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An Overview of Strategy Development Models and the Ward-Rivani Model


Abstract and Figures

Numerous models for developing strategy, defining and aligning competitive advantage have been proposed over the years (and even centuries if we consider Arian, Sun Tzu etc.) including probably the most famous of all, the 5 forces model by Porter (P5F). With publications in the field of strategy now in the thousands it is difficult to get an overall picture of how to classify and appreciate strategy tools and models. Mintzberg et al. have developed schools of thought to help alleviate and categorise this problem but this approach lacks a comparison of the models found in industry e.g. BCG, 7S McKinsey, ANSOFF etc. Consequently at academic level (but not only) we see models like P5F, etc. predominate while tools like SWOT, PEST, ARC etc. populate the consultancy arena and operative levels of the organisation. The purpose of this paper is therefore to provide an overview and comparison of selected models used in the development of business strategy along side a brief discussion of schools of strategic thought. Judging by the bibliography searched and, perhaps, the major appeal of this paper, is that a selection of common strategy development models and tools are compared systematically for the first time in one single paper. In fact it was found that models, at least in Italy, are rarely compared and if they are, it is on a one-to-one basis. The intent is to at least start to bridge and compare models and show how new models can be realised. The paper closes with the proposal of a new model, the Ward-Rivani model, which does not claim to be the most universal rather a complementary and perhaps useful platform for future work on strategy.
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An Overview of Strategy Development Models and
the Ward-Rivani Model
corresponding author:
Dr. David Ward, European School of Economics, Via Chiaravalle 9, 20100 Milan, Italy.
All correspondence to Dr David Ward, Via Fornari 46, 20146 Milan, Italy email:
co-author: Elena Rivani, Via Orsoni 41, 40068, San Lazzaro di S. (Bo), Italy.
Numerous models for developing strategy, defining and aligning competitive advantage have
been proposed over the years (and even centuries if we consider Arian, Sun Tzu etc.)
including probably the most famous of all, the 5 forces model by Porter (P5F). With
publications in the field of strategy now in the thousands it is difficult to get an overall
picture of how to classify and appreciate strategy tools and models.
Mintzberg et al. have developed schools of thought to help alleviate and categorise this
problem but this approach lacks a comparison of the models found in industry e.g. BCG, 7S
McKinsey, ANSOFF etc.
Consequently at academic level (but not only) we see models like P5F, etc. predominate
while tools like SWOT, PEST, ARC etc. populate the consultancy arena and operative levels
of the organisation. The purpose of this paper is therefore to provide an overview and
comparison of selected models used in the development of business strategy together with a
brief discussion of schools of strategic thought.
Judging by the bibliography searched and, perhaps, the major appeal of this paper, is that a
selection of common strategy development models and tools are compared systematically for
the first time in one single paper. In fact it was found that models, at least in Italy, are rarely
compared and if they are, it is on a one-to-one basis. The intent is to at least start to bridge
and compare models and show how new models can be realised.
The paper closes with the proposal of a new model, the Ward-Rivani model, which does not
claim to be the most universal rather a complementary and perhaps useful platform for future
work on strategy.
Keywords: Strategy, Models, Porter, Ward-Rivani model
Introduction and Background – The strategic approach to Industry Analysis
Companies are often chased internally or externally to examine their strategic position within
a given business, marketplace or industry. To this end a multitude of theories and models
have been developed (Koch, p. xiii, 2000) with the intent to determine, develop and
disseminate systematically competitive advantages for the company. The overall intended
outcome is to strengthen the company’s position in industry and help maintain, if not
improve, their competitive position within it.
In this context, perhaps the most famous of all models has been Michael Porter’s five forces
model (Porter, 1980). This model has become a standard of comparison for most (if not all)
new theories and models that look at the external environment of a company and therefore
the industry in which the company competes.
Inspite of this ‘standardisation’ the authors found that new models are rarely compared across
a cluster of other models and indeed comparisons are usually limited to ‘look-alikes’ or 1-to-
1. Moreover, the same authors have found very little (if any) intentional linkage between
forces and tools. A good starting point for an overview of models can be found at the Value
Based Management website (
This paper sets out to provide a comparison between 8 models, starting from Porter’s 5F
model (P5F) and ending with the SWOT model. These models were chosen because of their
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popularity in Italy and compatibility with one or more Porters five forces. However, similar
popularity has been found in both academic and non-academic environments.
While developing this comparison it also became evident that new models can be generated
from this comparison and therefore in this sense the paper provides a framework for future
and broader or even narrower models.
To this end the authors propose a new hypothetical model, the Ward-Rivani model, that
attempts to combine as many of the main criteria found across models and with the goal to
provide a complete ‘strategy package’.
Another key finding in the development of this paper has been the almost total lack of a
complete or partial view of how the P5F model, underlying tools and schools of strategic
thought are linked. In fact we found very little trace of links between these three areas and the
proposed model provides an overview of how these three levels are linked.
In the work that follows we have attempted to achieve the following objectives:
Explain what the P5F model is, what it is intended for and its position in company
strategy development
What tools can and are used by managers and upper management and how these link
to the forces described by Porter. We have taken Italy as the reference country
because of greater familiarity with the national economic and business world (Rivani,
Tackle and link schools of thought to the P5F model and relative tools in order to
leverage all three of the above mentioned levels of strategy development and
Provide a convenient and concise comparison of models and show how new models
can be generated or old ones adapted-updated.
The Five Forces Model of Porter
The Five Forces Model (P5F) and the framework behind it dates back to the early 80s and
was the work of Michael Porter, a scholar working and teaching at the Harvard Business
This model (see figure 1), as declared by its creator, was able, at that time, to fill a void, in
the management field corresponding to the development of a new discipline, Competitive
Strategy. It came at a time when down-sizing, re-engineering etc. were elements of strategic
choice. The intent of Porter was to provide an overall model that would help enterprises
realize the impact of external scenarios (that he calls forces) on their overall performance.
Figure 1 – The five forces model by Michael E. Porter
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One fatal attraction of the P5F model was that it finally allowed companies to assess
simultaneously the industry in which it was competing thus indirectly understanding its
competitors, and subsequently decide and implement a competitive strategy. It also coincided
with a marked acceleration of competition in the USA. It was, and still is considered to be a
unique, simple, easy-to-understand, intuitive, structured framework for company strategy.
The P5F model also helps develop a competitive company position along side adequate
strategies to create value and therefore outperform its rivals: in essence it provides the
helicopter view of the industry environment in which the company operates and competes.
The five forces of the Porter model are summarized as follows:
- F1 - Threat of new entrants: this is the easiness with which a new company could enter
the industry thus impacting the profitability of the industry and the competitive position of
the enterprise. This force should qualitatively and, ideally, quantatively measure the status
of Barriers of Entry especially those factors that make it costly for companies to enter the
industry (Hill et al. 2001). Examples of significant entrance barriers (Bain, 1956 cited by
Hill et al. 2001) are:
Brand Loyalty (Clifton et al., p.95, 2003)
Absolute cost advantages
Economies of scale (Saloner et al, p.340, 2001)
Switching costs (Hill et al. 2001)
Government Regulation (Hill et al. 2001)
F2 - Rivalry among established companies (Grant, pp.78-80, 2002): This force
evaluates the overall competitiveness of the industry. It takes into consideration the status
of the players, their size and how the industry’s characteristics foster or discourage the
creation of competition.
The drivers of this force can be identified as follows (Hill et al. 2001):
Industry growth and demand
Product/service differentiation
Ratio of fixed costs to variable costs
High exit barriers
Diversity of Competitors
High strategic stakes
F3 - The Bargaining power of Buyers (Johnson and Scholes, pp.117-118, 2002): By
buyers one intends both the clients (e.g. trade partners) and customers (e.g. end-users),
Clearly the bargaining power of this group and force establish, among other things, price
and product/service expectations.
F4 - The Bargaining power of Suppliers (Johnson and Scholes, pp.117-118, 2002):
Suppliers are nowadays very much integrated in industry especially when corporations,
multinationals etc have strategic supplier agreements in place. Nevertheless suppliers can
condition industry and company performance, especially those that supply raw materials
or fundamental parts (e.g. Intel, Shell etc.), and are therefore considered quite rightly as a
key element in the P5F model.
F5 - Threat of Substitutes (Cullen, pp.162-181, 2001): The cloning of products and the
possibility that substitutes flood the market is a real threat to an industry, especially if the
substitutes are of better quality and lower price. This is especially true for products that
compete on price and have limited differentiation. In the context of this paper one
considers this fifth force particularly true for the final stages of the PLC i.e. company
vunerability increases in the third (maturity) and final (decline) stages of product life
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Many authors have analysed the P5F model or one or more of it’s forces, starting from a
position of amiration and total acceptance to one of need of renovation. Based on over 170
publication searches1, four stages appear to have surfaced since its arrival in the early 80s,
this is depicted below:
Figure 2 – The P5F model from Introduction to Integration
The fact that it has not been scrapped or replaced by other models is testimony to its appeal
and robustness. However, a lot of academics have criticized this model arguing that certain
elements are not contemplated and that such a flaw merits at least another force.
For example, Grove (2001, p. XX) proposes the addition of a sixth force to include
Government and Legislation levers. Others suggest the introduction of the so called
Complementor’ (Hill et al. 2001, p.82), a sort of middleman that may hinder or favour a
company, just as a in-store salesman conditions the customer in a shop. They argue that
complementors are able to influence the marketability of the product and hence also the
competivity of an enterprise.
Some scholars signal an inadequateness of the model due to the birth and dissemination of
new technologies e.g. internet, biotechnology etc. or view the P5F model as a static
framework that is incapable of capturing the changes of the industry or adapting
multinational strategy to local (national) organization (Cullen, pp.282-284, 2001).
Porter, in his book “Competitive Strategy” (2004, p.XX) argues that the model can still hold
for the emerging new technological economies, as it changes only the drivers of the forces.
Although the authors of this paper agree that internet, for example, conditions the drivers of
the forces (e.g. F3 and F4) it is equally true that internet creates a new external overlapping
and virtual environment. Similarly globalization changes the external environment by
expanding it just like dough can either be a loaf of bread or spread out like the base of a
Porter also argues that criticism of his P5F model is rooted in a general misunderstanding of
the model and, in the specific case of change, he says that “the framework reveals the
dimensions of change” (Porter, 1980, p. xiii). In the same text he indeed dedicates several
chapters that deal with a learning and changing environment, thus we consider it to be unfair
to say that Porter does not take into account the factor of change. However, rather than see
the expansion of the environment the dimensions of change act on the ingredients, not how
thick or spread the dough is.
Porter’s model provides a general overview of the external environment but how high (and
good) the view is, depends not only on the quality of the analysis (i.e. completeness of
drivers) and the capability of company management to use it but also the fostering of the
helicopter view (or even better a satellite view) of both the present and future external
These views provide a powerful assessment tool for a company’s upper management, almost
as if the noise of an electrical signal can be removed with different levels of attenuation
without modifying the behaviour of its waveform. Clearly the higher the view the less
practical value for lower levels in the organisation (e.g. middle or junior managers). Indeed in
1 A selection of which is provided in the bibliography. After this search a total of 46 publications were analysed.
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our experience, at least in Italy, it is quite worthless to promote the helicopter (or higher)
views, as the P5F model does, without providing also the necessary (lower level) and more
operative tools. As an example of this discrepancy we may take the case of communication.
Predicting and preaching the importance of effective communication without providing
adequate tools like video conferencing, face-to-face single or group meetings, specialist
communication training etc. inevitably leads to a mismatch between the overall goal (e.g.
better performance) and everyday achievements necessary to reach that goal.
This leads us to an important conclusion, summarized and visualized in figure 8.
In order for the complete and durable deployment and dissemination of a strategy it is
essential that three layers of action and view are in place. That is to say external environment
monitoring (as in the P5F model), the tools (SWOT etc.) and strategic school of thought
(Positioning school etc.) all need to be synchronized in order to maximize company (and
industry) performance.
From Porter to other models-tools
Several Italian companies (see table a1 in appendix) were contacted, most of which were
family or locally run but nevertheless either International in terms of customer base or local
branches of multinationals. It was found that managers and upper management were unaware
of the multitude of strategic tools, models etc. available and in many cases they did not
realise that they were evaluating one or more of the forces described by Porter. There was
also a lot of evidence that specific models like SWOT, BCG, Parts of the 7S model etc. were
dominant in company culture and usage, essentially because external consultancy agencies
had used and disseminated them for their past analysis of the company and relative industry.
In most cases individuals within the company were aware of at least one of the eight models
cited (see table 6) and actually were pushing for their application to align company strategy
with industry competition. However, at a upper management level (i.e. owner level) there
was no direct evidence that models (or parts of them) had been selected and compared before
deliberately or subconsciously employing them.
During several interviews when the interviewees (usually upper or middle managers) realised
that they were using unknowingly tools to strengthen company position they were either
flattered or surprised to know that these tools were used by the competition or in the
Clearly Porter’s model is not the only model used by companies to assess their
competitiveness and industry environment, and indeed many great consultancy companies
have been formed on the basis of this fundamental need. The difference is that these
companies have satisfied a need by lower levels in the enterprise, that is, to fill the gap
between the P5F model and school of thought. Not surprisingly do we see these tools or
models being much more operative and therefore practical and/or deterministic. Surprisingly
it was found that such tools and models often took on a much higher view of the industry and
even compete or replace the P5F model. We believe that this probably derives from the
nature and culture of the enterprise, which as stated, was more family-run minded and
managers knew very little else.
Further, according to the authors of this paper, the essential difference between the P5F
model and other models is that the first provides the overall or helicopter view (and without
other models-tools is also poor in detail and pretty worthless) while the other models take a
much more closer look at inside one or more of the 5 forces. In some cases they focus, albeit
generally, on the drivers, e.g. the 3C model (Ohmae).
In general one may state that the forces and relevant models are leveraged in three ways:
1. Defensively: The models are used to protect and conserve the approach and culture of
the enterprise.
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2. Offensively: The models are used to drive the correct offensive measures and thus
attack the competition.
3. Exploiting change: Especially by anticipating trends before the competition does or
riding the waves as soon as possible.
We will return to this finding later in the paper but for the time being it may be said that
companies will often recognise the P5F model in their firm they are much more inclined to
refer to specific models. This is probably due to the need to picture scenarios quickly and
effectively and solve the fundamental issues. The downturn is that the actions tend to be
stand-alone and are not integrated with the overall view of the industry, which is what, in our
opinion, the P5F ends up doing.
We will now endeavour to describe a selection of models to emphasise the difference
between satellite, helicopter and battleground views.
The models have been selected on the following criteria:
Degree of acceptance and acknowledgement by companies and managers
The flexibility, durability and applicability in-field
Their notoriety and diversity
Their relationship with one or more of the P5F model forces.
The Ansoff Matrix
The Ansoff Matrix is a marketing tool that was first published in the Harvard Business
Review in an article called ‘Strategies for Diversification’ (1957). It is used principally by
marketers with the objective of growth and may be correlated to at least 2 of the five forces,
namely rivalry and threat from entrants. Although the intent is not to monopolize it must be
said that in order to govern the rivalry and entrant forces, a dominant position in the
marketplace and industry is needed. It may also be seen as an aspect of counteracting the
substitutes force. The Ansoff matrix is particularly strong in those enterprises where market-
pull is the predominant way of competing. In this sense it promotes a battleground-helicopter
view. The matrix (shown in figure 3) consists of four quadrants as follows:
1. Market Penetration
Here existing products are marketed more effectively to existing customers. Hence revenues
are increased by, for example, promoting the product, repositioning the brand, and so on.
2. Market Development
Here the existing product range is launched in a new market. This means that the product
remains the same, but it is marketed to a new audience. Exporting the product, or marketing it
in a new region leads to the development of new markets.
3. Product Development
This is where new products are marketed to existing customers. Here the scope is to develop
and innovate new product offerings to replace existing ones. A good example is when
existing models are updated or replaced and then marketed to existing customers e.g. as in the
car industry.
4. Diversification
This is where completely new products are marketed to new customers. There are two types
of diversification, namely related and unrelated diversification. Related diversification means
that one remains in a market or industry with which one is familiar. For example, a foodstuff
or beverage in the food industry. Unrelated diversification is where the enterprise has little or
no previous industry or market experience. For example a soup manufacturer invests in the
rail business.
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Figure 3 – The Ansoff Matrix
BCG Growth-Share Matrix
The BCG matrix is the oldest (dating back to the 70s) and perhaps most renowned of all the
matrices. Based on our experience it is perhaps the most common portfolio matrix to be
taught around the world.
The BCG Matrix, like the Ansoff Matrix, is generally used to analyse the standing of single
business unit or company enterprise. It can, however, be extended to include more than one
SBU2 as in the case of business portfolio analysis. In this sense it provides a helicopter view.
The analysis is based on the combination of two dimensions: Business Growth and Market
Share. The idea is that the bigger the market share the product has, the more cash it can earn,
and the faster the product growths, the more investments are needed. The BCG Matrix
( tackles four types of scenario: Star, Cash Cow, Dog and Question Mark, as
shown below.
Figure 4 – The BCG Matrix
The creation of value of a company, following this model, is given from the best composition
of the product portfolio of it. Hence it may be considered as a useful tool to counteract the
substitutes and rivalry forces. The scope in the long-term is to ensure value creation by
2 SBU – Strategic Business Unit or division
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combining product offering while generating the largest amount of cash at the lowest level of
capital investment. In this way the same tool highlights those products that demand high
investment efforts for low-growth products (, 2004) and that
should be avoided
7S McKinsey Model
The 7S McKinsey model is essentially a Value Based Management (VBM) model that is
intended to provide a company with a framework with the intent generate value within its
overall organisation. It is more general and holistically conceptualised when compared to the
previous two models and closer to the generic view of the model of Porter. However, with
respect to the P5F model it takes into account both the internal and external environments.
The model considers the organization of a company as a mix of 6 dimensions that function
around a seventh one, i.e. the Shared Values of a Company (see figure 5 below).
Figure 5 – The 7S McKinsey Model
The six dimensions are: Strategy, Structure, Systems, Style, Staff and Skills
(, 2004). The Strategy is the only dimension that takes into
consideration the external environment like competition and customers although it could be
argued that at least the Structure dimension should (could) reflect the external ambient as
well. It provides a mix between the helicopter and battleground views.
The other 5 dimensions focus on the internal organisation of the company and especially how
the units (divisions, departments etc) are structured and which systems and processes they
adopt. Interestingly HR components such as skills, staff and style are contemplated here
(albeit separately) something which is not in the P5F. In fact one of the criticisms to the P5F
model is a lack of evaluation of company cultural components, which is particularly
important for corporations and multinationals.
GE-McKinsey Matrix
The GE/McKinsey Matrix is again a model built to assess Strategic Business Units (SBU)
and is essentially a revised version of the BCG Matrix. It is built on two dimensions: Market
Attractiveness and Competitive Strength thus providing a satellite view.
The main differences are:
Market Attractiveness replaces the Market Growth in the BCG Matrix. This is
considered an improvement because it includes more factors upon which the degree of
the attractiveness of an industry can be determined.
At the same time the dimension of Competitive Strength replaces the Market Share and
includes more factors that determine the strengths of an industry in addition to the firm’s
market share.
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The GE-McKinsey Matrix (depicted in figure 6) also has three degrees of assessment
(high, medium, low) hence allowing for more nuances in the results compared to the two
degree version in the BCG matrix i.e. only high or low (,
2004). It could be argued that three degrees make it harder to compare with the BCG
results and, moreover, greater discrepancy occurs because interpretation by managers is
higher. However, the finer detail provides better visualization of direction for managers,
especially upper managers.
Figure 6 – The GE/McKinsey Matrix
Some of the drivers that can be included under the two GE/McKinsey Matrix dimensions are:
Typical factors that condition Market
Attractiveness Factors Typical factors that condition Competitive
- Market size
- Market growth rate
- Market profitability
- Pricing trends
- Competitive intensity / rivalry
- Overall risk of returns in the industry
- Opportunity to differentiate products and
- Demand variability
- Segmentation
- Distribution structure
- Strength of assets and competencies
- Relative brand strength
- Market share
- Market share growth
- Customer loyalty
- Relative cost position (cost structure compared
with competitors)
- Relative profit margins (compared to
- Distribution strength and production capacity
- Record of technological or other innovation
- Access to financial and other investment
Table 1 – Drivers of the GE/McKinsey Matrix dimensions
The 3C`s framework of Kenichi Ohmae
Kenichi Ohmae, the famous Japanese strategist and management guru, developed a model,
known as the 3C framework, with the intent to link three key elements he considered
fundamental for a firm’s competitiveness (
The three factors, denominated, the Corporation, the Customer and the Competition
produced what is now known as The Strategic Triangle, with a C in each corner of the
triangle as depicted in figure 7.
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Figure 7 – The 3C model or Kenichi Ohmae’s Strategic Triangle
As the name suggests Kenichi Ohmae’s model generates an overall strategy, the scope of
which is to provide at least a helicopter view. The model may be described as follows:
Customer-based strategies: he argues that a company should focus primarily on the
satisfaction of its customers before the shareholders (even though modern managerial and
fianancial schools and stock markets would disagree here) because by “taking care” of the
first, the interests of the second will be fulfilled automatically. The underlying concepts are:
Segmenting by objectives
Segmenting by customer coverage
Re-segmenting the market
Changes in the marketing mix
Corporate-based strategies: are based on the identification of the functional aspects related
to the operation of BSUs, departments, facilities etc. For example:
Selectivity and sequencing
Cases of make or buy
Improving cost-effectiveness
Competitor-based strategies: these are strategies intended to beat or compete against the
competition. They are based on the identification of those capabilities that allow the company
to differentiate itself with respect to competition, the scope being to become best-in-class.
Kenichi’s speaks of:
The power of an image
Capitalizing on profit- and cost-structure differences
Tactics for flyweights
Hito-Kane-Mono (people-money-things/assets)
Although this model appears to have little in connection with the P5F model it has several
modern elements of addressing industry competitiveness (see also ARC model by Podolny et
al.). For example, the fact that shareholders take a second seat is, in itself, a stark contrast to
what most companies proclaim today. Modern CRM theories (Peppers et al, 1999) in fact not
only push for more focus on the customer, but also on the stakeholder, before satisfying the
shareholder. The reasoning is that if a stakeholder is enthusiastic (e.g. a worker) then this will
be reflected in his/her work, this in turn produces a more satisfied customer which will lead
to more regular custom and better, more stable, company performance. In this way the
shareholder is satisfied and the competitveness circle is completed: this is also what the
Kenichi Ohmae model is saying and was often confirmed in our interviews.
Moreover, companies that put the shareholder first are mystifyingly stubborn to realise that
the shareholders are the most unrealiable and the most speculative when it comes to
maintaining company and industry competiveness stability. The authors will return to this
point when the Ward-Rivani model is discussed.
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PEST models and Derivatives
The PEST analysis is a framework used in the assessment of the external environment in
which a company operates or intends to operate, it thus provides a satellite view. But unlike
the P5F model it addresses the external environment in a detached way, i.e without directly
touching the industry in which a company operates and therefore is intended as an assessment
The PEST model is based on the assumption that certain external and indirect circumstances
that characterize an industry are able to influence its capacity to produce value. Consequently
companies and/or competiveness are indirectly affected. The four factors contemplated in the
PEST model are: Political, Economic, Social and Technological.
They may be included at different levels of analysis of an orgasnisation e.g. strategic,
marketing, product development, etc. but they cannot be manipulated or changed (at least in
theory3) in anyway by the company. The only thing that a firm can do is to assess the factors
and possibly prevent or react to them in the most appropriate way.
The success of the PEST model has led to several extensions4 or re-interpretations e.g.
STEEPLE (Social/demographic, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal
and Ethical factors), SLEPT (PEST plus legal) (, 2004) or
PESTEL (Political, Economic, Social/demographic, Technological, Environmental,
Legislation). The original PEST model factors are described in the table below:
Political (incl. Legal) Economic Social Technological
Environmental regulations
and protection Economic growth Income distribution Government research
Tax policies Interest rates &
monetary policies
Population growth rates,
Age distribution
Industry focus on
technological effort
International trade
regulations and restrictions Government spending Labor / social mobility New inventions and
Contract enforcement law
Consumer protection Unemployment policy Lifestyle changes
ate of technology transfer
Employment laws Taxation
Work/career and leisure
Entrepreneurial spirit
Life cycle and speed of
echnological obsolescence
Government organization /
attitude Exchange rates Education Energy use and costs
Competition regulation Inflation rates Fashion, hypes (Changes in) Information
Political Stability Stage of the business
Health consciousness &
welfare, feelings on
safety (Changes in) Internet
Safety regulations Consumer confidence Living conditions (Changes in) Mobile
Table 2 – Drivers of the PEST model dimensions
3 It could be argued that large corporations, that generally have much more power and political grip, can dictate
some of the rules (e.g. legislation) by appropriate lobbying techniques.
4 These extensions are all examples of how a consolidated model like PEST requires continuous updating with
the social and business worlds
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SWOT Analysis
A SWOT Analysis is also a VBM model and focuses on evaluating 4 factors that compete in
pairs to assess both internal value (Strengths and Weaknesses) and external value
(Opportunities and Threats). The challenge is to find the right balance of these factors and
build-up strengths, eliminate or control the weaknesses, take advantage of the opportunities
and monitor-react to the threats ( The SWOT tool provides
a helicopter view.
External Factors (value)
Strengths Weaknesses
- specialist marketing expertise
- exclusive access to natural resources
- patents
- new, innovative product or service
- location of your business
- cost advantage through proprietary know-how
- quality processes and procedures
- strong brand or reputation
- lack of marketing expertise
- undifferentiated products and service (i.e.
in relation to your competitors)
- location of your business competitors have
superior access to distribution channels
- poor quality goods or services
- damaged reputation
Internal Factors (value)
Opportunities Threats
- developing market (China, the Internet)
- mergers, joint ventures or strategic alliances
- moving into new attractive market segments
- a new international market
- loosening of regulations
- removal of international trade barriers
- a market led by a weak competitor
- a new competitor in your home market
- price war
- competitor has a new, innovative
substitute product or service
- new regulations
- increased trade barriers
- taxation may be introduced on your
product or service
Table 3 – Drivers in the 4 SWOT model dimensions
Strategy and Schools of Thought
It is difficult to imagine how a strategy ideated to compete better in an industry could be
successful without addressing and understanding the most appropriate school of strategic
thought and leadership. Italian companies tend to follow the Great Man theory of leadership
(Bodega, 2004) and hence usually follow a more entrepreneurial school of thought. This
means that Italian company strategy follows a top-down approach.
As discussed, at operative level, companies focus more on the tools that are underneath the
P5F model, in other words, greater attention is paid at an operative level.
Hence once the big picture of the industry is clear with the P5F model and the most
appropriate tools have been deployed (e.g. SWOT, PEST etc) the next layer of decision
making is to choose the most appropriate strategy. Many scholars have developed their
preferred listings and classifications of schools of thought, here we present 3, perhaps the
most complete or comprehensive by Whittington, Mintzberg et al. and White respectively.
Whittington (1977) proposes four approaches, each one pertaining to a particular period of
time. He speaks of four criteria these being: Deterministic or Emergent, Single goal or
Pluralistic, Strategy style and Influences. This is summarised in the next table.
- 13 -
Indicators Classical Processual Evolutionary Systemic
Deterministic - Emergent Deterministic Deterministic Emergent Emergent
Single goal or Pluralistic Single Plural Single Plural
Strategy style Formal Crafted Efficient Embedded
Influences Economics Psychology Economics/Biology Sociology
Period (decade of influence) 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s
Table 4 – Whittington’s four approaches to Strategy Development
Mintzberg et al (1998) propose a total of 10 schools of thought, these being categorised in
two parts:
1. Prescriptive schools: 3 schools (Design, Planning and Positioning) look at the way
strategy should be. These three schools were especially in vogue in the 70s and 80s
and to some extent are still very much loved by companies today.
2. Descriptive schools: 7 schools (Entrepreneurial, Cognitive, Learning, Power, Cultural,
Environmental and Configuration) look at the way strategy is and seen. Most of these
schools of thought have been developed or uncovered over the last 20 years.
The concept of the school of thought is that the resulting strategy is based on the personality
of the strategists plus the results of the tools and models used. Clearly the tools and models
used to analyse the industry and eventually develop the strategy will depend on the school of
thought. Hence it is a chicken and egg situation.
White (2004) revisits the work of Mintzberg et al. and builds a list of 14 types of strategy,
these being:
1. Strategy as design: for this school the aim of a strategy is “to fit organizational capability
with environmental opportunity” (White, 2004: 17). This is linked with the SWOT
approach and the case studies approach pioneered by the Harvard Business School. The
strategy that provides the best fit or best organizational design is chosen. This was a
dominant school until the early 70s.
2. Strategy as planning: here the aim of a strategy is “to plan” so as “to best allocate
resources to achieve the chosen goals within a specific timeframe”. This was a dominant
school until mid 1970.
3. Strategy as positioning: strategy here has the purpose of finding the appropriate sector or
industry to be in, finding the best market segments and focusing on the value-adding
activities. This was a dominant school through the 1980s and is the P5F approach.
4. Strategy as entrepreneurship: strategy is seen as an outcome of the leader, in this case the
strategist, has the responsibility to control and inspire a vision throughout his company.
He or she usually works by intuition and imagination, thus giving strategy a more implicit
and emergent character. This school has always been present in the strategic management
discipline and cycles continuously between dormant and favour modes.
5. Strategy as the reflection of an organizational culture or social web: strategy is seen as a
social process and is shaped by the nature and the culture of an organization. This school
was first introduced in 1960 to challenge the pure economist view of business. It was
further promoted in 1980 thanks to the Japanese. Recent emphasis on Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) has taken this school of thought to a higher podium position.
- 14 -
6. Strategy as a political process: strategy is shaped by who holds the power. Managing the
power means to have control of the strategy. Strategy is the outcome of the negotiation of
different interests among the stakeholders, through networking and forming alliances.
7. Strategy as a learning process: strategy emerges from a process of discovery and
learning. Anyone inside the company can be the strategist, suggestions and new inputs are
collected from any source in the organization and they go towards forming the overall
strategy. Formulation and implementation are not distinct.
8. Strategy as an episodic or transformative process: strategy is (only) developed when a
particular situation requires it. This school can bring together all the other approaches to
fit them into the specific company situation. Strategy is seen to deal with these
transformational situations in the ‘right’ way. This school is strongly conditioned by
economic cycles (Kondratiev, 2005)
9. Strategy as an expression of cognitive psychology: this school analyses how strategy is
formed in the strategist’s mind from a psychological point of view. It takes into account
the single interpretation of the world by different individuals thus generating (inevitably)
different strategic approaches. This strategy is considered in all the other schools as well.
10. Strategy as consisting in rhetoric or a language game: this school studies the way
strategy is talked about by the people in the organization. It works with the language
required to think strategically or to promote a particular strategy. This is considered in all
the other schools as well.
11. Strategy as reactive adaptation to environmental circumstances: strategy is shaped by the
reaction to the environment. Following this current of thought, adaptation is the key to
success. There is a part of this in all the theories.
12. Strategy as an expression of ethics or as moral philosophy: Strategy here is a natural
extension of the strategist values and aims to satisfy the stakeholders goals. It is about
behaving ethically and providing a good reputation for the company (CSR ref.).
13. Strategy as the systematic application of rationality: strategy is applied rationality to the
organization of a business. As a consequence urge and intuition are not admitted.
14. Strategy as the use of simple rules: strategy here derives from practice and experience and
is the application of a certain set of simple rules. These rules come from repeated
situations or problems in a particular industry or setting that allows the strategist to create
a recurrent schema. This school is useful in industries where the situation is highly
variable and there is not enough time to go through the entire formal strategic process.
The 3 Layers of Strategy Development
This paper started by looking at the P5F model and continued with a brief description of a
selection of models or tools that the everyday manager could use to drive or impact one or
more of the five forces (plus other forces that are yet to be implemented or have been
The P5F model and tools were illustrated at different levels, e.g. different management and
decision making levels but also at different heights of view, starting from the satellite view.
These have been imagined to be on two distinct layers.
We then proceeded with the description of several schools of strategic thought. Here we
depict them as being on an additional third and underlying layer, although it could well be
argued that all three layers will morph together or rise or fall in the resulting pyramid
depending on company culture, organisation and scenario (see next figure). Consequently the
layers could be reversed i.e. the satellite view starts from the school of thought.
- 15 -
P5F Tools Schools
P5F Tools Schools
P5F Tools Schools
P5F Tools Schools
Figure 8 – The 3 Layers of Strategy Development
Interestingly by integrating the two upper layers it may also be possible to provide a map of
forces, relative elements and consequent tools. In this way not only does the P5F model
become more visible but much more valuable to managers. It also provides an opportunity to
see and exploit change better. This is shown in the next figure in a more explanatory format.
Figure 9 – Linking PF5 forces to Tools
- 16 -
The Ward-Rivani Model
As anticipated, by collecting and comparing models it is relatively easy to spot (and compare)
the criteria, applicability and flexibility of each model. Consequently model generation or
adaptation of existing ones is not too difficult to achieve, as testified by models such as the
BCG and Ge/McKinsey matrices. In fact the WR model was initially generated in this way
i.e. by setting up a table and comparing elements, criteria, factors etc. (see next table):
Table 5 – Model Comparison
Surprisingly we found very little evidence that extensive comparisons had been done in
academic circles and the companies contacted (see appendix table a1) relied on models that
had been disseminated via consultancy agencies or word-of-mouth. Two approaches seem to
appear from our literature search:
1. In the academic world (that we may classify as the ideal world) the analyses found
were either a one-to-one comparison or limited to the critical review of a particular
model or tool.
2. In the real world companies favored tools developed and/or disseminated by
consultancy agencies, or during the academic preparation of the managers that use
them, essentially because of the immediateness of their application.
In fact in consultancy ambients, where most of the modern tools are professed and delivered
to companies, differentiation and hence model adaptation appears much more frequent. This
could be due to more competition between agencies and the need to position differently to
their clients. A good example of this is the Ge/Mckinsey matrix vs. BCG matrix.
Another finding is that consultancy agencies, like their clients, favor models or tools that
have an immediate graphical or verbal representation. For example, tools usually take on the
format of matrices (BCG matrix), circles (product life cycle), arrows (cause-effect charts and
value chain), graphs such as the dreamspace (Strategos, 2005), or PEST (linguistically
speaking, easy to remember).
As work progressed it became clear that some form of process was implicitly or explicitly
used to generate models or tools. In the first sense the (implicit) process can be seen as a set
of cognitive-learning steps while the latter is probably based on a more structured almost
planned (explicit) process.
Hence in the development of the final WR model the authors used a model generation
process (shown in figure 10) that essentially tried to combine the cognitive and planned
mindsets of practitioners as well as provide a tool for all future model generation.
- 17 -
Of model
e.g. Product positioning, analyse
the internal environment etc.
e.g. Include criteria from other models
Building e.g. Select measurement factors, levels
and matrix detail
Model Testing e.g. Compare against competing models
e.g. HR does not effect model effectiveness
Repeat and update model
Of model
e.g. Product positioning, analyse
the internal environment etc.
e.g. Include criteria from other models
Building e.g. Select measurement factors, levels
and matrix detail
Model Testing e.g. Compare against competing models
e.g. HR does not effect model effectiveness
Repeat and update model
Figure 10 Model Generation Process
The process may be summarized as follows:
Objective of the model: here we intend what is the overall outcome and therefore what is the
model intended for. For example, improve the overall visibility of the company in the
external environment.
Assumptions: What are the assumptions behind the model. For example, the P5F
contemplates five (and only five) forces and is applicable to the external environment.
Criteria building-selection: What drivers, factors, criteria and how many etc. are needed to
satisfy the objective and assumptions of the model. It may be possible to transpose drivers
and factors from other models, e.g. PESTEL is based on the PEST model or is an extension
of it.
Model Building: here the model is built in the sense that it is assembled and packaged. In this
step the model is therefore bounded and its immediateness decided e.g. graphical format as in
the BCG matrix.
Model testing: Once the model has been developed it is then tested, ideally by the end-users
together with those that have developed it. Should assumptions appear to be too tight or
loose, objective missed, drivers are missing etc. then the process is repeated (iterated).
Otherwise the process terminates and the model is disseminated.
There may also be the need to repeat the final testing phase to ensure that it is still valid for
the environment where it is being used.
The process is also valid for the updating of existing models, consequently there are two
options or possible scenarios:
1. Generation of an entirely new model
2. Adaptation of an existing model
As previously discussed we initially used the second option to develop the new, WR model,
i.e. it was born out of the table of comparison (see table 6). The intent was to combine the
efforts of P5F model and 7 tools addressed here and therefore come up with a better, more
robust, model or approach.
So in our first iteration the new model (see table 5) was essentially a combination of 5-6
criteria (Strategies-Categories, Internal Characteristics, External Factors, HR Component,
Cultural) only later (in the second iteration) did we add the idea of strategic schools of
thought. So the first iteration was more or less what Hill et al. (2001) provides except that his
view is restricted to the SWOT tool as is shown in the next figure.
- 18 -
Figure 11 – Approach to strategy development according to Hill et al.
But in the second iteration of the process depicted in figure 10 we came up with the issue of
school of thought that is linked to the objective of the model and strategy. In fact in figure 11
Hill et al. quite rightly starts off with the vision and mission of company and subsequently
suggests the SWOT tool, this being combined with an analysis of the external environment
i.e. the swOT part. In reality this OT part could be expanded with other models e.g. P5F
model or with other tools e.g. PEST or include the school of thought as shown in figure 11.
Henceforth combining the P5F model from tools and school of thought seems a logical step
forward towards the generation of a new model. In figure 8 we therefore perceive the
complete picture of strategy development, that is to say, one where the analysis of the
external environment, the appropriate tools and school of thought comes together under one
pyramid (see figure 8). Therefore the final model (see table 6) is essentially a combination of
5-6 criteria (Strategies-Categories, Internal Characteristics, External Factors, HR Component,
Cultural) plus a view on the three layers depicted in figure 8.
In conclusion the proposed model is therefore an extended P5F model in the sense that it
integrates the 5 forces from Porter with other forces-elements (or the adaptation of the present
forces) using the most appropriate tools along side the most relevant school of thought.
In the brief discussion about stakeholder reliability it was mentioned that industry and company stability are
best obtained by focusing first on the customer and stakeholder rather than the shareholder since the latter is
much more short-term profit oriented. In the WR model a lot more emphasis is on ensuring that the company
performs well and in compliance with the true customers i.e. clients, customers and stakeholders. The authors
also feel that ensuring that external analysis contemplates the human capital and HR side and combining it with
the tools managers feel at ease with and the most appropriate school of thought will eventually lead to long-
term stability and consistent performance.
School of Thought
- 19 -
Model Ansoff
Matrix BCG
Matrix 7S Model GE/McKinsey
Matrix 3C`s model
by K.Ohmae PEST
Analysis SWOT
Analysis Ward-Rivani
Dimensions 5
Threat of
Threat of
Products or
Power of
Power of
2 level:
3 levels:
(in the minimal
Multiple facets-
Integration of the 5
forces from Porter
plus other forces or
adaptation of the
present forces using
the most
appropriate tools
along side the most
relevant schools of
thought. Include
HR capital and HR
Anticipate and
exploit change.
No. of Strategies5
and Type 3P 2P 2P 6D 2P 3P&D 4D 4P 9P & D
Minimum model
resolution6 5 4 4 6 9 3 4 4 6
characteristics No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
External factors Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
HR component No No No Yes No Yes No Maybe Yes
Cultural No No No Yes No No No Maybe Yes
Table 6 – A Comparison of Industry and Company Assessment models
5 Strategies refer to number of primitive schools of thought and nature (tendency) i.e. P-Prescriptive D-Descriptive.
6 By model resolution we intend the number of elements, forces etc. contemplated in the original model or tool
- 20 -
During various interviews of Italian companies and their key staff, the majority of which
were international-multinational in nature but also family-run in practice, it became apparent
that managers and upper management in general were unaware of the P5F model, even
though following our discussion they realised that they actually assess most of the forces on a
regular basis.
It was also found that Italian companies, like their European counterparts probably opt for a
more practical approach and tend to exploit the many tools and models developed over the
years to tackle specific problems. In fact SWOT, PEST, the BCG matrix etc. were often cited
as being ‘the’ tool to use. Few seemed intent to take a helicopter view and therefore left the
analysis of the industry environment more to intuition and entrepreneurship. This could
indicate their preferred school of thought.
The analysis described in this paper appears to indicate that much has to be done to provide
companies with not just the tools but an overall framework in which managers and upper
management can not only appreciate the complexity of the industry environment but also the
multitude of models available. Many of the models examined were either replicas of other
models or simple extensions or adaptations or vertical in nature.
The authors also second other academics in their constructive criticism of the P5F model as it
indeed has at least one force missing, which we believe must include HR and human capital
However, the authors propose that until a new overall model like Porter’s is developed we, as
academics and practitioners, should at least divulge a more wider and integrated approach
rather than focus on specific models. In this way companies would be become aware of what
is available, how these models are correlated and how they can be adapted to suit the
circumstance and industry being analysed.
The Ward-Rivani model is proposed as an example of this adaptation and the discussion
provided in reaching it should help others to use a more structured approach when comparing
more than two models at a time.
On a concluding note the authors would also like to invite companies to assess their strategy
not only in terms of what is happening in the external environment (which is typical of senior
management) but also take a more integrated view and therefore include both tools and
schools of thought. Coupling all three of these layers together can provide enterprises with a
very solid framework for strategy development.
- 21 -
Bain, J.E., Barriers to New Competition, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1956 cited
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Web Sites
Value Based Management website: accessed the 20th
May 2005
Strategos Inc. website: accessed 20th May 2005
Kenischi Ohmae’s website:
Ward website: accessed 20th May 2005
Boston Consulting Group: accessed 20th May 2005
- 22 -
Tables of Figures
Figure 1 – The five forces model by Michael E. Porter............................................................ 2
Figure 2 – The P5F model from Introduction to Integration..................................................... 4
Figure 3 – The Ansoff Matrix................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4 – The BCG Matrix ...................................................................................................... 7
Figure 5 – The 7S McKinsey Model......................................................................................... 8
Figure 6 – The GE/McKinsey Matrix....................................................................................... 9
Figure 7 – The 3C model or Kenichi Ohmae’s Strategic Triangle ........................................ 10
Figure 8 – The 3 Layers of Strategy Development................................................................. 15
Figure 9 – Linking PF5 forces to Tools .................................................................................. 15
Figure 10 – Model Generation Process.................................................................................. 17
Figure 11 – Approach to strategy development according to Hill et al. ................................. 18
Tables of Tables
Table 1 – Drivers of the GE/McKinsey Matrix dimensions ..................................................... 9
Table 2 – Drivers of the PEST model dimensions.................................................................. 11
Table 3 – Drivers in the 4 SWOT model dimensions ............................................................ 12
Table 4 – Whittington’s four approaches to Strategy Development....................................... 13
Table 5 – Model Comparison.................................................................................................. 16
Table 6 – A Comparison of Industry and Company Assessment models............................... 19
Table a – Matrix of Italian Companies involved in extensive survey
Industry Company
Influence Company type Most used Strategy Tool
Appliances 150 National Italian family run
– Major exporter
to USA
Implicit use of SWOT approach used with
elements of 7S
Appliances 50000 International
and National Global Specific tools to measure industry forces.
Strategy decisions are centralized. Tools include
SWOT, PEST, parts of 3C.
Appliances 51000 International
and National Global No specific tools to measure industry forces.
Strategy decisions are centralized. Parts of 3C
model used.
Software 10 National Italian Own in-house strategy navigation tools.
apparel >17000 National Global Specific tools to measure industry forces.
Strategy decisions are centralized. Tools include
SWOT, PEST, parts of 3C.
research 25 National Italian Implicit use of SWOT approach used.
Engineering 70 National Italian Implicit use of SWOT-BCG approach used.
Electronics >10000 National Italian Specific tools to measure industry forces.
Strategy decisions are centralized Implicit use of
SWOT approach used
PC parts 80 National Italian family run
– Major exporter
to Europe
Implicit use of SWOT-BCG approach used
HVAC 300 National Italian Implicit use of SWOT approach used
commerce 25 National Italian Implicit use of SWOT and PEST approach used.
Parts of 3C used as well
Banking 3000 International
and National Italian Specific tools to measure industry forces.
Strategy decisions are centralized.
- 23 -
Other Recommended Readings
Ansoff, H. I., Business Strategy, Penguin Books, New York, 1969
Ansoff, H. I., Corporate Strategy, Penguin Books, New York, 1968
Ansoff, H. I., Management Strategico (Strategic Management), Etas Libri Milano,
Baden-Fuller, C. and Stopford, J. M., Re-juvenating the mature business, the
comparative challenge, Routledge, London, 1992 cited by Williamson, D., 2004
Barney, J. B., Gaining and sustaining competitive advantage, Prentice Hall
International, Upper Saddle River, 2002 cited by Williamson, D., 2004
Besanko, D. et al., The Economics of Strategy, J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1996
Byars, L. L. et al., Strategic management, Irwin, Chicago, 1996
Chandler, A. D. Jr., Strategy and structure: chapters in the history of industrial
enterprise, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1962 cited by White, C., 2004
De Kare-Silver, M., Strategy in Crisis, Why Business urgently needs a completely new
approach, Mc Millan Business, London, 1997
De Wit, R. and Meyer, R., Strategy – Process, Content, Context: an international
perspective, 2nd edition, International Thomson Business Press, London, 1998 cited by
White, C., 2004
Dobson, P. et al., Strategic Management, issues and cases, 2nd edition, Blackwell,
Malden, 2004
Drejer, A., Strategic Management and Core Competencies: theory and application,
Quorum Books, Westport, 2002 cited by White, C., 2004
Fitzroy, P. T. and Hulbert, J M., Strategic management, creating value in a turbulent
world, Wiley, Chichester, 2005
Freeman, R. E., Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach, Pitman Publishing
Co., Boston, 1984 cited by Hunger, D. J. and Wheelen, 1996
Ghemawat, P., Strategy and the Business Landscape: text and cases, Addison-
Wesley, Reading, 1999 cited by White, C., 2004
Gluck, F. W., Strategic Management for Competitive Advantage, Harvard Business
Review, Harvard Business School Press; USA, (July, 1 - 1980) cited by Sharplin, A.
Haspeslagh, P. C., Portfolio Planning Approaches and the Strategic Management
process in diversified industrial companies, UMI, Ann Arbor, 1983 cited by Sharplin,
A. 1985
Hax, A. C. and Majluf, N. S., The Strategy Concept and Process, a Pragmatic
Approach, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1996
Heller R. and Hindle T. (1998), The Essential Mangers Guide, DK Publishers, 1st
Edition, UK.
Higgins, J. M. and Vincze J.W., Strategic Management, text and cases, 5th edition,
The Dryden Press, Fort Worth, 1993
Hill, C. W. L. and Jones, G. R., Strategic Management, an integrated approach,
Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1989
Hunger, D. J. and Wheelen, T. L., Strategic Management, 5th edition, Addion-Wesley,
Reading, 1996
Karlöf, B., Business Strategy, i concetti e i modelli (Business strategy, concepts and
models), Franco Angeli, Milano, 1990
Kotler, P. Marketing Management, 11th edition, Italian ed., Pearson Prentice-Hall
Italy, Milan, 2004
- 24 -
Luffman, G. et al., Strategic Management, an analytical introduction, Blackwell
Business, Oxford, 1996
McNamee, P. B., Tools and Techniques for Strategic Management, Pergamon Press,
Oxford, 1985
Ohmae K., The Next Global Stage, Pearson Education, 2005
Pettinger, R., Contemporary Strategic Management, Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2004
Porter, M. E., Competitive Strategy, Free Press, 2004
Rasiel, E. M. and Friga, P., The McKinsey Mind: Using McKinsey Tools, Techniques
and Strategies in Your Own Company, McGraw-Hill, USA, 2001
Rowe, A.J et al., Strategic Management, a methodological approach, Addison-
Wesley, Reading, 1994
Rumelt, R. P., Strategy, Structure and Economic Performance, Harvard Business
School Press, Boston, 1986 cited by Fitzroy, P. T. and Hulbert, J M., 2005
Sadler P. (2002), Leadership, MBA Masterclass, Kogan Page, London, UK
Sharplin, A., Strategic Management, McGraw Hill, New York, 1985
Stahl, M. J. and Grigsby, D. W., Strategic Management, Total Quality and Global
Competition, Blackwell Business, Oxford, 1997
Stern, C.W., Stalk, G., Perspectives on Strategy from the Boston Consulting Group,
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1998
Thompson, A. A. and Strickland, A. J., Strategic management, concept and cases, 12
the edition, McGraw Hill/Irwin, Boston, 2001
Thompson, J. L., Strategic Management, Awareness and Change, International
Thomson Business Press, London, 1997
Williamson, D. et al., Strategic management and business analysis, Elsevier
Butterworth Heinemann, Amsterdam, 2004
Suggested Websites and Urls accessed
20th May 2005 accessed 20th May
2005 accessed 20th May 2005 accessed 20th
May 2005's.html accessed 20th May 2005 accessed 20th
May 2005 accessed 20th
May 2005 accessed 17th May. 2005
About the Authors
David Ward: R & D Director at Fulgor Appliances and part-time senior lecturer at the
European school of Economics, Milan Italy and CESMA School of Management, Milan,
Italy. He is also a Science and Technology Correspondent for Artech publishers and a
freelance technical and managerial consultant. He has a PhD in Fluid Dynamics.
Elena Rivani: Recently gained a degree in International Business at the European School of
Economics, Italy.
... The business environment can be defined as all the relevant physical and social factors outside the organization that are considered in the decision-making process. According to Ward and Rivani (2005) PEST analysis assumes that certain external circumstances that characterize the business environment can affect an organization's capacity to generate value. Therefore, PEST analysis provides a "satellite view" for assessing the external environment (Ward and Rivani, 2005). ...
... According to Ward and Rivani (2005) PEST analysis assumes that certain external circumstances that characterize the business environment can affect an organization's capacity to generate value. Therefore, PEST analysis provides a "satellite view" for assessing the external environment (Ward and Rivani, 2005). This is particularly relevant when trying to narrow down a very large business environment to study organizational information systems. ...
The logistics business is one of the business sectors that has a high growth rate, this is in line with the increasing needs of people's lives accompanied by increasingly sophisticated technological developments. ABC Company is the grandson of the Pertamina group and is a subsidiary of Pertamina Patra Niaga as a Commercial and Trading sub-holding. Currently, the marketing strategy carried out by ABC is still not good. There is no specific marketing strategy that can directly attract customers outside of the parent company. This study aims to formulate and analyze marketing strategies using external and internal analysis.
... SWOT is a business acronym typically used to identify an organisation's strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T) (Goonwalla & Neog, 2011). The SWOT method analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation's operations, as well as the opportunities and threats from the external environment (Rezazadeh et al., 2017;Ward, 2005). Through the analysis of its strengths, the organisation's management should see the good sides of the business and continue the processes in that direction. ...
... PEST is an acronym for four sources of change: political, economic, social, and technological. PEST analysis refers to the macro environment, which is extremely important when it comes to risks that are conditioned by external factors (Sammut-Bonnici & Galea, 2014;Ward, 2005). Political factors include consideration of the political and institutional system of the country, laws and political stability. ...
Full-text available
The main goal of this research is to use the tools of strategic analysis to identify the factors from the macro environment that affect tour- ism and to propose a strategy for improving the quality of business and the sustainability of tourism organisations in the Republic of Serbia during the global crises. The research findings indicate that a strategy based on the implementation and application of international quality standards and orientation to domestic tourism products ensures the sustainability of tourism organisation. The significance of this manuscript is considered from the aspect of giving guidelines to the management of tourism organisations to improve the quality and sustainability of business in time of global crises.
... The business environment can be defined as all the relevant physical and social factors outside the organization that are considered in the decision-making process. According to Ward and Rivani (2005) PEST analysis assumes that certain external circumstances that characterize the business environment can affect an organization's capacity to generate value. Therefore, PEST analysis provides a "satellite view" for assessing the external environment (Ward and Rivani, 2005). ...
... According to Ward and Rivani (2005) PEST analysis assumes that certain external circumstances that characterize the business environment can affect an organization's capacity to generate value. Therefore, PEST analysis provides a "satellite view" for assessing the external environment (Ward and Rivani, 2005). This is particularly relevant when trying to narrow down a very large business environment to study organizational information systems. ...
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Currently, the logistics business is one of the business sectors that has a high growth rate, this is in line with the increasing needs of people's lives accompanied by increasingly sophisticated technological developments. The Logistics Market in Indonesia in 2020 – 2024 shows a graph that continues to increase, meaning that the logistics business in Indonesia is always growing from year to year. ABC Company is the grandson of the Pertamina group and is a subsidiary of Pertamina Patra Niaga as a Commercial and Trading sub-holding. With this position, ABC is given the flexibility to do business with other sub-holdings but still in the corridor or core business in the logistics sector. Although the business that is targeted and engaged in still depends on the business potential of the parent company, in this case PT Pertamina group. However, ABC has not been able to capture the business potential that exists in the parent company because management does not get enough trust from the management of the parent company in managing work that is in accordance with the core/identity of ABC. Currently, the marketing strategy carried out by ABC is still not good. This can be proven by the fact that there is no other income and only depends on the operations of the parent company. There is no specific marketing strategy that can directly attract customers outside of the parent company PT. Pertamina is one of the reasons for the lack of income other than the parent company. In solving this problem, this study aims to formulate and analyze marketing strategies using external and internal analysis. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, the company needs a strategy in the Defense category (W-T Combination) where the strategy is advertising, sales promotion, increasing focus on project channels and revitalizing the role of the HR Department.
... Ancak PEST modelinin başarısı, çeşitli uzantılara ve eklemelere yol açmıştır. Bu uzantılar dahilinde yeniden yorumlar da katılarak Çevresel, Yasal faktörler de bu değerlendirme sürecine dahil edilerek model PESTLE olarak da anılmaya başlanmıştır (Ward, 2005). PESTLE analizi, üzerinde inceleme yapılan konuyu politik, ekonomik, sosyal, teknolojik, yasal ve çevresel açıdan değerlendirmek için kullanılan bir yöntemdir. ...
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To cite this article/ Atıf icin: Aydın, Y., Tunç, A. Ç., Orhan B. E. (2023). Modern olimpiyat oyunlarının politik, ekonomik, sosyal, teknolojik, yasal, çevresel ve sürdürülebilirlik açısından bir çerçevesi. Uluslararası Bozok Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(3), 118-131. Özet Modern olimpiyat oyunları düzenlenmeye başladığı 1896 tarihinden itibaren ev sahibi ülkeler açısından oldukça önem arz etmektedir. Olimpiyat oyunlarına ev sahipliği yapmanın ilk etapta maddi kazanç sağlamak gayesiyle olduğu düşünülmektedir. Ancak konu düşünüldüğü kadar basit ve sığ değildir. Olimpiyat oyunları gibi büyük organizasyonlar ev sahibi ülkeler açısından birçok açıdan kazanç sağlama aracı olarak görülmekte ve oyunlar esnasında bu yönde faaliyet gerçekleştirilmektedir. Ev sahibi ülkeler adeta olimpiyatları ülkelerinin güzelliklerini bütün dünyaya gösterme aracı olarak kullanma eğilim içerisindedirler. Her ülkenin kendi imajını düzeltmek, değiştirmek ve geliştirmek için bütün dünyanın yakından takip ettiği bir spor organizasyonunu bunun için araç olarak kullanmak istemesi son derece beklendik bir durumdur. Bu düşünceler ışığında çalışmanın amacı olimpiyatların düzenlendiği kent üzerindeki etkileri birbirinden farklı noktalardan değerlendirmek olmaktadır. Çalışma amaçları doğrultusunda farklı kaynaklardan alanyazın taraması yapılarak keşifsel bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla alanyazın taraması yapılmış ve olimpiyat oyunlarının etkileri; siyasal, ekonomik, sosyal, teknolojik, yasal, çevresel ve sürdürülebilirlik başlıkları altında değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler sonucunda; olimpiyat oyunlarını sadece ekonomik açıdan bir kazanç olarak görüp oyunlara talip olmak değil, o organizasyona ev sahipliği yapıldığında ekonomiden, sosyal hayata, çevresel etkilerden spor mirasına kadar çok geniş bir çerçevede değerlendirilmeli ve bu yönde planlar yapılmalıdır. Ayrıca olimpiyatlar düzenlendikten sonra da aktif olarak kullanılabilecek tesis ve mekanların inşası olimpiyatlara ev sahipliği yapılma ihtimalini artırarak olimpik mirasa zemin hazırlayacaktır.
... As a result, there could be defined an environmental context of the issues analysed and the directions of micro environmental changes. Such an analysis is most frequently used to specify essential environmental sectors which influence a particular organization and its operating strategy [6] [7]. ...
... Next, the previous two factors are associated with two more elements of the external environment and more specifically the environmental stability and industry attractiveness, in order to determine the appropriate strategy stand of the company. The GE matrix examines the competitive strength of a business (internal environment profitability, product quality, differentiation etc) on one hand and industry attractiveness (external) on the other, to decide the appropriate strategy (McKinsey, 2008;Ward et al., 2005). ...
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Purpose: The paper assesses the efficiency in the use of inputs and its impact in the value creation measured by the EBITDA return on assets of a company. The latter is utilized to judge whether the companies involved possess a dynamic competitive advantage which creates business value. Design/Methodology/Approach: A two step Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was applied. Αn input oriented version of the model was employed, using financial data and ratios as inputs and outputs, concerning the Greek owned pharmaceutical companies which are almost entirely comprised of non listed in the Stock Exchange economic entities. In the 1 st stage we measured the economic efficiency with which inputs are used. In the 2 nd stage we assessed whether the economic efficiency leads effectively into the creation of a lasting competitive advantage, culminating in creating value (return on assets) above the average. We examined whether the efficiency and effectiveness of business ultimately explain the difference in their financial performance and the degree of value creation which is attributed to the endowment of VRIN resources and the existence of dynamic capabilities. Findings: We found that the efficiency in the use of assets and equity financing explains the EBITDA return on assets, the market value (effectiveness) of equity and eventually the enterprise (EV). Sustainable business growth deciphers the value creation footprint attributed to a tangible dynamic competitive advantage. Originality/Value: We argue that in the case of non listed companies, the level of value creation is measured by the effectiveness and efficiency in the use of assets and proficiencies employed. It is mirrored in the magnitude of the EBITDA return on assets and ultimately reflected in the enterprise valuation performance using multiples of value drivers such as revenues-sales and EBITDA (earnings).
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ABSTRAK Kajian ini meneroka amalan perakaunan pengurusan (APP) di perusahaan kecil sederhana (PKS) di Yaman yang berhadapan krisis peperangan semenjak tahun 2015. Situasi krisis dioperasikan sebagai ketidakpastian faktor politik, ekonomi, sosial dan teknologi (PEST) manakala APP dikaji dari perspektif APP kontemporari dan tradisional. Menggunakan asas teori kontingensi dengan pendekatan konfigurasi, kajian ini menjangkakan PKS di Yaman akan memberi penekanan yang berbeza terhadap APP tradisional dan kontemporari dipengaruhi oleh persepsi kestabilan politik dan ekonomi, serta kemajuan sosial dan teknologi. Sebanyak 287 soalselidik telah diedarkan kepada pengurus atasan PKS di lima wilayah negara Yaman iaitu Sana, Aden, Hadhramout, Taiz, and AlHodiadah. Nilai min bagi kesemua faktor PEST yang rendah menyokong persepsi terhadap situasi krisis di Yaman. Bagi menguji hipotesis, dua kluster firma PKS telah dibentuk. Di dapati, Kluster 1 yang memaparkan PKS dalam keadaan politik dan ekonomi lebih stabil dan situasi sosial dan teknologi lebih maju telah menekankan penggunaan APP tradisional berbanding APP kontemporari. Manakala PKS Kluster 2 memaparkan keadaan politik dan ekonomi kurang stabil dan situasi sosial dan teknologi kurang maju memberi penekanan hampir sama terhadap APP tradisional dan APP kontemporari. Sejajar dengan jangkaan, firma PKS di kluster 1 yang menghampiri padanan kerangka kontingensi telah menunjukkan prestasi firma yang lebih baik berbanding kluster 2. Penemuan ini memberi implikasi tentang kepentingan pemahaman dan amalan APP yang sesuai walaupun berada dalam situasi krisis. ABSTRACT This study explores the management accounting practices (MAPs) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Yemen that has been in war crisis since 2015. The crisis situations are operationalized as uncertainties of politics, economy, social and technology (PEST) factors while MAPs are operationalized using the contemporary and traditional dimensions. Based on the configuration approach of contingency theory, it is expected that the SMEs in Yemen will place different emphasis on traditional and contemporary MAPs influenced by the political and economic stability, and the progress of the social and technology perceptions. A total of 287 questionnaires were distributed to top management of the SMEs operating in Sana, Aden, Hadramout, Taiz and AlHodiadah. The low mean value of all PEST variables suggest support to the perceptions of the crisis situations in Yemen. In order to test the hypotheses, two SMEs clusters were formed. Cluster 1 that exhibits a more stable political and economic situation, with more advanced social and technological progress appear to emphasize traditional MAPs compared to contemporary MAPs. Cluster 2 that displays a less stable political and economic situation, with less advanced social and technological progress place almost equal emphasis on traditional and contemporary MAPs. In line with the expectation, Cluster 1 that is closer to the contingency 'fit' expectation, exhibits higher performance than Cluster 2. The findings of this study implicates the importance of understanding and practicing appropriate MAPs even in crisis situations.
Managers and management scholars alike need operational models and concepts for dealing with core competencies within strategic management. This book provides tools for the practitioner as well as fundamental theoretical concepts to enable scholars to further build upon Drejer's work. His main argument is that understanding core competencies is key to explaining why some firms enjoy a competitive advantage over others. Drejer proposes models and means with which managers can proactively identify, design, and develop their firm's core competencies in strategic alignment. More than merely a how-to book, this work places an equal emphasis on the concepts behind competence-based strategy. The author offers the reader multiple perspectives on the background of competence-based strategy, the relationship between strategic management and the development of core competencies, and the application of competence-based strategy to praxis. He provides the tools necessary to identify, analyze, and develop the competencies of a firm, and in so doing performs a valuable service for practitioners and researchers.