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Endocrine disruption has been reported in freshwater fish populations around the world. This phenomenon ranges from subtle changes in the physiology and sexual behavior of fish to permanently altered sexual differentiation and impairment of fertility. Despite widespread reports of endocrine disruption in fish (and this is well characterized at the individual level), few studies have demonstrated population-level consequences as a result of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). An exception to this is in Lake Ontario Lake trout where precipitous declines in the population have been linked with periods of high exposure to organochlorine chemicals (known EDCs). Recently, it has been established that roach ( Evidence for a link between exposure to effluents from kraft mill (BKME) and sewage treatment works (STWs) and altered reproductive function in freshwater fish is compelling. In most cases, however, a causal link between a specific chemical and a physiological effect has not been established. Indeed, identifying specific chemical(s) responsible for adverse effects observed in the wild is difficult, given that tens of thousands of man-made chemicals enter the aquatic environment and that mixtures of chemicals can have combination (e.g., additive) effects. Some EDCs are known to act at a number of different body targets to affect a variety of physiological processes, further complicating the identification of the causative agent(s). Endocrine disruption appears to be particularly widespread in freshwater fish populations. There is little evidence, however, to suggest fish are more susceptible to EDCs relative to other wildlife. Notwithstanding this, there are some features of the endocrine physiology of fish that may be particularly susceptible to the effects of EDCs, including the processes of sex-determination and smoltification (in salmonids). Furthermore, their aquatic existence means that fish can be bathed constantly in a solution containing pollutants. In addition, uptake of chemicals readily occurs via the gills and skin, as well as via the diet (the major exposure route for most EDCs in terrestrial animals). The exposure of fish early life stages to the cocktail of EDCs present in some aquatic environments may be of particular concern, given that this is an especially vulnerable period in their development. The challenge, from the point of view of ecological risk assessment, is to determine effects of EDCs on freshwater fish populations and freshwater ecosystems. In order to meet this challenge, high-quality data are required on the population biology of freshwater fish, on the effects of EDCs on their various life history characteristics, and comprehensive and appropriate population models. Basic information on the population biology of most species of wild freshwater fish is, however, extremely limited, and needs significant improvement for use in deriving a sound understanding of how EDCs affect fish population sustainability. Notwithstanding this, we need to start to undertake possible/probable predictions of population level effects of EDCs using data derived from the effects found in individual fish. Furthermore, information on the geographical extent of endocrine disruption in freshwater fish is vital for understanding the impact of EDCs in fish populations. This can be derived using published statistical associations between endocrine disruption in individual fish and pollutant concentration in receiving waters. Simplistic population models, based on the effects of EDCs on the reproductive success of individual fish can also used to model the likely population responses to EDCs. Wherever there is sufficient evidence for endocrine disruption in freshwater fish and the need for remediation has been established, then there is a need to focus on how these problems can be alleviated. Where industrial chemicals are identified as causative agents, a practical program of tighter regulation for their discharge and/or a switch to alternative chemicals (which do not act as EDCs) is needed. There are recent examples where such strategies have been adopted, and these have been successful in reducing the impacts of EDCs from point source discharges on freshwater fish. Where EDCs are of natural origin (e.g., sex steroid hormones from human and animal waste), however, remediation is a more difficult task. Regulation of the release of these chemicals can probably be achieved only by improvements in treatment processes and/or the implementation of systems that specifically remove and degrade them before their discharge into the aquatic environment.
Pure Appl. Chem., Vol. 75, Nos. 11–12, pp. 2219–2234, 2003.
© 2003 IUPAC
Topic 4.3
Endocrine disruption in wild freshwater fish*
Susan Jobling1,‡ and Charles R. Tyler2
1Department of Biological Sciences, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8
3PH, UK; 2School of Biological Sciences, Hatherly Laboratory, Exeter University,
Exeter, Devon, EX4 4PS, UK
Abstract: Endocrine disruption has been reported in freshwater fish populations around the
world. This phenomenon ranges from subtle changes in the physiology and sexual behavior
of fish to permanently altered sexual differentiation and impairment of fertility. Despite wide-
spread reports of endocrine disruption in fish (and this is well characterized at the individual
level), few studies have demonstrated population-level consequences as a result of exposure
to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). An exception to this is in Lake Ontario Lake trout
where precipitous declines in the population have been linked with periods of high exposure
to organochlorine chemicals (known EDCs). Recently, it has been established that roach
(Rutilus rutilus) exposed to treated sewage effluent (that contains complex mixtures of
EDCs) in UK rivers, have a reduced reproductive capacity. This, in turn, may have popula-
tion-level consequences.
Evidence for a link between exposure to effluents from kraft mill (BKME) and sewage
treatment works (STW) and altered reproductive function in freshwater fish is compelling. In
most cases, however, a causal link between a specific chemical and a physiological effect has
not been established. Indeed, identifying specific chemical(s) responsible for adverse effects
observed in the wild is difficult, given that tens of thousands of man-made chemicals enter
the aquatic environment and that mixtures of chemicals can have combination (e.g., additive)
effects. Some EDCs are known to act at a number of different body targets to affect a variety
of physiological processes, further complicating the identification of the causative agent(s).
Endocrine disruption appears to be particularly widespread in freshwater fish popula-
tions. There is little evidence, however, to suggest fish are more susceptible to EDCs relative
to other wildlife. Notwithstanding this, there are some features of the endocrine physiology
of fish that may be particularly susceptible to the effects of EDCs, including the processes of
sex-determination and smoltification (in salmonids). Furthermore, their aquatic existence
means that fish can be bathed constantly in a solution containing pollutants. In addition, up-
take of chemicals readily occurs via the gills and skin, as well as via the diet (the major ex-
posure route for most EDCs in terrestrial animals). The exposure of fish early life stages to
the cocktail of EDCs present in some aquatic environments may be of particular concern,
given that this is an especially vulnerable period in their development.
The challenge, from the point of view of ecological risk assessment, is to determine ef-
fects of EDCs on freshwater fish populations and freshwater ecosystems. In order to meet
this challenge, high-quality data are required on the population biology of freshwater fish, on
the effects of EDCs on their various life history characteristics, and comprehensive and ap-
*Report from a SCOPE/IUPAC project: Implication of Endocrine Active Substances for Human and Wildlife (J. Miyamoto and
J. Burger, editors). Other reports are published in this issue, Pure Appl. Chem. 75, 1617–2615 (2003).
Corresponding author
propriate population models. Basic information on the population biology of most species of
wild freshwater fish is, however, extremely limited, and needs significant improvement for
use in deriving a sound understanding of how EDCs affect fish population sustainability.
Notwithstanding this, we need to start to undertake possible/probable predictions of popula-
tion level effects of EDCs using data derived from the effects found in individual fish.
Furthermore, information on the geographical extent of endocrine disruption in freshwater
fish is vital for understanding the impact of EDCs in fish populations. This can be derived
using published statistical associations between endocrine disruption in individual fish and
pollutant concentration in receiving waters. Simplistic population models, based on the ef-
fects of EDCs on the reproductive success of individual fish can also used to model the likely
population responses to EDCs. Wherever there is sufficient evidence for endocrine disruption
in freshwater fish and the need for remediation has been established, then there is a need to
focus on how these problems can be alleviated. Where industrial chemicals are identified as
causative agents, a practical program of tighter regulation for their discharge and/or a switch
to alternative chemicals (which do not act as EDCs) is needed. There are recent examples
where such strategies have been adopted, and these have been successful in reducing the im-
pacts of EDCs from point source discharges on freshwater fish. Where EDCs are of natural
origin (e.g., sex steroid hormones from human and animal waste), however, remediation is a
more difficult task. Regulation of the release of these chemicals can probably be achieved
only by improvements in treatment processes and/or the implementation of systems that
specifically remove and degrade them before their discharge into the aquatic environment.
Endocrine disruption has been reported in freshwater fish populations in various parts of the world [re-
viewed in 1,2]. This phenomenon ranges from subtle changes in the physiology and sexual behavior of
fish, to permanently altered sexual differentiation and impairment of fertility. Most of the data comes
from studies in Europe and America, although evidence for endocrine disruption in freshwater fish has
also been reported in Australia [3] and Japan [4]. Biological effects in wild freshwater fish that have
been attributed to the effects of endocrine disruptors include the inappropriate production of the blood
protein vitellogenin (VTG; the female-specific and estrogen-dependent egg yolk protein precursor) in
male and juvenile fish, inhibited ovarian or testicular development, abnormal blood steroid concentra-
tions, intersexuality and/or masculinization or feminization of the internal or external genitalia, im-
paired reproductive output, precocious male and/or female maturation, increased ovarian atresia (in fe-
male fish), reduced spawning success, reduced hatching success and/or larval survival, altered growth
and development (thyroid hormone-like effects) and alterations in early development (altered rate or
pattern) [2]. These effects may arise due to disruption of a range of endocrine-mediated mechanisms
(including receptor-mediated processes, and/or interference with steroid metabolism and/or excretion),
although nonendocrine toxicity could also explain some of these effects. Overall, current scientific ev-
idence strongly suggests that certain effects observed in freshwater fish can be attributed to cocktails of
chemicals that mimic and/or disrupt hormone function/balance. In most cases, however, the evidence of
a causal link between a specific physiological disruptor and a specific effect is weak, largely due to the
fact that freshwater fish and, indeed, all other wildlife, are exposed to a wide range of chemicals, that
act at a number of different body targets, to affect a variety of physiological processes. Sewage treat-
ment works (STWs), for example, (which often receive domestic, industrial and/or agricultural waste)
release a complex (and ill-defined) mixture of natural and synthetic chemicals into the aquatic envi-
ronment, following their partial or complete biodegradation during the treatment process. It is estimated
that 60 000 man-made chemicals are in routine use worldwide and most of these enter the aquatic en-
vironment [5]. Identifying specific chemical(s) responsible for adverse effects observed in the wild is,
thus, difficult and requires extensive laboratory studies to support the hypotheses drawn from field stud-
© 2003 IUPAC, Pure and Applied Chemistry 75, 2219–2234
ies. Moreover, very recent studies investigating the interactive effects of mixtures of estrogenic chemi-
cals in fish, using vitellogenin induction as an endpoint, have shown that combinations of steroid es-
trogens, alkylphenolic chemicals and a pesticide (methoxychlor) are additive in their effect [6]. This
highlights the fact that even chemicals that are have slight effects on the endocrine system should be
taken into consideration when assessing the effects of chemical mixtures in freshwater fish. A weak link
in establishing whether observed adverse effects in freshwater fish are caused by exposure to EDCs is
the lack of data documenting what freshwater fish are actually exposed to and what they take up into
their bodies. Moreover, there is often a large discrepancy between the relatively high levels of pollu-
tants generally used in laboratory studies and the low levels of these pollutants that actually occur in the
aquatic environment. Exposures of fish to environmentally relevant concentrations of EDCs (and at the
relevant life stages) are essential to adequately evaluate exposure/response relationships in field studies
and produce credible risk assessments.
Although there is a considerable amount of evidence for endocrine disruption in wild freshwater fish,
only in a very few cases has a causal link between the presence of EDCs in freshwaters and altered en-
docrine function in exposed fish populations been demonstrated. In order to determine causality be-
tween an EDC and a particular perturbation, clearly, a relationship between exposure to the putative
stressor and the effect of concern needs to be firmly established (e.g., decline in the population or re-
duced fertility). For a chemical to be designated an endocrine disrupter, exposure to the stressor has to
result in an endocrine-mediated event (and at the relevant exposure concentration that occurs in the en-
vironment) that ultimately results in an effect of concern. In the following section of the review, docu-
mented examples of endocrine disruption in wild freshwater fish are described. Those examples for
which there is considerable evidence for a link between exposure and effect are described first, followed
by cases where the evidence is less convincing and/or where further research is much needed in order
to provide a definitive association.
Reproductive abnormalities in freshwater fish living downstream of pulp- and paper-
mill effluents
Over the last 10 years, a number of species of freshwater fish in Canada (white sucker, Catostomus com-
mersoni; longnose sucker, Catostomus catostomus; lake whitefish, Coregonus clupea formis [7–15])
and Europe (perch, Perca fluviatilis; roach, Rutilus rutilus; [16,17]) living downstream of pulp- and
paper-mill effluents have been found to exhibit an array of altered features in their reproductive devel-
opment, including reductions in gonadal growth, inhibition of spermatogenesis, depressed sex steroids,
reduced pituitary hormone concentrations, and delayed sexual maturity. In the studies on perch (but not
for the suckers) viability of the developing larvae was also affected [18]. Lowered egg production and
delayed reproduction have also been induced in fathead minnows in life-long exposures to bleached
kraft mill effluents (BKMEs) [19]. Furthermore, the endocrine changes seen in wild fish are less severe
during periods of reduced effluent discharge [20] and decrease with increasing distance from the efflu-
ent outfalls into the rivers. There is, thus, very strong evidence to suggest that something in the BKME
is causing the adverse effects seen. The causative agents responsible for these reproductive effects in
fish in Canada and Europe have, however, not been identified [21], although in a very recent in vivo
study, using a toxicity identification and evaluation approach, Hewitt et al. [22] were able to provide the
first evidence that at least one of the effects (the depression in steroid hormone concentrations) seen in
wild fish in the vicinity of pulp mills may be due to products of the degradation of lignin. The authors
showed that these chemicals were present in active fractions of the effluent that caused depressions in
serum testosterone concentrations in mummichogs both in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, although not
proven, other studies have suggested that the reproductive effects may (at least in part) be mediated
© 2003 IUPAC, Pure and Applied Chemistry 75, 2219–2234
Endocrine disruption in wild freshwater fish 2221
through disruption of the process of steroidogenesis, by affecting the availability of cholesterol and
pregnenolone and thus impairing steroid production by the gonads [23,24]. Still other in vitro studies
suggest that mixtures of both estrogenic (e.g., β-sitosterol, lignans, stilbenes, and resin acids [25,26])
and androgenic chemicals (e.g., stigmastanol and a β-sitosterol degradation products [27]), together
with Ah-receptor agonists (e.g., polychlorinated dibenzofurans and thianthrenes, dibenzothiphenes, and
diphenyl sulfides), are found in these effluents, and these studies are supported by in vivo studies that
show that white suckers, living in the vicinity of BKME discharges, rapidly accumulate chemicals that
bind to the estrogen receptor, androgen receptor, and sex steroid binding protein [28]. Another study
showed that during the spawning migration of white sucker in Jackfish Bay in Canada, returning fish
were found to have altered pituitary function, as determined by depressed levels of luteinizing hormone
(LH) in males and females compared with control fish from a reference location [29]. When taken to-
gether, the evidence shows clearly that the endocrine disrupters within BKME act at many targets in the
hypothalamic-pituitary-gonad axis. Although it has not (thus far) been possible to link endocrine dis-
ruption (leading to deleterious effects on reproduction and development) in these various species of fish
to a specific chemical or group of chemicals, it is clear that the endocrine effects are clearly linked to
the constituents of pulp-mill effluents.
Interestingly, the multiplicity of androgenic-, estrogenic-, and steroidogenesis-inhibiting chemi-
cals in paper-mill effluents reported for BKMEs in Canada has not been reported for BKMEs in Florida,
USA. Instead, in Florida, only androgenic effects have been identified. In these studies, development of
a male gonopodium was observed in female mosquito fish exposed to BKME (an androgenic effect
[30,31]), but no apparent feminizing effects were seen in males. A recent in vitro study by Parks et al.
[32] determined that the pulp-mill effluent from a Florida mill exhibited androgenic activity (deter-
mined by transcriptional activity of the androgen receptor) at levels sufficient to account for the mas-
culinization of the female mosquitofish. It is not yet known whether the differences in effects of BKME
on fish in Florida and Canada are due to differences in species sensitivities, or to different substances
discharged into the BKME in Canada compared with that in Florida. Further characterization of the ef-
fluents is needed to more fully understand causation. The ecological significance of the physiological
effects of BKME are not known, but could be hypothesized to result in the gradual impairment and
eventual loss of reproductive function after continued BKME exposure. These seemingly intuitive pop-
ulation-level predictions have not, however, been observed directly in any wild population of fish ex-
posed to BKME. Indeed, some recent evidence suggests the contrary, LeBlanc et al. [33], for example,
recently observed a reduction in the intensity and duration of the spawning period in Fundulus hetero-
clitus exposed to BKME in the Mirichami Estuary, New Brunswick, Canada, but they also reported a
simultaneous marked increase in reproductive investment and increased fecundity in these individuals.
Reproductive abnormalities in freshwater fish living downstream of sewage treatment
works discharges
There is considerable (and increasing) evidence for endocrine disruption in freshwater fish populations
living in stretches of river downstream of treated sewage effluent discharges in Europe [34–40], Canada
and America [41–43] as well as more recent evidence of endocrine disruption in riverine carp in Osaka
in Japan [4]. In the original work on freshwater fish, conducted in the United Kingdom, it was estab-
lished that effluents from treated sewage effluents were estrogenic, inducing the production of vitel-
logenin, in male fish [44]. Vitellogenin is normally synthesized by the liver in female oviparous (egg-
laying) vertebrates in response to estrogen and is sequestered by developing oocytes and stored as yolk
to act as a nutrient reserve for the subsequent development of the embryo [45]. The production of VTG,
therefore, is usually restricted to females. Male fish however, do contain the VTG gene(s), and expo-
sure to both natural and synthetic estrogens can trigger its expression, resulting in the secretion of VTG
in the blood plasma [46]. Vitellogenin is now one of the most widely used biomarkers for exposure to
estrogen(s) in fish in freshwaters and it has been detected in the blood of both male and juvenile fish in
© 2003 IUPAC, Pure and Applied Chemistry 75, 2219–2234
rivers, lakes and streams contaminated by effluents from STWs and/or mixtures of estrogens [reviewed
in 47]. Although almost all effluents tested in the United Kingdom have been shown to be estrogenic,
causing induction of VTG in exposed male fish, there are some STW effluents in the United States that
do not appear to be estrogenic to fish (they do not induce VTG [48,49]), probably due to the large di-
lution that occurs when the effluent reaches the receiving river and/or to the more extensive sewage
treatment processes that are in place at these sites.
In addition to VTG production, exposure to treated sewage effluents has also been associated with
deleterious effects on gonad differentiation and development [3,4,34–43,50] in various species of fish
and with the abnormal development (feminization) of secondary sexual characteristics in male
mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) in Australia [3]. The most thoroughly studied effects are concerned
with the widespread incidence of intersex reported in some species of freshwater fish in the United
Kingdom, parts of Continental Europe, and the United States. Freshwater fish species in which an oc-
currence of intersex has been reported and deemed to be abnormal include the roach (R. rutilus [37]),
bream (Abramis abramis [34,35]), the chub [38], gudgeon (Gobio gobio [36]), the barbel (Barbus ple-
bejus [39]), the perch (Perca fluviatilis), the stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus [40]), and the shovel-
nose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platyorynchus [41]). Intersex as a consequence to exposure to effluent
has been most intensively studied in the roach, a cyprinid fish common throughout lowland rivers in the
United Kingdom and Europe. At some river sites downstream from large STW discharges in the United
Kingdom, all of the “male” roach population has been reported to be intersex [37]. Intersex roach often
have both male and female reproductive ducts, and many also have female germ cells (oocytes) within
a predominantly male “testis”. The number, pattern, and developmental stage of oocytes within testic-
ular tissue in intersex roach vary greatly; the condition ranges from the presence of single primary
oocytes scattered randomly throughout testicular tissue in a mosaic fashion, to a condition in the more
severely feminized fish, where large areas of ovarian tissue occur that are clearly separated from testic-
ular tissue [50]. Intersex roach also often have an altered endocrine status (altered plasma sex steroid
hormone concentrations), and an elevated concentration of plasma VTG relative to normal male fish
[51] and gonadal growth is often inhibited in severely intersex roach. More recent studies suggest that
intersex roach (R. rutilus) also have impaired fertility relative to normal male fish from reference sites.
Small numbers of wild roach in UK rivers were found that could not produce any gametes at all due to
the presence of severely disrupted gonadal ducts [52]. Fertilization and hatchability studies have further
shown that intersex roach (even with a low level of gonadal disruption—“mildly intersex”) are com-
promised in their reproductive capacity and produce fewer offspring than fish from uncontaminated
sites. In these studies, an inverse correlation was demonstrated between reproductive performance (de-
fined as the ability to produce viable offspring) in intersex roach and severity of gonadal intersex. This,
in turn suggests that the intersex condition is quite likely to have population level consequences, al-
though further studies on wild populations are necessary to confirm or refute this.
In contrast to the effects observed in male roach, effects in female roach living in rivers contam-
inated by treated sewage effluents in UK rivers were less obvious [52]: There was a higher incidence of
oocyte atresia and a slight, but statistically significant, lower fecundity in effluent-exposed fish com-
pared with females from the reference sites. Interestingly, at some river sites, small proportions (up to
14 %) of the adult female fish (aged between 3 and 7 years) were sexually immature or sexually indif-
ferent, and, although not proven, it is possible that these effects are also due to endocrine disruption.
There is substantive evidence (principally from lab-based studies, see below) to support that hy-
pothesis that gonadal disruption in wild freshwater fish, inhabiting rivers that receive treated sewage ef-
fluents, is caused by estrogenic substances contained within these effluents. Moreover, the statistical as-
sociations between the various gonadal abnormalities that occur in wild freshwater fish and plasma
VTG concentrations [34,37,51], adds further weight to the evidence that suggests these effects are all
caused by estrogenic factors within the effluent.
Analyses of treated sewage effluents using toxicity, identification, and evaluation (TIE) ap-
proaches have shown that estrogens and their mimics are present in most, if not all, treated sewage ef-
© 2003 IUPAC, Pure and Applied Chemistry 75, 2219–2234
Endocrine disruption in wild freshwater fish 2223
fluents [53–55]. Studies in the United Kingdom have indicated that alkylphenolic compounds (e.g.,
nonylphenol, NP) and low levels of natural and synthetic steroidal estrogens (estradiol-17βestrone and
17αethynylestradiol) are the primary estrogenic constituents of sewage effluents [53]. Moreover, lab-
oratory studies have shown that the concentrations of the 17αethynylestradiol, estradiol-17β, and es-
trone [6,44,55–58] or (in some industrial effluents) alkylphenolic chemicals [6,52], present in STW ef-
fluent in England are sufficient to explain the induction of vitellogenin synthesis in caged fish placed
close to effluent discharges. Many rivers (in which the fish live) contain more dilute STW effluent, and
thus the concentrations of estrogens in these rivers may not be high enough to induce plasma VTG that
is seen in wild fish (based on short-term exposures). Longer-term exposures of freshwater fish to efflu-
ents have, however, been shown to reduce the threshold level for effect; a study by Rodgers-Gray et al.
[59] found that exposure of roach to a STW effluent for 1 month induced a vitellogenic response at an
effluent concentration of 37.9 +/– 2.3 %, but at an effluent concentration of only 9.4 +/– 0.9 %, after a
4-month exposure. The abnormal occurrence of VTG in wild freshwater fish is thus likely to occur, in
many cases, as a result of long-term exposure to mixtures of estrogens present in effluents. It is proba-
ble that natural and synthetic estrogens, and in some instances, alkylphenolic chemicals found in STW
effluents, also cause the effects on gonadal development and differentiation, and play a part in the evo-
lution of intersexuality in wild fish; both groups of chemicals have been shown to do this under labo-
ratory conditions. Concentrations of steroid estrogens and/or xenoestrogens required to induce these ef-
fect on the gonad, however, are higher than found in most effluents [e.g., 60–62], with the exception of
some highly polluted rivers, and/or in times of drought (when river flow is low and the contribution
made by effluent is high). Few studies have investigated whether environmentally relevant concentra-
tions of estrogens within effluents, or indeed, the effluents themselves can cause the effects on the
gonad duct seen in wild freshwater fish populations. In a study in which juvenile roach were exposed
to a treated sewage effluent, it was proven that feminization of the development of the gonadal duct
(prevalent in wild roach in UK and European rivers) occurs as a consequence of exposure to treated
sewage effluent during the period of sexual differentiation [63]. Furthermore, a lab-based study has
shown that gonad duct disruption can be induced in fish exposed to ethinyloestradiol at a concentration
found in some treated effluents, when the exposure occurs during early life [64]. Although it is theo-
retically possible to produce an intersex or sex-reversed fish by exposure to sex steroid hormones or
alkylphenols (usually during early life), in relatively short-term exposures, even higher concentrations
are required to do so than for those inducing duct disruption. Furthermore, induction of altered sex cell
development has not been shown in fish exposed to sewage effluents in controlled experiments. The rea-
sons for this might be that the effluents used for the exposures [63] did not contain a sufficient concen-
tration of the causative agent(s) and/or that the appropriate life stages have not been exposed and/or that
the fish were not exposed long enough to cause this effect (the maximum duration of these exposures
was 4 months). In our own unpublished studies on wild roach, we have found a positive correlation be-
tween the age of the fish (length of the exposure) and the severity of the intersex condition. This sug-
gests that in real exposure scenarios (such as roach living in an effluent contaminated river in the United
Kingdom), the longevity of the exposure might be of greater importance for disruptions in sex cell de-
velopment (inducing oocytes in the testis), than the window in development during which the exposure
occurs. In support of this hypothesis, NP has been shown to induce ovo-testes in the medaka, at a con-
centration of only 17 µg/l in the water when the exposure was life-long [65].
In summary, it seems that exposure of freshwater fish in the wild to natural steroidal and synthetic
estrogens and, in some instances, alkylphenols cause inappropriate VTG induction and disruptions in
the development of the reproductive ducts. Although not yet proven, it seems likely that these chemi-
cals are also responsible for (or at least significantly contribute to) the occurrence of oocytes in the
testes of male fish, for retarded testicular and ovarian development and delayed maturation.
© 2003 IUPAC, Pure and Applied Chemistry 75, 2219–2234
Early life stage mortality syndrome and blue sac disease
There are very few studies that have demonstrated that freshwater fish are being impacted at the popu-
lation level by exposure to a specific chemical (including EDCs). One such case, however, is for lake
trout (Salvelinus namaycush) living in Lake Ontario where exposure to tetrachlorodibenzodifuran
(TCDD) and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) caused population declines because of nega-
tive impacts on reproductive success and early life survival [reviewed in 66]. The organochlorines in-
duced a condition called blue sac disease, which is characterized by yolk sac edema, hemorrhaging,
cranofacial abnormalities, and mortality in early larval development. Lake trout populations in Ontario
declined precipitously during the 1950s when environmental concentrations of organochlorine chemi-
cals were the at their highest. Subsequent, retrospective studies (based on measured PCB, PCDF, and
PCDD residues in dated sediment cores) have established a strong relationship between the concentra-
tions of TCDD, PCDDs, and PCDFs and the observed historical trends in lake trout reproduction, in-
cluding the more recent signs of successful reproduction [67,68]. Laboratory studies have also shown
that exposure to Ah (aryl-hydrocarbon) receptor agonists, including TCDD and coplanar PCBs, induces
blue sac disease [69], but there is no evidence to show that these effects occur through an endocrine-
mediated mechanism.
Reduced hatching success, low embryo survival, and slower rates of development in fry have also
been reported in lake trout in the Great Lakes [70,71] and in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) in Lake
Geneva [72] and causally linked with exposure to coplanar PCBs, TCDDs, and PCDFs. Other condi-
tions found in the Great Lakes fish during the 1960–1980s including early mortality syndrome and (in
Baltic salmon) M74, resulting from thiamine deficiency, were thought to have a chemical etiology [73].
Like blue sac disease, M74 affects fry and is characterized by a loss of equilibrium, spiral swimming,
lethargy, hemorrhaging, and death. There are data correlating incidences of M74 in Baltic salmon to el-
evated body burdens of PCDFs and coplanar PCBs and DDT [e.g., 74,75]. In none of these examples
on fish in the Great Lakes, however, is there sufficient evidence to link the effects seen to a specific en-
docrine disruptor and/or their mixtures. Furthermore, the mechanisms via which these effects occur are
generally unknown, and thus ascribing these effects to endocrine disruption at this time would be inap-
Thyroid dysfunction in Great Lakes fish
Alterations in thyroid function have been reported in several wild populations of fish as a consequence
of disruptions in their endocrine systems. Epizootics of thyroid hyperplasia and hypertrophy (affecting
the whole population) have been reported in various species of salmonids in heavily polluted regions of
the Great Lakes in the United States [76–79]. Although enlargement of the thyroid gland can occur as
a result of iodine deficiency in the diet, this has been ruled out as a causative factor in the case of these
salmonids. It was originally hypothesized that organochlorine contaminants, functioning as EDCs
might be responsible for these effects [79]. Studies in the laboratory have shown that goiters and de-
pressed thyroid hormone concentrations can be induced in rodents fed with contaminated fish from the
Great Lakes, although fish fed with the same contaminated fish did not develop thyroid lesions [80,81].
Laboratory-based studies, however, have failed to identify the causative chemicals of these thyroid dis-
ruptions in the wild fish [reviewed in 82]. In summary, more than 40 years after the discovery of the
thyroid dysfunctions in salmonids in the Great Lakes, although a chemical etiology has been estab-
lished, the mechanism (endocrine, or otherwise) via which these effects occur is still uncertain. Very re-
cently, thyroid abnormalities were also reported in mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus) from a pol-
luted site (Piles Creek, New Jersey, USA) in the United States [83]. These effects have been loosely
associated with exposure to a range of contaminants, especially mercury and petroleum hydrocarbons.
When taken together, these studies suggest that thyroid function in fish appears to be sensitive to con-
taminant exposure generally.
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Disruptions in adrenal physiology
There is a limited amount of evidence to suggest that environmental contaminants chronically stress
fish, resulting in a compromised responsiveness of the HPI axis [84–89]. For example, Hontela et al.
[84–86] demonstrated that yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and Northern pike (Esox lucius) from sites
in Canada contaminated with heavy metals, PCBs, and PAHs were unable to produce cortisol in re-
sponse to acute handling stress. Moreover, the adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)-producing cells
(corticotrophs) in these fish were severely atrophied. Other studies by Hontela [87] have shown that
both corticotrophs and the interrenal steroid producing cells undergo atrophy when fish are exposed to
PAHs, PCBs, and heavy metals. It was speculated by the authors that the atrophy of the cells was a re-
sult of prolonged secretory hyperactivity of the cells. This hypothesis was later supported by studies on
brown trout living in metal-contaminated waters that were shown to be hyper secreting ACTH and cor-
ticotrophin-releasing hormone [88,89]. More research is necessary to establish if the effects seen on the
interrenal axis during exposure to specific contaminants have consequences to the health of affected fish
Endocrine disruption appears to be particularly widespread in freshwater fish populations. There is lit-
tle evidence, however, to suggest that fish are more susceptible to EDCs relative to other wildlife.
Indeed, the evidence available on receptor binding affinities for chemicals that mimic sex steroid hor-
mone, thyroid, and retinoic acid receptors suggests that vertebrates are likely to be similarly sensitive
to environmental EDCs. Furthermore, there are many more similarities between the endocrine systems
of fish and other higher vertebrates, notably with respect to the nature of the hormones, their receptors,
and in the regulatory control of their endocrine system [7]. Notwithstanding this, there are more than
10 000 species of freshwater fish worldwide, displaying a high degree of heterogeneity in their physi-
ology, anatomy, behavior, and ecology, and there are some features of the endocrine physiology of
freshwater fish that may be particularly susceptible to the effects of EDCs, including those that deter-
mine sex (sex determination in fish has been shown to be especially sensitive to steroid hormones) and
the process of smoltification in salmonids.
Living in the aquatic environment, fish can be bathed constantly in a solution of chemical pollu-
tants. Furthermore, uptake of chemicals into fish can readily occur via the gills and skin, as well as via
the diet (the major route of exposure to EDCs in terrestrial animals) [90]. Features of the gills includ-
ing thin epithelial membranes and a large surface area coupled with the relatively high ventilation rates
that occur in fish, facilitate the uptake of compounds from the water and their transfer into the blood
stream. Some freshwater fish species are also top-predators and thus, are likely to bioconcentrate EDCs
to a greater degree than other organisms at lower trophic levels. Freshwater fish are hypo-osmotic with
their surroundings and thus a considerable movement of water into their bodies occurs down an osmotic
gradient (taking chemicals with it). A major route of exposure to EDCs in fish during early life is from
contaminants that have accumulated in lipid reserves within the egg as a consequence of maternal trans-
fer during ovary development. These contaminants that have accumulated in the egg are mobilized
when the lipid reserves are metabolized to fuel embryo development, exposing early life stages to es-
pecially high concentrations of EDCs at a time of greatest vulnerability to disruptions in their develop-
ing endocrine system. Furthermore, early life stages of fish have a limited capacity to metabolize and
excrete contaminants, including EDCs. In situ exposures of fish have been used to assess both the
bioavailability of EDCs, contained within complex mixtures, such as treated sewage effluents, and to
determine non-point sources of pollution (agricultural run-off) and their biological effects. In such stud-
ies on rainbow trout, Larsson et al. [91] reported significant bioconcentration factors (in bile) for natu-
ral and synthetic sex steroid hormones (17β-estradiol, estrone, 17αethinylestradiol) of up to 10 000-
© 2003 IUPAC, Pure and Applied Chemistry 75, 2219–2234
fold after a 3-week exposure, whereas xenoestrogens (e.g., nonylphenol and bisphenol) bioconcentrate
by several hundred to 1000-fold. Hewitt et al. [28] similarly obtained evidence for a very rapid uptake
of EDCs in fish exposed to BKME, but here they also demonstrated that a rapid depuration of these
chemicals occurs too. Apart from these two studies, however, there is very little information on the bio-
availabilty of EDCs in wild fish or caged fish exposed to effluent discharges.
Another important issue that complicates determination of cause–effect relationships for EDCs,
that is sometimes overlooked, is the possible time lag between the time of exposure and the biological
response. Fish for example, living in the vicinity of sewage effluent outfalls will accumulate harmful
contaminants in their tissues which may not cause any immediate deleterious effects, but which might
affect the embryo development of their subsequent offspring. The biological responses in freshwater
fish are very often especially influenced by physical environmental features, and concentrations of con-
taminants in the aquatic environment can vary widely temporally, and hence responses and effects may
vary with season. All of these considerations are rarely taken into account in the analysis and interpre-
tation of field-simulated exposures.
Endocrine disruption has only been studied in a small proportion of freshwater fish species, and data on
cyprinids and salmonids dominate the literature. The differences in the sensitivities of different fish
species to the effects of EDCs has not been comprehensively examined, although studies on the effects
of pulp mill [92] and STW effluents [93], respectively, suggest that inter-species differences in sensi-
tivity are likely to exist, between some fish species. Moreover, given the fact that endocrine disruption
is commonly associated with exposure to effluents from domestic or industrial processes that enter
rivers and streams, it seems likely that endocrine disruption in freshwater fish is more widespread than
is currently documented. In the United Kingdom, for example, there are more than 70 000 consented
discharges and 6500 of these are STW. Worldwide, each year, more than 5000 km3of water are used
[94], and this figure is increasing every year. Furthermore, in some rivers, at times of low flow, up to
80 % of the river volume is made up of STW effluent discharge and this figure can be even higher in
periods of drought. Using established statistical associations between endocrine disruption in freshwa-
ter fish and effluent dilution in receiving waters, theoretical predictions of the geographical extent of
endocrine disruption can be estimated. In the United Kingdom, our own unpublished predictions, based
on a statistical association between the concentration and dilution of the sewage effluent and the degree
of feminization in wild fish exposed to the effluent, indicate that intersex fish are likely to exist at more
than 50 % of 464 river sites that have effluent discharges with a population equivalent of more than
10 000. These predictions can be made using simple associative data from surveys of endocrine disrup-
tion in fish from a limited number of rivers (eight, in this case). Obviously, the more rivers from which
one collects data, the better the predictions are likely to be. In our studies on roach in eight UK rivers,
the following equation has been derived linking intersex in roach with effluent concentration in the
rivers from where they were sampled: log (y+ 1) = (0.000 002 88 * x) + 0.203 where y= the intersex
index and x= the concentration of effluent in the river (calculated by dividing the population equiva-
lent of the effluent by the dilution factor for that effluent upon its entry into the river). The intersex index
is a numerical index used to describe the degree of feminization of the gonads, based on their histolog-
ical appearance [37]. The results from the UK analyses in roach for predicting intersexuality are illus-
trated in Fig. 1. This predictive map is now being validated, through determining the actual (observed)
incidence of intersex at 46 of these study sites.
Additional studies in the roach have shown that the intersex index is correlated with fertility of
intersex fish and hence, a predictive map of gamete quality can be constructed using the information on
the intersex index and its relationship with fertility. Using this approach, we have estimated that at ap-
proximately 13 % of the 464 river sites selected for study in the United Kingdom (that receive effluent
discharges with a PE of more than 10000), the degree of intersexuality is estimated to be severe enough
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Fig. 1 Predicted intersex indices for populations of roach living downstream of sewage treatment works in selected
rivers throughout the UK. The results were obtained using the following equation that links intersex in roach with
effluent concentration in the rivers from where they were sampled: log (y+ 1) = (0.000 002 88 * x) + 0.203 where
y= the intersex index and x= the concentration of effluent in the river (calculated by dividing the population
equivalent of the effluent by the dilution factor for that effluent upon its entry into the river). The correlation
between the intersex index and sperm quantity and quality predicts the following effects on fertilization success.
Intersex index: 0–1 = little effect, 1–3 = slight effects, 3–4 = moderate effects, 4–>6: severe effects.
to have deleterious effects on gamete quality (fertilization success of intersex individuals would be pre-
dicted to be less than 60 %). At a further 16 % of the sites, the gamete quality of intersex and/or male
fish would be predicted to be impaired, relative to male fish from reference sites. This system could be
extended to other fish populations exposed to sewage and other types of effluent in order to provide a
predictive map of the reproductive effects of endocrine disruption in freshwater fish populations world-
Notwithstanding this, in any predictive study of ED in freshwater fish, it is important to establish
the influence of age or longevity of exposure upon the effect that one is measuring. Our own investiga-
tions into the inter-relationships between age and intersexuality, for example, suggest that the intra-site
variability in the degree of feminization that one observes in wild intersex roach is severely influenced
by the ages of the fish collected, as older fish are more feminized than their younger counterparts
(Jobling, unpublished data). Consequently, a perceived difference in the incidence and severity of in-
tersex in fish collected from several different sites may be due to the differential age distributions of the
fish sampled, rather than to differences in the endocrine-disrupting potencies of the various waters from
whence the fish were collected.
Much of the research on the effects of EDCs in freshwater fish has focused on effects at the individual
level. A major challenge, from the point of view of ecological risk assessment, is to determine effects
of endocrine disruption on populations and ecosystems. In order to meet this challenge, high-quality
data on the population biology of freshwater fish, effects of EDCs on their various life history charac-
teristics, and comprehensive and appropriate population models are needed. Basic information on the
population biology of most species of wild freshwater fish is, however, extremely limited and it needs
significant improvement for use in deriving a sound understanding of how EDCs affect fish population
sustainability. Population growth rate in fish is determined by the balance between birth rate and the
mortality rate. Collective fecundity and mortality thus predict the population’s fate. In a large popula-
tion with a stable age structure and sex ratio, future population size can be predicted from life table and
fecundity data. This assumes, however, that each individual has an equal chance of contributing genes
to the next generation, and this rarely happens in practice due to unequal sex ratios, differences in in-
dividual fertility, nonrandom mating, and variation in age structure. All of these factors influence the
number of breeding individuals and hence, variation in the effective population size. In fish, juveniles
are often not recruited to the adult population until they are 2–4 years old, and hence juvenile mortal-
ity and the rate of sexual maturity have a major bearing on the number of breeding individuals. Various
external factors enhance population growth and others limit, and even prevent, population growth, and
many of these are dependent on the density of the population. The most common density-dependent fac-
tors that limit population growth are food supply, space, predators, disease, and parasitism. Population-
limiting factors in fish that are independent of population density include abiotic factors such as drought
or floods.
Many of the parameters affecting fish population growth rate and sustainability are difficult to
measure accurately in the field and are consequently, poorly understood. Whilst endocrine disrupters
are known to affect factors such as individual fertility, and rate of sexual maturation and fecundity, a
thorough assessment of these effects would require very extensive studies on the general life history and
population biology of the exposed species compared with a reference population. Moreover, population
declines are not usually caused by only one factor alone, but occur because of the effects of a multitude
of factors.
Notwithstanding this, there are some examples in freshwater fish where there is substantial in-
formation on the consequences of endocrine disruption—on key reproductive parameters at the indi-
vidual level, either from studies of wild populations, or from laboratory studies in which fish have been
exposed to concentrations of EDCs known to be present in freshwaters. In the roach, for example, UK
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studies have provided sufficient evidence to show that widespread intersexuality, as a result of exposure
to estrogenic sewage effluents, results in reduced fertility; there is a negative correlation between the
degree of feminization of the intersex fish and their fertilization success (r= –0.603; p< 0.001). This
information could be used albeit simplistically, to model the likely population responses to endocrine
disruptors in the wild (in the absence of other factors that might also affect the population). Basic pop-
ulation models are already available, for this purpose. In a recent paper, Gleason and Nacci [95] at-
tempted to model the effects of exposure to 1-estradiol on populations of fathead minnow based
(based on laboratory studies that showed egg production by females was negatively correlated with
plasma VTG concentrations in the exposed males). The model predicted a negative linear correlation
between the population growth rate of populations of fathead minnow and plasma vitellogenin produc-
tion in males. Although these predictions are based on simple density-independent population models
that require verification in realistic settings, they nevertheless provide a starting place for projecting
population responses to EDCs from lab-based studies.
This account illustrates that there is very good evidence for endocrine disruption in freshwater fish. In
order to more comprehensively assess the importance of endocrine disruption in freshwater fish, how-
ever, it will be necessary to put endocrine disruption into context with other environmental pressures
that face freshwater fish populations. In our opinion, this will require research to define the global ex-
tent of the problem by expanding studies of endocrine disruption to other parts of the world and stud-
ies to extrapolate effects on individual fish to predict effects on populations and higher levels of bio-
logical organization.
Assessment of the extent of the problem of endocrine disruption in freshwater fish requires a more
widespread sampling of a variety of wild populations of fish, ideally using nondestructive sampling
methodologies and biomarkers. For biomarkers to be meaningful in this regard, efforts need to be di-
rected at determining how they are related to the health of both individuals and populations. The bio-
markers available for monitoring endocrine disruption are rather limited, and development of novel bio-
markers should be encouraged to extend beyond those for estrogenic effects, with an emphasis on
biomarkers that are indicative of reproductive and/or developmental effects and/or population re-
sponses. The presence of VTG in male fish, for example, is known to be negatively correlated with tes-
ticular growth and maturation [96]. In intersex fish, VTG is positively correlated with the degree of go-
nadal feminization [51], and hence also with their perceived reproductive success (which declines with
increased degree of feminization [52]). A widespread assessment of VTG concentrations or of the de-
gree of gonadal feminization in freshwater fish in a particular catchment could thus provide predictive
information on the likely state of the testes or of their likely reproductive success, respectively.
Vitellogenin concentration, however, could not (on its own) be used to directly predict the perceived fer-
tility of a population of fish because even male fish, when exposed to estrogen for short periods of time,
exhibit elevated plasma VTG concentrations, and little is known about the relationship between the tim-
ing and longevity of exposure to estrogen and the manifestation of gonadal feminization. Predictive
maps and models thus need to be interrogated (by conducting both field and lab studies) to establish
their validity. Information on what extent freshwater fish are exposed to EDCs in the wild is lacking,
and hence more information is needed on what EDCs (and their concentrations) are present in the en-
vironment and to what extent they are absorbed and metabolized by freshwater fish. Moreover, the re-
sponses of fish to environmentally relevant mixtures of chemicals (containing EDCs) require further
study and understanding.
Even with more widespread field data, research on endocrine disruption in wild freshwater fish is
likely to be limited to those species in which large numbers of individuals are easily obtainable. A more
global assessment of endocrine disruption in freshwater fish should ideally include the more rare and
vulnerable species, although this is less practical. Current research on endocrine disruption in freshwa-
© 2003 IUPAC, Pure and Applied Chemistry 75, 2219–2234
ter fish is limited to studies on a very few species, and there has been little or no attention given to the
comparative sensitivities of different species of fish to EDCs, or indeed, of other animal species, on
which freshwater fish may be dependent (e.g., many invertebrate species). Furthermore, current risk as-
sessment strategies for endocrine disruption in freshwater fish are based on the responses of laboratory
fish species and are unlikely to represent the full range of fish species that may be at risk in the wild.
Laboratory studies will, therefore, need to be targeted at species with different life histories and differ-
ent reproductive strategies, in order to compare the sensitivities of different fish species to EDCs and
their mixtures. Moreover, an assessment of the implications of endocrine disruption on wild freshwater
fish will require a comprehensive understanding of their physiology, endocrinology, and population bi-
ology, and thus a further recommendation for future research is to develop this information for sentinel
Wherever there is substantive evidence for endocrine disruption in freshwater fish, and the need
for remediation has been established, there is a requirement to focus on how these problems can be al-
leviated. Where high quantities of industrial chemicals are used that are known to cause/contribute to
endocrine disruption in freshwater fish, a program of tighter regulation for their discharge and/or a
switch to alternative greener chemicals (which do not impact the endocrine system) is needed. The suc-
cess of such programs can be illustrated by schemes implemented in both the United States and United
Kingdom that have reduced the concentrations of EDCs discharged (either as a consequence of changes
in industrial processes [97–98], or due to closure of a treatment plant [30]), which subsequently resulted
in concomitant decreases in endocrine disruption in the exposed fish. Many known EDCs cannot, how-
ever, easily be eliminated at source, because they are of natural origin (e.g., sex steroid hormones from
human and animal waste). For these types of contaminants, regulation of their release is likely to be
achieved by improvements in treatment processes and/or the implementation of systems that specifi-
cally remove and degrade them. EDCs also enter the freshwater environment through non-point
sources, but there has been very little study to assess the risk posed by these sources to freshwater fish.
Studies of this nature are also needed.
We gratefully acknowledge the U.K. Environment Agency for provision of data on effluent dilution and
Richard Williams of CEH, Wallingford for his production of the predictive map in Fig. 1.
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© 2003 IUPAC, Pure and Applied Chemistry 75, 2219–2234
... The presence of oestrogens in the environment, originating from both human and animal waste, poses a significant risk to ecological systems and human health. Studies have linked the detection of ooestrogens in aquatic environments to concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), highlighting the potential role of livestock activities in oestrogen lution [20]. Furthermore, the application of animal manure or sludge biosolids to agricultural lands, commonly used as organic fertilisers, has been identified as a key contributor to environmental oestrogen evels [21]. ...
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Environmental pollutants appearing in wastewater, bottled mineral water, tap water, and bottled drinking water are potential, but yet poorly characterized, sources of human exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) globally. Here, we have investigated the level of environmental oestrogen in drinking water (filter/bottle and jar drinking water) in the most densely populated region in Dhaka city. We draw attention in drinking water to the potential risk of intensive modern agriculture and waste disposal systems on oestrogen release levels and their effects on human health. Influent and effluent bimonthly samples were taken at two distinct times throughout the previous and current years (2023 and 2024) from a major water treatment plant (WASA) in Dhaka city. In addition to tap water (direct supply from WASA) from households, different brands of bottled (mineral water), filter drinking water, and jar drinking water were also examined, as were equivalent samples from a household water purification facility situated in the same region. Samples were collected in sterile, one-litre containers, and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to determine the samples' oestrogenic potential. To address this knowledge gap, this study measured the environmental oestrogen level in tap drinking water (jar-container) and bottled drinking water (mineral). Quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) were used to determine concentrations of 17α-ethinyl estradiol (EE2). The highest concentrations were measured in samples taken from the Jar drinking water at 20.0 ng/L, and the lowest was 3.02 ng/L, respectively. The concentrations of 17α-ethinyl estradiol (3.0-20.0 ng/L) varied somewhat between locations and sampling periods (p < 0.00); however, patterns were not consistent. The EE2 concentrations measured in the filter water and bottled water were all undefined values (mostly below 0.01 ng/L), which created difficulties in interpretation due to problems associated with trying to measure such low concentrations with confidence. In this study, we found a higher level of environmental oestrogen in Jar drinking water in this region.
... The presence of oestrogens in the environment, originating from both human and animal waste, poses a significant risk to ecological systems and human health. Studies have linked the detection of ooestrogens in aquatic environments to concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), highlighting the potential role of livestock activities in oestrogen lution [20]. Furthermore, the application of animal manure or sludge biosolids to agricultural lands, commonly used as organic fertilisers, has been identified as a key contributor to environmental oestrogen evels [21]. ...
BACGROUND: Since the inception of global industrialization, steroidal estrogens have become an emerging and serious concern. Worldwide, steroid estrogens, including estrone, estradiol, and estriol, pose serious threats to soil, plants, water resources, and humans. Indeed, estrogens have gained notable attention in recent years due to their rapidly increasing concentrations in soil and water all over the world. Concern has been expressed regarding the entry of estrogens into the human food chain, which in turn relates to how plants take up and metabolism estrogens. OBJECTIVES: In this study, we have explored the environmental fate of estrogens, highlighting their release through effluent sources, their uptake, partitioning, and physiological effects in the ecological system. Currently, many types of organic micropollutants that are considered EDCs (endocrine-disrupting chemicals) have been detected in diverse environments, such as wastewater, rivers, and soil, and these EDCs include pharmaceuticals, personal-care products, antibiotics, pesticides, organic synthetic compounds, and estrogens. For example, in wastewater treatment plant effluent, EDCs are among the major contributors to estrogenic activity. We draw attention in drinking water to the potential risk of intensive modern agriculture and waste disposal systems on estrogen release levels and their effects on human health. METHODS: Influent and effluent bimonthly samples were taken at two distinct times throughout the previous year (2023 and 2024) from a major water treatment plant (WASA) in Dhaka city. In addition to tap water (direct supply from WASA) from households, different brands of bottled (mineral water), filter drinking water, and jar drinking water were also examined, as were equivalent samples from a household water purification facility situated in the same region. Samples were collected in sterile, one-liter containers, and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to determine the samples' estrogenic potential. RESULTS: To address this knowledge gap, this study measured natural and synthetic estrogen concentrations in tap drinking water (jar-container) and bottled drinking water (mineral). Quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) were used to determine concentrations of 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2). The highest concentrations were measured in samples taken from the Jar drinking water at 20.0 ng/L, and the lowest was 3.02 ng/L, respectively. The concentrations of 17α-ethinylestradiol (3.0-20.0 ng/L) varied somewhat between locations and sampling periods (p < 0.00); however, patterns were not consistent. The EE2 concentrations measured in the filter water and bottled water were all undefined values (mostly below 0.01 ng/L), which created difficulties in interpretation due to problems associated with trying to measure such low concentrations with confidence. Given the higher concentrations observed in Jar drinking water and the association of higher estrogen concentrations with increased anility.
... In particular, many studies have investigated how environmental estrogens (EEs), which are endocrine-disrupting chemicals, affect the estrogenic activity of reproductive processes (Bergman, Heindel, Jobling, Kidd, & Zoeller, 2013). Studies on the reproductive activity and next generation production of fish have attracted a great deal of interest because fishes, which are important ecological components in aquatic ecosystems and necessary food resources, are directly exposed to EEs contained in the aquatic environment (Aoki et al., 2010;Hashimoto et al., 2000;Jobling & Tyler, 2003;Liney et al., 2006;Sumpter & Jobling, 1995). ...
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Field surveys of the impact of environmental estrogen (EE) pollution in aquatic wildlife have been conducted using vitellogenin (VTG) as a biomarker to evaluate the influence of EE. However, a standard baseline of VTG level that can be used to evaluate EE pollution has not been fully determined. To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first to determine the standard baseline VTG level for evaluating the biological effects of EE pollution using the Japanese common goby (Acanthogobius flavimanus) as the target model fish. Plasma VTG and estradiol-17β (E 2) levels associated with the reproductive cycle of wild goby inhabiting an unpolluted environment were measured. Mean plasma VTG and E 2 levels exhibited similar changes, increasing in the yolk vesicle stage and peaking in the tertiary yolk stage in females. However, plasma VTG and E 2 levels showed no significant changes in males, remaining at low levels throughout the reproductive cycle. The highest VTG levels in females and males were 1.6 mg ml-1 and 124.87 ng ml-1 , respectively. These results indicate that the baseline level (normal level) in males was approximately 130 ng ml-1 at most. We concluded that the threshold between normal and abnormal levels with a 10% risk rate was 150 ng ml-1 in the wild male goby. Plasma VTG levels in males captured from Nagasaki Harbor were higher than the threshold in each reproductive developmental stage, indicating the possibility of EE pollution at this site. The biological standard baseline for VTG established in this study is useful for assessing EE pollution in natural waters. KEYWORDS environmental estrogen, estradiol-17β, gonadal development, Japanese common goby, standard baseline, vitellogenin
... Particularly significant are the studies with roach (Rutilus rutilus) conducted in the UK starting in the 1980s, where intersex and other feminizing effects, such as increased circulating vitellogenin levels were reported (Jobling et al., 1998). Importantly, researchers reported a significant decline in milt production in intersex males (between 17 and 33%) compared to males from the reference site (97%) (Jobling and Tyler, 2003). It is important to mention that the populations of roach studied in this area have not shown any indications of population decline. ...
... Synthetic progestins interact with the membrane progestin receptors (mPRs), nuclear progestin receptors (PRs), and receptors of other steroid hormones (e.g. mineralocorticoid, estrogen and androgen) and permanently alter the sexual behavior and physiology of fish (Jobling and Tyler, 2003;Johnson et al., 2006;Kumar et al., 2015). In addition to gestagens, equine estrogens, trenbolone, and 17-ethinylestradiol, have also been identified as the most abundant substances in the environment (Christen et al., 2010). ...
Gestagens are common pollutants accumulated in the aquatic ecosystem. Gestagens are comprised of natural gestagens (i.e. progesterone) and synthetic gestagens (i.e. progestins). The major contributors of gestagens in the environment are paper plant mill effluent, wastewater treatment plants, discharge from pharmaceutical manufacturing, and livestock farming. Gestagens present in the aquatic environment interact with progesterone receptors and other steroid hormone receptors, negatively influencing fish reproduction, development, and behavior. In fish, the gonadotropin induces 17α, 20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (DHP) production, an important steroid hormone involved in gametogenesis. DHP interacts with the membrane progestin receptor (mPR), which regulates sperm motility and oocyte maturation. Gestagens also interfere with the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, which results in altered hormone levels in fish. Moreover, recent studies showed that even at low concentrations exposure to gestagens can have detrimental effects on fish reproduction, including reduced egg production, masculinization, feminization in males, and altered sex ratio, raising concerns about their impact on the fish population. This review highlights the hormonal regulation of sperm motility, oocyte maturation, the concentration of environmental gestagens in the aquatic environment, and their detrimental effects on fish reproduction. However, the long-term and combined impacts of multiple gestagens, including their interactions with other pollutants on fish populations and ecosystems are not well understood. The lack of standardized regulations and monitoring protocols for gestagens pollution in wastewater effluent hampers effective control and management. Nonetheless, advancements in analytical techniques and biomonitoring methods provide potential solutions by enabling better detection and quantification of gestagens in aquatic ecosystems.
Sterols are ubiquitous membrane constituents that persist to a large extent in the environment due to their water insolubility and chemical inertness. Recently, an oxygenase-independent sterol degradation pathway was discovered in a cholesterol-grown denitrifying bacterium Sterolibacterium (S.) denitrificans. It achieves hydroxylation of the unactivated primary C26 of the isoprenoid side chain to an allylic alcohol via a phosphorylated intermediate in a four-step ATP-dependent enzyme cascade. However, this pathway is incompatible with the degradation of widely distributed steroids containing a double bond at C22 in the isoprenoid side chain such as the plant sterol stigmasterol. Here, we have enriched a prototypical delta-24 desaturase from S. denitrificans, which catalyzes the electron acceptor-dependent oxidation of the intermediate stigmast-1,4-diene-3-one to a conjugated (22,24)-diene. We suggest an α4β4 architecture of the 440 kDa enzyme, with each subunit covalently binding an flavin mononucleotide cofactor to a histidyl residue. As isolated, both flavins are present as red semiquinone radicals, which can be reduced by stigmast-1,4-diene-3-one but cannot be oxidized even with strong oxidizing agents. We propose a mechanism involving an allylic radical intermediate in which two flavin semiquinones each abstract one hydrogen atom from the substrate. The conjugated delta-22,24 moiety formed allows for the subsequent hydroxylation of the terminal C26 with water by a heterologously produced molybdenum-dependent steroid C26 dehydrogenase 2. In conclusion, the pathway elucidated for delta-22 steroids achieves oxygen-independent hydroxylation of the isoprenoid side chain by bypassing the ATP-dependent formation of a phosphorylated intermediate.
Our recent studies have demonstrated reproductive dysfunction in white sucker (Catostomus commersoni), longnose sucker (C.catostomus) and lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) populations exposed to bleached kraft mill effluent (BKME). Although all three species show elevated levels of hepatic mixed function oxygenase (MFO) activity and depressed circulating steroid levels, we have been unable to provide clear evidence of whether these two events are directly linked to whole organism changes. Although depressed steroid levels appear to be linked to delayed sexual maturity, changes in fecundity and reduced secondary sexual characteristics in white sucker and lake whitefish, longnose sucker show no impacts of reduced steroid levels on reproductive performance. Installation of secondary treatment at this pulp mill did not alleviate the steroidal dysfunction or MFO induction. However, samples collected after a two week maintenance shutdown showed a return to reference levels of MFO activity in both sexes and of steroid levels in male fish. The relationship between elevated MFO activity and depressed steroid levels is unclear, but detailed experiments suggest that the two phenomena are not directly linked. White sucker show depressed steroid production and impaired reproductive regulation independent of MFO activity.
Since the early 1970s, epizootics of disease in fish, particularly epizootics of tumors, have been used as indicators of the 'health' of the ecosystems in the Great Lakes. The justification for such an approach was based on contemporary evidence that demonstrates a chemical etiology for most known animal tumors. Consequently, clustering of neoplastic lesions in populations of fish in a particular locale might provide a means of identifying 'hot spot' sources of waterborne carcinogens. Such an approach has advantages over reliance on chemical screening, since it does not require a priori knowledge of the chemistry of the biologically active factor(s). Pacific salmon (genus Oncorhynchus) have been introduced in to the Great Lakes since the early 1960s. These salmon have been studied with regard to their value as 'sentinel' organisms. This paper reviews the data available in which these species have been used in the exploration of the presence of environmental factors that adversely affect endocrine (specifically thyroid) function, reproductive success or developmental processes. All Great Lakes salmon suffer an epizootic of thyroid hyperplasia that appears to have an environmental etiology other than that of iodide deficiency. Indirect evidence is indicative of the presence of goitrogens in the Great Lakes. In order to determine whether such goitrogens are accumulated in the adult salmon, Great Lakes salmon diets were fed to fish (coho salmon and rainbow trout) and rodents (rats and mice). The recipient fish did not develop thyroid lesions, suggesting that the putative factor(s) effecting thyroid enlargement in the wild salmon is not bioaccumulated in their body tissues. However, the salmon-fed rodents did exhibit thyroid lesions, which may be associated with the halo genated aromatic hydrocarbon mix that was present in the Great Lakes salmon. Some of the Pacific salmon stocks in the Great Lake exhibit a variety of reproductive problems. The paper reviews what is known of these conditions, and discusses the evidence for and against an environmental etiology.
Compared with the studies on reproductive function, relatively little is known about the effects of pollutants on the functions of the thyroid and interrenal tissues. This is undoubtedly due to the fact that in fish, unlike mammals, these tissues do not form distinct glands, but are scattered in small clumps which makes experimental isolation and examination more difficult. There is considerable overlap in function between the thyroid and interrenal with regard to control of growth and metabolism. It is therefore appropriate to consider these tissues together with related endocrine functions such as the stress response, which also involves the chromaffin tissue analogue of the mammalian adrenal medulla, osmoregulation and factors affecting growth.
Levels of selected non-, mono-, and di-ortho-substituted polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) were determined in 4-year-old lake trout from the eastern basin of Lake Ontario, collected from 1977 to 1993. Results confirm that overall levels of contaminants have decreased steadily in lake trout since 1977, and that coplanar PCB levels do not appear to be increasing over time in relation to levels of other PCBs. Contaminant levels in lake trout from 3 to 9 years old, collected in 1988 from the western end of Lake Ontario, show the body burden of contaminants increases with age. Relative levels of coplanar PCBs to other PCBs for the age study samples showed no change, except for PCB 77, which exhibited a slight decrease in relation to total PCB levels. Toxic equivalents (TEQs) were calculated from fish contaminant concentrations measured for the time study using toxic equivalence factors (TEFs) from both mammalian and teleost studies. The relative contributions of PCBs, PCDDs, and PCDFs to total TEQs were examined. When TEFs used for risk assessment are applied to temporal trend data, 15 to 20% of the total TEQs were due to mono-ortho-substituted PCBs; 40 to 50% to non-ortho coplanar PCBs; and 20 to 30% to 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD and PCDFs. The TEQs determined from lake trout extracts by an H4IIE cell bioassay technique are compared to those determined by chemical analyses, using a variety of TEFs.
Reproductive indices like gonad size, fecundity, egg size and sex steroid levels of estradiol-17β and testosterone, vitellogenin in the blood as well as bile conjugates and liver 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activity were studied in populations of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) and roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) and expenmentally exposed juvenile whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L. s.l.) at the Southern Lake Saimaa (S.E. Finland). Our studies showed that the introduction of elemental chlorine free (ECF) bleaching and secondary treatment of effluents in a modern activated sludge plant at the mill in 1992 have substantially reduced the exposure of feral and caged fish to organochlorines. The liver EROD activity was noticeably lower in feral and caged fish near the mill indicating lesser impacts on the liver mixed function oxygenase (MFO) system. However, at the mill site, liver EROD activies in feral and caged fish still tend to be one to four times higher than at the reference sites. Significantly decreased plasma estradiol-l7β and testosterone concentrations in perch and roach in the period of development of the gonads (autumn and winter) indicate that there were endocrine disrupting compounds present in the lake receiving ECF pulp and paper mill effluents. Cause-effect relationships, however, are difficult to establish.
Although this manuscript has been technically reviewed at AED and cleared for publication, it has not be subjected to Agency level review and therefore does not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. EPA. Mention of trade names, products, or services does not convey, and should not be interpreted as conveying, official U.S. EPA approval, endorsement, or recommendation. Much of the research conducted on the effects of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) has been focused on effects at the individual or subindividual level. The challenge from the point of view of ecological risk assessment is to determine effects on populations and higher levels of biological organization. While there have been some notable cases where field studies were used to demonstrate effects of EDCs on exposed populations in the wild, there has been relatively little research addressing the quantitative linkage between effects at the individual level and effects at the population level. The present study provides an example of linking markers of endocrine effects to indicators of population level effect using basic population models and published data for a fish species often used in laboratory studies, the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). Additionally, the relation between life history strategy and stressor response is explored using population models for two bird species, European kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) and least tern (Sterna antillarum browni), with markedly different life history strategies. As these examples demonstrate, populations of species that have different life history strategies can respond differently to a stressor producing responses of similar type and magnitude at the individual level. Matrix population models represent quantitatively the life history strategy of an organism and provide a framework for exploring the risks that EDCs pose to wildlife populations.
Eggs taken from lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) captured from various Great Lakes between 1979 and 1988 were analyzed for individual polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners. Eggs from the same fish had been previously reared through hatching and early fry development to ascertain egg quality. Tissues from a subsample of the adult females that provided eggs were similarly analyzed. Significant relations were found between embryonic mortality (eggs dying between fertilization and hatch) and the concentrations of total PCBs in both the eggs and adults. PCB concentrations were also negatively correlated with the percentage of normal fry that successfully hatched, but no relation was found between PCB residues and fry mortality. Pattern recognition analysis indicated that the PCB congener fingerprint for eggs from Lake Superior was different than that of eggs from Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Ontario. A difference between PCB residue patterns was also identified between eggs and the parent fish. While this difference indicated some preferential deposition of congeners in the eggs, the difference was not attributed to the toxic AHH-active congeners. No difference in the PCB pattern was observed over the 10 years of sample collection, demonstrating that concentrations of individual congeners are declining at similar rates.