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... 3 Set target levels: This step sets targets for TRs. QFD team decides whether to go with the product unchanged, improve or make product better than the competitors (Kivinen, 2008). ...
... Amongst the various parameters the two main elements of software have to be 'convenience to the user' and 'flexibility'. The production of software calls for techniques such as specification, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance (Kivinen, 2008). The proposed software tool is designed and built using VB.Net and MS-Access. ...
... 3 Set target levels: This step sets targets for TRs. QFD team decides whether to go with the product unchanged, improve or make product better than the competitors (Kivinen, 2008). ...
... Amongst the various parameters the two main elements of software have to be 'convenience to the user' and 'flexibility'. The production of software calls for techniques such as specification, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance (Kivinen, 2008). The proposed software tool is designed and built using VB.Net and MS-Access. ...
... Kivinen [76] proposes that project requirements could be improved by using QFD and it positively affects project management as the decisions are based on solid justifications. Dinçer [77] proposes use of QFD outputs with goal programming to get maximum customer satisfaction considering the constraint(s). ...
For complex products, product development may take a long time. Late delivery and customer dissatisfaction may be inevitable if product quality is not assured from the beginning of the development. The aim of this study is to propose a method to monitor such product development projects from the viewpoint of product quality as well as schedule and cost. The method proposed is built mainly upon Quality Function Deployment (QFD). QFD is already a frequently used approach in relating customer needs to product and process parameters and prioritizing the critical success factors. With the extension that we propose, QFD is used also in predicting customer satisfaction rates by collecting certain realization information throughout the product development. This extension integrates a modification of RAPIDO product maturity assessment method with QFD. At each phase of the project, project managers are able to see the technical requirements fulfillment and customer satisfaction indicators, and compare them to planned ones, so that they can prioritize the tasks accordingly. This method is expected to be useful especially for industries in which development phases may take several years. A hypothetical application of the proposed method in defense industry is presented. Directions for future research are provided.
... Creating a software system using a software engineering process contains three main tasks or phases: the functions and features of the expected software have to be defined, the software has to be implemented and it has to be deployed in an operating environment. The functions and features of the expected software are called requirements [24].This study is designed to see how the proposed software might increase accuracy and reliability. ...
—Effective design of online shopping websites
is the need of the hour as design plays a crucial role in the
success of online shopping businesses. Recently, the use
of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) has been
reported for the design of online shopping websites. QFD
is a customer driven process that encompasses
voluminous data gathered from customers through
several techniques like personal interview, focus groups,
surveys etc. This massive, unsorted and unstructured data
is required to be transformed into a limited number of
structured information to represent the actual Customer
Needs (CNs) which are then utilized in subsequent stages
of QFD process. This can be achieved through
brainstorming using techniques like Affinity Process.
However, integrating the Affinity Process within QFD is
tedious and time consuming and cannot be dealt with
manually. This generates a pressing need for a software
tool to serve the purpose. Moreover, the researches
carried out so far have focused on QFD application, post
the generation of CNs. Also, the available QFD softwares
lack the option to generate CNs from collected data. Thus,
the paper aims to develop a novel software tool that
integrates Affinity Process with QFD to generate
customers‘ needs for effective design of online shopping
websites. The software system is developed using Visual
Basic Dot Net (VB.Net) that integrates a MS-Access
... In the scope of software development, the QFD has been previously discussed as a suitable way to manage and process software requirements [18,19,20,21]. Since the quality requirements from the different app stores reflect the needs of the customer, the target device and the execution environment, a QFD facilitates the consolidation of these requirements, and provides the tools to organize and rank them. ...
Publishing a product in a mobile app store implies a process that makes a software product accessible to millions of users. Developers require the means to evaluate the quality of the mobile software product from a viewpoint that considers the mobile business, users, target platforms and app stores. In this paper, we surveyed the publishing guidelines of six major app stores to identify the most important software quality requirements set upon mobile apps. We leveraged the ISO/IEC 25010 quality standard as a mechanism to assure the fulfillment of the quality requirements from the mobile app stores, and we defined an association between such requirements and the characteristics of the quality standard. Finally, we introduced a Mobile App Quality Model, which aims to provide a reference to assure the development of mobile-specific, marketcompliant mobile software applications.
Sağlık sektöründeki gelişmeler neticesinde sağlık hizmetlerinin nihai müşterisi olan hastaların beklentileri de değişikliğe uğramıştır. Hastaların mükemmeliyetçilik ilkesi çerçevesindeki beklentileri, sağlık kurumlarının kendilerine çeki düzen verme gerekliliğini de beraberinde getirmiştir. Bilhassa özel sağlık kurumları, tercih edilirlik durumlarını artırmak maksadıyla hastalarının seslerine kulak vererek tatmin sağlama yoluna gitmişlerdir. Sektörde öncü olmak isteyen özel sağlık kurumları hasta beklentilerini ve gereksinimlerini tespit etme ve hizmet sunum ilkelerini bu yönde iyileştirme gayesinden yola çıkarak “Kalite Fonksiyon Göçerimi” felsefesine yönelmişlerdir. Kalite fonksiyon göçerimi konusunu özel sağlık kurumları temelinde ele alan bu çalışmanın amacı; sağlık kurumlarında hastalar nezdinde kritik kalite standartlarını ortaya koymak ve kurumların bu standartlara uygunluk durumlarını saptamaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Kayseri’de iki ayrı özel sağlık kurumunda hizmet almış hastalardan derlenen veriler ile kalite evi oluşturulmuştur. Kalite fonksiyon göçerimi çalışmasının sonucunda özel sağlık kurumları yöneticilerinin öncelikle üzerinde durması gereken konunun kurumda mevcut sağlık profesyonelinin niceliği ve niteliği olduğu saptanmıştır.
Albeit, online shopping has grown much recently, users' rate of satisfaction has declined due to the ineffective design of online shopping websites. Thus, the companies involved are craving for well-designed websites. Effective website design involves decision making and thus this paper considers Quality Function Deployment (QFD) as it is a strong decision-making tool. However, QFD uses crisp scoring approach that generates uncertainty and vagueness resulting in impreciseness and inconsistency in results. The issue can be addressed using fuzzy integration. QFD involves prioritization of Customer Needs (CNs) and Technical Requirements (TRs). However, the paper focuses on only CNs prioritization. Also, the existing software's lack the indispensable fuzzy support feature to handle the uncertainty and vagueness. Thus, the paper presents a novel fuzzy integrated customer needs prioritization software tool. The tool is built using Visual Basic Dot Net (VB.Net) and MS-Access. A real-life example is presented to demonstrate the viability of the software tool.
يعد موضوع سماع صوت الزبون من الموضوعات الحديثة نسبياً في الفكر الإداري , اذ نال اهتمام الكثير من المنظمات على اختلاف انواعها , وذلك لأهميته في تحقيق النجاح و الاستمرار و التفوق لها , لذلك ظهرت الحاجة لدراسة هذا المصطلح في المنظمات العراقية ومحاولة تشخيص مدى تنفيذ عينة الدراسة لسماع صوت الزبون واثر ذلك في تحقيق التفوق التنافسي . تألفت عينة البحث من مجموعة من العاملين في شركتي زين للاتصالات وأسيا سيل للاتصالات وقد تم استخدام الاستبانة كأداة لجمع البيانات , اذ بلغ عددها (109) بواقع (49) لشركة زين للاتصالات و (60) لشركة أسيا سيل للاتصالات . وقد توصلت البحث لوجود فروق معنوية في سماع صوت الزبون بين الشركتين المبحوثتين وبناءً على ذلك قدمت مجموعة من التوصيات
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is widely used customer driven process for product development. Thus, Customer Requirements (CRs) play a key role in QFD process. However, the diversification in marketplace makes these CRs more dynamic and changing, giving rise the need to forecast CRs to improve competitiveness and increase customer satisfaction. The purpose can be served by using Data Mining techniques of forecasting. With the pool of forecasting techniques available, it is important to evaluate a suitable one for more effective results. To this end, the paper presents a novel software tool to efficiently forecast CRs in QFD. The tool allows for forecasting using various data mining based time series analysis techniques that strongly assists in doing comparative analysis and evaluating out the most apt technique for forecasting of CRs. The tool is developed using VB.Net and MS-Access. Finally, an example is presented to demonstrate the practicability of proposed software tool.
Albeit, online shopping has grown much recently, users' rate of satisfaction has declined due to the ineffective design of online shopping websites. Thus, the companies involved are craving for well-designed websites. Effective website design involves decision making and thus this paper considers Quality Function Deployment (QFD) as it is a strong decision-making tool. However, QFD uses crisp scoring approach that generates uncertainty and vagueness resulting in impreciseness and inconsistency in results. The issue can be addressed using fuzzy integration. QFD involves prioritization of Customer Needs (CNs) and Technical Requirements (TRs). However, the paper focuses on only CNs prioritization. Also, the existing software's lack the indispensable fuzzy support feature to handle the uncertainty and vagueness. Thus, the paper presents a novel fuzzy integrated customer needs prioritization software tool. The tool is built using Visual Basic Dot Net (VB.Net) and MS-Access. A real-life example is presented to demonstrate the viability of the software tool.
This article opens with a short description of software process models and the issues they address. Subsequent sections outline the process steps involved in the spiral model; illustrate the application of the spiral model to a software project, using the TRW Software Productivity Project as an example; summarize the primary advantages and implications involved in using the spiral model and the primary difficulties in using it at its current incomplete level of elaboration; and present resulting conclusions. Background on software process models The primary functions of a software process model are to determine the order of the stages involved in software development and evolution and to establish the transition criteria for progressing from one stage to the next. These include completion criteria for the current stage plus choice criteria and entrance criteria for the next stage. Thus, a process model addresses the following software project questions:
e, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213. Comments on this curriculum module may also be directed to the module authors. James E. Tomayko Harvey K. Hallman Computer Science Department Software Engineering Institute The Wichita State University Carnegie Mellon University Wichita, KS 67208 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Copyright Ó 1989 by Carnegie Mellon University Draft For Public Review Software Project Management Acknowledgements Contents Rich Pethia, Lauren Roberts Gold, Betty Deimel, and Capsule Description 1 Watts Humphrey of the SEI and Brad Brown of Boeing Philosophy 1 Military Airplanes made important suggestions for the Objectives 1 content and organization of this module. Dick Fairley and John Brackett did helpful reviews at a critical stage in its Prerequisite Knowledge 2 development. Ron Wild, of Wichita State, helped im-