
Impact of package elements on consumer's purchase decision

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Due to increasing self-service and changing consumers' lifestyle the interest in package as a tool of sales promotion and stimulator of impulsive buying behaviour is growing increasingly. So package performs an important role in marketing communications, especially in the point of sale and could be treated as one of the most important factors influencing consumer's purchase decision. Literature analysis on question under investigation has shown that there is no agreement on classification of package elements as well as on research methods of package impact on consumer's purchase decision. By this article we seek to reveal elements of package having the ultimate effect on consumer choice. Taking into consideration that package could be treated as a set of various elements communicating different messages to a consumer; the research model was developed and tested in order to reveal impact of visual and verbal package elements on consumer's purchase decisions.

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... Several studies have examined the effects of the different properties of the packaging elements on the purchase intention (e.g., Wang et al. 2022;Theben et al. 2020;Kiygi Calli and Kilic 2019;Olawepo and Ibojo 2015;Kobayashi and Benassi 2015;Hussain et al. 2015;Vilnai-Yavetz and Koren 2013). Kuvykaite et al. (2009) distinguish two categories of packaging elements: visual elements (e.g., packaging material) and verbal elements (e.g., product information). Additionally, Speece (2004, 2007) categorize packaging elements into visual elements, including graphics, color, shape, and size, and informational elements, such as nutrition labels. ...
... This theory implies that showing consumers different packaging designs would generate more reliable results compared to simply asking consumers what colors or materials they prefer for packaging. Particularly, when consumers are under time pressure or have low-involvement levels, visual elements of packaging become the most important factor in their product selection (Kuvykaite et al. 2009). ...
... The simulation designs are evaluated along with the other designs to determine the combination with the optimum benefit. Kuvykaite et al. (2009) propose that the packaging influences consumers' purchasing behavior depending on their individual characteristics. In this regard, Wee et al. (2014) highlight the necessity to examine the effect of consumer demographics on the purchase intention of organic food products. ...
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Consumers are showing a growing interest in organic products. This study investigates how visual packaging design elements influence the consumers’ purchase intention toward organic food products compared to organic non-food products. We apply a questionnaire and ask respondents to rate the different packaging designs for organic dry pasta and soap bars. We use the orthogonal design method to obtain representative stimulus designs and conduct a conjoint analysis to determine the utilities of each design and assess the relative importance of color, material, and tagline typeface. Our results reveal that for the organic food and non-food products, packaging color is the most decisive factor, followed by material and typeface, independently to the participants’ demographic characteristics. The combination of visual elements with the highest utility score includes plastic for the packaging material, the color cream, and the typewritten typeface for the organic claim for both organic pasta and organic soap. This study also integrates a benefit-based segmentation approach with conjoint analysis. Our study contributes to understanding consumers’ preferences with valuable insights for the organic industry.
... In this recent intensifying competitive environment and changing consumers' lifestyle patterns, growing interest has been seen in packaging design as a marketing communication tool (Kuvykaite, Dovaliene et al., 2009). The successful integration of packaging elements into an effective purchase decision model results in consumers' solution of vast product choices at the point-of-sales (Silayoi&Speece, 2004). ...
... Some of the most relevant articles on packaging elements are summarized below: Thus, based on the previous literature, six elements of packaging are identified for conducting this study. These are visual elements-color, size, packaging materials as per Kuvykaite et al. (2009); font style, background image (Ashaduzzaman & Mahbub, 2016); and informational element -product information as per the study of Silayoi&Speece (2004). ...
... Packaging as one of the essential visual elements is recognized in the study of (Kuvykaite et al., 2009;Silayoi&Speece, 2004. However, packaging materials and technical methods vary across product categories (Ashaduzzaman & Mahbub, 2016). ...
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In this growing competitive market, packaging has become a vital part of the selling process for communication and branding. However, due to the changes in consumer's lifestyle and increasing self-service usage, the packaging is considered a salient salesman for tangible products. So, there is a gap to explore how different combination of packaging elements can impact the buying decision process of FMCG products. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the influence of different visual and verbal elements on the purchase decision-making of Dhaka city consumers in the context of bar soap. The quantitative research method was adopted using data obtained from 243 residents from three different areas of Dhaka city.Data were then analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with smartPLS version3.The paper concludes that packaging color and background image are significantly related to soap users' purchase decision-making. However, font style, shape, printed information, and materials are found insignificant in this study. Based on these findings, important implications and guidance are provided for the marketers.
... According to Kuvykaite et al. (2009), packaging performs an important role in marketing communications, especially in the point of sale and could be treated as one of the most important factors influencing consumer's purchase decision thereby affecting the sales of the product. The increased interest in packaging as a tool of sales promotion and stimulator of impulsive buying behavior is mainly due to changing lifestyles. ...
... • Packaging Expenses (PACK) have been included as a variable due to the fact that in FMCG sector, packaging plays a major role, as packaged foods and beverages are the core of the FMCG sector. This fact is supported by Kuvykaite et al., (2009) who stated that packaging performs an important role in marketing communications, especially in the point of sale and influencing customers' buying decisions. ...
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The changes in the structure of economy have brought about a significant change in market dynamics. The increased competition from every corner of the world is forcing companies to bring changes in their marketing, human resource and operations strategies. One question that continues to dominate thinking in organizations is the impact of marketing expenditures on sales performance. This question provided the trigger to explore and analyze the impact of marketing expenditures on sales. Thirty companies were analyzed in FMCG, consumer durables and textile industries each. Separate regression analysis was done to analyze the impact of marketing expenditures on sales in all the three industries. The results showed that marketing expenditures had differential impact on the sales of the companies across the three industries.
... Trust is essential for purchasing decisions, which involve evaluating alternatives and integrating knowledge and attitudes (Kuvykaite et al., 2015;Trenggana & Cahyani, 2019). Customer trust is vital for stimulating online shopping and is nurtured through secure transactions and quality products (Wu, 2013). ...
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This research paper investigates the relationship between e-business online experience, satisfaction, and trust as predictors of customer loyalty among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in a selected area of Bulacan. Considering the increasing reliance on digital platforms for e-commerce, issues surrounding online security and user privacy have arisen, raising concerns about consumer trust in e-business environments. Employing a quantitative research methodology, the study utilizes a quantitative descriptive and correlational design to measure and identify the mean and standard deviation of online experience, satisfaction, and trust as independent variables, with customer loyalty as the dependent variable. The findings reveal that SMEs in Bulacan have a strongly positive perception of their e-business online experience, particularly highlighting the simplicity, visual appeal, and effectiveness of the websites they use. They appreciate the quality of information provided by these e-business platforms, which facilitates e-purchases through up-to-date content and straightforward transactions. The study also indicates a strong agreement among SMEs regarding the effectiveness of e-business websites in meeting consumer expectations for repeat purchases, while also identifying areas for improvement in online performance features. Moreover, SMEs generally perceive a high level of security regarding e-business platforms, particularly regarding information transmission and electronic payment safety. However, there was a slightly lower perception of user privacy concerns. The regression analysis indicates that both e-business online experience and customer satisfaction are significant predictors of customer loyalty, underscoring the importance of enhancing these aspects to cultivate lasting customer relationships.
... The basis of a successful design is the correct use of factors (color(s), shape(s), material(s), visual(s), etc.) that affect productpackaging harmony. The effect of these factors may vary depending on the level of consumer participation, time pressure, or characteristics (Kuvykaite et al., 2009). For these reasons, the design elements of product packaging are not generalized to the specificity of a brand, experience, or other balancing factors. ...
... Nowadays, packages are designed to appeal to different occasions, demand different social groups, and even distinguish between different brands (Suraj, 2013, p. 61-69). Package design becomes an ultimate selling proposition stimulating impulsive buying behavior, helping the manufacturers in increasing market share, and reducing promotional costs ( Kuvykaite, 2009). While understanding the stimulation of impulsive buying behaviors in consumers, according to (Rundh, 2005) package attracts consumers' attention to a particular brand, enhances its image, and influences consumers' perceptions about the product. 2 Package design attributes here are color, shape, pictures, graphics, etc., and carry a message about the product, which is the final product seen and perceived by the consumers generating its first impression on them (Sioutis, 2011). ...
This study wanted to find to what extent are consumers attracted by design or packages of the products when buying them. The objective of this study is to find out the impact of product design on consumer decision. The study was done by collecting data from questionnaires and interviews and they were then analyzed by using percentage distribution tables and later presented in graphical illustrations. The researcher gave the below recommendation in order for companies to succeed as they need to make sure that they care about their customers’ satisfaction before thinking of only making profits or gaining from them. From this, as product design is one of the big factors that attracts customers to buying companies products, it is very important to care about it and work really hard to accomplish this as a company.
... However, the complexity or simplicity of the message sent by the packaging is something that must be studied deeply. It is well known that consumers view, read, and process information as a coherent or congruent message, in which each design element conveys a particular component to the consumer for choice, preference, and purchase [6,7]. There are numerous approaches to understanding the factors that contribute to the success of a package and how consumers perceive it. ...
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Packaging design is pivotal in motivating consumer decisions, as a key communication tool from creation to purchase. Currently, the interpretation and evaluation of packaging’s impact are shifting toward non-traditional methods. This pilot study evaluated the packaging perception of York Ham and Turkey Breast products. The event-related potential (ERP) technique, the methodology priming words (positive and negative), and target images (original and modified packaging) were applied. A total of 23 participants were sampled using a 32-channels scalp elastic electrode cap and viewed 200 trials of word–image matching. Participants responded whether the images and adjectives matched or not, using the two groups of images. The results demonstrate an N400 effect in the parietal area. This region was observed to show evidence of cognitive processing related to congruency or incongruency, by contrasting the priming and target of this study. The evaluation positioned the York Ham packaging as the best rated. The findings show a relevant contribution to ERPs and research related to the food packaging perception.
... According to Kapoor and Kumar (2019), packaging attributes are considered important by the consumers to make purchases or buying decisions. Kuvykaite et al. (2009) stated that packaging impacts consumers' buying/purchasing behaviors considerably. It attracts them and influences their perceptions about the product. ...
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The current study was conducted with a key objective to investigate the relationship between various factors of packaging and consumers’ purchase intentions. The packaging and its factors have been discussed by using Deliya and Parmar’s (2012) theoretical model. Packaging has become an important tool of marketing due to the increased competition and clutter on store shelves. The study chose consumer’s purchase intentions as an outcome variable and predictor variables comprised packaging features (such as background image, packaging color, printed information, innovative features, font style, packaging material, and design of wrapper). The current study applied convenience sampling technique and structured questionnaire to obtain the data from 130 respondents of Lahore city in Pakistani context. Data was analyzed by applying descriptive analysis, bivariate correlation, and regression analysis through SPSS version 23.0. The results revealed that packaging has a significant impact on consumers’ buying intentions, especially the design of wrapper in packed milk category of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry. The findings would be helpful for the marketers to design packed milk for consumers in Pakistan.
... From an economic aspect, packaging (C3) increases sales and reduces promotional costs while at the same time it constitutes a sales promotion tool for the organizations (Raheem et al. 2014). Researchers delve deeper into how packaging and its characteristics influence consumers' decision-making process when purchasing (Underwood 2003;Kuvykaite et al. 2009) while others examine a step-by-step impact on consumers' decision-making process (Butkeviciene et al. 2008). Since the product's packaging defines consumers' first impression C3 criterion aims to measure the attractiveness of the available products as defined in terms of innovative and ergonomically designed package. ...
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Consumer satisfaction (CS) analysis has been a major issue in business organizations over the years. It may be modeled as a multicriteria decision problem, although different alternative measurement approaches have been developed. The MUSA + method extends the typical MUSA method which is an ordinal regression method that analyzes CS. It allows managers to conduct a benchmarking analysis among different stores and provides action diagrams to assist in gap analysis. The MUSA + method to the spatial context provides geolocated presentation of the derived results and allows their interpretation based on the local characteristics of the market areas. Geographic Information Systems are well known tools that facilitate capabilities for obtaining, processing, and visualizing spatial related data through maps. In that manner, the term ‘geomarketing’ reflects the combination of the multicriteria consumers analysis and GIS. This paper presents a framework that generates maps in relation to the multi-store CS analysis dimensions. Thus, the analysis is extended to the spatial context aiming to expand the MUSA + analysis capabilities with the power of results mapping generation. The proposed framework is supported by a tool developed in GIS environment to assist its computational part. Initially the process estimates the service areas for every store to establish the spatial boundaries for each one of them. Then the MUSA + method is implemented separately for each consumer group located in a specific service area. The computational tool developed in GIS environment generates mappings of the MUSA + method diagrams. The proposed framework combines MUSA + capabilities to generate CS related indices and GIS capabilities to assist spatial analysis allowing customization of the marketing strategy for multi-store enterprises. In conclusion a case study is illustrated to present the prementioned framework into real world data.
... In this complex backdrop, while academic discourse has explored effective warning labels on unhealthy products (Schwalb Helguero et al., 2023;Kanter et al., 2018), in order to reduce the inability to assess the real caloric content of products (Chernev and Gal, 2010), a noticeable gap exists: the exploration of emotionally impactful warning labels on dietary fat content (Cornil et al., 2020). Current nutritional warnings often combine both textual and visual elements (Kuvykaite et al., 2009). Given that visual components resonate more with the emotional facets of consumer decisions (Silayoi and Speece, 2004), our study posits that pictorial warnings might evoke stronger emotional reactions, potentially deterring the consumption of high-fat foods more effectively than textual warnings. ...
Purpose This paper delves into evaluating the effectiveness of warning messages as a deterrent against excessive fat consumption. It examines how consumers perceive the fat content of food products when presented with two distinct label types: (1) a textual warning, providing succinct information about the fat content, and (2) a pictorial warning, offering a visual representation that immediately signifies the fat content. Design/methodology/approach Two quantitative studies were carried out. Study 1 employed a questionnaire to evaluate the efficacy of textual and pictorial warning messages on high- and low-fat food products. Similarly, Study 2 replicated this comparison while incorporating a neuromarketing instrument to gauge participants’ cerebral reactions. Findings Results indicate that pictorial warnings on high-fat foods significantly deter consumers’ purchasing intentions. Notably, these pictorial warnings stimulate the left prefrontal area of the cerebral cortex, inducing negative emotions in consumers and driving them away from high-fat food items. Originality/value While the influence of images over text in shaping consumer decisions is well understood in marketing, this study accentuates the underlying mechanism of such an impact through the elicitation of negative emotions. By understanding this emotional pathway, the paper presents fresh academic and managerial perspectives, underscoring the potency of pictorial warnings in guiding consumers towards healthier food choices. Highlights Textual warnings do not seem to discourage high-fat product consumption. A pictorial warning represents the fat content of an equivalent product. Pictorial warnings decrease the intention to purchase a high-fat product. Pictorial warnings determine an increase in negative emotions.
... Form and size packaging element; the theoretical analysis of package elements and their impact on consumers' purchase decisions empirically reveal the elements having the ultimate effect on consumer choice. Kuvykaite et al (2009) offer six variables that must be taken into consideration by producers and designers when creating efficient packages: form, size, colour, graphics, material and flavour. Similarly, Kotler (2016) distinguishes six elements that must be evaluated when employing packaging decisions: size, form, material, colour, text and brand. ...
... Harapan dengan adanya penyuluhan terkait desain kemasan produk pangan ini agar nantinya desain kemasan pada produk biskuit di UD Sofia Cookies dapat dilakukan upgrading pada label pangan di kemasan. Menurut (Kuvykaite, Dovaliene, & Navickiene, 2009) menyatakan bahwa peningkatan citra produk dan persepsi konsumen terhadap produk dipengaruhi oleh kemasan. ...
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Kesadaran para pelaku Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) terhadap pentingnya label pada kemasan produk terbilang masih rendah. Pelaku UMKM masih banyak yang mengalami kesulitan dalam hal memperhatikan label produk pada kemasan. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan kegiatan penyuluhan label pangan dan pembuatan desain kemasan di salah satu UMKM yaitu UD Sofia Cookies. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada pemilik dan karyawan UD Sofia Cookies Wiyung, Surabaya tentang pentingnya label pangan dalam kemasan produk pangan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah metode presentasi oleh pemateri dan pembuatan desain kemasan untuk produk biskuit mangrove. Hasil kegiatan dari penyuluhan ini adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan berjalan dengan baik, meningkatnya pemahaman audien tentang pentingnya label pangan dalam kemasan produk pangan, serta dilakukan pembuatan desain kemasan yang sesuai dengan peraturan yang telah ditetapkan mengenai label pangan untuk produk biskuit mangrove.
... Form and size packaging element; the theoretical analysis of package elements and their impact on consumers' purchase decisions empirically reveal the elements having the ultimate effect on consumer choice. Kuvykaite et al (2009) offer six variables that must be taken into consideration by producers and designers when creating efficient packages: form, size, colour, graphics, material and flavour. Similarly, Kotler (2016) distinguishes six elements that must be evaluated when employing packaging decisions: size, form, material, colour, text and brand. ...
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This work on brand packaging as an educational foundation and marketing performance of made-in-Nigeria cosmetic products in Calabar Metropolis indicates that packaging could be treated as one of the tools in the foundation stage of pupils for today's marketing performances. A sample of 50 respondents who were business owners of made-in-Nigeria cosmetics products was randomly selected within the Calabar metropolis to elicit responses. The coded questionnaires were evaluated using multiple regression analysis. The results obtained revealed that Brand names and quality, Packaging designs, Packaging information and innovation of made-in-Nigeria cosmetics have a positive significant effect on the marketing performance of business owners. It was recommended amongst others that business owners should intensify efforts on branding cosmetic product names, designs, quality, information and innovation to further enhance efficiency in market performance. Likewise, a new direction should be drawn to introduce brand packaging for beginners in the educational curriculum.
... Packaging at the point of sale is the manufacturer's last chance to convince the customer of their product. Research suggests that the inclusion of shape and color elements in the packaging design may affect the perception of quality by consumers, their emotional reactions related to the brand/product, and, consequently, general preferences (11)(12)(13). Moreover, the sensory stimuli contained in the packaging help to distract the customer from routine purchasing activities, attracting their attention through novelty and mediating product categorization (14). ...
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Introduction Color is an integral part of product selection and is used to assess its attractiveness and quality. Dietitians are a group that influences the dietary choices of the population through education and promotion of rational eating behavior. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the color of selected juices in the context of dietitians’ food preferences. Methods In the first stage of the research, the color of orange juices was measured using a spectrophotometer. In the second stage, sensory analysis was carried out using the ranking method. Participants were asked to assess the attractiveness of the color of juices through glasses and bottles without the original label and with the label. The juice with the best color turned out to be the juice which, according to the L * a * b * parameters, was relatively dark and had an intense orange tint. Results As the juice with the worst color, they chose the juice that was colored green and blue. When assessing the color without and with the original label, the respondents indicated which one was significantly brighter and more yellow compared to the others. Dietitians prefer bright juices with a vibrant orange hue. Product packaging influences dieticians’ choices regardless of the content. Discussion Instrumental control of color during product production and selection of packaging elements for attractive synergy are determinants of the perceived attractiveness of juices in the study group.
... What sensory qualities a given typeface might prime in the mind of an observer is not defined solely by its curvilinearity characteristics (Henderson et al., 2004;McCarthy & Mothersbaugh, 2002). The evaluation of typeface involves a unique system of typesetting (e.g., spacing, kerning, leading, hanging, tracking, etc.) and aesthetic appraisal (e.g., serif, slab, orientation, stem, weight, obliqueness) that are not seen in other geometric features-assuming, that is, typeface can be regarded as a form of geometric feature (Keage et al., 2014;Kuvykaite et al., 2009). Some typeface families (i.e., a group of typefaces sharing the same design language; see Zeng et al., 2019) have also been found to prime semantic meanings and personalities (Celhay et al., 2015;Johannessen et al., 2021;van Leeuwen, 2006). ...
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The effects of color and typeface on people’s taste expectations have been well documented in the literature on crossmodal correspondences. However, research on the interaction between different visual features when they are collectively associated with specific taste qualities is scarce. Here, an online study is presented that examines the combined effect of color and typeface by simultaneously manipulating the color scheme and font curvilinearity of text stimuli. The findings confirm the main effects of color hue and typeface curvilinearity in terms of modulating the strength of association with the four basic taste qualities (sweet, sour, salty, and bitter). The results revealed that the congruent pairings of color hue and typeface curvilinearity induced stronger taste associations. In particular, the combinations of congruent visual text properties further modified the strength of taste association with sweet (p < .005), sour (p < .0001), bitter (p < .001), and with a borderline-significant effect in the case of salty (p = .054). There was no effect of typeface curvilinearity on sour ratings when the text stimuli were presented in colors that had previously been documented to associate with sourness. Overall, the effects of color and typeface on taste expectations induced by text stimuli follow the documented patterns of hue–taste and curvilinearity–taste correspondences. Although both color and typeface exerted a significant effect on taste expectations, the evidence presented here suggests that the color scheme tends to dominate over typeface curvilinearity when determining the taste quality that people associate with a given text stimulus.
... Similarly, perceptions also constitute the pre-judgment beliefs about the product based on knowledge and memories (Okamoto & Dan, 2013); the act of rejection towards a product may occur when the consumer's expectations are not met (Deliza & Macfie, 1996), and if, on the contrary, the sensory perception meets the consumer's expectations, the product purchase is likely to be repeated (Paul et al., 2009). Likewise, the color of the packaging also becomes an important component to convey messages to the consumer regarding quality and price (Kuvykaite et al., 2009); for example, some research showed that black color is related to luxury and green color to organic and ecological products (Gómez et al., 2015); that is why, Goldberg et al. (1999) indicate that, if there is greater priority in the complementation of color in the product development, greater will be its ability to attract attention in the consumer. ...
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The first impression on consumers is the packaging of the product, through the extrinsic characteristics consumers generate expectations that influence the evaluation of the product and determine the probability of purchase. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the incidence of packaging on the organoleptic quality of four brands of chocolates that are produced in the Amazon region, under three phases (i) packaging condition, where the effect of packaging characteristics on the consumer's visual perception without tasting the chocolate was studied, (ii) blind condition without packaging, in which the organoleptic quality of each chocolate was determined using the sensory quality index, (iii) and the reported condition, evaluated the combined effect (first and second phase) determining the level of satisfaction, tastes, and preferences to finally measure the degree of incidence of the packaging design of the chocolates on the organoleptic quality in the four brands using Spearman's Correlation Coefficient. The degree of incidence between the design and the organoleptic quality with the highest significance was in the Palerca chocolate in the factors of; innovation in the shape of the packaging and the aroma of the chocolate (r= 0.6503), warmth in the color concerning the flavor of the chocolate (r= 0.6289), and the quality factor in the function of the color and aroma of the chocolate (r= 0.6163).
... The evaluated attributes were displayed on the coffee packaging as it plays a crucial role in attracting consumers' attention (Bialkova et al., 2013;Clement et al., 2013;Varela et al., 2014) in coffee shops and various other coffee retailers. Furthermore, the attributes featured on the packaging play a significant role in sales promotion and conveying product information at the point of sale, especially with the rise of self-service channels and evolving consumption habits (Kuvykaite et al., 2009). It is important to note that the perception of quality can be influenced by both the content and presentation of the packaging. ...
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This study uses eye-tracking metrics to quantify the visual attention given to differentiation attributes in specialty coffees. Two Discrete Choice-type experiments were developed using the packaging as a stimulus to analyze visual attention and the probability of choice for each attribute. Experiment 1 (466 observations) included the evaluation of the attributes price, brand, coffee variety, organic label and origin. Experiment 2 (279 observations) tested price, score, altitude and roast. Experiments 1 and 2 revealed that the use of the Time Fixation Duration (TFD) and Visit Count (VC) metrics were efficient in evaluating the effect of visual attention on the choice of each attribute present in the packaging. In experiment 2, the Time to First Fixation (TFF) and the willingness-to-pay (WTP) metrics were also significant, the latter of which had a value higher than the highest price indicated by the retailer. The packaging label could be considered a first potential activation regarding the novelty that these attributes represent, and the findings of this study can direct the efforts of the coffee industry to educate its customers about the main quality attributes related to the consumption of specialty coffees that are still poorly understood, but which may generate future profitability.
... Consequently, many businesses are beginning to consider strategies that will encourage consumers to purchase their products. Using enticing packaging is one method for companies to attract consumers [16]. In the past, packaging was not a significant concern; however, many food and beverage companies are now focusing on the beauty, uniqueness, convenience, and attractiveness of a product's packaging because it can influence consumer interest [17]. ...
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Packaging has become increasingly essential. Packaging no longer serves only as a container for wrapping food or beverage products to protect them from dirt, dust, air, impact, and sunlight, but also as a promotional tool that attracts purchasers' attention. Increased income from the marketing of organic fertilizer products produced from cow manure will encourage breeders to increase their cattle population. Consumers will choose products with appealing packaging over those with plain or simple packaging that is unattractive. Cows produce manure that can be processed into organic fertilizer in addition to flesh. In the village of Ayunan, a substantial amount of processed organic fertilizers manufactured from cow manure are produced. The marketing management process for partner-produced organic fertilizer products is extremely constrained, particularly in terms of product packaging, which is crucial to product marketing. The primary issue that will be addressed is how to create attractive packaging that will encourage consumers to purchase products. Presentations, demonstration plots, and direct practice of packaging organic fertilizer products produced by partners are employed. This activity is anticipated to increase breeders' knowledge and their ability to market their products, increasing breeders' income and prosperity.
... This finding is also supported by the regression analysis that shows that packaging has no influence towards male cosmetic consumption in Malaysia (beta value = 0.059, significant value = 0.373). According to Rita et al. (2009) package heightens consumer's attention to particular brands. The packaging provides a differentiation for products (Silayoi and Speece, 2004), and helps consumers to make buying decisions (Wells et al., 2007). ...
... According to Lamb et al. (2011) in their book 'Essentials of Marketing' think that packaging has four distinct marketing functions. Again Rita (2009) explained package attracts consumer's attention to particular brand, enhances its image, and influences consumer's perceptions about the product. Underwood et al. (2009) and Silayoi & Speece (2004) found out that packaging elements act as a tool for differentiation. ...
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The purpose of this research was to know the impact of packaging on consumer buying decision process. Both qualitative and quantitative research approach were used to achieve the objectives of the study. Respondents were selected using convenience sampling method for collecting primary data through self administrated questionnaire. 97 completely filled up questionnaires were authentic for research study. Six factors of packaging were considered as independent variables to evaluate the respondents’ opinion. The study result shows that all factors have a positive and significant relationship with buying decision of product with the highest correlation value of packaging color (.810) followed by other factors. Quality of packaging materials has highest positive impact on consumer buying decision process (β=.158, t= 4.215, p=0.001< 0.05), followed by packaging color (β=.116, t= 3.281, p=0.000< 0.05), followed by printed information of package (β=.224, t= 3.211, p=0.000< 0.05) and other factors. R square value shows 58.2% variance in consumer buying decision depends on independent variables.
... Afinal, as embalagens desempenham um papel relevante na atração da atenção dos consumidores (Bialkova, Grunert & van Trijp, 2013;Clement, Kristensen & Grønhaug 2013;Varela et al., 2014). Ademais, destacam-se na promoção de vendas e na comunicação de atributos dos produtos no ponto de venda (Kuvykaite, Dovaliene & Navickiene, 2009). É pertinente destacar ainda que a percepção de qualidade pode ser afetada pela embalagem tanto no conteúdo quanto na apresentação. ...
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Objetivo do estudo: Examinar a atenção dos consumidores de café a atributos socioambientais, de denominação de origem e de torra dos cafés de alta qualidade no intuito de verificar a relação entre a atenção visual, avaliação e atitude durante o processo de tomada de decisão. Metodologias: Além da pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, a metodologia de pesquisa é híbrida, contando com experimento controlado utilizando eye-tracking combinado a um questionário (estudo 1); o estudo 2 consiste em survey online submetido a grupos de baristas e de entusiastas dos cafés especiais no Facebook. Principais resultados: Os consumidores mostraram-se interessados em saber mais sobre as certificações socioambientais e de denominação de origem dos cafés que consomem em comparação com o atributo torra. Os resultados de atenção e de escolha das embalagens em articulação com o obtido no survey validam as proposições 1 e 2 sobre a relevância dos selos socioambientais e de denominação de origem para o consumidor. Por sua vez, a torra do café foi mais relevante para o público conhecedor do que para o leigo, confirmando a proposição 3 de pesquisa. Contribuições teóricas/metodológicas: Empreender uma pesquisa com diferentes metodologias, experimento em laboratório e um survey online, representa uma oportunidade de abarcar em uma mesma pesquisa diferentes visões (leigos e experts) em relação ao consumo de café. O estudo contribui teoricamente para as pesquisas de atenção visual e atitudes ao incluir o consumo de café nesta seara investigativa. Relevância/originalidade: A principal contribuição dessa pesquisa versa sobre a efetividade das informações colocadas nos rótulos das embalagens de cafés especiais, o que é de interesse tanto da academia quanto do mercado. Implicações sociais/gestão: Os rótulos com as informações analisadas dos cafés especiais realizam apropriadamente o papel de primeira ativação, mas precisam estar inseridos em uma campanha de comunicação integrada que alimente a atitude de compra, seja no varejo ou em outros pontos de contato das marcas com seus consumidores.
... For manufacturers, the functions of package design must be able to sell the brand while creating image and customer perception. The saying "you only get one chance to make a good first impression" fits well into the package design market, companies most especially tooth paste producers now use packaging as a tool of sales communication that often can lead to impulsive buying behaviour (Kuvykaite, 2009). ...
... According to Kuvykaite et al., (2015), the factors that influence purchase intention are related to feelings and emotions. In this case, it is the condition when a person is satisfied after purchasing goods or services. ...
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This research is a study on halal consumer behavior, which consists of empirical results from various Micro, Small,and Medium Enterprises (MSME)s in Bandung, Indonesia. Data were collected from 161 muslim tourists whohave experiences visiting Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, and consuming culinary products produced by MSMEsin the city. Simple linear regression method was applied to evaluate the relation between consumers’ attitude andpurchase decisions. This research aims to provide deeper understanding on the effect of tourists’ attitude towardsthe halal label and purchase decision, seen from the perspective of muslim consumers who have experiences inconsuming the food products by Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME)s in Bandung, Indonesia. This studyreveals that attitude towards halal label is an important factor affecting consumers’ halal food purchase decision.
... Pada beberapa penelitian diketahui bahwa pengemasan dan pelabelan menghasilkan pengaruh yang cukup tinggi kepada konsumen untuk membeli suatu produk tertentu (Amin, Imran, Abbas, & Rauf, 2015;Ampuero & Vila, 2006;Raheem, Vishnu, & Ahmed, 2014). Saat ini fungsi pengemasan juga beralih menjadi sarana promosi untuk menstimulasi keinginan berbelanja konsumen (Kuvykaite, Dovaliene, & Navickiene, 2009;Sener, Arzu;Kinaci, Bahar;Dogan, 2015). Adanya kemasan juga berpengaruh terhadap daya tarik konsumen dan persepsinya terhadap produk yang dijual (Rundh, 2005). ...
Eggplant is one of the most widely cultivated food commodities in Indonesia. One of them was carried out by "Dawuhan Jaya", the eggplant farmer group in Dawuhan Village, Tenggarang District, Bondowoso Regency, in which the majority of its members cultivated purple eggplant varieties. All the time, eggplant peel is usually thrown away when the vegetable is consumed. It only becomes unutilized waste. However, it is known that purple eggplant peel has many health benefits, including antibacterial and antioxidant. Therefore, in this service activity, product diversification of eggplant peel was carried out to process it into dish soap, a product that is widely used in households. The method used in the implementation of the activity was the participatory rural appraisal. The service activity aimed to empower the community, especially eggplant farmer group partners. The stages of activities carried out included counseling and training to increase the partner’s knowledge and skills regarding processing purple eggplant peel into high-value products. The next stage was mentoring carried out to determine and ensure the partner’s ability in production and marketing activities independently. This program was expected to be able to utilize purple eggplant by-products and increase people's income. Keywords: dish soap; product diversification; purple eggplant peel Abstrak: Terong merupakan salah satu komoditas pangan yang banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia. Salah satunya dilakukan oleh kelompok petani terong “Dawuhan Jaya” di desa Dawuhan, kecamatan Tenggarang, kabupaten Bondowoso yang mayoritas anggotanya membudidayakan varietas terong ungu. Selama ini biasanya kulit terong selalu dibuang bila akan dikonsumsi, sehingga hanya menjadi sampah yang tak termanfaatkan. Namun, diketahui bahwa kulit terong ungu memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan, diantaranya sebagai antibakteri dan antioksidan. Oleh karena itu, dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan upaya diversifikasi produk kulit terong menjadi produk yang banyak digunakan dalam rumah tangga, seperti sabun cuci piring. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah participatory rural appraisal. Tahapan kegiatan yang dilakukan mencakup penyuluhan dan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra mengenai pengolahan kulit terong ungu menjadi produk yang bernilai jual tinggi. Tahapan selanjutnya adalah pendampingan yang dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui dan memastikan kemampuan mitra dalam kegiatan produksi dan pemasaran secara mandiri. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan masyarakat, khususnya mitra kelompok petani terong. Dengan adanya kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memanfaatkan produk sampingan terong ungu sekaligus meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat.Kata kunci: diversifikasi produk; kulit terong ungu; sabun cuci piring
... For instance, green color is indirectly considered environmentally-friendly (Lindh et al., 2016). Numerous researches conducted in this field have highlighted packaging material as an essential factor for designing an eco-friendly package (Kuvykaite et al., 2009;Steenis et al., 2017;Zekiri and Hasani, 2015). ...
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Designing an eco-friendly offering for the market needs a thorough understanding of the nature of eco-friendly consumers. However, organizations are merely concerned about the impact of eco-friendly packaging on purchasing behavior of the consumer without considering the main elements demanded by consumers in detail. Hence, organizations spend many resources on eco-friendly packaging without emphasizing the effect of packaging elements on consumer buying decisions that ultimately yield low profits with foreseeable environmental threats. The absence of concrete results published in this regard, especially concerning the Sri Lankan context accelerates this negative impact. Therefore, the present research examines the effect of visual and verbal elements of eco-friendly packaging on consumer buying behavior with special reference to dairy products while considering visual and verbal as the main packaging elements and dairy products as the main product category. Data were collected by distributing a pre-tested structured questionnaire among the consumers (n = 104) shopping at Cargills Food city outlet, Galgamuwa. Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test results revealed that, visual elements: shape (p = 0.001; t = 5.029), material (p = 0.001; t = 7.412), size (p = 0.001; t = 5.029) and graphics on the package (p = 0.064; t =-1.849) showed a significant impact on buying behavior while, color (p = 0.706; t =-0.377) proved insignificant. Moreover, verbal elements including product (p = 0.000; t = 7.771)) and nutritional (p = 0.001; t = 7.454) facts showed a highly significant impact on purchasing dairy products with eco-friendly packaging. The Chi-square test revealed a highly significant relationship between purchasing environmentally-friendly packages with educational level (p = 0.015; x 2 = 12.339) and a marginally significant relationship with the occupation of consumers (p = 0.064; x 2 = 8.900). Findings of this research direct marketers, and product designers, in particular, to manufacture packages incorporating consumer-preferred visual and verbal elements of packaging to attract consumers towards eco-friendly packed dairy products in particular.
... Atribut labeling juga memberikan pengaruh yang penting pada kepuasan konsumen. Beberapa penelitian pada beberapa produk menunjukkan bahwa packaging dan labeling memberikan dampak yang besar pada keputusan konsumen untuk membeli suatu produk (Kuvykaite et al., 2009). Packaging, labeling dan branding merupakan karakter yang langsung menjadi satu dengan produk sehingga tampilan produk merupakan salah satu perspektif utama yang harus diperhatikan dan dipertimbangkan oleh pelaku industri rumah tangga karena lima detik pandangan pertama menentukan pemilihan pelanggan untuk membeli (Irrubai, 2016). ...
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Packaging and labeling are important points in selling an item. Initially, the packaging functioned as a place to make it easier to carry a product. However, the packaging is needed over time to encourage buyers' buying interest. In planning the packaging, it is not only an initial plan but also an idea that can show the advantages of a product so that it shows a design that can "sell." The appearance of the packaging must attract consumer interest. So far, the quality of snack product packaging at PAY Mart is still standard and unattractive. Business actors still lack knowledge about good and safe packaging, what information should be on a package, and attractive packaging and packaging forms. This service aims to provide knowledge and skills in making product packaging, from designing designs and making patterns to how to package the musrifah at the Putri Aisyiyah Orphanage and providing training on making halal and tayibah snacks. The method used is counseling and training in making packaging and snack designs. The results of understanding about packaging and labeling, namely 90% of musrifahs understand and 55% of snacks at PAY Mart are packaged by PAY musrifah Aisyiyah Putri Yogyakarta.
... However, due to the progression of marketing, this notion has been altered, integrating a variety of supplementary roles, placing packaging as a crucial communicator of a brand or products identity, as well as a tool for marketing due to its role in enticing the attention of consumers (Gómez et al., 2015). The role of packaging in the purchase process has been intensely studied (Kuvykaite, 2009;Estiri et al., 2010) with most studies approving that packaging is imperative principally due to it being the core source of data accessible to the consumer. This is then used to not only hypothesize a perception of the product, but also to appraise its professed worth and brand based on the packaging design (Gómez et al., 2015) and subsequently, impact consumers shopping behavior (Silayoi and Speece, 2004;Clement, 2007;Méndez et al., 2011). ...
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Unlike traditional research methods used for investigating consumer responses to different stimuli such as surveys, interviews or focus groups, recently, the autonomic neuropsychological measures have been implemented within the neuromarketing field to obtain subconscious preferences from the consumer’s brain. In the current study, the webcam-based eye-tracking technology is used to analyze both visual and emotional reflects of the consumer green purchasing behavior, which has grown notably in the last decade. The main interest was to assess whether the color packaging affects the BIO label and if such a label is essential for consumers’ purchasing behavior. The packaging designs of the two-well known products from one of Croatia’s most prominent food processing companies were manipulated in packaging color and the BIO label placement. The results have shown that regardless of the package design and the placement of the BIO label, participants elicited higher intensities of negative emotion. The eye-tracking metrics showed that for both products the color of the packaging and the BIO label placement matter.
... Finally, visual and informative packaging cues were measured following the proposal of Silayoi and Speece (2004) and Kuvykaite et al. (2009): 9 items to measure the importance/ search of visual packaging cues, and 7 items to measure the importance/search of informative packaging cues. ...
Purpose The aim of this paper is the analysis of teenage consumers with varying degrees of healthy and unhealthy lifestyle habits and different healthy and unhealthy eating behaviours and food involvement, and its effects on packaging cues. At the same time, the paper tries to analyse the moderating role of gender. Design/methodology/approach With a sample of 589 (316 girls and 273 boys) young consumers (14–17 years old) and using SEM methodology, this paper tested a theoretical model related to the association between health, food, packaging cues and gender differences. Findings Among teenagers, healthy habits (sports) and healthy eating behaviours affect positively food involvement ( p < 0.01 in both cases), and food involvement is positively related to informative packaging cues ( p < 0.05). There are some differences between girls and boys. For example (1) there is a significant relationship between your consumers' sports activities and food involvement, and young consumers' healthy eating behaviours and food involvement. (2) More food-involved teenagers are those consumers that significantly read more carefully the packaging labels. Or (3) gender could be considered as a variable able to moderate the relationships between health and unhealthy lifestyle habits and eating behaviours, food involvement and packaging decisions. Originality/value The present paper tries to fulfil some literature gaps by developing a study with teenage consumers to solve three main questions/objectives: (1) Do healthy behaviours affect teenagers' food involvement? (2) Does teenagers' food involvement affect teenagers' packaging perceptions? and (3) Do girls and boys differ in their food packaging perceptions?
... Package size is a non-verbal clue in consumer choice and purchase, which affects consumer perception and emotional preferences [10], psychology and behavior [52]. Among the non-verbal cues, packaging size has a significant effect on the consumers' purchase decisions compared with other elements [53]. Therefore, studying the influence of organic food packaging size on consumer behavior is important. ...
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People pay much attention to food and health issues, more so these days. Organic food brings its own “organic” aura as soon as it is produced. Despite the many studies on organic food packaging at present, they mainly focus on packaging design, materials, and colors and pay less attention to packaging size. In view of this gap in the literature, this study explores the influence of organic food packaging size on consumer purchase intention. This article conducted two experiments with 755 participants to examine the effect of organic food packaging size on purchase intention. The results show that the packaging size of organic food has a significant influence on consumer purchase intention. Specifically, the small size of organic food packaging (vs. large) can improve consumer purchase intention, and the green perceived value plays an intermediary role (Study 1). In addition, the consumers’ construal level moderates the influence of organic food packaging size on their purchase intention. For consumers with a high construal level, the small size of organic food packaging (vs. large) can improve their purchase intention. For consumers with a low construal level, large packaging size (vs. small) of organic food can improve their purchase intention (Study 2). This study reveals the psychological mechanism and boundary conditions of organic food packaging size on consumer purchase intention and provides practical enlightenment for enterprises in formulating the size of organic food packaging.
... Over the years, the increase in packaging importance occurred due to several factors, such as self-service, consumer influence, company image and brand, and the opportunity for constant innovation (1,2). In addition, lifestyle change has contributed to the development of new packaging and improved packaging, which allows the extension of shelf life and monitoring of food safety and quality (3). ...
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Food packaging generally consists of low-cost and non-degradable plastic materials that contribute to environmental pollution. For this reason, new food-packaging systems with good mechanical and barrier properties have been developed as an alternative to replace synthetic polymers used in food packaging. In this sense, this article briefly reviews the active packaging concept and the development of biodegradable films, edible coatings, and sachets used in food preservation. These technological innovations gained increasing importance in the food industry over the years, constituting a new paradigm in the industry, as they interact desirably with food, promoting various solutions such as: extending or maintaining the shelf life, monitoring or improving the quality and safety of food products. In addition, these innovative systems have aroused the interest of researchers for their ability to prevent deterioration and maintain the fresh aspect, firmness, and brightness of foods, making them more attractive to consumers. Several studies have shown that active packaging is an efficient system for preserving fruits and vegetables. The application of biodegradable films, edible coatings, and sachets was discussed in this work, showing the benefits of their use in various food products.
... For customers, food packaging is a direct source to obtain food-related information such as the food category, brand, manufacturer, and expiration date, which form the basis of food decisionmaking. With the increase in market competition, food manufacturers are paying increasing attention to packaging design to maintain regular customers and attract new customers (Silayoi and Speece, 2007;Kuvykaite and Navickiene, 2009;Estiri et al., 2010;. Opaque packaging is widely used in food packaging, especially packaging with product images. ...
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Experimental setups that probe consumers’ underlying feelings, purchase intentions, and choices. The Topic Editors are honoured to present 14 multidisciplinary contributions that focus on successful implementations of physiological and neuroscientific measures in the field of cognitive psychology, marketing, design, and psychiatry. Keywords: preference formation, neuroscience, physiology, evaluative processing, consumer behavior
... The appearance of food, such as color (Zampini et al., 2007) and shape , is a factor that has a great influence on the culinary experience. In addition, a meal's appearance changes the consumers' behavior (Alfnes et al., 2006;Aslam 2006;Clement 2007;Kuvykaite et al., 2009) and the evaluation of the quality (Hagtvedt and Patrick 2008;Van Rompay et al., 2012;Labrecque and Milne 2012). As such, a significant amount of research has been focused on the appearance of food for marketing purposes. ...
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Eating and drinking are undoubtedly amongst life’s most multisensory experiences. Take, for instance, the enjoyment of flavor, which is one of the most important elements of such experiences, resulting from the integration of gustatory, (retronasal) olfactory, and possibly also trigeminal/oral-somatosensory cues. Nevertheless, researchers have suggested that all our senses can influence the way in which we perceive flavor, not to mention our eating and drinking experiences. For instance, the color and shape of the food, the background sonic/noise cues in our eating environments, and/or the sounds associated with mastication can all influence our perception and enjoyment of our eating and drinking experiences. Human-Food Interaction (HFI) research has been growing steadily in recent years. Research into multisensory interactions designed to create, modify, and/or enhance our food-related experiences is one of the core areas of HFI (Multisensory HFI or MHFI). The aim being to further our understanding of the principles that govern the systematic connections between the senses in the context of HFI. In this Research Topic, we called for investigations and applications of systems that create new, or enhance already existing, multisensory eating and drinking experiences (what can be considered the “hacking” of food experiences) in the context of HFI. Moreover, we were also interested in those works that focus on or are based on the principles governing the systematic connections that exist between the senses. HFI also involves the experiencing of food interactions digitally in remote locations. Therefore, we were also interested in sensing and actuation interfaces, new communication mediums, and persisting and retrieving technologies for human food interactions. Enhancing social interactions to augment the eating experience is another issue we wanted to see addressed here, what has been referred to as “digital commensality”.
... Purchase option is the process of choices or decisions taken by customer prior to the purchasing that begins when the customer becomes ready to buy. The buyer should therefore select whether to purchase the products, what type, style, or size to purchase when to place the order, the price to be paid, and what method for instalment will be used, but this decision must be influenced by the retail pack, the exceptional quality of the products from various brands, and so the package affects the customer's buying option [7]. There is a consensus between experts and professionals in the area of advertisement and industry that packaging becomes essential to achievement or failure of the offering of almost any product inside an extraordinarily serious market [3]. ...
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Many organizations in the business sector have focused on one tactic or another to win more profit margins for products. An effort made by the organization to get more consumers to buy their products, organizations have always been engaging in this process. Different technologies to help their products compete with the product of rivals, the packaging type is one step to make customers aware of the product. Despite the fact that perhaps the packaging as well as the manner in which the customer determines the benefit/value of the product, the packaging rationale for purchase behaviors has been thoroughly studied and the outcomes have adequately defined the connection among the packaging with the purchasing behavior of a customer. The consumer's shopping behavior depends mostly on packaging as well as its characteristics. Packaging features such as color packaging, context illustration, and packaging content, font type, wrapping design, printed details and novelty are used as indicators. As self-service grows and customers' lifestyles shift, interest in packaging as a product advertising tactic and a catalyst to impulsive purchasing behavior is rising. Package, therefore, plays a key role throughout advertising relations, particularly at the stage of sale, which may be considered to be among the key significant aspects impacting customer buying behaviors.
... There is a positive link between well-designed package and the consumers' perception about the product being high quality [26]. Rita et al. [27] studied the impact of package elements on consumer purchase decision. They have found that packaging material is the most important visual element appealing to customers for purchasing milk products. ...
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This study focuses on the various antecedents influencing the satisfaction of customers consuming flavoured milk (FM) and also to find the differences in gender and location on the consumption of FM. In order to find the impact of the various antecedents individually on the consumers' feeling of overall satisfaction on the flavoured milk of their choice, linear regression was conducted. Also, to find the impact of all the antecedents together on the overall opinion, multiple linear regression was carried out. The outcome of the analysis shows that impact of quality, taste and quantity respectively are the primary factors that influence the overall satisfaction on FM apart from other factors. An independent sample t-test was done to determine the gender difference and the locational influence on the preference of FM. It was found that there is no difference in the preference and satisfaction among gender and location of consumers.
... Disamping itu juga, dilakukan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi tentang bagaimana mendesain sebuah kemasan agar terlihat menarik bagi konsumen. Kemasan dapat meningkatkan citra produk dan mempengaruhi persepsi konsumen terhadap produk tersebut (Kuvykaite et al., 2009). Desain kemasan cokelat yang menarik dapat dibuat dengan memperhatikan 3 elemen penting, yaitu bentuk kemasan, ukuran kemasan dan material kemasan (Richo, 2017). ...
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p align="justify"> Increasing the Capacity of Chocolate Farmers in Randualas Village Kare District Madiun Regency through Education of Chocolate Product Packaging Quality. Cocoa is one of the largest commodities from Madiun Regency. Cocoa has the potential to be developed into processed chocolate products that will become typical souvenirs of Madiun Regency. The cocoa farmers in Randualas Village, Kare District, Madiun Regency have received counseling on the processing of cocoa beans into ready-to-consume chocolate products. However, the chocolate product was wraped in only an HDPE plastic layer which was less attractive to consumers, so it is necessary to improve the quality of the chocolate packaging. This community empowerment aims to increase the ability of cocoa farmers (partners) to package chocolate products properly and attractively so it will further increase the economic value of their chocolate product. The activities are education and counseling about the importance of packaging for chocolate products and how to design good and attractive packaging. Monitoring and evaluation were also carried out by filling out questionnaires by participants regarding the level of understanding of the material before and after being presented. The result showed that the partners understand the importance of packaging in food products in general and packaging for chocolate products in particular. It was evidenced that after counseling, up to 50% of participants understand the importance of packaging in the food packaging process and 50% of participants understand the criteria for good packaging for chocolate products.</p
... At the point of sale, packaging was an important factor that determined the decision-making process (Silayoi & Speece, 2004;Kuvykaite et al., 2009). Wansink (1996) concluded through a series of experiments that package size was positively correlated with the usage of the product. ...
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The purpose of this study is to predict the share of visual inventory (SOVI), which is defined as the number of stock-keeping units (SKUs) of a company’s products, calculated as a percentage of the total SKUs on the display of all products. Research studies in the past have focused mainly on the impact of inventory, which includes back end and visual inventory, on sales but less attention has been given to the impact of SOVI on sales. To address this research gap, this study attempted to create an analytics model to predict SOVI at the category of soft drinks level using four predictor variables namely point of purchase display, channel/sub-channel, package group, product category, and derived variable gross national income (GNI). The results were encouraging confirming the effectiveness of such a model. The researchers utilized a data set collected over a period of 18 months (February 2016 to July 2017) by a soft drink firm headquartered in the United States. Based on the findings, it is suggested that this prediction model can be utilized by other researchers and practitioners to predict SOVI of other soft drinks, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), and food and beverage companies.
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This paper explores the impact of packaging elements on consumer purchasing behavior through the lens of behavioral economics. It reviews the historical evolution of consumer purchasing behaviors, highlighting the role of advertising and branding in modern marketing. The study emphasizes the significance of understanding consumer behavior to optimize brand positioning and marketing strategies. By analyzing packaging elements like color, design, material, and information transmission, the paper underscores their influence on consumer decisions. Empirical analysis through a questionnaire survey of Chinese consumers provides insights into the correlation between packaging and purchasing behavior. The findings suggest that well-designed packaging can significantly enhance product perception and consumer purchasing intent. Despite its contributions, the study acknowledges limitations such as a narrow geographic scope and short-term focus, recommending future research to address these gaps for a more comprehensive understanding of packaging's long-term effects on consumer behavior.
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Penelitian ini dilakukan pada UMKM Toko Bakery MilaMila Kota Medan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis good looking produk dan pengemasan produk terhadap peningkatkan penjualan. Populasi adalah konsumen yang datang membeli produk bakery di UMKM sebanyak 50 konsumen, pengambilan sampel dengan sampel acak dengan sampel jenuh sehingga jumlah sampel sebanyak 50 responden. Jenis data yaitu data primer dan sumber data digunakan yaitu data sekunder, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan studi pustaka, survei dan observasi. Pembahasan dengan menjelaskan good looking produk terhadap sebuah produk dan pengemasan produk yang penulis hipotesis dapat memberi kekuatan terhadap produk yang dijual serta pengaruhnya terhadap peningkatan penjualan. Teknik analisis data yakni membuat perbandingan penilaian kosumen terhadap indikator good looking produk dan pengemasan produk dan penjualan produk, dan selanjutnya membuat analisis terhadap data penjualan perusahaan. Hasil penelitian bahwa good looking produk dan pengemasan produk berpengaruh terhadap penjualan produk Toko Bakery MilaMila Kota Medan, dimana good looking produk mendapat penilaian konsumen untuk skala setuju dengan presentase sebesar 40,6 % yakni tertinggi dari instrumen lain, dan pengemasan produk mendapat penilaian untuk skala setuju dengan persentase sebesar 37,25% yakni tertinggi dari instrumen lain, serta penjualan produk mendapat penilaian untuk skala setuju dengan persentase sebesar 41,75% yakni tertinggi dari instrumen lain.
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Startups have the capacity to generate a lot of jobs, frequently even more than larger businesses. This is particularly crucial in developing nations like India that have high unemployment rates. Established businesses frequently delegate some of their work to startups in order to free up time for their core competencies. Opportunities for foreign investment in the nation are created by this. Boost the economy: In addition to producing jobs, startups also increase economic activity. 36 of the 236 agri-businesses in the study sample were supply chain management-specific. Letters and personal contacts were made to all those startups in order to acquire information. Primary and secondary sources were used in the data collecting procedure, and the study employed survey methods through questionnaires. The impact study revealed that, for the financial year 2021-2022, the packaging and advertising spending coefficients were negative, at-7.342 and-9.849, respectively. Furthermore, a noteworthy rise in distribution expenses was noted at five percent, obtaining a coefficient of 45.99. Furthermore, the financial year 2022-2023 results of 4.537 and 1.068 showed that the marketing and distribution expenditure coefficients were significant at five percent; a related result of 3.811 showed that the packaging expenditure coefficient was significant at one percent.
The purpose of the study is to explore the influence of visual packaging design on perceived food product quality and brand preference with moderating effect of gender. The study used the fast food industry for analysis and analyze how the packaging (colors, logos, graphics) of fast food products impact on consumer perception about the product. An adopted questionnaire used in the analysis. The study offers directions for understanding the effects of visual packaging on brand preference and perceived quality.
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Sepeda Motor Honda Beat paling digemari oleh sebagian besar kalangan, baik kalangan muda maupun orang tua karena desainnya yang stylish dan simpel. Hal ini terbukti berdasarkan hasil survei Top Brand Award yang menduduki peringkat pertama kategori Top Brand Index seperti gambar di bawah ini. Konsumen yang mempunyai persepsi positif terhadap suatu merek, artinya merek tersebut mempunyai kesan yang kuat dibandingkan dengan merek lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Harga, Daya Tarik Iklan dan Citra Merek Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Sepeda Motor Honda Beat. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang diperoleh melalui kuesioner. Penelitian ini menggunakan 97 sampel yang sudah pernah menggunakan Honda Beat. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil analisis menunjukkan Kualitas Produk, Harga, Daya Tarik Iklan dan Citra Merek berpengaruh positif terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Sepeda Motor Honda Beat.
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Successful companies consistently provide higher levels of satisfaction to their customers. This study is to determine the impact of self-service experiences on customer satisfaction. For the purpose of the study, 120 McDonald's customers were selected for a survey. The results showed that being technologically ready positively and substantially affects customer satisfaction through the medium of Customer Trust. Self-service can be more efficient and successful, and customers can be more satisfied if the necessary technology is in place. Self-service experience quality and client satisfaction are impacted by trust and perceived value. This research contributes to understanding what it takes to keep repeat customers happy and returning for more business.
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The primary purpose of this research is to explain the importance of a significant aspect of a sustainable environment: green packaging. Green packaging has been revealed to have an astounding effect on a sustainable environment. Misuse of carbon products negatively affects the environment and pollutes the surroundings to a great extent, for which one feasible solution is green packaging. The phenomenon has been investigated using two independent variables: green packaging and multi-sensory packaging. Consumer environmental knowledge has been used as a mediating variable, and consumer perception has been used as a moderating variable, whereas the dependent variable is ecological sustainability. Current research is quantitative, and data were collected from 302 FMCG customers through a Self-Administered questionnaire survey. The research approach was deductive, and the nature of the study was explanatory. AMOS software and the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) technique have been used to test the proposed hypotheses. According to the study’s findings, green packaging has a significant and positive effect on environmental sustainability, while multisensory packaging has a negative impact. Consumer perception positively moderates the relationship between green packaging and ecological sustainability. At the same time, consumer environmental knowledge had no mediating effect between green packaging, multisensory packaging, and ecological sustainability. This research fills the literature gap, as few studies exist on the relationship between green packaging and environmental sustainability. The mediating and moderating model has been tested for the first time in the FMCG sector of Pakistan. This study benefits manufacturers and marketers to know the importance of green packaging to enhance a sustainable environment. FMCG companies can use reusable and recyclable materials instead of substances like Plastic and Styrofoam for Packing, which is environmentally friendly and affordable for daily usage.
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Segundo Ramsoy (2015) a atenção visual representa um dos aspectos básicos da psicologia e da conduta do consumidor. Trata-se de um processo pelo qual o consumidor é conduzido por estímulos visuais. Busca-se com este estudo entender o comportamento do consumidor quando se depara a um planograma onde há congruência de embalagens com um tempo reduzido de atenção visual. Foi aplicado o método de experimento com a utilização do equipamento EyeTrackingTobii, modelo T120, onde 10 participantes observaram imagens de planogramas e realizaram escolhas entre duas marcas de margarina. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que a distância interfere positivamente na congruência quando os produtos da marca seguidora estão centralizados. Evidenciou-se também que os produtos da marca líder atraem mais atenção e recebem mais visualizações quando comparadas com outro produto do mesmo segmento com embalagem similar quando observados apenas entre si.
The Sustainable Development Goals by United Nations is one of the leading challenges of our world today. The common goal is to achieve a globally collaborative sustainable movement for reducing the harmful effects of climate change and its social consequences. Technology, communication, and collaboration are the pivot components of these targets and the continuing discussion of sustainable communication. Within this scope, the chapter discusses the role of sustainable communication for creating communicative action in the aspect of marketing communications. The chapter explains the role of packaging in terms of building emotional bond between the brand and consumer and offers a new communication perspective building brand purpose by using new technology-based packaging systems by giving some examples. The chapter aims to contribute to studies on Marketing 5.0 and sustainable communication beside starting a discussion for professionals on focusing the role of eco-friendly and communicative packages.
Pelaksanaan program KKN Tematik Membangun Desa terdapat beberapa aspek bidang pelaksanaan yang dilaksanakan yaitu bidang pendidikan, bisnis, sosial lingkungan masyarakat, dan kesehatan. Salah satu program kerja yaitu sosialisasi dan kurasi di produk Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) Desa Ponggok. Acara sosialisasi dan kurasi ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) sehingga menambah daya jual di pasar.Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan observasi dan wawancara terhadap produk dan pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM). Kurasi Produk Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) dilakukan dengan tujuan pendataan UMKM untuk mengetahui perkembangan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) di Desa Ponggok agar dapat meningkatkan kualitas produk UMKM serta daya jual di pasar. Program kurasi ini berfokus pada tampilan, ketersediaan bahan, kontinuitas, legalitas produk Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM), dan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) di Desa Ponggok. Permasalahan yang memerlukan perhatian lebih baik dari pelaku UMKM, masyarakat, maupun pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) di Desa Ponggok terfokus pada peningkatan sumber daya manusia (SDM), strategi pemasaran digital, dan perlunya pendampingan legalisasi produk.
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The consumer's interaction with packaging should be simple and intuitive. However, packaging is frequently designed in such a way that it is difficult to use, with text and labels that are difficult to see or understand. As a result, the prospective consumer may be discouraged from purchasing the product, or if the purchase has already been made, the ineffective handling of the packaging may result in a negative user experience, e.g. some users struggle to open the packaging. Due to the inability of the user to access the contents of the packaging, the user often experiences a feeling of frustration which may lead to accidents and injuries. This paper emphasizes the importance of cognitive ergonomics in packaging design. Cognitive processes, which involves how people think, make decisions and react, can be predicted, and lessons learned from studying these predictable responses can be integrated into good design.
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Existing empirical literature on product packaging and consumer patronage is quite scarce in the developing economies including Nigeria. Hence, there is the need for more empirical investigation in this area. This study, therefore, examines the impact of product packaging on consumer patronage using 480 users of pharmaceutical products in the Katsina metropolis. The study utilized cross-sectional descriptive survey design, descriptive statistics and multiple regression techniques. Findings indicate that packaging colour and packaging material have a positive and significant impact on consumer patronage, while packaging information has a negative but significant impact on the consumer patronage. The study concludes that right colour combination, quality material and information embedded or embossed on packaging will arouse consumers' interest and attract their attention, and consequently, improve the level of patronage. The study recommends that manufacturers of pharmaceutical products should package their products with adorable colours to improve patronage level. The paper also recommends that manufacturers of pharmaceutical products should carry out survey aimed at determining or discovering colours that are more appealing to users with a view to packaging their products in such colours.
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The importance of packaging design as a vehicle for communication and branding is growing in competitive markets for packaged food products. This research utilized a focus group methodology to understand consumer behavior toward such products and how packaging elements can affect buying decisions. Visual package elements play a major role, representing the product for many consumers, especially in low involvement, and when they are rushed. Most focus group participants say they use label information, but they would like it if simplified. The challenge for researchers is to integrate packaging into an effective purchasing decision model, by understanding packaging elements as important marketing communications tools. Propositions for future research are proposed which will help in developing better understanding of consumer response to packaging elements.
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The physical form or design of a product is an unquestioned determinant of its marketplace success. A good design attracts consumers to a product, communicates to them, and adds value to the product by increasing the quality of the usage experiences associated with it. Nevertheless, the topic of product design is rarely it ever, encountered in marketing journals. To bring needed attention to the subject of product design and enable researchers to better investigate design issues, the author introduces a conceptual model and several propositions that describe how the form of a product relates to consumers' psychological and behavioral responses. After presenting this model, the author describes numerous strategic implications and research directions.
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Food retailers invest heavily in design expertise to create exciting packaging to entice customers to buy premium food products, and to strengthen their competitive edge. The process by which food retailers manage food packaging design has not been documented and this is an oversight in the design management and retailing literatures that this paper addresses. An in-depth case study of one of the top four UK retailers is presented and their approach pack design management is analysed and discussed. The process outlined here was in place in 1997 at a time when the retailer had just moved from number three in the market place to number two and was aiming to be number one. The process documented is that of a dynamic growing food retailer working on improving its brand image through packaging design.
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This article provides a theoretical framework for understanding the communicative effects of product imagery on attention to the brand, specifically, the attentional effects of incorporating a picture or illustration of the product on the packaging of the product. Empirical results from a virtual reality simulation show that package pictures increase shoppers’ attention to the brand. However this effect is contingent, occurring only for low familiarity brands (private-label brands) within product categories that offer a relatively high level of experiential benefits. These results suggest that package pictures may be especially useful for private label brands and/or lesser tier national brands whose strategic objectives are to improve consumers’ perceptions of the brand and enter the consideration set.
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Purpose – This paper seeks to discuss the need to understand consumer perceptions in order to correctly design product packing and to achieve the desired position in the minds of consumers. Design/methodology/approach – Data collection was divided into two phases. The first, (based on designers' opinions), to determine the key graphic variables in the design of packaging. The second, (based on consumers' opinions), to associate each packaging with a positioning strategy. The seven product-positioning strategies selected were represented from the consumers' standpoint using multidimensional scaling. Four maps were obtained related to: alternative packaging colours; alternative packaging typography; alternative packaging graphical forms; alternative packaging images Findings – Each positioning strategy appears associated with particular packaging dimensions. Research limitations/implications – Consumers have exhibited harmonious perceptions towards products-packaging strategies, so one can conclude that a general feeling as to what a particular packaging exactly means exists. So the general opinion should guide packaging designers to appropriately meet consumers' expectations. Originality/value – A range of simulated packaging was prepared for the 46 consumers that took part in the two-phase experiment: One of the seven positioning strategies was explained. For example: “Product ‘A’ is positioned as reasonably priced. People say the price is OK”; Case to be solved: “From this selection, choose the packaging that seems most suitable for product ‘A’, taking its characteristics into account”. The simulated packaging alternatives were shown and the subject chose the options that seemed most suitable (colour, typography, forms and images). The sequence was repeated for the remaining six positioning typologies.
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Purpose This study sets out to explore how consumers evaluate unbranded and unlabelled food products and to what extent they are able to select the products with the highest potential to meet their expectations regarding eating quality. Design/methodology/approach The study focused on Portuguese consumers and their purchase of bacalhau, i.e. salted and dried cod, which is sold unpacked, unbranded and unlabelled in supermarkets. The collection of data encompassed observations of shoppers in supermarkets, individual interviews and focus groups with consumers, and a consumer panel that conducted quality assessments and rankings of nine different bacalhaus and subsequent taste assessments of the same products following desalting and cooking. Findings Results indicate that Portuguese consumers – in spite of substantial experience with buying, preparing and consuming bacalhau – are uncertain in their in‐store quality assessment. Shoppers used multiple criteria to assess the quality of the bacalhau, such as the appearance and dryness of the product. Some rather curious quality criteria that were not related to “objective” product quality were also discerned. Touching the dried and salted cod trying to “feel” the quality was common. Some even broke the fish tail to assess the dryness. Findings from the consumer panel showed large discrepancies between how the same products were assessed before and after desalting and cooking. Research limitations/implications The study is limited to one food product and one national market. Marketing implications, such as focus on packaging, quality labelling, and branding are discussed, as well as implications for future research. Originality/value The paper shows that although unlabelled and unbranded food products are common, relatively little research addressing how consumers assess such products in a wider sense, including which strategies consumers apply and to what extent they are able to select products that meet or exceed their expectations regarding eating quality, has been conducted. The paper also addresses the role cultural rules and rituals may play in the assessment of traditional food products such as bacalhau.
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Purpose This paper seeks to investigate the importance of packaging design for a UK premium own‐label food brand, by developing an understanding of how consumers evaluate own‐label packaging, providing an insight into their shopping behaviour regarding premium own‐label desserts and identifying the factors that influence their purchase decisions. Implicit in this is a need to establish how the packaging designs of premium own‐label products influence the purchase decisions of consumers. Design/methodology/approach The paper reports on the findings of participant observational exercises employed at two Tesco stores. Findings Overall, analysis of findings would clearly indicate that there is a strong association regarding the influence of packaging on the purchase decision, with over 73 per cent of interviewed consumers stating that they rely on packaging to aid their decision‐making process at the point of purchase. Research limitations/implications This study reports on the preliminary findings of the first stage of a research project. Future studies could extend this research by considering the importance of packaging for products with lower experiential benefits than those offered by premium desserts or, additionally, by employing a comparative study of own‐label brands. Practical implications As own‐label brands are exclusive to, and owned by, the retailer they have potentially the opportunity to develop packaging designs that are even more attuned to their customer base than those offered by the equivalent range of branded products. Originality/value This paper presents empirical research investigating the importance of packaging design for own‐label food brands.
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It is estimated that 73 percent of purchase decisions are made at point of sale. In scanning packs at point of sale, perception is rapid, and quick recognition is important for inclusion in the decision process. Under conditions of rapid perception, there is an advantage for verbal stimuli perceived from the right-hand side, and for non-verbal stimuli perceived from the left-hand side. This advantage probably derives from the laterality of the brain, with word processing generally being handled by the left hemisphere, while the right hemisphere generally processes pictorial matter. This asymmetry of perception implies that to maximise recall, words should be on the right-hand sides of packs, pictures should be on the left. We tested this, using a tachistoscope to measure difference in recall. The results confirm the asymmetry of perception of elements of packaging.
Building on existing frameworks (customer-based brand equity, consumer-brand relationships, product symbolism/self concept), this paper forwards packaging as a product-related attribute critical to the creation and communication of brand identity. Packaging is posited to influence brand and self-identity via a dual resource base (mediated and lived experience); a conceptual positioning variant from the traditional single symbolic resource base (mediated experience) provided by advertising. This conceptual distinction is examined and data from an exploratory qualitative study are provided to illustrate the powerful role of packaging in communicating brand meaning and strengthening the consumer-brand relationship, especially for low involvement consumer nondurable products.
Color is an integral part of products, services, packaging, logos, and other collateral and can be an effective means of creating and sustaining brand and corporate images in customers' minds. Through an eight-country study, the authors explore consumers' preferences for different colors and color combinations. The results show cross-cultural patterns of both similarity and dissimilarity in color preferences and color meaning associations. When subjects are asked to match colors for a product logo, some color combinations suggest a consistency in meaning, whereas other combinations suggest colors whose meanings are complementary. The authors discuss implications for managing color to create and sustain brand and corporate images across international markets.
Identifies, via a mail survey of UK marketing executives, who makes the sales packaging (i.e. primary packaging) decision within the company, and the extent to which these individuals perceive trade-offs between the traditional marketing and logistical functions of a sales package, and environmental pressures to reduce, recycle and reuse packaging. Finds that the primary function of sales packaging is to protect the product until it is ready for use. The marketing function carries the most influence within the organization when it comes to making the sales package decision and, in the majority of cases, sales packaging accounts for less than 10 per cent of overall product costs. Claims the majority of respondents did not see a trade-off between the marketing and logistical function of the sales package and the environmental demands to reduce, recycle and/or reuse sales packaging. However, reports that respondents did agree that sales packaging is a major environmental concern and, assuming it is not possible to have a sales package which both enhances the saleability of the product and is compatible with the environment, the ability of the sales package to sell the product is more important than its compatibility with the environment.
Purpose To explore the attributes of wine packaging that are enticing to consumers and the influence of age, gender and income on the wine‐buying decision. Design/methodology/approach To evaluate how wine packaging interplays with age, gender and income to influence consumers’ decision to purchase. A self‐administered questionnaire with closed‐ended and five‐point Likert‐type scale questions was conducted in the State of Connecticut at two retail shops and five wineries. The questionnaire was pilot‐tested at a local retail wine store in Connecticut to ensure reliability and clarity of the questions. Findings Results showed that label design and bottle closures were important to respondents and that self‐confidence was a significant factor for age and gender, with females and respondents between 31 and 40 years of age more concerned about making a wine‐buying decision. Research limitations/implications The selection of the state of Connecticut and the testing sites may not represent the general US wine consumer, and therefore results may not be generalizable. Future research projects could include: comparing label configurations and bottle‐packaging choices with the situational use and sensory testing of wines to determine if the novice consumer can evaluate a wine characteristic such as “peachy” or “floral” as described on wine labels. Originality/value This paper fulfils an identified need by offering practical advice to wine producers on the necessity to understand what packaging characteristics or cues are important to consumers and to focus their marketing efforts towards simple wine packaging and label designs.
Purpose The importance of packaging design and the role of packaging as a vehicle for consumer communication and branding are necessarily growing. To achieve communication goals effectively, knowledge about consumer psychology is important so that manufacturers understand consumer response to their packages. this paper aims to investigate this issue. Design/methodology/approach The paper examines these issues using a conjoint study among consumers for packaged food products in Thailand, which is a very competitive packaged food products market. Findings The conjoint results indicate that perceptions about packaging technology (portraying convenience) play the most important role overall in consumer likelihood to buy. Research limitations/implications There is strong segmentation in which packaging elements consumers consider most important. Some consumers are mostly oriented toward the visual aesthetics, while a small segment focuses on product detail on the label. Originality/value Segmentation variables based on packaging response can provide very useful information to help marketers maximize the package's impact.
Purpose The increasing internationalisation and globalisation of business has forced many firms to reconsider what contributes to their competitive advantage. Despite the importance of packaging it is rather anonymous and has received little or marginal research. The purpose of this paper is to study how packaging can contribute to competitive advantage. Design/methodology/approach Aspects of the packing industry and market are reviewed. Five case studies covering different packages in the supply chain are presented and analysed. Findings Structural changes within the European food industry are reinforcing a need for competitiveness where packaging can make the difference for many consumer products. The findings from the case studies and the literature review underscore the importance of packaging and packaging design for fulfilling multi‐functions in relation to logistics and marketing in the supply chain from filler to end consumer. New demands due to changes in consumption patterns and habits are requiring innovative packaging solutions in retail outlets. Practical implications The main implications for management is to understand and take advantage of packaging as a strategic weapon and marketing tool for the entire business, especially within a highly competitive food industry. This is important in every stage of the supply chain either for the transport packaging or as a consumer package in the supermarket. Originality/value This paper fulfils an identified need for recognising the importance of packaging in business strategy.
Marketing practitioners know that a product’s color may play an important role in a consumer’s purchase decision, but may not be familiar with the empirical research that has been conducted in this area. The purpose of this paper is to apply an associative learning framework to the color literature to help understand consumer color choices. Specifically, the principles of classical conditioning, a form of associative learning, will be used to make suggestions to practitioners who wish to create or change color associations for their products. The implications of the findings from the color literature are discussed.
This article revises the concept and positioning strategies according to the proposals of different authors. Positioning is related to variables in the marketing mix, and, specifically, to the main subject of this research study—packaging. The theories of different authors with respect to the functions of packaging and its constituent elements are revised and then attention is focused on four of its graphic elements: Color, shape, typography, and image. Within this framework, designer and consumer opinions are presented with the ultimate aim of identifying the associations between different positioning strategies and the different graphic design variables used to define an orange juice packaging.
Consumers usually care who is standing behind the brand – a well-known manufacturer, or retailer, whose store is being visited, or an anonymous producer. Branding type in terms of implied brand ownership plays an important informational role. However, some consumers are more likely to prefer one brand type over the other. Marketing scholars and practitioners are interested in factors that differentiate such consumers and their choices.
The change of traditional direct trade form to self-service form of trade has increased the product assortment in many groups of products. That has determined the intensified competition among brands and the wider application of marketing communication decisions. Because of plenty of brands it has become more difficult to identify them and make the decision. The bigger attention is attached to consumer package, which is integral part of product and its brand for the consumer. That transfers the information to consumer when he or she is active in communication process. Package, communicating with consumer in the selling place, has become essential factor influencing the choice of consumer. Scientific researches have proved that package decisions let to attract consumer attention, transfer the desirable information about the product, position the product in consumer conscious, differentiate and identify it among analogical products. In that way elements of package influence consumer decision making process and can determine the choice of consumer and the package itself can become the sustained competitive advantage. Thus despite of plenty of scientific researches, focused on separate functions of package and importance of its decisions, the package is not analysed as a whole, playing the communication function. Therefore this article is aiming to present the theoretical and empirical study which lets verify and name consumer package factors and their communication importance in the decision making process.
Packaging as a tool for product development: Communicating value to consumers
  • M P Gonzalez
  • S Thorhsbury
  • D Twede
Gonzalez M. P., Thorhsbury S., & Twede D. (2007). Packaging as a tool for product development: Communicating value to consumers. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 38 (1), 61-66.