The incremental version of the subtyping and dispatching problems is to maintain a data struc- ture supporting these queries in presence of additions of ty pes (along with their accompanying meth- ods) to the inheritance hierarchy. We give theoretical algo rithms for these problems, and analyze their asymptotic behavior. The algorithms in the single inherita nce setting use linear space, and give constant time for subtyping tests and updates, and logarithmic time for dispatching queries and updates. In the multiple-inheritance setting, these bounds depend on an integer , which can be thought of as a metric of the complexity of the topology of the inheritance hierarc hy. Our algorithms compare favorably (on a data set of hierarchi es totaling some 76 thousand types) with previously published algorithms for the static varian t of these problems. In fact, our new dis- patching data structure based on a type slicing technique, exhibits very significant improvements over row-displacement, not only in terms of the time for creating the underlying dat a structure, but also in terms of total space used. (Row displacement due to Driesen and H ¨ olzle is considered one of the the best technique for compressing dispatching tables.) This data structure also improves the space of the compact dispatch tablesalgorithm, which is considered even better than row displacement in some hi- erarchies.1 The results have theoretical and practical applications to the more general problem of dispatching multi-methods.