenic gene expression in the testis. StAR (import of cholesterol to steroidogenesis) is maximally expressed in spring, yet Hsd17b3 expression (conversion of androstenedione to testosterone) is highest in summer, with the latter matching the established summer peak in male testosterone. The function of elevated StAR in spring is unknown, but our results suggest a decoupling between maximal StAR expression and testosterone biosynthesis (Hsd17b3 expression). We also purport that the reproductive pattern binary should be reassessed given its lack of fit for many vertebrate species that demonstrate seasonal, mixed patterns of (a)synchrony between circulating sex hormones and reproductive behavior.
... In colder localities, conversely, reptiles must retreat deep underground, out of range of surface temperature cues, to avoid risk of freezing (Huey et al. 2021). In these cases, it is possible that critically low temperatures generate the thermal gradients within hibernacula that initiate migration to the surface (Lutterschmidt et al. 2006). ...
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Increases in temperature related to global warming have important implications for organismal fitness. For ectotherms inhabiting temperate regions, ‘winter warming’ is likely to be a key source of the thermal variation experienced in future years. Studies focusing on the active season predict largely positive responses to warming in the reptiles; however, overlooking potentially deleterious consequences of warming during the inactive season could lead to biased assessments of climate change vulnerability. Here, we review the overwinter ecology of reptiles, and test specific predictions about the effects of warming winters, by performing a meta-analysis of all studies testing winter warming effects on reptile traits to date. We collated information from observational studies measuring responses to natural variation in temperature in more than one winter season, and experimental studies which manipulated ambient temperature during the winter season. Available evidence supports that most reptiles will advance phenologies with rising winter temperatures, which could positively affect fitness by prolonging the active season although effects of these shifts are poorly understood. Conversely, evidence for shifts in survivorship and body condition in response to warming winters was equivocal, with disruptions to biological rhythms potentially leading to unforeseen fitness ramifications. Our results suggest that the effects of warming winters on reptile species are likely to be important but highlight the need for more data and greater integration of experimental and observational approaches. To improve future understanding, we recap major knowledge gaps in the published literature of winter warming effects in reptiles and outline a framework for future research.
... The depressive effects of low temperature treatment on the amplitude of melatonin rhythms may persist for 2 weeks or more after animals are returned to higher temperatures (Lutterschmidt and Mason, 2009). At least one study proposes that low body temperatures may entrain endogenous circannual rhythms in red sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis), although the mechanisms through which this might occur have not been identified (Lutterschmidt et al., 2006). ...
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The regulation of seasonality has been an area of interest for decades, yet global climate change has created extra urgency in the quest to understand how sensory circuits and neuroendocrine control systems interact to generate flexibility in biological timekeeping. The capacity of temperature to alter endogenous or photoperiod-regulated neuroendocrine mechanisms driving seasonality, either as a direct cue or through temperature-dependent effects on energy and metabolism, is at the heart of this phenological flexibility. However, until relatively recently, little research had been done on the integration of temperature information in canonical seasonal neuroendocrine pathways, particularly in vertebrates. We review recent advances from research in vertebrates that deepens our understanding of how temperature cues are perceived and integrated into seasonal hypothalamic thyroid hormone (TH) signaling, which is a critical regulator of downstream seasonal phenotypic changes such as those regulated by the BPG (brain-pituitary-gonadal) axis. Temperature perception occurs through cutaneous transient receptor potential (TRP) neurons, though sensitivity of these neurons varies markedly across taxa. Although photoperiod is the dominant cue used to trigger seasonal physiology or entrain circannual clocks, across birds, mammals, fish, reptiles and amphibians, seasonality appears to be temperature sensitive and in at least some cases this appears to be related to phylogenetically conserved TH signaling in the hypothalamus. Nevertheless, the exact mechanisms through which temperature modulates seasonal neuroendocrine pathways remains poorly understood.
... To investigate the effects of temperature on spring and autumn phenology, we measured soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm that was recorded every 2 h using DS 1923 iButton (Maxim Integrated, San Jose, CA, USA) during the growing season (from May to October in each year). Due to not being waterproof, the sensors were sealed with balloons, which had been demonstrated to be an effective way in other systems to avoid direct exposure to precipitation (Lutterschmidt et al., 2006;Kearney et al., 2011). Then, the wrapped sensors were put into soil at a depth of 10 cm. ...
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Changes in spring and autumn phenology and thus growing season length (GSL) pose great challenges in accurately predicting terrestrial primary productivity. However, how spring and autumn phenology in response to land-use change and nitrogen deposition and underlying mechanisms remain unclear. This study was conducted to explore the GSL and its components [i.e., the beginning of growing season and ending of growing season (EGS)] in response to mowing and nitrogen addition in a temperate steppe on the Mongolia Plateau during 2 years with hydrologically contrasting condition [dry (2014) vs. wet (2015)]. Our results demonstrated that mowing advanced the BGS only by 3.83 days, while nitrogen addition advanced and delayed the BGS and EGS by 2.85 and 3.31 days, respectively, and thus prolonged the GSL by 6.16 days across the two growing seasons from 2014 to 2015. When analyzed by each year, nitrogen addition lengthened the GSL in the dry year (2014), whereas it shortened the GSL in the wet year (2015). Further analyses revealed that the contrasting impacts of nitrogen on the GSL were attributed to monthly precipitation regimes and plant growth rate indicated by the maximum of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVmax). Moreover, changes in the GSL and its two components had divergent impacts on community productivity. The findings highlight the critical role of precipitation regimes in regulating the responses of spring and autumn phenology to nutrient enrichment and suggest that the relationships of ecosystem productivity with spring and autumn phenology largely depend on interannual precipitation fluctuations under future increased nitrogen deposition scenarios.
Among amniotes, reptiles are ectothermic and are clearly distinguished from mammals and birds. Reptiles show great diversity not only in species numbers, but also in ecological and physiological features. Although their physiological diversity is an interesting research topic, less effort has been made compared to that for mammals and birds, in part due to lack of established experimental models and techniques. However, progress, especially in the field of neuroendocrinology, has been steadily made. With this process, basic data on selected reptilian species have been collected. This review article presents the progress made in the last decade, which includes 1) behavioral regulation by sex steroid hormones, 2) regulation of seasonal reproduction by melatonin and GnRH, and 3) regulation of social interaction by arginine vasotocin. Through these research topics, we provide insights into the physiology of reptiles and the latest findings in the field of amniote neuroendocrinology.
All animals use external cues from the environment to accurately time life-history events. How the brain decodes environmental stimuli to effect changes in physiology and behavior, however, is poorly understood, particularly with regard to supplementary environmental cues such as temperature. We asked if low-temperature dormancy alters the synthesis and/or release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). We used the well-studied red-sided garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) for this study, as low-temperature exposure is both necessary and sufficient to induce reproduction in northern populations of this species. Snakes were collected from the field and hibernated at 4°C or 10°C in complete darkness for up to 16 weeks. In males, increasing duration of low-temperature dormancy significantly increased GnRH-immunoreactive cell number and GnRH soma size (a proxy for relative cell activity) in the forebrain. These changes mirrored those in male reproductive behavior (reported previously) and plasma androgen concentrations. The changes in GnRH cell area observed in males were specific to the neuroendocrine population of cells in the medial preoptic area; soma size in the rostral GnRH cells did not change. Finally, temperature-induced changes in GnRH were sexually dimorphic: neither hibernation temperature nor the duration of winter dormancy significantly modulated GnRH cell number or soma size in females, despite the fact that plasma estradiol and corticosterone increased significantly in response to both. These data demonstrate that the neuroendocrine GnRH system is sensitive to environmental temperature and suggest that GnRH neurons play a conserved but trans-seasonal role in mediating changes in reproductive physiology and behavior in dissociated breeders.
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Adult male red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) received radio-frequency lesions prior to 17 weeks of low-temperature hibernation. Animals found to have bilateral lesions of the anterior hypothalamus-preoptic area (AH-POA) failed to exhibit courtship behavior on emergence from hibernation. Those individuals in which the major portion of the destruction was centered in the anterior POA also exhibited deficits in thermoregulatory behavior. Animals that received unilateral lesions of the AH-POA initiated courtship behavior after controls and had an abbreviated period of courtship; these animals exhibited normal responses to thermal stimuli. Male snakes with lesions outside the AH-POA courted normally and demonstrated no differences in thermoregulatory behavior compared with the surgical controls. These results indicate that in male red-sided garter snakes, an intact AH-POA is critical for the integration of thermal stimuli that activate seasonal courtship behavior.
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Canadian populations of red-sided garter snake have a severely limited yearly period for growth and reproduction. Breeding occurs immediately on emergence from winter dormancy, before annual gonadal recrudescence occurs. Because this temporal dissociation of gonadal function and reproductive behavior is unlike that occurring in other vertebrates, T. sirtalis presents an array of related questions concerning the role that physiology plays in controlling reproductive behavior. Attractivity of females is the result of a pheromone produced in the liver and related chemically to vitellogenin, a precursor of yolk. This pheromone communicates potential fecundity. Male sexual activity requires a period of winter dormancy, and sexual behavior appears to be independent of the presence of the testes and pituitary. Sexual receptivity of females is effected by environmental temperature. -Authors Dept. Biol., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.
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We measured temperature variation in a free-ranging ectotherm by attaching micro- dataloggers to the carapaces of 34 painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) in a farm pond located in Davidson, NC. Water and mud temperatures (Tw) were simultaneously monitored. We successfully recorded external shell temperature (Ts) in 18 turtles from September 2001-April 2002 and 23 turtles from April 2002-October 2002. Turtle temperatures steadily decreased through the fall and basking continued until the middle of December. Minimum yearly Ts (1-3 C) occurred during the same week (2-7 January 2002) for all turtles. Turtle temperatures then steadily rose and basking resumed in February. More basking events took place during February and March than during other months of the year when C. picta used basking to reach Ts 5- 16 C above the maximum water temperature. During the summer, turtle Ts reached values similar to those achieved via basking during cooler months, apparently without leaving the water. The number of basking events per month was significantly different between consecutive months for seven of eleven consecutive month pairs. Contrary to our predictions, more basking events were recorded for male turtles than for females overall for the year. Monthly basking profiles were also significantly different for male and female turtles, with males basking earlier in spring than females. Mean maximum weekly Ts were significantly higher for males than for females. Our research documents seasonal variation in temperature and basking behavior in C. picta, as well as the importance of basking for achieving high temperatures during cooler months. We demonstrate the effectiveness of microdatalogger technology for measuring temperature variation in small reptiles and we contribute to a more complete understanding of the thermal biology of C. picta.
Exposure to low temperatures in darkness (hibernation) appears to be required for induction of sexual receptivity and eventual vitellogenesis in female garter snakes. -from Authors
The body temperatures of six prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) were monitored telemetrically during the winter of 1976-1977 while they inhabited a hibernaculum 8 km southeast of Moriarty, Torrance County, New Mexico. As long as their body temperatures remained about 10 C, the snakes were active in the den and often emerged to bask at the mouth of the hibernaculum on sunny days. Experimental laboratory data on the body temperature-heart rate relationship show a significant decrease in cardiac activity below 10 C, indicating a possible physiological basis for activity patterns observed at the hibernaculum. Increasing ground temperatures appear to have been responsible for emergence of the snakes in April. Within the 6-month period during which the snakes occupied the hibernaculum, their body temperatures ranged from 6-29 C, with a mean of 11.3 C.
In spring, near St Louis, Missouri, box turtles move from their hibernacula toward the surface of the ground as they follow a minimum ambient temperature of c7°C. They emerge after 5 consecutive days of subsurface (10-20 cm) temperatures of ≥7°C; c3% of instances in this study emerge prematurely and is unlikely to survive. Should the subsurface temperatures dip substantially below 7°C about the time of emergence, the turtles extend their period of hibernation until the conditions are appropriate for emergence. After emergence, the turtles remain in the vicinity of their hibernacula and, if the surface temperatures drop precipitously, they re-enter the ground. During and after the first warm spring rains they wander away from the vicinity of their hibernacula. -from Author
Six-lined racerunners (Cnemidophorus sexlineatus) in east-central Alabama and west-central Georgia constructed hibernation burrows in well-drained, sun-exposed, sandy soil and remained in their burrows for 8-9 months. Adult lizards entered hibernacula within their home ranges in late Aug. and early Sept. Although some juvenile lizards began hibernation in Sept., others were active as late as Nov. Juveniles were the first to emerge from hibernation; active individuals were seen as early as mid-March. Adult males began to emerge in mid-April, approximately two weeks before the adult females. All racerunners were active by mid-May. Mortality during hibernation due to cold or predation was negligible. Experimental evidence indicates that increasing ambient temperatures are the most likely trigger for spring emergence.
Phenological data indicate that most reptiles, even in tropical regions, exhibit some seasonality in reproductive activity; in most temperate species, a single, relatively brief breeding period alternates with a period of sexual quiescence. In lizards, the most studied of the Reptilia, it appears that exogenous, climatic factors act to synchronize these cycles, although some species may also exhibit endogenous (circannual) rhythmicity. Rainfall may influence egg laying in some tropical lizards. Photoperiodism probably also affects certain aspects of the gonadal cycle in a few species, but many reports of photoperiodism have been questioned on the basis of inadequate experimental design. Of all the environmental factors, temperature appears to be the single most important and widespread of the timing cues for saurian reproduction.Available data on the basic reproductive endocrinology in reptiles are reviewed and it is suggested that reptiles may possess only a single (FSH-like) gonadotropin (GTH). Studies on the mechanisms by which changes in temperature generate seasonal reproductive cycles indicate that several loci may be involved. They may act at the level of the central nervous system in relation to GTH-releasing factors and, likewise, may modify the response of the CNS to photoperiodic changes. The physiological responsiveness of the pituitary gonadotropes per se may be altered by temperature but this hypothesis is untested. The possibility that the peripheral metabolism (e.g., half-life) of GTH may also vary with temperature has also not been tested. In both sexes, the peripheral target tissues (gonads) are highly temperature sensitive. More importantly, gametogenesis and steroidogenesis may be differentially affected by changes in temperature; their relative temperature sensitivities vary among species. These two processes also show different sensitivities to the level of circulating GTH.