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IFToMM World Congress, Besançon (France), June18-21, 2007
Development of Drilling Technics from Ancient Ages to Modern Times
B. Kopey
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Abstract— Development of drilling rotary technics from
ancient ages to modern times is described in this article. The
manual drive was used in first drilling devices. Original drilling
methods were proposed by ancient Egyptians. The recreating of
rotary method was connected with Leonardo da Vinci’s works.
The drilling rig for drilling of the deepest well in the world was
Key words: an oil well, drilling, a bit, history, rotary.
I Introduction
The methods and devices for drilling of stones, glasses,
metals, jewels and bones were developed by ancient
people (20-10 thousand years ago) in different regions of
the world (Europe, Asia, Egypt, America)[1-3]. An
ancient man used primitive methods of drilling to create
working instruments and house tools in paleolith period
(stone’s hummers, jewelry and so on) (Fig.1). Perhaps
working instrument was performed as two concentric
wood rods filled with abrasive material (sand, probably
diamond). The characteristic feature of these tools was
such that orifice was drilled in the detail. The advantage
of rotative principle was based on the creation of great
pressure on the working edge of the bit and possibility to
damage the hole bottom. Water lubricated the drill, cooled
it and evacuated broken damaged particles from the
drilled hole. The manual drive was used in first drilling
devices. Belts wound round the drill and often were
applied to rotate it. Later the bow with cord wound round
the drill rod and it was alternatively applied by hand to
give the revolving motion to the instrument. Many
original drilling methods were proposed by ancient
Egyptians[2]. Rock bit had a tubular form or fish tail
form. Axial load created necessary pressure on the bit.
Radial bearings were used to maintain the bit in vertical
position (Fig.2).
II First drilling rigs
Percussive cable (churn) drilling rig was proposed in
ancient China 1000 years B.C.[3](Fig.3). The derrick had
height of ~ 10 m and all parts of the rig were made from
wood (mainly bamboo). A large wooden drum had 5 m in
diameter and was used to perform round trips. Rocking
movement of the balancing beam created the percussive
impulses on the bit, the depth of well achieved 600 m.
The success of percussive cable drilling was so big that
the rotary drilling had been forgotten. The recreating of
this method was connected with Leonardo da Vinci’s
works [4,5]. He proposed a rotative drill bit with worm,
drive, feeding device, centraliser, wooden casing,
drawworks, drum & so on. Many original mechanisms
developed by da Vinci may be included in the drilling rig
- gear box, differential gear, jack, wrenches, hoisting
system, etc.
Later the methods and mechanisms for drilling were
developed in France, described in Encyclopaedia of
Sciences, Arts and Trades, published in 1751 by Diderot
and d'Alembert [6]. A significant improvement of drilling
technics was made in Holland. Drill bits in the form of
spiral mounted together with bailer were proposed in
XVIII century there. The drilling rig had a special device
to create pressure on the drill rod. A very specialized book
on drilling technics was published in France in 1820.(see
review «Forage», 1980).
IFToMM World Congress, Besançon (France), June18-21, 2007
Figure 1 The man burried with jewelry made of fox
teeth with orifice drilled by ancient instruments
(200 km from Moscow, ~23000 B.C.)
The first deep oil well was drilled in Baku (Azerbaidjan)
in 1848 and gave a big flow of crude oil [7].
In America Edwin Drake drilled first oil well on the
27th of August 1859 [8].
Main acheivments in the development of drilling
technics to XX th century are presented in the table below.
Years Technical achievments
25000-15000 B.C.
15000 - 3000 B.C.
3000 - 2000 B.C.
2000 - 1500 B.C.
1500 - 500 B.C.
1450 B.C.
500 B.C.
221 B.C.
Simple methods of rotation. Drilled stones, teeth, bones.
Instruments made of stones.
Simple drilling bits made of stones.
Instruments made of bronze.
Instruments made of iron.
Triple bow drill invention in Egypt.
Developmeent of Chinese drilling up to 600 m depth.
Production of oil and gas from the well drilled for salt production (China).
Drilling of water well in France, Artoi.
Information about well construction by Jiovanni Fontana, Italia.
Description of rotary drilling by Leman (Leipzig).
Description of rotary drilling in Encyclopedia (France).
First oil well drilled in Baku.
Patent of two-cone drill bit (Hughes).
Patent of rotary table.
Project of offshore drilling.
III Development of drilling rigs in XX century
Later on, in the USA a great number of oil companies
started the production of petroleum equipment ( National,
Oilwell, Hughes, Norris). The revolution in tubular
industry was made in Germany by Mannesmann brothers
when they proposed seamless tubes for drilling and oil
In Soviet Union rotary drilling rigs were widely
produced in 1930-80s by «Uralmash»(Ekaterinburg) and
VZBT (Volgograd). The invention of turbodrill gave a
great impulse to the development of new technologies.
The Soviet Union was the first in oil and gas production
and new technics was financially supported by different
ministries. New constructions of drilling rigs – «Uralmash
– 3D», «Uralmash – 4E», 125BD, 3000EUK, etc. covered
the needs of drilling in different regions of the USSR.
For drilling ultradeep wells several types of heavy rigs
were produced: «Uralmash – 8000E», «Uralmash –
15000». The drilling of the deepest well in the world was
succesfully conducted in Kola peninsula up to 12200 m.
This well was a very good polygon for investigation and
introduction of new technics and technologies. The
ultradeep well was drilled due to the use of turbodrill of
small diameter and use of drill pipes made of aluminium
Fig.2. Bead’s manufacturing by a triple bit in Ancient
The main features of «Uralmash – 15000» – electric
direct current drive, three mud pumps (UNB-1250 – 2
pumps, U8-7MA2), individual drive of the rotary table,
drawworks with two electric motors of 1000 kW power
each, derrick of 64 m height with load capacity of 5,0
IFToMM World Congress, Besançon (France), June18-21, 2007
Figure 3. Chinese drilling rig with animal drive.
In 1990s years Germany constructed the rig UTB – 1 for
drilling a well in Bavaria to 14000 m depth. Load capacity
on the derrick – 10,0 MN.
For ventilation of coal mines the drilling of large vertical
shafts with diameter of 1 to 6 m is widely used in Ukraine
(Donetsk Coal Basins).
For drilling operations, the drilling rigs designed for oil
and gas wells were used as well as modified shaft drilling
rigs. Technological equipment consists of Reaction Turbo
Drilling rig (RTB - units) equipped with standard
components proved in oil and gas drilling and air-lift
rotary drilling rigs made by «Wirth» Company (FRG).
The bit equipped with cutters is lowered down the hole
during rotating together with the drill string. During wells
construction the hole is filled with drilling mud which
provides temporary support for shaft wells. The mud
circulation done by pumps of RTB – units or compressors
of air-lift rigs ensures decayed rock removal from the
bottom hole up to surface. As drilling advances new pipes
are added to the drill string. Knowledge of reason of shaft
deviation during drilling works, regular control of
verticality, ability to change technological parameters
make it possible for staff to prevent deviation of the axis
exceeding 0.001 of the required shaft depth
(600 – 2000 m).
When the shaft is drilled up to project depth, steel casing
pipes with stiffeners welded on externally are run in.The
annular space between shafts walls and lining is
IV Conclusions
So, the rotary drilling continues to be a principal method
for rock destruction but the techniques have been
developed considerably. Modern engineers may use great
experience received from ancient ages. Achievements in
modern drilling techniques may be applied not only to
reach deeper wells or drill larger holes, but could help to
drill wells for different purposes in other planets of the
Solar system.
[1] N.Moloney. Archaeology. Oxford University Press -
1995, p.146.
[2] McCveire J.E. A study of the primitive methods of
drilling.- Report of National Museum, Washington,
1891, 9lpp.623-756.
[3] Moor W.D. Ingenuity sparks drilling history.- Oil
and Gas Journal,1977,YIII,vol.75, N35,p.159-
164,169, 175-177.
[4] Leonardo e la Technica.Institito geografico de
agostini.Italia,Novara, 1978,s.115.
[5] Nardini Bruno.Leonardo da Vinci.Le
[6] Encyclopedie ou dictionnaire raisonnee des sciences,
des arts et de metiers. Par D.Diderot &
[7] Kopylov V.E. To the mysteries of Gaea. -
Moscow.: Nedra, 1990,157 p.
[8] Brantly J.E. History of Oil Well Drilling. Gulf
Publishing Co., Houston, Texas, 1