
A Research Report for The Work Foundation's Knowledge Economy Programme

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... Theirs is an interesting 'configurational' view (Miller 1998) of how environments can foster innovation. Innovation in the public sector may flow not only from the organization but also from environmental changes such as rising expectations of citizens and their changing configuration (Albury 2005;Lekhi 2007;Walker 2012: 3). Borins (1995b) looked at the impact of financial constraints on government, the availability of information technology, and the diversification of the workforce in a study of eighteen cases. ...
... Applying for prizes such as the Innovation Management Award is a way to give credit to the work of government organizations at a time of budget cutting, retirements, and a certain cynicism about the public sector. Administrative innovations can be exploited to enhance the reputation and image of a government (Lekhi 2007;Moore 2005). They can also improve public value as the dissemination of innovation becomes an important element in award programmes (Moore 2005), where of course innovation is presented as normatively good (Osborne and Brown 2011). ...
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In this article, we conduct an empirical study of administrative innovation in the Canadian public sector by examining applications to the Innovative Management Award of the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC). After a review of the literature on innovation in the public sector and of the history of this award, we come to the conclusion that the relationship between innovation and environment has been studied only sparingly, which explains the focus of our research and our hypotheses. Through an analysis of award applications over 21 years, and of award finalists and winners, we demonstrate that such environmental variables as strength of the economy, size of the civil service, deficits, unemployment rate, investment in R&D, and type of government have important consequences for administrative innovation in the public sector. We also suggest some implications of our findings for future research on this subject.
... Novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação -NTIC's, novas práticas de trabalho e novas formas de organização social tornaram a sociedade mais exigente em relação aos serviços prestados pelo Estado. Exigências que pressionam as organizações públicas a diminuir custos, reduzir desperdícios e melhorar a eficiência, sendo indispensável aadoção de inovações para atenderàs demandas (Lekhi, 2007). ...
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O Judiciário brasileiro tem buscado alternativas que visam adesburocratização dos processos em prol da eficiência do serviço público, uma dessas alternativas é o sistema Processo Judicial Eletrônico – PJe, que permite o acompanhamento online da tramitação dos processos e a participação mais efetiva e transparente dos profissionais que dele fazem uso. Nesse contexto, o estudo em pauta tem como objetivo analisar a adoção e implementação do PJe, no Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito Federal – TJDFT, sob a percepção dos advogados. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de entrevistas com 25 advogados que atuam neste Tribunal. Os resultados encontrados vão ao encontro da literatura de inovação no setor público e no Judiciário e com base na análise de conteúdo foram definidasseis categorias: adoção de inovações no Judiciário brasileiro, impactos procedimentais, oportunidades de melhoria sistema, impactos para o TJDFT, impactos para a celeridade e qualidade das decisões judiciais, estratégias para o desenvolvimento de competências e suporte ao sistema e desenvolvimento.Como principais resultados, os advogados percebem possíveis impactos positivos para o seu trabalho e para a celeridade da decisão judicial, enfatizando a redução de custos nas operações, porém o sistema ainda apresenta muitas oportunidades de melhoria, principalmente em relação ao acesso e funcionamento do PJe. De forma geral, os resultados indicaram que existe uma falta de integração entre o Judiciário e os advogados, bem como a falta generalização do sistema, no sentido de um sistema nacional único, uma vez que cada estado possui um sistema próprio com suas próprias regras. Esse distanciamento dificulta o desenvolvimento de um sistema que esteja alinhado com as necessidades do usuário e que os advogados tenham uma visão sistêmica da situação atual do Judiciário. Dessa forma, os resultados corroboram a necessidade de ampliação da adoção e difusão de inovações no Poder Judiciário e a relevância da comunicação e do envolvimento dos diversos atores no processo de implementação dessas inovações.
... Compared to the businesses sector, the public sector usually exist within a more complex social system, with goals and values that are more ambiguous and difficult to quantify (Lewis & Hartley, 2001;Denis et al, 2002;March & Olsen, 1989). Innovation is very useful to build up the reputation and image of the government in providing public services, public services now tend to provide lower quality than private companies that provide services in the same field (Lekhi, 2007). With service innovation in the public sector provides considerable opportunities for economic growth, and attract investors to cooperate, nowadays people are getting smarter to choose a good service, high quality demands as a result of the conditions and needs of a diverse society, convenience and comfort in getting service. ...
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Innovation is an important key for an organization to win the market competition, both in aspects of organization, culture, and business to produce an excellence service and product. Service innovation has been developed to respond quickly the demand of society that increasingly aware of the importance of quality service. PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) as one of the Indonesian state-owned companies engaged in public transportation made a breakthrough by launching a service product innovation, purchasing system of train tickets and new trains. This paper analyzes the types of service product innovation, success factors of innovation, and explore the barriers of innovation. This study used qualitative methods based on review of the innovation management literature and semi-structured interviews. The role of leadership has an important influence in shaping the behavior of the organization. These organizational learning concepts are used to gain a dynamic of service innovation, it suggests that the company should still perform improvement processes in developing service innovation to meet the challenges faced.
... Accordingly, the underlying rationale is that innovation in public governance has yet to provide more comprehensive insight into the actual deployment of complex interactions of external and internal factors to achieve a more effective problem-solving approach to organizational goals (Skelcher, 2005). This perspective is also emphasized by Lekhi (2007) and Walker (2012) stating that innovation aims pursued by public management seem to have become widely established not only by the organization but also from environmental changes such as rising expectations of citizens, varying client orientation and their changing configuration. In line with this idea, Brown and Osborne (2013) and Greenhalgh, Robert, Macfarlane, Bate, and Kyriakidou (2004) discuss the direct tie between an innovation accomplishment and the national cultural dimension of risk aversion. ...
Decision making of innovation comes to the fore as sufficient justification for achieving competitiveness in a context of ever-increasing rivalry. In this formulation, decision makers are likely to form mental frames and sense-making processes in order to access complex interactions of external and organizational ingredients and make strategic decisions of innovation alternatives (service innovation, process innovation, ancillary innovation). This paper examines environmental factors that may explain managers’ strategic choice of a specific type of innovation in service sector organizations located in Qatar and Greece from the viewpoint of the managers’ distinct national cultures resulting in different attitudes and values. This research work examines several main-effect propositions regarding managers’ perspective chosen innovation alternatives, depending on the external forces (service need, diversity of need, increase in population, and influence of context) are dealing with. We illustrate the main effect by looking at surface manifestations of managerial decisions of innovation as outward expressions of distinct characteristics lying deeper in each national culture of origin: Qatari managers prefer service innovations more than Greek managers do. Furthermore, this article reports on the findings of an exploratory study comparing national differences in innovation selection decision between Qatari and Greek top managers that develop a number of interaction effects. To confirm our propositions we gathered experimental data from 118 Greek top managers and 61 Qatari top managers. A multilevel regression analysis was used to examine and assess the relative impacts of the environmental forces on innovation strategic decision-making.
... La vision selon laquelle l'environnement peut favoriser l'esprit d'innovation est intéressante (Miller, 1998). L'innovation dans le secteur public pourrait être engendrée par l'organisation, mais également par les changements environnementaux, tels que les attentes plus élevées des citoyens et leurs configurations changeantes (Albury, 2005;Lekhi, 2007;Walker, 2012, p. 3). Borins (1995) a étudié l'incidence des contraintes financières sur les gouvernements, l'accessibilité aux technologies de l'information et la diversification du personnel dans une étude de 18 cas. ...
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Dans le système de gouvernement britannique, il existe trois types d’organisations : les organismes centraux qui sont responsables de la coordination de l’appareil gouvernemental, les ministères qui gèrent les domaines liés aux politiques et les organisations autonomes qui sont dotées de missions plus spécialisées. On peut émettre une hypothèse selon laquelle les organismes centraux, étant à proximité des politiques, risquent d’être plus conservateurs en raison de leur tendance naturelle à éviter les risques et les questions embarrassantes pour les ministres desquels ils relèvent. Serait-il possible que l’éloignement des politiques favorise un plus grand espace pour innover ? Le présent article teste cette hypothèse à l’aide de données obtenues dans les candidatures au Prix de la gestion innovatrice de l’Institut d’administration publique du Canada. Excepté le cas des entreprises publiques, dont les résultats n’étaient pas significatifs, l’hypothèse est confirmée. La création d’agences gouvernementales permet l’innovation.
... Also, innovation is considered as a mechanism to enhance any organisations' ability to adapt to changing environments [20]. Public services, including education, although they do not tend to operate within competitive markets and have the same incentives as businesses to innovate [21], there are important arguments to push for innovation in education as a means to maximise the value of the public investment. At these days that most countries are facing a major global financial and economic crisis, the need to promote innovation appears to be stronger than ever. ...
... Also, innovation is considered as a mechanism to enhance any organisations' ability to adapt to changing environments [20]. Public services, including education, although they do not tend to operate within competitive markets and have the same incentives as businesses to innovate [21], there are important arguments to push for innovation in education as a means to maximise the value of the public investment. At these days that most countries are facing a major global financial and economic crisis, the need to promote innovation appears to be stronger than ever. ...
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The purpose of the present study was to measure the efficiency level of primary school education in Greece and to examine how factors related to school environment (internal and/or external) possibly differentiate this efficiency level. The study used official school data and a self-collected questionnaires answered by students, their parents and school principals of a sample consisting of 17 primary schools in North Greece. In a first stage analysis using the non-parametric model of DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis), it was assumed that schools aim to maximize educational attainments of students under a budget constraint and the average efficiency that occurred in the sample is 76.26%, ranging from 40.4% to 100%. In a second stage analysis the technique of linear regression and the method of the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) were used in order to explain the reasons for any inefficiencies and to examine how factors such students' family socioeconomic status, parental educational level, school size, school area and school innovations might affect on school efficiency. The results suggested that students' family socioeconomic status, school area and school innovations were positively related to efficiency. Regarding the educational level of parents, the greatest positive influence on efficiency had a high educational level of father (Msc) and may increase the efficiency of the school. In contrast, the low educational level of mother (high school graduate) adversely affected the efficiency of school, reducing it significantly. Furthermore, the size of a school was negative and significant related to school efficiency.
... Compared to the businesses sector, the public sector usually exist within a more complex social system, with goals and values that are more ambiguous and difficult to quantify (Lewis & Hartley, 2001; Denis et al, 2002; March & Olsen, 1989). Innovation is very useful to build up the reputation and image of the government in providing public services, public services now tend to provide lower quality than private companies that provide services in the same field (Lekhi, 2007). With service innovation in the public sector provides considerable opportunities for economic growth, and attract investors to cooperate, nowadays people are getting smarter to choose a good service, high quality demands as a result of the conditions and needs of a diverse society, convenience and comfort in getting service. ...
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Innovation is an important key for an organization to win the market competition, both in aspects of organization, culture, and business to produce an excellence service and product. Service innovation has been developed to respond quickly the demand of society that increasingly aware the importance of quality service. PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) as one of the Indonesian state-owned companies engaged in public transportation made a breakthrough by launching a service product innovation, purchasing system of train tickets and new trains. This paper analyzes the types of service product innovation, success factors of innovation, and explore the barriers of innovation. This study used qualitative methods based on review of the innovation management literature and semi-structured interviews. The role of leadership has an important influence in shaping the behavior of the organization. These organizational learning concepts are used to gain a dynamic of service innovation, it suggests that the company should still perform improvement processes in developing service innovation to meet the challenges faced.
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The success of learners in school and in life is highly dependent on the capacity of education systems to address their diverse needs, and to keep pace with rapid societal and economic changes. To achieve this, education systems must become more flexible and dynamic, employing innovative approaches to learning and teaching, reconsidering the traditional roles and players in education, and opening up to a wider range of stakeholders and communities. This study seeks to consolidate evidence on the ways in which schools and education systems can embrace innovation and ensure that every child can realise his or her potential. By engaging in discussions with a variety of national stakeholders and looking at inspirational examples of innovative schools that have succeeded in transforming their pedagogical and organisational practices regardless of unfavourable conditions, this study explores what drives and supports sustainable innovation in education.
Social design has emerged as a broad set of designerly approaches to societal challenges. With falling public sector budgets and failing economies, social design, as carried through professional, consultant practices rather than in its voluntarist or activist modes, is understood to work as a smart, fast way of seeing us through these. Outsourcing, Outcome-Based Budgeting and the stirring up of traditional governance systems and responsibilities each contribute to a more varied and less permanent design landscape to work in, however. These are met by a set of design methods to researching, generating and realising new ways to configure and deliver services. This paper takes a critical view that asks whether consultant social design really is ‘social’ or whether, instead, it conspires, in its methods and in the contexts it is active in, towards the opposite.
Today’s most pressing policy challenges such as poverty or the environment seem stubbornly resistant to resolution. Partly, this is because these problems are fiendishly complex and uncertain or “wicked” (Rittel and Webber 1973). Significantly, policy debates about wicked issues often deteriorate into what Donald Schön and Martin Rein have called “intractable policy controversies” (Rein and Schön 1994). Here, policy debate becomes mired in mutual recriminations leading to entrenched positions. While intractable policy controversies, such as the climate change debate, engage immense policy-making resources, they produce little in terms of policy action: in this context, Joanne Depledge speaks of “ossified” systems (Depledge 2006).
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