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An Approach for Construction and Reuse of Software Components Frameworks implemented in Delphi


Abstract and Figures

This paper presents an approach for construction and reuse of software components frameworks implemented in Delphi. The main mechanisms of execution that assist the Software Engineer in the approach are: MVCASE tool, the Transformation System Draco-PUC, and the Delphi environment. The approach uses techniques of CBD, Framework and component-oriented language In the software development, the reuse is characterized for the use of software products, in a different situation of that one for which these products originally had been constructed. The Component-Based Development(CBD) if worries about the creation of components that can be reused in other applications. Research has explored different technologies, including the use of CASE tools(Computer-Aided Engineering Software), software components, domain engineering, frameworks, patterns, Software Transformation Systems and programming languages, oriented objects, to get software of better quality and with lesser cost. Motivated for the ideas of construction and reuse of software components, through the use of several techniques that they aim at to reuse to the maximum the work of analysis, design and concluded implementation already, and for the development based on components, this paper considers an approach for the construction and reuse of components frameworks implemented in a component- oriented language, that it looks in such a way to guide the software engineer in the components development problem domain , how much in the applications development that they reuse. To support the construction and reuse of frameworks, different technologies are used:
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Resumo -Este artigo apresenta um Processo de Desenvolvimento de um Framework, baseado em componentes, do domínio de Cardiologia. O Framework, denominado FrameCardio, foi desenvolvido em 4 passos: Definição do Domínio do Problema, Especificação dos Componentes, Projeto Interno dos Componentes e Implementação dos Componentes. Das experiências com o sistema, atualmente implantado no Instituto do Coração de Marília (ICM), definiram-se a terminologia do domínio do problema, os processos de negócio, os papéis do atores e as colaborações que mostram o comportamento de grupo de objetos. Toda modelagem foi suportada por uma ferramenta CASE e no passo Implementação dos Componentes foi gerado o código dos componentes na linguagem ObjectPascal, usando um Sistema Transformacional. O FrameCardio foi estruturado em camadas e organizado em pacotes de componentes, disponíveis na ferramenta CASE, para serem reutilizados pelas aplicações. A reutilização evita a redundância de código e reduz os custos e o tempo de desenvolvimento. Da mesma forma que no desenvolvimento do FrameCardio, utiliza-se o Sistema de Transformação para geração do código ObjectPascal das aplicações. Uma aplicação do Domínio de Cardiologia é apresentada para mostrar a reutilização de componentes do Framework. Abstract -This paper presents a Process of Development of a Framework, based on components, of the domain of Cardiology. Framework, denominated FrameCardio, it was developed in 4 steps: Definition of the Domain of the Problem, Specification of the Components, Internal Project of the Components and Implementation of the Components. Of the experiences with the system, now implanted at the Institute of the Heart of Marília (ICM), they were defined the terminology of the domain of the problem, the business processes, the actors papers and the collaborations that they show the behavior of group of objects. Every modelling was supported by a tool CASE and in the step Implementation of the Components the code of the components was generated in the language ObjectPascal, using a System of Transformation. FrameCardio was structured in layers and organized in packages of components, available in the t ool CASE, for they be reused by the applications. The reuse avoids the code redundancy and it reduces the costs and the time of development. In the same way that in the development of FrameCardio, the System of Transformation is used for generation of the code ObjectPascal of the applications. An application of the Domain of Cardiology is presented to show the reuse of components of Framework.
This paper discusses an approach called Draco to the construction of software systems from reusable software parts. In particular we are concerned with the reuse of analysis and design information in addition to programming language code. The goal of the work on Draco has been to increase the productivity of software specialists in the construction of similar systems. The particular approach we have taken is to organize reusable software components by problem area or domain. Statements of programs in these specialized domains are then optimized by source-to-source program transformations and refined into other domains. The problems of maintaining the representational consistency of the developing program and producing efficient practical programs are discussed. Some examples from a prototype system are also given.
Structured analysis (SA) combines blueprint-like graphic language with the nouns and verbs of any other language to provide a hierarchic, top-down, gradual exposition of detail in the form of an SA model. The things and happenings of a subject are expressed in a data decomposition and an activity decomposition, both of which employ the same graphic building block, the SA box, to represent a part of a whole. SA arrows, representing input, output, control, and mechanism, express the relation of each part to the whole. The paper describes the rationalization behind some 40 features of the SA language, and shows how they enable rigorous communication which results from disciplined, recursive application of the SA maxim: “Everything worth saying about anything worth saying something about must be expressed in six or fewer pieces.”
Automática de Código Delphi a partir de Especificações em Catalysis. XXVII Conferência Latino Americano de Informática -CLEI
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  • Software Reuse
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