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Seeding Rate and Genotype Effect on Agronomic Performance and End-Use Quality of Winter Wheat

Crop Science

Abstract and Figures

Few experiments have studied how seeding rates affect agronomic performance and end-use quality of modern wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in the Great Plains. Higher grain yield and better quality grain production requires the use of appropriate seeding rates. During the 1997 and 1998 crop seasons, 20 winter wheat genotypes and experimental lines were evaluated at two locations (four environments) to assess seeding rate and genotype effects on agronomic performance and end-use quality of wheat. Significant differences among environments, seeding rates, and genotypes, and some of their interactions were identified. Lower seeding rates decreased plant population (by 62.3%), grain yield (by 0.8 Mg ha-1), kernel weight (by 1.3 mg kernel-1), flour yield (by 0.8 g/100 g grain), mixing time (by 0.7 min), caused later flowering (by 2 d), and increased flour protein content (by 15 mg g-1) and mixing tolerance (1 unit). Environment X genotype interactions were significant for all the traits except plant population and mixing tolerance. On the basis of the four environments, the seeding rate X genotype interactions were nonsignificant for all traits except plant height. These results provide evidence that agronomic performance and end-use quality traits are greatly influenced by the environmental conditions and less so by seeding rates. Seeding rate affected plant population, days to flowering, plant height, grain yield, kernel weight, flour yield, flour protein, and mixing time and tolerance of wheat; therefore, seeding rate should be considered as a factor in obtaining higher grain yields with good end-use quality.
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Seeding Rate and Genotype Effect on Agronomic Performance and End-Use Quality
of Winter Wheat
B. Geleta, M. Atak, P. S. Baenziger,* L. A. Nelson, D. D. Baltenesperger, K. M. Eskridge, M. J. Shipman,
and D. R. Shelton
ABSTRACT Scheromm et al., 1992; Blue et al., 1990; Johnson et
al., 1988).
Few experiments have studied how seeding rates affect agronomic Seeding rate has long been studied as an integral part
performance and end-use quality of modern wheat (Triticum aestivum of wheat production and productivity. Optimal seeding
L.) genotypes in the Great Plains. Higher grain yield and better quality rate has been shown to be higher in high rainfall and
grain production requires the use of appropriate seeding rates. During irrigated environments (Quisenberry, 1928). Kiessel-
the 1997 and 1998 crop seasons, 20 winter wheat genotypes and experi- bach and Sprague (1926) reported a linear increase in
mental lines were evaluated at two locations (four environments) to
grain yield as seeding rate increased from 34 to 101 kg
assess seeding rate and genotype effects on agronomic performance
and end-use quality of wheat. Significant differences among environ- ha
and concluded that a rate of 84 to 101 kg ha
ments, seeding rates, and genotypes, and some of their interactions was most practical for eastern Nebraska. Johnson et al.
were identified. Lower seeding rates decreased plant population (by (1965) reported that thinly seeded plots (10, 20, and 40
62.3%), grain yield (by 0.8 Mg ha
), kernel weight (by 1.3 mg ker- kg ha
), when compared with 81 kg ha
at 30-cm-row
), flour yield (by 0.8 g/100 g grain), mixing time (by 0.7 min), spacing, led to later maturity and more winter killing
caused later flowering (by 2 d), and increased flour protein content in NE. Johnson et al. (1966) with a similar trial grown
(by 15 mg g
) and mixing tolerance (1 unit). Environment genotype under drought conditions at North Platte found a
interactions were significant for all the traits except plant population genotype seeding rate interaction and the 40 kg ha
and mixing tolerance. On the basis of the four environments, the seeding rate producing the highest yields. Stoltenberg
seeding rate genotype interactions were nonsignificant for all traits (1968), in a 2-yr study using genotypes grown in 30-cm
except plant height. These results provide evidence that agronomic rows, recommended seeding rates of 17 to 22 kg ha
performance and end-use quality traits are greatly influenced by the for winter wheat in western NE, 34 to 39 kg ha
environmental conditions and less so by seeding rates. Seeding rate in central NE, and no less than 67 kg ha
for eastern
affected plant population, days to flowering, plant height, grain yield,
NE. Koycu (1968) at Lincoln, NE, reported that 60 kg
kernel weight, flour yield, flour protein, and mixing time and tolerance
of wheat; therefore, seeding rate should be considered as a factor in ha
produced approximately 600 kg ha
more grain
obtaining higher grain yields with good end-use quality. than did 30 kg ha
. Blue et al. (1990), in a 3-yr study
on the influence of planting date, seeding rate, and phos-
phorus rate on ‘Brule’ wheat in southeastern NE, found
that an increase in the seeding rate from 34 to 101 kg
Wheat is grown in a wide range of environments ha
increased grain yield by 350 kg ha
. The results
that affect overall performance, particularly grain obtained in NE were similar to those found by Wilson
yield and end-use quality. Wheat yield and end-use qual- and Swanson (1962) and Stickler et al. (1964) at Hays
ity depend upon the environment, genotype, and their and Manhattan, KS.
interaction (Peterson et al., 1998; Eskridge et al., 1994; Although the effect of seeding rate on agronomic
Baenziger et al., 1985). Environmental factors that may performance of genotypes has been studied since 1926,
limit productivity and quality of wheat include climatic little has been published on the effect of seeding rate
factors over which producers have little control (such on end-use quality. The effect of seeding rate on the
as precipitation, temperature, day length), soil types, overall performance of recently released, high-yielding
and management practices (such as fertilizer, herbicides, genotypes is also unknown. Thus, it is important to
fungicides, irrigation, time of sowing, and seeding rate) evaluate the effect of seeding rate on agronomic perfor-
some of which may partially mitigate other environmen- mance and end-use quality of modern genotypes.
tal factors. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the influ-
Management practices play an important role in de- ence of seeding rate on agronomic performance of mod-
termining the yield and end-use quality of wheat. Nu- ern hard red winter wheat genotypes and to investigate
merous studies have documented how N fertilization, the effect of seeding rates on milling and baking proper-
seeding rate, planting date, row spacing, and seeding ties of hard red winter wheat genotypes grown in differ-
depth affect yield and yield components of wheat (e.g., ent environments.
B. Geleta, M. Atak, P.S. Baenziger, and L.A. Nelson, Dep. of Agron- MATERIALS AND METHODS
omy, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68583; D. Baltenesperger, Dep. Genotypes and Experimental Sites
of Agronomy, Univ. of Nebraska, Panhandle Research and Extension
Center, Scottsbluff, NE 69361; K. Eskridge, Dep. of Biometry, Univ. Fourteen commonly grown winter wheat genotypes from
of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68583. Nebraska Agric. Res. Division, J. NE and six advanced lines with diverse genetic backgrounds
Series No. 13200. Received 17 Jan. 2001. *Corresponding author (Table 1) were grown at Lincoln and Mead, NE, in 1997 and
( 1998. Though some of the genotypes were originally released
three to seven decades ago, they have been used again in
Published in Crop Sci. 42:827–832 (2002).
Table 1. Pedigree, origin and year of release of the genotypes
row). In 1998, the winter was mild and winter killing of the
used in the experiment.
plant population could not be detected visually. Days to flow-
ering, defined as 50% of the spikes in a plot having extruded
Genotype or
anthers, was measured as the number of days after 30 April.
Experimental Year of
line Pedigree Origin Release
Plant height (cm) was measured from the soil surface to the
top of the spike (awns excluded) of three random plants sam-
1. Arapahoe Brule/3/Parker*4/Agent//Belot.198/ NE 1988
pled from the middle rows of each plot. Grain yield was mea-
2. Niobrara Tam 105*4/Amigo//Brule NE 1994
sured by harvesting the middle two rows of each plot in 1997
3. Pronghorn Centura/Dawn//Colt sib. NE 1996
and all four rows in 1998. Kernel weight (mg kernel
) was
4. Windstar TX79A2729//Caldwell/Brule field NE 1996
calculated for each genotype by counting and weighing 500
sel. #6/3/Siouxland
kernels per plot. Grain volume weight (kg hL
) was measured
5. NE91631 NE82761/Brule sel. NE
6. NE92628 MV11-85/Redland NE
in a 200-mL sample.
7. NE92646 NE82413/Colt NE
To estimate end-use quality, a 35-g sample of grain was
8. NI92662 Redland/NE82419 NE
taken from each plot and tempered to a moisture basis of
9. Alliance Arkan/Colt//Chisholm Sib NE 1993
grain for 18 to 20 h prior to milling. The sample
10. Vista NE68513/NE68457//Centurk/3/Brule NE 1992
11. Redland NE851182: Brule sel NE 1985
was then milled in a Quadrumat Jr. mill (C.W. Branbender
12. Tam 107 TAM 105*4/Amigo TX 1984
Instruments Inc., South Hackensack, NJ). Flour was separated
13. Nekota Bennett/TAM 107 NE 1994
from bran with a standard shaker (Strand Shaker Co., Minne-
14. Karl 92 Selection from Karl KS 1992
apolis, MN) at 225 rpm for 90 s with a U.S.A. standard testing
15. Scout 66 Selection from Scout NE 1966
16. Centura Warrior*5/Agent//NE 68457/3/ NE 1983
sieve No. 70 and the flour was weighed. Flour yield was ex-
pressed as grams of flour per 100 g of grain. Flour protein
17. Cheyenne Sel. From Turkey Red NE 1933
content, expressed as milligram protein per gram flour at a
18. Buckskin Scout/4/Quivira/2/Tenmarq/3/ NE 1973
flour moisture basis, was determined by the
19. NE93405 NE85707/Thunderbird NE
Udy dye binding (Udy dye Method 46-14A) and periodically
20. Culver Trapper//CMN/OT/3/CIMMYT/ NE 1998
checked using a Crude Protein-Combustion method (Ameri-
Scout/4/Buckskin sib/Homestead
can Association of Cereal Chemists, 1983).
Mixograph analysis was performed with a National Manu-
production in recent years. The soil type was Sharpsburg facturing Mixograph (Lincoln, NE) and a 10-g sample and
silty clay loam (i.e., a fine montmorillonitic, mesic typic argui- constant water absorption of 620 g H
flour. Mixing
doll) at Lincoln and Mead. The experimental design within time was recorded as the time in minutes to maximum Mixo-
each environment was a randomized complete block design graph curve height. Mixing tolerance was determined on the
(RCBD) with two replications. A factorial treatment design basis of comparisons with standard Mixograph curves in the
was used with four seeding rates of 16, 33, 65, and 130 kg ha
Nebraska Wheat Quality Laboratory and scored by a scale
and 20 genotypes in 1997. Seeding rates were considered as from 0 to 7 with higher scores indicating greater tolerance of
environments influencing agronomic and end-use quality of dough to overmixing (Method 54-40; American Association
wheat. In 1998, kernel weight of each genotype was measured of Cereal Chemists, 1983).
and the same number of kernels were planted per ha as would The data were analyzed by PROC GLM (SAS Institute,
be planted at 16, 33, 65, 130 kg ha
of ‘Arapahoe’. This change 1994). Homogeneiety of variance tests were done before com-
was considered to add precision but had a minor effect because bining across environments in the combined ANOVA. In this
most genotypes had very similar 1000-kernel weight. These study, locations and years were considered random environ-
seeding rates were 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2 times the normal seeding ments in the combined analysis of variance.
rate for eastern NE. The fields were prepared with standard Environments and replications were considered random
production practices, such as land preparation, fertilizer appli- effects and seeding rates and genotypes were considered fixed
cation, herbicide application, and seed was planted in plots effects. The respective error terms for F-test were estimated
that had four 2.4-m rows with 0.30 m between rows. by meansof the random statement with test option in PROC
GLM to detect significant differences among main effects and
Data Recorded interactions. Means statement was used for calculating treat-
ment means, and Fisher’s least significance difference (P
Plant population was estimated visually in 1997 as the per-
centage of plants in a given plot relative to a full stand (solid 0.05) was used for comparing the mean differences.
Table 2. Combined analysis of variance for agronomic and end-use quality traits of 20 winter wheat genotypes grown at four seeding
rates in four Nebraska environments.
Plant Days to Plant Grain Kernel Volume Flour Flour Mixing Mixing
Source df population df flowering height yield weight weight protein yield time tolerance
% d cm Mg ha
mg kg hL
mg g
g min 0–7
Mean Squares for the traits under study
Environment Env 1 4 388.2 3 13 902.8** 50 338.3** 165.8** 472.9* 707.1** 350.33** 17.59 21.11** 10.01**
Error a 2 656.6 4 6.5 184.4 3.6 60.8 11.3 6.73 2.97 5.35 3.88
Seed Rate SR 3 65 769.4** 3 124.0** 291.9** 21.9** 49.9** 146.9** 87.20** 1.69** 17.14** 40.86**
Genotype C 19 744.3** 19 119.4** 1 371.3** 3.0** 101.9** 33.9** 10.75** 4.92** 22.62** 4.67**
SR C 57 118.19 57 2.05 24.0** 0.17 5.0 6.1 0.64 0.17 0.47 0.87
Env SR 3 481.1* 9 17.1** 247.2 7.3** 36.5** 23.8** 16.92** 0.95** 1.79** 2.19**
Env C 19 149.9 57 5.13** 44.9** 0.88** 10.2** 8.1** 1.44** 0.66** 1.66** 0.72
Env SR C 57 82.71 171 2.1** 27.6 0.19 6.2 5.1 0.85 0.16 0.39 0.61
Error b 158 128.0 316 1.28 26.1 0.19 5.7 4.8 0.90 0.143 0.356 0.69
CV (%) 16.3 3.84 5.9 15.0 7.7 3.0 8.01 1.82 11.4 21.7
* Indicates significance at P0.05.
** Indicates significance at P0.01.
Polynomial regression was used on trait means for each
seeding rate averaged over genotypes to develop equations
on how seeding rates affect the traits. Optimum seeding rate
was determined by inverse polynomial regression for each
trait with the use of orthogonal polynomial contrasts from
the ANOVA to determine the degree of the polynomial for
regression equations (Draper and Smith, 1981).
Differences among environments, seeding rates, and
genotypes were observed for agronomic performance
Fig. 1. Mean grain yield of 20 winter wheat genotypes grown at Lin-
and end-use quality traits (Table 2) with the exception coln 1997 (L97), Mead 1997 (M97), Lincoln 1998 (L98), and Mead
of plant population and flour yield environment inter- 1998 (M98) Nebraska environments.
action. This indicates agronomic performance and end-
use quality were significantly affected by the growing grain yield. If the environment is conducive, wheat geno-
conditions (environments and seeding rates) and geno- types have the ability to compensate under relatively
types. No difference due to environment for plant popu- lower seeding rates to establish good stands with many
lation implies that the average stands were similar in tillers, larger heads, or more kernels, resulting in higher
the two environments (in 1997) where this trait was grain yield.
measured. The environment and seeding rate influenced Environment genotype interactions were found for
all traits. all the traits except plant population and mixing toler-
The seeding rate cultivar interaction was significant ance (Table 2). This result appeared to be explained
for plant height only (Table 2), indicating that genotypes mainly from changes in relative magnitude, although
responded similarly to seeding rate. The interaction ef- a few change in order were also found. The environ-
fect for plant height was most likely due to the inclusion ment genotype interaction mean squares for all traits
were greater than for the seeding rate genotype inter-
of semidwarf and tall genotypes in this study. Semidwarf
action, implying that genotypes were more sensitive to
and tall genotypes are known to respond differently to
environment than to seeding rates. As the ANOVA
the environment (Budak et al., 1995), in this case to results suggest (i.e., from the mean squares of the traits),
seeding rate. This result agreed with the findings of a large portion of the variability was due to main effects,
Johnson et al. (1988), who reported genotype seeding seeding rates, and genotypes and the two-way interac-
rate interactions were not present for agronomic traits of tions were due mainly to changes in magnitude, rather
five diverse soft red winter wheat genotypes. However, than reversals in order. The three-way interaction was
Freeze and Bacon (1990) found a genotype seeding significant for days to flowering only. Hence, seeding
rates interaction for grain yield for other soft red winter rate and genotypes will be discussed further.
wheat genotypes.
All traits except plant height had environment
Seeding Rate Effects on Agronomic
seeding rate interactions (Table 2). The interaction ap- and End-Use Quality of Winter Wheat
peared to be due mainly to changes in magnitude, rather
than to changes in order, except for grain yield. In three An increase in seeding rate was found to increase
of four environments, grain yield increased linearly with plant population (in 1997), plant height, grain yield, and
increasing seeding rate (Fig. 1). However, in the Lincoln grain volume weight averaged over genotypes (Table
1998 environment, there was a mild winter and higher 3). Reducing seeding rates placed a greater reliance on
seeding rates which resulted in lower grain yields. a genotype’s ability to compensate for fewer plants,
‘Mead’ had more winter and frost killing in 1997, and particularly by increasing the number of harvested ker-
nels per square meter through increasing the numbertherefore lower plant populations that resulted in lower
Table 3. Mean agronomic and end-use quality traits for each seeding rate averaged over 20 genotypes grown at four Nebraska environ-
ments and estimated optimum rate for each trait.
Seeding rates, kg ha
Traits 16 33 65 130 Optimum
Plant population (%)‡ 33.9d† 59.7c 88.7b 96.2a 103.9
Days to flowering (days)‡ 30.6a 29.7b 28.9c 28.6d 110.3
Plant height (cm)‡ 84.3c 85.4bc 87.5a 86.3b 87.2
Grain yield (Mg ha
2.4c 2.9b 3.2a 3.2a 118.3
Kernel weight (mg)‡ 30.7b 31.1ab 31.4a 30.1c 64.4
Grain volume weight (kg hL
)§ 71.6c 72.5b 73.5a 73.5a 96.9
Flour yield (g)‡ 58.9c 59.3b 59.7a 59.5ab 87.8
Flour protein (mg g
)‡ 128a 122b 113c 113c 98.2
Mixing time (min)‡ 4.8c 5.1b 5.5a 5.5a 97.6
Mixing tolerance (0–7)§ 4.5a 3.8b 3.5c 3.5c 58.8
† Values followed by the same letter in a row are not significantly different from each other.
‡ Quadratic significant.
§ Cubic significant.
of spikes per square meter or kernels per spike. Mean have been caused by the presence of additional second-
ary tillers that delayed maturity and reduced kerneldays to flowering decreased as seeding rate increased,
although this effect varied with the genotype. An in- uniformity at lower seeding rates. The later tillers pro-
duce smaller grains that result in low grain volumecrease in seeding rate resulted in proportionally more
main culms, which normally flower earlier than do the weight. Samuel (1990) also found that grain volume
weights increased as the seeding rates were raised fromsecondary tillers. The greater the proportion of main
culms in the plot, the earlier the plot appeared to be. approximately 90 to 270 kg ha
, but the effects were
slight.This result was in agreement with the findings of Wilson
and Swanson (1962) and Johnson et al. (1965), who Flour yield increased with increased seeding rates up
to 65 kg ha
, which was similar to flour yield at thefound later maturity in thinly seeded plots. Prodigious
tillering resulting from reduced seeding rates may also 130 kg ha
seeding rate (Table 3). Flour protein content
decreased with increased seeding rate up to 130 kg ha
.be the cause of variable and delayed maturation (Thomp-
son et al., 1993) which in term resulted in the crop being This result confirms the findings of Samuel (1990), who
stated that protein concentration declined as seedinguneven and more difficult to manage and harvest.
There were differences in plant height among the rates and yields increased. However, Campbell et al.
(1991) reported that seeding rate has no effect on grainseeding rates. The height was not significantly changed
between 16 and 33 kg ha
seeding rates, but increased protein concentration. The higher protein content at
lower seeding rate could be explained by less competi-between 33 and 65 kg ha
and decreased between 65
and 130 kg ha
. The differences in plant height resulting tion among plants for nitrogen. In contrast, at higher
seeding rates, there would have been strong competitionfrom increasing the seeding rate from 16 kg ha
to 65
kg ha
was 3.2 cm averaged over genotypes. These among plants for nitrogen since no extra fertilizer was
applied in this experiment at higher seeding rates. Theheight increases reflect fewer secondary tillers, which
tend to be shorter, at the higher seeding rates. Increased higher grain yields obtained at relatively higher seeding
competition (which also shortened tillers) affected plant rates imply that more carbohydrate was produced and
height at the highest seeding rate. Except for a very few stored in the grain.
genotypes, the tallest height for most genotypes was Mixing time of wheat increased with increased seed-
obtained at 65 kg ha
. Our results contrast with those ing rate up to 65 kg ha
, with no significant increase
of Stapper and Fischer (1990) in New South Wales, at the 130 kg ha
rate. The lower seeding rate resulted
Australia. In that report, interplant competition may in higher protein content and shorter mixing time. Mix-
have led to weaker, taller stems and increased lodging ing tolerance significantly decreased as seeding rate in-
as seeding rate was increased from 50 to 200 kg ha
. Our creased up to 65 kg ha
. The mixing time and tolerance
results also contrast with those of Wilson and Swanson result may be explained by the protein content of the
(1962) at Hays, KS, where moisture may have been seeding rate treatments.
more limiting. They found that reduced stands at lower Achieving higher agronomic performance and better
seeding rates below 50 kg ha
were shown to be greater end-use quality requires management practices such as
in height. seeding rates to be carefully optimized and periodically
The highest grain yield averaged over environments reviewed. Seeding rate is a predictable environmental
and genotypes was obtained at the higher seeding rates variable that affects many agronomic and end-use qual-
(65 and 130 kg ha
), with the exception of the Lin- ity traits of wheat. Therefore, to obtain high grain yields
coln—1998 (L98) environment, where the highest grain with good end-use quality, seeding rate must be under-
yield was obtained at 33 kg ha
(Fig. 1). Mean grain stood. On the basis of the shape of the response curve,
yield increased up to 65 kg ha
, which was not signifi- the optimum-seeding rate for each trait averaged over
cantly different from the yield at 130 kg ha
seeding genotypes varied (Table 3). Seeding rate significantly
rate (Table 3). These seeding rates produced 33% more affected some of the traits.
grain yield than those seeded at 16 kg ha
(Table 3).
Similarly, Sahs (1970) over a 2-yr period, found 37% Genotype Performance
more grain yield from wheat seeded at 67.2 kg ha
Predominantly modern genotypes and a few historical
compared with the 22.4 kg ha
seeding rate. Sharma
genotypes were used in the study to ensure that the
and Smith (1987) at Stillwater and Lahoma, OK, and
genotypes had diverse genetic backgrounds and that the
Stickler et al. (1964) at Manhattan KS, also reported
that higher seeding rates (i.e., 67.2 and 123 kg ha
, modern and older genotypes varied greatly for the traits
measured. The estimated plant population of the geno-respectively) resulted in higher grain yields and earlier
maturity of wheat. types ranged from 51% for Arapahoe to 78% for ‘Prong-
horn’ (Table 4). Both genotypes were among intermedi-In general, kernel weight increased with increasing
seeding rates up to 65 kg ha
, although this increase ate groups in their yield performance across the seeding
rates and environments. The genotypes had a 1-wk in-is not significantly different from the average weight
obtained at 33 kg ha
(Table 3). Grain volume weights terval for days to flowering. The average height of the
genotypes ranged from 75 to almost 99 cm. Mean grainwere least when planting rate was 16 kg ha
but in-
creased at higher seeding rates (i.e., 65 and 130 kg ha
, yield of the genotypes across seeding rates ranged from
2.3 to 3.3 Mg ha
(Table 4). ‘NE92662’, ‘Niobrara’,Table 3). This result agreed with those of Wilson and
Swanson (1962) and Sahs (1970), and this result may ‘NE92628’, ‘NE92646’, ‘NE93405’, and ‘Windstar’ were
Table 4. Mean agronomic and end-use quality traits of 20 winter wheat genotypes grown at four seeding rates in four Nebraska envi-
Plant Days to Plant Grain Kernel Volume Flour Flour Mixing Mixing
Genotype population Flowering height Yield Weight Weight yield Protein time tolerance
% d cm Mg ha
mg kg hL
min 0-7
1. Arapahoe 50.9 30.5 84.1 3.0 30.1 72.8 59.7 121 5.08 3.47
2. Niobrara 65.0 29.3 86.3 3.3 31.4 71.8 60.4 112 5.92 3.5
3. Pronghorn 78.1 28.2 89.3 2.9 31.1 74.2 59.2 120 6.38 4.37
4. Windstar 65.6 30.6 85.0 3.2 29.8 72.7 58.5 113 6.44 4.41
5. NE91631 72.8 31.9 91.3 2.9 26.4 71.2 58.9 113 6.63 4.28
6. NE92628 63.1 30.6 87.1 3.3 32.1 72.4 61.9 118 4.81 3.44
7. NE92646 69.4 30.1 80.4 3.2 29.8 72.8 59.5 122 4.74 4.06
8. NE92662 63.4 30.8 85.9 3.3 31.9 72.3 60.4 119 5.34 4.06
9. Alliance 78.1 29.0 83.1 2.9 28.6 70.9 60.0 109 4.83 3.34
10. Vista 72.5 30.0 74.6 2.7 30.6 72.3 59.8 121 5.28 3.47
11. Redland 75.3 30.0 86.2 3.0 29.6 71.2 60.2 111 5.73 3.69
12. TAM107 62.5 25.7 79.3 2.8 32.0 71.8 57.6 113 4.76 3.5
13. Nekota 71.6 29.2 78.4 2.9 32.3 73.6 59.1 116 4.01 3.28
14. Karl 92 75.6 25.2 75.3 2.8 32.0 73.3 59.1 123 6.00 4.47
15. Scout 66 69.7 29.2 95.0 2.3 32.5 74.1 59.6 121 3.48 3.59
16. Centura 78.1 29.5 88.4 2.6 29.0 73.3 58.3 123 5.27 4.09
17. Cheyenne 70.9 33.0 97.1 2.3 29.6 73.3 60.7 128 4.26 3.81
18. Buckskin 64.4 30.1 98.7 2.6 30.6 73.9 58.5 121 5.26 3.72
19. NE93405 74.4 26.1 88.6 3.2 34.7 74.4 57.4 132 6.09 4.12
20. NE93545 66.9 30.3 83.6 3.1 32.0 72.1 58.0 121 4.69 3.72
Mean 69.4 29.5 85.9 2.9 30.8 72.3 59.4 119 5.3 3.8
LSD 0.05 7.9 0.56 2.51 0.2 1.60 1.43 0.54 4.7 0.29 0.41
among the top yielding genotypes with an average yield could be required for better grain yield and end-use
quality of wheat. Higher seeding rates decreased theof over 3.1 Mg ha
across all environments and treat-
ments including seeding rates. In contrast, ‘Scout 66’, proportion of secondary tillers. Seeding rate is a predict-
able environmental factor that affects some agronomic‘Cheyenne’, ‘Buckskin’, ‘Centura’, ‘Vista’, and ‘Karl 92’
were genotypes with relatively, lower yields. Thousand- and end-use quality traits of wheat; therefore, it should
be studied carefully to obtain higher grain yields withkernel weight and grain-volume weight ranged from
26.4 to 34.7 g and 70.9 to 74.4 kg hL
, respectively. relatively better end-use quality. The non-significant
mean values of some traits at higher seeding rates (65NE93405 was the highest in performance for both of
the traits while ‘NE91631’ was among the lowest. and 130 kg ha
) indicate the optimum seeding rate is
between those two seeding rates. Further study isThe overall flour protein and flour yield ranged be-
tween 109 to 132 mg g
and 57.4 to 61.9 g (Table needed at rates between 65 and 130 kg ha
basis of the response curves, optimum seeding rate for4). Cheyenne, an older genotype, was one of the best
performers genotypes for flour protein and yield but grain yield was about 118 kg ha
; for plant height it
was 87 kg ha
; for grain volume weight, flour protein,had lower grain yield. NE91631, Pronghorn, Windstar,
and Karl 92 exhibited good mixing time and mixing and mixing time it was about 97.5 kg ha
; and for mixing
tolerance and 1000-kernel weight it was 59 and 64 kgtolerance. Most of the highest grain yielding genotypes
had relatively lower mixing time and mixing tolerance. ha
respectively. At present, the recommended seeding
rate is 65 kg ha
for eastern NE is still appropriate.Grain yield was positively correlated with mixing time
(r0.22**), and it was correlated negatively with mix- Optimum seeding rate was environment-specific be-
cause of fluctuations in moisture and winter tolerance (r⫽⫺0.22**). This result might be be-
cause genotypes with higher grain yield potential had
lower flour protein content. REFERENCES
Whether older or modern, short or tall, genotype American Association of Cereal Chemists. 1983. Approved methods
response to seeding rates was similar, implying that rec- of the AACC, Method 54–40. AACC, St. Paul, MN.
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... The differences in rainfall and temperature in the two growing locations are probable reasons for this variation. It is commonly observed that grain protein increases in areas experiencing low rainfall and dry cool seasons during the grain-filling stages [15,27]. This can be attributed to a higher accumulation of nitrogen in the grain and a lower concentration of carbohydrates [43]. ...
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In Ethiopia, knowledge about integrated seed and N fertilizer rates aimed at increasing the nutritional quality of durum wheat is limited. To full fill this gap, four levels of seed rate (i.e. 100, 125, 150, and 175 kg ha-1) and four levels of N rate (i.e. 0, 46, 92, and 138 kg ha-1) were arranged in randomized complete block design under two growing locations (environments). Results showed that the sole effects of the N fertilizer rate were a linear increment in hectoliter weight, gluten index (), and grain hardness under a high N rate. However sole effect of seed rate as well as the interaction effects of seed by N fertilizer rates did not have significant effects in all the tested grain nutritional qualities. On the other hand, interaction between the N rate and growing environment was found to be significant effects observed on the grain quality traits; grain protein content, wet, dry gluten, and gluten index were higher in Memirhager (low damp environment) combined with N application of 92 kg ha than Chefe Donsa site (high damp environment) even under higher N rate. The results of this research indicated that the aforementioned quality traits would be appreciably modified by N fertilizer, durum wheat should be grown in a low-damp environment. However, hectoliter weight, 1000-KW, and grain hardness were higher at the Chefe Donsa site. Therefore, an agronomist must consider the effects of nitrogen fertilizer, the environment, along their interaction, when aiming to optimize quality traits.
... For instance, the supply of optimum nitrogen fertilizer and plant density have been proven to be key ways to increase crop yields in dryland farming ( improvement in grain yield in durum wheat at rates as high as 450 plants m − 2 , which was more than twice the rate of standard practices (210 plants m − 2 ) at that time. This positive association between plant density and durum wheat yields was also reported by (Geleta et al. 2002;Zhang et al. 2019). In addition to increasing grain yield, increasing plant density, improving nitrogen utilization and uptake e ciency, and increasing wheat root length and density, overall increases below and above ground plant demand (Dai et al. 2013 Although eld-based experiments are usually effective, they are time-consuming, require expensive resources, and take a longer time to draw valid recommendations. ...
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Low crop management practices were the key factors that leads to a significant reduction in durum wheat yield in the central highlands of Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to determine optimum plant density and nitrogen rate that increase durum wheat productivity while reducing environmental impacts. A combination of data from field experiments conducted from 2017 to 2020 under rainfed conditions and simulation data of CERES-Wheat model were used for this study. The CERES-Wheat model was calibrated for Utuba cultivar from three-years (2017 to 2019) field experiment data. The model was further verified with the experimental data conducted during the 2020 cropping season under four plant densities and four nitrogen fertilizer rates. Differences in temperature and rainfall patterns during the potential growing season, seasonal analysis was used to determine the optimum plant density and N rate using 37 years (1985–2022) of historical weather data. The simulation results suggested that 275 plants m − 2 with an application of 250 kg ha − 1 N increased grain yield, improved nitrogen use, and produced the highest economic return while minimizing environmental risk under rainfed conditions. Compared with the current plant density (175 plants m − 2 ) and N fertilizer (100 kg ha − 1 ), plant density (275 plants m − 2 with 250 kg ha − 1 N) rate increased grain yield by about 49%, N use efficiency by 23% with the highest net return (2114 US$ ha − 1 ). In general, this study showed that the CERES-Wheat model can be a promising tool for providing crop management recommendations under rainfed durum wheat farming.
... Lower-density crops produce more side stems, which produce smaller, lower-weight, and lower-quality grains. At lower seed rates, smaller grains form on the outgrowing side stems, and coarser grains form on the main stems, which leads to slower maturity and reduced grain uniformity (Geleta et al., 2002;Zecevic et al., 2014). Drought and heat stress reduce starch content but increase grain protein and mineral concentration (Ben et al., 2021). ...
The experiment, in which winter wheat was sown at different dates (7, 14, 21, 28 September, and 5 October) and at different seed rates (5, 4, 3, and 2 million seeds ha-1), was carried out at the Experimental Station of Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy, between 2021 and 2022. The soil of the experimental field was Cal(ca)ri-Epihypogleyic Luvisol. Before the experiment was installed, the topsoil had a neutral reaction (pH-7.0), medium humus content (2.15%), high phosphorus content (226 mg kg-1), and medium potassium content (143 mg kg-1). The results obtained showed that grain yields ranged from 6.5 to 8.1 t ha-1, the 1000-grain weight ranged from 37 to 46 g, the number of grains per ear ranged from 50 to 82, and the percentage of protein and wet gluten in the grains was 12.6–14.6% and 24.3–29.0%, respectively.
... Ayaz et al. (2017) reported that high plant populations per plot reduce soil fertility and seed yield. The present result agreed with (Bekele et al., 2002;Emam & Dewdar, 2015;Salah & Mohamed, 2015). Similarly, El Naim et al. (2012) found that increasing seed rate significantly reduced the growth and yield parameters by affecting plant height, the number of capsules, and primary branches per plant. ...
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Seed rate is one of the agronomic factors that decreases seed yield by subjecting plants to lodging and competition. The field experiment was conducted in 2019/20, and 2020/2GC main cropping seasons on Harato and Gitilo sites to determine the effect of seeding rates on seed yield and oil percentages and to evaluate the interaction effect of varieties and seed rates on seed yields, oil percentages, and yield attributes. The experiment consisted of four linseed varieties (Belay, Berene, Kuma, and local) and five seed rates (20, 25, 30, 20 35, and 40 kg ha⁻¹). The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design and replicated three times. The results revealed that seed yield, oil percentage, oil yield, capsules per plant, thousand seed weight, dry biomass, and straw yield of linseed were significantly (p < 0.01) influenced by the main effect of seed rates and varieties. While seed yield, oil percentage, and oil yield had significantly (p < 0.05) affected by the interaction of varieties by seed rate. Maximum seed yield was obtained from improved varieties of Kuma (1819 kg ha⁻¹) at 35 kg ha− 1, but the lowest seed yield recorded from improved varieties and local cultivar at 20 kg ha⁻¹. The highest oil percentage (41.38%) was recorded on Kuma variety at the seed rate of 20 kg ha⁻¹, but the lowest oil percentage (35.15% and 35.96%) had obtained from local cultivar at 35 and 40 kg ha⁻¹. Therefore, the findings suggested that Kuma variety of linseed was the highest yielder at 35 kg ha-! seed rates, while the oil percentage of the varieties decline as seed rate increased. Thus sowing Kuma variety at 35 kg ha_! seed rates can be recommended at the study area and similar agro ecology.
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In peanut cultivation in the Tokachi region of Hokkaido, Japan, it is essential to complete the harvest by early October to prevent frost damage. Therefore, cultivation methods that can accelerate the flowering period are necessary. It is understood that planting density can influence the timing of flowering, with crops often flowering earlier at higher densities. This study aimed to investigate whether growing peanuts at higher densities could advance the flowering period and, consequently, enhance yield. The Japanese peanut variety, Tachimasari, was cultivated in 2022 and 2023 at a conventional planting density of 5.8 plant m−2 (D5.8) and at density conditions of 8.7 plant m−2 (D8.7) and 11.6 plant m−2 (D11.6). The D8.7 and D11.6 plants reached the peak of flowering 2.8 and 5.1 days earlier, respectively, and the end of flowering 3.7 and 8.0 days earlier than the D5.8 plants. Although the total number of flowers was higher in D5.8, pod fertility was greater in D8.7 and D11.6, where plants were able to reduce the occurrence of ineffective flowers and immature pods. Consequently, higher seed yields were observed in D8.7 (2709 kg ha−1) and D11.6 (2754 kg ha−1), where lower individual productivity was offset by higher planting densities, compared to the conventional density condition of D5.8 (2169 kg ha−1).
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The optimized sowing method and appropriate seed rate can improve wheat N use efficiency. However, the interactive effect of the sowing method and seed rate on N use efficiency, particularly N uptake and root length density, are unclear. A field experiment was conducted for two growing seasons in southern Shanxi province, China, using a split-plot design with the sowing method as the main plot (wide-belt sowing, WBS, and conventional narrow-drill sowing, NDS) and seed rate as the sub-plot (100–700 m−2). Our results showed that WBS had a significant and positive effect on N use efficiency (yield per unit of available N from the fertilizer and soil, by 4.7–15.4%), and the relatively higher seed rates (>300 or 400 m−2) enlarged the effects. The N use efficiency increases under WBS were mainly attributed to the increases in N uptake before anthesis, resulting from the promoted nodal roots per plant and per unit area, and root length density in the top layer(s). WBS promoted N translocation and the N harvest index, resulting in equivalent grain protein concentration and processing quality compared to NDS. Thus, adopting higher seed rates (>300 m−2) combined with WBS is recommended for achieving greater N efficiencies while maintaining the grain protein concentration and processing quality of winter wheat.
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As compared with single agronomic crop management practices during grain formation, knowledge about integrated agronomic management practices on grain mineral composition and grain technological properties in durum wheat is limited. This knowledge is important for determining management strategies aimed at increasing grain yield without affecting grain nutritional quality. Integrated agronomic practices such as foliar nutrient application × seeding rate × varieties combined with growing locations were investigated to evaluate the dynamics of yield and grain quality traits. Two durum wheat varieties, three-level of micronutrients (i.e. control, FeSO4, and ZnSO4), and four levels of seeding rate (i.e. 100, 125, 150, and 175 kg ha−1) were arranged in split-split plot design under two different growing locations (environments). The main plots were assigned to the varieties, subplots to micronutrients, and sub-sub plots to the seeding rate treatments. Zinc and iron were applied in a form of ZnSO4 and FeSO4 at the early flowering stage, both at a rate of 25 kg ha−1. Results showed a linear increment in biomass (21.5%) and grain yield (23.5%) under a high seeding rate, even though the 1000-grain weight, the number of grains spike−1, spike length, and the number of grains spike−1 were decreased. Higher varietal and environmental response of seeding rate was observed between varieties. The grain protein content, gluten, and zeleyn index decreased as the seeding rate increased. Grain micronutrient content was significantly influenced by seeding rate and varietal difference. The grain protein content was higher in a dryland environment than in a wet environment. A combined use of density-tolerant varieties, high seeding rate, and foliar-based iron application can improve the grain yield from 2.01 to 3.20 t ha−1 under a potential environment. Hence, all stakeholders should consider the genotype (G), environment (E), management (M), and their synergies, as far as grain yield and quality are considered simultaneously.
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Three soybean field trials were conducted in Indiana to evaluate the integration of seed treatment, cultivar selection, and seeding rate on sudden death syndrome (SDS) root rot, pathogen load in the root, foliar symptoms, yield, and net return. Two soybean cultivars, one moderately resistant and one susceptible to SDS, were planted at three seeding rates (272,277 seeds/ha, 346,535 seeds/ha, and 420,792 seeds/ha). Fluopyram and pydiflumetofen seed treatments were applied to both cultivars, and the cultivars were then compared with a control. Low foliar SDS disease pressure was observed in our study. Seed treatment with either fluopyram or pydiflumetofen and the use of a moderately resistant cultivar decreased Fusarium virguliforme DNA concentration in the root relative to the control and the use of a susceptible cultivar. Fluopyram significantly reduced visual root rot severity by 8.8% and increased yield by 105 kg/ha relative to the control but was not different from pydiflumetofen. However, pydiflumetofen performed the same as the control with respect to root rot severity and yield. Findings from this study support the use of a seed treatment to protect roots from infection and the use of a moderately resistant cultivar planted at a seeding rate of 346,535 seeds/ha to protect yield and maximize net returns when a field has low foliar SDS pressure.
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High-low seedbed cultivation (HLSC) is a key technique now used by smallholder and large farmers to increase the land utilization rate of wheat production in the North China Plain (NCP). However, little information is available on its superiority in crop productivity, resource utilization efficiency, and net return in comparison with flat cultivation (FC). A field experiment was conducted in the NCP in the 2020–2021 and 2021–2022 wheat seasons to determine whether HLSC would increase crop productivity, evapotranspiration (ET), intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (IPAR), crop nitrogen uptake and resource use efficiency. Two treatments were established, i.e., FC and HLSC, respectively. The results showed that HLSC significantly increased tiller development, leaf area index (LAI), and aboveground biomass compared with FC. Although HLSC did not increase ET relative to FC (P > 0.05), it increased IPAR by 5.5–6.6 % and grain nitrogen uptake by 12.1–12.6 % (P < 0.05). Pearson correlation analysis indicated that grain yield and biomass yield were regulated by the resource capture of wheat. Therefore, HLSC significantly increased grain yield by 14.5–18.3 % and net return by 45.4–59.3 % and enhanced the efficient use of resources by 13.2–15.6 % in water, 8.5–11.1 % in radiation, and 14.5–18.3 % in nitrogen compared with FC. HLSC is a promising planting system for improving crop productivity and resource use efficiency.
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Proper rate of fertilizer application is the major factor that affects yield and quality of durum wheat. Location specific fertilizer recommendation is lacking for durum wheat, therefore, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) field experiment on durum wheat was carried out on farmer's field in 2017 and 2018 cropping seasons at Yilmana Densa district, Northwestern Ethiopia. The objective was to examine the response of durum wheat to N and P application and determine the optimal rate of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) for durum wheat production in the district and similar agro ecology areas. Factorial combinations of four N levels (0, 90, 180 and 270 kg ha−1) and four P levels (0, 17.5, 35 and 52.5 kg ha−1) were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replications per site, over two sites in each year. Results indicated that N significantly affected most of the crop parametrs including grain yield, plant height, total number of tillers and effective tillers, spike length and seeds per spike, and the maximum value of the parameters recorded at the highest rate of N while application of phosphorus affected grain yield, plant height and spile length. The interaction effect of N and P significantly affected grain yield, plant height and seeds per spike. Grain yield showed quadratic and linear response to N and P application, respectively. The maximum grain yield (5182 kg ha−1) was obtained from the highest rate 270/52.5 N/P kg ha−1. The economic analysis revealed application of 270/52.5 N/P kg ha−1 gave the highest net benefit of 169741 ETB ha−1 with marginal rate of return 1453% and full fills the standard for quality of durum wheat production and hence can be recommended in Yilmana Densa District and other similar agro-ecologies in Ethiopia. The study revealed the need to further investigation for optimal N and P rates for different durum wheat varieties as they differ in protein content under the same management practices.
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Nonsemidwarf wheats (Triticum aestivum L.) are preferred in drought-prone dryland agriculture but are di~cult to select under higher rainfall environments where early generation breeding nurseries are often located. To determine the importance of genotype differences in height and the genotype x environment interaction, a combined analysis of variance across three ecogeographic zones was performed using genotype plant height. Genotypes were significantly different and the genotype × environment interaction was significant. Similar results were obtained when the genotypes were classified as semidwarf [gibberellic acid (GA)-insensitive] or nonsemidwarf (GA-sensitive) wheats. The genotype × environment interaction was also partitioned, and the environment × (semidwarf vs. nonsemidwarf wheat), environment × semidwarf wheat, and environment × nonsemidwarf wheat were all significant. The importance of significant genotype × environment interactions is (l) plant height in the eastern Nebraska poorly predicted plant height in western Nebraska, (ii) nonsemidwarf wheats interacted differently than semidwarf wheats with the environment, (iii) plant height should be measured in each ecogeographic zone or at least the eastern zone and either the central or northwestern zone, and (iv) among nonsemidwarf and semidwarf wheats a variety of responses to the environment were found. With regression estimates of stability, semidwarf genotypes were more stable (lower b values) than nonsemidwarf genotypes. Though nonsemidwarf genotypcs were on average taller than semidwarf genotypes, semidwarf genotypes with excellent stability could be identified that were not too tall in eastern Nebraska and retained their height in western Nebraska. Nonsemi-dwarf wheats with similar environmental responses were not identified.
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Inconsistency of wheat end-use quality has long been a problem for the milling and baking industries, which require high levels of uniformity for modern, high speed, processing. Extensive research was conducted to characterise genetic, environmental, and biochemical factors that contribute to variation in wheat quality. Samples from 17 locations of trials with 30 cultivars grown over two years were evaluated for grain quality, milling yield, mixograph parameters and baking properties. Protein quality and composition of flour samples were determined by SDS sedimentation and size-exclusion chromatography. Test sites were monitored for soil fertility, and meteorological data was collected hourly during grain fill. Additional grain samples and data were collected from six cultivars grown at 11 locations in 1993. Significant variation in end-use quality was observed among samples; variation was attributed to environmental effects, genotype, and their interactions. For many mixograph and baking parameters, variation attributed to environmental effects was of greater magnitude than for genotype. Increasing levels of low molecular weight (LMW) saline soluble proteins were related to a general decline in dough mixing properties and loaf characteristics. However, correlations of protein components with baking parameters were generally low, suggesting limited predictive value. Hours of high temperature stress (>32 °C) during grain fill were associated with loaf volume and SDS sedimentation volume, although in a curvilinear fashion. Increasing temperature stress initially had a positive influence on loaf volume and protein quality; however, when temperature stress exceeded 90 hours, there was a strong negative influence on baking quality. Variation among cultivars for environmental stability was indicated and cultivar responses to temperature stress varied. Relationships with meteorological data suggest opportunities to predict wheat end-use quality through environmental modelling.
Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seeded on conventional fallow is considered to have a high risk of winterkill in the Brown soil zone of the Canadian Prairies, yet many producers in this area continue to use this approach. Although this system is subject to frequent winterkill, the alternative (seeding into standing stubble) is itself subject to frequent economic loss due to drought stress. A 4-yr study was carried out on a medium-textured, Orthic Brown Chernozem using Norstar winter wheat seeded into bare fallow land. Several seeding dates, depths and rates were tested to determine if alternate management strategies could be used to enhance the chances of overwinter survival thereby improving the incidence of successful production when this crop was grown on conventional fallow. Multiple regression was used to relate grain yields and plant counts (survival over winter) to the number of days before freeze-up when the crop was seeded and the other treatment factors. Results confirmed those reported in s...
Grain yields of soft red winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) may be substantially increased in most environments with improved crop management. This study considered the effects of row spacing and seeding rate on grain yield and yield components of cultivars and hybrids grown in the mid-South under high management inputs. Three row spacings (4, 6, and 8 in.), three seeding rates (13, 26, and 52 seeds/sq ft), and six genotypes (‘Caldwell’, ‘Rosen’, ‘McNair 1003’, ‘HW 3015’, ‘HW 3021’, and ‘HW 3022') were studied in 1986 and 1987 at Arkansas State University (ASU) on a Calloway silt loam (fine-silty, mixed, thermic Glossaquic Fragiudalfs) and at the Northeast Research and Extension Center (NEREC) on a Sharkey clay (very fine, montmorillonitic, nonacid, thermic, Vertic Haplaquepts). Seed and foliar fungicides and a three-way split of spring N (140 lb/acre) were used. Grain yields ranged from 23.6 to 70.7 bu/acre, with the highest yield occurring in 1987 at the NEREC. Row spacing was not significant for yield at either location. However, the use of a narrow (4 in.) compared to the medium and wide (6 and 8 in.) spacings, increased spikes per square foot. Row spacing did not significantly interact with seeding rate or genotype for yield. Grain yields were highest at the NEREC at the 26 and 52 seeds/sq ft seeding rates, whereas rank growth at ASU on the Calloway silt loam resulted in lodging and higher yields with the lower seeding rates. A seeding rate × genotype interaction was significant for grain yield at ASU, but not at the NEREC. Yield components showed strong compensation relative to grain yield as seeding rate changed. McNair 1003, HW 3015, and HW 3021 yielded the highest. Our data indicate that wheat yields in the mid-South do not appear to be as responsive to row spacing and seeding rates as in other areas. Please view the pdf by using the Full Text (PDF) link under 'View' to the left. Copyright © 1990. . Copyright © 1990 by the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, 5585 Guilford Rd., Madison, WI 53711 USA
Improving consistency of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) end-use quality requires simultaneous consideration of a large number of quality traits evaluated in multiple growing environments. Stability analyses have inherent limitations that make analyses of large numbers of intercorrelated variables, or non-normally distributed values, difficult. Univariate and multivariate approaches were used to measure genotypic consistency of wheat quality traits based on the probability of traits falling within acceptable limits. Eighteen wheat genotypes were evaluated across 14 environments for flour protein concentration, mixograph mixing time and tolerance, sodium dodecylsulfate sedimentation volume, and kernel hardness [...]
Intensive management practices, such as high fertility, fungicides, and plant growth regulators, have substantially increased grain yield of soft red winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the northeastern and mid-Atlantic USA. Our objective was to determine the effects of row spacing and seeding rate on grain yield and yield components of several cultivars in a high-yield environment in the southeastern USA. Five cultivars, Coker 916, Coker 983, Hunter, Florida 301, and Florida 302, were grown during 1985 and 1986 on a Greenville sandy clay loam (clayey, kaolinitic, thermic Rhodic Paleudult) in row spacings of 0.10 and 0.20 m at seeding rates of 288 and 576 seeds m⁻². Management practices included a high rate of fertilizer-N (176 kg ha⁻¹) in multiple applications, fungicide and plant growth regulator applications, irrigation, and adequate levels of P, K, S, and Mg. Grain yields ranged from 3.9 to 6.3 Mg ha⁻¹ and averaged 5.0 Mg ha⁻¹. Narrow row spacing (0.10 m) yielded 0.4 Mg ha⁻¹ or about 8% greater than the 0.20-m spacing. Grain yield was not influenced by seeding rates when averaged over years. Number of spikes per square meter was the yield component most affected by row spacing and seeding rate. Neither the cultivar × row spacing nor cultivar × seeding rate interaction for grain yield was significant. Therefore, new cultivars should react similarly to those studied here. Contribution from the Dep. of Agronomy, Univ. of Georgia, Georgia Stn., Griffin, GA 30223. Supported by state and Hatch funds allocated to the Georgia Agric. Exp. Stns., and by grant funds from PPI and IMC. Please view the pdf by using the Full Text (PDF) link under 'View' to the left. Copyright © . .
Sowing date, sowing rate and row spacing effects were studied on high input crops at Griffith, N.S.W., between 1983 and 1985 using 25 bread wheats (Triticum aestivum L.) and 3 triticales (X Triticosecale Wittmack). The aim was to identify improved management practices and genotypes through a better understanding of development and growth of irrigated wheat grown under high-yielding conditions. The genotypes were chosen to represent a wide range in genetic background, maturity and stature. Growing period durations were between 208 days and 100 days for early April and mid-August sowings, respectively, with differences in anthesis dates within sowing dates of up to 45 days. Genotypes were classified into six major maturity groups. There was no maturity type that could flower close to 1 October from a wide range of sowing dates since anthesis was delayed by 0.3 to 0.5 days per 1-day delay in sowing. Increased daylength sensitivity tended to delay anthesis relative to the timing of floral initiation and terminal spikelet formation. The end of tillering was generally associated with the attainment of 50-60% light interception rather than a given development stage of the inflorescence. Spike density was not closely related to maximum tiller number but depended on genotype, environment and plant density. Leaf appearance rate was influenced by environment and genotype, but was independent of spike development. For a given final leaf number, internode elongation started at a later leaf number for later sowing dates, resulting in reductions in both node number and height. Crop height decreased by up to 5 cm per 1-week delay in anthesis date. The period of full light interception decreased from 133 days to 43 days between April and August sowings, respectively. The timing of reproductive development determined the green area duration, but the initial development and size of the canopy was less affected by it, because of adjustments in number and type of tillers, and size and thickness of leaves. The development and maintenance of an adequate canopy was not restricted by earliness, shortness or low sowing rates (50 kg seed/ha) for April-July sowing dates.
Effect of geno-type, environment and their interaction and stability analyses on millingandbakingqualityofsoftredwinterwheat
  • P S Baenziger
  • R L Clements
  • M S Mcintosh
  • W T Yamazaki
  • T M Startling
  • D S Sammons
  • J W Johnson
Baenziger, P.S., R.L. Clements, M.S. McIntosh, W.T. Yamazaki, T.M. Startling, D.S. Sammons, and J.W. Johnson. 1985. Effect of geno-type, environment and their interaction and stability analyses on millingandbakingqualityofsoftredwinterwheat.CropSci.25:5–8
Effects of seeding rates on harvest
  • The University
  • Nebraska
  • R C Sharma
  • E L Smith
ARS, USDA and The University of Nebraska. Sharma, R.C., and E.L. Smith. 1987. Effects of seeding rates on harvest