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Postmortem findings in wild great bustards (Otis tarda) from Spain: a clinical approach

  • Clinica Veterinaria Taimyr


Causes of death and morbidity are reported for 13 free-living great bustards (Otis tarda) from Spain. The main mortality cause for the adult birds and two juveniles was collision with power lines or fences. One wild adult bustard died of Aspergillus fumigatus generalised infection. Other causes of death for juveniles were predation, septicemia, parasitic obstruction of small intestine by cestodes, ventriculus impaction, and trauma with agricultural vehicles. Causes of morbidity were skin injuries, fractures, soft tissue and liver trauma, pneumonia of different etiology, ectoparasites and hemoparasites.
European Association of Zoo- and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV) 4
scientific meeting,
joint with the annual meeting of the European Wildlife Disease Association (EWDA)
May 8-12, 2002, Heidelberg, Germany.
1. Aulaga. Centro de Cría del Águila Imperial Ibérica. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. Quintos de Mora.
Toledo. Spain. (
2. Centro de Recuperación y Educación Ambiental “Los Hornos”.Junta de Extremadura. Sierra de
Fuentes, Cáceres. Spain.
3. GIR diagnostics. Madrid. Spain.
4. C/ Abades 18 2º B. (41004). Sevilla. Spain.
5. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. CSIC. Madrid. Spain.
6. Clínica Los Sauces. C/Murillo, 3. Madrid. Spain.
7. INGENASA. C/Hnos. Gª Noblejas, 41. Madrid. Spain.
Causes of death and morbidity are reported for 13 free-living great bustards (Otis tarda) from Spain. The
main mortality cause for the adult birds and two juveniles was collision with power lines or fences. One wild
adult bustard died of Aspergillus fumigatus generalised infection. Other causes of death for juveniles were
predation, septicemia, parasitic obstruction of small intestine by cestodes, ventriculus impaction, and
trauma w ith agricultural vehicles. Causes of morbidity were skin injuries, fractures, soft tissue and liver
trauma, pneumonia of different etiology, ectoparasites and hemoparasites.
Key words: Great bustard, Otis tarda, mortality, morbidity, postmortem.
There are 22 species of bustards (family Otididae), some of them are endangered species. The
great bustard (Otis tarda) is a large, highly sexually dimorphic, globally endangered bird. Their
numbers have declined considerably during the present century and current populations inhabit
cereal steppes of Europe and Asia (2). This decline has been attributed to habitat changes
caused by human population growth, farming practices, changes in agricultural practices and
hunting pressure (1).
The Iberian population is the largest, being the size of the Spanish population at around 17.000-
19.000 birds. Most of the Spanish great bustard nuclei seem to be stable perhaps with a very
slight tendency to increase in some particularly well conserved areas (1).
Other bustard species (Chlamydotis undulata, Ardeotis kori, Eupodotis ruficrista…) have
attracted much attention from the veterinary profession, especially in the Middle East, where a
good amount of information about management and clinical aspects of bustards exists (3-
Most of the references regarding great bustards are based on ecological studies, and there are
some published papers on captive great bustard diseases(13-15) but the authors could only
found three references on veterinary aspects (parasites) of free-living great bustards (10,11,16),
none of them being published in an international journal.
Clinical management of great bustards is not an easy task due to the strength, weight, present
injuries and stressful nature of these birds. The knowledge of diseases affecting free-living great
bustards could help in the daily treatment and follow up of clinical cases. The aim of this
retrospective study is to provide an overview of morbidity and mortality causes in the wild
Spanish great bustard population.
Material and method
We included for this retrospective study 13 postmorten cases of free-living great bustards (6
adults and 7 juveniles) that were necropsied in the period 1998-2001. Five of the 6 adults and 3
of the 7 juveniles were males. In one juvenile we could not determinate the sex. Included in this
paper are only free-living birds that were found dead or died within 24 hours in the rehabilitation
Standard avian postmorten examination techniques were used(8), including two X-ray
projections, samples for histopathology, parasitology, and microbiology when appropriate and
biometry. The condition of each bird was recorded as emaciated, poor, fair, good or obese,
based on the degree of pectoral muscle wasting. Birds with emaciated and poor pectoral muscle
scores were included in the pectoral muscle wasting group (4). For histopathology special stains
were used when Chlamydophila spp. or tuberculosis were part of the differential diagnosis.
Cause of death was determined from consideration of the clinical history, clinical observations,
laboratory findings, and significant postmortem findings.
Endoparasites were washed in distilled water and preserved in 70% ethanol until processed for
identification. When possible a blood smear was prepared to search for hematozoa and faeces
were screening by flotation method with zinc sulphate. Arthropods collected for identification
were fixed and stored in 70% ethanol.
Causes of death in wild great bustards are summarised in table 1.
Table 1. Causes of death in 7 juvenile and 6 adult free-living great bustards.
Cause of death Adult Juvenile Total
electric transmission
power lines, fences 5 2 7
Trauma-vehicle 0 1 1
1 0 1
Predation 0 1 1
Parasitic obstructi
on of small
intestine by cestodes 0 1 1
Septicemia 0 1 1
Gizzard impaction 0 1 1
Total 6 7 13
Trauma trough collisions with electric power lines or fences was responsible for 83.3% of adult
and 42.9% of juvenile deaths in wild great bustards. Aspergillosis accounted for 16.7% of adult
mortality. Other mortality causes of juvenile birds were predation (14.3%), septicemia (14.3%),
gizzard impaction (14.3%) and obstruction of small intestine with cestodes (14.3%).
Other postmortem findings in the present study are summarised in table 2.
Table 2. Postmortem findings in 7 juvenile and 6 adult free-living great bustards.
Postmortem finding Adult Juvenile Total
Intestinal parasitism-cestodes 6 4 10
Trauma-skin 5 4 9
Fractures 4 3 7
humerus 1 1 2
radius 1 0 1
ischium 1 0 1
femur 0 1 1
tibiotarsus 0 1 1
pubic bone 0 1 1
scleral ring 1 0 1
skull 1 0 1
Pneumonia 4 3 7
bacteria 0 2 2
fungus 1 0 1
aspiration 3 1 4
Pectoral muscle wasting 2 4 6
Hemoparasites 2 2 4
Ectoparasites 2 1 3
Trauma-liver 2 1 3
Intestinal parasitism-nematodes 1 1 2
Sternal bone deformity 1 0 1
All the adult bustards (100%) and 57.1% of juveniles presented intestinal parasitism by
cestodes. These cestodes were identified as Schistometra (Otiditaenia) conoides and Idiogenes
otidis. The nematodes present in the caecum of one adult and one juvenile bird were identified
as Heterakis isolonche.
Also in the faeces of that juvenile Capillaria spp. and Trichostrongylus spp. eggs were detected,
but no adults were recovered.
Skin injuries were a morbidity cause in 83.3% of adult and 57.1% of juvenile great bustards.
Bone fractures occurred in 66.7% of adult birds and 42.9% of juveniles, being open fractures of
the humerus the most common fractures.
Pneumonia was observed in 66.7% of adult and 42.9% of juvenile birds. Foreign body inhalation
pneumonia was recorded for 50% of adult bustards and 14.3% of juvenile birds. Pneumonia of
bacterial origin (Pasteurella spp.) was found in 28.6% of juvenile bustards, and Aspergillus
fumigatus pneumonia and air sacculitis was responsible for the death of one adult (16.7%) great
Hemoparasites of the specie Haemoproteus telfordi and Haemoproteus tendeiroi were seen in
blood films from 2 adult and 2 juvenile great bustards. However it was not possible to make a
blood smear from every bird.
Ectoparasites were found in 33.3% of adults and 14.3% of juveniles. Qtilipeurus turmalis
(Mallophaga, Insecta) and a tick from the genus Hyalomma were identified.
Discussion and conclusions
Mortality causes of free-living juvenile great bustards from Spain has been cited previously (2),
although it was not the objective of the study. Predation was the main mortality cause in
juveniles and collision with power lines was found in two occasions. In this study only one young
was found to be predated by a raptor, while other was hit by an agricultural vehicle. The later
cause has been reported as common in bustards chicks as they look after cover in crop fields
In a previous work in Madrid province (18) the authors found that collision with power lines was
responsible of the death of 30 wild great bustards in the period 1999-2000. Trauma trough
collisions with electric power lines or fences accounted for 63.1% mortality in wild great bustards
in the present study. Bone fractures and dislocations, skin and soft tissue injuries, liver rupture,
aspiration pneumonia and lung haemorrhage were the most frequent causes of morbidity in such
cases. When such cases are admitted to rehabilitation a reasonable valuation and decisions
must be done before treatment is accomplished.
A frequent postmortem finding was a high parasitic burden caused by cestodes (Schistometra
conoides and Idiogenes otidis). These species of cestodes have been previously reported in
great bustards (wild and captive) in Spain (10,16). They also report the death of one bustard
following obstruction of the small intestine by cestodes. This condition has been also described
in captive houbara bustards in UAE (4,12). In our study the prevalence of cestode infections in
bustards was higher than the previously reported by Reina et al. (11.4%) in Spain and Jones et
al. (25.6%) in the UAE. This could be due to many different causes as our small sample size and
the different origin of birds. Great bustards admitted to rehabilitation centres are usually
weakened, dehydrated, traumatised, and in poor body condition (authors, unpubl. data),
conditions that may increase the susceptibility to the pathologic effects of cestode infections
(12). The clinician must consider these observations when dealing with this specie. Nematodes
were seen in low numbers in the caecum of 2 bustards.
Gizzard impactions and foreign-body obstruction have been reported as an important cause of
death of captive juvenile rufous-crested bustards and houbara bustard chicks (4,5). One
juvenile bird of our study died after a gizzard impaction of unknown aetiology.
Gram-negative bacterial diseases were the most important cause of death over the first 180
days of captive bustard chicks in UAE (5). In our study one week old chick died of septicemia
where E. coli was culture from different organs. The isolation of E. coli from bustards at necropsy
was found on many occasions in one study involving captive houbara, rufous-crested and kori
bustards (9).
After collision with fences or power lines most of the birds could live for sometime and also walk
away for many metres before die (pers. obs.). Aspiration pneumonia was found in 50% of the
adult birds as result of aspiration of food (normally seeds) from the ventriculus after the collision.
Aspergillosis has been described as a common cause of euthanasia and postmortem finding in
captive and imported adult houbara bustards and also caused mortality in juvenile kori and
houbara bustards (4). One adult female died four hours after presentation prostrated and with
obvious signs of dyspnea. At necropsy fungal granulomas were seen in trachea, syringe, lungs,
pericardium, air sacs, kidney and pelvic nerve roots. A cream-coloured ovoid plaque (7 cm
minimum diameter, 11 cm maximum diameter) was recovered surrounding the abdominal
viscera. A pure culture of Aspergillus fumigatus was obtained from the granulomas. These bird
also presented signs of external parasitism, but only a tick from the genus Hyalomma was
recovered. A high cestode burden was another incidental finding in this bird. To the authors
knowledge this is the first report of aspergillosis in a wild adult great bustard.
Klebsiella spp. pneumonia and pneumonia of unknown etiology have described in captive
bustards fron the UAE (4). Bacterial pneumonia has been also a morbidity cause (28.6%) in
free-living juvenile great bustards. In one occasion Pasteurella spp. was cultivated from the
lungs of a juvenile bird. Other young great bustard had a focal bacterial pneumonia and liver
lipidosis based on histopathology. Unfortunately no microbiology results are available for this
case. Some authors have stated that aggressive care of bustards during the first 30 days after
hatching is clearly important (5).
Hemoparasites from the genus Haemoproteus were detected in 4 of the bustards, but it was not
possible to obtain a blood film for each bird. Studies of wild great bustards hemoparasites
species and prevalence are been carried out by the authors since 1998 in the Spanish
population and will be reported in the future.
Management of wild great bustards clinical cases posses a challenge to the veterinarian. The
results presented in this paper could help understanding the morbidity causes when attending
such patients.
Javier Caldera and Centro de Recuperación y Educación Ambiental “Los Hornos” staff for
providing logistic support and Gerry Dorrestein for reviewing some histopathology slides. Maribel
Acosta and Mónica Luzón helped with parasite identification. We also wish to thank Tom Bailey
and Jaime Samour for helping with references.
1. Alonso JC and Alonso JA. The Great Bustard in Spain: Present Status, Recent Trends and Evaluation of Earlier
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2. Alonso JC, Martín E, Alonso JA and Morales MB. Proximate and ultimate causes of natal dispersal in the great
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3. Bailey TA, Naldo J, Samour JH, and Howlett JC. Bustard Therapeutics. ERWDA External Report No5. 1997.
4. Bailey TA, Naldo J, Samour JH, and Howlett JC. Post-mortem Findings in Bustards in the United Emirates. Avian
Diseases 1996; 40: 296-305.
5. Bailey TA, Naldo J, Samour JH, Sleigh IM, and Howlett JC. Bustard pediatric diseases: a review of clinical and
pathologic findings. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 1997; 11(3): 166-174.
6. Bailey TA, Nicholls PK, Wernery U, Samour JH, Cooper JE, Path C, and O´Leary MT. Avian paramixovirus type 1
infection in Houbara bustards (Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii): clinical and pathological findings. Journal of
Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 1997; 28 (3): 325-330.
7. Bailey TA, Silvanose CD, Naldo J, and Howlett JH. Pseudomonas aeroginosa infections in Kori bustards
(Ardeotis kori). Avian Pathology 2000; 29: 41-44.
8. Cooper J.E. 1989. Disease and Threatened Birds. ICBP Thecnical Publications.
9. Dáloia MA, Bailey TA, Samour JH, Naldo J, and Howlett JC. Bacterial flora of captive houbara (Chlamydotis
undulata), Kori (Ardeotis kori) and rufous-crested (Eupodotis ruficrista) bustards. Avian Pathology 1996; 25: 459-
10. Illescas-Gómez MP, and Gómez MP. First citation in Spain of Schistometra conoides (Bloch 1782) Skrjabin 1914,
parasitizing Otis tarda L. Proceedings of the third European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, 1980, Cambridge,
11. Illescas-Gómez MP, and Gomez MP. Idiogenes otidis, intestinal parasite of Otis tarda. Revista Ibérica de
Parasitología 1981; 41 (4): 475-484.
12. Jones A, Bailey TA, Nicholls PK, Samour JH, and Naldo J. Cestode and acanthocephalan infections in captive
bustards: New host and location records, with data on pathology, control, and preventive medicine. Journal of
Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 1996; 27 (2): 201-208.
13. Körmendy B, Illes J, Glavits R, and Sztojkov V. An outbreak of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in a bustard
(Otis tarda) flock. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 1988; 36 (3-4): 173-176.
14. Körmendy P, Sztojkov V, Ivanics E, Illes J, and Csatori G. Pseudotuberculosis in a Great bustard population and
comparison with the changes after an experimental tuberculosis infection. Verh. ber. Erkr. Zootiere 1982; 24: 299-
15. Kozakiewicz, B. Infection with endoparasites of bustards (Otis tarda) under breeding conditions. Wiadomosci-
Parazytologiczne 1984; 30 (4): 489-492.
16. Reina D, Habela M, Serrano F, Nieto CG, Brena M, Pérez E, Navarrete I, Hernandez-Rodriguez S. Contribución
al conocimiento de la parasitofauna de los animales silvestres y de vida libre en la provincia de Cáceres
(España). In Memoriam al Prof. Dr. Francisco de Paula Martínez Gómez 1992. Universidad de Córdoba, 407-
17. Sleigh I and Samour JH. Bird care manual: Management techniques for a collection of bustards. NARC, 1996.
18. Traverso JM. Agricultura y tendidos afectan a las avutardas del este de Madrid. Quercus 2001; diciembre: 62-63.
... The behaviour must be initiated by parasite infection (therapeutic medication) or in response to parasite risk (prophylactic medication). Great bustards show high prevalence of several parasites and pathogens [60] ( Table 1), which suggests blister beetle consumption could be both, therapeutic and prophylactic against most bacteria and parasites identified in faeces. As in ii), due to ethical and logistic reasons explained below it was not possible to test predictions in field conditions or through manipulative experiments. ...
Full-text available
We present evidence of a possible case of self-medication in a lekking bird, the great bustard Otis tarda. Great bustards consumed blister beetles (Meloidae), in spite of the fact that they contain cantharidin, a highly toxic compound that is lethal in moderate doses. In addition to anthelminthic properties, cantharidin was effective against gastrointestinal bacteria that cause sexually-transmitted diseases. Although both sexes consumed blister beetles during the mating season, only males selected them among all available insects, and ingested more and larger beetles than females. The male-biased consumption suggests that males could use cantharidin to reduce their parasite load and increase their sexual attractiveness. This plausibly explains the intense cloaca display males perform to approaching females, and the meticulous inspection females conduct of the male's cloaca, a behaviour only observed in this and another similar species of the bustard family. A white, clean cloaca with no infection symptoms (e.g., diarrhoea) is an honest signal of both, resistance to cantharidin and absence of parasites, and represents a reliable indicator of the male quality to the extremely choosy females. Our results do not definitely prove, but certainly strongly suggest that cantharidin, obtained by consumption of blister beetles, acts in great bustards as an oral anti-microbial and pathogen-limiting compound, and that males ingest these poisonous insects to increase their mating success, pointing out that self-medication might have been overlooked as a sexually-selected mechanism enhancing male fitness.
... The behaviour must be initiated by parasite infection (therapeutic medication) or in response to parasite risk (prophylactic medication). Great bustards show high prevalence of several parasites and pathogens [60] ( Table 1), which suggests blister beetle consumption could be both, therapeutic and prophylactic against most bacteria and parasites identified in faeces. As in ii), due to ethical and logistic reasons explained below it was not possible to test predictions in field conditions or through manipulative experiments. ...
Full-text available
We present evidence of a possible case of self-medication in a lekking bird, the great bustard Otis tarda. Great bustards consumed blister beetles (Meloidae), in spite of the fact that they contain cantharidin, a highly toxic compound that is lethal in moderate doses. In addition to anthelminthic properties, cantharidin was effective against gastrointestinal bacteria that cause sexually-transmitted diseases. Although both sexes consumed blister beetles during the mating season, only males selected them among all available insects, and ingested more and larger beetles than females. The male-biased consumption suggests that males could use cantharidin to reduce their parasite load and increase their sexual attractiveness. This plausibly explains the intense cloaca display males perform to approaching females, and the meticulous inspection females conduct of the male's cloaca, a behaviour only observed in this and another similar species of the bustard family. A white, clean cloaca with no infection symptoms (e.g., diarrhoea) is an honest signal of both, resistance to cantharidin and absence of parasites, and represents a reliable indicator of the male quality to the extremely choosy females. Our results do not definitely prove, but certainly strongly suggest that cantharidin, obtained by consumption of blister beetles, acts in great bustards as an oral anti-microbial and pathogen-limiting compound, and that males ingest these poisonous insects to increase their mating success, pointing out that self-medication might have been overlooked as a sexually-selected mechanism enhancing male fitness. Citation: Bravo C, Bautista LM, García-París M, Blanco G, Alonso JC (2014) Males of a Strongly Polygynous Species Consume More Poisonous Food than Females. PLoS ONE 9(10): e111057. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0111057
... Th e use of multiple stopover sites and large wintering ranges increases the probability of encountering threats. Great bustards suff er mortality from collisions with overhead cabling and poisoning from agricultural chemicals and in Asia, poaching of great bustards is a major cause of adult mortality (Janss and Ferrer 2000, Garc í a- Montijano et al. 2002, Tseveenmyadag 2003. Additionally, climate change and land-use practices are increasing the extent of the Gobi Desert ( Wang et al. 2008), a major migratory obstacle with limited forage for migrating bustards. ...
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The range of the great bustard stretches 10 000 km across Eurasia, one of the largest ranges of any threatened species. While movement patterns of the western subspecies of great bustard are relatively well-understood, this is the first research to monitor the movements of the more endangered Asian subspecies of great bustard through telemetry and to link a breeding population of Asian great bustards to their wintering grounds. Using Argos/GPS platform transmitter terminals, we identified the annual movement patterns of three female great bustards captured at their breeding sites in northern Mongolia. The 4000 km round-trip migration we have recorded terminated at wintering grounds in Shaanxi, China. This route is twice as long as has previously been reported for great bustards, which are among the heaviest flying birds. The journey was accomplished in approximately two months each way, at ground velocities of 48–98 km h−1, and incorporated multiple and variable stopover sites. On their wintering grounds these birds moved itinerantly across relatively large home ranges. Our findings confirm that migratory behavior in this species varies longitudinally. This variation may be attributable to longitudinal gradients in seasonality and severity of winter across Eurasia. The distance and duration of the migratory route taken by great bustards breeding in Mongolia, the crossing of an international border, the incorporation of many stopovers, and the use of a large wintering territory present challenges to the conservation of the Asian subspecies of great bustard in this rapidly changing part of the world.
... También fueron descritas infecciones de origen bacteriano por Pasteurella sp. y neumonía causada por Aspergillus fumigatus (López-Neyra, 1944; Yeh, 1957; Illescas-Gómez, 1981a, Illescas-Gómez, 1981b Martín-Mateo, 1987; García-Montijano et al., 2002). ...
... Our results show that the pathogen and parasite burdens increased in intoxicated individuals, probably affecting the health status. In particular, the parasite Otiditania conoides appeared in huge quantities in great bustard faeces and intestines Gómez, 1980, 1981;García-Montijano et al., 2002). The interaction and intensification of the toxic effects of chlorophacinone with pathogens have been recently described in Vidal et al. (2009), who found that toxic concentrations were lower in voles showing Francisella tularensis. ...
For many years anticoagulant rodenticides have been used in vole control campaigns, in spite of the proven risk of secondary poisoning of non-target predators and scavengers. In this paper we analyse for the first time great bustard exposure and intoxication by anticoagulant rodenticides in Spain, based on residues found in the livers of 71 bustard carcasses collected during 1991-2010. Ten individuals contained chlorophacinone and one flocoumafen. Chlorophacinone level was significantly correlated with the pathogen and parasite burden of intoxicated birds. Moreover, through the last 12 years the annual number of great bustards that present chlorophacinone in liver collected in our study areas was correlated with vole peaks at a nearby area, suggesting that the ingestion of rodenticide was proportional to the amounts spread in the fields. We conclude that rodenticide consumption is a regular event among great bustards when baited cereal is spread on fields, and that this may cause chronic weakening of intoxicated individuals, possibly affecting their survival. Future rodent control actions should consider these negative side effects on non target granivorous steppe and farmland species, particularly when they are globally threatened.
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Bustards are large terrestrial birds that inhabit open plains, deserts, and dry bush country. The helminth parasites of captive houbara bustards (Chlamydotis undulata macqueeni), rufous-crested bustards (Eupodotis ruficrista), and kori bustards (Ardeotis kori) have been investigated at the National Avian Research Centre (NARC) and the International Institute of Parasitology. The cestode species recovered include Hispaniolepis falsata, Ascometra vestita, Ascometra choriotidis, Otiditaenia conoideis, Otiditaenia macqueeni, Raillietina neyrai, and Idiogenes sp. The acanthocephalans Mediorhynchus taeniatus and Centrorhynchus lancea were also recovered. A host-parasite list is presented here. Chlamydotis undulata macqueeni is a new host for A. choriotidis, C. lancea, and R. neyrai, and E. ruficrista is a new host for O. macqueeni. Ascometra choriotidis, R. neyrai, O. macqueeni, H. falsata, M. taeniatus, and C. lancea records are new for the United Arab Emirates. Cestodes were recovered from 18 of 78 houbara bustards, two of three kori bustards, and four of 10 rufous-crested bustards. Pathologic findings in the intestinal tract associated with cestode infection included inflammation, mild atrophy, collapse, and fibrosis of the intestinal mucosa. In some birds, the number of parasites was sufficient to partially obstruct the intestinal lumen. Administration of a single oral dose of 10 mg/kg praziquantel was effective in treating kori bustards known to be infected with the cestode O. conoideis. Importation of stock for captive breeding programs may introduce parasites from one region into another.
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The clinical and pathologic findings of pediatric conditions that developed in four species of bustards (Eupodotis ruficrista, Ardeotis kori, Chlamydotis undulata, and Eupodotis senegalensis) during the first 180 days after hatching are reviewed. The study surveyed 137 chicks reared at the National Avian Research Center in the United Arab Emirates between 1993 and 1995. The mortality rate of chicks decreased from 71 to 25% between 1993 and 1995. This decrease was associated with modifications to the management of the chicks and the rearing environment. Musculoskeletal conditions were the most important cause of morbidity over the first 30 days (50%) and, in total, over 180 days (49%). Bacterial diseases were the most important cause of death over the first 30 days (62%) and, in total, over 180 days (40%). Eighty-two percent of the bacterial isolates from clinical and postmortem cases were gram-negative bacteria. Mechanical abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract were an important cause of death (16%) and morbidity (4%), in total, over 180 days. Forty-five percent and 52% of all chick morbidity and mortality, respectively, occurred within the first 30 days after hatching. Aggressive care of bustards during the first 30 days after hatching is important. Health recommendations for bustard chicks are summarized.
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Between 1991 and 1997 we studied the offspring independence and juvenile dispersal in a wild population of great bustards (Otis tarda). Young males were independent and began their juvenile dispersal at an earlier age (6-11 months) than young females (8-15 months). The juvenile dispersal period was longer and the distances reached farther in males than in females. Natal dispersal distances were also longer in males, all of which dispersed from their natal areas and established as adults at 565 km from their natal nests. In contrast, most females were strongly philopatric, settling at 0.5-5 km from their natal nests. These marked sex differences in offspring independence and dispersal may have evolved originally to maintain genetic diversity and are probably reinforced through male competition for mates. Young males that had fed at higher rates and received more feedings from their mothers during the early maternal dependence period became independent and tended to disperse earlier. They also integrated earlier into adult male flocks and settled earlier at their definitive leks, which were closer to their natal sites, in areas of higher adult male density. None of these correlations was found among young females. These results suggest that enhanced food intake and maternal care of male offspring are vitally important in increasing their competitive ability during the immature period and probably also in their fitness as breeding adults. These results are in accordance with the selective value of large size in males and suggest how this species might have reached such a marked sexual dimorphism in size.
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa associated upper respiratory tract infections occurred in a flock of 19 juvenile kori bustards. Morbidity was 32% and all birds recovered after parenteral treatment with combinations of enrofloxacin, gentamicin and piperacillin, although gentamicin toxicity was suspected in one bird. A marked haemoresponse occurred 3-10 days after the onset of clinical signs and included leukocytosis, heterophilia, monocytosis and thrombocytosis. Predisposing factors to infection included recent translocation, changes to flock size, extreme temperatures and age.
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A review was conducted of 236 postmortem examinations of six species of captive and imported bustards in the United Arab Emirates for the period 1979-94. The most common causes of death in adult imported houbara bustards (Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii) were euthanasia due to Newcastle disease, aspergillosis, and post-transportation-related deaths. Helminth parasites were a common finding in imported houbara bustards, and large parasite burdens occasionally caused intestinal obstruction and death. The most common causes of death in adult captive houbara bustards were trauma-related deaths and euthanasia for or death following treatment for capture myopathy. Fatty liver change was an important postmortem finding of captive adult houbara bustards. The main cause of death in juvenile houbara bustards was yolk-sac infection and septicemia. The most common causes of death in adult kori bustards (Ardeotis kori) were capture myopathy and handling injuries or euthanasia following these injuries. The most common causes of death in adult rufouscrested bustards (Eupodotis ruficrista) were post-transportation deaths in imported birds and trichomoniasis and trauma in captive birds. Juvenile rufous-crested bustards appeared to be highly susceptible to gizzard impactions and foreign-body obstructions of the gastrointestinal tract. Nutritional bone disease is an important disease of all juvenile bustards, particularly kori and houbara bustards. Aspergillosis was also a common postmortem finding in captive and imported adult houbara bustards and also caused mortality in juvenile kori and houbara bustards.
We estimate the size of the Spanish population of great bustards Otis tarda at around 17,000–19,000 birds, using the results of the most recent counts available. To evaluate the reliability of earlier censuses and estimations, we compared the results of the first census carried out in 1981–1982 with more reliable counts made at specific intensive study areas during 1987–1988 and 1993–1994. For these comparisons we selected five test areas where experienced observers had been studying great bustard populations during several years. All counts and sex-ratio samples recorded during 1987–1988 and 1993–1994 were similar between these two years and much higher than those obtained during 1981–1982 at the same areas. This supported our conclusion that many individuals, particularly females, had been missed during the 1981–1982 census. Extrapolating the results from test areas to the whole of Spain, we again obtained 17,000 birds as an estimate of the Spanish population. Since 1980, when the species was legally protected, numbers have probably remained stable in most areas, while the smallest marginal groups have tended to disappear.
A survey was carried out to investigate the aerobic bacterial flora of captive houbara (Chlamydotis undulata), kori (Ardeotis kori) and rufous-crested (Eupodotis ruficrista) bustards maintained at the National Avian Research Center, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. None of the houbara or rufous-crested bustards sampled were bred in captivity by the Center but four of the kori bustards sampled were captive-bred. Faecal, cloacal, oropharyngeal and skin samples (from under the wing) from clinically normal bustards were taken during routine handling of the birds. Samples were also taken from clinical cases, carcasses and failed eggs. Culture for fungi was also carried out. Bacteria belonging to several different genera were isolated from the three species, they included Staphylococcus aurais and Escherichia coli and also species of Aeromonas, Bacillus, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Micrococcus, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Salmonella, Serratia, Sphingobacterium, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Vibrio. Fungal cultures yielded species of Aspergillus and Candida albicans. This appears to be the first bacterial survey carried out on bustards and shows that they are colonized by a wide range of bacteria, some of which were also isolated from disease conditions.